P h y sio lo g ica l and ... C o u p lin g b etw...

P h ysiological and Transcriptomic Evidence for a C lose
C ou p lin g b etw een C hloroplast O ntogeny and C ell
Cycle Progression in the Pennate D iatom
Seminavis robusta1[c][w][OA]
Jeroen Gillard, Valerie D evos, Marie J.J. H uysm an, Lieven D e Veylder, Sofie D 'H ondt, Cindy Martens,
Pieter Vanorm elingen, Katrijn Vannerum, Koen Sabbe, Victor A. Chepurnov2, D irk Inzé*,
M arnik V uylsteke, and Wim Vyverman
L aboratory of P rotistology a n d A quatic Ecology, D epartm ent of Biology, G hent U niversity, B-9000 Gent,
Belgium (J.G., V.D.,
S.D., P.V., K.V., K.S., V.A.C., W.V.); a n d D ep artm en t of P lant System s Biology,
F landers In stitu te for Biotechnology, a n d D ep artm en t of M olecular Genetics, G hent U niversity,
B-9052 G ent, Belgium (J.G., V.D., M.J.J.H., L.D.V., C.M., K.V., D.I., M.V.)
Despite the growing interest in diatom genomics, detailed tim e series of gene expression in relation to key cellular processes are still
lacking. Here, w e investigated the relationships betw een the cell cycle an d chloroplast developm ent in the pennate diatom Seminavis
robusta. This diatom possesses tw o chloroplasts w ith a well-orchestrated developm ental cycle, com m on to m any pennate diatoms.
By assessing the effects of induced cell cycle arrest w ith microscopy an d flow cytometry, w e found that division and reorganization
of the chloroplasts are initiated only after S-phase progression. Next, w e quantified the expression of the S. robusta FtsZ hom olog to
address the division status of chloroplasts during synchronized grow th and m onitored microscopically their dynam ics in relation to
nuclear division and silicon deposition. We show that chloroplasts divide an d relocate during the S/G 2 phase, after w hich a girdle
b an d is deposited to accom modate cell growth. Synchronized cultures of two genotypes w ere subsequently used for a cDNAam plified fragm ent length polym orphism -based genom e-wide transcript profiling, in w hich 917 reproducibly m odulated
transcripts w ere identified. We observed that genes involved in pigm ent biosynthesis an d coding for light-harvesting proteins
w ere up-regulated during G 2/M phase and cell separation. Light and cell cycle progression w ere both found to affect fucoxanthinchlorophyll a/c-binding protein expression and accum ulation of fucoxanthin cell content. Because chloroplasts elongate at the stage
of cytokinesis, cell cycle-modulated photosynthetic gene expression and synthesis of pigm ents in concert w ith cell division might
balance chloroplast growth, w hich confirms that chloroplast biogenesis in S. robusta is tightly regulated.
D iatom s, an extraordinarily diverse g roup of heterokontophyte m icroalgae (Kooistra et al., 2003), dom i1 This w ork was supported by the European Union Framework
Program 6 Diatomics project (grant no. LSHG-CT-2004-512035), the
Research Fund of Ghent University (Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksac­
ties grant no. 12050398), the Belgian Coordinated Collections of
Microorganisms Culture Collection project (grant no. C 3/00/14;
Belgian Federal Science Policy), Research Foundation-Flanders
(postdoctoral fellowship to F.D.V.), and the Institute for the Promo­
tion of Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders
(predoctoral fellowships to J.G., V.D., M.J.J.H., C.M., and K.V.).
2 Present address: SBAE Industries NV, Oostmoer 22A, 9950
Waarschoot, Belgium.
* Corresponding author; e-mail dirk.inze@psb.ugent.be.
The authors responsible for distribution of materials integral to
the findings presented in this article in accordance w ith the policy
described in the Instructions for Authors (www.plantphysiol.org)
are: Wim Vyverman (wim.vyverman@ugent.be) and Jeroen Gillard
(jeroen. gillard@ugent.be).
[CI Some figures in this article are displayed in color online b u t in
black and white in the print edition.
[w] jp g on[¡ne version 0f
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[oaj Qpen Access articles can be viewed online w ithout a sub­
nate the p rim ary p roduction of m any m arine and
freshw ater ecosystem s (G ranum et al., 2005). Based on
the shape an d structure of their unique siliceous cell
walls, tw o m ajor architectural types are recognized:
"centric" diatom s, a paraphyletic group w ith radially
p attern ed valves, an d "pennate" diatom s, a m onophyletic group characterized b y a feather-like valve struc­
ture. W hole-genom e sequencing of Thalassiosira
pseudonana (A rm brust et al., 2004) an d Phaeodactylum
tricornutum (Bowler et al., 2008), representatives of
centric an d pennate diatom s, respectively, has re­
vealed that they com bine plant- an d anim al-like char­
acteristics an d possess m any genes that are com pletely
un k n o w n in other organism s. These genom e studies
enable the unraveling of the genetic basis of the unique
properties underlying the ecological an d evolutionary
success of diatom s. D iatom s have long been know n for
their extrem ely hig h photosynthetic efficiency: com ­
p ared w ith other photosynthetic eukaryotic unicells of
com parable size, diatom s have the highest grow th
rates (Banse, 1982; R aven and Geider, 1988; Sarthou
et al., 2005) an d an unusually high photosynthetic
flexibility that is essential for coping w ith large habitatintrinsic fluctuations in irradiance (Lavaud et al.,
Plant Physiology, N ovem ber 2008, Vol. 148, p p . 1394-1411, w w w .plan tp h y sio l.o rg © 2008 A m erican Society of P lan t Biologists
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
2004). Their hig h grow th rates m ight be attributed to
their h igh Rubisco carboxylase efficiency an d the
p u tativ e presence of an alternative C 4-photosynthetic
pathw ay, enabling tem porary storage of carbon for
use at tim es of low light irradiance (Riebesell, 2000;
W ilhelm et al., 2006; Roberts et al., 2007). The photo­
synthetic flexibility of diatom s is related to their high
capacity for energy dissipation through n o nphoto­
chem ical quenching, w hich can reach a 5-fold higher
level th an th at in plants (Ruban et al., 2004).
As in other groups of heterokontophyte algae, d ia­
tom chloroplasts originate from a secondary endosym biosis, probably the engulfm ent of a red alga b y a
heterotrophic eukaryote (M cFadden, 2001; Falkowski
et al., 2004). As a result, diatom plastids are su rro u n d ed
b y four m em branes instead of the usual tw o, typical for
plan ts an d green algae. M oreover, the outerm ost p air of
m em branes is connected w ith the nuclear envelope in a
n u m b er of diatom s (Stoerm er et al., 1965; Daw son,
1973; Flashim oto, 2005). These characteristics have
im plications for chloroplast protein targeting pathw ays
(A pt et al., 2002; Kilian an d Kroth, 2005) an d possibly
for its division m echanism an d transm ission to d au g h ­
ter cells (Flashim oto, 2005). W hile the chloroplast u l­
trastru ctu re ap pears to be fairly uniform in diatom s,
there is a w id e variation in chloroplast m orphology as
w ell as in the n u m b er of chloroplasts an d their arrange­
m ent w ith in the cells. The chloroplasts of polyplastidic
diatom s, w hich com prise m ost centric diatom s b u t also
several genera of p ennate diatom s, have a very sim ple
m orphology (for review, see M ann, 1996). In contrast,
chloroplasts of m ono-, di-, and tetraplastidic diatom s
often h ave m ore elaborate shapes an d can undergo
com plex changes in m orphology an d arrangem ent
before a n d /o r after cytokinesis. C hloroplast division
involves constriction of the p aren t chloroplasts into
tw o m ore or less equally sized d au g h ter chloroplasts.
Two types of chloroplast division are recognized
am ong diatom s, referred to as autonom ous an d im ­
p o sed division (M ann, 1996). In the autonom ous type,
believed to be the prim itive condition, the chloroplast
constricts into tw o w ith o u t the obvious involvem ent of
any other organelle. In im posed division, w hich ap ­
pears to h ave evolved several tim es in different line­
ages of p en n ate diatom s, chloroplast division occurs
synchronically w ith the form ation of the cleavage fur­
row. In p lants and som e other eukaryotes, chloroplast
division is orchestrated b y a prokaryote-derived divi­
sion m achinery, w hose regulation is not fully u n d er­
stood (O steryoung an d N unnari, 2003; M argolin, 2005;
A dam s et aí., 2008) b u t should som ehow be coordi­
n ated w ith the regulation of the cell cycle m achinery
th at paces the cell division rate on the su rro u n d in g
environm ents an d coordinates critical processes such
as cell grow th, karyokinesis, an d cytokinesis (De
Veylder et al., 2007).
Environm ental factors m ostly im pinge on cell cycle
control th ro u g h cell cycle checkpoints at the G l /S or
G 2 /M cell cycle phase transitions. M any universal
core cell cycle genes that regulate these transitions
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
have been found in the tw o sequenced diatom ge­
nom es (A rm brust et al., 2004; Bowler et al., 2008), b u t
diatom -specific genes an d gene regulations m ay con­
tribute to the unique features that distinguish diatom s
from other algae (M ontsant et al., 2007; M.J.J. Fluysm an,
A. De M artino, C. M artens, E. Rayko, J. Gillard, M.
Fleijde, B. M athieu, A. M eichenin, A. M ontsant,
K. V andepoele, Y. Van de Peer, L. De Veylder, D.
Inzé, C. Bowler, an d W. Vyverm an, u n p ublished data).
C hloroplast developm ent is difficult to address in
polyplastidic cells, such as centric diatom s an d cells
of higher plants (Pyke, 1999). Flowever, the observed
coordination of cbloroplast developm ent w ith cell
cycle progression in m any p ennate diatom s creates
an oppo rtu n ity to address m ore easily chloroplast
developm ent in relation to other cellular processes,
because if chloroplast ontogeny is regulated b y the cell
cycle, the controlled progression of chloroplasts can be
stu d ied in synchronized cultures.
Tiere, w e com bined physiological experim ents, cytological observations, an d a cD N A -am plified frag­
m ent length polym orphism (AFLP)-based genome-wide
transcriptom e analysis to identify cell cycle-dependent
checkpoints in chloroplast developm ent an d gene
expression d u rin g synchronized grow th. As a m odel
species, w e used Seminavis robusta (Danielidis and
M ann, 2002), a representative of the diverse an d eco­
logically im portant group of p ennate N aviculaceae. As
in m ost genera of this family, the tw o chloroplasts in S.
robusta divide in an autonom ous m anner an d m ove
from the girdle to the valves an d back, once d u rin g
each cell cycle (C hepum ov et al., 2002; Supplem ental
Fig. SI). S. robusta is particularly w ell suited for cytological studies because of its large size (up to 100 /rm)
and, being a benthic species adh erin g to surfaces
(Thom pson et al., 2008), the easy an d nonintrusive
observation of cellular behavior. M oreover, sexual
reproduction can be controlled, resulting in the first
diatom pedigree th at currently com prises approxi­
m ately 110 clones (C hepum ov et al., 2008). Therefore,
this species offers interesting perspectives for func­
tional genom ics studies as w ell as for forw ard genetics
to investigate key life history traits, including the
dynam ics of their photosynthetic ap p aratu s an d its
interaction w ith other cellular processes an d the envi­
ronm ent.
Cell and Chloroplast D ivision Are Both Arrested in
Response to Darkness and Cell Cycle
Inhibitor Treatments
U sing light deprivation an d tw o cell cycle inhibitors,
w e investigated w hether a relationship exists betw een
the cell cycle checkpoints and the chloroplast division
cycle. For light deprivation, exponentially grow ing
cultures w ere transferred to com plete darkness for 24
h an d com pared w ith light-grow n control cultures by
G illard et al.
flow cytom etry (Fig. IA). The tetraploid p eak (G2+M
phase) presen t in the light-grow n cultures w as absent
in the 24-h dark-treated cultures, indicating that in
the latter the m ajority of cells w ere arrested in the G1
p h ase of the cell cycle. Microscopically, the lightgrow n cultures consisted of b o th dividing an d no n d i­
v id in g cells (Fig. IB). In contrast, the dark-arrested
cultures only contained n ondividing cells (Fig. 1C).
These cells have their tw o chloroplasts u n d iv id ed and
located at the girdle sides of the cell (Fig. 1, D-G ). In
m ost cases, the ventral chloroplast h ad four subcentral
lobes that, across the valves, reached the dorsal side of
the cell (Fig. 1, F an d G). Occasionally, som e postcytokinetic do u b let cells could also be found in the darkarrested cultures. These doublet cells are at a stage
after cytokinesis b u t before cell separation, d u rin g
w hich the cell is devoted to frustule form ation
(Coombs et al., 1967a). Microscopically, the doublet
cells in dark-arrested cultures contained the G1 type of
girdle-located u n d iv id ed chloroplasts.
Next, w e stu d ied chloroplast behavior u p o n treat­
m ent w ith chem ical cell cycle inhibitors. First, hydroxy­
urea (HU) w as ap plied to exponentially grow ing
cultures, thereby inhibiting S-phase progression by
Cytological Changes during Cell Cycle Progression in
Synchronized Cultures
d a rk n e s s I
lig h t
124 h
% ^
Figure 1 . R esponse of 5. robusta to dark treatm ents. A, Flow cytom etric
DNA c o n te n t histogram s of an ex p o n en tially grow ing cu ltu re before
transfer to d ark n ess (top), after 2 4 h of dark incubation (m iddle), an d
after 24 h of light (bottom ). B to D an d F, Light m icro sco p ic p hotographs
of th e 24 -h light-treated cu ltu re (strain F,-8B; B), th e 24-h d ark-treated
cu ltu re (strain F,-8B; C), a 24-h dark-arrested cell in girdle view with
focus on th e ventral ch lo ro p last (strain F2-31B; D), a n d a 24-h darkarrested cell in valve view (strain F2-31B; F). The ch loroplasts a p p e a r
brow nish, a n d th e cell w all is visible d u e to its high contrast. E an d G,
C onfocal flu o rescen ce m icroscopic p h o tographs of cells from darkarrested cu ltu res (strain F2-31B) in w h ich th e ch lo ro p lastid ic signal is
red (autofluorescence), th e n u clear signal is green (SYBR Safe), an d th e
cell w all signal is b lu e (PDM PO; Lysosensor). C hloroplasts of darkarrested cu ltu res are u n d ivided an d pressed against the girdle. The
ventral ch lo ro p last has four subcentral lobes th at ex ten d acro ss th e
valve to w ard th e dorsal sid e of th e cell. Bars = 10 fim .
depleting the cell of d eox y nucleoside triphosphates
(Young and H odas, 1964). A com plete S-phase arrest of
cell division b y H U w as confirm ed b y flow cytom etry
after 72 h of treatm ent (Supplem ental Fig. S2), w hile
the cultures rem ained healthy, because cell grow th
restarted after the inhibitor h ad been w ashed aw ay
(data no t show n). The cells in these S-phase-arrested
cultures all contained girdle-located u n d iv id ed chlo­
roplasts as in dark-arrested G l-p h ase cells, b u t the
subcentral lobes w ere not observed (Fig. 2A). From
these observations, w e conclude th at chloroplast divi­
sion an d m ovem ents do not take place before the S
phase. How ever, these results should be interpreted
w ith caution: because H U depletes the cell's deoxynucleoside triphosphate pool, chloroplast DNA repli­
cation m ight be affected b y the d ru g and, thus,
inhibition of plastokinesis m ight be a direct effect of
the chloroplast's inability to replicate its DNA. To
validate these findings, aphidicolin, another cell cycle
S-phase inhibitor that blocks the nucleus-specific DNA
polym erase a (Ikegam i et al., 1978), w as applied on
dark-arrested cultures that w ere reillum inated im m e­
diately after addition of the drug. M icroscopic analysis
after 24 h revealed th at treated cells d id not divide and
contained u n d iv id ed chloroplasts located at the girdle
sides (Fig. 2, B-D), w hile control cultures div id ed
normally. In contrast w ith H U -arrested cells, ventral
chloroplast lobes w ere observed d u rin g aphidicolin
arrest (Fig. 2D).
Based on the uniform cell cycle arrest in darkarrested cultures, w e established a synchronization
procedure to stu d y cell cycle-m odulated processes. To
this end, exponentially grow ing cultures (12 h:12 h
lighfldark) w ere transferred into darkness for a period
of 24 h an d reillum inated for 12 h. Two m onoclonal
strains, designated Fj-SB an d FX-9A, w ere synchro­
nized in this m anner an d w ere used for the transcriptom e analysis described below. Reillum ination
resulted in the synchronous reactivation of cell cycle
progression, starting from the G1 phase of the darkarrested cells. Synchrony w as evaluated b y estim ating
the am ount of dividing cells at h o u rly intervals,
com plem ented b y observations of chloroplast dy n am ­
ics (Fig. 3). D ividing cells w ere operationally defined
to include only doublet cells, characterized b y the
presence of a cleavage furrow, w hich is visible as an
area of high contrast separating the chloroplast pairs
(see S upplem ental Fig. S3 for an illustration ot the
counting procedure). Im m ediately u p o n reillum ina­
tion, all cells w ere in the G1 phase, containing u n d i­
v ided chloroplasts as previously show n. A fter 4 h, few
cells w ith div id ed chloroplasts ap peared in the cul­
tures, an d after 6 h, som e cells w ere dividing. From 6 h
onw ard, the cultures contained S-, G2-, an d M -phase
cells, in w hich the p roportion of dividing cells p ro ­
gressively increased until 50% at the 9-h sam pling
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hloroplast Cycle of Seminavis robusta
Figure 2. 5. robusta cells in cell cycle inhibitor-treated cultures. A an d B, L ight-m icroscopic photographs. C an d D, F luorescence
m icro sco p ic photographs. A, H U -treated cell (strain F,-31 B) arrested during S phase. B to D, A p hidicolin-treated cell (strain F,8B) in girdle view (B) w ith focus on th e ventral ch lo ro p last (C) a n d on th e dorsal ch lo ro p last (D). In ea c h case, both chloroplasts
are u n d iv id ed an d lo cated against th e valves. The difference in cell m orphology b etw een cells in A a n d B to D is d u e to the
different av erage cell sizes of th e strains used. Bars = 10 juni.
point. At 9 h, the am ount of div id in g cells decreased as
a consequence of d au g h ter cell separation an d initia­
tion of the second cell division cycle.
The phenotypic cell cycle events d u rin g synchroni­
zation of the cultures w ere further characterized w ith
confocal laser-scanning m icroscopy an d an ap p ro p ri­
ate set of stains for the nucleus (SYBR Safe) an d the cell
w all (2-(4-pyridyl)-5-((4-(2-dimethylaminoethylaminocarbamoyl)methoxy)phenyl)oxazole [PDMPO]). Besides
fluorescent cell w all labeling in diatom s (Shimizu
et al., 2001; Leblanc an d H utchins, 2005), PDM PO
visualizes acidic organelles (D iw u et al., 1999) and
m onitors the location of new ly incorporated silica.
As sh o w n p reviously b y C h epum ov et al. (2002),
chloroplast division occurs b y central constriction (Fig.
4A), an d u p o n com pletion of constriction of the dorsal
(Fig. 4B) an d v entral (Fig. 4C) chloroplasts, the d au g h ­
ter chloroplast p airs m ove bodily in opposite direc­
tions, describing a circular m otion along the p eriphery
of the cell, until they position against the valves (Fig. 4,
D an d E; see also S upplem ental Fig. SI). By com paring
these cells w ith the dark-arrested cells in valve and
girdle view s (com pare Fig. 1G w ith Fig. 4D an d Fig. IE
w ith Fig. 4E), the difference in location betw een u n d i­
v id ed an d div id ed chloroplasts could easily be seen.
D uring this "reorganized chloroplast configuration"
stage, the nucleus, positioned in the center of the cyto­
plasm , w as still u n d iv id ed (Fig. 4E). Taking into con­
sideration th at the chloroplasts divide after S-phase
initiation, this show s that plastokinesis an d subse­
q u en t chloroplast relocation occur d u rin g S / G2 phase
an d are fully established before M phase.
Before signs of m itosis appeared, b u t after chloro­
plast rearrangem ent, the first PDM PO signal w as
detected as an elliptically shaped thin b an d (Fig. 4F).
This signal probably represents a girdle b an d (Sup­
plem ental Fig. S4) th at is ad d ed to the girdle as a result
of cell grow th. C hloroplast reorganization w as fol­
low ed b y karyokinesis (Fig. 4G) an d cytokinesis (Fig.
4, H -K ). Early on d u rin g cytokinesis, PDM PO fluo­
rescence w as initially detected inside tw o "vacuole­
like" com partm ents located against the division p lane
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
ru n n in g from pole to pole (Fig. 4H), w hile a PDM POstained cell w all w as no t yet visible. Since the fluores­
cence em ission an d intensity of PDM PO typically shift
w h en the intracom partm ental silica concentration in ­
creases above 3.2 rriM (Shim izu et al., 2001; H azelaar
et al., 2005), the observed fluorescence of PDM PO in
these com partm ents could be paralleled w ith silicon
influx in p reparation for silica deposition d u rin g the
subsequent form ation of the frustule. The deposition
of cell w all m aterial w as observed as a straight line
th at ran betw een the tw o d au g h ter nuclei an d located
t im e (h )
Figure 3. Evaluation of th e synchrony of cell a n d ch lo ro p last division in
5. robusta sy n c h ro n ized strains F,-8B an d F,-9A. The propo rtio n of
dividing cells is presen ted a s a function of tim e, during reillum in atio n of
th e 24-h dark-arrested cultures. D ata are m ean s ± se of six m icro sco p ic
fields (0.09 m m 2). The p red o m in an t m orphological stages in ea c h cell
cy cle p h ase are represented from light to dark gray in this order:
undivided chloroplasts, dividing chloroplasts, dividing cells, an d sep ­
arating cells. G1 co rre sp o n d s to th e p h ase in w h ich cells w ith u n d i­
v ided g ird le-lo cated ch loroplasts are present. The asterisk d en o tes th e
first observ ed cells w ith divided ch loroplasts an d also ap p ro x im ates th e
m o m en t of S -phase initiation, acco rd in g to th e transcriptional in d u c­
tion of th e MCM5 prereplication factor (Supplem ental Fig. S8). G2/M
co rre sp o n d s to the p h ase in w h ich dividing cells w e re increasingly
represented w ith a m axim um in th e a m o u n t of dividing cells at 9 h.
M /G l co rre sp o n d s to th e stage of cell separation.
G illard et al.
Cell Cycle-Modulated Expression of the S. robusta
Chloroplast D ivision Protein FtsZ
Figure 4 . C ytological ev en ts durin g sy n c h ro n ized grow th of 5. robusta
o b serv ed by co n fo cal flu o rescen ce m icroscopy. The chloroplastidic
signal is red (autofluorescence), th e n u clear signal is green (SYBRSafe),
a n d th e silica tracer signal is b lu e (PD M PO; Lysosensor). In p h o to ­
graphs A, C, D, a n d H, th e transm ission light ch an n el w as perm itted in
o rd er to v isu alize th e o u tlin e of th e cell. B to D, C ells show n in valve
view. A, E to j, a n d L, C ells show n in girdle view. A, Cell w ith focus on a
dividing dorsal ch lo ro p last, displaying th e central constriction (arrow).
B, Cell w ith th e dorsal ch lo ro p last divided. C, Cell w ith both c h lo ro ­
plasts d iv id ed . D a n d E, Cell w ith fully rotated, valv e-lo cated c h lo ro ­
plasts an d co n tain in g an u ndivided nucleus. F, Cell w ith valve-located
ch lo ro p lasts an d sh o w in g a b lu e b an d in th e m id d le of th e cell,
ex ten d in g from p o le to p o le. This b an d p robably represents a girdle
b an d (Supplem ental Fig. S4). G, Cell ju st after karyokinesis. Each
d au g h ter n u cleu s is situ ated on a different sid e of th e future division
p lan e. H, Cell durin g cytokinesis. The division of th e protoplast is
a p p a re n t by th e cleav ag e furrow, visible as a line of higher contrast
ru nning from p o le to p o le an d in b etw een both d au g h ter nuclei. The
PDM PO signal is confined to tw o "vacuole-like" com partm ents; as such,
it ap p ears that deposition of silica at th e site of the cleavage furrow has
not yet begun. I, Dividing cell during frustule form ation. D eposition of
silica into th e frustule is visible as a line running from pole to pole and
situated betw een th e chloroplast pairs a n d daughter nuclei. J, Dividing
cell w ith chloroplasts m oving back from th e valves tow ard the girdle. K,
S eparating dau g h ter cells in slightly tilt valve view w ith focus on the
dorsal chloroplasts, w hich are com pletely covering th e girdle area. From
th e ventral chloroplasts, only th e subcentral lobes are visible. L, A new ly
divided cell w ith th e new ly form ed valve stained w ith PDPM O. The
o th er valve is inherited from the m other cell. Bar = 10 juni.
The m icroscopically derived indications of cell cycle
p h ase-dependent chloroplast division w ere validated
b y transcript quantification of the bacterial cell divi­
sion hom olog F tsZ in synchronized S. robusta cultures.
Therefore, a F tsZ gene fragm ent w as am plified w ith a
set of nested degenerate prim ers, cloned, an d se­
quenced, enabling the design of a specific p rim er
p air suited for real-tim e (RT) quantitative (Q) PCR
(Supplem ental Fig. S5). Three constitutively expressed
genes w ere used for d ata norm alization (see "M ate­
rials and M ethods"), an d RT-Q-PCR of the S. robusta
F tsZ ortholog w as done on tw o replicated synchroni­
zations of strain Fj-813 (Fig. 5). Both show ed that FtsZ
expression is m odulated d u rin g synchronization. Its
expression 5 to 8 h after reillum ination increased 2.5to 4-fold w hen com pared w ith its average expression
betw een 0 to 4 h. In bo th replicates, FtsZ w as m axi­
m ally expressed at 7 h after darkness, being 2 h before
m ost cells w ere dividing.
cDNA-AFLP Expression Profiling during Cell
Cycle Progression
In parallel w ith the above-described sam pling (Fig.
3) for cytological observations, sam ples w ere taken at
1-h intervals to conduct a cDNA-AFLP-based genom ew ide transcript profiling to identify m odulated gene
expression profiles correlated w ith the cytological
changes d u rin g the cell cycle. The com plete d ata set,
including annotations an d expression data, is avail­
able online (Supplem ental Table SI).
The cDNA-AFLP analysis resulted in 2,908 transcriptderived fragm ents (TDFs) that w ere scored quantita­
tively. A considerable am ount of expression variation
betw een the tw o strains originated from genotypedependent DNA polym orphism s in the transcripts, re­
sulting in the absence / presence of cDNA-AFLP fragments
FtsZ expression - replicate
FtsZ expression - replicate
Proportion of dividing cells
Proportion of dividing cells
- replicate 1
- replicate 2
at the site of the previously observed cleavage furrow
(Fig. 41). O nly after this initial deposition of silica,
w hile b o th cells w ere still attached to each other, the
chloroplasts m oved back from the valves to the ventral
an d dorsal girdle sides (Fig. 4J). D uring this last
relocation event, each chloroplast elongated until it
com pletely covered the girdle area. Cell division w as
finalized w h en d au g h ter cells separated (Fig. 4K),
creating tw o n ew cells containing one unstained valve,
inherited from its m other, and one new ly b u ilt valve
stained w ith PDM PO (Fig. 4L).
o' mo
tim e (h)
Figure 5. Expression o f th e S. robusta FtsZ o rth o lo g as a functio n of
tim e after reillum ination durin g tw o rep licate sy n c h ro n izatio n s o f strain
F.,-8B. T he proportion of dividing cells is p resen ted as a function of tim e
d uring reillum ination to g eth er w ith th e relative expression valu es of
FtsZ. RT-PCR d a ta w e re n o rm aliz ed ag ain st th re e cD N A -A FLP-acquired
referen ce g enes. [See o n lin e article for c o lo r version of this figure.]
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
(see Supplemental Fig. S6 for an example of a cDNA-AFLP
electropherogram; Vuylsteke et al., 2006). These expression
profiles are of no value for expression analysis and were
removed from the data set; only expression profiles that
w ere highly reproducible (Pearson's correlation, P < 0.05)
across the two strains were kept for further analysis. In this
manner, 955 TDFs were selected and used for adaptive
quality-based clustering (De Smet et al., 2002). With highstringency settings (see "Materials and M ethods"), 917
TDFs w ere g ro u p ed in nine expression clusters (desig­
n ated C1-C9; S upplem ental Fig. S7). Figure 6 show s the
expression p atterns of all these TDFs d u rin g the cell
cycle of b o th genotypes b y hierarchical clustering
(Eisen et al., 1998). TDFs in clusters C l an d C2 h ad
their m axim al expression d u rin g darkness (0 h), and
the level of expression decreased drastically w ithin the
first few h o u rs after darkness. Expression of TDFs in
clusters C3 an d C4 w as induced after illum ination,
p eaking at 2 an d 3 h, respectively, after darkness.
Average p eak expression in cluster C5 occurred at 4 to
6 h after darkness, corresponding w ith the initiation of
chloroplast division an d the appearance of the first
d iv id in g cells. This cluster contained all identified
TDFs w ith nucleotide-binding regions (Table I). Two
of these w ere the universal S-phase-specific genes,
histone FI3 an d MCM5. Flistone FI3 (Sr025; Kapros
et al., 1992; M enges et al., 2002) w as m axim ally ex­
p ressed at 7 h (Supplem ental Fig. S8). The universal
DN A replication licensing factor MCM5 (Sr027) h ad a
discrete expression at 4 h. This latter gene is specifically
involved in the initiation of DNA synthesis an d u n ­
w in d in g of the D N A at the replication forks an d has
b een show n to be tem porally expressed at the G l/S
transition (Tsuruga et al., 1997; Takisaw a et al., 2000).
Therefore, the expression of the MCM5 ortholog rep­
resents a good m arker for S-phase initiation an d w as
u sed to dem arcate the G1 an d S phases d u rin g syn­
chronization. W hile genes in cluster C6 w ere discretely
expressed at 7 h, genes in cluster C7 h ad a broader
expression range. They w ere induced at 6 h, in corre­
spondence w ith the first occurrences of dividing cells,
until the 12th h at the m om ent of cell separation. Genes
in this cluster w ere expressed sim ultaneously w ith the
enrichm ent of G 2-phase cells an d dividing cells. They
consisted of an early an d late expression subgroup,
indicated as C7-Early (C7-E), containing genes induced
at 6 h, an d C7-Late (C7-L), containing genes induced at
8 h. C lusters C8 an d C9 com prised a rather sm all
n u m b er of expression profiles, peaking at three (3, 7,
an d 10-12 h) an d tw o (0 an d 12 h) nonconsecutive tim e
points, respectively.
In total, 378 TDFs (41%) w ith reproducible expres­
sion profiles across the tw o genotypes w ere selected
for sequencing. Since w e w ere interested p rim arily
in the progression of the cell cycle, proportionally
m ore TDFs w ere selected from clusters C5 an d C7, in
w hich expression w as up-regulated after reillum ina­
tion (Supplem ental Table S2). G ood-quality sequences
w ere found in 322 TDFs (85%), of w hich 100 h ad
significant (E-value < IO-3) sim ilarity (Table I) w ith
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
genes in the in-house-constructed database (see "M a­
terials an d M ethods"). Expression patterns of these
annotated TDFs are presented in Supplem ental Figure
S9. Seventy-two TDFs show ed hom ology w ith a gene
w ith a putative allocated function, 18 w ere hom olo­
gous w ith sequences w ith o u t an allocated function
(hypothetical proteins), an d 10 TDFs m atched w ith
diatom orp h an genes, for w hich no hom ologous coun­
terparts exist (Table I). These latter genes w ere all
confined to the late phases of the cell cycle, indicating
th at diatom -specific genes m ight be functionally asso­
ciated w ith m itosis an d cell separation. Based on the
gene hom ology an d the m ap p in g of Gene O ntology
(GO) labels an d InterPro dom ains (see "M aterials and
M ethods"; S upplem ental Tables S3 an d S4), the TDFs
w ith annotated functions w ere classified into 11 dis­
tinct functional groups (Table I).
Modulated Expression of Genes Implicated in
Cell Metabolism
The m ajority of the GO-labeled TDFs w ere active
in cellular an d m etabolic processes (Supplem ental
Fig. SIO). TDFs involved in protein biosynthesis w ere
d om inant in S-phase cluster C5. Two genes w ere found
to be involved in am ino acid synthesis, nam ely
N -acc ty 1- y-gl u ta m y 1-ph osph a te reductase (Sr029) and
the bifunctional ATP sulturylase-adenosine 5 '-p h o sphosulfate kinase (Sr033). Various com ponents of the
translation m achinery dom inated this cluster: three
TDFs encoded ribosom al proteins (Sr030, Sr031, and
Sr032) an d one encoded an aspartyl-tRN A synthetase
(Sr034). A translation initiation factor 3 (Sr050) w as
induced shortly after these genes, in cluster C7-E. In
addition, nine posttranslational m odification proteins
w ere identified (SrOOl, Sr002, Sr009, SrOlO, Sr028,
Sr047, Sr048, Sr049, an d Sr073). Four of these genes
w ere expressed in cluster C7-E b u t tw o of them , a ClpX
hom olog (SrOOl; W eart et al., 2005) an d a ubiquitinconjugating enzym e (Sr002), w ere highly expressed in
the G l-p h ase cluster C2 w hen cells w ere released
from the d ark an d w ere ra p id ly dow n-regulated after
the first h o u r of light. A series of hypothetical proteins
w ith undefined function displayed an identical regu­
Several genes of the chloroplast-localized fatty acid
biosynthetic pathw ays (Ohlrogge an d Browse, 1995)
w ere m odulated d u rin g different phases of the cell
cycle. /3-H y d ro X y a c y 1- A C P - d eh y d ra ta s e (Sr023) w as
identified in cluster C5, w hile tw o fatty acid desaturases (Sr044 an d Sr045) w ere expressed som e tim e later
in cluster C7-E. Transcription of glycerol-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (Sr091), also referred to as dihydroxyacetone p h osphate reductase (Gee et al., 1988), w as
activated d u rin g cell separation in cluster C9, starting
10 h after reillum ination.
To drive the anabolic pathw ays of protein an d fatty
acid synthesis, the cell d epends on an acetyl-CoA pool,
w hich can be pro d u ced b y the aerobic oxidation of
carbohydrates (Fernie et al., 2004). In this respect, the
G illard et al.
glycolytic enzym e enolase (Sr017) w as expressed in
cluster C5 together w ith the m itochondrion-localized
enzym e isocitrate dehydrogenase (Sr015) an d a m i­
tochondrial phosphate-carrier protein (Sr016), b oth
needed d u rin g active citric acid cycling.
Two TDFs (Sr051 and Sr095), a subunit of the vacuolar
(V)-type H +-ATPase and a V-type H +-pyrophosphatase,
are know n to play a role in vacuolar transport. M ore
particularly, they are responsible for the acidification
or m aintenance of the acidity of organelles (M aeshim a,
2001). Sr051 w as activated d u rin g G 2 /M phase in
cluster C7-E, w hile Sr095 w as initially expressed
slightly d u rin g darkness an d again ab u ndantly d u rin g
cell separation (cluster C9).
Modulated Expression of Photosynthesis-Related Genes
and Genes Involved in Chloroplast Movement
F l -9A
Figure 6 . H ierarchical clu ste red expression profiles of 917 TDFs
rep ro d u cib ly m o d u lated during th e cell cy cle of sy n c h ro n ized cultures
of strain F,-8B an d F,-9A . C lustering w as perform ed using TMEV
softw are (Saeed e t al., 2003) an d the hierarchical clustering algorithm
(Eisen et al., 1998). Each row represents a tag w ith th e relative transcript
accu m u latio n p atterns sh o w n over 12 co n secu tiv e tim e points (col­
um ns) after reillu m in atio n of dark-arrested cultures. Yellow an d blue
c o lo r in tensities reflect up- an d dow n-regulation of g e n e expression
relative to a range of +3 to - 3 , respectively; gray represents m issing
d ata. C luster n am es (in a c c o rd a n c e w ith ad ap tiv e qu ality -b ased clus-
Fifteen TDFs w ere assigned to the functional cate­
gory of photosynthesis (Table I). U sing a y2 correlation
test (Supplem ental Table S5), this functional category
w as found to be dom inantly expressed (P < 0.001) in
cluster C7-L: one TDF w as found in C7-E an d tw o in
C9. N ine copies of the chrom ophyte-specific fucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding proteins (FCPs; G reen
an d D um ford, 1996) w ere identified, an d they w ere
com plem ented w ith four TDFs involved in the bio­
synthesis of their b o u n d photosynthetic pigm ents:
porphobilinogen synthase (Sr063), p rotoporphy rin o ­
gen IX oxidase (Sr068), an d proto p o rp h y rin IX m ag­
nesium chelatase subunit FI (Sr046). They all encoded
enzym es from the chlorophyll a/c biosynthetic p a th ­
w ay (von W ettstein et al., 1995). In addition, a
¿(-carotene desaturase (Sr062) w as identified, being
an interm ediate enzym e in the biosynthetic path w ay
of /1-carotene and other carotenoids, such as fucoxanthin (Wilhelm et al., 2006). Several Calvin cycle enzymes
w ere also expressed in C7-L and C9: phosphoribulokinase (Sr070), transketolase (Sr093), and glyceraldehyde3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Sr089). Flowever, because
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is also an
enzym e involved in glycolysis, it w as assigned to the
functional category of carbohydrate m etabolism . Four
genes operating in reactive oxygen m etabolism w ere
found in cluster C7-L: one TDF (Sr074) w as highly
sim ilar to m anganese superoxide dism utase (SOD;
W olfe-Simon et al., 2006), an d three TDFs (Sr075,
Sr076, an d Sr077) w ere highly sim ilar to the peroxi­
som al m em brane p rotein M PV17/PM P22, w hich is
know n to up-regulate the activity of SODs in anim al
cells (lida et al., 2003). These genes probably relate to
photosynthetic reactive oxygen species generation,
w hich is an inevitable p a rt of oxygenic photosynthesis
(Florton et al., 1996; A pel an d Flirt, 2004).
tering) a n d cell cy cle phases are in d icated at right an d left, respectively.
The arrow c o rre sp o n d s w ith the expression profile of th e DNA repli­
catio n licensing factor M CM5.
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
Table 1. Id e n tifie d c e ll c y c le -m o d u la te d genes w ith s ig n ific a n t E value (< 0 .0 0 1 )
Protein Name
CIpX, ATPase regulatory subunit
U b iquitin -co n ju g atin g en zy m e
Rab6 protein
H ypothetical protein
H ypothetical protein
H ypothetical protein
H ypothetical protein
Protein involved in flagellar biosynthesis
U biquitin
N -E thylm aleim ide-sensitive factor
SrO ll
SrOl 5
SrOl 6
H ypothetical ch lo ro p last protein
PhtrCpOl 6
H ypothetical ch lo ro p last protein
PhtrCpOl 6
H ypothetical ch lo ro p last protein
PhtrCpOl 6
H ypothetical protein w ith D U F1349
Isocitrate d eh y d ro g en ase NADPd e p e n d e n t, m o n o m eric type
M itochondrial p h o sp h a te carrier protein
SrOl 7
SrOl 8
SrOl 9
E Value
Length (Amino
112 1 7 (Phatr v2.0)
2.0E -17
2 1 535 (Phatr v2.0)
Z P _00949502
C A F23694
49931 (Phatr v2.0)
49931 (Phatr v2.0)
Y P_001100159.1
3 4 1 4 (Thaps v3.0)
2.0E -08
2.0E -07
3.0E -57
4.0E -06
3 0 .4
126 2 0 (Phatr v2.0)
YP 874373.1
4.0E -06
U nknow n
YP 874373.1
U nknow n
YP 874373.1
3 6 9 4 0 (Phatr v2.0)
4 5 0 1 7 (Phatr v2.0)
3.0E -50
2 7 2 7 6 (Thaps v3.0)
40391 (Thaps v3.0)
48381 (Phatr v2.0)
2 1 122 (Phatr v2.0)
5 1 7 1 4 (Phatr v2.0)
4 3 1 0 6 (Phatr v2.0)
19141 (Thaps v3.0)
5 5 1 5 7 (Phatr v2.0)
2 1 3 8 8 (Phatr v2.0)
3183 (Thaps v3.0)
3 1 5 8 (Thaps v3.0)
114 9 0 (Phatr v2.0)
3.0E -14
2.0E -30
4.0E -07
3.0E -30
3.0E -48
4.0E -34
4 4 .8
3 3 432 (Thaps v3.0)
3 6 913
1 .OE-43
42051 (Phatr v2.0)
Z P_01060962.1
2 1 905 (Thaps v3.0)
20641 (Thaps v3.0)
2 6 8 6 1 0 (Thaps v3.0)
3.0E -17
5595 (Thaps v3.0)
1 .0E-06
4 1 .4
3 6 2 7 0 (Phatr v2.0)
4 1 .8
m odification
m odification
Signal transduction
m echanism s
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
m odification
m odification
U nknow n
U nknow n
C arbohydrate
m etabolism
C arbohydrate
m etabolism
C arbohydrate
m etabolism
W D 4 0 -re p e a t protein
C ytoskeleton
C ytoskeleton
A ldo/keto red u ctase
Electron transport
Thioredoxin fam ily protein
Electron transport
Electron transport
/3-Hydroxyacyl-ACP d eh y d ratase precursor Fatty acid m etabolism
RNA o r DNA helicase
N ucleo tid e binding
H istone H3
N ucleo tid e binding
Protein w ith h elicase region
N ucleo tid e binding
M in ichrom osom e m ain ten an ce-d eficien t
N ucleo tid e binding
protein 5 (MCM 5)
C h a p ero n in -co n tain in g TCP1, su b u n it 2
m odification
N -A cetyl-y-glutam yl-phosphate reductase Protein synthesis
60S ribosom al protein L3
Protein synthesis
60S ribosom al protein L3
Protein synthesis
Ribosom al protein L32
Protein synthesis
Bifunctional ATP sulfurylase/adenosine
Protein synthesis
5 '-p h o sp h o su lfa te kinase
Protein synthesis
Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
T onB -dependent receptor
Signal transduction
m echanism s
H ypothetical protein, conserved
U nknow n
H ypothetical protein
U nknow n
M em b ran e-sp an n in g protein (nonaspanin
U nknow n
Leu-rich repeat-like protein
Signal transduction
m echanism s
R eceptor guanylyl cy clase GC-II
Signal transduction
m echanism s
O rp h a n g en e
U nknow n
4 8 715 (Phatr v2.0)
(Table con tinues on fo llo w in g page.)
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
G illard et al.
Table 1. (C o n tin u e d fro m p re v io u s page.)
Protein Name
G D P-M an 4 ,6 -d eh y d ratase
G lu tath io n e 5-transferase
C5 sterol desatu rase
5 -9 -D esaturase
P rotoporphyrin IX m agnesium chelatase,
su b u n it H
26S p ro tease regulatory su b u n it
M etallo proteinase
P roly lcarboxypeptidase
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3
V-type H+-ATPase su b u n it DVA41
H y pothetical protein
H y pothetical protein
H y pothetical protein
O rp h an g en e
H y pothetical protein
S u ccin ate/fu m arate m itochondrial
tran sp orter
A lcohol o x id ase-related protein
C y to ch rom e P450
M yoinositol deh y d ro g en ase
F ucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
f-C a ro te n e desatu rase (ZDS)
P o rphobilinogen synthase
F ucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
Light-harvesting protein
Light-harvesting protein
F ucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
P rotoporphyrinogen IX oxidase
F ucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
P h o sp h oribulokinase
F ucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
F ucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
Peptidylprolyl cis/trans-isom erase
S u p ero x ide dism u tase 1 (SOD1)
Peroxisom al m em b ran e protein
M PV17/PM P22
Peroxisom al m em b ran e protein
M PV17/PM P22
Peroxisom al m em b ran e protein
M PV17/PM P22
Flagellin-sensing 2-like protein
E Value
Length (Amino
C arbohydrate
m etabolism
Electron transport
Fatty acid m etabolism
Fatty acid m etabolism
2 5 4 1 7 (Phatr v2.0)
N P J 04774.1
37371 (Phatr v2.0)
2 8 7 9 7 (Phatr v2.0)
13265 (Phatr v2.0)
3.0E -20
37 .6
m odification
m odification
m odification
Protein synthesis
Transport protein
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
C arbohydrate
m etabolism
Electron transport
Electron transport
Electron transport
2 6 4 2 0 6 (Thaps v3.0)
ZP_01 984772
3.0E -16
2 9 1 6 6 (Thaps v3.0)
3 59 3 3 (Thaps v3.0)
2 1 0 3 0 (Phatr v2.0)
10781 (Phatr v2.0)
1 2 740 (Phatr v2.0)
4 5 6 7 8 (Phatr v2.0)
3 29 6 2 (Phatr v2.0)
2 3 7 0 9 (Phatr v2.0)
3.0E -16
6.0E -11
3.0E -04
4 8 2 0 4 (Phatr v2.0)
4 3 4 6 7 (Phatr v2.0)
1049 (Thaps v3.0)
9 0 4 0 (Phatr v2.0)
YP 984596.1
CAA 05142.1
3.0E -47
4.0E -11
2 7 0 0 9 2 (Thaps v3.0)
1 4 648 (Phatr v2.0)
4.0E -06
2.0E -24
264901 (Thaps v3.0)
1 0 208 (Phatr v2.0)
C A A 04401.1
2 23 9 5 (Phatr v2.0)
m odification
R eactive oxygen
m etabolism
R eactive oxygen
m etabolism
R eactive oxygen
m etabolism
R eactive oxygen
m etabolism
Signal transduction
m echanism s
1989 (Thaps v3.0)
12583 (Phatr v2.0)
1 2379 (Phatr v2.0)
3.0E -16
1 2379 (Phatr v2.0)
1 2379 (Phatr v2.0)
1 .0E-06
N P _001043191.1
2.0E -06
(Tabie con tinues on fo iio w in g page.)
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
Table 1. (C o n tin u e d fro m p re v io u s page.)
Sri 00
Protein Name
Ser/Thr protein kinase an d signal
transduction histidine kinase (STHK)
w ith GAF sensor
H ypothetical protein
H ypothetical protein
O rp h a n g en e
O rp h a n g en e
H ypothetical protein
O rp h a n g en e
O rp h a n g en e
5 '-A denylylsulfate reductase,
ch lo ro p last precursor
H ypothetical protein
G ly cerald eh y d e-3 -p h o sp h ate
d eh y d ro g en ase
C y tochrom e P450 3A10
G ly cero l-3 -p h o sp h ate deh y d ro g en ase
F u coxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding
Leu-rich rep eat recep to r protein
V-type H+-p y ro p h o sp h atase
S o d ium /calcium ex ch an g e r
fam ily protein
O rp h a n g en e
O rp h a n g en e
O rp h a n g en e
O rp h a n g en e
E Value
Length (Amino
Signal transduction
m echanism s
4 8 535 (Phatr v2.0)
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
Electron transport
2 4 1 5 0 (Thaps v3.0)
32401 (Phatr v2.0)
2 2 1 1 7 (Thaps v3.0)
4 8 0 7 (Thaps v3.0)
50021 (Phatr v2.0)
2 0 812 (Thaps v3.0)
3345 (Thaps v3.0)
105 1 8 (Phatr v2.0)
1 .0E-08
3.0E -28
1 .0E-04
3 6 .8
U nknow n
C arbohydrate
m etabolism
Electron transport
Fatty acid m etabolism
15801 (Phatr v2.0)
2 2 122 (Phatr v2.0)
4 3 4 6 7 (Phatr v2.0)
4 0 073 (Thaps v3.0)
2 2 395 (Phatr v2.0)
Signal transduction
m echanism s
Transport protein
Transport protein
2 9 2 6 0 (Phatr v2.0)
4 5 913 (Phatr v2.0)
3 1 322 (Phatr v2.0)
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
U nknow n
4 9 2 8 6 (Phatr v2.0)
4 9 2 8 6 (Phatr v2.0)
2 6 8 3 0 4 (Thaps v3.0)
3 7 765 (Phatr v2.0)
4.0E -10
4 4 .7
/3-Tubulin (Sr019), w hich plays a fundam ental role
in cytoskeleton-based cellular m ovem ents, w as highly
in d u ced 4 h an d m axim ally expressed 6 h after d ark ­
ness. This induction (clustered w ithin C5) slightly
p reced ed chloroplast reorganization. A nother TDF
w ith sim ilarity to a W D40-repeat p rotein (Sr018), p u tatively involved in cytoskeleton assembly, w as anal­
ogously expressed; bo th genes w ere dow n-regulated
6 h after darkness b u t /3-tubulin w as again slightly
in d u ced at 8 h, in parallel w ith cell division (Supple­
m ental Fig. S ll). The involvem ent of m icro tubulebased cytoskeleton dynam ics d u rin g chloroplast
m ovem ent w as expected an d further validated by
treatm ent of synchronized cultures w ith the m icrotu­
bule inhibitor nocodazole. N ine hours after treatm ent,
chloroplast division an d reorganization w ere im paired
w h en com pared w ith untreated control cultures. Only
after 26 h d id chloroplast division an d reorganization
proceed, arresting the cells at G2+M phase (data not
Cell Cycle versus Light Regulation of Photosynthesis and
Pigment Biosynthesis
The m icroscopic observations (Fig. 4) show ed that
chloroplasts elongated after cell division initiation
w h en they relocated to the girdle sides of the cell. To
investigate w h eth er this elongation is paralleled w ith
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
chloroplast grow th, w e determ ined fucoxanthin p ig ­
m ent turnover an d validated the FCP expression w ith
RT-Q-PCR in synchronized cultures. In addition, these
d ata w ere com pared w ith those from synchronized
cultures to w hich the cell cycle inhibitor aphidicolin
h ad been ad d e d shortly before reillum ination (Fig. 7).
This w as done to assess the dependence of pigm ent
turnover an d FCP expression on cell cycle progression
versus light regulation.
U pon reillum ination, fucoxanthin content p er cell
increased u n d e r bo th conditions, b u t the tren d w as
m ore pronounced in the dividing cultures than in the
S -phase-arrested cultures. This fucoxanthin accum u­
lation in the dividing cultures w as obvious after 5 h of
light an d decreased after 10 h, corresponding w ith cell
separation (Fig. 3). In the S-phase-arrested cultures,
the accum ulation curve w as m ore gradual, w ith o u t a
clear p eak an d w ith a sm aller m axim um . A lthough the
difference betw een bo th profiles w as obvious, a lon­
g itudinal ANOVA test w as unable to prove its signif­
icance, w hich could be d u e to the sm all n u m b er of
In parallel, in response to reillum ination in b oth
cultures, FCP expression w as activated an d subse­
quently dow n-regulated after 5 h in the arrested
cultures, w hereas in cell cycle-progressing cultures,
its expression w as m aintained throughout the 13-h
tim e course (Fig. 7). These findings suggest that
G illard et al.
Figure 7. C om p ariso n of fucoxanthin pigm ent tu rn ­
o ver an d FCP exp ressio n b etw een light/dark-synchronized cu ltu res a n d lig h t/d ark-synchronized cultures
to w h ich th e cell cy cle inhibitor ap h id ico lin w as
a d d e d shortly before reillu m ination. A difference in
fu co x an th in pig m en t (/¿g m g -1 dry w eight) a c c u m u ­
lation is a p p a re n t after 5 h of reillum ination. In the
S -p h ase-arrested cultures, th e bu ild u p is less pro­
n o u n ced . In parallel, FCP expression is up-regulated
b etw een 1 a n d 5 h after reillum ination in both
dividing a n d arrested cultures, but its expression is
d o w n -reg u lated after th e initial increase in arrested
cu ltu res w h ile it is m ain tain ed in th e dividing c u l­
tures. [See o n lin e article for c o lo r version of this
F C P e x p re s s io n in ap h id ico lin -tre ated cu ltu re s a fte r re-illum m ation
F u co x an th in c o n te n t in ap h id ico lin -tre ated c u ltu re s afte r re-illum inatton
c ^ 3 F C P e x p re s s io n in light/dark-synchronized c u ltu re s
F u co x an th in co n te n t in light/dark-synchronized c u ltu re s
* <w
tim e (h)
chloroplast gro w th occurs in advance of chloroplast
elongation at cytokinesis, w hile chloroplast lighth arvesting com plexes are regulated by bo th the cell
cycle an d light.
Regulation of Chloroplast Dynamics w ith Respect to Cell
Cycle Progression and Frustule Silicification
In diatom s, chloroplast division an d developm ent
have n o t yet been considered in relation to cell cycle
regulation. For exam ple, darkness w as show n to arrest
the cell cycle in several diatom species (Vaulot et al.,
1986; Brzezinski et al., 1990), b u t m icroscopic obser­
vations of the effect on chloroplasts are, to our know l­
edge, com pletely lacking. A putative reason is that
m ostly polyplastidic centric diatom s have been stu d ­
ied in w hich the sm all chloroplasts are stochastically
p artitio n ed u p o n cell division and, hence, have not
such an obvious developm ental cycle. In addition, the
fact that flow cytom etry is traditionally preferred to
investigate cell cycle effects m ight have contributed to
the general neglect of m orphology an d cytology.
As show n here for the p ennate diatom S. robusta,
chloroplast division an d developm ent are intim ately
linked w ith cell cycle progression. First, conditions
that activate the G l-to-S cell cycle checkpoint (i.e. light
deprivation, FIU, or aphidicolin) arrest the develop­
m ent of chloroplasts at the plastokinesis stage w ithout
inducing aberrant cell m orphologies. Second, both
d iv id ed chloroplasts rotate from the girdle to the
valves before karyokinesis is initiated. A nd, at last,
the chloroplast division hom olog F tsZ is expressed in
concert w ith chloroplast division in a cell cycle phased ep en d en t m anner, d u rin g the S /G 2 phases. We con­
clude th at the G l-to-S-checkpoint controls chloroplast
division an d relocation an d enables their synchronous
division in S. robusta cultures. Previous observations of
chloroplast dynam ics d u rin g the cell cycle in S. robusta
h ad already show n th at chloroplasts an d the nucleus
divide in a coordinated m anner (C hepum ov et al.,
2002). Now, w e observe th at both also dep en d on each
other an d that com m on m echanism s to regulate their
division should be involved. Similarly, in the red alga
Cyanidioschyzon merolae, chloroplast an d m itochon­
d rio n divisions are regulated at distinct cell cycle
checkpoints (N ishida et al., 2005). How ever, in contrast
w ith aphidicolin-arrested S. robusta cells, in C. merolae
the m itochondrial division is restrained w hile the
chloroplast divides m ultiple tim es (Itoh et al., 1996;
N ishida et al., 2005).
Since its initial discovery in A rabidopsis (Arabidopsis
thaliam; O steryoung an d Vierling, 1995), hom ologs of
the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ are held re­
sponsible for organelle division in m any other eukary­
otes (Beech an d Gilson, 2000; Takahara et al., 2000;
Kiefel et al., 2004) that occurs by FtsZ assem bling into
the bacterial cytokinetic apparatus, called the Z-ring
(O steryoung an d N unnari, 2003; M argolin, 2005). Ac­
cordingly, FtsZ expression is m odulated d u rin g syn­
ch ronized grow th of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum BY2;
El-Shami et al., 2002) an d C. merolae (Takahara et al.,
2000; N ishida et al., 2005), in a circadian rhyth m in
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (H u et al., 2008), an d in
lig h t/d ark -sy n ch ro n ized cultures of S. robusta as well.
Its expression is up-regulated after S-phase progres­
sion an d p rio r to cell division, in agreem ent w ith
m icroscopic observations. This show s that the chloro­
plast developm ental cycle can be m onitored un m is­
takably through synchronization of cell division in S.
C ontrol of chloroplast division is governed b y con­
served cell cycle regulators of bacterial origin (Adam s
et al., 2008). One of these, the chaperone ClpX, iden­
tified here, w as dow n-regulated u p o n reillum ination
w h en cells reentered the cell cycle. ClpX has been
found to inhibit Z-ring form ation in Bacillus subtilis
(W eart et al., 2005). It is tem pting, therefore, to suggest
that the activation of ClpX in a dark-arrested cell
ensures the inhibition of plastokinesis in S. robusta.
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
A nother resem blance can be found w ith the regulation
of plastokinesis at the G1 / S transition in A rabidopsis
(R aynaud et al., 2005), in w hich chloroplast division
w as regulated by the activity of the prereplication
factor CDT1. In S. robusta, chloroplast division w as
paralleled b y activation of the S-phase-specific gene
M C M 5 , w hich is also a universal m em ber of the
prereplication com plex. Furtherm ore, our observa­
tions also suggest th at "retrograde" m echanism s
(Koussevitzky et al., 2007), w hich involve signaling
from the chloroplast to the nucleus, m ight be present
as ano th er w ay to coordinate the chloroplast and
nuclear division cycle. R etrograde signaling w as, for
exam ple, rep o rted in response to m em brane tension as
a possible w ay to regulate shape, size, an d division of
chloroplasts in A rabidopsis (H asw ell an d M eyerow itz,
2006). A nalogous feedback m echanism s m ight exist
w ith in diatom s, for exam ple, to control the G 2/M
transition in response to the chloroplast developm en­
tal status, ensu rin g high-quality cbloroplast segrega­
tion of d au g h ter chloroplasts to the new ly divided
cells. In any case, control m echanism s m ay not be as
strict in centric polyplastidic diatom s because, sim ilar
to w h at is know n for land plants, a stochastic p arti­
tioning of chloroplasts u p o n cell division w ill h ard ly
result in cells w ith o u t any chloroplast (C olem an and
N erozzi, 1999).
The m olecular m echanism of chloroplast m ovem ent
in diatom s is still unclear. In polyplastidic diatom s, the
red alga C. merolae, and plants, chloroplast m ovem ents
are know n to be actin dep en d en t (de Francisco and
Roth, 1977; N ishida et al., 2005; Krzeszow iec et al.,
2007). The transcriptional induction of /1-tubulin in S.
robusta suggests the involvem ent of m icrotubules d u r­
ing chloroplast rearrangem ent b u t does no t exclude
the possibility th at actin m ay also be involved.
The intriguing question rem ains w h y p ennate d ia­
tom s display this som etim es com plicated cycle of
repositioning the chloroplast d u rin g cell cycle p ro ­
gression. O ne possibility is th at the position of the
chloroplasts at the valves m ight create a disadvantage
for cell m ovem ent needed tor adequate reaction to
environm ental factors, such as light an d nutrients
(Cohn an d D isparti, 1992). Because cells glide across
the surface b y m ucilage secretion from a valvar slit
(called the raphe; Floagland et al., 1993; W etherbee
et al., 1998; Chiovitti et al., 2006), the underlying actinm yosin system th at is held responsible for the rap h e's
functionality could be im paired b y a valvar location of
the chloropiasts. In cultures of S. robusta, cells w ith a
reorganized chloroplast configuration have indeed
n ever b een observed m oving. This reasoning w as first
introduced in M ereschkow sky's "law " on diatom
chloroplasts, w hich states th at chloroplasts of diatom s
h ave a tendency to leave the raphe as m uch as possible
uncovered (M ereschkowsky, 1904). This is achieved in
n u m ero u s diatom s (Brebissonia spp., Cymbella spp.,
Gomphonema spp., Dickieia ulvacea, Didymosphenia spp.,
an d Lyrella spp.) b y plastid invaginations b eneath the
rap h e (M ann, 1996), w hereas in other diatom s, such as
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
S. robusta, it is achieved b y positioning of the chloro­
plasts at the valves only d u rin g a short tim e of the cell
cycle. As observed here, this positioning at the valves
is necessary only to free the girdle area for the ad d ition
of girdle bands, cytokinesis, an d frustule form ation.
The identified girdle b an d s w ere indeed observed late
du rin g the cell cycle, in cells w ith a reorganized
chloroplast configuration. As such, the cyclic m ove­
m ent of chloroplasts could create a large enough tim e
fram e for a cell to position itself optim ally w ith in the
environm ent, m axim ally favoring cell grow th, before
cell division is com m itted. It is an interesting specu­
lation that because centric diatom s are planktonic, lack
a raphe, an d are thus unable to m ove, they d id not
evolve such a w ell-orchestrated chloroplast develop­
m ent cycle. Also, variations in the chloroplast cycle in
diatom s m ight explain the differences in the tim ing of
girdle b an d deposition am ong species (Coombs et al.,
1967b; C hiappino an d Volcani, 1977; Kroger and
W etherbee, 2000; Flildebrand et al., 2007). For exam ple,
T. pseudonana, w hich is polyplastidic, w as show n re­
cently to synthesize its girdle b ands already d u rin g G1
phase (Flildebrand et al., 2007).
G irdle b ands accom m odate cell grow th and, like
frustules, are form ed b y polym erization of silica in a
silica deposition vesicle (SDV) th at is exocytosed
(Pickett-H eaps et al., 1990; K roger an d W etherbee,
2000; Zurzolo an d Bowler, 2001). N ot m uch is know n
about the origin of the SDV, b u t it probably originates
from other internal vesicle com partm ents, such as
the endoplasm ic reticulum , Golgi, an d lysosom e (Lee
an d Li, 1992). In this regard, the TDF Sr051, identified
as a su b u n it of the V-type H +-ATPase, is of p ar­
ticular interest because sucb energy-consum ing proton
tran sp o rt proteins have a know n functionality in the
acidification of organelles (M aeshim a, 2001). It w as
m axim ally expressed 1 h before the initiation of cell
separation (at 8 h after darkness), w hen the two "vacuole­
like" com partm ents also w ere visible b y PDM PO
accum ulation. Because diatom silicification occurs in ­
side an acidic SDV (M ayam a an d K uriyam a, 2002), the
V-type FI+-ATPase couid be related to girdle or valve
form ation at the stage of SDV acidification. A P-type
ATPase w as recently also hypothesized to be involved
in SDV form ation, d u rin g expansion of its plasm a
m em brane in T. pseudonana (Frigeri et al., 2006). Pos­
sibly, bo th identified V-type an d P-type ATPases are
required in parallel d u rin g valve form ation in dia­
Cell Cycle Synchronization of S. robusta
In m any studies using phytoplankton cultures (for
review, see Pirson an d Lorenzen, 1966; Tamiya, 1966;
K rupinska an d Flum beck, 1994), the endogenous cell
cycle control m echanism s th at respond to n atu rally
ph ased lig h t/d a rk conditions are exploited to stu d y
cell division in synchronous cultures (Otero an d Goto,
2005). D iatom s are know n to be capable of sustaining
long periods of darkness an d retain the ability to start
G illard et al.
grow ing rap id ly u p o n reillum ination (Furusato et al.,
2004). The synchronization protocol established here
for S. robusta relies on this apparently fast release from
the dark-arrested G1 phase. As a result of the identi­
fied com m on regulatory m echanism s in chloroplast
division an d cell cycle progression, this procedure w as
found successful for studying b o th processes sim ulta­
The uniform ly d ark-induced G l-p h ase arrest in S.
robusta ap p ears u n u su al w h en com pared w ith other
diatom s. The centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii
accum ulates, besides G l-p h ase cells, 60% G2+Mph ase cells (Olson et al., 1986; Vaulot et al., 1986;
Brzezinski et al., 1990), an d other centric diatom s
(Chaetoceros muellerii, T. pseudonana, Chaetoceros simplex,
an d M inutocellus polymorhus) plus one p ennate diatom
(Cylindrotheca fusiform is) all accum ulate G l-p h ase cells
together w ith a sm aller fraction (approxim ately 10%)
of G2+M -phase cells (Brzezinski et al., 1990). The
p en n ate diatom P. tricornutum is the only diatom
reported w ith o u t a dark-sensitive G2+M phase, and
its facultative silicon requirem ent has been p u t
forw ard as the m ain reason for this observation
(Brzezinski et al., 1990). H owever, in diatom s, the G2+
M -phase fraction in flow cytom etric signatures in­
cludes, besides G2- an d M -phase cells, also postcytokinetic doublet cells, w hich have com pleted cell w all
form ation b u t have no t yet separated. Therefore, the
"G 2+M -phase" fraction in the dark-arrest experim ent
b y Brzezinski et al. (1990) m ight have been postcytokinetic doublet cells. In S. robusta, the occasionally
detected G2+M -phase cells at 24 h of d ark arrest w ere
m icroscopically observed to be all postcytokinetic
doublet cells containing girdle-located chloroplasts,
typical for G l-p h ase cells. A pparently, only the p ro ­
cess of cell separation an d not cytokinesis is ham pered
in these cells b y the absence of light. Therefore, w e
suggest th at it m ight be useful to address cell separa­
tion in diatom s analogously as in yeast cells, w here it is
defined as a postm itotic phase an d know n to be
m olecularly distinct from the sep tu m form ation p ro ­
cess d u rin g M p h ase (Yeong, 2005; Sipiczki, 2007).
Based on the expression of the prereplication factor
MCM5 an d the occurrence of dividing chloroplasts,
the d u ratio n of the G1 phase in S. robusta can be
estim ated to last for 4 h (33% of the total division time)
d u rin g synchronization u n d e r the applied culture
conditions. Since the last 3 h w ere dom inated by
separating cells, 5 h (41% of the total division time)
are left to fulfill the S, G2, an d M phases. O ur results
suggest th at cell division d u rin g synch ronization oc­
curred faster (<12 h) than d u rin g norm al exponential
grow th, even w h en com pared w ith the highest re­
corded m axim um division rate for S. robusta, being
16.6 h p er division (approxim ately 1.5 divisions p er
d ay u n d er continuous light at 200 pY). As suggested
(Olson et al., 1986; Vaulot et al., 1986), p a rt of the G1
p h ase m ight alread y be accom plished d u rin g dark
arrest. Taking into account this com m ent, o u r m icro­
scopically estim ated cell cycle stage durations of S.
robusta correspond roughly w ith the flow cytom etric
estim ations from P. tricornutum , reported to spend half
its cell division tim e in G1 phase (Brzezinski et al.,
Gene Expression in Relation to Chloroplast Functioning
and Photosynthesis
The overall results from the cDNA-AFLP experi­
m ent confirm the hypothesis th at several biological
processes are u n d e r tem poral transcriptional control
d u rin g the cell cycle of diatom s, as show n previously
in sim ilar studies of higher plants an d anim als (Cho
et al., 2001; M enges et al., 2002; Brey ne et al., 2002).
O ne of the m ost distinct patterns in gene m odulation
concerns those genes encoding chloroplast proteins,
associated w ith the functioning of chloroplasts d u rin g
photosynthesis, including light-harvesting proteins,
biosynthetic pigm ent enzym es, an d genes coping
w ith oxidative dam age. N early all of these genes
w ere expressed d u rin g G 2/M -phase progression and
clustered into the expression cluster C7-L. M ost n o ta­
ble w as the expression of FCP, a chrom ophyte-specific
type of light-harvesting protein (Bhaya an d G rossm an,
1993; E ppard an d Rhiel, 1998, 2000; Guglielm i et al.,
2005), in concert w ith cell division.
R egulation of FCP expression is know n to m odulate
light harvesting p rim arily d u rin g photoacclim ation
in d ep en d en t of developm ental processes (Falkowski
an d LaRoche, 1991; D u m ford an d Falkowski, 1997;
Leblanc et al., 1999; Oeltjen et al., 2002, 2004; Siaut
et al., 2007). N evertheless, the cell an d life cycle
dependence of photosynthesis has been show n in
several algae, such as Scenedesmus spp. (Post et al.,
1985; Kaftan et al., 1999; Tukaj et al., 2003; Setlikova
et al., 2005), Euglena gracilis (W inter an d B randt, 1986),
Chlorella fusca (Butko an d Szalay, 1985), an d C. fusifor­
mis (C laquin et al., 2004).
In S. robusta, FCP expression w as found to be light
activated in the first place, confirm ing previous results
in centric (Leblanc et al., 1999; O eltjen et al., 2002,2004)
an d pennate (Siaut et al., 2007) diatom s. But after 5 h,
its expression becam e cell cycle d ependent, because it
w as m aintained in dividing cultures w hile being re­
pressed in S-phase-arrested cultures. A possible m o­
lecular m echanism to explain this difference relates to
the retrograde inhibition of light-harvesting proteins
know n in C. reinhardtii an d A rabidopsis. In these
organism s, light-induced expression of light-harvesting
proteins is repressed b y accum ulation of the chloro­
phyll precursor M g-protoporphirin IX (Johanningm eier
an d H ow ell, 1984; N ott et al., 2006). Its accum ulation,
leakage from the chloroplast, an d nuclear repression of
photosynthetic genes are tho u g h t to occur d u rin g
reduced chloroplast function to coordinate pigm ent
biosynthesis w ith the expression of light-harvesting
proteins (N ott et al., 2006). In an analogous way, if
chloroplast developm ent is im paired in S. robusta, a
retrograde signal m ight repress FCP. The fact that
fucoxanthin does no t decrease together w ith FCP
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
could be a result of the low turnover rates of diatom
pigm ents, ranging from days to w eeks (Riper et al.,
1979; Goericke an d W elschmeyer, 1992), com pared
w ith the low stability of mRNA.
A recent stu d y b y Ragni an d Ribera d'A lcalà (2007)
on th e circadian v ariations in p ig m en t content in
P. tricornutum showed that pigm ent synthesis follows the
som atic gro w th p receding cell division. Furtherm ore,
they observed th at a pronounced circadian p attern of
pigm ent synthesis w as lost w hen cultures w ere con­
tinuously illum inated an d becam e asynchronous. This
stu d y substantiates our finding th at fucoxanthin con­
ten t increases in p rep aratio n of cell division, until it is
d istrib u ted into d au g h ter cells.
Taking together our m icroscopic analysis, cDNAAFLP results, an d pigm ent accum ulation patterns, w e
suggest th at cell cycle m odulation of photosynthetic
light harvesting occurs in concert w ith chloroplast
gro w th to p rep are for its elongation at cytokinesis.
Because chloroplasts in S. robusta elongate at the
stage of cytokinesis, regulated synthesis of m ore func­
tional light-harvesting com plexes w o u ld be expected
to pro v id e a balanced grow th of chloroplasts at this
stage, thereby optim izing the cell's photosynthetic
capacity d u rin g the subsequent G1 phase. Together
w ith light acclim ation an d circadian regulation, cell
cycle-m odulated biosynthesis of the large am ount of
pigm ents th at are contained w ithin diatom s (Chan,
1978,1980; Falkowski et al., 1985; Tang, 1996) could as
such coordinate cellular investm ents an d im prove cell
Cell Culture and Image Acquisition
The Seminavis robusta strain s F1-8B an d F1-9A w ere selected from a first
g eneratio n of siblings o btained b y crossing the w ild -ty p e clones 75 a n d 80
(C h e p u m o v et a lv 2002). Fj-813 an d FX-9A b elong to o p p o site m a tin g types
(C h e p u m o v et a lv 2008) a n d h a d at the tim e of stu d y an average apical cell
len g th of 22.7 ±1.6 a n d 18.9 ±1.2 /xm, resp ectiv ely C u rre n tly they are
m a in ta in e d cry o p reserv ed in the cu ltu re collection of th e L aboratory of
Protistology a n d A quatic Ecology (h ttp ://w w w .p a e .u g e n t.b e /c o lle ctio n .
htm ). Cell cultures w ere g ro w n in F /2 m e d iu m (G uillard, 1975) m a d e w ith
filtered (G F /C g rad e m icrofiber filter; W hatm an) au to clav ed seaw ater col­
lected from th e N o rth Sea. F /2 n u trien ts w e re sterilized th ro u g h 0.2-/xm filters
a n d a d d e d to the filtered au to clav ed seaw ater. N a 2S i0 3 w as a d d e d at a
concen tratio n of 30 m g L-1 m ed iu m . C u ltu res w ere cu ltiv ated a t 18°C w ith a
12:12-h light: d a rk p e rio d a n d a p p ro x im ately 85 /xmol p h o to n s m -2 s -1 from
cool-w hite fluorescent lights. Stock cultures w ere rein o cu lated w eekly by
tran sferrin g sm all aliquots of cell su sp en sio n into fresh m ed iu m . E xperim en­
tal cultures w ere p re p a re d from stock cu ltu res b y in o cu latin g an aliquot of
cells from cell su sp en sio n s created b y scrap in g th e cells from the surface (cell
scrapers; Sarstedt) o r b y d e tach in g the cells b y pip ettin g . O bservations an d
cell cu ltu re p h o to g ra p h y w e re do n e w ith a Zeiss A xiovert 40 lig h t m icroscope
a n d a d ig ital cam era (P ow ershot G3; C anon). Fluorescence m icroscopy of cells
w as p erfo rm ed u sin g Zeiss A x io p lan 200, A xiocam M Rm for im age capturing,
a n d Zeiss filter set 14. C onfocal fluorescence im ages w ere tak en w ith a laserscann in g confocal m icroscope (Zeiss Confocal LSM 510) eq u ip p e d w ith
softw are p ack ag e LSM510 v ersio n 3.2 (Zeiss) a n d e q u ip p e d w ith a 63X
w ater-co rrected objective (num erical a p ertu re 1.2). C h lo ro p last fluorescence
w as v isu alized w ith h e liu m -n eo n laser illu m in atio n at 543 run. N u clear D N A
w as stain ed w ith SYBR Safe (M olecular Probes) th a t w as v isu alized w ith
a rg o n laser illu m in atio n at 488 ru n an d a 500- to 530-run b a n d em ission filter.
Cell w alls w ere stain ed w ith th e L ysosensor Y ellow /B lue DND -160 probe
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
(PDM PO; M olecular Probes) as described b y L eblanc a n d H utchins (2005) and
visu alized b y illum ination a t 351 run. E m ission fluorescence w as c ap tu re d in
the line-scanning m o d e, an d for tra nsm ission light im ages, differential inter­
ference contrast optics w ere used.
Cell Cycle Progression Assays and Flow Cytometry
The effect of d arkness o n cell m o rphology w as tested on exponentially
g ro w in g cultures of strain F ^ B (C h e p u m o v et al., 2008) th a t w ere inoculated
a t 1,000 cells m L -1 in tissue cu ltu re flasks (Cellstar; 175-cm2 g ro w th surface
w ith filter screw cap; G reiner Bio-One) w ith 200 m L of g ro w th m edium . A fter
2 d of grow th, the old m e d iu m w as d ecan ted from the flask-attached cells and
the flask w as refilled w ith 200 m L of fresh m e d iu m before tran sferrin g the
cultures to com plete d ark n ess to ensure th a t n o n u trie n t lim itation occurred
d u rin g d a rk incubation. H U (Fluka) w as tested at a final concentration of
6.5 iravi, a d d e d to 100 m L of exponentially gro w in g cultures of strain Fr 31B.
A fter a ddition, the cultures w ere in cu b ated in continuous light d u rin g 72 h
a n d co m p ared w ith blan k cultures to w hich an eq u al v olum e of d im ethyl
sulfoxide w as a d d ed . The effect of aphidicolin (Sigm a-A ldrich; 0.5 /xg m L -1)
w as tested in triplicate o n F -^B cultures containing ap p ro x im ately 5,000 darkarrested cells in 10 m L of m e d iu m a n d c om pared after 24 h of light w ith
dim ethyl sulfoxide-treated control cultures.
D N A content w as m e a su re d o n intact fixed cells. Therefore, a t least 10 m L
of a culture w as centrifuged for 10 m in at 1,500g, a n d the cells w ere fixed in
10 m L of ice-cold m eth an o l in the d a rk a t 4°C (Vaulot et al., 1986). Fixed cells
w ere rinsed tw o to three tim es w ith 4 m L of TE (10 iravi Tris a n d 1 iravi EDTA,
p H 8.0) b y c entrifugation for 10 m in at l,500g a n d re su sp e n d e d in 1 m L of TE.
Sam ples w ere in cu b ated for 40 m in a t 37°C w ith 10 /xL of 30.5 m g m L -1 RN ase
A (R4642; Sigm a-A ldrich) a n d th e n p la c ed o n ice in the dark. To each sam ple,
1 /xL of 4,6-diam idino-2-phenylindole from a stock of 1 m g m L -1 w as a d d ed ,
stain ed for a t least 10 m in o n ice, a n d filtered over a 50-/xm n y lo n m esh
(CellTrics; Partee). The stained cell suspensions w ere analyzed w ith a CyFlow
flow cytom eter a n d FloM ax softw are (Partee).
Synchronization of S. robusta Cells and Sampling
of Material
For the synchronization, each S. robusta strain w as g ro w n in tw o tissue
cu ltu re flasks. Because of the difference in cell size, F -^B a n d F ^ A culture
flasks w ere inoculated w ith 7.5 X IO5 a n d 1 X IO6 cells, respectively, into 200
m L of m ed iu m . Cell den sity estim ates of stock cultures w ere obtained by
m icroscopically c ounting cells in a 100-/xL aliquot of a s u sp e n d e d culture o n a
96-w ell TC plate. C ultures inoculated for synchronization w ere g ro w n for 2 d
in a 12:12-h lig h b d a rk regim e. A t the end of d a y 2, the d a rk p e rio d w as
ex tended for a n o th e r 12 h, arresting the cell culture a t the G1 phase. A first
sam ple w as taken ju st before the light w as sw itched on, follow ed b y 12
sam ples tak en every h o u r after reillum ination. Just before sam pling of each
culture, six p h o to g ra p h s w ere tak en w ith the A xiovert 40 m icroscope a n d a
connected digital cam era (C anon P ow ershot G3). Im ages w ere u sed to count
different cell types u sin g the open-source softw are Im ageJ (h ttp ://r s b .in f o .
n ih .g o v /ij/in d e x .h tm l) an d the cell counter plug-in. M -phase cells w ere easily
identified a n d d istin g u ish ed from interphase cells b y the p resence of a new ly
b u ilt cell w all, situ ated b etw een the tw o valve-located chloroplasts. A s soon as
d a u g h te r cells w ere separating, they w ere counted as n o n d iv id in g cells. In
p re p a ra tio n for cell cu ltu re harvesting, the cells w ere concentrated b y red u c­
in g the m e d iu m of the first flask to less th a n 50 m L b y a spiration w ith a w a ter
p u m p an d attach ed P a steu r p ipette. A fter susp en sio n th ro u g h scraping
(Sarstedt), the cells w ere a d d e d to the second bottle, from w h ic h the com plete
m e d iu m w as aspirated. The collection of su sp e n d e d cells from the tw o bottles
w as tran sferred to a 50-mL Falcon tube a n d centrifuged for 6 m in a t 1,500g.
The su p e rn a ta n t w as p o u re d off, a n d the tu b e c ontaining the p ellet w as frozen
in liq u id n itro g en a n d stored a t —80°C u n til R N A p reparation.
cDNA-AFLP-Based Transcript Profiling
Total R N A w as extracted from each cell sam ple u sin g the R N easy Plant
M ini Kit (Qiagen). Cell lysis w as achieved b y m echanical d isru p tio n in 600 /xL
of R N easy Lysis buffer (Qiagen) b y hig h e st sp ee d a gitation w ith g la ss /
zirconium b eads (0.1 m m d iam eter; Biospec) o n a b ead m ill (Retsch). A ll o ther
steps for R N A extraction w ere d o n e according to the m a n u fa c tu re r's instruc­
tions. R N A concentration a n d p u rity w ere assessed b y sp ectrophotom etry
(N anodrop ND-1000 spectrophotom eter) a n d d e n atu rin g agarose gel electro­
G illard et al.
phoresis. First- a n d seco n d -stran d cD N A synthesis a n d cD NA -A FLP analysis,
w ith BsfYI a n d M sel as restrictio n enzym es, w ere carried o u t according to
V uylsteke et al. (2007), startin g from 2 /xg of total RNA. The final selection of
the cD NA-AFLP am plification p ro d u c ts w as do n e w ith three selective n ucle­
otides, resu ltin g in 128 p rim e r com binations. Expression profiles across the 13
tim e p o in ts for each g en o ty p e w e re q u an tified w ith A FL P-Q uantarPro soft­
w are (Keygene). The raw exp ressio n values w ith in each g en o ty p e w ere
n o rm alized p e r gene b y su b tractin g the average exp ressio n v alu e of each gene
from each d a ta p o in t in the tim e series a n d d iv id in g it b y the s d . R ep roduc­
ibility of exp ressio n profiles b e tw ee n strains Fj-813 an d F -^ A w as estim ated
for every gene b y calculating a P earso n correlation b e tw ee n n o rm alized
expression data. Expression profiles sh o w in g a p o sitiv e a n d significant (P <
0.05) correlation across the tw o strains w ere su b m itte d to a d ap tiv e qualityb a se d clu sterin g (De Sm et et a l, 2002). The m in im al n u m b e r of genes in a
cluster w as set to 10, a n d th e m in im al p ro b ab ility of genes b elo n g in g to a
cluster w as set to 0.95. H ierarchical clu sterin g (Eisen et a l , 1998) w as
p erfo rm ed w ith TMEV softw are (Saeed et al., 2003).
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes
TDFs w e re p u rified from the gel, follow ed b y am plification an d subse­
q u e n t sequencing as d escrib ed b y V uylsteke et al. (2007). The sequence q uality
w as checked th ro u g h in sp ectio n of th e electrophoretic peaks. W ith th e goodq u ality sequences, a sim ilarity search w as d o n e w ith BLASTN a n d BLASTX
sequence alig n m en ts (A ltschul et al., 1997) a g ain st n u cleo tid e a n d p ro tein
sequences in the pub licly available G enBank d atabases, to w h ic h th e latest
versions of the m o re recently released genom es of Phytophthora soja (U.S.
D ep artm en t of Energy Joint G enom e In stitu te [JGI], v l.l) , Phytophthora
ramorum (JGI, v l.l) , Phaeodactylum tricornutum (JGI, v2.0), a n d Thalassiosira
pseudonana (JGI, v3.0) w ere a d d ed . In case a BLASTN alig n m en t of m o re th a n
30 nucleo tid es w ith 80% coverage b etw een th e q u e ry a n d the h it alig nm ent
w as achieved, the h it sequence w as u sed as a q u e ry for sim ilarity searching
w ith BLASTX. Based o n the h o m o lo g y (E-value cutoff, 1 X IO-3; low est
percentag e identification, 29) an d th e id e n tity of fu n ctio n al GO d o m ain s and
InterP ro dom ains, the TDFs w ere functionally an n o ta ted an d classified into 11
functional g roups. TDFs w ith o u t functional an n o tatio n w ere classified as
u n k now n. G O a n d InterP ro an n o tatio n s w ere p erfo rm ed w ith the online
versio n of th e Blast2GO v l.7 .2 p ro g ram (w w w .B last2G O .de; C onesa et al.,
2005). The p ro g ram extracts th e GO term s associated w ith hom ologies
identified w ith th e N atio n al C enter for Biotechnology In fo rm atio n 's QBLAST
an d re tu rn s a list of GO an n o tatio n s rep resen ted as h ierarchical categories of
increasing specificity. Because the d iato m genom e sequences are n o t in cluded
yet in GenBank, w e u sed the com plete sequences of th eir co rresp onding
d iato m genes as in p u t sequences. For the c o n stru ctio n of S u p p lem en tal F igure
SIO, the d a ta w ere an aly zed at level 2 a n d GO classes w ere set to rep resen t at
least five d ifferen t TDFs.
sequence of the in sert w as 92% identical to th a t of the P. tricornutum FtsZ
p ro te in 14995. Two specific prim ers (Sr FtsZ-FP a n d Sr FtsZ-RP) w ere
de sig n e d w ith Roche P robeF inder o n the cloned sequence for RT-Q-PCR.
RT-Q-PCR Assay
R N A w as isolated a n d q uantified as before. Isolated R N A w as tre a te d w ith
D N asel (G E-H ealthcare) to rem ove all c o n tam inating genom ic D N A . A n
aliquot of 0.5 /xg of total R N A from each sam ple w as u sed for cD N A synthesis.
The reverse transcription w as carried out in a total volum e of 20 /xL w ith oligo(dT)
p rim ers a n d the S u p e rsc rip t II kit (Invitrogen) according to the m anufac­
tu re r's instructions. A 0.5-/xL aliquot of a 5-fold d ilu tio n of the cD N A (2.5 ng)
served as tem plate for each RT-Q-PCR. Prim ers for FCP quantification and
norm alizatio n w ere d e signed usin g the Beacon D esigner 7.0 (P rem ier Biosoft
International; S upplem ental Fig. S5) together w ith a strin g en t set of prim er
d e sig n criteria, inclu d in g p re d ic te d m eltin g tem p eratu res of 58.0°C ± 2.0°C,
p rim er lengths of 17 to 22 nucleotides, a n d am plicon lengths of 75 to 150 bp.
P rim er p airs w ere tested b y RT-Q-PCR o n a p o oled cD N A sam ple u n d e r
the sam e conditions as d escribed below. P rim er reliability w as confirm ed by
the a ppearance of a single p e ak in the m eltin g curve analysis p erfo rm ed b y the
PCR m achine after com pletion of the am plification reaction.
E ight constitutively a n d m o d e ra te ly expressed cD NA -A FLP TDFs w ere
selected as c an d id ate genes to serve for intern al reference d u rin g RT-Q-PCR.
These TDFs w ere excised from the cD NA-AFLP gels, ream plified, and
sequenced, a n d p rim e r p a irs w ere d e signed as before. The e xpression stability
(M) of the p u ta tiv e norm alizatio n genes w as analyzed w ith the geN ORM
program : genes w ith the low est M valu e are the m o st stably expressed and
w ere selected as norm alizatio n genes (V andesom pele et al., 2002). TDFs
srl3af_M 281.1 a n d sr07ae_M536.3 w ere identified b y geN O R M to be the tw o
m o st stably expressed genes (M = 0.426), follow ed b y srl4ah_M 385.6 (M =
0.540). The value for the pair-w ise va ria tio n be tw ee n tw o sequential n o rm al­
ization factors (geN O RM factor V2/3) w as 0.146 d u rin g synchronization,
w hich is sm aller th a n the cutoff valu e of 0.15 p ro p o se d b y V andesom pele et al.
(2002) for reliable d a ta norm alization. Therefore, all three genes w ere u sed for
d a ta norm alizatio n in the su b seq u en t RT-Q-PCR analyses.
RT-Q-PCR w as p erfo rm ed on the Lightcycler 480 (Roche) platform . Each
sam ple w as assayed in triplicate u n d e r the follow ing conditions: 2.5 n g of
tem plate cD NA , 2.5 /xL of the Lightcycler 480 SYBR G reen I M aster M ix (Roche
A p p lie d Science), an d 2 /xL of p rim ers at concentration of 0.5 /x m . The cycling
conditions com prised 10 m in of p rein cu b atio n a t 95°C an d 45 cycles of 10 s at
95°C, 15 s at 58°C, a n d 15 s at 72°C. A m plicon dissociation curves (i.e. m elting
curves) w ere recorded b y h e atin g a t 95°C for 5 s an d at 65°C for 1 m in. Sam ples
w ere cooled at 40°C for 10 s. The relative com parison AACt m e th o d (Pfaffi,
2001) w as u sed to evaluate expression levels of the selected genes relative to
the expression of the norm alizatio n genes in the sam e sam ple. D ata w ere
analyzed a n d n o rm a liz e d w ith qBase (H ellem ans e t al., 2007) for expression
profile generation.
Cloning of Putative FtsZ cDNA from S. robusta
HPLC Pigment Analysis
Based on co n serv ed am in o acid regions of k n o w n FtsZ genes in P.
tricornutum (JGI, v2.0 p ro te in identifiers 14995 a n d 14426) a n d T. pseudonana
(JGI, v3.0 p ro te in identifiers 35728, 269655, an d 15398), 12 oligonucleotide
p rim ers w ere d e sig n e d w ith C O D EH O P (CDH; Rose et al., 1998) a n d by
m a n u a l (m) d esig n (Supplem ental Fig. S5). These p rim ers w e re tested in p a ir­
w ise com binations, a n d th ree (m _FPl, m _R P lb, an d CDH_FP4) w e re suc­
cessfully u sed to am p lify FtsZ cD NA . First, PCR w ith m _ F P l an d m _R P lb
p rim ers co rresp o n d in g to am in o acid sequences W (A /S )(I/L /V )N T D A Q A
an d (I/V )N V D FA D , respectively, w as carried o u t u sin g h o t-sta rt PCR
(AmpliTaq G old D N A polym erase; A pplied Biosystems) in five steps: 9 m in at
95°C; four cycles of 1 m in at 94°C, 1 m in at 35°C, an d 1 m in a t 72°C; fo u r cycles
of 1 m in at 94°C, 1 m in a t 45°C, an d 1 m in a t 72°C; 30 cycles of 1 m in at 94°C,
1 m in a t 50°C, a n d 1 m in a t 72°C; a n d one cycle of 10 m in a t 72°C. A 20-foldd ilu te d , p o o led cD N A sam p le c o n stitu tin g all cell cycle p h ases d u rin g
synchronizatio n w as u sed as tem plate, an d 20 p m o l of each p rim e r w as
u sed in th e 25-/xL reaction m ixture. The PCR p ro d u c ts w ere an aly zed o n a
1.5% agarose gel, a n d a b a n d of the correct size (approxim ately 500 b p) w as
isolated from the gel a n d extracted w ith N u c leo sp in Extract II (M achereyN agel). This extract serv ed as a tem p late in the su b seq u en t PCR w ith nested
p rim er CDH_FP4, c o rresp o n d in g to am in o acid sequence VGIVTKPF, a n d
p rim er m _ R P lb u n d e r the follow ing conditions: 9 m in a t 95°C; 35 cycles of 45 s
a t 94°C, 1 m in at 52°C, a n d 1 m in a t 72°C; follow ed b y one cycle of 10 m in at
72°C. The resu ltin g D N A frag m en t of correct size (approxim ately 300 b p) w as
ligated into a pC R 4 TOPO vector (Invitrogen) a n d sequenced. The D N A
S. robusta p igm ents w ere sam p led from lig h t/d a rk -sy n c h ro n iz e d cultures
(see above) b y filtering 25 m L of su sp e n d e d c ulture over a p re w e ig h ed 25-m m
W h atm an glass fiber filter. Filters w ere w ra p p e d in a lu m in u m foil, frozen in
liquid nitrogen, an d stored a t —80°C. Before analysis, the filters w ere lyophilized for 8 h an d w eig h ed (0.1-mg accuracy) to calculate the d ry w e ig h t of
each sam ple. P igm ents w ere extracted from the filters in 90% acetone by
m eans of sonication (tip sonicator; 40 W for 30 s). Extracts w ere filtered over
a 0.2-/xm A lltech n y lo n syringe filter to rem ove particles a n d injected into a
A gilent 1100 series H PLC system (C hem Station softw are) e q u ip p e d w ith a
M acherey-N agel reverse-phase C18 colum n (N ucleodur C18 p y ra m id ; 5 /xm
particle size). P igm ents w ere analyzed according to the m e th o d of W right and
Jeffrey (1997) usin g a g ra d ie n t of three solvents: 80% m ethanol-20% am m o­
n iu m acetate, 90% acetonitrile, a n d ethyl acetate. Two detectors w ere con­
nected to the H PLC system : a n A gilent sta n d a rd fluorescence detector to
m e a su re fluorescence of chlorophylls a n d th eir derivatives a n d a n A gilent
d io d e arra y detector to m e a su re absorbance of each p e ak at 436 an d 665 run
a n d absorbance spectra over a 400- to 700-run range. F ucoxanthin w as
identified b y com parison of re tention tim es a n d absorbance spectra and
q uantified b y calculating response factors usin g p u re p ig m e n t stan d a rd s
(su p p lied b y DHI).
Sequence d a ta from this article can be fo u n d in the G enB ank/E M B L d ata
libraries u n d e r accession n u m b e rs FJ388875 a n d GE343005 to GE343326.
P la n t P h y sio l. Vol. 148, 2008
The Cell a n d C hlo ro p last Cycle of Seminavis robusta
Supplemental Data
The follow ing m aterial is available in th e online v ersio n of this article.
Supplem ental Figure SI. Schem atic p re sen ta tio n of th e chloroplastidic
events d u rin g the cell cycle of S. robusta.
Supplem ental Figure S2. Flow cytom etric D N A content h isto gram s for
assessing the S-phase cell cycle arrest b y HU.
Supplem ental Figure S3. Estim ation m e th o d for percen tag e of cells in
d ifferen t cell cycle p h a se s b a se d o n p h o to g ra p h s of the sy nchronized
Supplem ental Figure S4. L aser-scanning confocal p h o to g ra p h s of a S.
robusta cell to illu strate th e a d d itio n of one girdle ban d .
Supplem ental Figure S5. Identification of a S. robusta FtsZ o rtholog an d
d e sig n of specific RT-Q-PCR p rim ers for FtsZ a n d FCP quantification.
Supplem ental Figure S6. Section of a n electro p h ero g ram of the cD NA AFLP fin g erp rin t of the tw o S. robusta strains.
Supplem ental Figure S7. The n in e clusters identified b y ad ap tiv e qualityb a se d clu sterin g (De Sm et et a lv 2002) of 917 exp ressio n profiles that
w ere h ig h ly reproducible.
Supplem ental Figure S8. Expression of the S. robusta M CM 5 a n d histone
H3 o rth o lo g as a fu n ctio n of tim e after reillum ination.
Supplem ental Figure S9. C lu sterin g of the exp ressio n profiles of the cell
cycle-m odulated, an n o ta ted TDFs.
Supplem ental Figure SIO. Blast2GO p ie ch art rep resen tin g the d istrib u ­
tio n of fu n ctio n al GO labels for biological processes.
Supplem ental Figure S ll . Expression of the S. robusta orthologs of
/3-tubulin a n d th e W D 40-repeat p ro te in as a fu n ctio n of tim e after
reillum ination.
Supplem ental Table SI. R epresentation of th e cD NA -A FLP analysis,
in clu d in g all q u an tified TDFs, an n o tatio n s, a n d expression data.
Supplem ental Table S2. D istrib u tio n of selected genes w ith respect to their
expression cluster.
Supplem ental Table S3. M ap p in g of GO labels to the an n o ta ted TDFs,
to g eth er w ith their assigned functional categories.
Supplem ental Table S4. M ap p in g of InterP ro d o m ain s to the a n notated
Supplem ental Table S5. C alculation of y2 correlation b etw een p h o to sy n ­
thetic genes a n d expression cluster C7-L.
We th a n k Bart V anelslander for h elp w ith the sam pling, D ebbie R om baut
for help w ith th e cDNA-AFLP, a n d M artin e De C ock for h elp in p re p a rin g the
m anu scrip t.
Received A p ril 29, 2008; accepted Septem ber 18, 2008; p u b lish e d Septem ber
26, 2008.
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