MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, June 26, 2014, at the Wildwood Campus, 2645 Generations Drive, Wildwood, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Dr. Craig Larson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:15p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Dr. Craig Larson, Chair; Dr. Doris Graham, Vice-Chair; Mr. Theodis Brown Sr., Trustee; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Trustee; Ms. Hattie Jackson, Trustee, and Ms. Joan McGivney, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Dennis Michaelis, Interim Chancellor; Ms. Kate Nash, Legal Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Welcome to Guests None. 3. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Mr. DeLancey Smith, Director of Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 4. Campus Security Report – Public Safety Strategies Group Ms. Kym Craven, Mr. Rick Bailey and Paul Gravel presented the results of the Operations and Liability Analysis and answered questions from the Board. Dr. Michaelis advised the Board that he would bring forward safety recommendations at the August Board meeting. 5. None. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items 6. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 7. Approval of the May 15, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes On motion by Ms. Jackson and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously approved the May 15, 2014, regular meeting minutes. 8. Approval of Cancelling the July 17, 2014 Board Meeting and Granting the Chancellor Authority to Approve Personnel Actions, Bid Awards and Contracts/Agreements Brought Forward during the Month of July On motion by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Jackson, the Board unanimously approved cancelling the July 17, 2014 Board meeting and granting the chancellor authority to approve personnel actions, bid awards and contracts/agreements brought forward during the month of July. 9. Approval of Resolution Re August 14, 2014 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board approved, by a roll-call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on August 14, 2014, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 10. Information Items Restructuring of Technology Mr. Kent Kay, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, presented on the restructuring of technology within the district, and answered questions from the Board. 11. Approval of FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets The Board was requested to approve the Fiscal Year 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets. On motion by Ms. McGivney and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution: 2 RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the Operating and Capital Budgets for the 2015 fiscal year, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sums set forth in said budgets are hereby deemed appropriated for the purposes therein set forth. 12. Election of Officers In accordance with Board Policy A.5, Election of Officers, elections were held for officers of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College for the ensuing year. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Board Chair. Dr. Graham nominated Dr. Larson for the office of Board Chair. Ms. McGivney seconded the motion. There being no other nominations, the Board voted unanimously for Dr. Larson to serve for a term of one year or until his successor shall be elected and qualified. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Board Vice Chair. Ms. Fitzgerald nominated Ms. Jackson for the office of Vice Chair. Dr. Graham seconded the motion. There being no other nominations, Ms. Jackson was unanimously elected Vice Chair of the Board, to serve for a term of one year or until her successor shall be elected and qualified. Dr. Graham then presented an engraved plaque to Dr. Larson in appreciation of his first year of service as Board Chair. 13. Nomination of Trustees to the Foundation Board Ms. McGivney nominated Dr. Graham to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees on the Foundation Board. Ms. Fitzgerald seconded the nomination. The Board unanimously approved Dr. Graham’s appointment. 14. Approval of Changing the Academic Calendar to add an Additional College Holiday on January 2, 2015 On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Ms. Jackson, the Board unanimously approved adding a one-time additional college holiday on January 2, 2015. 15. Authorization of Board Travel 3 On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously authorized Trustee travel to the ACCT Leadership Congress. 16. Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Offering for Sale of Leasehold Refunding Revenue Bonds On motion by Ms. McGivney and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously approved the offering for Sale of Leasehold Refunding Revenue Bonds of the Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County Building Corporation all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 17. Approval of Scheduling a Board Work Session on June 28, 2014 On motion by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved scheduling a work session on June 28, 2104 at 10 a.m. at the Cosand Center. 18. Approval of Consent Items Consent items are approved by a single motion and vote unless otherwise noted below. 18.1 Consent Item Motion and Vote Ms. Fitzgerald moved approval of the consent agenda items. Dr. Graham seconded the motion. Following discussion regarding the Touchnet and Family Workforce Center recommendations and the consulting agreements, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 18.2 Academic and Student Affairs Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 4 18.3 HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 18.4 BID AWARDS Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 18.5 FINANCE No items. Financial reports will appear on a quarterly basis, in November, February, May and August 18.6 CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 5 Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 18.7 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 18.8 INSURANCE Approval of Insurance Renewals The Board, by consent, unanimously approved renewal of various insurance agreements and policies, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit H attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 19. COMMUNICATIONS 19.1 Chancellor’s Report Dr. Michaelis gave the following report: Dr. Michaelis announced that Ms. Mary Nelson has been hired as General Counsel replacing Marc Fried. Ms. Nelson will begin her employment with the college on September 1. Ms. Kate Nash will continue to provide legal services to the college until September 1. Dr. Michaelis said he continues to meet with people in the community, including recent meetings with Civic Progress and Kathy Osborn. He also attended the Hawthorne Foundation Board meeting with Dr. Larson and the reception (hosted by the Meramec campus) for Representative Rick Stream. 19.2 For the Good of the College Report Dr. Larson thanked the Board for their support of him as chair and for their confidence in the year ahead. He said he looks forward to working with Ms. Jackson as Board Vice Chair and continuing to work with Dr. Graham. Dr. Larson thanked Dr. Michaelis for helping the Board work together in handling important issues for the college. He added that the Foundation is happy with the image of the college. Dr. Larson said he and Dr. Graham attended the recent MCCA conference and added that Director Zora Mulligan is doing a good job with the completion agenda. He added that he attended the Hawthorne Foundation Board meeting. 7 Dr. Larson then announced that the purpose of the Work Session on June 28th is to begin the chancellor search and advised that the Board would be asking for input from everyone. Dr. Larson then thanked Mr. DeLancey Smith and Dr. Marcia Pfeiffer for their years of service and wished them well in their retirement. 19.3 Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns None. 19.4 Board Member Comments Ms. McGivney said she attended the recent retiree reception and it was very well done. She also announced that the Foundation will be hosting a Wine and Cheese Reception on Wednesday, September 24, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Ameren Plaza, 1901 Chouteau, in St. Louis. Ms. Jackson asked that she receive more information about the Completion Agenda. Ms. Fitzgerald said she hopes the College will continue and expand the recent retirement reception held at the Corporate College. Dr. Michaelis added that Cindy Campbell and Kedra Tolson put together a very nice event for the retirees. 20. NEW BUSINESS Dr. Graham thanked everyone for their support of her Women in Leadership Award. She also thanked the Board for allowing her to serve as Board Vice Chair and said she will continue to work toward unity on the Board. 8 21. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 9 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees DATE: June 26, 2014 FROM: Dennis Michaelis SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Section Page No. Front 3 Front 3 Front 2 19.3 1 Add: Recommended approval of a one-time 3 percent salary increase for full- and part-time employees for the 2014-15 fiscal year only, effective July 1. The increase will be spread out over the 2014-15 contract year. It will not be a permanent addition to base salaries. Adjunct and overload rates will be unchanged. The reasoning behind the one time increase is that this amount can be taken from reserve funds and does not commit the institution to long-term, continuing budget obligations. Revise: Item 17, Page 3, Section 3, paragraph (b) of Approval of Sale of Leasehold Revenue Bonds to read as follows: The Series 2014 Bonds shall be issued in a principal amount not to exceed $9,500,000, shall bear interest at various rates not to exceed a true interest cost of 3.0%, shall have a final maturity not later than April 1, 2025, shall have a weighted average maturity of not more than 6.5 years, and shall be sold to the Underwriter with an underwriting discount of not more than 0.40% of the principal amount of the Series 2014 Bonds. The refunding of the Series 2005 Bonds must result in net present value savings to the District of not less than 3.0% of the debt service of the Series 2005 Bonds. The final terms of the Series 2014 Bonds, including optional redemption provisions, if any, shall be approved by the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, as evidenced by a Final Terms Certificate, in substantially the form attached hereto as Schedule 1, executed at the time of issuance of the Series 2014 Bonds. Revise: Item 8, to read Recommended Approval of Cancelling the July 17, 2014 Board Meeting and Authorizing Dr. Michaelis to approve personnel actions, bid awards and contracts/agreements brought forward during the month of July. Add: Appointments / Full-Time Faculty: Timnah Gretencord; WW; Assistant Professor (English); III-A; $56,121.00; replacement; effective 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 2 Add: Appointments / Full-Time Administrative / Professional Staff: Mary Nelson; CC; General Counsel; A-20; $120,000.00; replacement; effective 09/01/14 Cassandra Brown; CO; Senior Project Associate II, temporary, PU 11; Next Gen - County; $54,059.00; new position; effective 07/01/14 2 DeAndre Berry; CO; Project Associate II, temporary, PU 08; Next Gen - County; $40,619.00; new position; effective 07/01/14 Joseph Meyer; CO; Project Associate II, temporary, PU 08; Next Gen - County; $40,619.00; new position; effective 07/01/14 Pamela Doss; CO; Project Associate II, temporary, PU 08; Next Gen - County; $40,619.00; new position; effective 07/01/14 Revise: Appointments / Full-Time Administrative / Professional Staff: Revise Comment for Donivan Foster from Replacement to Temporary Add: Additional Compensation / Administrative / Professional Staff: Donna Peck; CC; Application & System Analyst/ Programmer - Senior; PN11; FY15 base rate = $55,994.46; additional compensation rate = $61,593.91; effective 07/01/14 - until filled Add: Reclassifications / Full-Time Administrative / Professional Staff: These reflect transition to a district level organizational model, resulting from implementation of the Huron and AACRAO recommendations: Karla Gable; CC; District Director of Enrollment Services/ College Registrar; A 21; $89,144.00; effective 05/01/14 19.4 6 Regina Blackshear; CC; District Director, Financial Aid & Scholarships; A 21; $89,144.00; effective 07/01/14 Revise: Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Contract – Change of Vendor Change award of contract for local courier service from JS Logistics to Patterson Towing, in an amount estimated at $55,990.96, to begin July 1, 2014, for a period of one (1) full year with three (3) optional one (1) year renewals. #9 Resolution Re August 14, 2014 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on August 14, 2014 at 6 p.m. at the Corporate College, 3221 McKelvey Rd., St. Louis, MO in the Second Floor Large Conference Room for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [10]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [8]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and 6) to discuss records which are protected from disclosure by law (610.021(14), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. June 26, 2014 Board Agenda Budget FY2015 Approved by the Board of Trustees June 26, 2014 St. Louis Community College Table of Contents Page Budget Summary – General Operating ........................................................ 1-2 Census Day Enrollments Credit Hours ............................................................3 Operating Fund ..............................................................................................4 Operating Fund Revenue Charts ....................................................................5 Operating Fund Expenditures and Transfers Charts .......................................6 Technology Fee ..............................................................................................7 College and Student Activities .......................................................................8 Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access ..................................................9 Student Aid ...................................................................................................10 Rental of Facilities .........................................................................................11 Maintenance, Repair, Debt Service and Capital ............................................12 Economic Development/Workforce Solutions Group ...................................13 Restricted .....................................................................................................14 Auxiliary Services ..........................................................................................15 Budget Assumptions .................................................................................. 16-21 i St. Louis Community College Budget Summary-General Operating Year Ending June 30, 2015 College and Technology Student Fee Activities Operating Revenues Local Taxes State Appropriation Maintenance Fees Technology Fees College Activity Fees Continuing Education Tuition and Fees Other Fees Bad Debt Other Revenue Total Revenues $ 60,156,723 $ - $ 44,154,462 44,107,000 3,093,547 1,362,955 1,525,000 320,881 (2,040,000) 3,800,000 - - 152,024,066 3,093,547 1,362,955 98,641,118 28,346,237 18,453,370 5,175,112 805,000 - 746,042 220,582 1,535,291 - 50,194 4,041 527,243 581,477 151,420,837 2,501,915 1,162,955 (200,000) (125,000) (200,000) 4,010,272 843,005 3,261,291 591,632 - 200,000 - 7,589,568 591,632 200,000 159,010,405 3,093,547 1,362,955 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Utilities Institutional Contributions-Match Student Activities Budget-Agency Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) ED/WSG Revenue To (From) Auxiliaries To (From) College Activities Fees To (From) Maintenance and Capital To (From) Student Aid To (From) Leasehold bonds Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ (6,986,339) $ 1 - $ - FY 2015 $ 60,156,723 $ 44,154,462 44,107,000 3,093,547 1,362,955 FY 2014 Change 60,156,723 $ 42,876,477 47,779,000 1,980,800 1,386,558 1,277,985 (3,672,000) 1,112,747 (23,603) 1,525,000 320,881 (2,040,000) 3,800,000 1,525,000 320,881 (2,600,000) 3,800,000 560,000 - 156,480,568 157,225,439 (744,871) 99,437,354 28,570,860 20,515,904 5,175,112 805,000 581,477 98,670,706 27,398,885 19,891,165 5,085,498 805,000 248,727 766,648 1,171,975 624,739 89,614 332,750 155,085,707 152,099,981 2,985,726 (200,000) (125,000) 4,601,904 843,005 3,261,291 (200,000) (125,000) 1,355,116 843,005 3,252,337 3,246,788 8,954 8,381,200 5,125,458 3,255,742 163,466,907 157,225,439 6,241,468 $ (6,986,339) $ - $ (6,986,339) 2 St. Louis Community College Census Day Enrollments Credit Hours 700,000 Census Date Credit Hours 600,000 576,160 500,000 603,127 583,187 519,259 502,308 400,000 471,855 455,341 FY 2014 Proj FY 2015 Proj 300,000 200,000 100,000 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Fiscal Year 3 St. Louis Community College Operating Fund Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues Local Taxes State Appropriation Maintenance Fees Continuing Education Tuition and Fees Other Fees Bad Debt Other Revenue FY 2014 Change $ 60,156,723 $ 60,156,723 $ 44,154,462 42,876,477 1,277,985 44,107,000 47,779,000 (3,672,000) Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Utilities Institutional Contributions-Match Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) ED/WSG Revenue To (From) Auxiliaries To (From) College Activities Fees To (From) Maintenance and Capital To (From) Student Aid To (From) Leasehold bonds Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 1,525,000 320,881 (2,040,000) 3,800,000 1,525,000 320,881 (2,600,000) 3,800,000 560,000 - 152,024,066 153,858,081 (1,834,015) 98,641,118 28,346,237 18,453,370 5,175,112 805,000 98,011,011 27,210,039 18,165,919 5,085,498 805,000 630,107 1,136,198 287,451 89,614 - 151,420,837 149,277,467 2,143,370 (200,000) (125,000) (200,000) 4,010,272 843,005 3,261,291 (200,000) (125,000) (200,000) 1,010,272 843,005 3,252,337 3,000,000 8,954 7,589,568 4,580,614 3,008,954 159,010,405 153,858,081 5,152,324 $ (6,986,339) $ 4 - $ (6,986,339) St. Louis Community College Operating Fund Revenue Charts Continuing Education Fees 1% Budgeted Revenue FY 2014 Operating Budget Other Income 1% Maintenance Fees 31% Local Taxes 39% State Aid 28% Projected Revenue FY 2015 Continuing Education Fees 1% Operating Budget Other Income 1% Local Taxes 40% Maintenance Fees 29% State Aid 29% 5 St. Louis Community College Operating Fund Expenditures and Transfers Charts Budgeted Expenditures FY 2014 Operating Budget Operating 12% Utilities 3% Transfer 1% Benefits 18% Salaries 66% Projected Expenditures FY 2015 Operating Budget Operating 12% Utilities 3% Transfer 1% Benefits 19% Salaries 65% 6 St. Louis Community College Technology Fee Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues Technology Fees FY 2014 Change $ 3,093,547 $ 1,980,800 $ 1,112,747 Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Maintenance and Capital Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ Breakdown of Expenditures and Transfers Instructional lab support salaries and benefits Instructional lab replacements and repair Electronic library resources and MOBIUS Instructional software Online education Salaries and benefits Blackboard Call Center Quality Matters training and peer review Other operating expenses Web redevelopment and maintenance 3,093,547 1,980,800 1,112,747 734,681 213,586 1,553,648 588,533 185,084 862,339 146,148 28,502 691,309 2,501,915 1,635,956 865,959 591,632 344,844 246,788 591,632 344,844 246,788 3,093,547 1,980,800 1,112,747 - $ - $ $ 778,504 $ 773,617 $ 652,132 405,344 288,000 252,000 410,964 416,839 187,953 205,383 17,900 25,000 103,650 424,061 Total Expenditures and Transfers 96,000 37,000 - - 4,887 246,788 36,000 (5,875) 187,953 109,383 (19,100) 25,000 103,650 424,061 $ 3,093,547 $ 1,980,800 $ 1,112,747 7 St. Louis Community College College and Student Activities Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues College Activity Fees FY 2014 Change $ 1,362,955 $ 1,386,558 $ Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Student Activities Budget-Agency Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 8 (23,603) 1,362,955 1,386,558 (23,603) 50,194 4,041 527,243 581,477 71,162 3,762 862,907 248,727 (20,968) 279 (335,664) 332,750 1,162,955 1,186,558 (23,603) 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 200,000 - 1,362,955 1,386,558 - $ - $ (23,603) - St. Louis Community College Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues College Activity Fees FY 2014 Change $ 415,341 $ 495,200 $ (79,859) Total Revenues Expenditures Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Maintenance and Capital Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 9 415,341 495,200 (79,859) 207,670 247,600 (39,930) 207,670 247,600 (39,930) 207,671 247,600 (39,929) 207,671 247,600 (39,929) 415,341 495,200 (79,859) - $ - $ - St. Louis Community College Student Aid Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues Grants and Contracts Other Revenue FY 2014 Change $ 40,583,330 $ 43,570,597 $ (2,987,267) 1,700 (1,700) Total Revenues 40,583,330 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Student Aid Administrative Cost Allowance $ Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating and Auxiliary Services Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers 43,572,297 (2,988,967) 856,893 $ 899,739 $ (42,846) 75,800 75,800 40,504,243 43,525,763 (3,021,520) 75,399 75,399 41,512,335 44,501,302 (929,005) (929,005) - (929,005) (929,005) - 40,583,330 43,572,297 $ - (2,988,967) Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ Revenue Sources Pell Grants Federal Work Study (FWS) Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) Athletic Fund Raisers $ 39,000,000 $ 42,000,000 $ (3,000,000) 899,739 899,739 683,591 670,858 12,733 1,700 (1,700) Total Revenues $ 40,583,330 $ 43,572,297 $ (2,988,967) Transfers to (from) other Funds Sources Board of Trustees Scholarships Auxiliary Service Scholarships College Match - FWS Employer Taxes $ (767,205) $ (767,205) $ (86,000) (86,000) (75,800) (75,800) - Total Transfers $ (929,005) $ (929,005) $ - 10 - (2,988,967) $ - St. Louis Community College Rental of Facilities Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues Other Revenue $ Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 11 FY 2014 Change 84,700 $ 116,000 $ (31,300) 84,700 116,000 (31,300) 41,563 3,945 39,192 48,000 3,813 64,187 (6,437) 132 (24,995) 84,700 116,000 (31,300) 84,700 116,000 (31,300) - $ - $ - St. Louis Community College Maintenance, Repair, Debt Service and Capital Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Expenditures Maintenance Repair and Capital Leasehold Bonds - Principal and Interest FY 2014 $ 4,904,575 $ 3,261,291 Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds Operating Maintenance Repair and Capital Technology - Campus Based Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access Auxiliary Service Capital Leasehold bonds Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Change 1,697,716 $ 3,252,337 3,206,859 8,954 8,165,866 4,950,053 3,215,813 (4,010,272) (591,632) (207,671) (95,000) (3,261,291) (1,010,272) (344,844) (247,600) (95,000) (3,252,337) (3,000,000) (246,788) 39,929 (8,954) (8,165,866) (4,950,053) (3,215,813) - - - - $ - $ - Breakdown of Operating Maintenance, Repair and Capital Expenditures Meramec physical education building roof $ 745,000 $ Florissant Valley student center roof 570,000 District wide upgrade to building automation system 485,000 Unforeseen facility repairs 384,107 Forest Park west wing skylights 325,000 Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs 25,000 Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration 25,000 Vice Chancellor Student Affairs 25,000 President Forest Park 108,000 President Florissant Valley 100,000 President Meramec 171,000 Wildwood Campus 26,000 Vocational Enhancement equipment match 21,165 Employee desktop computer refresh 380,000 Business intelligence reporting tool 400,000 Multi-function printer fleet management/pay-for-print 100,000 Tape backup refresh 93,000 Load balancers 27,000 - $ 1,010,272 - 745,000 570,000 485,000 (626,165) 325,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 108,000 100,000 171,000 26,000 21,165 380,000 400,000 100,000 93,000 27,000 Total Expenditures and Transfers 1,010,272 $ 3,000,000 Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ $ 4,010,272 $ 12 St. Louis Community College Economic Development/Workforce Solutions Group Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues Grants and Contracts Other Revenue $ Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Institutional Contributions-Match Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating To (From) Auxiliaries To (From) Maintenance and Capital To (From) Maintenance Repair and Capital Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Operating FY 2014 Change Restricted FY 2014 FY 2015 Change - $ - $ 125,000 125,000 - $ 10,854,668 $ 9,544,588 $ 1,310,080 - 125,000 125,000 - 10,854,668 9,544,588 1,310,080 1,173,812 1,250,429 254,149 254,171 (1,005,179) (1,033,600) (630,000) (630,000) (76,617) (22) 28,421 - 2,196,701 470,518 8,187,449 - 2,510,174 597,515 6,436,899 - (313,473) (126,997) 1,750,550 - (207,218) (159,000) (48,218) 10,854,668 9,544,588 1,310,080 200,000 - 200,000 - - - - - 200,000 200,000 - - - - (7,218) 41,000 (48,218) 10,854,668 9,544,588 1,310,080 $ 132,218 $ 84,000 $ 48,218 $ - $ - $ - Division Allocation - Revenue Community Service Corporate Services Total Division Allocation $ 125,000 $ - $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 13 - $ 5,528,668 $ 4,318,588 $ 1,210,080 - 5,326,000 5,226,000 100,000 $ 10,854,668 $ 9,544,588 $ 1,310,080 St. Louis Community College Restricted Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues Grants and Contracts $ Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Maintenance Repair and Capital Total Expenditures Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 14 FY 2014 Change 4,044,680 $ 3,758,334 $ 286,346 4,044,680 3,758,334 286,346 2,165,267 538,761 1,102,576 238,076 1,945,170 550,489 834,802 427,873 220,097 (11,728) 267,774 (189,797) 4,044,680 3,758,334 286,346 - $ - $ - St. Louis Community College Auxiliary Services Year Ending June 30, 2015 FY 2015 Revenues College Activity Fees Auxiliary Services Revenues $ Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating To (From) Maintenance Repair and Capital To (From) Student Aid Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers FY 2014 Change 498,409 $ 594,241 $ (95,832) 10,648,000 11,919,300 (1,271,300) 11,146,409 12,513,541 (1,367,132) 1,689,910 421,759 8,707,633 2,011,779 467,592 9,562,903 (321,869) (45,833) (855,270) 10,819,302 12,042,274 (1,222,972) 125,000 95,000 86,000 125,000 95,000 86,000 - 306,000 306,000 - 11,125,302 12,348,274 Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ Breakdown of Expenditures and Transfers Bookstores Food Services Document Centers College Print Services Student Center Operations Auxiliary Services Management Government Relations Transfer to Capital Transfer to College Operating Transfer to Scholarships $ 9,314,457 $ 10,593,081 $ (1,278,624) 111,000 121,700 (10,700) 50,904 62,591 (11,687) (45,000) 45,000 954,085 954,085 295,098 304,761 (9,663) 51,172 51,056 116 95,000 95,000 125,000 125,000 86,000 86,000 - Total Expenditures and Transfers $ 11,082,716 $ 12,348,274 $ (1,265,558) 15 21,107 $ 165,267 $ (1,222,972) (144,160) St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions Year Ending June 30, 2015 Operating Revenue Local taxes remain unchanged State appropriations o Estimate includes performance funding increases from State o Includes reduction for MCCA equity agreement Maintenance fees o Decline in budgeted enrollment from 495,200 credit hours to 455,341 credit hours Bad debt reduced due to decreasing enrollment and improvement in retention Other revenue remains unchanged Expenses Salaries o Includes a 3 percent increase for the 2014-2015 fiscal year only Full-time budgets increased by 3 percent o Adjunct salaries reduced based on current year enrollment o $229,285 for faculty promotions including benefits o $108,792 for classified and professional reclassifications including benefits o Faculty – no decrease in number of full time positions o Administrative positions Add associate vice chancellor student affairs by closing special assistant to the chancellor position Change vice chancellor for economic development and workforce solutions to vice chancellor for student affairs Change vice chancellor for technology and educational support services to associate vice chancellor for technology and educational support services Eliminate unfilled Wildwood president position to move budget to part time professional Eliminate director of facilities position to move budget to supplies and services Eliminate director end user computing to move budget to part time professional Eliminate Meramec dean’s position to create nursing retention coach o Professional positions Add 25% of curriculum specialist from grant funding by reallocating supplies and services Eliminate three supervisor maintenance/HVAC positions to move budgets to supplies and services Eliminated one 36 week professional position and one 52 week professional position to move budget to faculty overload at Meramec 16 St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions (cont.) Eliminate manager systems/programing position move budget to part time professional o Classified positions Add administrative clerk II position in continuing education by reducing part time temporary and adjunct budgets Add administrative secretary II in vice chancellor academic affairs by reducing overload budget Eliminate two 36 week classified position and one 52 week classified position to move budget to faculty overload at Meramec Eliminate unfilled secretary position at Florissant Valley and move budget to part time temporary Benefits o Increase for medical insurance Supplies and services o Increase net result of elimination of positions with move of budget to supplies and services and move of supply and service budget to salaries Utilities o Increase for anticipated increase in utility rates Transfers o Increase of $3,000,000 for maintenance repair and capital projects o Leasehold bonds increase according to bond terms Technology Fee Revenue $1,272,183 increase due to $3 per credit hour increase beginning in fall 2014 term $159,436 decrease due to reduced credit hours Expenses Salaries o Includes a 3 percent increase for the 2014-2015 fiscal year only Full-time budgets increased by 3 percent o Professional positions Add two positions for online education o Increase in temporary and student labor Benefits o Increase for net positions and increase in temporary and student labor o Increase for increased medical insurance 17 St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions (cont.) Supplies and service o $424,061 increase for website redevelopment and maintenance o $239,655 increase for online education Content management Collaborate Mobile Quality Matters training and peer review Other expenses such as fees to states and technology o $36,000 increase for MOBIUS dues o $9,939 increase in software o $1,925 increase in Blackboard maintenance o $19,100 decrease in call center, based on usage Transfers o Increase of $246,788 to maintenance, repair and capital for computers and computer labs College Activity Fee Revenue $23,603 decrease due to reduced credit hours Expenses Salaries o Reduce part time and additional assignment budgets Benefits o Increase budget to reflect employee mix Supplies and service o $332,720 reduction to increase transfer to student activities budget - agency o $2,908 reduction to meet reduced revenue generation Student activities budget – agency o $332,720 increase for allocation according to administrative procedures 18 St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions (cont.) Public Safety Pedestrian and Traffic Access Revenue $79,859 decrease due to reduced credit hours Expenses Supplies and service o $39,929 decrease due to reduced revenue Transfers o $39,929 decrease due to reduced revenue Student Aid Revenue $23,603 increase in Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant $3,000,000 decrease in Pell Grants based on reduced credit hours $1,700 decrease in athletic fund raising Expenses Salaries o $42,846 reduction in Federal Work Study to provide budget for administrative cost allowance Student Aid o $3,000,000 decrease in Pell Grant awards o $19,820 decrease in Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant awards $12,733 increase due to increased funding $32,553 decrease to provide budget for administrative cost allowance o $1,700 decrease in athletic scholarships from fund raising Administrative cost allowance o $75,399 increase $42,846 Federal Work Study $32,553 Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant 19 St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions (cont.) Rental of Facilities Revenue $31,300 decrease based on FY 2014 experience Expense Salaries o $6,437 reduction due to decline in rentals Benefits o Increase due to employee mix Supplies and service o $24,998 reduction due to decline in rentals Maintenance, Repair, Debt Service and Capital Expense $3,206,859 increase in maintenance, repair and capital o $3,000,000 increase from operating o $246,788 increase from technology – campus based o $39,929 reduction from public safety, pedestrian and traffic access $8,954 increase in leasehold bonds principal and interest to meet contractual obligations Transfers $3,000.000 increase from College Operating to begin to address deferred maintenance $246,788 increase from technology, campus based net result of increase in technology fee and declining credit hours $8,954 increase for leasehold bonds to meet contractual obligations $39,929 decrease in public safety, pedestrian and traffic access due to reduction in credit hours Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Group Revenue Increase in revenue a net result of reduction in federal contracts and an increase in private contracts Expense Includes a 3 percent salary increase for the 2014-2015 fiscal year only o Full-time budgets increased by 3 percent Salaries reflect reduced reliance on part time employees and a reservation for a salary increase for full time employees 20 St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions (cont.) Benefits are reduced as a net impact of increased medical expense for FY 2015 and a reduction of part time employee budget Supplies and services are increased for restricted for increased contract work. Restricted Revenue Increase in revenue as a result of sharpened focus on business development Expense Overall increase in expense as a result of increased activity Auxiliaries Revenue Reduced college activity fees due to declining credit hours Reduced auxiliary services revenue due to fewer students using bookstores and food service Expense Salaries o Includes a 3 percent increase for the 2014-2015 fiscal year only Full-time budgets increased by 3 percent o Zero budget for two bookstore coordinator positions o Zero budget for coordinator satellite bookstore o Reduced reliance on part time and over time labor Benefits are reduced as a net impact of adjusting benefit expense for FY 2015 and a reduction of part time and over time budgets Supplies and services o Reduced as a result of declining student needs o Reduced print/copy service decreased volume 21 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Continuing Corporate College Name Jaeger, Christy L Long, Stephen M Range Job Title 17 Director, Continuing Education 24 Assoc VC, Workforce Solutions FY15 Base Salary 81,975.00 112,090.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,459.25 3,362.70 FY15 Base Salary 59,467.00 45,069.41 Additional FY15 Amount 1,784.01 1,352.08 FY15 Base Salary 54,059.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,621.77 FY15 Base Salary 49,510.92 55,986.71 65,286.00 68,946.19 55,719.11 54,403.01 55,719.11 59,783.61 68,547.24 60,105.80 49,510.92 Additional FY15 Amount 1,485.33 1,679.60 1,958.58 2,068.39 1,671.57 1,632.09 1,671.57 1,793.51 2,056.42 1,803.17 1,485.33 FY15 Base Salary 41,030.38 47,933.81 60,595.08 Additional FY15 Amount 1,230.91 1,438.01 1,817.85 Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Corporate College Name Ellison, Heather Anne Powell, Merri K Range Job Title 12 Mgr Continuing Ed Pgm (D-W) 09 Executive Assistant Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Corporate College Name Gallo, Timothy Joseph Range Job Title 11 Senior Project Associate II Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Corporate College Name Boul, Timothy J Chambers, Kathleen A Deloch, Kelly M English-Abram, Lesley D Epps, Amy Rebecca Forker, Bonita Dawn Howell, Shayna Jean Kitchen, Troy A Robison, Donald L Ruzicka, Joseph Whitehead, Eric David Range 10 11 13 14 11 11 11 12 13 11 10 Job Title Senior Project Associate I Sr Project Associate II Mgr Business, Finance & Tech Mgr Employment & Trn Pgm Sr Project Associate II Program Manager Sr Project Associate II Mgr Auto Controls/Robotics Trn Mgr Training & Economic Dev Sv Program Mgr Emp & Trn Center Senior Project Associate I Unit Professional-Continuing Corporate College Name Bufalo, Rachel Lynn Landau, Jacquelyn R Sterett, Diane M Range Job Title 08 Continuing Ed Specialist 08 Continuing Education Spec 08 Continuing Ed Specialist Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Probationary Corporate College Name De Vore, Erin Elizabeth Hill, Jocelynn Lakaye Range Job Title 08 Continuing Ed Specialist 10 Senior Project Assoc I FY15 Base Salary 40,620.07 49,143.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,218.60 1,474.29 FY15 Base Salary 40,619.00 41,030.38 54,059.00 42,320.52 40,619.00 40,619.00 41,030.38 49,143.00 54,057.00 40,619.00 54,059.00 40,619.00 42,018.14 79,494.00 41,422.32 Additional FY15 Amount 1,218.57 1,230.91 1,621.77 1,269.62 1,218.57 1,218.57 1,230.91 1,474.29 1,621.71 1,218.57 1,621.77 1,218.57 1,260.54 2,384.82 1,242.67 FY15 Base Salary 80,730.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,421.90 FY15 Base Salary 93,000.00 152,850.00 84,370.19 120,000.00 93,378.02 78,564.90 96,870.62 Additional FY15 Amount 2,790.00 4,585.50 2,531.11 3,600.00 2,801.34 2,356.95 2,906.12 Unit Professional-Temporary Corporate College Name Berry, DeAndre Boyd, Allison Claudette Brown, Cassandra Causevic, Ahmed Dobbins, Andrae Lamont Doss, Pamela Jackson, Latonya R Lombardo, Laurie Marie McCoy, Alma O Meyer, Joseph Nimmo, Travis Lane Reinert, Joel Michael Riddick, Kenneth C Schumacher, Richard W Whitehead, David E Range 8 8 11 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 11 8 8 11 8 Job Title Project Associate II Project Associate II Senior Project Assoc II Project Associate II Project Assoc II Project Associate II Project Associate II Senior Project Associate I Senior Project Assoc I Project Associate II Senior Instuctional Designer Project Associate II Project Associate II Mgr Microcomp Net Srvc Project Associate II Faculty-Continuing Corporate College Name Lee, Dianne M Range VII Professor Job Title Administrative-Continuing Cosand Center Name Burns, Kelli M Dare, Donna E Friend, Joan Gould Klimczak, Craig Kudrak, Ralph Ouellette, Sheila L Schorle, Virginia Anne Range 17 28 16 24 19 16 17 Job Title Director Inst Research & Plan Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Director Enrollment Management Associate Vice Chancellor, TESS Sr Dir, Enterprise Cmp Svc Director Instructional Res Dir Network & Telecom Services Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Probationary Cosand Center Name Benesh, Gina Blackshear, Regina Grover Digman, Jo-Ann K Grebing, Robin Eugenia Johnson, Joyce Starr Kay, Douglas Kent Kimack, Daniel Anthony Miller, William Pener, Lita Marie Tate, Kevin S Thumith, Robert Blake Range 15 15 24 17 15 28 16 24 14 22 16 Job Title Director of Grants Director, Dist Wide Fin A/Scho Executive Dir STLCC Foundation Director, Online Learning Dir., Curriculum & Assessment Vice Chancellor Finance/Admin Director Communications Associate Vice Chancellor, HR Dir Prof Development & Quality Controller Associate Director, Human Res FY15 Base Salary 71,834.00 81,520.00 151,350.00 80,000.00 78,564.00 152,850.00 91,000.00 127,375.00 75,000.00 110,000.00 86,000.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,155.02 2,445.60 4,540.50 2,400.00 2,356.92 4,585.50 2,730.00 3,821.25 2,250.00 3,300.00 2,580.00 FY15 Base Salary 59,467.00 54,925.14 68,918.54 54,403.01 59,783.61 59,826.82 60,358.00 69,147.93 91,127.27 64,753.02 60,358.00 45,069.41 62,925.85 59,783.61 61,213.25 62,384.81 59,783.61 69,609.10 52,665.28 62,925.85 80,125.18 74,989.48 41,030.38 49,779.23 60,358.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,784.01 1,647.75 2,067.56 1,632.09 1,793.51 1,794.80 1,810.74 2,074.44 2,733.82 1,942.59 1,810.74 1,352.08 1,887.78 1,793.51 1,836.40 1,871.54 1,793.51 2,088.27 1,579.96 1,887.78 2,403.76 2,249.68 1,230.91 1,493.38 1,810.74 Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Cosand Center Name Bennett, Carol H Bewig, Philip Louis Brunatti, Carl Anthony Casteel, Cathleen Elizabeth Clayton, Christopher A Cooper, James N Darr, Sarah J Dickey, John C Dill, Dennis W Duarte, John S Fanter, Jonathan D Figgs, Larre R Garrison, Rebecca S Gioia, Matthew P Green, Cynthia R Guthrie, Robert D Harmon, Donna Lou Hawasli, Khouloud H Hayden, James D Helberg, Yvonne J Henderson, Patricia G Houghton, Jill Leslie Howard, Tamara Aletha Stocking Jahn, Lori L Kelley, Michael P Range 12 11 13 11 12 11 12 13 14 11 12 09 11 12 12 11 12 14 09 11 13 14 08 09 12 Job Title Mgr DW IR Collection Services Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr Oracle & Database Sys Admin District Coor, Marketing Com Application/Sys Anal/Pgm Spec Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp Enterprise Bus App System Ldr Sr Manager, Facilities Supervisor, Central Facilities Supervisor Network Engineering Executive Assistant Associate for Board Relations Network Security Analyst Assistant Controller Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr Executive Associate-Foundation Mgr Elec Com & Sys Integration NCERP Coordinator Adm Assoc to Chancellor Mgr Employment & Recruitment Coordinator Budget Coordinator Student Accounts Executive Assistant Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Kempf, Kenneth Charles Kennedy, Susan E Koch, Karol Ann Kovarik, Robert C Matreci, Patricia S McCann, Kerri Nichole McCready, Joan Wingert McGhee, Eileen Nakita Mueller, Kimberly Rene Nie, Changyun Noland, Ann G Pahl, John J Peck, Donna K Perry, Claudia M Petz, Michael J Portman, Ronald L Sackett, George L Speh, Warren F Young-Abotsi, Kirsten Renee Zanitsch, Joseph L 14 10 09 11 11 13 13 10 09 12 10 13 11 11 14 10 11 11 12 13 Mgr Engin & Design Supv Gen Accounting Executive Assistant Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr District Cor/Public In/Med Rel Enterprise Bus App System Ldr Enterprise Bus App System Ldr Total Compensation Specialist Executive Assistant Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp Bursar Manager, Total Compensation Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr District Coor, College Com Mgr Telecom & Engin Supv Payroll District Cor Web Com/New Media Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr Mgr DW IR Systems Oracle & Database Sys Admin 70,618.11 57,793.72 45,069.41 57,092.29 60,520.96 65,574.87 72,016.09 50,706.92 44,680.00 60,358.00 55,569.50 72,071.73 55,994.46 77,413.94 70,957.45 66,532.40 54,403.01 56,552.54 59,467.00 66,205.17 2,118.54 1,733.81 1,352.08 1,712.77 1,815.63 1,967.25 2,160.48 1,521.21 1,340.40 1,810.74 1,667.09 2,162.15 1,679.83 2,322.42 2,128.72 1,995.97 1,632.09 1,696.58 1,784.01 1,986.16 FY15 Base Salary 65,287.00 68,676.00 72,000.00 59,400.00 54,059.00 54,059.00 68,674.00 49,143.31 59,467.00 45,000.00 49,143.00 44,679.07 69,000.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,958.61 2,060.28 2,160.00 1,782.00 1,621.77 1,621.77 2,060.22 1,474.30 1,784.01 1,350.00 1,474.29 1,340.37 2,070.00 FY15 Base Salary 57,161.23 56,215.99 Additional FY15 Amount 1,714.84 1,686.48 Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Cosand Center Name Atwood, Gregory F Budde, Ashley Elise Christie, Carole Fillenwarth, Albert Floyd Foster, Mark William Furlong, Joseph M Gable, Karla J Heal, Catherine M Johnson, Angela L Richardson, Brett D Shasserre, Benjamin A Turnbough, Tiffany A Ward, Lisa Range 13 14 13 09 11 11 14 10 12 09 10 09 13 Job Title UNIX & Operating System Administrator Coor. of Alum. Rel & Ann. Fund DW Mgr, Public Info & Market Financial Analyst Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr Sr Mgr, Enrollment Processing Total Compensation Specialist Manager Student Accounts Coor, CTE Art. & Dual Web Graphic Designer Human Resource Specialist I Enterprise Business App System Leader Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Cosand Center Name Fowler, Karin L Meyer, Patricia Allen Range Job Title 11 Senior Project Associate II 11 Manager Carl D. Perkins Grant Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Continuing Cosand Center Name Dilworth, Alfonzo C Dowdy, Mark Irving Holland, Monica R Linkous, Kimberly A Lukacz, Annette J Marshall, Joseph B Nelson, James S Sulincevski, Christopher P Thompson, Michael Jeremy Twombly, Michael F Wittendorfer, Irma Works, Gregory Allen Range 10 11 07 09 08 10 09 10 12 09 09 12 Job Title Construction Project Fac Electrical Engineer Serials Coordinator Coor DW IR Acquisitions Coor Library Services Construction Project Fac Catalog Librarian Senior Project Associate I Applications Solutions Analyst Construction Inspector Buyer Sr Research Associate FY15 Base Salary 51,317.31 55,189.16 37,885.75 44,679.07 43,177.65 66,593.16 46,489.59 50,950.98 59,783.61 59,388.91 47,932.51 60,647.92 Additional FY15 Amount 1,539.52 1,655.67 1,136.57 1,340.37 1,295.33 1,997.79 1,394.69 1,528.53 1,793.51 1,781.67 1,437.98 1,819.44 FY15 Base Salary 59,783.61 50,000.00 59,467.00 59,466.80 59,467.00 54,058.97 49,143.00 46,892.30 44,680.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,793.51 1,500.00 1,784.01 1,784.00 1,784.01 1,621.77 1,474.29 1,406.77 1,340.40 FY15 Base Salary 40,619.00 45,501.50 49,143.00 40,619.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,218.57 1,365.05 1,474.29 1,218.57 FY15 Base Salary 95,401.63 70,957.45 98,843.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,862.05 2,128.72 2,965.29 Unit Professional-Probationary Cosand Center Name Bailey, William E Carpenter Bond, Tracy R Chambers, Eric D Gioia, Daniel Gerard Klotz, Ryan J Mosby, Keith D Peterlin, Jennifer L Shugert, Claudia A Walker-Thoth, Daphne La Vera Range 12 10 12 12 12 11 10 09 09 Job Title Applications Solutions Analyst Coordinator, Veterans' Affairs Sr Research Associate Applications Solutions Analyst Sr Research Associate Server Systems Analyst Research Associate Academic Grant Writer Academic Grant Writer Unit Professional-Temporary Cosand Center Name Andert, Kevin Gerard Fietsam, Debra Ann Talundzic, Ibrahim Turner, Valerie Lynn Range 08 09 10 08 Job Title Project Associate II Coor CTE Curriculum Projects Senior Project Associate I Project Associate II Administrative-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Mayes, Karen K Norris, Richard J Worth, Joseph B Range Job Title 15 Director of Nursing Education 14 Director of Life Sciences 22 Vice-President Student Affairs Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Lupardus, S Carol White, Stephen Wilson Range Job Title 23 Vice President, Academic Affairs 20 Academic Dean, MSET FY15 Base Salary 98,000.00 86,554.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,940.00 2,596.62 FY15 Base Salary 151,849.75 86,544.00 86,544.00 Additional FY15 Amount 4,555.49 2,596.32 2,596.32 FY15 Base Salary 55,719.11 59,467.00 68,105.59 76,408.56 72,363.59 49,985.39 59,783.61 71,482.51 50,229.29 60,008.91 70,957.45 57,899.27 46,711.96 Additional FY15 Amount 1,671.57 1,784.01 2,043.17 2,292.26 2,170.91 1,499.56 1,793.51 2,144.48 1,506.88 1,800.27 2,128.72 1,736.98 1,401.36 FY15 Base Salary 59,467.00 59,467.00 65,286.31 65,286.31 Additional FY15 Amount 1,784.01 1,784.01 1,958.59 1,958.59 FY15 Base Salary 66,884.68 Additional FY15 Amount 2,006.54 Administrative-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Curry, Ruby Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip Luebke, Mary E Range Job Title 28 Interim President 20 Acting Academic Dean 20 Acting Academic Dean Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Barnes, Patricia Lewis Bird, Amy Elizabeth Cunningham, Khaneetah A Ferlisi, John R Furlong, John T Herrion, Dobbie Reese Mahoney, Douglas J Nixon, Gwendolyn G Thomas, Roger T Tolson, Kedra S Van Reed, Jay R Walsh, Michela J Werner, Adria G Range 11 12 12 13 14 10 12 12 09 11 14 11 09 Job Title Mgr Assessment Mgr Disability Support Svc Mgr Stu Fin Aid Manager, Facilities Sr Mgr Camp Lib & Instruct Res Manager Academic Learning Ctr Mgr Campus Bus Svc Mgr Campus Life Supv Lib Svc Coor Campus & Com Relations Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv Mgr Career & Emp Svc Executive Assistant Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Fletcher, Christopher M Mayse, Renee Pollard, Jean M Turner, Sandra Theressa Range 12 12 13 13 Job Title Mgr Admisions/Registration Manager, Child Development Center Mgr Emerson Ct/Ct for Wk Innov Campus Chief of Police Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Boedeker, Elizabeth D Range Job Title 12 Sr Research Scientist/CRO Coor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Covington, Wendell Gillespie, James L Lewis, Rosita D Lusk, Danielle Lee Stillman, Julie 13 10 10 10 12 Manager, Gateway to College Senior Project Associate I Sr Project Assoc I Senior Project Associate I Interim Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services 65,574.87 49,986.46 49,986.46 49,510.92 59,467.00 1,967.25 1,499.59 1,499.59 1,485.33 1,784.01 FY15 Base Salary 45,069.41 45,718.98 39,714.79 54,509.00 61,789.35 47,432.44 45,190.27 34,092.59 58,960.84 53,266.52 45,069.41 38,892.27 45,069.41 43,177.65 37,706.33 37,348.77 42,727.56 42,727.56 40,203.64 38,522.65 46,804.23 45,718.98 43,340.72 59,729.70 46,711.96 45,718.98 42,598.48 43,815.81 42,018.14 37,706.33 46,492.06 38,705.91 41,030.38 41,030.38 38,705.91 47,239.99 43,340.72 Additional FY15 Amount 1,352.08 1,371.57 1,191.44 1,635.27 1,853.68 1,422.97 1,355.71 1,022.78 1,768.83 1,598.00 1,352.08 1,166.77 1,352.08 1,295.33 1,131.19 1,120.46 1,281.83 1,281.83 1,206.11 1,155.68 1,404.13 1,371.57 1,300.22 1,791.89 1,401.36 1,371.57 1,277.95 1,314.47 1,260.54 1,131.19 1,394.76 1,161.18 1,230.91 1,230.91 1,161.18 1,417.20 1,300.22 Unit Professional-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Boyd, Antoinette Marie Bratcher, Alexandria C Brooks, Sally A Burroughs, Gena F Caldwell, Mary I Claverie, Janice A Davis, Bruce E Driskill, Regina Lynn Ehlen, Steven F Fitzgerald, Janice Marie Gomez, Rachel Anne Hall, Jacklyn Micheal Harris, Victoria A Hill, Ivory M Kinzel, Carrie L Mann, Anna-Marie Tia Martin, Michael D McCool, Marie L McMurray, Amy Elizabeth McNeil, Haralyn LaDawn McVey, Matthew H Miller, Amy Gail Miller, Donna L Miller, Robert E Morgan, Carol A Morgan, Dwayne A Naumann, Virginia L Nixon, Carol C Overhauser, William Lewis Phillips, Karana J Porter, Kevin D Roy, Mary Kay Schmitt, Linda M Sonderman, Amy J Stepetin, Janelle Leigh Thomas, Laura J Trauterman, Tammy M * = 36 week Range 09 09 07 08 11 08 08 * 08 08 09 09 07 09 08 07 07 08 08 07 07 08 09 07 08 08 09 07 07 08 07 08 07 08 08 07 08 07 Job Title Career & Employ Svc Spec Stu Fin Aid Spec Child Care Specialist Coor. Student Success & Ach Sv Senior Instructional Designer Academic Advisor Supv Math Lab Asst Interpreter Coordinator Supv Tech Learning Ctr Coor Enrollment Mgmt Communications Specialist Child Care Specialist Career & Employ Svc Spec Academic Advisor Child Care Specialist Child Care Specialist Supv Camp Wrt Ctr Supv Theatre Assessment Specialist Child Care Specialist Supv Ph Ed Ath Fac Sup Interpreter Coordinator Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Coor Student Orientation/Trans Educational Assistant III Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Educational Assistant III Supv Tech Learning Ctr Child Care Specialist Supv College Rdg/Study Skills Coordinator Emerson Center Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Child Care Specialist Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Wagner, Mary Sutherland Watkins, Susan A Weaver, Deborah G White, Christopher C 09 08 08 08 Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Academic Advisor College Nurse Coordinator Library Services 44,680.09 47,601.11 42,727.65 41,620.49 1,340.40 1,428.03 1,281.83 1,248.61 Unit Professional-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Boyle, Brett A Cooper, Joseph Michael Culp, Christine Marie Elam Michaud, Beth Ann Leiber, Ann Marie McKnight, Susan Coleman Schneider, Scott E Taylor, Angela Michelle Watson-Collins, Elizabeth Kelly Range 11 07 11 08 11 10 11 08 07 Job Title Sr Instructional Designer Supv International Student Act Info Tech Support Proj Coor Project Associate II Senior Project Associate II Coordinator, SEED Programs Info Tech Support Proj Coor Project Associate II Educational Assistant III FY15 Base Salary 54,059.00 36,920.00 54,059.00 40,619.00 54,059.23 60,358.00 54,059.00 40,619.00 37,348.77 Additional FY15 Amount 1,621.77 1,107.60 1,621.77 1,218.57 1,621.78 1,810.74 1,621.77 1,218.57 1,120.46 FY15 Base Salary 40,619.00 40,619.38 41,422.32 40,619.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,218.57 1,218.58 1,242.67 1,218.57 FY15 Base Salary 56,959.00 56,959.00 89,663.00 75,188.00 62,801.00 53,117.00 67,841.00 71,936.00 66,278.00 54,644.00 76,658.00 77,753.00 62,801.00 76,658.00 62,714.00 62,801.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,708.77 1,708.77 2,689.89 2,255.64 1,884.03 1,593.51 2,035.23 2,158.08 1,988.34 1,639.32 2,299.74 2,332.59 1,884.03 2,299.74 1,881.42 1,884.03 Unit Professional-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Amos, Melphina Latrice Eunice, Selena E Jordan, Carla Louise Williams, Whitney Lee Range 08 08 08 08 Job Title Project Associate II, Temp Project Associate II, Temp Project Associate II Project Associate II Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Bai, Steven Soby Bell, Wesley J Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Blackwell-Hardin, Sara Lynne Blanco, Carlos A Bozek, Brian M Brennan, Mary Kathryn Bryan, Wayne M Burkhardt, Charles E Campbell, Cindy L Clark, Anthony Steven Coelho, Ana P Collins, Linda Housch Copp, Julie C Range IV V VII VII VI IV VI VII VI IV VII VII V VII V V Job Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Dieckmann, Thomas M Doering, David A Ebest, Ron J Edmonds, Dino A Fickas, Julie C Fischer, Carl W Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Foster, Drew A Fox, Sharon A Freeman, Terrence L Friedman, Donna G Fuller, Carolyn Marie Galanis, Joanne M Gale-Betzler, Lisa E Garrison, April M Gerstenecker, Dale M Gordon, Katherine Heather Graul, Julie L Hake, Carol L Hake, John C Hansen, Troy Robert Higdon, Paul Edward Hollins, Stacy Gee Kalmer, Irene C Kraja, Elida Langnas, Robert S Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S Lewis, Christine Marie Manteuffel, Mark Steven Martin, Rachel D McDonald, Chris L McGovern, Thomas A McManemy, Jeffrey Charles Medeiros, Jennifer Anne Mense, James J Miinch, Patricia Lincecum Miller, Donda Dianne Mosher, Anne Marie Mueller, Kelly J Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Nesser-Chu, Janice Nickrent, Ellen M North, Sharon I Nygard, Paul D Oliver, Lonetta Michelle Oney, Margaret J Papier, Jeffrey A Pea, Nancy E Jones IV V VI IV IV VI VI VII VI V VII VII VII V VII V IV VI VII VI VI IV V VII VI VII V VII VI V VI VI IV V VI VII VI VI V VI VII V VI V V VII VII V VII V VI Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Assistant Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Associate Professor/Counselor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor 51,348.00 58,658.00 66,278.00 55,545.00 56,959.00 64,695.00 69,102.00 74,105.00 64,695.00 63,788.00 75,188.00 83,705.00 88,173.00 58,658.00 80,730.00 62,714.00 51,348.00 74,151.00 71,936.00 69,102.00 69,102.00 53,744.00 62,801.00 74,105.00 62,801.00 75,919.00 64,695.00 75,188.00 64,695.00 62,801.00 64,695.00 71,936.00 52,098.00 60,570.00 64,695.00 76,658.00 71,936.00 65,640.00 61,641.00 65,640.00 75,919.00 60,570.00 64,695.00 62,714.00 59,227.00 77,753.00 71,936.00 56,121.00 76,658.00 56,959.00 65,640.00 1,540.44 1,759.74 1,988.34 1,666.35 1,708.77 1,940.85 2,073.06 2,223.15 1,940.85 1,913.64 2,255.64 2,511.15 2,645.19 1,759.74 2,421.90 1,881.42 1,540.44 2,224.53 2,158.08 2,073.06 2,073.06 1,612.32 1,884.03 2,223.15 1,884.03 2,277.57 1,940.85 2,255.64 1,940.85 1,884.03 1,940.85 2,158.08 1,562.94 1,817.10 1,940.85 2,299.74 2,158.08 1,969.20 1,849.23 1,969.20 2,277.57 1,817.10 1,940.85 1,881.42 1,776.81 2,332.59 2,158.08 1,683.63 2,299.74 1,708.77 1,969.20 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Pernik, Rita Moisevna Pescarino, Richard A Popper, Regina W Quintero, Michael O Reilly, Catherine H Rosenthal, Howard G Ross, Anne Therese Runge, Douglas K Saum, Suzanne E Sawah, Rihab Serns, Susan Lynn Sherwin, Amy Beth Wagner Shultis, Eric Sodon, James R Stephens, Christopher J Suess, Patricia A Taylor, Mark L Thomas-Woods, Renee M Toal, Kevin R Tremont, Samuel J Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Wachal, Barbara Joan Wagganer, Andrea M Wallner, Donna F Warren, Aundrea L Wentworth, Glenna C White, Dennis Arthur Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Pamela S V VII VII VI VII VII VI IV VII VI VI V VII VII VII VII VII V V V VII VII VI IV VII V VI V V VI Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/IR Sabbatical201310 Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/Counselor 56,121.00 71,936.00 76,658.00 64,695.00 75,188.00 80,730.00 66,924.00 52,098.00 74,105.00 62,801.00 64,695.00 59,227.00 75,919.00 95,619.00 75,919.00 71,936.00 76,658.00 57,813.00 59,227.00 62,801.00 74,825.00 75,919.00 64,695.00 56,121.00 76,658.00 58,658.00 64,695.00 56,121.00 57,813.00 64,695.00 1,683.63 2,158.08 2,299.74 1,940.85 2,255.64 2,421.90 2,007.72 1,562.94 2,223.15 1,884.03 1,940.85 1,776.81 2,277.57 2,868.57 2,277.57 2,158.08 2,299.74 1,734.39 1,776.81 1,884.03 2,244.75 2,277.57 1,940.85 1,683.63 2,299.74 1,759.74 1,940.85 1,683.63 1,734.39 1,940.85 FY15 Base Salary 51,847.00 52,604.00 54,644.00 49,846.00 61,641.00 58,658.00 56,959.00 56,121.00 56,121.00 56,959.00 50,590.00 49,846.00 58,658.00 58,658.00 61,641.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,555.41 1,578.12 1,639.32 1,495.38 1,849.23 1,759.74 1,708.77 1,683.63 1,683.63 1,708.77 1,517.70 1,495.38 1,759.74 1,759.74 1,849.23 Faculty-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Barr, Kimberly Suzanne Boehm, Jason L Brown-Marshall, Amy Lynn Caster, Faith Ann Christiansen, Steven Cohen, Richard Davis, Phyllis Regina Driskill, John E Englert, Brandon Rose Fielding, Sarah A Gevaert, Scott D Hill, Jennifer Sue Hunn, Jonathan William Jenner, Julia Kobe, David Range IV IV IV IV V V V V V V IV IV V V V Job Title Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Metroulas, Michael B Meyer, Jason E Selders, Lynn R Stillwell, Ellen Louise V IV IV V Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor 56,959.00 50,590.00 53,744.00 56,959.00 1,708.77 1,517.70 1,612.32 1,708.77 FY15 Base Salary 59,805.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,794.15 FY15 Base Salary 94,000.00 99,692.59 Additional FY15 Amount 2,820.00 2,990.78 FY15 Base Salary 90,000.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,700.00 FY15 Base Salary 90,309.00 151,849.75 91,730.38 Additional FY15 Amount 2,709.27 4,555.49 2,751.91 FY15 Base Salary 69,782.71 71,127.93 45,069.41 60,647.92 61,969.74 54,403.01 61,969.74 54,925.14 60,647.92 62,667.95 Additional FY15 Amount 2,093.48 2,133.84 1,352.08 1,819.44 1,859.09 1,632.09 1,859.09 1,647.75 1,819.44 1,880.04 Faculty-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Poelker, Timothy James Range Job Title V Assistant Professor Administrative-Continuing Forest Park Name Featherson, Vincent E Hall, Tracy Denise Range Job Title 20 Academic Dean - Allied Health 23 V-P for Academic Affairs Administrative-Probationary Forest Park Name Mead-Roach, Amanda S Range Job Title 20 Academic Dean Administrative-Temporary Forest Park Name Carter, Deborah Smith Nunn, Roderick Wilcoxson, Elizabeth Range Job Title 22 Acting Vice President, Student Affairs 28 Interim Campus President 20 Acting Dean, Business, Math & Technology Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Forest Park Name Banahan, Richard M Dodwell, Katherine M Harris, Kelli Lynnette Hart, Christina Beth Johnson, Paulette D King Edmiston, Susan Marshall, Glenn Moore, Davis Freeman Subramanian, Chitra Turner, Linda S Range 13 14 09 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 Job Title Chief of Police Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv Executive Assistant Mgr Campus Aux Services Mgr Stu Fin Aid Coor Campus Public Info & Mktg Mgr Admissions/Registration Mgr Career & Emp Svc Mgr Campus Bus Svc Mgr Assessment Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Vansaghi, John T Williams, June S 13 14 Manager, Facilities Sr Mgr Camp Lib & Instruct Res 79,504.07 68,946.19 2,385.12 2,068.39 FY15 Base Salary 65,286.00 49,143.31 59,467.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,958.58 1,474.30 1,784.01 FY15 Base Salary 54,059.00 59,467.00 49,510.92 Additional FY15 Amount 1,621.77 1,784.01 1,485.33 FY15 Base Salary 56,390.56 54,845.43 54,295.00 41,422.32 43,633.47 45,093.74 41,422.32 44,170.71 43,633.47 44,170.45 49,228.65 49,510.92 49,510.92 47,909.17 68,676.12 45,501.50 46,489.59 55,083.92 46,711.96 42,320.52 Additional FY15 Amount 1,691.72 1,645.36 1,628.85 1,242.67 1,309.00 1,352.81 1,242.67 1,325.12 1,309.00 1,325.11 1,476.86 1,485.33 1,485.33 1,437.28 2,060.28 1,365.05 1,394.69 1,652.52 1,401.36 1,269.62 Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Forest Park Name Edwards, Stacy M Jenkins, Cynthia Lee White, Cassandra D Range Job Title 13 Mgr Harrison Ed Ct/Cm Outreach 10 Mgr Student Success Center 12 Mgr Academic Advising Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Forest Park Name Foster, Donivan W Primous, Ena Walker, Kim Yvette Range Job Title 11 Acting Manager, Campus Life 12 Acting Manager, Business Services 10 Senior Project Associate I Unit Professional-Continuing Forest Park Name Ballot, Steven A Bayer, Christine M Brandon-Straub, Rachel R Brownlee, Alyce Robinson Cobb, Mary Ann Cross, V David Doss, Glenda Renee Evans, Beverly A Finney, Eloise Foster, Stacey Y Hopkins, Vicki A Howlett, Amber L Lee, Lisa R Logan, Deborah E Malta, Randy J Owens, Hester O Rogers-Anderson, Telitha Michelle Thomas, Jean A Turner, Donna A Zieren, Anita L Range 11 10 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 10 10 09 11 09 09 08 09 08 Job Title Network Systems Analyst Supv Campus Com Ctr & Satell Educational Assistant III Coor/Library Services Academic Advisor Project Associate II Coor Student Access & Ach Svc Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Admissions Rep II Coordinator Student Services Student Support Specialist Coor Enrollment Mgmt Sr Instructional Designer Career & Employ Svc Spec Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Coor Library Services Student Fin Aid Spec Academic Advisor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Probationary Forest Park Name Christopher, Mark Stephen Edwards, Cheryll Rhondene Graham, John K Hill, Elke A Howell, Julie Christine Hyde, Michelle Scott Martin, Kirk D Moreland, Bertha M Schaefer, Jeffrey A Range 09 08 11 08 07 11 08 08 08 Job Title Coor EMS Programs Academic Advisor Senior Instructional Designer Academic Advisor Project Associate I Senior Project Assoc II Supv Ph Ed/Ath Fac Sup Academic Advisor Theatre Supervisor FY15 Base Salary 44,680.09 40,619.00 54,059.00 40,619.00 36,920.00 54,106.71 40,619.00 40,619.00 40,619.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,340.40 1,218.57 1,621.77 1,218.57 1,107.60 1,623.20 1,218.57 1,218.57 1,218.57 FY15 Base Salary 38,705.83 40,619.00 58,821.50 57,867.07 43,177.65 37,705.54 59,464.00 36,920.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,161.17 1,218.57 1,764.65 1,736.01 1,295.33 1,131.17 1,783.92 1,107.60 FY15 Base Salary 64,695.00 62,801.00 75,188.00 77,753.00 70,366.00 56,121.00 62,801.00 59,805.00 62,801.00 62,801.00 75,188.00 62,801.00 57,347.00 55,545.00 64,695.00 59,227.00 65,640.00 95,619.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,940.85 1,884.03 2,255.64 2,332.59 2,110.98 1,683.63 1,884.03 1,794.15 1,884.03 1,884.03 2,255.64 1,884.03 1,720.41 1,666.35 1,940.85 1,776.81 1,969.20 2,868.57 Unit Professional-Temporary Forest Park Name Bell, Yolanda Bratcher, James E Gilbers, Bernard Jackson, Carolyn A Ritchie, Mary J Stone, Mavis I Ware, Keith James Ware, Kendall Anthony Range 07 07 11 11 08 07 11 07 Job Title Project Associate I Project Associate I Mgr, Microcomputer Network Services Sr Project Assoc II Project Associate II Project Associate I Senior Project Associate II Project Associate I Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Aiello, Janis J Alvarez, Teresa Ann Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Anthes, Richard M Applegate, Mark D Ayres, Janet C Benton, Deira L Boedeker, Stacey S Brake, Dean A Breed, Gwen E Brown, Dorian A Carter, Brian D Clark, Judy V Cole, Angelic Inez Collins, Jennifer P Corich, Evelyn F Cusumano, Donald R Range VI V VII VII VI IV V V V VI VII VI IV IV VI V VI VII Job Title Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Instructor II Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Daniel, Paul T Das, Neil Emery Daugherty, Seth A Dennis, Jeremy K Downey, Michael D Fackelman, Joseph A Fish, Lynda K Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Forester, Patricia M French, Brenda F Frison, Tommie F Gardner, Steven Eugene Gee, Melody Gerardot, Diane M Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Goushey, Layla Azmi Graham, Nita S Grote, Terri J Hall, Sandra Dye Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Henry, Deborah Jane Hertel, Robert B Hottle-Sippy, Jessica Lynn Huber, William F Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Irons, Sandra J Isaacson, Matthew Paul Ivory, Jeffrey P Jason, Marita A Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Knight, Sandra M Koric, Arabela Kreher, Jamie L Kruger, Mark H Lueke, H Michael Martin, Susan J Moody, Carla J Moreland, Lisa Kay Morris, Jonathan Michael Mueller, Craig Hugo Munden, James Jeffrey Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah Rochelle NewMyer, Angela Blake VI V V VII VII V VII VI V VII VI V IV IV VII VII V V V VI VII V VI VII V VII VI VI VII IV V VI VII VI VII VII VII VII IV IV VI V VII IV VI VI VI IV V V V Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Associate Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Professor Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor 69,102.00 56,959.00 57,813.00 74,105.00 76,658.00 56,959.00 76,658.00 64,695.00 59,227.00 76,658.00 64,695.00 64,863.00 57,347.00 53,744.00 76,658.00 74,105.00 56,121.00 66,278.00 61,641.00 64,695.00 77,753.00 61,641.00 62,801.00 75,188.00 62,801.00 71,936.00 67,841.00 62,801.00 71,936.00 57,347.00 62,801.00 71,936.00 77,753.00 64,695.00 71,936.00 71,936.00 80,730.00 75,188.00 53,744.00 56,121.00 62,801.00 61,641.00 71,936.00 61,868.00 62,801.00 71,936.00 66,924.00 56,121.00 61,641.00 62,801.00 56,121.00 2,073.06 1,708.77 1,734.39 2,223.15 2,299.74 1,708.77 2,299.74 1,940.85 1,776.81 2,299.74 1,940.85 1,945.89 1,720.41 1,612.32 2,299.74 2,223.15 1,683.63 1,988.34 1,849.23 1,940.85 2,332.59 1,849.23 1,884.03 2,255.64 1,884.03 2,158.08 2,035.23 1,884.03 2,158.08 1,720.41 1,884.03 2,158.08 2,332.59 1,940.85 2,158.08 2,158.08 2,421.90 2,255.64 1,612.32 1,683.63 1,884.03 1,849.23 2,158.08 1,856.04 1,884.03 2,158.08 2,007.72 1,683.63 1,849.23 1,884.03 1,683.63 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Nichols, Andrea Jean Njoku, Angela C Orlando Krazer, Lori Carleen Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther Elizabeth Pemberton, Sharon A Peppes, Nicholas D Perez Franco, Antonia T Person, Sharon K Petroff, Kathleen M Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Polta, Sally Louise Queener, Scott E Raheja, Nina S Reeves, Aaron L Ring, Phyllis A Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Roffle, Angela Harleana Sherman, Patricia A Shiller, Casey Eric Shockley, James E Smith, Stephen W Swallow, Cheryl A Swyers, Kathleen M Talkad, Venugopal D Trunk, Deborah D Warfield, Angela Marie Williams, Louis Willis, Dahna Raye Wilson, Hilary Lea Wilson, Joe A Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Zirkle, Thomas A Zuo, Yingxue VI VII V VI VII V V VII V VII V VI VI V VI VII VI VI V V VI IV VI VII VII V VII V VII IV IV V V VI VII VII Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Instructor II Instructor II Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor 71,936.00 71,936.00 56,121.00 62,801.00 75,188.00 64,863.00 61,641.00 76,658.00 62,801.00 80,730.00 62,801.00 64,695.00 64,695.00 62,801.00 65,640.00 71,936.00 65,323.00 71,936.00 58,374.00 64,863.00 62,801.00 56,121.00 65,640.00 76,658.00 75,188.00 65,934.00 80,730.00 62,801.00 74,105.00 53,744.00 56,448.00 62,801.00 64,695.00 71,936.00 71,936.00 76,658.00 2,158.08 2,158.08 1,683.63 1,884.03 2,255.64 1,945.89 1,849.23 2,299.74 1,884.03 2,421.90 1,884.03 1,940.85 1,940.85 1,884.03 1,969.20 2,158.08 1,959.69 2,158.08 1,751.22 1,945.89 1,884.03 1,683.63 1,969.20 2,299.74 2,255.64 1,978.02 2,421.90 1,884.03 2,223.15 1,612.32 1,693.44 1,884.03 1,940.85 2,158.08 2,158.08 2,299.74 FY15 Base Salary 71,936.00 52,604.00 53,117.00 61,641.00 57,813.00 58,658.00 49,846.00 57,813.00 51,847.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,158.08 1,578.12 1,593.51 1,849.23 1,734.39 1,759.74 1,495.38 1,734.39 1,555.41 Faculty-Probationary Forest Park Name Adamecz, Gustav Barron, Tracy J Casey, Zita Maria Char, Deborah J Goessling, Steven P Griffin, Walter C Hafezi, Bella Jackson, Joseph E LaPorte, Michelle Lynn Range VII IV IV V V V IV V IV Job Title Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Mayfield, Patrick M Myers, Nicole Maria Negash, Efrem O Northern, Rebecca Ann Parrinello Cason, Michelle Diane Polk, Kim Krafte Schuster, Rositta Skurat, Angela D Smith, Adrienne C Thien, Melany Fawne Tucker, William E Walker, Joshua Mark V IV IV V IV V III IV IV IV V V Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor I Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor 58,374.00 53,744.00 53,744.00 56,959.00 51,847.00 62,714.00 43,365.00 49,846.00 54,644.00 49,846.00 62,714.00 56,121.00 1,751.22 1,612.32 1,612.32 1,708.77 1,555.41 1,881.42 1,300.95 1,495.38 1,639.32 1,495.38 1,881.42 1,683.63 FY15 Base Salary 95,412.28 97,616.96 101,900.00 164,471.73 Additional FY15 Amount 2,862.37 2,928.51 3,057.00 4,934.15 FY15 Base Salary 90,309.00 94,000.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,709.27 2,820.00 FY15 Base Salary 61,673.70 45,718.98 67,697.77 59,783.61 68,674.00 61,545.05 55,189.16 65,655.32 61,969.74 67,163.91 76,592.70 48,853.23 59,498.13 91,127.57 Additional FY15 Amount 1,850.21 1,371.57 2,030.93 1,793.51 2,060.22 1,846.35 1,655.67 1,969.66 1,859.09 2,014.92 2,297.78 1,465.60 1,784.94 2,733.83 Administrative-Continuing Meramec Name Johnson, Yvonne Kays, Vernon M Langrehr, Andrew M McIntyre, Pamela A Range 20 20 23 28 Job Title Academic Dean Academic Dean Vice-President Academic Affairs College President Administrative-Probationary Meramec Name Fitzgerald, Kimberly M Walsh, Janet K Range Job Title 22 Vice-President Student Affairs 20 Academic Dean Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Meramec Name Cundiff, Mike B Daniel, Susan M Eberle-Mayse, Ray A Kettenacker, Victoria C Mallory, Patrick R Massey, Julie K Meaders-Booth, Jacqueline Nissenbaum, Linda D Oplt, Toni L Potts, Claudia Jean Swan, Sharon K Timmermann, Sherri L Willmore, Richard A Wright, Willie Range 12 09 11 12 14 12 11 12 11 13 14 09 08 13 Job Title Mgr Admissions/Registration Coor Admissions Mgr Assessment Mgr Campus Bus Svc Sr Mgr Camp Lib & Instruct Res Mgr Academic Advising Mgr Career & Emp Svc Mgr Disability Support Svc Coor Campus & Com Relations Mgr S Cty Education & Univ Ctr Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv Executive Assistant Supv Theatre Manager, Facilities Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Meramec Name Russo, Anthony Range 13 Chief of Police Job Title FY15 Base Salary 65,286.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,958.58 FY15 Base Salary 65,574.87 49,143.00 59,467.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,967.25 1,474.29 1,784.01 Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Meramec Name Burks, Michael J Mesic, Sanela Savarino, Paula Range Job Title 13 Mgr Digital Arts/Tech Alliance 10 Senior Project Associate I 12 Interim Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services Unit Professional-Continuing Meramec Name Arthur, Mary L Austin-Cooper, Dana M Clayton, Sandra E Clincy, Mysha R Dingman, Renee Gail Grier, Johna Myrtle Hehr, Steve M Higgins, Elizabeth G Hogan, Betty J Hooker, Fran Hubble, Linda Diane Huff, Suzzie A Kennedy, Jean Patricia Lampkins, Tracy D Ludens, Lynne A McGee, Darlene K McPherson, Charles B Meyer, Dennis J Milward, Lorraine A Novikova, Galina Pritchard, Kathy L Rankin, Tracy Lea Reinhardt, Sherita L Seddon, Karla S Stepanovic, Lisa E * = 36 week * * * * * * * * Range 11 08 08 08 09 08 11 08 08 08 11 08 08 08 08 08 09 11 08 07 10 08 09 07 11 Job Title Info Tech Support Proj Coor Academic Advisor Supv Math Lab Academic Advisor Spec Svc for Stu Disabilities Academic Advisor Network Systems Analyst Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Supv Camp Wrt Ctr Sr Instructional Designer Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Assoc Instructional Designer Communications Specialist Network Systems Analyst Academic Advisor Educational Assistant III Coor Student Services Academic Advisor Career & Employ Svc Spec Educational Assistant III Sr Instructional Designer FY15 Base Salary 59,465.00 41,375.48 42,320.52 41,620.49 45,718.98 41,620.26 55,717.97 31,179.16 33,093.08 36,799.97 60,820.47 42,727.18 31,892.69 41,620.49 36,886.69 30,465.00 45,069.41 55,717.97 49,247.02 30,116.99 56,389.97 44,170.38 45,501.50 28,379.23 54,925.14 Additional FY15 Amount 1,783.95 1,241.26 1,269.62 1,248.61 1,371.57 1,248.61 1,671.54 935.37 992.79 1,104.00 1,824.61 1,281.82 956.78 1,248.61 1,106.60 913.95 1,352.08 1,671.54 1,477.41 903.51 1,691.70 1,325.11 1,365.05 851.38 1,647.75 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Swiderski, Joseph E Thompson, Darren L Vipond, Julie M Yanko, Kathleen L Zaiss, Scott D 08 08 11 08 12 Supv Ph Ed/Ath Fac Sup Supv Theatre Info Tech Support Proj Coor Academic Advisor Applications Solutions Analyst 44,135.44 50,694.22 62,954.64 42,522.50 59,783.61 1,324.06 1,520.83 1,888.64 1,275.68 1,793.51 FY15 Base Salary 37,348.39 30,459.00 45,085.00 44,005.00 45,191.99 30,465.00 36,920.00 46,913.03 49,143.31 50,225.33 33,233.43 Additional FY15 Amount 1,120.45 913.77 1,352.55 1,320.15 1,355.76 913.95 1,107.60 1,407.39 1,474.30 1,506.76 997.00 Unit Professional-Probationary Meramec Name Armstead, Scott Eric Beck, Scott M Clausen, Cynthia K Colvin, Sebrina Lashanica Malone, Erika G Niles, Christine Nichole Rauscher, Meredith Lynn Smythe, Theresa O Steele, Anthony P Tucker, Jane Frances Voorhees, Heather L * * * Range 07 07 09 08 09 08 07 09 10 09 07 Job Title Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Coor Academic Support Academic Advisor Coordinator, Enrollment Management Academic Advisor Recruiter I Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Student Support Specialist Specialist/SV for the Disabled Educational Assistant III Unit Professional-Temporary Meramec Name Anderson, Stephen Damond Durgins-Johnson, Doris Ann Schmitt, John J Schreiber, Ann Marie Segers, Tiffany Nicole Range 08 08 08 09 08 Job Title Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Project Associate II FY15 Base Salary 40,619.00 42,320.52 40,619.00 46,489.59 40,619.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,218.57 1,269.62 1,218.57 1,394.69 1,218.57 FY15 Base Salary 74,105.00 56,121.00 56,121.00 74,105.00 61,641.00 76,658.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,223.15 1,683.63 1,683.63 2,223.15 1,849.23 2,299.74 Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Ahrens, J Markus Allen, Jason S Ansari, Shamim Us-Saher Ballard, Kelly K Ballentine, Cynthia R Barker, Jacqueline A * = 36 week Range VII V V VII V VII Job Title Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Barrett, Robyn Camella Bast, Matthew Dale Beach, Elva Maxine Behrend, Reynold C Billman, Daniel T Blalock, Kay Jeanene Brady, Sandra Helen Burke, Michael A Burns, Rebecca Sue Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Jay G Carter, Christine E Cernich, Victoria Marie Chanasue, Deborah M Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Cohoon, Christina Marie Collier, Nancy C Collins, Steven G Cooper, Terry D Copeland, Linda Marie Cruz, Ana Lucia Dattoli, Anthony David Day, Leroy Thomas Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Duchinsky, Jason G Dufer, Dennis C Eayrs, Christaan N Elliott, John Mark Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle Rene Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley Peter Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Gackstatter, Gary Lee Gaines, Karen B Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Garvey, Pamela A Goetz, Ronald E Groth, Charles E Hafer, Gail H Hahn, Robert L VI IV V VII VI VII V VI V IV VII VII IV VII VII VI V VII VII VII V VII IV VII VII VII V VI V VI VII V VII VII VII VI V VII VII VII VI VI VII VI Associate Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor 64,695.00 51,348.00 60,570.00 76,658.00 66,924.00 75,919.00 58,658.00 64,695.00 57,813.00 57,347.00 76,658.00 75,919.00 57,813.00 76,658.00 74,105.00 66,924.00 58,374.00 74,105.00 75,188.00 79,242.00 70,225.00 75,919.00 55,545.00 76,658.00 74,105.00 74,105.00 56,121.00 70,366.00 59,805.00 64,695.00 74,105.00 56,121.00 74,105.00 71,936.00 76,658.00 64,695.00 63,788.00 75,188.00 75,188.00 71,936.00 67,841.00 66,924.00 76,658.00 62,801.00 1,940.85 1,540.44 1,817.10 2,299.74 2,007.72 2,277.57 1,759.74 1,940.85 1,734.39 1,720.41 2,299.74 2,277.57 1,734.39 2,299.74 2,223.15 2,007.72 1,751.22 2,223.15 2,255.64 2,377.26 2,106.75 2,277.57 1,666.35 2,299.74 2,223.15 2,223.15 1,683.63 2,110.98 1,794.15 1,940.85 2,223.15 1,683.63 2,223.15 2,158.08 2,299.74 1,940.85 1,913.64 2,255.64 2,255.64 2,158.08 2,035.23 2,007.72 2,299.74 1,884.03 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Hamilton, Angela L Hanlon, David R Harden, Lisa Ann Harms, Robert C Hartwig, Cynthia Kay Hauser, Michael A Heisler, Virginia Anita Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller Herman, Susan Kay Herzog, Mary Frances High, Julie Ann Hovis, Janice Kay Hsu, Jeff C Huelsmann, Mary L Hughes, John S Hunt-Bradford, Susan E Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Jones, Trevin J Joseph, Reni Kaufmann, Lacee A Keller, Margaret L Keller, Patty OHallaron Knickerbocker, Debra Ann Kokotovich, Lisa M LeClerc, Erin Rebecca Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lincoln, Craig Walter Linder, Timothy J Little, Timothy A Liu, Grace G Long, Richard Douglas Lorenz, Michael R Mani, Marcia A Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth Martino-Taylor, Lisa McCall, Kimberly L McElligott, Pamela G McManus, Laurie K Mercer, June J Messmer, John P VI VII V VII VI VII V VII VII VI VII VII VI VI VII VI VII VII VII VII VI V IV VII VII V VI V VII VII V VII VI V VII VI VI V VII IV V VI VII VII VII Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/IR Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor 64,695.00 74,105.00 56,121.00 74,105.00 64,695.00 76,658.00 60,570.00 74,105.00 71,936.00 62,801.00 74,105.00 74,105.00 62,801.00 65,640.00 80,730.00 64,695.00 75,188.00 74,105.00 71,936.00 75,919.00 64,695.00 62,801.00 56,121.00 75,188.00 80,730.00 62,801.00 64,695.00 56,121.00 76,658.00 74,105.00 62,714.00 76,658.00 62,801.00 70,225.00 77,753.00 66,278.00 64,695.00 62,714.00 71,936.00 56,121.00 56,121.00 71,936.00 77,753.00 71,936.00 74,105.00 1,940.85 2,223.15 1,683.63 2,223.15 1,940.85 2,299.74 1,817.10 2,223.15 2,158.08 1,884.03 2,223.15 2,223.15 1,884.03 1,969.20 2,421.90 1,940.85 2,255.64 2,223.15 2,158.08 2,277.57 1,940.85 1,884.03 1,683.63 2,255.64 2,421.90 1,884.03 1,940.85 1,683.63 2,299.74 2,223.15 1,881.42 2,299.74 1,884.03 2,106.75 2,332.59 1,988.34 1,940.85 1,881.42 2,158.08 1,683.63 1,683.63 2,158.08 2,332.59 2,158.08 2,223.15 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Meyer, Eric W Mirikitani, Ronald T Mizes, Lisa R Montgomery, David L Morris, Betsy J Murray, Russell H Myers, Gerald Cled Neal, Emily Mae Phillips Nielsen, Eric R Oliver, Keith L Olson, Karen Ann Padberg, Christine Elizabeth Pedersen, Timothy W Peraud, Richard J Philpott, Shannon E Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Pisacreta, Diane Pressman, Sophia Rebollo, Jean M Rebore, Joyce Ann Reno, Shaun Ritts, Vicki M Roberts, Kelli Cassandra Rohman, Todd E Romero, Marco A Salmon, Harold E Schamber, Steven M Scherer, Juliet Katherine Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn Schneider, Joseph R Shields, David L Sibbitts, Gary E Smejkal, Christopher H Smith, Katherine Elizabeth Snaric, Jay M Speegle, Aletta D Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stocker, Connie Sue Strahm, Cheryl A Swoboda, Michael Edward Taylor, David M Tucker, Julie M Tulley, Mark David VI VII V VII VII VII VI V V VI VII V VI V IV VII VII V VI VI VI VII V VI VII VII VII VII VII VI IV V VII V VI VI VII VI VII V VII V VI V VI Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Professor Professor Professor/IR Associate Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/IR Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor 64,695.00 95,619.00 59,805.00 76,658.00 74,105.00 75,188.00 62,801.00 56,121.00 56,121.00 62,801.00 77,753.00 59,227.00 71,936.00 59,227.00 56,121.00 74,105.00 71,936.00 59,805.00 71,936.00 64,695.00 62,801.00 77,753.00 56,121.00 64,695.00 76,658.00 83,705.00 71,936.00 74,105.00 88,173.00 64,695.00 56,448.00 61,641.00 74,105.00 57,813.00 64,695.00 66,924.00 71,936.00 64,695.00 82,219.00 58,374.00 74,105.00 61,641.00 64,695.00 56,959.00 64,695.00 1,940.85 2,868.57 1,794.15 2,299.74 2,223.15 2,255.64 1,884.03 1,683.63 1,683.63 1,884.03 2,332.59 1,776.81 2,158.08 1,776.81 1,683.63 2,223.15 2,158.08 1,794.15 2,158.08 1,940.85 1,884.03 2,332.59 1,683.63 1,940.85 2,299.74 2,511.15 2,158.08 2,223.15 2,645.19 1,940.85 1,693.44 1,849.23 2,223.15 1,734.39 1,940.85 2,007.72 2,158.08 1,940.85 2,466.57 1,751.22 2,223.15 1,849.23 1,940.85 1,708.77 1,940.85 Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Voss, Karl Dirk Waghulde, Vidyullata C Wavering, Kelly R Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M Wilkinson, Lisa R Wilson, Nathan G Winter, Rebecca Anne Wood, Kenneth C Yale, Emily A Ziegler, Patricia Lynn Zumwinkel, Donna Marie VII VII V VII VII VI V VI V V VII VI VI Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Counselor 74,105.00 74,105.00 57,813.00 74,105.00 77,753.00 62,801.00 57,813.00 62,801.00 59,805.00 62,801.00 71,936.00 64,695.00 64,695.00 2,223.15 2,223.15 1,734.39 2,223.15 2,332.59 1,884.03 1,734.39 1,884.03 1,794.15 1,884.03 2,158.08 1,940.85 1,940.85 FY15 Base Salary 56,121.00 56,121.00 54,644.00 57,813.00 59,805.00 61,641.00 51,348.00 60,570.00 58,658.00 53,117.00 59,805.00 60,570.00 56,121.00 54,644.00 51,348.00 52,098.00 52,098.00 61,641.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,683.63 1,683.63 1,639.32 1,734.39 1,794.15 1,849.23 1,540.44 1,817.10 1,759.74 1,593.51 1,794.15 1,817.10 1,683.63 1,639.32 1,540.44 1,562.94 1,562.94 1,849.23 FY15 Base Salary 61,641.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,849.23 Faculty-Probationary Meramec Name Adams, Rhonda Johnson Arabshai, Maryam Baumstark, Jeffrey Mark Champene, Aaron R Granier, Elizabeth Gail Fontenot Hepner, Michael Robert Marty-Farmer, Cora Renee Molik, Nancy E Monson, Amy Elizabeth Nisbet, Lynne B Pence, Jerald K Peters, Thomas Schmisseur, Amber Sigmund, Francine M Smith, Rachelle D Thornton, Michaella Anne Waring, Sara Wiseheart, Barbara T Range V V IV V V V IV V V IV V V V IV IV IV IV V Job Title Assistant Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Faculty-Temporary Meramec Name Freshwater, Amy Range Job Title V Assistant Professor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Continuing Wildwood Name Vaughn, Patrick C Range Job Title 23 V-P for Academic Affairs FY15 Base Salary 100,726.93 Additional FY15 Amount 3,021.81 FY15 Base Salary 80,000.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,400.00 FY15 Base Salary 52,017.29 60,358.00 60,647.92 65,286.00 59,783.61 54,059.23 Additional FY15 Amount 1,560.52 1,810.74 1,819.44 1,958.58 1,793.51 1,621.78 FY15 Base Salary 51,117.34 62,928.52 Additional FY15 Amount 1,533.52 1,887.86 FY15 Base Salary 50,051.00 44,680.00 49,143.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,501.53 1,340.40 1,474.29 FY15 Base Salary 71,936.00 62,801.00 Additional FY15 Amount 2,158.08 1,884.03 Administrative-Probationary Wildwood Name Davidson, Laura Range Job Title 15 Director, Student Affairs Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Wildwood Name Brouk, Judith M DeShane, Abby G Gough, Ellen M Guth, Samuel Victor Hadziselimovic, Muhamed Ward, Deborah Lyons Range 09 12 12 13 12 11 Job Title Executive Assistant Mgr Instructional & Career Res Mgr Campus Aux Services Manager, Facilities Mgr Site Technical Support Coor, Campus & Community Rel Unit Professional-Continuing Wildwood Name Mehranfar, Barbara L Nauman, Helen M Range Job Title 10 Coor, Stu Enroll/Acad Advising 10 Coor Stu Enrollment & Fin Aid Unit Professional-Probationary Wildwood Name Graham, Stephanie Ann Martin, Katherine Pollock Sucher, Krista J Range Job Title 10 Coord Campus Life & College Tr 09 Coordinator, Enrollment Management 10 Coor Stu Enroll/Disab Sup Svc Faculty-Continuing Wildwood Name Babbitt, Donna Elizabeth Chowdhury, Md Syed A Range Job Title VI Professor V Associate Professor Administrative, Professional and Faculty Personnel Actions 2014-2015 Salary Recommendations Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai Graville, Teri K Lodhi, Afzal K McCloskey, Ellen A Weber, Mark A Welty, Dorothy J VI V VII VII VII V Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor 62,801.00 62,801.00 95,619.00 77,753.00 77,753.00 62,801.00 1,884.03 1,884.03 2,868.57 2,332.59 2,332.59 1,884.03 FY15 Base Salary 56,121.00 61,641.00 50,590.00 56,121.00 Additional FY15 Amount 1,683.63 1,849.23 1,517.70 1,683.63 Faculty-Probationary Wildwood Name Gretencord, Timnah Mahan, Christopher Swindle, Monica Sydel Verhoff, Gwendolyn Elaine Range V V IV V Job Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OFFERING FOR SALE AND APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF LEASEHOLD REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, BUILDING CORPORATION; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 177.088 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the “Act”), the Board of Trustees of The Community College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “District”), is authorized to enter into lease financing arrangements to acquire, construct, improve, extend, repair, remodel, renovate, furnish and equip buildings and facilities within the District; and WHEREAS, the District has previously entered into a lease transaction with The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, Building Corporation (the “Corporation”), whereby the Corporation issued $13,975,000 principal amount of Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri Project) (the “Series 2005 Bonds”), and the District desires to refund the outstanding Series 2005 Bonds to achieve interest cost savings; and WHEREAS, the District desires to authorize Piper Jaffray & Co. (the “Underwriter”) as the underwriter to proceed with the offering for sale of not to exceed $9,500,000 principal amount of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis, County, Missouri, Building Corporation Leasehold Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 (The Community College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri) (the “Series 2014 Bonds”) and to authorize Gilmore & Bell, P.C. (“Bond Counsel”) to proceed with the preparation of all necessary legal proceedings necessary for the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series 2014 Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the District finds and determines that it is advantageous and in the best interests of the District that the Corporation: (a) issue the Series 2014 Bonds for the purpose of (i) refunding all or a portion of the outstanding Series 2005 Bonds and (ii) paying the costs of issuing the Series 2014 Bonds; (b) enter into a Seventh Supplemental Lease Agreement (the “Seventh Supplemental Lease”) between the Corporation and the District, pursuant to which the Lease (as defined in the Seventh Supplemental Lease) will be amended to adjust the amount of Rental Payments (as defined in the Lease) due thereunder to reflect the refunding of the Series 2005 Bonds and the issuance of the Series 2014 Bonds; (c) enter into a Seventh Supplemental Trust Indenture (the “Seventh Supplemental Indenture”) between the Corporation and UMB Bank, N.A., as trustee (the “Trustee”), amending the Indenture (as defined in the Seventh Supplemental Indenture) pursuant to which the Series 2014 Bonds will be issued; (d) enter into a Purchase Contract among the Corporation, the District and the Underwriter (the “Purchase Contract”); (e) enter into a Tax Compliance Agreement among the Corporation, the District and the Trustee (the “Tax Compliance Agreement”); and (f) enter into an Escrow Trust Agreement among the Corporation, the District and UMB Bank, N.A. (the “Escrow Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the District further finds and determines that it is necessary and desirable in connection with the lease of the Facilities (as defined in the Seventh Supplemental Lease) and the issuance of the Series 2014 Bonds that the District take certain other actions and approve the execution of certain other documents as herein provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Determinations. (a) The Corporation has and will engage in activities that are essentially public in nature. The purposes and activities of the Corporation are those permitted under the Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 355 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, and all of the Facilities are located within the geographic boundaries of the District. (b) The Corporation is not organized for profit except to the extent of retiring indebtedness, and the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation so provide. (c) The income of the Corporation will not inure to any private person, and the Articles of Incorporation so provide. (d) The District will have a beneficial interest in the Corporation and will have exclusive beneficial possession and use of the Facilities while the Bonds (as defined in the Seventh Supplemental Lease) remain outstanding. (e) The District will obtain full legal title to the Facilities upon payment in full of the Series 2014 Bonds and any Additional Bonds (as defined in the Indenture). (f) The Corporation will be performing activities which otherwise would be the responsibility of the District. Section 2. Preliminary Official Statement; Approval of Offering of the Series 2014 Bonds. The Preliminary Official Statement, in the form presented to and reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the District at this meeting, is hereby approved, with such changes as may be approved by the Interim Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. For the purpose of enabling the Underwriter to comply with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12(b)(1) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Rule”), the Interim Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration is hereby authorized, if requested, to provide the Underwriter a letter or certification to the effect that the District deems the information contained in the Preliminary Official Statement to be “final” as of its date, except for the omission of such information as is permitted by the Rule, and to take such other actions or execute such other documents as such officers in their reasonable judgment deem necessary to enable the Underwriter to comply with the requirements of such Rule. The District hereby authorizes the Underwriter to use the Preliminary Official Statement in such “final” form in connection with the offering -2- for sale of the Series 2014 Bonds. The Chair of the Board of Trustees, the Interim Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration is hereby authorized to execute the Official Statement. Section 3. Approval of Issuance of the Series 2014 Bonds by the Corporation. (a) The District hereby approves the issuance and sale by the Corporation of the Series 2014 Bonds for the above-stated purposes. The Series 2014 Bonds shall be issued and secured pursuant to the Indenture. Subject to paragraph (b) below, the Series 2014 Bonds shall be in such denominations, shall bear interest at such rates, shall be in such forms, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, shall have such other terms and provisions, and shall be issued, executed and delivered in such manner subject to such provisions, covenants and agreements, as are set forth in the Indenture. The signatures of the officers of the Corporation executing the Seventh Supplemental Indenture shall constitute conclusive evidence of their approval and the Corporation’s approval of the final terms of the Series 2014 Bonds. The Series 2014 Bonds shall be sold to the Underwriter on the terms and conditions as set forth in the Purchase Contract herein referred to. (b) The Series 2014 Bonds shall be issued in a principal amount of not to exceed $9,500,000, shall bear interest at various rates not to exceed a true interest cost of 3.0%, shall have a final maturity not later than April 1, 2025, shall have a weighted average maturity of not more than 6.5 years, and shall be sold to the Underwriter with an underwriting discount of not more than 0.40% of the principal amount of the Series 2014 Bonds. The refunding of the Series 2005 Bonds must result in net present value savings to the District of not less than 3.0% of the debt service of the Series 2005 Bonds. The final terms of the Series 2014 Bonds, including optional redemption provisions, if any, shall be approved by the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, as evidenced by a Final Terms Certificate, in substantially the form attached hereto as Schedule 1, executed at the time of issuance of the Series 2014 Bonds. Section 4. Limited Obligations. The Series 2014 Bonds and the interest thereon shall be limited obligations payable solely out of the rents, revenues and receipts received by the Corporation from the District pursuant to the Lease. The Series 2014 Bonds and the interest thereon shall not constitute a debt or liability of the District, or of the State of Missouri or of any political subdivision thereof, and the Series 2014 Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. Section 5. Authorization of Documents. The District is hereby authorized to enter into the following documents (collectively, the “District Documents”), in substantially the forms presented to and reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the District at this meeting (copies of which documents shall be filed in the records of the District), with such changes therein as shall be approved by the officers of the District executing such documents, such officers’ signatures thereon being conclusive evidence of their approval thereof: (a) Seventh Supplemental Lease. (b) Purchase Contract. (c) Continuing Disclosure Agreement between the District and UMB Bank, N.A., as dissemination agent. (d) Tax Compliance Agreement. -3- (e) Escrow Trust Agreement. Section 6. Approval of Seventh Supplemental Indenture. The District hereby approves the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, in substantially the form presented to and reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the District at this meeting (a copy of said document shall be filed with the records of the District), pursuant to which the Series 2014 Bonds shall be issued and the Corporation shall pledge and assign the rents, revenues and receipts received pursuant to the Lease and all of its right in the Base Lease to the Trustee for the benefit of and security of the registered owners of the Series 2014 Bonds upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the Indenture. Section 7. Execution of Documents. The District is hereby authorized to enter into and the Chair of the Board of Trustees, the Interim Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of the District, the District Documents and such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Resolution. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to attest to such documents and such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Resolution. Section 8. Redemption of Series 2005 Bonds. The District hereby directs the Corporation pursuant to Section 5.5 of the Original Lease to redeem the Series 2005 Bonds maturing on March 1, 2016 and thereafter on March 1, 2015, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and Section 302 of the Second Supplemental Indenture (as defined in the Indenture). Section 9. Further Authority. The officers, agents and employees of the District, including the Chair and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, the Interim Chancellor, and the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, shall be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute all documents and take such actions as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of this Resolution, and to carry out, comply with and perform the duties of the District with respect to the Base Lease, the Lease, the District Documents, the Official Statement, and the Series 2014 Bonds, to make alterations, changes or additions in the foregoing agreements, statements, instruments and other documents herein approved, authorized and confirmed which they may approve, and the execution or taking of such action shall be conclusive evidence of such necessity or advisability. Section 10. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately after its passage by the Board of Trustees of the District. -4- PASSED by the Board of Trustees this 26th day of June, 2014. (SEAL) Chair of the Board of Trustees ATTEST: Secretary of the Board of Trustees -5- SCHEDULE 1 FINAL TERMS CERTIFICATE The undersigned, Chair of the Board of Trustees and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration of The Community College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “District”), hereby execute this Final Terms Certificate pursuant to Section 3(b) of the resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the District on June 26, 2014 (the “Resolution”) authorizing the issuance and delivery of Leasehold Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 (The Community College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri) (the “Series 2014 Bonds”) by The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, Building Corporation (the “Corporation”). Capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Resolution. 1. Aggregate principal amount of the Series 2014 Bonds (not greater than $9,500,000): $__________. 2. Stated Maturities (not later than April 1, 2025): SERIAL BONDS Stated Maturity (April 1) 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ 20___ Principal Amount $ Annual Rate of Interest % TERM BONDS Stated Maturity (April 1) 20___ 20___ Principal Amount $ Annual Rate of Interest % S-1 3. Mandatory sinking fund redemption provisions of Term Bonds: Term Bonds Maturing April 1, 20___ Principal Amount Year 20___ 20___* $ __________ *Maturity date Term Bonds Maturing April 1, 20___ Principal Amount Year 20___ 20___* $ __________ *Maturity date 4. Optional Redemption Provisions: The Series 2014 Bonds, including portions thereof, maturing in the year 20___ and thereafter are subject to redemption and payment prior to maturity by the Corporation, at the option of the District, on and after April 1, 20___, as a whole or in part at any time, and if in part in such order of maturity to be determined by the Corporation, at a redemption price of 100% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest to the redemption date. 5. Underwriter’s Discount (not greater than 0.400% of the principal amount of the Series 2014 Bonds): _____%. 6. True interest cost (not greater than 3.00%): _____%. 7. Weighted average maturity (not greater than 6.5 years): ____ years. 8. Net Present Value Savings (not less than 3.0%): _____% S-2 Dated this _____ day of July, 2014. THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI By: Name: Dr. Craig Larson Title: Chair of the Board of Trustees By: Name: Kent Kay, CPA Title: Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration S-3 Academic and Student Affairs The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Funeral Service Education Associate in Applied Science Degree approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Effective: Funeral Service Education Associate in Applied Science Fall 2014 pending CBHE notification Impact Statement Substantial changes in the funeral service program are necessary since accreditation was withdrawn from the American Board of Funeral Service Education as a result of not meeting the required pass rate on the national board examination (NBE). The significant change in creating new courses is to ensure delivery of the required ABFSE curriculum content. Both the new Funeral Directing course and Funeral Directing Practicum are designed to give more exposure to the student in the areas of funeral directing as well as their participation at a local funeral home for practical experiences in all aspects of the funeral profession. The new Microbiology and Pathology for Funeral Service course has been developed to compliment the content in both areas of the curriculum. Additionally students have done poorly in the microbiology portion of the NBE. Combining the two content areas will give more relevance and synergy to embalming a dead human body. The current three credit hour embalming course does not allow all the content area to be covered. The new Embalming 1 and Embalming 2 courses will add an additional one credit hour to cover the curriculum. The remainder of the courses have been revised and modified to make certain the ABFSE curriculum content is being delivered in a logical and appropriate order. The funeral service program has an articulation agreement with Lindenwood University, the only four-year degree in Missouri. Program Curriculum Current Program Funeral Service Education Revised Program Funeral Service Education This program prepares students for entry-level employment in funeral homes. Prior to enrolling in the College, each applicant must meet the pre-matriculation requirements of the state in which the student intends to practice. Students gain practical experience in the various techniques of embalming through the This program prepares students for entry-level employment in a licensed funeral service establishment. Prior to enrolling in the program, each applicant must meet the pre-matriculation requirements of the state in which the student intends to be Board Meeting 06/26/14 1 licensed. use of modern facilities at local funeral homes as well as in the classroom. Students gain practical experience in the various techniques of funeral directing and embalming through the use of modern facilities at local funeral homes, as well as in the classroom. Except for those students who have completed the majority of required general education courses prior to admission, students must attend full-time and satisfy both the didactic and clinical components to successfully complete the program. Persons interested in funeral service education should possess emotional stability, the desire to serve others and be in good physical health to withstand the irregular working hours and stresses of the job. Good grooming habits are important. In most states, graduates are required to work as interns under the supervision of a licensed funeral director or embalmer for a specified period of time. Graduates of the program are qualified for positions as funeral directors and/or embalmers. Persons interested in the funeral service profession should be comfortable with and caring for people from diverse backgrounds, possess emotional stability, desire to serve others, and be in good physical health to withstand the irregular working hours and stresses of the job. Furthermore, professional appearance and good grooming habits are required in the funeral home environment. Students should also be able to meet the academic and physical demands of the program that require the commitment of time, effort, and motivation to be successful. The Funeral Service Education program at St. Louis Community College at Forest Park is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), 3414 Ashland Avenue, Suite G, St. Joseph, Mo. 64506, telephone 816-233-3747. www.abfse.org. The annual passage rate of first-time takers on the National Board Examination (NBE) for the most recent three-year period for this institution and all ABFSE accredited funeral service education programs is posted on the ABFSE Web site (www.abfse.org). In most states, graduates are required to work as an apprentice or intern under the supervision of a licensed funeral director and/or embalmer for a specified period of time. Graduates of the program are qualified for positions as funeral directors and/or embalmers. After January 1, 2004, each accredited program in funeral service education must require that each funeral service student take the National Board Exam (NBE) as a requirement for graduation. Students are required to complete a health history, immunization record (especially for Hepatitis B), physical examination, and drug and criminal background check prior to the first day of class. Therefore, students should be aware of the fact that prior criminal history may preclude licensure as a funeral service professional. For additional information, all students should check the specific requirements of the state in which the student plans to be licensed. Completion of a college level medical terminology course (HIT:101 Medical Terminology or equivalent) is highly recommended. All coursework in the program must be completed with the minimum of the grade of C (average) and an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75. Furthermore, each student must complete and pass the Funeral Service Arts and the Funeral Service Sciences sections of the National Board Examination (NBE) with the minimum score of 75% (passing) or higher as a requirement for graduation from the program and professional licensure in most states. The Funeral Service Education program at St. Louis Community College at Forest Park has submitted an application for Candidacy to the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), 3414 Ashland Avenue, Suite G, St. Joseph, Mo. 64506, telephone 816-233-3747. www.abfse.org. The annual passage rate of first-time takers on the National Board Examination (NBE) for the most recent three-year period for this institution and all ABFSE accredited funeral service education programs is posted on the ABFSE website (www.abfse.org). Board Meeting 06/26/14 2 After January 1, 2004, each accredited program in funeral service education must require that each funeral service student take the National Board Examination (NBE) as a requirement for graduation. Prerequisites: Prior to applying for admission to the Funeral Service Education program, the student must complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of documented job shadowing (on the appropriate business letterhead), which has been completed and verified under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral director and embalmer, and which must also occur in two unaffiliated and licensed funeral service establishments. In addition, the student is required to meet with the Program Director and/or other Funeral Service Education faculty for a personal interview. Career General Education ENG:101 College Composition I Career General Education ENG:100 Career English or College or 101 Composition I COM:101 Oral Communication I BIO:103 Problems in Anatomy PSY:200 General Psychology IS:116 Computer Literacy MTH 108 Elementary Applied Mathematics BIO:111 Introductory Biology I Missouri State Requirement II. Physical Education Activity Any physical education course III. Area of Concentration ACC:100 Applied Accounting History and Sociology of Funeral FSE:101 Service 3 3 ENG:102 College Composition II (or) ENG:103 Report Writing BIO:103 Problems in Anatomy BIO:203 General Microbiology I COM:101 Oral Communication I SOC:101 Introduction to Sociology Missouri State Requirement 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 II. Physical Education Activity 2 III. Area of Concentration ACC:100 Applied Accounting 3 BUS:101 Small Business Management (or) 3 BUS:104 Introduction to Business Administration 3 FSE:103 Funeral Directing 2 Funeral Service Merchandising Funeral Directing Practicum I Mortuary Law and Ethics Funeral Directing Practicum II Dynamics of Grief Management Funeral Home Management Embalming I Embalming Practicum I Embalming II Embalming Practicum II Microbiology and Pathology for Funeral Service Restorative Art Funeral Service Seminar 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 IS:103 FNL:101 FNL:102 FNL:103 FNL:104 FNL:106 FNL:200 FNL:201 FNL:202 FNL:205 Information Systems for Business Orientation to Funeral Service Mortuary Law Embalming Chemistry Funeral Service Equipment Dynamics of Grief Restorative Art Embalming Funeral Management Funeral Service Seminar 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 FSE:107 FSE:104 FSE:106 FSE:105 FSE:102 FSE:201 FSE:202 FSE:203 FSE:204 FSE:205 FNL:206 Embalming Practicum I 2 FSE:207 FNL:207 FNL:208 Embalming Practicum II Pathology for Funeral Service 2 3 FSE:206 FSE:208 Total Credit Hours Board Meeting 06/26/14 65 Total Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 66 The college recommends that the Board approve the deactivation of the Information Reporting: Captioning Certificate of Proficiency approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Effective: Information Reporting: Captioning Certificate of Proficiency Spring 2015 pending CBHE notification Impact Statement The Information Reporting Technology-Captioning Certificate of Proficiency is being deactivated in response to poor completion rates and changing program requirements of the National Court Reporters Association (certification agency). Students who have career aspirations in this field can be served through the Information Reporting Technology-Judicial program. The upcoming name change of that program to Court Reporting Technology will broaden the IRT program by including a focus on writing in real time with 96 percent, first-pass accuracy (no edits). The one student currently enrolled in this program will be allowed to complete the program or will be allowed to change the degree to the new program-Court Reporting Technology. The college recommends that the Board approve the deactivation of the Information Reporting: CART Certificate of Proficiency approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Effective: Information Reporting: CART Certificate of Proficiency Spring 2015 pending CBHE notification Impact Statement The Information Reporting Technology-CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) Certificate of Proficiency is being deactivated in response to poor completion rates and changing program requirements of the National Court Reporters Association (certification agency). Students who have career aspirations in this field can be served through the Information Reporting Technology-Judicial program. The upcoming name change of that program to Court Reporting Technology will broaden the IRT program by including a focus on writing in realtime with 96 percent, first-pass accuracy (no edits). The four students currently enrolled in this program will be allowed to complete the program or will be allowed to change their degree to the new program-Court Reporting Technology. Board Meeting 06/26/14 4 The college recommends that the Board approve the deactivation of the Landscapes and Gardening Certificate of Specialization approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Effective: Landscapes and Gardening Certificate of Specialization Spring 2015 pending CBHE notification Impact Statement The Horticulture Program Landscape & Gardening Certificate of Specialization is being deactivated in response to a history of low enrollment. The certificate, which was started in 2009, has never had more than ten graduates (2010) and has steadily decreased since reaching that peak number. Students who have career aspirations in this field can be served through either the AAS Degree in Horticulture or the Certificate of Proficiency in Horticulture. Any students currently enrolled in this certificate will be allowed to change their degree to AAS in Horticulture or earn their Certificate of Proficiency. The college recommends that the Board approve the deactivation of the Skilled Trades Industrial Apprenticeship Training: Electrician Certificate of Proficiency approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Effective: Skilled Trades Industrial Apprenticeship Training: Electrician Certificate of Proficiency Spring 2015 pending CBHE notification Impact Statement This program was developed to satisfy the course needs for Apprentice Electricians at the Chrysler Assembly Plants. The program of study was specific to the approval of the Chrysler Corporation and the UAW Union organization. Since Chrysler has discontinued Assembly Production in the St. Louis area the need for this certificate of proficiency has dwindled. The courses involved continue to be offered for other programs. Students will be able to pursue the Electrical/Electronic Engineering AAS Degree. Board Meeting 06/26/14 5 Advisory Committee Appointments The college recommends that the Board approve the appointments and reappointments for the following program advisory committees. These will be a two-year term, July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016. Accounting Ms. Cathy Behnen Internal Audit Director MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. 501 Pearl Drive PO Box 8 St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 474-5441 Mr. David Ganz Professor Emeritus University of Missouri - St. Louis One University Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 516-6131 Mr. Woody Johnson Chief Operating Officer Citizens National Bank 7305 Manchester Road St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 735-1850 Ms. Rachel Latal Assistant Controller Centene 7700 Forsyth Boulevard Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 725-4477 Ms. Van Le Auditor Defense Contract Audit Agency 325 James S. McDonnell Boulevard Hazelwood, MO 63042 (314) 233-0393 Mr. Paul Meiners Chief Financial Officer Groupcast, LLC 1700 Gilsinn Lane Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 660-8007 Mrs. Kellie Sears Senior Director, Worldwide Human Resources Pfizer 575 Maryville Centre Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 274-8763 Architectural Technology Ms. Hala Abdelaziz Architectural Intern Woolpert, Inc. 2423 Bluejay Way Court Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 489-4550 Mr. Charles Bell Owner/Principle Charles Bell Architects 8008 Carondelet Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 721-0167 Board Meeting 06/26/14 6 Ms. Helen DiFate President DiFate Group, PC 131 North Bemiston St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 727-6315 Mr. Mark Gettemeyer President M²Architecture Studio 1232 Washington, Suite 230 St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 241-6262 Mr. Brad Petrovic Project Architect HBE Corporation 11330 Olive Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 567-9000 Mr. Jim Riddle Owner/Principal Riddle Design 12015 Manchester Road St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 614-0622 Automotive Technology Mr. Daniel Borgeis Technician LRE Automotive 2724 Meramar Drive St. Louis, MO 63016 (314) 581-9093 Mr. Dan Brickmann Instructor Far Rivers Career Center 1978 Image Drive Washington, MO 63090 (636) 239-7777 Ms. Barb Kinder Owner/Service Advisor Autotech 2000 3448 North Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63074 (314) 770-0123 Mr. Paul Mertz Service Adviser Enterprise 10347 Badgley Drive St. Louis, MO 63126 (314) 256-5600 Mr. Steve Pokorny Owner – Operator STS Car Care 6507 West Florissant St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 323-5512 Mr. Dave Raymond Lead Instructor North Technical High School 1700 Derhake Road Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 989-7628 Mr. Ron Reiling Executive Director AASP P.O. Box 609 St. Charles, MO 63302 (636) 949-5990 Board Meeting 06/26/14 7 Mr. Mark Schenberg Owner – Operator Car-Doc Automotive 2277 Administration Drive St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 991-2277 Building Inspection & Code Enforcement Technology Mr. Michael Arras Chief Instructor City of St. Louis 1421 North Jefferson St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 289-1931 Mr. Ronald Gronemeyer MK & Associates 1862 Craigshire Road St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 427-8800 Mr. Dennis Jenkerson Fire Department Chief City of St. Louis 1421 North Jefferson St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 807-4860 Mr. Adam Long Chief University City Fire Department 6801 Delmar University City, MO 63130 (314) 505-8593 Mr. Terry Merrell Fire Chief City of Maplewood 7601 Manchester St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 394-2276 Mr. Steve Olshwanger Fire Chief Maryland Heights Fire Department 2600 Schuetz Road St. Louis, MO 63043 (314) 298-4400 Mr. Ernie Rhodes Chief West County EMS Fire Department 223 Henry Avenue Manchester, MO 63011 (636) 256-2000 Mr. Neil Svetanics Fire Chief Lemay Fire Protection District 12201 Telegraph Road St. Louis, MO 63125 (314) 631-4500 Board Meeting 06/26/14 8 Business Administration Mrs. Perla Burk Accounting Manager II City of St. Louis Water Division 1640 South Kingshighway St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 633-9090 Ms. Christine Chamberlin Marketing Director Dent Wizard International 4710 Earth City Expressway St. Louis, MO 63044 (800) 336-8949 Ms. Nancy Elswick Director Media Quest Inc. Two City Place Drive, Suite 200 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 275-8040 Mr. Jeff Fischer Vice President Mercury Communications and Construction 1710 Larkin Williams Road Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 717-2700 Mr. Robert Kaelin Facility Technician Dr. Pepper/Snapple 8900 Page St. Louis, MO 63114 (314) 323-7289 Mr. Stuart Larson Global Strategic Workforce Planning Lead Monsanto Company 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63167 (314) 964-1000 Ms. Felicia Linear Sales/Marketing Coordinator Farmers Insurance 4347 Varano Drive St. Louis, MO 63033 (314) 749-6801 Mr. Augustin Pacheco Manager Project Support Boeing 5775 Campus Parkway Hazelwood, MO 63042 (314) 777-8417 Ms. Cheryl Roberts, SPHR Manager, Organ Development Energizer Holdings, Inc. 533 Maryville University Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 985-2397 Mr. Donald Robertson Quality Systems Manager National Geo Spatial Intelligence Agency 3838 Vogel Drive Arnold, MO 63010 (314) 676-9919 Board Meeting 06/26/14 9 Ms. Julie Stackhouse SVP/Managing Officer Federal Reserve Bank One Federal Reserve Bank Plaza Broadway & Locust Streets St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 444-8444 Mr. Jim Steward Partner Dicom 1650 Des Peres Road, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 909-0900 Ms. Cheryl Strickland Regional Vice President Select Rehabilitation 11854 Melody Lane Bridgeton, MO 63044 (314) 479-1101 Ms. Lauren Unser Operations Associate Maritz Motivation 1375 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 827-6005 Mr. Matthew Uzzetta Green Tree Servicing Mortgage Executive 3300 Rider Trail South, Suite 150 Earth City, MO 63045 (314) 291-0300 Ms. Debra Williams Product Manager AFB International #3 Research Park Drive St. Charles, MO 63304 (636) 634-4177 Center for Visual Technology/Digital Media Mr. Jim Butler Group Creative Director CheckMark 1111 Chouteau Avenue St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 982-1326 Ms. Kay Cochran Vice President/Creative Director Rodgers Townsend 1000 Clark Avenue St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 436-9960 Mr. Scott Ferguson President Ferguson Photography 5200 Shaw St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 610-2730 Mr. Adam Hosp Interactive Designer Mastercard 2200 MasterCard Boulevard O'Fallon, MO 63368 (573) 270-2282 Mr. David Johnson President Coolfire Media 415 North 10th Street St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 421-2665 Board Meeting 06/26/14 10 Mr. Michael Johnston VP Sales and Marketing Top Graphics 658 Fee Fee Road St. Louis, MO 63043 (314) 218-2078 Mrs. Kirsten O'Laughlin Senior Interactive Designer Moosylvania 7303 Marietta Avenue St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 644-7900 Mr. Doug Peters Creative Director Maritz Motivation 1375 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63026 (314) 315-1029 Mr. Tom Shaughnessy Director, Systems Development Group 360 Worldwide 1227 Washington Avenue St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 249-8806 Mr. Brian Slawin President Panamedia Group & Busy Event 1734 Clarkson Road, Suite 350 St. Louis, MO 63017 (888) 788-4896 Mr. Byron Sletten Partner/Owner Mindactive 7803 Clayton Road, Suite A St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 567-1117 Mr. Eric Thoelke President/Creative Director Toky Branding and Design 3001 Locust Street St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 534-2000 Mrs. Maria Wagner Account Executive Creatives on Call 200 South Hanley Road, Suite 1101 St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 863-7223 Civil Engineering/Construction Technology Ms. Amanda Korte Iron Worker 1357 Westchester Drive Herculaneum, MO 63048 (636) 236-5056 Mr. Andrew Paster Owner Jasix Associates, LLC 19 West Brentmoor Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 420-1590 Ms. Jennifer Pipas Office Associate Missouri Sewer District 2350 Market Street St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 335-2073 Board Meeting 06/26/14 11 Mr. Vadim Radovilsky Project Director Alberici Construction Inc. 2167 Terrimill Terrace Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 207-0349 Mr. Ronald Wiese Vice President J.S. Alberici Construction 8800 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63114 (314) 773-2411 Clinical Laboratory Technology/Phlebotomy Mr. Robert Fischer Clinical Lab Scientist/Medical Technologist Saint Louis Cord Blood Bank 3662 Park Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 268-2787 Mrs. Leisa Huie Supervisor Mercy Hospital, Jefferson PO Box 350 Crystal City, MO 63019 (636) 933-1413 Ms. Sanja Kelic Technician American Red Cross 4050 Lindell Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 658-2136 Mrs. Terry Melsheimer Laboratory Technology Instructor Special School District 12721 West Watson Sunset Hills, MO 63127 (314) 989-7459 Ms. Cari Orth Medical Technician/Microbiology Supervisor St. Louis VA Medical Center 915 N. Grand Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 289-6353 Ms. Victoria Salvato-Lechner Technical Specialist (Core Lab) St. Louis University Hospital 7 Timber-Stone Court Manchester, MO 63021 (636) 394-0643 Mrs. Debra Smith Senior CLS SSM St. Joseph Hospital West 100 Medical Plaza Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 (636) 625-5401 Mrs. Carol Sykora Infection Prevention Consultant BJC HealthCare 6427 Bishops Place St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 752-7574 Board Meeting 06/26/14 12 Criminal Justice Ms. Margie Brine Director of Security BJC 4353 Clayton Avenue, #120 St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-0760 Mr. John Buck District Administrator State of Missouri 9441 Dielman Rock Island Olivette, MO 63132 (314) 340-3801 Capt. Ron Johnson Commanding Officer Missouri State Highway Patrol 891 Technology Drive Weldon Springs, MO 63304 (636) 300-2800 Ms. Christine Krug Asst. Circuit Attorney St. Louis Circuit Attorney 1114 Market Street, Room 401 St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 622-4941 Mr. Ed Magee Chief Investigator St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney 100 South Central Avenue Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 615-2600 Mr. Sean McCarthy Lieutenant City of St. Louis 1200 Clark St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 644-5810 Mr. Mike Muxo Lieutenant City of St. Louis 1200 Clark St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 644-5810 Honorable Mark Neill Judge 22nd Judicial Circuit Court 10 North Tucker St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 622-4802 Mr. Adrian Roberts Training Specialist 100 South Central Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 615-6416 Dr. Richard Wright Professor University of Missouri, St. Louis One University Boulevard 533 Lucas Hall St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 516-5034 Board Meeting 06/26/14 13 Deaf Communications Mr. Mark Edghill 748 Oak Run Lane St. Louis, MO 63021 (314) 256-6631 Mr. William Sheldon Retired, Director, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Program 2311 Minnesota Avenue St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 664-3992 Mr. Adam Zawadzki Deaf Ministry Coordinator Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis 1011 Alton Avenue Madison, IL 62060 (618) 219-2617 Dental Assisting Mrs. Elma Buie Program Director Grace Hill 1717 Biddle St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 814-8582 Mr. Scott Graham Coordinator Oral Surgery Mercy Medical Center 621 South Ballas Road Tower A, #516 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 251-6725 Dr. Joseph Grimaud Dentist Watson Pointe Dental 8537 Watson Road St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 963-2000 Dr. James Klarsch Dentist 2821 North Ballas Road, Suite 210 St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 993-2483 Ms. Kayla Snider Dental Assistant Mercy Medical 621 South Ballas Road St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 251-6725 Dr. Clifton Whitworth Dentist Grace Hill 1717 Biddle St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 814-8582 Board Meeting 06/26/14 14 Dental Hygiene Ms. Joan Allen Executive Director Give Kids a Smile 30 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, Suite A St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 397-6453 Ms. Diann Bomkamp 612 Fairways Circle St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 432-7719 Mrs. Yvonne Graf Clinical Education Manger, Great Plains Hu-Friedy 3232 North Rockwell Street Chicago, IL 60618 (913) 339-8291 Dr. Marsha Marden Dentist Marden Dental Care 10322 Manchester Road St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 822-0496 Dr. Douglas Miley, DMD MSD Program Director St. Louis University CADE 3320 Rutger Street St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 977-8363 Diagnostic Medical Sonography Dr. Victor Davila-Roman Associate Professor of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine 660 South Euclid Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-4748 Dr. Lisa de las Fuentes Assistant Professor of Medicine and Biostatistics Washington University School of Medicine 660 South Euclid Avenue Cardio Division, Campus Box 8086 St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 747-8163 Ms. Chris Gilmore Goudy Vascular Lab Technical Director St. Louis University Medical Center 3635 Vista St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 577-8813 Ms. Minola Linzie Armstead 319 Frost Avenue St. Louis, MO 63135 (314) 522-1160 Ms. Nicole Willett Resource Sonographer/Education Cardiac Diagnostic Lab Barnes Jewish Hospital #1 Barnes Hospital Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 747-4457 Board Meeting 06/26/14 15 Diesel Technology Mr. Shawn Badalament Maintenance Supervisor Allied Waste 12976 St. Charles Rock Road Bridgeton, MO 63044 (636) 947-5959 Mr. Benn Duvall Instructor North County Technical High School 1700 Derhake Road Florissant, MO 63303 (314) 989-8278 Mr. David Francis Owner D&D Wreck Rebuilders 1804 South Tenth Street St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 436-7484 Mr. Mike Heberlie Technician Clark Power Service 4200 PCR Perryville, MO 63775 (573) 547-5506 Mr. Bret Klein Supervisor Bus Maintenance Metro Bi-State Development Central 3330 Spruce, Mail Stop 351 St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 982-1400 Mr. Doug Pratt President Gateway Truck Plaza, Inc. 699 State Route 203 East Saint Louis, IL 62201 (618) 274-5900 Mr. Kevin Redell Manager, Fleet Maintenance Schnuck Markets, Incorporated 11420 Lackland Road St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 344-9244 Mr. Steph Sabo Maintenance Manager Norrernberns Truck Service 17906 Mockingbird Road Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 478-2400 Mr. Gene Schroeder Customer Service Manager Ryder Transportation Services 11447 Page Service Road St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 994-2650 Mr. Tony Vanderiet Supervisor Metro 3330 Spruce St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 982-1509 Board Meeting 06/26/14 16 Dietetic Technology Mrs. Kim Bryant Director Riverview Gardens 1218 Shepley Drive St. Louis, MO 63137 (314) 869-7436 Mr. Dorian Doss WIC/Clinical People's Health Care 30 Jost Villa Drive Florissant, MO 63034 (314) 452-3273 Mrs. Deanna Miller Clinical Nutrition Manager Missouri Baptist Medical Center 3015 North Ballas Road St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 996-5108 Mr. Alex Moore DTR Emmaus Homes 3731 Mueller Road St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 534-5200 Ms. Katie Mueller Registered Dietician Schnucks 12332 Manchester St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 965-3094 Mrs. Terri Thompson Clinical Director St. Anthony's Medical Center 10010 Kennerly Road St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 525-1264 Ms. Crystal Wolkskill Renal Specialist 12023 Trampe Heights Lane St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 438-9860 Ms. Shu Jane Yu, RD Clinical Nutrition Manager Christian NE. Hospital NE 11133 Dunn Road St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 653-5000 Early Care & Education Mr. Julius Anthony Executive/Consultant The ECE Prep School 1152 Midland Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63114 (314) 738-4036 Ms. Amber Donnelly Vice President ECE Grant Management ARCHS 3518 Ridge View Road Edwardsville, IL 62026 (314) 630-8409 Ms. Loretta Hamilton Director YMCA Head Start 1191 Milwaukee Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 821-4470 Board Meeting 06/26/14 17 Dr. Sara Huisman Director, Early Childhood Fontbonne University 6800 Wydown Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 889-4531 Ms. Donna Hunt O'Brien Manager Parents As Teachers Born to Learn 2228 Ball Drive St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 431-4300 Mrs. Beth Ann Lang T.E.A.C.H. Director Childcare Aware 1000 Executive Parkway Drive, #103 St. Louis, MO 63141 (800) 200-9017 Ms. Jerri Michael Director of Programs Maternal Child and Family Services 539 North Grand Boulevard, 5th Floor St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 289-5690 Ms. Tara Morton Assistant Director Monsanto Child Development Center 800 North Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63167 (314) 694-4711 Ms. Stacy Singer Director Bright Horizons Family Sanctuary 1243 Hanley Industrial Court Brentwood, MO 63144 (314) 558-2433 Ms. Lisa Thompson ECE Teacher South County Tech High 7385 Flora Avenue Maplewood, MO 63143 (314) 645-3210 Dr. Joy Voss Interim Director Field Experiences, Dept. of Educational Studies St. Louis University 3500 Lindell Boulevard, Fitzgerald Hall St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 977-1977 Mr. Stephen Zwolak Executive Director University City Children's Center 6646 Vernon Avenue University City, MO 63130 (314) 726-0148 Emergency Medical Technology Ms. Stephanie Austermann Emergency Room Nurse Manager E Dr. Gregory Beirne Physician Board Meeting 06/26/14 St. Anthony's Medical Center 10010 Kennerly Road St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 525-1904 16863 Babler View Drive Wildwood, MO 63011 (636) 405-0650 18 Dr. Chris Bosche Physician St. John Mercy Hospital 615 South New Ballas Road St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 251-6000 Ms. Crystal Crump EMS Coordinator Missouri Baptist Medical Center 3015 North Ballas St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 996-5757 Mr. Mark Flauter Chief Medical Officer Florissant Valley Fire Protection District 661 St. Ferdinand Street Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 837-4894 Mr. Jerry Kister Captain Rock Township Ambulance District PO Box 629 Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 296-5066 Ms. Lorie Ledbetter Paramedic St. Louis Fire Department 4929 Pernod Avenue, Apt. 2 E St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 540-2522 Ms. Julia Lee EMT Student 10120 Elise Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-2414 Mr. Charles Parmley EMT Instructor North County Technical School 1700 Derhake Road Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 989-7625 Ms. Valerie Porter EMS Chief St. Louis Fire Department 2634 Hampton St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 645-9160 Mr. Samuel Pyne EMS Student 3926 McDonald Avenue, Apt. 2W St. Louis, MO 63116 (314) 258-3344 Mr. Ken Riddle Teacher St. Louis Public Schools 5101 McRee St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 776-3300 Mr. Brian Torno Paramedic Mehlville Fire Protective District 12936 Queen Bee Lane St. Louis, MO 63129 (314) 293-0346 Mr. Donald Woolem Chief Medical Officer Affton Fire Protections District 628 Aqua Ridge Drive St. Louis, MO 63129 (314) 892-6961 Board Meeting 06/26/14 19 Funeral Service Education Mr. Ron Durbin Retired 2937 Raw Wind Drive High Ridge, MO 63049 (636) 677-8883 Ms. Ozella Foster Owner Foster's Services for Funerals LLC 3619 Finney Avenue St. Louis, MO 63113 (314) 652-3305 Mr. Dennis Giamalva Sales Criswell Casket Company 2000 Exchange Drive St. Charles, MO 63303 (636) 949-2999 Mr. John Hutchens Sales Hutchens Mortuary 675 Graham Road Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 831-3300 Mr. Herman Kriegshauser Retired 19 Jennycliffe Lane Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 391-2322 Mr. Trey Kriegshauser Owner Kriegshauser Brothers Funeral Service 2556 South Brentwood Boulevard Chesterfield, MO 63005 (314) 962-0601 Mr. Dale Kurrus Owner Kurrus Funeral Home 1773 Frank Scott Parkway West Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 235-2100 Mr. Todd Mahn Owner Mahn Funeral Home 900 North Main Street DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2288 Mr. Donald Otto Executive Director Missouri Funeral Directors Association 1757 Woodclift Drive, Suite 202 Jefferson City, MO 65109 (573) 635-1661 Mr. John Pautz President Missouri Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association 833 Court Street Fulton, MO 65251 (573) 642-2211 Mr. Roger Richie President John L. Ziegenhein & Sons Funeral Home 7027 Gravois Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 (314) 352-2600 Mr. N. Weiss Funeral Director and Embalmer Cozean Funeral Home 21 West Columbia Street Farmington, MO 63640 (573) 756-4541 Board Meeting 06/26/14 20 Graphic Communications Ms. Maureen Day Vice President Creative Development Betallic LLC 2326 Grissom Drive St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 991-8800 Ms. Marie Fister Professor Maryville University Art & Design 117 650 Maryville University Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 529-9563 Mr. Jason Koebel Group Creative Director Propaganda Inc. 3115 South Grand Boulevard, Suite 500 St. Louis, MO 63118 (314) 664-8516 Mr. Scott Linke Lead Designer Rawlings Sporting Goods 1384 Briar Creek Drive St. Charles, MO 63304 (314) 740-2203 Mr. Phillip Marshall Corporate Design Manager Marketing Centene Corporation 7700 Forsythe Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 255-6696 Mr. Mark Ratzlaff Shoe Designer Brown Shoe Company 8300 Maryland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 882-6770 Mr. Nathan Sprehe Principal & Creative Director Almanac Design 719 North 17th Street, #120 St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 875-9411 Mr. Michael Trost Owner Razor Marketing 706 Redgate Drive Defiance, MO 63341 (636) 798-2812 Ms. Maria Wagner Account Executive Creatives on Call 200 South Hanley Road, Suite 1100 St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 863-7223 Mr. Douglas Wolfe President ProWolfe Partners 315 North Meramec #24 St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 941-6090 Board Meeting 06/26/14 21 Health Information Technology Ms. Alice Boon VP Human Resource Grace Hill Health Center 100 North Tucker Suite 1100 St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 814-8520 Ms. Terri Eichelmann Executive Director, Health Information Management BJC Healthcare 4249 Clayton Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 747-2341 Ms. Norma Klein Coding Compliance Manager Legal Services BJC Healthcare 600 South Taylor, Mailstop 90-94-208 St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-0404 Mrs. Katie Krener Lead Coding, Health Information Management St. Mary's Health Center 6420 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 768-8133 Ms. Lisa Kronsberg Coding Manager, Health Information Management Mercy Medical Center 618 South New Ballas Road St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 251-5632 Mrs. Dorothy Rodgers Supervisor, Health Information Management Grace Hill NHC, Inc. 2220 Lemp Avenue St. Louis, MO 3107 (314) 814-8699 Dr. Richard Schamp CEO Capstone Performance Systems 6255 San Bonita Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 477-3685 Horticulture Mr. Tim Allen Golf Course Superintendent Westborough Country Club 729 Sherwood Drive Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 961-1450 Mr. Nathan Brandt Horticulture Specialist University of Missouri 10650 Gateway Boulevard Creve Couer, MO 63132 (314) 400-2115 Ms. Carrie Coyne Design Senior Associate SWT Design 7722 Big Bend Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 644-5700 Mr. Douglas Delong Owner Delong Landscape Architecture 7620 West Bruno St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 346-4856 Board Meeting 06/26/14 22 Ms. June Hutson Horticulturist - Kemper Center Missouri Botanical Gardens PO Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166 (314) 577-5100 Mrs. Maggie Jackson Retired 4937 Waringford St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 487-7848 Mr. Skip Kincaid Senior Consultant Davey Tree 1609 Missouri Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 (855) 623-4993 Mr. David Rowan Horticultural Foreman Forest Park Forever 5595 Grand Drive St. Louis, MO 63112 (314) 367-7275 Mr. William Ruppert Sales Representative National Nursery Products 1328 Forest Avenue Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 963-0253 Mr. William Spradley Owner Trees, Forests, and Landscapes 336 Leffingwell Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 821-9918 Mr. Bruce Vawter Owner Forestry Consultant Services 9321 Manoroak St. Louis, MO 63126 (314) 849-2853 Mr. Scott Woodbury Curator, Whitmire Wildflower Garden Shaw Nature Reserve P.O. Box 38 Gray Summit, MO 63039 (636) 451-3512 Hospitality Studies Ms. Misti Anderson Instructor North Technical High School 1700 Derhake Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 989-7695 Mr. Gary Arnold Owner Advantage Travel 1215 Woodcrest Lane Hazelwood, MO 63042 (636) 946-5344 Ms. Tina Bach Director of Attendee Management Maritz Travel Company 1395 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63099 (636) 827-1100 Mr. Price Barrett Vice President, Operations Companion 4555 Gustine Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 (314) 352-4770 Board Meeting 06/26/14 23 Mr. Vince Bommarito Owner Tony's 410 Market St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 231-7007 Mr. Bob Bonney CEO Missouri Restaurant Association 1810 Craig Road, Suite 223 St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 576-2777 Ms. Daniele Bush Executive Pastry Chef Annie Gunn's 16806 Chesterfield Airport Road Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 675-3169 Ms. Felisha Clay Director of Human Resources Embassy Suites St. Charles 2 Convention Center Plaza St. Charles, MO 63303 (636) 866-0161 Mr. Bob Colosimo Executive Chef Eleven Eleven Mississippi 1111 Mississippi St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 241-9999 Mr. Jan DeYoung Director Begins St. Louis 800 North Tucker Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 602-4540 Mrs. Carolyn Downs Owner Cyrano's Restaurant 603 East Lockwood Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 963-3232 Ms. Kelley Edwards Director, Traveler Fulfillment & Emergency Services Carlson Wagonlit Travel 1862 Lackland Hill Parkway St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 513-0513 Ms. Christy Ford-Schlafly Owner Ford Hotel Supply 2204 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 231-8400 Mrs. Ericka Frank Owner The Cakery Bakery 1420 Tamm Avenue St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 647-6000 Mr. Brian Hardy Executive Chef The Gatesworth 1 McKnight Place St. Louis, MO 63124 (314) 406-3604 Board Meeting 06/26/14 24 Mrs. Terri Heck Former Director of HR 4540 Laclede Avenue St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 367-4701 Ms. Martha Ifland Manager Leisure Travel Maritz Journeys 1395 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63099 (636) 827-4323 Mrs. Beckie Jacobs Owner Serendipity Ice Cream 8130 Big Bend Boulevard Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 368-6306 Mrs. Pat Jacoby Owner Patty Cakes 1018 Laurel Street Highland, IL 62249 Ms. Sherry Lappe Corporate Director Human Resources Lodging Hospitality Management Corp. 111 West Port Plaza St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 434-9500 Mr. Chad Lombardo Manager Kuna Food Service 704 Kuna Industrial Drive Dupo, IL 62239 (618) 286-4000 Ms. Debra Marquart 29 Rockwood Forest Valley Wildwood, MO 63025 Mr. David McArthur Owner McArthur’s Bakery 3055 Lemay Ferry Road St. Louis, MO 63125 (314) 640-7427 Ms. Diana Meyer Director of Human Resources St. Louis Marriott West 660 Maryville Center Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 878-2747 Mr. Orville Middendorf Owner PFG Middendorf 3737 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63147 (314) 241-4800 Mr. Bill Mihu Vice President, Bakery Division Schnucks Markets 11420 Lackland Road St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 994-4703 Mr. Forrest Miller Owner Royale Orleans Banquet Center 2801 Telegraph Road St. Louis, MO 63125 (314) 487-7006 Board Meeting 06/26/14 25 (618) 654-8180 (636) 938-1365 Mr. Tim Miller Manufacturing Representative Burlis Lawson Group 930 Kehrs Mill Road, Suite 400 Ballwin, MO 63011 (636) 391-0086 Mr. Kevin Nashan Executive Chef Sydney Street Café 2000 Sydney Street St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 771-5777 Mr. Dave Owens Executive Chef Bissinger's Chocolates 3983 Gratiot Street St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 534-2401 Mr. Brian Pelletier Owner KaKao Chocolatier 2301 South Jefferson St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 771-2310 Mr. Mitchell Pollock Pastry Chef Bellerive Country Club 12925 Ladue Road St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 275-9420 Mr. Nathaniel Reid Executive Pastry Chef Ritz Carlton 100 Carondolet Plaza St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 719-1490 Mr. Dave Rell Chef Orlando's Banquet 4300 Hoffmeister St. Louis, MO 63129 (314) 638-6660 Ms. Lisa Sandow, CTC Team Lead/Trainer Travel Leaders 12755 Olive Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 819-1070 Ms. Eileen Sandweg Destination Specialist Maritz Journeys 1395 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63099 (636) 827-6299 Ms. Sunny Schaefer Executive Director Operation Food Search 6282 Olive Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63130 (314) 726-5355 Ms. Maria Schomaker 6018 Clifton St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 343-0311 Mr. Stephan Schubert Executive Pastry Chef Lumiere Place Casino 999 North 2nd Street St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 881-7800 Board Meeting 06/26/14 26 Mr. Jeff Seaborn Chef Scottrade Center/Blues 1557 Fox Ridge Court Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 296-1665 Ms. Jill Segal Owner Jilly's Cupcake & Café 8509 Delmar Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63124 (314) 993-5455 Mr. Norman Sewing Restaurant Consultant 420 Algonquin Drive Ballwin, MO 63011 (636) 391-7078 Ms. Linda Shipp Around World Travel & Cruise 831 Westwood Industrial Park Drive Weldon Springs, MO 63304 (314) 374-6910 Brother Leo Slay Consultant Marycliff Marianist Community 4000 Highway 109 PO Box 718 Eureka, MO 63025 (636) 938-5470 Mrs. Judy Smith Pastry Chef Dierbergs European Bakery 16009 Park Forest Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 647-6000 Ms. Sonia Smith Collette Vacations 5899 Park Drive Troy, MO 63379 (636) 290-6978 Ms. Betsy Soltysiak Director of Training and Agency Reporting Maritz Travel Company 1395 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63099 (636) 827-5244 Mrs. Kathy Stewart, CTC Travel Consultant Tiger Travel 7973 Big Bend Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 968-4410 Mr. Chris Sullivan Chef Hannegan's 1227 Evans Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 821-5889 Mr. Robert Swehla General Manager Residence Inn Marriott 525 South Jefferson St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 289-7500 Board Meeting 06/26/14 27 Ms. Stephanie Turner, CTC President Brentwood Travel 1022 Executive Parkway St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 439-5700 Mr. Didier Villard Owner Euro Gourmet 431 Brown Road St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 970-6400 Mr. Todd Williams HR Generalist Carlson Wagonlit Travel 1862 Lackland Hill Parkway St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 513-0412 Mr. Paul Witwer Director, Business Development PFG Middendorf 3737 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63179 (314) 313-2143 Mr. Bryan Young Owner Bryan Events 4423 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 713-8708 Ms. Sandy Zingrich Travel Leaders 17281 Chesterfield Airport Road Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 778-1081 Human Services Mr. Jack Barnett Site Director - Outpatient Programs Bridgeway Behavioral Health 1027 South Vandeventer St. Louis, MO 63110 (636) 224-1732 Ms. Mary Burns Crisis Intervention Advocate Woman's Place 7372 Marietta Avenue Maplewood, MO 63143 (314) 645-4848 Ms. Lori Curtis, MSW Associate Teaching Professor University of MO, St. Louis 211 Belleview Hall St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 516-6751 Mrs. Patricia Ferrell Director The Salvation Army 1130 Hampton Avenue St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 646-3144 Mr. Rick Flanagan Lead Counselor Insynergy 11477 Olde Cabin Road, Suite 210 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (314) 649-7867 Board Meeting 06/26/14 28 Mr. Daniel Gladden Clinical Director Behavioral Health Responses 12647 Olive Boulevard, Suite 200 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (314) 628-6222 Ms. Regina Harmon Administrative Assistant/Case Management DYS Reach Day Treatment 5063 Manchester St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 628-6222 Mrs. Arlene Miller Therapist 10820 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 204 St. Louis, MO 63127 (314) 544-1095 Ms. DiAnne Mueller Executive Director St. Louis Crisis Nursing 6150 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 768-3201 Ms. Christien Reams Director, Community Services Lutheran Family and Children's Services 8631 Delmar Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63124 (314) 754-2767 Ms. Sue Self Vice President Telephonic Services Provident, Inc. 2650 Olive St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 446-2831 Sr. Stephanie Turck Volunteer Coordinator Room at the Inn 3415 Bridgeland Drive Bridgeton, MO 63044 (314) 209-9198 Dr. Sabrina Tyuse BSSW Program Director St. Louis University 3550 Lindell Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 977-2192 Human Services Disabilities Mr. Jack Barnett Site Director, Outpatient Programs Bridgeway Behavioral Health 1027 South Vandeventer St. Louis, MO 63110 (636) 224-1732 Dr. Donna Campbell Department Chair, Special Education Webster University 470 East Lockwood St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 961-2660 Ms. Kimberly Kreitner ADA Specialist City of St. Louis, Office on the Disabled City Hall, Room 30 1200 Market Street St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 622-3687 Board Meeting 06/26/14 29 Ms. Robyn Nash Support Specialist Hopewell Center 5912 DeGiverville St. Louis, MO 63112 (314) 681-2716 Mrs. Jessica Shuff Human Resources St. Louis County Special School District 12110 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 989-8290 Ms. Marilyn Wilson Clinical Case Work Practitioner II St. Louis Psychiatric Rehab Center 5300 Arsenal Street St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 726-0632 Information Reporting Technology Ms. Catherine Boyd President/Owner Boyd-Gwinn Reporting 629 Lee Avenue Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 918-8265 Ms. Linda Dattilo Court Reporter St. Louis County 7900 Carondelet Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 615-2682 Ms. Nancy Hopp Chief Operating Officer Midwest Litigation Services 711 North 11th Street St. Louis, MO 63101 (800) 280-3376 Mrs. Elaine Kistner CART Writer Special School District 408 Mason Ridge Drive St. Charles, MO 63304 (636) 926-2869 Ms. Deborah Kriegshauser Court Reporter U.S. District Court Eastern District of MO 111 South 10th Street, Room 3.300 St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 244-7449 Mrs. Deborah McLaughlin McLaughlin Reporting Services 4772 Gatesbury Drive St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 487-2259 Ms. Kathleen Saunders Teacher South Technical High School 12721 West Watson Road Sunset Hills, MO 63129 (314) 989-7465 Board Meeting 06/26/14 30 Information Systems Ms. Jill Anderson Manager/IT Technical Services/Data Administration UniGroup 1 Premier Drive Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 349-2862 Mrs. Sheree Borcherding Instructor St. Louis Special School District 12721 West Watson St. Louis, MO 63127 (314) 989-7444 Mrs. Denise Gibbs Database Administrator Maritz Inc. 1355 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63130 (636) 827-1690 Mr. Daniel Jundt Network Engineer II Charter Communications 2405 Powerscourt Drive, 3rd Floor St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 288-3415 Ms. Susan Lang Principal Engineer Maverick Technologies 265 Admiral Trost Drive Columbia, IL 62236 (314) 504-7466 Mr. Mike Rebar Senior Manager, IT Emdeon Business Services 1649 Garden Valley Court Glenco, MO 63038 (314) 954-3331 Mr. Norris Roberts Director of Technology Jennings School District 2541 Dorwood Drive St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 653-8025 Mr. Michael Thum Technical Specialist BJC Healthcare 4353 Clayton Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 262-6400 Mr. Martin Zaegel Senior Software Engineer Enterprise Holdings, Inc. 2637 Chanute Drive St. Louis, MO 63125 (314) 724-7852 Board Meeting 06/26/14 31 Information Systems: Office Information Coordinator Ms. Joan Case Executive Assistant Express Scripts, Inc. One Express Way, HQ21-03 St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 684-7647 Mr. John Hayes President B. Loehr Staffing P.O. Box 21530 Olivette, MO 63132 (314) 567-6500 Ms. J. Ife Jacobs Customer Service Manager Aesculap 619 Lambert Pointe Drive Hazelwood, MO 63042 (314) 736-5738 Ms. Janie Juarez Administrative Lead Monsanto Company 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63167 (314) 694-6799 Ms. Susan Keen Office Manager/Owner Linhardt Chiropractic 4444 Telegraph Road St. Louis, MO 63129 (314) 416-4100 Ms. Kisha Lee Medical Records Manager St. Louis County, Department of Health 6121 North Hanley Berkeley, MO 63134 (314) 432-2664 Ms. Betty Meszaros Administrative Assistant W.G. Stern & Company 100 North Broadway, Suite 1808 St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 436-1015 Mr. Rashad Ross Support Analyst Enterprise Holdings 500 Corporate Park Drive Clayton, MO 63121 (314) 629-3099 Ms. Antoinette Smith, CPS/CAP Executive Office Administrator The Boeing Company 862 Liberty Village Drive Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 839-4789 Mrs. Lynette Sona, CPS Retired 1018 Timberwood Trails Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 838-1751 Ms. Beverly Spudich, CPS/CAP Retired 7314 Dorset Avenue St. Louis, MO 63130 (314) 727-7943 Board Meeting 06/26/14 32 Ms. Kate Tegtmeyer Office Manager Prudential Select Properties 5494 Brown Road, Suite 113 Hazelwood, MO 63042 (314) 324-7683 Interior Design Ms. Stacy Burns Modern Business Interiors 1023 Port West Drive St. Charles, MO 63303 (636) 946-2500 Ms. Grace Corbin Architect/Designer Christner, Inc. 7711 Bonhomme Avenue Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 725-2927 Ms. Gail Doveikis Owner G.M. Doveikis 15009 Manchester Road Ballwin, MO 63011 (636) 227-7788 Ms. Anne Gallagher Workplace Consultant Steelcase 1325 North Warson St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 422-5977 Ms. Leah Hofferkamp Designer HOK Planning Group 1 Metropolitan Square, Suite 700 St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 421-2000 Mr. Stephen Patton CEO Frank Patton Interiors 13133 Manchester Road St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 965-4240 Legal Studies for the Paralegal Ms. Theresa Appelbaum Partner Padberg, Corrigan, and Appelbaum 1926 Chouteau Avenue St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 621-2900 Mr. Preston Humphrey Attorney/Owner Humphry Law 1221 Locust Street, Suite 770 St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 621-1765 Ms. Dana Hunter Paralegal Drury Inns, Inc. 721 Emerson Road, Suite 400 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 587-3138 Board Meeting 06/26/14 33 Ms. Kelly Jackson President KRJ Marketing 122 North Kirkwood Road, Suite 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 394-1750 Ms. Jalesia McQueen Attorney/Co-owner McQueen Awad, LLC 10805 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 300 St. Louis, MO 63127 (314) 258-2900 Ms. Martha Mitchell Marketing & Compliance Analyst Pohlman USA 10 South Broadway, Suite 1400 St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 450-5511 Ms. S. Joyce Scales Corporate Paralegal Kemper Home Service Companies 12115 Lackland Road St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 819-4663 Mr. Michael Stephens Partner Jenkins & Kling 150 North Meramec Avenue, Suite 400 St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 721-2525 Ms. Wendy Werner President Werner Associates 2200A Yale St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 644-2221 Ms. Paula Williams Paralegal Boeing Corporation 6200 James S. McDonnell Boulevard MC s100-3340 St. Louis, MO 63134 (314) 232-2183 Manufacturing Technology Mr. Howard Appelman Tech Planning - AMR&D Boeing P.O. Box 516 MC: S245-1003 St. Louis, MO 63166 (314) 234-1235 Ms. Candace Curtis Accounting Manager WB Industries 1270 West Terra Lane O'Fallon, MO 63366 (636) 272-2366 Mr. Leon Gurevich President Rapid Development Services 11080 Linpage Place St. Louis, MO 63132 (636) 787-4000 Mr. Colin Shipley Lead Robotics Engineer Bastian Robotics 2200 Forte Court Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 432-2224 Board Meeting 06/26/14 34 Mr. Arthur Simonyan Vice President Operations Rapid Development Services 11080 Linpage Place St. Louis, MO 63132 (636) 787-4000 Mr. Ted Stegeman President Industrial Steel Fabricators 12208 Missouri Bottom Road Hazelwood, MO 63042 (314) 895-1447 Mr. Matthew Williams Senior Staff Engineer Emerson Tool Company 8100 West Florissant Avenue St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 553-5056 Mr. Steve Williams Tooling Engineer Apple Procurement and Ops Unit 01, 13F Kerry Plaza #1 4th Zhangain Road Shenzhen, China 518048 (314) 484-1281 Mass Communications Ms. Benita Arceneaux Owner, Producer Nita Productions: An All Media Production Company 820 Cardiff Court O'Fallon, IL 62269 (850) 532-9138 Mr. Larry Baden Associate Professor, Media Communications Webster University 470 East Lockwood Avenue St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 246-7616 Mr. Donny Blake Independent Contractor/Movie Producer 7218 Zephyr Place, #103 St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 645-5544 Mr. Glen Coulson Technical Support and Programming Director iWatvchRadio.TV 11972 Doresett Road Maryland Heights, MO 63042 (314) 714-5361 Mr. Steve Friedman Executive Vice President Creative Producers Group 4818 Washington Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 367-2255 Mr. Gary Gottlieb St. Louis Audio Project Executive Director 505 Selma St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 606-7037 Board Meeting 06/26/14 35 Mr. Ken Ohlemeyer Account Director Brighton Agency 835 White Rock Drive St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 505-5293 Nursing Ms. Katie Balella Clinical Design and Development Manager BJC Learning Institute 8300 Eager Road, Suite 200A St. Louis, MO 63144 (314) 362-0979 Mrs. Kathy Barnes Director, Critical Care St. Mary's Health Center 6320 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 768-8701 Dr. Vicky Becherer Education Specialist Mercy Hospital 615 South New Ballas Road St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 251-5549 Ms. Maureen Bell Clinical Director St. Joseph Health Center 300 First Capitol Drive St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 947-4437 Ms. Mary Brobst Executive Director of Nursing St. Clare Health Center 105 Bowles Avenue Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 496-2000 Ms. Valerie Cooper Administrator Lutheran Senior Services 723 South Laclede Station Road St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 968-5570 Dr. Sue Dean-Baar Dean, Professor University of Missouri School of Nursing One University Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 516-7067 Ms. Carol Ellis Manager of Education St. Anthony's Medical Center 10010 Kennerly Road St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 525-1252 Ms. Kenya Haney Staff Nurse St. Joseph Health Center 5417 James River Drive Florissant, MO 63034 (314) 653-0249 Mrs. Diane Hildwein Director of Nursing, Clinical Education St. Luke's Hospital 232 South Woods Mill Road St. Louis, MO 63017 (314) 205-6119 Board Meeting 06/26/14 36 Mrs. Sandy Kroeschel Nursing Resource Manager Christian Hospital Northeast 11133 Dunn Road St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 653-5594 Ms. Janene Mickel Nurse Manager Ranken Jordan 11365 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 872-6500 Ms. Catherine Miller Assistant Chief Nurse/Speciality Services John Cochran VA Hospital 915 North Grand Avenue St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 652-4100 Dr. Teri Murray Dean, School of Nursing St. Louis University 3525 Caroline Mall St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 977-8908 Mrs. Christina Patrick Clinical Education Specialist St. Louis Children's Hospital One Children's Place St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 286-0393 Ms. Gail Ray Vice President of Nursing St. Luke's Hospital 232 South Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 434-1500 Ms. CherRaae Shanley Bethesda Dilworth 9645 Big Bend Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 968-5460 Ms. Sandra Smith Corporate Recruiter Lutheran Senior Services 723 South Laclede Station Road St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 446-2331 Dr. Patsy Stapleton, PhD, RN-BC Manager, Center for Practice Excellence Barnes-Jewish Hospital 600 South Taylor, Suite 120 Mailstop 90-94-235 St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 454-8541 Pat Tubbesing Director, Education Service Center SSM Health Care 10101 Woodfield Lane, Suite 150 St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 989-2430 Ms. Cindy Vishy Manager of Clinical Education St. Louis Children's Hospital One Children's Place St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 286-0388 Board Meeting 06/26/14 37 Ms. Stacey Weiler Education Specialist/Clinical Placement Coordinator SSM Healthcare 10101 Woodfield Lane, Suite 350 St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 989-2126 Occupational Therapy Assistant Ms. Wendy Apgar Occupational Therapist, Registered 15462 Schoettler Valley Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 532-7108 Ms. Penny Chastain Occupational Therapist, Registered 1101 West Essex Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 965-0599 Ms. Susan Collier Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 1135 Art Hill Place St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 369-2173 Mrs. Mary Falcetti Occupational Therapist, Registered 10056 Canterbury Farms Court St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 849-0951 Ms. Jennifer Greco Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 5648 Pernod St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 352-9069 Ms. Cindy Haynes Occupational Therapist, Registered 709 Nirk Avenue Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 821-0459 Mrs. Kristine Moranville Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 10 Fountain Court Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 838-9257 Ms. Cheryl Strickland Regional Vice President Select Rehabilitation 11854 Melody Lane Bridgeton MO 63044 (314) 991-5224 Ms. Victoria Vollmar Occupational Therapist, Registered 850 Rochdale Drive St. Louis, MO 63122-2412 (314) 822-1093 Physical Therapist Assistant Ms. Lisa Ahlers Physical Therapist Assistant Board Meeting 06/26/14 St. Anthony's Hospital 12692 Lamplighter Square St. Louis, MO 63128 38 (314) 849-2366 Ms. Lauren Brody-Terrill Manager, Student Programs RehabCare/Kindred Healthcare 2265 Brookview Lane Pacific, MO 63069 (314) 659-2521 Dr. Joni Barry Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Maryville University 650 Maryville University Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 529-9608 Dr. Carol Beckel Assistant Professor St. Louis University 3437 Caroline Street St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 977-8539 Dr. Cheryl Caldwell Professor Washington University 4444 Forest Park Boulevard, Box 8502 St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 286-1471 Ms. Judy Mange Administrator 9414 Pine Brentwood, MO 63144 (314) 962-9111 Mrs. Janet Nolte Therapy Services Coordinator Delmar Gardens Enterprises 851 Pebblefield Terrace Manchester, MO 63021 (636) 256-9275 Mrs. Kelly Nowacki Physical Therapist Assistant St. Mary's Hospital (SSM) 9145 Arvin Place St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 638-8491 Mrs. Katherine Welsh Physical Therapist Assistant Rehab Pro 13230 Manchester Road Des Peres, MO 63131 (314) 403-0863 Ms. Jennifer Wilcox Physical Therapist Mercy Hospital 16555 Manchester Road Wildwood, MO 63040 (636) 458-9343 Ms. Miriam Woolbright Physical Therapist Assistant Barnes Hospital One Barnes Jewish Hospital Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-2389 Radiologic Technology Mrs. Lee Ann Ackerman Director of Operations Board Meeting 06/26/14 Orthopedic Associates, LLC 1050 Old Des Peres Road St. Louis, MO 63131 39 (314) 714-3013 Mrs. Sabrina Bell CT Technologist Des Peres Hospital 2345 Dougherty Ferry Road St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 966-9194 Dr. Daniel Cohen Chief of Radiology SSM St. Joseph Health Center 300 First Capitol Drive St. Charles, MO 63304 (636) 947-5000 Mr. David Englehart Medical Physicist SSM St. Mary's Health Center 6420 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 768-8256 Mr. William Hubble Nuclear Medicine Technology Program Director St. Louis University 3437 Caroline St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 997-8594 Dr. Robert Kanterman Chief of Radiology St. Luke's Hospital 232 South Woods Mill Road St. Louis, MO 63017 (314) 205-6314 Ms. Michelle Onder Radiology Manager Missouri Baptist Medical Center 3015 North Ballas Road St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 609-7172 Mr. Brian Pearia Radiologic Technologist Missouri Baptist Medical Center 1003 Pitman Hill Road Weldon Springs, MO 63304 (314) 609-7172 Ms. Jamie Rapp Radiology Supervisor SSM St. Joseph Hospital West 100 Medical Plaza Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 (636) 625-7721 Dr. Michael Ward, Ph.D, RT Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Diversity Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing 4483 Duncan St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-6900 Respiratory Therapy Mr. John Hemkens Director, Respiratory Care Board Meeting 06/26/14 St. Louis University Hospital P.O. Box 15250 3635 Vista St. Louis, MO 63110-0250 40 (314) 577-8810 Mr. Neil Hittler Director, Rehab, Pulmonary, Sleep & Neuro Diagnostics Christian Northeast 11133 Dunn Road St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 653-5611 Ms. Jacqueline Holloman Director, Respiratory Care Services St. Luke's Hospital 232 South Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 542-4888 Mr. Bill Lamb Clinical Specialist Hamilton Medical 720 Bubbling Springs Court Wentzville, MO 63385 (314) 308-0599 Mr. William Alexander Lamb Attorney, Owner Lamb Law Firm, LLC 1050 Pike Street St. Charles, MO 63301 (314) 749-4315 Ms. Peggy Reed, Med. RRT Education Director BJC Hospital One Barnes Jewish Hospital Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-3767 Mr. Gregg Ruppel, Med, RRT, RPFT, FAARC Director, PFT Lab St. Louis University Hospital 3635 Vista Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110-0250 (314) 577-8812 Surgical Technology Mr. Brian Ash CST, CFA 10922 Shea Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 849-8593 Mr. Andrew Boedeker Sales Pittsburgh Pipe 5557 Lindenwood Avenue St. Louis, MO 63109 (636) 248-6562 Mr. Bradley Deutch CST, RN 412 South Market Waterloo, IL 62298 (618) 939-4841 Dr. J. Marchosky Neurosurgeon Neurospinal Surgery, P.C. 226 South Woods Mill Road, #56W Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 878-0808 Ms. Katie Yancey Procurement Coordinator MTS 2327 Time Centre St. Charles, MO 63303 (314) 680-4592 Board Meeting 06/26/14 41 HUMAN RESOURCES AGENDA SUMMARY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 8 13 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION / ADMINSITRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 2 APPOINTMENTS / PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 3 REQUESTS FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE / CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEMS 3 INFORMATION ONLY: RETIREMENTS / FACULTY 1 RETIREMENTS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1 RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 3 RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 4 DEPARTMENT CHAIRS 46 06/26/14 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY NAME CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC TITLE RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -1- Jenner, Julia C FV Assistant Professor (Graphic Communication) III-E $58,658 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Waring, Sarah N MC Instructor II (Math) II-E $52,098 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Peters, Thomas C MC Assistant Professor (Biological Science) III-H $60,570 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Arabshahi, Maryam N MC Assistant Professor (Economics) III-A $56,121 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Kobe, David C FV Assistant Professor (Engineering) III-I $61,641 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Mahan, Christopher C W Assistant Professor (Math) III-M $61,641 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Freshwater, Amy N MC Assistant Professor, temporary (Early Care and Education) III-I $61,641 Temporary replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 Schmisseur, Amber C MC Assistant Professor (Communications) III-A $56,121 Replacement 08/11/14 – 05/20/15 06/26/14 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Carter, Deborah Smith C FP Acting Vice President, Student Affairs A 22 $90,309.00 Temporary assignment 07/01/14 – until filled Wilcoxson, Elizabeth C FP Acting Dean, Business, Math & Technology A 20 $91,730.38 Temporary assignment 07/01/14 – 06/30/15 Davidson, Laura N WW Director, Student Affairs A 15 $80,000.00 Replacement 08/04/14 Ward, Lisa C CC Enterprise Business App System Lead PN 13 $69,000.00 Replacement 07/07/14 Atwood, Greg C CC UNIX & Operating System Administrator PN 13 $65,287.00 New assignment 06/27/14 Colvin, Sebrina C MC Academic Advisor PU 8 $44,005.00 Replacement 07/01/14 Foster, Donivan C FP Acting Manager, Campus Life PN 11 $54,059.00 Replacement 07/01/14 – until filled Gilbers, Bernard C FP Manager Microcomputer Network Services, temporary PU 11 $58,821.50 RTEC 07/01/14 12/31/14 NAME TITLE RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -2Malone, Erika C MC Coordinator, Enrollment Management PU 9 $45,191.99 Replacement 07/01/14 Martin, Katherine C WW Coordinator, Enrollment Management PU 9 $44,680.00 Replacement 07/01/14 Primous, Ena C FP Acting Manager, Business Services PN 12 $59,467.00 Temporary assignment 06/02/14 – until filled Savarino, Paula C MC Interim Manager, Campus Aux Services PN 12 $59,467.00 Interim 07/01/1412/31/14 FV Interim Manager, Campus Aux Services $59,467.00 Interim 07/01/1412/31/14 Stillman, Julie C PN 12 06/26/14 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME Barnes, Patti LOC VF TITLE Manager, Assessment RGE FY15 BASE RATE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION RATE PN 11 $55,719.11 $61,291.02 COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Duties of vacant position 07/01/14 – 06/30/15 COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE APPOINTMENT/ FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Cary, Timothy C FP Simmons, Sharon C FV NAME RANGE PAY RATE Telephone Attendant/Receptionist CU 4 $29,051.00 Replacement 06/27/14 Administrative Assistant- VP Office CN 7 $38,438.00 Replacement 07/01/14 TITLE -3APPOINTMENT/ PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC TITLE RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Compton, Samantha C FV Educational Assistant II, part-time continuing (Biology) CU 6 $15.62 hr Replacement 06/27/14 Dedert, Matthew C MC College Police Officer, part-time continuing CN 6 $15.62 hr Replacement 06/27/14 Karpinski, Mark C WW College Police Officer, part-time continuing CN 5 $15.62 hr Replacement 06/27/14 REQUESTS FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE / FACULTY 06/26/14 NAME Gee, Melody LOCATION FP COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Personal Leave 01/12/15 – 06/01/15 TITLE Instructor II (English) REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees approval on 06/20/13, page 2: -4- Appointments / Full-time Administrative/ Professional Staff Revise assignment ending date for Jeffrey Forrest from 06/30/14 to 12/31/14. Revise assignment ending date for Mary Luebke from 06/30/14 to 12/31/14. Board of Trustees approval on 05/16/13, page 1: Other Personnel Actions / Change of Assignment / Administrative / Professional Staff Additional one-time payment to Patrick Vaughn for extra duty: $22,916.67 06/26/14 INFORMATION ONLY RETIREMENTS / FACULTY NAME LOCATION McDowell, Barbara MC TITLE Professor (Nursing Education) COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 15 years service 06/30/14 COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 35 years service 06/30/14 COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 42 years service 06/30/14 RETIREMENTS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME -5- Guyton, Jill LOCATION CC TITLE Manager, Degree Audit Systems RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Smith, Warren LOCATION MC TITLE Media Technician II 06/26/14 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE/ PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Savage, Michelle MC Academic Advisor 06/13/14 Loeffelman, Katy CO Project Associate II (Community Services) 05/30/14 Cline, Marcy CC Environ Health/Safety Specialist 06/20/14 RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE -6- Gowin, Russ FP End User Technology Specialist 05/23/14 Grande, Mary Ann MC Educational Assistant II 05/16/14 Bursi, Amelia MC Secretary (Business Administration) 05/23/14 McIntyre, Adam FV College Police Officer 06/24/14 06/26/14 DEPARTMENT CHAIRS 2014 FALL SEMESTER FOREST PARK: -7- Life Sciences Teresa Alvarez Nursing Karen Mayes (District-Wide) Physical Education Sue Martin Automotive Technology Rick Anthes Business Administration Angelic Cole Hospitality Studies Ellen Piazza Information Systems Brenda Kahan Mathematics James Munden Fine and Performing Arts Jamie Kreher Humanities Jeremy Dennis Humanities Assistant Chair Wei Yan Human Services Angela Roffle Social Science/ECE/EDU Donald Cusumano Counseling Scott Queener 06/26/14 DEPARTMENT CHAIRS 2014 FALL SEMESTER, continued FLORISSANT VALLEY: -8- Accounting/Business Administration Anthony Clark (Acting) Family & Consumer Science Irene Kalmer Nursing (Campus Coordinator) Donna Wallner Physical Education Cindy Campbell Arts and Humanities Janice Nesser-Chu Communications Paul Higdon English Lonetta Oliver Reading Carlos Blanco Social & Behavioral Sciences Mark Taylor Biology Julie Fickas Chemistry Donna Friedman Engineering Dale Gerstenecker Mathematics Anne Marie Mosher Physics/Geology Charlie Burkhardt Counseling Troy Hansen 06/26/14 DEPARTMENT CHAIRS 2014 FALL SEMESTER, continued MERAMEC: -8- Accounting/Legal Studies Markus Ahrens Fine and Performing Arts Tim Linder Social and Behavioral Sciences Amanda White Biological Sciences Robert Harms Business/Information Systems Pam McElligott (Interim) Communications Susan Hunt-Bradford Counseling Donna Zumwinkel English David Taylor History/ Political Science/Humanities Steven Collins Mathematics Nathan Wilson Physical Education Michelle Ethridge Physical Science Joachim Dorsh WILDWOOD: Business Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Management Donna Babbitt Mathematics and STR Liaison Terri Graville Sciences, Social Sciences, Physical Education Afzal Lodhi English, Reading, Foreign Languages, Interdisciplinary Studies, Communications Ellen McCloskey Arts and Humanities Mark Weber Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Renewal Contract B0002926 with ENTERPRISE RECOVERY SYSTEMS and TODD, BREMER and LAWSON, INC., for a delinquent account collection services contract was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on September 27, 2012 and expires on June 30, 2013 with an option to renew for four (4), one (1) year periods. The Board approved the first year renewal option on June 20, 2013 with no increase to the award amount. We request approval to exercise the second year renewal with no additional funding. Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. 1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Renewal Contract B0003141 with HERFF JONES, INC., for graduation diplomas, covers and envelopes was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on July 11, 2013 and expires June 30, 2014 with an option to renew for a second and third year for an annual award amount of $25,000.00. The current contract balance is $15,400.00. We request approval to exercise the option to renew this contract for the second and third year, with an additional award amount of $50,000.00 and the new expiration date will be June 30, 2016. Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from operating budgets. 2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested to allow the bookstores to continue purchasing service items for resale from the METRO TRANSIT ST. LOUIS and UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, in an amount estimated at $474,050.00, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin JULY 1, 2014. Description The bookstores purchase these items and then resell them at their cost to students and staff as a service accommodation. The projected annual expenditures are listed below by location: Item TRANSIT PASSES 1st CLASS POSTAGE STAMPS Agency METRO TRANSIT ST. LOUIS UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Est. Annual Expenditures $ 470,000.00 4,050.00 $ 3 Bid – METRO15 & USPS15 These items are only available from their respective agencies and therefore are not biddable. Funding All expenditures will be funded from auxiliary enterprise budgets. 474,050.00 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the purchase of horticultural supplies to BWI COMPANIES, INC., for an estimated amount of $20,000.00 annually, for a period of one (1) full year, with an option to renew for a second and third year, to begin July 1, 2014. Description This contract will primarily be used by the Horticultural staff to purchase the necessary items for the planting and caring of live plant specimens, in greenhouse conditions, for eventual use in course study in the Horticultural Program. The responding bidder has met all of the requirements of the bid. Bid – B0003276 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 14, 2014, is listed below: 4 Bidders BWI COMPANIES, INC. HUMMERT INTERNATIONAL SUPREME TURF PRODUCTS *n/b - no bid Section I $30.45/ 3 of 4 48.44 /4 of 4 n/b Section II $207.40/7 of 7 261.65/6 of 7 8.60/1 of 7 Section III $1,016.00/9 of 9 1,351.70/9 of 9 n/b Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Section IV $1,902.95/17 of 20 249.95/ 3 of 20 2,112.60/17 of 20 Section V $1,084.40/13 of 15 1,603.24/15 of 15 n/b Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Purchase Board approval is requested for a one-time extension of a subscription service for the TouchNet Commerce Management System with TOUCHNET INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INC., in an amount estimated at $ 173,053.75 to begin, August 1, 2014. Description The TouchNet Commerce Management System includes electronic billing, remote payment, cashiering and market place modules. This subscription allows the College to comply with Payment Card Industry/Data Security Systems (PCI/DSS) standards. TouchNet is an Ellucian Partner and provides tightly integrated services between the two technology solutions. Funding This expenditure will be funded from current operating funds. 5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for local courier services to JS LOGISTICS, in an amount estimated at $46,803.75, to begin July 1, 2014, for a period of one (1) full year with three (3) optional one (1) year renewals. Description This contract will be used at all College locations for daily inter-campus mail transport service, as well as routine and emergency courier/parcel delivery services. Evaluations for both the on-demand section and the regularly scheduled daily runs were based on pricing, range of service area and company profile. The recommended bidder submitted the overall best pricing for both sections and meet all requirements of the bid. Two known minority –owned business enterprises participated in this bid process. Bid – B0003288 The evaluation of this bid, which opened Friday, June 6, 2014, is listed below: 6 Bidders JS LOGISTICS Patterson Towing Happy Gopher Parcel Express, Inc. Crossroads Courier Estimated Cost of Services $ 46,803.75 55,990.96 56,717.00 58,478.40 Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were placed in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Metro-Sentinel. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for use of the MISSOURI EDUCATION AND RESEARCH NETWORK (MOREnet) to acquire internet services, in an amount estimated at $50,495.00, for a period of one (1) full year to begin July 1, 2014. Description This service provides a secure broadband internet connection, staff training, and IP addressing for the college. MOREnet is the State of Missouri’s research and education network of which the college has been a member since 1996. The University of Missouri System is the fiscal agent of the network; as fiscal agent all contracts and services are bid on behalf of the network. Funding Expenditures for this service will be funded from current operating budgets. 7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Purchase Board approval is requested for purchase of tools and equipment from SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL, in the amount of $33,003.30. Description These tools will be used to expand the capacity of the Electrical Mechanical Program at the Center for Workforce Innovation, which is a Boeing pre-employment program. Snap-on Tools are being recommended to the exclusion of others under Board Policy NO. H.5.1, “Restrictions for Purchases Exceeding $5,000.00/Academic Selections”, because these tools are used by Boeing employees and they are considered the state-of-art choice for hand tools in the professional environment today. Boeing has donated twelve sets of the tools; this purchase will add six (6) additional sets. Items 18 Piece Set – Hand Tools 65 Piece Set – Sockets/Wrenches/Pliers Quantity 6 6 Set Cost $4,623.77 876.78 8 Funding This expenditure will be funded by Boeing Customized Training Restricted funds. Total Cost $27,742.62 5,260.68 $33,003.30 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for disbursement review services to DISBURSEMENT REVIEW, LLC, in an amount estimated at $25,875.00. Description These review services will focus on accounts payable transactions for fiscal year 2012 and 2013 to identify payment discrepancies on a contingency basis. Additionally this review will allow the college to ensure that current policies and procedures are sufficient to minimize and/or eliminate duplicate and over payments to vendors. Because of the limited volume of this opportunity, seven (7) no bid responses were received. The recommended vendor meets all requirements of the request for proposal. Bid – B0003267 9 The evaluation of this bid which opened May 5, 2014, is listed below: Bidders DISBURSMENT REVIEW, LLC Recovery Estimate $ 51,750.00 Professional Fees @ 50% $ 25,875.00 Funding This is a revenue generating contract. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were placed in the Metro-Sentinel, St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to FAMILY AND WORKFORCE CENTERS OF AMERICA, to provide career, development, employment and training services for the Welcome, Skills and Jobs Teams, in an amount estimated at $696,632.00, for a period of one (1) full year to begin July 1, 2014. Description These services will provide assistance to the Adult and Dislocated Workers required under the provisions of Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1988 (WIA). The college has been awarded the Missouri Next Generation Career Center (NGCC) Adult and Dislocated Worker Staffing contract by the St. Louis County Department of Human Services Division of Workforce Development and the St. Louis County Workforce Investment Board. This career services will be integrated within the NGCC System for St. Louis County to meet employers’ needs for a qualified workforce Bid – B0003286 The evaluation of this bid, which opened Wednesday, June 4, 2014, is listed below: 10 Bidders FAMILY AND WORKFORCE CENTERS OF AMERICA Better Family Life, Inc. Total Cost $696,632.00 714,950.42 Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from Missouri Next Generation Career Center and Dislocated Worker Staffing Grant Funds. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were placed in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Metro-Sentinel. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Contract Board approval is requested for the purchase an annual license agreement for Collaborate from BLACKBOARD, INC., for video conferencing, in an amount estimated at $166,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year and ten (10) months, to begin July 1, 2014. Description This software module is Blackboard’s video conferencing software solution and will support Online Education. Collaborate will integrate with the college’s use of the Blackboard Learn technology system providing students and faculty access to virtual classroom environments including access through mobile devices. Item Description 11 Web Conferencing Enterprise Instant Messaging License & 24/7 Technical Support Implementation & Training Services Annual Totals License Fees YR 14/15 YR 15/16 Total Cost $ 45,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 130,000.00 36,000.00 $ 81,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 166,000.00 Funding This expenditure will be funded from the Technology Fee budget. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to perform telephone surveys of regional employers to STAKEHOLDER INSIGHTS, in an amount estimated at $31,700.00. Description These telephone surveys will be conducted with regional employers doing business in industries that hire and employ individuals requiring skills and experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The results of the surveys will be incorporated into the college’s annual “State of the St. Louis STEM Workforce” report which will be disseminated at the annual State of the Workforce event hosted by the college. Bids were forwarded to four (4) potential respondents. Bid – B0003294 The evaluation of this bid, which opened Wednesday, June 18, 2014, is listed below: 12 Bidders STAKEHOLDER INSIGHTS Total Cost $31,700.00 Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested to award 16 Indefinite Quantity (Open-end) Consulting Agreements for Architectural, Engineering and Technical services. The consulting work will be divided between the various firms on an as-needed basis with actual amounts not specified nor guaranteed. Architects, Engineers, and Other Consulting Services: The consultants listed below were selected by a committee that evaluated 52 firms based upon professional qualifications, previous educational clients, experience with renovation/repair projects, types of services available, experience with open-end consulting agreements, and Minority Business Enterprise/Women’s Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) status. The following firms (listed by type) are recommended to receive Open-End Agreements for Fiscal Year 2015, with an option to renew 1 to 2 years: 13 Architects and Engineers Arcturis (WBE) BRiC Partnership, LLC Cannon Design David Mason & Associates (MBE) Etegra, Inc. (MBE) Hastings + Chivetta Architects, Inc. KAI Design & Build (MBE) Michael Roth and Associates Oculus, Inc. (WBE) Ross & Baruzzini, Inc. Webb Engineering Services, Inc. (MBE) William Tao & Associates Environmental/Geotechnical Geotechnology, Inc. NPN Environmental Engineers, Inc. Professional Services Industries, Inc. Terracon These firms will perform a variety of technical, architectural, engineering, and testing services pertaining to various capital projects for renovation, repair and maintenance of college facilities throughout the district. These agreements allow us to respond quickly to facilities consulting demands. The fees will be expended on an “as-needed” basis for outside consulting work in response to Physical Facilities’ projects and/or educational program demands. Charges for each individual project will be handled separately by setting Not to Exceed limits at the beginning of each job with the final billings to be on a “time charged” basis. The cost of the consulting fees will be included in the estimates for the individual capital projects. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities (cont.): Funding: Fund sources are: operating, capital, auxiliary, public safety, pedestrian, traffic access, energy loans, rental and external funds depending on the location and type of the project. 14 Recommendation for Award/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of a one-year elevator maintenance service agreement to KONE, in an amount of $7,693.00 per month. Description: This agreement provides full coverage elevator maintenance services including preventative maintenance such as cleaning and lubrication, call back service and parts, and defines expected reporting procedures and response times for 49 elevators and lifts. The 12-month agreement will expire June 30, 2015, although the College has the option to renew it for a second, third, four and fifth year (based on our fiscal year). Bid – Service Agreement M-288-DW, Elevator Service Agreement, St. Louis Community College District Wide The results of this bid, which opened June 3, 2014, are listed below 15 Contractor KONE ThyssenKrupp Elevator Base Bid – Monthly Cost $ 7,693.00 7,960.00 Annual Cost $ 92,316.00 95,520.00 Funding: This project will be funded from operating budgets. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of a consulting agreement to prepare a bidding package for replacing or upgrading the Building Automation Systems to BRiC Partnership, LLC for $14,700.00. Descriptions: The existing Building Automation Systems (BAS) at Forest Park, Meramec, Wildwood, Cosand Center, South County Education and University Center, Harrison Education Center, and the Center for Workforce Innovation are based on an operating system, which is no longer supported. The BAS allows centrally located operation and monitoring of heating, ventilation and airconditioning systems district wide. Proposal Evaluation for Building Automation System (BAS) Upgrade, Districtwide BRiC Partnership, LLC (BRiC) will prepare an overview and specification checklist to qualify firms, conduct interviews to evaluate the systems, review budgetary estimates and prepare a recommendation of vendor. Funding: 16 This project will be funded from capital budgets. Recommendation for Ratification/Physical Facilities: Board ratification is requested of three consulting agreements for testing and environmental services, each under $50,000.00. College Board Policy I.8 requires that architectural and engineering consultants be selected on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications for the type of professional services required, and at fair and reasonable prices. This policy further requires Board ratification of consulting agreements less than $50,000. Descriptions: NPN Environmental Engineers, Inc. Oversight and Air Monitoring for Floor Removal, Florissant Valley Provided project oversight and air monitoring and report documentation for abatement of floor tile and mastic from the first floor registration area in the Administration Building $ 5,875.00 $ 3,554.50 $ 792.00 Professional Services Industries, Inc. 17 Air Monitoring and Oversight for Tile Abatement and Drywall Removal, Forest Park Provided air monitoring and project oversight, as required by Missouri Department of Natural Resources and St. Louis City, for abatement of floor tile and remediation of water-damaged drywall. (This is part of an insurance claim) TSi Engineering, Inc. Concrete Testing for Structural Deck, Forest Park Provided third party strength of concrete material testing for the initial pour of the structural deck at Forest Park, and will provide the same service for the final pour of the deck in order to establish that construction was performed using good engineering and construction practices. Funding: These projects were funded from operating and capital budgets. Recommendation for Renewal/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for renewing HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE AGREEMENTS M-263-COSAND CENTER AND M-264-CORPORATE COLLEGE, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to HUDSON SERVICES DBA HBS, INC., for $10,828.00 per Month, for a second of five possible years. Agreement Contractor HUDSON SERVICES DBA HBS, INC. M-263 M-264 Price/Month $ 5,298.00 Price/Month $ 5,530.00 Description: This agreement will provide superior housekeeping services for both of the facilities. Funding: These agreements will be funded from current operating budgets. Monthly Total $ $10,828.00 18 No Items this Month Financial Reports will appear on a Quarterly Basis, in November, February, May and August 6 Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Ratification of Agreement between University of Missouri and St. Louis Community College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between University of Missouri and St. Louis Community College to provide temporary lodging for 19 international students participating in the Scholarships for Education and Economic Development (SEED) program. The students will be housed in 5 units located in the Mansion Hills Apartments owned by the University of Missouri. The rental agreement is from June 21, 2014 to June 15, 2015. The total cost of the lease is $52,950. Academic and Student Affairs Contracts and Agreements Clinical Agreements The college recommends that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Mercy Hospitals East Communities North Campus Advanced Health Systems The Woodlands of Maryland Heights d/b/a Parkwood Skilled Nursing & Rehab Center Board Meeting 06/26/14 2 Program Effective Date EMS/EMT/Paramedic 04/01/14 Human Services 04/24/14 Physical Therapist Assistant 05/05/14 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) 05/28/14 Workforce Solutions Group Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source Jet Aviation St. Louis, Inc. Title of Program and/or Purpose Technical Training Manager: Stephen Long American Family Insurance, Co. Leadership Training Manager: Stephen Long Esse Health Lean Services Manager: Stephen Long Campus Date Amount Workforce Solutions Group April 25, 2014 through December 31, 2014 $21,600 Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015 $150,000 Workforce Solutions Group May 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 $26,800 (Total FY2014 $28,675) Contracts and Agreements Sublease agreement between St. Louis County and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve to enter into an agreement with St. Louis County for rental space at the MET Center for the amount of $30,000 for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. This amount covers all the space that the College currently occupies at the MET Center including the Diesel Technology, Computer labs and other Instructional spaces for accelerated training programs. Board Meeting 06/26/14 3 Institutional Development Acceptance of External Funds AGENCY U.S. Department of Education AMOUNT $ 250,000.00 PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley and Forest Park campuses to participate in the Predominantly Black Institutions Program – Formula Grant to strengthen the college’s capacity to serve African-American males and improve their educational outcomes. The project, titled “African American Male Initiative (AAMI): Empowering Student Leaders for the Future,” is a comprehensive program of student support services including specialized orientation activities; academic interventions; peer and community mentoring; tutoring services; special workshops and seminars; stipends for participants and peer mentors; and professional development workshops for faculty and staff. Restricted Project Period: 10/1/14-9/30/15 Project Director: Keith Ware U.S. Department of Education $ 129,550.00 Board Meeting 06/26/14 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley and Forest Park campuses to participate in the Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI) Competitive Program to strengthen the college’s capacity to serve AfricanAmerican males and improve their educational outcomes. The project titled “African American Male Initiative (AAMI): Empowering Student Leaders for the Future” is a comprehensive program of student support services including specialized orientation activities; academic interventions; peer and community mentoring; tutoring services; special workshops and seminars; stipends for participants and peer mentors; and professional development workshops for faculty and staff. This award represents 1 Restricted additional funds for FY’ 14/15. Project Period: 10/1/11-9/30/15 Project Director: Keith Ware Productive Living Board $ 148,390.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College to provide vocational enhancement services to St. Louis County residents with developmental disabilities through the Continuing Education Access Program. Project Period: 7/1/14- 6/30/15 Project Director: Christy Jaeger Board Meeting 06/26/14 2 Restricted BOARD RECOMMENDATION Insurance Recommendations INSURANCE RENEWALS Property Insurance Renewal It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the property insurance offered by the Midwestern Higher Education Compact through the Lexington Insurance Company, effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The policy limit is $ 470,798,914. This reflects a 1.8% increase in valuation. The renewal premium of the policy will be $189,955 ($0.040 per $100 of values). This is an increase of $ 12,702 (7.2%). This insurance plan provides all of the coverage the College had in the past. It also includes $100,000,000 in earthquake insurance without restrictions because of the New Madrid Fault Zone. Additionally, the College will have $100,000,000 of terrorism coverage which includes both certified events (international based) and non-certified (special-interest groups/protests). Conditions in the insurance industry may cause the premium amount to change as the actual renewal date approaches. If this occurs, the Board of Trustees will be notified of the new premium. Due to the nature of the allocation and the need to finalize certain aspects of the program, we need to provide numbers in this fashion as we continue final negotiations with our program partners. The costs also do not include any applicable surplus lines taxes as those will be calculated following the placement of the program.