PAC approved programmes for the year 2011-12 No. PAC Code No. Title of the programe 1. 23.01 Teacher’s Handbook in Dance for Upper Primary Stage 2. 23.02 Development of Training Teachers in Arts Education 3. 23.03 Resource Center Events on Arts and Crafts 4. 23.04 Workshops for Vetting of Hindi Translation of the Text books for Visual Arts (1) Graphic Design (1) for Class XII. 5. 23.05 Teacher’s Handbook in Music for Upper Primary Stage 6. 23.06 Training of Master Trainers in Arts Primary level of Education 7. 23.07 Training of Teachers for Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design 8. 23.08 Capacity Building of DIET Faculty and Teachers for 'Art Integrated Learning' in MCD Schools Package for Primary Education for Abstracts of Proposed Programmes for 2011-12 (i) PAC code 23.01, Programme Title: Teacher’s Handbook in Dance for Upper Primary Stage (ii)` • • • • Specific Objectives: To enable the teacher understand, appreciate and discover dance as an individual art form yet as a composite whole, emphasizing their intra-relationship within the arts and their interrelationship with other subject areas. Disciplines like Dance holistically rather than as segregated and detached from other Art forms. The country’s cultural multiplicity, giving it an inclusive, all-encompassing character. The natural intrinsic bond with subject areas such as Geography, History, Sociology, Linguistics, Economics and the Sciences. • Methodology: A handbook will be developed in the Performing Art area –Dance which will constitute of all elements of Dance and its varied types i.e., folk, regional, classical, songs and instruments of dance etc. This will be developed by the faculty with support from subject experts and practicing teachers through meetings, workshops and audio- video recordings, animation, as well as by acquiring pre-recorded material from various organizations govt. and non-govt. working in the field of documentation of dance. Elements in Dance would be identified according to the syllabus developed by NCERT and explained theoretically (written material) and practically (audio-video material) keeping in mind the wide gamut. Finally a handbook in print supported by AV CD would be published for dissemination. (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Development, (b) Category: New (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 7,30,680/- (Rupee Seven Lakh thirty Thousand six hundred eighty only) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Prof. & Head, Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor, DEAA (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i)Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/NGOs/Universities/Institutions: RIEs (Academic), (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Recommended. 1. PAC code 23.02, Programme Title: Development of Training Package for Primary Teachers in Arts Education (ii)` Specific Objectives: Specific Objectives of the programme are to: Develop a Training Package- In Arts Education for all teachers teaching classes I to V Provide clear understanding of the subject 'Art Education' and 'Art' as basis of education, through integration of arts with other subjects at primary and upper primary level Develop guidelines for Master Trainers for field testing and training on the Training Package (iii) Methodology: Try out edition of the training package is in content editing stage and shall be ready by March 2011. • Try out of the Training Package in DIETs and B. El. Ed. Colleges of Delhi. • Try out of the Training Package with in-service teachers (rural and urban primary schools) of Delhi. • Finalization of the Training Package after necessary changes on the basis of try out • Designing and printing of the package by the Publication Department of NCERT • Recording and finalization of video films of the exemplary classroom practices from the field for the package with the CIET • Dissemination of the package by; (i) Publication department and (ii) through official website of NCERT (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Development, (b) Category: On going (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 5,99,800/- (Rs. five lakh ninety nine thousand eight hundred only) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Professor & Head, (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor, Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/ NGOs/ Universities/ Institutions: CIET (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Recommended. (i) PAC code 23.03, Programme Title: Resource Center Events on Arts and Crafts (ii)` Specific Objectives: Specific objective of the programme are to: Ó develop a functional Model Resource Center (RC) for arts and crafts • provide opportunities and resources to students, teachers, teacher-educators including faculty of RIEs and NCERT to Explore, Experience and Understand Arts and Crafts and its place in Education • enhance aesthetic sensibilities of the practitioners through adequate exposure to various art forms • provide a forum in the form of Resource Center (RC) for discussions and demonstrations on popular cultural art forms • develop networking with different organizations/agencies working in the area of Arts and Crafts. • collect and display various works of arts and crafts as reference for awareness and education of various stakeholders • provide the data base for developing teaching learning materials in the area of Arts and Crafts. (iii) Methodology: An Advisory committee has been constituted for Resource Center to formulate guidelines for the organisation of Art events and activities. • Event in Arts (Visual and Performing) will be organised during the current year and will consist of a performance/s demonstration/s, lecture followed by hands on workshops. • Programme Reports and Video Documentation of the event, lectures and workshop experiences. (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Development, Training and Extension (b) Category: new (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupee Ten Lakh Only) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor, Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Professor & Head, Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: NA (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/NGOs/Universities/Institutions: CIET and NIE constituents and RIEs (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Recommended. (I) PAC code 23.04 Programme Title: Workshops for Vetting of Hindi Translation the Textbooks for Visual Arts (1) Graphic Design (1) for Class XII. of (ii) Specific Objectives: The specific objectives of these workshops will be of vetting the translated work of the textbooks and send it for publication. (iii) Methodology: The Publication Department, NCERT provides the names of the translators and will give a job order. The translators, who are at times not from the subject areas, the translated version need vetting before it can be submitted for publication. During the workshops, teachers, subject experts/ authors involved with the textbook writing and experts of Hindi language review the translation and finalize it. (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Development (b) Category: Carried over* (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 2,72,000/-(Rs. Two Lakh Seventy Two Thousand only) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor, (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Prof. & Head, Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/NGOs/ Universities/ Institutions: NA (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Approved by the Director *The programme “Workshops for Vetting of Hindi Translation of the Textbooks for Visual Arts (2), Graphic Design (1) and Heritage Crafts (1) for Higher Secondary Classes” had been approved by the 47th PAC for the year 2010-11. The major work in this regard has already been conducted during the current year. Since these are the new curricular areas, some difficulties had been faced, specially in the translated version as the term are new and there no dictionary of technical terms are available, this is a painstaking exercise for the Department. Although it had been assumed that the work will be complete by March 2011, and the efforts were done in this direction, it may not be possible to complete the task as it requires lot of review work too. Though, the extension for the same had not been asked in the DAB and AC for year 2011-12. But to ensure the quality of the textbooks, in Hindi, to be published by the Council for the benefit of the students, request to give an extension for 4 months has been made to the Director for approval and the same has been granted. PAC code 23.05, Programme Title: Teacher’s Handbook in Music for Upper Primary Stage (ii) Specific Objectives: To enable the teacher understand, appreciate and discover • Music as an individual art form yet as a composite whole, emphasizing their intra relationship within the arts and their inter-relationship with other subject areas. • Disciplines like Music holistically rather than as segregated and detached from other Art forms. • The country’s cultural multiplicity, giving it an inclusive, all-encompassing character. • The natural intrinsic bond with subject areas such as Geography, History, Sociology, Linguistics, Economics and the Sciences. (iii) Methodology: A handbook will be developed in the Performing Art area –Music which will constitute of all elements of Music i.e. vocal., instrumental, folk, regional, classical. This will be developed by the faculty with support from subject experts and practicing teachers through meetings, workshops and audio- video recordings,, animation as well as by acquiring prerecorded material from various organizations working in the documentation of Music. Concepts would be identified and explained theoretically (written material) and practically (audio-video material) keeping in mind the wide gamut. Finally a handbook in print supported by AV CD would be published for dissemination. (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Development (b) Category: New (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 4,33,680/- (Rupee Four Lakh Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Only) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Professor & Head, Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor, (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/NGOs/Universities/Institutions: NA (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Recommended. (i) PAC code 23.06, Programme Title: Training of Master Trainers in Arts Education for Primary level of Education (ii)` Specific Objectives: Specific Objectives of the programme are to: 1.Identification of Master Trainers State wise 2.Capacity building of the States by training Master Trainers on training package for primary teachers in Arts Education 3.Provide clear understanding to the Master Trainers, on 'Art Education' as subject and 'Art' as basis of education, through integration of arts with other subjects 4.Documentation of the training process (iii) Methodology: Identification of Master trainers from every State and Region with the help of SCERTs and DIETs • Orientation of Key Resource person on Training package, in workshop mode • In house preparation for the programmes • 5 day Face to face training of master trainers, region wise in collaboration with RIEs and SCERTs • Administering Pre-test and post-test on participants to study the effectiveness of training imparted • Organising training materials/package to be given to all the Master trainers • Documentation of the process (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Training (b) Category: New (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 10,17,260/- (Rs. Ten Lakh Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred Sixty only) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Prof. & Head, g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor, Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/NGOs/ Universities/ Institutions: NA (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Recommended. (i) PAC code 23.07 Programme Title: Training of Teachers for Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design (ii)` Specific Objectives: The specific objective to conduct the training programmes is to provide training to teachers for the newly introduced courses of Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design in schools so that they would be able to conduct them with ease. (iii) Methodology: Two training programmes of one week tenure will be organized separately for the teachers of Graphic Design and Heritage Crafts. Teachers from the CBSE schools who have been offering these courses as well as those who intend to opt for these courses will be participating in training programmes where they will be introduced with the different components of the syllabi, textbooks, teaching methodologies, preparation and conduction of field work and documentation, making exercises/ questions, assessment and evaluation etc. During the workshop they will get an opportunity to work with the craftspersons also during their visit to various institutions conducting crafts activities. (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Training (b) Category: Carried over (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 1,81,200/- (Rupee One Lakh Eighty One Thousand Two Hundred Only ) (d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: All regions (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor, (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Prof. & Head, Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Asstt. Prof (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions, e.g. SCERTs/NGOs/ Universities/ Institutions: NA (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Recommended. (i) PAC code 23.08, Programme Title: Capacity Building of DIET Faculty and Teachers for 'Art Integrated Learning' in MCD Schools (ii) Specific Objectives of the programme are: • Capacity building of DIET Faculty on Art Integrated Learning (AIL) in classes I-V • Capacity building of MCD Teachers on AIL in classroom situation • Developing guidelines for Teachers for effective implementation of AIL in classroom situation • Documentation of the process of AIL in the schools under project. • Academic support to DIET RN for the pilot project AIL in MCD Schools (iii) Methodology: Constitution of the Core Team of educational administrators, experts, practitioners, community (all stakeholders). Meetings with the core team. Workshops with Mentors ( Principals of these schools). Five day training of Master Trainers on DEAA Training Package. Five day training of 40 Teachers identified for the purpose on DEAA Training Package. Workshop to develop guidelines for Teachers for effective implementation of AIL in classroom situation. Visit to each of these schools by the coordinator/s for school based focus group discussion and documentation of classroom activities. Compilation of the Process Document. Seminar to present the results/findings of the project. Dissemination of the report with the help of ; (i) Publication department for print copy and (ii) DCETA, through official website of NCERT. (iv) Other details: (a) Type: Development and Training (b) Category: New (c) Budget proposed: Rs. 5,44,100/- (Five Lakh forty four thousand, and one hundred only) d) Special Group: All (e) State/Region/Agency: Delhi (f) Coordinator (s): Dr. Pawan Sudhir, Professor and Head (g) Name of the faculty members involved from within the Department: Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Associate Professor and Dr. Sarvari Banerjee, Assistant Professor (h) Other Departments /Institutes/involved: NA, (i) Other collaborating Institutions: DIET Rajinder Nagar, and MCD (j) Recommendation of MC/IAB/AC: Approved Annexure III List of programmes conducted during 2010-11 *A= completed; B = on going; C= carried over; D = dropped ** (A-I means Programmes completed & Report prepared; A-2 means Programmes completed but report under preparation) S. PAC No. Code Title of the programme 1. 23.01 2. 23.02 3. 23.03 An Analysis of Video Clippings of Some Dance Forms - To Explore Integration of Different Art Forms. Development of Training Package for Primary and Upper Primary Teachers on Arts Education Resource Center Events on Arts and Crafts 4. 23.04 5. 23.05 6. 23.06 7. 23.07 8. 23.08 Workshops for Vetting of Hindi Translation of the Textbooks for Visual Arts (2), Graphic Design (1) and Heritage Crafts (1) for Higher Secondary Classes Training of Teachers for Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design Sensitization Programmes for Principals and School Administrators on Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design courses for Senior Secondary classes Study to document A Country Report on Arts Education in India, (2006-2010) Development of Teachers’ Manual and CD as Supporting Material for Teaching Theatre in Upper Primary and Secondary Classes Total Status Code (A.B.C.D)* D Status Code Budget proposed (A-1; A2)** Budget Utilized B Rs. 6,61,800/- Rs. 3,42,811/- B Rs. 12,13,500/- C Rs. 3,32,400/- Rs. 3,15,308/(approx) Rs. 2,58,380/- C Rs. . 2,06,060/- …………….. A Rs. 2,94,000/- Rs. 2,39,952/- A Rs. Rs. B Rs. 2,73,230/- 4,08,210/- 28,784/- Rs. 19,628/- Rs.12,04,863/- Total amount utilized as on January 31, 2011 = Rs. 12,04,863/- approximately (Rupee twelve lakh four thousand eight hundred sixty three only). Annexure IV List of programmes conducted during 2009-10 *A= completed; B = on going; C= carried over; D = dropped ** (A-I means Programmes completed & Report prepared; A-2 means Programmes completed S. No. PAC Code Title of the programme Status Code (A.B.C.D)* Status Code (A-1,A-2)* Budget proposed Budget Utilized 1. 23.01 Development of the Textbooks (2) of Theory of Visual Arts for Class XI & XII ‘An Outline History of Indian Art B A-2 Rs. 3,80,000/- Rs.1,11,270/- 2. 23.02 Development of Textbooks for curricular area Graphic Design for Senior Secondary B A-2 Rs. 4,70,000/- Rs.1,63,198/- 3. 23.03 Development of text book for Indian Crafts for class XII B A-2 Rs. 3,10,000/- Rs.1,40,208/- 4. 23.04 Preparation of Supplementary Material in Print and Audio-Visual on Musical Instruments of India B A-2 Rs. 1,31,080/- Rs. 39,300/- 5. 23.05 Development of Teachers’ manual for Teaching Theatre in Upper Primary and Secondary Classes C A-2 Rs 2,30,000/- Rs.................. 6. Mid term DAB Rs.17,109/- 7. DAB Misc. Expenditure Total Rs.15,804/- Rs.4,86,889/- Action Taken Report on 47th PAC held on March 29-30, 2010 Progr. No. 23.01 As suggested by the committee, the programme ‘An Analysis of Video Clippings of Some Dance Forms - To Explore Integration of Different Art Forms’ was deferred. Instead, programme ‘Development of Teachers’ manual for Teaching Theatre in Upper Primary and Secondary Classes’ had been carried over on priority. Progr. No. 23.02 Action taken on change of the title of programme ‘Development of Training Package for Primary and Upper Primary Teachers on Arts Education’ Progr. No. 23.07 The programme ‘Study to document A Country Report on Arts Education in India, (2006-2010)’ is completed and reported accordingly. Minutes of Departmental Advisory Board (DAB) held on January 05, 2011, Department of Education in Arts and Aesthetics (DEAA) Meeting of the Departmental Advisory Board (DAB) was held on January 5th, 2011 in room no 201 ,2nd floor, DEAA, G. B. Pant Block, NIE, New Delhi, to discuss progress of the programmes undertaken by the department for the year 2010-2011 and the programmes proposed for the year 2011-2012. The following members and other nominees attended the meeting: • Prof. Pawan Sudhir Chairperson • Prof. G.Ravindra Dean (Research) & JD, NCERT • Prof. A.K.Srivastava Head, PPMED • Dr. Snehlata Prasad Nominee, Head, DOL • Dr. Mona Yadav Nominee, Head, DWS • Dr. Romila Soni Nominee, Head, DEE • Dr. Jaya Singh Nominee, Head, DESSH • Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari Member, DAB, DEAA • Dr. Sarvari Banerjee Assistant Professor, DEAA No external member could attend the DAB meeting. Prof. Pawan Sudhir, Head, DEAA and Chairperson of DAB welcomed all the members and apprised them about the progress of the PAC programmes of the year 20102011 and an overview of the activities of the Department. She also presented the briefs for the year 2011-2012 and the nature of programmes. The Joint Director (Council) Prof. G. Ravindra commented on the programmes and suggested that the teachers of various areas of arts education from different DM schools at RIEs should be involved in the activities of Resource Centre in Arts and Crafts and given the responsibility to develop network in their respective regions. Prof. A. K. Srivastava, Head, PPMED briefed the faculty members on the Result Framework Document (RFD) format and its salient features. He also suggested to improve the objectives of some programmes. All the programmes proposed for the year were approved with suggestions for minor modifications in a few programmes. The same are modified and included for the C: 23.01 Teacher’s Handbook in Dance for Upper Primary Stage Status- New Recommendation - Approved 23.02 Development of Training Package for Primary Teachers in Arts Education Status- On-going Recommendation - Approved 23.03 Resource Center Events on Arts and Crafts Status- On-going Recommendation - Approved 23.04 23.05 23.06 Teacher’s Handbook in Music for Upper Primary Stage Status- New Recommendation - Approved Training of Master Trainers on Training Package for Primary Status- New Recommendation - Approved Teachers in Arts Education Teacher Training for the recently introduced courses of Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design Status- Carried over Recommendation - Approved The Head, DEAA informed the members that faculty members are also involved in collaborative programmes of other Departments which are as follows: Developing a scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation – a study to be conducting by DEME. Development of a Source Book on Assessment for Secondary Stage by DSE. Development of a source book on Assessment for upper primary stage by DEE The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the Chair and other members. Result Framework Document (RFD) for DEAA 2011-2012 Inter Se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets Objectives • Research: Promote and conduct educational research, experimentation of innovative ideas and practices. • Development: National curriculum framework, syllabi, and textbooks; teachinglearning materials and kits; training models and strategies; audio, video, and ICT materials. • Training: Preservice and inservice teacher education; Weight age (100) 12 15 12 12 Action Teacher’s Handbook in Dance for Upper Primary Stage Developmen t of Training Package for Primary teachers in Arts Education Resource Center Events on Arts and Crafts Teacher’s Handbook Success Indicator Unit Weight age Target/Criteria Value Excellent 100% June 30 , 2011 March,31 2012 Dec 31, 2011 March 31, 2012 Very Good 90% July15, 2011 April 15, 2012 Jan 15, 2012 April 15,2012 Good 80% July30, 2011 April 30, 2012 Feb 28, 2012 April 30,2012 Fair 70% Aug 15, 2011 May 15, 2012 March 15,2012 May 15, 2012 Poor 60% Aug30,20 11 May 30, 2012 March 31, 2012 May 30, 2012 June 30, 2011 Aug 31, 2011 July 15, 2011 Sep 15, 2011 July 31, 2011 Sep 30, 2011 August 15, 2011 Oct 15, 2011 Aug 30, 2011 Oct 31, 2011 Planning group meeting Date 2 Development of handbook Writing and, Reviewing draft. Documentation of class- room practices in Dance Selection analysis, animation and further development of dance video Date 4 Date 2 Date 4 Field testing Date 6 Review & finalization of training package Date 5 Finalization of Video Production for package with CIET Date 2 Aug 31, 2011 Sep 15, 2011 Sep 30, 2011 Oct 15, 2011 Oct 31, 2011 Formatting/Designing and printing of the package (Eng.) Meeting of an advisory committee for one day Preparation and organization of hands on workshop for five days in visual and performing arts with Inaugural and closing Event to Celebrate Arts Audio-Video Documentation of the events, lectures and workshops Planning group meeting Date 2 Date 2 Date 8 March 31, 2012 31 March 2012 Feb 29, 2012 April 30, 2012 30 Apr 2012 March 10, 2012 May 15, 2012 Sep 30, 2011 March 15, 2012 May 31, 2012 Oct 15, 2011 March 20, 2012 June 30, 2012 Oct 31, 2011 March 31, 2012 Date 2 Date 2 March , 31 2012 May 30, 2011 Apr, 15, 2012 June 15, 2011 Apr, 30 2012 June 30,2011 May 15 2012 July 15,2011 May 31 2012 July 30,2011 training of national and state level functionaries. • Extension: Collaboration with state, national and international organizations. in Music for Upper Primary Stage 15 8 Training of Master Trainers on training package for primary teachers on Arts Education Teacher Training for the recently introduced courses of Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design Development of Music handbook(Writing, Reviewing, Editing and finalization) Documentation of class- room practices in Music Selection, analysis, animation and further development of Music video Identification of the Master Trainers region wise (South and North East Region Orientation workshop for Key Resource persons, for training Master Trainers 2 Training Workshop for Master Trainers, of 5 days each, for South and North East Regions Date 2 Date 4 Date 2 Date 2 Date 2 Date 8 Documentation of the training process of Date both the programmes Programme Report Date 2 Identifying the Resource Persons and coDate ordinating with out side agencies to conduct the training programme, 2 Conducting of taining programme in Heritage Crafts 2 Teachers 1 Date Identifying the Resource Persons and co-ordinating with out side agencies to conduct the training programme Conducting of training programme in Graphic Design Date 2 Teachers 2 Date March 31, 2011 March 31, 2012 March 31, 2012 July 30, 2011 Oct. 31, 2011 Feb 20, 2012 Both Prog. June 15, 2011 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 Aug 15, 2011 Nov. 15, 2011 Feb 29 2012 One Prog. June 30, 2011 April 30, 2012 April 30, 2012 Aug 31, 2011 Nov. 30, 2011 Marhc 15, Both Prog. July 30, 2011 May 30, 2012 Feb 28, 2012 Sep 30 ,2011 Dec. 31, 2011 March 31, One Prog. April 30, 2012 April 30, 2012 20 October, 2011 July 15, 2011 Feb 15, 2012 May 15, 2012 Sep 15, 2011 Dec. 15, 2011 March 15, 2012 One Prog. May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012 30 October, 2011 March 31, 2012 March 31, 2012 Sept 30, 2011 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 October 2011 30 Teachers 25 Teachers 20Teache rs 15 Teachers 10 Teachers 31 Oct, 2011 September 30, 2011 10 Nov, 2011 10 Oct, 2011 20 Nov, 2011 20 Oct, 2011 25 Nov, 2011 30 Oct, 2011 30 Nov, 2011 10 Nov, 2011 30 Teachers 30 Nov, 2011 25 Teachers 10 Dec, 2011 20Teache rs 20 Dec, 2011 15 Teachers 25 Dec, 2011 10 Teachers 30 Dec, 2011 May 31, 2012 May 31, 2012 10 Novemb er, 2011 6 Workshops Workshops (2) for Vetting of Hindi Translation of the Textbooks for Visual Arts Class XII (1), Graphic Design Class XII (1) Date 3+3 31 July, 2011 15 August, 2011 30 August, 2011 10 Septemb er, 2011 15 Septemb er, 2011 Capacity 5 day training for Master Trainers and Building Teachers of DIET Faculty and Teachers 3 day workshop to develop Guidelines for for 'Art Teachers on 'Implementation of Art Integrated Integrated Learning', Learning' Visits to schools for school based focus in MCD discussion and process documentation Schools 12% Weight age is given to three different projects of the Council as follows: 4% - Research Project on Scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation by DEME 4% Development of Source Book on Assessment at Secondary Stage, DSE 4% Development of Source Book on Assessment at Upper Primary Stage, by DEE • Research =09% • Development =48% • Training & Extension = 43% Date 3 31 July, 2011 15 August, 2011 10 Sept. 2011 15 Sept. 2011 No of trainees Date 2 45 40 30, August, 2011 35 30 25 2 31 August, 2011 15 Sept. 2011 30 Sept. 2011 15 Oct., 2011 10/30/11 Date 3 03/31/12 15 April, 2012 30 April, 2012 15 May, 2012 31 May, 2011 8