COUNCIL FOR TEACHER EDUCATION THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012 4:00 PM MCFARLAND STUDENT UNION BUILDING, ROOM 322 AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Approval of the February 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes 3. New Business Course Proposal Changes COE 12 51 - Prerequisites for BSED SEU Programs COE 12 56 - SEU 520 Education Theory and Practice COE 12 63 - Prerequisites for BSED SPU MPH Programs COE 12 64 - Prerequisites for BSED SPU VI Programs COE 12 65 - SPU 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II COE 12 66 - SPU 392/393 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II New Course Proposals COE 12 59 - ITC 5XX Integrating Assistive Technology into the K-12 Curriculum COE 12 60 - ITC 3XX Integrating Assistive Technology into the K-12 Curriculum COE 12 61 - COU 5XX Counseling Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum COE 12 62 - COU 5XX Counseling Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Disabilities Program Changes COE 12 57 - Revisions to all BSED SEU Version 20103 Programs COE 12 58 - Master of Education Degree in Instructional Technology: Digital Classroom Technology 4. Graduation Without Certification: Alicia Heintzelman, Art Education James Maria, Art Education Danielle Nacht, Special Education Stephen Wasilewski/Secondary Education 5. SPA Reports – Nationally Recognized with Conditions 6. PECT & PAPA Changes 7. TIMS Application 8. Electronic Balloting 9. As May Arise Dhg:bls cc: Dr. Cevallos, President Dr. Vargas, Provost Prof. Randy Schaeffer, Chair, UCC University Senate KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR TEACHER EDUCATION Minutes of Meeting April 19, 2012 1. Welcome Dr. Garber called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were: A. Antoni, D. Garber, H. Hamlet, S. Hanzlik, A. Harmer (for E. Long), C. Kreitz, D. Lynch, J. McCarthy, A. Mitchell, D. Slack, T. Stahler, W. Stahler and J. White. 2. Approval of the February 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes D. Lynch made a motion, seconded by C. Kreitz, to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2012 Meeting. Motion approved unanimously. 3. New Business Course Proposal Changes COE 12 51 – Prerequisites for BSED SEU Programs T. Stahler as seconded by D. Lynch, to approve COE 12 51 Prerequisites for BSED SEU Programs. Discussion was held. A revision was noted to change effective date to Spring 2013 due to approval process timing. Motion approved unanimously with revision. COE 12 56 SEU 520 Education Theory and Practice T. Stahler, as seconded by H. Hamlet, to approve COE 12 56, SEU 520 Education Theory and Practice. Discussion was held. Motion approved unanimously. COE 12 63 - Prerequisites for BSED SPU MPH Programs COE 12 64 - Prerequisites for BSED SPU VI Programs COE 12 65 - SPU 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II COE 12 66 - SPU 392/393 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II D. Lynch, as seconded by H. Hamlet, to approve the block: COE 12 63 Prerequisites for BSED SPU MPH Programs; COE 12 64 Prerequisites for BSED SPU VI Programs; COE 12 65 SPU 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II; and COE 12 66 SPU 392/393 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II. A revision was noted to change effective dates to Spring 2013 due to approval process timing. Motion approved unanimously with revision. New Course Proposals COE 12 59 – ITC 5XX Integrating Assistive Technology into the K-12 Curriculum COE 12 60 – ITC 3XX Integrating Assistive Technology into the K-12 Curriculum A. Harmer as seconded by A. Mitchell, to approve COE 12 59 – ITC 5XX Integrating Assistive Technology into the K-12 Curriculum and COE 12 60 - ITC 3XX Integrating Assistive Technology into the K12 Curriculum. Motion approved unanimously. COE 12 61 - COU 5XX Counseling Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum COE 12 62 – COU 5XX Counseling Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Disabilities H. Hamlet, as seconded by C. Kreitz, to approve COE 12 61 COU 5XX Counseling Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum and COE 12 62 COU 5XX Counseling Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Disabilities. Discussion was held. A revision was noted on COE 12 61 to remove the word, “Other” on the first line under “IV. Assessment;” and on COE 12 62 to correct oddnumbered pages of syllabus due to copying error. Motion approved unanimously with revisions. Program Changes COE 12 57 – Revisions to all BSED SEU Version 20103 Programs T. Stahler, as seconded by A. Mitchell to approve COE 12 57 Revisions to all BSED SEU Version 20103 Programs. Motion approved unanimously. COE 12 58 – Master of Education Degree in Instructional Technology: Digital Classroom Technology A. Harmer, as seconded by T. Stahler to approve COE 12 58 – Master of Education Degree in Instructional Technology: Digital Classroom Technology. Motion approved unanimously. Graduation without Certification 4. Petitions to Graduate without Certification – J. White J. White presented two petitions and reviewed each student’s background leading up to the petition. On motions by J. White, as seconded by D. Lynch and C. Kreitz, respectively, to approve the Petitions to Graduate Without Certification in Art Education. The motions were approved unanimously. Petition to Graduate without Certification – D. Lynch D. Lynch presented a petition and reviewed the student’s background leading up to the petition. On a motion by D. Lynch, as seconded by A. Mitchell, to approve the Petition to Graduate Without Certification in Special Education. The motion was approved unanimously. Petitions to Graduate without Certification – T. Stahler T. Stahler presented two petitions and reviewed each student’s background leading up to the petition. On motions by T. Stahler, as seconded by H. Hamlet and D. Lynch, respectively, to approve the Petitions to Graduate Without Certification in Secondary Education. The motions were approved unanimously. As May Arise SPA Reports J. McCarthy announced that all 17 SPA Reports were nationally recognized. Fifteen were recommended with conditions and two without conditions. A handout describing the conditions to be addressed was distributed to all. PECT/PAPA Handouts explaining the new Pre-Service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) tests and PECT tests for PreK-4 and Special Education PreK-8 were distributed to all. The PAPA tests have replaced the Praxis I tests effective April 2, 2012. TIMS PDE has moved to a new online certification system called TIMS. Act 24 Arrest/Conviction Report C. Kreitz announced that COE students are now required to complete an Act 24 background check upon admission, in accordance with Act 24 of 2011. A handout on Act 24 was distributed to all. Discussion was held. C. Kreitz will send a list to department chairs of those students who have not completed the form upon admission. Electronic Balloting Electronic balloting for the committee was briefly discussed. There was a consensus among members in favor of exploring this idea. Distinguished Art Educator Recognition – J. White J. White was congratulated for being named the recipient of the 2012 National Higher Education Art Educator of the Year Award by the National Art Education Association (NAEA). On a motion by D. Lynch, as seconded by S. Hanzlik to adjourn the meeting was approved unanimously. dhg:tmf Cc: Dr. J. Cevallos, President Dr. C. Vargas, Provost University Senate University Curriculum Committee