Bachelor of Science in Education: Middle Level Education – Mathematics (0272) (Suggested Eight-Semester Sequence) Freshman Year: First Semester ENGL 101 MATH 107 PSYC 101 SEDU 183 College Writing Skills Pre Calculus General Psychology Technology for Teaching and Learning Free Elective Freshman Common Hour 3 credits 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits Total Second Semester ENGL 102 MATH 211 SEDU 271 HIST 101 OR HIST102 OR GEOG 101 SCIENCE Writing and Research Analytical Geometry and Calculus II Multiculturalism in American Schools World Civilizations I 3 credits 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits World Civilizations II World Geography Core 7 Natural Science (any) Total Sophomore Year: First Semester SPED 210 MATH212 MATH 275 Artistic Expression SCIENCE Introduction to Exceptionalities and Special Education Analytical Geometry and Calculus II Linear Algebra I Core 1 (any) Distribution 3(must have the same prefix as science course next semester) Junior Year: First Semester HIST 261 OR HIST 262 OR GEOG 260 MATH300 MATH403 MLED 350 MLED 360 Second Semester MATH 404 MLED 306 HIST 380 SCIENCE Senior Year: First Semester SPED 370 MLED 381 MLED 466 MLED 467 MLED 475 Second Semester MLED 491 MLED 495 3 credits 16 credits 3 credits 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits Total Second Semester MATH 250 MATH270 ENGL ETHICS SCIENCE 16 credits Informal Geometry Discrete Mathematics 300 Level or Above (Fulfills Distribution 1) Core 6 (any) Distribution 3 (Must have the same prefix as science course previous semester) 3 credits 16 credits 3credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits Total 3 credits 15 credits Total 3 credits 3 credits 3credits 3 credits 3 credits 15 credits History of U.S. I History of U. S. II Geography of U. S. and Canada Applied Statistical Methods Mathematics for the Secondary School Teacher Characteristics of Middle Level Learners Developmentally Appropriate Features and Practices Computation and Calculations in the Secondary Curriculum 3 credits Literacy and the Young Adolescent 4 credits Pennsylvania History 3 credits Science Lab 4 credits Total 14 credits Adaptations and Accommodations in Inclusive Classrooms The Assessment for Learning of the Young Adolescent Integrated Language Arts and Social Studies for the Middle Level Learner Integrated Math and Science for the Middle Level Learner Middle Level Field Total 3 credits 3 credits Middle Level Classroom Community Student Teaching 3 credits 12 credits 15 credits Total (Revised: September 2008; Approved: March 2009) (Effective: Summer 2009; Printed June 2012) 3 credits 3 credits 3credits 15 credits