Department Name: Early Childhood/Special Education Date: March 20, 2012 Contact Person:

Program Data Analysis Report
Department Name: Early Childhood/Special Education
Date: March 20, 2012
Contact Person:
Program: Special Education Undergraduate
1. Review the program assessment data located in D2L.
2. List the 6 to 8 assessments for each program in the box provided for Program Assessments. Examine the data collection for
each program. Be sure to review both the fall and spring data collection. Answer the following questions for each program
assessment placing the information in the appropriate column:
o What does the data indicate for your program?
o What areas of concern if any do you have regarding this assessment?
o What recommendations do you have regarding any revisions for this assessment?
o What program changes if any does this data suggest?
3. Save the template as a Word document and submit it to the NCATE Assessment Committee via a D2L dropbox provided in the
Accreditation-NCATE link by April 9th .
Undergraduate Unit Data
SPED 215
SPED 309
SPED 315
SPED 441
SPED 451
Data Analysis
Praxis II is no longer the current assessment
for certification. It has been changed to the
PECT exam, and the information is not
available at this time.
We will access and report on PECT data
once it is available.
When data
Due to state certification changes, SPED
course numbers changed as follows:
SPED 215 is now SPED 210
SPED 309 is now SPED 240
SPED 315 is now SPED 420
SPED 441 is now SPED 360
SPED 451 is now SPED 350
There are no recommendations at this time.
Overall, a majority of our students are
performing well in their coursework.
In addition, the minimum GPA requirements
were raised from a 2.0 to a 2.8.
• Nearly all teacher candidates (93%)
met the 2.8 requirement for SPED
• Nearly all teacher candidates (93%)
met the minimum 2.8 requirement for
SPED 240.
• Nearly all teacher candidates (94%)
met the 2.8 requirement for SPED
• All teacher candidates (100%) met the
2.8 requirement for SPED 350.
• All teacher candidates (100%) met the
2.8 requirement for SPED 360.
SPED 441
Adapted Lesson
SPED 495
PDE 430 Form
SPED 441 is now SPED 360
After reviewing the data for the Adapted
Lesson Plan
After reviewing the data of the PDE 430:
Based on the data analysis, the following
• I. Planning and Preparation: 88.9% of recommendations are made:
students scored Exemplary with 11.1%
• Training should be implemented
scoring Superior consistently over 2
across instructors, to ensure
consistency in student evaluation on
the PDE430 form.
• II. Classroom Management: There
was an improvement in scores from
Spring to Fall 2012 semesters from
66.7% scoring Exemplary and 33.3%
scoring Superior in the Spring to
100% Exemplary in the Fall.
• III. Instructional Delivery:
Improvement was also documented
from 33.3% Exemplary during Spring
2012 to 88.9% Exemplary in Fall.
Spring showed 33.3% Superior, and
11.1% in Fall, respectively.
• IV. Professionalism: The overall
score of candidates score in
Exemplary followed by Superior with
77.8% scoring Exemplary in Spring
2012 and 22.2% scoring Superior. In
Fall, 88.9% of candidates scored
Exemplary and 11.1% Superior.
• V. Overall Score: Again the majority
of candidates scored Superior and
Exemplary during 2012.
During Spring, 2012, 100% of candidates
No recommendations at this time.
scored Target or Acceptable, on the 13 item
Fall 2013
SPED 495
Assessment Plan
SPED 495
rubric. Fall of 2012, nearly all, 94%, scored
in the Target or Acceptable range. The 3
students who dropped into Developing were
on rubric items for Alignment with State
Standards, Multiple Modes and Approaches,
Clarity an Accuracy of Presentation, and
Implications for Student Teaching.
After reviewing the data from the previous
Based on data analysis, the following
Fall 2013
years of the TCPP:
recommendations are made:
• Performance data 2009, 2010, and
• Overall students performed well on
2011 indicate an average range of 88%
the instrument.
to over 98% of teacher candidates
• Since the TCPP is completed for both
scoring either Target or Acceptable on
field students (SPED 440) and
each TCPP item.
student teachers (SPED 495), data
• Data from 2012 is consistent with an
should be disaggregated and analyzed
average range from 80.9% to 100% on
separately to provide meaningful
Target and Acceptable.
assessment of student performance at
both levels, field and student
• The highest scores were on item CE 4
(methods for learning that are positive,
open and respectful) with a range of
• Training should be implemented
97.6% to 100% scoring at Target or
across instructors, to ensure
consistency in student evaluation on
the TCPP at both the field level and
• Also consistent with 2009 – 2011, the
student teaching.
lowest scores for 2012 were on PR2
(reliable communication about student
• Attempts made to address lower
progress to parents and other
scores on the PR2 item
colleagues) with a range of 82.5% to
(communication with parents) has
92.8% of candidates scoring Target or
been challenging due to situational
factors related to the variability of
candidate placement for field and
• KP5 (presents information to engage
student teaching.
students’ prior knowledge and
experience by using instructional
• To address lower scores in KP5
materials that takes into account
Now SPED 430
SPED 309 now
SPED 240
student interests, needs, aptitudes, and
community resources) was the other
lowest score in 2012 with a range of
87.6% to 96.2 scoring Target or
After reviewing the data from 2012, a
majority of the students scored at either
Target or Acceptable with a range of 98 –
100%. During Spring, 2012, a majority of the
students (71%) scored Acceptable in the
“Other Aspects” section of the rubric, but in
Fall, 2012, a majority of the students scored
Target in this area. In Fall, 2012, if students
scored Acceptable or below, it was in the area
of Goals and/or Writing Style.
After reviewing the data from 2012,
significant improvements were made from
Spring 2012 to Fall 2012 in the areas of
Physical Classroom Arrangement (students
scoring at Target increased from 60% to
94%), Managing Common Misbehaviors
(students scoring at Target increased from
33% to 100%), and Professional Writing and
Organization (students scoring at Target
increased from 64% to 85%).
An emphasis will continue to be placed on
writing measurable and observable goals and
supplying supporting documents (Other
Aspects) such additional parts of the IEP not
in the rubric, and supplementary documents
such as the Notice of Recommended
Educational Placement (NOREP), and the
Parent and the Student Invitation Letters.
Writing grammatically correct IEPs will also
continue to be emphasized since
grammatical errors can reflect poorly on
Based on the data analysis the following
recommendations for improvement are
Continue to incorporate professional writing
strategies to improve student outcomes in
this area.
Fall, 2013
Fall, 2013