MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, September 25, 2014, at the Harrison Education Center, 3140 Cass Ave., St. Louis, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Dr. Craig Larson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:21p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Dr. Craig Larson, Chair; Ms. Hattie Jackson, Vice-Chair; Mr. Theodis Brown Sr., Trustee; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Trustee; Dr. Doris Graham, Trustee, and Ms. Joan McGivney, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Dennis Michaelis, Interim Chancellor; Ms. Mary Nelson, General Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Public Hearing for Setting the Tax Rate On motion by Mr. Brown and seconded by Dr. Graham, Dr. Larson recessed the regular meeting, and a Public Hearing was held in accordance with Section 67.110, Revised Statutes of Missouri (1998), which requires each political subdivision to hold a public hearing, after appropriate public notice prior to fixing its property tax rates for the fiscal year. Dr. Larson asked if there were any citizens who wished to be heard concerning the proposed tax rate. No one having asked to be heard, Dr. Larson asked for a motion to adjourn the hearing. On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the public hearing and the regular Board meeting was reconvened. 3. Approval of Resolution Setting the Tax Rate for 2014 On motion by Ms. Jackson and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board unanimously adopted a Resolution to set the tax rate for the district for the tax year 2014 at 22 cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation, for the General Fund of the College in the form attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein in Exhibit A. 4. Welcome to Guests Dr. Larson welcomed Mr. John Vance Sr., President of the Castle Point Street Light District of St. Louis County. 5. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 6. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Ms. McGivney and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda after pulling the Recommendation for Award with Campus Works, Inc. 7. Approval of the August 14, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes and the August 13, 2014 and August 14, 2014 Work Session Minutes On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald and seconded by Ms. Jackson, the Board unanimously approved the August 14, 2014, regular meeting minutes and the August 13, 2014 and 14, 2014 work session minutes. 8. Approval of Resolution Re October 16, 2014 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board approved, by a roll-call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on October 16, 2014, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 9. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Mr. Dan Kimack, Director of Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 10. Approval of Revised Board Policy B.23 District Wide Tobacco and 2 Smoking Ban On motion by Dr. Graham and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board unanimously approved Board Policy B.23 District Wide Tobacco and Smoking Ban, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 11. Information Items A. Ms. Kelli Burns, Director of Institutional Research and Planning, presented a fall enrollment update and answered questions from the Board. B. Dr. Preston Pulliams, President of Gold Hill Associates, gave a report on the Chancellor Profile for the upcoming search. Following his presentation, the Board suggested edits to the document. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. McGivney and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously approved the revised Chancellor Profile all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 12. Approval of Consent Items Consent items are approved by a single motion and vote unless otherwise noted below. Dr. Larson called for a motion and discussion on the Campus Works Recommendation. Following a presentation and discussion, on motion by Ms. McGivney and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously approved the recommendation with Campus Works, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 12.1 Consent Item Motion and Vote Ms. Fitzgerald moved approval of the consent agenda items. Ms. Jackson seconded the motion, and the remaining consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 12.2 Academic and Student Affairs Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions No items. 12.3 HUMAN RESOURCES 3 Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 12.4 BID AWARDS Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit C; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 12.5 FINANCE No items. Financial reports will appear on a quarterly basis, in November, February, May and August 12.6 CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 4 Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 12.7 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and 5 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 12.8 INSURANCE No Items. 13. COMMUNICATIONS 13.1 Chancellor’s Report Dr. Michaelis said the college is continuing to work with St. Louis Public Schools on enrollment, as we now only get about 20 percent of their graduates. He said that leadership meeting dates have been established and we are working very hard to increase the numbers. He added that next summer their counseling and advising staff will work with our staff on a case management basis. Dr. Michaelis then advised the Board that Zora Mulligan has resigned as Executive Director of the Missouri Community College Association. He announced that Ann Brand, Legislative Liaison, will serve as interim while they work to fill the position. 13.2 For the Good of the College Report Dr. Larson gave the following report: The Board of Trustees has focused its attention over the last month on the search for a permanent chancellor. A web site has been developed to keep faculty, staff, students and community members informed during the process. It can be found on the college’s home page. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank everyone who took the time to self-nominate or be nominated to serve on the search committee. There were many excellent nominations to consider. The Board met last week to establish the committee. This was a difficult decision that the board did not take lightly. The committee consists of a representative group of individuals including faculty, administration, classified and professional staff, students, Foundation Board members and other members of the community at large. The Board appreciates all of the responses from those who were interested in participating in the process. 6 As you heard earlier, Chancellor Search facilitator Dr. Preston Pulliams has been in town this week and has visited all of the campuses. The information gathered by Dr. Pulliams was used to create the Chancellor Profile. Dr. Pulliams and the search committee will be working hard over the next few months, screening and interviewing candidates. Dr. Larson then asked members of the search committee who were present to stand and be recognized. 13.3 Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns Demetra and James King addressed the Board regarding a process administered to their son, who was attending the Forest Park Campus, and requested a reasonable resolution to the problem. Mr. Craig Gallop, an adjunct professor at Wildwood, addressed to Board regarding the right for adjunct professors to organize. He asked if something could be resolved by the Board as early as its October regular meeting. 13.4 Board Member Comments Dr. Graham thanked the Board members for her birthday wishes. She then thanked Ms. Ruby Curry, Interim President of the Florissant Valley Campus, for working with the Urban League in hosting a job fair for the people of Ferguson. Ms. Jackson then asked if the College could bring education to the housing complex in Ferguson that is filled with young people. Dr. Graham said many churches have opened their doors, but the money is just not there. Ms. McGivney commended the staff who organized the State of the St. Louis Workforce event. 14. NEW BUSINESS None. 7 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 8 HUMAN RESOURCES AGENDA SUMMARY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 5 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 6 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 23 APPOINTMENTS / PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 REQUESTS FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/ PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEMS 2 INFORMATION ONLY: RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1 RESIGNATIONS / FACULTY 2 RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 5 09/25/14 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC TITLE O’Laughlin, Carolyn N MC Manager, Campus Life PN 11 $60,000.00 Replacement 10/01/14 Foster, Donivan C FP Manager, Campus Life PN 11 $55,680.00 Replacement 9/29/14 Ciarlo, Erica N MC Senior Project Associate II (Nursing Retention Coach) PU 11 $54,059.00 Replacement 09/29/14 Walker, Grant C CC Server Systems Analyst PU 11 $54,059.00 Replacement 09/26/14 Porter, Ashley C FP Educational Assistant III, temporary (Academic Support Center) PU 07 $36,920.00 Replacement 10/06/14 NAME RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF -1NAME CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC TITLE RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Fletcher, Christopher C FV Enrollment Services Manager PN 12 $61,215.10 No change in salary 10/01/14 Cundiff, Mike C MC Enrollment Services Manager PN 12 $63,523.91 No change in salary 10/01/14 Marshall, Glen C FP Enrollment Services Manager PN 12 $63,828.83 No change in salary 10/01/14 Burroughs, Gena C FV Enrollment Center Coordinator PN 10 $56,144.27 No change in salary 10/01/14 Doss, Glenda C FP Enrollment Center Coordinator PN 10 $49,143.00 Range minimum 10/01/14 Daniel, Susan C MC Enrollment Center Coordinator PN 10 $49,143.00 Range minimum 10/01/14 09/25/14 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Harris, Shantell C CC DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist CU 6 Bond, Royce C CC DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist Brown, Tequilla C CC Groeller, Cheryl C Han, Norma -2- COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE $33,268.00 Step 1 07/01/14 CU 6 $33,268.00 Step 1 07/01/14 DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist CU 6 $36,109.74 No change in rate 10/01/14 CC DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist CU 6 $41,677.92 No change in rate 10/01/14 C CC DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist CU 6 $46,339.70 No change in rate 10/01/14 Marion, Marc C CC DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist CU 6 $40,709.49 No change in rate 10/01/14 White, Valencia C CC DW Financial Aid Processing Specialist CU 6 $36,991.42 No change in rate 10/01/14 Buda, Michael C MC Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,226.04 No change in rate 10/01/14 Cole, Tracey C FV Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $37,623.84 No change in rate 10/01/14 Drake, Ola C FP Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $46,339.70 No change in rate 10/01/14 Frey, Aaron C MC Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,266.04 No change in rate 10/01/14 Johnson, Latoya C FV Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,266.36 No change in rate 10/01/14 Johnson, Michelle C FV Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,758.38 No change in rate 10/01/14 Martin, Ryan C FP Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,593.58 No change in rate 10/01/14 Moore, Mary C MC Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $40,155.58 No change in rate 10/01/14 Harrell, Shawn C FP Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $33,268.00 Step 1 10/01/14 Simmons, Arika C MC Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $33,268.00 Step 1 10/01/14 Steiner, Sarah C MC Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $33,268.00 Step 1 10/01/14 Bell, Tina C FV Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $33,268.00 Step 1 10/01/14 Jones, Sabrina C FP Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,394.00 Step 5 10/01/14 McVey, Joan C FV Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $34,724.00 Step 6 10/01/14 Laubenthal, Mary C FP Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $38,986.00 Step 14 10/01/14 Miller, Franczella C FP Financial Aid Counselor CU 6 $40,464.00 Step 16 10/01/14 NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE 09/25/14 APPOINTMENTS / PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Hume, Leslie CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC C FV TITLE RGE Clerk II, part-time, continuing (Academic Support Center) OC 3 PAY RATE COMMENTS $12.14 / hr No change in pay EFFECTIVE DATE 08/11/14 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF -3NAME LOC Travis, Juanita FP TITLE Secretary, 36 weeks RGE FY15 BASE RATE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION RATE CU 04 $21,396.96 $24,716.00 COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Duties of vacant position 06/02/14 – 12/31/14 09/25/14 REQUESTS FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOC Subramanian, Chitra FP TITLE Manager, Campus Business Services COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Medical Leave 09/17/14 – 01/05/15 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees approval on 12/05/13, page 1: Appointments / Full-time Faculty Revise salary for Angela Skurat from $49,846.00 (step A) to $52,098.00 (step E) + 3%; effective 08/11/14 -4- Chancellor’s approval on 07/17/14, page 1: Appointments / Full-time Faculty Revise contract status for David Coughran from temporary to probationary; effective 08/11/14 INFORMATION ONLY RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Frazier, Margie LOCATION FP TITLE Housekeeper COMMENTS 14 years service EFFECTIVE DATE 08/29/14 09/25/14 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION McNeil, Haralyn TITLE FV Childcare Specialist EFFECTIVE DATE 08/31/14 RESIGNATIONS / FACULTY LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Schuster, Rositta FP Instructor I (Dental Assisting) 07/31/14 Billman, Daniel MC Associate Professor (Horticulture) 08/11/14 NAME -5RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Bacon, Jessica MC Media Associate 08/29/14 Wesley, Demetrius MC Housekeeper 08/22/14 Davis, Princess FV Student Activities Assistant I 07/26/14 Thebeau, Robert FV College Police Officer 08/22/14 Brooks, Cedric FV College Police Lieutenant 09/14/14 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Adamecz, Gustav CO CO FP M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP W FV FV FV FV M CC M M M M M M M M FV M M M M FP CO FP FP M IS22943P21587201420 IS13043P21586201420 IT201450201420 STR050650201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 ACC293639201410 ACC208695201420 ACC114695201420 ACC291638201420 ACC114HON201420 ACC114675201420 BIO207650201420 BIO208602201420 SumSabbatical201420 HONORS201410 IT208450201420 ASC201420 IT101450201420 IT101486201420 DMS202401201420 DMSPROGCOORD201420 DMS203401201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 AUT168401201420 PE180475201420 PE180477201420 MATH/FV HIT101474201420 HIT103474201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MCM115501201420 MCM201503201420 RADIOTVSUPVR201420 MCM124501201420 MTH210601201420 InstrSkillsWSOneTimePay201420 MTH160C675201420 MTH160C675201420 MTH230602201420 PERKINSPAY201410 OTA213698201420 OTAPROGCOOR201420 ASSTCHAIR201420 COM101602201420 STEM201420 ACC124674201420 ACC110696201420 ACC110696201420 ACC292639201420 RDG030401201420 ALALiteracy201420 STR050404201420 STR050407201420 BIO11604201420 Adams, Rhonda J Ahrens, J Markus Allen, Jason S Alvarez, Teresa A Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Anthes, Richard M Applegate, Mark D Ascare, Diane G Ayres, Janet C Babbitt, Donna E Bai, Steven S Ballard, Kelly K Ballentine, Cynthia R Barker, Jacqueline A Barr, Kimberly S Barrett, Robyn C Barron, Tracy J Bast, Matthew D 08/26/14 ­1­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 06/21/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.50 3,177.60 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 05/24/14 0.80 855.17 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 08/30/14 0.31 397.20 09/02/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.33 4,221.92 07/26/14 4.33 4,221.92 07/26/14 7.50 8,362.80 06/14/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 08/18/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 4.67 5,207.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.36 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.36 1.00 43.63 08/02/14 4.00 4,460.15 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.88 1,828.20 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 06/21/14 1.00 822.08 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/05/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 06/20/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 05/31/14 2.00 1,908.16 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 06/21/14 3.00 2,466.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 4.33 3,559.61 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Bauer, Joseph A Baumstark, Jeffrey M Beach, Elva M Bell, Wesley J Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima G Blalock, Kay J Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Boehm, Jason L Bozek, Brian M Brake, Dean A Breed, Gwen E Brown­Marshall, Amy L Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burke, Michael A Burkhardt, Charles E Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L 08/26/14 Loc Course Number M FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP CO FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M FP FV FV FV M W FV W FV BIO111603201420 NEWFACORIEN201430 BIO207602201420 ENG2066WA201420 ASSTDEPTCHAIR201420 BLW201574201420 CRJ101574201420 PRGCOORD201420 CRJ20951A201420 Hum/PhlCoord201420 PHL104%7B201420 THT115501201420 DCS219550201420 THTPC201420 THT101501201420 DirectorBOISE201420 SABBATICAL201420 HST101674201420 HST101675201420 RDG030504201420 RDG030503201420 RDGDEPTCHAIR201420 ST211401201420 ST210401201420 MTH030507201420 MTH020507021420 MTH186551201420 MTH030501201420 MTH160c505201420 XRT211401201420 XRT215401201420 NRSG201415 NUR106LPN201410 NUR203401201410 COM107577201420 COM101576201420 COM101550201420 HST101474201420 HST137474201420 HST137401201420 PE130503201420 PE130502201420 PE161502201420 PE130508201420 ENG1026WA201420 MTH240450201420 ME138501201420 PHY223501201420 DEPARTMENTCHAIRPHYPSI GEO123601201420 PE120301201420 PE180501201420 PE180374201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 ­2­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 4.33 3,559.61 08/08/14 0.06 43.63 07/26/14 4.33 3,559.61 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.50 2,437.60 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.88 2,383.20 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/14/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 7.50 8,362.80 07/05/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 4.33 4,849.52 07/26/14 2.00 2,238.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 4.00 3,288.32 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 2.00 2,238.24 07/26/14 3.33 3,730.40 08/30/14 6.00 198.00 05/25/14 0.24 256.32 05/25/14 0.23 242.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 1.33 1,104.00 07/26/14 1.33 1,104.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,484.00 07/26/14 1.33 1,104.00 06/20/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 6.00 7,626.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/05/14 3.00 2,466.24 05/31/14 1.33 1,692.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,807.36 07/26/14 3.00 3,807.36 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D Carter, Christine E Casey, Zita M Caster, Faith A Cernich, Victoria M Champene, Aaron R Char, Deborah J Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Chowdhury, Md Syed A Christiansen, Steven Clark, Anthony S Clark, Judy V Cohen, Richard Cohoon, Christina M Cole, Angelic I Collier, Nancy C Collins, Jennifer P Collins, Linda H Collins, Steven G 08/26/14 Loc Course Number FV FV FV M FP FP M M FP FP CO M M CO M M M M M M CO FP W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV M PE120580201420 PE120581201420 PE120582201420 PHL101603201420 MTH160C403201420 MTH160C404201420 FACOFREC201420 RDG030602201420 ENG101404201420 ENG030401201420 NRSG201415 RDGADJSUPV201420 HONORSCOORDINATOR201420 CDPV71190090030201420 ART216601201420 ART116698SDL201420 IS291639201420 IS495695201420 IS237HON201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 IS23743P21585 IT102496201420 BIO207395201420 BIO207301201420 BIO208301201420 PSY200504201420 PSY205501201420 PSY200505201420 PSY200509201420 PSY200502201420 BUS201576201420 ECO152574201420 ECO152550201420 DeptChair201420 BUS201574201420 BUS201575201420 MTH030401201420 ECE102501201420 ECE203501201420 ECE204550201420 ECE203502201420 ECE201501201420 PTA215601201420 MGT204474201420 VPAARELEASETIMEPROJ201420 MKT203474201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 HONORS201330 CHM102650201420 GENEDCOOR201420 CHM101601201420 HONORS201410 HST102504201420 HST105601201420 ­3­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 06/07/14 1.33 1,692.16 08/02/14 1.33 1,692.16 07/05/14 1.33 1,692.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/21/14 4.00 3,288.32 07/26/14 4.00 3,288.32 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 08/30/14 8.00 264.00 07/26/14 0.75 731.28 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/21/14 32.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 4.00 5,076.48 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 09/02/14 0.06 69.69 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 09/02/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/24/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 4.33 4,828.12 07/26/14 4.33 4,828.12 07/26/14 4.33 4,828.12 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/21/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 1.80 1,755.07 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 0.60 585.02 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/16/14 4.00 392.00 07/26/14 4.33 5,503.60 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.64 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Cooper, Terry D Copp, Julie C Corich, Evelyn F Coughran, David A Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Dattoli, Anthony D Daugherty, Seth A Davis, Phyllis R Day, Leroy T Dennis, Jeremy K Dieckmann, Thomas M Doering, David A Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Downey, Michael D Duchinsky, Jason G Dufer, Dennis C Eayrs, Christaan N Elliott, John M 08/26/14 Loc Course Number M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FV FV M M M M CO FP CO M M M M M M M M ReleasedTime201420 RELEASEDTIME201420 PSY200604201420 PSY200605201420 COM101575201420 COM10150201420 PROGCOORD201420 COM101502201420 MTH160C401201420 FSERELEASETIME201420 HONORS201410 PSY200448201420 PSY200474201420 PSY200475201420 PSY205474201420 BEHAVSOCSCIEDPTCHR201420 SummberSabatical201420 PE130201420 PE180601201420 MTH140406201420 MTH210401201420 Substitute 201420 MTH140402201420 MTH140405201420 IS157501201420 BUS1015012014 IS161595201420 CLTRN201420 FRE101601201420 ENG101448201420 HUMCHAIR201420 ENG1024WB201420 HUM112401201420 ASSESSMENT201420 ENG1025XE201420 IS12951A201420 HONORS201410 IS131501201420 IS102575201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 GEG103601201420 IDS201602201420 NURS201415 CUL101447201420 ARCHS201420 Counselor/Assistant Professor SPECIALPROJECTS201420 COM101601201420 COM101650201420 COM101650201420 MCM102674201420 MYMTHLAB201420 MTH220602201420 ­4­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/21/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 06/14/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 7.50 8,362.80 07/26/14 3.00 2,484.00 05/31/14 3.00 2,484.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 5.00 4,875.20 07/26/14 3.50 105.00 06/21/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 1.00 975.04 07/19/14 8.50 340.00 06/20/14 4.00 5,084.16 06/16/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 48.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 06/14/14 2.00 196.00 05/31/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 4.00 5,084.16 08/30/14 16.00 528.00 06/15/14 1.00 975.04 08/30/14 143.00 7,613.32 08/08/14 223.50 5,448.93 07/26/14 0.50 557.52 06/20/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 05/31/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 0.50 557.52 07/26/14 5.00 5,575.20 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Englert, Brandon R Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle R Fackelman, Joseph A Fickas, Julie C Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Franklin, Kimberly R Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley P Freeman, Terrence L Friedman, Donna G Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G 08/26/14 Loc Course Number M M M FV FV M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FV FV CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M MTH220601201420 MTH140674201420 MTH140674201420 STEM201420 NEWFACORIENT201430 SOC101679201420 PE161675201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 PE130201420 PE161674201420 PE161674201420 PE161S74201420 PE161675201420 RTH222201420 RTH146201420 RLSTIMEPROGRAMCOORD201420 BIOLOGYDETCHAIR201420 IDS201501201420 InstrSkillsWSOneTimePay201420 Sabbatical201420 PROGCOORD201420 ESLPLACEMENT201415 ENG061401201420 ENG051401201420 ENG701450201420 TUTORING201420 HONORS201410 PSY200401201420 PSY200402201420 PSY200451201420 BUSS201415 FTFAOreientation201430 PERKINSONETIMEPAY201410 ART100675201420 ART100674201420 ESC206550201420 PROCOORD201420 CLTRN201420 ESC205550201420 CHM106501LAB201420 CHM101502201420 CHM101501201420 CHMDEPTCHAIR CHM101HON201420 CHM206501201420 BIO111448201420 BIO111421201420 BIO207423201420 MTH160C674201420 MTH160C698201420 MTH160C674201420 MTH160C602201420 MTH140605201420 ­5­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 5.00 5,575.20 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 05/31/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/19/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/08/14 0.06 51.38 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.24 05/31/14 1.00 975.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.12 07/26/14 0.67 650.08 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.24 05/31/14 1.19 975.10 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.24 05/31/14 1.19 975.10 07/26/14 1.33 1,300.16 07/26/14 4.33 4,225.52 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 07/26/14 7.50 9,532.80 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/30/14 3.00 99.00 08/19/14 1.00 798.08 05/24/14 1.00 1,069.34 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.34 1,702.40 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/19/14 3.00 120.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.33 1,690.48 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.64 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.65 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 8.00 784.00 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 4.33 4,221.92 07/26/14 4.33 4,221.92 07/26/14 4.33 4,221.93 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Frost, Tony L M M M M FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV CO FP FP M M CC CC FP FP FP W W W W W W FV W W W W W FP FP FP FP M M M CHM106601201420 CHM106602201420 MUS114601201420 MUS114602201420 DCS118552201420 DCS118550201420 SOC101601201420 IDS201674201420 SOC201674201420 IDS201677201420 RELEASEDTIME201420 GIRLSCOUTCAMP201420 MTH020WKBOOK201420 MTH160C551201420 STEM201420 ENG110601201420 ENG110601ONETIMEPAY201420 ENG101604201420 ENG101604ONETIMEPAY201420 ENG030403201420 ST211401201420 STPROGCOORD SABBATICA201420 Sabbatical201420 LSLACOORDINATOR201420 AHCE201415 DIE202401201420 DIE205401201420 MTH140651201420 MTH215650201420 P/DNFOPFY1415­onetimepay NFOP201420 MATHHELPCOOR201420 Substitute 201420 MTH004401/030407/040403201420 MTH160C301SUMMER201420 MTH140375SUMMER201420 MTH140374SUMMER201420 MTH14131F201420 PTKSUMMER201420 DEPTCHAIRSUMMER201420 PROGRAMCOORDINATOR201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MTH160C31F201420 MTH160C395201420 MTH160C375201420 MTH160C374201420 HRM128474201420 HRM128475201420 HONORS201410 IS151474201420 ECO151601201420 RELEASETIME201420 FILMLABSUPV201420 Gackstatter, Gary L Gale­Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine C Garrison, April M Garvey, Pamela A Gee, Melody Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Gevaert, Scott D Godfrey, Carolyn J Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Goushey, Layla A Graham, Nita S Granger, Kimberlyann T Graul, Julie L Graville, Teri K Griffin, Walter C Grote, Terri J Hafer, Gail H Hahn, Robert L 08/26/14 ­6­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 5.33 5,943.16 07/26/14 3.33 3,713.08 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/05/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/05/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/05/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/05/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 4.00 3,288.32 07/19/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/16/14 1.00 888.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/16/14 1.00 888.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 5.33 6,768.64 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.60 4,014.14 07/26/14 7.50 8,362.80 07/26/14 0.37 304.17 08/30/14 2.50 82.50 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 0.80 780.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/19/14 1.00 975.00 08/16/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 1.50 45.00 08/02/14 5.00 5,575.20 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 08/16/14 64.00 392.32 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 08/16/14 64.00 392.32 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/10/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/10/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 4.00 3,900.16 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 0.50 557.52 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Hake, John C FV FV FV FP FV M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP M M M CO FP FV FV FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CO FP W FP FP M M MTH185501201420 MTH030503201420 MTH030551201420 Substitute couns201420 ADJCOOR201420 BIO111694201420 BIO111696201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 BIO111695201420 GENEDCOORD201420 PHL112474201420 PHLCOORDINATOR201420 PHL102474201420 XRT215401201420 XRT116401201420 XRTCLINCOORD201420 NURPRGCOOR201420 CHM105601201420 CHM101695201420 CHM105602201420 HST102474201420 Substitute 201410 HST101402201420 ACC292639201410 PROGCOOR201420 COUNSELOR/PROFESSOR ARCHS201420 HRM20547420120 PIANOCLASSES201420 MUS114574201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 PROGCOORD201420 PTAPROGCOOR201420 PTA216SDL201420 PTA105601201420 PTA215ACCE201420 RTI201420 CPLSSUMMERWORKSHOP201420 BIOTECHCOORD14201420 BIO223502201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MGT101574201420 ENG101503201420 BUS104574201420 IS103575201420 IS29151A201420 MOMANDIGLIT201420 SOC101448201420 SOC101374201420 SOC1014WA201420 SOC101475201420 LIB101601201420 ACC100674201420 Hall, Sandra D Hansen, Troy R Harden, Lisa A Harms, Robert C Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Hartwig, Cynthia K Hauser, Michael A Henry, Deborah J Hepner, Michael R Herman, Susan K Hertel, Robert B Higdon, Paul E High, Julie A Hill, Jennifer S Hollins, Stacy G Hottle­Sippy, Jessica L Hovis, Janice K Hsu, Jeff C 08/26/14 ­7­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 5.00 4,110.40 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 15.00 390.00 08/11/14 2.13 2,369.80 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.33 5,503.60 07/26/14 3.50 4,448.64 07/26/14 4.33 5,503.60 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.50 1,672.56 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.64 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.64 07/26/14 3.33 4,232.56 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 4.00 120.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/24/14 0.40 381.63 07/26/14 1.07 1,047.84 08/08/14 118.00 3,750.04 08/30/14 112.00 5,847.52 07/13/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/19/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 4.67 5,935.75 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 06/30/14 1.00 822.08 07/31/14 1.50 1,047.12 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 0.27 218.37 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 1.11 1,410.85 07/26/14 1.74 1,934.59 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 2.72 2,235.03 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 05/31/14 1.00 975.04 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Huber, William F Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hunn, Jonathan W Hunt­Bradford, Susan E Hurley, Mary E Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J Isaacson, Matthew P Ivory, Jeffrey P Jackson, Joseph E 08/26/14 Loc Course Number M M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP ACC100675201420 ACC100674201420 BIO207449201420 BIO207450201420 BIO207450201420 BIO207449201420 HST101602201420 HST101601201420 HONORS201410 ENG101450201420 COUNS201420 COUNS201420 MCM101674201420 MCM140674201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MCM101601201420 HONORS201410 MCM2154XA201410 COM107401201420 IDS201474201420 IDS201403201420 MCM132499201410 IDS201695201420 IDS201695201420 IDS201695HON201420 COM107674201420 COM107602201420 COM201674201420 NEAPRESIDENT201420 IS112674201420 IS112674201420 IS229695201420 PROGCOOR201420 IS229674201420 ART113639201420 ART133638201420 ART213636201420 ReleaseTime201420 PHL102676201420 PHL102675201420 PHL103674201420 PHL103676201420 PHL103677201420 PHL103601201420 MTH020401201420 CeramicsCoord201420 ART116216401201420 ART113213AT213450201420 ART113213AT213401201420 Gallery Director HRM134474201420 HRM147401 HRM241474 AUT167450201420 ­8­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 4.33 5,503.60 07/26/14 4.33 5,503.60 05/31/14 4.33 5,503.60 05/31/14 4.33 5,503.60 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/27/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/30/14 4.20 4,095.84 08/22/14 0.73 707.02 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 06/14/14 4.57 195.96 06/14/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 06/28/14 1.00 98.00 05/31/14 1.00 1,068.96 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/20/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 48.00 2,940.00 07/26/14 1.50 1,906.56 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.00 5,076.48 07/26/14 4.00 5,076.48 05/31/14 48.00 2,940.00 08/02/14 1.49 1,895.22 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/21/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 4.00 4,476.48 07/26/14 4.00 4,476.48 07/26/14 4.02 4,476.88 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/13/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/10/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/13/14 1.20 1,525.24 07/26/14 4.67 4,553.44 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Jenner, Julia C Jones, Jeffrey D FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M CO FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV M M CO M M GraphicCommCiird201420 ACC291402201420 ACC292401201420 BUS104474201420 IB100474201420 BUS104401201420 ENG201601201420 CHM101696201420 ASSTDEPCHAIR201420 CHM105603201420 CHM207601201420 BUS201451201420 ACC114474201420 ACC100474201420 DepartChair201420 IS136440201420 IS103414201420 IS103474201420 IS291401201420 ECEDEPCHAIR201420 ECE206501201420 ECE206501201420 ECE105501201420 ECE2006502201420 NURPRGCOOR201420 PSY200603201420 PSY200679201420 PSY205674201420 PSY200675201420 PSY208674201420 PSY208675201420 CTCR201405 Professor/ Counselor Substitute 201410 ACC100574201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 ACC110574201420 ACC114574201420 ACC291599201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 HONORS201410 HONORS201410 MTH020601201420 HONORS201410 BIO111449201420 GENED201420 COUNS201420 COUNS201420 STEM201420 ART158601201420 RELEASETIME201420 BJCCOHORT201420 HST102675201420 HST102676201420 Jones, Trevin J Joseph, Reni Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalmer, Irene C Kaufmann, Lacee A Keller, Patty O Knickerbocker, Debra A Knight, Sandra M Koric, Arabela Kraja, Elida Kreher, Jamie L Kruger, Mark H Kurt, Barbara E LaPorte, Michelle L Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S LeClerc, Erin R Lee, Dianne M Lee, Robert M 08/26/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 1.00 920.96 07/26/14 0.20 254.21 07/26/14 0.20 254.21 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/20/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 5.33 5,943.16 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 5.33 5,943.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.20 2,796.29 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 0.20 254.21 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 0.60 762.62 07/26/14 0.40 508.42 07/26/14 0.60 762.63 07/26/14 0.20 254.21 07/26/14 1.50 1,462.56 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 5.00 165.00 06/30/14 320.00 21,379.20 06/30/14 2.25 67.50 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 05/31/14 4.33 3,559.60 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 08/22/14 0.80 892.16 06/30/14 5.18 5,771.16 07/19/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/19/14 0.27 260.03 07/26/14 1.00 975.12 08/02/14 13.70 17,413.25 07/19/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 ­9­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Lewis, Christine M Linder, Timothy J Little, Timothy A Lodhi, Afzal K Long, Richard D Lorenz, Michael R Lueke, H Michael Mahan, Christopher L Manteuffel, Mark S Martin de Camilo, Jody E Martin, Rachel D Martin, Susan J Martino­Taylor, Lisa McCall, Kimberly L McCloskey, Ellen A McElligott, Pamela G McGovern, Thomas A McManemy, Jeffrey C McManus, Laurie K Medeiros, Jennifer A 08/26/14 Loc Course Number M M FV FV M M CO M M W M M FP FP FP W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV CO FP FP M M M M W W W W M M M FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV HST102695201420 HST102674201420 SABBATICAL201420 SABBATICAL201420 ART275674201420 RELEASETIME201420 CVTW201415 ENG101603201420 ENG030601201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 ENG231674201420 ReleasedTime201420 MTH160C407201420 MTH160C408201420 MTH210402201420 MTH186301SUMMER201420 MTH186350SUMMER201420 BIO109570201420 BIO111571201420 BIO151571201420 BIO111571LAB201420 BIO151570201420 PE181551201420 BIO111570201420 BIO111570LAB201420 BIO111601201420 BIO117674201420 STEM201420 ALALiteracy201420 PE161470201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 SOC1016W5201420 PE129601201420 PE180S74201420 PE180674201420 MCM130374201420 GENEDCOORSUMMER201420 COM101374SUMMER201420 DEPTCHAIRSUMMER201420 MKT203674201420 DEPTCOOR201420 BUS250638201420 PROGCOORD201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 RTI201420 TUTORSUPER201420 MTH160C651201420 MTH160C650201420 IDS201577201420 HST119501201420 HST102505201420 PROGCOORD201420 ALP201420 ALPPGM201420 ­10­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/05/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/06/14 3.75 4,181.40 07/26/14 3.75 4,181.40 07/26/14 4.00 4,476.48 07/26/14 3.00 3,357.36 08/30/14 22.00 726.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 0.67 746.08 07/26/14 4.00 3,900.16 07/26/14 4.00 3,900.16 07/26/14 5.00 4,875.20 07/26/14 4.00 3,683.84 07/26/14 4.00 3,683.84 05/31/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 1.33 1,484.40 07/26/14 3.00 3,812.86 07/26/14 1.33 1,692.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.13 07/26/14 0.79 1,001.75 07/26/14 4.33 5,503.60 07/05/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/19/14 3.00 2,466.24 06/21/14 3.00 2,466.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 2.00 1,950.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.36 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.36 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 09/02/14 0.06 79.44 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 06/30/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 0.50 635.52 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 72.00 3,087.36 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Mercer, June J M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV CO M M M M M M FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP CO FP CO CO FP CO FV FV IS251674201420 IS116674201420 IS251650201420 PSC101696201420 PSC101678201420 PSC101677201420 PSC101S74201420 HST101507201420 ALPPGM201420 HST101504201420 ENG2015WA201420 CPDV71290090031 ACC110674201420 ACC114674201420 ACC292639201410 ACC291639201410 ACC110674201420 ACC114674201420 COM101401201420 DEPTCOCHAIR201420 COM101403201420 ART109601201420 RELEASETIME201420 MTH210HON201420 MTH210501201420 MTHDEPTCHAIR201420 MTH210551201420 FACLIAISONETIMEPAY0201420 HRM146401201420 HRM221401 HRMPROGCOOR201420 TUR236490201410 SPA101501201420 PROGRAMCOORDINATOR201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MTH220401201420 MTHCOMBINEDCLASSES201420 PSY205401201420 BIO111451201420 DA 176.401 Dental Assisting Coordinator MUS102601201420 MUS114674201420 MUS114675201420 MUS102601HON201420 RDG020402201420 CPDV7190190076 Substitute 201420 CONTEXTUALIZED INSTRUCTION CPDV7129009031 RDG030404201420 CPDV71290190076 MTH240HON201420 MTH230551201420 Messmer, John P Metroulas, Michael B Miinch, Patricia L Mizes, Lisa R Monson, Amy E Moody, Carla J Morris, Betsy J Mosher, Anne M Mueller, Craig H Mueller, Kelly J Munden, James J Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah R Myers, Gerald C Myers, Nicole M Ndao, Rokhaya N 08/26/14 ­11­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 72.00 3,087.36 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/19/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 05/24/14 1.00 822.08 05/24/14 0.40 328.83 05/31/14 1.00 975.04 05/31/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 4.00 5,076.48 07/26/14 0.50 634.56 07/19/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 07/26/14 4.04 5,135.00 07/26/14 5.00 6,355.20 07/18/14 1.00 500.00 07/08/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/08/14 1.20 1,338.04 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 06/30/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 5.00 4,875.20 07/26/14 5.00 4,875.20 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 4.33 4,828.12 05/31/14 3.75 4,192.96 05/31/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 4.33 4,827.42 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 08/30/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 06/30/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 2.50 75.00 06/21/14 1.50 1,233.12 07/19/14 1.50 1,233.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 05/24/14 1.33 1,096.45 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 5.00 5,575.20 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Neal, Emily M Negash, Efrem O Nesser­Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela B Nichols, Andrea J Nickrent, Ellen M Nielsen, Eric R Nisbet, Lynne B Njoku, Angela C North, Sharon I Northern, Rebecca A Nygard, Paul D Oliver, Keith L Oliver, Lonetta M Olson, Karen A Orlando, Lori C Osburn, Sandra S 08/26/14 Loc Course Number FV M M M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M FV M M M M CC FV FV FV CC FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP MTH240501201420 PSC101674201420 PSC101674201410 PSC101695201420 MTH185402201420 MTH185450201420 DepartmentChair201420 PhotoCoord201420 ArtGalleryPermCol201420 BIO203422201420 BIO203421201420 BIO203421&2201420 BIO151421 SOC202474201420 IDS201402201420 SOC101474201420 COUNS201420 STRO50502201420 COUNS201420 ECO152603201420 BUS201601201420 BUS201602201420 ECO152602201420 Substitute 201420 MTH020650201420 CLT105448201420 CLT LINICAL COOR CLTPROGRAM DIRECTOR MTH123500201420 MTH170535201420 MTH160C535201420 XRT212401201420 XRT PROGRAM DIRECTOR IDS201S01201420 HST101505201420 COM101652201420 THT101674201420 COM101608201420 COM101652201420 NFOP201420 ENG101501201420 ENDDEPTCHAIR201420 ENG101505201420 PLAN/DEVELOPNFOPonetimepay ENG101574201420 ENG2175WA201420 ECE103674201420 ReleasedTime201420 EDU227474201420 EDU211474201420 EDU227475201420 EDUCOORD201420 EDU218474201420 COM200474201420 ­12­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/06/14 1.50 1,462.56 07/06/14 1.50 1,462.56 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 5.00 4,110.40 07/26/14 5.00 4,110.40 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 2.67 2,603.36 07/26/14 2.67 2,603.36 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/15/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/30/14 3.09 3,010.93 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/22/14 1.75 1,706.60 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/20/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/20/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 6.00 180.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 05/31/14 4.40 5,584.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/14/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 08/16/14 2.00 1,950.08 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/21/14 1.00 975.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 48.00 882.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther E Padberg, Christine E Papier, Jeffrey A Parrinello Cason, Michelle D Pedersen, Timothy W Pence, Jerald K Peppes, Nicholas D Peraud, Richard J Perez Franco, Antonia T Pernik, Rita M Person, Sharon K Pescarino, Richard A Peters, Thomas J Petroff, Kathleen M Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen E Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Pisacreta, Diane Poelker, Timothy J Polk, Kim K 08/26/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 06/28/14 3.00 294.00 06/28/14 1.00 98.00 06/27/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/31/14 4.00 132.00 07/19/14 9.00 8,775.36 06/30/14 89.50 2,182.01 08/18/14 79.00 1,926.02 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO FV FV FP COM2004WA201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MCM201499201410 MCM2214992201410 HONORS201410 DEPT COORD CTCR201405 CPDV71290090031ALALITREV reflib201420 reflib201420 ENG020401201420 CO ALALiteracy201420 06/21/14 M FV M M FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FV FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M FP M M M M M M M CO FP ESC203500201420 ESC203550201420 ESC207650201420 ESC207601201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 HRT105639201420 HRTPRGCOORD201420 ECO151474201420 ECO152475201420 ECO151451201420 ECO151475201420 ECO152451201420 ECO152474201420 ENG101602201420 ENG1026XB201420 SPA102403 SPA101403 Onetimepaymentsummer2014 MTH140505201420 ENG053401201420 ENG053450201420 MTH210501201420 MTH160C511201420 MTH160C509201420 BIO208450201420 STR050402201420 RDG030448201420 RDG COORD Montage201420 ENG1026W5201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 RELEASED TIME 201420 PSY208676201420 PSY200650201420 PSY205672201420 PSY205673201410 PSY205676201420 PSY200672201420 MMWCLA201420 DHY Credits Exam 2014 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/19/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/30/14 07/26/14 05/31/14 05/31/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/16/14 07/26/14 07/27/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/29/14 06/29/14 07/26/14 05/31/14 05/31/14 08/02/14 07/28/14 ­13­ 240.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 68.80 79.60 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.33 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.76 3.00 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 1.50 4,932.00 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 1,271.04 195.01 975.04 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 2,925.12 2,925.12 3,792.94 3,900.40 1,223.68 2,925.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 6,355.20 5,084.16 5,084.16 3,987.76 3,345.12 2,925.12 1,115.04 1,644.16 2,686.50 3,345.12 635.52 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 3,813.12 7,182.72 1,462.56 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Polta, Sally L Queener, Scott E Quintero, Michael O Raheja, Nina S Rebollo, Jean M Reeves, Aaron L Ring, Phyllis A Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen S Roberts, Kelli C Roffle, Angela H Rohman, Todd E Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard G Ross, Anne T Runge, Douglas K Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Sawah, Rihab 08/26/14 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV CO FP CO FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP M FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FP FP FV FV M FV CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Diredtors Pay ACCREDITATION DHY226421201420 DHY142421 XRT121401201420 XRT2144012014 XRT121402201420 XRT116401201420 Counseling ­ FP201410 GenFineArtsCoord201420 ArtGalleryAdm201420 NURBJC205403201410 NUR106LPN201410 NURS201415 NUR107LPN201410 THT106601201420 THT101601201420 SummerTheatreProDirect201420 ACC114401201420 ACC110474201420 DHY142421 DHY215421 DHY226421 PSY200602201420 ReleaseTime201420 PSY200673201420 PSY200676201420 NUR101401201410 BIO109674201420 HMS203H01201420 HMS204h50201420 HMS120451201420 ENG2016WA201420 ENG1026WV201420 ENG 102 HON 201420 FORLANCOOR201420 SPA101601201420 SPA102601201420 PROGRAMCOORDINATOR201420 HMS111501201420 MTH030402201420 MTH020403201420 MTH170501201420 MTH030511201420 COUNSELOR/PROFESSOR CHM101570201420 MATHDCE201415 CHM101550LAB201420 HONORS201420 CHM105501201420 CHM105570201420 PSI11157620420 PHY122501201420 PSI111575201420 ­14­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/28/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 2.50 2,437.80 07/26/14 2.90 2,823.79 05/31/14 2.00 2,230.08 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 05/31/14 2.00 2,230.08 07/26/14 2.00 2,230.08 08/11/14 10.00 11,152.00 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 05/25/14 0.33 316.00 05/25/14 0.24 227.52 06/13/14 1.50 49.50 05/25/14 0.20 192.76 07/19/14 0.20 254.21 05/31/14 48.00 2,646.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 2.96 3,309.33 07/26/14 1.15 1,282.33 07/26/14 1.33 1,492.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/21/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/25/14 1.34 1,270.32 07/05/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 09/02/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 0.50 635.52 06/20/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 08/14/14 344.00 10,932.32 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.65 08/30/14 12.00 324.00 07/26/14 1.33 1,690.48 07/19/14 0.67 851.60 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.65 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.65 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 6.00 6,690.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Schamber, Steven M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP M M FP FP FP M M M M FP FP M FV FV FV FV M M M M M ECO151602201420 ECO151603201420 ECO151650201420 BLW101601201420 ECO152601201420 RDG100SDL201420 COM107609201420 LIB101650201420 ENG1026WE201420 ENG102SWF201420 PTKADVISING201420 GEO100674201420 GEO100675201420 PSI123674201420 PSI111602201420 InstrSkillsWSOneTimePay201420 BUS201579201420 EC0151574201420 ECO151574201420 ECO140574201420 BUS103574201420 ECP140577201420 SABBATICALSUMMER201420 HITCOORDINATOR201420 HIT291401201420 HIT210440201420 HIT107414201420 HIT208474201420 ReleaseTime201420 EDU21160220110 EDU211601201410 EDU211601201420 BAP PROG COORD FACOFRECORD201420 ENG070601201420 RDGCOORDSEMESTER2 RDG030451 RDG030451201420 IDS201676HON201420 IDS201676201420 IDS201675201420 ReleasedTime201420 FSE RELEASE TIME FD RELEASE TIME BIO151674201420 ENG2055WA201420 ENG1025WA201420 ENG101503201420 ENG1025WB201420 MTH140675201420 MTH030601201420 MTH140675201420 COM107601201420 COM107675201420 Scherer, Juliet K Schmisseur, Amber M Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Jeffrey L Schneider, Joseph R Seese, Lillian M Selders, Lynn R Serns, Susan L Sherman, Patricia A Shields, David L Shiller, Casey E Sigmund, Francine M Smith, Adrienne C Smith, Katherine E Smith, Rachelle D Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Sperruzza, Denise M 08/26/14 ­15­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 57.60 3,528.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 48.00 2,646.24 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 09/02/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 7.50 8,362.80 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 2.60 2,535.10 08/02/14 3.00 2,925.10 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.09 05/31/14 1.00 975.04 06/30/14 0.51 419.26 06/30/14 0.51 419.26 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 1.44 1,404.06 07/26/14 1.56 1,282.44 07/19/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 05/31/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 05/31/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.00 2,542.08 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 06/20/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Steiner, Hope E Stephens, Christopher J Stocker, Connie S Suess, Patricia A Swindle, Monica S Swoboda, Michael E Swyers, Kathleen M Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thien, Melany F Thomas­Woods, Renee M Toal, Kevin R Trunk, Deborah D Tucker, Julie M Tucker, William E Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Verhoff, Gwendolyn E Wachal, Barbara J Wagganer, Andrea M Waghulde, Vidyullata C 08/26/14 Loc Course Number M M M M CC FV M M M FV FV W W W W M M M M FP M M M CC CC FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FP FP FV FV FV W FV FV FV FV FV M M M COM107676201420 COM107651201420 COM110674201420 COUNSELOR/PROFESSOR InstrSkillsWSOneTimePay201420 SABBATICAL201420 LABREDESIGN201420 MTH140601201420 MTH170650201420 MTH140590201420 MTH160C590201420 TRNGPROGCOORD201420 ENG1023W4201420 ENG1023W5201420 ENG101301201420 ART234698SDL201420 ART245667201420 ART275695201420 ReleaseTime201420 HONORS201410 ENG101675201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 ENG1026XA201420 InstrSkillsWSOneTimePay201420 ISWONETIMEPAYCORR201420 DepartChair201420 DHY142421 DirectMARRIAGEPROPOSAL201420 MCMPC201420 COM101503201420 MCM101574201420 BIO111502201420 BIO203550LAB201420 BIO223.503201420 BIO109501201420 BIO203550201420 DHY142421 DHY215421 SMARTINT201420 ASSTCHAIR201420 DEPTCoord2014200 CRJ122474201420 PSY200506201420 PSY200502201420 PROGCOORD201420 TRNGPROGCOOR201420 IDS201575201420 ENG2045WA201420 SOC101505201420 SOC101502201420 PTK201420 CHM206601201420 CHM101694201420 CHM105965201420 ­16­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/20/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 08/08/14 448.00 14,237.44 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 07/26/14 7.50 9,532.80 07/26/14 0.50 487.52 05/31/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 2.67 2,600.32 07/26/14 4.00 3,900.48 07/26/14 1.00 975.12 06/27/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 2.75 3,066.36 06/20/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 06/07/14 1.00 202.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.06 740.45 06/14/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.67 2,603.36 07/26/14 0.03 32.30 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 2.95 3,749.72 07/26/14 1.15 1,454.20 07/26/14 0.50 487.52 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 4.00 4,460.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.64 07/26/14 5.33 6,774.64 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Walker, Joshua M Wallner, Donna F FP FV CC CC FV FP FV FV M CO W W W W W W CC CC W FV FV M M M CC CC M M CC CC M M M M M M FV FV CO M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP AUT156450201420 RTI201420 InstrSkillsWSOneTimePay201420 ISWFacilitatoronetimepay DEPTCHAIRCOORDINATOR ENG101474201420 BIO203501201420 BIO203501LAB201420 ENG101676201420 ALALiteracy201420 ART214339201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 PSY125374SUMMER201420 PSYDEPTCHCUMMER201420 PSY125376SUMMER201420 PSY200374201420 NFOP201420 PLAN/DEVNFOPonetimepay PSY125375SUMMER201420 COUNS201420 COUNS201420 PHL104677201420 PHL104695201420 PHL104676201420 PLAN/DEVNFOPonetimepay NFOP201420 PHL104675201420 PHL104674201420 QUALITYMATTERS201410 QualityMatters201420 RELEASETIME201420 SOC101605201420 SOC101677201420 ReleasedTime201420 SOC101602201420 SOC204674201420 STEM201420 SMARTSTART201420 ALALiteracy201420 ENG071601201420 ESLCOOR201420 HONORS201410 Substitute 201420 HST101450201420 IDS201401201420 HST102450201420 HST101401201420 ECE101450201420 ECECoord201420 ENG103474201420 ENG226474201420 ENG101451201420 CHM106401201420 CHM101422201420 Warfield, Angela M Warren, Aundrea L Wavering, Kelly R Weber, Mark A Welty, Dorothy J Wentworth, Glenna C Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M White, Dennis A Wilkinson, Lisa R Williams, Louis Willis, Dahna R Wilson, Hilary L Wilson, Joe A 08/26/14 ­17­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 4.67 4,553.44 06/30/14 1.00 1,271.04 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 06/21/14 1.00 202.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 6.00 6,690.24 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 07/26/14 2.67 2,603.36 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/21/14 3.00 2,925.60 07/26/14 2.00 196.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.88 2,096.27 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 07/26/14 1.88 2,096.28 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 08/16/14 2.00 2,230.08 07/19/14 1.00 1,115.00 07/26/14 1.88 2,096.27 06/30/14 3.00 2,925.60 08/22/14 3.05 2,974.36 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/31/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 08/02/14 1.00 1,271.00 08/16/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 05/24/14 1.00 1,068.96 06/21/14 2.00 2,542.08 07/26/14 2.50 2,787.60 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/05/14 3.00 3,345.12 05/31/14 0.50 557.52 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/19/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/02/14 3.00 2,925.12 06/21/14 6.00 5,851.20 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 06/27/14 4.00 392.00 07/26/14 1.75 52.50 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 4.00 5,084.16 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/30/14 48.00 1,176.00 07/26/14 1.00 822.08 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 05/31/14 5.33 5,943.16 05/31/14 5.33 5,943.16 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wilson, Pamela S Winter, Rebecca A Wiseheart, Barbara T Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Ziegler, Patricia L Zirkle, Thomas A Zumwinkel, Donna M Zuo, Yingxue Loc Course Number FP FV FV M M M FV FV M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP CHM206450201420 SOC101503201420 PROGRAMCOORDINATOR201420 DEPTCHAIR201420 MTH230601201420 MTH212601201420 COUNS201420 COUNS201420 FacofRecord201420 LGL219639201410 LGL108695201420 PROGCOOR201420 LGL219639201420 ENG101401201420 ASST. CHAIR ENG1024WE201420 ENG1024WD201420 ENG101402201420 HONORS201410 ENG1024WA201420 GlobalEd201420 ENG102:4WC201420 ENG101403201420 IRT172674201420 IRT138674201420 IRT172674201420 IRT171674201420 IRT171674201420 IRT138674201420 IRT170674201420 PROGCOORD201420 PERKINSPAY201410 IRT170674201420 IS205675201420 MUS114474201420 MUSICPROGRAMCOORDINATOR20142 0 COUNSELOR/ASSICATE PROFESSOR HONORS201410 M FP Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 08/26/14 ­18­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 5.00 5,575.20 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/30/14 4.00 4,460.80 08/22/14 3.68 4,098.36 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 05/24/14 1.40 1,150.91 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 2.00 1,950.08 09/02/14 0.13 121.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 06/16/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 06/27/14 3.00 294.00 05/31/14 4.50 5,017.68 07/26/14 6.00 7,626.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 06/14/14 16.00 980.00 06/14/14 16.00 490.08 07/26/14 32.00 1,866.00 06/14/14 16.00 882.08 07/26/14 32.00 1,858.16 07/26/14 32.00 980.16 07/26/14 32.00 1,466.16 07/26/14 1.00 1,115.04 06/21/14 2.00 1,908.16 06/14/14 16.00 686.08 07/26/14 48.00 2,646.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 1.00 1,271.04 08/08/14 06/27/14 7.58 1.00 8,447.64 98.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Abbott, Monte L M M W W W FP FP CO CO CO CO FP CO CO CO FV FV FV FP FV FV W FP FP FV FP FP CO CO CO CO CO FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO FP M FP CO CO ANT102676201420 ANT101675201420 BIO122374SUMMER201420 BIO122376201420 BIO122376SUMMER201420 DHY142421201420 DHY215421201420 ECOLDCE201415 KIDSDCE201415 CAMPCE201415 COMP201415 MTH140450201420 FLFRDCE201415 HiSET201415 HiSET201405 SOC211HON201420 SOC103551201420 SOC211501201420 BIO207448201420 REFIB201420 refilv201420 GEO100350201420 COM101450201420 EMS201420Adjunct PSC101501201420 TUR230499201410 Substitute 201410 CFKDCE201415 TCSDCE201405 CTCEADJ201415 CTCE201415 CTCEADJ201405 EMS201420 OECE201415 OECEADJ201415 TCSDCE201415 CTCE201405 CTCEADJ201415 CTCEADJMHW201415 CTCEMHW201415 OECEADJ201405 OECE201405 OECEADJ201415 CAMPCE201415 OECE201415 CTCE201405 TCSDCE201405 TCSDCE201415 CTCE201415 EMS201420 BLW201601201420 PT­REFERENCE LIBRARIAN EDUC HiSET201415 Abrams, Joanna M Adams, Amy R Adams, Catrina T Adams, Kevin Adams, Leroy Adams, Patricia J Ahrens, Marlene R Aitken, Victoria J Akter, Umme Albert, Susan B Allman, Julie A Anderson, Lynda S Andert, Lucas G Andrews, Courtney A Arnold, Gary L Autrey, Mary J Ayers, Fran A Back, Gail A Back, Gordon E Bailey, Steven G Baken, John C Barnes­Roberts, Andrea M Barnes, Javonda J 08/26/14 ­19­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 1.88 1,500.39 07/26/14 1.88 1,500.39 07/26/14 1.88 1,500.39 07/26/14 0.87 610.68 07/26/14 0.33 232.64 08/30/14 3.00 63.00 08/30/14 14.00 462.00 08/30/14 15.00 495.00 08/30/14 12.00 348.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 12.00 276.00 08/30/14 78.50 1,413.00 05/24/14 13.00 711.00 07/19/14 3.00 294.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/14 4.33 3,022.68 08/19/14 2.39 1,666.49 06/30/14 119.00 2,076.56 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 0.65 405.08 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 05/24/14 4.00 560.00 08/30/14 25.50 688.50 05/24/14 10.00 794.58 08/30/14 0.50 7.79 08/30/14 3.50 115.50 05/24/14 0.50 7.79 07/26/14 0.40 249.28 08/30/14 50.50 1,666.50 08/30/14 4.50 70.11 08/30/14 36.00 560.88 05/24/14 3.50 115.50 08/30/14 2.00 31.16 08/30/14 0.50 7.79 08/30/14 5.50 181.50 05/24/14 1.00 46.74 05/24/14 12.00 1,006.50 08/30/14 10.00 155.80 08/30/14 3.24 106.92 08/30/14 96.50 3,184.50 05/24/14 2.00 346.50 05/24/14 11.00 233.70 08/30/14 62.50 973.75 08/30/14 15.00 495.00 07/26/14 1.55 965.96 06/20/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/29/14 1.20 957.60 08/30/14 90.00 2,430.00 08/30/14 30.50 488.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/24/14 11.75 460.00 08/30/14 12.50 337.50 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/24/14 0.00 0.00 07/26/14 4.00 2,492.16 07/26/14 1.00 623.04 07/26/14 1.24 771.21 05/24/14 14.00 252.00 07/26/14 0.40 249.28 07/26/14 0.29 300.16 Course Number CO CO M M M Barteau, Brian E FP FP FP Basinger, Jenelle M CO Batisto, Joan J FP Battaglia­Esses, Stephanie FP S HiSET201405 ARTSDCE201415 BUS104675201420 BUS104674201420 ACC292639201410 PAR225H01201420 PAR228H01201420 EMS201420 CRFTDCE201405 EMS201420 DHY142421201420 Baugh, Joseph F Baumgartner, Melissa M Baxter­Carr, Susan L Bearden, Jerry L PHY111602201420 PEDUDCE201415 ANIMD/CE201415 COMP201415 CFKDCE2201415 ENG1023W1201420 ENG101374201420 ENG101375SUMMER201420 ART111112211401201420 ARTSDCE201415 MUS121450201420 GMSFDCE201415 STPC 201405 HISETSTP201415 BIO111605201420 BIO111606201420 COM107608201420 EMS201420ADJUNCT BIO207601201420 PSI101674201420 SPA101602201420 PHY122601201420 PHY223601201420 MTH220551201420 FINCDCE201415 SEED2012201420 BIO207550201420 BIO207550LAB201420 ECE101674201420 ECE124674201420 CAMPCFKD201415 COUNS201420 ENG020502201420 BIO203601201420 BIO203602201420 PHL101448201420 HONORS201410 PHL104401201420 IS103401201420 CPDV70990090002201420 CFKDCE201415 MUS150601201420 Barnes, Leslie C Barrett, Barbara J Beardsell, Kathleen D Behle, Michael J Behmer, Carl F Bemberg, Stephanie P Bender, Jack Bender, Kathleen A Bender, Marcia M Bene', Molly E Bennett, Linda M Bergin, Cheryl L Bergman, Elizabeth T Berrios, Angela Beta, Martha Bickel, Gregory S Bingham, Brian T Bingham, Thomas J Birch, Ruth E Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blanke, Aron L Blankenship, Krista Bloodsworth, Susan Bohra, Sunita Bollinger, Jason J Booker, Gloria D Boyd, Gabriel R Braig, Christopher L 08/26/14 M CO CO CO CO W W W FP CO FP CO CO CO M M M FP M M M M M FV CO FV FV FV M M CO FV FV M M FP FP FP FP CO CO M ­20­ 07/26/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 08/30/14 05/31/14 05/31/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 05/31/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/27/14 06/27/14 08/30/14 06/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 05/31/14 06/14/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/21/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 5.00 38.50 15.00 9.00 63.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 15.00 2.00 24.00 42.00 10.00 4.33 1.33 3.00 1.03 4.33 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 12.00 1.00 3.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 33.00 1.60 3.00 4.66 4.66 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 63.00 3.00 4,604.80 1,270.50 270.00 297.00 1,701.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 3,684.48 315.00 1,396.16 648.00 3,253.50 270.00 3,987.76 1,224.88 2,394.24 638.78 3,022.69 2,094.24 2,792.32 4,188.48 4,188.48 5,144.80 324.00 1,028.96 3,086.88 1,368.52 3,345.12 3,345.12 891.00 1,116.80 2,394.24 3,253.06 3,253.06 2,094.24 98.00 2,094.24 2,394.24 798.08 1,701.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/24/14 8.00 432.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 06/22/14 1.33 1,692.16 06/22/14 3.33 4,230.40 06/22/14 2.00 2,542.08 08/30/14 33.00 891.00 07/26/14 0.67 532.00 08/30/14 15.00 375.00 08/30/14 14.00 105.00 07/26/14 1.00 623.04 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 06/29/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 4.00 2,492.16 08/16/14 0.81 562.76 Name Loc Course Number Brandle, Maria A Brennan, Donald E Brennan, James R CO CO FP FP FP CO FP CO CO FP FP FP FP FV FLITDCE201405 MOTRDCE201415 RTH 222.401 RTH146.401 Release time CFKD201415 RTH146201420 ARTSDCE201415 RADCE201415 GRAPHICCOORD201420 HONORS201410 ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR ART131401201420 REFIB201420 FV ref;ob201420 06/30/14 FV REFLIB201410 06/30/14 FP FP FP FP FV FV FV CO CO CO CO CO CO CO FV CO CO FV CO FP FV M FV FV FP M CO M W FP CO CO CO FP CO SOC101401201420 DHY215421201420 DHY142421201420 DHY Credits Exam 2014 MTH186501201420 Substitute 201420 MTH140553201420 RADCE201405 RADCE201415 CFKDCAMPCE201415 CAMPCFKDCE201415 RADCE201415 RADCE201405 FLITDCE201415 CHM101550201420 MHWINST201415 MHW Healthcare Instructor Substitute 201420 CDPV70990090002 IT211450201420 IS116550201420 IS130650201420 PHL1095XH201420 PHL104501201420 PE181401201420 ART131650201420 CVTW201415 PE173650201420 ART100375201420 ART107450201420 ARTSDCE201415 CAMPCE201415 NURS201405 BIO207422201420 CTCR201415 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/28/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 05/24/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/31/14 12/14/14 07/26/14 07/19/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 Brennan, Joan M Brennan, Patricia A Brodsky, Maureen M Bross, Jacquelyn S Bruenger, James K Buescher­Milligan, Kathleen Burk, Charles W Burke, Mary H Burkhardt, Sarah B Burnham, Misty R Bursac, Nathan A Burton, Christine F Bush, Lavon J Buzzai, Annunciata Byington, Carol H Bynum, Alice J Caffarelli, Nicholas Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Cameron, Brian K Cantrell, Michele R Carosella, Anthony J Carroll, Brian J Carter, Terrell L Cerutti, Jessica E Chang, Sheow H Chapman, Thelma L Chaudhry, Mohammad A Christman, Mary B 08/26/14 ­21­ 1.33 929.22 21.75 3.00 3.33 1.17 0.79 4.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 14.00 33.00 52.50 42.00 14.00 24.00 4.00 112.50 26.00 5.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 48.00 3.00 3.00 2.42 4.00 22.00 1.33 3.00 2.67 15.00 15.00 3.00 4.33 4.00 1,195.33 2,394.24 3,430.40 1,200.64 814.72 2,792.32 90.00 2,094.24 210.00 105.00 693.00 1,207.50 315.00 315.00 648.00 4,115.84 4,250.25 982.28 130.00 1,596.16 3,683.84 2,762.88 2,424.66 3,086.88 3,086.88 1,501.52 3,192.00 726.00 930.56 2,094.24 1,861.12 405.00 405.00 99.00 3,455.69 132.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Clark, Dane M FP FP CO CO FP CO CO FV FP FV CO FP FP W CO M FP FP FP CO FP M FP FP CO CO CO CO CO FP FV M CO M M FP FP FP FV FV CO CO M W FP FP CO CO CO CO CO FV FV FP XRT121401201420 XRT116401201420 MOTRDCE201415 CAMPCFKDCE201415 EMS201420Adjunct CRFTD/CE201415 PEDU­D/CE BIO111502LAB201420 ENG020402201420 PHY111550201420 DANCDCE201415 EMS201420 EMT121H45201420 IDS201374201420 LIFEGUARDDCE201415 BUS103676201420 PE130/131408201420 Substitute MTH004450/030453/140454201420 DANCD/CE201415 PT­Reference Librarian LGL232695201420 DMS208401201420 DHY142421201420 PLB201415 PLB 201405 CONS201405 CONS201415 PEDUDCE201415 IS118124132156440201420 CHM07501201420 CHM105650201420 CCPRCE201405 Substitute 201420 psc101650201420 ART115215AT215450201420 ART101450201420 ART100474201420 Substitute 201420 MTH160C553201420 FLSPDCE201405 FLSPDCE201415 ACC110695201420 PSC101374201420 XRT121401201420 XRT116401201420 SENRD/CE201415 SIGNDCE201415 LIFEGUARDDCE201415 HiSET201405 HiSET201415 CHM106501201420 CHM207501201420 PE130131410201420 Clay, Edward M Clayborne, Micheal A Clifford, Anjanette Cody, Cathy C Cole, Blake Cole, Yvonne E Collins, Judith A Collins, Robert W Cook, Michael G Corley, Norman G Cormier, David H Costello, Ian J Cottle, Sandra K Crider, Jack Cross, Tambra Z Crusoe, Stephanie E Cunningham, Chelsea B Cunningham, Heather R Curran, Michele L Cyr, Laura­Jean A Daggs, Rachel L Dalton, Patricia A Danyluck, Sharon J Darris, Francelle V Das, Nobel V Dattilo, Gina M Daugherty, Kathleen A Davis, Joseph L Dawson, Kristin Dawson, Susan C Day, Thomas M de la Garza, Maria E Deelo, Joan M DeLorenzo, Lisa C Denu, Matthew J Derickson, Sandra S DeShetler, Steven J DeShurley, Alexis P Devine, Edith A Dhawan, Balram Dingus, Steven M 08/26/14 ­22­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/14 2.63 1,833.20 07/26/14 5.87 4,100.28 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 08/30/14 18.00 486.00 07/26/14 0.30 186.96 08/30/14 2.00 36.00 8.00 168.00 07/26/14 1.33 1,367.87 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 08/30/14 8.00 144.00 07/26/14 1.56 1,090.97 07/26/14 6.00 4,188.48 07/26/14 4.00 2,792.32 08/30/14 36.75 361.27 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 1.27 1,170.59 07/26/14 9.48 246.48 08/02/14 5.00 3,490.40 08/30/14 12.00 216.00 08/15/14 311.00 7,110.30 07/26/14 1.00 798.08 07/26/14 5.00 3,990.00 07/26/14 0.29 268.66 08/30/14 67.50 965.25 05/24/14 18.25 668.53 05/24/14 19.75 1,303.50 08/30/14 12.00 396.00 08/30/14 16.00 432.00 07/26/14 2.40 1,915.39 06/30/14 1.11 1,142.15 07/26/14 5.33 5,484.36 05/24/14 2.00 58.00 07/26/14 3.00 90.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 4.00 2,791.68 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 2.50 75.00 07/26/14 3.75 3,858.60 05/24/14 10.00 414.00 08/30/14 33.00 759.00 07/26/14 4.00 3,192.32 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/14 2.33 1,453.76 07/26/14 6.13 3,816.12 08/30/14 7.50 135.00 08/30/14 32.00 672.00 08/30/14 77.00 753.06 05/24/14 32.00 2,058.00 08/30/14 225.25 4,730.25 07/26/14 4.00 4,115.84 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 0.57 400.72 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Dorsey, Patrick T DuBois, Kathleen C DuCasse', Wendy L Dugge, Wayne A Dunaway, Christopher D Dunham, Mary S Dunn, Randy R Duran, Troy D Durley­Petty, Renay D Dutt, Michael D Dzamastagic, Aldijana Eatherly, Maria M Echols, Felicia C Eilerman, Ruth K Elliott, Christopher M Ellison, Sandra L Engel, Edward J Evens, Kevin A Fagin, Gary C Farace, Julie A Farmer, Brittany D Favre, Matthew T Ferris, Martin W Fey, Marsha W Fingers, Angelicia E Finnell, Patricia K Flasar, Cathy E Floyd, Toshi Foley, Sarah J Foster, Charles G Foster, William D Foy, Richard A Frankenreiter, David A Fraser, Eileen B Froelker, Justine L 08/26/14 Loc Course Number FP FP CO M CO M CO M M M M CO FV FV FV FV CO M M FP FP M FP FP CO M M CO M FP CO CO CO M CO M M M M M M CO CO CO CO CO FV FP FP FV FP M CO M Onetimepay for summer SUBSTITUTE 201420 KIDSDCE201415 LGL218695201420 PEDUDCE201405 BIO207S01201420 RA­D/CE MTH170601201420 MTH210603201420 IRT201674201420 IRT201674201420 PERDDCE201415 onetimeadjustmentpay PE106580201420 PE130550201420 PE13055120120 HiSET201415 Substitute 201420 COM101609201420 CRJ211401201420 CRJ209401201420 CRJ122674201420 HMS202H50201420 HMS201H01201420 ANIMD/CE201415 ART133636201420 MTH140650201420 MOTRDCE201405 MTH030603201420 COM101476201420 CDPV71290090031201420 NATRDCE201415 PEDUDCE201405 PE105601201420 PEDUDCE201415 PE181182201420 Substitute 201420 PE192601201420 PE130201420 PE181650201420 PE192601201420 AHCE201415 NURS201405 HISETFED201415 EDUC201415 FEDHISET201405 Substitute 201420 RTH4022201420 RTH401201420 MTH030553201420 Arts Festival Poster Award MTH030605201420 FOODDCE201415 PSY200S74201420 ­23­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 08/16/14 1.00 334.42 07/26/14 1.75 45.50 08/30/14 8.00 168.00 07/26/14 48.00 2,058.24 05/24/14 4.00 84.00 07/26/14 4.33 4,455.40 05/24/14 7.00 105.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 5.00 3,990.40 07/26/14 32.00 588.16 06/28/14 16.00 294.08 08/30/14 12.00 324.00 06/13/14 1.00 957.67 06/21/14 1.33 930.56 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 08/30/14 13.50 189.00 07/26/14 5.00 150.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 48.99 900.43 07/26/14 0.20 139.62 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 1.00 698.08 07/26/14 1.00 698.08 08/30/14 16.50 297.00 08/02/14 4.00 3,192.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/24/14 40.00 1,080.00 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/19/14 7.00 4,886.56 08/30/14 9.00 189.00 05/24/14 8.00 168.00 07/26/14 1.17 726.88 08/30/14 37.00 851.00 05/31/14 0.67 415.36 07/26/14 1.00 26.00 07/26/14 1.00 623.04 07/26/14 1.00 623.04 05/31/14 1.33 830.72 05/31/14 0.33 207.68 08/30/14 4.50 148.50 05/24/14 5.00 165.00 08/30/14 115.00 3,335.00 08/30/14 52.50 1,522.50 05/24/14 20.00 986.00 07/26/14 2.50 75.00 07/26/14 2.00 1,596.00 07/26/14 2.00 1,596.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 06/14/14 1.00 150.00 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 08/30/14 17.00 459.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Furtado, Marie Y Gage, Susan J Gallen, James M Gallup, Craig W Garascia, Mark C Garland, Julie A Gawlik, Deborah R Geczi, Judy E CO FP CO W FV CO CO FV FV FV FV CO M CO CO FV FV M M M M FV FV CO CO M FP FP CO CO FP CO CO FP M FV CO CO CO M CO M CO CO FP CO FV CO FP FV CO FP FV W CTCR201415 DMS207450201420 HISTDCE201415 PHL101301201420 STR050504201420 PEDUDCE201415 HiSET201415 AFSD201430 refilb201420 REFLIB201410 REFLIB201420 CAMPCE201415 BIO111602201420 FOODDCE201415 CVTW201415 COUNS201420 COUNS201420 BUS201603201420 BUS201604201420 ACC100601201420 ACC110650201420 ART107551201420 Substitute 201420 FLSPD/CE201415 FLSPDCE201405 PE130201420 ECE125401201420 ECE1254012014 CAMPCFKDCE201415 PHOTD/CE201415 MCM113401 PEDUD/CE201415 PEDUDCE201405 MTH030450201420 BLW201603201420 DirectNOBODY'SBARGAIN201420 PERDD/CE201415 PEDUDCE201405 MOTRDCE201415 PE181182602201420 PEDUDCE201415 PE181182201420 REAL201415 HOMED/CE201415 Substitute 201410 HOME­D/CE201415 PE174550201420 PEDUD/CE201415 Instructor I PE174502201420 PEDUDCE201405 PE122123401403201420 ENG030501201420 PE181182.338SUMMER201420 Gelb, Nancy J Gero, Susan A Ghannam, Maisam M Gibbons, Jenny R Gilje, Brittany N Gladden, Patricia L Glass, Alan D Gochnour, Frances E Gonzalez, Lorenzo F Graefser, Zachary A Granger, Deanna Gray, Jason C Green, Carl Greenhouse, Ted A Griffin, Brian C Grimm­Howell, Elizabeth M Gruenloh, Taylor J Guilfoy, Daniel W Hacker, Nichole M Hall, Martin K Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hankins, Mary L Hanneke, James F Hanson, Philip D Hany, Kimberly L Harris, Barbara J Harrison, Kenneth E Hartin, Liesa A 08/26/14 ­24­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 08/30/14 6.00 198.00 07/26/14 1.33 1,064.00 08/30/14 4.00 108.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 08/30/14 12.00 324.00 08/30/14 6.00 126.00 08/30/14 3.00 120.00 06/30/14 1.41 981.57 06/30/14 13.00 1,605.41 08/16/14 48.75 850.69 08/30/14 18.00 450.00 07/26/14 4.33 4,455.40 08/30/14 16.00 336.00 08/30/14 11.00 363.00 06/30/14 1.39 968.48 08/22/14 3.76 2,626.23 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 4.00 3,192.32 07/26/14 2.67 1,861.12 07/26/14 5.00 150.00 08/30/14 16.00 432.00 05/24/14 24.00 1,296.00 07/26/14 0.67 465.28 06/27/14 0.90 628.27 05/31/14 48.00 1,465.92 08/30/14 63.00 1,323.00 08/30/14 30.00 630.00 07/26/14 1.00 798.08 08/30/14 10.00 210.00 05/24/14 0.50 136.50 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 06/14/14 1.28 798.28 08/30/14 6.00 150.00 05/24/14 6.50 273.00 08/30/14 40.00 720.00 07/26/14 1.00 798.00 08/30/14 8.00 216.00 05/31/14 0.33 266.00 08/30/14 7.00 217.00 08/30/14 6.00 126.00 05/30/14 2.00 60.00 08/30/14 7.50 187.50 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 08/30/14 55.34 1,162.14 08/02/14 4.74 123.24 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 05/24/14 2.00 294.00 07/26/14 1.21 752.84 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 1.33 1,228.16 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Hasheider, Aaron M Hasser, Sarah M Hatch, Lance R Haviland, Colleen M Hawley, George R He, Guangrong Heffernan, Cris M Heil, James M Held, Melinda J Helle, Nancy A Helton, Daniel J Hemingway Harvey, Heather M Hennen, Debra R Henson, Michelle D Herdlick, John D Hernandez, Leslie S Hernandez, Rafael Hill, Tavish L Hirssig, Linda K Hirst, Lori C Hocker, William D Hoefel, Briann O Hoffman, Beverly L Honnold, Adrianne L Hoppe, Bradley R Horner, Mary E Howe, Joseph W Howell, Donald L Hubbman, Yvette J Huber, Dawn M Hubert, Jay B Hudson, Repps B Hughes, Martha R Huisinga, Joan F Hurt, Debra A Huseman, Lisa A Iborg, Deborah A 08/26/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 1.33 1,228.16 07/26/14 0.30 186.96 08/30/14 22.00 396.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/14 1.33 929.32 07/26/14 1.33 928.45 05/31/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 2.00 19.56 08/30/14 12.00 216.00 06/20/14 1.00 822.08 08/30/14 48.00 1,584.00 08/30/14 19.50 290.16 08/30/14 7.50 202.50 06/30/14 1.33 1,064.44 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 07/26/14 2.25 67.50 Loc Course Number W FP CO FV FV FV FV CO CO M CO CO CO CO CO M PE181182368201420 EMS201420 KIDSD/CE201415 BIO208501201420 BIO207503LAB201420 BIO208501LAB201420 BIO207503201420 LIFEGUARDDCE201415 BRIDD/CE201415 IS123674201420 COMP201415 ARTTECHDCE201415 ANIMDCE201415 CPDV71190190033 MOTRDCE201415 Substitute 201420 CO FP M FV W M W CO CO FP FV FV FV CO W CO CO W M W M W FP FP CO FP FP FP CO CO M M CO M M FV FV FOODDCE201415 HIT102450201420 MTH186601201420 ECE103550201420 BIO111301201420 PHY112601201420 PE130341SUMMER201420 CPDV71290190076201420 CPDV71290090031201420 A02950502 DIT107501201420 DIT106501201420 DITCOOR201420 ARTSD/CE201415 CorrectionOneTimePay201410 MOTRDCE201405 MOTRDCE201415 COM107301201420 MTH177650201420 MTH140301201420 GEO100601201420 ANT102374SUMMER201420 HIT104474201420 HIT105474201420 PEDUDCE201415 MCM110450201420 Substitute 201420 MUS103401201420 TRIPD/CE201415 TRIPDCE201405 BIO208650201420 BIO208601201410 PEDUDCE201415 PE181601201420 Substitute 201420 PE130501201420 PE130505201420 ­25­ 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 05/24/14 07/19/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 06/07/14 05/24/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 05/31/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/14/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 07/26/14 07/05/14 08/30/14 05/31/14 07/26/14 05/31/14 05/31/14 17.00 64.00 4.00 3.00 4.33 5.00 1.33 1.33 3.80 2.50 0.20 0.20 1.00 15.00 1.00 20.00 20.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 14.00 48.00 6.00 48.00 6.00 6.00 4.33 4.33 1.00 0.67 4.00 1.33 1.33 459.00 1,960.32 3,683.84 2,394.24 3,455.69 3,490.40 930.56 1,064.44 3,032.70 1,995.20 159.62 159.62 798.08 405.00 600.00 360.00 360.00 2,394.24 4,115.84 3,086.88 2,094.24 2,762.88 1,596.16 798.08 378.00 2,058.24 180.00 1,176.00 162.00 756.00 3,022.68 3,022.68 21.00 415.36 104.00 1,300.16 1,300.16 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 05/31/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 2.44 1,701.57 08/30/14 15.00 495.00 05/24/14 6.00 198.00 08/30/14 18.00 378.00 05/24/14 24.00 504.00 07/26/14 4.00 4,115.84 Name Loc Course Number Jackson­Potter, Jessica N James, Anna K James, Dwayne T Jasper, Geraldine A FV FV FP CO CO CO CO FV MTH108551201420 MTH140535201420 MTH0204502201420 CCPRCE201415 CCPRCE201405 PEDUD/CE201415 PEDUDCE201405 SPA201550201420 FP FP FP M CO M FV CO CO FV M M M FP FP FP M M M FP M CO M CO CO CO M W W CO M CO FP CO M M FV FV FP FP FV CO CO CO FP HMS102H99201410 SOC211499201410 HMS100H99201410 HMS100695201420 FLIRDCE201405 MTH186650201420 STR050501201420 HiSET201415 HiSET201405 IDS201501201420 ENG2016WV201420 PHL101S01201420 PHL101650201420 DHY215421201420 DHY142241201420 PT­REFERENCE LIBRARIAN LGL226695201420 LGL228650201420 LGL226695201420 HONORS201410 IS275HON201420 PEDUD/CE201415 PE181182S01201420 CAMPCE201415 HiSET201405 HiSET201415 Counselor/Instructor II HST101374201420 HST102374201420 PEDUD/CE201415 GER102601201420 HISTD/CE201415 ENG061450201420 FLJPDCE201415 PHY111601201420 PE161650201420 PE130507201420 PE173501201420 PE130131430201410 PE130131404201420 ART165551201420 PEDUDCE201405 PEDUD/CE201415 FLITDCE201405 DMS212450201420 Jeep, Robert T Johnson­Stephenson, Maria M Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, Kinya D Johnson, Sarah C Johny, John M Jones, Carolyn D Jones, Donald L Jones, Edward N Jones, Sarah E Jostedt, Michael P Joyce, Sherry G Kacer, Karen F Kaiser, Robin L Kane, Dolores A Kane, Scott D Kauffmann, Kelly J Kennison, Richard D Kerber, Mary A Kern, Laura A Kerr, Bob Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca Kilker, Charles J Kimzey, Kristie A Kimzey, Satoko K Kinder, David E Kinney, Johnna D Kirk, Brian M Kitt, Robert L Klearman, Melvin Klein, Barbara A Klein, Bonnie J 08/26/14 ­26­ 05/31/14 05/31/14 05/31/14 07/26/14 05/24/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/15/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/21/14 06/14/14 09/02/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 08/30/14 08/29/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/08/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 05/24/14 08/30/14 05/24/14 07/26/14 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 16.00 4.00 3.00 39.00 26.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.75 1.47 304.50 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.00 1.33 30.00 21.50 81.50 0.73 3.00 3.00 47.00 64.00 2.50 3.06 16.00 5.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 0.42 1.07 4.00 5.50 5.50 32.00 1.33 196.00 98.00 196.00 2,394.24 400.00 3,192.32 2,094.24 819.00 1,050.00 1,869.12 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 771.84 1,509.37 6,831.71 920.96 2,762.88 920.96 98.00 98.00 540.00 830.72 810.00 469.00 1,141.00 506.05 2,394.24 2,394.24 987.00 3,528.32 62.50 2,443.62 432.00 4,604.80 2,093.76 930.56 930.56 290.80 749.10 3,192.00 115.50 115.50 1,296.00 1,228.16 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Klug, Melanie J Koehler, Charles H Kolker, Ruth K Kopp, Patricia A Korbesmeyer, Bruce CO CO CO CO M M FP FP M M M M M M CO FV FP CO FP FP M M CO CO CO FV FV FP M M M M M M M M M FP FP W FP CO W W M CO CO CO CO CO FP FV CO CO PEDUD/CE201415 TRIPDCE201415 ARTSS/CE201415 CFKDCAMPCEMC201415 ECO140602201420 ECO152650201420 EMS201420 CLT105448 PED116601201420 AQUACOOR201420 PE173601201420 PE130201420 Substitute 201420 PED1166511201420 MUSED/CE201415 Substitute 201420 HONORS201410 HORTD/CE201415 RTH146201420 RTH146201420 SOC101S74201420 SOC101674201420 FLFRD/CE201415 ARCHS201420 CVTW201415 MTH140543201420 MTH030543201420 HONORS201410 PSY2036X1201420 PE133680201420 IRT173695201420 IRT173695201420 IRT174695201420 IS205674201420 IS205674201420 IS151674201420 IS151674201420 BIO208448201420 EMS201420 MTH020030338201420 COM101406201420 KIDSDCE201415 PHL101375201420 PHL101374201420 Substitute 201420 PERDDCE201415 HOMED/CE201415 PLB 201405 PLB201415 COMP201415 EMS201420 ART177551201420 HiSET201405 HISET201415 Kornberger, Thomas M Kosfeld, Minh T Koshak, Karen D Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B Krizanec, Jasna K Kruescheck, Nancee L Kuhlman, Elaine M Kurrelmeyer, Michelle R Kuschel, Diane G Kyle, Marcel A La Mell, Stephen R LaGarce, Charles G Lambert­Gardiner, Mary J Land, Sarah­Marie E Lane, Sherry S Lanemann, Scott M Lange, Margaret M Larson, Judy C Larson, Steven B Lechkova, Eugenia P Ledbetter, Lorie E Lee, Patricia R Lee, Tiffany B Legg, Laura H Lehocky, Daniel L Leick, James A Leifheit, Rhonda K Leinauer, Kathryn A Lemmon, Constance S Lenox, Roy E Leroux­Wende, Gina L Lin, Chih Yu Linkemer, Terry L 08/26/14 ­27­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 08/30/14 12.00 300.00 08/30/14 5.00 125.00 08/30/14 30.00 810.00 08/30/14 94.75 1,516.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 1.20 747.84 05/31/14 1.00 798.00 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 07/26/14 0.73 511.81 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 07/26/14 1.00 697.92 07/26/14 1.00 26.00 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 08/30/14 24.00 648.00 07/26/14 6.00 180.00 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 08/30/14 5.00 135.00 07/26/14 0.67 415.36 07/26/14 0.35 241.95 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 08/02/14 3.00 2,394.24 08/30/14 44.00 1,188.00 08/30/14 144.00 4,464.00 08/30/14 22.00 726.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 05/31/14 2.00 1,596.16 07/26/14 2.00 1,596.16 07/26/14 32.00 980.16 05/31/14 1.00 920.96 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 05/31/14 1.00 920.96 07/26/14 4.33 3,022.68 07/26/14 0.60 373.92 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 22.00 396.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 4.00 104.00 08/30/14 10.00 270.00 08/30/14 6.00 162.00 05/24/14 9.00 471.90 08/30/14 24.00 343.20 08/30/14 27.00 891.00 07/26/14 1.00 623.20 07/26/14 2.67 1,861.12 05/24/14 6.00 84.00 08/30/14 21.00 294.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Lipic, Gayle A FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FV M M M CO M FP FP FV FV FV M CO FP M CO M FP FP CO FV CO CO CO FV FP FP CO FV FV FV FV CO CO CO FV FV M M CO FV M FV CO CO DHY Credits Exam 2014 DHY142421 DHY215421 ENG070450201420 Honors ­ 201330 PHL1034WA201420 PHL104474201420 ARTSDCE201415 EMS201420 CPLS Summerworkship201420 PE118650201420 PE118651201420 PE118652201420 CAMPCE201415 GEO100650201420 ENG070401201420 MCM113401 ECE103550201420 BIO207501LAB201420 BIO207501201420 ACC213695201420 NATRDCE201415 IS123450201420 PE130201420201415 CAMP/CE201415 Substitute 201420 BIO203448201420 EMS201420 DANCD/CE201415 PE169550201420 HEALDCE201415 FLSPDCE201415 FLSPDCE201405 ENG101551201420 RTH146201420 Substitute 201420 EDU201415 MTh020545201420 Substitute201410 Substitute 201420 MTH020545201420 MOTRDCE201405 LIFEGUARDDCE201415 REALDCE201415 CHM10650221420 CHM106502201420 MTH240650201420 MTH210602201420 RADCE201405 MTH020554201420 MTH140603201420 PSY205550201420 PEDUDCE201415 PEDUDCE201405 Liu, Chia Hui Lodato, Theodora L Long, Sean M Louder, Jessica L Lyons, Eilene M Maag, Colin B Mack, Cindy J Macke, John E Maclin, Margorie J Maddox, Teri L Magagnos, Lovedy S Maines, Laylonda S Maixner, Diane M Malolepszy, Klaus M Manson, James E Marcy, Melanie E Markova, Kamelia P Martin, Mary E Martin, Sharon M Marzouk, Magdy M Mathews, Roselyn R Matthews, Ann C Maxwell, Kevin McAllister, Kevin M McArthur, Constance E McBride, Linda K McCleary, Darnette M McConkey, Kenneth R McCoy, Jason A McCoy, Jill R McDowell, Lynda M McGhee, Mark T McGill, Bryan L McGowan, Ruth A McGuire, Mary E McLin­Morris, Anis F McMeans, Katherine S 08/26/14 ­28­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/28/14 0.50 460.56 07/26/14 0.30 268.66 07/26/14 0.23 211.09 07/26/14 3.06 2,137.43 06/20/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.06 3,150.55 07/26/14 3.06 3,150.55 08/30/14 27.00 729.00 07/26/14 1.63 1,016.60 07/31/14 1.00 920.96 06/21/14 1.33 830.72 07/05/14 1.33 830.72 07/19/14 1.33 830.72 08/30/14 33.00 891.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.06 2,137.43 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 1.33 928.45 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 08/30/14 10.00 230.00 07/05/14 1.00 798.08 07/26/14 0.67 415.36 08/30/14 35.00 630.00 07/26/14 13.00 338.00 07/26/14 4.67 3,260.04 07/26/14 1.32 823.24 08/30/14 8.00 144.00 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 08/30/14 2.00 54.00 08/30/14 64.00 1,728.00 05/24/14 8.00 432.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 0.67 532.00 07/26/14 1.50 45.00 08/30/14 90.00 2,430.00 07/26/14 2.75 1,919.72 05/24/14 2.00 60.00 07/26/14 6.00 180.00 08/22/14 1.00 174.52 05/24/14 20.00 720.00 08/30/14 47.50 464.55 08/30/14 4.00 108.00 07/26/14 3.36 3,092.13 06/30/14 1.97 1,816.59 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 5.00 3,490.40 05/24/14 28.00 210.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 12.00 324.00 05/24/14 8.00 216.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number McMillen, Donna M McNamee, Burnette M McNutt, Karol A Meade, Dennis G Meder, Carol A Mellring, Scott A FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO FP FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO FP FP FP CO FP FP FV FV CO CO FP FP M W CO FV FV CO FP W FV W CO W W FV FV M FP CO M M CO CO RTH146201420 FLSPDCE201415 PEDUDCE201415 MOTRDCE201415 MOTRDCE201415 MOTRDCE201415 MOTRDCE201405 RADCE201415 EMS201420 EMT121H450201420 OECE201415 CTCEMH201415 CTCEADJMH201415 OECEADJ201415 PEDUDCE201415 PEDUDCE201405 CRFTDCE201415 PEDUDCE201415 PEDUDCE201415 WRITDCE201415 ART114, 214, AT229401 201420 HONORS201410 ADJUNT INSTRUCTOR PHOTDCE201405 DHY215421 DHY142421 BIO207501LAB201420 BIO207501201420 HiSET201405 HISET201415 ART267450201420 HONORS201410 FIN201680201420 MTH020030338201420 COMP201415 reflib201420 REFLIB201420 PEDUDCE201415 EMS201420 PE106380SUMMER201420 PE106581201420 PE106381201420 PEDUDCE201415 ECO152374SUMMER201420 ECO151374SUMMER201420 MTH02051201420 MTH020505201420 Counselor/Instructor II Substitute 201420 MOTRDCE201415 PSY205680201420 MTH160C604201420 ARTSDCE201405 HISET201415 Miederhoff, Marilyn K Miller, Jeanette P Miller, Thi T Miller, Tonya Misra, Bishnupriya Mitchell­Phillips, Angela M Mitchell, Metra L Mitchell, Odell Mittendorf, Deborah A Mnyapara, Haron K Mockobey, Jean F Moore, David A Moore, James C Morgan, Emily S Morgan, Jeffrey A Morris, Sandra E Morrow, Karen A Morrow, Thomas J Mosby, Timothy C Motta, Denise K Mozelewski, Ronald A Muehling, Janet M Mueller, Jenna L Muldoon, Peggy J Murray, Lindsay C Nadler, Joel L Naes, Matthew Nash, Deanna L Nauert, Suzanne M 08/26/14 ­29­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 0.67 532.00 08/30/14 12.00 276.00 08/30/14 6.00 162.00 08/30/14 40.00 720.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 05/24/14 20.00 360.00 08/30/14 14.00 105.00 07/26/14 0.92 573.96 07/26/14 2.00 1,246.08 08/30/14 11.00 363.00 08/30/14 5.50 181.50 08/30/14 0.50 7.79 08/30/14 1.00 15.58 08/30/14 15.00 345.00 06/07/14 5.00 105.00 08/30/14 14.00 252.00 08/30/14 14.00 294.00 08/30/14 20.00 540.00 08/30/14 7.50 157.50 06/14/14 4.00 3,192.00 06/14/14 4.00 392.00 06/29/14 1.00 98.00 05/24/14 10.00 270.00 07/26/14 0.42 290.80 07/26/14 1.02 712.46 07/26/14 1.33 928.45 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 05/24/14 12.00 756.00 08/30/14 74.00 1,554.00 07/26/14 48.00 1,470.24 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 3.00 87.00 06/30/14 85.50 1,491.99 08/16/14 2.41 1,683.93 08/30/14 1.00 21.00 07/26/14 1.00 623.20 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 08/02/14 1.33 930.56 07/26/14 1.33 930.56 08/30/14 32.00 864.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 08/29/14 0.08 52.35 06/27/14 6.00 180.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 08/12/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 4.00 2,792.32 05/24/14 12.00 621.00 08/30/14 16.25 227.50 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Neal, Ashley A Nelson, Donna M Neukomm, William H Newcomb, Steven D Nichols, Nichole R Niemoeller, Christianna Niere, Guy R Oakes, Jordan M Ochonicky, Michelle A ONeal, Michael E Oneil, Michael J Osler, Jan M Ottwell, Nicole A Owen, Jacob B Paddock, Grace E Paez, V SuzAnne Paradise, Michael J Parran, Herbert S Patton, Michael F Patty, Mark R Paul, Lori L Paulsen, Sarah E Payer, Laura K Payne, Lisa C Peebles, Paul D Pellegrino, Susan J Penfold, Edwin P Pepple, Kim P Peters, Valerie A Pettit, Alice R Phipps, David E Pikey, Carol A 08/26/14 Loc Course Number CO W W CC FV CO FP FP FV CO CO CO CO CO CO FV FP FP FV CO CO FP M W FP FP W W FV FV FV FV CO CO FP CO CO CO FP CO CO FV FV CO CO CO FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO HiSET201405 MTH170301201420 MTH03014031F201420 ADTSMARTSTART201410 EOVVO201420 ARTSDCE201415 EMS201420 EMT121H01201420 ENG101576201420 CDPV71290090031201420 ECOLDCE201415 WRITDCE201415 BUSS201415 CFKDCE201415 HORTDCE201415 ANT102501201420 Substitute 201420 EMS201420 onetimepayadjustments CRFTDCE201415 CRFTDCE201405 MTH210450201420 MTH030650201420 Substitute 201420 HONORS201410 PE165166402 ECO151301201420 ECO151350201420 MTH140545201420 Substitute 201410 BIO208502201420 BIO208502LAB201420 ARTSDCE201415 ARTSDCE201405 ART10911020921045201420 PEDUDCE201415 ARTSDCE201420 ART­D/CE201415 EMS201420 PEDUDCE201415 CPDV201415 ENG030503201420 STR050503201420 CFKDCE201415 MOTRDCE201405 MOTRDCE2014151 FIR202450451201420 CTCEADJ201415 CTCEMHW201415 OECEADJ201405 CTCE201415 OECE201405 OECE201415 CAMPCE201415 ­30­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/24/14 8.50 273.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 48.00 294.24 05/24/14 20.00 1,000.00 08/30/14 1.00 150.00 08/30/14 75.00 1,875.00 07/26/14 0.04 25.08 07/26/14 6.50 4,049.76 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/19/14 3.80 2,652.71 08/30/14 4.00 100.00 08/30/14 30.00 810.00 08/30/14 3.00 81.00 08/30/14 33.00 891.00 08/30/14 5.00 135.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 2.50 75.00 07/26/14 0.08 46.74 05/30/14 1.00 1,915.36 08/30/14 12.00 276.00 05/24/14 10.96 252.08 07/26/14 5.00 3,490.40 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 1.00 30.00 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 05/31/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 05/24/14 9.75 292.50 05/31/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/14 1.32 1,362.09 08/30/14 24.00 600.00 05/24/14 15.00 375.00 07/26/14 4.00 2,791.68 08/30/14 8.00 168.00 08/30/14 21.00 525.00 08/30/14 21.00 525.00 07/26/14 0.90 628.20 08/30/14 15.00 315.00 08/30/14 8.00 248.00 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 08/30/14 63.00 1,575.00 05/24/14 20.00 360.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 07/26/14 3.06 2,443.62 08/30/14 1.50 23.37 08/30/14 5.50 181.50 05/24/14 0.50 15.58 08/30/14 11.00 363.00 05/24/14 7.00 528.00 08/30/14 78.00 2,574.00 08/30/14 3.24 106.92 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Pitchford, Duane C Pittenger, Jeffery E Pittman, Dwight D Pittman, Robert D Popp, Erica M Porter, John P Potter, Allen S Powers, Valerie S Prifti, Norma J Qualls, Ellicia A Raible, Joseph M Ralston, Helen R Ratino, Kathlyn S Rauch, William L Rawlings, Keith Redman, Michael G Reese, Ruth A Reidel, Amy N Reitan, Eric A Renz, James B Ribaudo, Ann E Riedisser, Janice M Riess, John F Riordan, Tracey A Risch, Jeffrey M Roesslein, Timothy J Rogers, Joseph P Rogers, Larry P Romeo, Stanley J Romero, Linda A Rooney, Patricia A Rosen, Adrienne Rosen, Marjorie M Rosener, Russell J Rudis, Niloufar M Ruh, Polly P Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Lawrence P 08/26/14 Loc Course Number CO FP CO FP FP CO CO M M M M W CO FP FV FV FP CO FP CO CO CO M M M CO CO CO FP FP M M M FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO W M CO FP CO CO CO CO CO M FV CTCEADJMHW201415 EMS201420 OECEADJ201415 IS101474201420 IS157161440201420 MOTRDCE201418 MOTRDCE201405 MUS128601201420 HST101s50201420 ART165601201420 ART111636201420 MTH160C350201420 FLRUDCE201405 DHY142421 Substitute 201420 ECE101502201410 CHM101450201420 COMP201405 COM1204WA201420 CFKDCE201415 SENRDCE201415 NATRDCE2201415 Substitute 201410 ART110638201420 PHL104602201420 MUSCDCE201415 HiSET201405 HISET201415 EMS201420 PAR227H01201420 Substitute 201420 PSI111601201420 HST115601201420 BUS201550201420 ECO140575201420 IS136440201420 IS120125158440201420 IS123474201420 PT­REFERENCE LIBRARIAN EMS201420 ST211401201420 PLB 201405 PLB201415 ART100374201420 ART100601201420 CFKDCE201415 HIT201450201420 PHOTDCE201405 PHOTDCE201415 PLB 201405 PLB201415 HISET201415 PE130201420 PHY111501201420 ­31­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 08/30/14 0.50 7.79 07/26/14 0.40 249.28 08/30/14 7.50 116.85 07/26/14 1.00 1,028.96 07/26/14 0.80 823.17 08/30/14 55.00 990.00 05/24/14 20.00 1,044.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 4.00 2,791.68 07/18/14 48.00 2,940.00 07/26/14 4.00 2,792.32 05/24/14 8.00 216.00 07/26/14 0.29 232.75 07/26/14 16.00 480.00 05/24/14 2.07 1,652.03 05/31/14 5.33 4,908.72 06/13/14 20.00 660.00 07/26/14 3.06 2,819.87 08/30/14 33.00 891.00 08/30/14 2.00 50.00 08/30/14 6.00 162.00 06/28/14 6.00 156.00 07/26/14 4.00 3,192.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 08/30/14 12.00 324.00 05/24/14 40.50 2,625.00 08/30/14 283.50 5,953.50 07/26/14 0.70 435.62 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 2.50 75.00 05/31/14 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 1.00 698.08 07/26/14 1.60 1,116.93 07/26/14 1.00 698.08 08/15/14 288.00 8,567.17 07/26/14 0.20 124.64 07/26/14 2.67 2,128.00 05/24/14 4.00 228.75 08/30/14 13.75 209.69 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 08/30/14 33.00 891.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 05/24/14 10.00 270.00 08/30/14 30.00 810.00 05/24/14 50.00 1,913.88 08/30/14 130.50 1,990.13 08/30/14 155.00 3,255.00 07/26/14 2.00 1,842.24 07/26/14 2.00 2,057.92 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Ryffel, Susan B Saccavino, Alex V Salomon, Mary A Sanchez, Andrew Sandmel, Barbara L Sanvito, Alice B Scherer, Carol A Schilling, Brenda J Schlichtig, Scott A Schmidt, Sarah B Schneider, Douglas E Schomaker, Mark A Schoolman, Marilyn J Schott, Diana I Schubert, Karen M Schulte, Jeanne M Sciaroni, Cynthia L Seavey, Jeremy S Shea, Marion C Sheehan, Timothy P Sheppard, Patricia M Sherman, Gudrun E Sherry, Jerome P Shiller, Bonnie L Shrinivas, Radha S Siegel, Phyllis B Sigler, Danny R Silver, Stephen A Simon, Barbara R Sinclair, Scott W Skala, John E Skelton, Beth A Skid, Neil A Slaughter, Anne H Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith­Buckingham, Minnie M Smith, Alverta L 08/26/14 Loc Course Number FV CO CO FP FP FP FP CO CO CO M CO M CO CO CO M CO CO FP CO CO CO CO CO M FV M M M CO FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO FP M FP CO CO CO FP FP CO CO FP PHY112501201420 STPC201405 HISETSTP201415 MCM130474201420 THT101401201420 HONORS201410 DMS203401201420 GNSFDCE201415 FLFRDCE201405 HEALDCE201415 MTH030602201420 ARTSDCE2201415 BIO111650201420 HISETSTP201415 TRIPDCE201415 MOTRDCE201415 MGT204674201420 FLSPDCE201415 FLSPDCE201405 ST211401201420 CAMPCE201415 CAMPCFKCE201415 FOODDCE201415 MOTRDCE201415 MOTRDCE201405 PHL104650201420 Substitute 201420 ART107601201420 GER101650201420 ESL PLCMNT CCPR/GRANT MTH160C­405201420 BRIDDCE201405 HiSET201405 HISET201415 PLB201415 HISET201415 HiSET201405 PLB201405 DMS203401201420 PHL103602201420 PHL104450201420 MOTRDCE201415 CAMP/CFKDCE201415 PEDUDCE201415 DHY215421 DHY142421 ARTSDCE201405 ARTSD/CE201415 ST211401201420 CO CO CO NURS201415 CAMPCEFP201415 CAMPCE201415 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 4.00 4,115.84 05/24/14 22.50 1,958.25 08/30/14 25.00 525.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/19/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 6.25 4,987.50 08/30/14 2.50 45.00 05/24/14 8.00 216.00 08/30/14 5.50 148.50 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 15.00 375.00 07/26/14 4.33 3,022.68 08/30/14 18.75 393.75 08/30/14 5.00 125.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 08/30/14 34.00 714.00 05/24/14 6.00 294.00 07/26/14 1.75 1,222.52 08/30/14 12.00 324.00 08/30/14 48.00 1,296.00 08/30/14 20.00 540.00 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 05/24/14 20.00 720.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 11.00 286.00 07/19/14 2.67 2,128.00 06/20/14 64.00 2,744.32 05/24/14 3.50 91.00 08/30/14 136.00 3,400.00 07/26/14 4.00 4,115.84 05/24/14 30.00 540.00 05/24/14 12.00 756.00 08/30/14 63.00 1,323.00 08/30/14 48.00 732.01 08/30/14 141.00 2,208.06 05/24/14 32.75 1,264.55 05/24/14 11.75 453.69 07/26/14 2.50 1,995.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.06 2,819.87 08/30/14 48.00 864.00 08/30/14 25.50 586.50 08/30/14 8.00 168.00 07/26/14 0.88 805.98 07/26/14 1.18 1,082.31 05/24/14 12.00 1,053.00 08/30/14 114.00 3,078.00 07/26/14 2.67 2,128.00 08/30/14 08/30/14 08/30/14 ­32­ 37.50 4.00 9.00 1,237.50 132.00 297.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Smith, James J Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Patty M Smith, Ramona R Smith, Tammy K Smith, William A Sone, Stacy R Speller, Rosanna L Spencer, Jamieson Sprengeler, Richard A Springer, Christina C Stanton, Tracey M Star, Darcie E Staryak, Paul A Steiger, Jeen Stephan Marino, Almut Stone, Charles D Stowers, Janelle A Struebing, Meredith L Studt, Kurt H Sullivan, Kathleen A Suydam, Rycken S Swanson, Teresa A Sweet, Dustin L Swenson, Jennifer A Tallant, Russell S Tapscott, Lee A Taylor, Jennifer L Taylor, Paula A Tevlin, Geraldine A Tevlin, Robert J Thalheimer, Gerda M Thomas, Steven D Timmermann, Karl N Toombs, James Trietley, Roger S Truong, Amanda M Turek, Morris E Turner, Bryan J Turner, Cynthia M 08/26/14 Loc Course Number CO W CO W FP CO CO CO CO FP FP M CO CO CO M CO CO FV W CO CO CO CO FV FP M M M M CO CO W W W M FP FP CO CO M CO CO CO FP FP FV CO FP FV FV CO M FP NURS201405 MTH160C302SUMMER201420 NATRDCE201415 MTH030350201420 ECE105450201420 NURS201415 CTCR201405 CRFTD/CE201415 LIFEGUARDDCE201415 DMS213401201420 MTH160C450201420 IDS201603201420 CVTW201415 MUSED/CE201415 CAMPCFKDCE201415 ECE125674201420 PEDUDCE201415 GNSFAIDDCE201415 EDU2265WA201420 EDU2263W4SUMMER201420 RMGT201415 RADCE2201405 HISETFED201415 FEDHISET201405 ENG100501201420 DHY142421 PHL109695201420 PHL109650201420 MTH140S01201420 MTH220603201420 MOTRDCE201415 MOTRDCE201405 BUS201350SUMMER201420 ECO152301201420 BUS201301SUMMER201420 MTH020603201420 SPA101402201420 SPA102401201420 PLB201415 PLB 201405 MTH185601201420 PEDUD/CE201415 DANCD/CE201415 DANCDCE201415 DHY142421 MUS153450201420 MCM130574201420 HEAL­D/CE ART100476201420 PHY111550201420 PHY111501201420 BUSN201415 BIO111694201420 Substitute 201410 ­33­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/24/14 32.00 1,056.00 07/26/14 4.00 3,683.84 08/30/14 3.00 63.00 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 05/31/14 3.00 2,394.24 08/30/14 68.00 2,244.00 05/31/14 2.00 66.00 08/30/14 6.00 108.00 08/30/14 66.00 648.79 07/26/14 4.08 2,544.08 07/26/14 4.00 2,792.32 07/19/14 74.67 2,744.13 08/30/14 11.00 363.00 08/30/14 44.00 1,188.00 08/30/14 45.00 1,215.00 08/02/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 2.00 54.00 08/30/14 4.50 81.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 08/30/14 24.00 744.00 05/24/14 7.00 52.50 08/30/14 52.00 1,508.00 05/24/14 12.00 1,305.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 0.62 636.34 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 5.00 3,490.40 08/30/14 3.00 330.00 05/24/14 2.00 500.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 05/31/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 4.00 2,792.32 07/26/14 4.00 2,792.32 08/30/14 114.50 1,637.35 05/24/14 18.50 865.15 07/26/14 5.00 3,490.40 08/30/14 7.00 147.00 08/30/14 5.25 94.50 08/30/14 5.25 94.50 07/26/14 1.22 1,254.67 07/26/14 32.00 1,176.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 3.00 63.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.12 3,215.50 08/30/14 5.00 135.00 05/31/14 1.33 928.45 06/30/14 7.25 337.50 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Tyus, Vera R Ubriaco, Robert D Usher, Ellen N FV M FP FP CO CO CO FV W CO W W M M CO CO CO CO CO FV FP FP CO CO FV FP M FP FP M CO FV W CO CC M FV CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO W FP CO CO CO CO M RDG020501201420 HST101650201420 WritinglabCoordpaycorrection WritingLabCoord2014 PEDUDCE201415 MATHD/CE201415 MATHDCE201415 MTH020550201420 IS103374201420 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M HST101350201420 HST101375201420 GEO111601201420 GEG101601201420 CAMPCFKDFPCE201415 CAMPCFKDCE201415 CAMP/FKDCE CVTW201415 HISTD/CE201415 ENG1025XB201420 MTH140403201420 MTH186450201420 PERDDCE201415 CPDV201415 MTH140555201420 SOC101450201420 MTH160CS51201420 BIO203451BJC201420 BIO203451201420 EDU218650201420 ARTSD/CE201415 AQUADIRECTOR201420 MUS114374SUMMER201420 CPDV71190090030201420 SMARTSTARTPROJECT ANT102601201420 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN MOTRDCE201415 PE177450 PE109401 SUBSTITUTE 201420 PAR227H01201420 EMS201420 HONORS201410 PE130131450 SUBSTITUTION201420 MOTRDCE201415 ART103350201420 PE145451 MHWINST201415 NURSTEST201415 NURS201415 PEDUDCE201415 ACC114650201420 Vahey, Eric D Vallely, John A Vandeven, Warren T Velten, Gail A Waller, Richard B Wamsley, David M Wanamaker, Jennifer M Ward, Kevin W Ward, Wynn B Ware, Keith Washington, Bruce E Watkins, Carol S Watt, Darren W Wead, Rodney S Wegener, Delano P Weinberg, Robin A Weiss, Denise Weltman, Deborah T Werner, Michele Y Wheeler, Benjamin A Whetstine, Lisa A White, Donna M Williams, Elizabeth L Williams, James A Williams, Terril K Wilmoth, Gary M Wilson­Ramsey, Yevonn Wilson, Crystal J Wilson, Jimmy D Wilson, Kevin M Wise, Theodore R Witt, Carol M Woehrle, Jill M Woerther, Michael E 08/26/14 ­34­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 4.00 3,192.32 07/26/14 1.00 798.08 08/30/14 40.00 1,320.00 08/30/14 28.00 756.00 08/30/14 14.00 378.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 08/30/14 8.00 168.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 5.67 3,958.11 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 08/30/14 15.00 225.00 08/30/14 17.00 255.00 08/30/14 30.00 810.00 08/30/14 32.00 1,056.00 08/30/14 6.00 162.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,762.88 07/26/14 4.00 3,683.84 08/30/14 4.00 92.00 08/30/14 7.00 217.00 07/26/14 3.00 1,869.12 07/26/14 3.06 2,819.87 07/26/14 4.00 4,115.84 07/26/14 4.67 4,300.89 05/31/14 4.67 4,300.88 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 08/30/14 3.00 63.00 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/19/14 9.50 5,918.88 06/30/14 4.00 3,192.00 05/31/14 3.00 2,394.24 06/30/14 16.00 319.20 08/30/14 40.00 720.00 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 07/26/14 1.58 41.08 07/26/14 1.00 623.04 07/26/14 0.40 249.28 06/14/14 1.00 98.00 07/26/14 1.27 791.78 07/26/14 3.16 82.16 08/30/14 20.00 360.00 06/21/14 3.00 2,094.24 07/26/14 1.33 830.72 07/31/14 17.00 642.26 08/30/14 17.00 850.00 08/30/14 8.00 264.00 08/30/14 35.00 945.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Wojtkowski, Kari A Woodruff, Kerry M Wylie, Carolyn E M CO FP FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO FP FP FP M FP CO CO CO CO PSI111674201420 COMP201415 DHY214421 DHY142401 CAMPCE201415 COMP201415 CFKD/CAMPE­MC201415 FLCHDCE201415 FLGEDCE201405 FLGEDCE201415 HISTDCE201415 RTH146201420 PSC101474201420 PSC101475201420 CRJ124674201420 PROGCOORDMUNISERV201420 CRFTDCE201405 CRFTDCE201415 CFKDCE201415 COMP201415 Yancey, Amanda A Yancey, Hayden J Yeh, John Young, Bryan G Young, Katie H Zamenski, Andrew J Zant, Thomas Zelmanow, Ari B Zoeller, Charles J Zumbro, Leia R Zych, Francis Z Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 08/26/14 ­35­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 08/30/14 15.00 495.00 07/26/14 0.57 582.74 07/26/14 0.29 300.16 08/30/14 78.00 2,106.00 08/30/14 35.00 1,155.00 33.00 891.00 08/30/14 8.00 216.00 05/24/14 9.00 243.00 08/30/14 9.00 243.00 08/30/14 5.00 125.00 07/26/14 0.67 465.28 05/31/14 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/14 3.00 3,086.88 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 06/30/14 1.50 1,381.44 05/24/14 13.00 650.00 08/30/14 16.00 400.00 08/30/14 48.00 1,296.00 08/30/14 58.00 1,914.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 2,085.12 07/26/14 3.06 2,985.45 07/26/14 3.00 2,085.12 07/26/14 3.00 2,085.12 06/02/14 1.00 975.04 07/26/14 3.67 3,578.40 08/30/14 20.00 660.00 08/30/14 4.00 132.00 08/30/14 1.00 27.00 08/30/14 9.00 297.00 07/26/14 4.00 5,076.48 07/26/14 6.00 5,850.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 07/26/14 3.00 2,466.24 08/30/14 3.00 81.00 08/30/14 2.00 42.00 06/27/14 2.00 196.00 06/30/14 1.00 100.00 07/26/14 1.00 716.96 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 08/30/14 9.00 297.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,094.24 05/24/14 0.51 365.65 05/24/14 1.02 731.30 05/31/14 1.00 1,271.04 07/26/14 3.00 3,813.12 07/26/14 2.00 52.00 05/31/14 0.25 172.15 07/26/14 1.00 697.92 07/26/14 1.00 697.92 08/30/14 6.00 198.00 08/30/14 6.00 108.00 06/21/14 71.00 2,343.00 07/26/14 3.00 2,925.12 07/26/14 0.10 82.21 07/26/14 0.20 164.42 07/26/14 3.00 90.00 07/26/14 3.00 3,345.12 08/02/14 1.00 125.00 08/30/14 11.00 363.00 07/26/14 4.00 2,616.00 08/30/14 1.00 27.00 08/30/14 6.00 198.00 Name Loc Course Number Arthur, Mary L Banahan, Richard M Beck, Scott M M FP M M FV FV CO CO CO CO M FP M M CO CO FP FP FV FP CO M M M M M M M M M CO CO CO FP FV FV FV FV FV CO M CO CO IS103650201420 CRJ212474201420 MTH030604201420 MTH020602201420 BIO221501201420 BIO226550201420 COMP201415 CAMPFPCE201415 CCPRCE201415 COMP201415 ART172695201420 EMT122H50201420 MTH030S51201420 STR050601201420 COMP201415 CRFTDCE2201415 HONORS201410 2nd place Fine Art LIB101550201420 IS130450201420 CPDV201415 ENG101695201420 EDU218602201410 EDU218601201410 IDS201651201420 IDS201651201420 Substitute 201420 FITCTRCOOR201420 FITCTRCOOR201420 PE130201420 COMP201415 CRFTD/CE2014715 RSLOGIX201405 COM101475201420 ECE206502201420 ECE206501201420 Substitute 201420 THT101574201420 DCS EVENT CVTW201415 ART172674201420 CCPRCE201415 CPDV201415 FV M M FP FP FP FP M M CO DCS115574201420 MTH160C603201420 MTH160C601201420 EMS201420 SETDESIGNLIT101­OTP HIT101401201420 HIT101450201420 SummerTheatreProDesign201420 Substitute 201420 NRSG201415 Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bossi, Patti D Brooks, Sally A Bufalo, Rachel L Burks, Michael J Christopher, Mark S Clayton, Sandra E Clincy, Mysha R De Vore, Erin E Ellison, Heather A Finney, Eloise Foreman, Carol A Furlong, John T Gilbers, Bernard J Hawkins, Laurie M Hill, Elke A Hubble, Linda D Johnson, Yvonne Jones, Darren B Karl, Patrick J Kemp, Carletta A Kitchen, Troy A Malta, Randy J Mann, Anna­Marie T Mayse, Renee M McCool, Marie L McGee, Darlene K McNeil, Haralyn L Meaders­Booth, Jacqueline D Miller, Amy G Novikova, Galina Oswald, Paul M Schaefer, Jeffrey A Schrader, Karen M Thompson, Darren L Voorhees, Heather L Walsh, Janet K 08/26/14 ­36­ 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 06/30/14 08/02/14 08/02/14 07/26/14 07/26/14 08/30/14 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.40 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 4.50 6.00 2,466.24 3,900.16 3,900.16 872.48 600.00 2,492.15 2,492.15 1,233.12 135.00 198.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Summer 2014 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Wilke, David M Willmore, Richard A FP M IS256450201420 SummerTheatreProDesign201420 Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 08/26/14 ­37­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 07/26/14 3.00 2,394.24 07/26/14 1.50 1,233.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Grand Total Summer 2014 08/26/14 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $3,546,316.84 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $445,072.08 ­38­ Recommendation for Award/Purchasing-Additional Funds Contract B0003155 with SSM WORKHEALTH for basic medical physicals and immunizations for student trainees prior to clinical rotation was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on May 16, 2013 in an amount estimated at $39,200.00, for a period of three (3) full years, beginning July 1, 2013. The current balance is $988.78. Inasmuch as the number of physicals and immunizations has doubled over the original estimate, approval is requested to increase the award amount by an estimated $30,000 to cover the remaining contract period. Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from external funds. 1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing-Additional Funds Contract B0003286 with FAMILY AND WORKFORCE CENTERS OF AMERICA to provide career, development, employment and training services was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on June 26, 2014 in an amount estimated at $696,632.00, for a period of one (1) full year, beginning July 1, 2014. The college has received approval from the St. Louis County Department of Human Services Division of Workforce Development to add additional staff; we request board approval to increase the award amount by an estimated $30,000.00. Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded Missouri Next Generation Career Center and Dislocated Worker Staffing Grant Funds. 2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Purchase Board approval is requested for the restricted purchase of one (1) Pediatric Emergency Care (PediaSIM ECS) Simulator with an extended (2) year system warranty and Muse Software License under Board Policy No. H.5.1,”Restrictions for Purchases Exceeding $5,000/Academic Selections” from CAE HEALTHCARE, in the amount of $48,982.00. Description This simulator is being purchased for use in classroom and laboratory instruction in the District Nursing and Allied Health Programs. The college currently has simulators which use the Muse Software operating system. This purchase is being made under academic selection to meet college-wide standards developed for the Nursing and Allied Health Programs. Bid – B0003317 PediaSIM ECS Simulator and all of its components is a single source product that is manufactured, sold and distributed by CAE Healthcare, thereby, precluding the bidding process. 3 Description PediaSIM ECS - Base Unit Software Licenses for Program Integration Installation & System Orientation Extended 2 Year Warranty Shipping Total Funding This expenditure will be funded from Perkins funds. Cost $ 33,500.00 3,080.00 2,625.00 9,282.00 495.00 $ 48,982.00 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of casual collegiate clothing and novelty items to WINNING STREAK, TRINITY MARKETING NOW, BOWERS & ASSOCIATES, JANSPORT, RT48 IMPRINTABLES DIV. OF SERVICE WHOLESALE INC., CASUAL TEES and RBO PRINT LOGISTIX, in an amount estimated at $300,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin October 1, 2014. Description This contract will be used by the College’s campus bookstores to purchase t-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts, jackets, caps, book bags, backpacks, tote bags, portfolios and other related novelty items for resale. All responding bidders are recommended for award to provide the widest possible selection of products to bookstore patrons. Bid – B0003298 This bid was opened on August 8, 2014 and all responding bidders are being recommended for award. 4 Bidders WINNING STREAK TRINITY MARKETING NOW BOWERS & ASSOCIATES, JANSPORT RT48 IMPRINTABLES DIV. OF SERVICE WHOLESALE INC. CASUAL TEES RBO PRINT LOGISTIX Pricing Structure 15-50% off current catalogue price 20% off current catalogue price 15% off current catalogue price 5% off current catalogue price Cost plus an estimated 20% Best discount promotion offered at time of purchase Best discount promotion offered at time of purchase Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from auxiliary enterprise budgets. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were placed in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for a one-time music concert tour at the Candlelight Processional at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida from December 15 to December 21, 2014, to LUKAS MARKETING for a total amount estimated at $47,835.00. Description This contract will be used by the Meramec Music Department and will be open to all music students/faculty wishing to participate in the Candlelight Processional at Walt Disney World. The college anticipates up to 45 students participating in this event. Students in this tour will perform in one of the largest and most popular concerts presented by Disney. The music for this performance was composed by Derric Johnson, who was the guest artist for our inaugural Choral Festival at Meramec in February of 2014. While on this trip, students will collaborate with singers from across the country, work with veteran, professional conductors, collaborate with celebrity narrators and sing with the world-renown Voices of Liberty and a professional orchestra. The recommended vendor meets all the specifications of the bid. 5 Bid – B0003303 The evaluation of this bid, which opened August 5, 2014, is listed below: Bidders LUKAS MARKETING Music Travel Consultants LLC Sun Travel, Inc. Bob Rogers Travel Group Travel Consultants, Inc. Air Option Cost per Person Quad Occupancy $ 1,063.00 1,225.00 1,329.31 1,413.00 No Bid Funding This expenditure will be funded partially by current operating funds ($213.00 per student tour participant); the remaining balance of $850.00 will be paid by the participants directly to the contracted vendor. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of hardware items to BUYER INDUSTRIAL & INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY, HANNEKE HARDWARE AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, HANDYMAN HARDWARE, INC. and NEW MARKET HARDWARE, in an amount estimated at $270,000.00 to be split among four (4) bidders with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin October 1, 2014. Description This contract will be used by the District-wide Maintenance Department for the purchase of hardware supplies and small equipment items. Awarding this contract to the top four bidders will provide the College with maximum accessibility for pick-up and delivery to all campus locations and access to the widest range of products and savings. The recommended bidders meet all requirements of the bid. Bid – B0003307 6 The evaluation of this bid, which opened August 22, 2014, is listed below: Bidders BUYERS INDUSTRIAL & INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY, LLC HANNEKE HARDWARE AND INDUSTIRAL SUPPLY HANDYMAN HARDWARE, INC. NEW MARKET HARDWARE Xtra Industries Sample Pricing/ 37 Common Items 280.51 285.10 280.20 347.58 417.60 Total Point Score 98.68 96.12 97.67 95.48 69.97 Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Metro-Sentinel. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing-Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for routine photography services to HALLER CONCEPTS/ANGEL EYE PRODUCTIONS, INC., BRADLEY J. PHOTOGRAPHY, DAVID KENNEDY PHOTOS, BARLOW PRODUCTIONS, and PHIL SHOULBERG PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC in an amount estimated at $75,000.00 annually, to be split among the five (5) bidders, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of one (1) full year, with option to renew for a second and third year, to begin October 1, 2014. Description This contract will be used by the Public Information and Marketing Department, on a district-wide as needed basis, to collect and maintain photographic records of people, activities and events deemed to be of importance and to photograph for publication as well as for archival purposes the myriad of College activities and events, on and off campuses. These five bidders are being recommended for award to provide maximum photographic coverage for the College on a district-wide basis. The recommended bidders meet all the requirements of the bid. One (1) woman-owned and one minority-owned enterprise participated in this bid process. 7 Bid – B0003228 The evaluation of this bid, which opened on July 31, 2014, is listed below: Bidders HALLER CONCEPTS/ANGEL EYE PRODUCTIONS, INC. BRADLEY J. PHOTOGRAPHY DAVID KENNEDY, PHOTOGRAPHER BARLOW PRODUCTIONS PHIL SHOULBERG PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC Service Hourly Rates Photography $ 34.00 Photography/Video 50.00 Photography/Video/Studio 100.00 Photography/Video/Studio 125.00 Photography/Studio 150.00 Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were run in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Contract Board approval is requested to use the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) cooperative contract with TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY, LLC, to purchase a one (1) year security camera maintenance contract, to begin September 29, 2014 in an amount estimated at $56,100.00. Description The original purchase of the security camera system was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 16, 2013. This maintenance contract will cover charges for all parts and labor required for repairs and maintenance. 8 Campus Security Camera System Florissant Valley Campus Forest Park Campus Meramec Campus Wildwood Campus South County Education Center William J. Harrison Education Center Cost $ 15,000.00 16,000.00 12,000.00 3,100.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 $ 56,100.00 Funding This expenditure will be funded from the Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access budget. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing-Purchase Board approval is requested for the purchase of three (3) 2009 Peterbilt 387 trucks from PETERBILT OF SPRINGFIELD in the amount of $118,500.00 and the conversion from sleeper cab to five (5) passenger cab and delivery from ATHENA COACH WORKS in the amount of $20,799.99 for a total amount of $139,299.99. . Description These trucks will be used by the students enrolled in the commercial truck driving training program administered by the Workforce Solutions Group at the Corporate College. The recommended bidder has met all of the requirements of the bid. Bid – B0003299 & B0003305 The evaluation of these bids, which opened July 18, 2014 and September 8, 2014, is listed below: 9 Bidders PETERBILT OF SPRINGFIELD Swift Truck Sales Mid-America Peterbilt Year/Model 2009 PETERBILT 387 2010 International Prostar Skyrise 2009 PETERBILT 387 Unit Price Total Price $ 39,500.00 $ 118,500.00 47,500.00 142,500.00 47,500.00 142,500.00 ATHENA COACH WORKS Swift Truck Sales Mid-America Peterbilt Conversion 2009 Peterbilt 387 *Applies to their trucks only 2009 Peterbilt 387 Unit Price Total Price $ 6,933.33 $ 20,799.99 3,590.00 10,770.00 8,853.05 26,559.15 Funding This purchase will be funded from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training (TAACCCT) Round 3 grant from the Department of Labor. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were run in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) optimization consulting services to CAMPUS WORKS, INC., in an amount estimated at $652,280.00, to begin October 1, 2014. Description These consulting services will be used to provide services to optimize the performance of Ellucian Banner. A business process review will be performed to determine how to best augment the Banner System. The consulting services will focus on the following areas: (1) Re-engineering business processes throughout the administrative and student service areas, (2) Creating formal, documented policies and procedures, (3) Addressing financial aid/Title IV challenges, (4) Addressing degree audit issues, (5) Incorporating recommendations from assessments performed by Huron, Moran and AACRAO into a cohesive action plan, (6) Enhancing the Banner System and reporting capabilities, (7) Refreshing the Banner implementation, and (8) Developing an integrated plan of action to support web services. The recommended bidder meets all specifications of the request for proposal. One bidder was disqualified for failure to understand the scope of services. 10 Bid – B0003325 The evaluation of this bid, which opened September 5, 2014, is listed below: Bidders CAMPUS WORKS, INC. Ellucian Dynamic Campus Huron Education GI Group Professional Fees & Expenses 652,280.00 899,704.00 1,417,500.00 1,008,900.00 Disqualified Total Points 93.25 84.25 83.20 77.93 Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from plant funds budgeted during FY2014. Advertisements Newspaper advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Metro-Sentinel. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of a contract to repair the parapet on the Science/Math Building at Florissant Valley to Gateway Waterproofing & Restoration, LLC in an amount of $30,300.00. Description: The existing parapet structure (slanted roof panels) at the Science Math building’s roof edge has been weather damaged. Many of the panels are chipped or cracked and a few have rust showing through from the panels’ reinforcing steel. Deteriorated concrete will be removed from the parapet panels and the reinforcing steel will be cleaned and recoated. The panels will then be patched and the joints between the panels will be recaulked as needed. The base bid will repair the 42 most severely damaged panels, and Alternate #1 will repair an additional 19 panels that are not as severely damaged, but still require attention. Bid – F 15 501R, Repair Science/Math Parapet, St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley The results of this bid, which opened August 19, 2014, are listed below: 11 Contractors: Gateway Waterproofing & Restoration, LLC C. Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. Infrastructure Management, Inc. J. E. Novack Construction Company Base Bid $ 22,800.00 29,300.00 25,570.00 35,000.00 Alternate #1 $ 7,500.00 3,400.00 8,625.00 13,000.00 Total $ 30,300.00 32,700.00 34,195.00 48,000.00 Funding: This project will be funded from capital budgets. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of a contract to replace fire hydrants to Bieg Plumbing Company, Inc. in the amount of $18,000.00. Description: During the annual inspection, two fire hydrants at Florissant Valley were found to be inoperable and are unrepairable. This project will replace those fire hydrants. Bid – F 15 001, Repair and Replacement of Fire Hydrants, St. Louis Community College at Forest Park, Florissant Valley, South County Education and University Center and Corporate College The results of this bid, which opened September 9, 2015, are listed below: 12 Contractors: Bieg Plumbing Company, Inc. Standard Fire Protection, Inc. FireTech, LLC Base Bid $18,000.00 31,031.00 50,770.00 Funding: This project will be funded from capital budgets. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Recommendation for Ratification/Physical Facilities: Board ratification is requested for an emergency repair contract with Sachs Electric Company to replace a high voltage feeder line at the Meramec campus in an amount of $32,785.00. Description: Two identical 3-conductor high voltage feeder lines were installed when the campus was built, the primary feeder and an emergency backup. Power to the entire campus is provided by the primary feeder. The primary feeder failed in 2011 and the campus was switched to the emergency feeder. A concrete ductbank was installed providing a more direct route to power distribution panels in the power plant at the same time the failed cable was replaced. An extra conduit was also installed for future use. The second original cable failed late in July 2014 and the campus is now being powered by the cable installed in 2011. Although the chances of that cable failing are remote, should it fail, the entire campus will be without power until it is replaced. Therefore, the project to replace the failed cable, utilizing the spare conduit installed in 2011, was bid as an Emergency Repair Contract, per Board Policy I.5. The cost estimate for this work was $65,000, and installation can occur within a week after the materials are received. 13 Bid – S6 6342, Failed Primary Feeder Replacement, Meramec The results of this bid, which opened August 18, 2014, are listed below: Contractors: Sachs Electric Company Schaeffer Electric Company Guarantee Electrical Construction Kaemmerlen Electric Company Aschinger Electric $ Base Bid 32,785.00 39,370.00 43,596.00 44,000.00 45,270.00 Funding: This project will be funded from capital budgets. Recommendation for Award/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of two nine month chiller service agreements to the following firms: Qualified Bidder Hayes Mechanical Carrier Corporation Grand Total Contract Amount $ 20,857.00 $ 3,413.00 $ 24,270.00 Campus Forest Park, Florissant Valley, Meramec, Wildwood SCEUC Description: This agreement provides chiller maintenance services for all locations. This maintenance agreement was bid and awarded on an annual cost basis. The cost for FY15 will not be prorated, as the agreement does not include any services in the months of July, August, or September. When this agreement expires on June 30th 2015, the College will have the option of renewing it for a second, third, four and fifth year (based on the College’s fiscal year, at the quoted annual cost). Contractors were allowed to bid individual locations, combined for all locations or both. Award on an individual basis is in the best interest of the College. 14 Bid – Service Agreement M-294-District Wide Chiller Maintenance, St. Louis Community College District Wide The results of this bid, which opened August 28, 2014, are listed below Contractor Forest Park Hayes Mechanical $ 5,535.00 Carrier Corporation 14,101.00 Trane 6,275.00 Johnson Controls, Inc. 13,245.00 CE Jarrell Contracting Co., Inc. 0.00 The Waldinger Corp. 22,781.00 Flo Valley $ 6,204.00 9,983.00 8,125.00 16,405.00 0.00 20,616.00 Meramec $ 5,967.00 10,359.00 5,980.00 17,122.00 0.00 21,278.00 SCEUC $ 3,655.00 3,413.00 6,758.00 8,104.00 0.00 12,056.00 Wildwood $ 3,151.00 3,824.00 5,155.00 10,100.00 0.00 9,156.00 Combined Bid $ 24,512.00 41,680.00 32,293.00 64,976.00 81,015.00 85,887.00 Funding: This project will be funded from operating budgets. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Request for Approval/Disposal of Surplus Property Board approval is requested to dispose of surplus property by recycling per contract as listed on the following pages. This property has been declared excess and posted internally for redistribution. PDF# Qty Description IT-09-09-14 1 IT-09-09-14 IBM eServer pSeries 1 Dell PowerEdge 2850 (43XTV61) Property Tag Location Condition Purchased Date 014640 013956 CC CC GOOD GOOD Original Cost Current Value March 18, 2004 $ 3/4/2005 $ 17,794.00 $ 7,456.40 $ - 15 No Items this Month Financial Reports will appear on a Quarterly Basis, in November, February, May and August Agreement between St. Louis Community College and KTRS Am Radio LLC Board approval is requested for an agreement between St. Louis Community College and KTRS AM Radio LLC for a title sports report sponsorship covering high schools for a period of 39 weeks. The sponsorship fee is $28,008.00. Agreement between St. Louis Community College and UMB Bank It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Organization Resolution and Agreement covering deposit accounts and related services between St. Louis Community College and UMB Bank. The agreement formalizes the manner in which the College has been operating with UMB Bank. Specifically, it authorizes Kent Kay, Vice Chancellor; Ann Noland, Bursar; and Cynthia Green, Assistant Controller, to: (1) complete documents to open or maintain accounts, (2) sign for the collection of checks, (3) issue stop payment orders, wire transfers, automated clearing house (ACH) services, (4) obtain necessary electronic services (5) have access to devices that allow the College’s accounts to be monitored, and (6) perform other day-to-day treasury management functions. Agreement between Ellucian Elevate and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve to enter into an agreement between Ellucian Elevate and St. Louis Community College. Product services provided by the vendor will assist the College in providing access to programs offered by the College, increase access to non-credit programs through online registration services. The agreement is a five (5) year contract with the initial start-up cost in the amount of $128,500. Funding for the Ellucian Elevate program will be provided by Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Information Technology, and Workforce Solutions Group. 1 Academic and Student Affairs Contracts and Agreements Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Program Effective Date Human Services 07/18/14 Christian NE-NW Dietetic Technology 07/24/14 Beyond Housing Human Services 08/12/14 Family Resource and Community Connections Human Services 08/19/14 Legal Services of Eastern Missouri Human Services 08/12/14 Clinical Lab Tech Surgical Tech Phlebotomy Diagnostic Medical Sonography EMS/EMT Dietetic Tech Respiratory Therapy Human Services Radiological Technology Patient Care Tech Nursing 08/19/14 Participant Trinity Catholic School SSM Medical Group Heavenly Sent In-Home Care Gonzaga U MSN for Kim Kraft COMTREA, Community Treatment Inc. Vanderbilt University Board Meeting 09/25/14 2 Nursing 08/01/14 to 08/01/17 Dental Hygiene 08/06/14 Physical Therapist Assistant 11/01/14 to 10/31/17 Oasis International Human Services 09/04/14 Missouri Career Center Human Services 09/04/14 Dr. Daniel Pernod Dental Assisting 07/24/14 Board Meeting 09/25/14 3 Workforce Solutions Group Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Title of Program and/or Purpose Instructional Design Manager: Don Robison Assessment Service ABB, Inc. Manager: Don Robison ISO Service Hubbell Killark Manager: Don Robison Lafayette Industries Lean Services - Continuation Campus Date Amount Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 $29,000 Workforce Solutions Group May 2, 2014 through December 31, 2014 $14,450 Workforce Solutions Group July 24, 2014 through June 30, 2015 $9,875 Workforce Solutions Group October 25, 2012 through June 30, 2014 June 30, 2015 $0 (Approved in December, 2012 Board Agenda. Extension of services) Manager: Don Robison Ratification of Economic Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Carpenter’s Apprenticeship Title of Program and/or Purpose Enhance current job knowledge, while building on skill base for future positions. Estimated number of Credit Hours: 12,800 Manager: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09/25/14 4 Campus Date Amount Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Company $175,000 DESE $135,000 College $15,700 Floorlayer’s Apprenticeship Enhance current job knowledge, while building on skill base for future positions. Estimated number of Credit Hours: 1,920 Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Company $40,200 DESE $45,000 College $4,000 Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Company $26,855 DESE $30,000 College $3,000 Manager: Stephen Long Painters Apprenticeship Enhance current job knowledge, while building on skill base for future positions. Estimated number of Credit Hours:6,506 Manager: Stephen Long Contracts and Agreements Burning Glass International Inc. d/b/a Burning Glass Technologies and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between Burning Glass Technologies and St. Louis Community College in the amount of $8,000. Burning Glass Technologies will provide the College with access to real-time labor market information. The agreement is effective for twelve months with execution date of July 16, 2014. Contract is renewal of an existing agreement. SBG Technology Solutions, Inc. and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between SBG Technology Solutions, Inc. and St. Louis Community College in an amount not to exceed $16,000 for the on-site delivery of two, 3-credit hour courses: Intelligence Analysis and Security Management and Management of Human Conflicts to Transportation Security Officers at the St. Louis Transportation Security Administration (TSA) office. This fall 2014 contract is part of a national contract with the TSA. The TSA officers program has been a partnership with St. Louis Community College since 2011. The Quality Group and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an extension to the professional services agreement between The Quality Group (TQG) and St. Louis Community College for an additional amount of $15,000. TQG will provide additional services in blended online and classroom training in Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification for TriZetto Provider Solutions. These services will be funded by an executed client agreement(s) with the College. Total agreement for fiscal year 2015 will not exceed $25,000. Previously reported at the August, 2014 Board was $10,000. Board Meeting 09/25/14 5 Division of Workforce Development and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an extension agreement between Division of Workforce Development (DWD) and St. Louis Community College for an additional amount of $147,503. The additional funding provided by DWD will continue to assist and train young adult participants aging out of Missouri’s foster care system to assist and gain skills in technical and interpersonal skills for employment. The total agreement will not exceed $257,503 through June 30, 2015. Previously reported at the April, 2014 Board was $110,000 for services rendered through February, 28, 2015. National Testing Network and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between National Testing Network and St. Louis Community College Corporate College testing center facility which will be utilized for proctoring and administering recruitment test for participants seeking employment in public safety. The agreement is effective for twelve months with execution date of August, 2014. The College will be compensated based on monthly scheduled test administered. New Growth Group, LLC and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve a no cost data sharing agreement between New Growth Group, LLC and St. Louis Community College will provide specific data and evaluations services under the Mississippi River Transportation, Distribution and Logistics (MRTDL) consortium. The agreement will provide the necessary research to improve instruction and help evaluate the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant. The agreement is effective August 1, 2014 through December 31, 2017. Board Meeting 09/25/14 6 Issuance of Missouri Community College Job Retention Training Certificates – Duke Manufacturing Company, Inc. Board approval is requested for the resolution and revised agreement authorizing the issuance of $596,057 principal amount of Missouri Community College Job Retention Training Certificates, Duke Manufacturing Company, Inc., for the purpose of carrying out a Job Retention Training Program over three years; Authorization and approving certain documents in connection with the issuance of the certificates; and authorizing certain other actions in connection with the issuance of the certificates. The minimum number of employees expected to receive technical skill training is 110. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROGRAM AND FINANCING AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CARRYING OUT A RETAINED JOBS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR DUKE MANUFACTURING CO.; AND AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “College”) is authorized pursuant to Sections 620.800 through 620.809 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the “Act”), to enter into agreements with businesses located within the State of Missouri (the “State”) to establish training arrangements for the retention of jobs by providing education and training of workers for existing jobs (as defined in the Act) in the State; and WHEREAS, Duke Manufacturing Co. (the “Employer”) proposes to enter into a Program Financing Agreement (the “Agreement”) with the College and Commerce Bank, as fiscal agent, which will provide for the education and training of the Employer’s employees for retained jobs (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the College hereby finds that based on information provided by the Employer, the Board of Trustees expects that the Revenues (as defined in the Agreement) will be sufficient to secure the faithful performance of the Employer’s obligations under the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the College hereby further finds and determines that it is necessary and desirable in connection with the Project that the College enter into certain documents and take certain other actions as herein provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Authorization of Agreement. The College is hereby authorized to enter into the Agreement in substantially the form presented to and reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the College at this meeting, with such changes therein as shall be approved by the officers of the College executing such documents, such officers’ signatures thereon being conclusive evidence of their approval thereof. Board Meeting 09/25/14 7 Section 2. Execution of Documents. The College is hereby authorized to enter into and the Chair or the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees or the Chancellor or any Vice Chancellor of the College is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of the College, and the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to attest to, the Agreement and such other documents and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Resolution. Section 3. Further Authority. The officers, agents and employees of the College are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and take such actions as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of this Resolution, and to carry out, comply with and perform the duties of the College with respect to the Agreement, and the execution or taking of such action shall be conclusive evidence of such necessity or advisability. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately after its passage by the Board of Trustees of the College. ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees this ____ day of September, 2014. ______________________________ Chair of the Board of Trustees (SEAL) ATTEST: _________________________________ Secretary of the Board of Trustees Board Meeting 09/25/14 8 Institutional Development Acceptance of External Funds AGENCY U.S. Department of Education AMOUNT $ 300,000.00 PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College to participate in the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program. The CCAMPIS program supports the participation of low-income parents in postsecondary education through the provision of campus-based child care services. The grant at STLCC will provide subsidized child care services for Pelleligible students who enroll in the CCAMPIS project, increased parent support services, and professional development opportunities for staff at the Florissant Valley Child Development Center and other outsourced child care vendors. This award represents Year 2 funding of a four-year grant. Restricted Project Period: 10/1/13-9/30/17 Project Director: Selena Eunice Board Meeting 09/25/14 1