~ .. .- ~.;i, " SADANAND APARTMENTS, 2nd FLOOR, ...• 977/A-3, GOKHALENAGAR ROAD, ,~ ,OPP. HOMI BHABHADISPENSARY. SHIVAJINAGAR,PUNE411 016. (f) 25659121 TELeFAX:25658429 E-mail: arkadv@Vanl.com QS2{P/l. ~ ADVOCATE Date: SUPPLEMENTARY SEARCH AND TITLE 19/04/2007 REPORT At the instance of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd., a company duly registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having i~s registered office at30,Yashoda, Kala N~gar, Bandra (East),M~mbai 400 051 through its Director Mr. ShrikalltP.Paratijape, 3:nd in furtherance to the Search and Title1Repor~s issued by Mrl'D. A. Deshpande Advocate,il have investigilted into the title of re~pective owners of the lands, situated at Village lBhugaon, Taluka Mulshi, iDistrict Pune,within the limits of Zilla Parishad Pune, Panchayat Samiti i Taluka Mulshi and in the Registration Sub-Di$trict Taluka Mulshi,Dis~: Pune which l'lllds are more particularly descrlbed in the Para 1below. fIence I submit herewith'my }$upplementary Report of Search and 'fitle as follows:- rr, { .. j'/' 1. Description of thePr()perty A) Description of La •..• ~,sof which D~v~lopmentRights camet~rough Pancharatna iTow~sbip;Pvt. Ltd~! favour of MatrixDev~lopers Pvt. Ltd: . ! . '. ip , '. ] - i All those pieces and parcels oftotal'~ 1\lands totally adm. 6 H~ctares 91 Ares, situated atVillage Bhugaoq, Taluka: Mulshi, Distric~: Pune, within the limits of Zilla Parishad :Pune, Pan,.chayat Samiti ITal.uka Mulshi and in the Registration Sub~District Taluka Mulshi ,tPaud), District Pune(consist'ing of pieces ofl~nds bearing Survey Nos.; Areas, Assessments and boundaries as follo\fs: \ . , .r- . I " Sr. No. I Name of the Present Ownerls ISurvey No. 1 Hissa No. I Ar~s Rs. I. 2. Ismt. Shubhada alias SubhardaSista IChavan -_._G. & i I 113/1/1-~ Mrs. I 113/1/3 N. I 0 40 i Assessed at Area! Ps. I 0 42 I 42 0 Boundaries ! -, East South IWest orth lEast South : Survey 1;'lo.113(part) :Survey 1(0.113 (part) : Survey No. 112 : Survey No'. 1.44 : Survey No. 130 : Survey No.113(part) we,,& ~U'VeYNO!.llil'''''l 1 .. ~ r----;---'].--.----.------- . ;-'-". .~ 'r / V; ':'1 "';1 '" '" ; ~J :] Sr. Survey No. I Hissa No. Name of the Present Ownerls NQ. Assessed Area . Ares IRs. 3. 4. 5. Chavan Smt.Sudha Vijay Bhinde, MS.Nimisha, ,Ms. Amisha and Ms. Khyati Vijay Bhinde Smt.Sudha Vijay IBhinde, Ms.Nimisha, IMs. Amisha and. Ms. Khyati Viiav Bhinde IDevi G. Menon o 113/1/4 o 40 . 102/3/1 o 11 113/1/6 o 40 10 6. arendra .•..K.Sheth 106/2B/3 o . 40 10 7. IDevendra J. Sheth 106/2B/4 o 40 o 8. IJatin K. Sheth 106/2C/2 o 40 o 1I06/2C/3 1° 40 I 106/2C/4 10 40 ~IRenuka B. Sheth 10. IShirin Y. Sheth Boundaries at Ps. 42 50 LJ! I 10' 1 'l:' I II I 106/28/2 11. IMeena D. Shah I 0 40 101 :!.i I : IMr. Vinayak 12' Atmaram Lad . ,And Mrs. Kshama Vinayak Lad ---_._~- 13. IK.G.Menon 14. ~itendra Sharma Reva Sharma and " .--' I0 40 106/4 o 40 102/5 o 07 106/3 I oj 54 2 ~, ,(. \\, ~.,:, "1 E! '" , Continuation Sheet Q9{PA.~. ADVOCATE ,~ [:1 fi ;1 Sr. No. !-~ ~ ' I Present Name of the Owner/s ISurvey No. /Hissa No. I Assessed at Area . Ares Rs. I Boundaries Ps. ;: 15 I.itendra Shanna . Reva Sharma and 16. Iritendra Sharma and Reva Sharma I 100/1/1 I 0 02 102/1/3 I 0 05 17. IKamal Pasricha 101/2 o 4Q 18. IKuldeep Kaur 19/1 o 15, 19. IKulde.ep Kaur 10112 o 40i 20. 21/1 o 5 113/112 o 40 •.. . 21. IKirti Kelkar IKu1d.eepsingh MunJral 10 50 -/-(hereinafter referred to as 'SAID I-A LANDS') I' ,r.-, . , B) Lands owned by S..R.iKglJ<.arnia~dl:I4 others, who have gqmted Development rights in Javour ofM~trix'nevelopers Pvt. Ltd .. All those pieces and parcels of tot~l 30 lands totally adm~ 12 Hectares 08.5 Ares, situated at Villa~geBhugaon, Taluka: Mulshi, District: .Pune, within the .limits of !z!illa Pahshad Pune, Panchayat Samiti Taluka MuTshi and in the Registration Sub-District Taluka Mulshi (Paud), Dist: Pune consistingtof pieces; of lands owned b~ the Owner/s, bearing$urvey Nos., Areas Assessments and boundaries as follows: M' " 3 '-- .•......... _.__ .( ...._, ------- _- -._---"_._- ----------._- -._ .. ------ ~---.;-.-~-.d.; L. "',:'"," ---- Sr. No. Survey NO.1 Hissa No. 1. 85/1-B 2. I 3. H 0 Ares 19.4 Assessment Rs. 00 1 43 85/1-A 0 80.6 1 18 91 0 70 0 44 102/4 0 88 0 94 103/1 0 21 0 21 0 0 24 35 0 0 , 08 66 4. •.. 5. 6. , • - 7. ...._-- 8. 92/1 92/2 ----- . 93/1 93/2 . j' 9. 103/2 0 41 0 37 ;' . ..,.. ~ Boundaries Ps. ',1 85/1-B , Area 10. 94 0 42 0 75 11. 95 0 11 0 22 12. 96/2 0 11 0 28 13. , 96/1 o \. 17 0 44 East : Survey No. 85/1-B ' South : SurveyNo. 86 (part) West : Survey No. 85 (part) North : Survey No. 85/1-B' East : Survey No. 85 (part) South : Survey No. 86 (part) West : Survey No. 85 (part) : Survey No. 84 (part) North East : Survey No. 106 (part) & 112 South : Survey No. 86 (part) West : Survey No. 85 (part) : 'Survey No. 144 " lNorth East : Survey No. 102 (part) South : S'urvey No. 92 and 93 West : S,urvey No. 90 and 92 lNorth : S,urveyNo.90 v lEast : S~rvey No. 103 (part) South : S,urvey No. 102 (part) West : S~rvey No. 91 & 93 lNorth : 'Survey No. 90 and 106 (part) , East : Survey No. 103 (part) South : S,tirvey No. 103 (part) West: Survey No. 102 (part) lNorth : Survey No. 103(part) East: ~urvey No. 91 and 93 South : S:urvey No. 93 and 94 West : S:urvey No. 90 and 94 North : S.urvey No. 90 and 91 . East" : S~rvey No. 102(part) ,.-South: Suqvey No. 95 and 102(part) West :StJrveyNo. 92 and 94 North :'S~rvey NO.9land 92 East : $urvey No. 103 (part) South :~urvey NO.1 02 (part) West:'Surv'ey No' 102 (part) North '. : Survey No. 103 (part) : ;Survey No. 92,9] , East South : Survey No. 90 and 95 : Survey No. 90,; West : 'Survey No. 90, 92 North lEast , : ~urvey No. 102(part) South :Survey NO.99, 102(part)' West : Survey No, '90, 99 lNorth : Survey No; .90, 94 East : Survey No. 99 South : Survey No. 90 and 99 West : Survey No. 97 . North . : Survey No. 90 ~. i [I I I; ;:, ~ --_.,. I ~. 4 ., :i l __ ---"--'_ .•. :~ ._,---]._-_ ... _--_ .. _- ---------------------------,--.---- I~i QS2f.P7t. ~. Continuation Sheet ADVOCATE Sr. No. Survey No~/ Hissa No. Area Assessment H Ares 14. 99/3 Rs. 0 34 0 21 o~ 37 0 98 0 18 0 18. 99/2 0 41 1 19. 103/3 0 42 0 20. 101/1 0 53.5 21. 102/3/2 (part) 0 08 102/3/2 (part) 0 08 101/1 0 32.5 0 " 15. 97 . 16. 99/1 F""'~ r , ,1 7 17. 22. "" 0 Boundaries Ps. East, 72 : Survey No. 102 (part) & 101 (part) \ South :Survey No. 99 & 10 I(part) West : Survey No. 90 (part) & 96 North : Survey No. 90 and 95 East : Survey No. 99 "South : Survey No. 97 (part), 98 and 99 West : Survey No. 90 North : Survey No. 90 and 96 53 lEast Survey No. 100 (part) & Survey No. 10 I(Part) So~th : Survey No. 99 (part), 100(part) West : Survey No. 96 (part), Survey NO.97 (part) & Survey No. 99 (part) North: Survey No.96(part)& Survey No. 99 (Part) . 31 East : Survey No. 97 (part)and 99(part) South : Survey No. 99 (part) and 36 (part) West: Survey No. 36 (part) & 97 (part) North ,: Survey No. 97 06 j::ast : Survey No. 99 (part) & 100 ", ~outh: Survey No. 36 (part) West : Survey No. 36 (part), 98 'I, North : Survey No. 96, 97(part), 98 & , 99(part) 40 i ~ast : Survey No. 106 (part) & 104 (part) '. South : Survey No. 103 (part) West :' Survey No. 103 (part) i lINorth: Survey No. I03 (part) & 106 ~ast : Survey No. 10 I(part) ~outh : Survey No. 100 (part) West : Survey No. 99 North: Survey No. 102 (part) East : Survey No. 102(part) ~outh :Slirvey No. 10l(part) West : Survey No. 93,95 and 99 *orth : Survey No. 93 and 102 (part) I 43 23. 101/1 ,0 32.5 0 43 , East ~outh : Survey No. 101 (part) : Survey NO.1 00 (part) & 101 (part) West : Survey No. 100 (part) & 101 , (part) . '" North : Survey No. 102 (part) . ; F)ast : Survey No. 101 (part) . S'outh : SurveyNo. 101 (part) West : Survey No. 101 (part) North: Survey No. 102 (part) , . " 5 ~, " "'-, '- ."'., ------ - -._-----~-_. __ ._---~-~ -------.---, ------- --- .~-,-.- '.~ , ,..~ .1 ~:~ :'! Sr. No. i; Survey No. / Hissa No. Area Assessment H Ares 24. 103/3 0 40 0 35 25. 100/1/2 0 42' 0 88 26. 102/1/2 0 27 0 29 27. 102/3/1 0 13 0 45 0 9:1 Rs. Ps. I I ---. .. :-' 28. :j 16/1 , I 29. , 19/1 0 40 0 87 30. 100/1/1 0 40 0 82 (hereinafter referred to as 'SAID Boundaries East : Survey No. 104 (part) South. : Survey No. 102 (part) West : Survey No. 103 (part) North : Survey No. 103 (part) East : Survey No. 100 (part) South ::Survey No. 36 (part) West : Survey No. 100 (part) . North : Survey No. 101 (Part) East : Survey No. I 03 (part) South : Survey No. 102(part) West : $urvey No. 102(part) North : ~urvey No. 103(part) East : ~urvey No. 102(part) South : ~urvey No. 10 I (part) West : Survey No. 102(part) North : Survey No. 102(part) East ::Survey No. 16 (part) South : S'urvey No. 15 West : S'urvey No. 25 North :! Survey No. 17 East: S}lrveyNo.18&19(part) South: Survey No. 17 West : S~rvey No. 101 (part) North; S~rvey No. 101 (part) East : lSurvey No. J 00 (part) South : i Survey No. 36 (part) West : ! Survey No. 99 North : ~urvey No. 99(part) and 10 I i (part) l-B LAN~S') i 1 i The lands more particularly described in Cla~se I-A and I-B above ar,e independently referred to as the "said l-AI;ands" and the "said I-B lands" respectively and said I-A lands and thelsaid I-Blands collectively referred to as the "said lands" wherever conte*t, so requires. . 2. Search of Index II Registers an~ Revenu~ Records: Myself along with my colleague Advocates :Mr~.M~dhuri N. Naik anQ Mrs. Mrudgandha S. Joshi, carried out the. search inrespect of the said lands in the Index II:registers for the perioo of 1978 to 2007 (i.e. for the period of last 30 years) in the offices of Sub Registrar, Mulshi (Paud), Sub-Registrar, Wadgaon Maval ,and District Registration 6 ~, ." •• -•••.•••c ~-::..-..-"-'-_._. ~-_.-.--~-_._-- .. - ._-. -_.-~---, _._-._------- ,-ContinJuation Sheet Q9{PA.~. ADVOCATE Office, Pune, after. depositing necessary search fees for the same vide Recei pt dated 31/01/2007. The copy of the said receipt is.also annexed herewith as Annexure 'B'. During search, we did not come across any entry repugnant to the right, title and interest of the ptesent owners to their respective lands out of the said lands as well as to the development rights of ~aid Pancharatna Township Pvt. Lt<;l.as the Developer of the said lands. Howev~r, this Report is to be rea~subject to any missing entry due to conditi~n and non-availability of records in the offices of Sub Registrar,: Mulshi (Paud), Sub-Registrar, Wadgaon Maval and District Registrat~on Office, Pune. 3. List of documents perus~d a) V12 extracts of the said lands fOljthe period at last 30 year~. b) Relevant Mutation entries in respectofthesaid lands for the period of last 30 years. ' , c) Village map of Bhugaon. d) Zone certificate in respect of the 1 said landsissued by the ~ssistant Director of Town :planning, ~urlewith'Teference to the *egional Plan ofPune District. , I ' e) Original or the.certified copies' df title deeds in respect o~ the said lands excepting the title deeds, }vhich could not be trace,d out or made available for my perusal. 1 f) The registered Development Agreements and Power of ~ttorneys executed by the respective ownets of the said I-A lands ih favour ofPancharatnaTownl'h,.ip Pvt. Lt~l.. ! g) Certificate of Incorpor(jltion of Pa):1charatna Township Pvt. Ltd. h) Memorandum of Association .~nd Artic1esof Associ(;ltion of Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd. l ,., I i) Deed of simple Mortgage exec,.U~~d. by M.r .. S..R,. KUlkarnf., and 13 \ others and Pancharatna TownShjlp Pvt. Ltd. III favour of Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd. Tilak Roa<;l,IPune (Regn. No. 5963/2006 Sub Registrar Mulshi dated 05/09/20?6) in respect of t~e plot lnos. 40, \ 41,46,47,51,52,55,35, 28andJ4 as per the sanctIOned layout of I the said lands. cr: i j) Our PubliC' Notice in 'Sakal' dated 08/02/2007 in respeqt of the said lands. I " '. ~, 7 " '--- .~- -r I 1',( " •.• -' •• ~. '._._. _ ••••••• - •• _. • -- "'~'.-~'-'._'.~-"_._ •• ~-_ .• _- - - •• _._. _~ __ ._ •• _ • •••.• _._ ••• H,_ •.•• ~. " .•.•• ".~_._.'"., •• _." •.••.• __ • _ ,J, .~ k) Objection dated 12/02/2007 by Mr. Sanjay Natu, Advocate on behalf of Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., received in response to the aforesaid Public Notices. 1) Release deed dated 03/03/2007 executed by Janata SahakariBank Ltd., in favour of S. R.Kulkarni and 13 others and Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd: (Regn. No. 1533/20pTSubRegistrar:Mulshi) m) Composite preliminary order dated 16/2/2006 bearing reference No. PMAINA/ SRl131/2005 issued by the Collector~ Revenue Branch, Pune as per the provisions of Maharashtra Gunthewari (Regularization Upgradation and Contrql) 'Act 2001. n) The composite layout sanctioned by the Collector, Revenue Branch, Pune, as per the aforesaid; preliminary Order' dated 16/2/2006. w 0) Composite final order dated 28/6/20P6 bearing reference Np. PMAINAI SRI 131/2005 issued by the Collector, Revenue Branch, Pune as per the provisions of !MaharashtraGunthew~ri (Regularization Upgradation and Contrq1) Act 2001., , p) Demarcation Certificate issued by 1faluka Inspector: of Land Records reference No. Gunthewari yery Urgent Measuremept Register No. 62/2006 on 29/4/2006' ,i ',! q) Revised Layout sanctioned by Collect<pr, Revenue Branch, Pun~, dated 9/1 0/2006 vide~OrderNo. PMA/NAiSR /164/2006: r) Search and Title Reports issued b~ Mr. D.A:Deshpand:e, Advocate for the 'said lands, as per th~ list annexed :herewith~s 'Annexure A'.' I' ' s) Original Development' Agreement dat~d 10/04/2007 executed by Pancharatna Township PvC Ltd. in fa~our of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. bearing Registration No. 255W2007 in the office of SubRegistrar, Mulshi (Paud) alongwith orlginalRegistration Receipt and Index II thereof. I' ! t) Original Power of Attorney dated i 10/04/2007 executed by Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd. in fayour of'MatrixDevelopers . Pvt. Ltd. bearing Registration No. 255Q/2007ih the office of SubRegistrar, Mulshi'(Paud) " ~ u) Original Development Agreement dated 10/04/2007 executed by S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others in favour lof MattixDevelopersPvt. Ltd. bearing ,Registration No. 2560/2007 in the office of SubI '. . 1 ~. 8 ~ ~, Continuation Sheet Q9{PA.~. ADVOCATE Registrar, Mulshi (Paud) alongwith original Registration Receipt and Index II thereof. v) Original Power of Attorney dated 10/04/2007 executed by S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others in favour of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. bearing Registration No. 2561/2007 in the office of SubRegistrar, Mulshi (Paud) 4. History of title (-:(',!' Mr. D. A. Deshpande, Advocate has issued separate Search and Title Reports for each land, out or the said l~nds. All the reports are issued by him in the year 2006-2007. He ha~ stated history of title of each land out of the said lands in:his respe~tive Search and Title Report. I have perused the revehue f:ecord aJ,1~the available title deeds and documents or certified copies thereof in respect of each land out of the said lands and I have checked the hist,bry of title of each land out of the said lands. Hence, I rely on the s~me and in this SupplemJntary Report, I am not reproducing or r~peating the history of title of each land. However, I am taking note of all the docunientsand transactions, which took place for transfer of title'o~each land out 0'[ the sai~ I-A lands from previous owners>to the pr~sent owners and for grant of development rights from present mlvn.ers of said I-A lands to Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd. and fr~m Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd. to Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd.,a~ stated below. I am also taking note of all thedocumeIltsand trans4ctions, which took plac:e for transfer of title of each land ,out of th~ said l.,B .lands frompre'vious owners to the pre'sent owners and for gr~ntofdevelopmentrights:from , " ", ' ,:!, , present owners of said I-B lands to l\1atrix Developers Pvt. Ltd., as stated below. As I am relying on the S~arch and Title Reports of Mr. D.A. Deshpande, Advocate for the histpry of title, this report be read as supplementary to the Search and Ti~le Reports issued by Mr.D.A. Deshpande, Advocate. . I r , A) Note of Transactions and documents in respect of said I-A la~ds. Details of Sale ~eeds exec,..ted by th~ respec~ive previous Owners of the lands out of the said I-A la~ds in favour of the present owners are as follows: I .. 9 '------'--- -- ~~-_.",---. a, I Area Survey No. land H 113/1/1 I Previous owner of urchased Are 10. 40. / V 11311/3 2... 0. 40. ./ \.. 0. 40. Vi' V 10.2/3/1 10. III ~y 113/1/6 5 0.-" 40. 0. 40. v I IQ6/2B/3 G v/ .V- i. I IQ6/2B/4, 0. 40. 8 I 0. 40. 9 I 0. 40. \ 0 I IQ6/2C/4 v lQ6/2C/~ v V/ v IQ6/2C/3 \,i v 0. 40.",/ 0 40. IQ6/3 0. 4QV 10.6/4 0. 40. /..--. '-' 1\ 1106/28/2 v' \ 2 '3 I 11 '5 " v 102/5 10. 10.7 v 10.0./1/1 I 0. I 0.2 1O?/1l3 ) -f: ., .•.•. llS \9 I 0. I 19/1 101/2 2... [) 21/1 2-1 113/1/2 v 40. 10. '...... 1..--'., I 0.5 10.1/2 v \1 Vinaya~ Vishnu Shaligram Vinayak Padmakar Ingawal~ Bhivaji ",' Vinayak v 113/1/4 3 Vishnu ShaH am Vishnu ShaligraJ1l I 15 0. 40. 0. 51 I 0. 14~. v/ Date of Sale Name of Deed and purchaser registration No. 19/10/1994 •.... Shubhada Sis!fl v 2813/94 It"'" 6/12/1990. Narayan and Printed 1824/90. ..Bhagyalaxmi, , v" Chouhan v' I 6/12/1990. v Sudha, Printed 1827/90. Nimisha, V" Khyati Bhinde (legal heirs of Hardevi and Vijay Bhinde) (, ..,.",.~~...,c: ~ ~. 0''''', Re'cord not Sudha . V. I p,,<: "j t Bhinde . available as on date Devi O. v 0.6/12/1990. ~ Printed 1825/90.' Menon :.,42/11/1990. ~ Narendra K. vr,.... Sheth Printed 1729/90. Deven Sheth ~2/11/199Q prlnted 1728/90. Jatin Sheth ~2/11/199Q .~ vi Printed 1726/90. ,72/1l/ 1990. V Renuka Printed 1724/9({ Sheth ¥2/11/1990'iV Shirin Y. Sheth I V Printed 1725/9Q L. f. MeenaD. Shah v " ~,,,,J 1;'" ,,,).,, •• ~.," ~2/11/199Q~ Printed 1727/90.' i i"".r;;. ,- ,. i2/1l/199QV . Vinayak and \.-(' I Pr'nted 1722/9(( kshamaLad , ;2/11/199Q~ K. O. Menon I..\$' ,->' . ')" '\~ PrInted .1723/90 . . i.'.• •"'lift,WI 2. ~.;''''f':''b:;':~''':'~"\i~"\r \',f!.•':" .'.'.'.i.,~.' Jitendra and ... ~5/6/1992' . Reva Sharma 12448/92 J ~(~ \'. j\ , t,' . 10/6/1992 Jitendra and t,f'Reva Sharma :4448/1992. \ \. .~ j 5/6/1992 J7' Jitendra and ,:1;'"-",1' ;vY2623/92 v." Reva Sharma I i' I . ~Q/9/1993 ,v Kamal v 2528/1993 y. Pasricha 011/0.3/1993. Kuldeep Kaur 50.7/1993 .•.• / v' Vishnu Vinayak Shaligram and others .Ankush Sitaram Ohare and others \/ Arikush 'Sitaram Ohare and others Ramdas Sitaram Ghare and others .../ Ramdas Sitaram Ohare and others v.. RaDldas Sitaram Ghare and others Ankush 'Sitaram Ghareand others \/ Kisan Sitar~m Ghare anclanother ! Kisan Sitimlm Ohare and another! Tukaram Bhivaji Ingawale and others. Tukaram ; Bhivaji Ingawale and others Tukaram Bhivaji Ingawale and'others Kirtimal Vasant Saraf Vishnu Oomaji .•.... Shewale Kirtimala Vasant I BQ/9/1990'v" Saraf 12528/199<) "r' ;21/5/1990.1/ Sulochana Mhokar I .'and' Sadhana Ganorev'i :Printed 743 6/12/1990. v. Vishnu Vinayak ; Shaligram Printed 1822/90. > vr Bvr' J .1 ." ~,.,,~ .,' .•..) ..f' •. , Kuldeep Kaur Kirti Kelkar Yatin Kelkar Kuldeepsingh Munjral \ / 7 I 10 "'1; l ct~ , ~ .•!,,i''' \At A-i'.(~.#,. c\ . '1\'" ~,c>J 'P~.-,1'~'(\~5,\,".•. I"' w ;; ,', 11 <r.',i' b r;>/~ ,2"- o' b. Continuation Sheet cd.P/l.~. ADVOCATE The names of the present owners of the respective lands out of the said I-A lands have been duly entered upon the revenue record i.e. 7/12 record on the basis of the respective Sale Deeds executed by the previous owners in favour of the present owners. Details of Development Agreements and Power of Attorneys executed by the respective pr~sent owners of the lands out of the said 1-A lands in favour ofParlcharatna Township Pvt~ Ltd. are as follows: Sr. No. Name of the present owner •.. Survey No. / Hissa .No. and (Gunthewa ri Plot No.) Area iH Date of execution of Dev. Agr &POA R ! 1. Smt. alias Sista Shubhada Subharda Mr.Narayan Chavan & 8hagyalaxmi Chavan :0 40 j Regn No. of PO A vr ls",,,,, / •. C.;;'l .\' \,.../ 1...,.--' 22/5/06 4904/06 143/06 5/10/06 7989/06 7990/06 ~90 ;5/0(, r ~( ] (Plot No.1) . 2. 113/1/1 Regn No. of Dev. Agr. G. Mrs. N. 113/1/3 (Plot No.4) Smt.Sudha Vijay 8hinde , Ms. Nimisha 8hinde and Ms. Khyati Vijay 8hinde 113/1/4 (Plot No.5) I: :0 40 V .. ,. l.r- F L..--~' 1\' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1040 1'" i ! ! 102/3/1 v. iO 11 (Plot No.39) ,i i Devi G. Menon'" . "f'113/1/6 10 40 . :... : (Plot No.7):. ! I' Narendra K.Sheth ,10 40 . 106/28/3 .' (Plot No.l1) Devendra J. Sheth 106/28/4 :0 40 (Plot No.15) ~ Jatin K. Sheth 10 40 106/2C/2. \.-0'/ I '-(Plot No.16) I Renuka B. Sheth 106/2C/3 .. 10 40 I. (Plot No.17) " Shii'in Y. Sheth 106/2C/4 v:0 40 (Plot No.18)Meena D. Shah 106/28/2 .,/ o 40 I...,.-(Plot No.19) Mr. Yinayak A. ' L 106/3 I Lad . ,and Mrs .. (Plot No.20) P 40 Ksharrta V. Lad 11 .•...',/ ".. 27/11/06 7987/06 7988/06 27/11/06 .... : .. 17/1/06 ". v""" 17/1/06 v'" 7992/06 .. \,p""""- . 2782L06 2783/06 2432/06 242)106 ~- V"" .•.../ 17/1/06 .•. v'/ 27~ 17!)!-O6 2560/06 .' 2561/06 ..,..-- .. 17/1/06 2566/06 2567/06 i 17/1/06 \..-0"- '-' 11/1/06 2781/06 V'~- '. V \.. \,..0"" i / 7991/06 .' V" ~! V' L-/ ..",.,. 2564/06 c- 2565/06 V' ..-. 2434/06 a, t..--'..... 2435/06 r4'" Y' ".\ ",,.,.,.t ..~.-.o1-~ ;..~'."' t. ~;i v- L_ .... L 1'\11';' . :.~ Sr. No. Name of the present owner Survey No. /HissaNo. and (Gunthewa ri Plot No. ) Area 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. K.G.Menon/ 106/4 ,'" (Plot No.22) 102/5 (Plot No.61) 100/111 (Plot No.56) 102/1/3 (Plot No.30) 101/2 (Plot No.57) Jitendra Sharma and Reva Sharma Kamal Pasricha Kulde~ o Kirti D. Kelkar and Yateen D. Kelkar Kuldeepsingh . MunJral . 40 o 07 o 02 I7A1106 o 05 o 40 243y6 24~6 '" V" V . 7993/06 7994/06 1741/06 2562/06 2563/06 V- 27111/06 , o (Plot No.50) 101/2 (PlotNo.58) 2111 J (Plot No.59) 113/1/2 (PlolNo.2) Regn No. of PO A , 'J 1911 Kaur Regn No. of Dev. Agr. R H 12. Date of execution of Dev; Agr , &POA o , ,: 15 40 V o 51 o 40 " ",",,",," , iv-' """"" 171;l/06 1711(06 ""':, 2430/06 2436/06 0" 27/j 1/06 17~,Sj 6/2~2007 V 873/07 ,-,' J ... •..... ,-"",' "- 2431/06 2437/06 v: I ~ ,.. J.t- 874/07 ! v -1./"' J. 5'3 , .../ 1<,""", "'! -. ~ "! P ~ ,!'" ,..• ,. E•• ',>~ I ,I ,'., It is seen from the aforesaid Development AgreeIjnentsthat the said .pancharat~a Township ,Pvt. Ltd. haspaidthe.entire amount ;6f agreed consideration to t~e present owners of the lands out of the said I-A lan~ls. : , i, ' I' B) Note of Transactions and documents in ~~spect ofsaidl~B.lands.i I ! , ; ,,! "i Details of Sale deeds ex.~clited by, the _~espectiv.e~. OWIU~r,soft~e lands out of the said 1-B la~dsin fayo¥#foftbe',i?dividu~ls6rt~e group of persons ofS.R. Kulkarni andl~ others'ire as follows: ; i (\ Survey No. / Hissa No. (Plot No. as per Gunthewari Act) v' I '7 85/I-B , (Plot No.8) 85/1-B (Plot No.9) v 1 '-. ,1 I L\ I "2.- 85/I-A v" (Plot NO.10) \/91 (Plot No. 23) 2.4, -$.1'113 Area of land urchased H Are 0 19.4 ,/ 00 \./ 0 0 80.6 j 70 'V (13"".5) Previous owner/s lPurchased i by 1 Present Owner/s, ~,R.Kulkam.l,' and 14 others; S.R.Kulkarhi ~nd 14 oth~rs: J Mrs. Bindu Mehra ,v. " Mr. Anand Ramchandra v' Madiwale Mrs. Bindu Mehrav~ Mr. Ashok Mehra 'll ~,"f¥o\ (,~t ~>,) Kumar .•..•.. , , V S.R.Kulkami ",.nd 14 othfirs S.R.Kulkarni , 1/ and 14 others'" 12 "';"4 ':." '\".:'", 41 ~~~~~ Date of Sale Deed: arid registration I No. s....,\ ..•. "1"1 18/4/2006 •.... ' ! 2297/2006 f/','t ,," • ,.v 18/4/2006 \.0" ic2299/2006 i fl"'~ "",;.l vr- ~~c... .".10."'; pfl"~ )fj,A."~ •••; rldr"J.. ). d t. \ ;, l. ~d\ .:> ' '. _~ "J <t, v'" $~J 18/4/2006 Vi, 2297/2006 V 18/4/2006 2298/2006 / J \r.-.J,,,.;I~ ,"<.\i.~t1;.~ I' J'e;/ Pe<.\...\; ,}.t .~ .J Continuation Sheet cdPA.oY~ ADVOCATE ~_. ../ G. Survey No. / Hissa No. (Plot No. as per Gunthewari Act) 102/4 (Plot No.24) 103/1 (Plot No.25) 92/1 Area of land purchased HAre o 88 o o 92/2 (Plot No.27 ) 93/1 ~'~:) "T rii; 1 :"1' \../ --I 94 (Plot No.34) ,...// 95 (Plot No.35) t/ 96/2 \.' (Plot No. 40) 96/1 (Plot No.40B) 99/3 (Plot No.41 ) 97 \./1 o 35 \,.. o 08 v o 66",,' o 41 V o 42 v o 11 o 11 \/' o 17 v o 34 v/ o 21 'v o 37 V o 18 o 41 o 42 \/ 93/2 (Plot No. 28) ~3/2 (Plot No. 32) v' (Plot No.46 ) v::'(Plot99/1 No.47) ) 98 \""(Plot No.51) 99/2 (Plot No.52) v,103/3 (Plot No.26) \/ -j 1 v 101/1 (Plot No,42) o '\/ 102/3/2 (part) (Plot No. 36) o 53.5 : V L,.// 1 ('] Kumar Kumar Kumar Mr. Ashokj Mehra ~umar Kartik Developers i Mr. Milind . i i Jean Durante '-..,. Date of Sale Deed and registration No. S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkami and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and" 14 others S.R.Kulkami and 14 others Mr. Milind Laxman Kulkarni \'.' 08 Present Owner/s S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others S.R.Kulkarni and 14 others Mr. Ashok I Kumar Mehra Mr. Ashok i Kumar Mehra Mr. Ashok i Kumar Mehra Mr. Ashok i Kumar Mehra : Mr. Ashpk i Kumar Mehra . i Mr. Ashok I Kumar 1 Mehra i Mr. Ashokl Kumar Mehra ! Mr. Ashok i Kumar Mehra . j Mr. Ashok I Kumar Mehra Mr. Ashok Kumar Mehra: Mr. Chimanl~1 Ramji Savala . Mr. Lalji I Ramji Savala ; Mr. Dhirajlal Ramji I Savala . I Mr. Vasant i Ramji Savala '\Y' 'V" L..--" Purchased by Mr. Ashok . Mehra 21 v' Mr. Ashok Mehra 24 v Mr. Ashok: Mehra -;J J Previous owner/s v 18/4/2006 2298/2006 t. ~,---,....- t.---'. /f':f.•. ~J v \ ~. :> C'. (.€; 18/4/2006 2298/2006 1../ 1814/2006 2298/2006 •.• / 18/4/2006 2298/2006 V'. 18(4/2006 2298/2006 v" 18/,4/2006 2298/2006 •........ 18i4/2006 2298/2006 \.-.. 18W2006 2298/2006 l/ 18/4/2006 2298/2006 v"" 18~4/2006 2298/2006 18/4/2006 2298/2006 ~,. f" 21/2/2006 2787/2006 '-' 1'2./\ (, "\ .> ':: .,...'\ v' ( _ "j" r,; ',0.1 i>.r, r/\ '1-'"' '» . V \' F "•... , v. 27/~2005 ..••.... p..'.,1. ,,; :5 2454/2005k' Laxman v' Kulkarni Mr. Nitin Sudhakar \... Deshpande {O:,,-~ 7/4/2005 2153/200\_ (J 13 \'2..'\'.t ~.'••.. ,~y 18/4/2006 2298/2006 18/4/2006 2298/2006 18/4/2006 2298/2006 ~' ." .,? H',~" ".,iI \l "2 ••.. Survey No. / Hissa No. (Plot No. as per Gunthewari Act) 102/3/2 (part) (Plot No. 36)\/ .":? '} ./ J, ~ ')l ;; ? r.. Area of land purchased H Are o 08 101/1 (Plot No.43)'" o 101/1 f'\/ (pfot No.44) o 103/3 v (Plot No, 33) o 100/1/2 (Plot NO.54) o 102/1/2 (Plot No.31) V" j .:~~~~ 32.5 32.5 ,,/ 40 V .. 42\/ :" 'f .J.19/1 (Plot No.49) i ~::.. \./ ::: ! 0 27 v/ 0 13 (Plot No. 3'8) . /16/1 (lSlot No.60) 100/1/1 (Plot No. 53) Harsh Kohli Jean Durante ,/ v 102/3/1 Purchased by Present Owner/s Mr. Nitin Sudhakar v' Deshpande Mr. Nitin Sudhakar Oeshpande Mr. Nitin Sudhakar V" Oeshpande rYlr.'. Prakash Vishnu " Gurav V ~r. Shirish 4nant PatH l/ V ,"} '-I ~... ,.r Previous owner/s 0 ~/ o o 40-/, 40 \,.-/ Mr. Harsh Kohli Smt.Shubh Bhasin Yogendra l,' Kartik Developers , through partners Mr. Rajendra U. PatH and Mrs. Rohini R. Mohite . v 1 Mr. , Murjibhai Pracharya -Shah and Smt. Devkaben Shah Mr. Murjibhai Pracharya Shah and" Smt. Devkaben' Shah'''' Mr. Chimanlal RamjV , 'VSavala" . Mr. Lalji Ramji S~vala Mr. Vasantlal Ramji Savaia Mr. Jagdish M. Shah, Mr. •Niranjan M. Shah and Mr. Mahendr~ M. Shah V Smt. Nalini Pinto Date of Sale Deed and registration No. 7/4/2005 2154/2005 t..-"" p..\ •.••...," ,,\~'" 7/4/2005''-'" 7/4/2005 fl...< .,\""") 27/4/2005 V,.. 2453/2005 V' F V'/ 22/2/2006 ••... 2893/2006 -" 21/2/2006 2899/2006 VI 28/3/2006 2897/2006 '---i! f'1"./' v; ~.•'" J".\.(~ vi L.-""' L iii' 21/2/2006 v 2785/2006 v ~r. Shrikant ~hravan "' rytahale V" Z ~B. a, f1 t.> 'j, I: 1/4/2005 201l/2005 Nfr.Sandeep ~hridhar V" Walimbe 1./' \or I' j The names of the present owners of the res~ective lands out of the said l-B lands have been'duly entered upon th:e revenue record i.e. 7/12 record on the basis'of the respective Sa~e Deeds executed by the previous owners in favour of the present oV\(nerseXFept for the Survey No. 102/1/2 and Survey No. 102/3/1 presently o';Vned by Mr. S. ~ Kulkarni. It is infonn,ed to me that the wqr~ for thd same is in process and shall be completed in due course. . ! ~, 14 - ------. ------- ~-';'ilt,,,t-:e'~ ~ f. --------------~--~-.-.-.----.-. "'~f"ri. v 7/4/2005 v' 2155/2005 v I\{1r. Sanjay Ramchandra W.ullarni *r. Sanjay Ramchandra Kullarni v'~ *r. Sanjay Ramchandra " f1.Jillarni V"/ j? 2154/2005 IT ~-- S ,,-, <.. 2153/2005 v -:---,--._~~.-.--.----,- -.'-- _.- -'"---- I~. .Continuation Sheet QS2{PA.~ . ADVOCATE 5. Maharashtra Gunthewari Regulation) Act: (' ..... The said lands are situated at village Bhugaon, Taluka Mulshi, District Pune within the jurisdiction of ~illa Parishad Pune, Panchayat Samitee, Taluka Mulshi, District P*ne. The Regional Plan for Pune. District has been sanctioned w.~.f. 10102/1998 and the village Bhugaon is covered under the sai~ Regional Plan; On perusal of various Zone Certificates issuedi by Assistant Director, Town Planning, Pune Division Pune iss~ed in the year 2006-2007 it is observed that, the zoning of the s~id lands is Agricultural and no development as perthe aforesaid sa~ctionedRegional Plan. I~is to be not~ that, village Bhugaon or the ~aid lands out of village ahugaon comes within the Pune Urban Agglo~eration; as per the provisions of the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regul~tion) Act, 1976. However, all the lands out of the said lands have bee~ regularised under the provisions of MaharashtraGunthewari (Regula~zation, Upgradation and Control) i\ct, 2001 (hereinafter referred to a~ the "Gunthewari Act") by the . Collector, Revenue Branch, Punec;by the aforesaid Pryliminaty order dated 16102/2006 and final order da~ed 28/06/2006. The dem:arcation of the said lands is also carried out by TILR, Mulshi Pune a~ per the provisions of the Gunthewari Act a~d a layout in respect of the said lands has also been sanctioned by Lthe Collector,. Revenue :Branch, Pune vide aforesaid Order dated 09/f0/2006. Consequently,a~ per the provisions of section 5 of the GunthFwari Act,..the said landsJ~hall be deemed to havebeenexe~pted uls' 210of the Urban Land (CeIlIng and Regulation) A~t, 1976 and converted] to non-agricultural use for all the purposes of Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 subject to payment of non-agricultural assess~ent etc. As per the order dated 28/6/2006 passed by the Collector,j Revenue Branch, Punebearing PMAINA/SR/I31/2005, it is seen ~hat all the required amounts of development charges, N.A. assess~ent, Zilla Parishad taxes, Gram Panchayat taxes, etc. in respect of the said lards have been paid. . /~,.,~, Act and Urban Land (Ceiling and . .' I ~, ~ 15 .~ ._, -----_._---;""'-_ ...,..,----,-._'-_ ..~-_._.,-'-_ ... __ ._- - ,., .. ~.,.~ ..•.•. :':.,', ..":""-~ 6. Development rights and entitlements Ltd. i.e. Promoterl Developer of Matrix Developers Pvt. A) That by Development Agreement and General Power of Attorney both dated 10/04/2007 the present owners of the said I-A lands and said Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd. entrusted/assigned the development rights of the sai~ I-A land~;with Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd., a company duly registered aqd incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its register~doffice at 30, Yashoda, Kala Nagar, Bandra (East), Mumbai 40Q 051 through its Director Mr. Shrikant P. Paranjape, for consid~nttion and subject to the' terms and conditions ,stated therein. I The said Development Agreement and the said General Pow~r of Attorney are duly registered in the office of the Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud) on 17/04/2007 at Sr. No. 2558/2007 and 25~9/2007 respectively. . ~ I ' , ;: B) That by Development Agreement and G~neral Po.wer ofAttorne~ both dated 10/04/2007 the present own~rsof the said .l-B lands with/the consent and confirmation of sa!idPancharatna Town'ship Pvt. Ltd. entrusted the development rig~tsof the saidl-B land~ with Matrix Developers Pvt~ ~td., a cOIppanyduly registered anq incorporated under the Companies Act, ~956 having its registered office at 30, Yashoda,Kal~Nagar, Bandr~ (East), Mumbai 400 05~ through its Director Mr. Sh'rikantP. Ifaranjape, subject to th~ terms and conditions ,stat~d therein. The said Development Agreement and the said General Pow1br of Attorney are duly registered in the office of the Sub-Re&istrar, Mulshi (Paud) on 17/04/2007 at Sr. No. 2560/2007 and 256,1/2007 respectively. ,i j' - , ! I" • 7. Regarding Snrvey 1 Nil. 36 (part) adm. 0 H~tare8?:Ares: I As per the Development Agr~ement dat~d 10/4/2007, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni and 14 others have :also grant~d development rights in respect of land adm. O.H~ctare 89 Ar~sl out. ?f Survey N.o. 36, Bhugaon, Taluka Mulshl, Dlstnct Pune (1l~ addltlqn to the saId I-a. lands) in favour of Matrix Developers I Pvt. rJtd. However the documents and ,record in respect of said S~rvey No. 36 (part) is not made available for my perusal. Hence Ihave excluded the said Survey No. 36(part) from this Supplementary Searc1]land Title Report. \ rf)/ 16 '. i --------------~--------- ------r-b-:--, ---"'-';-~. '-. ----'-7 ..-'-,-.-'-,---- ..;-------.... -..---v~-=c-=c~~~~~~~ Continuation Sheet Q9{PA.~. ADVOCATE. 8. Litigations: From the enquiry and investigation of title, I did not come across any pending litigation in respect of the said lands. 9. Encumbrances and charges: From the perusal of various docurbents and the search carried out by us in respect of the said lands, I di4 not come acrosS any encumbrance or charge upon the said lands. i 10. Custody of title deeds and impor~ant documents: AlL the available original title deeds and / or certified copiys thereof are handed. over by Pancharatna! Township Pvt. Ltd., ahd S. R. Kulkarni & 14 others to Matrix Deyelopers Pvt. Ltd. and now, all such documents are in the custody of M~trix Developers Pvt. Ltd. I 1 i 11. Public notice: ..•. i For investigation of title, I had is~ued public notices in daily newspaper "Sakal" on 8/2/2007 in respe~t of the said I-A lands and said 1B lands, for inviting objections froth public fit large if anybody having any right, title and interest or claint'therein. However, till date except the objection of Janata'Sahakari B4hk Ltd."Pune, I have not received any objection in response to the sa~dpublicnotices from any person, claiming any right, title and interest1 of whatsoever nature in the said .' lands. i (r'tj: Upon receipt of objection of Janatal Sahakari Bank Ltd., the owners of the said l-B lands repaid the lo~n obtained by them from Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Tilak Road Br:anch, Pune and got the mortgaged , plots released from the charge' of registered mortgage dated 05/09/2006 and also got the Deed of Release dated 03/03/2007 executed and registered from the said Bank •• , 17 "-~-... _... _-_._---_... _._-~.. --------,--~-+.---_._----------,-,.-.-;, ,-- -..".------;:-:":-----:-.~_._-,,-. ,-,' ~-. ,..-..----.-. --,-------- ;"1 .~ 12.Title Opinion In view of the above, I am of the opinion that the title of the present owners as aforesaid to their respective lands out of the said lands is clean, clear and marketable and free from all encumbrances, charges whatsoever and in pursuance of the aforesaid registered Develop'ment Agreements and General Power of Attorneys all dated 10/4/2007, Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. has acqu~red the development rights in respect of the said lands for consideratiqn and is entitled to commence, carry out and complete' the scheme of qoristruction thereon subject to obtaining all the requir~d cle~rances, Rermissions and sanctions for the same and to enter into agreements for s;ale of units with the intending imrcha~er/s and to realise the sale and qther proceeds thereof. I;Iepce I have issued this Title Report on this 19t?day of April ffJ07 at Pune. I : 'I t . ~ : ~ .. ' _ " 'I : ~! .. 'f' 1~ A. R. Kulkarni Adv~cate 10 0, f r;JJ>e/f ! Encl: :po Annexure A: Details ofSearclI and ~itlel iReports issued~y Mr. A. Deshpan~~" ~dvocate In; f:Fspect ()f the said I-A lands and the sai,d l..,B.ands. I, ' Annexure B: Photocopy of receipt d~t~d 31/01/2007, issued by the Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (PaJud) for the search fees paid in respect of the. said lands.i i c: 18 '. , • 'Continuation Sheet ?J1l. QQ{ ~. ADVOCATE ANNEXURE 'A' I) Details of Search and Title Reports issued by Mr. D. A. Deshpande, Advocate in respect of the said I-A land~. • Sr. No. I. 2. r\. 3. 4. Name of the Present Owner/s Survey No. /HissaNo. Smt. Shubhada alias Subharda Sista Mr.Narayan G. Chavan & Mrs: Bhagyalaxmi N. Chavan Smt.Sudha Vijay Bhiade, Ms.Nimisha, Ms. Amisha and Ms. Kbyati Viiay Bhinde Smt.Sudha Vijay Bhinde, Ms.Nimisha, IMs. Amisha and Ms. Khyati Viiav Bhinde I 13/1/1 Assessed at Area H. Ares Rs. 0 40; Date of Searc~and Report Ps. 0 42 10/11/2006 , ' 113/1/3 0 40 '0 42 lOll 1/2P06 113/1/4 0 40 0 42 10111/2006 102/311 0 II 113/1/6 0 0 42 0 50 ' J lOll 1/2006 5. Devi G. Menon 6. /Narendra K.Sheth 106/2B/3 0 40 ~ .. ' 40 7. Devendra J. She'th 106/2B/4 0 40 0 50 8. Jatin K. Sheth 106/2C/2 0 40 0 54 Renuka B. Sheth I'06/2C/3 0 40: 0 50' 10. Shirin Y. Sheth 106/2C/4 0 40 0 50 II. Meena D. Shah 106/2B/2 0 40 0 54 106/3 0 40 !O I 54 lOll 1/2006 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 , 9. Mr. Vinayak Atmaram Lad 12. lA..nd Mrs. Kshama , Vinayak Lad 13. K.G.Menon 10/11/2006 , , ., 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 101111200,6 10/1112006 I 14. 'itendra Sharma Reva Sharma arid 106/4 102/5 0 0 40 07 Jitendra Sharma Reva Sharma and 100/111 0 02 10/1112006 102/1/3 0 05 10/11/2006 IS. 16. ~itendra Sharma and Reva Sharma Title '0 50 10/11/2006 lOll 1/200~ ~. 19 .. ' I I ---- ----------------- --_._-------~--------. - _---.'------._-.----- I [, ~_._._.~-- I! fi • Survey No. I Hissa No. Name of the Present Ownerls Sr. No. Assessed at Area' Date of Search and Title Report '. . . H. Ares Rs. 0 Ps • 50 " 17. Kamal Pasricha 101/2 0 40 18. Kuldeep Kaur 1911 0 15 10/11/2006 19. Kuldeep Kaur 101/2 0 40 10/11/2006 20. Kirti Kelkar 2111 0 51 10/11/2006 - 10111/2006 , 21. Kuldeepsingh Munjral II) Sr. No. 1. 113/1/2 0 , 40 p. A. D~ails of Search and Title R~ports issued by Mr. Deshpande, Advocate in respect ~fthe said I-B lands. Survey NO.1 Hissa No. 8511-B I Area H 0 Assessment Ares 19.4 Rs. Daite l"' of Search- and Title ,Report Ps. ,. .i l 1 00 1 , : . 10/11/2006 i I 85/1-B .f I .j 2. 08/02/2007 i - I 43 l i lOll 1/2006 J 3. 85/I-A 0 80.6 I 18 lOll 1/2006 :. 4. 5. 91 102/4 0 0' 70 88' o .. 0 44 94 6. 103/1 0 21 0 21 7. 9211 92/2 0 24 35 8. 9. 0 93/1 93/2 0 0 08 66 103/2 ' 0: 41 lOll 1/2006 10/11/2006 , : c- lOll 1/2006 10/1112006 , 10111/2006 " 0 37 ' , 10/11/2006 : •• 10. 94 0 42 0 75 I@II 1/2006 : 11. 95 0 II 0 22 lOll 1/2006 L. 4, 20 " -~--_._ I "-.------".---.-.. -------~'---------::~--:--------I:-, -.' ;;,'---------~----_:_:_:_~-.. ----- .. -----.-,~.__ ~... -~ • Continuation Sheet cdP/l.~. ADVOCATE Sr. No. ('"1-1 ,\, ,~ "; , Survey No. / Hissa No. Area Assessment 12. 96/2 H 0 13. 96/1 0 17 0 44 14. 99/3 0 34 0 72 15. 97 0 21 16. 99/1 0 37 Ares 11 Rs. 0 Ps. 28 Date of Search and Title Report 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 0 53 10/11/2006 , 17. 98 0 18 0 31 10/11/2006 18. 99/2 0 41 1 06 10/11/2006 1g.. 20. 21. 103/3 101/1 102/3/2 (part) 0 0 0 42 53.5 08 0 40 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 102/3/2 (part) 0 08 101/1 101/1 103/3 100/1/2 102/1/2 102/3/1 16/1 19/1 100/1/1 0 0 0 0 0 32.5 32.5 40 42 27 -13 45 40 40 . ; 10/11/2006 i 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43' ,431 351 881 29: 0 0 0 91 i 871 ! 821 10/11/2006 10/1112006 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 16/02/2007 16/02/2007 . 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 10/11/2006 ~. ~ 21 ._----------_._-~-----~--_._-------~-~_._----- ----,,-. c ,~ ~,~ - - '-'- __ '--- _ L ,_, __ i~_\ i I' I ! I 'Ii I , -, !