Finance Domain Task Force March 24, 2015, Reston, VA, USA Topic

Finance Domain Task Force
March 24, 2015, Reston, VA, USA
OMG Technical Meeting, Reston, VA (please note the time zone is US Eastern Daylight Time (EDT = GMT-4)
09:00 – 9.05
09:05 – 10.00
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:15
11.15 – 11.45
11:45 – 12:00
12.00 – 1.00
1:00 – 2:00
2:00 – 2:25
2.25 – 2.30
2.30 – 2.45
2:45 – 5:00
Tuesday March 24th 2014
Finance Domain Task Force Meeting
Kick-off, Meeting Agenda Review
FIBO Process Update
• Detailed explanation of the current ecosystem
• Process for delivery of future FIBOs, technical support etc.
• Use of GitHub, Jenkins, EDM Council’s JIRA
• Publishing of ontologies on external server
FIBO Business Entities FTF Report
• Overview of updated specification and changes
• Overview of AB reviewers comments and actions taken by FTF
• Describe proposals to charter an FTF2
BIAN Update
• Overview and current activities in BIAN
TC68 WG5 “Semantics for ISO 20022” Informal Briefing
• ISO 20022 conceptual models
• WG5 PoC – ISO20022 / FIX / FpML / FIBO semantic cross reference
• Use of SKOS to cross reference concept schemes and logical models
FIGI Discussion
• Plans for “Part II” setting out the RA requirements and structure
FIBO Business and Commerce – New FIBO Content Team (FCT)
• Scope and content of the new FCT
• Rationale for not maintaining this material in Foundations
• Plans for June 2015 submission
Foundations FIBO Content Team Report-back
• Methodology – aligning conceptual and practical ontologies
• Quantities and units of measure; financial measurements
• Next conceptual modeling challenge to take on…
AOB / Discussion
FIBO Submitters Meeting
• Securities FIBO Content Team Meeting
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Presenter, Comments
Dennis Wisnosky, EDM
Dennis Wisnosky, EDM
Christof Hasse
TBA / Mike Bennett
Elisa Kendall, Thematix
Mike Bennett, EDM Council
Richard Beatch, Bloomberg
Remote attendance logistics
Finance Domain Task Force
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Online Meetings Made Easy™
Harsh Sharma
Mike Bennett
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