. United States Southern Command 3511 NW gist Avenue, Miami, FL 33172-1217 PHONE (305) 437-1213 FAX (305) 437-1213, email: lounderc@hq.southcom.mil FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Situation March 14, 2004 Report for Media: Multinational Interim Force-Haiti MIAMI -Following are significanteventsandactivitiesof the Multinational Interim Force (MIF) and associated U.S. agenciesduringthe last 24hours: Presence Patrols: .The Multinational Interim Forceand Haitian NationalPolice (HNP) continueto conductpresence patrolsto stabilizethe securitysituationthroughoutPort-au-Prince.All patrolswere conducted successfullywithout incident. Security Assessments: .The MIF-H continuesvisits throughoutHaiti conductingsecurityassessments and providing security assistanceto Haitian governmentofficials. Stability Operations: MIF-H Officials and representatives of other U.S. Government agencies continue to coordinate with Haitian authorities to restore stability and the rule of law. .Many commercial air carriers have resumed flights into Haiti. .Haiti's commercial activities are increasing as are pedestrian and vehicle traffic. .Garbage collection and street cleanups, although still sporadic, have resumed. .HNP officials are using local media to urge people to refrain from carrying arms until new permitting processescan be implemented. .Presence patrols continue activities in support of disarmament and to protect Haitians from acts of violence. Force Statistics: .MIF-H currentlyconsistsof morethan 2,700troops,andincludesabout1,740U.S., morethan 510 French(not including about300 FrenchNaval personnelin CaribbeanWaters,)morethan 325 Chileans,and morethan 125Canadians. .Six U.S. UH-60 and two CH-47 transporthelicoptershavearrived in Port-au-Princeairport from Joint TaskForce-Bravoin Honduras.Theseaircraftprovidethe MIF medicaland transportcapability throughoutHaiti. .Civil Mfairs soldiershavearrived in Haiti andareestablishinga Civil-Military OperationsCenterin Port-au-Prince.Thesesoldierswill work with internationalagenciesandHaitian leadersin the cities, towns andcommunitiesto improvelife in Haiti andto coordinatecivil-military operationswith local Haitian officials. .U.S. military airlift in supportof the MIF-H total More than95 flights to date,carryingU.S. military troopsand suppliesinto Haiti. -more- 2-2-2 Migrant Interdiction: Departmentof HomelandSecurity's CoastGuardDistrict 7 continuesmigrationinterdictionand rescuepatrolling, more detailsat: httQ://www.Qiersystem.com/extemaJ/index.cfm?cid=698. -### Additional informationandpreviousreleasesarelocatedat www.southcom.mil.