
IEEE Fort Worth Section
Computational Intelligence Society
Chapter Present:
Computational Intelligence in Games
Presenter: Dr. Risto Miikkulainen is a Professor of Computer Sciences at
the University of Texas at Austin. His recent research focuses on methods for
evolving neural networks and applying these methods to game playing,
robotics, and intelligent control. He is an author of over 350 articles on
neuroevolution, connectionist natural language processing, and the
computational neuroscience of the visual cortex. He is an associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games and Cognitive
Systems Research, and a member of the Board of Governors of the
International Neural Networks Society.
Abstract: Whereas early research on game playing focused on utilizing search
and logic in board games, machine-learning-based techniques have recently
become a viable alternative, particularly for video games. In many such games,
intelligent behavior can be naturally captured through interaction with the
environment, and techniques such as evolutionary computation, neural
networks, and reinforcement learning are well suited for this task. In particular,
neuroevolution, i.e. constructing neural network agents through evolutionary
methods, was recently used to construct agents that were indistinguishable
from human players in the BotPrize competition, (i.e. a Turing Test for game
bots). In this talk, I will review recent advances inneuroevolution, and
demonstrate how it can be used to constructhuman-competitive agents in
various kinds of games such as Othello, Unreal Tournament, and Ms.\ Pac-Man,
as well as construct new games in the general genre of ``machine learning
When: Wednesday July 22nd 2015 (6:15 PM to 8:30 PM)
Where: The University of Texas at Arlington
Nedderman Hall Room 105, 1st Floor,
Cooper St. at UTA Blvd, Arlington – 76010
Refreshments will be provided
RSVP Required by COB Tuesday, July 21st to: