Commission on the Status of Minorities Meeting Minutes: September 18, 2012

Commission on the Status of Minorities
Meeting Minutes: September 18, 2012
Call to order
James Jackson called to order the regular meeting of the 2011-12 Commission on the Status of
Minorities at 11:04 am on September 18, 2012 in the third floor Psychology conference room in
Old Main.
The following persons were present:
James D. Jackson – African American Professional Organization
R. Todd Rober – College of Visual and Performing Arts
Maggie McLaughlin (for Patricia Richter) – Office of Social Equity
Thomas Robinson – African American Professional Organization
Darlene Schoenly – College of Education
Joo Tan – College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Qin Geng – College of Business
The following persons were absent:
Rhonda Branford – Division of Multicultural Services
Veronica Lepore – Graduate Student Representative
Louis Rodriquez – Latino Caucus
I. Previous of Minutes
Minutes from the spring meetings of February 21, 2012, March 5, 2012, and April 17, 2012 were
distributed for new members and for reference of current members. These minutes were approved in
April 2012 by email vote after not being approved in spring meeting because approval of minutes had
been tabled due to lack of a quorum when the meetings were called to order.
II. Welcome
The chair of the committee, James Jackson welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the new semester.
Qin Geng will be the new representative from the College of Business, replacing Rajeev Kumar. He
indicated that we would schedule a longer study session meeting as in past semesters to set major goals
for the year. The nominations and selection of the Distinguished Service Award will be postponed until
Spring 2013. The Jackson Katz presentation was a success, and we were able to get our name out to the
broader campus community.
III. Draft of Letter
The letter that we are drafting for the Admin Council was not sent because of some developments this
summer. An anonymous personal letter was sent to multiple people across campus and beyond that
addresses many of the issues the committee has discussed, especially concerning the number of
administrators of color who have left Kutztown in the last few years. The letter singles out the Provost
as being in charge during this period of time when these personnel left, and so ultimately responsible for
this situation.
What should the CSM recommend on this matter?
The African American Professional Organization (AAPO) will lead on the response to this matter. Q.
Geng: Do we know how many non-minority administrators have been let go during this same period?
What is the percentage of minority to non-minority dismissals? T. Robinson indicated that as of last
spring, the administration is not allowing Social Equity to provide numbers and percentages of minority
faculty, students, staff, and administrators. D. Schoenly indicated the list in the personal letter is
compelling, and that we need more information to follow up.
It was the consensus of the committee to send our own letter as we drafted in the spring, with the
addition of a sentence to address the personal letter as well. We need to become part of the conversation
with the Admin Council.
J. Jackson motions, T. Rober seconds to adjourn meeting at 11:44 am.
Minutes submitted by: R. Todd Rober
Approved: February 19, 2013