Modelling of Astrophysical Plasmas (MAP) 1 Motivation

Modelling of Astrophysical Plasmas (MAP)
Solar magnetism lies at the root of most solar and heliospheric physics. The intricate structure
of the solar field, the activity cycle and the influence of the field on the heliosphere represent
major quests of (astro-) physics which bear directly on the human environment. The sun’s
magnetic field is generated by enigmatic dynamo processes in the solar interior, is organised
into the highly complex patterns of solar activity observed in the solar photosphere, dominates
the structure of the outer solar atmosphere (chromosphere, transition region, corona), regulates
the solar wind, and affects the whole extended heliosphere into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.
Solar activity modulation affects satellite orbits, influences jet stream patterns and contributes
to the causes of minor, and possibly major, ice ages.
The strategic university program “Modelling of Astrophysical Plasmas (MAP)” aims at understanding these processes through detailed numerical modelling.
The solution methods in solar and heliospheric physics vary with the assumptions that are
used to simplify the problems. These depend on the part of the solar atmosphere that is
studied. Traditionally partially separate disciplines have therefore emerged for the study of
the solar photosphere, chromosphere, transition region, corona, solar wind and near-Earth
plasma. In the Oslo region various groups have activities in all of these reasearch fields with
an excellent track record. Internationally such a wide area of expertise in one geographical
region is rare. In this program we will take advantage of this unique opportunity of combining
the expertise from the various fields to arrive at a coherent picture of the physics in the outer
solar atmosphere, the heliosphere and their effects on the geosphere.
Modelling of complicated processes leads to complex data-cubes of physical variables as functions of time and space. The analysis of such model simulations is very difficult and real
progress is often accomplished by inventive methods of analysing the simulation results. This
aspect is central to the MAP project and we will draw on the unique tools for scientific visualization developed at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment with further development
in collaboration with computer hardware and software vendors.
As the result of this Strategic University Program we expect to have an internationally leading
group in the understanding of the physics of the outer solar atmosphere, the heliosphere
and their effects on the geosphere. This expertise will be crucial for the scientific return of
current space missions (SOHO) and missions planned for launch in the coming years (TRACE,
Solar-B). The modelling results may also, in the long term, be expected to be relevant for
space weather predictions — an area of large economic importance. We also expect increased
competitiveness in the area of scientific visualization for the commercial partner SciComp AS.
Students will be exchanged with collaborating institutes abroad and guest researchers will be
invited to Norway. The students that will be involved in the program will be well trained in
solving complex problems involving state-of-the-art modelling techniques and the visualization
of large amounts of data, skills that are crucial for many future science challenges and industry
STP: Modelling of Astrophysical Plasmas
Objective, Goals and Audience
The objective of this Strategic University Program is to arrive at a coherent picture of the
physics of the outer solar atmosphere, heliosphere and their effects on the geosphere.
This will be accomplished by combining the complimentary expertise of existing internationally
leading research groups in atmosphere and plasma modelling with expertise in large scale
scientific visualization.
Groups that will benefit from the results of the project are primarily the international research community in astrophysics and users of advanced scientific visualization in Norway and
Existing codes and methods from the various groups will be generalized and coupled together.
For the deeper solar layers a 3D radiation hydrodynamics code will be adapted to handle
conditions in the solar chromosphere. Magnetic fields will be incorporated into the code. The
radiation part for the chromosphere will be tested against existing more accurate codes in 1D
and new approximations will be developed for the 3D case.
1D studies with a very detailed description of the radiation will be extended with an improved
description of the physics. Studies of the effects on chromopsheric dynamics from overlying
magnetic fields will be performed.
The solar wind will be studied with a multi-fluid hydrodynamic code which covers the entire
region from the upper chromosphere and far into interplanetary space.
Particle codes used for analysing kinetic plasmas and wave phenomena will be extended to
higher dimensionality for strongly mangetized plasmas. We will develop fluid plasma simulation for analysing acceleration and heating of charged particles by energetic plasma waves.
Advanced scientific visualization is crucial for the objectives of the strategic program. We will
therefore acquire the necessary hardware for 3D visualization in real time of very large datacubes. The capability for visualization on local workstation will also be important. Storage
of large volumes of modeling data will be necessary. The visualization package viz will be
implemented on the chosen hardware. This may involve porting to a new hardware platform.
Advanced visualization methods will be developed and implemented in the software suite.
Modelling results will be confronted with observations from the ground and space.
The research will be carried out in the participating institutes: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics and Institute of Physics at the University of Oslo, the Defence Research Establishment
and SciComp AS. International collaboration is also, however, very important for the success of
the project. We therefore plan frequent visits to our international collaborators and extended
guest researcher visits to our institutes in Norway.
The project will be coordinated from the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of
Oslo by project leader professor Mats Carlsson.
A more detailed plan is given in the project proposal: Appendix Scientific Plan.
STP: Modelling of Astrophysical Plasmas
• Define one doctoral project, identify appropriate candidates and hire one doctoral candidate from July 1st 1998.
• Define one additional doctoral project, identify appropriate candidates.
• Define one post-doctoral project, identify candidates.
• Define detailed specification for computer hardware, issue offer for tender, choose vender,
install hardware.
• Organize a mini-workshop on Numerical Astrophysics.
• Invite guest researchers for second half of year.
• Finish at least 10 scientific papers for publication in international journals with referee.
• Hire one doctoral candidate from January 1st 1999.
• Hire one post-doctoral candidate from January 1st 1999, one post-doctoral candidate
from January 1st 2000.
• Two finished PhD degrees.
• Invite guest researchers for shorter or longer periods of time.
• Keep computer hardware at a competitive level through systematic upgrades.
• Present results at international conferences.
• Organize an international workshop in Norway.
• Publish at least 40 scientific papers in international journals with referee.
The program lasts four years. Stipends budgeted are two PhD student stipends of three years
each, two post-doc stipends of two years each. International collaboration includes cost for
exchange of students and travel for the team members. An international workshop is included
in 2001. Indirect costs include costs for publications and costs for short-term projects like
parallelization of codes.
Hardware includes simulation and high-end graphics hardware to complement local and national resources and upgrade of local workstations with advanced graphics options. X-terminals
and workstations are assumed to be made available from the participating institutes as part of
their infrastructure. Large scale simulations are supposed to take advantage of the resources
made available through the National Program for High Performance Computing (“Tungregneprogrammet”).
The total costs financed over the SUP are estimated to be (in kNOK):
STP: Modelling of Astrophysical Plasmas
PhD stipends
Post doc
Guest researchers
Int. collaboration
Indirect costs
Simulation hardware
Graphics hardware
Financing plan
The budget only includes costs financed over the strategic program from the research council.
In addition the project will draw on resources from the participating institutes. Personell
costs for the seven faculty members involved in the project are estimated at 1,800 kNOK/year
(7*0.5*500kNOK/year). In addition comes infrastructure costs and costs for computing time
from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Oslo and from the
national program for High Performance Computing (“Tungregneprogrammet”).
PhD and post-doc stipends
Two PhD student stipends (3 years each) and two post-doc stipends (2 years each) are planned.
Appropriate candidates exist and it is anticipated that there will be more applicants than
available stipends.
International collaboration
The international collaboration is currently very central to all participating teams. Exchange
of guest researchers will continue and be intensified during the project period. The collaborations are based on personal contacts rather than formalized exchange programs. A detailed
description of international collaborators and their expertise relevant to the project is given in
the project proposal: Appendix Scientific Plan.
Presentation of results
The results of the strategic program will be published in international journals with referee.
In 2001 an international workshop in Norway is planned. A public outreach program will be