MAIL SERVICES GUIDE MAIL SERVICES GUIDE GUIDE INDEX • General Information • Mail Processing Center Equipment • Postal Point of View For 2002 • Undeliverable As Addressed Mail • Addressing For Success • ZIP+4 Encoding Your Addresses • Preparing Your Address Data • What is a Bulk Mailing? • Authorization to use Institute Permit • Hints for Designing Your Mailing • First Class Mail • Package Services • Other Services • International Mail • Mail Processing Request Form MAIL SERVICES GUIDE The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of the major requirements for automated mailings (mailpiece design and address hygiene), and suggestions that will help you get the best service for the lowest cost. The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers significant postal rate reductions for all classes of mail that meet automated processing requirements. The Mail Processing Center (MPC) offers a complete line of automated mail preparation services to meet those needs. The MPC coordinator is available to assist you in designing mail pieces and give recommendations for proper mailing list maintenance which will result in major reduction of postage, processing costs and delivery times for the Institute. GENERAL INFORMATION The Mail Processing Center (MPC) is located in Moench Hall Room DL-114 • Hours of Operation Monday through Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. • Contact Information Mail Center Coordinator, call ext. 8113. Our Campus Mail # is 25. Email: • Services Available • • • • • • • • • • • • Laser Printing (personalization) of documents Inserting - letters, cards, brochures Sealing of Envelopes Ink Jetting Addresses CASS Certification of Addresses (ZIP+4 encoding) Folding - letters, brochures Wafer Seals (tabs) Collating Stamps (1st Class, Postcard and Standard Non-Profit) Metering - First Class and non-profit standard rate FedEx, Priority Mail, Express Mail and Certified Mail Faxing • Scheduled Pickup Times: USPS - 4:30 p.m. FedEx - 3:00 p.m. Note: Mail received after scheduled pickup times, will be sent the next business day. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE MAIL PROCESSING CENTER EQUIPMENT • PFE Automailer2 (Inserting Station) - Inserts and folds letters, brochures, newsletters, reply cards, and # 9 envelopes into a #10 or 6”x 9” envelope and then seals the envelope. Accumulates up to five pages using 20 - pound paper). Minimum Insert Size 3-1/2” x 5-1/2” Maximum Insert size is 8-1/2” x 14” Maximum Thickness is 3/16” • KT2 Tabber - Applies single or double tabs per mail piece. Tabs up to 15,000 per hour. • Ink Jet Print Station - Prints name and addresses up to 24,000 mail pieces per hour. The ink jet printer will handle material up to 1-1/2” in thickness and sizes from 3”x5” to 15”x17”. • Collator - Collates up to 8 pages (Paper Size: 5” x 8” to 11.69” x 17”) • PFE Mail Printer - Processes confidential material. It has the capability to: • • • • Print letters (8 ½ x 11), invoices, statements and #10 envelopes Personalize documents Fold, insert and seal documents into a #10 or window envelope in one pass for a completed mail piece Inteli-Touch – Meters and seals all classes of mail. Note: Flaps on envelopes must be closed in order for this machine to seal the envelope. • PostalSoft Software - A cost-effective mailing and database management software solution. This USPS certified software meets all USPS mailing regulations, and performs the following types of procedures: • • • • • • Enters, edits, and manages lists of names and addresses Applies ZIP+4 codes and standardizes addresses Prints addresses and barcodes on brochures, envelopes, and personalizes letters Reduces postage costs by presorting Improves mail deliverability Finds duplicate names and addresses MAIL SERVICES GUIDE POSTAL POINT OF VIEW FOR 2002 1980’s 1990’s 2000's Idea Idea Design Post Office Post Office Mailing List Design Design Printing Mailing List Mailing Software Lettershop Printing Mailing List Post Office Lettershop Printing Idea Lettershop In the 1990’s, mailers began looking with an eye for automation at the physical characteristics of the printed pieces that were to be mailed. All printed pieces began to be reviewed at the design stage from a "postal point of view." Mailpieces that were designed to comply with USPS automation requirements resulted in significantly reduced postage costs and experienced an improvement in deliverability. In 2002, every mailer must add Mailing Software into their “postal point of view”. Mailing lists must be processed through CASS certified software to receive ZIP+4’s and the ability to generate delivery point barcodes. The use of PAVE certified software is required to properly prepare mailings for presentation and acceptance at the USPS and to achieve the lowest postage rates. USPS CASS and PAVE certified mailing software is located in the Mail Processing Center and is an integral part of the services the center provides to all departments. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE y l l a i t n e t o p Wrong RR RT BX # Wrong APT # Wrong ZIP/City/State 2.5% 2.1% 4.7% Wrong Street Name or # 6.2% Directional Suffix Missing 8.9% Moved 8.6% Problem: 33.1% of addresses on mailpieces are inaccurate Results: • 1 out of every 3 pieces will experience delivery delays or be returned to sender if mailed 1st Class • 1 out of every 3 pieces will potentially NOT be delivered if mailed as Standard Mail • 33% higher print, production, processing and postage costs of a direct mail campaign • Substantially lower response rates Solution: ZIP+4 Encode Your Database These numbers reflect the dismal status of databases (mailing lists) in the United States and are provided by the USPS. Since these numbers are an average - some lists are better, some are much worse. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE ADDRESSING FOR SUCCESS • Your letters will get the best possible delivery service if you: • • • • • • CAPITALIZE EVERYTHING IN THE ADDRESS (Exhibit 1) Use 2 letter state abbreviations (Exhibit 2) Use common abbreviations (Exhibit 2) Eliminate all punctuation (except the hyphen between ZIP Code and plus four) Use ZIP+4 codes when possible Do not use attention lines on the bottom left corner of the envelope - use the first line of the address for “Attn:” • Address Placement Make sure the address where you want the mail delivered appears on the line immediately above the city, state and zip code line; i.e., 1234 S ROSE WAY TERRE HAUTE IN 47803-3999 or PO BOX 125 TERRE HAUTE IN 47803-3999 If both the street address and the PO Box are on the same line, the mail piece will be delivered to the PO Box. 1234 S ROSE WAY PO BOX 125 TERRE HAUTE IN 47803-3999 Envelopes Placement of the address on the face of an envelope should conform to USPS specifications as shown in Exhibit 1. Labels Labels for use on parcels, packages or large envelopes must be addressed according to the recommended format in Exhibit 1. Improperly prepared labels will be returned to you for correction and/or completion. Labels that are applied must be parallel to the bottom edge of the envelope to be processed by the USPS on automation equipment. Please consult the Mail Processing Center for questions regarding the use of labels. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE (EXHIBIT 1) Specific Format - The following is the recommended sequence and position to use for addressing in order to insure efficient handling and delivery by the USPS: DOMESTIC ADDRESS FORMAT ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CM 000 5500 WABASH AVE TERRE HAUTE IN 47803-3999 BETTY JOE ABC COMPANY 1234 S ROSE WAY TERRE HAUTE IN 47802-0123 INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS FORMAT ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CM 000 5500 WABASH AVE TERRE HAUTE IN 47803-3999 AIR MAIL BETTY JOE ABC COMPANY 1234 S ROSE WAY OTTAWA ONTARIO K1A 0B1 CANADA MAIL SERVICES GUIDE ZIP+4 ENCODING YOUR ADDRESSES The Mail Processing Center utilizes software that is CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) Certified by the US Postal Service to encode addresses with ZIP+4 data according to specific USPS specifications. Before Encoding Salutation First Name Last Name Title Company Address Address Address City State ZIP+4 Carrier Rte LOT County Building Type Return Code JANE DOE XYZ COMPANY, INC P. O. BOX 3498 95 BELYNDA STREET ADMIN BUILDING ROCHESTER NEW YORK 14623 After Encoding Salutation First Name Last Name Title Company Address Address Address City State ZIP+4 Carrier Rte LOT County Building Type Return Code JANE DOE XYZ COMPANY, INC ADMIN BUILDING 95 BELINDA DR PO BOX 3498 ROCHESTER NY 14623-3498 CO19 0021A MONROE H 31 National ZIP+4 Database on CDrom issued 6 times per year by the USPS Release Date Expiration Date February 15 April 15 June 15 August 15 per year October 15 December 15 May 31 July 31 September 30 November 30 January 31 March 31 6 POSTNET Barcodes Come From ZIP+4s MAIL SERVICES GUIDE (EXHIBIT 2) STATE and ADDRESS Abbreviations States: Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated States of Micronesia Guam Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri GU FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MH MD MA MI MN MS MO Directional: North East South West Northeast Southeast Northwest Southwest N E S W NE SE NW SW AL AK AS AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FM Secondary Address Unit Indicators: Apartment APT Building BLDG Floor FL Suite STE Room RM Department DEPT Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming MT NE NV NH NM NY NC ND MP OH OK OR PW PA PR RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VI WA WV WI WY Street Designators (suffixes): Avenue AVE Boulevard BLVD Center CTR Court CT Drive DR Expressway EXPY Freeway FWY Highway HWY Lane LN Parkway PKWY Plaza PLZ Road RD Street ST *Always spell "County" or "State" RD completely MAIL SERVICES GUIDE PREPARING YOUR ADDRESS DATA • To get the lowest postage and production costs, you must provide your address data to the Mail Processing Center. Please do not print your own labels or label your own mailing. You will incur extra postage charges and your mailing may not qualify for Non-Profit Standard Mail Rates. • Send your address data in comma (see “How To” instructions on the next page) or tab delimited ASCII (plain text) format. Structure your address data so that each address element is in a separate field: addressee, firm name, delivery address, city, state, zip code (5 or 9 digit). • In the address data, each address record must have exactly the same number of address elements. If you provide more than one address line for each name, please identify which line is the delivery address. • Exclude address records that you do not plan to mail to. If this is not possible, please provide a way to identify these addresses so we can exclude them. • Address data can be sent to the Mail Processing Center on 3.5" diskette or as an email attachment. Email to: • We strongly recommend that you provide your address data at least one week in advance of your mailing. This allows time to process your data and correct any problem addresses. We must have the final version of your data three days before your planned mailing date. • Your address data will be checked and standardized against the USPS’ national address database. • Addresses that do not match will be returned. The Mail Processing Center will attempt to determine why these addresses do not match. The USPS will not deliver mail to addresses that do not match. • At your request, we will return to you all addresses that matched and were standardized. Since the standardization process sometimes makes minor changes and corrections to addresses, it may be beneficial for you to make these changes in your original data. Your original data file will also be returned to you without any changes. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE • How to Save an Address Listing in Comma Delimited Format 1. Open file in MS Excel. 2. Be sure that each part of address is in a separate column. (First Name, Last Name, Street, City, State, Zip). 3. Click on File on the Command Toolbar and then Save As. 4. When dialog box appears: • Type name of file in File Name. • Click on down arrow next to Save As Type and select CSV (comma delimited). ADDRESSES ON YOUR MAILPIECES One decision that must be made on every mailing job is which fields from your address data records to select for printing on the mailpiece. Common constraints are found in the size of the label, insert, window opening, etc. Here are some quick guidelines that are intended to ease your decision making process---at least as far as USPS requirements are concerned. Sample Business Address Format 1. Optional Endorsement Line #ABCDEFG *************5-DIGIT 12345 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. POSTNET Address Block Barcode Mailstop Code (Internal) Attention or Contact Name Individual Title Department, Group, Division Name Business/Firm Name Delivery Address Line City, State, ZIP+4 Line MSC 789ABCD JOHN SMITH VICE PRESIDENT BINDERY DEPT XYZ MAILING INC 123 E MAIN AVE STE 456 ANYTOWN PA 12345-6789 Directly affects USPS Delivery Required for some USPS programs Optional for the mailer Get Your Mailpiece Into the Mail Box! USPS *MLOCR's read the address from the last line up and from right to left. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE WHAT IS A BULK MAILING? Non-Profit Standard Mail - Mailings that consists of 200 identical pieces or at least 50 pounds of identical pieces that are specially prepared and sorted in compliance with USPS requirements. Non-Profit Standard Mail usually consists of circulars, brochures, form letters, or other printed pieces that are identical in content and weight. When mailing in BULK, there are several rate categories: Class Rate (6/30/02) Non-Profit Automation Basic Non-Profit Presorted Basic Regular Automation Basic First Class Automation Basic First Class Current Postage Rate $.144 per piece $.165 $.219 $.309 $.370 Per Piece Postage Savings (based on 1st Class) $.226 per piece $.205 $.151 $.061 None Examples: When mailing 10,000 pieces at the Non-Profit Automation rate (.144), the postage cost is $1,440.00 vs. $3,700.00 at First Class rate (.37). Total postage savings using the Non-Profit Automation rate is $2,260.00. For 25,000 pieces, postage savings would be $5,650. ALWAYS consider mailing at the Non-Profit Automation rate rather than First Class rate to achieve the most cost savings for the Institute and your department. AUTHORIZATION TO USE INSTITUTE PERMIT (INDICIA) Permission to use the Institute's permit number should be approved by the Mail Processing Center to insure that the proper form and content is provided to printers and in accordance with U. S. Postal Service regulations. Use of this permit is reserved for mailings that consist of 200 pieces or weighing 50 pounds. The number of pieces to be mailed must be reported to the Mail Processing Center to insure that adequate postage is on deposit to cover the cost of the mailing. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE HINTS FOR DESIGNING YOUR MAILING • Design your mailing to be less than 6.125" H x 11.5" W (oriented to the address) so that it qualifies for the letter rate. Larger pieces are considered flats and are charged a higher postage rate, even if they weigh the same as a letter. • Always design your mailing to the specifications in USPS Pub.25 (letter) and Pub.63 (flats), which are available through the Mail Processing Center at no charge. • Plastic templates are also available (at no charge) to assist you in your efforts to design your mailpieces to take maximum advantage of USPS discounts: • Notice 3-A, Letter-Size Mail Dimensional Standards Template This template is used to determine whether a mailpiece meets the size, shape, aspect ratio, and thickness requirements for automated processing. • Notice 67, Automation Template This template is used to obtain more information on automation readability parameters. This clear plastic template simplifies the task of determining whether your mail is automation-compatible, MLOCR-readable, and printed with the correct facing identification mark (FIM) pattern. • If your mailing includes a Business Reply Mail (BRM) envelope or card, it must be automation compatible if you plan to send your mailing at the automation rate. • The Mail Processing Center provides free design consultation service to help ensure that your mailing will get the best delivery at the lowest postage and production cost. We strongly recommend that you have us look at your mailing design before you print. • Please consult the Mail Processing Center before you pre-assemble any part of your mailing. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE • Characteristics for Non-Profit and Presorted Standard Mail: • • • • Maximum weight: less than 16 ounces Shape: rectangular Minimum: 3-1/2 inches high, 5 inches long, and .007 inch thick Maximum: 6-1/8 inches high, 11-1/2 inches long, and ¼ inch thick LETTER SIZE MAIL: Length: Height: Thickness: Weight: 5 to 11-1/2 inches 1/2 to 6-1/8 inches .007 to .25 inches up to 3.2873 ounces ↑ 6-1/8” ↓ ↑ 3-1/2" ↓ ← 5” → ← 11-1/2” → FLAT SIZE: Length: 11-1/2 to 15 inches Height: 6-1/8 to 12 inches Thickness: .25 to .75 inches Weight: less than 16 ounces ↑ 12” ↓ ↑ 6-1/8" ↓ ← 11-1/2" → ← 15” → *Automation mail dimensions are different in some cases. Please call the Mail Center Coordinator at Ext. 8113 for the specifications before your mail piece is printed. For automation rates the mail piece must have an aspect ratio of 13 to 2.5. To calculate the aspect ratio: divide length by height. Nonprofit One Simple Fold Can Save You Big $$$$ LETTER 16.5 alksjdhfhgkfgjkfglkjgkjhgfihgkljhadgkhadgskhdgkhgjkhg;asdljkfglkjg oioitreioyyetioerpiouetihkhkfdpgerepryhljdl;sjkgopewuouiterliyoioih wlkjfdsal;kjas;gtiouqeotjuqweioutqoiuqteoiuetoiuhetwoihjoeijlkjl9w3 5u0132uiopqetuouit3opuqeutoi[23o4u09utoiqjeq[otjo[itqjoiutopiu34 109ue7e57454588poepojsfd;ljq3uptojkeqojpqtpjwttpoutpoitpoitwpo it;l4dgj3u9t01=3uiogjewopjdgjqe[ou3[u09u13popjodgw[qoeyg034u yjpokdgoppoudg3qtopu[oij[oeiqroihjeryoiheqrlkjdlgj[oqeriuw;lk;dgm liu034ip;oj.adgj'l[pqweoperjioerjoipopkljmgflmagkl;etiopqtoipetqiop alksjdhfhgkfgjkfglkjgkjhgfihgkljhadgkhadgskhdgkhgjkhg;asdljkfglkjg oioitreioyyetioerpiouetihkhkfdpgerepryhljdl;sjkgopewuouiterliyoioih wlkjfdsal;kjas;gtiouqeotjuqweioutqoiuqteoiuetoiuhetwoihjoeijlkjl9w3 5u0132uiopqetuouit3opuqeutoi[23o4u09utoiqjeq[otjo[itqjoiutopiu34 109ue7e57454588poepojsfd;ljq3uptojkeqojpqtpjwttpoutpoitpoitwpo it;l4dgj3u9t01=3uiogjewopjdgjqe[ou3[u09u13popjodgw[qoeyg034u yjpokdgoppoudg3qtopu[oij[oeiqroihjeryoiheqrlkjdlgj[oqeriuw;lk;dgm liu034ip;oj.adgj'l[pqweoperjioerjoipopkljmgflmagkl;etiopqtoipetqiop lkjg sdljkfg ih jkhg;a oio hdgk hg wuouit er liy l9w3 pe hadgsk ijlkj ljh adgk ryhljdl;s jk go hetwoihjoe op iu 34 p ut iu g fihgk kjgkjh khkf dpgere uqteoiueto otjo[itqjoi oitw po gjkf gl oi jeq[ oitp iq tp to iouetih hfhgkf 03 ou ioutq alksjd yyet ioer p eotju qwe [2 3o4u09u jpqt pjwttp gw[qoeyg io ;d d oi uq tojkeqo u1 3pop jo qe riuw; 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lk ;d ep opejo ijo tyhdfql cl;jsp[ opqti0 ofiu 3o [pogud oljq 23 quy5eiu ty oip et qi cxm, .bm nb ph lk jajfs 45oju of iu 3o gfoiyh ,v upok3q uieiiught3 kn rp iytphlkjajfs peog d. hj34 oi .,m vla pierrliuiu uu 59uo tu io ih 20 3pot km 1iuh lk;lgjfq ng fk jhntfp teqe5o eq93 bb 9u 2` 1uig p[ aotuqe[u ;js wiiecl FLAT 3 4 .4 Postage rates effective June 30, 2002 Maximum Dimensions of a "Letter" 6 1/8" x 11 1/2" x 1/4" thick Standard - Letter / Flat alksjdhfhgkfgjkfglkjgkjhgfihgkljhadgkhadgskhdgkhgjkhg;asdljkfglkjgoi oitreioyyetioerpiouetihkhkfdpgerepryhljdl;sjkgopewuouiterliyoioihwlkjf dsal;kjas;gtiouqeotjuqweioutqoiuqteoiuetoiuhetwoihjoeijlkjl9w35u013 2uiopqetuouit3opuqeutoi[23o4u09utoiqjeq[otjo[itqjoiutopiu34109ue7 e57454588poepojsfd;ljq3uptojkeqojpqtpjwttpoutpoitpoitwpoit;l4dgj3u 9t01=3uiogjewopjdgjqe[ou3[u09u13popjodgw[qoeyg034uyjpokdgop poudg3qtopu[oij[oeiqroihjeryoiheqrlkjdlgj[oqeriuw;lk;dgmliu034ip;oj.a dgj'l[pqweoperjioerjoipopkljmgflmagkl;etiopqtoipetqiopqti0036l;88trer Same FLAT Folded = LETTER alksjdhfhgkfgjkfglkjgkjhgfihgkljhadgkhadgskhdgkhgjkhg;asdljkfglkjg oioitreioyyetioerpiouetihkhkfdpgerepryhljdl;sjkgopewuouiterliyoioih wlkjfdsal;kjas;gtiouqeotjuqweioutqoiuqteoiuetoiuhetwoihjoeijlkjl9w3 5u0132uiopqetuouit3opuqeutoi[23o4u09utoiqjeq[otjo[itqjoiutopiu34 109ue7e57454588poepojsfd;ljq3uptojkeqojpqtpjwttpoutpoitpoitwpo it;ljgk;dgj3u9t01=3uiogjewopjdgjqe[ou3[u09u13popjodgw[qoeyg03 4uyjpokdgoppoudg3qtopu[oij[oeiqroihjeryoiheqrlkjdlgj[oqeriuw;lk;d gmliu034ip;oj.adgj'l[pqweoperjioerjoipopkljmgflmagkl;etiopqtoipetqi opqti0036l;88trereeeryuiii66kfklsfd;klsdfal;dgojyeri90450t3iopeogd. ,vcxm,.bmnbcl;jsp[aotuqe[u9uteqe5oeq932059uotuioihrpiytphlkjajf sofiu3otyhdfql lk;lgjfq3potkm.,mvlahj34oiupok3q45oju[pogudoljqopejoijovnfipugh 2`1uigbbngfkjhntfp1iuhpierrliuiuuuuieiiught3kngfoiyh23quy5eiuepe wiiealksjdhfhgkfgjkfglkjgkjhgfihgkljhadgkhadgskhdgkhgjkhg;asdljkf glkjgoioitreioyyetioerpiouetihkhkfdpgerepryhljdl;sjkgopewuouiterliy oioihwlkjfdsal;kjas;gtiouqeotjuqweioutqoiuqteoiuetoiuhetwoihjoeijlkj l9w35u0132uiopqetuouit3opuqeutoi[23o4u09utoiqjeq[otjo[itqjoiuto piu34109ue7e57454588poepojsfd;ljq3uptojkeqojpqtpjwttpoutpoitp oitwpoit;ljgk;dgj3u9t01=3uiogjewopjdgjqe[ou3[u09u13popjodgw[qo eyg034uyjpokdgoppoudg3qtopu[oij[oeiqroihjeryoiheqrlkjdlgj[oqeriu w;lk;dgmliu034ip;oj.adgj'l[pqweoperjioerjoipopkljmgflmagkl;etiopqt oipetqiopqti0036l;88trereeeryuiii66kfklsfd;klsdfal;dgojyeri90450t3io peogd.,vcxm,.bmnbcl;jsp[aotuqe[u9uteqe5oeq932059uotuioihrpiyt phlkjajfsofiu3otyhdfql lk;lgjfq3potkm.,mvlahj34oiupok3q45oju[pogudoljqopejoijovnfipugh 2`1uigbbngfkjhntfp1iuhpierrliuiuuuuieiiught3kngfoiyh23quy5eiuepe wiiecl;jsp[aotuqe[u9uteqe5oeq932059uotuioihrpiytphlkjajfsofiu3oty LETTER FLAT MAIL SERVICES GUIDE MAIL SERVICES GUIDE What is the difference between the Presort Rate and the Automation Rate? Within Non-Profit Standard Rate there are two main rates, the presort rate and the automation rate. Both are sorted by specific postal rules, but other preparation, mail piece design, and addressing requirements must be met. You should always try to qualify for the automation rate, which provides the best service and has the lowest postage cost. If you cannot qualify for the automation rate, then you will be subject to the Presort Rate, and your postage and production costs will be higher. WHAT ARE THE CURRENT USPS RATES? (6/30/02) STANDARD MAIL NONPROFIT LETTERS STANDARD MAIL REGULAR LETTERS Per Piece Rates For pieces 3.3 ounces (0.2063 pounds) or less Per Piece Rates For pieces 3.3 ounces (0.2063 pounds) or less Entry Discounts Presorted Basic Presorted 3/5 Automation Basic Automation 3-Digit Automation 5-Digit None $0.165 0.153 0.144 0.129 0.114 DSCF $0.139 0.127 ------0.103 0.088 Entry Discounts Presorted Basic Presorted 3/5 Automation Basic Automation 3-Digit Automation 5-Digit None $0.268 0.248 0.219 0.203 0.190 DSCF $0.242 0.222 ------0.177 0.164 FLATS FLATS Per Piece Rates For pieces 3.3 ounces (0.2063 pounds) or less Per Piece Rates For pieces 3.3 ounces (0.2063 pounds) or less Entry Discounts None DSCF Presorted Basic Presorted 3/5 Automation Flats Automation 3/5 $0.230 0.183 0.189 0.166 $0.204 0.157 0.163 0.140 Entry Discounts Presorted Basic Presorted 3/5 Automation Flats Automation 3/5 None $0.344 0.288 0.300 0.261 DSCF $0.318 0.262 0.274 0.235 FIRST-CLASS MAIL Letters, Flats, and Parcels Cards Single-Piece Regular First Ounce Additional Ounces $0.370 0.230 Presorted Single-Piece Card Single-Piece Card First Ounce Additional Ounces 0.352 0.225 Automation Letters Basic 3-Digit 5-Digit 0.309 0.292 0.278 0.212 Automation Basic 3-Digit 5-Digit Automation Flats Basic 3-Digit 5-Digit $0.230 Presorted 0.341 0.322 0.302 Entry Discounts DSCF- 3 digit zip codes that start with “475” or “478” Entry Discounts None- any zip other than “475” or “478” 0.194 0.183 0.176 MAIL SERVICES GUIDE FIRST CLASS MAIL Any matter may be mailed as First Class Mail. The following examples are considered First Class matter and must carry postage at First Class or Priority Mail rates: ? Matter wholly or partial handwritten or typewritten (including identical copies prepared by automatic typewriter), originals or carbons, invoices (except when accompanying the matter to which they relate), postal cards, and post cards. ? Matter sealed against postal inspection. ? Bills and statements of account. ? Price lists with written in figures changing items or prices. ? Blank printed forms filled out in writing, including canceled or non-canceled checks. ? A computer printout may or may not be First Class matter, depending upon the content. Discounts are available on First Class Mail if you have 500 pieces or more. Note: If you are not sure it is First Class, contact the Mail Center Coordinator for additional information. First Class Mail consist of two subclasses: Each subclass has an automation and presorted rate category. The minimum volume for bulk mailing is 500 pieces. 1. Stamped Cards and Postcards ? Stamped Cards - a mailing card supplied by the USPS, with a printed or impressed postage stamp mailed at the single piece First Class rate (currently .23 cents). ? Double Stamped Cards - two attached stamped cards, one for the receiver to detach and mail back as a reply. Have a printed impressed postage stamp. Reply portion of card must bear postage at applicable rate when returned. ? Postcards - a privately printed mailing card requiring application of postage. Postage method may be adhesive stamp, pre-canceled stamp, meter, or permit imprint and may be mailed at various First Class rates, depending on the sort level. Characteristics of Stamped Cards and Postcards: ? Rectangular ? Minimum Size: 3 -1/2” high x 5” long x .009” thick ? Maximum: 4-1/4” high x 6” long x .016” thick Stamped Card Double Card Postcard MAIL SERVICES GUIDE FIRST CLASS MAIL (continued) 2.) Letters, Flats, and Parcels - when mailing First Class there are several rate categories with which you can mail Letters, Flats, and Parcels. The rate categories are: ? Presorted First Class - postage as low as 35.2 cents per piece ? Automation First Class - postage as low as 27.8 cents per piece. Characteristics of First Class Letters: (also used for larger postcards) ? Rectangular ? Minimum Length: 5” to 11-1/2” ? Maximum Height: 3-1/2” to 6-1/8” ? Thickness: .007” to ¼” ? Maximum Weight: 3.3103 Must have aspect ratio from 1.3 to 2.5. To calculate aspect ratio: Divide length by height Flats (non-letters)- Characteristics of Flats: Length: Height: Thickness: Weight: 11-1/2 to 15 inches 6-1/8 to 12 inches .25 to .75 inch 13 ounces Characteristics change for Automation First Class Flats. Please contact the Mail Processing Center for details on automated flats. Discounts are available on First Class Mail if you have 500 pieces or more. USPS Requirements To Update “Moves” In First Class Mailings Addresses on all Presorted First-Class Mail must be “Move” updated within 180 days before the mailing date with a USPS approved method. The post office wants to assure that your addresses are current if you are going to claim postage discounts based on presorts. Contact the Mail Processing Center for additional information on this requirement and to discuss the address updating method that is best suited to meet the needs of your department. This is a very important issue since the Institute can incur significant monetary penalties if this requirement is not met. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE PACKAGE SERVICES ? The following are considered Package Services: Packages or Parcels Library Materials Bound Printed Matter Sound Recordings Merchandise Computer Media Books Film Video Tape Each piece of Package Service mail must not exceed 70 pounds in weight and a maximum of 108” in length and girth combined. A number of quantity discounts are available for mailings of 200 or more pieces. Contact the Mail Center Coordinator for additional information. There are four sub-categories for Package Service that may save on postage: 1. Parcel Post 2. Library Mail 3. Bound Printed Matter also known as “Catalog Rate” 4. Media Mail (formerly Special Standard Mail) Contact the Mail Center Coordinator for qualifying items and rates. To measure parcel and package length and girth, see Exhibit 3. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE (EXHIBIT 3) HOW TO MEASURE A PARCEL 1. Measure the longest side. 2. Measure distance around parcel at its thickest part. 3. Add both measurements. ----LENGTH---- --------------------LENGTH------------------------ MAIL SERVICES GUIDE OTHER SERVICES Priority Mail - All First Class mail exceeding 13 ounces and not exceeding 70 pounds is considered priority mail. At the option of the mailer, any mail weighing 11 ounces or less may be considered Priority Mail. There is a flat rate up to two pounds. The USPS provides free Priority supplies - cardboard and Tyvek envelopes, boxes, stickers and tape. Contact the Mail Processing Center for your Priority supply needs. Use Priority Mail when 2 to 3 day deliveryservice is desired. Discount rates are available for 300 or more pieces when using priority mail. Use Flat Rate Priority Envelopes when possible. These free envelopes allow any weight of material for the 2-pound rate. Special Services - Accountable Mail includes all Certified, Registered, Insured and Overnight Courier mail. Certified Mail - provides you with a mailing receipt and a record of delivery is maintained at the recipient's post office for two years. A return receipt provides you with proof of delivery and can be obtained for an additional fee. Certified mail service is available only for First Class and Priority Mail. No insurance coverage is provided. A numbered label and completed receipt must be affixed. These labels can be obtained from the Mail Processing Center. Registered Mail - the registered mail system is designed to provide added protection for valuable mail. Postage insurance may be purchased to cover articles valued up to $25,000. Registered mail is the most secure mail the USPS offers. It incorporates a system of receipts to monitor registered articles from the point of acceptance to delivery. Return receipt and restricted delivery services are available for additional fees. Added security may delay delivery by 24-48 hours. Insured Mail - you can obtain reimbursement for domestic mail that has been lost, rifled or damaged by having it insured. You can buy insurance in amounts up to $600 for Standard mail. It is also available for merchandise mailed at the Priority Mail or First Class mail rates. Express Mail includes $500 insurance at no extra charge. Return Receipts - A return receipt is your proof of delivery. It is available for insured, certified, registered and domestic Express Mail shipments. The return receipt identifies the article number, who signed for it and the date it was delivered. It is not necessary to utilize a return receipt on all certified or registered mailings. Be certain to identify your department on any return receipts so that we can route them back to you. Courier Mail - (Fed Ex, Express Mail, etc.) Accountable by airbill number. We track inbound and outbound courier mail by department name. We maintain internal delivery records for six months by individual name, department, transaction date and airbill or courier. MAIL SERVICES GUIDE INTERNATIONAL MAIL Foreign countries also impose various restrictions depending on the country and the item(s) being mailed. If customs regulations are not followed and documentation is not exact, the item will be impounded by customs until the addressee makes arrangements for clearance and payment of whatever duties are required for the release of the item. It is recommended that when mailing items to foreign destinations the mailer should contact the Mail Center Coordinator to determine the proper classification and documentation required. 11/08/02 MAIL PROCESSING REQUEST FORM (MPRF) You will need to complete a Mail Processing Request Form for any mailing of 200 pieces or more. You should also use this form for any other MPC services that are available (folding, inserting, tabbing, sealing) but may not require mailing to others outside the campus. Your mailing is important to us. We want to insure you that it is processed in a timely and efficient manner. Completion of the MPRF will also aid the Institute in compile statistical data needed for cost evaluation and the review of service efficiencies. The Mail Processing Request Form follows this page. NOT AN INVOICE ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAIL PROCESSING REQUEST FORM (Please complete this form before your mailing is brought to the MPC) 11/8/02 1. CONTACT/BILLING INFORMATION Contact Name CM # Department Name Ext Dept Code Job # 2. MAILING INFORMATION (This is what you are providing to the Mail Center) Title of Mailing Type of Mailing: Type of Inserts Brochure Letter Postcard Date Mailing Sent to Mail Center Newsletter Booklet Date To Be Mailed Address Data: Disk E-mail Number of Mail Pieces Envelopes: Reply # 6 3/4 # 10 White 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 # 9 Window # 10 Window # 10 Ivory 9 x 12 11 1/2 x 14 1/2 3. PROCESSING REQUESTED (This is what you want the Mail Center to do) Affix Stamps Collate Fold Ink Jet Meter Mailing Personalize Ltr Plastic Seal Presort Zip+4 Encoding Inserts Seal Only Update Moves 4. MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY THE MAIL CENTER (For Mail Center use only) Cost Envelopes (Printed w/RHIT) Qty Total Paper (each) Qty Cost #9 Window (500/box) Box $12.00 50# White Offset $0.0071 #10 Window (500/box) Box $10.00 20# Color Offset $0.0100 #10 White (500/box) Box $9.00 65# Cover Stock $0.0300 #10 Ivory (500/box) Box $37.00 60# Offset 11x17 $0.0200 #6 3/4 (500/box) Box $15.00 Other Supplies (each) 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 (50/pkg) Box $3.00 Meter Tape $0.0138 9 x 12 (50/pkg) Box $3.50 White Labels $0.0100 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 (50/pkg) Box $3.50 White Tabs $0.0018 11 1/2 x 14 1/2 (50/pkg) Box $9.00 Courier Service $11.35 Subtotal Letterhead RHIT - Ivory (500 sheets/ream) Ream $18.50 Material Total 2nd Page - Ivory (500 /rm) Ream $17.00 Postage Total Grand Total $ 5. Date Mailed by MPC YOUR POSTAGE SAVINGS ARE $ POSSIBLE ADD'L SAVINGS ARE $ Total