4:00 PM
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the November 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes
3. Vacancy – Graduate Student Representative
4. New Business
Change in Courses
COE 12 28 COU 590 Supervised Counseling Experience
COE 12 35 ITC 331 Media and Technology in Education
COE 12 36 LIB 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II
COE 12 37 LIB 480 Introduction to Preservation and Digitization of
Archives and Special Collections
COE 12 38 ITC 525 Technologies for the 21st Century Educator
COE 12 39 ITC 553 Development of Digital and Multimedia
Instructional Resources
COE 12 40 ITC 571 Instructional Technology Capstone Project
COE 12 41 ITC 514 Perspectives on Instructional Technology and
COE 12 42 ITC 521 Building Effective Online and Classroom
COE 12 43 ITC 435 Designing Distance Education for the K-12
COE 12 44 ITC 527 Problem-based Learning Through Instructional
COE 12 45 ITC 536 Emerging Technologies for Educators
COE 12 46 ITC 548 Electronic Portfolios for Educators
Program Changes
COE 12 29 M.Ed. SEU Curriculum & Instruction – program #57009
COE 12 30 M.Ed. SEU English – program #57013
COE 12 31 M.Ed. SEU Biology – program #57005
COE 12 32 M.Ed. SEU Mathematic – program #57069
COE 12 33 M.Ed. SEU Social Studies – program #57026
COE 12 34 M.Ed. SEU Middle Level – program #57065
5. As May Arise
cc: Dr. Cevallos, President
Dr. Vargas, Provost
Prof. Randy Schaeffer, Chair, UCC
University Senate
Minutes of Meeting
February 16, 2012
1. Welcome
Dr. Garber called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were: A. Antoni, J.
Burnett, D. Garber, H. Hamlet, S. Hanzlik, A. Harmer (for E. Long), D. Lynch, A.
Mitchell, R. Schaeffer, T. Stahler, W. Stahler and J. White.
2. Approval of the November 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes
A. Mitchell made a motion, seconded by H. Hamlet, to approve the minutes of the
November 17, 2011 Meeting. Motion approved unanimously.
3. Vacancy
 Graduate Representative
Email your nominations to Brenda Snyder at
4. New Business
 Change in Course Proposals
o COE 12 28 COU 590 Supervised Counseling Experience
H. Hamlet as seconded by R. Schaeffer, to approve COE 12
28, 590 Supervised Counseling Experience. Discussion
was held. With the following changes of spring 2012 to fall
2012, requires an old syllabus and an updated description.
Motion approved unanimously.
COE 12 35 ITC 331 Media and Technology in Education
J. White, as seconded by H. Hamlet, to approve COE 12 35,
ITC 331 Media and Technology in Education. Discussion
was held. Motion approved unanimously.
COE 12 36 LIB 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II
D. Lynch, as seconded by A. Harmer, to approve COE 12
36 LIB 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II.
Discussion was held. Motion approved unanimously.
COE 12 37 LIB 480 Introduction to Preservation and Digitization of
Archives and Special Collections
J. White, as seconded by A. Harmer, to approve COE 12 37
LIB 480 Introduction to Preservation and Digitization of
Archives and Special Collections. Discussion was held.
Motion approved unanimously.
COE 12 38 ITC 525 Technologies for the 21st Century Educator,
COE 12 39 ITC 553 Development of Digital and Multimedia
Instructional Resources, COE 12 40 ITC 571 Instructional
Technology Capstone Project, COE 12 41 ITC 514 Perspectives on
Instructional Technology and Learning, COE 12 42 ITC 521
Building Effective Online and Classroom Instruction, COE 12 43
ITC 435 Designing Distance Education for the K-12 Educator, COE
12 44 ITC 527 Problem-based Learning Through Instructional
Technology, COE 12 45 ITC 536 Emerging Technologies for
Educators, and COE 12 46 ITC 548 Electronic Portfolios for
D. Lynch, as seconded by H. Hamlet, to approve COE 12 38
ITC 525 Technologies for the 21st Century Educator COE 12
39 ITC 553 Development of Digital and Multimedia
Instructional Resources, COE 12 40 ITC 571 Instructional
Technology Capstone Project, COE 12 41 ITC 514
Perspectives on Instructional Technology and Learning,
COE 12 42 ITC 521 Building Effective Online and
Classroom Instruction, COE 12 43 ITC 435 Designing
Distance Education for the K-12 Educator, COE 12 44 ITC
527 Problem-based Learning Through Instructional
Technology, COE 12 45 ITC 536 Emerging Technologies
for Educators, and COE 12 46 ITC 548 Electronic Portfolios
for Educators, as a block. Discussion was held. Motion
approved unanimously.
Program Changes
o COE 12 29 M.Ed. SEU Curriculum & Instruction – program #57009,
COE 12 30 M.Ed. SEU English – program #57013, COE 12 31
M.Ed. SEU Biology – program #57005, COE 12 32 M.Ed.
Mathematic – program #57069, COE 12 33 M.Ed. Social Studies –
program #57026 and COE 12 34 M.Ed. SEU Middle Level –
program #57065
D. Lynch, as seconded by J. Burnett to approve COE 12 29
M.Ed. SEU Curriculum & Instruction – program #57009,
COE 12 30 M.Ed. SEU English – program #57013, COE 12
31 M.Ed. SEU Biology – program #57005, COE 12 32 M.Ed.
Mathematic – program #57069, COE 12 33 M.Ed. Social
Studies – program #57026 and COE 12 34 M.Ed. SEU
Middle Level – program #57065, as a block. Discussion
was held. Motion approved unanimously.
5. As May Arise
 A. Harmer (representing E. Long) asked if there could be a March meeting
held. Discussion was held. The committee decided on March 8.
 A discussion was held on sequencing the COE Curriculum and Council for
Teacher Education meetings.
 The SPA’s were Nationally Recognized. Library Science and Supervision
without conditions.
 Spring 2013 is our NCATE visit.
On a motion by A. Mitchell, as seconded by D. Lynch to adjourn the meeting was
approved unanimously.
Cc: Dr. J. Cevallos, President
Dr. C. Vargas, Provost
University Senate
University Curriculum Committee