_US, [ FOREST SERVICE RAL TECHNICAL REPORT NC- 17 FZ4GST_ _ZZ_CO_ __c,_ _0. '_ - °_" ....°.............. Roc_ _, _. STA. L£]_4_ __E__ o_i' 1 US@S and, of prinoipol oomponent analysis TKomos_ Crow o o ogy NORTH FOREST U,S. CENTRAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT FOREST OF EXPERIMENT AGRICULTURE STATION CONTENTS Introduction .................... l Principal Component Analysis ............ Historical Development .............. I 1 Basic Properties ................ Terminology and Notation ............ Operational Sequence ............... Examples of Applications .............. 2 3 4 5 Discarding Variables .............. Ordinating Groups of Variables ......... Muitiplotting .................. 5 8 ii Principal Components in Conjunction With Regression Analysis ........... Literature Cited .................. 12 17 Other 19 THE References AUTHORS: .................. J. G. Isebrands is a Wood Anatomist for the Station at its Institute of Forest Genetics, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Thomas R. Crow, formerly a Plant Ecologist at the Institute, is now located at the Institute of Tropical Forestry, Rio Piedras_ Puerto Rico. North Forest Central Forest Experiment John H. Ohman, Director Service St. - U.So Department Folwell Avenue Paul, Minnesota 1975 Station of Agriculture 55101 INTRODUCTION PRINCIPAL J. TO USES AND COMPONENT ANALYSIS G. Isebrands INTRODUCTION There is a definite those interested cipal component its terminology, need to acquaint in, yet unfamiliar with analysis (PCA), regarding underlying assumptions, prinprac- tical applications with information concerning the interpretation are lacking in the literature. Adding to the confusion for among texts is the proliferation of matrix the lack of standardization in both notation and and IN Thomas FOREST R. OF BIOLOGY Crow in this paper are: (i) reduction of the number of variables by deletion of extraneous variables; (2) ordination of variables tical applications, and literature so that PCA might find more widespread and proper use in data analysis. Although most multivariate textbooks (e.g., Rao 1952, Kendall 1957, and Seal 1964) adequately cover the theoretical aspects of PCA, examples of prac- the beginner notation and INTERPRETATION terminology, as an aid to the interpretation of multivariate data; ands(3) use of PCA in conjunction with regression analysis for the identification of biological ther experimentation. variables for fur- PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS Historical Development Principal component certainly nothing new; analysis (PCA) is mathematical statis- ticians have studied it 1933, Rao 1952, Kendall for years (Hotelling 1957, Anderson 1964, Our objective is to introduce PCA to the forest biologist who has had an exposure to introductory statistics, and likely Seal 1964). As research tools the initial development and application of multivariate techniques are rooted in the behavioral applies ANOVA, routinely, but to multivariate to demonstrate sciences. The classical example is Spearman's (1904, 1927) attempt to prove his psychological theory that intellectual performances are a function of a single general mental correlation, and regression who has not made the jump techniques. Our intent is through detailed examination of two applications the utility of principal component analysis in helping solve research problems in forest biology, It should be emphasized that PCA is normally not used to test a null-hypothesis or in the estimation and prediction of quan- capacity. The origins of PCA can be traced to variance-maximizing solutions in psychological and educational studies (Hotelling 1933). Recent emphasis given multivariate techniques is associated with the availability of computers to process the extensive calculations associated with the tech- tities. Instead, it is an exploratory technique for assessing the dimensions of variability and aiding in the generation of hypotheses to be tested in conjunction with niques. Almost every computer center now has one or more multivariate packages (e.g., Dixon 1970). other statistical techniques such as multiple regression (Pearce 1969). Among the many potential uses of PCA in forest biology, those which will receive emphasis In forest biology, applications of PCA have been relatively few, although there has been a flux of recent publications. J. N. R. Jeffers (1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1972) has been the greatest proponent of the use of multivariate analysis. Jeffers and Black (1963) applied PCA to 9 lodgepole pine prove- transformation; and, (4) the variance associated with each component decreases in order--the first variate will account for the nances using 19 variables; they concluded that many fewer than 19 variables were needed to discriminate among provenances. Namkoong (1967) also used PCA for an analysis of prove- largest possible proportion of the total variation, the second will acco_nt for the largest proportion of the remainder, and so forth° nance Bearing these properties in mind, a comparison of PCA to another popular multivariate technique, factor analysis, is appropriate. data in conjunction Gessel (1967) with regression. recommended the application of PCA to aid in the assessment of the many factors that influence forest productivity, or yield. In an example, eighteen variables Within the literature, there is a great deal of conflicting terminology; as a result the distinction between PCA and factor analysis were tested against the productive capacity as measured by site index from a series of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raft) Sarg.) stands in Washington State. Four uncorrelated components were found to have a can be confusing. For example, where the term "factor analysis" has been applied to all multivariate procedures dealing with the reduction of dimensionality and identification of common factors, PCA is often presented as major influence on the patterns of variation in productive capacity (Gessel 1967). Others have also u_ilized PCA to assess production relationships. Kinloch and Mayhead a "factor analysis" technique. In other cases, such as the IBM Scientific Subroutine Package, PCA is labeled as "principle component factor analysis." (1967) investigated the use of PCA to help assess the possibility of using ground vegetation as an indicator of productive potential in forestry. Decourt et al. (1969) used PCA and regression analysis ogonalized variables to elucidate tionships between environmental with orththe relafactors and PCA Two important distinctions and factor analysis: 1 (i) In factor analysis, variates are reduced into m<p lated "factors" having an exist between p original uncorre- uncorrelated production in Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). PCA was employed by Vallee and Lowry (1972) to classify black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) forest types and to help estimate site quality. Auclair and residual component; in PCA, p correlated variates are transformed into p uncorrelated variates, not all of which are necessarily significant. Cottam (1973) employed PCA and multiple regression analysis to assess the influence (2) potential of environmental of black cherry that represent "factors" to new oblique positions so that theoretical postulations inherent in a model can be tested. been factors on the (Prunus serotina In other forestry related used in dendrochronology 1971, LaMarche and (Webb 1973, 1974a, (Newnham 1968). radial growth Ehrh.). areas, (Fritts PCA has et al. Fritts 1971), palynology 1974b), and geoecology of variates into another set variates having the following is an anaone set of component properties: (l) they are linear functions of the original variates; (2) they are orthogonal, i.e., independent of each other; (3) the total variation among them is equal to the of these distinctions has the axes has to do with property No. 3 above. An assumption basic to PCA is that the observed variation is caused by the effects that the underlying (casual) factors have on each of the original variates. PCA, therefore, is a closed model, iables. portion In factor analysis, however, only a of the total variation is attributed to the m<p transformed variates (this portion I! 1' is termed the communalities ) and the remaining iance. variance is considered an error total variation in the original variates, consequently, information concerning differences among the observed variates is not lost in 2 first factor analysis the orthogonal without regard to random error or variation external to the system (Pearce and Holland 1960); thus, all variation in the original variates is accounted for by the derived var- Basic Properties Principal component analysis lytical procedure for tKansforming The Unlike PCA, for rotating i For details see Kendall (1957), Pearce and Holland (196@), Seal (1964), Cattell (1965), and Pearce (1965). var- Although the factor analysis model may seem more desirable for biological applications, the need to estimate communalities poses a problem because it requires a priori knowledge of the system. Initial estimates of communalities often are little better than arbitrary guesses; thus, a series of under consideration 1 .o.p. The _i = ail and _i have are the _ is defined to as an "eigenvector" (or ing coefficients a..o The i i refers to the eig_nvector del. Beginning with the observations, the investigator develops a model that reduces the dimensions of variation, which consequent- subscript number, ly aids in the biological (Kendall 1957). Each eigenvector ciated with it called interpretation tent emphasized that the _i' i = is referred it- developed to fit the data (Kendall 1957). In PCA, however, the process is reversed: one works from the data toward a hypothetical mo- be by Xl + ai2 x2 erations is necessary before the investigator is Satisfied° As a result, the model is It must denoted form as a column j refers root) and vector to the and latent vector) havcoefficient subscript number and the original variable _o has a variance assoa_ "eigenvalue" (or la- is denoted by hi, i = 1 .0. p. variates- -principal components--derived using PCA may not have any biological significance. Multivariate techniques must not be considered as a mode for the automatic generation of hypo- Geometrically, we have a data scatter of n points in p dimensions and PCA is a rotation of axes such that the total variance of the projections of the points onto the first axis these_ is a maximum rather complex data more amenable as an initial step sets are simplified to interpretation. in which to make them Any hypoth- esis developed using PCA that seems plausible can only be considered subjective until confirmed by existing biological knowledge or additional studies (Pearce 1965). (i°e., Terminology and Notation and effectively the principal is beyond the use PCA. For example, suppose that x_ x2, xir .. Xp are random variables and that_ is a__ow vector composed of the x's. From this pop- X = LXnl where X is (i.e., 1967)o an n x p data matrix of The to principal combinations S and the of the original following for earlier, component matrix derivation (_i) properties interpreting the of in the 1957, literAnderson of PCA are full is its of each h3 + "'" + _p (%i); 2 Ol As principal fur- sumTherefore, t° the t°tal 2 %1 + \2 + of examples. eigenvalue rank (Mor_ison of X is our variance iance in the thermore, the experiment. %i values var- 2 + _3 2 + "°° + _P matrix This are and components, _i and their variance scope of this paper. However, it has been covered in detail ature (Hotelling 1933, Kendall 1964, and Morrison 1967). stated Correlation components algebraic importance XnpJ ..... The The Xlp independent rows and columns) The variance-covariance matrix defined equal of _ is R. linear ...... length of the projections and the directional cosines observa- t- ] Xll is for projections are the eigenvector coeffia_=. The variance of the projection is ±j eigenvalue (hi ) (Seal 1964, Krzanowski 1971). the ulation, a sample of n independent tions can be drawn so that component). of the cients for the user to underderivation. He must, of its terminology is to principal as much as possible of the remaining variance. Each additional axis is also orthogonal and accounts for a maximum portion of the remaining variation (Seal 1964). The linear combi- It is not necessary stand all aspects of PCA however, have an overview if he first The second axis (second principal component) chosen orthogonal to the first and accounts nations _i are the onto the new axis, notation i (x.) l defined as x i variables means that the total variation derived variates equals the the observed variates, thus not lost by linear of the total variation information is of transformation. 3 In addition, the quantity variables mally and hi_ I00 \ Z_ _ to meet the assumptions - _s norindependently distributed with mean the the correlation 0 andvariance-covariance variance 023 (3) orselection of either matrix and calculation of that matrix_ (4) determination of eigenvalues (latent roots) and eigenvectors of the variance-covariance \-/ where Eh i = trace S (i. e., sum of diagonal elements of the correlation matrix) gives the percentage of the total variance or correlation matrix; and tion of derived components° (5) interpreta- explained by the i th principal component (table i). The cumulative percent of the total variance is also important because it refers to that portion of the variance "ex- The first step, variable selection, is extremely important° These variables should be quantitative characters, and preferably be measured on a continuous plained" by a particular eigenvector tion plus all previous eigenvectors. scale, (e.g., in ques- although many discrete variables the number of teeth measured along a leaf margin) continuous variables Table adequately approximate (Jeffers 1964). l.--Eigenvalues, and cumulative pervariation associated with the eigenvalues from principal component analysis of 4-year white spruce nursery The second step requires deciding whether to transform data, which admittedly can be a subjective decision (Jeffers 1964); in most statistical measurements analyses, the assumption of normality is often neglected. Tests of significance are only meaningful for data that are multivariate-normal in their centage of Eigenvalues (_) : Cumulative percent : of variation distribution and transformations may be necessary if normality is not present 1 2 3 4 10.07 2.25 1.63 1.08 0.530 0.648 0.734 0.791 (Andrews, Gnanadesikan, and Warner 1971). Furthermore, Bartlett's test can be used for testing the homogeneity of _ariance. However, Jeffers (1964) recommended the 5 6 7 8 9 I0 1.05 0.56 0.50 0.49 0.31 0.29 0.846 0.875 0.902 0.928 0.945 0.950 use ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 0.23 0.18 0.13 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.971 0.981 0.988 0.992 0.996 0.998 0.999 18 19 0.01 0.01 0.999 1.000 of transformations only when the severely violate the assumptions, transformations make the eventual pretation of PCA more difficult. cision The third whether data because inter- step callsfor another deto use the variance_covar - iance matrix or the correlation matrix. Normally, if all units are of the same scale (e.g., all units of length), the use of the variance-covariance matrix is recommended. _ Use of the variance- covariance matrix has the greatest statistical appeal because the sampling theory is less complex than the others (Anderson 1964). However, if the units are mixed (e.g., 0peratJona] Sequence length, volume, weight), normaliza- The mathematical operations of PCA are important, but they represent only one aspect of tion is necessary and the correlation matrix is used. The eigenvalues (variance) associated with an eigenvector from a correlation matrix is a standardized var- the analysis. The entire ational sequence follows: iance. Throughout this ation matrix is used. (i) (2) 4 Selection if necessary, spectrum of preliminary transformation of oper- variables; of original The fourth transformation step of paper involves p original the correl- the linear variates into p "artificial" variates. This is the math- ematical equivalent of determining the eigenvectors and related eigenva!ues of variance-covariance or of a correlation a large number of variables was considered necessary because of the preliminary nature of the study. Information derived from the study was to be used to help det- matrix (Jeffers 1964)_ Conceptually this requires the extraction of common variables (i_e_, the eigenvectors) and their varlances (ioeo_ eigenv_lues) from the variancecovariance or correlation matrix. A sim- ermine the usefulness of certain parameters for possible selection indices. These parameters would then be studied further in subsequent experiments_ Portions of the data have been published (Nienstaedt 1968, plistic development of the mathematical derivation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues can be found in Pearce (1969); more comp!ete derivations can be found in any matrix algebra text. Nienstaedt The fifth step involves the interpretation of the derived components. First, a decision has to be made regarding the number of components that have biological significance° There are various iances are homogeneous at the 0.05 probability level, and therefore, no transformations are necessary. We continue the discarding procedure by calculating the 19 x 19 correlation matrix from the criteria to aid in this decision; in general, the elimination of those vectors that do not meet the criteria can be done original data matrix and run PCA on it. See table 1 for the 19 eigenvaiues (li) and the cumulative percentage of the total with conviction. Admittedly, some subjectivity is involved in this process, but this is inherent in all statistical de- variation cisions. The next part of the interpretation process is the analysis of the eigenvectors that are deemed significant, called %o, which has associated with it at least the cumulative proportion of the total variance that one wishes to "explain" in the analysis. This procedure is some- However, one must be cautioned that even after this operational sequence, there still remains the question whether a biological interpretation can be derived from the mathematical artifact. To interpret derived variables, one must be able to re- what analogous to choosing the probability level that one wishes to operate at in a routine analysis of variance. Therefore, it depends not only upon the experimental material, but also upon experience of the scientist. Jeffers (1964) recommended late them to observed variables. To do this there are several accepted ways which are explained in the example beginning on P. 5. choosing %o = 1 for biological data. If we choose %_ = 1 in this example, we would ,,O . ,, expect to explaln approximately 85% of the total variation (table i) because the Among the PCA methods for reducing dimension of a data set by discard- ing variables, onstrates we have found use of this Next these Pl Pl = 5. "explained" we choose by each. an arbitrary 5 eigenvalues greater than 1.0 cumulative percent of variation The subset of %'s that are eigenvalues. In this method, PCA tween marginal (1956) showed eigenvalues (hi). Lawley that the degree of differ- ence between eigenvalues can by the ratio of the geometric eigenvalues to the arithmetic America from Alaska to New Brunswick (table 2) was established at our nursery near Rhinelander, Wisconsin. After 4 years' is distributed as X 2. This outlined by Holland (1969). trees 19 variables from each example, In examining the eigenvalues after it may be necessary to distinguish be- In 1958 a range-wide study of white spruce seed sources consisting of 28 provenances originating throughout North growth, value, the method outlined by Jolliffe (1972) The following example dem- the 1971). greater than %o is of size Pl; thus, there are also Pl eigenvectors associated with D_scardJn9 Variables of retention most useful. Teich The data consists of a 19 x 28 matrix suitable for the use of PCA in discarding variables. Bartlett's test of homogeneity indicated that the 19 var- there are and their is 84.6. [XAMPkE$ OF APPklCAIIONS and were measured on provenance (table 3). The The by discarding associating one procedure procedure or more be measured mean of the mean, which was fs continued of the variables 5 Table 2o--Provenance used for Source : number :Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 l_j values ordination : : South Dakota Montana Manitoba New York Wisconsin Minnesota Minnesota New Hampshire Alaska Alaska Alaska Maine Labrador Labrador New Brunswick Quebec Quebec Ontario Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Yukon Minnesota Michigan British Columbia Manitoba Ontario Ontario of the first of the white : Latitude : Longitude 44-10 46-48 49-51 44-23 45-41 47-33 47-33 44-51 65-21 63-45 66-35 44-50 52-36 53-46 47-50 46-32 48-18 48-00 45-4_ 54-39 59-19 60-49 47-33 44-30 54-00 56-56 52-15 48-30 103-65 109-31 99-30 74-06 89-07 94-09 94-10 71-26 144-30 144-53 145-11 68-38 56-26 60-05 68-21 76-30 71-22 81-00 76-51 101-36 105-59 105-35 94-08 83-45 123-00 92-51 81-40 89-30 3 eigenvectors spruce : : _/ example Eigenvector number : 2 : 3 --1/0.86 -6.31 1.26 10.70 8.09 9.03 9.45 8.17 -23.08 -13.10 -15.98 8.92 -6.66 -5.00 6.99 8.99 5.42 16.53 12.38 -3.67 -8.50 -18.51 5.59 4.46 -2.80 -16.12 -0.98 3.88 -3.54 4.64 -3.98 0.ii -3.52 1.38 -7.21 3.36 0.58 -2.65 -2.08 8.91 5.46 3.21 5.70 -0.01 3.66 0.27 -5.67 -3.16 -1.76 -1.21 -2.83 -0.52 0.96 0.62 -0.47 -0.25 -2.30 0.22 2.39 -0.81 0.74 0.44 0.52 -0.02 0.77 0.09 -1.73 -I.00 3.00 2.36 -4.75 0.13 -0.52 3.90 -0.20 -3.73 -1.70 1.73 -1.51 2.09 -1.07 -0.08 1.24 -0.21 Calculation procedure for each value: J Z { ((xij -xj) i /sj). aij } under consideration with each of the Pl eigenvectors mentioned above (Spurrell 1963, Beale et al. 1967, Namkoong 1967). This (0.300): height (Xl) ; diameter (x2) ; branch length (x4) ; and bud length (x7). Therefore, these variables are retained. involves choosing efficients having Next consider eigenvector 2. The largest coefficient in this vector is 0.410 and is the coefficient or cothe highest absolute value in each eigenvector starting with the first eigenvector. Table 3 shows coefficients for the five _igenvectors (com- associated with bud color (x6) ; therefore, bud color is retained. In eigenvector 3 the highest coefficient is associated with number of ponents) associated with the first eigenvalues (%o = i; Pi = 5). The adaxial stomata (x13); in eigenvector 4 with incidence of second flushing (x18); and in ei- five variables circled in table 3 should be retained. In our example, four coefficients in eigenvector i, which accounmfor 53 percent of genvector variables the ing tor The sign of the largest coefficient can be either positive or negative because the highest coefficient is chosen 6 total variation, are candidates for havthe highest absolute value in the vecbecause they are approximately equal 5with needle color are also retained. (Xll). These on Table and 3_--Variables the y_rst measured five from 4-year-old eigenvectors from List of variables : : : xI x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 XlO Xll x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 _ _ 0.236 _ 0.176 0.164 _ 0.195 -0.232 0.286 -0.045 0.195 -0.006 0.216 -0.235 -0.266 0.225 0°i01 -0.273 Height (in.) Diameter (mm) No. of branches in top whorl Branch length in top whorl (mm) Bud shape Bud color Bud length (mm) Needle length (mm) Needle shape Needle rigidity Needle color Needle curvature Stomata (adaxial) Stomata (abaxial) Needle serrulation Branch surface Sterigmata length (mm) Second flushing Forking 1 white the principal spruce provenances component Eigenvectors (Ai) 2 : 3 : : : : : -0.057 0.034 0.002 0.004 0.376 _ 0-084 -0 312 -0 009 -0 116 0 268 0 181 -0.269 -0.367 -0.196 0.000 -0.276 -0.342 -0.159 0.053 -0.013 0.087 -0.032 -0.195 0.044 -0.048 -0.271 0.3].4 -0.014 0.255 00.4__ _0_:665 0.190 -0.197 0.001 -0.089 -0.031 -0.061 4 -0.088 -0.010 -0.248 0.009 -0.085 0.211 -0.003 -0.257 -0.234 -0.006 -0.429 0.288 0.025 -0.154 0.029 -0.008 -0.269 _ -0.092 analysis : : 5 0.137 -0.051 -0.431 0.177 -0.065 0.215 -0.126 0.021 -0.166 -0.-_6 _0_58_ 0.000 -0.060 0.199 0.349 -0.346 -0.018 0.154 0.144 the basis of absolute value. Furthermore, the variables associated with the eigenvectors cannot be ones that are already associated with an earlier vector. When further consideration appear to apply biologically. The first eigenvector can be considered a vector of size, because bud length at nursery age, height, diameter, and branch this occurs, the second largest coefficient is chosen. Questions have been raised about using this approach. However, Brown, Douglas, and Wilson (1971) showed that the coefficients of the ori- length all are important indicators of growth. This indicates that bud length and branch length may be as important as the traditional measurements--height and diameter--for distinguishing nursery age provenances. The ginal variables in the eigenvectors are not affected by the intercorrelation of the x's; therefore, the largest coefficient approach is valid, retention of bud color and needle color also seems logical because both are important distinguishing characteristics of nursery-age white spruce. Needle color is particularly important in distinguishing the The 8 variables we have retained--height, diameter, branch length, bud color, number of adaxial stomata, needle color, and amount of second flushing--are those to be considered in further experimentation. All oth- western provenances where introgression with Engelmann spruce has occurred. Similarly, the retention of second flushing is logical because it is an indicator of the latitude of the origin of white spruce, which can be related to the number of grow- ers ing are discarded. This means that in our days. Second example, x3, x 5, x 8, x 9, Xl0,.x_2, x14, x15, x16 , x17 , and x19 are rejected [table 3). an indicator spruce. In this particular example, we happen to have hindsight as to the nature of the variables. Furthermore, those retained for The retention stomata indicates flushing of growth is, potential therefore, of white of number of adaxial that needle anatomy 7 data may be useful. However, the utility of anatomical data as selection indices must be weighed against the time and expense of collecting such data. Ordinating Groups of components as axes (X-axis corresponds to the first eigenvector_ Y-axis to the second eigenvector, etc.)_ the distance among these points is proportional to the degree of dissimilarity in terms of a set of variates (i.e._ properties, measured parameters, characters)+ Thus an ordination has occurred+ Furthermore_ if discrete subpopulations with some degree of biological integrity can be defined, a classification can be obtained+ Variables Ordination, the ordering of units within a multidimensional space, has had widespread application in many other ecological studies and has potential for application in many other biological areas. The use of ordination is consistent with the desire to simplify and code a diversity Of information so the underlying patterns of variability within a large data set can be more easily grasped, Using the white spruce data we obtained a PCA ordination as demonstrated by Jeffers and Black (1963). For each original variate of a given provenance, a standardized variable (which is the difference from the mean of all provenances divided by the standard deviation) was obtained and multiplied by the appropriate eigenvector coefficient found in table 3. Summation over all the variables When the entities (in this example, the 28 provenances of white spruce) are cast into this multidimensional hyperspace using the eigenvectors and associated LEGEND . Northern Eigenvector • 15.0 Latitudes (_55°N) Alaska, Yukon 2 (bud color) Territory Middle Latitudes <>50°N<55°N) Labrador, Mallitoba, Br_tish Columbia, Ontario .10,0 > Southern Latitudes (<50°N), Western Longitudes (>75°W) South Dakota, Montana, Manitoba, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ontario, Michigan, Quebec _ 12 o Southern Latitudes (<50°N). Eastern Longitudes (-<75°W) New York, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, Quebec Eigenvector (size) oo × < a 13 2 1 +,_14 -25,0 i . 9 -20 0 26.,15.0 i +10.0 i -5.0 I ® 17 /_ 25 , 5.0 I ()24 A . 22 27 . tt ® 15 5.0 • 8 -} 10.0 6 16 4 o I • 15,0 I .21 . lo s\20 1 c> _ 3 c_ 23 _ 5 -5.0 c) 19 7 -10.0 -15.0 Figure l.--Ordination of white spruce provenances along two axes corresponding to eigenvector 1 (size) and eigenvector 2 (bud color). The position of each point is determined by the provenance values given in Table 2. The number associated with each plotted point is the source location number listed in Table 2. From a visual perspective, this figure can be considered a two-dimensional "side view" of an ellipsoid in three-dimensional space. 8 :;) 18 I LEGEND . Northern Latitudes Eigenvector 3 15.0 (_-55°N) (need}e anatomy) Alaska, Yukon Territory ," Middle Latitudes (_50°N<55°N) Labrador, Manitoba, British Columbia, ) South,ern Latitudes (<50°N), Western Longi[udes (_>75°W) South Dakota, Montana, Manitoba. Wisconsin, MMnesota, Ontario, Michigan, Quebec Ontario 10,0 Soutt_ern Latitudes (<50°N), Eastern Longitudes (<:[75_W) New York, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, Quebec 5.0 _8 13 Eigenvector (size) _ _4 , 3 ,24 .22 0 -25.o .9 .2oio ._5;o ,o .lO;O ,5 5.0 2 5; 6 710.0 o12 11 15.0 °1-_- , 21 °4 23 1 , 20 -5.0 • 15 .10.0 -15.0 Figure 2.--Ordination of white spruce provenances 1 (size) and 3 (needle anatomy). This figure a "top view" of the ellipsoid. along eigenvectors can be considered in the eigenvector then provides the numerical value for each provenance found in table 2 and plotted in figures I, 2, and 3. to right in figure i, the first group of points is made up of provenances from the highest latitudes and the northwestern portions of the white spruce range; the second group is from the middle latitudes, The most striking characteristic of the ordination of the white spruce data is the elongated form of the hypersolid, This confirms the importance of the first component (the size factor). This also and those to the right of the second axis (eigenvector 2) are from the lower latitudes and the southeastern portion of the range. In terms of size the poorest performers are on the left in figure l, pro- suggests that the underlying dimensions of variability can be represented by far f_er tha_ 19 variables with little or no loss of information. gressing in an orderly first axis to the best right. The on The ordination is largely the first component--size--and dependent the order of points in figure 1 corresponds to changes in latitude and corresponding elements such as length of growing season, temperature regime, and photoperiod; all affect the expression of the genotype thus size (i.e., the phenotype) of a source affect performance as measured by in a provenance study. From left second -is important eastern seed fashion along performers on component--bud in discriminating sources. Note the the the colorationamong the vertical spread in the points of the right quadrants (fig. I). The ordering of points suggests the possibility of clinal variation in bud coloration along the longitudes° The points in the upper right (++) quadrant in figure i and are seed sources from the eastern longitudes within the southeastern portion of the white spruce range; those in the lower right (+-) 9 LEGEND , Northern Alaska, Latitudes Yukon Eigenvector (_55°N) - 15.0 Ontario Southern Latitudes (<_50°N), Western Longitudes (_>75°W) South Dakota, Montana, Manitoba, Wisconsin, Minnesota, • (needle anatomy) Territory :, Middle Latitudes (_50°N<_55°N) Labrador, Manitoba, British Columbia, Ontario, 3 Michigan, -10.0 Quebec Southern Latitudes (<50°N), Eastern Longitudes (<_75°W) New York, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, Quebec • 5,0 18 Eigenvector 2 (bud color) /, 13 o 3 .25.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 ' ' ° ' o 7 22 -5.0 o 5 10 ot_' " 24 0 A u_ _ 14 9 _o6 _/ 20 °231"_1 2_ o 1 8 2o50 10.0 .,,; ' 25 150 ; D 12 /_ 20 -5.0 • 15 -10.0 -15.0 Figure 3.--Ordination of white spruce provenances along eigenvectors 2 (bud color) and 3 (needle anatomy). This figure can be considered an "end view" of the ellipsoid. quadrant are from the western longitudes within this sub-group. The third component--needle anatomy-in figure 2 or 3 provides little discrimination among points. This gives credence to the fact that few orthogonal variables were measured, In a review of the systematics of white spruce, Nienstaedt and Teich (1971) cite evidence for the division of the species into eastern and western populations, Needle characteristics such as color and length were cited as major contributors to the east-west variation pattern. The fact that the present white spruce population has evolved from populations that survived both the Illinoian and Wisconsin glac$a_ tions in widely separated refugia is also given as supporting evidence. Studies of monterpenes in cortical samples (Wilkinson et al. 1971) and DNA content per cell (Miksche 1968) also support the contention of two distinct populations, I0 As recognized by Nienstaedt and Teich (1971) and supported by the results of our PCA, the demarcation of white spruce into two populations would appear to be an oversimplification; however, the phytochemical characters cited above were not included in this analysis and would no doubt add new dimensions of discrimination if included. In support of the hypothesis of separate populations, the response to the second component, bud coloration, did differ in the western and eastern seed sources. However, no east-west variation pattern is evident in the needle anatomy (specifically, the number of upper surface stomata), the third principal component. The preliminary nature of the white spruce study and the stated objective of measuring a large number of variables to assess their value as selection indices presents an ideal situation for the application of PCA. A comparison between the results of our analyses and those based on analysis of variance (table and Teich (1971) illustrates 4) by Nienstaedt the value of Principal of a multitude component ordination is one of ordination techniques, PCA. Their analysis of variance shows that all 19 characteristics except needle color and second flushing were significantly different among provenances at the 0.01 level (table 4); thus, the ANOVA does not provide insight into the underlying dimensions of variability, nor does it provide but is not necessarily the most effective. In the first comparison of principle component ordination to other techniques that numerically approximate multivariate analysis (e.g., Bray and Curtis 1957, Swan, Dix, and Wehrhahn 1969), PCA was found to be superior (Austin and Orloci 1966, Orloci 1966). guidance suitable But subsequent studies by other authors have obtained the contrary conclusion (Bannister 1968, Austin and Noy-Meir 1971, Gauch and Whittaker 1972, Whittaker and for for the selection of variables emphasis in further studies, Gauch Table 4o--Analysis of variance of acteristics measured on nursery 19 chargrown white spruce representing 28 provenances from the entire range of the species i/ 1972, Gauch It is evident 1973). from these that like any mathematical dination is most effective is aware of the limitations evaluations technique, orwhen the user as well as the F value capabilities of the particular technique (Gauch 1973). Ordination is a linear mapping technique and if the parameters under study respond to an experimental stimulus in a nonlinear fashion (i.e., a non-mono- Height (in.) Diameter (ram) No. of branches 15.61" 30.75* 4.35* tonic performance or response), the representation of the parameter/stimulus relation in a multidimensional space (or- Branch length Shape of bud Bud color Length of buds Needle length Cross section of needle Needle rigidity Needle color Needle curvature No. of stomata upper No. of stomata below Needle serrulation Branch surface Sterigmata length Secondary bud flushing 10.63" 2.77* 5.67* 15.95" 5.40* 2.94* 2.55* n.s. 2.42* 2.72* 4.59* 6.08* 8.05* 4.68* n.s. dination) may be distorted. For example, in the ecological sphere, the response of vegetation to environmental gradients is : : Variable Forking i/ 3.78* From Nienstaedt and Teich (1971) Significant at the 1 percent level highly nonlinear. In such a case, if one does not recognize the discrepancy between the linear assumption of the ordination methods and the nonlinear response by the biological system, evaluation of vegetation al patterns factors can as influenced by lead to spurious MU] ti p] otti ng It is often desirable or necessary to visualize the results in as many dimensions as possible, but plotting of multivariate data is limited by human perception. To circumvent this problem, addition of symbols can It is noteworthy significant identified that the two non- variables in the ANOVA were by PCA as important orthogonal 3-D plots from stereo equipment can be used for interpretation of multivariate data, but n-dimensional ceived. possible of these To solve this suggested that one strong interdependence resulted in a non-sig- nificant interpretation among in the non-orthogonal ANOVA. provenances contouring or the be used to extend the number of axes on a two-dimensional plot. However, such plots lack precision and soon become difficult to interpret with the additional clutter. Physical models or variables worthy of further consideration, Substantial variation is known to occur in these two characteristics. It is also that the variables -_ environmental conclusions. data still cannot be per- problem, Andrews (1972) should map points into a function and then plot function can be infinite the function. A in its dimensions II and still be easily visualized mensional space. This allows in more than three dimensions, tion proposed f_(t) = _ i/_ by Andrews + _2 sin (1972) t + _3cos + _5cos For each point the function then plotted over the range - _ < t < _ Thus a set follows: Many t + _4sin 2t is defined o J and _i = El xijaij of points a set of lines perties, that is has transformed many Principal in two-diinterpretation The func- 2t Components in Conjunction With Regression Analysis forest biologists often wish dent variable (Y) from a complex set to build a model independent to predict a depenof interrelated variables (x's). When selecting their variables, they often are faced with a dilemma. They not only want to include the variables that are most influential in controlling the systems, but also enough variables to obtain a reasonable fit, so their models are useful into appealing pro- For example, the functional mean corresponds to the mean of the observations themselves: that is, if E is the mean of n-multivariate observations, the function for predictive purposes (Draper and Smith 1966). However, large numbers of variables increase the complexity of a model tremendously (Goodall 1972). Therefore, they may wish to choose a method of variable selection when building a preliminary model. corresponding to _ will appear as an average on the plots. Such a set of lines also preserves distances. If plotted func- are tions are close together for all values of t, the corresponding points are close together in n-dimensional space and a band of functions represents a cluster of data points. If a group of functions are close perform preliminary analysis and model building on one-half of the data and then test the model on the other half to validate the model. However, others feel that this is unnecessary together for only one value of t, the corresponding points are close in the direction defined by the corresponding projection in one-dimensional space. Therefore_ in preliminary experiments because data will be gathered subsequently to test the model and to update it. We chose the latter approach in the even with _-dimensions can be identified. following This function also groups of points preserves var- for If adequate degrees of freedom available, many would prefer to example. Many methods are now available selecting variables to use in a iances. Therefore, tests of significance and confidence intervals can be constructed at particular values of regression equation: these include the all regressions approach, backward elimination, forward selection, t because known, stepwise regression, and several combined techniques. Several of these methods do not give satisfactory the variance of f_(t) is The major advantage of multiplotting is not the establishment of variation patterns based on a single or- results when the intercorrelation between the x's is high (Draper and Smith 1966) o This is because under thogonal character or even several characters, but the discrimination among populations based on the in- conditions of normality, the higher the correlations between variables, the less orthogonal the data will be tegral of characters. For example, Jeffers (1972) distinguishes a number of birch species by multiplotting five components of 13 leaf characters, (Draper and Smith 1969). Furthermore, the selection methods don_t necessarily help us select the best equation_ but usually they will allow us to find In his example, several birch hybrids are evident from their intermediate an acceptable position Andrews Another problem sidered is that some on the plots. In addition, (1972) demonstrates how bio- logical data can be misinterpreted when only two-dimensional point plotting is used. 12 one. that must be conof these meth- ods require repeated tests of significance; therefore, they are based on conditional decisions (i.e., one test influenced this case_ different by the previous test)° one may be operating at probability level than In a the expect- ed_ Little consideration usually is given to the consequences of such conditional tests (Kennedy and Bancroft 1971)o Principal component analysis In Kendall's procedure, PCA is run on correlation matrix of the original set of variables° ded (1968)_ variance Decourt Kendall used regression model: _$ the _ (1969). standard the bi's are found by also can be used in conjunction with multiple regression to select variables for a regression equation. Various approaches have been reported by Kendall (1957), Ahamad (1967), Beale c¢ _. (1967), Jeffers (1967), Spurrell (1963), Cox and Then solving equation (3). When solving for bl, each eigenvector coefficient in eigenvector 1 is multiplied by the correlation coefficient of that x and Y and then summed for the eigenvector. This value is then diviby its eigenvalue (hi) (i.e., b I = _Y_I iI All eigenvectors having eigenvalues near zero are neglected because they contribute little to the total variance. The total is calculated multiple for each b i by solving _2b. = _i b i i (4) Y = b° + bl %1 + b2 %2 + " "' + bp_p + E (i) To evaluate x's, {i's in which he substituted where _i = ith principal the set of variables, _i s for component X ! s from By applying the principle of least squares, the estimates of the b's are obtained by solving the set of normal equations. In this case the coefficients [iY{i E{. 2 l as in orthogonal polynomials (Anderson and Houseman 1942). Furthermore, the due to fitting on the %i's is b i ZY_i' equal to libi 2. Solving for hi, we the regression which this is also equality obtain bi= of the and the into the This approach is most useful when number of variables is small. However, the problem with this approach is that the number of variables is large it is ten difficult to interpret the results terms of the individual variables that the when ofin are in the linear combination (eigenThere also is often some ques- tion as to whether the dimension of the problem is truly reduced because the components have contributions from all the x's. Therefore, we believe this approach should be used only when the experimenter (2) reduction contribution original equation (I), which produced an equation of coefficients and standardized x's. The bi's reflect both the sign and sizes of each x variable's contribution. embedded vectors)° bi = the Kendall substituted the bi's in terms of standardized x's can assign biological meaning to certain significant components (eigenvectors), or when the number of variables is small. Cox (1968) advocated the use of PCA in preliminary experiments to suggest regressor variables. In his method the principal components themselves are not used in the regression equation as in Kendall's procedure. ZY_i _i (3) which can be used in evaluating the contribution of the original variables as follows, Rather, Cox used simple combinations of variables having physical meaning. We have chosen Cox's approach to illustrate our second example. In this example we have used the data of Lars_n (1967). He measured 12 growth variables on trees from I0 red pine seed sources 13 _). grown under various conditions led growth rooms (table 5)° After a Bartlett's test in control- indicated table 6. Note the regression was significant and the R 2 = 0o98_ It should be emphasized, however, that Lars_n (1967) did not relate his variables to volume incre- that the data had homogeneity of variance, multiple regression analysis was run of the i0 independent variables upon volume increment, The ANOV table for regression is sho_ in ment as we have done, nor did he suggest this relationship. Rather, we have arbitrarily picked volume increment as the dependent variable for purposes of illustration. Table 5.--Selected tree growth measurements four eigenvectors of principal component from 1 0 red pine provenances grown : : List of variables xI x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xlO Height (cm) Needle length, 1962 (cm) Needle weight, 1962 (gm) Needle weight, 1961 (gm) Total ring width (mm) Earlywood width (mm) Latewood width (ram) Latewood percent (%) Specific gravity Cell wall thickness (v) Y1 Volume increment (mm3) 1 and first analysis in growth rooms Eigenvectors (Ai) : 2 : 3 0.351 -0.310 _ (Q.38__) 0.319 0.371 0.124 -0.275 -0.343 0.199 : -0.031 -0.381 -0.iii 0.370 -0.020 0.045 0.040 0.065 0.368 0.250 0.053 0.268 _ 0.054 0.501 -0.234 0.281 -0.263 -0.iii _ k 4 -0.163 -0.112 -0.239 0.254 0.213 0.145 -0.063 -0.137 0.647 i/ Adapted from Larson (1967); in the original study, the author made no attempt to relate the independent variables listed to volume increment. Table 6.--ANOV for regression oft0 selected red pine growth measurements (x 's ) on volume increment (Y) (R2=0.98) * 14 Source df S.S_ M.S. Regression i0 1977630.25 197763.03 Deviations 29 82673.52 2850.81 TOTAL 39 2060303.77 F 69.37* Denotes significance at the 0.01 probability level. " Next, a principal component analysis was a regression equation that "explained" a run on the i0 x I0 correlation matrix of the independent variables (x's). The i0 eigenvalues (h_s) and the cummulative percentage of the total variation associated with each large portion of the total sums of squares. Six of the eigenvalues were near zero (eigenvalue 5 through i0) (table 7); therefore, these 6 variables were no doubt interrelat- are shown in table 7. Kendall shown that when collinearities ed with x_s (i_e., some can be on the put _'s near _957) exist zero) individual no has in the reliance coefficients 4 or 5 more The first respective important four variables. eigenvectors coefficients are shown and their in table in regression equations which include all the variables_ Note that collinearities exist in our example since eigenvalues 5 through i0 are near zero (table 7). Consequently, 5. When h 0 is chosen equal to 1.0, as in the white spruce example, these four eigenvectors "explain" 98.4 percent of the total variation in the independent variables; for each eigenvalue near zero, one variable can be expressed in terms of the other variables, and, therefore, the number of variables can be reduced (Kendall 1957, Seal 1964). similarly, the "explain" 93.2 (table 7). The first three eigenvectors percent of the variation first eigenvector from table 5 "explained" 64.5 percent of the total variation in the independent variables (x's). It has two coefficients that qualify for Table 7.--Eigenvalues and centage of the variation eigenvalues from nent analysis grown in the cumulative associated principal of red pine growth room per- with compo- provenance the largest absolute approximately needle weight, : Cumulative percent : of variation I. 2. 3. 4o 5. 6.45 1.75 i.ii 0.53 0.09 0.645 0.820 0.932 0.984 0.993 6. 7. 8. 9. i0. 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.998 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 Selection of regression as in our the variables is done ness white spruce (XlO). the next largest coefficient Several using manner that choosing the variables having the coefficient absolute value in the nificant eigenvectors, picked is, largest most sig- regression equations may this method which on the be sur- face may appear to be very different. However, for predictive purposes the equations often are equally effective (i.e., have a large R 2 and In our a good PCA at least six or eliminated from run fit) it (Kendall seemed in the eigen- vector is chosen. Therefore, in eigenvector 4, inasmuch as cell wall thickness is already associated with eigenvector 3, the next largest coefficient in eigenvector same example, are When one encounters a variable in an eigenvector with a coefficient of largest absolute value that has already been associated with a previous eigenvector, then to retain in the they In both eigenvectors 3 and 4, coefficient is cell wall thick- 4 is needle length length is chosen. for because 1961 (x4) (circled in table 5). Similarly, in eigenvector 2, the coefficient having the largest absolute value is latewood width (x7). the largest Eigenvalues value the same equal magnitude, 1962 (x3), and needle weight, likely The five (x2) ; variables therefore, chosen first 4 eigenvectors are sider for analysis. regression from the ones needle the to The conANOV for regression of these five variables volume increment is shown in table 8. regression was significant and that R 2 0.92, and examination of the residuals on The = in- dicates a good fit. independent variables This indicated that "explained" nearly as much of the total increment as did all iables (table 6). variation in volume i0 independent var- 5 1957). that seven variables might be the analysis and still have The examination of eigenvectors in search for the largest coefficient must be done with caution especially when two iables have a correlation coefficient var(r) 15 Table 8.--ANOV for regression of length, needle weight (1962], needle needle weight (1961), latewood width, and cell wall thickness on volume increment (Y) (R2=O. 92) Source * near _+ i. When this occurs, df For 1962 5 1902309.43 380461.89 Deviations 34 157996.60 4646.95 TOTAL 29 2060306.03 F 81.9" Denotes significance at the 0.01 probability level. scientific example, in our case, and needle weight for highly correlated only one need be M.S. Regression insight must be often used in favor set of mathematical techniques, for S.S. of Because a needle weight 1961 are wall thickness is diffi- and needle length on volume increment leave out cell wall thickness. Table (near +- i); therefore, included in the analysis, Table cell cult and expensive to measure and is associated with the third and fourth eigenvectors, one might be tempted to look at a regression of needle weight, latewood width, shows the ANOV regression was It appears 9.--ANOVfor regression and I0 for this regression. The significant and R 2 = 0.90. that the variables chosen of needle length, needle weight (1962), latewood width and cell wall thickness on volume increment (Y) (R2=0.91) Source * Needle weight for 1962 of ease of measurement for 1961 gression was dropped. of the four : df : S.S. : M.S. Regression 4 1868894.50 467223.62 Deviations 35 191411.53 5468.90 TOTAL 39 2060306.03 F 85.4* Denotes significance at the 0.01 probability level. was retained because and needle weight The ANOV for other variables reis by of this analysis the regression ume increment. needle length, "explain" a high sums of squares portion for vol- Although needle Weight, and latewood width have some shown in table 9. By droppin$ the variable needle weight for "1961, the R _ was reduced from 0.92 to 0.91; therefore, little was lost. 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