ChemRocket NOTES Integrated Vista Overview

Integrated Vista
Students demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion, describe factors affecting
the rate that a solid dissolves, balance a chemical equation, and describe the
reactants and products.
General Time Frame
Pre-laboratory experience (55 minutes)
ChemRocket Learning Experience (Generally two to three 55-minute
periods for phases 1 and 2. Phases 3 and 4 may take more time.)
Background Information for the Teacher
The IPC Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) require the use of
inquiry-based science, which allows students to collect and process data as
they work to solve a problem. Many cookbook-type science activities can be
modified to inquiry/research-based laboratory investigations with the use of
“phase” strategies.
In “cookbook” science, the teacher directs decision-making from topic
to conclusion. Students follow the teacher’s directions in the same way a
cook follows a recipe where deviations are not acceptable. Although it is
an improvement over the 45- to 90-minute lecture and not necessarily bad
science, it is not inquiry science.
By using phase strategies, teachers can shift students’ reliance on “cookbook”
activities to student-directed investigations that challenge students to use
higher-order thinking skills. In addition, different phase strategies can be used
with the same lesson to meet the varied needs of students for more or less
teacher direction.
Phase strategies coincide with other approaches that may be more familiar to
some teachers, such as the traditional laboratory approach, structured inquiry
approach, student-directed inquiry approach, and student research approach.
The following list shows the relationship between these approaches and the
different phase strategies:
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Phase 1—Traditional Laboratory Approach
Phase 1 provides students with laboratory activities written in the scientific
method, which allows them to become familiar with scientific processes. These
activities provide students with the opportunity to complete appropriate charts
and graphs, and answer challenging discussion questions.
Phase 2—Structured Inquiry Approach
The structured inquiry approach requires students to make their own
conclusions based on supportive evidence. In the learning experience, parts
of the scientific method are excluded. Charts, data tables, and graphs are
usually removed, requiring students to design a method of collecting and
communicating data.
Phase 3—Student-Directed Inquiry Approach
At this level, although the teacher selects the topic, it is the student who
identifies the question, selects the materials, designs the investigation,
analyzes the results, and reaches supportable conclusions. The investigation
involves a real-world scenario and an outline of the scientific method. The
outline requires students to identify the problem, formulate a hypothesis, and
communicate data effectively to draw conclusions about the results. Initially,
the teacher may need to assist students with question development, but this
type of input should diminish with time.
Phase 4—Student Research Approach
The student research approach is scientific inquiry, and the most challenging
for many students. A real-world problem is presented to students who must
solve this problem using their own design, creativity, and testing procedures.
Methods for communicating results vary in this phase because students must
give scenario-specific conclusions to the appropriate parties. Examples of
methods that could be used include data reports to supervisors, letters to
officials, journal entries, and working models. Students may require some
support and guidance from the teacher. Not all students will reach this phase,
but the teacher should be ready to meet the needs of students who are ready
to be challenged by this level.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Choosing a Phase Strategy
Inquiry learning is a process that can be accomplished in differing degrees.
The following learning experience, Chemrocket, demonstrates the four phases.
It is not the intent of this model to suggest that all teachers should be doing
exactly the same thing. It is up to each teacher to determine the needs of his
or her students and to guide them to reach their highest levels.
Phase Strategies Rubric
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Permission to use the modified Phasing Strategies Rubric
was granted by: Lisa Duvall and Cindy Bagwill
© RonJon Publishing, Inc.
An integrated learning experience
ChemRocket is a good example of a learning experience that integrates
physics and chemistry concepts. Students will use their knowledge of
force and motion as well as that of chemical reactions, rate of solution and
scientific processes. Even though this learning experience may be view as
time intensive, in 3-4 days students have actually discussed and investigated
many of the TEKS for IPC. Following is a list of the TEKS that are covered
in ChemRocket. Teachers can modified the types of questions and/or
conclusions that students complete based on where students are in their
understanding of these concepts. This experience could be conducted at
the beginning of the year, in order to determine the level of understanding
students have of these concepts from middle school science. The learning
experience may be conducted as a study in motion, but then reviewed
with students when chemical reactions or solutions are being studied. It is
important for teachers to look for inquiry-based activities that illustrate the
integrated nature of science.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Printed Materials Included in this Vista:
ChemRocket Pre-Laboratory Experience investigation pages
ChemRocket—Phase 1 investigation pages
ChemRocket—Phase 2 investigation pages
ChemRocket—Phase 3 investigation pages
ChemRocket—Phase 4 investigation pages
Materials for the Teacher
Each learning experience has a list of all necessary equipment and materials.
However, it is not the intention of TEXTEAMS to dictate the types and
quantities of materials/equipment to use for the learning experiences. All the
materials/equipment that are listed in the learning experiences are suggestions.
Teacher’s notes give specific instructions for areas where the author has
experienced the need for a specific item. Substitutions for materials/
equipment should be based on local budgets, availability, and facilities.
Correlation to National Science Education Standards (NSES)
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
Understandings about scientific inquiry
Structure and properties of matter
Chemical reactions
Motions and forces
Abilities of technological design
Systems, order, and organization
Evidence, models, and explanation
Constancy, change, and measurement
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
(A) plan and implement investigative
procedures including asking questions,
formulating testable hypotheses, and
selecting equipment and technology;
(B) collect data and make measurements with
(C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make
inferences, and predict trends from data;
(D) communicate valid conclusions.
The student is expected to:
(4) Science concepts. The student The student is expected to:
knows concepts of force and
(B) investigate and describe applications
motion evident in everyday
of Newtonʼs laws such as vehicle
restraints, sports activities, geological
processes, and satellite orbits;
(2) Scientific processes. The
student uses scientific
methods during field and
laboratory investigations.
(B) make wise choices in the use and
conservation of resources and the
disposal or recycling of materials.
(A) demonstrate safe practices during field
and laboratory investigations; and
The student is expected to:
Student Expectations
Knowledge and Skills
(1) Scientific processes. The
student, for at least 40%
of instructional time,
conducts field and laboratory
investigations using safe,
environmentally appropriate,
and ethical practices.
Correlation of the TEKS to the ChemRocket Vista
ChemRocket—Phase I
ChemRocket—Phase II
ChemRocket—Phase III
ChemRocket—Phase IV
ChemRocket—Phase I
ChemRocket—Phase II
ChemRocket—Phase III
ChemRocket—Phase IV
ChemRocket—Phase I
ChemRocket—Phase II
ChemRocket—Phase III
ChemRocket—Phase IV
Learning Experience
Objective 5
Objective 1
Objective 1
Grade 10 TAKS
Objective 5
Objective 1
Objective 1
Grade 11 TAKS
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
(9) Science concepts. The student
knows how solution chemistry
is part of everyday life.
(8) Science concepts. The student
knows that changes in matter
affect everyday life.
(E) demonstrate how factors such as particle
size, influence the rate of dissolving.
(D) demonstrate how various factors
influence solubility including
temperature, pressure, and nature of the
solute and solvent; and
The student is expected to:
(A) distinguish between physical and
chemical changes in matter such as
oxidation, digestion, changes in states,
and stages in the rock cycle.
The student is expected to:
Student Expectations
Knowledge and Skills
ChemRocket—Phase I
ChemRocket—Phase II
ChemRocket—Phase III
ChemRocket—Phase IV
ChemRocket—Phase I
ChemRocket—Phase II
ChemRocket—Phase III
ChemRocket—Phase IV
Learning Experience
Objective 4
Objective 4
Objective 4
Objective 4
Grade 10 TAKS Grade 11 TAKS
ChemRocket Laboratory
Background Information
Background Information for the Teacher for all Phases
As noted in the chart below, students have prior knowledge of Newton’s Laws
of Motion, acceleration, rate of dissolving and simple chemical reactions from
grades 6, 7, and 8.
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Physics Content
Newton’s First Law states that an object at rest tends to remain at rest, while
an object in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by some
outside force. This law is sometimes called the law of inertia.
Newton’s Second Law states that the acceleration (a) of an object is inversely
proportional to its mass (m), provided the force (F) acting on the object stays
the same.
Mathematically, acceleration can be determined from the following formula:
a = F/m
Newton’s Third Law states that for every action, there is an opposite and equal
The rocket in this investigation lifts off because an unbalanced force (Newton’s
First Law) acts upon the film canister. The rocket moves only after the
addition of this force. This force is produced when the film canister’s lid blows
off from the force of the gas formed in the canister from the reaction of the
effervescent tablet and water. The rocket is then pushed upward by a force
equal to and opposite of the force of the water pushing downward (Newton’s
Third Law).
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
F1 = F2
This upward force is directly proportional to the mass of water and gas
expelled from the rocket and its acceleration rate (Newton’s Second Law) and
can be expressed as the relationship F = ma.
Although we are using the term “rocket” to describe the canister, the motion
that is observed is more like that of a projectile––an object that has one short
initial explosion that propels it. A rocket actually has a longer impulse that
propels it into space––a force that is sustained over a greater period of time.
Chemistry Content
Some effervescent antacid tablets contain sodium hydrogen carbonate
(commonly called sodium bicarbonate) and citric acid. When such a tablet is
placed in water, aqueous citric acid [H3C6H5O7(aq)] is formed, which then
reacts with the sodium bicarbonate.
H3C6H5O7(aq) + 3NaHCO3(s)
Na3C6H5O7(aq) + 3H2O(l) + 3CO2(g)
The resulting chemical reaction forms aqueous sodium citrate
(Na3C6H5O7(aq)), water, and carbon dioxide gas.
The rate of dissolving is determined by the temperature of the water placed in
the canister and the size of the tablets placed in the canister. The warmer the
water, the faster the tablet will dissolve and the more quickly the rocket will
Instructional note: Student proficiency of the written balance reaction will
rely upon instruction prior to this activity. If students have past experience
in writing and balancing reactions, then supplying the formulas for sodium
citrate and citric acid may be the only prompt necessary. If students have only
middle school experience with reactions, then an acceptable answer should
reflect the understanding of products and reactants but not balancing.
Other IPC TEKS that could be addressed with modifications to the activity
are: 4(D), 6(A), 8(B)(C)(E), 9(D).
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Mathematics/Technology Content
Students are asked to determine the height of their rockets’ paths, which can
be done in several ways, including
1. judging against a background of known height, such as a brick wall, and
2. using a method of triangulation with a protractor and a small mass
(see Figure 1).
Figure 1
Device to measure height of rocket
A student measures the angle ø from his/her eye level to the highest point of
the rocket’s path.The altitude (h) is equal to the tangent of the measured angle
multiplied by the baseline (distance between the launch point and observer) plus the
observer’s height at eye level [ h = tan ø (baseline + observer’s height at eye level)].
This method assumes the flight path is perpendicular to the ground.
3. Assuming that the only acceleration on the canister after the explosion
is due to gravity, we can use a constant acceleration relationship by
measuring the time of the flight of the rocket (or better, the time it takes
to fall from its maximum height).
d = distance
vi = initial velocity
a = acceleration
d = vit + 1/2at2
t = time of flight
In this case, the initial velocity (vi) is zero, so by neglecting air resistance we can reduce
the equation to d = 1/2at2. Using the Data Table provided in the ChemRocket
Phase 1 investigation pages, students should begin to make a relationship between the
time of the flight and the height the rocket achieves. In Phases 2 through 4, students
will have to determine on their own what relationships are necessary to complete the
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
4. To analyze the motion and collect data from the rocket, students can use
a video camera and a VCR with frame-by-frame capability, or a video
camera and public-domain digitizing software (
5. To record the motion of the rocket directly to a graphing calculator,
students can use a calculator-based ranger (CBR) or other motion
detector probes.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Teacher note: Before starting any learning experience with students, it is
important to begin with an activity that focuses the students’ interest, rather than
merely giving instructions, distributing materials, and telling the students to “get to
work.” The following pre-laboratory experience gives the teacher an opportunity
to focus the students’ thinking in the right direction. Therefore, no matter which
phase strategy you have chosen to use for the ChemRocket learning experience,
have all students first complete the ChemRocket Laboratory Investigation.
This pre-laboratory experience is designed to help students understand the
TEKS concepts of Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Time Frame:
55 minutes
Balloon (1 per student group)
Snack-size, zipper-type plastic bag (1 per student group)
Effervescent tablet (1 per student group)
Safety goggles (1 pair per student)
Laboratory apron (1 per student)
Chemrocket Pre-Laboratory Experience pages (included in the Blackline
Master section at the end of this vista)
Advance Preparation:
Make copies of the ChemRocket Pre-Laboratory experience pages for each
student group.
SAFETY: Caution students about the danger of chemical splashes. Students
must wear safety goggles and chemical-resistant aprons during this activity.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
1. Distribute copies of the ChemRocket Pre-Laboratory Experience pages.
Have students complete the pages based on their understanding of forces.
2. Have students place an effervescent tablet in the snack-size, zipper-type
plastic bag with approximately 10 mL of water. Students should make
sure the bag is tightly closed as they observe the reaction.
3. Introduce students to an example of Newton’s Laws of Motion by having
them release air-filled balloons. At this point, do not mention the laws of
motion, but discuss the ideas of “pushes” or “pulls” as related to forces.
4. As a class, have students discuss their responses to the Pre-Laboratory
investigation pages.
Pre-Laboratory Questions (possible student responses):
Teacher note: At this point, do not correct any misconceptions, as this is only
an opportunity for the teacher to identify them
1. Use chemical formulas and/or equations to describe what happens when
an effervescent tablet and water are sealed in a container together. [Reaction
of citric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate (commonly called sodium bicarbonate) to
produce aqueous sodium citrate, water, and carbon dioxide.We observed bubbles, dissolving,
disappearing, bag expanding, and it feels cold.]
2. Predict what will happen when an effervescent tablet is placed in an open
container of water. [the same but the open container does not expand]
3. Based on your observations, illustrate and identify the types of forces that
were involved when the balloon was released. [air pushing in on the outside
walls of the balloon, gas pushing outward on the inside walls of the balloon, gas pushing
out through the valve, air pushing inward on the valve]
4. Determine whether the forces involved in the release of the balloon
would apply to the launch of a rocket.
5. Describe some factors that may affect how high a rocket can go. [fuel,
payload, weather, weight of rocket, shape of rocket]
6. Make a sketch of a simple rocket leaving a launch pad. Using arrows,
indicate the direction that the rocket is traveling and the direction of the
burned fuel as it flows from the rocket.
Describe the motion of rockets A and B represented in the graphs shown
[A: rocket traveled to a height of 5m in 2s (speed of 2.5 m/s) at a relatively
constant speed, then changed direction ( reduced height) at a relatively constant
rate of 5m in 6.5s]
[B: rocket traveled to a height of 5m in 3s (slower AVERAGE speed of 1.7
m/s), then changed direction (reduced height) at an average rate of 5m in 5s
(“something occurred” that caused the accelerated ascent and descent)]
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Pre-Laboratory Experience
The study of rockets began in the early eleventh century. Since then, rockets have been used to launch many things,
including fireworks, arrows, missiles, and satellites.
Pre-Laboratory Questions:
1. Use chemical formulas and/or equations to describe what happens when an effervescent tablet and water are sealed
in a container together.
2. Predict what will happen when an effervescent tablet is placed in an open container of water.
3. Based on your observations, illustrate and identify the types of forces that were involved when the balloon was
4. Determine whether the forces involved in the release of the balloon would apply to the launch of a rocket.
5. Describe some factors that may affect how high a rocket can go.
6. Make a sketch of a simple rocket leaving a launch pad. Using arrows, indicate the direction that the rocket is
traveling and the direction of the burned fuel as it flows from the rocket.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
7. Describe the motion of rockets A and B represented in the graphs shown below.
Flight of Rocket A
Flight of Rocket B
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 1
Learning Experience 1
This learning experience is designed to help students understand the TEKS
concept of force and motion.
Time Frame:
55 minutes
3L plastic bottle (1 per student group)
Black, opaque, or transparent film canisters with tight-fitting lids (3 per
student group)
Nail (1 per student group)
Modeling clay (1 package per student group)
24-30cm-long, 3/16-inch-diameter dowel rod (1 per student group)
Hot glue gun or masking tape (1 per student group)
4cm-long section of plastic drinking straw (1 per student group)
Index card or sheet of construction paper (1 per student group)
Scissors (1 per student group)
Effervescent tablets (3 per student group)
Graduated cylinder (1 per student group)
Graphing calculator (1 per student group)
Calculator-based ranger (optional, 1 per student group)
Student laboratory notebook (1 per student)
Safety goggles (1 pair per student)
Stopwatch (1 per student group)
Laboratory apron (1 per student)
ChemRocket—Phase 1 investigation pages (included in the Blackline
Masters section at the end of this vista)
Background Information for the Teacher:
This learning experience is an example of a traditional Phase 1 activity. The
size of the effervescent tablet used in the film canister will influence the height
at which the “rocket” rises. Students may design their rocket cone or fins in
a variety of ways. The design of the rocket parts is not as important as the
development of the concepts involving Newton’s Laws of Motion.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Conduct this learning experience with student teams consisting of no more
than four students in any one group.
Teacher note: Remember: Have students begin the ChemRocket-Phase1
learning experience after successfully completing and discussing the prelaboratory experience.
Figure 1
Rocket launcher assembly
Advance Preparation:
Make copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 1 investigation pages for each
student group.
SAFETY: Caution students about splashes. Students must wear safety goggles
and a chemical-resistant apron during this activity. Also, remind them that hot glue
may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
1. Distribute copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 1 investigation pages to the
students. Make sure students are aware of the safety precautions involved
in the investigation.
Teacher note: Since this is a Phase 1 investigation, do not let students stray
from directions.
2. Make sure that student groups are working far enough apart so that
rockets cannot come in contact with students. If weather permits, students
should launch the rockets outdoors.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Formative Assessment: Formative assessments can be made while the
teacher observes the students during the two demonstrations. Since the
pre-laboratory experience is given before any instruction concerning
Newton’s Laws, the teacher should be able to establish a baseline of student
understanding of these concepts. In addition, student conversations and actions
can indicate the level at which the students understand the concepts.
Summative Assessment: After the students complete the questions at the
end of the investigation, ask them to justify their designs and explain how the
designs influence the forces involved in launching the rocket. Ask the students
to include Newton’s Laws of Motion in their justifications and explanations.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
ChemRocket—Phase 1
In this investigation, you will demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion, describe factors affecting the rate at which a solid
dissolves, balance a chemical equation, and describe the reactants and products from a chemical reaction.
3-L plastic bottle, plastic film canisters with lids, nail, modeling clay, dowel rod, hot glue gun or masking tape, plastic
drinking straw, index card or sheet of construction paper, scissors, effervescent tablets, graduated cylinder, water, student
laboratory notebook, graphing calculator, calculator-based ranger (optional), safety goggles, stopwatch, laboratory aprons
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and chemical-resistant apron
during this activity. Hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
Rocket Launcher Assembly
Cut the top off the 3-L plastic bottle.
2. Use a nail to make a hole in the center of the lid of one of the film canisters. Put a small amount of clay in the
film canister. Push a dowel rod through the hole into the clay and to the bottom of the film canister. Make sure
the lid is securely on film canister (In Figure 1, this film canister is identified as film canister A.).
3. Put a 1/2-inch cube of clay in the bottom of the 3-L bottle, and use it to attach the film canister A/dowel rod
assembly to the inside bottom of the 3-L bottle (see Figure 1).
Building the Rocket
4. To make the rocket, attach the 4–cm section of the plastic drinking straw to the side of the other film canister.
(In Figure 1, this film canister is identified as film canister B.) Use as little glue/tape as possible throughout the
construction of the rocket.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
5. Make a nose cone for the top of the rocket using an index card or construction paper. Carefully attach the nose
cone to the base (outside bottom) of film canister B (see Figure 1.) You may also glue small “fins” on the rocket.
Figure 1
Rocket Launcher Assembly
The Launch
6. Using the hot glue gun, carefully attach an effervescent tablet to the inside of the film canister lid that is part of
the rocket. The tablets are very easy to break, and it is okay if only a piece of the tablet is securely glued.
7. Use the graduated cylinder to measure 15 mL of water. Pour the water into film canister B. Replace the lid (be
careful to keep the canister upright at this time). YOU MUST WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES.
8. Have one member of your team use the stopwatch to time the rocket’s flight.
9. When the timer is ready, quickly invert the rocket and slide the straw over the dowel rod. Step back—the rocket
may launch quickly or it may take several seconds.
10. Start timing as the rocket reaches its highest point and stop when it hits the ground.
11. Repeat the launching process at least two additional times, and record all data in your journal.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Data Table
Record data in the table. Find the average height your rocket attained using the formula d = 1/2at2.
9.8 m/s2
Distance (height in m)
d1 =
d2 =
t3 =
d3 =
davg =
Average Height
1. How are Newton’s Laws of Motion illustrated by the behavior of your rocket when it was launched?
2. Would these same laws apply to the launching of a space shuttle rocket? Explain your answer.
3. Explain what happened when the effervescent tablet came in contact with the water. How did this reaction
provide the “fuel” for the rocket? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction and identify the
reactants and the products.
4. What factors determined how high the rocket traveled?
5. What factors influenced the rate at which the effervescent tablet dissolved? Explain your response.
6. Would any of these factors apply to the launching of a full-scale rocket? Explain your answer.
7. Explain the impact of your design on the successful launch and flight of the rocket.
Discuss the launch of your rocket and explain how it compares to the launch of a full-scale rocket.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 2
Learning Experience 2
This learning experience is designed to help students understand the TEKS
concept of force and motion.
Time Frame:
55 minutes
3-L plastic bottle (1 per student group)
Black, opaque, or transparent film canisters with tight-fitting lids (3 per
student group)
Nail (1 per student group)
Modeling clay (1 package per student group)
24-30 cm-long, 3/16-inch-diameter dowel rod (1 per student group)
Hot glue gun or masking tape (1 per student group)
4-cm-long section of plastic drinking straw (1 per student group)
Index card or sheet of construction paper (1 per student group)
Scissors (1 per student group)
Effervescent tablets (3 tablet per student group)
Graduated cylinder (1 per student group)
Graphing calculator (1 per student group)
Calculator-based ranger (optional, 1 per student group)
Student laboratory notebook (1 per student)
Safety goggles (1 pair per student)
Stopwatch (1 per student group)
Laboratory apron (1 per student)
ChemRocket—Phase 2 investigation pages (included in the Blackline
Masters at the end of this vista)
Background Information for the Teacher:
The difference between a Phase 1 and Phase 2 version of the ChemRocket
learning experience is that Phase 2 requires the students to design their own
methods of collecting data and communicating the data.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Students may design their rocket cone or fins in a variety of ways. The design
of the rocket parts is not as important as the development of the concepts
involving Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Conduct this learning experience with teams of students consisting of no
more than four students to a group.
Teacher note: Remember: Have students begin the ChemRocket-Phase 2
learning experience after successfully completing and discussing the prelaboratory experience.
Building the Rocket Launcher
Figure 1 shows the students how to build a rocket launcher with a predesigned rocket.
Figure 1
Rocket Launcher Assembly
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Advance Preparation:
Prepare copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 2 investigation pages for each
student group.
SAFETY: Caution students about the danger of chemical splashes. Students
must wear safety goggles and chemical-resistant apron during this activity. Also,
remind them that hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the
1. Distribute copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 2 investigation pages
to the students. Make sure students are aware of the safety precautions
involved in the investigation.
2. Make sure that student groups are working far enough apart so that
rockets cannot come in contact with students. If weather permits,
students should launch the rockets outdoors.
Formative Assessment: Formative assessments can be made while the
teacher observes the students during the two demonstrations. Since the
pre-laboratory experience is given before any instruction concerning
Newton’s Laws, the teacher should be able to establish a baseline of student
understanding of these concepts. In addition, student conversations and actions
can indicate the level at which the students understand the concepts.
Summative Assessment: After the students complete the questions at
the end of the investigation, ask each student group to justify its design and
explain how the design influences the forces involved in launching the rocket.
Ask the students to include Newton’s Laws of Motion in their justifications
and explanations.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
ChemRocket—Phase 2
In this investigation, you will demonstrate the application of Newton’s Laws of Motion to the launch of a model rocket,
describe factors affecting the rate at which a solid dissolves, balance a chemical equation, and describe the reactants and
products from a chemical reaction.
3-L plastic bottle, plastic film canisters with lids, nail, modeling clay, dowel rod, hot glue gun or masking tape, plastic
drinking straw, index card or sheet of construction paper, scissors, effervescent tablets, water, graduated cylinder, graphing
calculator, calculator-based ranger (optional), student laboratory notebook, safety goggles, stopwatch, laboratory aprons
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and chemical-resistant apron
during this activity. Hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
Building the Rocket Launcher
Figure 1
Rocket Launcher Assembly
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Rocket Launcher Assembly
Cut the top off the 3-L plastic bottle.
2. Use a nail to make a hole in the center of the lid of one of the film canisters. Put a small amount of modeling
clay in the film canister. Push the dowel rod through the hole into the clay and to the bottom of the film
canister. Make sure the lid is securely on the film canister. (In Figure 1, this film canister is identified as film
canister A.)
3. Put a 1/2-inch cube of modeling clay in the bottom of the 3-L bottle, and use it to attach the film canister A/
dowel rod assembly to the inside bottom of the 3-L bottle (see Figure 1).
Building the Rocket
4. To make the rocket, attach the 4–cm section of the plastic drinking straw to the side of the other film canister
(In Figure 1, this film canister is identified as film canister B.). Use as little glue/tape as possible throughout the
construction of the rocket.
5. Make a nose cone for the top of the rocket using an index card or construction paper. Carefully attach the nose
cone to the base (outside bottom) of film canister B (see Figure 1).You may also glue small “fins” on the rocket.
The Launch
6. Using the hot glue gun, carefully attach an effervescent tablet to the inside of the film canister lid that is part of
the rocket. The tablets are very easy to break, and it is okay if only a piece of the tablet is securely glued.
7. Use the graduated cylinder to measure 15 mL of water. Pour the water into film canister B. Replace the lid (be
careful to keep the canister upright at this time). YOU MUST WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES.
8. Have one member of your team use the stopwatch to time the rocket’s flight.
9. When the timer is ready, quickly invert the rocket and slide the straw over the dowel rod. Step back—the rocket
may launch quickly or it may take several seconds.
10. Start timing as the rocket reaches its highest point and stop when it hits the ground.
11. Repeat the launching process at least two additional times, and record all data in your journal.
Record the data and find the average height the rocket attained. Show all calculations in the space below.
1. How do Newton’s Laws of Motion illustrate the behavior of the rocket when it was launched?
2. Would these same laws apply to the launching of a space shuttle rocket? Explain your answer.
3. Explain what happened to the effervescent tablet when it came in contact with the water. How did this
reaction provide the “fuel” for the rocket? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction, and describe
the physical and chemical changes that occurred with the reaction.
4. What factors determined how high the rocket traveled?
5. What factors influenced the rate at which the effervescent tablet dissolved? Explain your response.
6. Would any of these factors apply to the launching of a full-scale rocket? Explain your answer.
7. What features of the rocket launcher assembly and the design of the rocket led to the successful launch and
flight of the rocket?
Compare the launch of your model rocket to the launch of a full-scale rocket.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
ChemRocket—Phase 3
Learning Experience 3
This learning experience is designed to help students understand the TEKS
concept of force and motion.
Time Frame:
55 minutes
3-L plastic bottle (1 per student group)
Black, opaque, transparent plastic film canisters with tight-fitting lids (3
per student group)
24-30 cm-long, 3/16-inch-diameter dowel rod (1 per student group)
Effervescent tablets (3 per student group)
Graphing calculator (1 per student group)
Calculator-based ranger (optional, 1 per student group)
Student laboratory notebook (1 per student)
Safety goggles (1 pair per student)
Laboratory apron (1 per student)
ChemRocket—Phase 3 investigation pages (included in the Blackline
Masters at the end of this vista)
Teacher note: In Phase 3, additional materials (e.g., hot glue guns, masking tape,
modeling clay, nails, plastic drinking straws, index cards, construction paper,
scissors, graduated cylinders, water) should be available throughout the room for
students to use if they choose.
Background Information for the Teacher:
The difference between the Phase 2 and Phase 3 versions of the ChemRocket
learning experience is that Phase 3 requires students to analyze their data and
draw conclusions from their data. The teacher selects the topic and assists the
students in identifying the problem to be solved. Some groups may require
more teacher guidance than others, but assistance should be minimal.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Students are asked to build a launch pad that might be based on the example
in Figure 1. Students may design their rockets in a variety of ways. The design
of the rocket is not as important as the development of the concepts involving
Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Conduct this learning experience with student teams consisting of no more
than four students in any one group.
Teacher note: Remember: Have students begin the ChemRocket-Phase 3
learning experience after successfully completing and discussing the pre-laboratory
Figure 1
Rocket launcher assembly
Advance Preparation:
Prepare copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 3 investigation pages for each
student group.
SAFETY: Caution students about the danger of chemical splashes. Students
must wear safety goggles and chemical-resistant apron during this activity. Remind
students that use the hot glue gun that hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes
in contact with the skin.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
1. Distribute copies of the ChemRocket–Phase 3 investigation pages to the
students. Make sure students are aware of the safety precautions involved
in the activity.
2. Set the stage by telling students that they have been hired by the
LIFT-OFF Company to design and build a rocket. Upon completion of
the rocket, the students will be required to conduct test flights and record
data from each flight. They will make a presentation to the company’s
executives and communicate their findings for review.
3. Make sure that student groups are working far enough apart so that
rockets cannot come in contact with students. If weather permits, students
should launch the rockets outdoors.
Teacher note: The teacher should inspect and approve the rocket launcher to
ensure that it is a safe working design.
Formative Assessment: Formative assessments can be made while the
teacher observes the students during the two demonstrations. Since the
pre-laboratory experience is given before any instruction concerning
Newton’s Laws, the teacher should be able to establish a baseline of student
understanding of these concepts. In addition, student conversations and actions
can indicate the level at which the students understand the concepts.
Summative Assessment: In the student summary, students should justify
their designs and explain how the designs influence the forces involved in
launching the rocket. Students should include Newton’s Laws of Motion in
their justifications and explanations.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 3
In this investigation, you will demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion, describe factors affecting the rate at which a solid
dissolves, balance a chemical equation, and describe the reactants and products from a chemical reaction.
An aerodynamics company named LIFT-OFF has asked teams of scientists to develop a rocket that can deliver a
specified payload into space.You will be competing against other teams for the award of a contract to develop this
rocket for the LIFT-OFF Company.Your team is to design, construct, and successfully launch a model rocket that will
soar higher than any other team’s rocket.
3-L plastic bottle, plastic film canisters with lids, dowel rod, effervescent tablets, graphing calculator, calculator-based
ranger (optional), student laboratory notebook, safety goggles, laboratory aprons
List any additional teacher-approved materials:
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and may choose to wear a
chemical-resistant apron during this activity. Hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
1. Design and construct a launch pad and a model rocket, using the materials listed above. If there are additional
materials you want to use, you must get your teacher’s approval before you begin.
2. You are limited to three test launches of your model rocket.
3. All observations, data records, analysis of data, and conclusions must be recorded in your journal.
Write a summary of concepts that were involved in the successful launch of your model rocket. Include physical
laws and chemical reactions in the summary statements. Compare these concepts and reactions to those used in the
launching of a full-scale rocket.
Make a presentation of your findings to the LIFT-OFF Company.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
ChemRocket—Phase 4
Learning Experience 4
This learning experience is designed to help students understand the TEKS
concept of force and motion.
Time Frame:
2 lessons (55 minutes each)
Graphing calculator (1 per student group)
Calculator-based ranger (optional, 1 per student group)
Student laboratory notebook (1 per student)
Safety goggles (1 pair per student)
Laboratory apron (1 per student)
ChemRocket—Phase 4 investigation pages (included in the Blackline
Masters at the end of this vista)
Teacher note: In Phase 4, all the materials used to construct the rocket and
launch pad from Phase 1 should be available throughout the room for students to
choose from.
Background Information for the Teacher:
The difference between a Phase 3 and a Phase 4 version of the ChemRocket
learning experience is that Phase 4 requires students to identify the problem,
design and test the procedures, and communicate the results in a presentation
or report. This phase should require some support and little guidance from the
teacher. There may be some students who may not reach the phase 4 level of
Students may design their rockets in a variety of ways. The design of the rocket
is not as important as the development of the concepts involving Newton’s
Laws of Motion.
Conducted this learning experience with student teams consisting of no more
than four students in any one group.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Teacher note: Remember: Have students begin the ChemRocket-Phase 4
learning experience after successfully completing and discussing the pre-laboratory
Advance Preparation:
Prepare copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 4 investigation pages for each
student group.
SAFETY: Caution students about the danger of chemical splashes. Students
must wear safety goggles and chemical-resistant apron during this activity. Remind
students who use the hot glue gun that hot glue may cause severe burns if it
comes in contact with the skin.
1. Begin the investigation by telling students that they have been hired to
design and build a rocket by the LIFT-OFF Company. Upon completion
of the rocket, the students will be required to conduct test flights and
record data from each flight. When confident in their design and the
rocket’s operation, students will make a presentation about their findings
to the company’s executives.
2. Students should build the rockets and rocket launchers, keeping accurate
records of the process and procedures used in their journals.
3. Distribute copies of the ChemRocket—Phase 4 investigation pages to the
students. Make sure students are aware of the safety precautions that must
be followed while completing the investigation.
Make sure that student groups are working far enough apart so that
rockets cannot come in contact with students. If weather permits, students
may launch the rockets outdoors.
Teacher note: The teacher should inspect and approve the rocket launcher to
ensure that it is a safe working design.
Formative Assessment: Ask students questions about their design and
results as you circulate around the room observing the progress on the
learning experience. Make sure that students are correctly identifying the
forces that are necessary for the rocket to launch and that students understand
Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Summative Assessment: During the student presentations to the class,
students should justify their designs and explain how the designs influence
the forces involved in launching the rocket. Students should include Newton’s
Laws of Motion in their justifications and explanations.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
ChemRocket—Phase 4
An aerodynamics company named LIFT-OFF has asked teams of scientists to develop a rocket that can deliver a
specified payload into space. You will be competing against other teams for the award of a contract to develop this
rocket for the LIFT-OFF Company.
Your team is to design, construct, and successfully launch a model rocket that will soar higher than any other team’s
rockets. Due to budget restraints, each team is limited to six launches.
LIFT-OFF requires your team to make a presentation of your findings, including a summary of the physical laws and
chemical reactions that were involved in the successful launch of your model rocket.
A record of all observations, data records, and analyses of data and conclusions that were recorded in your journal must
be available to verify the results of your launch.
Graphing calculator, calculator-based ranger (optional), student laboratory notebook, safety goggles, laboratory aprons
There are a number of items placed around the room that you may use for constructing your launch pad and rocket. If
you need any other materials please see the project manager (teacher).
List all materials selected and give their purpose:
Project Manager (teacher) sign off of the rocket design:
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and may choose to wear a
chemical-resistant apron during this activity.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Student Blackline Masters
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Pre-Laboratory Experience
The study of rockets began in the early eleventh century. Since then, rockets have been used to launch
many things, including fireworks, arrows, missiles, and satellites.
Pre-Laboratory Questions:
1. Use chemical formulas and/or equations to describe what happens when an effervescent tablet and
water are sealed in a container together.
2. Predict what will happen when an effervescent tablet is placed in an open container of water.
3. Based on your observations, illustrate and identify the types of forces that were involved when the
balloon was released.
4. Determine whether the forces involved in the release of the balloon would apply to the launch of a
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
5. Describe some factors that may affect how high a rocket can go.
6. Make a sketch of a simple rocket leaving a launch pad. Using arrows, indicate the direction that the
rocket is traveling and the direction of the burned fuel as it flows from the rocket.
7. Describe the motion of rockets A and B represented in the graphs shown below.
Flight of Rocket A
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Flight of Rocket B
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 1
In this investigation, you will demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion, describe factors affecting the rate
at which a solid dissolves, balance a chemical equation, and identify the reactants and products from a
chemical reaction.
3 L plastic bottle
3 plastic film canister with lid
modeling clay
dowel rod
hot glue gun or masking tape
plastic drinking straw
index card or sheet of construction paper
effervescent tablets
graduated cylinder
student laboratory notebook
graphing calculator
calculator based ranger (optional)
safety goggles
laboratory aprons
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and a chemical-resistant apron.
Hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
Building the Rocket Launcher
Figure 1
Rocket launcher assembly
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Rocket Launcher Assembly
1. Cut the top off the 3 L plastic bottle.
2. Use a nail to make a hole in the center of the lid of one of the film canister. Put a small amount of
clay in the film canister. Push a dowel rod through the hole as far as it will go into the clay and to the
bottom of the film canister. Make sure the lid is securely on the film canister. (In Figure 1, this film
canister is identified as film canister A)
3. Put a 1/2-inch cube of clay in the bottom of the 3-L bottle, and use it to attach the film canister/dowel
rod assembly to the inside bottom of the 3-L bottle (see Figure 1).
Building the Rocket
4. To make the rocket, attach the 4–cm section of the plastic drinking straw to the side of the other film
canister (In Figure 1, this film canister is identified as film canister B). Use as little glue/tape as possible
throughout the construction of the rocket.
5. Make a nose cone for the top of the rocket using an index card or construction paper. Carefully attach
the nose cone to the base (outside bottom) of film canister B (see Figure 1). You may also glue small
“fins” on the rocket.
The Launch
6. Using the hot glue gun, carefully attach an effervescent tablet to the inside of the film canister lid that
is part of the rocket. The tablets are very easy to break, and it is okay if only a piece of the tablet is
securely glued.
7. Use the graduated cylinder to measure 15 mL of water. Pour the water into film canister B. Replace the
lid (be careful to keep the canister upright at this time).
8. Have one member of your team use the stopwatch to time the rocket’s flight.
9. When the timer is ready, quickly invert the rocket and slide the straw over the dowel rod. Step back—
the rocket may launch quickly or it may take several seconds.
10. Start timing as the rocket reaches its highest point, and stop when it hits the ground.
11. Repeat the launching process at least two additional times, and record all data in your journal.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
Data Table
Record data in the table. Find the average height your rocket attained using the formula d = 1/2at2.
9.8 m/s2
Distance (height in m)
d1 =
d2 =
d3 =
Average Height
davg =
1. How are Newton’s Laws of Motion illustrated by the behavior of your rocket when it was launched?
2. Would these same laws apply to the launching of a space shuttle rocket? Explain your answer.
3. Explain what happened when the effervescent tablet came in contact with the water. How did this
reaction provide the “fuel” for the rocket? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction,
and identify the reactants and the products.
4. What factors determined how high the rocket traveled?
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
5. What factors influenced the rate at which the effervescent tablet dissolved? Explain your response.
6. Would any of these factors apply to the launching of a full-scale rocket? Explain your answer.
7. Explain the impact of your design on the successful launch and flight of the rocket.
Discuss the launch of your rocket, and explain how it compares to the launch of a full-scale rocket.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 2
In this investigation, you will demonstrate the application of Newton’s Laws of Motion to the launch of
a model rocket, describe factors affecting the rate at which a solid dissolves, and describe chemical and
physical changes involved in a chemical reaction.
3 L plastic bottle,
plastic film canister with lid,
modeling clay,
dowel rod,
hot glue gun or masking tape,
plastic drinking straw,
index card or sheet of construction paper,
effervescent tablets,
graduated cylinder,
graphing calculator,
calculator-based ranger
student laboratory notebook
safety goggles,
laboratory aprons
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and a chemical-resistant apron.
Hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
Building the Rocket Launcher
Figure 1
Rocket launcher assembly
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Rocket Launcher Assembly
Cut the top off the 3-L plastic bottle.
2. Use a nail to make a hole in the center of the lid of one of the film canister. Put a small amount of
modeling clay in the film canister. Push a dowel rod through the hole as far as it will go into the clay and
to the bottom of the film canister. Make sure the lid is securely on the film canister. (In Figure 1,this
film canister is identified as film canister A.)
3. Put a 1/2-inch cube of modeling clay in the bottom of the 3-L bottle, and use it to attach the film
canister/dowel rod assembly to the inside bottom of the 3-L bottle (see Figure 1).
Building the Rocket
4. To make the rocket, attach the 4–cm section of the plastic drinking straw to the side of the other film
canister (In Figure 1, this film canister is identified as film canister B). Use as little glue/tape as possible
throughout the construction of the rocket.
5. Make a nose cone for the top of the rocket using an index card or construction paper. Carefully attach
the nose cone to the base (outside bottom) of t film canister B (see Figure 1).You may also glue small
“fins” on the rocket.
The Launch
6. Using the hot glue gun, carefully attach an effervescent tablet to the inside of the film canister lid that
is part of the rocket. The tablets are very easy to break, and it is okay if only a piece of the tablet is
securely glued.
7. Use the graduated cylinder to measure 15 mL of water. Pour the water into the film canister B. Replace
the lid (be careful to keep the canister upright at this time).
8. Have one member of your team use the stopwatch to time the rocket’s flight.
9. When the timer is ready, quickly invert the rocket and slide the straw over the dowel rod. Step back—
the rocket may launch quickly or it may take several seconds.
10. Start timing as the rocket reaches its highest point, and stop when it hits the ground.
11. Repeat the launching process at least two additional times, and record all data in your journal.
Record the data and find the average height the rocket attained. Show all calculations in the space below.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
1. How do Newton’s Laws of Motion illustrate the behavior of the rocket when it was launched?
2. Would these same laws apply to the launching of a space shuttle rocket? Explain your answer.
3. Explain what happened to the effervescent tablet when it came in contact with the water. How did this
reaction provide the “fuel” for the rocket? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction, and
describe the physical and chemical changes that occurred with the reaction.
4. What factors determined how high the rocket traveled?
5. What factors influenced the rate at which the effervescent tablet dissolved? Explain your response.
6. Would any of these factors apply to the launching of a full-scale rocket? Explain your answer.
7. What features of the rocket launcher assembly and the design of the rocket led to the successful launch
and flight of the rocket?
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Compare the launch of your model rocket to the launch of a full-scale rocket.
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 3
In this investigation, you will demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion, describe factors affecting the rate
at which a solid dissolves, balance a chemical equation, and describe the reactants and products from a
chemical reaction.
An aerodynamics company named LIFT-OFF has asked teams of scientists to develop a rocket that
can deliver a specified payload into space.You will be competing against other teams for the award of
a contract to develop this rocket for the LIFT-OFF Company. Your team is to design, construct, and
successfully launch a model rocket that will soar higher than any other team’s rocket.
3-L plastic bottle,
plastic film canister with lid,
dowel rod,
effervescent tablets,
graphing calculator,
calculator-based ranger (optional),
student laboratory notebook,
safety goggles,
laboratory aprons
List any additional teacher approved materials: ____________________________________________
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and a chemical-resistant apron.
Hot glue may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
1. Design and construct a launch pad and a model rocket, using the materials listed above. If there are
additional materials you want to use, you must get your teachers approval before you begin. Your
instructor must approve additional materials before you construct the launch pad.
2. You are limited to three test launches of your model rocket in this competition.
3. All observations, data records, analysis of data, and conclusions must be recorded in your journal.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin
Write a summary of the physics and chemistry concepts that were involved in the successful launch of your
model rocket. Include physical laws and chemical reactions in the summary statements. Compare these
concepts and reactions to those used in the launching of a full-scale rocket.
Make a presentation of your findings to the LIFT-OFF Company. Be sure to include a cost analysis and
efficiency analysis of your model rocket
Integrated Physics and Chemistry Institute – Fall 2004
ChemRocket—Phase 4
An aerodynamics company named LIFT-OFF has asked teams of scientists to develop a rocket that can
deliver a specified payload into space.You will be competing against other teams for the award of a
contract to develop this rocket for the LIFT-OFF Company.
Your team is to design, construct, and successfully launch a model rocket that will soar higher than any
other team’s rocket. Due to budget restraints, each team is limited to six launches.
LIFT-OFF requires your team to make a presentation of your findings including a summary of the physical
laws and chemical reactions that were involved in the successful launch of your model rocket.
A record of all observations, data records, and analyses of data and conclusions that were recorded in your
journal must be available to verify the results of your launch
Graphing calculator, calculator-based ranger (optional), student laboratory notebook, safety goggles,
laboratory aprons
There are a number of items placed around the room that you may use for constructing your launch pad
and rocket. If you need any other materials, please see the project manager (teacher).
List all materials selected and give their purpose:
Project Manager (teacher) sign off of the rocket design:
SAFETY: There is a danger of chemical splashes to your eyes.You must wear safety goggles and a chemical-resistant apron
during this activity.
The Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin