Students enter QR with competence in solving problems that incorporate operations, dimensional analysis, and conversions between fractions, decimals, and percentages. They are able to interpret displays of univariate data, graph and interpret linear models, solve linear equations, and read and apply formulas. They can determine when approximations are appropriate and when exact calculations are necessary. They take charge of their own learning and participate in the classroom community. This is illustrated in part by completing Preview Assignments that provide opportunities for the student to refresh on the prerequisite assumptions (if any) of upcoming lessons. Students will interact with mathematics, build a learning community, and complete a written ~ 1.5 weeks analysis. 3.5 hours plus syllabus Mathematics: Ranking/rating strategies, graphical displays Mini-project: Written analysis of graphical displays. Focus on complex numerical summaries and ~ 2 weeks probabilities. Create and use data displays. 5 hours + optional Project: Create a graphical display, write a 1 page summary to make an argument. Focus on proportional reasoning, transition to linear ~ 2 weeks modeling and choosing a model; correlation vs. 4 hours + optional causation. (See the Modeling Outcomes) Transition to correlation/causation and interpolation/ extrapolation; focus on logistic and periodic ~ 2 weeks modeling. (See Modeling Outcomes) 5 hours + optional Project: Create a mathematical model to answer an open-ended question. Write 1 page summary of strengths and limitations. Focus on analysis of statistical studies to develop ~ 2 weeks understanding of types of studies, data collection 4 hours + optional methods. Transition drawing conclusions; revisit correlation vs. causation. ~ 2 weeks Project: Use information from multiple sources to 5 hours + optional draw conclusions or make a decision; incorporate graphical display, and a written synthesis/analysis. Confidence intervals, normal distributions; standard ~ 2 weeks deviation. 4 hours + optional Context themes: Personal finance, Civic Responsibility, Health Literacy Whenever possible throughout the Quantitative Reasoning course, authors will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate number sense, apply proportional reasoning, use conversion of units, interact with data, move between representations, choose between exact or approximate solutions, identify biases and misuses, and utilize appropriate technology. Readiness Assumptions Quantitative Reasoning Outline Activities are provided as 25-minute learning episodes. The course includes: 54 learning episodes + 7 project episodes + 24 optional episodes = 27 hours for activities + 3.5 hours on projects + 12 hours optional 11212013