United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Resource Bulletin RMRS-RB-13 The Four Corners Timber Harvest and Forest Products Industry, 2007 June 2012 Steven W. Hayes, Todd A. Morgan, Erik C. Berg, Jean M. Daniels and Mike T. Thompson Hayes, Steven W.; Morgan, Todd A.; Berg, Erik C.; Daniels, Jean M.; Thompson, Mike T. 2012. The Four Corners timber harvest and forest products industry, 2007. Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 61 p. Abstract This report traces the flow of timber harvested in the “Four Corners” States (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah) during calendar year 2007, describes the composition and operations of the region’s primary forest products industry, and quantifies volumes and uses of wood fiber. Historical wood products industry changes are discussed, as well as trends in timber harvest, production, and sales of primary wood products. Keywords: forest economics, lumber production, mill residue, primary forest products, timber products Authors Steven W. Hayes is a Research Forester, Todd A. Morgan is Director of Forest Industry Research, and Erik C. Berg is a Research Forester, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. Jean M. Daniels is a Research Forester, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Mike T. Thompson is a Forester, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Ogden, Utah. Cover: Map of Four Corners facilities, 2007. You may order additional copies of this publication by sending your mailing information in label form through one of the following media. Please specify the publication title and series number. Fort Collins Service Center Telephone FAX E-mail Web site Mailing address (970) 498-1392 (970) 498-1122 rschneider@fs.fed.us http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/publications Publications Distribution Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 West Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Research Highlights • During calendar year 2007, more than 210.4 million board feet (MMBF) of timber was harvested from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Most (55.9 percent) of the harvested volume came from tribal and nonindustrial private timberlands, while 40.9 percent came from National Forests. Ponderosa pine was the leading species harvested for timber in the Four Corners States during 2007, accounting for 34.7 percent of the total. Lodgepole pine accounted for 24.1 percent, followed by spruces and Douglas-fir at 12.9 and 9.1 percent, respectively. • During 2007, the Four Corners were net importers of timber, with less than 1 percent (983 MBF) of the regional harvest imported for processing from other States. Mills in the Four Corners imported a total of 12.5 MMBF during 2007, while total exports by Four Corners mills were slightly less than 11.6 MMBF. • Timber-processing capacity (i.e., the volume of timber that could be used by existing timber processors if demand for products were firm and sufficient raw material were available) in the Four Corners during 2007 was approximately 351 MMBF, Scribner. Thus, approximately 60 percent of timber-processing capacity in the region was utilized in 2007. • This report identified 132 primary timber processing facilities active during 2007 in the Four Corners. These facilities included 62 sawmills, 35 log home or house log manufacturers, 15 log furniture producers, 6 post and pole facilities, 6 viga and latilla producers, and 8 other facilities. • During 2007, production of lumber and other sawn products exceeded 234 MMBF lumber tally. Lumber production in Arizona was 55 MMBF, Colorado was 116 MMBF, New Mexico was about 40 MMBF, and Utah’s lumber production was nearly 23 MMBF. • Four Corners timber processors produced 259,853 bone dry units (BDU) of residue during 2007, of which just 9,843 BDU (4 percent) went unused. Sawmills generated 233,315 BDU—90 percent of all mill residues in the region. • The Four Corners primary wood product sales value (f.o.b. the producing mill), including mill residues, totaled nearly $197 million during 2007. A little over $135 million (69 percent) of sales were within the Four Corners States, and 44 percent ($86 million) of all sales were lumber and other sawn products. Contents Research Highlights..........................................................................................i Introduction.......................................................................................................1 Four Corners Regional Summary...................................................................1 Historic Overview............................................................................................2 Timber Harvest...............................................................................................2 Timber Flow and Mill Receipts........................................................................3 Forest Products Industry Composition and Operations..................................5 Mill Residue: Quantity, Types, and Use..........................................................6 Forest Products Sales and Employment........................................................7 Arizona...............................................................................................................8 Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use.......................................................................8 Forest Industry Sectors.................................................................................15 Capacity and Utilization................................................................................19 Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses.......................................................19 Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales................................................20 Colorado..........................................................................................................21 Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use.....................................................................22 Forest Industry Sectors.................................................................................27 Capacity and Utilization................................................................................32 Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses.......................................................33 Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales................................................33 New Mexico......................................................................................................35 Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use.....................................................................35 Forest Industry Sectors.................................................................................41 Capacity and Utilization................................................................................45 Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses.......................................................45 Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales................................................46 Utah..................................................................................................................47 Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use.....................................................................47 Forest Industry Sectors.................................................................................52 Capacity and Utilization................................................................................57 Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses.......................................................57 Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales................................................59 References.......................................................................................................60 Introduction This report details timber harvest and describes the composition and operations of the primary forest products industry in the “Four Corners” States (i.e., Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah) during calendar year 2007. The report focuses on trends and changes in timber harvest levels in the forest products industry since the 1990s. For historical perspective, some discussion is offered of industry changes throughout the last half of the 20th century. Timber used in the direct manufacture of products is the focus of this report. Products directly manufactured from timber are referred to as “primary products” and include lumber, posts and poles, house logs, log furniture, vigas and latillas. Reconstituted products made from chipping or grinding timber, as well as products from mill residue (i.e., bark, sawdust, log ends, chips, and planer shavings) generated in the production of primary products, are also included. These reconstituted primary products include excelsior, wood pellets, bark products, and fuelwood. Derivative, or “secondary” products (e.g., window frames, doors, trusses, and furniture) made from primary products are not included in this report. The major source of data for this report was a census of primary forest products facilities in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah and mills in adjacent States that received timber from the Four Corners States during calendar year 2007. Firms were identified through telephone directories, internet queries, directories of the forest products industries (Lockwood-Post 2008; Random Lengths 2008), and with the assistance of State forestry agencies and the mills themselves. Firms cooperating in the Four Corners census, including out-of-State mills, processed virtually all of the commercial timber harvested from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah in 2007. This report is the direct result of a cooperative effort between The University of Montana’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) and the USDA Forest Service, Interior West Forest Inventory and Analysis (IW-FIA) Program. Together, BBER and Forest Service research stations have been conducting periodic mill censuses in the Rocky Mountains for over 30 years. The Forest Industries Data Collection System (FIDACS) was developed by BBER and IW-FIA to collect, compile and make available State- and county-level information on the operations of the forest products industry and the timber it uses. The FIDACS uses a written questionnaire or phone interview of forest products manufacturers to collect the following information for each facility for a given calendar year: production capacity and employment; volume of raw material received by county and ownership; species of timber received; finished product volumes, types, sales values, and market locations; and utilization and marketing of manufacturing residue. Information collected through the FIDACS is processed, analyzed, and stored at the BBER in Missoula, Montana. Additional information is available by request; however, individual firm-level data are confidential and will not be released. Four Corners Regional Summary This chapter discusses the Four Corners as a whole, providing a historical overview, as well as information on the forest products industry and timber harvest in 2007. It presents ownership and species composition of harvested timber, types of timber products harvested and processed, as well as movement of timber within the Four Corners and between the region and other States. Timber-processing and USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 1 production capacities, utilization of mill residues, and forest products sales and employment are also discussed at the regional level. Historic Overview Following World War II, with strong housing markets and public policy encouraging timber production on National Forests, timber harvest for industrial products in the Four Corners States increased from about 700 million board feet (MMBF, Scribner log scale) annually during the early 1950s to a peak of approximately 1,000 MMBF in the late 1960s. During the 1970s and 1980s, harvest volumes dropped somewhat with harvest during the late 1980s averaging about 850 MMBF annually. Timber harvest from the region declined dramatically during the 1990s, caused largely by decreases in the harvest from National Forests. National Forest timber harvests in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah followed the course of most Western States, declining due to threatened and endangered species, appeals and litigation directed at Federal timber sales, and lower Federal budget levels. In Arizona and New Mexico, the listing of the Mexican spotted owl had a profound downward impact on National Forest timber harvest levels. The Mexican spotted owl was listed as threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in March of 1993. In August of 1995, a Federal judge enjoined the logging of new timber sales on National Forests in Arizona and New Mexico pending development of a recovery plan for the owl (Silver and others v. Thomas and others 1995). Between 1990 and 1996, harvest from Arizona National Forests dropped from 300 MMBF annually to about 28 MMBF, and harvest from New Mexico National Forests fell from about 125 MMBF to less than 20 MMBF annually. Most of the material harvested during the period was for fuelwood, not industrial timber products. The lifting of the injunction in December 1996 resulted in increases in National Forest timber offerings in 1997 and 1998. The cut from Arizona National Forests increased to about 61 MMBF in 1997 and 63 MMBF in 1998; the cut from New Mexico National Forests increased slightly to 23 MMBF in 1997 and 30 MMBF in 1998. Declines in National Forest timber offerings have negatively impacted both Colorado’s and Utah’s industry as well, leading to substantially lower total harvest. Though not as sharp nor abrupt as in Arizona and New Mexico, reductions in National Forest timber harvest have significantly accelerated closures and have yielded very low levels of capacity utilization at sawmills—the largest timber processing sector in the two States—and played a part in the closure of the two oriented strand board (OSB) operations in Colorado. The actual number of timber processors in the two States decreased from approximately 182 facilities during 2002 to 91facilities in 2007. Decreases in facilities occurred in all sectors but most conspicuously in the log home and log furniture industries, where Colorado ranked second behind Montana in 2002, with Utah fourth in value of output from log home plants in the Western United States. Timber Harvest Harvest volumes presented in this report for calendar year 2007 came from the FIDACS census of Four Corners and out-of-State mills receiving timber harvested from the region. When available, similar timber harvest characterizations for the individual States (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah) were used 2 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table 4C-1: Four Corners timber harvest by ownership class, 2002 and 2007 (source: Morgan and others 2006). 2002 2007 MBF Scribner Percentage of harvest MBF Scribner Percentage of harvest 234,456 72.5 117,708 55.9 134,840 41.7 23,714 11.3 99,616 30.8 93,994 44.7 Public timberland 89,105 27.5 92,700 44.1 National Forest 84,536 26.1 86,036 40.9 4,569 1.4 6,664 3.2 Ownership class Private and tribal timberland Tribal Private Other public All owners 323,561 100 210,408 100 for comparison. Periodic State-level reports (Wilson and Spencer 1967; Setzer and Wilson 1970; Setzer 1971 a,b; Green and Setzer 1974; Setzer and Barrett 1977; Setzer and Shupe 1977; Setzer and Throssell 1977a,b; McLain 1985; McLain 1988; McLain 1989; Keegan and others 1995; Keegan and others 2001a,b; Morgan and others 2006) provided the bulk of historic timber harvest information. Published timber harvest reports for recent years were not available, with the exception of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) forest products offerings and USDA Forest Service annual “cut and sold” reports. Small differences may exist between the numbers reported here and those in BLM and Forest Service reports. These differences are due to varying reporting units and conversion factors, rounding error, scaling discrepancies between sellers and buyers, and other reporting variations. During calendar year 2007, more than 210.4 MMBF of timber was harvested from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. This harvest volume represents less than 0.1 percent of the approximately 169.5 billion board feet of sawtimber inventory on nonreserved timberlands in the four States (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009). Timber harvested from Four Corners timberland and manufactured into wood products came from three broad ownership classes: tribal lands, nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) land, and public lands. Most (55.9 percent) of the harvested volume came from tribal and NIPF timberlands, while 40.9 percent came from National Forests (table 4C-1). Ponderosa pine was the leading species harvested for timber in the Four Corners States during 2007, accounting for 34.7 percent of the total (table 4C-2). Lodgepole pine accounted for 24.1 percent, followed by aspen and spruces at 13.3 and 12.9 percent, respectively. Sawlogs were the leading component of the timber harvest in the Four Corners (table 4C-3); at 83 percent, no other product type came close in harvested volume. Trees harvested for fiber logs and industrial fuelwood contributed 7.2 percent to the total, while house logs accounted for 5.9 percent of the harvest. Timber Flow and Mill Receipts During 2007, the Four Corners were net importers of timber, with less than one-half percent (964 MBF) of the regional harvest imported for processing (table 4C-4). Of this imported volume, over 81 percent (almost 781 MBF) was house logs. There was some volume traded and utilized between the States in the Four Corners region, but no identifiable volume was exported from the Four Corners States for processing in 2007. By ownership, timber from private lands was imported in the largest volumes, with timber from National Forest next. This flow of USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 3 Table 4C-2: Four Corners timber harvest by species, 2002 and 2007 (source: Morgan and others 2006). 2002 Species MBF Scribner 2007 Percentage of harvest MBF Scribner Percentage of harvest Ponderosa pine 186,955 57.8 73,041 34.7 Lodgepole pine 21,822 6.7 50,648 24.1 Aspen 20,399 6.3 28,088 13.3 Spruces 46,850 14.5 27,057 12.9 Douglas-fir 30,165 9.3 19,065 9.1 Firs 16,882 5.2 12,351 5.9 Other species 489 a All species a 323,562 0.2 158 100 0.1 210,408 100 Other species include juniper, other softwoods, and hardwoods other than aspen. Table 4C-3: Four Corners timber harvest by product, 2002 and 2007 (source: Morgan and others 2006). 2002 2007 Product MBF Scribner Percentage of harvest MBF Scribner Percentage of harvest Sawlogs 279,317 86.3 174,629 83.0 Fiber logs and industrial fuelwood 14,763 4.6 15,144 7.2 House logs 20,695 6.4 12,495 5.9 Posts and poles 4,104 1.3 5,497 2.6 Vigas 3,655 1.1 2,368 1.1 Other products 1,029 a All products a 0.3 323,562 275 100 0.1 210,408 Other products include furniture logs, pilings, and utility poles. 100 Table 4C-4: Four Corners timber products imports and exportsa, 2007. Timber product Imports Exports Net imports (net exports) ---Thousand board feet, Scribner--Sawlogs 3,536 3,431 105 House logs 2,220 1,445 775 6,747 6,644 103 12,503 11,520 983 Other products All products a b Imports and exports are with other States and North American countries. Other products include post and poles, fiber logs, firewood, furniture logs, vigas and industrial fuel wood. b timber into the region created a difference in the volume of timber harvested from the Four Corners and the volume received by the region’s mills. The large majority of timber used by primary forest products firms in the Four Corners came from within the four-State region. Additional volume came from Idaho, Montana, and Oregon, with some smaller volumes from Wyoming and Canada. While the 2007 harvest exceeded 210.4 MMBF, total receipts by Four Corners mills were slightly more than 211 MMBF, a volume equivalent to 101 percent 4 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table 4C-5: Timber received by the Four Corners primary forest products industry by ownership class and product, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs Fuelwood/ bioenergy House logs Post/pole Other productsb All products -----------------Thousand board feet, Scribner------------------ Private and tribal timberland 104,270 2,402 3,089 1,942 6,473 118,175 Private 82,940 802 2,680 1,567 6,473 94,461 Tribal 21,330 1,600 409 375 - 23,714 Public timberland 70,463 3,625 10,182 3,555 5,391 93,216 National Forest 67,826 3,625 10,114 2,430 2,492 86,487 Other ownersa 2,637 68 1,125 2,899 6,729 13,271 5,497 11,863 211,391 All owners 174,734 6,027 -----------------Percentage of product by ownership---------------- Private and tribal timberland 59.7 39.9 23.3 35.3 54.6 55.9 Private 47.5 13.3 20.2 28.5 54.6 44.7 Tribal 12.2 26.5 3.1 6.8 Public timberland 40.3 60.1 76.7 64.7 45.4 44.1 National Forest 38.8 60.1 Other ownersa 1.5 All owners 82.7 - 11.2 76.2 44.2 21.0 40.9 - 0.5 20.5 24.4 3.2 2.9 6.3 2.6 5.6 a Other owners include other public ownerships and Canadian imports. b Other products include logs for log furniture, vigas, latillas, and fiber logs. 100 of the harvest. Sawlogs accounted for the vast majority (83 percent) of timber received by Four Corners mills (table 4C-5), followed by house logs (6 percent). The NIPF landowners supplied the largest share (45 percent) of timber received by mills in the four States, followed by National Forest System (NFS) lands (41 percent) and then tribal owners (11 percent). Timber-processing capacity (the volume of timber that could be used by existing timber processors if demand for products were firm and sufficient raw material were available) in the Four Corners during 2007 was approximately 351 MMBF, Scribner. Thus, approximately 60 percent of timber-processing capacity in the region was utilized in 2007. Forest Products Industry Composition and Operations The FIDACS census identified 132 primary timber processing facilities active during 2007 in the Four Corners. These facilities included 62 sawmills, 35 log home or house log manufacturers, 15 log furniture producers, 6 post and pole facilities, 6 viga and latilla producers, and 8 other facilities. Colorado and Utah had the most facilities and the largest shares of the log home and log furniture sectors. Arizona and New Mexico had fewer facilities but more of the viga and latilla sector. Primary timber processors in the Four Corners produced an array of products including: dimension lumber, board and shop lumber, mine timbers, railroad ties, pallet stock, dunnage, excelsior, posts, poles, vigas, latillas, finished house logs, log homes, and log furniture, as well as wood pellets, fuelwood, bark, mulch, and pulp chips from mill residues. During 2007, production of lumber and other sawn products exceeded 233.7 MMBF lumber tally. State contributions included Colorado (116 MMBF), Arizona (55 MMBF), New Mexico (40 MMBF), and Utah (23 MMBF). Production of house logs, vigas, and latillas totaled more than USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 5 5.4 million lineal feet (MMLF), and more than 2.3 million pieces of log furniture, and posts and poles were produced by facilities in the Four Corners. Mill Residue: Quantity, Types, and Use A substantial portion of the wood fiber, including bark processed by primary forest product plants, ends up as mill residue. Three types of wood residues are typically generated by the primary wood products industry: coarse or chippable residue consisting of edging, slabs, trim, log ends, and pieces of veneer; fine residue consisting primarily of planer shavings and sawdust; and bark. The 2007 census collected information on volumes and uses of mill residue. Actual residue volumes, reported in bone-dry units (BDU), were obtained from facilities that sold all or most of their residues. All mills reported how their residues were used on a percentage basis. One BDU is the equivalent of 2,400 pounds of oven-dry wood. Four Corners timber processors produced 259,853 BDUs of residue during 2007, of which just 9,843 BDUs (3.8 percent) went unused (table 4C-6). Coarse residues were the region’s largest residue component (55 percent of all residues), with just over 2 percent going unused. About 40 percent of coarse residue was used by the pulp and board sector, 35 percent went to the energy sector, and an additional 23 percent went to other uses. Fine residue made up the second largest component (28 percent) in 2007, with sawdust comprising 18.5 percent and shavings 9.4 percent. All but 5,140 BDUs (7 percent) of fine residue were used, primarily as animal bedding and mulch. Four Corners facilities generated 44,087 BDUs of bark while processing timber in 2007, of which all but 3 percent was utilized. About 55 percent of bark was used as mulch, while 23 percent went to energy. During 2007, sawmills generated 233,315 BDUs—90 percent of all mill residues in the region. Residue volume factors, which express mill residue generated per unit of lumber produced, were derived from production and residue output volumes provided by mills (table 4C-7). Table 4C-6: Production and disposition of Four Corners mill residues, 2007. Residue type Total utilized Pulp and board Mulch/ bedding Energy Unspecified use Total produced Unused ----------------------------Bone-dry unitsa-------------------------------- Coarse 140,066 57,300 50,062 - 32,704 3,323 143,389 67,237 - 22,512 42,281 2,444 5,140 72,377 Sawdust 43,222 - 16,005 25,195 2,022 4,856 48,078 Planer shavings 24,015 - 6,507 17,086 422 284 24,299 42,707 - 10,213 24,107 8,387 1,380 44,087 250,010 57,300 82,787 66,388 43,535 9,843 259,853 Fine Bark All residues ----------------------------Percentage of residue type by use-------------------------------- Coarse 97.7 40.0 34.9 0.0 22.8 2.3 55.2 Fine 92.9 0.0 31.1 58.4 3.4 7.1 27.9 Sawdust 89.9 0.0 33.3 52.4 4.2 10.1 18.5 Planer shavings 98.8 0.0 26.8 70.3 1.7 1.2 9.4 Bark 96.9 0.0 23.2 54.7 19.0 3.1 All residues 96.2 22.1 31.9 25.5 16.8 3.8 a Bone-dry unit = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood. 6 17.0 100 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table 4C-7: Four Corners sawmill residue factors, 2002 and 2007 (source: Morgan and others 2006). 2002 2007 BDU per MBF BDU per MBF Coarse 0.56 0.56 Sawdust 0.19 0.19 Planer shavings 0.16 0.10 Bark 0.28 0.17 Total 1.19 1.02 Type of residue Bone-dry unit (BDU = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood) of residue generated for every 1,000 board feet of lumber manufactured. a Forest Products Sales and Employment Mills responding to the FIDACS survey summarized their calendar year 2007 shipments of finished wood products, providing information on volume, sales value, and geographic destination. Mills usually distributed their products either through their own distribution channels or through independent wholesalers and selling agents. Because of subsequent transactions, the geographic destination reported here may not reflect the final delivery points of shipments. The Four Corners primary wood product sales value (f.o.b. the producing mill), including mill residues, totaled nearly $197 million during 2007 (table 4C-8). A little over $135 million (69 percent) of these sales were within the Four Corners States, and 44 percent ($86 million) of all sales were lumber and other sawn products. Other products, which include excelsior, firewood, and mill residue, accounted for $50 million (25.6 percent of total sales). Colorado led the region with more than $104 million in sales, of which approximately $30 million came from the other products sector. Total sales for Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah ranged from $26 to $38 million for each State (tables A18, N17, U16). While the forest products industry continues to provide substantial employment opportunities in the Southwest, the number of workers has declined radically over the past 5 years. Forest products firms, including logging companies, employed about 2,700 people in the Four Corners area in 2007, compared to 3,800 in 2002. Of this total, approximately 1,000 individuals were employed in logging in 2007 (5.0 workers per MMBF harvested), compared to 1,600 in 2002 (QCEW 2004, 2007; REIS 2004, 2007). Primary timber processing facilities employed 1,700 workers in 2007 (8.3 workers per MMBF consumed) vs. 2,200 in 2002. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 7 Table 4C-8: Destination and sales value of Four Corners primary wood products and mill residues, 2007. Product Within 4-Corner States Other Rocky Mtn Statesa Far Westb Northeastc Southd North Centrale Mexico, Canada, or otherf Total -----------------------------------Thousand 2007 dollars----------------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products 68,159 3,554 1,280 139 3,371 5,236 4,547 86,286 House logs and log homes 25,463 1,656 504 862 6,604 1,347 40 36,476 Posts, poles, vigas, latillas, and log furniture 16,192 1,985 1,765 1,166 1,374 1,111 - 23,593 Other productsg 25,396 2,924 7,245 386 8,328 3,881 2,186 50,346 10,119 10,794 2,553 19,677 11,575 6,773 $196,701 Total 135,210 -------------------------Percentage of regional sales by product-------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products 50.4 35.1 11.9 5.4 17.1 45.2 67.1 43.9 House logs and log homes 18.8 16.4 4.7 33.8 33.6 11.6 0.6 18.5 Posts, poles, vigas, latillas, and log furniture 12.0 19.6 16.4 45.7 7.0 9.6 - 12.0 Other productsg 18.8 28.9 67.1 15.1 42.3 33.5 32.3 25.6 Total 68.7 5.1 5.5 1.3 10.0 5.9 3.4 a Other Rocky Mountains includes Idaho, Montana, Nevada. b Far West includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. 100 Northeast includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. c South includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. d North Central includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. e Other areas consist of products being shipped outside the United States. f g Other products include excelsior, mill residues, mulch, and fuel pellets; they do not include paper products. Arizona This chapter reviews Arizona’s 2007 timber harvest and forest products industry activities and changes that occurred since the 2002 industry census conducted by Morgan and others (2006). Details of timber harvest, flow, and use are followed by descriptions of the primary processing sectors, capacity and utilization statistics, and mill residue characteristics. The chapter concludes with information on primary wood products industry sales by Arizona mills. Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use In 2007, Arizona had approximately 3.4 million acres of nonreserved timberland (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009), with National Forests accounting for 71 percent, private and tribal owners accounting for 28 percent, and other public agencies accounting for the remaining 1 percent (table A1). All private timberland 8 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table A1: Arizona nonreserved timberland by ownership class (source: Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, 2008). Ownership class Percentage of nonreserved timberland Thousand acres National Forest Private and tribal Other public Total 2,395 71 959 28 31 1 3,385 100 was classified as NIPF timberland. With the exception of several Native American tribes, Arizona had no large tracts of timberland owned by entities operating primary wood processing facilities. Sawtimber volume on nonreserved timberlands was estimated at 5.3 billion cubic feet or approximately 29.8 billion board feet Scribner in 2008 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009). Timber Harvest Arizona’s 2007 timber harvest was 53.8 MMBF Scribner, only 42 percent of the 2002 harvest, and about 15 percent of the annual harvest during the late 1980s (Keegan and others 2001a). The decline in Arizona’s total annual timber harvest since 1990 was largely due to the decline in National Forest timber harvest. The major factor that contributed to the harvest increase from 1998 to 2002 was the salvage of 90 MMBF of dead, mostly fire-killed timber, accounting for 70 percent of the 2002 harvest volume. In 1998 dead trees accounted for just 3 percent (2.4 MMBF) of the total harvest. Although substantial acreages of both public and tribal forests burned between 1998 and 2002, tribal landowners were able to respond relatively quickly and harvested over 82 MMBF of fire-killed timber in 2002. Once the areas affected by the large fires were salvaged, the annual harvest fell to below pre-fire levels. As National Forest and total timber harvest in the State declined, a disproportionate and diminishing share of Arizona’s timber harvest came from National Forest timberlands in recent years (table A2). In 1966, 1974, and 1984 National Forests accounted for 60 percent or more of harvested volume (Setzer and Throssell 1977a; McLain 1988), whereas in 2002 and 2007 National Forests accounted for 16 and 40 percent of harvest volume, respectively (Morgan and others 2006). National Forests provided the majority (93 percent) of house logs harvested in 2007, but tribal and NIPF landowners provided the majority of sawlogs and other products Table A2: Proportion of Arizona timber harvest by ownership class, selected years (sources: Setzer 1971; Setzer and Throssell 1977; McLain 1988; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Ownership class 1966 1974 1984 1998 2002 2007 ----------Percentage of harvest------------ Private and tribal timberland 25.0 41.0 33.5 63.0 84.4 59.0 1.0 - 33.5 3.0 1.6 51.0 24.0 41.0 - 60.0 82.8 8.0 Public timberland 75.0 59.0 66.5 37.0 15.6 41.0 National Forest 75.0 59.0 66.2 37.0 15.6 40.0 Private Tribal Other public All owners - - 100 100 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 0.3 100 100 100 1.0 100 9 Table A3: Arizona timber products harvested by ownership class, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs House logs Other productsa All products ----------------Thousand board feet, Scribner------------------ Private timberland 26,830 20 National Forest 21,141 2,800 Tribal timberland State 350 All owners 51,121 444 27,294 407 175 21,723 10 1,600 4,410 - - 437 2,219 350 53,777 ---Percentage of harvested product by ownership--- Private timberland 52.5 4.6 20.0 50.8 National Forest 41.4 93.1 7.9 40.4 Tribal timberland 5.5 2.3 72.1 8.2 State 0.7 - - 0.7 95.1 0.8 4.1 All owners a 100 Other products include industrial fuelwood, furniture logs, fiber logs, and viga logs. (table A3). Sawlogs accounted for 95 percent (51 MMBF) of the total volume harvested. Historically, 80 percent or more of the State’s annual timber harvest came from three counties: Apache, Coconino, and Navajo. In 2007, Apache County led Arizona’s timber harvest with 59 percent of total volume. Coconino County followed with 27 percent (table A4). In 2002 Navajo led with 50 percent followed by Gila and then Coconino County (Morgan and others 2006). In 1984, Apache led followed by Coconino and Navajo (McLain 1988). In 1974, Coconino County led the State with almost 38 percent of the harvest, followed by Navajo with 34 percent and Apache with 19 percent (Setzer and Throssell 1977a). Similarly, Coconino County was the largest timber producer in 1969, contributing 32 percent of the harvest, followed by Apache and Navajo with 25 and 23 percent, respectively (Setzer 1971a). Table A4: Arizona timber harvest by county, selected years (sources: McLain 1988; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). County 1984 2002 2007 1984 ---MBF Scribner--- 1998 2002 2007 -------Percentage------- Apache 171,128 15,641 6,350 31,610 44.7 20.5 5.0 58.8 Coconino 150,727 15,314 14,889 14,353 39.4 20.1 11.6 26.7 Gila 931 5,405 39,960 1,960 0.2 7.1 31.2 3.6 Graham - 1,100 1,100 - - 0.9 2.0 Greenlee 4,623 - - 1.2 2.0 - - Maricopa - - - - a 49.9 5.8 - - Navajo Pima Santa Cruz Yavapai Total 10 1998 b 52,745 - 1,515 38,384 33 - 0 64,027 3,094 13.8 - - - a - - - - - - 0.1 2,220 20 1,895 1,612 0.6 a 1.5 3.0 382,674 76,312 128,220 53,777 100 a Less than 0.05 percent. b Percentage detail may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 48 50.3 100 100 100 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table A5: Proportion of Arizona timber harvest by species, selected years (sources: Setzer 1971; Setzer and Throssell 1977; McLain 1988; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Species 1969a 1974a 1984 1998 2002 2007 --------------Percentage of harvest---------------- Ponderosa pine 74.2 69.6 90.6 87.5 94.8 86.4 Engelmann spruce 0.9 2.1 2.3 3.1 1.2 5.5 Dougles-fir 5.3 5.6 4.5 6.9 2.4 3.6 White fir 3.6 4.8 2.4 1.3 1.5 3.1 Pinyon pine, juniper, limber pine, aspen 16.0 All speciesb 17.9 100 0.2 100 1.2 100 < 0.05 100 1.4 100 a Harvest data for 1969 and 1974 include fuelwood; 1984,1998, 2002, 2007 do not include fuelwood. b Percentage detail may not add to 100 due to rounding. 100 Table A6: Arizona timber harvest by species, selected years (sources: McLain 1988; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Species 1984 1998 2002 2007 --------------MBF Scribner--------------Ponderosa pine Engelmann spruce Douglas-fir White fir Other speciesa All species b 346,851 66,804 121,614 46,483 8,667 2,340 1,551 2,948 17,217 5,264 3,129 1,915 9,214 961 1,900 1,662 722 943 26 769 382,674 76,312 128,220 53,777 a Other species include juniper, other softwoods, and hardwoods. b May not sum due to rounding. Ponderosa pine continued to be the leading species harvested among all product types in Arizona in 2007 (table A7), accounting for 86 percent of total harvest (table A5). Douglas-fir, white and subalpine firs, and Engelmann spruce were harvested in relatively small quantities (table A6). Engelmann spruce comprised only 17 percent of the 2007 house log harvest, Ponderosa pine harvest spiked in 2002 at 95 percent of total harvest partly because of the salvage of fire- and beetle-killed ponderosa pine (Morgan and others 2006). In 1984, ponderosa pine accounted for more than 90 percent of the harvest (347 MMBF of 383 MMBF harvested), but McLain (1988) reported that live trees accounted for 97 percent of this volume. Timber Flow The majority (97 percent) of Arizona’s 2007 timber harvest was processed in State. However, Arizona was a net exporter of timber. Slightly more than 1.7 MMBF was exported for processing in Colorado, Nevada, and Utah, while a very small amount of timber was imported from Montana, Oregon, and Utah for processing in Arizona (table A8). Timber processors in Arizona received 52,133 MBF of timber in 2007. Ownership sources of timber delivered to Arizona mills in 2007 varied slightly with more volume coming from National Forest land than in 2002. More than 60 percent of all receipts came from private and tribal timberlands with a little less than 40 percent from National Forests (table A9), which supplied timber to 11 Arizona mills (65 percent) in 2007. National Forests provided Arizona log home manufacturers with 96 percent of the house log volume processed in Arizona, with NIPF landowners providing the remaining 4 percent (table A10). USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 11 Table A7: Arizona timber harvest by species and product, 2007. Species Sawlogs Other productsb House logs All products ---------------Thousand board feet, Scribner----------------- Ponderosa pine 43,955 331 Engelmann spruce 2,874 75 - 2,949 Douglas-fir 1,912 3 - 1,915 True firsa 1,661 - 1,661 Other speciesc All species 2,197 - 46,483 719 28 22 769 51,121 437 2,219 53,777 --------------Percentage of product by species------------- Ponderosa pine 86.0 75.7 99.0 86.4 Engelmann spruce 5.6 17.2 - 5.5 Douglas-fir 3.7 0.7 - 3.6 True firsa 3.2 - - 3.1 Other speciesc 1.4 6.4 1.0 1.4 95.1 0.8 4.1 All species 100 a True firs include white and subalpine fir. b Other products include industrial fuelwood, furniture logs, fiber logs, and viga logs. Other species include juniper,other softwoods, and hardwoods. c Table A8: Arizona timber products imports and exports, 2007. Timber product Imports ---Thousand board feet, Scribner--- Sawlogs - House logs Other products 50 a All products a Net imports (net exports) Exports 1,683 (1,683) 35 15 24 - 74 1,718 24 (1,644) Other products include furniture logs, fiber logs, and viga logs. Table A9: Ownership of timber products received by Arizona forest products industry, 1998, 2002 and 2007 (source: Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Ownership class MBF Scribner Private and tribal timberland 48,102 45,964 Tribal Private 12 1998 2002 Percentage of total 2007 MBF Scribner Percentage of total MBF Scribner Percentage of total 71.1 58,108 76.3 31,706 60.8 68.0 56,150 73.8 4,400 8.4 2,138 3.2 1,958 2.6 27,306 52.4 National Forests 19,510 28.9 18,006 23.7 20,427 39.2 All owners 67,612 100 76,114 100 52,133 100 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table A10: Timber received by Arizona forest products industry by ownership class and product, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs House logs Other productsa All products --------------Thousand board feet, Scribner--------------- Private and tribal timberland 29,630 Private 26,830 Tribal 2,800 20 20 - 2,056 31,706 456 27,306 1,600 4,400 Public timberland 19,808 432 187 20,427 National Forest 19,808 432 187 20,427 49,438 452 2,243 52,133 All owners --------------Percentage of product by owner------------- Private and tribal timberland Private Tribal 59.9 4.4 91.7 60.8 54.3 4.4 20.3 52.4 - 71.3 8.4 5.7 Public timberland 40.1 95.6 8.3 39.2 National Forest 40.1 95.6 8.3 39.2 94.8 0.9 4.3 All owners a Other products include industrial fuelwood, furniture logs, fiber logs, and viga logs. 100 Timber Use Arizona’s 2007 timber harvest—approximately 11,300 thousand cubic feet (MCF), exclusive of bark (fig. A1)—was used by several manufacturing sectors both within and outside Arizona. Of this volume, 9,113 MCF was delivered as logs to sawmills, 73 MCF went to log home manufacturers, and 2,114 MCF went to other plants, including post, pole, viga, latilla, and wood pellet manufacturers, as well as residue-utilizing facilities including bioenergy facilities, pulp mills, reconstituted board plants, and mulch and animal bedding producers. Volumes are presented in cubic feet rather than board feet Scribner because both mill residues and timber products are displayed. The following conversion factors were used to convert Scribner board foot volume to cubic feet: • 5.98 board feet per cubic foot for house logs; • 5.61 board feet per cubic foot for sawlogs; • 1.05 board foot per cubic foot for all other products. Of the 9,113 MCF of timber received by sawmills, 3,672 MCF (40 percent) was processed into finished lumber or other sawn products, and about 182 MCF was lost to shrinkage. The remaining 5,259 MCF (58 percent) yielded mill residue. About 5,198 MCF of sawmill residue was utilized by other sectors within Arizona and in other States—1,455 MCF for biomass energy; and 3,743 MCF for pulp, livestock bedding, or mulch. Only 61 MCF (<1 percent) of sawmill residue remained unused. Of the 73 MCF of timber received by log home manufacturers, 31 MCF (43 percent) became house logs. The remaining 42 MCF became mill residue. About 8 MCF of house log residue was used by other sectors; and about 34 MCF remained unused. Of the 2,114 MCF of timber received by other manufacturers, all was utilized for solid wood products such as posts, vigas, or latillas, or used in residue-related products like mulch, livestock bedding, fuel pellets, or for biomass energy production. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 13 Arizona Timber Harvest and Flow, 2007 Total Harvest 11,300 MCF Other plantsa 2,114 MCF House log and log home manufacturers 73 MCF Sawmills 9,113 MCF Residue utilized by other plants 5,198 MCF Residue utilized by other plants 8 MCF Unutilized residue 61 MCF Unutilized residue 34 MCF Shrinkage 182 MCF Finished house logs and log homes 31 MCF Other products 7,320 MCF Finished lumber and other sawn products 3,672 MCF a Other plants include post, pole, viga, latilla, and wood pellet manufacturers, as well as residue-utilizing facilities Figure A1: bioenergy Arizona timber harvest flow, 2007. including facilities, pulpand mills, reconstituted board plants, and mulch and animal bedding producers. Figure A1 --Arizona timber harvest and flow, 2007 14 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Forest Industry Sectors Arizona’s primary forest products industry in 2007 consisted of 17 active manufacturers in six counties (table A11). Facilities tended to be located near the forest resource along the northern side of the Mogollon Plateau, with concentrations in southern Apache and Navajo counties (fig. A2). The sawmill sector, manufacturing lumber and other sawn products, was the largest sector operating in 2007 with 8 facilities—three less than were operating in 2002. Five facilities produced house logs and log homes, the same as reported in 2002. A viga and latilla manufacturer, a log furniture producer, one bark producer, and a fuel pellet manufacturer were also actively purchasing or utilizing timber in 2007. These four firms were indicative of the increased diversity of timber-processors that developed in Arizona since the end of the 1980s. One paper mill utilizing recycled material also operated in Arizona during 2007 but did not receive any timber or mill residue. As recently as 1998 this facility used some roundwood pulpwood and mill residues and was included in previous reports (McLain 1988; Keegan and others 2001a). Primary wood products sales increased as did the variety of producers since 2002, with finished product sales in 2007 about 5 percent higher than in 2002 (table A12). The 2007 sales increase over 2002, however, did not occur in the sawmill industry, but in the more recently developing log home and other products Table A11: Active Arizona primary wood products facilities by county and product, 2007 (sources: McLain 1988; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Pulp and paper County Lumber Log homes and house logs Apache 1 1 2 2 2 Coconino Other productsa Total Gila 1 Maricopa 3 Navajo 1 1 Yavapai 2 1 3 2007 Total 8 5 4 0 17 2002 Total 11 5 7 0 23 1998 Total 6 4 2 1 13 1990 Total 14 3 1 1 19 1984 Total 20 0 2 1 23 a 1 1 4 3 5 Other products include posts, poles, vigas, latillas, fuel pellets, log furniture, and biomass energy. Table A12: Finished product sales of Arizona’s primary wood products sectors, selected years. (sources: WWPA various years; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Sector 1984 Sawmills 1998 2002 2007 $176,934 $144,784 $30,640 $27,677 $20,458 248 570 2,393 7,193 16,076 $177,182 $145,354 $33,033 $34,870 $36,534 Log home and other sectorsa Total a 1990 --------Thousands of 2007 dollars-------- b Other sectors include producers of posts, poles, vigas, latillas, log furniture, and fuel pellets. All sales are reported F.O.B. the manufacturer’s plant. Sales of mill residues, mulch, and paper not included for comparison to previous years. b USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 15 Figure A2: Map of Arizona facilities. sectors where sales increased 572 percent since 1998. In 1990, the four firms manufacturing products other than lumber accounted for only $570,000, less than 0.5 percent of total wood products sales that year (Keegan and others 2001a). In 2007, sales from the house log and other products manufacturers exceeded $16 million, and accounted for 44 percent of finished products sales. Sawmill Sector The number of sawmills in Arizona decreased in the past five years by over 25 percent, while total lumber production decreased by 34 percent from about 83 MMBF in 2002 to less than 55 MMBF in 2007 (table A13). A number of the State’s largest sawmills closed between 1998 and 2007, shifting a larger proportion of the State’s lumber production into small mills producing less than 10 MMBF annually. Consequently, average annual lumber production per mill decreased from 13.5 MMBF in 1998 to 7.5 MMBF in 2002, and 6.9 MMBF for 2007 (table A14). 16 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table A13: Arizona sawmills by production size class, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; WWPA 1992, 1993; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Year Under 10 MMBFa Over 10 MMBFa Total -----------------Number of sawmills------------------ 2007 8 c 8 2002 9 2 11 1998 2 4 6 1990 5 9 14 1966 13 10 ---Percentage of lumber output--- 23 Volume (MBFb) 2007 100 c 54,860 2002 25 75 82,658 1998 1 99 80,970 1990 4 96 388,000 1966 11 89 437,000 Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF denotes million board feet lumber tally. a b c MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. All mills were included in <10 MMBF to avoid disclosing individual operations. Table A14: Number of Arizona sawmills and average lumber production, selected years (sources: McLain 1988; Setzer and Wilson 1970; Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Year Number of sawmills Average lumber production MMBFa 2007 8 6.9 2002 11 7.5 1998 6 13.5 1990 14 27.7 1984 20 19.2 1966 23 19.0 1962 28 11.6 1960 38 8.7 a MMBF = million board feet lumber tally. The State’s four largest sawmills in 2007 produced an average of 12.7 MMBF, accounting for 93 percent of the lumber production, while the remaining four mills had an average lumber production of less than 1 MMBF (table A15). On average, Arizona sawmills produced approximately 1.12 board feet of lumber for every board foot Scribner of timber processed for an average overrun of 12 percent in 2007. Overrun was 27 percent in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006) and 46 percent in 1998 (Keegan and others 2001a). The overrun decline was likely due to the dramatic shift of timber processed and the resulting size, condition, and product mix that could be recovered from the harvested timber. In 1998, about 64 percent of the lumber produced by Arizona’s sawmills was dimension and studs, 35 percent was board and shop lumber, and less than one percent was timbers (Keegan and others 2001a). In 2002, only 22 percent of the lumber USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 17 Table A15: Arizona lumber production by mill size, 2007. Number of mills Size classa Percentage of total Volume Average per mill MBFb MBFb Over 5 MMBF 4 50,890 93 12,723 Under 5 MMBF 4 3,970 7 993 Total 8 54,860 100 6,858 Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF denotes million board feet lumber tally. a b MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. produced by Arizona’s sawmills was dimension and studs; while 69 percent was board and shop lumber, and timbers, cants, or pallet stock constituted 19 percent of production (Morgan and others 2006). For 2007, only 4 percent of the lumber produced by Arizona’s sawmills was dimension and studs; while 3 percent was board and shop lumber, and timbers, cants, or pallet stock constituted 93 percent of production. Historically, the sawmill sector has accounted for more than 99 percent of wood products sales in Arizona. By 2002 that proportion had slipped to 79 percent, as timber harvest levels declined and the number of sawmills decreased. Sales from sawmills accounted for just 56 percent ($20.5 million) of finished products sales in 2007, decreasing from $27.7 million in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). Of the sawmill products mine timbers, cants, and pallet stock accounted for $18.8 million (91.8 percent), board and shop lumber accounted for just under $1 million (4.5 percent) of sawmill sales in 2007, and dimension lumber was $ .76 million (3.7 percent) of sales. This was quite a shift in product balance from historical sales. Log home Sector Arizona’s log home sector remained relatively unchanged from 2002. The number of house log manufacturers did not change from 2002 to 2007 (table A11). Only firms that process timber and manufacture house logs or log homes, not log home distributors, were included in the 1990, 1998, 2002 and 2007 censuses. In 2007, Arizona’s five log home manufacturers processed 452 MBF Scribner of timber, produced about 139 MLF of house logs, and generated about $1.8 million in product sales. 2002 sales were higher by10 percent ($2 million), and both the volume of timber processed and volume of house logs produced decreased 8 and 17 percent respectively for 2007. Other Products Sector As with the sawmill sector fewer Arizona mills produced other primary wood products, with three less facilities operating in 2007 than in 2002 (table A11). Finished products sales by manufacturers of posts, poles, vigas, latillas, fuel pellets, and log furniture exceeded $14 million in 2007. A specific sales value was not reported in 2002 to avoid disclosure of firm level data (Morgan and others 2006); however, sales from the sector were estimated to have increased more than 180 percent from 2002 to 2007. Additional detail about the sector must be withheld to protect the confidentiality of firm level information. 18 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Capacity and Utilization Two aspects of capacity were examined for calendar year 2007 in Arizona and the other Four Corners States: production capacity and timber-processing capacity. Production capacity is defined as the amount of finished product that could be produced given sufficient supplies of raw materials and firm market demand for the products, considering normal maintenance and down time. Primary wood products producers specified annual and 8-hour shift production capacities in units of output (for example, MBF of lumber, MLF of house logs, number of vigas, etc.) for each firm. Product recovery ratios were calculated for each firm using reported timber input and product output volumes. Timber-processing capacity was defined as the volume of timber reported in MBF Scribner that could be processed given sufficient supplies of raw materials and firm market demand for the products, and was estimated for each firm by applying the product recovery ratios to production capacity. Arizona’s annual sawmill production capacity was 77,850 MBF of lumber in 2007. Producing 54,860 MBF of lumber, sawmills utilized about 70 percent of their lumber production capacity. Across all industry sectors, total timber-processing capacity was 84,857 MBF Scribner. Accounting for changes in log inventories, a total of 58,231 MBF Scribner was processed by Arizona firms in 2007, with timber-processing capacity utilization about 69 percent. Sawtimber-processing capacity was 141,480 MBF Scribner in 1998, with 53,458 MBF Scribner (38 percent) utilized (Keegan and others 2001a). In 2002, sawtimber-processing capacity fell to 98,025 MBF Scribner, with 71,260 MBF Scribner (73 percent) utilized. The decreased sawtimber-processing capacity and increased capacity utilization resulted from the permanent closure of two large sawmills, which were operating well below capacity in 1998. Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses In 1998, Arizona’s lone paper mill was the largest consumer of mill residues that were generated in the State. However, that mill shifted to using recycled material and did not use either roundwood pulpwood or mill residues in 2007. This change affected not only the ways and amounts of residues that were utilized, but it also impacted other sectors’ ability to operate profitably. Sawmills, the leading timber processors, were also the main residue producers in Arizona. These facilities had to develop new markets for their residues, utilize the residues in-house, or consider cutting production to avoid generating more residue than could be disposed of affordably. In 2007, Arizona mills produced 67,329 BDU, approximately 6,464 MCF of mill residue, with 98.5 percent utilized (table A16). Both residue production and the proportion utilized decreased from 1998. In 1998, Arizona sawmills generated 8,687 MCF, utilizing 99.9 percent (Keegan and others 2001a). Arizona’s drop in residue utilization between 1998 and 2007 signaled a reversal of the long-term trend of increased residue utilization noted by Keegan and others (2001a) and was largely attributable to changes at the State’s paper mill. The decrease in total residue volume generated, however, was attributable to sawmills processing less volume but creating more residues per unit of lumber produced because of the balance of products produced. In 1998, sawmills produced about 1.12 BDU per MBF of lumber; in 2007 that residue factor had increased to 1.22 BDU per MBF of lumber (table A17). USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 19 Table A16: Production and disposition of Arizona mill residues, 2007. Total utilized Residue type Pulp and board Mulch/ bedding Energy Unspecified use Total produced Unused ----------------------------Bone-dry unitsa-------------------------------- Coarse 37,223 Fine 15,537 - - 8,676 - - Sawdust Planer shavings 14,000 6,861 - Bark 13,536 - Total 66,296 14,573 14,000 - 8,650 300 37,523 15,537 - 665 16,202 8,676 - 640 9,316 6,861 - 25 6,886 2 5,814 7,720 68 13,604 14,575 21,351 16,370 1,033 67,329 ----------------------------Percentage of residue type-------------------------------- Coarse 99.2 37.3 38.8 - Fine 23.1 0.8 55.7 95.9 - - 95.9 - 4.1 24.1 Sawdust 93.1 - - 93.1 - 6.9 13.8 Planer shavings 99.6 - - 99.6 - 0.4 10.2 Bark 99.5 - 0.0 42.7 56.7 0.5 20.2 Total 98.5 20.8 a Bone-dry unit = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood. 21.6 31.7 24.3 1.5 100 Table A17: Arizona sawmill residue factors, 1998, 2002 and 2007 (sources: Keegan and others 2001a; Morgan and others 2006). Type of residue 1998 2002 2007 ------BDU/MBF lumber tally -------a Coarse 0.50 0.44 0.68 Sawdust 0.22 0.15 0.17 Planer shavings 0.19 0.14 0.12 Bark 0.21 0.23 0.25 Total 1.12 0.96 1.22 Bone-dry unit (BDU = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood) of residue generated for every 1,000 board feet of lumber manufactured. a Three types of wood fiber residue have been produced by Arizona mills: coarse residue (chips) consisting of slabs, edging, trim, peelings, and log ends; fine residue consisting of planer shavings and sawdust; and bark. Coarse residue was the State’s largest residue component at 37,523 BDUs (55.7 percent) of all residues in 2007, with 99 percent utilized. Out-of-State pulp and paper facilities used about 14,000 BDUs of the coarse material, with the remaining utilized volume going to energy and unspecified uses (table A16). Fine residues comprised the second largest component at 16,202 BDUs (24.1 percent) of mill residues. Only 95.9 percent of fine residue was utilized in 2007, primarily as mulch or animal bedding. Bark accounted for 20 percent of all residues and was largely used for mulch or unspecified products in 2007, with 13,536 BDU (99.5 percent) utilized. Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales Sales from Arizona’s primary wood products industry in 2007 totaled $38.2 million, including finished products and mill residues (table A18). Lumber, mine 20 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table A18: Destination and sales value of Arizona’s primary wood products and mill residues, 2007. Product Arizona Other 4-Corner States Other Rocky Mtn Statesa Far Westb Northeastc Southd North Centrale Otherf Total ------------------------------------------Thousand 2007 dollars------------------------------------------ Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products $7,930 $9,557 - - $1,584 $788 House logs and log homes 1,189 328 - - 119 - 219 - 1,855 Other products 5,307 8,092 - 2,440 - - - - 15,839 g Total $14,426 $563 $17,977 $563 $119 $1,584 $1,007 $90 $20,512 $38,206 --------------------------------------Percentage of regional sales by product------------------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products House logs and log homes 55.0 53.2 100.0 8.2 1.8 - Other productsg 36.8 45.0 - Total 37.8 47.1 1.5 a Other Rocky Mountains includes Idaho, Montana, Nevada. b Far West includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. c $2,440 $90 - - 100.0 78.3 - - - - 21.7 - 4.9 - - - - 41.5 4.1 2.6 0.2 100.0 6.4 0.3 53.7 100 Northeast includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. South includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. d e North Central includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Other areas consist of products being shipped outside the United States. f g Other products include posts, poles, vigas, latillas, log furniture, mill residues, mulch, and fuel pellets. timbers, and other sawn products accounted for 54 percent ($20.5 million) of total sales; house logs and log homes accounted for 5 percent ($1.9 million); while other products and mill residues accounted for 41 percent ($15.8 million). The other Four Corners States (Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah) were the leading markets for lumber, log homes, and other products which accounted for 47 percent of total sales. Arizona was second with in-State sales accounting for 37.8 percent of total sales, lumber playing a significant role. The Far West States were a major market area for other products, including mill residues. Colorado This chapter focuses on Colorado’s timber harvest and forest products industry during 2007. Details of timber harvest, flow, and use are followed by descriptions of the primary processing sectors, capacity and utilization statistics, and mill residue characteristics. The chapter concludes with information on primary wood products industry sales by Colorado mills. Comparisons with previous years are provided where possible. Limited historical information is available about timber harvesting and mill production and residues in Colorado. The last comprehensive report on the State’s industrial roundwood production and mill residues was conducted in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006) and data for previous years include 1962 (Spencer and Farrenkopf 1964), 1969 (Setzer 1971b), 1974 (Setzer and Shupe 1977), and 1982 (McLain 1985). More recently, Lynch and Mackes (2001) USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 21 provided a brief discussion of Colorado timber harvest in their study of wood use in Colorado from 1997 to 2000. Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use In 2008, Colorado had approximately 11.4 million acres of nonreserved timberland (Forest Inventory and Analysis 2009), with National Forests accounting for 69 percent, private owners accounting for 22 percent, and other public agencies accounting for the remaining 10 percent (table C1). All private timberland was classified as NIPF timberland. Colorado had no large tracts of timberland owned by entities operating primary wood processing facilities. Standing sawtimber volume on timberland was estimated at 16.3 billion cubic feet or approximately 85.8 billion board feet Scribner in 2008 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009). Timber Harvest Colorado’s 2007 commercial timber harvest was 86.5 MMBF Scribner, an 8.5 percent increase over 2002’s harvest of 79.7 MMBF Scribner. The 2007 harvest was 21 percent less than the 1999 harvest of 110 MMBF reported by Lynch and Mackes (2001) and nearly 16 percent less than the 1982 harvest of 103 MMBF Scribner (McLain 1985). Only modest increases in Colorado’s total annual timber harvest occurred despite increased salvage of dead timber, accounting for 55 percent (47.8 MMBF) of the 2007 harvest volume, more than doubling the 26 percent (20 MMBF) harvest of dead timber in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). In 1982 dead trees accounted for just 8 percent of the total harvest volume (McLain 1985). As in most of the Western States, decreasing Federal timber harvests have led to smaller total harvest volumes and greater shares of annual timber harvest coming from other ownership sources. However the National Forest’s share of Colorado’s timber harvest in 2007 was almost 50 percent. While in recent years private and tribal landowners provided the majority of Colorado’s timber harvest, for 2007 they were down slightly at 48 percent. Lynch and Mackes (2001) indicated that National Forests provided about 47 percent of the 1999 harvest. In 2002, the National Forest’s share of Colorado’s timber harvest had dropped to 38 percent (table C2). In 1974 and 1982, National Forests accounted for 90 and 80 percent, respectively, of harvested volume (Setzer and Shupe 1977, McLain 1985). National Forests did provide the majority (78.5 percent) of house logs and other products harvested in 2007, but NIPF landowners provided the majority of sawlogs, and post and poles (table C3). Sawlogs accounted for about 84 percent (73 MMBF) of the total volume harvested, house logs and other products accounted for about 5 and 7 percent respectively, and posts and poles were about 3 percent of the harvest in 2007. Table C1: Colorado nonreserved timberland by ownership class (source: Forest Inventory and Analysis program, 2008). Thousand acres Percentage of nonreserved timberland National Forest 7,824 69 Private 2,456 22 Ownership class Other public Total 22 1,117 10 11,397 100 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table C2: Colorado timber harvest by ownership class, 1982, 2002 and 2007 (source: McLain 1985; Morgan and others 2006). Ownership class Private and tribal timberland Private Tribal Public timberland National Forest State lands Other public All owners 1982 MBF Scribner 2002 Percentage of total MBF Scribner 2007 Percentage of total MBF Scribner Percentage of total 14,814 14.3 45,723 57.4 41,334 47.8 14,814 14.3 45,223 56.7 40,810 47.2 0.0 500 0.6 524 0.6 88,618 85.7 33,989 42.6 45,206 52.2 83,106 80.3 30,631 38.4 43,179 49.9 4,977 4.8 2,749 3.4 1,837 2.1 535 0.5 609 0.8 190 0.2 - 103,448 100 79,711 100 86,540 100 Table C3: Colorado timber products harvested by ownership class, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs Post & pole House logs Other productsa All products -------Thousand board feet, Scribner-------- National Forest 34,610 1,295 3,621 3,653 43,179 Private timberland 35,939 1,473 931 2,467 40,810 Other public lands 1,957 38 32 2,027 6,152 86,540 Tribal timberland 500 All owners 73,006 - 24 2,768 4,614 - 524 -----Percentage of harvested product by ownership---- National Forest 47.4 46.8 78.5 59.4 49.9 Private timberland 49.2 53.2 20.2 40.1 47.2 Other public lands 2.7 - 0.8 0.5 2.3 0.7 - Tribal timberland All owners 84.4 3.2 0.5 - 5.3 7.1 0.6 100 Other products include furniture logs, fiber logs, viga logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. a During 2007, Grand County led Colorado’s timber harvest with just over 35 percent (30.4 MMBF Scribner) of the volume; Delta and Mesa Counties followed with 15 and 6 percent, respectively (table C4). For the 2002 harvest, Garfield County led Colorado’s timber harvest with just under 12 percent (9.3 MMBF Scribner) and Mesa and Las Animas Counties followed with 11 and 9 percent. In 1982, Jackson and Montezuma Counties led the harvest with more than 15 MMBF (14 percent) of the harvest each (McLain 1988). Lodgepole pine was the leading species harvested in Colorado, accounting for 52 percent of the harvested volume in 2007 (table C5). This major shift in species harvested from past years mainly stemmed from massive numbers of lodgepole pine trees either killed by or threatened by mountain pine beetle attack. Aspen and cottonwood accounted for 20 percent, spruces, including Engelmann and blue spruce, accounted for almost 12 percent, while ponderosa pine accounted for 8 percent. Ponderosa pine was the most frequently harvested species by volume in 2002 (28 percent), followed by spruces at 25 percent, then aspen/cottonwood 19 percent and lodgepole pine at only 15 percent (Morgan and others 2006). In 1982, spruces were the leading species harvested, accounting for slightly more than 40 percent, USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 23 Table C4: Colorado timber harvest by county, selected years (sources: Setzer and Shupe 1977; McLain 1985; Morgan and others 2006). County 1974 1982 2002 2007 1974 1982 --------MBF Scribner-------- Adams Alamosa Archuleta - - Clear Creek - 0.2 0.8 - - 11.6 0.3 2.1 0.3 a - 300 1,640 260 90 514 44 3 a 0.5 0.1 252 595 48 - 0.2 0.7 500 6,007 1,221 - - 800 - Conejos 2 397 - 2007 --Percentage of harvest-- 8 24,856 Boulder Chaffee 2002 a a 0.1 - - - 0.5 - - 740 618 2.8 1.2 0.9 0.7 Costilla - - 3,684 4,986 - - 4.6 5.8 Custer 2,383 2,526 300 717 1.1 2.4 0.4 0.8 Delta 1,324 933 2,376 13,195 0.6 0.9 3.0 15.2 Dolores 12,687 7,801 5,907 3,275 5.9 7.5 7.4 3.8 Douglas 213 1,600 40 417 0.1 1.5 0.1 0.5 Eagle 5,221 1,500 200 - 2.4 1.5 0.3 - Elbert 265 - - 0.1 - - - El Paso 285 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 Fremont - - 1.1 2.1 0.4 Garfield 2,218 11.7 2.2 470 240 49 1,100 1,673 348 500 9,321 1,924 Gilpin - - 20 Grand 18,406 618 3,113 Gunnison 12,431 2,336 4,249 1.0 0.5 - - 30,387 8.6 0.6 3.9 35.1 4,110 5.8 2.3 5.3 4.7 - - a Huerfano 2,192 1,800 500 500 1.0 1.7 0.6 0.6 Jackson 20,786 16,273 4,373 2,916 9.7 15.7 5.5 3.4 Jefferson - 1,881 361 21 - 1.8 0.5 a La Plata 39,950 1,271 2,312 321 18.7 1.2 2.9 0.4 Lake Larimer Las Animas - - - - - 1.1 - 5,219 2,497 3,145 528 2.4 2.4 3.9 0.6 993 1,600 7,057 2,300 8.9 2.7 33 - - - - - 5,252 1,765 8,660 11,876 6,531 372 - 124 Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 158 844 0.5 1.5 a - 4,973 2.5 1.7 10.9 5.7 683 5.5 6.3 0.5 0.8 - 0.1 - 0.2 - Montezuma 4,169 15,001 4,495 3,242 1.9 14.5 5.6 3.7 Montrose 2,714 7,735 3,029 1,625 1.3 7.5 3.8 1.9 Ouray - 2,565 30 8 - 2.5 a a Park 252 2,456 4,369 2,432 0.1 2.4 5.5 2.8 Pitkin 331 - - - 0.2 - - - Pueblo 176 - 306 0.1 - 0.4 0.1 Rio Blanco 370 10 730 - 0.2 a 0.9 - Rio Grande 10,857 9,277 557 100 5.1 9.0 0.7 0.1 Routt 10,442 1,976 1,143 2,008 4.9 1.9 1.4 2.3 Saguache 11,426 4,802 520 1,459 5.3 4.6 0.7 1.7 San Juan - - 274 - - - 0.3 - San Miguel - 2,131 1,020 - - 2.1 1.3 - Summit - Teller Total a Less than 0.05 percent. 24 46 48 193 289 2,606 - 0.2 0.4 3.0 713 1,049 432 a 0.7 1.3 0.5 214,025 103,448 79,711 86,540 100 100 100 100 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table C5: Colorado timber harvest by species, selected years (sources: Setzer and Shupe 1977; McLain 1985; Morgan and others 2006). Species 1974 1982 2002 2007 1974 19.7 15.0 15.6 52.0 ------- MBF Scribner ------- Lodgepole pine Aspen 1982 2002 2007 ---- Percentage of harvest ---- 42,187 15,500 12,457 45,026 4,825 12,737 15,292 17,319 2.3 12.3 19.2 20.0 Sprucea 91,638 41,877 19,908 10,203 42.8 40.5 25.0 11.8 Ponderosa pine 34,306 22,716 22,526 6,899 16.0 22.0 28.3 8.0 Douglas-fir 26,927 6,574 6,959 3,946 12.6 6.4 8.7 4.6 True firs 14,142 3,986 2,512 3,132 6.6 3.9 3.2 3.6 58 58 14 - 0.1 0.1 0.0 103,448 79,711 86,539 b Other speciesc - All species 214,025 a Spruce includes Engelmann and blue spruce. b True firs include white and subalpine fir. c 100 100 100 Other species includegambel oak and western redcedar. Table C6: Colorado timber harvest by species and product, 2007. Species 100 Sawlogs House logs Posts and poles Other productsa All products --------Thousand board feet, Scribner--------- Lodgepole pine 42,187 Aspen 1,277 1,317 246 45,026 11,535 65 5 5,715 17,319 Spruceb 7,025 3,090 82 5 10,203 Ponderosa pine 5,667 41 1,019 171 6,899 Douglas-fir 3,472 136 335 2 3,946 True firs 3,118 c Other speciesd 2 All species 73,006 4 4,614 10 - 2,769 3,133 12 14 6,152 86,540 ------Percentage of product by species------- Lodgepole pine 57.8 28.5 8.9 4.0 52.0 Aspen 15.8 0.1 206.4 92.9 20.0 b Spruce 9.6 1.8 0.2 0.1 11.8 Ponderosa pine 7.8 22.1 6.2 2.8 8.0 Douglas-fir 4.8 7.3 0.1 0.0 4.6 True firsc 4.3 0.2 - - 3.6 0.0 - 0.4 0.2 5.3 3.2 7.1 Other species d All species 84.4 0.0 100 a Other products include furniture logs, fiber logs, viga logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. b Spruce includes Engelmann and blue spruce. True firs include white and subalpine fir. c d Other species include gambel oak and western redcedar. while ponderosa pine accounted for 22 percent (McLain 1985). Lodgepole pine and aspen were the leading species harvested for sawlogs in 2007, accounting for almost 58 and 16 percent, respectively (table C6). Spruces comprised 67 percent of the house log harvest, lodgepole pine was the leading species harvested for posts and poles, and aspen and cottonwood accounted for 93 percent of other products volume harvested. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 25 Timber Flow The majority (98 percent) of Colorado’s 2007 timber harvest was processed in-State; during 2007 Colorado was a net importer of about 7.3 MMBF of timber. About 1.6 MMBF were exported for processing in Utah, and New Mexico; while 8.9 MMBF were imported from Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, Oklahoma, and Canada for processing in Colorado (table C7). Timber processors in Colorado received 93,871 MBF of timber in 2007, including 8,968 MBF that was harvested outside the State. Private and tribal timberlands provided 48 percent of the timber delivered to Colorado mills in 2007, with 44,325 MBF coming from private lands and 534 MBF from tribal lands (table C8). National Forests provided about 46.6 percent (43,790MBF) of timber receipts, with 27—less than half—of Colorado’s timber processors receiving timber cut from National Forests. During 2007, National Forests provided Colorado log home manufacturers with 84 percent of the house log volume processed in-State, NIPF landowners provided 14 percent, and less than 1 percent came from Canada. Private timberlands supplied the majority of sawlogs and posts and poles processed in Colorado, while public timberlands provided the majority of timber for other products. Timber Use Colorado’s 2007 timber harvest—approximately 21,578 MCF, exclusive of bark (fig. C1)—was used by several manufacturing sectors both within and outside of Colorado. Of this volume, 13,362 MCF went as logs to sawmills, 918 MCF went to log home manufacturers, and 7,298 MCF went to post, pole, viga, latilla, log furniture, and excelsior manufacturers. The following conversion factors were used to convert Scribner board foot volume to cubic feet: • 5.08 board feet per cubic foot for house logs; • 5.27 board feet per cubic foot for sawlogs; • 2.21 board foot per cubic foot for all other products. Of the 13,362 MCF of timber received by sawmills, 5,027 MCF (38 percent) was processed into finished lumber or other sawn products, and about 150 MCF was lost to shrinkage. The remaining 8,185 MCF (61 percent) yielded mill residue. About 8,076 MCF of sawmill residue was utilized, and about 123 MCF (1 percent) remained unused. Of the 918 MCF of timber received by log home manufacturers, about 603 MCF (66 percent) was manufactured into house logs, while the remaining 315 MCF became mill residue. About 305 MCF of house log residue was utilized, and about 10 MCF remained unused. Of the 7,298 MCF of timber Table C7: Colorado timber products imports and exports, 2007. Timber product Imports Exports Net imports (net exports) --Thousand board feet, Scribner-- Sawlogs 2,103 - 2,103 House logs 1,738 120 1,618 Other productsa 5,127 1,517 3,610 All products 8,968 1,637 7,331 Other products include furniture logs, fiber logs, viga logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. a 26 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table C8: Timber received by Colorado forest products industry by ownership class and product, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs Posts and poles House logs Other productsa All products -------Thousand board feet, Scribner-------- Private and tribal timberland Private Tribal 38,192 1,084 927 4,657 44,859 37,692 1,084 893 4,657 44,325 - 34 500 Public timberland National Forest State lands - 534 36,917 280 5,275 6,510 48,982 34,610 280 5,237 3,663 43,790 2,157 - 13 2,832 5,002 150 - 25 15 190 Other owners - - 30 Other mills - - Canada - - Other public All owners 75,109 1,364 - - 30 30 6,232 - 11,167 30 93,871 --------Percentage of product by owner-------- Private and tribal timberland Private Tribal 50.8 79.5 14.9 41.7 47.8 50.2 79.5 14.3 41.7 47.2 0.7 Public timberland National Forest 0.5 - 0.6 49.2 20.5 - 84.7 58.3 52.2 46.1 20.5 84.0 32.8 46.6 State lands 2.9 - 0.2 25.4 5.3 Other public 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 0.2 Other owners - - 0.5 - 0.0 Other mills - - - - - - - 0.5 - 1.5 6.6 11.9 Canada All owners 80.0 0.0 100 Other products include furniture logs, fiber logs, viga logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. a received by other manufacturers, nearly 6,409 MCF was utilized in solid wood products (such as posts, poles, vigas, latillas, and log furniture) or was used in the production of excelsior. About 885 MCF of residues from these other sectors were utilized and 4 MCF went unused. Forest Industry Sectors Colorado’s primary forest products industry in 2007 consisted of 64 active manufacturers in 28 counties (table C9). Facilities tended to be located near the forest resource in the central and southwestern portions of the State (fig. C2). The sawmill sector, manufacturing lumber and other sawn products, was the largest sector operating in 2007 with 30 mills; 19 facilities produced house logs and log homes. There were nine log furniture producers, five post and pole firms, and an excelsior producer also operating in 2007. Morgan and others (2006) identified 133 primary wood-processing plants in 2002: 50 sawmills, 46 house log plants, 10 post and pole facilities, and 27 facilities producing log furniture and other products including a shake mill, and an excelsior manufacturer. Changes in Colorado’s industry structure over the past 20 years were similar to those experienced throughout the West, with the number of sawmills decreasing and the number and diversity of USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 27 Colorado Timber Harvest and Flow, 2007 Total Harvest 21,578 MCF Other plantsa 7,298 MCF House log and log home manufacturers 918 MCF Sawmills 13,362 MCF Utilized residue 8,076 MCF Unutilized residue 10 MCF Unutilized residue 4 MCF Utilized residue 885 MCF Unutilized residue 123 MCF Utilized residue 9,266 MCF Shrinkage 150 MCF Finished house logs and log homes 603 MCF Other products 6,409 MCF Finished lumber and other sawn products 5,027 MCF a Other plants include post,harvest pole, viga, log furniture, and excelsior manufacturers. Figure C1: Colorado timber and latilla, flow, 2007. Figure C1- Colorado timber harvest and flow, 2007. 28 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table C9: Active Colorado primary wood products facilities by county and product, 2007 (sources: McLain 1985; Morgan and others 2006). County Lumber Log homes and house logs Post and pole Arapahoe Log furniture and other productsa Total 1 1 Archuleta 3 Boulder 1 3 Conejos 2 2 Custer 1 1 Delta 3 3 1 Denver Eagle 1 1 1 1 El Paso 1 Fremont 2 Garfield 2 1 Grand 1 1 Huerfano 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 5 1 Jefferson 1 La Plata 1 3 Larimer 3 1 Las Animas 1 Mesa 1 Mineral 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 Montezuma 3 Montrose 2 Park Rio Grande 2 1 1 4 1 5 1 7 3 3 1 1 Routt 2 2 Saguache 1 1 Summit Teller 1 1 2 1 Weld 1 1 1 2007 Total 30 19 5 10 64 2002 Total 50 46 10 27 133 1982 Total 84 5 a Other products include excelsior. 4 2 95 other manufacturers increasing (Keegan and others 2001a,b; Morgan and others 2004 a,b; Morgan and others 2006). Historic sales values for Colorado’s primary wood products producers were not provided by Setzer (1971b), Setzer and Shupe (1977), or McLain (1985). In 2007, sales value of finished products from Colorado’s primary wood products industry totaled $101 million. This compares to 2002 sales of $109 million in 2007 dollars (table C10). Sales from sawmills accounted for 44 percent, about the same as 2002; house log and log home manufacturers accounted for 24 percent, a 5 percent drop from 2002; and other products manufacturers accounted for about 33 percent, an increase from 2002 of about 5 percent of finished products sales. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 29 Figure C2: Map of Colorado facilities. Table C10: Finished product sales of Colorado’s primary wood products sectors, 2007 (source: Morgan and others 2006). Sector 2002 --------Thousands of 2007 dollarsa-------- Sawmills $47,193 $45,043 Log homes 31,808 19,460 Other sectorsb 30,136 36,652 $109,137 $101,155 Total 30 2007 a All sales are reported f.o.b. the manufacturer’s plant. b Other sectors include producers of posts, poles, log furniture, and excelsior. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Sawmill Sector The number of sawmills in Colorado decreased from 84 in 1982 (McLain 1985) to 50 in 2002 and to 30 in 2007 (table C11), with 20 sawmills closing between 2002 and 2007. Total lumber production in the State increased 39 percent from about 83 MMBF in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006) to115 MMBF, the average production per mill increased 129 percent from 1.7 MMBF to 3.9 MMBF. This increase is a function of fewer mills producing more volume. The State’s nine largest sawmills in 2007 produced an average of 11,788 MBF, and seven of these mills produced between 2,000 MBF and 5,000 MBF. The remaining 21 mills produced less than 442 MBF of lumber (table C12). Technological improvements have made Colorado mills more efficient. For example, thinner kerf saws reduce the proportion of the log that becomes sawdust. Additionally, mill-delivered log diameters are believed to have decreased over the past 25 years, with reduced old-growth harvesting and increased use of restoration and fuels treatments that favor retention of larger trees and the removal of smaller stems. As log diameters decrease, the Scribner log rule, which is used in Colorado, under estimates—by an increasing amount—the volume of lumber that can be recovered from a log, thus increasing overrun. On average, Colorado sawmills produced approximately 1.54 board feet of lumber for every board foot Scribner of timber processed for an average overrun of 54 percent in 2007, slightly higher than the 47 percent overrun in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). Overrun was estimated to be 17 percent in 1982, using WWPA’s (1983) lumber production and McLain’s (1985) sawlog consumption. This overrun increase was attributed to improved milling technology and the increased use of smaller diameter timber. Table C11: Number of Colorado sawmills and average lumber production, selected years (source: McLain 1985; WWPA 1983; Morgan and others 2006). Number of sawmills Year Average lumber production MMBFa 2007 31 3.8 2002 50 1.7 1982 84 1.4b a MMBF = million board feet lumber tally. b Total production 118 MMBF. Table C12: Colorado lumber production by mill size, 2007. Size classa Number of mills Percentage of total Volume Average per mill MBFb MBFb Over 2 MMBF 10 108,289 93 10,829 Under 2 MMBF 21 7,843 7 373 Total 31 116,132 100 3,746 Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF denotes million board feet lumber tally. a b MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 31 Sales from sawmills declined from 2002 to 2007, accounting for just 43.5 percent ($44 million) of Colorado timber processors’ finished products sales in 2007; this parallels 2002 numbers of 43 percent ($41.5 million) (Morgan and others 2006). In comparison; sawmill sales accounted for 56 and 49 percent of timber processors’ finished product sales in Arizona and New Mexico, respectively, during 2007, and historically accounted for 90 percent or more of sales throughout the Interior West (Keegan and others 2001a,b,c; Morgan and others 2004b). Dimension lumber and studs accounted for $28.1 million (64 percent) of sawmill product sales in 2007; other sawn products accounted for $7.3 million (17 percent); mine timbers, cants, and railroad ties accounted for $5 million (11 percent); board and shop lumber accounted for $2.2 million (5 percent); and other miscellaneous products accounted for nearly $1.4 million (3 percent) of finished product sales from sawmills. Log Home Sector Colorado’s log home sector experienced substantial growth and then a decline over the past 25 years. Twenty-seven less facilities were identified in 2007 than in 2002, whereas 41 more house log manufacturers were identified in 2002 than in 1982 (table C9). Only firms that processed timber and manufactured house logs or log homes, not log home distributors, were included in the 1982, 2002 and 2007 censuses. In 2007, Colorado’s 19 log home manufacturers processed almost 6 MMBF Scribner of timber, produced about 1.3 million lineal feet (MMLF) of house logs, and generated $19.5 million in product sales. By sales value, Colorado’s log home industry is the third largest in the Western United States behind Montana and Idaho. Other Products Sectors Following the same trend as the log home sector, Colorado’s producers of posts and poles and other primary wood products significantly expanded production from 1982 to 2002; production then declined from 2002 to 2007. There were 21 less manufacturers operating in this sector in 2007 compared to 2002, while 31 more facilities operated in 2002 than in 1982 (table C9). In 2007, nine of these other products facilities manufactured log furniture, five were post and pole producers, and one was an excelsior plant. Finished products sales by manufacturers of posts and poles exceeded $9 million, and sales by manufacturers of log furniture and excelsior exceeded $30 million in 2007. Additional detail about this sector is withheld to protect the confidentiality of firm level information. Capacity and Utilization Colorado’s annual sawmill production capacity was 205.5 MMBF of lumber in 2007. Sawmills produced 115.4 MMBF of lumber in 2007, utilizing 56 percent of their lumber production capacity. This was an increase from the historically low level of 35 percent production capacity utilization of reported in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). Timber-processing capacity among Colorado sawmills was 121,927 MBF Scribner, with 72,007 MBF Scribner of timber processed, making utilization of timber-processing capacity among sawmills about 59 percent in 2007. Across all industry sectors, total timber-processing capacity was 144,308 MBF Scribner. Accounting for changes in mills’ log inventories, a total of 93,894 MBF Scribner was processed by Colorado firms in 2007, making timber-processing capacity utilization about 65 percent across all sectors. The greater timber-processing capacity utilization of all sectors compared to sawmills alone would indicate that processors 32 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 other than sawmills were operating near their total timber capacity and are better positioned to utilize the mix of timber being offered in Colorado. Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses Sawmills, the leading timber processors, were also the main residue producers in Colorado. In 2007, sawmills produced 1.04 BDU of residue per MBF of lumber (table C13). Across all sectors, Colorado timber processors produced 121,982 BDU, approximately 11,729 MCF of mill residue, with 98.7 percent utilized (table C14). Total residue production declined from 22,749 MCF in 1974 and 12,420 MCF in 1982, but increased from 9,115 MCF in 2002, while the proportion utilized increased from 40 percent in 1974 to 64 percent in 1982 (McLain 1985), to 98 percent in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). Colorado’s decreased residue production stemmed from increased milling efficiencies working in concert with decreased timber volumes processed. Increased residue utilization between 1974 and 2007 was attributable to decreased residue production and the evolution of better markets for residue-related products. Coarse residue was the State’s largest residue component at 57 percent (69,552 BDU) of all residues in 2007, with 99 percent utilized. Out-of-State pulp, paper, and reconstituted board facilities used 43,300 BDUs of the coarse material; the remaining volume was used for energy production and unspecified uses (table C14). Fine residues comprised the second largest component at 30 percent (36,639 BDUs) of mill residues. Almost 98 percent of fine residue was utilized in 2007, primarily for energy, with a little over one-third of fine residues going to mulch or animal bedding facilities. Bark accounted for 13 percent of all residues and was largely burned for energy or used for mulch in 2007, with 15,596 BDUs (98 percent) utilized. Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales Sales from Colorado’s primary wood products industry during 2007 totaled nearly $104 million, including finished products and mill residues (table C15). Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products accounted for 43 percent (over $45 million) of total sales; house logs and log homes accounted for 19 percent (over $19 million); while other products and mill residues accounted for 29 percent (slightly over $30 million). Colorado was the leading market area for lumber, log homes, posts, poles, and log furniture, within-State sales accounting for 47 percent of total sales. The other Four Corners States (Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah) Table C13: Colorado’s sawmill residue factors, 2002 and 2007 (source: Morgan and others 2006). Type of residue 2002 2007 ----BDU/MBF lumber tallya---- Coarse 0.42 0.60 Sawdust 0.17 0.21 Planer shavings 0.13 0.09 Bark 0.29 0.14 Total 1.01 1.04 Bone-dry unit (BDU = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood) of residue generated for every 1,000 board feet of lumber manufactured. a USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 33 Table C14: Production and disposition of Colorado mill residues, 2007. Residue type Total utilized Pulp and board Mulch/ bedding Energy Unspecified use Total produced Unused ----------------------------Bone-dry unitsa-------------------------------- Coarse 68,949 43,300 11,070 - 603 69,552 Fine 35,857 - 22,508 13,349 14,579 - 782 36,639 Sawdust 25,378 - 16,001 9,377 - 598 25,976 Planer shavings 10,479 - 6,507 3,972 - 184 10,663 Bark 15,596 - 9,916 5,564 116 195 15,791 Total 120,402 43,300 43,494 18,913 14,695 1,580 121,982 ----------------------------Percentage of residue type-------------------------------- Coarse 99.1 62.3 15.9 - 21.0 0.9 57.0 Fine 97.9 - 61.4 36.4 - 2.1 30.0 Sawdust 97.7 - 61.6 36.1 - 2.3 21.3 Planer shavings 98.3 - 61.0 37.3 - 1.7 8.7 Bark 98.8 - 62.8 35.2 0.7 1.2 Total 98.7 35.5 35.7 15.5 12.0 1.3 a Bone-dry unit = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood. Table C15: Destination and sales value of Colorado’s primary wood products and mill residues, 2007. Product Colorado Other 4-Corner States Other Rocky Mtn Statesa Far Westb Northeastc 12.9 100 Southd North Centrale Otherf Total ------------------------------------------------Thousand 2007 dollars------------------------------------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers and other sawn products $32,874 $7,380 $1,905 $200 $28 $1,165 $1,490 - $45,042 House logs and log homes 9,929 3,581 656 304 274 3,588 1,128 - 19,460 Posts, poles, and log furniture 3,742 1,825 679 529 697 1,045 625 - 9,142 Other products g Total 2,383 5,886 2,898 4,701 386 7,913 3,800 2,186 30,153 $48,928 $18,672 $6,138 $5,734 $1,385 $13,711 $7,043 $2,186 $103,797 ---------------------------------------Percentage of product sales by region----------------------------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers and other sawn products 73.0 16.4 4.2 0.4 0.1 2.6 3.3 - 43.4 House logs and log homes 51.0 18.4 3.4 1.6 1.4 18.4 5.8 - 18.7 Posts, poles, and log furniture 40.9 20.0 7.4 5.8 7.6 11.4 6.8 - 8.8 7.9 19.5 9.6 15.6 1.3 26.2 12.6 7.2 29.0 47.1 18.0 5.9 5.5 1.3 13.2 6.8 2.1 Other productsg Total a Other Rocky Mountains includes Idaho, Montana, Nevada. b Far West includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. 100 Northeast includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. c South includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. d North Central includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. e Other areas consist of products being shipped outside the U.S. f g Other products include excelsior, firewood, and mill residues. accounted for about 18 percent of total sales; the majority of revenues were generated from sales of lumber and log home products. The Southern U.S. accounted for over 13 percent of total sales, 18 percent of log home sales and 26 percent of other products sales. The North Central States, Far West, and Northeast were major market areas for other products, including excelsior and mill residues. 34 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 New Mexico This chapter focuses on New Mexico’s timber harvest and forest products industry during 2007, and discusses changes that occurred since the 2002 industry census conducted by Morgan and others (2006). Details of timber harvest, flow, and use are followed by descriptions of the primary processing sectors, capacity and utilization statistics, and mill residue characteristics. This chapter concludes with information on New Mexico’s primary wood products industry sales. Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use In 2003, New Mexico had approximately 4.4 million acres of nonreserved timberland (O’Brien 2003), with National Forests accounting for 64 percent, private and tribal owners accounting for 33 percent, and other public agencies accounting for the remaining 3 percent (table N1). All private timberland was classified as NIPF timberland. With the exception of several Native American tribes, New Mexico had no large tracts of timberland owned by entities operating primary wood processing facilities. Sawtimber volume on nonreserved timberlands was estimated at 5.1 billion cubic feet or approximately 29.1 billion board feet Scribner in 2008 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009). Timber Harvest New Mexico’s 2007 commercial timber harvest was 39,770 MBF Scribner, 53 percent of the 2002 harvest, and 40 percent of the 1997 harvest (Morgan and others 2006; Keegan and others 2001b). The reduction in New Mexico’s total annual timber harvest since the late 1980s was primarily due to the decline of National Forest timber harvest. As National Forest and total timber harvest in the State declined, a disproportionate and diminishing share of New Mexico’s timber harvest came from National Forest timberlands (table N2). In 1966, 1969, 1974, and 1986 National Forests accounted for 50 percent or more of harvested volume (Setzer and Wilson 1970; Setzer 1971c; Setzer and Barrett 1977; McLain 1989), whereas in 2002 and 2007 National Forests accounted for 14 percent of the harvest volume (Morgan and others 2006). Unlike other States in the region where National Forests provided the majority of house logs harvested, the majority of each of the timber products harvested in New Mexico came from private and tribal timberlands, and National Forests provided less than 20 percent of each product, except the other products category, which was almost 40 percent from National Forest (table N3). Sawlogs accounted for almost 83 percent (33 MMBF) of the total volume harvested. Table N1: New Mexico nonreserved timberland by ownership class (source: O’Brien 2003). Thousand acres Percentage of nonreserved timberland National Forest 2,810 64 Private and tribal 1,448 33 Ownership class Other public Total USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 146 3 4,404 100 35 Table N2: New Mexico timber harvest by ownership class, 1997, 2002 and 2007 (source: Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). 1997 MBF Scribner Ownership class Private and tribal timberland 2002 Percentage of total MBF Scribner 2007 Percentage of total MBF Scribner Percentage of total 85,903 88.0 64,201 86.3 33,001 83.0 Private 61,853 63.4 36,821 49.5 14,971 37.6 Tribal 24,050 24.6 27,380 36.8 18,030 45.3 Public timberland 11,723 12.0 10,160 13.7 6,769 17.0 National Forest 11,723 12.0 10,160 13.7 5,644 14.2 State timberland All owners - - - - 1,125 97,626 100 74,361 100 39,770 2.8 100 Table N3: New Mexico timber products harvested by ownership class, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs Vigas House logs Other productsa All products --------Thousand of board feet, Scribner--------- Tribal timberland 18,030 - - - 18,030 Private timberland 11,388 1,758 95 1,730 14,971 3,409 435 - 1,800 5,644 - 1,125 1,125 4,655 39,770 National Forest State timberland All owners - - 32,827 2,193 -----Percentage of harvested product by ownership------ Tribal timberland 54.9 - Private timberland 34.7 80.2 National Forest 10.4 19.8 State timberland All owners 95 82.5 100.0 - 45.3 37.2 37.6 - 38.7 14.2 - - 24.2 5.5 0.2 11.7 2.8 100 Other products include posts, poles, furniture logs, fiber logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. a In 2007, as in 2002, Otero County led New Mexico’s timber harvest with slightly more than 47 percent of total volume; Colfax and Sandoval Counties followed, with 24 and 6 percent, respectively (table N4). Otero County has accounted for an increasing share of New Mexico’s timber harvest, with 7 percent in 1966, 10 percent in 1986, 38 percent in 1997, and 42 percent in 2002. Historically, Rio Arriba has been among the State’s top three timber-producing counties, accounting for 15 percent or more of annual harvest volumes until 2007 when it only contributed 4.4 percent. Colfax County, however, was not a significant contributor to New Mexico’s annual harvest until 2007, only periodically accounting for more than 10 percent of harvest in previous censuses (Setzer and Wilson 1970; McLain 1989; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). Ponderosa pine continued to be the leading species harvested in New Mexico, accounting for nearly 47 percent of the harvest in 2007; Douglas-fir retained its long-held position as the second most harvested species (table N5). White and subalpine firs and Engelmann spruce together accounted for about 20 percent of the 2007 harvest. Ponderosa pine was the leading species harvested for sawlogs, vigas, and house logs in 2007 (table N6). Douglas-fir and true firs were substantial components of the sawlog harvest, while Engelmann spruce was a minor component 36 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table N4: New Mexico timber harvest by county, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; McLain 1989; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). County 1966 1986 1997 2002 2007 1966 1986 ------------MBF Scribner------------- Bernalillo 691 - 1997 2002 490 100 - 0.3 - 0.5 0.1 3.8 Catron 25,588 29,494 2,973 250 1,500 10.6 17.7 3.0 0.3 Cibola - 13,857 7,973 15 - - 8.3 8.2 a Colfax 32,853 4,000 Eddy - Grant 538 Lincoln - Los Alamos McKinley 2007 -------Percentage------- - 18,450 3,777 9,423 13.6 2.4 18.9 548 - - - - 0.3 - - - 663 - - 279 0.2 0.4 - - 0.7 198 - 1,800 - 0.9 0.2 - 4.5 a - - - - - 2.0 - - 1,450 54 - - - - 36,692 - 2,000 - - 15.1 5.1 23.7 Mora 957 3,830 2,040 10,864 215 0.4 2.3 2.1 14.6 0.5 Otero 17,335 16,982 36,866 30,825 18,835 7.2 10.2 37.8 41.5 47.4 Rio Arriba 37,156 69,367 17,107 17,869 1,733 15.3 41.7 17.5 24.0 4.4 Sandoval 66,619 5,932 4,360 1,200 2,190 27.5 3.6 4.5 1.6 5.5 San Juan - 8,159 500 - - - 4.9 0.5 - - 2,075 2,259 8,100 795 3.8 1.2 2.3 10.9 2.0 2,865 - 670 1,000 - 1.7 - 0.9 2.5 1,025 220 - 1.1 - 1.0 0.3 - 1,245 175 2,000 2.8 4.2 1.3 0.2 5.0 - 120 175 - - - 0.1 0.2 - - 20 120 - 1.9 - a 0.2 - 97,626 74,361 100 100 San Miguel 9,140 Santa Fe - Socorro 2,739 Taos 6,767 Torrance Valencia Total b 7,066 4,548 242,313 166,342 a Less than 0.05 percent. b Percentage detail may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 39,770 100 100 100 Table N5: New Mexico timber harvest by species, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; McLain 1989; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). Species 1966 1986 1997 2002 2007 --------Percentage of harvest--------- Ponderosa pine 49 68 57 50 47 Douglas-fir 17 16 26 22 25 5 9 11 16 17 15 4 <0.5 2 8 14 3 7 10 3 100 100 100 100 True firsa Other species b Engelmann spruce All species a True firs include white and subalpine fir. b Other species include limber pine and aspen. 100 of house logs at 13 percent. Engelmann spruce and Douglas-fir were also small components of the viga harvest. Ponderosa pine was the leading species harvested for other products, while aspen and other species were also significant components to the other product category, which includes posts, poles, furniture logs, and fire wood logs. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 37 Table N6: New Mexico timber harvest by species and product, 2007. Species Sawlogs Ponderosa pine Vigas House logs 14,334 1,416 9,283 379 White fir 6,699 170 Lodgepole pine 1,444 - - 9 b Engelmann spruce All species All products -------Thousand of board feet, Scribner------- Douglas-fir Other species Other productsa 1,058 32,827 2,786 18,579 - 43 281 9,943 40 - 6,909 - 113 1,557 1,475 1,484 228 12 2,193 95 4,655 1,298 39,770 --------Percentage of product by species------- Ponderosa pine 43.7 64.6 45.3 59.9 46.7 Douglas-fir 28.3 17.3 - 6.0 25.0 White fir 20.4 7.8 42.1 - 17.4 Lodgepole pine 4.4 - - 2.4 3.9 Other speciesb 0.0 - - 31.7 3.7 3.2 10.4 12.6 - 82.5 5.5 0.2 11.7 Engelmann spruce All species 3.3 100 Other products include posts, poles, furniture logs, fiber logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. a Other species include alligator juniper, Rocky Mountain juniper, two-needle pinyon, Western redcedar, and Aspen. b Timber Flow The vast majority (93 percent) of New Mexico’s 2007 timber harvest was processed in State; however, New Mexico was a net exporter of timber. Almost 3 MMBF were exported for processing in Colorado, while a small amount of timber was imported from Colorado for processing in New Mexico (table N7). Timber processors in New Mexico received 37,917 MBF of timber in 2007, including 1,125 MBF that was harvested outside the State. Timber receipts dropped nearly 45 percent since 2002, when New Mexico mills received 68,858 MBF of timber. Ownership sources of timber delivered to New Mexico mills changed slightly since 2002, with the proportion from private and tribal lands decreasing from 85 percent to 79 percent in 2007 (table N8). National Forests supplied timber to 10—less than a half—of New Mexico’s mills in 2007, accounting for 18 percent of mill receipts, which was an increase from 2002 when National Forests supplied just 15 percent of the timber received by New Mexico mills. Unlike other States in the region, National Forests did not provide New Mexico forest products manufacturers with a large portion of timber products, supplying less than 11 percent of sawlogs, 26 percent of vigas, no house logs, but 60 percent of other products, mostly post and poles and firewood logs to the industry in 2007 (table N9). Timber Use New Mexico’s 2007 timber harvest—approximately 10,813 MCF, exclusive of bark (fig. N1)—was used by several manufacturing sectors both within and outside of New Mexico. Of this volume, 5,673 MCF went as logs to sawmills, 485 MCF went to log home and viga manufacturers, and 4,655 MCF went to other plants, 38 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table N7: New Mexico timber products imports and exports, 2007. Timber product Imports Net imports (net exports) Exports -------Thousand board feet, Scribner------- Sawlogs - 1,548 (1,548) House logs - 15 (15) Other products a All products 1,125 1,415 (290) 1,125 2,978 (1,853) Other products include posts, poles, furniture logs, fiber logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. a Table N8: Ownership of timber products received by New Mexico mills, 1997, 2002 and 2007 (sources: Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). 1997 MBF Scribner Ownership class 2002 Percentage of total 2007 MBF Scribner Percentage of total MBF Scribner Percentage of total Private and tribal timberland 82,238 90.6 58,698 85.2 30,023 79.2 Private 57,788 63.6 31,318 45.5 11,993 31.6 Tribal 24,450 26.9 27,380 39.8 18,030 47.6 8,562 9.4 10,160 14.8 6,769 17.9 National Forests State Lands - All owners - 90,800 - 100 68,858 - 1,125 100 37,917 3.0 100 Table N9: Timber received by New Mexico forest products industry by ownership class and product, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs Tribal timberland Vigas House logs - - Private timberland 9,840 1,258 National Forest 3,409 435 - All owners All products ----------Thousand of board feet, Scribner----------18,030 State lands Other productsa 31,279 - 18,030 80 815 11,993 - 2,925 6,769 - - 1,125 1,125 1,693 80 4,865 37,917 -------Percentage of product by owner-------- Tribal timberland 57.6 - - 47.6 Private timberland 31.5 74.3 100.0 16.8 31.6 National Forest 10.9 25.7 - 60.1 17.8 - - 23.1 3.0 0.2 12.8 State lands All owners a 82.5 4.5 - 100 Other products include posts, poles, fiber logs, and logs delivered to primary manufacturers that became firewood. including post, pole, log furniture, and excelsior manufacturers. The following conversion factors were used to convert Scribner board foot volume to cubic feet: • 5.75 board feet per cubic foot for sawlogs; • 5.17 board feet per cubic foot for house logs and vigas; • 1.02 board foot per cubic foot for all other products. Of the 5,673 MCF of timber received by sawmills, 2,600 MCF (46 percent) was manufactured into finished lumber or other sawn products, and about 114 MCF USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 39 New Mexico Timber Harvest and Flow, 2007 Total Harvest 10,813 MCF Other plantsa 4,655 MCF House log and viga manufacturers 485 MCF Sawmills 5,673 MCF Utilized residue 2,610 MCF Utilized residue 3,016 MCF Unutilized residue 1 MCF Utilized residue 227 MCF Unutilized residue 350 MCF Shrinkage 114 MCF Finished house logs and log homes 306 MCF Other products 4,427 MCF Finished lumber and other sawn products 2,600 MCF a Other plants include post, pole, bark, firewood, and excelsior manufacturers. Figure N1: New Mexico timber harvest and flow, 2007. Figure N1–New Mexico timber harvest and flow, 2007 40 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 was lost to shrinkage. The remaining 2,959 MCF (52 percent) yielded mill residue. About 2,610 MCF of sawmill residue was utilized, and about 350 MCF (12 percent) remained unused. Of the 485 MCF of timber received by log home and viga manufacturers, about 306 MCF (63 percent) was used for house logs, while the remaining 179 MCF became mill residue. All of the 179 MCF of house log residue was utilized. Of the 4,655 MCF of timber received by other manufacturers, about 4,427 MCF was utilized in solid wood products such as posts, poles, fuel wood, log furniture, or was used in the production of excelsior. About 227 MCF of residues from these other sectors were utilized, and 1 MCF went unused. Forest Industry Sectors New Mexico’s primary forest products industry in 2007 consisted of 24 active manufacturers in 12 counties (table N10). Facilities tended to be located near the forest resource in north-central New Mexico and in Otero County (fig. N2). The sawmill sector, manufacturing lumber and other sawn products, was the largest sector operating during 2007, with 12 facilities—9 less mills than were operating in 2002. Five facilities produced vigas and latillas, a decrease of three since 2002. The number of other products manufacturers operating in 2007 remained at seven, with one post and pole manufacturer, one log home producer, two bark product facilities, one firewood producer and two wood shaving/excelsior facilities. Keegan and others (2001b) noted that two particleboard plants and a medium density fiberboard (MDF) facility operated in New Mexico in 1986. One particleboard plant closed in the early 1990s, the MDF plant closed in 1996, and the particleboard facility operating in 1997 was deemed inoperable in 2002 and was thus not included in the current analysis. Primary wood products sales as well as the number of producers continued to decrease, with finished product sales in 2007 falling 51 percent since 2002 (table N11). The overall drop in sales was due to the dramatic decrease in sawmilling Table N10: Active New Mexico primary wood products facilities by county and product, 2007 (sources: McLain 1989; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). County Lumber Vigas and latillas Bernalillo Catron 1 Colfax 1 Grant Othera Total 1 1 1 1 Lincoln 2 3 1 2 1 1 Mora 1 Otero 2 Rio Arriba 1 San Miguel 2 1 3 Sandoval 1 1 2 Santa Fe 2 1 Taos 1 1 2 2007 Total 12 5 7 24 2002 Total 21 8 7 36 1997 Total 22 15 7 44 1986 Total 26 5-10 10 41-46 a 1 2 4 1 3 Other products include posts, poles, log homes, firewood, and bark products. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 41 Figure N2: Map of New Mexico facilities. sales but also in the viga and latilla sectors. Among other products, sales increased 15 percent since 2002. In 1997 and in 2002, lumber accounted for 74 percent of total wood product sales but in 2007 it was only 49 percent. In 2007, sales from other product manufacturers accounted for 39 percent of finished products sales versus nearly 17 percent of sales in 2002. Sawmill Sector With the net loss of nine sawmills since 2002, total lumber production in New Mexico dropped 51 percent from about 81.5 MMBF in 2002 to less than 40 MMBF in 2007; most of the State’s lumber production shifted to mills producing less than 10 MMBF annually by 2007 (table N12). Closure of those nine mills caused average annual lumber production to fall 15 percent from 3.9 MMBF to 3.3 MMBF per mill (table N13). In 2007, the State’s six largest sawmills produced an average of 6.4 MMBF, accounting for 97 percent of lumber production in New Mexico. The remaining 6 mills had an average annual lumber production of less than 204 MBF 42 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table N11: Finished product sales of New Mexico’s primary wood products,selected years (sources: McLain 1989; Miller Freeman, Inc. 1998; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). Product 1986 Lumber and sawn products 2002 2007 $114,881 $53,122 $38,941 $12,616 4,453 12,555 5,225 3,149 Vigas and latillas Other products 1997 ----Thousand 2007 dollars---- 5,566 5,744 8,804 10,102 $124,900 $71,421 $52,970 $25,867 a Totalb a Other products include posts, poles, log homes, log furniture, and bark products. b All sales are reported f.o.b. the manufacturer’s plant. Table N12: New Mexico sawmills by production size class, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; McLain 1989; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). Year Under 10 MMBFa Over 10 MMBFa Total -------------------Number of sawmills---------------- 2007 12 c 12 2002 18 3 21 1997 18 4 22 1986 17 9 26 1966 58 6 64 1962 85 c 85 1960 117 c 117 ---Percentage of lumber output--- Volume (MBFb) 2007 c c 2002 12 88 39,823 81,515 1997 10 90 108,675 1986 12 88 232,000 1966 38 62 262,848 1962 c c 242,500 1960 c c 224,400 Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF denotes million board feet lumber tally. a b MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. In 1960, 1962 and 2007 all mills were included in <10 MMBF to avoid disclosing individual operations. c per mill (table N14). The continued declines in New Mexico’s sawmill sector were a direct result of decreasing timber harvests in the State; however, the implementation of restoration and hazardous fuel reduction treatments in the State could spur a recovery of the sawmill sector (Fiedler and others 2002). On average, New Mexico sawmills produced approximately 1.28 board feet of lumber for every board foot Scribner of timber processed in 2007. Overrun averaged 26 percent in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). The slight overrun increase from 2002 to 2007 was likely due to the increased proportion of lumber production by larger mills, which typically are more efficient and use smaller logs, and saw a larger proportion of dimension and stud wood. In 2007, lumber produced by New Mexico’s sawmills consisted of: 63 percent dimension and studs, 35 percent timbers, and 2 percent board and shop lumber and cants. Dimension lumber accounted for $6.3 million (50 percent) of sawmill product sales in 2007, timbers were about USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 43 Table N13: Number of New Mexico sawmills and average lumber production, selected years (sources: McLain 1989; Setzer and Wilson 1970; Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). Number of sawmills Year Average production per mill MMBFa 2007 12 3.3 2002 21 3.9 1997 22 4.9 1986 25 9.2 1966 64 4.1 1962 85 2.9 1960 117 1.9 a MMBF = million board feet lumber tally. Table N14: New Mexico lumber production by mill size, 2007. Number of mills Size classa Percentage of total Volume Average per mill MBFb Over 1 MMBF 6 Under 1 MMBF Total MBFb 38,600 97 6,433 6 1,223 3 204 12 39,823 100 3,319 a Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF denotes million board feet lumber tally. b MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. $5.9 million (48 percent), and board and shop lumber and cants accounted for $285 thousand (2 percent). Viga and Latilla Sector New Mexico’s viga and latilla sector continued to contract between 2002 and 2007. Three fewer viga and latilla manufacturers were identified in 2007 than in 2002, and sales dropped by more than $2 million (40 percent). In 2007, the five firms remaining in the sector processed 2,412 MBF Scribner of timber versus 3,393 MBF processed in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006). At just over 828 thousand lineal feet of vigas and latillas produced in 2007, production dropped substantially from 2002 when more than 1 million lineal feet were produced. The continued contraction of the sector in 2007 emphasized the reversal of the previous decade’s sector growth noted by Keegan and others (2001b). However, because of the part-time nature of many viga and latilla operations, the sector may again show increased production and sales in the future if demand for traditional styles of construction should increase and if sufficient timber were available. Other Products Sector The same mills generally produced other primary wood products in 2007 as in 2002; no new facilities opened during this 5-year period. Product sales by 44 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 manufacturers of posts, poles, log homes, fire wood, bark and mulch, and wood shavings producers exceeded $10 million in 2007; this was an increase of almost 14 percent over the period. Inflation-adjusted sales from the sector were about $8.8 million in 2002. Additional detail about the sector is withheld to protect the confidentiality of firm level information. Capacity and Utilization New Mexico’s annual lumber production capacity was 67,425 MBF in 2007. Sawmills produced 39,823 MBF of lumber and utilized about 59 percent of their production capacity. Across all industry sectors, total timber-processing capacity was 61,941 MBF Scribner. Accounting for changes in log inventories, a total of 36,803 MBF Scribner was processed by New Mexico firms in 2007, with total timber-processing capacity utilization about 59 percent. Sawtimber-processing capacity was 170,000 MBF Scribner in 1997, with 48 percent utilized (Keegan and others 2001b). In 2002, sawtimber-processing capacity fell to 88,162 MBF Scribner, with 65,116 MBF Scribner (74 percent) utilized (Morgan and others 2006). Decreased capacity and capacity utilization in the sawmill sector resulted from the permanent closure of large sawmills, which were operating well below capacity in 2002. Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses In 1997, Arizona’s lone paper mill and the particleboard plant in New Mexico were the largest consumers of mill residues generated in New Mexico. As previously indicated, the paper mill shifted to using recycled material and the particleboard plant closed, thus affecting residue utilization and other aspects of timberprocessing in New Mexico and Arizona. Sawmills, New Mexico’s leading timber processors, were the main residue producers in the State. Sawmills had to develop new markets for their residues, utilize more of the residues in-house, or consider cutting production to avoid generating more residue than could be disposed of affordably. The lack of outlets for mill residues also negatively impacted the ability of sawmills to process small-diameter timber (Fiedler and others 2002), which typically creates more residue per unit of lumber produced. During 2007, New Mexico mills produced 42,896 BDUs (approximately 5,820 MCF) of mill residue with 91.4 percent being utilized (table N15). Both residue production and the proportion utilized decreased from 2002, when New Mexico sawmills generated 9,120 MCF, utilizing 95.7 percent (Morgan and others 2006). New Mexico’s drop in residue utilization between 2002 and 2007 signaled a reversal of the long-term trend of increased residue utilization noted by Keegan and others (2001b) and was largely attributable to closure of the particleboard plant and changes at the Arizona paper mill. The decrease in total residue volume generated was due to two factors: a substantially smaller volume of timber being processed and sawmills creating fewer residues per unit of lumber produced. In 1997, sawmills produced about 1.22 BDUs per MBF of lumber; by 2007 that residue factor had dropped to 1.03 BDUs per MBF of lumber (table N16). Coarse residue (chips) was the State’s largest residue component at 54.5 percent (23,367 BDU) of all residues in 2007, with 100 percent utilized. Energy facilities used about 22,369 BDUs of the coarse material, with the remaining utilized volume going to unspecified uses (table N15). Fine residues—sawdust and planer shavings—comprised the second largest component at 23.4 percent (10,032 BDU) USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 45 Table N15: Production and disposition of New Mexico mill residues, 2007. Total utilized Residue type Pulp and board Mulch/ bedding Energy Unspecified use Total produced Unused ----------------------------Bone-dry unitsa-------------------------------- Coarse 23,359 - 8 23,367 6,562 - - 6,562 - 3,470 10,032 Sawdust 3,862 - - 3,862 - 3,470 7,332 Planer shavings 2,700 - - 2,700 - - 2,700 Bark 9,294 - 291 9,003 Total 39,215 - 22,660 15,565 Fine 22,369 - 990 203 9,497 3,681 42,896 ----------------------------Percentage of residue type-------------------------------- Coarse 100.0 - 95.7 65.4 - - 65.4 52.7 - - 52.7 100.0 - - Bark 97.9 - Total 91.4 - Fine Sawdust Planer shavings a 990 Bone-dry unit = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood. - 0.0 54.5 - 34.6 23.4 - 47.3 17.1 100.0 - - 3.1 94.8 - 2.1 22.1 52.8 36.3 2.3 8.6 100.0 4.2 6.3 Table N16: New Mexico sawmill residue factors, 1997, 2002 and 2007 (source: Keegan and others 2001b; Morgan and others 2006). Type of residue 1997 2002 2007 ------BDU/MBF lumber tallya-------- Coarse 0.52 0.56 0.58 Sawdust 0.29 0.20 0.17 Planer shavings 0.18 0.15 0.06 Bark 0.23 0.21 0.22 Total 1.22 1.12 1.03 Bone-dry unit (BDU = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood) of residue generated for every 1,000 board feet of lumber manufactured. a of mill residues. Only 65.4 percent of fine residue was utilized in 2007, primarily as mulch and animal bedding. Bark accounted for 22.1 percent of all residues and was largely used for mulch, with 9,294 BDUs (98.0 percent) utilized in 2007. Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales Sales from New Mexico’s primary wood products industry in 2007 totaled slightly over $26 million, including finished products and mill residues (table N17). Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products accounted for 48 percent ($12.6 million) of total sales; other products and mill residues accounted for 40 percent ($10.3 million); while vigas and latillas accounted for 12 percent ($3.1 million). New Mexico was the leading market area for vigas, latillas, and other products, accounting for 86.8 percent of viga and latilla sales and 40.7 percent of other products sales. The other Four Corners States (Arizona, Colorado, and Utah) as well as New Mexico accounted for 46 percent of lumber sales, and other areas (outside the United States) mostly Mexico accounted for more than 35 percent. 46 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table N17: Destination and sales value of New Mexico’s primary wood products and mill residues, 2007. New Mexico Product Lumber, mine timbers and other sawn products Vigas and latillas Other products g Total Other 4-Corner States Other Rocky Mtn Statesa Far Westb North -eastc Southd North Centrale Otherf Total ------------------------------------------Thousand 2007 dollars------------------------------------------------$4,035 $1,804 2,733 316 $1,080 $1,080 - $161 - - - - 100 - 4,207 3,136 1,210 1,288 - 415 81 $10,975 $5,256 $2,290 $2,368 - $676 $81 $4,456 $12,616 - 3,149 $4,456 10,337 $26,102 ---------------------------------Percentage of product sales by region----------------------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers and other sawn products 32.0 14.3 8.6 8.6 - 1.3 - 35.3 48.3 Vigas and latillas 86.8 10.0 - - - 3.2 - - 12.1 Other products 40.7 30.3 11.7 12.5 - 4.0 0.8 - 39.6 42.0 20.1 8.8 9.1 - 2.6 0.3 17.1 100.0 g Total a Other Rocky Mountains includes Idaho, Montana, Nevada. b Far West includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. Northeast includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. c South includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. d e North Central includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Other areas consist of products being shipped outside the United States. f g Other products include posts, poles,log homes, log furniture, bark products, firewood, and mill residues. Utah This chapter focuses on Utah’s timber harvest and forest products industry during 2007. Details of timber harvest, flow, and use are followed by descriptions of the primary processing sectors, capacity and utilization statistics, and mill residue characteristics. The chapter concludes with information on primary wood products industry sales by Utah mills. Comparisons to previous years are provided where possible. Limited historical information is available about timber harvesting and mill production and residues in Utah. The last comprehensive study of the State’s industrial roundwood production and mill residues was conducted in 2002 (Morgan and others 2006), and data for previous years include 1966 (Setzer and Wilson 1970), 1969 (Setzer 1971d), 1970 (Green and Setzer 1974), 1974 (Setzer and Throssell 1977b), and 1992 (Keegan and others 1995). Timber Harvest, Flow, and Use In 2008, Utah had approximately 4.1 million acres of nonreserved timberland (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009) with National Forests accounting for 73 percent, private and tribal owners accounting for 18 percent, and other public agencies accounting for the remaining 9 percent (table U1). All private timberland was classified as NIPF timberland. Utah had no large tracts of timberland owned by entities operating primary wood processing facilities. Sawtimber volume on nonreserved timberlands was estimated at 4.8 billion cubic feet or approximately USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 47 Table U1: Utah nonreserved timberland by ownership class (source: Forest Inventory and Analysis program, 2008). Thousand acres Percentage of nonreserved timberland 2,982 73 Private and tribal 727 18 Other public 387 9 4,096 100 Ownership class National Forest Total Table U2: Utah timber products harvested by ownership class, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs House logs Other productsa All products --------------Thousand board feet, Scribner------------------- National Forests 8,666 5,660 1,164 15,490 Private and tribal timberland 8,679 1,690 1,301 11,669 Other public 330 b All owners 17,675 7,350 2,832 3,162 5,296 30,321 ----Percentage of harvested product by ownership--- National Forests 49.0 77.0 22.0 51.1 Private and tribal timberland 49.1 23.0 24.6 38.5 1.9 - 53.5 10.4 58.3 24.2 17.5 Other publicb All owners a Other products include industrial fuelwood, furniture logs, fiber logs, posts, and poles. b Other ownership class includes BLM and State. 100 24.8 billion board feet Scribner in 2008 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FIDO 2009). Timber Harvest Utah’s 2007 commercial timber harvest was 30.3 MMBF Scribner (table U2), 27 percent less than the 2002 harvest of approximately 41 MMBF Scribner (Morgan and others 2006), and 51 percent less than the 1974 harvest of 62 MMBF (Setzer and Throssell 1977b). The decrease in Utah’s total annual timber harvest since 1992 was largely due to the decline in National Forest timber harvest. In 1966 and 1970, National Forests accounted for 94 and 88 percent, respectively, of harvested volume (Setzer and Wilson 1970; Green and Setzer 1974). In 1992, National Forest timber accounted for almost 50.0 MMBF (77 percent) of the annual harvest (Keegan and others 1995); in 2007 the agency provided only 15.5 MMBF (51 percent). As in most of the Western States, decreasing Federal timber harvests have led to greater shares of annual timber harvest coming from other ownership sources. National Forests still provide the majority of the State’s harvest, but the volume and proportionate share supplied by private and tribal owners continues to increase. During 2007, private and tribal landowners accounted for 38.5 percent (11.7 MMBF) of Utah’s timber harvest, about the same percent as in 2002. National Forests provided the majority (77 percent) of house logs harvested in 2007, but among sawlogs and other products (e.g., furniture logs, fiber logs, posts, poles, and industrial fuelwood) private timberlands and National Forests were evenly split—each providing slightly less than 50 percent (table U2). Sawlogs accounted 48 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Table U3: Utah timber harvest by county, selected years (sources: Setzer and Throssell 1977b; Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). County 1974 1992 2002 2007 1974 --------MBF Scribner--------- 1992 2002 2007 ---------Percentage--------- Beaver 155 2,952 633 468 0.2 4.6 1.5 1.5 Cache 1,389 175 1,180 1,150 2.2 0.3 2.9 3.8 Carbon 260 100 1,670 1,564 0.4 0.2 4.0 5.2 Daggett 3,193 2,850 375 - 5.1 4.4 0.9 - - - 135 - - - 0.3 - 2,539 1,767 3,469 1,793 4.1 2.7 8.4 5.9 45 284 0.4 - 0.1 0.9 8.4 10.4 Davis Duchesne Emery 250 - Garfield 8,502 7,047 3,446 3,141 13.6 10.9 Grand 5,000 - 20 1,925 8.0 - a 6.3 Iron - 1,435 773 1,554 - 2.2 1.9 5.1 Juab - - - - - 0.0 - Kane 6,480 13.4 0.2 Millard 30 Morgan 11 Piute 440 Rich 2,159 1 4,117 5,520 - 60 342 - 25 250 150 620 3,288 500 - 3,000 - 10.4 6.4 a - 0.8 - a a 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.0 8.0 1.6 3.5 - 7.3 - Salt Lake - - 65 59 - 0.2 0.2 San Juan 5,000 4,503 1,444 1,865 8.0 7.0 3.5 6.2 Sanpete 520 3,750 2,468 3,800 0.8 5.8 6.0 12.5 Sevier 715 3,663 1,703 1,483 1.1 5.7 4.1 4.9 Summit 5,589 10,000 4,107 2,700 8.9 15.5 10.0 8.9 Uintah 14,652 16,624 2,715 1,398 23.5 25.7 6.6 4.6 323 793 - 0.8 2.6 3,750 4,300 2.6 4.5 9.1 14.2 375 1,334 - - 0.9 4.4 Utah Wasatch 20 - 1,606 2,908 - - Washington - a Wayne 3,905 2,110 110 - 6.3 3.3 0.3 - Weber 50 20 60 - 0.1 a 0.1 - Total a 62,465 Less than 0.05 percent. 64,666 41,268 30,321 100 100 100 100 for about 58 percent (17.6 MMBF) of the total volume harvested in 2007, house logs were 24 percent, and other products accounted for about 18 percent. In 2007, Wasatch County led Utah’s timber harvest, with 14 percent (4.3 MMBF Scribner) of total volume; Sanpete and Garfield Counties followed with 13 and 10 percent, respectively (table U3). In 2002, Kane and Summit Counties led the harvest with 5.5 MMBF (13 percent) and 4.1 MMBF (10 percent) of the harvest, respectively (Morgan and others 2006). Spruces, including Engelmann and blue spruce, were the leading species harvested in Utah, accounting for 42 percent (12.6 MMBF) of the harvest in 2007 (table U4). Aspen and cottonwood accounted for 29 percent, lodgepole pine for 13 percent, Douglas-fir accounted for 11 percent while ponderosa pine only accounted for 3 percent of harvest. In 2002, spruce was the leading species harvested, accounting for 44 percent, while lodgepole accounted for 23 percent (Morgan and others 2006). During the 1960s and 1970s, ponderosa pine was the leading species harvested, accounting for 30 to 50 percent of the harvest; while lodgepole pine USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 49 Table U4: Proportion of Utah timber harvest by species, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; Setzer 1971d; Setzer and Throssell 1977b; Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). Species 1966 1969 Engelmann spruce 1992 2002 2007 19 13 22 35 44 42 c c 4 5 10 29 18 18 27 46 23 13 3 11 8 4 8 11 50 43 33 5 13 3 4 7 3 5 2 2 6 8 3 c c c 100 100 100 100 100 Aspen and cottonwood Lodgepole pine Douglas-fir Ponderosa pine True firsa Other species 1974 ---------------Percentage of harvest---------------- b All species 100 a True firs include white, subalpine, and corkbark fir. b Other species include juniper and hardwoods. Less than 0.5 percent. c Table U5: Utah timber harvest by species and product, 2007. Species Sawlogs House logs Other productsc All products ---------------Thousand board feet, Scribner------------- Engelmann spruce 6,517 5,635 455 12,607 Aspen and cottonwood 5,122 6 3,601 8,730 Lodgepole pine 1,430 1,372 1,187 3,989 Douglas-fir 2,953 276 31 3,260 Ponderosa pine 1,016 55 10 1,080 631 6 11 648 5 0 1 6 17,675 7,350 5,297 30,321 True firs a Other speciesb All species ------------Percentage of product by species------------- Engelmann spruce 36.9 76.7 8.6 41.6 Aspen and cottonwood 29.0 0.1 68.0 28.8 Lodgepole pine Douglas-fir 8.1 18.7 22.4 13.2 16.7 3.8 0.6 10.8 5.7 0.7 0.2 3.6 0.2 2.1 Ponderosa pine True firs 3.6 a Other speciesb d All species 58.3 0.1 - d 24.2 d 17.5 100 a True firs include white, subalpine, and corkbark fir. b Other species include juniper and hardwoods. Other products include industrial fuelwood, furniture logs, fiber logs, posts, and poles. c d Less than 0.1 percent and spruces each accounted for 15 to 25 percent (Setzer and Wilson 1970; Setzer 1971d; Green and Setzer 1974; Setzer and Throssell 1977b). Spruces were the leading species harvested for sawlogs and houselogs in 2007, accounting for 6.5 and 5.6 MMBF (37 and 77 percent), respectively (table U5). Aspen and cottonwood accounted for slightly more than 3.6 MMBF (68 percent) of the volume harvested for other products. Lodgepole pine was the leading component of house logs (19 percent) and of other products (22 percent). 50 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Timber Flow The majority (83 percent) of Utah’s 2007 timber harvest was processed in-State; however, Utah was a net exporter of almost 2.9 MMBF of timber. About 5.2 MMBF were exported for processing in Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Arizona; while 2.3 MMBF were imported for processing in Utah from Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and as far away as Oregon and Canada (table U6). Timber processors in Utah received 27,470 MBF of timber in 2007, including 2,336 MBF that was harvested outside the State. Private and tribal timberlands provided 11,587 MBF (42 percent) of the timber delivered to Utah mills in 2007 (table U7). National Forests provided 56 percent (15,502 MBF) of timber receipts, with more than half (14) of Utah’s timber processors receiving timber cut from National Forests. In 2002, Utah mills received 18 percent more timber. National Forests supplied 67 percent (21,898 MBF) of the timber in 2002, and private and tribal owners supplied 28 percent (9,241 MBF). During 2007, National Forests provided Utah timber processors with 68 percent of house logs, 54 percent of sawlogs, and 52 percent of other timber products including fiber logs, furniture logs, and posts, and poles (table U8). NIPF and tribal landowners provided 45 percent of sawlogs, 32 percent of houselogs, and 46 percent of other timber products. State lands provided less than 1 percent of the timber received by mills in Utah. Timber Use Utah’s 2007 timber harvest—approximately 7,082 MCF, exclusive of bark (fig. U1)—was used by several manufacturing sectors both within and outside of Utah. Of this volume, 3,459 MCF went as logs to sawmills, 1,842 MCF went to log home manufacturers, and 1,781 MCF went to other plants, including post, pole, Table U6: Utah timber products imports and exports, 2007. Timber product Imports Exports Net imports (net exports) ---Thousand board feet, Scribner--- Sawlogs House logs Other products a All products 1,433 200 1,233 432 1,275 (843) 471 3,712 (3,241) 2,336 5,187 (2,851) Other products include industrial fuelwood, furniture logs, fiber logs, posts, and poles. a Table U7: Ownership of timber products received by Utah mills, 1992, 2002 and 2007 (sources: Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). Ownership class 1992 MBF Scribner 2002 Percentage of total MBF Scribner 2007 Percentage of total MBF Scribner Percentage of total Private and tribal timberland 11,341 19.3 9,241 28.4 11,587 42.2 Public timberland 46,927 79.9 23,245 71.5 15,732 57.3 National Forest 46,595 79.3 21,898 67.3 15,502 56.4 332 0.6 1,346 4.1 230 0.8 State lands Other owners All owners a a 485 58,753 0.8 100 Other owners include the BLM, Canada, and (for 1992) unknown owners. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 33 32,518 0.1 152 100 0.6 27,470 100 51 Table U8: Timber received by Utah forest products industry by ownership class and product, 2007. Ownership class Sawlogs House logs Other productsb All products ---------------Thousand board feet, Scribner------------- Private and tribal timberland 8,579 2,062 946 11,587 Public timberland 10,229 4,444 1,058 15,731 National forest 9,999 4,444 1,058 15,501 State lands Other owners 230 100 a All owners 18,908 - - 6,506 230 52 152 2,056 27,470 ------------Percentage of product by owner------------- Private and tribal timberland 45.4 31.7 46.0 42.2 Public timberland 54.1 68.3 51.5 57.3 National forest 52.9 68.3 51.5 56.4 1.2 - - 0.5 - 2.5 68.8 23.7 7.5 State lands Other owners a All owners a Other owners include the BLM and Canada. b Other products include furniture logs, fiber logs, posts, and poles. 0.8 0.6 100 log furniture, and excelsior manufacturers. The following conversion factors were used to convert Scribner board foot volume to cubic feet: • 4.81 board feet per cubic foot for house logs; • 5.15 board feet per cubic foot for sawlogs; • 2.05 board foot per cubic foot for all other products. Of the 3,459 MCF of timber received by sawmills, 1,640 MCF (47 percent) was milled into finished lumber or other sawn products, and about 69 MCF was lost to shrinkage. The remaining 1,750 MCF (51 percent) yielded mill residue. About 1,715 MCF of sawmill residue was utilized, and about 35 MCF (2 percent) remained unused. Of the 1,842 MCF of timber received by log home manufacturers, about 1,106 MCF (60 percent) was processed into house logs, while the remaining 736 MCF became mill residue. About 684 MCF of house log residue was utilized, and about 52 MCF remained unused. Of the 1,781 MCF of timber received by other manufacturers, about 1,773 MCF was utilized as solid wood products such as posts, poles and log furniture. About 7 MCF of residues from these other sectors were utilized, and 1 MCF went unused. Forest Industry Sectors Utah’s primary forest products industry in 2007 consisted of 27 active manufacturers in 13 counties (table U9). Facilities tended to be located near the forest resource along the mountainous central spine of the State (fig. U2). Changes in Utah’s industry structure over the past 25 years were similar to those experienced throughout the West, with the number of sawmills decreasing and the number and diversity of other manufacturers increasing (Keegan and others 1995, 2001 a,b; Morgan and others 2004 a,b; Morgan and others 2006). The sawmill sector (manufacturing lumber and other sawn products) was the largest, and included 12 mills in 2007; 10 facilities produced house logs and log homes and there were five log 52 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Utah Timber Harvest and Flow, 2007 Total Harvest 7,082 MCF Other plantsa 1,781 MCF House log and log home manufacturers 1,842 MCF Sawmills 3,459 MCF Utilized residue 1,715 MCF Unutilized residue 52 MCF Utilized residue 2,406 MCF Unutilized residue 1 MCF Utilized residue 7 MCF Unutilized residue 88 MCF Shrinkage 69 MCF Finished house logs and log homes 1,106 MCF a Other products 1,773 MCF Finished lumber and other sawn products 1,640 MCF Other plantsU1: include furniture, and excelsior manufacturers. Figure Utah log timber harvest and flow, 2007. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 53 Table U9: Active Utah primary wood products facilities by county and product, 2007 (sources: Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). County Lumber Log homes and house logs Log furniture and other productsa Total Beaver 1 1 2 Cache 2 1 3 Duchesne 2 Garfield 1 1 Iron 1 1 Morgan 1 Salt Lake 1 Sanpete 1 3 1 2 1 Summit 1 3 Uintah 3 5 5 Utah 1 Wasatch 1 2 Weber 1 2007 Total 12 2002 Total 23 1992 Total 34 a 3 2 1 10 5 27 14 12 49 13 4 51 Other products include posts, poles, and bark products. furniture producers operating in 2007. Morgan and others (2006) identified 49 primary wood-processing plants in 2002, including 23 sawmills, 14 house log plants, 10 log furniture producers, one post and pole firm, and a decorative bark producer. In 1966 there were 50 active sawmills in the State (Setzer and Wilson 1970). The number of producers, and primary wood products sales decreased between 2002 and 2007. Finished product sales ($27,332,000—adjusted for inflation) in 2007 were about 30 percent lower than 2002 sales, (table U10). This overall decrease was coupled with a substantial decline in lumber and log home sales while a slight increase was noted in other product sales. Lumber sales were down $6.5 million, and log home manufacturers sales decreased around $6 million; however the sales of other products increased by about $875 thousand over the 2002 totals. In 2007, lumber sales accounted for less than 30 percent of finished product sales, versus 40 percent in 2002 and 73 percent in 1992; house logs and log homes accounted for about the same in 2002 and 2007 (55 percent) of sales. Other product sales nearly doubled to 15 percent in 2007 compared to 8 percent of total sales in 2002. Table U10: Finished product sales of Utah’s primary wood products sectors, 1992, 2002 and 2007 (sources: Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). Sector 1992 Sawmills Log homes Other sectorsa Total b 2002 2007 ---Thousands of 2007 dollars--- b $27,389 $14,628 $8,114 9,208 21,007 15,053 982 3,290 4,165 $37,579 $38,925 $27,332 Other sectors include producers of posts, poles, and log furniture. Mill residues, firewood, mulch, and bark products not included for comparison to previous years. a b 54 All sales are reported f.o.b. the manufacturer’s plant. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Figure U2: Map of Utah facilities. Sawmill Sector Utah’s sawmill sector has been in decline for several decades. Lumber production in 2007 was 14 percent lower than in 2002, 64 percent lower than in 1992 and 68 percent lower than in 1966, while the number of mills declined 48, 32, and 54 percent over the same periods (table U11). Most of the production loss was among the State’s larger mills that produced more than 1 MMBF of lumber annually, while the greatest loss of milling facilities was among the small mills. The proportion of lumber production by large versus small mills has increased with larger mills contributing 94 percent of the production, but the average annual lumber production per mill has returned to the 1992 level (table U12). Average annual lumber production among the State’s five largest mills was about 4.3 MMBF lumber tally in 2007 (table U13), compared to 3.8 MMBF among six mills in 2002.The remaining 7 small mills had an average lumber production of 182 MBF USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 55 Table U11: Utah sawmills by production size class, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). Year Under 1 MMBFa Over 1 MMBFa Total -----------------Number of sawmills------------------ 2007 7 5 12 2002 17 6 23 1992 25 9 34 1966 37 13 50 ---Percentage of lumber output--- Volume (MBFb) 2007 6 94 22,892 2002 13 87 26,524 1992 13 87 63,637 1966 10 90 72,000 a Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF = million board feet lumber tally. b MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. Table U12: Number of Utah sawmills and average lumber production, selected years (sources: Setzer and Wilson 1970; Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). Year Number of sawmills Average production per mill MMBFa 2007 12 1.9 2002 23 1.2 1992 34 1.9 1966 50 1.4 a MMBF = million board feet lumber tally. Table U13: Utah lumber production by mill size, 2007. Number of mills Size classa Over 1 MMBF Under 1 MMBF Total Percentage of total Volume Average per mill MBF MBFb b 5 21,621 94 4,324 7 1,271 6 182 12 22,892 100 1,908 Size class is based on reported lumber production. MMBF denotes million board feet lumber tally. a b MBF = thousand board feet lumber tally. in 2007, compared to the 2002 average production of 204 MBF at 17 small mills (Morgan and others 2006). On average, Utah sawmills produced approximately 1.20 board feet of lumber for every board foot Scribner of timber processed. This average overrun of 20 percent in 2007 contrasts sharply with the 2002 overrun of 28 percent (Morgan and others 2006). The decrease in overrun over the past 5 years indicates a possible shift in products manufactured, smaller and lower quality logs utilized, or that few sawmills in Utah have invested in improved milling technology. 56 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Sales from sawmills accounted for just 30 percent ($8.1 million) of Utah timber processors’ finished products sales in 2007. This proportion of sales from sawmills was the smallest of the Four Corners States. Sales from sawmills accounted for more than 56 percent of sales in Arizona, 49 percent of sales in New Mexico and more than 45 percent in Colorado during 2007. Board and shop lumber accounted for almost $4.5 million (55 percent) of sawmill product sales in 2007; dimension lumber and studs accounted for almost $2.4 million (30 percent), timbers and cants accounted for $1.2 million (14 percent); and other sawn products accounted for the balance (<1 percent) of finished product sales from sawmills. Log Home Sector Sales value from Utah’s log home sector decreased over the past 5 years. This sector lost facilities during the period with 10 house log manufacturers identified in 2007—four less than in 2002. Only firms that processed timber and manufactured house logs or log homes, not log home distributors, were included in the 1992, 2002, and 2007 censuses. In 2007, Utah’s 10 log home manufacturers processed 7.3 MMBF of timber, produced about 6.2 MMLF of house logs, and generated about $15 million in product sales. By sales value, Utah’s log home sector is the fourth largest in the Western United States behind Montana, Idaho, and Colorado. Other Products Sectors A significant decrease occurred in the number of facilities among Utah’s other products sectors, with less than half as many facilities operating in 2007 than in 2002; however, sales of the other products sector was greatly increased from 2002. There were five other product facilities in 2007 that produced log furniture and post and poles. Sales of posts, poles, and log furniture totaled almost $4.2 million in 2007. Additional detail about the sector is withheld to protect the confidentiality of firm level information. Capacity and Utilization Utah’s annual sawmill lumber production capacity was 46.5 MMBF in 2007. Sawmills produced 22.9 MMBF of lumber and utilized 49 percent of their lumber production capacity. This was the lowest level of sawmill production capacity utilization for all the Four Corners States in 2007. Timber-processing capacity among Utah sawmills was 39,172 MBF Scribner, with 18,945 MBF Scribner of timber processed, making utilization of timber-processing capacity among sawmills about 48 percent in 2007. Such low levels of capacity utilization often signal the closure of mills and this was no exception for Utah, which saw the closure and out-ofState relocation of its second largest sawmill during 2003. Across all industry sectors, total timber-processing capacity was 60,062 MBF Scribner. Accounting for changes in mills’ log inventories, a total of 26,371 MBF Scribner was processed by Utah firms in 2007, making timber-processing capacity utilization about 44 percent across all sectors. Mill Residue Volumes, Types, and Uses Across all sectors, Utah timber processors produced 27,645 BDU (approximately 2,654 MCF) of mill residue, with 87 percent being utilized (table U14). Total residue production declined slightly from 3,288 MCF in 2002, and the proportion utilized decreased slightly from 89 percent (Morgan and others 2006). Utah’s USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 57 Table U14: Production and disposition of Utah mill residues, 2007. Total utilized Residue type Pulp and board Mulch/ bedding Energy Unspecified use Total produced Unused ----------------------------Bone-dry unitsa-------------------------------- Coarse 10,534 - 2,050 - 8,484 2,412 12,946 Fine 9,281 - 4 6,833 2,444 223 9,504 Sawdust 5,306 - 4 3,280 2,022 148 5,454 Planer shavings 3,975 - 3,553 422 75 4,050 Bark 4,281 - 4 3,726 551 914 5,195 Total 24,096 - 2,058 10,559 11,479 3,549 27,645 - ----------------------------Percentage of residue type-------------------------------- Coarse 81.4 - 15.8 Fine - 65.5 18.6 46.8 97.7 - 0.0 71.9 25.7 2.3 34.4 Sawdust 97.3 - 0.1 60.1 37.1 2.7 19.7 Planer shavings 98.1 - - 87.7 10.4 1.9 14.7 Bark 82.4 - 0.1 71.7 10.6 17.6 18.8 Total 87.2 - a Bone-dry unit = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood. 7.4 38.2 41.5 12.8 100 decreased residue production resulted from decreased timber volumes processed, while residue utilization remained constant and was attributable to the evolution of better uses for residue-related products, especially bark and coarse residues. Sawmills, the leading timber processors, were also the main residue producers in Utah, producing 1.0 BDU of residue per MBF of lumber in 2007 (table U15). Coarse residue was the State’s largest residue component at 46.8 percent (12,946 BDU) of all residues in 2007, with 81.4 percent utilized. In-State facilities used 8,484 BDU of the coarse material for unspecified uses, with the remaining utilized volume going to energy. Fine residues—sawdust and planer shavings—comprised the second largest component at 34.4 percent (9,504 BDU) of mill residues. More than 97 percent of fine residue was utilized in 2007, primarily as mulch or animal bedding, with about one-fourth of fine residues going to unspecified uses. Bark accounted for 19 percent of all residues and was largely used for mulch or unspecified uses, with 4,281 BDU (82 percent) utilized. Table U15: Utah sawmill residue factors, 1992, 2002 and 2007 (source: Keegan and others 1995; Morgan and others 2006). Type of residue 1992 2002 2007 ------BDU/MBF lumber tallya-------- Coarse 0.56 0.48 0.44 Sawdust 0.19 0.19 0.21 Planer shavings 0.06 0.10 0.15 Bark 0.28 0.21 0.20 Total 1.09 0.98 1.00 Bone-dry unit (BDU = 2,400 lb oven-dry wood) of residue generated for every 1,000 board feet of lumber manufactured. a 58 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Primary Forest Products Markets and Sales Sales from Utah’s primary wood products industry during 2007 totaled nearly $28.6 million, including finished products and mill residues (table U16). House logs and log homes accounted for 56 percent (more than $16 million) of total sales; lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products accounted for about 33 percent (almost $9.6 million); while other products and mill residues accounted for 10 percent (nearly $3 million). Utah was the leading market area for lumber, log homes, posts, poles, and log furniture, with in-State sales accounting for almost 35 percent of total sales. The other Four Corners States (Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico) accounted for about 32 percent of total sales, with log homes accounting for 74 percent of sales in the region. The South accounted for 13 percent of total sales, with log homes accounting for 82 percent of sales to the South. Following Utah, the North Central area was a major market area for lumber and other sawn products. Table U16: Destination and sales value of Utah’s primary wood products and mill residues, 2007. Product Utah Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products House logs and log homes Other products g Total Other 4-Corner States Other Rocky Mtn Statesa Far Westb Northeastc Southd North Centrale $3,803 $2,166 $76 4,469 6,732 1,000 200 $111 $445 $2,959 - $9,560 600 3,032 - 40 16,073 1,614 191 51 51 338 230 486 $9,886 $9,089 $1,127 $251 $1,049 $3,707 $3,445 $40 2,961 $28,594 ---------------------------------Percentage of regional sales by product----------------------------------------38.5 23.8 6.7 10.6 12.0 85.9 House logs and log homes 45.2 74.1 88.7 79.7 57.2 81.8 - Other products 16.3 2.1 4.5 20.3 32.2 6.2 34.6 31.8 3.9 0.9 3.7 13.0 Total Total ------------------------------------------Thousand 2007 dollars------------------------------------------------- Lumber, mine timbers, and other sawn products g Otherf - - 33.4 100.0 56.2 14.1 - 10.4 12.0 0.1 100 a Other Rocky Mountains includes Idaho, Montana, Nevada. b Far West includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. Northeast includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. c South includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. d North Central includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. e Other areas consist of products being shipped outside the United States. f g Other products include posts, poles, log furniture, mill residues, firewood, mulch, and bark products. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 59 References Fiedler, C.E., C.E. Keegan, S.H. Robertson, T.A. Morgan, C.W. Woodall, and J. Chmelik. 2002. A strategic assessment of fire hazard in New Mexico. Report submitted to National Joint Fire Sciences Program, Boise, ID. 27 p. Green, A.W. and T.S. 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Ogden, UT: U.S.Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 31 p. O’Brien, R.A. 2003. New Mexico’s forests, 2000. Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-3. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 117 p. Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages [QCEW]. 2004. U.S.Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Quarterly census of employment and wages. www.bls.gov/ cew/home.htm. (October 2004). 60 USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 Random Lengths. 2008. Big book 2008: the buyers and sellers directory of the forest products industry. Eugene, OR: Random Lengths Publications, Inc. 1024 p. Regional Economic Information System [REIS]. 2004. U.S.Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Regional accounts data. www.bea.gov/bea/regioanl/ data.htm. (October 2004). Setzer, T.S. 1971a. Estimates of timber products output and plant residues, Arizona, 1969. Res. Note INT-130. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p. Setzer, T.S. 1971b. Estimates of timber products output and plant residues, Colorado, 1969. Res. Note INT-131.Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p. Setzer, T.S. 1971c. Estimates of timber products output and plant residues, New Mexico, 1969. Res. Note INT-134. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p. Setzer, T.S. 1971d. Estimates of timber products output and plant residues, Utah and Nevada, 1969. Res. Note INT-135. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p. Setzer, T.S. and M.K. Barrett. 1977. New Mexico timber production and mill residues, 1974. Res. Note INT-231.Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p. Setzer, T.S. and D.G. Shupe. 1977. Colorado timber production and mill residues, 1974. Res. Note INT-232.Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p. Setzer, T.S. and T.S.Throssell. 1977a. Arizona timber production and mill residues, 1974. Res. Note INT-230.Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p. Setzer, T.S. and T.S.Throssell. 1977b. Utah timber production and mill residues, 1974. Res. Note INT-234. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 5 p. Setzer, T.S. and A.K. Wilson. 1970. Timber products in the Rocky Mountain States, 1966. Resour. Bull. INT-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 93 p. Silver v. Thomas 924 F.Supp. 976 (D. Ariz. 1995). Spencer, J.S. and T.O. Farrenkopf. 1964. Timber products output in Colorado, Wyoming, and western South Dakota, 1962. Res. Pap. INT-14. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 18 p. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 2009. Forest Inventory Data Online (FIDO) [Database]. FIDO version 1.3 1r1. Washington, DC. http://fiatools.fs.fed.us/ fido/index.html. (10 April 2010). Western Wood Products Association [WWPA]. 1965-2008. Statistical yearbook of the Western lumber industry. Portland, OR: Western Wood Products Association. Wilson, A.K. and J.S. Spencer, Jr. 1967.Timber resources and industries in the Rocky Mountain States. Resour. Bull. INT-7. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 67 p. USDA Forest Service Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-13. 2012 61 The Rocky Mountain Research Station develops scientific information and technology to improve management, protection, and use of the forests and rangelands. Research is designed to meet the needs of the National Forest managers, Federal and State agencies, public and private organizations, academic institutions, industry, and individuals. Studies accelerate solutions to problems involving ecosystems, range, forests, water, recreation, fire, resource inventory, land reclamation, community sustainability, forest engineering technology, multiple use economics, wildlife and fish habitat, and forest insects and diseases. Studies are conducted cooperatively, and applications may be found worldwide. Station Headquarters Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 W Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 498-1100 Research Locations Flagstaff, Arizona Fort Collins, Colorado Boise, Idaho Moscow, Idaho Bozeman, Montana Missoula, Montana Reno, Nevada Albuquerque, New Mexico Rapid City, South Dakota Logan, Utah Ogden, Utah Provo, Utah The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex (including gender identity and expression), marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, genetic information, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to: USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410. Or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. www.fs.fed.us/rmrs Federal Recycling Program Printed on Recycled Paper