MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2013 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, June 20, 2013, at the Wildwood Campus, 2645 Generations Drive, Wildwood, MO, 63040, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Chair; Dr. Craig Larson, Vice Chair; Dr. Doris Graham, Trustee; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Trustee; Ms. Hattie Jackson, Trustee, and Ms. Joan McGivney, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, Chancellor; Mr. Ian Cooper of Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jakstadt P.C., and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Welcome to Guests Ms. Fitzgerald welcomed all guests attending the meeting. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Dr. Graham, and seconded by Ms. Hattman, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised, after noting that a date needed to be added to the Executive Session Resolution prior to approval. 5. Approval of the May 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes On motion by Ms. Hattman and seconded by Ms. McGivney, the Board unanimously approved the May 16, 2013 minutes. 6. Approval of Resolution Re July 11, 2013 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. McGivney, and seconded by Ms. Hattman, and following revision, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll-call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on July 11, 2013, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 7. Election of Officers In accordance with Board Policy A.5, Election of Officers, elections were held for officers of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College for the ensuing year. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Board Chair. Ms. Hattman nominated Dr. Larson for the office of Board Chair. Dr. Graham seconded the motion. There being no other nominations, the Board voted unanimously for Dr. Larson to serve for a term of one year or until his successor shall be elected and qualified. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Board Vice Chair. Ms. McGivney nominated Dr. Graham for the office of Vice Chair. Ms. Hattman seconded the motion. There being no other nominations, Dr. Graham was unanimously elected Vice Chair of the Board, to serve for a term of one year or until her successor shall be elected and qualified. Ms. Fitzgerald announced that the newly elected officers would immediately assume their offices. Dr. Larson then presented an engraved plaque to Ms. Fitzgerald in appreciation of her service as Board Chair. Dr. Larson thanked Ms. Fitzgerald for her leadership as Board Chair. 2 8. Nomination of Trustees to the Foundation Board Ms. Hattman nominated Ms. McGivney to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees on the Foundation Board. Dr. Graham seconded the nomination. The Board unanimously approved Ms. McGivney’s appointment. 9. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments DeLancey Smith, Director of Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 10. Approval of Fiscal Year 2014 Operating and Capital Budgets The Board was requested to approve the Fiscal Year 2014 Operating and Capital Budgets. Following clarification on the Physical Plant budget and questions regarding emergency repairs and Pell Grant dollars, on motion by Ms. Fitzgerald and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the Operating and Capital Budgets for the 2014 fiscal year, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sums set forth in said budgets are hereby deemed appropriated for the purposes therein set forth. Dr. Larson thanked Mr. Kay for his work and for his campus presentations on the budgeting process. 11. Informational Presentation Ms. Karin Fowler, Senior Program Manager, and Mr. Steve Long, Associate Vice Chancellor of Workforce Solutions, made a presentation to the Board regarding the Metropolitan Education and Training Center (MET). Ms. Fowler and Mr. Long presented on the center’s mission, key partnerships, history, programs, testimonials, success rates, challenges and opportunities. 12. Approval of Consent Items Consent items are approved by a single motion and vote unless otherwise noted below. 3 12.1 Consent Item Motion and Vote On motion by Ms. Jackson, and seconded by Ms. Hattman, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 12.2 Academic and Student Affairs Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 12.3 HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 12.4 BID AWARDS Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this 4 reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 12.5 FINANCE Budget A. Financial Reports Financial reports will appear on a quarterly basis, in February, May, August and November. 12.6 CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 5 12.7 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 12.8 INSURANCE Approval of Insurance Renewals The Board, by consent, unanimously approved renewal of various insurance agreements and policies, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 13. COMMUNICATIONS 13.1 Chancellor’s Report Dr. Dorsey announced that during its Executive Session, the Board approved continuation of salaries of employees in bargaining units who are attending formal bargaining sessions during working hours. 6 Dr. Dorsey said more than 8,500 people from across the world attended the 2013 NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo (A conference for International Educators). STLCC served as a sponsor of this event, along with Houston Community Colleges. She commended Dr. Joan Friend and Mr. Chris Sulincevski for their valuable contributions. Dr. Dorsey then advised that she, along with Rod Nunn and Kent Kay, met with a delegation of educators from New Zealand. They were in town attending the NAFSA conference. The meeting focus was to assist them in gaining a better understanding of community colleges in the United States. The delegation included Grant McPherson, CEO of Education New Zealand and Sam Hoben, Market Development Manager. Education New Zealand is the country’s lead government agency responsible for New Zealand’s international education promotion and representation worldwide. Dr. Dorsey said that STLCC was invited and selected to participate in the Experimental Sites Initiative through the U.S. Department of Education. Experiment six focuses on the Direct Loan Program and limiting unsubsidized loan amounts. This experiment will be evaluated using information provided by STLCC to determine whether students who received less than the statutory amounts of Direct Loans were able to enroll, succeed, and complete their academic programs. The results will be compared with results from similar students who received the higher loan amounts. An analysis of the effect of the experiment on the diversity of the students enrolled in the institution will be conducted, especially as it relates to the numbers of low-income students. The evaluation will also attempt to determine if the lower educational loan debt of the students in the experiment resulted in fewer delinquencies and defaults. Dr. Dorsey congratulated Castella Henderson and Regina Blackshear for their efforts with this initiative. Dr. Dorsey then shared that the Foundation was notified by a local consultant to an international organization that one of their clients has agreed to approve our request to their organization for $100,000 to support the Gateway to College Program at Florissant Valley. The funding will be available to the Foundation as of July 1, 2013. Dr. Dorsey gave her congratulations to Wendell Covington, Marcia Pfeiffer and Ruby Curry. 7 13.2 For the Good of the College Report Dr. Larson reported that five Trustees attended the Missouri Community College Association Conference in May. The theme for the Conference was the Board’s role in advancing the completion agenda. Trustees from twelve colleges held discussions about what each institution is doing to improve student retention by identifying best practices. The group also discussed the past year’s legislative session and looked ahead to the 2014 agenda. Dr. Larson then reported that three Board members attended the annual Governing Board Forum in Jefferson City. The one-day forum included a budget outlook, a legislative update, funding models, advocacy, college completion, technology, and bridging the gap between high school and college. Dr. Larson said the goal of the Lumina Foundation is to raise 2 and 4-year degrees in the United States to 60 percent and we are now in the mid 30’s. He added that is also Missouri’s goal and that Missouri has made the most progress of any state. 13.3 Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns Ms. Cindy Campbell, JCD-NEA, distributed a written statement to the Board of Trustees from union leaders representing 1,300 full-time employees. She then introduced Doug Hurst, JCD-NEA, who read a statement to the Board about morale, management practices, problem solving, faculty union representation on the Leadership Team, and asking leadership for a forum to provide input on employee issues. Mr. Terry Artis, Florissant Valley student, addressed the Board about the practice of discretionary extra points issued by his instructor. He asked the Board to put forth a policy to ensure a fair and level playing field. 13.4 Board Member Comments Ms. Hattman encouraged staff to visit the Coordinating Board for Higher Education’s web site to view the Lumina presentation given at the Board Forum. She asked them to read the presentation and pass the information on to their senators and representatives. Ms. Jackson said she was impressed by the level of engagement around student completion at the MCCA conference. She said presidents, chancellors and board 8 members all worked together in discussion of the completion. She recognized Dr. Larson for his role as moderator of the discussion. Dr. Larson said he is looking forward to the year ahead. He said the district faces many challenges, of both monetary and other issues. He said his primary focus as Chair will be on communication within the college. He said trust cannot be developed without collaborative problem solving. He distributed dates to the Board for a July work session. Dr. Larson then asked Mr. Hurst to speak with him after the meeting. 14. NEW BUSINESS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 9 #6 Resolution Re Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of closed meetings, record and vote on July 11, 2013, at 6:00 p.m., at the South County Education and University Center, 4115 Meramec Bottom Road, St. Louis, MO 63129 in the First Floor Conference Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [10]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [8]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and 6) to discuss records which are protected from disclosure by law (610.021(14), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. June 20, 2013 Board Agenda Recommended Approval of FY 2014 Operating and Capital Budgets Budget FY2014 Board of Trustees June 20, 2013 St. Louis Community College Table of Contents Page Budget Summary – General Operating ........................................................ 1-2 Census Day Enrollments Credit Hours ............................................................3 Operating Fund ..............................................................................................4 Operating Fund Revenue Charts ....................................................................5 Operating Fund Expenditures and Transfers Charts .......................................6 Student Technology Fee ................................................................................7 College and Student Activities .......................................................................8 Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access ..................................................9 Student Aid ...................................................................................................10 Rental of Facilities .........................................................................................11 Maintenance, Repair, Debt Service and Capital ............................................12 Economic Development/Workforce Solutions Group ...................................13 Restricted .....................................................................................................14 Auxiliary Services ..........................................................................................15 Budget Assumptions .................................................................................. 16-19 i St. Louis Community College Budget Summary-General Operating Year Ending June 30, 2014 Student College and Technology Student Fee Activities Operating Revenues Local Taxes State Appropriation Contingency for Holdback Maintenance Fees Student Technology Fees College Activity Fees Continuing Education Tuition and Fees Other Fees Bad Debt Other Revenue $ 60,156,723 42,876,477 47,779,000 - Total Revenues $ 1,980,800 - $ 1,386,558 1,525,000 320,881 (2,600,000) 3,800,000 - - 153,858,081 1,980,800 1,386,558 98,011,011 27,210,039 18,165,919 5,085,498 805,000 - 588,533 185,084 862,339 - 71,162 3,762 862,907 248,727 - 149,277,467 1,635,956 1,186,558 (200,000) (125,000) (200,000) 1,010,272 843,005 3,252,337 344,844 - 200,000 - 4,580,614 344,844 200,000 153,858,081 1,980,800 1,386,558 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Utilities Institutional Contributions-Match Student Activities Budget-Agency Special Projects Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) ED/WSG Revenue To (From) Auxiliaries To (From) College Activities Fees To (From) Maintenance and Capital To (From) Student Aid To (From) Leasehold bonds Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 1 $ - $ - $ - FY 2014 FY 2013 $ 60,156,723 $ 42,876,477 47,779,000 1,980,800 1,386,558 1,525,000 320,881 (2,600,000) 3,800,000 * $ 60,156,723 $ 42,712,149 (2,584,855) 52,991,259 2,420,000 1,694,000 1,544,000 298,895 (700,000) 3,800,000 Change 164,328 2,584,855 (5,212,259) (439,200) (307,442) (19,000) 21,986 (1,900,000) - 157,225,439 162,332,171 (5,106,732) 98,670,706 27,398,885 19,891,165 5,085,498 805,000 248,727 - 98,857,281 24,871,244 20,863,879 5,177,758 821,000 342,667 600,000 (186,575) 2,527,641 (972,714) (92,260) (16,000) (93,940) (600,000) 152,099,981 151,533,829 566,152 (200,000) (125,000) 1,355,116 843,005 3,252,337 (200,000) (125,000) 7,320,000 843,005 3,252,337 (5,964,884) - 5,125,458 11,090,342 (5,964,884) 157,225,439 162,624,171 (5,398,732) - $ (292,000) $ 292,000 * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 2 St. Louis Community College Census Day Enrollments Credit Hours 700,000 Census Date Credit Hours 600,000 576,160 500,000 603,127 583,187 520,256 502,308 400,000 495,200 477,183 453,324 300,000 200,000 100,000 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Proj Proj Proj Proj Fiscal Year 3 St. Louis Community College Operating Fund Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues Local Taxes State Appropriation Contingency for Holdback Maintenance Fees Continuing Education Tuition and Fees Other Fees Bad Debt Other Revenue FY 2013 Change $ 60,156,723 $ 60,156,723 $ 42,876,477 42,712,149 164,328 (2,584,855) 2,584,855 47,779,000 52,991,259 (5,212,259) Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Utilities Institutional Contributions-Match Special Projects Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) ED/WSG Revenue To (From) Auxiliaries To (From) College Activities Fees To (From) Maintenance and Capital To (From) Student Aid To (From) Leasehold bonds Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 1,525,000 320,881 (2,600,000) 3,800,000 1,544,000 298,895 (700,000) 3,800,000 (19,000) 21,986 (1,900,000) - 153,858,081 158,218,171 (4,360,090) 98,011,011 27,210,039 18,165,919 5,085,498 805,000 - 98,126,837 24,714,247 18,527,987 5,177,758 821,000 600,000 (115,826) 2,495,792 (362,068) (92,260) (16,000) (600,000) 149,277,467 147,967,829 1,309,638 (200,000) (125,000) (200,000) 1,010,272 843,005 3,252,337 (200,000) (125,000) (200,000) 6,680,000 843,005 3,252,337 (5,669,728) - 4,580,614 10,250,342 (5,669,728) 153,858,081 158,218,171 (4,360,090) $ Includes Operating, RTEC, Student Assistance and Professional Development * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 4 - $ - $ - * St. Louis Community College Operating Fund Revenue Charts Continuing Education Fees 1% Budgeted Revenue FY 2013 Operating Budget Other Income 3% Local Taxes 38% Maintenance Fees 33% State Aid 25% Projected Revenue FY 2014 Continuing Education Fees 1% Operating Budget Other Income 3% Local Taxes 39% Maintenance Fees 29% State Aid 28% 5 St. Louis Community College Operating Fund Expenditures and Transfers Charts Budgeted Expenditures FY 2013 Operating Budget Utilities 3% Operating 13% Transfer 6% Benefits 16% Salaries 62% Projected Expenditures FY 2014 Operating Budget Utilities 3% Operating 12% Transfer 3% Benefits 18% Salaries 64% 6 St. Louis Community College Student Technology Fee Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues Student Technology Fees FY 2013 Change $ 1,980,800 $ 2,420,000 $ (439,200) Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Maintenance and Capital Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets * Note: Budgeted use of carryover fund balance in FY 2013 of $292,000. * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 7 $ 1,980,800 2,420,000 (439,200) 588,533 185,084 862,339 661,644 156,997 1,253,359 (73,111) 28,087 (391,020) 1,635,956 2,072,000 (436,044) 344,844 640,000 (295,156) 344,844 640,000 (295,156) 1,980,800 2,712,000 (731,200) - $ (292,000) $ 292,000 St. Louis Community College College and Student Activities Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues College Activity Fees FY 2013 Change $ 1,386,558 $ 1,694,000 $ (307,442) Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Student Activities Budget-Agency Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 8 1,386,558 1,694,000 (307,442) 71,162 3,762 862,907 248,727 68,800 1,082,533 342,667 2,362 3,762 (219,626) (93,940) 1,186,558 1,494,000 (307,442) 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 200,000 - 1,386,558 1,694,000 (307,442) - $ - $ * - St. Louis Community College Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues College Activity Fees FY 2013 Change $ 495,200 $ 605,000 $ (109,800) Total Revenues Expenditures Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Maintenance and Capital Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers * Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 9 $ 495,200 605,000 (109,800) 247,600 - 247,600 247,600 - 247,600 247,600 - 247,600 247,600 - 247,600 495,200 - 495,200 - $ 605,000 $ (605,000) St. Louis Community College Student Aid Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues Grants and Contracts Other Revenue FY 2013 Change $ 43,570,597 $ 53,601,392 $ (10,030,795) 1,600 100 1,700 Total Revenues 43,572,297 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Student Aid $ Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating and Auxiliary Services Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 53,602,992 (10,030,695) 899,739 $ 899,739 $ 75,800 75,800 43,525,763 53,556,458 (10,030,695) 44,501,302 54,531,997 (929,005) (929,005) - (929,005) (929,005) - 43,572,297 53,602,992 $ - $ - (10,030,695) (10,030,695) $ - * * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures Revenue Sources Pell Grants Federal Work Study (FWS) Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) Athletic Fund Raisers $ 42,000,000 $ 52,000,000 $ (10,000,000) 899,739 899,739 670,858 701,653 (30,795) 1,700 1,600 100 Total Revenues $ 43,572,297 $ 53,602,992 $ (10,030,695) Transfers to (from) other Funds Sources Board of Trustees Scholarships Auxiliary Service Scholarships College Match - FWS Employer Taxes Total Transfers 10 $ (767,205) $ (86,000) (75,800) (767,205) $ (86,000) (75,800) - $ (929,005) $ (929,005) $ - St. Louis Community College Rental of Facilities Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues Other Revenue FY 2013 Change $ 116,000 $ 100,000 $ 16,000 Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Total Expenditures Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 11 116,000 100,000 16,000 48,000 3,813 64,187 51,000 6,095 42,905 (3,000) (2,282) 21,282 116,000 100,000 16,000 116,000 100,000 16,000 - $ - $ - * St. Louis Community College Maintenance, Repair, Debt Service and Capital Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Expenditures Maintenance Repair and Capital Leasehold Bonds - Principal and Interest FY 2013 $ 1,697,716 $ 3,252,337 Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating, Student Technology, Public Safety Pedestrian and Traffic Access and Auxiliary Services To (From) Leasehold bonds Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers $ Maintenance Repair and Capital Transfers Operating Maintenance Repair and Capital Student Technology Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access Auxiliary Service Capital Economic Development/Workforce Solutions Group Capital (5,772,284) (1,697,716) (3,252,337) (7,470,000) (3,252,337) 5,772,284 - (4,950,053) (10,722,337) 5,772,284 - $ $ 1,697,716 $ * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 12 (5,772,284) - 10,722,337 $ 1,010,272 $ 344,844 247,600 95,000 Total Maintenance Repair and Capital Transfers 7,470,000 $ 3,252,337 4,950,053 - Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Change - $ 6,680,000 $ 640,000 95,000 - 55,000 (5,669,728) (295,156) 247,600 (55,000) 7,470,000 $ (5,772,284) * St. Louis Community College Economic Development/Workforce Solutions Group Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues Grants and Contracts Other Revenue $ Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Institutional Contributions-Match Change Restricted FY 2013 FY 2014 - $ 500,000 $ (500,000) 125,000 116,900 8,100 Change $ 9,544,588 $ 10,116,315 $ (571,727) - 125,000 616,900 (491,900) 9,544,588 10,116,315 (571,727) 1,250,429 254,171 (1,033,600) (630,000) 1,098,022 243,761 (278,883) (646,000) 152,407 10,410 (754,717) 16,000 2,510,174 597,515 6,436,899 - 3,119,464 807,739 6,134,112 - (609,290) (210,224) 302,787 - (159,000) 416,900 (575,900) 9,544,588 10,061,315 (516,727) 200,000 - 200,000 - - 55,000 (55,000) 200,000 200,000 41,000 616,900 Total Expenditures Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating To (From) Maintenance Repair and Capital Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Operating FY 2013 $ 84,000 $ - (575,900) $ 84,000 $ - 55,000 (55,000) 9,544,588 10,116,315 (571,727) - $ - $ - Division Allocation Community Service $ Corporate Services Total Division Allocation 41,000 $ $ 616,900 $ (575,900) 41,000 $ 616,900 $ (575,900) * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 13 $ 4,318,588 $ 5,226,000 4,979,249 $ (660,661) 5,137,066 88,934 $ 9,544,588 $ 10,116,315 $ (571,727) * St. Louis Community College Restricted Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues Grants and Contracts FY 2013 Change $ 3,758,334 $ 4,919,950 $ (1,161,616) Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services Maintenance Repair and Capital Total Expenditures Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ * Balanced Budget – Revenues equal Expenditures 14 3,758,334 4,919,950 (1,161,616) 1,945,170 550,489 834,802 427,873 1,749,117 463,028 2,464,973 242,832 196,053 87,461 (1,630,171) 185,041 3,758,334 4,919,950 (1,161,616) - $ - $ - * St. Louis Community College Auxiliary Services Year Ending June 30, 2014 FY 2014 Revenues College Activity Fees Auxiliary Services Revenues $ FY 2013 Change 594,241 $ 726,000 $ (131,759) 11,919,300 12,049,050 (129,750) Total Revenues 12,513,541 12,775,050 (261,509) Expenditures Salaries Benefits Supplies and Services 2,011,779 467,592 9,562,903 2,090,470 402,118 9,573,527 (78,691) 65,474 (10,624) Total Expenditures 12,042,274 12,066,115 (23,841) 125,000 95,000 86,000 125,000 95,000 86,000 - 306,000 306,000 - 12,348,274 12,372,115 (23,841) Transfers to (from) other Funds To (From) Operating To (From) Maintenance Repair and Capital To (From) Student Aid Total Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ Breakdown of Ependitures and Transfers Bookstores Food Services Document Centers College Print Services Student Center Operations Auxiliary Services Management Government Relations Transfer to Capital Transfer to College Operating Transfer to Scholarships $ 10,593,081 $ 10,753,936 $ (160,855) 121,700 121,700 62,591 51,520 11,071 (45,000) (50,000) 5,000 954,085 855,392 98,693 304,761 282,759 22,002 51,056 50,808 248 95,000 95,000 125,000 125,000 86,000 86,000 - Total Expenditures and Transfers $ 12,348,274 $ 12,372,115 $ (23,841) 15 165,267 $ 402,935 $ (237,668) St. Louis Community College Budget Assumptions Year Ending June 30, 2014 Operating Revenue Local taxes remain unchanged State appropriations o Reductions 1% Governor's recommended holdback 1% equity agreement with MCCA o Increase Performance Funding Eliminate contingency for State appropriation holdback Maintenance fees o Decline in budgeted enrollment from 605,000 credit hours to 495,200 credit hours o $5 per credit hour increase Slight decrease in Continuing Education fees based on historic trends Increase in other fees based on historic trends Bad Debt Expense o Under-budgeted in previous years at $700,000 o Increase by $1,900,000 Other revenue remains unchanged Expenses Salaries o Adjunct and overload Under-budgeted in prior years Based on expected enrollment Amount budgeted needs to increase by $1,167,700 Allocated based on prior and current year spending patterns o $139,835 for faculty promotions, including benefits 27 faculty members recommended for promotion $107,071 total increased salary $32,764 total increased benefits o $383,672 reductions for five (5) vacant faculty positions not funded o $649,191 reductions for sixteen (16) vacant staff positions not funded o $76,336 reserved for classified and professional reclassifications o $250,331 increase in overtime and shift differential amount to fund at level of actual spending o $240,539 reduction in part time budgets o $37,599 reduction in institutional student worker budget Benefits o $2,429,223 increase to fund change in health care cost and benefits for vacant positions Supplies and services o $259,944 net reductions of supplies and services Utilities o $92,260 reduction 16 St. Louis Community College Institutional contribution – match o $16,000 reduction Special projects o $600,000 reallocated to supplies and services for call center and election expenses Transfers o Reduction of transfer to maintenance repair and capital by $5,964,884 Student Technology Fee Revenue Student technology fees o Decline in budgeted enrollment from 605,000 credit hours to 495,200 credit hours o Fee remains at $4 per credit hour Expenses Salaries o $3,111 decline in full time labor due to turn-over o $70,000 reduction in temporary and student labor Benefits o Increase to amount of benefits based on composite rate Supplies and services o $391,020 reduction Transfers o $295,156 reduction in transfer to maintenance repair and capital College and Student Activities Revenue College activity fees o Decline in budgeted enrollment from 605,000 credit hours to 495,200 credit hours o Total fee remains at $5 per credit hour o 56% of fee to College activities Expenses Salaries o $2,326 increase based on historic usage Benefits o Historically under-budgeted Supplies and services o $248,727 designated for student activities budget - agency Student activities budget - agency o $248,727 designated for student activities budget - agency 17 St. Louis Community College Public Safety Pedestrian and Traffic Access Revenue College activity fees o Decline in budgeted enrollment from 605,000 credit hours to 495,200 credit hours o Total fee remains at $5 per credit hour o 20% of fee to public safety pedestrian and traffic access Rental of Facilities Revenue $16,000 increase based on FY 2013 experience Expenses Salaries o $3,000 decrease based on FY 2013 experience Benefits o $2,282 decrease, more reliance on part time labor Supplies and services o $21,282 increase based on FY 2013 experience Maintenance Repair and Capital Expenses $5,964,884 reduction for College $55,000 reduction for Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Group $295,156 reduction for technology fee Transfers $5,964,884 reduction from College Operating Fund $55,000 reduction from Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Group $295,156 reduction from technology fee Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Group Revenue Reduction of revenue due to completion of Federal contracts Expenses Reduction of salary, benefit and supplies and service expense due to completion of Federal contracts $16,000 reduction of College match Elimination of capital transfer 18 St. Louis Community College Restricted Funds Revenue Reduction of revenue due to sequestration Expenses Overall reduction in expenses due to sequestration Auxiliaries Revenue College activity fees Decline in enrollment from 605,000 credit hours to 495,200 credit hours Total fee remains at $5 per credit hour 24% of fee to auxiliary Auxiliary service revenue $129,750 decline due to decreased student population Expenses Salaries o $134,209 reductions for four (4) vacant staff positions, not funded o $3,500 decrease in overtime and shift differential o $38,132 increase in part time budgets o $20,886 increase on full time budgets for FY 2013 raises Benefits o Historically under-budgeted Supplies and services o $10,624 reduction due to decreased student population 19 HUMAN RESOURCES AGENDA SUMMARY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 8 11 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 5 APPOINTMENTS / PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 3 PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 2 REQUESTS FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE / FULL-TIME FACULTY 2 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS 4 INFORMATION ONLY: RETIREMENTS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 2 RETIREMENTS / FACULTY 2 RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1 RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 3 06/20/13 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Hill, Jennifer C FV Instructor II (Biology) II-A $49,846.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Marty-Farmer, Cora N MC Instructor II (Math) II-C $51,348.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Granier, Elizabeth N MC Instructor II (Biology) III-G $59,805.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Davis, Phyllis C FV Assistant Professor (Information Systems) III-B $56,959.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Stillwell, Ellen C FV Assistant Professor (Nursing) III-B $56,959.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Selders, Lynn C FV Instructor II (Business Administration) II-H $53,744.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Hepner, Michael C MC Assistant Professor (Criminal Justice) III-I $61,641.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Goessling, Steven C FP Assistant Professor (Auto Technology) III-C $57,813.00 Temporary to probationary 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -1- 06/20/13 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Lupardus, Carol C W Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs A 23 $98,000.00 Interim assignment 08/01/13 – 06/30/14 Curry, Ruby C FV Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs A 23 $111,501.37 Extension of interim assignment 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 Forrest, Jeffrey C FV Acting Academic Dean (Business & Human Development) A 20 $86,544.00 Extension of interim assignment 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 Walsh, Janet C MC Acting Academic Dean (Science & Technology) A 20 $90,487.00 Extension of interim assignment 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 Wilcoxson, Elizabeth C FP Acting Academic Dean (Business Math & Technology) A 20 $91,730.38 Extension of interim assignment 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 Luebke, Mary C FV Acting Academic Dean (Liberal Arts) A 20 $86,544.00 Interim assignment 07/08/13 – 12/31/13 Johnson, Joyce C CC Director, Curriculum & Assessment A 15 $78,564.00 Reallocated position 06/21/13 Sucher, Krista C W Coordinator, Student Enrollment & Disability Support Services PU 10 $49,143.00 Replacement 07/01/13 Hyde, Michelle C FP Senior Project Associate II (Nursing Retention) PU 11 $54,106.00 Temporary to probationary 07/01/13/13 Budde, Ashley N CC Coordinator, Alumni Relations & Annual Fund PU 14 $68,676.00 New position 07/08/13/13 Gilbers, Bernard C FP Manager, Microcomputer Networking Services (RTEC) PU 11 $54,059.00 Extension of temporary assignment 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -2- 6/20/13 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Hobbs, Michael N FP McSwain, Mary C Harrell, Shawn RGE PAY RATE Computer Services Technician II (Academic Data Center) CU 8 $38,434.00 Replacement 07/01/13 MC Student Admissions/ Registration Assistant III CU 5 $32,862.00 Replacement 06/22/13 C FP Student Services Assistant II (Financial Aid) CU 4 $29,051.00 Replacement 06/24/13 Hudson, Richard C FV College Police Officer CN 6 $35,554.00 Replacement 06/23/13 Shaw, Joseph N FV Housekeeper n/a $12.49 / hr Replacement 06/24/13 NAME TITLE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -3APPOINTMENTS / PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Sutton, Angelique C W Secretary, part-time, continuing (President’s Office) OC 4 $13.16 / hr Replacement 06/21/13 Triggs, Cherise C CO Administrative Clerk, part-time, continuing (Continuing Education) OC 3 $13.15 / hr Replacement 05/17/13 (retroactive) Robinson, Rhonda C CO Administrative Clerk, part-time, continuing (Continuing Education) OC 3 $13.15 / hr Replacement 05/17/13 (retroactive) NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 06/20/13 PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOC Esmerovic, Alma W PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE $16.16 / hr Completion of probationary period 05/01/13 TITLE Housekeeper -4CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOC Robinson, Keisha CC TITLE To: Administrative Assistant I (Institutional Development) From: Administrative Secretary II RGE FY13 BASE RATE CN 07 $33,268.00 CN 06 NEW BASE RATE COMMENTS $38,438.00 Reclassification EFFECTIVE DATE 06/21/13 6/20/13 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOC TITLE RGE FY13 BASE RATE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION RATE EFFECTIVE DATE COMMENTS Mallory, Patrick MC Supervisor, Library Services PN 9 $45,069.41 $49,576.35 Extension of additional compensation for temporary duties of Sr. Manager, Campus Library and Instructional Services. 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 Helberg, Yvonne CC Administrative Associate to the Chancellor $57,260.88 $62,986.97 Extension of additional compensation for duties of vacant position. 07/01/13 – 12/31/13 PN 11 -5REQUESTS FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE / FULL-TIME FACULTY NAME LOCATION TITLE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Henry, Deborah FP Associate Professor (History) Medical Leave 05/01/13 – 08/12/13 Hamilton, Angela L. MC Associate Professor (English) Personal Leave (Fulbright award) 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 06/20/13 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees approval on 04/25/13, page 1: Appointments / Full-Time Administrative / Professional Staff Revise effective date for Julie Howell from 04/29/13 to 05/06/13. Board Agenda Modifications on 04/25/13, page 1: Appointments Part-Time Administrative / Professional Staff Revise effective date for Eric Chambers from 06/05/13 to 06/10/13. Board of Trustees approval on 04/25/13, page 4: Retirements / Full-Time Faculty -6- Revise effective date for Steven Koosmann from 05/31/13 to 06/30/13. Board of Trustees approval on 05/16/13, page 4: Retirements / Full-Time Faculty Revise effective date for Robert Weil from 05/31/13 to 06/30/13. 06/20/13 INFORMATION ONLY RETIREMENTS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE McLellan, Margaret MC Coordinator, Academic Support Watson, Carole MC ESL Specialist COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 14 years service 06/30/13 8 years service 08/30/13 RETIREMENTS / FACULTY NAME LOCATION TITLE -7- COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 9 years service 06/30/13 Counte, Suzanne MC Professor (Accounting) Wigg, David FV Associate Professor (Political Science) 11 years service 06/30/13 Appelbaum, Susan FV Associate Professor (Family & Consumer Science) 21 years service 06/30/13 RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Engelke, Daniel LOCATION FV TITLE College Police Officer COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 11 years service 05/31/13 06/20/13 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION Hayward, Joy CC TITLE Enterprise Business Application System Leader EFFECTIVE DATE 06/26/13 -8RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Phillips, Nekesha FV Library Associate, part-time, continuing 05/10/13 Stevenson, Beverly W Information & Enrollment Assistant, part-time, continuing 06/27/13 Student Services Assistant I 05/24/13 Willis, Wrainbeau MC Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Contract B0003002 with EAT HERE ST. LOUIS, LLC, RESTAURANT DEPOT and FARM TO FAMILY, NATURALLY LLC., for the routine purchase of locally grown and organic food products was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on June 28, 2012 and expires on June 30, 2013 with an option to renew for a second year. We request approval to exercise the second year renewal with no additional funding. Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. This contract was originally let in FY 2012. 1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Contract B0002926 with ENTERPRISE RECOVERY SYSTEMS and TODD, BREMER and LAWSON, INC., for a delinquent account collection services contract was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on September 27, 2012 and expires on June 30, 2013 with an option to renew for four (4), one (1) year periods. We request approval to exercise the first year renewal with no additional funding. Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. This contract was originally let in FY 2012. 2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested to allow the four (4) campus bookstores to continue purchasing service items for resale from the agencies in the estimated amounts listed below, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin JULY 1, 2013. Item TRANSIT PASSES 1ST CLASS POSTAGE STAMPS Agency METRO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TOTAL Est. Annual Expenditures $ 470,000.00 5,960.00 $475,960.00 Description The bookstores purchase these items and then resell them at their cost to students and staff as a service accommodation. The projected annual expenditures are listed below by location: 3 Transit passes (bus/metro) Postage Stamps FLORISSANT VALLEY $175,000.00 2,000.00 FOREST PARK $250,000.00 3,500.00 MERAMEC $45,000.00 360.00 WILDWOOD $100.00 ANNUAL EST. TOTAL $470,000.00 5,960.00 Bid – METRO14 & USPS14 These items are only available from their respective agencies and therefore are not biddable. Funding All expenditures will be funded from auxiliary enterprise budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000. Advertisements and WEB posting are not normally run on items available from only one source. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of two (2) new and one (1) refurbished Force FX Electrosurgical Generator for a total purchase amount of $38,502.10 from the following vendors as follows: Covidian 2 New Units at $16,678.55 each for a total of Quest Medical Supply, Inc. 1 Refurbished Unit at $5,145.00 for a total of Total $33,357.10 5,145.00 $38,502.10 Description This equipment will be used by the Florissant Valley Engineering Department for teaching Biomedical Electronic Technology classes. Students who enroll in these classes will use this equipment to learn how to troubleshoot and repair surgical equipment used in the medical fields as well as getting hands on training using equipment that is used in a hospital setting. This bid was issued for either “new” or “refurbished” units. Only one vendor offered new units as specified and another vendor (Medical Device) offered an alternate “new” unit which failed to meet specifications and was disqualified. The recommended bidders have met all of the requirements of the bid. One known minority-owned and no known woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. 4 Bid – B0003149 The evaluation of this bid, which opened March 18, 2013, is listed below: Bidders COVIDIEN QUEST MEDICAL SUPPLY, INC. World Medical Equipment Medical Device Depot, Inc. New Unit Pricing $16,678.55 No Bid No Bid Disqualified Refurbished Unit Pricing $ 5,870.24 5,145.00 5,537.50 6,187.50 Funding This purchase will be funded from “Training for Tomorrow” grant funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of four (4) Zoll M Series Defibrillator Monitors from PRODUCTS UNLIMITED, INC., for an amount of $43,292.48. Description This equipment will be used by the Florissant Valley Engineering Department for teaching Biomedical Electronic Technology classes. Students who enroll in these classes will use this equipment to learn troubleshooting and repair of heart monitoring equipment used in the medical fields as well as getting hands on training working with equipment that is used in a hospital setting. The recommended bidder has met all of the requirements of the bid and is a women-owned business enterprise. This bid is being awarded to a womanowned business enterprise. Bid – B0003148 The evaluation of this bid, which opened March 21, 2013, is listed below: 5 Bidders PRODUCTS UNLIMITED, INC. Brikel, Inc. Alban Scientific, Inc. DXE Medical, Inc. Four Units Total Pricing $43,292.48 54,450.52 64,820.00 119,668.00 The wide variance is attributed to a difference in overhead costs and profit margins. Funding This purchase will be funded from “Training for Tomorrow” funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of various audio visual components for TV studio upgrade at the Forest Park campus, DTower, Room L011, from PERLMUTTER PURCHASING POWER, for an amount of $32,636.35. Description These various audio visual components will be used by the Forest Park Communication Department to replace outdated equipment in the current TV production room as Congress mandated, in the summer of 2009, the use of digital broadcasting for all TV stations. Therefore, in order for the College’s Mass Communication Program students to prepare themselves to work at these TV stations, they must have hands-on learning experience working with similar equipment and expose them to the world of media convergence (merging of print, broadcast, audio, video, etc.). The recommended bidder has met all of the requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned and one (1) woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0003159 6 The evaluation of this bid, which opened Friday, May 3, 2013, is listed below: Bidders PERLMUTTER PURCHASING POWER Conference Technologies, Inc. Tower of Products, Inc. d/b/a Markertek Video Supply Video Tape Products, Inc. Adorama, Inc. Items Bid 29 out of 29 29 out of 29 29 out of 29 16 out of 29 11 out of 29 Total Cost $ 32,636.35 35,269.15 36,356.97 25,530.64 Partial 20,507.00 Partial Funding This purchase will be funded from capital funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the purchase of diplomas to CONTINENTAL GROUP, INC., in an estimated amount of $25,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year with option to renew for a second and third year, to begin July 1, 2013. Description This contract will be used by the four campus registrars to secure diploma sets, which includes a printed diploma, diploma cover and envelope, for all students awarded diplomas and program certificates. The contract also provides for blank diploma inserts and diploma reprints. Blank diploma stock is occasionally required to prepare hand drawn corrections. Reprints are generally ordered as replacements for lost or damaged diplomas. The recommended bidder offered the overall lowest price and meets all specifications. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0003141 7 The evaluation of this bid, which was opened on April 8, 2013, is listed below: Bidders CONTINENTAL GROUP, INC. Herff Jones, Inc. Jostens, Inc. Key Plus School Products Factory Direct Lines, Inc. Diploma Reprints $ 1.35 1.55 1.60 2.07 6.25 Blank Diploma Inserts $ 1.35 1.33 1.38 0.87 1.40 Printed Diplomas, Diploma Cover& Envelope Set $ 3.76 Set 3.78 4.74 5.70 7.75 Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Newspaper advertisements were run in the Metro-Sentinel, St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of test materials to PEARSON CLINICAL ASSESSMENT, H & H PUBLISHING CO., EDITS, APPERSON, INC. and SCANTRON CORPORATION in an amount estimated at $100,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin July 1, 2013. Description This contract will provide assessment testing materials for use primarily by the Assessment Departments at all College locations. All responding bidders are recommended for award so that the widest selection of materials is made available to departments using this contract. This bid is being awarded to two (2) woman-owned business enterprises. Bid – B0003158 The evaluation of this bid, which opened April 25, 2013, is listed below: Bidders Pearson Clinical Assessment 8 H & H Publishing Edits Apperson, Inc. Scantron Description Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS) Basic Achievement Skills Inventory (BASI) Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) Learning Strategies Inventories (LASSI) CAPS/COPS/COPES Scantron Compatible Forms Scantron Testing Materials Price $ 6.35 9.60 3.85 27.95 3.00 4.85 8.00 8.00 Range 68.30 72.00 - 214.00 - 222.60 3.50 8.25 44.50 69.50 Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Newspaper advertisements were run in the Metro-Sentinel, St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of Apple microcomputer systems and components and related items to APPLE, INC., in an amount estimated at $500,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year to begin July, 2013. Description This contract will provide the College the ability to purchase directly from Apple, Inc., and receive exclusive educational discounts not available through resellers. It will also be used by the College’s bookstores for resale to students, faculty and staff at attractive retail prices. Apple, Inc. makes this program available to Colleges and Universities. The College has been a participant in this program, with Board approval, since January 1, 1998. Apple, Inc. is the sole manufacturer and distributor of equipment through this educational program. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Funding Purchases made from this contract will be funded from operating, auxiliary enterprise, capital, and restricted budgets. 9 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for use of the MISSOURI EDUCATION AND RESEARCH CONSORTIUM (MERC) MOREnet to acquire internet services, in an amount estimated at $50,495.00, for a period of one (1) full year to begin July, 2013. Description This service provides a secure broadband internet connection, staff training, and IP addressing for the college. MOREnet is the State of Missouri’s research and education consortium of which the college has been a member since 1996. The University of Missouri System is the fiscal agent of the consortium; as fiscal agent all contracts and services are bid on behalf of the consortium. This is an intergovernmental agreement. This consortium is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Funding Expenditures for this service will be funded from current operating budgets. 10 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for use of four (4) State of Missouri cooperative contracts for hazardous waste disposal and recycling services, for a combined amount estimated at $30,000.00, for a period of one (1) year, to begin July 1, 2013. The contracts were awarded to the following bidders by the State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing and Material Management: State of Missouri Contractor Vendors CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. PSC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC Contract Number C311010001 C311011002 C311010004 C311010005 11 Description These contracts will be used by the college for the routine disposal of hazardous waste, to include, but not limited to, paints, solvents, pesticides, reactives, PCBs, motor oil, capacitors and transformers. The contracts will also provide analytical services on any questionable or unknown materials, so that subsequent disposal can be properly managed. The Risk Management and Physical Facilities Departments at all college locations will cooperatively manage the college’s use of all services. The college’s continued use of this contract after December 31, 2013 is dependent on State of Missouri renewal. These companies are neither known minorityowned nor woman owned business enterprises. Funding Expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing and Material Management was responsible for the management of all activities related to this bid, including placement of all advertisements. Recommendation for Award/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE AGREEMENTS M-263-COSAND CENTER AND M-264-CORPORATE COLLEGE, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to HBS, INC. dba HUDSON SERVICES, were approved by the Board of Trustees on August 16, 2012, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewal at an annual cost of $64,800.00 for the Cosand Center and $79, 800.00 for the Corporate College. Description: These agreements will provide housekeeping services for both of the facilities. The amounts reflect an increase of 1.925% at Cosand Center and 1.84% at the Corporate College from FY13. Funding: 12 These agreements will be funded from current operating budgets. The agreement was originally let in FY 2013 Recommendation for Award/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: SECURITY GUARD SERVICE AGREEMENT M-265-CORPORATE COLLEGE, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to LUBIS LTD dba ST. CHARLES SECURITY SERVICE, INC. was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 16, 2012, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewal at an annual cost of $70,716.00. Description: These agreements will provide armed security guard services for the Corporate College. The amount reflects no change from FY13. Contractor is an MBE and WBE. Funding: 13 These agreements will be funded from current operating budgets. The agreement was originally let in FY 2013 Recommendation for Award/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: CHILLER SERVICE AGREEMENTS M-269-FOREST PARK / FLORISSANT VALLEY / SOUTH COUNTY EDUCATION AND UNIVERSITY CENTER AND WILDWOOD, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to TRANE were approved by the Board of Trustees on September 27, 2012, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewals at a total annual cost of $29,278.00 CHILLER SERVICE AGREEMENT M-269-MERAMEC, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to SYSTEM AIRE, INC was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 16, 2012, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewal at an annual cost of $5,980.00. ALL AGREEMENT RENEWALS ARE FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $35,258.00. Description: These agreements will provide chiller services for all locations indicated. The amount reflects no change from FY13 if college pays in advance. 14 Funding: These agreements will be funded from current operating budgets. The agreement was originally let in FY 2013. Recommendation for Award/Maintenance/Physical Facilities: WINDOW WASHING SERVICE AGREEMENTS M-272-COSAND CENTER / FOREST PARK / FLORISSANT VALLEY / MERAMEC / HARRISON CENTER, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to CONTINENTAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS, INC dba ICON WINDOW CLEANING, were approved by the Board of Trustees on January 17, 2013, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewals at a total annual cost of $16,226.00. WINDOW WASHING AGREEMENTS M-272-SOUTH COUNTY EDUCATION AND UNIVERSITY CENTER / WILDWOOD, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to ARCHWAY WINDOW CLEANING, LLC were approved by the Board of Trustees on January 17, 2013, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewals at a total annual cost of $5,700.00. WINDOW WASHING AGREEMENT M-272-CORPORATE COLLEGE, ST LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to CLEARVIEW WINDOW CLEANING, LLC was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 17, 2013, with optional renewals for up to four additional years. We request approval to exercise the second year renewal at an annual cost of $3,190.00. 15 ALL AGREEMENTS ARE FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $25,116.00. Description: These agreements will provide window washing services for all locations indicated. The amount reflects no change from FY13. Funding: These agreements will be funded from current operating budgets. The agreement was originally let in FY 2013. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Bid – F 13 002, Roof Replacement at Forest Park Art Annex and Theatre; Meramec Humanities and Corporate College, St. Louis Community College at Forest Park/Meramec/Corporate College Board approval is requested for award of contract to repair roofs on the Forest Park, Meramec and Corporate College Campuses to Geissler Roofing Company, Inc., in an amount of $691,844.00. Description: In cooperation with the campuses, Physical Facilities has prioritized the roofs in need of replacement in the district. This year’s roof replacements will include the Forest Park Art Annex and Theatre (high roof), the Humanities Link at Meramec and the Corporate College. Plans and specifications were prepared by Foresight Services, KWA Associates and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. The results of this bid, which opened May 21, 2013, are listed below 16 Contractors: Geissler Roofing Company, Inc. Bade Roofing, Inc. Base Bid $ 691,844.00 735,619.00 Funding: This project will be funded from the Capital Budget. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Bid – F 13 101, Replacement of Skylights, St. Louis Community College at Corporate College Board approval is requested for award of a contract to replace leaky skylights on the Corporate College Campus to St. Louis Skylights, in an amount of $348,000.00. Description: The three large banks of leaky skylights over the center atrium will be replaced because they cannot be repaired to weather tight condition. This project will remove the skylights and replace them with new fabricated units designed to be impermeable. KWA Architects and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department prepared the plans and specifications for this project. The results of this bid, which opened May 21, 2013, are listed below 17 Contractors: St. Louis Skylights Missouri Builders Service, Inc. $ Base Bid 348,000.00 497,162.00 Funding: This project will be funded from the Capital Budget. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Bid – F 13 003, District Wide Asphalt Repairs, Florissant Valley/Forest Park/Meramec Board approval is requested for award of a contract to repair defective asphalt at various locations on the Florissant Valley, Forest Park and Meramec Campuses to Ford Asphalt Company, Inc., in an amount of $135,530.00. Description: Using a recent trip hazard report and getting input from the campuses the areas to be repaired were identified. Asphalt walkways, streets and parking lots will be patched, roto-milled (the top damaged layer is removed), overlaid, sealed and striped. Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The results of this bid, which opened May 14, 2013, are listed below Contractors: 18 Ford Asphalt Company, Inc. Accurate Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. Spencer Contracting Company Fontana Contracting, Inc. Tramar Contracting, Inc. Base Bid $ 135,530.00 138,216.00 151,140.00 158,853.00 178,000.00 Funding: This project will be funded from the Capital Budget. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Minority Contractors: Three known minority companies received plans and specifications. One known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Bid – F 13 004, District Wide Concrete Repairs, Florissant Valley/Forest Park/Meramec Board approval is requested for award of a contract for annual concrete maintenance at various locations on the Florissant Valley, Forest Park and Meramec Campuses to Raineri Construction, LLC in an amount of $69,952.00. Description: This contract will cover general concrete repairs and replacement. Included are repairs to floor slabs, stairs, plazas and concrete walks, etc. which were identified in a trip hazard report and by visual inspection. Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The results of this bid, which opened May 16, 2013, are listed below 19 Contractors: Raineri Construction, LLC R.V. Wagner, Inc. Infrastructure Management, Inc. C. Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. Base Bid $ 69,952.00 96,607.00 98,360.00 137,000.00 Funding: This project will be funded from the Capital Budget. Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Minority Contractors: Five known minority companies received plans and specifications. Two known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Request for Approval/Disposal of Surplus Property Board approval is requested to dispose of surplus property by recycling per contract as listed on the following pages. This property has been declared excess and posted internally for redistribution prior to any item being recycled with MRC. PDF# Qty Description 60438 1 DTS Matica C380 Metal Plate Embosser Property Tag Location Condition 014455 MC Fair Purchased Date Original Cost Current Value 3/7/2006 $ 7,200.00 $ 3,760.00 20 No Items this Month Financial Reports will appear on a Quarterly Basis, in February, May, August and November Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Contracts and Agreements Clinical Agreements The college recommends that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program Effective Date Paraquad Human Services 01/22/13 Radiant Smiles-Dr. Keith Anderson Dental Assisting 05/15/13 Lutheran Convalescent Home Certified Medication Technician Extend to 05/01/15 Dual Credit Agreements for Project Lead the Way It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve dual credit agreements between St. Louis Community College and the following school districts for the delivery of dual credit courses that are part of the high school-level Project Lead the Way program: St. Louis Public School District – 12 credit hours Ferguson-Florissant School District – 12 credit hours Ritenour School District – 12 credit hours Mehlville School District – 9 credit hours Lindbergh School District – 3 credit hours Kirkwood School District – 12 credit hours Hazelwood School District – 15 credit hours Affton School District – 12 credit hours These schools join St. Louis Public Schools (approved in January 2013) in offering dual credit programming with St. Louis Community College for Project Lead the Way. This agreement will allow students who participate in the Project Lead the Way program to apply course work completed in high school toward the Associate in Applied Science degree in Computer Integrated Manufacturing at St. Louis Community College. Board Meeting 06/20/13 1 Ratification of Agreement between BJC HealthCare and St. Louis Community College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between BJC HealthCare (BJC) and St. Louis Community College (STLCC) to provide an additional cohort training in Medical Billing and Coding, Nursing, Science prerequisites and general education to current and prospective BJC employees. This agreement encompasses a previous agreement in the amount of $672,212 with BJC that was previously reported to the Board in March, 2013; the additional funding reported at this time is $169,107 bringing the total cost not to exceed $841,319. The delivery of the courses will begin in Spring 2013 and conclude by Fall 2014. Board Meeting 06/20/13 2 Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source Sigma-Aldrich Title of Program and/or Purpose 5S Consultation Manager: Stephen Long Aesculap, Inc. Assessment Service Manager: Stephen Long ABB, Inc. Assessment Service Manager: Stephen Long Carpenter’s Joint Apprenticeship Program Technical Training Manager: Stephen Long Campus Date Amount Workforce Solutions Group May 6, 2013 through June 30, 2013 $24,000 (Previously reported $14,500 – March, 2013. Total amount FY13 $38,500) Workforce Solutions Group April 25, 2013 through December 31, 2013 $9,255 (Total amount FY13 $12,985) Workforce Solutions Group April 23, 2013 through June 30, 2013 $1,600 (Previously reported $19,350 – March, 2013. Total amount FY13 $20,950) Workforce Solutions Group March 22, 2013 through June 30, 2013 $5,400 Contracts and/or Agreements JLS Consulting, LLC It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve a professional services agreement between St. Louis Community College and JLS Consulting, LLC for an amount not to exceed $75,000. JLS Consulting will provide instruction service for the clients of the Workforce Solutions Group Division providing facilitation in Workplace Violence Prevention and Strategies in a classroom setting. These services will be funded by the clients of Workforce Solutions Group requiring the services as mentioned. The agreement is effective May 15, 2013 through June 30, 2014 University of Missouri - Center for Advanced Social Research It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between St. Louis Community College and University of Missouri – Center for Advanced Social Research (CASR) in the amount of $36,000. CASR will 3 survey area employees to provide information for the 2013 State of St. Louis Workforce Report to be released August 7, 2013. The agreement is effective May 17, 2013 through July 12, 2013. Cosgrove and Associates, LLC It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify a professional service agreement with Cosgrove and Associates, LLC. The agreement is to conduct research case studies of selected employers in the St. Louis region providing deeper insights into employers hiring and skill needs. The provided research will be submitted to St. Louis Community College -Workforce Solutions Group division to be incorporated into the State of St. Louis Workforce Report. The agreement is effective for the period June 17, 2013 through completion of project, no later than July 31, 2013 for an amount not to exceed $8,000. 4 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Department of Elementary and Secondary Education AMOUNT $ 128,428.00 PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College to Restricted operate a comprehensive Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Program for the Affton, Bayless, Ferguson-Florissant, Kirkwood, Lindbergh, Mehlville, St. Louis City, Valley Park and Webster Groves school districts. The College’s AEL program administers classes in Adult Education, General Educational Development (GED) preparation and English as a Second Language. Project Period: 7/1/13-6/30/14 Project Director: Karl Steenberg Area Resources for Community & Human Services (ARCHS) $ 43,625.00 Contract with St. Louis Community College Restricted to provide culinary training to a minimum of 15 female ex-offenders through a shortterm training centered employment program to be located at St. Louis Community College’s Hospitality Studies Program at the Forest Park campus. Students will complete six-weeks of classroom instruction and will receive assistance with job placement leads and student support services as well as advisement to transition to enrollment in college programs. Project Period: 5/1/13-10/30/13 Project Director: Christy Jaeger Board Meeting 6-20-13 1 City of St. Louis Contracts – Resolution It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a resolution that will authorize contracts with St. Louis City under the Workforce Investment Act, during the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Resolution With Respect To City of St. Louis Contracts WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to authorize the College to enter into various Employment and Job Training contracts with the City of St. Louis, as submitted during the period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, by the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College is hereby authorized, during the period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, to enter into employment and job training contracts submitted to the College by the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment for and on behalf of the City of St. Louis and in a form approved by the College Administrator; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor for the College or any Vice Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute any said employment and job training contracts and related agreements for and on behalf of St. Louis Community College in order that the College will be fully bound thereby. Resolution With Respect To St. Louis County Contracts WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to cooperate with the County of St. Louis in connection with various Employment and Training contracts occurring in the St. Louis County, Missouri, Service Delivery Area, arising under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA); and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to authorize the College Administration to enter into appropriate contracts with the County of St. Louis in connection with the WIA as contracts are submitted by various St. Louis County Agencies. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College, for and during the period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 is hereby authorized to enter into employment and training contracts with St. Louis County, Missouri, for the employment and/or training of eligible individuals and in the form submitted by the Department of Human Services, Workforce Development of St. Louis County, and approved by the Administration of the College; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor of the College or any Vice Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute all contracts and related agreements submitted to the College by St. Louis County and acceptable to the College Administration during the periods specified in this Resolution. Revision to Board of Trustees approval on 02/26/13, #14.8 -- Insurance: Subsequent to approval of Anthem medical insurance premiums by the Board at its meeting on February 26, 2013, the 2.4% excise tax on medical device manufacturers originally authorized in the Affordable Care Act was reduced to 2.3%. Our contract with Anthem prevents them from passing along the cost to them of any tax increases during its term, but Anthem was in this case willing to pass along the savings to them from this tax decrease. Therefore, while the Board approved premiums reflecting a 2.4% excise tax rate, slightly reduced employee contributions were subsequently communicated and authorized by subscribers during our open enrollment process.