4:00 PM
Approval of the April 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Review of Bylaws
Filling Committee Vacancies
New Business
Request to Offer an Existing Course via Distance Learning
COE 1281 LIB3XX Reading Interests of Adults
COE 1279 LIB/ITC 3XX Digital Citizenship
New Course Proposals
LAS 12136 - Written and Oral Communication for Spanish-Speaking Heritage Learners
COE 1281 LIB3XX Reading Interests of Adults
COE 1279 LIB/ITC 3XX Digital Citizenship
VPA 1279 ARU 527 Disability Awareness
Course Proposal Changes
COE 1268 Pre-requisites for SPU201, SPU314 and SPU316
COE 1276 Pre-requisites and Syllabi for BSED SPU MPH Programs
COE 1277 Pre-requisites and Syllabi for BSED SPU VI Programs
COE 1282 EDU 150 Meeting the Instructional Needs of English Language Learners
COE 1284 ITC 125 Computer Applications for 21st Century Professionals
COE 1280 LIB 550 Reading Interests of Adults
COE 1278 LIB/ITC 562 Digital Citizenship
VPA 1276 ARU/FAR/CFT/ART 576 Independent Study
Program Changes
COE 1269 Secondary Education Programs to be placed in Moratorium
COE 1270 BSED SEU Programs, Version #20123
COE 1271 BSED SEU Biology, Program #37005
COE 1272 BSED SEU Mathematics, Program #37069
COE 1273 BSED SEU Spanish Program #37045
COE 1283 BSED SEU English – Program #37031
VPA 1266 Art Education Certification Program/Checksheet
Graduation Without Certification Announcement (Electronic Vote)
 Elementary Education (1) – Spring 2012
 Special Education (1) – Summer 2012
NCATE Time Line and Tasks – J. McCarthy
NCATE Visit Dates
 April 21-23, 2013
Dispositions – D. Lynch
Superintendents’ Breakfast – September 28, 2012 (handout)
As May Arise
cc: Dr. Cevallos, President
Dr. Vargas, Provost
Prof. Randy Schaeffer, Chair, UCC
University Senate
Minutes of Meeting
September 13, 2012
Dr. Garber called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were: D. Beougher, M.
K. Bergh, J. Burnett, D. Garber, M. Kiec, C. Kirn, P. Latanision (for E. Long), D.
Lynch, R. Schaeffer, T. Stahler, and J. White.
Approval of the April 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes
T. Stahler made a motion, seconded by C. Kirn, to approve the minutes of the April
19, 2012 Meeting. Motion approved unanimously.
Review of Bylaws
The Bylaws of the committee were distributed and reviewed. D. Garber highlighted
committee membership and the need to fill vacancies. Under area II. D. Terms of
Office, the wording was discussed with regard to the student’s term of office. D.
Garber will revisit this.
Filling Committee Vacancies
There is currently a committee vacancy for an LAS science representative. D.
Beougher was asked to follow up with a recommendation from LAS. Additional
vacancies for elementary and middle school representatives were discussed and
recommendations were made. D. Garber will follow up with invite letters for school
New Business
Request to Offer an Existing Course via Distance Learning
 COE 12 81 – LIB 3XX Reading Interests of Adults
 COE 12 79 – LIB/ITC 3XX Digital Citizenship
J. White as seconded by M.K. Bergh, to approve both COE 12 81 LIB
3XX Reading Interests of Adults and COE 12 79 LIB/ITC 3XX Digital
Citizenship to be offered via distance learning. Discussion was held.
Motion approved unanimously.
New Course Proposals
 LAS 12136 – Written and Oral Communication for Spanish-speaking
Heritage Learners
D. Lynch, as seconded by T. Stahler, to approve LAS 12136 Written and
Oral Communication for Spanish-speaking Heritage Learners. Copies of
the PDE Foreign Language program guidelines were distributed and
discussion was held. Revisions were noted: add three (3) semester
hours and three (3) contact hours to Course Description on first page
and remove handwritten “reword” on first page. Motion approved
unanimously with revisions.
 COE 12 81 – LIB 3XX Reading Interests of Adults
 COE 12 79 – LIB/ITC 3XX Digital Citizenship
J. White as seconded by M.K. Bergh, to approve both COE 12 81 LIB
3XX Reading Interests of Adults and COE 12 79 LIB/ITC 3XX Digital
Citizenship. Discussion was held. Motion approved unanimously.
 VPA 12 79 – ARU 527 Disability Awareness
J. White, as seconded by M.K. Bergh, to approve VPA 12 79 ARU 527
Disability Awareness. Motion approved unanimously.
Course Proposal Changes
 COE 12 68 - Pre-requisites for SPU 201, SPU 314 and SPU 316
 COE 12 76 – Pre-requisites and Syllabi for BSED SPU MPH Programs
 COE 12 77 – Pre-requisites and Syllabi for BSED SPU VI Programs
D. Lynch, as seconded by J. White to approve as a block, COE 12 68 Pre-requisites for SPU 201, SPU 314 and SPU 316; and COE 12 76 Pre-requisites and Syllabi for BSED SPU MPH Programs and COE 12
77 - Pre-requisites and Syllabi for BSED SPU VI Programs. Motion
approved unanimously
 COE 12 82 – EDU 150 Meeting the Instructional Needs of English
Language Learners
T. Stahler, as seconded by J. Burnett to approve COE 12 82 – EDU
150 Meeting the Instructional Needs of English Language Learners.
Motion approved unanimously.
 COE 12 84 – ITC 125 Computer Applications for 21st Century
D. Lynch, as seconded by N. Latanision to remove COE 12 84 – ITC
125 Computer Applications for 21st Century Professionals from the
agenda due it not being relevant to the Council for Teacher Education
agenda as it is not a required course in any of the certification
programs. Motion approved unanimously.
 COE 12 80 – LIB 550 Reading Interests of Adults
COE 12 78 – LIB/ITC 562 Digital Citizenship
D. Lynch, as seconded by N. Latanision to approve as a block, COE 12
80 LIB 550 Reading Interests of Adults and COE 12 78 – LIB/ITC 562
Digital Citizenship. Motion approved unanimously.
VPA 12 76 – ARU/FAR/CFT/ART 576 Independent Study
J. White, as seconded by M.K. Bergh to approve VPA 12 76 –
ARU/FAR/CFT/ART 576 Independent Study. Motion approved
Program Changes
 COE 12 69 – Secondary Education Programs to be placed in
T. Stahler, as seconded by M.K. Bergh to approve COE 12 69
Secondary Education Programs to be placed in Moratorium. Motion
approved unanimously.
 COE 12 70 – BSED SEU Programs, Version #20123
 COE 12 71 – BSED SEU Biology, Program #37005
 COE 12 72 – BSED SEU Mathematics, Program #37069
 COE 12 73 – BSED SEU Spanish, Program #37045
 COE 12 83 – BSED SEU English, Program #37031
T. Stahler, as seconded by J. Burnett to approve as a block, COE 12
70 – BSED SEU Programs, Version #20123; COE 12 71 – BSED SEU
Biology, Program #37005; COE 12 72 – BSED SEU Mathematics,
Program #37069; COE 12 73 – BSED SEU Spanish, Program #37045;
COE 12 83 – BSED SEU English, Program #37031. Motion approved
 VPA 12 66 – Art Education Certification Program/Checksheet
J. White, as seconded by M.K. Bergh to approve VPA 12 66 Art
Education Certification Program/Checksheet. Motion approved
Graduation without Certification Announcement (Electronic Vote)
Petitions to Graduate without Certification –
Two petitions to graduate without certification were approved after the
April 19, 2012 meeting of the Council for Teacher Education. These
petitions were approved via electronic ballot via email:
1) J. Burnett, as seconded by E. Long to approve the Elementary
Education/Early Childhood Education petition to graduate without
certification in spring 2012. The motion approved unanimously.
2) D. Lynch, as seconded by T. Stahler to approve the Special
Education/MPH petition to graduate without certification in summer
2012. The motion approved unanimously.
Discussion followed as to whether graduation without certification is a
student’s right or determined by the Council for Teacher Education. It
was clarified that the requests to graduate without certification should
be department chairperson initiated, not student initiated.
NCATE Timeline and Tasks
 A handout was distributed indicating the timeline leading up to the
April 21-23 visit of the NCATE team. D. Garber reviewed the dates.
On Sunday, April 21 there will be a poster session of data to be
reviewed by the team. Members were asked to start thinking about
 The team will be doing school visits. Members were also asked to
recommend model schools for the team to visit.
 The NCATE Exhibit Room will be entirely digital. The site is targeted
to be online by October 15, 2012.
 D. Lynch distributed a dispositions to teach document drafted by the
COE Assessment Committee. This document is aligned with the
Conceptual Framework. A motion by D. Lynch, as seconded by T.
Stahler to approve the COE Assessment Committee’s Dispositions
document. Discussion followed. The motion was passed
 J. White developed a dispositions document for VPA. The VPA and
COE documents will be compared to ensure that there is a crosswalk.
Dr. Garber will review both documents at the Unit level as well.
Superintendents’ Breakfast
 The semi-annual Superintendents’ Breakfast will be held on Friday,
September 28, 2012. All were invited to attend.
10. As May Arise
Future Meeting Location
Future meetings of the Council for Teacher Education will be held in the
Seminar Room in Beekey (Room 121).
On a motion by J. White, as seconded by T. Stahler to adjourn the meeting was
approved unanimously.
Cc: Dr. J. Cevallos, President
Dr. C. Vargas, Provost
University Senate
University Curriculum Committee