Edinboro Highland Games & Scottish Festival September 10, 2016 Solo PIPING Competitions and Prizes Entry fee $40 per competitor First, Second and Third Place awards will be presented in each of the following events along with an Aggregate Winner for each Grade and a Piper of the Day* Discipline Event # Basic Requirements Amateur Grade I 1 2 3 4 5 Piobaireachd (Submit 3 – Play 1) 2/4 March Strathspey & Reel Hornpipe/Jig (Submit 2 - Play 1 set) 6/8 March Amateur Grade II 6 7 8 9 10 Piobaireachd (Submit 2 – Play 1) 2/4 March (Submit 2 – Play 1) Strathspey & Reel (Submit 1 each) Hornpipe/Jig 6/8 March Amateur Grade III 11 12 13 14 15 Piobaireachd 2/4 March Strathspey & Reel Jig 6/8 March Amateur Grade IV Sr. (18 and older) 16 17 18 19 20 Full Piobaireachd 2/4 March Strathspey/Reel Slow Air 6/8 March Amateur Grade IV Jr. (17 and younger) 21 22 23 24 25 Full Piobaireachd 2/4 March Strathspey/Reel Slow Air 6/8 March Grade V – Practice Chanter (All ages) 26 March – One 4-part or two 2-part (2/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time, your choice) Fee: $5.00 * The Piper of the Day trophy will be awarded to the soloist with the highest points for the day regardless of Grade level, provided that Grade level had three or more competitors. If necessary, the Piobaireachd score is the tie breaker. Edinboro Highland Games & Scottish Festival September 10, 2016 Solo DRUMMING Competitions and Prizes Entry fee $10 per event SNARE DRUMMING EVENTS First, Second and Third Place awards will be presented in each of the following events along with an Aggregate Winner for each Grade having three or more competitors: Amateur Grade I 30 31 32 2/4 March/Strathspey/Reel (Submit 2 – Play 1 set) Hornpipe/Jig (Submit 2 – Play 1 set) Drum Solo (2-4 minutes) Amateur Grade II 33 34 35 2/4 March/Strathspey/Reel (Submit 1) Hornpipe/Jig (Submit 1) Drum Solo (2-4 minutes) this is a non-sanctioned event Amateur Grade III 36 37 38 2/4 March (Four parts) 6/8 March (Four parts) Solo QMM (See EUSPBA rules for details) Amateur Grade IV Sr. (18 and older) 39 40 March – any time signature (One 4-part or Two 2-part played twice) Solo QMM (See EUSPBA rules for details) Amateur Grade IV Jr. (17 and younger) 41 42 March – any time signature (One 4 part or Two 2-part played twice) Solo QMM (See EUSPBA rules for details) Grade V – practice pad (Any age) 43 March – Two parts of any March – Drum Pad - no piper required Not open to those playing snare drum with a band. TENOR AND BASS DRUMMING EVENTS!!!!! First, Second and Third Place awards will be presented in each of the following events along with an Aggregate Winner for each Grade having three or more competitors: Tenor Drumming Amateur 1 44 45 M/S/R QMM Amateur 2 46 47 A 4-part Quick March in 2/4, 4/4, or 6/8 time QMM Novice 48 A 4-part Quick March in 2/4, 4/4, or 6/8 time Bass Drumming Amateur Amateur 49 50 3-5 minute medley M/S/R Edinboro Highland Games & Scottish Festival September 10, 2016 Solo Piping and Drumming Registration & Rules Name________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ________ Zip Code __________ Phone___________________________ Email address (PRINT CLEARLY) _______________________________________________________________________ EUSPBA #_________________ (Other EUSPBA recognized Assoc. if applicable ___________________ # ___________) Solo Grade Level _____ Enter in Event(s) number(s) _________ _________ _________ _________ Are you competing in a Band? Yes____ No____ If yes, What band?________________________________ Grade_______ Check Enclosed $_____________ (Piping $40 per competitor – Drumming $10 per event) Make checks payable to: Edinboro University of PA ( All entry fees must be in U. S. Currency only.) Please note: If you are not currently an Eastern U.S. Pipe Band Association member, you can register for association membership at the festival. Membership is encouraged, but not required for practice chanter and drum pad events. I, _______________________________________, have read and understand all the information herein and certify I will comply with all Festival and EUSPBA regulations and that I will not hold the Edinboro Highland Games or Edinboro University of PA liable for any personal injury or property damage caused to persons or objects due to my participation. _______________________________________________ Signature & Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ___________________________________________________ (under 18, parent or guardian must also sign) Current EUSPBA rules apply. All decisions by judges, stewards, and other festival officials are final. Soloists will play in the opposite order that the entry forms were received. No field entries will be accepted. Entries must be postmarked by August 22, 2016. All soloists must check in at the registration table as well as with the contest steward prior to the competition. (Registration table opens at 7:30AM) Please have proof of EUSPBA membership or reciprocal piping/drumming association membership with you. All competitors except Grade V pipers and drummers must wear highland dress. (No medals, etc…) Solos start promptly at 8:30AM. Any soloist not ready to play when called may be disqualified from the contest. Approximate time of play will be posted at the registration table at 8:00AM. Solo drummers are responsible for providing their own pipers. Recordings are permitted for Grade IV, however this also must be provided by the competitor. Please mail entry form to: EHG Stacey Regan 3436 Perrysville Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Return envelope not necessary. Responses will be conducted via email. For Festival & Games information call: Edinboro University at 800-526-0121 For Piping and Drumming information call: Stacey Regan at 412-519-8698 or Patrick Regan at 412-231-0188