SUMMARY REPORT WITH BAR CHARTS KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI SURVEY Alumni Start Date: 5/10/2012 End Date: 5/10/2013 Respondents Invited: 38 Total Respondents Completed: 6(15.79%) Partial Completes: 3(7.89%) Greetings!You are being invited to participate in the Department of Counseling & Human Services’ Alumni Survey. This survey gives you the opportunity to share your perspectives on your graduate experience at Kutztown University and your experiences since you earned your degree.We are interested in honest and useful feedback from you, and we urge you to take the fifteen to twenty minutes necessary to take the survey. The information will be summarized and we will be looking at aggregate group data; we are not collecting this information for research or presentation, but in order to collect important data that will be useful for program evaluation and improvement and for dissemination to interested stakeholders (e.g., alumni, enrolled students, University administration, etc.).What you think really matters to us, and we again wish to solicit your cooperation! Degree or Credential Earned at Kutztown University (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Master of Arts Degree in Counseling 0 0% Master of Education Degree in Elementary School Counseling 0 0% Master of Education Degree in Secondary School Counseling 6 86% Master of Education Degree in Student Affairs (College Counseling with Licensure) 1 14% Total Responses: 7 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Year: Please check the appropriate program track: (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Certification 5 71% Licensure 2 29% Total Responses: 7 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Please check the specialization(s) you earned along with your degree: (Each Respondent could choose ANY of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Mental Health 0 0% Couples, Marital and Family 0 0% Child/Adolescent 0 0% Total Responses: 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Current Employment Status: (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Full time 5 83% Part time 1 17% Unemployed 0 0% Retired 0 0% Total Responses: 6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Annual Salary or Income: (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % 0-9,999 0 0% 10,000-19,999 0 0% 20,000-29,999 1 17% 30,000-39,999 1 17% 40,000-49,999 1 17% 50,000-59,999 3 50% 60,000-69,999 0 0% 70,000-79,999 0 0% 80,000 and over 0 0% Total Responses: 6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Please list your job title and describe your position: Job Title: Job Description: Which of the following best describes your current primary place of employment? Please pick one. (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Community Counseling Agency 0 0% College/University Counseling Center or other Functional Area 2 33% Elementary or Secondary School 3 50% General Hospital 0 0% Psychiatric Hospital 0 0% Veteran's Hospital 0 0% Mental Health Residential Facility, adult 0 0% Mental Health Residential Facility, child & adolescent 0 0% Independent Practice 0 0% HMO 0 0% Criminal Justice 1 17% Other (please specify) 0 0% Total Responses: 6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Other (please specify) If you have obtained employment in a job related to your degree, please indicate how you heard about this position. Please check all that apply: (Each Respondent could choose ANY of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Personal contact 3 50% Announcement forwarded by department 0 0% Professional journal advertisement 0 0% Professional contact through practicum and/or internship 0 0% Internet search engine 1 17% Other (please specify) 2 33% Total Responses: 6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Other (please specify) If you are NOT presently employed in a professional position related to the degree you earned at Kutztown University, please explain (e.g., currently seeking a relevant position; personal situation or choice; landed more desirable job outside of the profession, etc.) Advanced Training: Are you currently enrolled in graduate training? (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Ph.D. 0 0% Master's 0 0% Advanced graduate training (please specify) 0 0% Total Responses: 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Advanced graduate training (please specify) Have you completed additional education since graduating from Kutztown? (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Ph.D. 0 0% Master's 0 0% Advanced graduate training (please specify) 0 0% Total Responses: 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Advanced graduate training (please specify) Membership in Professional Organizations Please check all that apply (Each Respondent could choose ANY of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % American Counseling Association (ACA) 0 0% American School Counselor Association (ASCA) 3 60% Pennsylvania Counseling Association (PCA) 0 0% National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) 0 0% American College Personnel Association (ACPA) 0 0% American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) 0 0% Other (please specify) 2 40% Total Responses: 5 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Other (please specify) Licenses, Credentials, and Certifications Please check all that apply (Each Respondent could choose ANY of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Licensed Professional Counselor (or Licensed Mental Health Counselor or equivalent) 0 0% Certified School Counselor 2 100% Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) 0 0% Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) 0 0% Other (please list) 0 0% Total Responses: 2 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Other (please list) If you are currently unlicensed, but are working toward licensure, please indicate your status: (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Completing required clinical hours 0 0% Seeking employment that provides appropriate supervision 0 0% Seeking a qualified supervisor 0 0% Application for licensure was submitted, awaiting approval by the state board 0 0% Other (please explain) 0 0% Total Responses: 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Other (please explain) Satisfaction with the Program: Please indicate your overall satisfaction with your program at Kutztown University: (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Very Dissatisfied 0 0% Dissatisfied 0 0% Neutral 1 17% Satisfied 3 50% Very Satisfied 2 33% Total Responses: 6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Please indicate how well Kutztown University prepared you for your current employment: (Each Respondent could choose only ONE of the following options:) Response Total % of Total Respondents % Very Poorly 0 0% Poorly 0 0% Neutral 1 17% Well 4 67% Very Well 1 17% Total Responses: 6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Please describe the best things about your classes/degree program at Kutztown University. internship experience, relatively small classes, convenient class times class size Dr. Kenney was the greatest advocate for my program at Kutztown University. It was because of her I chose to complete my program at Kutztown. Revelant classes which challenged me professionally. Were interesting. What changes would you suggest in the classes/degree program at Kutztown University? more emphasis on functions of a school counselor in addition to personal/social counseling, ie: scheduling, special education, college/career advising better communication about certification/licensure requirements. These degrees should be able to be completed in two years. More emphasis on the political climate of a public school system. Increased training on speical education requirements/process. Classes related to community partnerships. n/a More hands on experiences besides the internship.