Team Information Bursarʼs Office Copy Team Name: Teacher/Head Coach: School: Email: Phone Number: Registration Fee: $20 . Checks only. Payable to Kutztown University and submitted to Bursar’s Office, Kutztown University, PO Box 730, Kutztown,PA 19530. Postmark deadline of December 15th, 2013 2014 World Language Meet Thursday, March 27, 2014 @ Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Team Information WLM Copy Team Name: Teacher/Head Coach: School: Email: Phone Number: Teachers: We encourage you to compete in an A, B and C event, but will accept smaller teams. Choose one event A, one event B, and one event C. You may select a mixture of Intermediate-level events and Advanced-level events according to the language skills of your student competitors. Please note that heritage speakers and high-level AP students should not compete in Intermediate-level events. Intermediate Event A: Cultural Presentation Advanced Event A: Cultural Presentation Adult Supervisor (optional): Adult Supervisor (optional): Language: Language: Team Members (teams must consist of 5-8 students): Team Members (teams must consist of 5-8 students: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 For Office Use only: Cost Center: 4511022405 GLA: 660100 Intermediate Event B: Taboorades Advanced Event B: Defcondare Adult Supervisor (optional): Adult Supervisor (optional): Language: Language: Team Members (teams must consist of 5 to 6 students): Team Members (teams must consist of 5 to 6 students: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Intermediate Event C: Go-Animate Advanced Event C: Role-Play Adult Supervisor (optional): Adult Supervisor (optional): Language: Language: Team Members (teams must consist of 3 to 4 students): Team Members (teams must consist of 3 to 4 students): 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 *Adult Supervisor: A head coach/teacher is required for the whole team. An adult supervisor for each individual event is welcome but not required. Team Members: A single student may compete in Events A & B, but students in Event C may not compete in any other event.