Review article 41 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Review article 41
Asan, A. 2003. School experience course with multimedia in teacher education.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19 (1), 21-34.
This article describes an interactive and self-paced mutltimedia tutorial programme that
provides pre-service teachers with a complete range of school system and teaching
strategies. It evaluates the impact of the programme on pre-service teachers’ learning
experiences. Two methods of information delivery were investigated: traditional learning
and multimedia. The results show that using the multimedia tutorial leads to a positive
difference in the school experience course over participants in traditional lecturing. Preservice teachers who participated in the multimedia group responded positively to a
multimedia approach. This study concludes that using multimedia in teacher education
enriches pre-service teachers’ learning and provides them with an opportunity to view
and critique various teaching methods and classroom activities collectively.
Keywords: Multimedia in teacher education; School experience; Situated learning;