IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 22, NO. 24, DECEMBER 15, 2010 1829 Mitigation of Voltage Defect for High-Efficiency InP Diode Lasers Operating at Cryogenic Temperatures Paul O. Leisher, Member, IEEE, Weimin Dong, Mike P. Grimshaw, Mark J. DeFranza, Mark A. Dubinskii, and Steve G. Patterson Abstract—The power conversion efficiency of cryogenically cooled InP-based diode lasers is limited by excess electrical voltage caused by the freeze-out of holes at low temperature. Hall-effect measurements are performed to determine the ionization energy of Zn in bulk InP and In0 90 Ga0 10 As0 24 P0 76 (the values obtained are 18.6 and 11.6 meV, respectively). A laser design with an InGaAsP p-cladding layer shows a large decrease in the 77 K voltage defect relative to a more traditional InP design. Peak conversion efficiency of 73% and 10-W maximum power are reported at 1493 nm from a single 200- m stripe laser operating at 77 K. Index Terms—Cryogenic, diode lasers, diode-pumped solid-state laser, Er : YAG, eye-safe, high efficiency, high power. I. INTRODUCTION ESONANTLY diode pumped Er-doped lasers are currently viewed as the most promising path to a highly scalable, eye-safe, bulk solid-state laser source [1], [2]. Considerable effort has recently been expended in improving the performance (power and efficiency) of InP-based broad area diode pump lasers operating in the 14xx–15xx-nm band [3], [4] to be used for resonant pumping of Er-doped lasers [1], [2]. Operating solid-state lasers with cryogenically cooled gain media has recently proven to be a viable path toward significant power scaling without loss of beam quality due to thermal distortions [5] in specific military applications, such as directed energy, where the cost implications are manageable. Er-doped media are shown to benefit most significantly from cryo-cooling [6]. Thus, in systems which are already equipped to provide cryogenic cooling to the solid-state gain medium, the low marginal cost and effort of extending the cryogen to the semiconductor pump source makes it both feasible and desirable to implement, yielding a system which is overall highly efficient and power scalable. R Manuscript received April 29, 2010; revised September 13, 2010; accepted October 11, 2010. Date of publication October 18, 2010; date of current version December 02, 2010. This work was supported in part by the United States Army Research Laboratory under Contract W911QX-09-C-0048 and has been approved for public release. P. O. Leisher, W. Dong, M. P. Grimshaw, and M. J. DeFranza are with nLight Corporation, Vancouver, WA 98665 USA (e-mail: M. A. Dubinskii is with the United States Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD 20783 USA (e-mail: S. G. Patterson was with nLight Corporation, Vancouver, WA 98665 USA. He is now with is with DILAS Diode Laser, Inc., Tucson, AZ 85747 (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2010.2088115 It is well established that cryogenic cooling of diode lasers can provide great benefit to efficiency and power scaling [7]–[9]. For example, Maiorov et al. report 100% increase in the maximum output power of room-temperature optimized InP-based diode lasers cooled to 80 K [9]. Here we demonstrate that specific optimization of the laser design for use at cryogenic temperatures offers further benefit to the power conversion efficiency. It has been shown that as the temperature of a diode laser is reduced, the internal quantum efficiency increases and the threshold current density is reduced [8], [9]. These improvements are attributed to a dramatic reduction in the nonradiative losses (Shockley–Read–Hall and Auger recombination) and a reduction in leakage current associated with thermionic emission of carriers from the quantum well [7], [10]–[13]. The high power diode laser community has typically reported voltage defect as the difference between the diode electrical voltage and the photon voltage. Here, this quantity is normalized to the photon voltage in order to draw a parallel to the concept of quantum defect in solid state and fiber lasers [1], [2]. is the measured The voltage defect is defined in (1), where is the photon voltage, also defined in (1) diode voltage and and where is Planck’s constant, is the speed of light, is the electron charge, and is the operating wavelength of the diode laser (1) Defined this way, the voltage defect provides a simple means to calculate the maximum achievable power conversion efficiency in a diode laser [8]. As temperatures decrease, the freeze out of excited-state dopant carriers results in reduced electrical conductivity in the bulk [14] and further depletion at the epitaxy heterobarriers. Here we show that a dramatic rise in the diode voltage results, making voltage defect the dominant source of power loss in cryogenically cooled diode lasers. Design of a diode laser structure which achieves optimal efficiency at 77 K, therefore, requires mitigation of the voltage defect. Strategies for reducing this may include increasing doping density, reducing the energy band offsets at the heterobarriers, or changing materials to reduce the dopant ionization energy, thereby preserving relatively higher carrier densities as the temperature is reduced. In this work, the p-cladding material chosen is highly doped InGaAsP. In addition to reducing the energy band offset between the cladding and waveguide, the approach is shown to reduce the ionization energy of Zn (the p-type dopant species). These effects combine to produce a large decrease in the voltage defect of the laser at 77 K compared to a reference structure based on a more traditional InP p-cladding layer. 1041-1135/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE 1830 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 22, NO. 24, DECEMBER 15, 2010 Fig. 1. Measured carrier concentration and mobility versus temperature for Zn Ga As P . p-type dopant in InP and In II. EXPERIMENT Samples of Zn-doped bulk InP and In Ga As P are grown by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and assessed by cryogenic Hall-effect measurements. Fig. 1 illustrates the measured carrier concentration and mobility as a function of temperature for the two materials. The measured carrier concentration fits well to a logarithmic function, allowing a straightforward extraction of the dopant ionization energy [14]. The obtained values for ionization enare 18.6 and ergy of Zn in bulk InP and In Ga As P 11.6 meV, respectively, and are somewhat lower than previously reported results (47 meV and 22–38 meV, respectively) [14], [15]. The discrepancy is attributed to shifting of the valence band edge with respect to the Zn level, effectively reducing the ionization energy for holes, due to the high doping levels cm of the samples reported herein [16], [17]. Based on these results, two diode laser structures are investigated: a reference structure (utilizing a Zn-doped InP p-clad) based on a commercial high-power design optimized for high efficiency at room temperature [4] and an experimental design which is intended for use at 77 K. This experimental design p-clad utilizes a uniformly Zn-doped In Ga As P cm to account for with a 60% higher doping density the relative decrease in hole mobility with respect to Zn-doped InP. Also, to achieve equivalent electronic confinement at the intended operating temperature, the quantum well to waveguide in the experheterobarrier energy difference was scaled by imental structure (the InGaAsP waveguide bandgap energy was reduced from 1.2 to 1.1 eV). The two structures are otherwise identical, with a 700-nm-thick waveguide surrounding an active region utilizing three 70- compressively strained InGaAsP quantum wells. The lasers are grown by MOCVD on S-doped InP substrates and wafers follow a standard manufacturing fabrication procedure. Isolation between the 200- m-wide laser stripes is provided by proton implantation. Bars are cleaved to 1.5-mm cavity length and rear and front facets coated equivalently. Single emitters are cleaved and bonded junction-down to Cu c-mounts with In solder. Testing occurs in an evacuated cryostat test chamber and power is measured using a thermopile with a NIST-traceable calibration. The diode voltage is monitored Fig. 2. (a) Measured voltage versus current and (b) measured voltage defect at 4 A versus temperature for 200-m broad-area stripe width, 1.5-mm cavity length lasers of the two designs. using a dedicated wire pair separate from the current supply; the packaging resistance is not subtracted. III. RESULTS Fig. 2(a) plots the voltage versus current for the two designs measured at fixed heatsink temperatures of 300 K and 77 K. The observed decrease in turn-on voltage is primarily attributed to the 0.1-eV reduction in waveguide bandgap energy in the improved design. The series resistance was calculated for data points between 0.6 and 2.0 A (self-heating causes a dramatic reduction in series resistance at higher operating currents), and the improved design based on the InGaAsP p-cladding is shown to offer a 65% improvement. Fig. 2(b) plots the measured voltage defect at 4 A versus temperature for the two designs. The reference InP p-clad structure shows a room-temperature voltage defect of 32% which steadily increases to 52% at 77 K. This limits the theoretical maximum conversion efficiency (at 4 A, 77 K) of the design to 48%. The reference InP p-clad design does not lase at temperatures below 185 K, due to gain reduction caused by asymmetric filling of the excessively deep quantum wells. The improved design shows a room-temperature voltage defect of 14%, but does not lase at this temperature due to thermionic emission of electrons from the quantum wells. The observable kink in the curve at 270 K corresponds to the onset of laser operation, and is due to the abrupt change in the overall recombination rate and carrier density at the onset of lasing. The voltage LEISHER et al.: MITIGATION OF VOLTAGE DEFECT FOR HIGH-EFFICIENCY InP DIODE LASERS 1831 design which mitigates the rise in diode voltage defect with decreasing temperature due to a low (11.6 meV) ionization energy, effectively reducing the carrier freeze-out which leads to high bulk resistivity and depletion of the diode heterobarriers. REFERENCES [1] S. Setzler, M. Francis, Y. Young, J. Konves, and E. Chicklis, “Resonantly pumped eyesafe Erbium lasers,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 645–657, May/Jun. 2005. [2] D. Garbuzov, I. Kudryashov, and M. Dubinskii, “Resonantly diode laser pumped 1.6- m-erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet solidstate laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 86, p. 131115, 2005. [3] D. Garbuzov and M. Dubinskii, “InP-based long wavelength sources for solid state laser pumping,” presented at the 23rd Annu. Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Rev. (SSDLTR), Albuquerque, NM, 2004. [4] P. Leisher, W. Dong, M. Grimshaw, and S. 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The peak conversion efficiency is measured to be 73% and the chip produces 10-W maximum power. The inset shows the lasing spectrum measured at 77 K, 4 A. > defect of the improved design is shown to be lower and less sensitive to temperature reduction than the reference. At 77 K, the voltage defect is 22%—less than half the value of the InP p-clad reference design, limiting the theoretical maximum conversion efficiency (at 4 A, 77 K) to 78%. Fig. 3 plots the measured power and conversion efficiency as a function of drive current for the InGaAsP p-cladding improved laser design measured at 77 K. The absolute error bars for efficiency are shown and were calculated based on the uncertainty in the power, voltage, and current measurements. At 1 A, the voltage defect is 12%, the differential quantum efficiency is 85%, and the total power conversion efficiency is 73%. A maximum power of 10.3 W is measured at 20 A. The thermal impedance of the heatsink and test fixture is 7.9 K/W, yielding a junction temperature of 205 K at the 20-A injection condition. The sublinear dependence of power on current at high injection levels is, therefore, attributed to self heating which causes a rapid increase in threshold carrier density and the total Auger recombination rate. The inset of Fig. 3 shows the lasing spectrum measured at 4 A, 77 K heatsink. IV. SUMMARY In summary, 73% peak conversion efficiency is achieved from a 1500-nm InGaAsP-based diode laser operating continuous wave at 77 K. This value is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest reported conversion efficiency for an InP-based diode laser operating in the 14xx–15xx-nm wavelength range. The result was enabled by the use of a Zn-doped InGaAsP p-cladding 0 y