AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF James D. Newell for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering presented on April 22, 2003. Title: Steel Confined Yielding Damper for Earthguake Resistant Design Abstract Approved: Redacted for Privacy Christ'pher C. Higgins An experimental study of a passive energy dissipation tensioncompression yielding brace or buckling restrained brace has been conducted. The Confined Yielding Damper (CYD) consists of a steel yielding core confined within a tube filled with non-cohesive media. The external tube and confined non-cohesive media provide lateral stability to the core enabling the device to yield in compression as well as tension. This device is similar to the Unbonded Brace developed by Nippon Steel of Japan. Fourteen full-scale CYDs were tested to determine the effect of varied confining media, perforation blocking configuration, and a random displacement history. Based on the Confined Yielding Dampers tested relatively stable and symmetric hysteretic damping can be achieved with the CYD device. ©Copyright by James D. Newell April 22, 2003 All rights reserved Steel Confined Yielding Damper for Earthquake Resistant Design by James D. Newell A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented April 22, 2003 Commencement June 2003 Master of Science thesis of James D. Newell presented on April 22, 2003. APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Major Professor, representing Civil Engineering Redacted for Privacy Head of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Redacted for Privacy Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for Privacy James D. Newell, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express sincere appreciation to Major Professor Dr. Christopher Higgins. Without his guidance, support, and hard work this thesis would not have been possible. Additionally the author would like to thank committee members Dr. Thomas Miller, Dr. David Rosowsky, and Dr. David Gobeli. This research was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. CMS-0099701 as part of the US-Japan Cooperative Research in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Program. Professor K. Kasai of the Tokyo Institute of Technology was the Japanese counterpart and Dr. Peter Chang was the program manager. Additional funding from the 2002 AISC/Klingelhofer Fellowship supported this research. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. The opinions, findings, and conclusions are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF, AISC, or the individuals acknowledged above. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION and BACKGROUND 1 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM 5 Test Specimens 5 Structural Testing Matrix 15 Specimen Fabrication 17 Structural Testing Setup 21 Increasing Amplitude Displacement Protocol 28 Random Displacement History Development 30 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 40 Parameters Used for Comparison 40 Test Observations 40 Confining Media Effects 43 Perforation Blocking Effects 49 Decreasing Amplitude Displacement History 53 Random Displacement History 55 CONCLUSIONS 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY 68 APPENDIX 70 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. CYD configurations. 6 2. CYD cross-sections. 7 3. Prototype frame with CYDs. 9 4. Yielding core geometries. 11 5. CYD blocking configurations used with 125 kip perforated specimens. 18 CYD blocking configuration used with 50 kip perforated specimens. 19 7. Experimental setup. 22 8. Yielding core strain gage configuration used on 125 kip specimens. 24 9. Yielding core strain gage configuration used on 50 kip specimens. 25 10. Confining tube strain gage configurations. 26 11. Instrumentation plan. 27 12. Increasing amplitude displacement protocol imposed on most test specimens. 29 Three-story building plan (Sabelli, 2000) used for time history analysis. 31 14. Three-story BRBF model. 32 15. First story BRB axial displacement time history for LA2O. 38 16. Simplified random displacement history imposed on specimen 5ODB-2. 39 6. 13. LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Page Figure 17. Specimen 125DB-2 hysteresis. 44 18. Specimen 50DB-i hysteresis. 45 19. Specimen 125DB-3 hysteresis. 47 20. Specimen 125P-i hysteresis. 50 21. Specimen 125P-5 hysteresis. 52 22. Specimen 50P-1 hysteresis. 54 23. Specimen 50P-2 hysteresis. 56 24. Specimen 50P-2 hysteresis for each iteration of imposed random displacement history. 57 25. Experimental and analytical force-deformation response for specimen 50P-2 during second iteration of imposed random displacement history. 60 Analytically predicted BRB axial displacement in the first story time history using theoretical CYD response and modified based on experimental results. 62 Analytically predicted roof displacement time history using theoretical CYD response and modified based on experimental results. 63 26. 27. LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Yielding Core Properties 12 2. Test Matrix 16 3. Confining Media Properties 20 4. Three-Story BRBF Model Member Properties 33 5. Three-Story Building Design Loads 35 6. Three-Story BRBF Model Loads 35 7. CYD Performance Summary 41 8. Random Displacement History Iteration Comparison 58 9. Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Results 64 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure Page Al. Specimen 125DB-i Buckled Shape 71 A2. Specimen 125DB-i Hysteresis 71 A3. Specimen 125DB-i Displacement 72 A4. Specimen 125DB-i String Pot Displacement 72 A5. Specimen 125DB-i Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 73 A6. Specimen 125DB-i Threaded Rod Load 73 A7. Specimen 125DB-2 Buckled Shape 74 A8. Specimen 125DB-2 Hysteresis 74 A9. Specimen 125DB-2 Displacement 75 AlO. Specimen 125DB-2 String Pot Displacement Al 1. Specimen 1 25DB-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 75 76 Al2. Specimen 125DB-2 Confining Tube Axial Load 76 A13. Specimen 125DB-3 Buckled Shape 77 A14. Specimen 125DB-3 Hysteresis 77 A15. Specimen 125DB-3 Displacement 78 A16. Specimen 125DB-3 String Pot Displacement 78 Al 7. Specimen 1 25DB-3 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 79 Ai8. Specimen 125DB-3 Yielding Core Strain Gages D-G3, 4 79 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Page Figure A19. Specimen 125DB-4 Buckled Shape 80 A20. Specimen 125DB-4 Hysteresis 80 A21. Specimen 125DB-4 Displacement 81 A22. Specimen 125DB-4 String Pot Displacement A23. 81 Specimen I 25DB-4 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 82 A24. Specimen 125DB-4 Confining Tube Strain Gages N-I, B 82 A25. Specimen 125DB-5 Buckled Shape 83 A26. Specimen I 25DB-5 Hysteresis 83 A27. Specimen 125DB-5 Displacement 84 A28. Specimen 125DB-5 String Pot Displacement 84 A29. Specimen 125DB-5 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 85 A30. Specimen 125DB-5 Confining Tube Strain Gages S-E, W 85 A31. Specimen 125P-1 Buckled Shape 86 A32. Specimen 125P-1 Hysteresis 86 A33. Specimen 125P-1 Displacement 87 A34. Specimen 125P-1 String Pot Displacement 87 A35. Specimen 125P-1 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 88 Specimen 125P-1 Yielding Core Load, Location A-Leg 1,2 88 A36. LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page A37. Specimen 125P-2 Buckled Shape 89 A38. Specimen 125P-2 Hysteresis 89 A39. Specimen 125P-2 Displacement 90 A40. Specimen 125P-2 String Pot Displacement 90 A41. Specimen 125P-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 91 A42. Specimen 125P-2 Yielding Core Load, Location A-Leg 1,2 91 A43. Specimen 125P-3 Buckled Shape 92 A44. Specimen 125P-3 Hysteresis 92 A45. Specimen 125P-3 Displacement 93 A46. Specimen 125P-3 String Pot Displacement 93 A47. Specimen 125P-3 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 94 A48. Specimen 125P-3 Confining Tube Strain Gages N-F, W 94 A49. Specimen 125P-4 Buckled Shape A50. Specimen 125P-4 Hysteresis A51. Specimen 125P-4 Displacement 95 95 96 A52. Specimen 125P-4 String Pot Displacement 96 A53. Specimen 125P-4 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 97 Specimen 125P-4 Load Cell, Yielding Core Strain Gages Location D + Confining Tube Strain Gages Location S 97 A54. LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page A55. Specimen 125P-5 Buckled Shape 98 A56. Specimen 125P-5 Hysteresis 98 A57. Specimen 125P-5 Displacement 99 A58. Specimen 125P-5 String Pot Displacement 99 A59. Specimen 125P-5 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 100 A60. Specimen 125P-5 Load Cell, Yielding Core Strain Gages Location D + Confining Tube Strain Gages Location S 100 A61. Specimen 50DB-i Buckled Shape 101 A62. Specimen 50DB-i Hysteresis 101 A63. Specimen 50DB-I Displacement 102 A64. Specimen 50DB-i String Pot Displacement 102 A65. Specimen 50DB-i Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 103 A66. Specimen 50DB-i Yielding Core Strain Gages A-Gi, 2 103 A67. Specimen 5ODB-2 Buckled Shape 104 A68. Specimen 5ODB-2 Hysteresis 104 A69. Specimen SODB-2 Displacement 105 A70. Specimen 5ODB-2 String Pot Displacement 105 A7i. Specimen 5ODB-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 106 A72. Specimen 5ODB-2 Threaded Rod Load 106 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page A73. Specimen 50P-1 Buckled Shape 107 A74. Specimen 50P-1 Hysteresis 107 A75. Specimen 50P-1 Displacement 108 A76. Specimen 50P-1 String Pot Displacement A77. A78. 108 Specimen 50P-1 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 109 Specimen 50P-1 Yielding Core Strain Gages A-G3, 4 109 A79. Specimen 50P-2 Buckled Shape 110 A80. Specimen 50P-2 Hysteresis 110 A81. Specimen 50P-2 Displacement 111 A82. 111 Specimen 50P-2 String Pot Displacement A83. Specimen 50P-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 112 A84. 112 Specimen 50P-2 Confining Tube Axial Load Steel Confined Yielding Damper for Earthquake Resistant Design INTRODUCTION and BACKGROUND In the United States there is a shift toward performance based design of structures and an increased demand for higher performance levels for structures during earthquakes. Building owners are increasingly interested in immediate occupancy following large earthquakes and want to mitigate economic losses due to structural damage during a seismic event. One method for protecting structures and achieving higher performance levels is the application of passive energy dissipaters. Viscous, viscoelastic, and metallic dampers are types of passive dampers currently being used to increase the performance level of structures during seismic events. While viscous and viscoelastic dampers are becoming more common, application of metallic dampers has recently begun to increase in the U.S. Metallic dampers rely on the hysteretic damping capacity of the metal component of the device and the post-yield properties of the metallic elements to provide the design level of ductility and energy dissipation. The 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) permits inelastic deformation of structural members during the design level earthquake. If this were not allowed member sizes required to ensure elastic performance during the 2 design earthquake would be much larger and prohibitively costly. The metallic damper system utilizes the inelastic deformation allowance of the UBC by providing elements designed to dissipate the input seismic energy through controlled cyclic inelastic deformations. One such metallic damper, a tension-compression yielding brace or buckling-restrained brace (BRB) termed the Unbonded BraceTM (UBB) has been developed by Nippon Steel of Japan (Aiken, et al. 2000; B'ack, et al. 2002; Wantanabe, 1992; Wantanabe, et al. 1998). The damper relies upon a structural tube filled with mortar that confines a steel yielding core. This steel core is similar to diagonal bracing in a typical braced frame. A debonding agent is applied between the concrete and steel allowing space for Poisson's effect and reduces shear stress transfer between the steel yielding core, mortar, and confining tube. The thickness of this debonding agent is critical to the performance of the damper system and must be carefully designed and fabricated. The mortar provides buckling resistance that allows the steel core to yield in compression as well as the typical yielding in tension, thereby permitting stable and symmetric hysteretic energy dissipation capacity under fully reversed cyclic loading. To ensure that the damper does not buckle in the first mode as an ordinary brace would, the UBB must satisfy the following condition: L2 aP (1) 3 where: E = Young's Modulus; I = moment of inertia of the outer confining tube; L = brace length, taken as work point to work point; a = global buckling factor of safety; P = design axial load including the effects of strain hardening (Wantanabe, 1992). Any contribution of the mortar to the moment of inertia is neglected due to the assumption that the mortar is cracked during cyclic loading (Wantanabe, 1992; Wantanabe, et al. 1988). When the conditions of this equation are met, the external structural tube will provide the necessary global buckling resistance and enable the steel core to yield in compression instead of global brace buckling in first mode. Tests conducted both in Japan and the United States to assess the performance of UBBs indicated the device provides stable, reasonably symmetric hysteretic energy dissipation of the input cyclic loading (Aiken, et al. 2000; Black, et al. 2002; Wantanabe, 1992; Wantanabe, et al. 1998). Buckling-restrained braced frames (BRBF) with UBBs have seen over 200 Japanese applications since 1987 (Black, et al. 2002) and are gaining increased acceptance as a seismic force resisting system (SFRS) by the U.S. structural engineering community. BRBFs have been used in 13 U.S. projects to date, including both new and retrofit construction (Black, et al. 2002). All applications have used imported Nippon Steel UBBs from Japan. Currently no adopted U.S. code provisions exist for BRBF design. A draft document is under development by a joint American Institute of Steel Construction I Structural Engineers Association of California (AISC/SEOC) committee and it is anticipated this work will be incorporated into the 2007 A/SC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings. This paper addresses an alternative form of BRB in which the mortar used to fill the confining tube of the UBB is replaced with confined non-cohesive media. This non-cohesive media is placed under a normal confining force to provide buckling resistance of the core enabling the device to yield in compression. Confined Yielding Dampers (CYDs) provide benefits including economical use of standard materials, for example, A36 steel bar stock for the yielding core and A53A steel pipe for the confining tube. Further, this new device offers simplified connection design and detailing, opens the market for U.S. fabrication of CYDs using no patented technologies, reduces costs associated with importing BRBs from Japan (most current U.S. projects use UBBs imported though Nippon Steel), applicability to a wider range of building structures as the brace yield force levels under investigation are lower than are currently available, post event inspection, and simplified design of the damper device because the debonding layer required in UBBs is not necessary. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Test Specimens Small scale experimental CYD tests were carried out at Clarkson University (Higgins and Newell, 2001; Higgins and Newell, 2002). Test results indicated relatively stable and symmetric hysteretic damping with a reduced scale device. The current testing program was therefore undertaken to characterize full-scale CYD performance and establish design guidelines for future application of CYDs as a SFRS in structures. Four yielding core configurations were investigated: 125 kip (556 kN) yield force in a dog bone configuration, 125 kip (556 kN) yield force in a perforated configuration, 50 kip (222 kN) yield force in a dog bone configuration, and 50 kip (222 kN) yield force in a perforated configuration. The CYD configurations, illustrated in Fig. 1, consist of a steel yielding core element within a steel pipe filled with a confined non-cohesive media. The non-cohesive media takes the place of the mortar used in the UBB in providing lateral stability to the yielding core, enabling yielding of the core in compression cycles. A constant confining media volume was maintained with steel end caps and 1/2 in. (12.70 mm) diameter A193 B-7 high strength threaded rod. Specimen cross-sections are shown in Fig. 2. To develop a realistic sized brace for testing, a prototype structure was used. A full-scale specimen yielding core length of 16 ft. (4.88 m) was 125DB 6-1" Dia. Bolts 1/2 in. Dia. High Strength Threaded Rod '-8 in. Extra Heavy Steel Pipe I 25P 00 00 0 01 5-" Dia. A490 Bolts 50DB in. Extra Heavy Steel Pipe 'S. 16ft. Figure 1: CYD configurations. 125 kip CYD Cross-Section Non-cohesive Confining Media A193 B-7 1/2 in. Dia. High Strength Threaded Rod A36 Steel Yielding Core 125 kip CYD Unreduced Section (1-114 in. x 6 in.) 8 in. Extra Strong A53A Steel Pipe A36 Steel Yielding Core Dog Bone Reduced Section (1-1/4 in. x 1-15/16 in.) Non-cohesive Confining A193 B-7 1/2 in. Dia. High Strength Threaded Rod A36 Steel Yielding Core 50 kip CYD Unreduced Section (3/4 in. x 4-1/2 in.) 6 in. Extra Strong A53A Steel Pipe Figure 2: CYD cross-sections. A36 Steel Yielding Core Dog Bone Reduced Section (3/4 in. x 1-11/16 in.) selected for a single diagonal brace in a typical bay with column-to-column centerline spacing of 15 ft. (4.57 m), beam-to-beam centerline spacing of 13 ft. (3.96 m) and considering the gusset plate beam to column to brace connection, as illustrated in Fig. 3. In this research two different yield force levels were investigated: 125 kip (556 kN) and a 50 kip (222 kN) yield force levels. A dog bone and perforated yielding core configuration were tested at each force level. The yielding core reduced cross-sectional area was calculated based on the desired yield force and material properties determined from tension coupon testing. The dog bone configuration is typical of current BRBs. The perforated configuration has the potential for greater variation in the yield force and stiffness of the device by varying geometric properties and was therefore investigated. The legs of different perforations could be fabricated to different lengths, cross-sectional areas or tapered allowing for tailoring of device performance. Specimens were named by yield force level, yielding core configuration, and specimen identification number. 125DB-i was a 125 kip (556 kN) yield force, dog bone configuration, and specimen identification number I. 50P-2 was a 50 kip (222 kN) yield force, perforated configuration, and specimen identification number 2. The 125 kip yield force dampers consisted of 1-1/4 in. (31.75 mm) by 6 in. (152.40 mm) A36 steel bar stock with a yield stress of 51.8 ksi - Structural Steel Frame A992 Mild Steel (A36) Yielding Damper Yield Force = 125 kips I 13ft Steel I pe High-Strength Structural Bolts A490 I 151t I Figure 3: Prototype frame with CYDs. 15ft : 10 (357.2 MPa) and an ultimate stress of 72.1 ksi (497.1 MPa), based on tension coupon testing. The reduced cross-sectional area of the 125DB specimen was 2.422 in2 (1562.6 mm2) and the reduced cross-sectional area of each leg of the 125P specimen was 1.211 in2 (781.3 mm2) resulting in an area for both legs equivalent to that of the dog bone specimen. Length of individual perforation legs was 11 in. (279.40 mm) with a 2.3 factor of safety against buckling assuming pinned ends. Yielding core geometry for all specimens is shown in Fig. 4. Elastic stiffness and yield displacement of the 125DB specimens were 451 kip/in (79.0 kN/mm) and 0.278 in. (7.06 mm), respectively, and for the 125P specimens were 581 kip/in (101.7 kN/mm) and 0.216 in. (5.49 mm). These stiffness and yield displacement values are summarized in Table 1 and take into account the unreduced sections of the yielding core that remain elastic after the reduced sections have yielded up to the first line of bolts. Connections for both 125 kip (556 kN) yield force configurations were detailed as slip- critical bolted connections with class A slip surfaces and six (6) fully tensioned 1 in. (25.40 mm) diameter A490 high strength structural bolts at each end of the brace designed per 1993 Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 1993). Slip critical connections were designed for the ultimate strength of the steel yielding core taking into account the compressive overstrength factor of 1.1 typical of previously tested BRBs (Aiken, et al. 2000). A490 high strength 192 in.H19y2 .7 14516 in. in. igj/2 ) L26 in. Lft2l,6 6in.[ 1 1-1/4 in. A36 Steel Bar 192 in. ø46in.J i ,125P fl219%5 in.H in. 1r1. ) 11 in. 6 in. D 1-1/4 in. A36 Steel Bar Stock" in. -192 in.- L 17 in. L246 in.' ø21%6 n. 7 in. 52946 in. 16 in. o1 50DB 3/4 in. A36 Steel Bar Li%in 192 in. in.T 4Y2 125DB 9in. L216 in. )CP 2%6in. in. C ) 24%6 in.H c°°150P 3/4 in. A36 Steel Bar Figure 4: Yielding core geometries. - Table 1: Yielding Core Properties Specimen Yield Stress Area of Reduced Cross-Section Yield Force F (ksi) (1) 125DB 125P 50DB 50P 51.8 51.8 39.5 39.5 Yield Displacement Local Brace Stiffness K Py (MPa) (mm2) (kip) (2) (3) 357.2 2.422 1562.6 357.2 2.422 1562.6 272.4 1.266 816.8 272.4 1.266 816.8 125 125 50 50 (in2) (kN) (4) 556 556 222 222 (in) (mm) (kip/in) (kN/mm) (5) 0.278 7.06 0.216 5.49 0.222 5.64 0.174 4.42 451 581 225 287 (6) 79.0 101.7 39.4 50.3 F\) 13 structural bolts were used because there fully tensioned slip-critical capacity is greater than A325 high strength structural bolts and thus connection geometry could be shortened. The calculated 202.8 kip (902.1 kN) slip capacity of the bolted connection was 1.06 times greater than the 192.1 kip (854.5 kN) ultimate compressive strength of the yielding core. Connection net section was designed to remain elastic at a load equal to yielding core ultimate tensile strength. Yielding core stress on the net section at the first line of bolts was calculated to be 37.3 ksi (257.2 MPa) for this case. Washers were used under both the head of the bolt and nut per RCSC Specification for Structural Joints (RCSC, 1994) for steel with a nominal yield stress less than 40 ksi (275.8 MPa). The two splice plates per connection used to join yielding core and reaction system were 3/4 in. (25.4 mm) by 6 in. (152.40 mm) A36 steel bar stock. The confining tube for the 125 kip (556 kN) yield force specimens was an 8 in. (203.20 mm) extra heavy steel pipe (A53A) with a factor of safety against global buckling of 2.7 assuming pin ended connections, work point to work point on the brace length, and considering the ultimate compressive strength of the yielding core. The 50 kip (222 kN) yield force dampers consisted of 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) by 4-1/2 in. (114.30 mm) A36 steel bar stock with a yield stress of 39.5 ksi (272.4 MPa) and an ultimate stress of 63.6 ksi (438.5 MPa) based on tension coupon testing. The reduced cross-sectional area of the 50DB 14 specimen was 1.266 in2 (816.7 mm2) and the reduced cross-sectional area of each leg of the 50P specimen was 0.633 in2 (408.4 mm2) providing an area of both legs equivalent to that of the dog bone specimen. Length of individual perforation legs was 9 in. with a 2.4 factor of safety against buckling assuming pinned ends. Yielding core geometry is shown in Fig. 4. Elastic stiffness and yield displacement of the 50DB specimens were 225 kip/in (39.4 kN/mm) and 0.222 in. (5.64 mm), respectively, and for the 50P specimens were 287 kip/in (50.3 kN/mm) and 0.174 in. (4.42 mm). These values are summarized in Table I and take into account the unreduced sections of the yielding core that remain elastic after the reduced sections have yielded up to the first line of bolts. Connections for both of these 50 kip (222 kN) yield force configurations were detailed as slip-critical bolted connections with class A slip surfaces and five (5) fully tensioned 314 in. diameter A490 high strength structural bolts at each end of the brace designed per 1993 Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 1993). Slip-critical connections were designed for the ultimate strength of the steel yielding core taking into account the compressive overstrength factor of 1.1 typical of previously tested BRBs (Aiken, et al. 2000). The calculated 92.4 kip (411.0 kN) slip capacity of the bolted connection was 1.04 times greater than the 88.5 kip (393.6 kN) ultimate compressive strength of the yielding core. Connection net section was designed to remain elastic at a load equal to yielding core 15 ultimate tensile strength. Yielding core stress on the net section at the first single bolt was calculated to be 29.6 ksi (204.1 MPa) and at the first line of two bolts the stress was 31.2 ksi (215.1 kN) for this case. Washers were used under both the head of the bolt and nut per RCSC Specification for Structural Joints (RCSC, 1994) for steel with a nominal yield stress less than 40 ksi (275.8 MPa). The two splice plates per connection used to join yielding core and reaction system were 1 in. (25.4 mm) by 6 in. (152.40 mm) A36 steel bar stock. The confining tube for the 50 kip (222 kN) yield force specimens was a 6 in. (152.40 mm) extra heavy steel pipe (A53A) with a factor of safety against buckling of 2.3 assuming pin ended connections, work point to work point brace length, and considering the ultimate compressive strength of the yielding core. Structural Testing Matrix Fourteen full-scale CYDs were tested to characterize device performance and investigate the influence of various parameters on behavior as shown in the testing matrix, Table 2. The effects of different confining media were investigated using the 125 DB specimens. Four different readily available aggregates were used as confining media: sand, pea gravel (1/4 in. (6.35 mm) minus gravel), 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) to #4 gravel, and 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) minus gravel (which consisted of equal parts of the above). Pea gravel was used as the confining media for all other 16 Table 2: Test Matrix Specimen (1) 125DB-i 125DB-2 125DB-3 125DB-4 125DB-5 Parameter (2) Pea Gravel Pea Gravel (Pencil Vibrator) Sand 3/4" - #4 Gravel 3/4" minus Gravel 125P-i 125P2 All perforations spray foamed First perforation @ each end completely blocked, remaining perforations with spray foamed radius 125P-3 First 2 perforations each end completely blocked, remaining perforations with spray foamed radius 125P-4 First 2 perforations each end completely blocked, remaining perforations blocked with knockout minus 2 in. length (with cut in middle of knockout) 125P-5 First 2 perforations each end completely blocked, remaining perforations blocked with plate minus 2 in. length, minus 1/2 in. width 50DB-i 500B-2 Increasing amplitude displacement protocol Reverse displacement protocol from 2.0 ibm 50P-i Increasing amplitude displacement protocol Random displacement history 50P-2 @ DB Dog bone configuration P Perforated configuration 17 specimens. Different configurations of perforation blocking (Fig. 5) were tested with the 125P specimens to optimize performance and minimize first mode buckling of individual legs. A decreasing amplitude displacement history was compared to the typical increasing amplitude displacement protocol with the 50DB specimens. CYD performance when subjected to a random displacement history was evaluated with the 50P specimens with perforation blocking as shown in Fig. 6. Specimen Fabrication The dog bone and perforated configuration yielding cores were fabricated using abrasive water jet cutting techniques. A 50,000 psi (344.75 MPa) water and garnet abrasive culling stream was CNC controlled to cut the required configurations. Testing of both water jet and traditionally machined tension coupons did not indicate a change in the stress-strain behavior from the water jet culling process of the 1-1/4 in. (31.75 mm) A36 steel bar stock used for the 125 kip (556 kN) yielding cores. The weight of confining media placed in the tube was calculated to achieve approximate 95% relative density. Actual confining media volumes, weights, and densities are given in Table 3. The tube was filled with confining media in a vertical orientation with the yielding core maintained in proper alignment. Confining media was placed approximately 30 lb (0.13 kN) lifts and compacted internally with a pencil in ii;] Center Line of Brace - 88888 88888 ES88 Center Line of Brace oo 0 000 125P-2 Center Line of Brace 000 000 ______ ______ ______ ____ 1 25P-3 Center Line of Brace ____ ____ 1 25P-4 Cut in Steel Blocking Center Line of Brace 125P-5 Steel Blocking (same thickness as yielding core) Spray Foam Blocking (same thickness as yielding core) Figure 5: CYD blocking configurations used with 125 kip perforated specimens. 19 Center Line of Brace Steel Blocking (same thickness as yielding core) Spray Foam Blocking (same thickness as yielding core) Figure 6: CYD blocking configuration used with 50 kip perforated specimens. Table 3: Confining Media Properties T Weight of Compaction T Method Confining Media Specimen Confining Media (1) (2) (3) 125DB-i Pea Gravel Pea Gravel Sand DBH/PV 125DB-2 125DB-3 125DB-4 125DB-5 3/4"-#4 Gravel 3/4" - minus Gravel DBH (lb) (kN) Volume of Voids DBH DBH DBH 412.00 438.50 382.50 400.00 466.75 (m3) (ft3) (4) Confining Media Density (lb/ft3) (5) 1.83 1.95 1.70 1.78 2.08 (kN/m3) (6) 3.88 3.85 3.86 3.88 3.88 0.1099 0.1090 0.1093 0.1099 0.1099 106.19 113.90 99.09 103.09 120.30 16.68 17.89 15.56 16.19 18.89 125P-1 125P-2 125P-3 125P-4 125P-5 Pea Gravel Pea Gravel Pea Gravel Pea Gravel Pea Gravel DBH DBH DBH DBH DBH/PV 361.75 390.25 375.75 356.00 387.50 1.61 1.74 1.67 1.58 1.72 3.46 3.66 3.59 3.46 3.44 0.0980 0.1037 0.1017 0.0980 0.0974 104.55 106.63 104.67 102.89 112.65 16.42 16.75 16.44 16.16 17.69 50DB-I PeaGravel PeaGravel DBH/PV DBH/PV 265.75 268.25 1.18 1.19 2.28 2.28 0.0646 0.0646 116.56 117.65 18.31 Pea Gravel Pea Gravel DBH/PV DBH/PV 236.00 231.25 1.05 1.03 2.10 2.10 0.0595 0.0595 112.38 110.12 17.65 17.30 5ODB-2 50P-1 50P-2 18.48 DB Dog bone configuration P Perforated configuration DBH Dead blow hammer PV Pencil vibrator T\) 21 vibrator and/or externally with a 5 lb (0.02 kN) dead blow hammer on the outside of the confining tube. Method of compaction is included in Table 3. The confining media volume was maintained with steel end caps and 1/2 in. (12.70 mm) diameter A193 B-7 high strength threaded rod. The threaded rod was encased in concrete prestressing strand sheathing to reduce interaction between the threaded rod and confining media. Six 700 lb (3.11 kN) Beilville Washers stacked in series were used at one end of the threaded rod to maintain approximately 2 kip (8.90 kN) of confining force per threaded rod. Sheet metal and spray foam crush-zones 6 in. (152.40 mm) in length were added to the dog bone yielding cores in the transition zone from reduced to unreduced cross section to minimize the effects (compressive stiffening) of the shoulders of the dog bone yielding core bearing on the confining media. Perforated specimens were encased in sheet metal to maintain alignment of blocking material within individual perforations. Structural Testing Setup Specimens were tested in a horizontal configuration, Fig. 7, with a structural steel reaction system at each end attached to the strong floor. Roller supports were provided at approximate third points of the confining tube to protect the test setup from any overall damper instability. The rollers provided negligible resistance to tube movement in the brace axial Reaction Hydraulic Actuator Splice Plate /(each side) Roller Suppo CYD Secimen = Reaction System Strong Floor Figure 7: Experimental setup. [] 23 direction but prevented any excessive deformation in the transverse directions. Load was applied at a rate of 1.33 in/mm (33.78 mm/mm) with a 500 kip (2224 kN) capacity servo-controlled hydraulic actuator. Specimen yielding core axial deformation was used as the feedback sensor for the servo-control system. Instrumentation consisted of strain gages, force washer load cells, displacement transducers and an in-line load cell. Strain gages on the steel yielding cores were placed to measure axial strain and determine if the yielding core was bending within the elastic range of the gages used. Strain gages were bonded to the middle of each face of the steel yielding core as shown in Fig. 8 for the 125 kip (556 kN) specimens and Fig. 9 for the 50 kip (222 kN) specimens. Strain gages on the confining tube were placed to measure axial strain and determine if the confining tube was bending. Strain gages were bonded at 90° orientations from each other around the circumference of the pipe at the middle and north quarter point (Fig. 10). Force washer load cells were used to measure the force in the 1/2 in. (12.70 mm) diameter A193 B-7 high strength threaded rod used to maintain confining media volume and their orientation is shown in Fig. 11. Two displacement sensors (string potentiometers) (Fig. 11) were used to measure overall yielding core deformation. Displacement values from these two sensors were averaged to remove any bending component due to brace end rotation outside of the confining tube. Two other displacement sensors measured relative deformation of the yielding core into and out of 162/6 in. 86%6 in. 296 n 125DB GI x . Denotes strain gaged location Section a-a G41G3 G2 1 25P x - Denotes strain gaged location Section b-b (ryp.) Figure 8: Yielding core strain gage configuration used on 125 kip specimens. 886in. I 16113/;6 rn - 303%6ir. 50DB Gi x - Denotes strain gaged location G4IG3 Section a-a YP) G2 50P x - Denotes strain gaged location G4 Section b-b (Typ.) G8 Figure 9: Yielding core strain gage configuration used on 50 kip specimens. 161 in. 80Y2 in 403/4 in. P 125DB 1 25P x - Denotes strain gaged location I wQE Section a-a (Typ.) B 166 in. 83 in. 42 in. 50DB 50P x - Denotes strain gaged location I WQE Section b-b (Typ.) B Figure 10: Confining tube strain gage configurations. N.) a) Hydraulic Actuator Reaction Roller Support Load Cell - -\ CYD Specimen + Displacement Sensor (arrow indicates positive direction) Washer Load Cell Figure 11: Instrumentation plan. 4NJ the confining tube at each end, shown in Fig. 11. A PC-based data acquisition system was used to acquire data at a continuous rate of 5 Hz during testing. Increasing Amplitude Displacement Protocol The displacement protocol (Fig. 12) was based on the guidelines of ATC 24 (ATC, 1992) and the draft AISC/SEAOC Recommended Buckling- Restrained Brace Frame Provisions (AISC/SEAOC, 2001). Increasing amplitude fully reversed cyclic axial displacement was applied until failure. Two cycles each were applied at 0.25 by 0.50 by, and 0.75 Aby, where Aby is equal to the yield displacement of the steel core. Six cycles at Ab were then applied. The remaining protocol was based on the design story drift of 1% on the prototype structure shown in Fig. 3. For one (1) 16 ft. (4.88 m) brace in a 13 ft. (3.96 m) by 15 ft. (4.57 m) bay or two (2) 16 ft. (4.88 m) braces in a 13 ft. (3.96 m) by 30 ft. (9.14 m) bay, 1% story drift corresponds to a local brace displacement of 1.19 in. (30.23 mm) (Abm). Four cycles each were applied at deformation levels corresponding to 0.5 Abm, 1.0 Abm, and 1.5 LIbm. Two cycles were applied at 2.0 Abm and higher deformation levels incremented by 0.5 Abm to failure. 29 3 2.5 2 1.5 0.5 0 C., a . -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 0 Figure 12: 15 30 45 60 Turn (nm) 75 90 105 120 Increasing amplitude displacement protocol imposed on most test specimens. 30 Random Displacement History Development Specimen 50P-2 was subjected to multiple iterations of a random displacement history derived from nonlinear dynamic time history analysis of a three-story BRBF building. The building modeled in this analysis is based on the work of Sabelli (2000) and the SAC model building design criteria. The building plan dimensions as shown in Fig. 13 are 124 ft. by 184 ft. with 30 ft. by 30 ft. bays and a 2 ft. perimeter wall offset. Story heights are a typical 13 ft. The SFRS consisted of eight BRBFs with four in each orthogonal direction. The building was designed for a site in metropolitan Los Angeles according to the 1997 NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulation of New Buildings and Other Structures (FEMA, 1997) and the 1997 Uniform Building Code (ICBO, 1997). For ana'ysis, one BRBF was modeled with an additional single column representing the secondary P-A load affect attributed to the BRBF. The horizontal stiffness contribution of this equivalent gravity framing column was neglected as is standard design practice. The modeled frame along with member properties is shown in Fig. 14 and Table 4. Threedimensional analysis was not considered given the regular building layout. Story masses applied to the modeled frame were calculated based on the total story mass divided by the number of braced frames in a given 31 r--30 ft _Tm_I__ ___ r 30 ft L 124 ft 184 ft I I I _______IIJIi{IJIIJIIELi_______ I ___I_I H I Mechanical Penthouse __- Buckling Restrained Braced Frame I [1 Braced Fram Modeled Figure 13: Three-story building plan (Sabelli, 2000) used for time history analysis. 32 l5ft -I.. 15ft 30ft Figure 14: Three-story BRBF model. - Table 4: Three-Story BRBF Model Member Properties Story Brace Yield Force Horiz. Brace Stiffness (1) 2 1 117 196 243 (kN) (2) BF Beam Kh Py (kip) BF Column 520 872 1081 (kip/in) 588 943 1088 (kN/mm) (3) 103 165 191 (4) (5) Non-BF Columns (Minor Axis) Side Interior Mech. Perp. BE (6) (7) (8) (9) (in4) W12x96 W14x48 W14x48 W14x61 W14x74 W12x96 (mm4) (in3) (mm4) (10) (11) 1033 429967063 290 4752249 0) 34 orthogonal direction. Design loads used in these calculations are shown in Table 5. At the roof level one half of the ceiling/flooring and mechanical/electrical loads were applied. Seismic masses for each story are shown in Table 6. Lumped masses were used given that only horizontal ground motions were considered. Braced frame beam and column loads were calculated using the load combination 1.2D + 0.5L + 1.OE. The earthquake term was applied in the form of dynamic ground motion records. P-A column loads were calculated using the same load combination and considering 60% live load reduction. Table 6 summarizes the calculated nodal loads. Braced frame dead and live loads were applied at third points of the beams where subframing (not explicitly modeled) was connected to the beams. Nonlinear dynamic time history analysis was conducted using the nonlinear structural analysis computer program PC-ANSR (Maison, 1992). Frame members were modeled using element type 4, a nonlinear beamcolumn element. Beams were considered inextensible. Nodal displacements within a story were set to be equivalent. This was consistent with the assumption of rigid diaphragms. Therefore the non-braced frame beams were not modeled in this analysis. Horizontal stiffness of the P-A columns was neglected. Connections with gusset plates for brace attachment were modeled as fixed. The roof beam/column connections where no braces framed in were considered pinned (simple shear tab). All 35 Table 5: Three-Story Building Design Loads Unit Weight (2) Load (1) Dead Loads Steel Framing Floor and Roof Roofing Ceiling/Flooring Mechanical/Electrical Partitions Exterior Wall Live Load As Designed 50 psf 2.3941 kPa (3 in. Metal Deck with 2 1/2 in. Normal Weight Concrete) 7 psf 0.3352 kPa 3 psf 0.1436 kPa 7 psf 0.3352 kPa 47 psf 2.2505 kPa (At Penthouse) 20 psf 0.9576 kPa (Gravity Design) 10 psf 0.4788 kPa (Seismic Design and Analysis) 25 psf 1.1970 kPa 50 psf 2.3941 kPa Table 6: Three-Story BRBF Model Loads Story (1) 3 2 1 Seismic Mass (kip-sec2/in) (kN-sec2/mm) BF Column Load (kip) (kN) (2) 1.0700 1.1915 1.1915 (3) 0.1874 0.2087 0.2087 30.3 50.1 50.1 134.8 222.8 222.8 BE Beam Load (kip) (kN) (4) 12.2 54.4 19.2 85.4 19.2 85.4 P- Column Load (kip) (kN) (5) 410.3 466.4 466.4 1825.0 2074.5 2074.5 36 framing members were ASTM A992 steel, with a strain hardening modulus 5% that of Young's Modulus. Braces were modeled as nonlinear truss elements (element type 2). ASTM A36 steel was assumed for the braces. The compressive yield stress was modeled as 110% of the tensile yield stress based on typical buckling restrained brace test results (Aiken, et al. 2000). Brace cross-sectional area was calculated from the brace yield force given by Sabelli (2000) and a nominal yield stress of 36 ksi. An equivalent Young's Modulus was then calculated from this area and the horizontal brace stiffness. A post-yield slope of 7.5% of the elastic stiffness was used as calculated from previous UBB testing (Aiken, et al. 2000). Inherent viscous damping of 5% was assumed per standard practice in the seismic design of steel structures and was applied as mass and initial stiffness proportional damping factors. Ground motions considered (LAOI-LA2O) were developed for the SAC steel project (Woodward-Clyde Federal Services, 1997). The 20 earthquake records used are for a site in Los Angeles with a 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (design basis earthquakes, 475 year return period). Nonlinear dynamic time history analysis was completed for the LA series earthquakes and the results analyzed to determine the event that produced the greatest BRB demand. Of the 20 synthetic earthquake records, LA2O generated the highest BRB demand in terms of maximum brace displacement and cumulative ductility. First story compression 37 dominated brace axial displacement time history response for LA2O is shown in Fig. 15. This displacement history was simplified and scaled to develop a random displacement history (Fig. 16). In the simplification, large displacement peak-to-peak displacements were retained and smaller elastic cycles were neglected. Displacement values were scaled such that the maximum compressive displacement corresponds to 1% story drift (1.19 in. (30.23mm) local brace displacement, Abm). The random displacement history was applied at the same 1.33 in/mm (33.78 mm/mm) displacement rate as the increasing amplitude displacement history. Multiple iterations of this random displacement history were applied to specimen 50P-2. After each iteration both load and displacement were returned to zero with an additional small inelastic displacement and elastic unloading. 1.5 ) E a) 0 0 -0.5 0. C') -1.5 -2 10 15 Time (sec) 25 Figure 15: First story BRB axial displacement time history for LA2O. a) 39 1.5 C C w E w 0 0 -0.5 (I) -1.5 -2 0 2 4 6 Tine (nm) 8 10 Figure 16: Simplified random displacement history imposed on specimen 50 DB-2. 12 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Parameters Used for Comparison A/SC/S EAOC Recommended Buckling-Restrained Brace Frame Provisions (AISC/SEAOC, 2001) specify that the ratio of maximum compressive force to maximum tensile force (C/T) shall not exceed 1.3. This criterion serves to limit potential unbalanced forces and ensures reasonably symmetric hysteretic behavior. BRB demand from the increasing amplitude displacement protocol defined in the AISC/SEAOC Provisions is based on nonlinear dynamic time history analysis of BRBF buildings (Sabelli, 2000). BRBs are required to achieve displacements corresponding to 1.5 Abm (mean of Sabelli analysis) and cumulative ductilities of 140 Aby (mean plus one standard deviation of Sabelli analysis). These are believed to be conservative values and may be revised as more data becomes available (AISC/SEAOC, 2001). Test Observations Results for all specimens are summarized in Table 7 and shown in the appendix. Post-test yielding core pictures, load-displacement plot, displacement plot, string pot displacement plot, yielding core/confining tube relative displacement plot, and an additional plot illustrating performance are shown for each specimen. Displacements reported in hystersis and Table 7: CYD Performance Summary Max. Specimen Tensile Force T (kip) (kN) Max. Compressive Force CIT C (kip) (kN) 154.7 688.1 155.8 693.0 163.5 145.8 143.6 167.2 648.5 638.7 743.7 95.5 137.0 143.9 727.2 424.8 609.4 131.9 586.7 131.1 583.1 158.6 159.9 166.2 167.1 705.5 711.2 739.3 743.3 169.6 182.4 257.6 252.9 754.4 811.3 1145.8 1124.9 50DB-i 50DB2 64.6 68.0 287.3 302.5 68.8 78.2 306.0 347.8 1.07 50P1 67.0 57.9 298.0 257.5 73.3 326.0 320.7 1.09 125DB-i 125DB2 125DB3 125DB4 125DB5 125P1 125p2 125P3 125P-4 125P-5 50P-2 (3) 72.1 DB Dog bone configuration P Perforated configuration 640.1 Tensile Displacement (mm) (in) (2) 151.6 674.3 (1) Max. (4) 1.02 1.05 0.66 0.95 0.86 0.99 1.07 1.14 1.55# 1.51 # 1.15 * Max. Compressive Displacement (mm) (in) (5) Cumulative Ductility (kip-in) (kN-mm) (by) (7) (8) 176 1 @2°bm 183 2 @2.0 Lbm (6) 2.404 61.06 2.452 2.394 4.177 2.969 2.391 60.81 2.074 52.68 106.10 75.41 60.73 1.705 2.803 2.057 43.31 71.20 52.25 1.269 2.204 2.364 2.408 2.410 32.23 55.98 60.05 61.16 1.038 26.37 42.90 59.49 57.86 1.816 2.356 46.13 59.84 1.804 0.718 45.82 18.24 61.21 Total Energy Dissipated 62.28 5230 6165 2051 5852 5785 590881 696517 231720 661154 653585 125# Fracture On Cycle (9) ** 272 216 2 1 1525 172293 83 # 4 559812 661832 862822 767355 220 1 53.21 4955 5858 7637 6792 280 236 1.660 42.16 1957 221100 182 2.344 59.54 1230 138964 101 # 1.715 1.223 43.56 31.06 1639 1475 185173 166660 195 180 1.689 2.342 2.278 2.095 261 1st Compressive Degradation On Cycle (10) 2@ 15bm 2 @ 1.5 Abm 1 @O.SLbm @ °5bm @ 1.5 @ 3.OAbm @ 2.0 'bm 3 @ 1.0 bm @ 2.0 Lbm 1 @0.5 L\bm 3 1.0 bm 1 @2°brn ** 2 bm @ 2@ l.5Abm ** 3@ l.5Abrn 4@ 1°bm 2@ 15bm 2@ l.SLbm 2@ i.OAbm Iteration 3 ** ** * Unequal tensile and compressive displacements Limit state other than fracture # Does not meet AISC / SEAOC Provisions ## Compressive Degradation not observed ** - 42 displacement figures are the CYD yielding core axial displacement based on weighted average of the east and west yielding core displacement sensors. The string pot displacements show the east and west yielding core string pot displacements. A differential displacement of these sensors provides an indication of out of plane bending of the yielding core outside the confining tube. The yielding core/confining tube relative displacement plot shows the relative movement of the yielding core into and out of the confining tube at each end. Typically the majority of yielding core displacement took place at the south (actuator) end of the specimen. Bolt slip was not observed indicating adequate slip critical connection design. Detailing of class A slip surface eliminated the expense of sand blasted faying surfaces and did not decrease CYD performance. Yielding was distributed along the entire reduced section yielding core length for both the dog bone and perforated configurations as evidenced by uniform flaking of mill scale. Strain gages on the yielding core did not indicate bending (with the exception of 125DB-3) and showed equivalent strain at the three instrumented locations up to the 3000 microstrain range limitation of the gages. The typical failure mechanism observed was fracture of the steel yielding core induced by increased tensile strains due to local high amplitude buckling at the actuator end of the specimen. Increasing the length of unreduced cross-section within the confining tube would provide increased buckling resistance for this portion of the device. This would provide a larger unreduced yielding core surface area to be in contact with the confining media thereby limiting buckling and the associated bending strains. Confining Media Effects CYD performance was determined to be highly dependent on confining media particle size. 125DB specimens were tested using pea gravel, sand, 3/4 in. (19.05 mm)to #4 gravel, and 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) minus gravel. Specimen 125DB-2 tested with pea gravel confining media provided reasonably stable and symmetric hysteretic response. The load- displacement curve for this specimen is shown in Fig. 17. The CIT value of 1.05 is well within the suggested 1.3 limit and in line with a compressive overstrength of 1.1 typical of UBBs. A total of 6165 kip-in (696517 kN-mm) of energy was dissipated by the device. The cumulative ductility of 183 exceeded the 140 by by requirement of the AISC/SEAOC Provisions. Pea gravel confining media was also used for specimen 50DB-i. Fig. 18 shows reasonably stable and symmetric dissipation of 1957 kip-in (221100 kN-mm) of energy. The C/I value was 1.07 and a cumulative ductility of 182 Aby was achieved. The smaller yield force device dissipated 44 2J0 150 100 :° . 0 -J -50 -100 -150 I -3 -2.5 I -2 -1.5 I -1 If -0.5 I 0 0.5 Displacement (in) 1 1.5 Figure 17: Specimen 125DB-2 hysteresis. 2 2.5 3 45 iXJ 75 50 25 0 -J - -50 -75 -1W -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Displacement (in) Figure 18: Specimen 50DB-i hysteresis. 1.5 2 2.5 proportionally less energy but still achieved approximately the same cumulative ductility as 125DB-2. Sand confining media did not adequately prevent the yielding core (125DB-3) from translating through the confining media. As a result the core buckled in approximately the fourth mode in the weak direction and second mode in the strong direction. The load-displacement curve (Fig. 19) shows this buckling with significant pinching of the hysteresis loops. After the second cycle at 1.5 bm a large tension excursion was applied to a displacement of 4.2 in. (106.7 mm) without yielding core fracture. This indicates the dog bone yielding core is capable of undergoing significant inelastic deformation and that the buckling did not produce large strain concentrations at one particular location along the yielding core. Sand confining media for this specimen geometry does not provide sufficient confinement to enable stable and symmetric hysteretic damping. Larger sized aggregates alone did not significantly enhance performance. Significant crushing of the 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) to #4 gravel and the associated confining media volume loss led to considerable localized buckling at the ends of the reduced section of specimen 125DB- 4. Compressive degradation was observed significantly earlier than with pea gravel or 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) minus gravel confining media (cycle 3 0.5 &m vs. cycle 2 @ 1.5 bm). © 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) to #4 gravel is not an optimal confining media for this specimen geometry. 47 - - - Thc Stiffness nirYid 150 100 :° J0 -50 -100 -150 I -2 -1.5 -1 'I -0.5 I I I 0.5 1 I I I I I 0 1.5 2 Displacement (in) 25 3 Figure 19: Specimen 125DB-3 hysteresis. 3.5 IJ 4 4.5 Specimen 125DB-5 tested with 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) minus gravel confining media performed similar to specimen 125DB-2 confined with pea gravel. The larger aggregate locks together preventing translation with fines filling voids. No significant benefit was observed by using the 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) minus gravel. Pea gravel was used as the confining media for remaining testing and the cost associated with producing the 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) minus gravel blend were avoided. For all specimens the threaded rods were initially tensioned to approximately 5 kip (22.2 kN) each to maintain the confining media volume. This force diminished during testing due to crushing of gravel confining media and associated volume change. Typically I kip (4.4 kN) of tension force remained in each threaded rod after testing when the dead blow hammer was used for compaction. When the pencil vibrator and dead blow hammer were both used for compaction typically 2 kip (8.9 kN) of tension force remained in each threaded rod when testing was complete. This higher retention of rod force can be attributed to increased confining material relative density when compacted using both methods. With more confining material contained within the same volume, particle translation is reduced and localized crushing does not create significant confining media volume change. Testing of different confining media indicated that particle size and shape must be such that localized crushing of the confining media does not 49 create a significant volume loss, and that there is adequate particle interlock so that the yielding core cannot translate through the confining media. It is hypothesized that a rectangular confining tube may help to prevent confining media translation. The rolled corners of a rectangle section might better lock-in the confining media than the circular shape of a pipe. Perforation Blocking Effects Specimen 125P-1 was tested with perforations filled with spray foam to prevent the yielding core perforation ends from bearing on the pea gravel confining media. Desirable structural performance was not achieved. Fig. 20 shows a lack of stable hysteresis due to the legs of the first perforation at the actuator end buckling in towards each other. Abrupt stiffening occurred when the buckled legs came into contact with each other. Following the poor performance of specimen 125P-1, different configurations of perforation blocking were investigated to prevent buckling of perforation legs. Combinations in which the complete width of the first two perforations on each end and partial width (perforation width minus 1/2 in.) of the remaining perforations were blocked with steel plate provided the 50 - - - - Therc StifFness nrYid I Ij . 0 -J - -15: -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Displacement (in) Figure 20: Specimen 125P-1 hysteresis. 2 2.5 3 51 best results. It is possible that perforation blocking could be completely avoided by using shorter perforation leg lengths, while still achieving required ductility. Reasonably stable and symmetric hysteretic behavior is shown in Fig. 21, for specimen 125P-5. The first two perforations at each end were completely blocked with their original knockout from water jet cutting. Remaining perforations were blocked with a plate 2 in. (50.8 mm) shorter and 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) narrower than the perforation dimensions. The elastic compressive stiffness for this blocked configuration was 845 kip/in (148 kNlmm), which was 1.45 times greater than the compression stiffness with no perforation blocking. This accounts for the compressive stiffening observed in the hysteresis curve. Perforation blocking did not affect tensile stiffness. The CIT value of 1.51 is above the AISC/SEAOC 1.3 limit. Future detailing of shorter legs would eliminate the need for perforation blocking and the associated compressive stiffening (high CIT value). A total of 6792 kip-in (696517 kN-mm) of energy was dissipated by the device. A cumulative ductility of 236 by was achieved before testing was suspended to limit damage to the reaction system from the high compressive forces. Specimen 50P-1 was tested with the first two perforations at each end blocked with a steel plate I in. (25.4 mm) shorter and equal in width to the peroration dimension. Remaining perforations were blocked with a plate 1 in. (25.4 mm) shorter and 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) narrower than the 52 200 1 100 a 0 _J -lEAD n -200 -2EAD U I -3 -2.5 I -2 I -1.5 I -1 I -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Displacement (in) Figure 21: Specimen 125P-5 hysteresis. 2 2.5 3 53 perforation dimensions. The hysteresis curve (Fig. 22) indicates reasonably stable and symmetric hysteretic damping. Compressive stiffening observed in specimen 1 25P-5 was eliminated by not blocking the full length of the two perforations at each end. The weak direction of each perforation leg was in the out of plane direction. Buckling observed was in the out of plane direction and thus not restrained by perforation blocking. 1639 kip-in (185173 kN-mm) of energy was dissipated by the device. The CIT value was 1.09 and a cumulative ductility of 195 by was achieved. The smaller yield force device dissipated proportionally less energy but still achieved approximately the same cumulative ductility as 125P-5. Decreasing Amplitude Displacement History A decreasing amplitude displacement history was applied to specimen 5ODB-2. One cycle at 2.0 bm was followed by two cycles at 1.5 bm Yielding core fracture was observed on the subsequent cycle at 1.0 bm The energy dissipated and cumulative ductility were 1230 kip-in (138964 kN-mm) and 101 Aby, those of specimen 50DB-i respectively. These values are less than subjected to the increasing amplitude displacement protocol. However the largest single excursion displacement was 0.5 Abm larger for specimen 5ODB-2. This provides an indication that device performance is dependent on applied displacement history and devices can sustain very large cycles. 54 icx Ii 7550 0 -J - -50 -75 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Displacement (in) Figure 22: Specimen 50P-1 hysteresis. 1.5 2 2.5 55 Random Displacement History Specimen 50P-2 was subjected to a random displacement history as defined above. Seven complete iterations of the random displacement and an eighth iteration up to the point of maximum compressive displacement were applied. Loading was suspended at maximum compressive displacement to examine the yielding core in that state. Confining media and the yielding core were removed from the confining tube. The yielding core was inspected for damage resulting from the applied random displacement history. A new yielding core and confining media could have been placed back into the confining tube and the device reinstalled for subsequent testing. Buckling and compressive stiffening was observed in the hysteresis curve (Fig. 23). Local buckling of the yielding core against the side of the confining tube resulted in this post-buckling compressive stiffening. Fig. 24 presents each individual iteration of random displacement history and shows progressive degradation in CYD performance. There was a gradual decrease in the energy dissipated per iteration (Table 8) due to pinching of the hysteresis loops. Cumulative ductility values per iteration however do not illustrate this performance degradation because the same displacements were reached but at lower brace axial forces. Therefore cumulative ductility performance specifications should be combined with other measures to ensure reasonably stable and symmetric hysteretic response, such as efficiency of 1(X) 75 50 25 . 0 0 -I -50 -75 -100 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Displacement (in) Figure 23: Specimen 50P-2 hysteresis. 1.5 2 2.5 Iteration I Iteration 2 a a 25 0 a it -J -J 0 0 -25 -1 -55 0 Dlsplacennt (in) 05 1 IS -15 -1 -05 Iteration 3 a 0 Displacenent (In) 0.5 I IS 1 15 Iteration 4 25 a 0 0 -j -I .25 -w -15 -1 45 0 Dlsplacermnt (In) 05 1 1.5 -1 45 Iteration 5 0 Dlsplacenwnt (In) 05 Iteration 6 a 0 0. a 0 25 0 -J -j -15 -1 -0.5 0 Displacenent (In) 0.5 I 15 .15 -1 Iteration 7 0 -0.5 pacenent (In) 55 I 15 Iteration 8 a a' 0 a 0 -J I Displacenent (In) 1.5 l3.l 45 0O.5 Displacenent (In) 1 Figure 24: Specimen 50P-2 hysteresis for each iteration of imposed random displacement history. I.5 Table 8: Random Displacement History Iteration Comparison Iteration T Max. Tensile Force (kip) (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (kN) Max. Compressive Force (kip) (2) 56.4 53.8 56.9 57.9 57.6 57.2 55.8 54.3 65.1 72.1 253.1 70.0 257.7 65.5 63.0 62.0 58.4 58.4 256.1 254.3 248.0 241.4 (kN) 289.4 320.9 311.5 291.3 280.3 275.9 259.7 259.6 (mm) (in) (4) (3) 250.8 239.3 Max. Tensile Displacement . CIT 1.15 1.34 1.23 1.13 1.09 1.09 1.05 1.08 Max. Compressive Displacement (in) (5) 0.718 0.719 0.724 0.726 0.727 0.727 0.692 0.698 (mm) Total Energy Dissipated (kip-in) (6) 18.24 18.26 18.39 18.44 18.47 18.47 17.58 17.73 1.176 1.186 1.185 1.188 1.183 1.186 1.149 1.132 I (kN-mm) 230 223 211 196 186 179 159 90 1475 I (Aby) (8) (7) 29.87 30.12 30.10 30.18 30.05 30.12 29.18 28.75 Total Cumulative Ductility 26039 25186 23891 22134 20990 20233 18019 10167 166660 24.0 24.6 24.3 24.3 24.4 24.5 22.8 11.5 180.4 59 energy dissipation or secant stiffness on subsequent cycles of similar amplitude. The experimental results were then compared with a PC-ANSR time history response for a CYD subjected to the imposed random displacement history. The original properties for the inelastic truss element used to model the brace were a compressive yield strength equal to 1.1 times the tensile yield strength; an effective Young's Modulus calculated from brace stiffness, length, and cross-sectional area; and a strain hardening modulus of 7.5% of Young's Modulus. These are the same brace properties used in the three-story building model to generate the time history response. When compared to actual CYD performance it was determined that a compressive yield strength equal to the tensile yield strength more accurately reflected experimental results. Also an efficiency factor of 80% was applied to Young's Modulus to better represent elastic CYD stiffness. The strain hardening modulus was divided by this efficiency factor to maintain the same post yield slope. Experimental and analytical results are illustrated in Fig. 25. The energy dissipated by specimen 50P-2 iteration 2 was 223 kip-in (25186 kN-mm) while the analytical model dissipated 170 kip-in (19206 kN-mm). The analytical model therefore conservatively underestimates the energy dissipation capacity of the CYD. The response of the model three-story building was then determined with the revised CYD properties to determine if the developed random ico 75 Smai 50P-2 (ec 2) PCANSR 50 25 D 0 J 0 - II -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Displacement (in) 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 25: Experimental and analytical force-deformation response for specimen 50P-2 during second iteration of imposed random displacement history. 61 displacement history was still an accurate representation of expected BRB demand. First story BRB time history response (Fig. 26) for the initial and revised cases show a 16% increase in maximum brace axial displacement. Roof displacement increased by 14% for the revised BRB properties as shown in Fig. 27. Residual displacements also increased as given in Table 9. This increase in displacements would not significantly change overall BRB ductility demand during the event. 1.5 - IritiBraePrcües -. Fisei Brace Prqeres O.5 0) E 0) a I: -1.5 2.5 -3 0 5 10 15 Time (sec) 2.) 25 30 Figure 26: Analytically predicted BRB axial displacement in the first story time history using theoretical CYD response and modified based on experimental results. [;] 10 - 8 H_____ 6 C w E IritiBraePrcçes -. Revised Brace Prcçes 4 C.) Cu a. U) 1\ 9.- 0 0 -2 -4 10 15 Time (sec) 2) 25 30 Figure 27: Analytically predicted roof displacement time history using theoretical CYD response and modified based on experimental results. Table 9: Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Results Element (1) Local Brace Horizontal Roof Initial Brace Properties Max. Displacement Residual Displacement (in) (mm) (in) (mm) . (2) 2.57 7.94 (3) 65.28 201.68 0.72 0.99 18.29 25.15 Revised Brace Properties Max. Displacement Residual Displacement (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (4) 2.97 9.03 (5) 75.44 229.36 0.96 1.34 24.38 34.04 65 CONCLUSIONS A new type of tension-compression yielding brace or bucklingrestrained brace to dissipate seismic induced forces has been investigated and tested. The Confined Yielding Damper consists of a steel yielding core element within a structural tube filled with non-cohesive media. This non- cohesive media is placed under a normal confining force to provide buckling resistance of the core, enabling the device to yield in compression without global buckling of the brace. The testing program examined the effects of different confining media, perforation blocking configurations, and random displacement histories. Based on Confined Yielding Dampers test results the following observations and conclusions are presented: 1. A properly designed, detailed, and constructed CYD device exhibits reasonably stable and symmetric hysteretic response of input fully reversed cyclic loading. 2. Bolt slip was avoided with slip-critical bolted connections, class A slip surfaces, and fully tensioned A490 high strength structural bolts. 3. Extending the unreduced length of steel yielding core further into the confining tube would help to reduce local buckling at the end of the yielding core by providing more rotational and translation resistance. 4. Confining media particle size and shape must be such that localized crushing of the confining media does not create a significant volume loss. 5. Confining media particle size and shape must be such that there is adequate particle interlock to limit yielding core translation through the confining media. 6. Reducing the perforation leg length would increase the perforation buckling capacity and limit the necessity for perforation blocking. 7. Gradual compressive degradation was observed when a CYD was subjected to multiple iterations of a random displacement history, although the performance as measured by cumulative ductility or energy dissipation was quite good even after the 6th iteration. 8. CYDs can be uninstalled, inspected, reconstructed, and reinstalled after a seismic event while reusing major components of the device. 9. Cumulative ductility performance specifications should consider other quantitative measures to ensure reasonably stable and symmetric hysteretic response for all types of yielding dampers. Change in energy dissipation or secant stiffness on subsequent cycles of similar amplitude would provide an additional indication of device performance. 10. The cross-sectional area and mechanical properties of the yielding core can be tailored to provide a device with the desired strength, stiffness, and yield surface properties. Use of the perforated configuration provides greater flexibility in design. 11. The CYD can provide performance similar to that of the UBB, but has the additional benefits of reduced cost, post event inspection, simplified design, detailing, and construction. The Confined Yielding Damper may provide a cost effective passive energy dissipation option that builds upon the strengths of the UBB. Desired structural performance properties of the CYD can be achieved by varying the cross-sectional area and mechanical properties of the steel core. Strength, stiffness, and yield surface properties can be adjusted using different grades of steel and different geometry of the steel core element. Multiple plates, of the same or different material, combined in parallel would permit further refinement of the design performance of the CYD device facilitating achievement of performance based design objectives. Additional testing of configurations of perforations, confining tube geometry, and confinement would aid future development of this type of damper. 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U) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -25 .1 o io 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) ) 100 110 1) 130 Figure A4: Specimen 125DB-i String Pot Displacement 140 150 73 4 3.5 Dsaeiiait-S 3 . Z5 C) 2 C) 1.5 E (.) I' I, 1 60 E 0.5 C) -0.5 -1 II -1.5 U, > 0 ------ -2 -2.5 C) -3.5 -4 0 a) 10 40 30 60 50 70 80 Time (mm) 9) 100 110 120 130 140 150 Figure A5: Specimen 125DB-i Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 5 - TiTeaJed Rxl Lcal E II I 0 -J 0 _ II _______ /a lIalp...Z __ au I E , Ii I I 4 Ia I I Ii I a UI II ;. I r_j "l. a. /lls I 4 II ,,s'.s I_ . 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8) Time (mm) 9) 100 110 12) 13) Figure A6: Specimen 125DB-i Threaded Rod Load 140 150 75 3 2.5 C E 0) U) OIIIIIIHhuIIII 0 10 ) 30 40 50 30 70 30 1(X) X) Time (mm) 110 120 130 140 150 130 140 150 Figure A9: Specimen 125DB-2 Displacement 3 - - - -. EtStnrPc 2.5 VstSUingPct 2 I 1.5 1 4-I C 0) E 0) U 0. U) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 ml -2 -2.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 30 70 80 Time (mm) ) 1(X) 110 120 Figure AlO: Specimen 125DB-2 String Pot Displacement 4 3.5 3 25 0) - - - -. IisØaana1-N Dspaaiiit- S 2 0) 0 - 0.5 0) -0.5 U) 0 -1 U) > 0 C, -25 -3.5 -t 0 10 Z) 30 40 60 60 7o ao Time (mm) 1(X) 110 120 130 140 150 Figure Al 1: Specimen 1 25DB-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement I i5o1 0 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 90 1(X) 110 12) 130 140 Figure Al2: Specimen 125DB-2 Confining Tube Axial Load I 15) 4.5 4 3.5 a) E C) 0 U) - 0 10 ) 30 40 50 50 ) 93 Time (mm) 70 1(X) 110 1) 130 140 150 140 150 Figure Al 5: Specimen 1 25DB-3 Displacement 5 - - - -. EtSthrPct 4.5 stStnrPct 4 3.5 3 C 25 C, 2 C, 1.5 U) 0.5 E 0 0 0 -0.5 -1.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 90 1(X) 110 12) 130 Figure A16: Specimen 125DB-3 String Pot Displacement 79 - - - -. DsØaiiit-N Dsçaait-S C C E a3 62 0 .0 1-0 >C,) 0 II -2 C) 0 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 - 80 Time (mm) 9) 100 110 120 130 140 150 Figure A17: Specimen 125DB-3 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement r zcxx 1,500 C i,co 500 0 .2 -500 -1,(X) -1,500 -2,000 -spI !i.!ë!1 I'urtgrs_________ --I-___ . i-vY.I 0 10 2) 3) Time (mm) 40 50 80 Figure A18: Specimen 125DB-3 Yielding Core Strain Gages D-G3, 4 3 2.5 2 1.5 I uiuiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiii ?!IJIILIiiIIIIIIIIIIJLPJJIU!IiIPiIlII11 1&&U[1I1I1II1I1 1111111 II 11111 IIIIi SIitII!I!lI!II!I!IUIIIIIIIIII iii iriiiu I I .I S - 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 E 0 a I S ;s A i ;s s is : - .s i - I 1 - aiuiiiiiiuiiiu RMLII1IiIIIiIII1III IIInIII1IUI!I1i1IIIIII1iiIIIUIII -1 -1.5 -2 IHhIii1Ii1IitiiI M.N.IIiiI!r1I,11IUIt1tIII I -2.5 - 0 10 - 2) 30 40 50 - 60 70 60 Time (mm) 9) 1CX) 110 12) 130 Figure A22: Specimen I 25DB-4 String Pot Displacement 140 150 4 - --I 3.5 3 C E U) .0 IU) > 0 0 2.5 2 1.5 irniiiviuiiuiiiu IUWLIiWIII1&I1IIIii 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 50 70 80 Time (mm) 9) 1(X) 110 12) -- 130 140 150 Figure A23: Specimen 125DB-4 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement I, I, I, C 'I U) 2 0 II ..II 'I H I---- aaiiuriiiiiiimiiiiu uusuauuui iii iii in in u wwuuuuuiiuuiiiiiiiriu S. I 0 10 I 2) 30 40 I 50 I I 60 70 I I 80 9) Time (mm) I 1W 110 II 12) UI 130 IJ 140 150 Figure A24: Specimen 125DB-4 Confining Tube Strain Gages N-I, B 3 2.5 2 1.5 ____.. - _ iiriiiiiniiiiiiiiiim __i1I!IIIiIIflI!I IIII ....amiii!iI!it1.... I 41 1 1 A 3 I l I I - $ 9 II Al I Ii. - 1 1 - EtSthn3Pct 2.5 \stSthrPct 2 I 1.5 1 E 0.5 U .! -1 -1.5 p -2 -2.5 010 ) 334050507050 Time (in) )1(X)1101)13)140150 Figure A28: Specimen 125DB-5 String Pot Displacement 85 4 3.5 - 3 Isiaanent-N - - Ds1aaTlent-S W2--------E 0) C.) 15-------------------4--'-------------r 1-. II ? .i i I I -2 o 0 0 10 ) 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 9) 100 110 1Z) 130 140 150 Figure A29: Specimen 125DB-5 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 500 TiteSGS-E TitSGS-W 400 ------- 100 I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 90 100 110 12) 130 140 150 Figure A30: Specimen 125DB-5 Confining Tube Strain Gages S-E, W 32- 2.5 C, E U 0 U) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ) Time (mm) 100 110 12) 130 140 150 Figure A33: Specimen 125P-1 Displacement 3 2.5 H I----EtSthP \stSthngPc 2 - 1.5 1 a, E C, 0.5 0 C.) aU) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 0 10 2) 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 9) 100 110 12) 130 Figure A34: Specimen 125P-1 String Pot Displacement 140 150 4 ; a5 -- - -. Dsaaa1-N 3 Dsp1aeneit-S --------------- 25 G' 2 , 1.5 E C., 60 1 0.5 a -0.5 -1 -i.s > U, 0 0 -2 -2.5 -3.5 A 0 10 2) 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) ) 100 110 130 12) 140 150 Figure A35: Specimen 125P-1 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 1(X) Sp.SGAL1 75 Sp. SG A Leg 2 50 25 . 0 0 -J -25 -50 -75 -1CX) ' 0 I I I I 10 20 30 Time (mm) 40 50 I 60 Figure A36: Specimen I 25P-I Yielding Core Load, Location A-Leg 1, 2 3---------------------2.5 a) E 0) C) U) IIIIIu!Iiu!IIII 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ) 100 110 Time (mm) 120 130 140 150 Figure A39: Specimen 125P-2 Displacement 3 2.5 2 - 1.5 - --_._._.. -_______.... M!lLitiiiil I 0.5 E !IILLLRII1I [II wiiiiniiii C., 0. .!IZ -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 0 10 2) 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 93 100 110 120 13) Figure A40: Specimen 125P-2 String Pot Displacement 140 150 91 4 3.5 3 - - - -. DsçAaenal-N Dspaanel- S 25 G) E G) U 2 1.5 6° == 0.5 w .0 > U) 0 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -a5 A 0 10 20 30 40 50 50 50 70 ) 1(X) 110 120 130 140 150 Time (mm) Figure A41: Specimen 125P-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 1(X - - - -. Spec.SGALs1 75 Sp. SG A Leg 2 50 25 D 0 -J 0 -25 -50 -75 -1(X)' 0 I I I 10 2) 30 Time (mm) 40 50 I 60 Figure A42: Specimen 125P-2 Yielding Core Load, Location A-Leg 1, 2 93 a, E C, 0 U) 0 3 2.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9) I 100 110 120 130 140 120 130 140 Time (mm) Figure A45: Specimen 125P-3 Displacement 150 - - - -. EtSthrPct VstSthrPc 2 I I 1.5 1 a, E C) 0 U) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 9) 1(X) 110 Figure A46: Specimen I 25P-3 String Pot Displacement 150 4 3.5 - - C) E U - Dsplaeit-N siaat-S 3 - 2 1.5 6° 1 0.5 -----------. -1 , II ': (I) -1.5 > -2 E -2.5 0 4I I I SI I, c_) -3.5 -t 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 Time (mm) 9) 1(X) 110 12) 130 140 150 Figure A47: Specimen I 25P-3 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 500 - - - -. Tt.tSGN-E 400 Ti±e SG N-W 300 200 Uioo -200 -3(X) -400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 90 1(X) 110 12) 130 140 15) Figure A48: Specimen 125P-3 Confining Tube Strain Gages N-E, W G) E U O a. U) flT VUaU aiiiiiirnuiiiiioiia UiLJiI1J!I1JIIiIiIillhIU muuuriii i![I!ItI!III!I1I1Ii1I1lUII1URU II1'i!I!i!IlUhtIIIIOI mRaauMiTh!1I!IiviI1i i i s i I ;s S-' I :s o i S. - 0 i - 0 - 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 a, E a, 0.5 0 1) a. U) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 .2.5 0 10 2) 30 40 50 6) 70 80 Time (mm) 9) 1(X) 110 12) 130 Figure A52: Specimen 125P-4 String Pot Displacement 140 150 97 4 3.5 3 2.5 E 0) 0 U) 2 - -I . - --------.---------- 1.5 0.5 0 -0.5 . -1 IU) > 0 0 -1.5 -2 -25 -3 -35 -'+--- 0 10 30 N) 40 30 60 60 70 Time (mm) 9) 1(X) 110 1) 13) 140 150 Figure A53: Specimen 125P-4 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 200 150 1(X) 50 _adINiaI__ jJIIjIuhIunIpuIIuIIII______________ liiTI1ilI1i1I1I1'J'I'liIlI'I"I______________ L1IhI!III!1IIt1IIItItII1 0 - -50 -100 -150 0 10 20 3) Time (mm) 40 50 60 Specimen A54: Specimen 125P-4 Load Cell, Yielding Core Strain Gages Location D + Confining Tube Strain Gages Location S 3 2.5 2 1.5 iiiriiirniriiirnii llhJII1II11I11II11II.I11 aiiitriviviirnuaui - SRTITIIiiIuIR T1!iTI!ilI!I1I1IIiIIIIII'U!1 -.---...--.--.. I 41 1 I I .1 S- I I - - 9 II I I I _ - I 1 - 3 2.5 2 1.5 C 1 go.5 E V., 0. . -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -.J 0 10 ) 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (mm) 90 1(X) 110 12) 130 Figure A58: Specimen 125P-5 String Pot Displacement 140 150 100 LI 3.5 3 Z5 0 --------..---------- 2 ) E - --. 1.5 Nil111A1 60 1 0.5 G, -0.5 '-: -1.5 . -1 U) > 0 -2 -2.5 --------------- c_) -3.5 A -- --- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 00 100 110 120 130 Time (mm) Figure A59: Specimen 125P-5 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 140 150 200 - - - - S _L_Ll._ - ------------ 100 a LoadCell Spec SG 0+ Tube SG 150 50 0 -j -50 -100 -150 -'nfl 0 10 20 30 Time (mm) 40 50 Figure A60: Specimen I 25P-5 Load Cell, Yielding Core Strain Gages Location D + Confining Tube Strain Gages Location S 60 102 2.5 2 1.5 1 110 Time (mm) Figure A63: Specimen 50DB-I Displacement 2.5 - - 2 -. EtSthrPct West Sthr Pc 1.5 1 C 0.5 E II 0 10 a' 40 so so Time (mm) 7o so a 100 Figure A64: Specimen 50DB-i String Pot Displacement 110 - -. Dsaaiieit-N 1.5 a E 0) U 1 60 0. 0) .0 ,as: a -0.5 I- > 'a -1 -1.5 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9) 100 110 Time (mm) Figure A65: Specimen 50DB-I Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement III Sp.SGPrG1 ai Spec. SG A-G2 U, I' C 'a I t It Ia S 2 U a1 a. 5' In a' .1 I, Ia a S., I It I 'I 1) : : a ''I a I, 5 I, 'S I a II Ia I ,I I I a : : I a I a , a ..I 'SI SI "S 0 5 10 15 2) Time (mm) Figure A66: Specimen 50DB-I Yielding Core Strain Gages A-GI, 2 3) 105 2.5 2 1.5 ; 1 I Time (mm) Figure A69: Specimen 5ODB-2 Displacement 2.5 EtStrirPct Ii 2 1.5 c C 1 0.5 C, E C, - 0 10 a a' s ao 40 5o 6o Time (mm) 70 80 a ioo Figure A70: Specimen 5ODB-2 String Pot Displacement 110 106 Dsia1-S 1.5 a, 1 E C, 1.) 60 C, -a I U, > -1 0 0 -2 0 10 ) 30 40 50 ) Time (mm) 70 B) 90 100 110 Figure A71: Specimen 5ODB-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement 10 - - - -. 11ii&1RjdLcai-E 9 ______hi11 __ ______ . J0 005 V V a, c E 4 4S 3 i-2 U 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (mm) 6) 70 80 Figure A72: Specimen 5ODB-2 Threaded Rod Load 90 1(X) I; 2.5 2 1.5 1 a, V.) o/M ___MJ 0.5-05 6-i U) -1.5 2 -2.5 0 10 2) 30 40 50 6) Time (mm) 70 80 X) 1(X) 110 Figure A75: Specimen 50P-1 Displacement 2.5 - - - -. EtStnngPc 2 West Sthng Pct 1.5 1 4-. C 0.5 a, E a, 0 10 2) 30 40 50 60 Time (mm) 70 80 go Figure A76: Specimen 50P-1 String Pot Displacement iix 110 109 2 - - - -. Dsplaeiiit-N (XsrAa:eT1a1t-_J- 1.5 G) E C.) 60 G) __I__ IU) > 0 0 -2 0 10 20 3) 40 50 80 Time (mm) 70 9) 80 1(X) 110 55 80 Figure A77: Specimen 50P-1 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement --- Spec. SGA-03 Spec. SG A-G4 'Is" U) 0 C.) o:si lii 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (mm) 40 45 50 Figure A78: Specimen 50P-1 Yielding Core Strain Gages A-G3, 4 111 2.5 2 1.5 c: 1 w 0.5 E b -1 '! 11! 1 1! 11 11 Time (mm) 1H0 Figure A81: Specimen 50P-2 Displacement 2.5 EtSt,irPct 2 West Sthr Pct 2.D 30 1.5 c C 0) 1 0.5 E -1 -1.5 -2 -7 0 10 40 50 60 Time (mm) 70 80 ) Figure A82: Specimen 50P-2 String Pot Displacement 100 110 112 2 1.5 C C) E - muir_ C) HiiU1Ia C.) a(I) E 0 0) .a I U) > -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 10 20 3) 40 50 50 Time (mm) 70 80 90 100 110 Figure A83: Specimen 50P-2 Yielding Core/Confining Tube Relative Displacement - - - -. TiEeSGN Tthe SG S 10 0 C) I10 2-20 = I- 10 20 3) 40 50 50 Time (mm) 70 80 90 100 Figure A84: Specimen 50P-2 Confining Tube Axial Load 110