IA 471: Computational Psychology Spring 2016 1 Course information Class schedule Instructor Office hours Textbook 2 Section 01: M/T/Th/F 1st period (8:05–8:55 am) Section 02: M/T/Th/F 2nd period (9:00–9:50 am) Room A219 Alan Jern Office: B103A Email: jern@rose-hulman.edu Thursdays 6th–8th periods, and by appointment Lee & Wagenmakers, Bayesian Cognitive Modeling: A Practical Course Overview Computational psychologists aim to develop theories of cognition and behavior that are precise enough that they can be implemented as computer programs. To illustrate why this is a desirable goal, consider the following theory of how people decide whether a piece of furniture is a sofa or an armchair: People compare the item to sofas and armchairs they have previously seen. If the item is more similar to the sofas, they call it a sofa. If the item is more similar to the armchairs, they call it an armchair. This sounds like a sensible theory, but if you tried to turn it into a computer program for recognizing furniture, you would quickly run into a host of problems. What does “similar” mean? How many sofas or armchairs do you compare the item to? Which sofas and armchairs in memory do you compare the item to? How does this comparison process happen? As you will learn in this class, the process of thinking computationally forces you to be explicit about hidden assumptions in theories like this one. Moreover, the process of developing and testing a computational model can provide insights into how the mind works that would not have been evident otherwise. In this course, you will learn how mathematical and computational tools drawn the fields of statistics and machine learning can be used to develop models of human learning and reasoning. 1 3 Assessment Component Homeworks (7) Project Reading responses (14) Paper presentation Participation Total 3.1 Weight 35% 35% 15% 10% 5% 100% Homeworks (35%) There will be seven homework assignments. These assignments will generally require you to apply some of the methods learned in the preceding week. Assignments will consist of some combination of math problems and coding assignments. 3.2 Project (35%) At the end of the quarter, you will complete a group project related to computational psychology. More details about the scope and expectations for this project will be posted on Moodle. There is time allocated during Weeks 9 and 10 for you to work on your projects in class. Additionally, during this time, I will meet with each group at least once for an update and to provide help and feedback. Each group will present their projects in class during Week 10. Each group member must submit their own project report, written in their own words, due 5/24. Assignment Project proposal Presentation Report Total 3.3 Weight 5% 5% 25% 35% Reading responses (15%) You will learn about most of the specific computational models in this class by reading published papers that we will discuss in class. To ensure that you come to class prepared for discussion, you must submit a reading response before class on days when papers are assigned. For each paper, I will post one or two questions online that will help to guide your reading. You will submit a response to these questions before class on the specified date. Your response does not need to be longer than two paragraphs. There are 14 assigned reading responses, but your score for this category will be based only on your 12 best responses. 3.4 Paper presentation (10%) Students will be assigned in small groups to lead one of the paper discussions. The days with student discussion leaders are identified by asterisks (*) next to the readings in the course schedule 2 below. On your group’s assigned day, you will be expected to summarize the methods used in the paper, the results, and to come prepared with some discussion questions for the rest of the class. On the class day before your assigned day, I will spend half of the class period meeting with your group to clarify details of the paper, answer your questions, and help guide your presentation. You are required to have already thoroughly read through your assigned paper (even if you didn’t understand every part of it) before these meetings. 3.5 Participation (5%) Because this course involves lots of discussion of papers and different computational models, I expect you to be an active participant, both asking and answering questions in class. As long as you show good attendance and make a reasonable effort to contribute to the class when appropriate, you will receive full participation credit. I will warn you in advance by email if I feel your behavior is deficient in either of these respects. That means that if you don’t hear from me, you can assume you are on track to receive full credit. If you continue to make an inadequate participation effort after a warning, you will receive a 0 for the participation component of your grade. 3.6 Final grade Grades will be assigned as follows. Percentage ≥ 90% 87–89% 80–86% 77–79% 70–76% 67–69% 60–66% < 60% 4 4.1 Grade A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Course policies Late assignments For the entire course, you will have two free late days that can be used for homework assignments ONLY. Homeworks will be considered one day late if they are submitted any time after the start of class on the due date up to 24 hours later. Homeworks will be considered two days late if they are submitted any time between 24 and 48 hours after the the start of class on the due date. You don’t need to notify me in advance if you plan to use one of your late days—I will keep track of your late days and notify you by email when you have no late days remaining. Any assignments submitted after your late days are exhausted will not be accepted. The purpose for this policy is to ensure that I can grade your homework and post keys in a timely fashion. 3 4.2 Academic integrity Academic misconduct will be addressed according to the policies described in the Rose-Hulman student handbook. Academic misconduct includes: (1) submitting work that is not your own; (2) copying ideas, words, or graphics from any source without appropriate citation; (3) misrepresenting your work or yourself (i.e., deliberately submitting the wrong assignment or lying to explain a late assignment); (4) collaborating with other students when this is not permitted; and (5) submitting the same work for credit in two courses without prior consent of both instructors. If you are unsure whether something qualifies as academic misconduct, please check with me before engaging in the behavior. 4 5 Course schedule The following schedule lists topics, readings, and due dates for the quarter. Pages numbers refer to the Lee & Wagenmakers book. This schedule is tentative. Schedule changes will be announced in class and will be posted online. I will give you plenty of notice when such changes are made. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Date 3/7 3/8 3/10 3/11 3/14 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/21 3/22 3/24 3/25 3/28 3/29 3/31 4/1 4/11 4/12 4/14 4/15 4/18 4/19 4/21 4/22 4/25 4/26 4/28 4/29 5/2 5/3 5/5 5/6 5/9 5/10 5/12 5/13 5/16 5/17 5/19 Topic Introduction Foundations Bayesian inference Bayesian inference Generalization WinBUGS Generalization Bayesian inference Concept learning Concept learning Concept learning Concept learning Concept learning Concept learning Sampling assumptions Sampling assumptions Sampling assumptions Sampling assumptions Sampling assumptions Sequential learning Sequential learning Sequential learning Causal learning Causal learning Inference Inference Neural networks Neural networks Neural networks Neural networks Neural networks Model selection Project time Project time Project time Project time Project time Presentations Presentations Reading Due Farrell & Lewandowsky pp. 3–7, 11–12 pp. 37–45 Tenenbaum & Griffiths pp. 16–32 Sanjana & Tenenbaum pp. 49–59 Response Nosofsky pp. 212–223 Lake et al (*) Kemp et al (*) Response HW1 Response HW2; Response Response Response HW3 Shafto et al (*) Frank & Goodman (*) Jern & Kemp Gureckis & Markant (*) Response Response Response Response Brown & Steyvers (*) Hagmayer et al Griffiths & Tenenbaum (*) pp. 7–11 HW4; Response Response HW5 Project proposal Rumelhart & McClelland (*) LeCun et al pp. 101–107, 118–124 HW6; Response Response HW7 5 Week Finals Date 5/20 5/24 Topic Conclusion Reading Due Project report 6