****Agriculture—CTE**** *Any student that takes 2 or more vocational classes during their high school career will be taking the KOSSA test (Kentucky Occupation Skills Assessment). Students who pass the Animal Science or Horticulture portion of the KOSSA test will receive up to 6 college credit hours. 58006: Agri-Science & Technology A Grade Level: 9-11 ½ Credit A foundational course describing the principles, theories and science of the Agricultural food, intro to SAE’s, FFA, parliamentary procedure, and hand tools. 58007: Agri-Science & Technology B Grade Level: 9-11 A foundational course describing the principles, of ag employment, basics of animal science, and principals of plant science. ½ Credit *Must Have Taken sections (A&B) of Agri-science & Technology to take the following classes 5806: Ag. Construction Grade Level 10-12 ½ Credit This course prepares students to construct and maintain agricultural structures and equipment. Develops basic skills such as: tool identification, interpreting plans, calculating a bill of materials, carpentry and, welding. Content may be enhanced with appropriate computer applications. Each student will be expected to have a supervised agricultural experience program. 58010: Winter Wildlife Resources Grade Level: 10-12 ½ Credit A course describing theories, principles and science of producing, managing, preserving and improving wildlife resources, including habitat management, harvesting marketing, etc. 58011: Spring Wildlife Resources Grade Level: 10-12 ½ Credit A course describing theories, principles and science of producing, managing, preserving and improving wildlife resources, including habitat management, harvesting marketing, etc. 5802: Floral Design Grade Level: 10-12 ½ Credit A course that describes theories, principles and the science of floral production, design and distribution. Other tasks are assigned as the season dictates. 58110- Advanced Ag. Leadership Grade Level: 11 – 12 ½ Credit Pre requisite: (A& B) Agriscience and successful completion of 2 other ag. classes Course Description: This course is designed to assist students with developing skills needed to be successful leaders and responsible members of society. The student will develop personal attributes and social skills. Emphasis will be placed on interpersonal skills, team building, communication, personal development and leadership. This course will include opportunities for students to apply their knowledge. Students must be paid FFA members. All students will be expected to complete a SAE proficiency. 5813- Landscape Grade Level: 10 – 12 ½ Credit Descripton: This course combines landscaping and turf management curriculum. The material includes identification of landscape plants and their characteristics, site evaluation, site design, calculation of materials needed, costs for bidding, and installing landscape plans. Landscape plant maintenance will also be presented. Selection, culture and management of turf species used for lawns, golf courses, athletic fields and erosion control may also be included. Content may be enhanced by utilizing appropriate technology. Each student will be expected to have a supervised agricultural experience program. 5805: Small Animal Technology (Even Years) Grade Level: 10-12 ½ Credit A course that describes the theories, principles, and science of small animals, including pets, nutrition, health, reproduction, training, etc. 5804 Intro to Veterinary Science (Even Years) Grade Level: 10-12 ½ Credit Pre requisite: *Animal Science recommended but not required This course introduces students to the field of veterinary science. Major topics include veterinary terminology, safety/sanitation, anatomy/physiology, clinical exam, 5810: Principles of Teaching Agricultural Education Grade Level: 12 ½ Credit Pre requisite: (A& B) Agriscience & Technology and have obtained preparatory status in one or more ag. career clusters----This course provides an introduction to the career of teaching agriculture. This class would be paired with an Agriscience and Technology section and would be open to one student wanting to be an agriculture teacher. They must have prior written approval from Mrs. Hayslip. 7026: AGR 185: Current Food and Energy Issues DUAL CREDIT W/MSU Grade Level: 11-12 ½ Credit A course designed to increase the understanding, awareness, and critical analysis of contemporary food, energy, and natural resource issues and their effect upon the social, political, economic and cultural aspects of society. Topics will include food safety, food production, geneticallymodified foods, niche food markets, energy sources, renewable fuels, energy sustainability, global warming, limited natural resources, water rights, water quality, and soil nutrient.