S.No…………… Cost of Tender Document Rs.1,000/- F. No.3-43/2012-13/S&S NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (S&S Section) Tender Document for supply and installation of EPABX System of 300 lines extendable to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT Last Date & Time for submission of Bids 08.07.2013 at 3.00 PM Venue : S&S Section, Central Stores of NCERT, Workshop Building, National Council of Educational Research and Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 1 CONTENTS OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS S.No. Chapter – I Chapter – II Chapter- III Chapter- IV Chapter-V Chapter – VI Chapter- VII Chapter- VIII Chapter- IX Chapter- X Chapter-XI Chapter-XII Annexure ‘A’ Annexure ‘B’ Annexure ‘C’ Description of Items Invitation for bids Instructions to Bidders Bidding data sheet Qualification criteria of bidder/tenderer Schedule of requirement and specification Bids submission forms Condition of contract (A) Contract form (B) Acceptance test procedure Manufacturer authorization form Notification for award of contract Technical Bid Performa EMD Performa Black List Proforma Financial Bid Technical Specification of EPABX System Page Numbers 04 07 18 19 21 22 24 34 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 06 17 20 23 33 35 41 62 2 No. 3-43/2012-13/S&SI NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING New Delhi -110016. NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders under two bid system i.e Technical and Commercial Bids are invited from leading/reputed Original Equipments Manufacturers (OEM) or their authorized dealers only in separate sealed envelopes for the supply and installation of EPABX System of 300 lines extendable to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT. The Tender Document may be downloaded from the NCERT website: www.ncert.nic.in. The completed Tender documents with a Crossed Demand Draft of Rs.1,000/- in favor of Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi. (J.P.Bhulania) Sr. Stores Officer 3 CHAPTER-I TENDER DOCUMENT Subject: Supply and installation of EPABX System of 300 lines extendable to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT. The NCERT invites sealed tenders from leading/reputed Original Equipments Manufacturer (OEM) /or theirs Authorised Dealers only for the supply and installation of EPABX System of 300 lines extendable to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT. The annual turnover of the firm should be at least Rs.5.00 crores in each of the last three years 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12. The firm must have ISO or equivalent certification for communication items. The tender form containing the details of terms and conditions duly filled in along with the demand draft for Earnest money in favor of Secretary, NCERT should reach the Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Central Store, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 110016 latest by 3 p.m. on 08.07.2013 and shall be opened on same day at 3.30 p.m. One representative of the firm may be present at the time of opening of the Technical Bid. All interested and eligible bidders are requested to submit their bids duly filled in as per the criteria given in this document: 1. Technical Bid and EMD should be sealed in a separate envelope subscribing “Technical Bid for Tender No: F.3-43/2012-13/S&S 2. Commercial Bid should be sealed in a separate envelope subscribing “Commercial Bid for Tender No: F.3-43/2012-13/S&S 3. Demand Draft for Earnest money in favor of Secretary, NCERT must be put in separate cover with the Technical Bid and terms and conditions Both Technical and Commercial Bid envelopes should be enclosed and sealed in a separate envelope subscribing the “Tender for the supply and installation of EPABX System of 300 lines extendable to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT. The sealed envelope should be addressed to: Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Central Store, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 110016 Last Date of Submission: 08.07.2013 up to 3:00 p.m. The completed Tender documents are to be submitted with Tender Fee Amount of Rs.1,000/- in cash or DD in favour of Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi. Tender fee/ Demand draft must be kept in the Technical Bid. As such the Technical Bid envelope must have (i) duly filled in Technical Bid (ii) Demand Draft for EMD in separate cover and (iii) Demand draft for Tender Fee. 4 INVITATION FOR BIDS (Bid File No. 3-43/2012-13/S&S) Introduction Date…………….. 1.1. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi invites sealed bids from Leading/reputed original equipment manufacturers (OEM) or their authorized dealers only for the supply/installation of EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT as per specifications mentioned in Annexure C. Table 1 S. No . 1. Description of Items with specifications One complete set EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines (One ISDN PRI Line & 300 extensions) for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT (Detailed specifications of the EPABX System is enclosed at Annexure C Quantity Amount of Earnest Money in One set Rs.50,000/along with complete accessories 1.2. The last date for receipt of Bids is 08.07.2013 at 3.00 PM. Technical bid will opened on same day at 3.30 pm. 1.3. The Bidding system will comprise a two envelop system, namely (i) Inner envelop and (ii) Outer envelop. The Inner envelope will comprise two envelopes containing the Technical Bid and Financial Bids. The Technical Bid shall be placed in a sealed envelop super-scribed “Technical Bid”. The Financial Bid shall be placed in another sealed envelop super-scribed “Financial Bid”. Both envelopes containing the Technical Bid and the Financial Bid shall be placed in one Outer envelope, superscribed “Bid for the supply/installation of EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT”. 1.4. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be obtained by eligible Bidders from the Senior Stores Officer, S&S Section Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi at the address given above from 10.00 hours to 13.00 hours and 14.00 hours to 16.30 hours of all working days from the date of publication till a day prior to the last date of receipt of the Bid indicated above on submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs.1,000/- (five hundred only) in cash or in the form of demand draft in favour of Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi. All the Bids must be accompanied by Earnest Money for the amount specified in the form of Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque and must be enclosed in the envelop containing the Technical Bid. DD/BC shall be drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT and payable at New Delhi. 1.5. Technical Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidder’s/ or their representatives who choose to attend the bid opening at the date, time and address specified below. 5 Date Time Place 1.6 08.07.2013 3.30 P.M. S&S Section, Central Store, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg,New Delhi-110016. If the Bidding Document is delivered by hand, it will be the responsibility of the Bidders to ensure that the completed Bidding Document is dropped in the sealed tender box available with the Sr. Stores Officer, Central Store of S&S, Workshop Building, NCERT, New Delhi. Any delay in receipt of Bid would be considered late submission of Bid and rejected. Mere handing over of the Bidding Documents at the Reception Counter or at any other counter or room or person shall not be considered submission of the Bid. 1.7. Bid Documents can also be downloaded from the NCERT Website www.ncert.nic.in Senior Stores Officer S&S Section, NCERT 6 CHAPTER- II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A- INTRODUCTION 01. Scope of Bid National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT), Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016, hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser, issues this Bidding Documents for the supply/installation of EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT as Specified in chapter- V, Schedule of Requirements and Specifications. 02. Budget Provision The Purchaser has the budget provision for purchase of the intended goods for which the Bid Invitation is issued. 03. Eligible Bidders This invitation of Bids is open to all the leading/reputed original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or their authorized dealers only for the supply/installation of EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT as per Qualification Criteria given in Chapter-IV. The authorized Dealer should enclose a letter of authority in prescribed format from the concerned manufacturer to submit his/her tender on behalf of the said manufacturers accompanied with an undertaking by the manufacturer that they shall supply the item in question in time if any order is placed with them. In the event that such a document is not produced the tender shall be rejected. The bidder should furnish the required information in Chapter- IV, the Qualification Criteria. 04. Eligible Goods and Services All goods and ancillary service to be supplied under the contract shall authorizing available in India and all expenditure made under the contract will be limited to such goods and services. 05. Cost of Bidding Documents The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his/her bid, and the purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 7 B. BIDDING DOCUMENTS 06. Chapter of the Bidding Documents The Bidding Documents consist of Parts 1 & 2, which include all the Chapters indicated below, and should be read in conjunction with any addendum issued in accordance with Clause 6. Part 1: Bidding Procedures Chapter -I Invitation for Bids Chapter -II Instructions to Bidders Chapter- III Bidding Data Sheet Chapter -IV. Qualification Criteria Chapter- V Schedule of Requirements and Specifications Chapter- IX. Manufacturer Authorisatiion Certificate Part 2: Contract Chapter- VI Bid Submission Form and Price Schedule Chapter- VII Conditions of Contract Chapter- VIII Contract Forms The Purchaser is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding Documents and their addendum, if they were not supplied by the Purchaser. The Bidder is excepted to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish all information or Documentation required by the Bidding Documents may result in the rejection of the Bid. 07. Amendment of Bidding Document 7. 1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Purchaser may amend the Bidding Document by issuing an addendum. 7. 2 The amendment will be notified in writing or by fax to all prospective Bidders who have directly purchased the bidding document, and will also be displayed on the Website of Purchaser. The amendment will be binding on all Bidders. In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their Bid, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids. 8 C- PREPARATION OF BIDS 8- Language of Bid The Bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in English or Hindi Language, provided that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be another Language so long as it is accompanied by an accurate translation in English/Hindi of its pertinent passages. 9-Document Comprising the Bid The Bid submitted by the Bidder shall be in two separate parts Part I : This shall be named Technical Bid (as per proforma enclosed)and shall consist of : (i) In the case of Bidding Document down loaded from the Website, a demand draft in favour of the Secretary, NCERT payable at New Delhi for Rs.1,000/- as the cost of Bidding Document. This shall be placed in a separate cover and marked “Cost of Bidding Document down loaded from the internet”. (ii) Earnest Money in a separate cover marked ‘Earnest Money’; (iv) Documentary evidence established in accordance with Clause 14 that the Equipment to be supplied by the Bidder conform to the Bidding Document. Written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to bind the bidder to the contract. Undertaking that the Bid shall remain valid for the period specified. An affidavit affirming that information he/she has furnished in the Bidding Document is correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. A certificate of the quantity of EPABX system with accessories that the Bidder will supply which must be equal to or more than the minimum prescribed quantity in table I of Chapter I. Manufacturers authorization certificates as per Chapter IX. Such other information as may be specified in the Bidding Data Sheet. Part II: This shall be named Financial Bid and shall consist of : (i) Price Bid of quantities for items specified in Schedule of Requirement and Specifications in Chapter V. (ii) The following documents, not submitted with the Bid, shall be deemed to be part of the Bid. 9 Chapter Chapter- I Chapter- II Chapter- III Chapter-IV Chapter- V Chapter- VII Chapter- VIII Particulars Invitation for Bids Instructions to Bidders Bidding Data Sheet Qualification Criteria Schedule of Requirement and specification Condition of Contract Contract Form 10. Bid Submission Form The Bidder shall complete and submit the Bid Submission Form. This form must be completed without any alterations to its format, and no substitutes will be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested. 11- Bid Prices The Bidder shall indicate on the Bid Submission Form and Price Schedule the Unit Price and Total Bid Price of the goods he/she proposed to supply under the contract. Prices quoted by the Bidder shall remain fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and not be subject to variation on any account. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected. Bid Price will not be adjusted for any unconditional or conditional discount offered by the Bidder. Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall be entered separately taking into account the Basic Rate, Excise Duty, Cess, CST/VAT, freight, including loading and unloading cost and any other charges (e.g., Insurance) and the Total unit Price 12- Bid Currencies The Bidder shall quote in Indian Rupees only. 13- Document Establishing Bidders Eligibility and Qualifications 13.1 The Bidder shall complete the Bid Submission Form, included in Chapter- VI. 13.2 The Bidder shall provide documentary evidence of his/her eligibility and qualifications to perform the contract (to the Purchaser’s satisfaction) if his/her Bid is accepted, as per the Qualification Criteria specified in Chapter- IV. 14 Documents Establishing Goods’ Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents To establish conformity of the Equipment to the Bidding Documents, the Bidder shall furnish as part of his Technical Bid as documentary evidence that the 10 equipment conforms to the technical specifications and standards including Compliance Statement, of specification listed in Chapter-V Schedule of Requirements & Specification. The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, drawings or data, and shall consist of a detailed item by item description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Equipment and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the Equipment and Related Services to the technical specification, and if applicable, a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Schedule of requirements. The Bidder shall also furnish a list giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the Equipment during the period specified in the Biding Data Sheet (BDS) following commencement of the use of the Equipment by the Purchaser. Standards for workmanship, process, material, and equipment, as well as references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of requirements, are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of quality, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers, provided that it demonstrates, to the Purchaser’s satisfaction, that the substitutions ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified in the Schedule of Requirements. 15. Earnest Money (As per chapter XII) 15. 1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, Earnest Money in the amount specified in the Bidding Data Sheet. 15. 2 The Earnest Money is required to protect the Purchaser against the risk of Bidder’s conduct which would warrant forfeiture of Earnest Money, .The Earnest Money shall be in one of the following form: Demand Draft in favour of the Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi. issued by any Scheduled Bank valid for a period of 60 days beyond the Bid Validity Period. No interest will be payable by NCERT on EMD. Any bid from a Bidder not accompanied with EMD will be summarily rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive. The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidders will be discharged/returned as promptly as possible after the expiration of the period of Bid Validity prescribed by the Purchaser, pursuant to period of validity of Bids but not later than 30 days of the award of contract to the successful Bidder. The successful Bidder’s Earnest Money will be discharged upon the Bidder signing the contract, pursuant to Clause 30 (Signing of Contract) and furnishing the Performance Security, pursuant to Clause 31 (Performance Security). Earnest Money shall be forfeited: (a) If a Bidder withdraws his/her Bid or does not accept the correction of errors during the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form; or (b) In case of the successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails, to sign the contract or to furnish Performance Security. 11 16. Period of Validity of Bid Bids shall remain valid for 120 days as specified in the Bidding Data Sheet after the date of Bid opening prescribed by the Purchaser. Any Bid valid for a shorter period than the period specified shall be rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive. In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of Bid validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by fax. The Earnest Money provided shall also be suitably extended in such case. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its Earnest Money. A Bidder accepting the request for extension of Bid validity will not be required nor permitted to modify his/her Bid. 17. Formats and Signing of Bids The Bidder shall submit one copy of the Bid. 17.1. The bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the bidder or a person or person duly authorized to bind the bidder to the contract. The letter of authorization shall be indicated by the return power of attorney accompanying the Bid. All pages of the Bid, except for unamended printed literature shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 17.2 The Bid shall not contain any interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the persons or persons signing the Bid. D. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 18. Sealing and Marking of Bids. 18.1 The Bidder shall place the two separate envelopes (called inner envelopes) Marked “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid” in one outer envelope. The inner envelopes will have markings as follows: Technical Bid (As per Chapter XI): To be opened on 08.07.2013 at 3.30 P.M. as specified in the Bidding Data Sheet. Financial Bid: As per Annexure ‘B’ 18.2 The inner and outer envelopes containing the Technical and Financial Bids shall be: Addressed to the Purchaser at the address specified in the Bidding Data Sheet. Financial Bid’s envelope shall have the marking “Do not open Financial Bid till finalization of evaluation of Technical Bid”. 18. 3 The inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared "late". If the outer 12 envelope is not sealed and marked, the Purchaser will assume no responsibility for the Bid's misplacement or premature opening. 19. Deadline for Submission of Bids Bid must be received by the Purchaser at the address specified and not later than the time and date specified in the Bidding Data Sheet. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bid being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the Bid will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of Bid by amending the Bidding Documents in accordance with Clause 07, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended . It shall be the responsibility of the Bidders to ensure that the completed Bidding Document is dropped in the sealed tender box available with the Senior Stores Officer, Central Stores of S&S Section, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, if the Bid is to be delivered by hand. 20. Late Bid Any Bid received by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of Bid prescribed by the Purchaser, pursuant to Clause 19, will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Bidder E. OPENING AND EVALUATION OF BID 21. Opening of Bids by the Purchaser The Purchaser will open the Bids received (except those received late) in the presence of the Bidders/Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the time, date and place specified in the Bidding Data Sheet. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the Bids will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day. The envelope containing the Technical Bid shall be opened. The inner envelope marked “Cost of Bidding Document downloaded from the Internet” will be opened first, and if the Demand Draft for the cost of the Bidding Documents is not there, or incomplete, the remaining Bid Documents will not be opened, and Bid will be rejected. In all cases, the amount of Earnest Money and validity shall be announced. Thereafter, the Bidders’ names and such other details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate, will be announced by the Purchaser. The Purchaser will prepare minutes of the Bid Opening, including the Information disclosed to those present in the meeting. 13 The evaluation of Technical Bids will be commenced within two three days after the opening of the Technical Bids. Evaluation will be made with respect to Earnest Money. The Financial Bid of only those Bidders who qualify in the evaluation of the Technical Bid will be considered. The Purchaser shall inform the Bidders, whose Technical Bid are found responsive, of the date, time and place of opening of the Financial Bid. The Bidders so informed, or their representative(s), may attend the meeting of opening of Financial Bid. At the time of the opening of the ‘Financial Bid’, the names of the Bidders whose Technical Bids were found responsive will be announced. The Financial Bid of only these Bidders will be opened. The remaining Bids will be returned unopened to the Bidders. The Bidder’s names, the Bid prices, the total amount of each Bid, and such other details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate will be announced by the Purchaser at the time of Financial Bid opening. Any Bid Price which is not read out and recorded will not be taken into account in Bid Evaluation. The Purchaser shall prepare the minutes of the opening of the Financial Bid. 22. Clarification of Bids and Contacting the Purchaser To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of his/her Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered by the Purchaser in the Evaluation of the Bids. No Bidder shall contact the Purchaser on any matter relating to his/her Bid from the time of the Bid opening to the time of notification of Award. Any attempt by the Bidder to influence the Purchaser’s Bid Evaluation, Bid Comparison or the decision of placing the purchase order, may result in the rejection of his Bid. 23. Responsiveness of Bids During the detailed evaluation of “Technical Bids”, the Purchaser shall determine whether each Bid (a) meets the eligibility criteria defined in Clauses 3; (b) has been properly signed; (c) is accompanied by the required Earnest Money, (d) meets the Required quantity of Bid, specified in Chapter-V Schedule of Requirement and Specification, and (e) is substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding Documents. During the detailed evaluation of the “Financial Bids”, the responsiveness of the Bids will be further determined with respect to the remaining Bidding conditions, i.e., Schedule of Requirement and Specifications, Chapter -V. Bids from agents, without proper authorization from the manufacturer as per Chapter IX, and principal’s original proforma invoice with the break-up of Price shall be treated as non-responsive and rejected. 14 A substantially responsive “Financial Bid” is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the Bidding Documents, without material deviation or reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality or performance of the Equipment/System; (b) which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Documents, the Purchaser’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under the Contract; or (c) whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive Bids. If a “Financial Bid” is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser, and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the nonconforming deviation or reservation. Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may waive any non-conformities or omissions in the Bid that do not constitute a material deviation. Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Bid related to documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related to any aspect of the price of Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid. The Purchaser’s determination as to the substantial responsiveness or otherwise of each Bid or consideration of a minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity is final and conclusive. 24. Correction of Errors 24.1. Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Purchaser for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Purchaser as follow Where is a discrepancy between the rates in figures and in words, the rate in words will govern; and Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total cost resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. 24.2. The amount stated in the Bid will be corrected by the Purchaser in accordance with the above procedure for removal of errors and shall be considered as binding upon the Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected amount, the Bid will be rejected, and the Earnest Money shall be forfeited. 25. Preferences The Purchaser will allow the Purchase Preference to Public Sector Undertakings, in accordance with the Government of India directions in force. Incase of Purchase Preference is granted to a PSU in accordance with Govt.of India orders, the lowest substantive responsive Bidder may be awarded the contract up to 20 (Twenty) percent quantity of the total Bid. 15 F. Award of Contract 26. Award Criteria Subject to Clause 31, the Purchaser will be placing Contract to the successful Bidder whose Bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest evaluated Bid and or to the PSU whose rates fall under Purchase Preference rules of the Govt. of India. 27. Purchaser's Right to Vary Quantities At the time of Award of Contract the Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of goods by up to 25 (twenty five) percent from quantity originally specified in the Schedule of Requirements and Specification Chapter V in respect of the additional quantity as per tender document. 28. Purchaser's right to accept any Bid and to Reject any or all Bids The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to Award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Purchaser’s action. 29. Notification of Award 29. 1 Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid Validity, the Purchaser will notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered letter AD or fax (fax to be confirmed in writing by registered letter A.D.), that his/her Bid has been accepted. 29. 2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract. 29. 3 Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of Performance Security pursuant to Clause 31, the Purchaser will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge his/her Earnest Money, pursuant to Clause 15. 30. Signing of contract 30. 1 At the same time as the Purchaser notifies the successful Bidder that his/her Bid has been accepted, the Purchaser will send the Bidder the Contract Form provided in Chapter VIII of the Bidding Documents incorporating all agreement between the parties. 30. 2 Within seven (7) days of receipt of the Contract Form the successful Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser. 16 31. Performance Security 31. 1 In case of tenderer whose tenders are not considered for placing order, the earnest money deposit shall be refunded without any interest within one month of the decision. In the case of tenderers whose tender are accepted for placing the order, tenderers shall give Security Deposit equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the value of the PURCHASE ORDER in the shape of DD/BC drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT from Nationalized/Commercial Bank and payable at New Delhi. Further, such performance security should remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations including warranty/guarantee obligations under the purchase order and no interest shall be paid. Also, performance security will liable to be forfeited in the event of non-fulfillment of the purchase order/contract of the successful bidder. On performance and completion of all the obligations under the purchase order in all respects, the Performance Guarantee Bond will be returned to the vendor without any interest. 31. 2 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement of Clause 30 or Clause 31 shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Earnest Money, in which event the Purchaser may make the award to the next lowest Evaluated Bidder or call for new Bids. 32. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices The Purchaser requires the Bidders to strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India, namely, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. 17 Chapter-III BIDDING DATA SHEET (BDS) The following specific data for the Equipment/Items to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in Chapter II, entitled Instructions to Bidders. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the Instruction to Bidders. Clause No. Items The Purchaser address is: Secretary NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 1100016. Telephone: 011-26519153, 011-26560620/26864811-820 Fax: - 26868419 Contact Officer: - 011-26534138 The amount of Earnest Money: 15 Sr. No. Description of Items 1 One complete set EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines (One ISDN PRI Line & 300 extensions) for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT (Detailed specifications of the EPABX System is enclosed at Annexure C Amount of EMD Rupees Rs.50,000/- 2 3 The bid validity period shall be 120 days after the date of Bid open. The date and time of opening the Technical Bids are: Date: 08.07.2013 Time: 3.30 P.M. 4 Deadline for submission of Bid: Date:08.07.2013 Time 3.00 P.M. 5 The bid opening shall take place at Sr. Stores Officer, Central Store, S&S Section, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110 016 18 CHAPTER- IV QUALIFICATION CRITERIA The bidder shall be leading/reputed/eligible Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their authorized dealer only for the purchase/supply/installation of one EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT S. Description of Equipments Quantity of No. Equipments required One complete set EPABX system of 300 lines One set along extendable up to 600 lines (One ISDN PRI Line & 300 with complete extensions) for the use in NIE Guest House, PG accessories Hostel & CIET of NCERT (Detailed specifications of the EPABX System is enclosed at Annexure C The Firm Shall produce documentary evidence of satisfactory performance for last 12 months from buyers. Details of Annual turnover which should not be less than Rs.5.00 crores each of consistently from the past 3 years in respect of Complete set of EPABX SYSTEM of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT copy of audited balance sheet duly certified/audited by CA should be attached. The Original Equipment Manufacturer shall have established their own service centers at New Delhi/NCR for service support infrastructure and have local after sale service facility with availability of spares part of the supplied EPABX system for ten years, for which documentary evidence to be submitted with the bid. 3. The bidder shall be capable and equipped with facilities of future up gradation and subsequent training on the system. The comprehensive warranty on site for a period of one year without any additional charges, should be indicated in the bid form in respect of EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT only. The bidder should have the certificate of ISO. The tenderer must be Leading/Reputed Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their authorized dealer only EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT only. The tenderer should have conducted business in India for more than 10 years for EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines. 19 Authentic Documents in support of Annual turnover duly certified by Charted Accountant for the last two years i.e. 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12. The tenderer must have a Annual minimum turnover of Rs.5.00 Crore for EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT only for the last 3 financial years i.e. 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 (balance sheet duly signed by the Charted Accountant for the same may be enclosed). The vendor should have executed at least orders of more than Rs 20.00 Lacs in the last 3 years. EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT only (In this regard, documentary evidence duly certified by the company may be enclosed with the tender document). The vendor should be ready to supply and execute the complete project directly. The tenderer must provide financial capability cum Bank Solvency letter of its own firm for an amount of Rs.10.00 Crores from any Scheduled Bank in respect EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT only. Insurance Cover Note from Original Equipment Manufacturer of spares covering NCERT locations should be furnished by the tenderer. After award of contract, 10% performance security of the total value of the contract/purchase order in the shape of DD/BC drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT from Nationalized/Commercial Bank and payable at New Delhi. Further, such performance security should remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligation including warranty/guarantee obligations under the purchase order and no interest shall be paid. Further, Performance Security will liable to be forfeited in the event of non fulfillment of the purchase order/contract by the successful bidder. Each manufacturers/vender is required to submit an undertaking to the effect that they are not blacklisted by any State or Union of India. 20 CHAPTER V 1) SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK All the item should be according to the specifications given below:S. N. Description of Items with specifications 1. One complete set EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines (One ISDN PRI Line & 300 extensions) for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT (Detailed specifications of the EPABX System is enclosed at Annexure C 21 Quantity Amount of Earnest Money in One set Rs.50,000/along with complete accessories CHAPTER VI BID SUBMISSION FORM Dated: -............................. To, The Secretary National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110 016 Sir/Madam, Having examined the Bidding Documents including Addenda Numbers : the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver………………………………………………………………………………………… As per the detailed break up given in the price schedule and in conformity with the said bidding documents for the sum of Rupees…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (Total bid amount in words and figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith an made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Technical Bid. If our bid is accepted, we will furnish the performance security deposit equivalent to the sum @ 10% of the contract/purchase order value of the Contract, in the form prescribed by the Purchaser. We agreed to abide by this Bid for the Bid validity period of 120 days from the date of opening of Technical Bid. It shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. We agree that the following documents are deemed to be the part of the Bid. Chapter Particulars Chapter- I Chapter- II Chapter- III Chapter- IV Chapter- V Chapter- VII Section VIII Invitations to Bid Instructions to Bidders Bidding Data Sheet Qualification Criteria Schedule of Requirement and Specifications Condition of Contract Contract Form 22 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above Contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely "Prevention of Corruption Act 1988". We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf will engage in bribery. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive. We attach here with an affidavit confirming that the information furnished in the Bid is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We clarify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per Bidding Documents. Dated this ..........day of....………………………...2013............................................................. (Signature) Duly authorized to sign Bid for and on behalf of 23 the CHAPTER- VII CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT INDEX Definitions Contract Documents Entire Agreement Specification and Standards Patent Rights Performance Security Inspections and Tests Packing of IT equipments and Risk coverage Delivery and Documents Insurance Incidental Services Warranty Terms of Payment Prices Contract Amendment Assignment Delays in Supplies Performance Liquidated Damages Termination for Default Force Majeure Clause Termination of Insolvency Termination of Convenience Resolution of Disputes Governing Language Notices Taxes and Duties Adherence to specifications Additional Order Maintenance 24 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT INDEX Definitions In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated : “The Contract “ means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by both parties, including all the attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. “Contract Documents” means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto. “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Purchase Order Agreement, subject to such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions there from, as may be made pursuant to the Contract. “Day” means calendar day. “Completion” means the fulfillment of supply of EPABX System, Installation and satisfactory working by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract with higher version of same parts of the equipment on the same price. “COC” means the Conditions of Contract. “EPABX System” means all of the commodities and/or other materials that the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract. To complete the system specified. “The Purchaser” means the NCERT, New Delhi and includes its successor and assignees, “Related Services” and “Services” means services ancillary to the supply of the EPABX System, such as transportation, insurance, custom clearance and any other incidental services and other obligations of the Supplier covered under the contract; “Supplier” means the natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, whose Bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser and is named as such in the Contract Agreement. 25 Contract Document Subject to the order of precedence set forth below, all documents forming the Contract. (and all parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually explanatory. The Contract Agreement shall be read as a whole. Contract Agreement Condition of Work Schedule of Requirements and Specifications Bid Submission Form and Price Schedule Instruction to Bidders with BDS Notice inviting Bids (a) Performance Security Deposit (b ) Manufacturers Authorization form. Entire Agreement The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Purchaser and the Supplier and supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of the parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract. No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorized representative of each party thereto. Specifications and Standards EPABX System supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in the Specifications and standards mentioned in the Schedule of Requirements and Specifications. Patent Rights The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the EPABX System or any part thereof in the Purchaser’s country. Performance Security In the case of tenderers whose tender are accepted for placing the order, tenderers shall give Security Deposit equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the value of the PURCHASE ORDER in the shape of DD/BC drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT from Nationalized/Commercial Bank and payable at New Delhi. Further, such performance security should remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations including warranty/guarantee obligations under the purchase order and no interest shall be paid. Also, performance security will liable to be forfeited in the event of non-fulfillment of the purchase order/contract of the successful bidder. On performance and completion of 26 all the obligations under the purchase order in all respects, the Performance Guarantee Bond will be returned to the vendor without any interest. Inspections and Tests Inspection and testing will be conducted by the Purchaser as per the specification in Chapter- V Schedule of Requirement & Specification. The inspections and tests will be conducted at the premises of the Supplier at point of delivery and at the final destination of the EPABX system All reasonable facilities and assistance, shall be furnished to the Inspectors at no charge to the Purchaser. Should any inspected or tested EPABX system fail to conform to the specifications, the Purchaser may reject them and the Supplier shall either replace the rejected EPABX system or make all alterations necessary to meet specification requirements free of cost to the Purchaser, within a period of 10 (Ten) days of intimating such rejection. The Purchaser’s right to inspect, test and, where necessary, reject EPABX system after the EPABX system arrival at the final destination shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of the EPABX system having previously been inspected, tested and passed by the Purchaser or its representative prior to the EPABX system is patch from the place of manufacture. Nothing in Clause 06 shall in any way release the Supplier from any guarantee or other obligations under this contract. Packing of EPABX system and Risk coverage The EPABX system shall be packed securely, intact and marked properly to avoid loss and damage in transit. The EPABX system is to be packed and dispatched in separate cartons marked clearly Secretary, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016. The supplier will be fully responsible for any damages during transit period of the EPABX System, which will be replaced by the firm free of cost. Delivery and Documents Delivery of the Equipment shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the terms specified by the Purchaser in the Notification of Award. Within 24 hours of dispatch, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser, consignee, the full details of dispatch and also supply the following documents : 27 Copies of Supplier’s Invoice showing EPABX system description, quantity, unit price and total amount. Packing lists Brief description of items dispatched document with their value. Packing list package-wise. Inspection Certificate issued by the nominated inspection agency, where applicable, and the supplier’s factory inspection report, Any other document specified in the notification of Award of Contract. The above documents shall be received by the Purchaser before arrival of the equipment and if not received, the supplier will be responsible for any consequent expenses. Insurance The Indian Supplier of EPABX system supplied under the contract shall be fully insured by the Supplier at his/her own cost against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery. The cost of transit Insurance will be arranged by the supplier from the place of boarding to the destination that is NCERT, New Delhi. Incidental Services As specified in the Contract Form the Supplier may be required to provide any or all of the following services, including additional services: (A). Loading at point of dispatch (B). Unloading at point of delivery No additional costs will be borne by the purchaser towards these services The supplier or his representatives shall be responsible for all liasioning work i.e. necessary transactions such as Road permit etc. 28 The Bidder will be coordinating with his principal manufacturer and will be responsible for all transactions related for safe delivery of the equipment at the premises of NCERT, New Delhi. NCERT is not liable to pay any penalty/demurrage/other expresses if any during transit of the equipment from the manufacturer end of NCERT. Warranty The Supplier Warranty that the EPABX system supplied under this Contract are New and first quality, unused and of the most recent production. The Supplier further warrants that all EPABX system supplied under this Contract shall have no defect (even concealed) arising from design, materials or workmanship or from any act or omission of the supplier, that may develop under normal use of the supplied Equipment. This warranty shall remain valid for 12 months after the successful installation/commissioning of EPABX system. The Purchaser /indenter shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, with all reasonable speed, replace the defective EPABX system or parts thereof, free of cost at the ultimate destination. The Supplier shall take over the replaced EPABX system at the time of their replacement. No claim whatsoever shall lie on the Purchaser for the replaced Equipment thereafter. If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within a reasonable period, the Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under the contract. The warranty for defective EPABX system will begin de novo from the date of replacement. Supplier will pay all taxes, and duty and all expenses up to the destination for the replaced EPABX system. The supplier shall warrant/ensure after, sale service and availability of spares for the supplied equipment for a period of at least 10 years. Terms of Payment No advance payment will be made. Those firm who do not accept the above terms and conditions need not quote their rates. The tenderers demanding advance payment in full or part are also liable to be rejected without any notice. Full payment will be made against the duly stamped pre-receipted bill in triplicate after acceptance of the inspection and successful installation of the item. If any unit of the store found to be defective, the same will have to be replaced by the firm free of cost. Alternatively, the stores shall be purchased from others sources at the risk and cost of the tenderer/supplier. 100% payment will be released after receipt of material in good condition and approved by the NCERT. 29 Prices Prices charged by the Supplier for EPABX System delivered under the contract shall not vary from the prices mentioned in the Award of Contract. Contract Amendments No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties. Assignment Neither the Purchaser nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under the Contract, except with the prior written consent to the other party. Delays in the supplier’s Performance Delivery of the EPABX System and performance of the Services shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the time schedule specified in the Technical Bid. Any unexcused delay by the Supplier in the performance of its delivery obligations shall render the supplier liable to any or all of the following sanctions: forfeiture of its Performance Security, imposition of Liquidated Damages and/or Termination of the Contract for defaults If at any time during performance of the contract, the Supplier should encounter conditions impeding timely delivery of the EPABX System, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of the fact of the delay, its likely duration and its cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may, at its discretion, extend the Supplier’s time for performance with or without liquidated damages, in which case the extension shall be ratified by the parties by amendment of the contract. Liquidated Damages For delay time and date of delivery shall be essence of the contract. If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the EPABX System within the period(s) specified in the contract, the Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct liquidated damages from the Contract Price not by way of penalty. This is an agreed, genuine pre-estimate of damages duly agreed by the parties. Recovery from the supplier as agreed liquidated damages will be calculated @ 0.5 percent of he price of the delayed equipment for each week of delay or part thereof until actual delivery, up-to a maximum deduction of 10 (ten) percent of the delayed equipment. 30 The EPABX System, if dispatched up-to the last date of the specified delivery schedule and is received within ten days from the date of its dispatch, the delivery of EPABX System will be treated within schedule. Any delay in receipt of EPABX System beyond the delivery schedule mentioned in Technical Bid will attract imposition of liquidated damages. Termination for Default The Purchaser may without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the Supplier, terminate the contract in whole or part: if the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the EPABX System within the time period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Purchaser pursuant to tender document or if the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract. if the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in fraud and corruption, in competing for or in executing the Contract. In the event the Purchaser terminates the contract in whole or in part, the Purchaser may procure upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, EPABX System or Services similar to those undelivered, and the Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser for any excess costs for such similar Equipment or Services. However, the Supplier shall continue the performance of the contract to the extent not terminated. Force Majeure Notwithstanding the provisions of tender document, the Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, Liquidated Damages or Termination for Default, if and to the extent that, its delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Supplier and not involving the Supplier’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the Purchaser either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform his/her obligations under the contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. 31 Termination for Insolvency The Purchaser may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the Supplier, if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise in solvent. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser. Termination for Convenience The Purchaser, by written notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the Purchaser’s convenience, the extent to which performance of the Supplier under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. The Equipment that is complete and ready for shipment within 30 (thirty) days after the Supplier’s receipt of notice of termination shall be accepted by the Purchaser at the contract terms and prices. For the remaining Equipment, the Purchaser may elect : To have any portion completed and delivered at the contract terms and prices; and/or To cancel the remainder and pay to the Supplier an agreed amount for partially completed Equipment and for materials and parts previously procured by the Supplier. Resolution of Disputes The Purchaser and the Supplier shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the contract. If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the Purchaser and the Supplier have been unable to resolve amicably a contract dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanism specified in tender document. The dispute resolution mechanism to be applied pursuant to Clause shall be as follows: A dispute or difference arising between the Purchaser and Supplier relating to any matter arising out of or connected with the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred to the sole arbitration of an officer in the Ministry of Law, appointed to be the arbitrator by the Director, NCERT. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to the contract subject to the proviso that the Arbitrator shall give reasoned award. The Indian Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1996, the rules there under and any statutory modifications or re-enactments thereof, shall apply to the arbitration proceedings. The venue of arbitration shall be the place from where the contract is issued. 32 Governing Language The contract shall be written in the language of the Bid, as specified by the Purchaser in the Instructions to Bidders. Notices Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this contract shall be sent to other party in writing or facsimile and confirmed in writing to the other Party’s address specified for the purpose in the notification of award/contract. The notice will be effective when delivered. In case the other party refuses to accept the notice, the notice shall be deemed to have become effective one week after the date of dispatch through registered post. Taxes and Duties The Suppliers shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, octroi, road permits, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Equipment to the Purchaser, if so stipulated in the Notification of Award/Contract. However, no extra payment on any account shall be paid by the purchaser. Adherences to specifications The supplier shall supply the contracted quantity of EPABX System strictly given in Chapter- V, schedule of requirements and specifications. No request for any change in the specifications to suit the machine of the supplier will be entertained at any stage. Additional Order The Purchaser reserves the right to place additional order up-to 50 percent of the original order with the supplier on the same rate and terms and conditions any time between the award of contract up-to 30 days before the last supply on the mutually agreed delivery schedule. Certificates to be submitted along with the Technical Bid:The following written guarantee/ declaration must be provided exclusively without which the quotation shall be liable for rejection. The name, addresses, phone no, fax no, etc, of the authorized service centre in Delhi/NCR for each of the specific equipment/ article/ item quoted. A declaration that the after sales service facilities as well as spare parts shall be made available at least for 10 years for each of the specific equipment/ article quoted. A declaration indicating willingness to provide AMC services at least for 10 years after the expiry of the warranty for each of the maintainable equipment quoted. Accordingly, the tenderer must quote prices for AMC, separately, for each year, for 10 years. The quotations for the cost of such AMC are to be furnished along with cost of the equipment in the Price Bid. No such rate shall be mentioned in Technical Bid. 33 CHAPTER VIII CONTRACT FORM / AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the ............ day of ......................, 2013 between NCERT (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) of the one part and ...................................................... (Name of Supplier) of ..................(address)................................................................................... (herein after called “the Supplier”) of the other part. WHEREAS the Purchaser is desirous that certain EPABX System and ancillary services viz .,.....................................(Brief Description of Equipment and Services) and has accepted a bid by the Supplier for the supply of those Equipment and services in the sum of ............................. (Contract Price in Words and Figures) (hereinafter called “the Contract Price”). NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.: Chapter Chapter- I Chapter- II Chapter- III Chapter- IV Chapter- V Chapter- VII Chapter- VIII. Particulars Invitation for bids Instructions to Bidders Bidding Data Sheet Qualification Criteria Schedule of Requirement and specification Condition of Contract Contract form In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as hereinafter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the Equipment and services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the EPABX System and services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. Brief particulars of the EPABX System and services which shall be supplied/provided by the Supplier are as under: 34 Sl. No. Brief Description of Equipment & Services Sr. No Brief description EPABX System Services of Quantity to be Unit & supplied Price Total Price Delivery Terms TOTAL VALUE: Rs…………....…(Rupees…….……………………………………) Apart from above, this Agreement includes all the terms and conditions included in the tender Enquiry No……..dated…………. as agreed upon. Signature with seal of Authorized signatory of supplier. Date: …………………… Place: ………………….. Signature with seal of authorized officer of NCERT, N.D-16. (Purchaser) Date:………………… Place:……………….. 35 CHAPTER VIII - ‘A’ ACCEPTANCE TEST PRCEDURE Acceptance testing is an essential part of. It is at this stage that the user is to test and accept individual items. The physical delivery as per contract and performance as per parameters given in the contract are to be verified by a technically competent board of officers, which will be constituted as per approval of respective Head of institute. It is imperative that this is done diligently as well as expeditiously. After testing the presiding officer will furnish the certificate immediately in the format given below: Reference Contract No…….date………… To, Secretary, NCERT, Sri Aurbindo Marg, New Delhi-16. ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE Certified that all the items mentioned (Mentioned item name with quantity) in Contract No……….date………………has been physically checked and tested as per the specifications of items mentioned in contract. All the items are found to be correct and meet the specifications mentioned in Contract. The Board proceeding is being forwarded separately. (Name of the Officer) Presiding Officer. Office Seal Place: Date: 36 CHAPTER- IX MANUFACTURERS' AUTHORIZATION FORM* No..................... dated……………… Dear Sir, We .............…………………………………………………….................. who are official manufacturers of...........……………….......... (name and description of EPABX System offered) having manufacturing unit at ……………......…....... (address of Regd. Office) do hereby authorize M/s ...............………………….…............ (Name and address of Bidder) to submit a Bid, the purpose of which is to be provide the following EPABX System manufactured by us, and to subsequently negotiate and sign the contract. No company or firm or individual other than M/s .......…………….............................are authorized to bid, and contract for the above EPABX System manufactured by us, against this specific invitation to bid. We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per the Conditions of Contract for the Equipment and services offered for supply by the above firm. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Aurthorised Signatory) (Name of manufacturers) * Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be signed by the person competent and having the power of attorney to legal bind the manufacturer. It should be included by the Bidder in its Bid. 37 CHAPTER- X NOTIFICATION FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT [Letterhead of the Purchaser] Date..................... To .............................................[Name and address of the Supplier] ............................................. ............................................. Dear Sir or Madam, This is to notify you that your Bid dated the ................…............for the supply of.........………............. [give particulars of the EPABX System to be supplied as given in the Instruction to the Bidders] for the contract Price of Rupees................................. [in figures] (........................................) [Amount in words], as corrected in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders in hereby accepted by..................... [Name of Purchaser]. 2. You are hereby requested to furnish Performance Security, in the form detailed in clause ............... of the Instruction to Bidders for an amount equivalent to Rs................ [in figures] (................................) [Amount in words] within ............ days of the receipt of this letter of acceptance valid upto .................... [Insert the period], i.e. valid upto .......... [Insert the last date of validity] and sign the contract; failing which action as stated in Clause ............... of Instructions to Bidders will be taken. Yours faithfully, Name and title of the Authorized Signatory 38 CHAPTER- XI Technical Bid S.N. Description of Company/Firm 1. Name of Firm/Company 2. Address 3. 6. Telephone No. Mobile Fax: E-Mail Type of Organization (whether sole proprietorship/ partnership/private limited or Cooperative body etc.) Name of the Proprietor/ Attached Documentary Partners/Directors of the Proofs Organization/Firm Service Tax No/VAT No.: 7. TAN No: 8. Work Experience For providing 10 year experience in the sale and maintenance (Attached documentary proof in support of claim) 9. Total number of Engineers working in the Organization 10 Whether EMD submitted or not (Please Yes or No) 4. 5. Detailed to be filled up 39 Page Number of this tender document where copy/certificate is attached 11 Annual turn over of the Company in the last three years with the details of the Net Profit & Loss 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 12 DD/Pay Order/Cash Receipt toward tender document fee 13 Whether ISO Certificate attached or not 14 Bidder shall enclosed the OEM certificate from the original manufacturer as per prescribed format 15 Bidder should submit the AMC certificate A declaration that the after sales service facilities as well as spare parts shall be made available at least for 10 years for each of the specific equipment/ article quoted. A declaration indicating willingness to provide AMC services at least for 10 years after the expiry of the warranty for each of the maintainable equipment quoted. 16. Financial capability cum bank solvency letter of Rs. 10.00 cores from any scheduled bank. 17 Undertaking regarding blacklisting by any department as per Annexure ‘A’. 40 18 Compliance report of terms & conditions (Undertaking to be attached) 19 ITR of the company for the last three year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 20 Delivery Schedule/ Period Note: Accordingly, the Tenderer must quote prices for AMC separately for each years for 10 years. The tender for the cost of AMC are to be furnished along with the cost of equipment in the price bid. No such rate shall be mentioned in Technical Bid. (Authorized Signatory of the firm) 41 Chapter XII For EMD National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Bidding Document for supply and installation of EPABX System of 300 lines extendable to 600 lines for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 PARTICULARS OF EMD 1. NAME OF AGENCY : ___________________________________________________ 2. DATE OF RECEIPT OF TENDER DOCUMENT : ______________________________ 3. LAST DATE & TIME FOR RECEIPT OF TENDER : ___________________________ 4. TIME & DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER : __________________________________ 5. PLACE OF OPENING OF BID : ____________________________________________ DETAILS OF EMD: a) AMOUNT : RS. 50,000/- (RUPEES FIFTY THOUSAND ONLY) b) NAME OF BANK : _________________________________________________ c) PAY ORDER/BANK DRAFT NUMBER & DATE : __________________________ (SIGNATURE OF BIDDER OR HIS AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) 42 Annexure – ‘A’ DECLARATION REGARDING BLACKLISTING/DEBARRING FOR TAKING PART IN TENDER I / We ____________________________________ (Tenderer) hereby declare that the firm / agency namely M/s. __________________________ has not been blacklisted or debarred in the past by Union/ State Government or organization from taking part in Government tenders in India. Or I / We _____________________________________ (Tenderer) hereby declare that the Firm/ agency namely M/s. ____________________________________________ was blacklisted or debarred by Union / State Government or any Organization from taking part in Government tenders for a period of ________________ years w.e.f. ________________ to _____________. The period is over on _____________________ and now the firm/company is entitled to take part in Government tenders. In case the above information found false I / we are fully aware that the tender/contract will be rejected / cancelled by Secretary, NCERT, and EMD / SD shall be forfeited. In addition to the above Secretary, NCERT will not be responsible to pay the bills for any completed / partially completed work. Name ________________________ (Authorized signatory of the firm) Address with Seal______________________ 43 Annexure ‘B’ PRICE SCHEDULED (FINANCIAL BID) S. Name of Items No. 1 One complete set EPABX system of 300 lines extendable up to 600 lines (One ISDN PRI Line & 300 extensions) for the use in NIE Guest House, PG Hostel & CIET of NCERT (Detailed specifications of the EPABX System is enclosed at Annexure C Quantity Rates for items including packing and other charges One set along with complete Basic Prince Rs………………………… accessories VAT/CST, if any………………………… Excise duty, if any……………………… Freight charges for New Delhi Total Unit Price Rs……………………. (Rupees…………………………………) Note: Accordingly, the Tenderer must quote prices for AMC separately for each year for 10 years. The tender for the cost of AMC are to be furnished along with the cost of equipment in the price bid. No such rate shall be mentioned in Technical Bid. (Authorized Signatory of the firm) 44 Annexure ‘C’ S.N. 1 1.1 2 2.1 3 3.1 Description Scope There is a requirement of latest IP Communications system facility for ................ New Delhi. The scope of work shall be Design, Engineering , Manufacturing, Supply, Installation , testing and Commissioning of IP Communication system catering Voice requirement in all floors of the building as mentioned in the “Schedule of Requirement”. System should be AVAYA/NORTEL/CISCO/SIEMENS/MYTEL MAKE Technology The communication server should provide converged IP communication solutions for companies with 300 up to 100.000 users in a corporate communication network. The system should offer the maturity and broad range of Enterprise features with high reliable software architecture and security functionalities. The Communication Server has to combine the advantages of worlds (TDM and IP) with networking, carrier access and the flexible connection of analog, TDM- and IP-phones, mobile WLAN- and DECT devices and soft phones with in one system. Support for Multiply Telephony Applications The communication server should offer a rich set of phones, mobility choices, unified communications and standards based integration with business critical applications and systems 3.2 The hardware should be modular and the software structured so that the system can be easily adapted to the continually developing requirements of communication services. 3.3 The offered system must have the ability to record and analyze traffic measurement data so that the quality of the communication network can be checked. Architecture (Server/ Gateway) for EPABX System :System shall have the client / server architecture i.e. The system shall support the option of distributing peripheral modules (Shelves) via an IP network. Equipment shall support remote shelf distributed over IP. All IP points shall be centrally administrable from the host system. It should be based on Centralized call processing with distributed Gateways. The call processors should be duplicated & redundant in the system. The server and gateway should support IPV6. The voice compression option shall be according to ITU-T G. 729A. The system shall also support QoS support via the IP network, IETF diff Service (RFC 2474) IEEE 802.1 d (incl.802.1p) IEEE 802.1q.The payload channels within or between distributed shelves shall be switched via the central system. There shall be no restrictions concerning the system or subscriber functionality in the distributed architecture. Subscribers attached to the remote IP shelf shall experience the full feature set as though they were connected to the central switching location via a traditional TDM bus.(Bidder to explain how they comply this particular requirement) 3.4 4.1 4.2 The communication server being provided should act as the core hardware of the voice solution being offered. Master slave combination in processor is not acceptable. Documentation of the same to be provided. There should not be any change in the basic equipment of the communication server while expanding from as low as 150 line ports to 10000 ports. 45 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.8 4.4.9 4.4.10 4.4.11 4.4.12 4.4.13 4.4.13 4.4.14 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.8 The processor being offered should be responsible for fundamental system control functions and also for ADP processing (including controlling the buses in the backplane.) The processor needs to have at least the following interfaces: 1 * VGA port for maintenance 2 * USB host slots (for taking backups) 8 * 10/100/1000 LAN interface connections for redundant configuration. The LAN interfaces should support IPv4 and IPv6 1 * OLED display 2 * LED's for proving status of processor board 1 * LED for HD activity for displaying below properties / updates of system a) Call Control and call processing status in "7 segment display" notation b) Host status i.e. CPU & memory load, temperature and FAN speed c) Kernel version and system uptime d) MAC ID and IP address of the processor e) IP address of the inbuilt management tool It should be possible to insert a SATA 2.5" hard disk onto the processor The OS of the EPABX shall be Linux based and protected against loss/alternation of memory due to power failure/unauthorized command or due to any other faulty condition. Memory: The system should have 2 hard disks (each minimum 250 GB so that downtime due to hard disk crash hard disk replacement can be prevented) with at least 4 GB RAM. The Exchange shall have minimum traffic handling capacity of minimum 250000 Busy Hour Call Attempt (BHCA). Documentary evidence should be provided in support of this feature. The communication server should come with a HDD tray inbuilt onto which 2 * SATA Hard disks can be mounted and configured in Soft RAID 1. The communication server should be equipped with a Management and control module. This module is used as a fault and clock signalling board in the communication server. The management and control module should provide the below functionalities a) Speed control and regulation for fan trays b) Power Failure Transfer c) Alarm interface b) Front reference Clock The features listed below are all required for system call processing and basically should be available to all analogue, digital or IP- subscribers 4.8.1 Rejection of DID calls, if free, busy or incompletely dialled 4.8.2 Special audible tones(like voicemail, call forward) after lifting the handset if features have been activated 4.8.2 Reaching certain extensions in incoming traffic 4.8.3 Transmit DTMF signals to public networks 4.8.4 Multiple trunk group for reaching exchange and/or tie-trunks 4.8.5 Multiple trunk group using code dialling 46 4.8.6 Auto-timed diversion of incoming calls 4.8.7 Technical measures to prevent connections 4.8.8 Different ringing for internal, exchange, emergency, deadline and direct calls 4.8.9 Closed numbering 4.8.10 Prevention of DID to certain extensions 4.8.11 Toll/code restriction in exchange and trunk-to-trunk traffic 4.8.12 Music or a brief announcement for calls on hold 4.8.13 Presetting digits 4.8.14 4.9 Digit repetition 4.9.1 5 5.1 6 6.1 7 7.1 8 8.1 9 Open numbering Plan It must be possible to freely assign subscriber numbers and connection locations. The call numbers can be of any length up to seven digits. It must be possible to convert, say, directly dialled call numbers; it must also be possible to assign several call numbers to one subscriber. Also, when the exchange number (exchange code + local network code + exchange access + extension number) of an internal subscriber is dialled by another internal subscriber, it should be possible to set up the connection as an internal call Virtual numbering Plan It must be possible to reproduce, several identical or itself overlapping, call number plans within a system Toll/code restriction on exchange traffic Toll/code restriction releases exchange call numbers in accordance with the class of service of the subscriber. It must be able to evaluate up to 22 digits per voice, fax and data service. Subscribers with local access should also be permitted to reach long distance areas by the assignment of up to 6 partial toll accesses Toll/code restrictions on dedicated connection calls Toll/code restriction releases call numbers for the private network in accordance with the class of service for the traffic via the dedicated connections. It must be able to evaluate up to 22 digits for each voice, fax and data service, each subscriber being able to obtain toll accesses with different call number groups. Preventing illegal connections Using the entries in a connection matrix, traffic relations within and between groups of subscribers and trunks can be released or blocked as required. Hot-line service (immediate) 9.1 It is possible to set up extensions so that when the handset is lifted a connection to a programmed destination is set up (hot-line). 10 Hot-line service (after pause) 10.1 11 Extensions can be set up so that after the handset is lifted, a connection is set up to a programmed destination if no dialling takes place within 20 seconds or only partial dialling takes place Transmit DTMF signals 47 11.1 12 12.1 Special devices, which can be controlled by DTMF signalling, can be dialled up via outgoing external lines. To do this, both the digital dialling information for digital or IP- telephones and the pulses from analogue pulse dialling telephones must be converted to DTMF signalling. System call forwarding A central call forwarding system shall be programmed and activated. The call forwarding system should support following types of call forwarding to be activated in arbitrary combination: A system call forwarding for all calls B system call forwarding in case of busy line: only internal calls C system call forwarding in case of busy line: only exchange calls D system call forwarding in case of no answer: only internal calls E system call forwarding in case of no answer: only exchange calls F system call forwarding in case of incoming call protection: only internal calls G system call forwarding in case of incoming call protection: only exchange calls H 13 13.1 14 14.1 15 15.1 A variable call forwarding entered by the user is prior to the system call forwarding. In case of deactivation of the variable call forwarding by the user the system call forwarding is still active. Remote-controllable night service Subscribers with the appropriate authorization must be able to activate night service variants that have been set up both locally and on a network-wide basis. Attendant intercept with different code numbers It must be possible to specify 00 to 09 as intercept code numbers so that incoming exchange calls to tenant services for several users can be distinguished at the switchboard position or be appropriately distributed if several switchboard positions are involved. In conjunction with the intercept code number it should be a possible to display a company name on the switchboard console. Call data registration, external outgoing The system should store a call data record (CDR) for each connection so that it is possible to assign charges for outgoing exchange calls to the originator. The CDR should contain at least the following data: 15.2 calling party number 15.3 external destination number 15.4 Date 15.5 Day of the year 15.6 time at which call starts 15.7 Call duration 15.8 Call charge units 15.9 costs indicated on the display 15.10 serial number of the CDR 48 15.11 number of the trunk circuit 15.12 The CDRs stored on the system can be called and processed by the analysis unit. 16 16.1 Call data registration, external incoming To bill telephone services, a CDR should be stored at the relevant connections for incoming calls as well. The CDR should contain at least the following data: 16.2 external originating number 16.3 internal called party number 16.4 Date 16.5 Day of the year 16.6 time at which call starts 16.7 Call duration 16.8 serial number of the CDR 16.9 number of the trunk circuit 16.10 The CDRs stored on the system can be called and processed by the analysis unit. 17 Call data registration, network-wide 17.1 It should be possible to store call charge data records for calls within the network so that telephone system costs within the network can be assigned to the originating parties. When the data records stored on the system have been processed by the analysis program, it is possible to apportion the costs for the operation of the telephone system equitably. 18 18.1 Call data registration, internal It should also be possible to store call charge data records for internal calls so that the telephone system costs can be assigned to the originating parties. When the data records stored on the system have been processed by the analysis program, it is possible to apportion the costs for the operation of the telephone system equitably. 19 19.1 20 20.1 21 Volume control for the voice service Because of the combined use of analogue and digital telephones, and because of the use of analogue and digital lines in the connection paths, the volume may vary considerably from call to call. No matter what the type of call, and under certain circumstances, the size of the network, approximately the same volume should be ensured by connecting amplifying or attenuating networks on a call-by-call basis. Group call In case of an incoming call parallel ringing into a user group must be supported (three devices). One of the three devices has to be a GSM-phone. Subscriber features 21.1 Standard package subscriber functions 21.2 The features listed below are prerequisites for extension subscriber communication and basically should be available to all analogue, digital or IP subscribers: 49 21.3 Call forwarding with a fixed/variable destination 21.4 Class of service switchover 21.5 Direct call and direct call key function 21.6 Add-on conference 21.7 multiple conference with up to 8 participants 21.8 restriction of internal traffic 21.9 Call interception 21.10 Call transfer after answering 21.11 Call transfer before answering 21.12 accept call 21.13 speed dialling – individual and system 21.14 toggling between two calls 21.15 consultation hold 21.16 Call back - no answer 21.17 Call back – busy 21.18 hunt group, linear 21.19 hunt group, cyclic 21.20 synchronised recorded announcement if not 21.21 Available 21.22 deadline set-up 21.23 relocation of terminals 21.24 saved number redial 21.25 station transfer security 21.26 Day of the week, date and time in display 21.27 PIN for personal identification 21.28 Recall enable/block 22 Add-on conference 22.1 23 23.1 24 Extension subscribers can add on a third subscriber to their conversation. The added-on subscriber can also be removed at any time. One or two external subscribers can be added on during an add-on conference. Multiple conference The extensions can successively add on up to six further subscribers, who can also be external, to the original two participants. Every subscriber of a conference can act independently. The subscribers of the conference have the possibility to go on consultation hold or to do explicit call pickup to add a new subscriber to the conference as long as the maximum subscriber number is not reached yet. The conference can be put on hold to perform another function. It should be possible to have multiple eight part conferences in the system simultaneously Direct calling 50 24.1 25 25.1 26 26.1 27 Pressing a button, subscribers with a digital or IP- telephone can call a programmed internal subscriber. The direct call is indicated to the called party by means of a special ringing signal. The direct call button has an LED which comes on when the direct call destination is busy. If the key is nevertheless pressed, the direct call destination is alerted by means of a call waiting signal. It should be possible to set up a maximum of 30 direct call keys for a digital subscriber. If there are several subscribers it must be possible to set up one subscriber as a direct call destination. Team call pickup Subscribers in a pickup group can take calls for another team member at their own telephone. Analogue, digital or IP- telephones can be included in a team. Directed call pick up Directed call pick up of calls from other work points can be activated by either pressing the according function key or by dialling a prefix and the extension number. Call forwarding with variable destination 27.1 In addition to call forwarding with a fixed destination, the subscribers should also have call forwarding with variable destination which they can program themselves. 27.2 The user should have the chance to choose out of the following variable call forwarding possibilities: 27.3 activation of a variable call forwarding with one 27.4 destination for all calls 28.5 activation of a variable call forwarding with different 28.6 destinations for internal and exchange calls 28.7 activation of a variable call forwarding in case of 27.8 busy line or no answer 27.9 27.10 28 It should also be possible to determine within the system how may call forwarding operations can be chained together; a maximum of 10 should be possible. When the maximum permissible number of chaining that has been set is reached, the call should be aborted. The number of chaining should also be counted in the case of network-wide call forwarding. In this case, the connection of line sections is not permitted. Instead, the call must always be cleared down in the direction of the originating system and set up again in the other direction. If required, it should also be possible to activate and program call forwarding from the switchboard position. Call deflection 28.1 Subscriber control of forwarding 28.2 Authorized subscribers should have the possibility to override call forwarding at a called destination. 29 29.1 Park to System A station or an attendant user should be able to place a trunk or station connection into a system park slot. Once parked the call should be retrieved by the same station that parked the call or another station. After having parked the call the station or the attendant user can make another call. 51 30 30.1 31 31.1 32 32.1 33 33.1 33.2 34 34.1 35 35.1 36 36.1 37 37.1 Single class of service switchover Each extension subscriber can be assigned two classes of service. The subscriber can toggle between the two classes of service himself, protected by a procedure. Class of service switchover class of service for an extension group can be switched over on an individual basis from the switchboard position or at a certain time by the system. Speed dialing-individual Extension subscribers should have an individual call number memory for a max. of 30 internal or external destinations that are retrievable by pressing a function key. The destinations are entered and modified by the subscribers themselves. Manual suffix dialling after outcall must also be possible. It must be possible to set up the feature for all subscribers. Speed dialling – system Extension subscribers and attendants should have – by pressing a function key – access to a central call number memory which can be divided up into a max. of 16 speed calling lists. Each subscriber can be authorized to use two lists each of which contains up to 1000 destination numbers. Suffix dialling after outcall must be possible. All subscribers should be able to use speed calling-system. Memory capacity: 16.000 destination numbers. Chaining of central speed dialling entries A user should be able to carry out several functions with one central speed call. With this, the chaining contains a sequence of digits which are usually carried out on the keypad. Up to 10 system speed call entries can be chained together. Call interception Authorized extension subscribers should be able to register the call number of a caller. It must be possible to set up this feature so that all calls for the authorized subscribers are registered or only those calls marked with a code number by the subscriber. It must be possible to print out the call number of the caller in the case of internal calls, calls via dedicated connections with identification and ISDN exchange calls. Disconnection Authorized extension subscribers and attendants should be able to go beyond call waiting/busy override and disconnect a call, if a suitable signalling method is available on the previous call path. In the case of subscriber busy, the call can be disconnected to effect one’s own further call set up and, if the dedicated connection trunk is busy, a connection can be disconnected. Personal identification number The PIN is used to identify the subscriber to the communications system at his own telephone or someone else’s. The PIN number, which can have up to 12 digits, is entered manually or by inserting a chip card in the case of digital telephones with a card reader. If entry is made on one’s own telephone, the individual class of service is switched over. If the entry is made on someone else’s telephone, the person entering the PIN number can use it like his own telephone – this also includes the key assignment. Call charges that accrue at someone else’s telephone are assigned to the call number of the person who has entered the PIN number. 52 38 38.1 39 39.1 40 Destination keys Subscribers with digital or IP- feature telephones can dial a programmed internal or external destination by pressing a key. It should be possible to set up destination keys for each telephone. Further destination keys can be supplied by means of an add-on device. The destinations can be stored and modified by the subscriber himself. Relocating terminals It should be possible to move digital telephones within the area covered by a system without any administrative procedures at the operating terminal. This should be done by entering a logoff code and the PIN before unplugging. In the new room or area, the logon code and the PIN are entered after the device has been plugged in again. The terminal/device should then operate as it did originally. Electronic mailbox 40.1 Extension subscribers should be able to become owners of an electronic mailbox. Voice and non-voice service messages are left in this mailbox. Activated automatic call back - no answer and voice messages fax messages, if the mailboxes are configured appropriately, can also be implemented. 40.2 When a subscriber with an analogue telephone lifts the handset, a recorded announcement tells him if any messages are waiting. Subscribers with a digital or IP- display telephone also have a mailbox lamp with LED which indicates if there are any messages. The subscriber can display any entries for any service with the scroll function. He must be able to output specific messages and implement specific call backs. 41 41.2 Call waiting – terminating Subscribers with digital or IP- telephones with display should be able to override an ongoing call for a waiting call. In the busy state, the calls receive the call connect signal, the subscriber receives an alerting tone and the caller is shown on the display. Without terminating the existing call, it should be possible to take the waiting call and toggle between the two calls. 41.3 The caller should hear a special free signal to be informed about his call waiting. 42 42.1 43 43.1 Deadline set-up Extension subscribers can enter a deadline time on their telephone for the next 24 hours. The system will then call them at this time. Subscribers with digital or IP- telephones can enter several deadlines. If the deadline call is not acknowledged, it is repeated after 5 minutes. If there is again no acknowledgement, the deadline call is cleared. Call charge display or elapsed time display on digital or IP- telephones When a call that incurs charges is being made, the display on digital or IP- telephones should indicate the accruing charges, the charge units, or the elapsed time. Every subscriber should be able to decide whether the accruing charges, the charge units, or the elapsed time is shown on the display. If there is simultaneous communication involving several charge incurring calls (consultation hold, conference) and the accruing charges are chosen, the sum of the charges is shown on the display. 53 44 44.1 45 45.1 46 46.1 47 47.1 48 48.1 49 49.1 50 50.1 51 51.1 52 52.1 Intercom Feature – Voice calling Subscribers with a digital or IP- telephone can voice call other digital subscribers if their phones are equipped with open listening and hands free talking without the called party needing to lift the handset. Subscribers can permanently or temporarily protect themselves from voice calling by means of an appropriate procedure. Intercom Feature – Hands free answering Subscribers with a digital or IP- telephone are voice-called and their telephone is equipped with hands free talking, their microphone is turned on automatically to permit hands free answering. Intercom Feature – Speaker call one-way Subscribers should be able to initiate a speaker call, which provides a one-way connection to a single destination of their choice. Intercom Feature – community group call Subscribers with digital or IP- telephones of a defined communication group (max. 100 members) should be able to call each other without dialling the full extension number, to establish a normal connection. Intercom Feature – community group speaker call – two-way Subscribers with digital or IP- telephones of a defined communication group (max. 100 members) should be able to call other members of the same group directly by shortened dialling. Speaker and microphone of the subscriber should – if available – be activated automatically. Intercom Feature – Speaker call – One-way – Broadcast Subscribers should be able to initiate a speaker call with a one-way connection to multiple (max. 40) destinations, simultaneously. The speakers of the phones – if available – should be activated automatically. The first user to answer the announcement via going off-hook, could converse to the announcer and all other speakers will be deactivated. Call log Call log has to be provided for subscribers with digital or IP- telephones. Both incoming calls (20 entities) and call attempts and outgoing calls (10 entities) and abandoned calls are entered in the call journal. The user can simply page through the list and use the entry to set up an outgoing call. Data Security for digital or IP-telephones On leaving the workplace, it must be possible for the user to lock the telephone or feature functions and key data for dialling aids against unauthorized use. Display telephone book Optional: subscribers with a digital or IP- display telephone who do not have their own PC with ETB at the workplace should be able to access a centrally maintained telephone book. The dialling pad or an add-on device with alpha keys is used to enter names. After a partial entry, names are shown on the display and it is possible to scroll backwards and forwards in the list. The call is set up by pressing a key. 54 52.2 53 Other functions supply facilities like personal telephone books and call journals for each subscriber. Executive/secretary function 53.1 Digital or IP-based executive and secretary telephones are assigned special features of an executive/secretary system by the system administration, for example: 53.2 forwarding of executive calls to the secretary 53.3 Telephone 53.4 Call waiting at the secretary telephone for calls 53.5 for the executive 53.6 executive/secretary pickup group 53.7 ringing transfer key for direct signalling at the 53.8 executive telephone when there are calls for the 53.9 Executive 53.10 direct call executive/secretary 53.11 secretarial function transfer at the secretary 53.12 Telephone 53.13 The telephones which are included in an executive/secretary system have a special function-oriented key layout. 54 54.1 Integral two-way hands free intercom system function Subscribers with digital or IP- telephones can voice call other subscribers with digital telephones if their telephones are equipped with open listening and hands free talking; the called subscriber does not need to lift the handset. 54.2 If the voice-called subscriber has hands free talking, he can reply directly via the integral microphone. It must be possible for subscribers to override voice calling temporarily or permanently by activating an appropriate function. 54.3 Integrated key telephone system function 54.4 The integrated key function makes it possible to specifically access several lines from several telephones. Within a defined group of telephones, the assignment of lines should be user-selectable. Following features should be implemented. 54.5 Line preference (primary line, incoming line, calling line, no line) 54.6 Exclusive and manual hold 54.7 Privacy (automatic/manual choice) 54.8 I-use signalling of used line 54.9 ringer cut-off 54 54.1 55 55.1 56 LED signalling (free, in use, ringing state, on hold) Bridging Direct dial up to trunks or subscribers This feature should allow the direct dial to a terminal without been re-routing via system applications. The feature eases the manual hardware oriented (positional) dial up of analogue and CAS trunks, of B-channels in digital trunks as well as analogue ports. This should allow faster diagnostics and access to ports with bottlenecks. Controlled station-to-station restriction 55 56.1 Recorded announcements 56.1 Connecting recorded announcement devices, it should be possible to play appropriate texts to callers when certain switching states arise. The texts should be played with the correct timing, i.e. from the beginning. It should be possible to play back recorded announcements in the following situations: 56.2 required subscriber busy 56.3 required subscriber - no answer 56.4 redial request – destination busy 56.5 redial request – destination does 56.6 Not answer 56.7 company announcement and greeting text for 56.8 calls to the switchboard position 56.9 waiting announcement for call to the switchboard 56.10 position - no immediate answer 56.11 waiting announcement for call to hunting group 56.12 no immediate answer 57 It should be possible to control the announcements individually via a connection matrix. A maximum of 64 different texts should be available and it should be possible to connect a recorded announcement simultaneously to up to 50 callers. Analog gateway 57.1 The analog gateway being proposed should have the capability of registering 24 subscribers 57.2 The analog gateway being proposed should support CLIP functionality 57.3 The analog gateway should generate its own ringing voltage (71Vrms) and should not require any external ring voltage generator 57.4 The gateway should have atleast 2 LED's on board which shows the status of the hardware 57.5 The power supply that is required by the board should be supplied by the backplane of the shelf in which it is being inserted 57.6 The subscriber line resistance should be atleast 1500 ohms including the terminal with 300 ohms 57.7 Using a cross section of 0.6mm the gateway should support subscribers at a distance of 12.6 km 57.8 The gateway should support V.90 (56k) modems with data transmission up to 50 Kbps 57.9 5710 57.11 57.12 57.13 57.14 The gateway being proposed should support the following analog devices: a) Announcement Recorder b) DTMF analog single line telephones c) Fax machines d) Modems e) Music on hold equipments 56.13 56 58.1 The ISDN PRI gateway being proposed should support both load wares i.e. E1 and CAS. 58.2 In case the gateway doesn't support both load wares then vendor has to provide a separate gateway for CAS. 58.3 58.4 It should be possible to terminate both Cu and fiber on the gateway Each module should support 2 x E1's 59.1 The IP gateway that is being proposed should act as a common gateway. 59.2 It should be possible to use the same gateway for registering IP subscribers, program IP trunking channels and SIP trunking channels. 59.3 In case the same IP gateway cannot be used for trunking purpose and subscriber registration purpose then vendor needs to provide additional IP gateway for trunking purpose 59.4 It should be possible to register atleast 230 IP subscribers on a single IP gateway module 59.5 60 The gateway should provide atleast 60 IP to TDM conversion channels IP Telephone Instruments 60.1 The proposed IP phone should comply to the following features: 60.2 12-part keypad 60.3 graphical two-row display 205 x 51 monochrome 60.4 3 navigator keys 60.5 message waiting with LED 60.6 Speaker with LED 60.7 8 free programmable keys; 60.8 open listening 60.9 dialling with cradled handset 60.10 Full duplex hands-free speaking 60.11 Linux operating system 60.12 Integrated Ethernet switch for PC connection 60.13 60.14 60.15 61 Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af class 1 LAN interface, 10/100 MBit/s autosensing, half duplex, full duplex Analog Phone Instruments (Type 1) 61.1 The proposed Non Display Analog Phone should comply to the following features: 61.1 3 repertory keys 61.2 10 speed dialling numbers 61.3 Last number redial 61.4 Saved last number redial 61.5 Notebook function (storage of telephone number during the call) 57 61.6 Manual pause 61.7 Dual-tone ringer, volume adjustable in 2 steps (high,low) 61.8 Mute 61.9 Pulse or tone dialling, temporary Switch-over possible 61.10 Recall key (2 flash times switchable) 61.11 Hearing aid compatibility conforming to CCITT P.37 61.12 62 Wall mounting option Analog Phone Instruments (Display) – Type 2 62.1 The proposed CLIP Display Analog Phone should comply to the following features: 62.2 FSK & DTMF Dual Mode 62.3 Open listening and hands free talking 62.4 Handset volume adjustable 62.5 Mute function (with melody) 62.6 50 entries for CLIP 62.7 Real Time Clock 62.8 Pre-dialling function 62.9 Call back function 62.10 Last 5 numbers redial 62.11 Notebook function 62.12 63 10 repertory keys Exchange Earthing The EPABX system & its accessories shall be grounded to a common ground point to prevent interference from the external & internal sources. Earthing electrode shall be as per the relevant applicable standard/B.S. 3043 (latest) for EPABX MDF/IDF and batteries. The earthing material shall be as per the applicable IS/Internationally applicable standards. Required earth pits for earthing shall be made by bidder for EPBAX system, power supply unit and MDF / IDF. Earthing shall be done as per the ITU recommendation. MDF/IDF ( Main Distribution Frame/Intermediate Distribution Frame ) Suitable MDF/IDF shall be provided for termination of the extension, trunk lines The MDF/IDF shall be housed in self standing/wall type metal frame. The termination strips shall be disconnection type provided with isolation facility, Suitable protection shall be provided against induced voltages and currents due to lightning, high voltages line etc. The devices shall provide prompt isolation and protection from accidental high voltage power contact and safe guard the equipment against any damage Float Cum Boost Charger with Batteries 63.1 64 64.1 65 65.1 66 66.1 FCBC with SMF batteries to provide battery back up of 4 hours for EPABX system. Hot standby System should must hot standby 58 59 60