Graduation Requirements Checklist Name: _____________________ In order to meet the Pre-college Curriculum, as set by the state of Kentucky, students must have 2 years of the same foreign language, an Algebra 2 level of Mathematics as well as a Physics or Chemistry level of Science. RCSHS GENERAL DIPLOMA Cumulative Credits needed for graduation: 27 (2016), 29 (2017), 31(2018), 33(2019) 4 courses in English (standard, Honors, Dual Credit or AP) 4 courses in Mathematics—1 each year of high school (at least an Algebra 2 level to meet the PCC) 3.5 credits in Science, must include Biology (at least the Chemistry or Physics level to meet the PCC) 3.5 credits in Social Studies, must include U.S. History 1 credit of Health and Physical Education 1 credit of History and Appreciation of the Visual and Performing Arts (HAVPA) 3 credits in a CTE Career Pathway required, 4 credits encouraged Elective credits for remainder (2 credits of the SAME Foreign Language to meet the PCC) ***ENGLISH*** 4 courses ____ English 1 or HON 23016, 23017, 230165, 230175 ____ English 2 or HON 2302, 23025 ____ English 3 or AP 2303, 23039 ____ English 4 23040, 23041 ____ Transition English 4 23046, 23047 ____ MSU English $$ 7000 ***MATH*** 4 courses ____ Algebra 1 ____ Geometry or ADV ____ Algebra 2 or ADV ____ Precalculus/Trigonometry ____ Trans. Math ____ Integrated Math 1 (9) ____ Integrated Math 2 (10) ____ Integrated Math 3 (11) ____ Integrated Math 4 (12) ____ MSU Math $$ 2710 2711, 27115 2712, 27125 2713 2720 2715 2716 2717 2718 7001 ***SCIENCE***3.5 credits ____ Integrated Science 25010, 25011 ____ Biology or Adv. 2502, 25025 ____ Chemistry 25036, 25037 ____ Physics 25040, 25041 ____ Chem Comm/Real Wld Phys 2515, 2516 ***SOCIAL STUDIES*** 3.5 credits ____ World Geography/Gov. ____ World Civilization (10) ____ AP European Hist. (10) ____ U S History or AP ____ Psychology ____ Sociology 22010, 22011 22020, 22021 OR 221369, 221379 2203, 22039 2207 2208 ***HEALTH/PE*** 1 Health and 1 PE ____ Health 2851 ____ Physical Education 2881 ____ Males Athlete PE 28873 ____ Female Athlete PE 2885 ***HAVPA*** 1 credit, 2 courses (see A/H PW for course #) ________________________________________________ ***FOREIGN LANGUAGE*** 2 courses (NOT required, but needed for PRE-COLLEGE CURRICULUM) _____ Spanish 1 A, B 24316, 24317 _____ Spanish 2 A, B 24326, 24327 _____ SPA 101 (11, 12) 7016 ***LRE *** English Math Resource Collaboration ***EPAS SYSTEM*** EN MA RD SC EXPLORE(8 ) 13 17 15 20 EXPLORE(9th) 14 18 16 20 PLAN(10th) 15 19 17 21 ACT (11th) KDE 18 19 20 na ACT (11th) NATION 18 22 22 23 th