MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2008 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, June 19, 2008, at the Florissant Valley campus, 3400 Pershall Rd., St. Louis, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Robert Nelson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Robert Nelson, Chair; Ms. Denise Chachere, Vice Chair; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Trustee; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Trustee; Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee and Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Zelema Harris, Chancellor; Ms. Joan Cohen of Armstrong Teasdale, LLP, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Welcome to Guests Carla Chance, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance, introduced Ms. Pat Pallardy from Xerox and Mr. Bob Ferguson from Indox. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items Ms. Maria Mildanado, Chair of the Hispanic Leader’s Group, addressed the Board regarding the elimination of the position of Director of International Education. She then respectfully requested that adequate representation of the Hispanic population be considered within College district employment practices. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised after correcting page one of the budget document to reflect a contract start date of November 2008 for Chancellor Zelema Harris. 5. Acceptance of May 15, 2008 Minutes On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously accepted the May 15, 2008 minutes as written. 6. Rescheduling of the July 17, 2008 Board of Trustees Meeting On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board voted unanimously to change the date of the July 17, 2008 Board meeting to July 15, 2008. 7. Approval of Resolution Re July 15, 2008 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll-call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on July 15, 2008, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Approval of Strategic Plan Following a presentation by Mr. John Cosgrove and Dr. Joan Friend and discussion, on motion by Ms. Chachere, the Board unanimously approved the Strategic Planning Process all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 9. Approval of Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Operating and Capital Budgets The Board was requested to approve the 2008-2009 Operating and Capital Budgets. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Chachere, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the Operating and Capital Budgets for the 2008-2009 fiscal year, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sums set forth in said budgets are hereby deemed appropriated for the purposes therein set forth. 2 10. Election of Officers: Board of Trustees In accordance with Board Policy A.5, Officers - Election, Term of Office, elections were held for officers of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College for the ensuing year. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Board Vice Chair. Ms. Chachere nominated Dr. Ordinachev. On a roll-call vote, Dr. Ordinachev was unanimously elected as Vice Chair, and, in accordance with A.5.1 Election and Term of Office, will remain Vice Chair until her successor is elected and qualified. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Board Chair. Ms. Fitzgerald nominated Mr. Nelson. On a roll-call vote, Mr. Nelson was unanimously elected as Board Chair, and, in accordance with A.5.1 Election and Term of Office, will remain Board Chair until his successor is elected and qualified. 11. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Crystal Wilson, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. Following her presentation, she announced the League for Innovation Award recipients. Mr. Nelson acknowledged that this was Ms. Wilson’s last Board meeting and thanked her for her service to the College. Marcia Pfeiffer, Florissant Valley Campus President, introduced students Aleah Schauman and Belinda Henderson, who highlighted their experiences at St. Louis Community College. Members of the Bowling for Scholars Committee presented the College with a check for $20,005.37. 12. Nomination of Trustee to the Foundation Board Ms. Hattman nominated Ms. Fitzgerald to serve as the member of the Board of Trustees on the Foundation Board. The Board unanimously approved her appointment. 3 13. Ratification of Trustee Expense Reports On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously ratified expenditures from Trustees who attended the MCCA Spring Conference. 14. Lodging of Revised Board Policy A.11 Release of Information to the Public On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board voted unanimously lodged revisions to Board Policy A.11 Release of Information to the Public, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 15. Lodging of New Board Policy A.11.1 Electronic Communication On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board voted unanimously lodged revisions to Board Policy A.11.1 Electronic Communication, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 16. Scheduling of Board Retreat On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board voted unanimously to schedule a retreat on August 23, 2008. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 17. Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 4 III. HUMAN RESOURCES 18. Human Resource Recommendations Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Chachere, the Board unanimously approved, on a roll-call vote (with Ms. McNeil and Mr. Nelson abstaining) the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 19. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 5 V. FINANCE 20. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of May 31, 2008, were submitted for the Board’s information: Executive Summary – Financial Results through May 31, 2008; Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through May 31, 2008; Budget Status Reports – Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008; Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008; Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008; and, Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008 all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. B. Warrant Check Register – May 31, 2008 On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending May 31, 2008 all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. C. Ratification of Investments The Board ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of May 2008, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 21. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: 6 RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. VII. ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS 22. Acceptance of External Funds On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE 23. Approval of Insurance Renewals On motion by Ms. Hattman, the Board unanimously approved renewal of various insurance agreements and policies, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit H attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 7 IX. GENERAL FUNCTIONS, CONTD. 24. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns Jeanette Gover, Florissant Valley Student, asked the Board to investigate assignment of courses to Adjunct Professor Jack Nagel. Ms. Gover stated that she felt Mr. Nagel was being treated unfairly. 24. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Harris reported on the 2008 Bio International Conference in San Diego, advising the Board that she discovered opportunities for Workforce Development in the areas of plant and life sciences. She then reported on her attendance at the Botanical Gardens Board meeting. She advised the Board that Dr. Peter Raven, Chairman of the Board, is very impressed with the Horticulture Program and all of our campuses. She added that the Botanical Garden offers six scholarships to our Horticulture students and encourages minorities in the horticulture field. X. NEW BUSINESS None. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on a motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 8 MEMORANDUM Tab TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Zelema Harris DATE: June 19, 2008 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Page No. Revision B 1 Strategic Plan C 29 Budget G 1 3.1 Revised Copy of Strategic Plan (attached) Delete Page 29 Appointments/Full-time Administrative/Professional Staff Add: Brenda Russell; current employee; FP; Academic Dean; A 20; $89,000; 07/01/08-06/30/09. This is a replacement position; salary is in accordance with Board Policy E1.2, Salary Range Conditions. Add: Brandon Davis; new employee; FV; Recruiter I; P 7; $34,829; 07/07/08-06/30/09. This is a new position (approved at the May 15, 2008 Board meeting) and salary is minimum for the range. L 8 3.2 Other Personnel Actions 2008-09 Salary Recommendations; Administrative-Continuing, Cosand Center: Add John Cosgrove; range A 17; Director, Institutional Research & Planning; base salary of $108,076.33 plus $ 10,807.63 of additional compensation for duties of another position for a total salary of $118,883.96. 32 3.2 Other Personnel Actions 2008-09 Salary Recommendations; Faculty; Forest Park: Craig Mueller, Associate Professor, $62,217 is moving to probationary status from a temporary, externally-funded position. 114 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/Department Chairs & Program Coordinators at FP 2008-2009: Tommie Frison is being recommended for Department Chair of Science, rather than Biology. 1 8.1 Revised Property Insurance Renewal (attached) St. Louis Community College: Strategic Planning Process--Assess, Think, Plan, and Act. I. College Mission St. Louis Community College expands minds and changes lives every day. We create accessible, dynamic learning environments focused on the needs of our diverse communities. II. Strategic Planning Vision To more fully develop the social and economic fabric of our community by increasing the number of area residents who access our courses, programs, and services while improving the academic achievements and learning outcomes of those who enroll with us. III. Evaluation of Current Internal and External Climate Based upon the findings from: our HLC self-study; our mission-based assessment efforts; and the external scan completed by NCHEMS, the College has selected the following strategic planning directions and choices as areas for improvement during the next three years. Improvements in each area will help us achieve our vision and fulfill our mission and promise to the community IV. Strategic Planning Directions and Choices Strategic Planning Direction: Growing Enrollment Strategic Choice 1: Increase the STLCC participation rates in all regions of the district for recent high school graduates. Performance Indicators • Number of fall, new to college, recent high school graduates who enroll with STLCC in the fall term immediately after high school graduation. Also calculate the percentage of recent high school graduates by area who enroll with STLCC in the fall term immediately after high school graduation. Strategic Choice 2: Increase the STLCC participation rates in all regions of the district for adults 25-40 with high school credentials, but no college. Performance Indicators • Number of fall, first-time college students 25-40 who enroll with STLCC. Also calculate the percentage of the area’s 25-40 population with no previous college education who are enrolled with STLCC. Strategic Planning Direction: Improving the Academic Achievements and Student Learning Outcomes of Our Students Strategic Choice 1: Increase degree and certificate completion rates, while enhancing the learning outcomes of graduates. Performance Indicators • Number of fall, first-time students who re-enroll for the next spring term and the number who re-enroll for the next fall term. • Number of degree and certificate completers by program. • 3, 4, 5 year graduation rates for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking, college-ready (non-developmental in any area). • Number of students who completed 24 or more credit hours, transfer to a Missouri four-year college/university and remain in good academic standing at their four-year institution after 24 credit hours. • Number of graduates who meet general education and program competencies based on College-approved assessments. Strategic Choice 2: Create an effective developmental education program aimed at the development of skills necessary to complete college-level coursework. Performance Indicators • Number of fall, first-time students developmental students by subject area (math, English, reading) who re-enroll for the next spring term and the number who re-enroll for the next fall term. • Number of developmental students who complete ENG030 with a C or better who then successfully complete ENG101 with a C or better. • Number of developmental students who complete MTH140 with a C or better who then successfully complete MTH160 with a C or better. • Number of developmental students who successfully complete RDG020 or RDG030 with a C or better who then complete 24 hours of college-level work with STLCC and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. • • • • Number of graduates who started with STLCC as a developmental student (developmental student is defined as any first-time student who based upon their ACCUPLACER or ACT/SAT scores placed into one or more developmental courses--math, English or reading. 3, 4, 5 year graduation rates for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking, developmental students Number of students who started with STLCC as a developmental student and then completed 24 or more credit hours, transferred to a Missouri four-year college/university and remained in good academic standing at their four-year institution after 24 credit hours. Number of graduates who began as developmental students who meet general education and program competencies based on College-approved assessments Strategic Planning Direction: Improving Our Responsiveness to Evolving Workforce Needs. Strategic Choice 1: More effectively connect our curriculum, programs, and instructional delivery modes to the needs of employers in the region. Performance Indicators • Number of STLCC degrees/certificates produced in high demand fields (top 15 occupations requiring postsecondary education/associate degree with the most annual job openings). • Number of employers who are more than satisfied with the employment preparation of their STLCC graduate. • Number of career graduates employed in a related field within six months of graduation. • Number of graduates from selected programs who pass licensure/certification examinations on the first attempt. June 19, 2008 BOARD RECOMMENDATION 8.0 Insurance Recommendations INSURANCE RENEWALS 8.1 Property Insurance Renewal (REVISED) It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the property insurance policy, effective July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. The policy limit is $419,393,627 The renewal premium of the policy will be $159,936 ($0.038 per $100 of values). This is an increase of $331. This insurance plan provides all of the coverage the College had in the past. It also includes $100,000,000 in earthquake insurance without restrictions because of the New Madrid Fault Zone. Additionally, the College will have $100,000,000 of terrorism coverage which includes both certified events (international based) and non-certified (special-interest groups/protests). #7 Resolution Re July 15, 2008 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on July 15, 2008, at 6 p.m., at the Forest Park Campus, 5600 Oakland Ave., St. Louis, MO for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021) (1)), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 (2)); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 (3)); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 (9)); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, including proposed reclassifications and reassignments of positions, and grievances, (Section 610.021 (13)); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021(17), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meetings be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. 6/19/08 Board Agenda #8 Recommended Approval of Strategic Plan St. Louis Community College: Strategic Planning Process--Assess, Think, Plan, and Act. I. College Mission St. Louis Community College Expands Minds and Changes Lives II. Strategic Planning Vision To more fully develop the social and economic fabric of our community by increasing the number of area residents who access our courses, programs, and services while improving the academic achievements and learning outcomes of those who enroll with us. III. Evaluation of Current Internal and External Climate Based upon the findings from: our HLC self-study; our mission-based assessment efforts; and the external scan completed by NCHEMS, the College has selected the following strategic planning directions and choices as areas for improvement during the next three years. Improvements in each area will help us achieve our vision and fulfill our mission and promise to the community IV. Strategic Planning Directions and Choices Strategic Planning Direction: Growing Enrollment Strategic Choice 1: Increase the STLCC participation rates in all regions of the district for recent high school graduates. Performance Indicators • Number of fall, new to college, recent high school graduates who enroll with STLCC in the fall term immediately after high school graduation. Also calculate the percentage of recent high school graduates by area who enroll with STLCC in the fall term immediately after high school graduation. Strategic Choice 2: Increase the STLCC participation rates in all regions of the district for adults 25-40 with high school credentials, but no college. Possible Performance Indicators • Number of fall, first-time college students 25-40 who enroll with STLCC. Also calculate the percentage of the area’s 25-40 population with no previous college education who are enrolled with STLCC. Strategic Planning Direction: Improving the Academic Achievements and Student Learning Outcomes of Our Students Strategic Choice 1: Increase degree and certificate completion rates, while enhancing the learning outcomes of graduates. Possible Performance Indicators • Number of fall, first-time students who re-enroll for the next spring term and the number who re-enroll for the next fall term. • Number of degree and certificate completers by program. • 3, 4, 5 year graduation rates for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking, college-ready (non-developmental in any area). • Number of students who completed 24 or more credit hours, transfer to a Missouri four-year college/university and remain in good academic standing at their four-year institution after 24 credit hours. • Number of graduates who meet general education and program competencies based on College-approved assessments. Strategic Choice 2: Create an effective developmental education program aimed at the development of skills necessary to complete college-level coursework. Possible Performance Indicators • Number of fall, first-time students developmental students by subject area (math, English, reading) who re-enroll for the next spring term and the number who re-enroll for the next fall term. • Number of developmental students who complete ENG030 with a C or better who then successfully complete ENG101 with a C or better. • Number of developmental students who complete MTH140 with a C or better who then successfully complete MTH160 with a C or better. • Number of developmental students who successfully complete RDG020 or RDG030 with a C or better who then complete 24 hours of college-level work with STLCC and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. • Number of graduates who started with STLCC as a developmental student (developmental student is defined as any first-time student who based upon their ACCUPLACER or ACT/SAT scores placed into one or more developmental courses---math, English or reading. • 3, 4, 5 year graduation rates for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking, developmental students • Number of students who started with STLCC as a developmental student and then completed 24 or more credit hours, transferred to a Missouri four-year college/university and remained in good academic standing at their four-year institution after 24 credit hours. • Number of graduates who began as developmental students who meet general education and program competencies based on Collegeapproved assessments Strategic Planning Direction: Improving Our Responsiveness to Evolving Workforce Needs. Strategic Choice 1: More effectively connect our curriculum, programs, and instructional delivery modes to the needs of employers in the region. Possible Performance Indicators • Number of STLCC degrees/certificates produced in high demand fields (top 15 occupations requiring postsecondary education/associate degree with the most annual job openings). • Number of employers who are more than satisfied with the employment preparation of their STLCC graduate. • Number of career graduates employed in a related field within six months of graduation. • Number of graduates from selected programs who pass licensure/certification examinations on the first attempt. June 19, 2008 # 14 Recommended Lodging of Revised Board Policy A.11 Release of Information to the Public. A.11 Release of Information to the Public (R 2/08) Records of the College are open to the public unless closed in accordance with the action of the Board of Trustees in adopting this policy, state or federal law. All records of St. Louis Community College subject to closure pursuant to Missouri’s Sunshine Law (Chapter 610, RSMO, Section 610.021 RSMO, as amended) are hereby closed. For purposes of release of records not closed pursuant to this policy, the Board secretary serves as the custodian of records. APPOINTS THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEE AS CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS: ASSOCIATE FOR BOARD RELATIONS ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 300 S. BROADWAY ST. LOUIS, MO 63102 (314) 539-5154 ALL REQUESTS FOR RECORDS WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE CUSTODIAN. IN ADDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL TRAIN AT LEAST ONE (1) ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE TO SERVE AS CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS IN THE ABSENCE OF THE OFFICIAL CUSTODIAN. After receipt of the request, the custodian of records will SHALL: • provide access within three business days or sooner if possible or explain in writing the reason for denial of access or for delay. • PROVIDE A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF SPECIFIC STATUTORY GROUNDS FOR DENIAL NO LATER THAN THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY FOLLOWING THE DATE THAT THE REQUEST OF THE RECORDS IS RECEIVED. • PROVIDE RECORDS IN A REQUESTED FORMAT IF THAT FORMAT IS AVAILABLE. Members of the public may request copies of public records. A charge may be made for copies, up to ten cents per page for copies no larger than 9x17. A reasonable charge for larger copies and for the cost of staff time required to perform document search or provide copies of public records may be charged. # 15 Recommended Lodging of New Board Policy A.11.1 Electronic Communication A.11.1 Electronic Communication IF A BOARD MEMBER TRANSMITS AN E-MAIL RELATING TO COLLEGE BUSINESS TO AT LEAST THREE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD SO THAT, WHEN COUNTING THE SENDER, A MAJORITY OF MEMBERS ARE COPIED, A COPY OF THE E-MAIL SHALL BE SENT TO THE CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS. ANY SUCH MESSAGE, SUBJECT TO THE EXCEPTIONS OF SECTION 610.021, SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PUBLIC RECORD UPON RECEIPT BY THE CUSTODIAN. II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the new Health Information Technology Associate in Applied Science approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Health Information Technology Associate in Applied Science Campus: Forest Park Effective: Fall 2008 Impact Statement: The rapidly changing Information Technology industry requires continual evaluation of existing programs. A recent tech scan and input from the Health Information Technology (HIT) advisory committee point to the need for expanding the Medical Billing and Coding Certificate of Proficiency program to include a Health Information Technology associate degree program that follows the American Health Information Management Association’s (AHIMA) model curriculum for associate degree programs. The HIT associate degree program will prepare students for careers in health information management in all healthcare delivery environments. Our graduates will have the knowledge and skill to lead and assist healthcare organizations implement the latest technology and software in preparation for widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHR). EHR systems will improve the quality and safety of patient care and achieve real efficiencies in the healthcare delivery system. Recent technology trends and standards are incorporated through modification of existing course descriptions and learning objectives. New course proposals include Healthcare Legal and Ethical Issues, Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare, Calculating and Reporting Healthcare Statistics, and Electronic Health Systems. Graduates of the program will be positioned to meet the health information technology needs of regional healthcare employers. There are no additional costs to the College. continued Board Meeting 06-19-08 1 Health Information Technology Associate in Applied Science Forest Park Career General Education ENG:101 College Composition I COM:101 Oral Communication I XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement MTH:160 College Algebra BIO:215 Human Body Systems XXX:xxx Social Science Elective 21 credits 3 3 3 4 5 3 Physical Education Activity 2 credits Area of Concentration HIT:101 HIT:102 HIT:103 HIT:104 HIT:105 HIT:106 HIT:107 HIT:110 HIT:201 HIT:210 HIT:211 HIT:213 HIT:214 HIT:291 37 credits 4 4 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 Medical Terminology Health Information Management Technology Healthcare Delivery Systems Basic Principles of Disease Pharmacology for HIT Professionals Diagnosis Coding Systems I Procedure Coding Systems I Healthcare Ethical and Legal Issues Health Insurance Billing and Reimbursement Professional Practice Experience Electronic Health Systems Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare Calculating and Reporting Healthcare Statistics Workplace Learning: Health Information Technology Information Systems Component IS:103 Information Systems for Business IS:136 Internet Fundamentals IS:151 Microcomputer Applications in Business 8 credits 3 1 4 Program total Board Meeting 06-19-08 2 68 credits Advisory Committee Appointments It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the appointments/reappointments listed for the following program areas. Members will serve a two-year term, January 2008 through December 2009. Information Systems/Office Information Coordinator Option Ms. Cynthia Bell-Baker Lead Consultant Nestle Purina PetCare 801 Chouteau St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 982-3274 Ms. Cindy Clark Administrative Assistant Express Scripts 13900 Riverport Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 702-7482 Ms. Monica Feaman, CPS-CAP Administrative Assistant Graybar 34 N. Meramec Human Resources St. Louis, MO 3105 (314) 573-9232 Ms. Susan Haddock Administrative Specialist Pfizer 645 S. Newstead Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 274-7963 Mr. John Hayes President B. Loehr Staffing PO Box 21530 Olivette, MO 63132 (314) 567-6500 Mrs. Brenda Hofer Manager, Business Support Boeing Company 3C3, MCS064-4099 PO Box 516 St. Louis, MO 63166-0516 (314) 234-4902 Ms. Teresa Kirkwood Executive Assistant Yavitz Insurance Group 12225 Clayton Road Town & Country, MO 63131 (314) 991-3100 Mrs. Sheila McMichael Executive Assistant Talx Corporation 11432 Lackland St. Louis, MO 63031 (314) 839-0008 Ms. Betty Meszaros Administrative Assistant W.G. Stern & Company 100 N. Broadway, Suite 1808 St. Louis, MO (314) 436-1015 Ms. Kathy Myers Office Administrator The Boeing Company PO Box 516 X2502061 St. Louis, MO 63166 (314) 777-4474 Mrs. Mary Ohmeyer Associate/Administration Dept. Kuhlman Design Group 66 Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 434-8898 Board Meeting 06-19-08 3 Information Systems/Office Information Coordinator Option (continued) Ms. Jada Parks Editorial Assistant Elsevier, Inc. 11830 Westline Industrial Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 453-4177 Ms. Antoinette Smith, CPS/CAP Office Administrator The Boeing Company 862 Liberty Village Drive Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 839-4789 Mrs. Lynette Sona, CPS Retired 1018 Timberwood Trails Florissant, MO 63031-7532 (314) 838-1751 Ms. Beverly Spudich, CPS/CAP 7314 Dorset Avenue St. Louis, MO 63130 (314) 727-7943 Ms. Camille Vincent Administrative Assistant Pfizer 575 Maryville Centre Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 274-4635 Mrs. Liz Webb, CPS/CAP Executive Assistant St. Louis Metro. Medical Society 680 Craig Road, Ste. 308 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (314) 989-1014 Board Meeting 06-19-08 4 06/19/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION White, Christopher C FV Langrehr, Andrew C Graham, Stephanie RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Coordinator, Library Services P8 $37,202.00* 06/20/08-06/30/08 M Academic Dean A 20 86,000.00** 07/01/08-06/30/09 C W Coordinator, Enrollment Management P9 42,148.00* 07/01/08-06/30/09 Wasson, George C M Vice-President, Academic Affairs A 23 96,356.43** 07/21/08-06/30/09 Morrell, Anisha C CC Special Assistant to the Chancellor P 12 57,500.00** 07/01/08-06/30/09 McKnight, Susan C FV Manager, Continuing Education P 12 56,097.00* 07/14/08-06/30/09 Fitzgerald, Kimberly C M Coordinator, Enrollment Management P9 53,907.00** 07/01/08-06/30/09 Fowler, Karin C CC Senior Project Associate II P 11 51,300.00*** 06/20/08-06/30/08 NAME TITLE -1- * Minimum salary for the range ** Salary is in accordance with Board Policy E1.2, Salary Range Conditions. *** Rate is in accordance with administrative practice White, Langrehr, Wasson & McKnight: Replacement positions Graham, Morrell & Fitzgerald: New positions 06/19/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Das, Neil C FP Hall, Sandra N Hutter, Jerry RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Instructor II/Librarian IV-H 52,413* 08/19/08-05/18/09 FP Assistant Professor/Nursing V-H 59,178* 08/19/08-05/18/09 C FP Assistant Professor/Nursing V-H 59,178* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Aiello, Janis C FV Assistant Professor/Nursing V-H 59,178* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Forrest, Jeffrey C FV Instructor II/Business Administration IV-H 52,413* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Foster, Drew C FV Assistant Professor/English V-H 59,178* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Oliver, Lonetta N FV Instructor II/English IV-F 50,713* 08/19/08-05/18/09 NAME TITLE -2- * Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. All are replacement positions. 06/19/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Allen, Jason N M Hartwig, Cynthia N Nielsen, Eric RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Instructor II/Biology IV-B $48,435* 08/19/08-05/18/09 M Assistant Professor/Nursing V-H 59,178* 08/19/08-05/18/09 N M Instructor II/Business/Economics IV-C 48,905* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Reed, Jennifer N M Instructor II/Interior Design IV-D 49,382* 08/19/08-12/19/08 Sherman, Gudrun C M Assistant Professor/Foreign Language V-D 55,599* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Ziegler, Patricia N M Assistant Professor/Information Reporting Technology V-H 59,178* 08/19/08-05/18/09 NAME TITLE -3* Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. All are replacement positions; Reed is a temporary, one-semester only appointment & Sherman is a temporary, one academic-year only appointment. 06/19/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF -4- CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION TITLE RANGE Reed, Paula N M Student Admissions/Registration Asst II 4 $1,006.77 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Clark, David C M Computer Services Technician II 8 1,326.04 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Crabtree, Brian C FV Housekeeper - 11.07/hr* 06/23/08 Crandall, Kelly C M Educational Assistant II 6 1,156.08 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Sonderman, Amy C FV Project Assistant-General 5 1,103.65 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Hinton, Tracy C FV Administrative Clerk II 4 1,006.77 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Jackson, J.C. C FP Library Associate, Part-time, Continuing 5 13.44/hr* 07/01/08 Lumley, Jeannie N CC Educational Assistant I 5 1,136.77 bi-wk* 07/01/08 Anderson, Darthana N CC Educational Assistant I 5 1,136.77 bi-wk* 07/01/08 Bradford, Tameka N CC Educational Assistant 5 1,136.77 bi-wk* 07/01/08 Jones, Sherril N FV Administrative Secretary 5 1,103.65 bi-wk* 06/23/08 Van Horn, Michael C FV Groundskeeper - 16.86/hr* 06/23/08 Smith, Gloria C M Student Admissions/Registration Asst II 4 1,072.65 bi-wk** 06/20/08 Lampman, Stacey C FV Library Specialist 7 1,242.38 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Lawrenz, Paul C CC Coordinator, Facilities Support Center 7 1,242.38 bi-wk* 06/20/08 Hynes, Shirley C CC Administrative Secretary 5 1,181.69 bi-wk* 06/20/08 NAME PAY RATE * Minimum salary for the range. ** Pay rate is in accordance with the Resolution relating to Provisions of Board Policy applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit, Article XXI. All are replacement positions except for Lumley, Anderson & Bradford which are new, temporary, externally-funded positions and Lawrenz & Hynes which are the result of classification review. Jones is a temporary, externally-funded position. EFFECTIVE DATE 06/19/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION Daniel, Allen FP TITLE RANGE Supervisor, Continuing Education, Part-time, Continuing P 10 RATE $20.77/hr* EFFECTIVE DATE 06/20/08 * Minimum salary for the range Replacement position -53.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE FROM PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS NAME Yi, Jong Hak LOCATION FV TITLE Housekeeper RATE From: $11.07/hr To: 13.70/hr* * Rate is as prescribed in Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Physical Plant Employees. EFFECTIVE DATE 05/31/08 06/19/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME Benesh, Gina English-Abram, Lesley Holland, Kara LOCATION CC CC CC TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE From: Mgr, Career & Technical Education Compliance/Marketing To: Acting Director, Career & Technical Education P 12 A 17 71,843.00* From: Program Manager, Employment & Training Center To: Acting Manager, Employment & Training Program P 11 52,371.36 P 14 64,783.00* Web Graphic Designer P 10 $54,992.08 From: 45,008.00 To: 48,609.00** EFFECTIVE DATE 06/20/08-06/30/08 07/01/08-06/30/09 03/03/08-06/30/08 -6* Minimum salary for the range ** Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.3, Additional Administrative/Professional Responsibilities. Benesh & English-Abram: Temporary, acting appointments; ending date for English-Abram may be earlier than 06/30/09. Holland: For additional duties of another position 06/19/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE O'Neill, Timothy CC Copy Center Supervisor 8 From: $2,005.89 bi-wk To: 2,206.48 bi-wk* 07/01/08-08/01/08 Gunn, Celestia FV Administrative Secretary II 6 From: 1,319.27 bi-wk To: 1,398.43 bi-wk** 07/01/08-12/31/08 Reader, Rebecca CC Community Relations Specialist 7 From: 1,528.13 bi-wk To: 1,680.92 bi-wk;*and 11/16/07-06/30/08 From: 1,581.61 bi-wk To: 1,739.78 bi-wk* 07/01/08-06/30/09 -7* Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Board Policy F6 Additional Compensation. ** Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article XXI Additional Compensation. All are for additional duties of another position; ending date for Gunn may be earlier than 12/31/08 and for Reader earlier than 06/30/09. 06/19/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND PROGRAM COORDINATORS AT FOREST PARK 2008-2009 Department Chairs Biology Tommie Frison This will be effective 07/01/08. -1143.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME Hamilton, Angela LOCATION M TITLE Assistant Professor/English EFFECTIVE DATE 08/19/08-05/18/09 06/19/08 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Tracy, Roger CC Senior Programmer 06/30/08 Smith, Elizabeth FV Manager, Campus Health Services 06/30/08 Torres, Jaime CC Director, International Education 06/30/08 Whitaker, Michael CC Project Associate II 05/06/08 -115- Gardner, Bonnie M Executive Assistant to the President 07/18/08 Shirer, Irina FP Senior Instructional Designer 05/30/08 Cervellione, Gabrielle FP Assistant Professor/Reading 06/30/08 Oates, Shana M Coordinator, Student Orientation & Transition 07/18/08 Project Associate II 06/13/08 Simon, Barbara CC Retirements: Tracy, 8 yr; Smith, 6 yr; Cervellione, 9 yr. Torres: Position eliminated. All others are resignations. 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees' approval on 07/19/07: 3.4 Other Personnel Actions/Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence/Certificated Staff, p.54: Revise effective date for the unpaid leave of absence for Susan King Edmiston, Coordinator, College Communications, from 08/17/07-06/16/08 to 08/17/07-06/20/08. Board of Trustees' approval on 05/15/08: 3.1 Appointments/Full-Time Faculty Revise range and annual rate of Tadesse Wodajo, Assistant Professor/Economics, Meramec, from V-H, $56,141 to V-H, $59,178. 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Probationary Cosand Center Name Crowe, Patricia Fleischman Friend, Joan Gould Schorle, Virginia Anne Range 16 16 17 Job Title Director Communications Director Enrollment Management Dir Network & Telecom Services Annual Salary 83,956.61 78,642.41 90,379.26 Administrative-Continuing Cosand Center Name Carter, Charles Chance, Carla S Dare, Donna Godwin, Deborah H Henderson, Castella Klimczak, Joseph C Long, Stephen M LoRusso, Frank A Nicoletti, Ronald P Shaneberger, Roy Thompson, Lori J Winterer, Lisa Marie Range 17 28 17 24 15 28 23 22 22 14 19 16 Job Title Dir End User Computing Svc Vice Chancellor Fin/Bus Svc Dir Career & Tech Ed Executive Dir Foundation Director Institutional Dev Vice Chancellor TESS Director, Workforce & Com Dev Controller Director Human Resources Sr Mgr, Employee & Labor Rel Director Physical Facilities Internal Auditor Annual Salary 96,132.64 134,550.00 76,781.57 99,599.91 83,559.78 145,990.13 98,400.63 114,106.20 125,284.00 71,220.82 104,943.57 77,598.55 Administrative-Temporary Cosand Center Name Dare, Donna E Benesh, Gina Range 28 17 Job Title Annual Salary Acting V-C for Education 105,570.00 Acting Director, Career & Tech Ed 73,999.00 Both are temporary, acting positions; ending dates may be earlier than 06/30/09. 06/19/08 -8- 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Continuing Forest Park Name Dang-Williams, Thao Xuan Gross, Herbert H Jackson, Hattie R Range 20 22 19 Job Title Academic Dean Vice-President Student Affairs Dean Acad Sup Svc/Cont Ed Annual Salary 91,080.00 95,332.83 100,760.29 Administrative-Probationary Forest Park Name Johnson, Morris F McEwen, Patricia B Smith, Dwight L 06/19/08 Range 28 20 23 Job Title College President Academic Dean Vice-President Acad Affairs -9- Annual Salary 142,312.50 89,010.00 108,806.45 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Agrawal, Ashok K Curry, Ruby Perkins, Sarah F Pfeiffer, Marcia F Sterman, Laura F Trzaska, Kenneth John Range 20 20 23 28 22 19 Job Title Dean Math/Sci/Eng/Tech Academic Dean Vice-President Acad Affairs College President Vice-President Student Affairs Dean, Cont Ed & Com Engagement Annual Salary 97,624.39 94,599.00 113,934.80 142,312.50 94,458.87 81,015.47 Administrative-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Linzy, Nancy A Norris, Richard J 06/19/08 Range 20 14 Job Title Academic Dean Director of Life Sciences - 10 - Annual Salary 89,010.00 66,048.99 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Continuing Meramec Name Kays, Vernon M Range 20 Job Title Academic Dean Annual Salary 91,080.00 Administrative-Probationary Meramec Name Johnson, Yvonne Pai, Paul P Range 20 28 Job Title Academic Dean College President Annual Salary 89,010.00 142,312.50 Administrative-Temporary Meramec Name Jaeger, Christy Range 19 Job Title Act Dn/Cont Ed & Spec Prgms This is a temporary, acting position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/09. 06/19/08 - 11 - Annual Salary 79,270.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Administrative-Probationary Wildwood Name McIntyre, Pamela A Wasson, George 06/19/08 Range 28 23 Job Title College President V-P Acad/Stu Affairs/Wildwood - 12 - Annual Salary 142,312.50 96,356.43 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Cosand Center Name Bennett, Carol H * Brown, James H Buckley, James M Claverie, Janice A Darr, Sarah J Dill, Dennis W Doering, Mark Allen Duarte, John S Gambill, John M Garrison, Rebecca S Green, Cynthia R Hayden, James D Helberg, Yvonne J Henderson, Patricia G Johanningmeyer, Dorina Olivia Kelley, Michael P Kennedy, Susan E Kroder, George T Matreci, Patricia S McCaine, Anita L McCready, Joan Wingert Nie, Changyun Ouellette, Sheila L * Peck, Donna K Petz, Michael J Portman, Ronald L Richards, June L Robbins, Harry G Roberds, Lauren A Shew, Edwin F Smith, David F Touchette, Marcianne Vermeiren, Leon W Vogelgesang, Bruce Edwin Zanitsch, Joseph L Range 11 11 09 09 11 14 14 11 10 11 10 09 11 14 10 11 10 11 09 10 13 11 11 10 14 10 10 12 13 09 12 09 10 14 11 Job Title Annual Salary Mgr Biblio/Cat Service 54,380.71 Sr Analyst Programmer 61,875.78 Financial Analyst 61,989.00 Human Resource Specialist I 43,960.99 Sr Analyst Programmer 53,758.23 Mgr Maintenance/HVAC (C-W) 76,773.94 Mgr Systems/Programming 73,183.77 Supervisor, Central Facilities 60,223.55 Analyst Programmer 49,479.04 Associate for Board Relations 58,507.99 Bursar 49,647.00 NCERP Coordinator 48,874.18 Adm Assoc to Chancellor 53,189.07 Senior Manager, Employment 74,656.71 Sr Compensation Analyst 51,967.61 Sr Analyst Programmer 53,758.23 Supv Gen Accounting 53,689.36 Mgr Rsk Mgt/Envir/Hlt/Saf Comp 68,475.36 Coordinator Media Relations 52,595.33 Supv Act Payable 61,894.23 Stu Information Systems Ldr 67,042.96 Sr Analyst Programmer 51,992.73 Mgr Acq/Serials Service 57,724.58 Analyst Programmer 53,853.37 Mgr Telecom & Engin 66,048.99 Supv Payroll 61,894.23 Human Resource Specialist II 67,561.17 Mgr Computer & Video Opr 58,510.36 Mgr Central Stu Rec 70,925.20 Human Resource Specialist I 61,782.26 Supv Main/HVAC (C-W) 61,430.36 Environ/Safety Specialist 43,495.97 Systems Programmer 68,172.00 Coor Budget 73,183.77 Database Analyst 53,758.23 *Includes additional compensation for duties of another position; ending date for extra compensation may be earlier than 06/30/09. 06/19/08 - 13 - 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Cosand Center Name Ashton, Peggy K Bewig, Philip Louis Casteel, Cathleen Elizabeth Drane, Henry Tupper Guth, Samuel Victor * Holland, Kara Susanne Kempf, Kenneth Charles Kettenacker, Victoria C King Edmiston, Susan McGhee, Eileen Nakita McPherson, Charles B Sackett, George L Scott-Barnes, Verna M Sellan, Mark R Tetstill, John Henry Young-Abotsi, Kirsten Renee Range 11 10 09 13 12 10 14 11 09 10 11 09 09 11 12 11 Job Title Mgr Annual Giving & Alumni Rel Analyst Programmer Coor Publications/Advertising Fin/Fin Aid Info Sys Leader Supv Main/HVAC/(C-W) Web Graphic Designer Mgr Engin & Design Manager Student Accounts Coor, College Communications Benefits Specialist Web Manager Web Content Supervisor Staff Auditor Unix Systems Analyst Manager of Physical Facilities Mgr Library Systems Annual Salary 52,118.10 47,263.47 42,970.95 62,487.17 56,369.21 50,310.32 65,730.37 51,992.73 42,970.95 47,035.45 51,243.89 42,764.30 45,398.52 56,250.18 56,916.80 52,118.10 * Includes additional compensation for duties of another position. Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Cosand Center Name Chambers, Kathleen A Deloch, Kelly M Drew, Mary Ann English-Abram, Lesley D Epps, Amy Rebecca Finch, Lorna A Fowler, Karin Howell, Shayna Jean * Mireles, Bonita Moeller, Michelene C Ruzicka, Joseph Schumacher, Richard W Range 11 12 10 11 11 13 11 11 11 12 11 11 Job Title Sr Project Associate II Mgr WCD Finance/Tech Support Sr Project Assoc I Program Mgr Emp & Trn Center Sr Project Associate II Mgr Perf Improvement Sr Project Associate II Sr Project Associate II Acting Program Manager Mgr College & Career Trans Program Mgr Emp & Trn Center Mgr Microcomp Net Srvc *Temporary, acting position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/09. All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 14 - Annual Salary 51,992.73 57,610.29 47,608.56 52,371.36 51,741.47 65,111.04 53,095.50 51,741.47 50,996.00 57,332.33 55,860.20 74,990.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Forest Park Name Banahan, Richard M Dodwell, Katherine M French, Brenda F Garner, Bernice L Harmon, Donna L Hart, Christina Beth * Holmes, Michael K * Ingram, Philishea G Johnson, Paulette D Marshall, Glenn Miller, Burdette L Moore, Michael C Perry, Claudia M Sterett, Diane M Turner, Linda S Vansaghi, John T * Williams, June S Range 11 14 10 11 09 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 13 12 Job Title Annual Salary College Police Chief 61,854.15 Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv 66,209.05 Mgr Learning Achievement Ctr 47,035.58 Mgr Children's Center 58,265.85 Exec Asst to the President 43,495.97 Mgr Campus Aux Services 56,369.21 Mgr Harrison Ed Ct/Cm Outreach 67,264.86 Mgr Stud Life Program 71,922.15 Mgr Stu Fin Aid 57,610.29 Mgr Admissions & Registration 57,610.29 Mgr Academic Advising 70,659.81 Manager, Athletics 57,610.29 Mgr Campus Com Rel/Marketing 72,111.08 Mgr Allied Hlth Program 58,264.50 Mgr Assessment 58,265.85 Camp Mgr Bld Ground 69,718.77 Mgr Library Services 61,919.91 *Includes additional compensation for duties of another position; ending date for extra compensation may be earlier than 06/30/09 for Ingram and 12/31/08 for Williams. Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Forest Park Name Bailey, Karen Benita Carter, Deborah Smith Subramanian, Chitra 06/19/08 Range 12 12 12 Job Title Mgr Continuing Education Mgr Disability Support Svc Mgr Campus Bus Svc - 15 - Annual Salary 57,193.22 60,198.83 56,369.21 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Florissant Valley Name * Brand, Ann S Cunningham, Khaneetah A Davenport, Brenda L George, Michael W Hussey, Jill L Matthews, Suelaine M Niemeyer, Herbert F Nixon, Gwendolyn G Roney, Gary G Stevens, Laura Jane * Stewart, Robert L Werner, Adria G Williams, Kathy B Range 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 09 12 Job Title Mgr Campus Com Rel/Marketing Mgr Stu Fin Aid Mgr Admisions/Registration Mgr Career & Emp Svc Mgr Campus Bus Svc Mgr Disability Support Svc Mgr Media Services Mgr Campus Life Supv Main/HVAC (C-W) Mgr Campus Aux Services College Police Chief Exec Asst to the President Mgr Academic Advising Annual Salary 87,255.73 63,371.33 57,610.29 73,730.18 63,486.11 61,491.75 82,491.00 66,541.97 60,281.51 56,369.21 65,911.91 43,284.52 67,791.80 *Includes additional compensation for duties of another position; ending date for extra compensation may be earlier than 06/30/09. Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Barnes, Patricia Lewis Ferlisi, John R Mayse, Renee M Thomas, Roger T Van Reed, Jay R Range 11 13 10 09 14 Job Title Mgr Assessment Camp Mgr Bld Ground Asst Mgr Child Dev Ctr Supv Lib Svc Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv Annual Salary 51,741.47 66,812.36 47,469.24 42,352.20 66,048.99 Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Adams, Rhonda Johnson Bonds, Marsha J Brooks, Angela Dorise Henderson, Flossie Jean * Kinney, Johnna D * Krogmeier, Mary Range 10 11 13 11 12 12 Job Title Sr Project Assoc I Sr Project Assoc II Manager, Gateway to College Senior Project Assoc II Acting Manager, Athletics Acting Mgr Child Dev Center Annual Salary 48,352.45 52,371.91 61,885.76 57,192.10 56,916.80 56,369.21 Kinney: Temporary, acting position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/09 Krogmeier: Temporary, acting position through 12/31/08; ending date may be earlier than this date. All except Kinney & Krogmeier are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 16 - 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Meramec Name Bottger, Robert C Chapman, Diana L Cundiff, Mike B Eberle-Mayse, Ray A Felsen, Claudia J Guyton, Jill D Jacobs, Jewel E Jaeger, Christy Kudrak, Ralph Metzler, Kevin P Oplt, Toni L Powell, Earline Romer, Ronnie L Sanguinet, Bonnie K Talaski, Paul Willmore, Richard A Wright, Willie Range 13 09 12 11 13 10 12 12 14 12 12 11 12 12 12 08 13 Job Title Mgr Ath/Dep Chr PE Asst Mgr Child Care Ctr Mgr Admissions/Registration Mgr Assessment Mgr S Cty Education & Univ Ctr Coor Registration Mgr Academic Advising Mgr Cont Education Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv Mgr Campus Aux Services Mgr Campus Com Rel/Marketing Mgr Child Care Center Mgr Campus Bus Svc Mgr Library Services Mgr Media Services Supv Theatre Camp Mgr Bld Ground Annual Salary 81,422.50 43,284.52 57,332.33 62,988.42 62,487.17 63,848.12 58,890.13 57,193.22 66,531.01 67,264.65 57,610.29 66,420.90 82,491.00 58,882.91 82,491.00 55,289.64 80,632.25 Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Meramec Name Banta, Paul J Daniel, Susan M Meaders-Booth, Jacqueline D Nissenbaum, Linda D Papier, Jeffrey A Smith, Michael T Range 11 09 11 12 08 12 Job Title College Police Chief Coor Admissions Mgr Career & Emp Svc Mgr Disability Support Svc Coor Library Services Mgr Stu Fin Aid Annual Salary 56,368.17 42,352.20 51,243.89 61,070.73 39,551.49 56,369.21 Non-Unit Professional-Temporary Meramec Name Malta, Randy J Range 11 Job Title Senior Project Associate II This is a temporary, externally-funded position 06/19/08 - 17 - Annual Salary 63,907.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Wildwood Name Taras, Marilyn L Range 13 Job Title Mgr Stu Enrollment Sv/Stu Act Annual Salary 66,914.41 Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Wildwood Name Brouk, Judith M DeShane, Abby G Gough, Ellen M 06/19/08 Range 09 10 12 Job Title Exec Asst to the President Mgr/Instructional & Career Res Mgr Campus Aux Services - 18 - Annual Salary 48,265.78 47,035.45 56,369.21 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Professional-Continuing Cosand Center Name Atwood, Gregory F Burns, Kelli M Coyne, Denise L Dilworth, Alfonzo C Fanter, Jonathan D Fitzgerald, Janice Marie Garner, Beverly A Hanson, Philip D Hawasli, Khouloud Heyer, Julie B Hylla, Barbara Ann Karl, Patrick J Linkous, Kimberly A Logan, Deborah E Lukacz, Annette J Mahoney, Douglas J Marshall, Joseph B Masinelli, Judy L Miller, Lucia R Twombly, Michael F Wittendorfer, Irma Range 12 12 12 10 11 09 10 11 12 08 10 09 08 09 08 10 10 09 09 09 09 Job Title Enterprise Server Analyst Sr Research Associate Sr Research Associate Construction Project Fac Supervisor/Network Engineering Coor Enrollment Mgt Coor Contracts/Major Acq Mgr Telecourse Programming Systems Analyst Leader Scholarship Coor/Res Dev Spc Coor Contracts/Major Acq Help Desk Analyst Coor Library Services Coor Enrollment Mgt Coor Library Services Coor Contracts/Major Acq Construction Project Fac Help Desk Analyst Academic Grant Wtr Construction Inspector Buyer Annual Salary 56,369.21 61,885.76 76,210.16 47,608.56 52,118.10 49,438.70 49,836.89 68,715.51 56,916.81 39,350.97 47,841.18 44,431.70 39,966.25 44,408.61 39,966.11 48,352.45 61,951.28 51,142.69 45,939.55 55,187.11 44,430.51 Unit Professional-Probationary Cosand Center Name Anderson, Monica Rose Brown, Jacquelyn Marie Delaney, Robert William Dowdy, Mark Irving Gioia, Matthew P Nelson, James S Stroer, Matthew Charles Works, Gregory Allen 06/19/08 Range 07 07 09 11 11 09 11 12 Job Title Serials Coordinator Project Associate I Senior Programmer Electrical Engineer Network Systems Analyst Catalog Librarian Sr Info Ctr Analyst/On-Ln Inst Sr Research Associate - 19 - Annual Salary 34,997.45 34,997.49 42,970.95 51,243.89 51,242.85 43,075.74 51,740.40 56,369.21 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Temporary Cosand Center Name Arnold, Terrie Lee Benesh, Gina Bogdajewicz, John Joseph Boul, Timothy J Boyd, Allison Claudette Brown, Cassandra Causevic, Ahmed Cooper, Melody Elaine Critchfield, Cynthia S Doss, Pamela A Duda, Waldemar Fulton, Susan Marie Hauser, Albert P Hawasli, Khouloud H Hill, Jocelynn Lakaye Hladyshewsky, Jenita Joy Hubbard, Kelly M Huheey, Florence M Klaus, Colleen Elizabeth Koenig, Judy B Layman, Cynthia D Lexow, Cynthia Ann Meyer, Joseph Valentine Mezyk, Michelle Lee Milla, Gloria L Mireles, Bonita * Niemeyer, Candace Lynn Obani-Nwibari, Noble Penfold, Edwin P Petralia, Kenneth P Reid, Thalia Kay Reinert, Joel M Riddick, Kenneth C Robbins, James M Robison, Donald L Roth, Jodie Lynn Range 08 12 08 08 08 08 08 08 11 08 08 08 08 13 08 08 08 08 07 10 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 11 08 Job Title Project Associate II Mgr Career/Tech Ed Compl/Mkt Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Senior Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Act Mgr Electronic Com Svc Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate I Supv Continuing Ed Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Coor Spc Counseling Prj Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Sr Project Assoc II Project Associate II Annual Salary 39,161.33 56,916.80 39,161.33 38,877.42 38,504.07 39,350.97 39,161.33 39,543.50 51,741.47 40,898.19 38,504.07 39,351.07 39,161.33 62,608.49 39,350.97 39,066.12 38,504.07 39,066.12 34,997.49 50,637.48 40,393.43 39,161.33 39,350.97 39,351.07 39,161.33 41,807.20 45,549.32 39,066.12 39,066.12 39,066.12 39,350.97 40,393.43 38,877.42 42,477.63 60,748.71 39,066.12 * Includes additional compensation for duties of another position; extra compensation may end earlier than 06/30/09. All are temporary, externally-funded positions except for Hawasli which is a temporary, acting position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/09. 06/19/08 - 20 - 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Temporary Cosand Center Name Scott, Gregory Jerome Seigler, Angela M Spencer, Dawn Lesha Stokes, Melanie Strong-Willis, Tracy R Sulincevski, Christopher P Svejkosky, Shelly Lee Talundzic, Ibrahim Whitehead, Eric David Range 08 08 08 08 08 10 08 08 08 Job Title Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Senior Project Associate I Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 21 - Annual Salary 39,543.50 39,066.12 39,161.33 39,066.12 38,877.42 47,264.60 38,504.07 39,066.12 38,877.42 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Continuing Forest Park Name Ballot, Steven A Banks, Valerie R Bayer, Christine M Brandon-Straub, Rachel R Cobb, Mary Ann Coggins, Annie Cross, V David Deloch, Nicole Maria Myers Evans, Beverly A Finney, Eloise Foster, Stacey Y Harrold, Denise L Hopkins, Vicki A Jansen, Charlene S Kintree, Andrea H Landau, Jacquelyn R Moore, Davis Freeman Ross, Wanda Marie Thomas, Jean A Tolson, Timothy N Turner, Donna A White, Cassandra D Zieren, Anita L Range 11 07 10 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 10 09 09 07 08 08 09 08 08 Job Title Network Systems Analyst Child Care Specialist Supv Campus Com Ctr & Satell Educational Assistant III Academic Advisor Coor Library Services Project Associate II Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Admissions Rep II Coor EMS Programs Mgr Campus Hlth Svc Supv Continuing Ed Career & Employ Svc Spec Child Care Dev Spec Coor Library Services Supv Ph Ed/Ath Fac Sup Student Fin Aid Spec Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Annual Salary 52,371.91 39,422.31 50,921.16 50,944.42 40,394.08 55,729.56 41,765.14 39,351.35 40,898.50 40,394.08 40,898.26 44,137.37 45,647.48 48,874.18 47,841.18 44,431.56 43,075.74 36,326.63 51,145.09 53,936.78 43,284.52 39,350.97 39,161.33 Unit Professional-Probationary Forest Park Name Cummings, Paula R Daly, Timothy A Going, Jason B McCoy, Matthew E Rogers, Telitha Michelle * Range 08 08 11 11 09 Job Title Athletic Trainer Supv Theatre Server Systems Analyst Server Systems Analyst Specialist/Sv for the Disabled * = 36 week employee 06/19/08 - 22 - Annual Salary 28,877.54 38,504.07 51,242.85 51,740.40 43,075.74 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Temporary Forest Park Name Anderson, Stephen Damond Bell, Yolanda Cherry, Darryl Cortez Flanigan, Victoria R Gilbers, Bernard J Gregory, Dionne R Hamilton, Terrence D Harvey, Martha Elizabeth Herron, Michael S Hill, Kimberly Holliam, Thelma Jackson, Carolyn A Johnson, Michael B Kram, Mark G McClain, Sylvester L Perry, Monica Nicole Richardson, Renee' Ritchie, Mary J Robinson, Timitra La Shawn Steele, Jamil Stewart, Alandrea Patrice Weaver, Latanya Antionette Range 07 07 08 07 11 07 07 08 07 07 07 11 07 10 07 07 07 08 07 07 07 07 Job Title Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate II Project Associate I Mgr Microcomp Net Srvc Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate II Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate I Sr Project Assoc II Project Associate I Senior Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate II Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate I Project Associate I All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 23 - Annual Salary 35,337.14 35,767.44 39,966.11 34,997.49 55,703.74 35,337.14 34,997.49 38,504.07 35,337.14 36,326.63 35,337.14 53,758.23 34,997.49 46,583.28 35,508.88 35,508.88 34,997.49 39,966.11 35,508.88 35,508.88 34,997.49 34,997.49 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Alwood, Judith D Bennett, Edward D Bone, Jimmie D Brooks, Sally A Caldwell, Mary I Cooper, James N Davis, Bruce E Ehlen, Steven F Hall, Jacklyn Micheal Hill, Ivory M Iborg, Deborah A Kelch, Janelle L Martin, Michael D McCool, Marie L McMurray, Amy Elizabeth McNeil, Haralyn LaDawn McVey, Matthew H Miller, Donna L Miller, Robert E Naumann, Virginia L Nickrent, Ellen M Nixon, Carol C Ottenlips, Maureen M Porter, Kevin D Pruitt, Jennifer Ann Roy, Mary Kay Thomas, Laura J Trauterman, Tammy M Walsh, Michela J Watkins, Susan A Weaver, Deborah G Wolf, Pamala S Zanitsch, Jeremy C * Range 10 09 11 07 10 11 08 08 07 08 08 07 08 08 07 07 08 07 08 07 09 07 09 08 07 07 08 07 09 08 08 08 11 Job Title Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Mgr Bus & Mgmt Programs Sr Instructional Designer Child Care Specialist Instructional Designer Server Systems Analyst Supv Math Lab Supv Tech Learning Ctr Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Athletic Trainer Child Care Specialist Supv Camp Wrt Ctr Supv Theatre Assessment Specialist Child Care Specialist Supv Ph Ed Ath Fac Sup Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Educational Assistant III Career & Employ Svc Spec Child Care Specialist Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Supv Tech Learning Ctr Child Care Specialist Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Child Care Specialist Career & Employ Svc Spec Academic Advisor College Nurse Academic Advisor Network Systems Analyst * = 36 week employee 06/19/08 - 24 - Annual Salary 50,727.41 56,879.74 52,371.36 36,714.77 55,226.01 55,598.27 41,855.78 54,785.18 35,942.50 39,966.11 41,456.70 35,767.52 39,543.50 39,543.50 37,173.76 35,595.45 43,371.15 40,119.21 56,346.00 39,422.31 43,075.74 40,565.28 51,793.51 43,078.05 40,119.21 35,767.52 43,780.30 40,119.21 49,276.73 44,119.36 39,543.59 43,308.71 51,740.40 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Bratcher, Alexandria C Burroughs, Gena F Goodlow, Ivy Denise Hunn, Niares A Irwin, R Jada Miller, Amy Gail Morgan, Carol A Morgan, Dwayne A Overhauser, William Lewis Ratzlaff, Ronald Wayne Schneider, Scott E Singleton, Cassandra Germaine Sowash, Jennifer Sue Thompson, Michael Jeremy Range 09 08 07 11 08 09 08 09 08 10 10 07 07 11 Job Title Stu Fin Aid Spec Coor Stud ACS & Ach Svc Child Care Specialist Sr Instructional Designer Asst Coor Camp Com Rel Interpreter Coordinator Academic Advisor Coor Student Orientation/Trans Academic Advisor Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Child Care Specialist Project Associate II Server Systems Analyst Annual Salary 42,352.20 52,605.23 34,997.49 51,242.85 38,504.07 42,352.20 43,284.52 42,352.20 38,877.42 47,264.60 47,264.60 35,337.14 39,849.40 51,740.40 Unit Professional-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Covington, Wendell Hacker, Theresa L Hyde, Michelle Scott Leiber, Ann Marie Lewis, Rosita D Lusk, Danielle Lee Mack, Deborah K McKnight, Susan Coleman Mesic, Sanela Neil, Darlene H Price, Amber C Shelton, Deionza L Sindel, Kasey Dion Steele, Genesis Stone, Mavis I Range 10 08 11 11 08 08 08 10 08 08 10 07 08 08 08 Job Title Student Res Spc/Gateway to Col Project Associate II Senior Project Associate II Senior Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II Coor International Student Pgm Project Associate II Ed-On-Wheels Pgm Asst Student Resource Specialist Project Associate I Project Associate II Project Associate II Project Associate II All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 25 - Annual Salary 46,583.28 38,504.07 51,741.47 51,741.47 39,161.33 39,066.12 39,543.50 48,352.10 38,504.07 51,543.45 46,583.28 35,508.88 38,504.07 38,504.07 39,350.70 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Continuing Meramec Name Arthur, Mary L Brady, Steven D Clayton, Sandra E Cole, Jennifer Anne Cromley, Jean Patricia Drown, Frances F Fitzgerald, Kimberly M Haantz, Lori Kidd Hogan, Betty Hubble, Linda Diane Huff, Suzzie A Johns, Robert M Jones, Bradley G Jones, Darren Bruce Kapahnke, Linda M Kelmer, Susan M Lawler, Nancy M Ludens, Lynne A Massey, Julie K McLellan, Margaret Milward, Lorraine A Mintun, Susan L Mullins, Linda S Novikova, Galina Pande, Jyoti S Pritchard, Kathy L Ramsey, Kathleen A Roemerman, Richard J Sawyer, Nancy S Schuler, Michelle Elizabeth Thompson, Darren L Travers, Paul B Vipond, Julie M Woodruff, Tracy L Yanko, Kathleen L Zaiss, Scott D * * * * * * * * * * * Range 10 11 08 07 08 07 08 10 08 11 08 11 07 08 08 10 07 08 08 09 08 09 09 07 11 10 07 07 09 08 08 07 10 08 08 11 Job Title Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Mgr Student Activities Supv Math Lab Child Care Specialist Academic Advisor Educational Assistant III Academic Advisor Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Academic Advisor Sr Instructional Designer Academic Advisor Server Systems Analyst Assessment Specialist Athletic Trainer Academic Advisor Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Educational Assistant III Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Coor Academic Support Academic Advisor Facilitator, Horticulture Pgm Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Educational Assistant III Sr Instructional Designer Coor Student Services Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Stu Fin Aid Spec Academic Advisor Supv Theatre Child Care Dev Spec Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Server Systems Analyst * = 36 week employee 06/19/08 - 26 - Annual Salary 49,406.27 64,477.34 39,161.33 35,767.52 29,513.61 35,767.44 52,849.67 47,264.60 29,708.41 56,531.22 39,543.15 51,740.40 46,042.67 31,391.08 41,847.83 47,608.56 33,349.67 34,236.42 29,513.51 43,495.97 45,664.72 42,352.20 55,010.31 27,880.25 56,063.38 52,371.36 38,600.33 34,351.55 43,960.99 29,371.29 47,023.53 36,326.63 55,717.34 40,898.19 39,350.97 51,740.40 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Probationary Meramec Name Bird, Amy Elizabeth Clincy, Mysha R Dingman, Renee Gail Grier, Johna Myrtle Hammond, Michaella Anne Hehr, Steve M Higgins, Elizabeth G Lampkins, Tracy D Meyer, Dennis J Monson, Amy Elizabeth Seddon, Karla S Tucker, Jane Frances Watson, Carole * * * * * Range 09 08 09 08 08 11 08 08 11 07 07 10 08 Job Title Specialist/Sv for the Disabled Academic Advisor Spec Svc for Stu Disabilities Academic Advisor Supv Camp Wrt Ctr Network Systems Analyst Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Network Systems Analyst Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Student Support Specialist ESL Specialist Annual Salary 43,284.36 38,504.07 42,352.20 28,877.54 28,877.54 51,740.40 28,877.54 38,504.07 51,740.40 26,248.64 26,248.64 46,583.28 39,161.33 * = 36 week employee Unit Professional-Temporary Meramec Name Durgins-Johnson, Doris Ann Hogan, Betty J. Schreiber, Ann Marie Range 08 08 09 Job Title Project Associate II Academic Advisor Specialist/Sv for the Disabled All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 27 - Annual Salary 39,161.33 40,899.40 43,075.74 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Unit Professional-Continuing Wildwood Name Mehranfar, Barbara L Nauman, Helen M Range 10 10 Job Title Coor, Stu Enroll/Acad Advising Coor Stu Enrollment & Fin Aid Annual Salary 47,420.80 58,510.50 Unit Professional-Probationary Wildwood Name Eudaley, Janice Lee Hadziselimovic, Muhamed 06/19/08 Range 10 11 Job Title Coor Stu Enroll/Disab Sup Svc Coor Site Tech Support Svc - 28 - Annual Salary 47,035.45 51,740.40 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Angert, Joseph C Anthes, Richard M Arpadi, Allen G Beal, David W Becker, Kathleen Sue Bergjans, Dorrine C Bouchard, Celia E Breed, Gwen E Brennan, James R Brown, Dorian A Chambers, Stanley V Chapman, Thelma L Clark, Judy V Collins, Jennifer P Conner, Elcee C Consolino, Beverly M Conte, Mario V Corich, Evelyn F Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Denney, Diane M Dennis, Jeremy K Downey, Michael D Featherson, Vincent E Fish, Lynda Fonseca, Eve M Forester, Patricia M Gardner, Steven Eugene Gerardot, Diane M Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Graham, Nita S Grote, Terri J Harlan, Vernon T Harris, James J Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Heaton, Patricia L Hertel, Robert B 06/19/08 Job Title Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor/IR Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Instructor II Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor - 29 - Annual Salary 69,900.00 71,963.00 65,206.00 65,206.00 65,206.00 67,589.00 61,616.00 70,579.00 55,599.00 69,900.00 74,773.00 55,062.00 64,243.00 73,368.00 51,562.00 55,062.00 65,206.00 73,368.00 61,616.00 61,024.00 93,034.00 64,015.00 80,392.00 62,217.00 71,267.00 71,267.00 71,267.00 57,155.00 71,267.00 53,265.00 71,267.00 61,024.00 61,206.00 57,155.00 71,267.00 78,306.00 71,963.00 57,155.00 80,392.00 69,900.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Higgins, Julie C Hinton, Grady Huber, William F Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Ivory, Jeffrey P Jason, Marita A Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Josten, Denice L Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Knight, Sandra M Koosmann, Steven B Koric, Arabela Lee, Dianne M * Liu, Grace Malone, McCoy A Marion, Louis M Martin, Susan J Meyer, Deborah M Moody, Carla J Morris, Jonathan Michael Munson, Bruce J Nichols, Andrea Jean Njoku, Angela C Noori-Khajavi, Anoosh Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther Elizabeth Peppes, Nicholas D Person, Sharon K Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Polta, Sally Louise Raheja, Nina S Reeves, Aaron L Rhodes, Marlene Richards, Evann M Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Job Title Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Professor Associate Professor * Sabbatical fall 2008 06/19/08 - 30 - Annual Salary 54,532.00 73,368.00 60,191.00 62,824.00 56,141.00 57,155.00 62,217.00 71,963.00 56,141.00 62,217.00 71,267.00 61,024.00 74,773.00 69,900.00 74,773.00 49,864.00 74,773.00 73,368.00 81,796.00 80,690.00 55,062.00 65,206.00 57,516.00 54,532.00 56,668.00 54,532.00 61,616.00 52,413.00 69,900.00 60,191.00 71,267.00 74,773.00 55,599.00 55,599.00 61,024.00 61,024.00 74,734.00 70,579.00 61,024.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Rossi, Charles R Schaber, Jennifer K Scott, Harriette Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A Shiller, Casey Eric Smith, Stephen W Swallow, Cheryl A Swyers, Kathleen M Talkad, Venugopal D Trunk, Deborah D Urban, Georgia A Walker, Mitchell E Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Williams, Louis Zant, Thomas Zirkle, Thomas A Zuo, Yingxue Job Title Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Annual Salary 62,217.00 61,024.00 62,217.00 56,141.00 60,191.00 50,713.00 61,024.00 71,267.00 69,900.00 61,206.00 74,773.00 70,579.00 74,773.00 71,963.00 64,243.00 62,217.00 93,034.00 61,024.00 71,267.00 Faculty-Probationary Forest Park Name Alvarez, Teresa Ann Applegate, Mark D Bernard, Sherry Linda Brake, Dean A Carter, Brian D Carter, Yolanda Denise Cole, Angelic Inez Daugherty, Seth A Frison, Tommie F Henry, Deborah Jane Hirst, Lori C Irons, Sandra J Kruger, Mark H NewMyer, Angela Blake Osburn, Sandra 06/19/08 Job Title Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor - 31 - Annual Salary 50,713.00 48,435.00 57,155.00 55,062.00 53,265.00 49,382.00 59,178.00 48,905.00 60,191.00 54,532.00 49,864.00 53,265.00 57,155.00 49,382.00 56,141.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Probationary Forest Park Name Petroff, Kathleen M Ralphs, Laura Christine Rashid, Kamau Ring, Phyllis A Warfield, Angela Marie Weber, Andrea Roberta Wilson, Hilary Lea Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Job Title Instructor II Instructor I Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Annual Salary 49,382.00 45,462.00 49,382.00 60,191.00 49,864.00 58,165.00 52,413.00 59,178.00 58,165.00 Faculty-Temporary Forest Park Name Adamecz, Gustav Boedeker, Stacey S Bush, Deborah R Davis, Linda M Goessling, Steven P Mueller, Craig Hugo Northern, Rebecca Ann Schirmer, Patricia L Job Title Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 06/19/08 - 32 - Annual Salary 61,024.00 56,141.00 56,141.00 54,532.00 52,413.00 62,217.00 52,413.00 58,165.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Appelbaum, Susan S Armstrong, Richard D Berger, Carol A Berne, Richard R Betzler, Daniel J Blanco, Carlos A Bozek, Brian M Bryan, Wayne M Burkhardt, Charles E Byers, Larry J Campbell, Cindy L Coburn, John W Coelho, Ana P Cupples, Tommy G du Maine, Jessica J Ebest, Ron J Edmonds, Dino A Finnell, Patricia K Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fox, Sharon A Freeman, Terrence L Friedman, Donna G Galanis, Joanne M Gale-Betzler, Lisa E * Gee, Stacy L Gerstenecker, Dale M Gopalan, Chaya Gordon, Brian G Gordon, Katherine Heather Gormley, James C Grahlfs, Joan M Graul, Julie L Hake, Carol L Hake, John C Hamberg, Linda J Haun, Margaret C Herzog, David L Job Title Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Professor Professor Professor/IR Assistant Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Professor *Transferring from Meramec to Florissant Valley. 06/19/08 - 33 - Annual Salary 64,015.00 76,178.00 83,201.00 80,392.00 69,900.00 62,824.00 55,599.00 50,713.00 71,267.00 72,352.00 71,963.00 71,963.00 71,267.00 61,024.00 58,165.00 61,616.00 51,562.00 62,824.00 64,015.00 62,824.00 55,062.00 69,900.00 77,582.00 81,796.00 74,773.00 58,165.00 49,382.00 68,778.00 73,368.00 88,822.00 55,599.00 70,579.00 65,206.00 64,015.00 64,015.00 49,864.00 71,267.00 81,796.00 80,392.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Heth, George O Higdon, Paul Edward * Huether, Teresa F Kalmer, Irene C Langnas, Robert S Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S Lewis, Christine Marie Luebke, Mary E ** Lupardus, S Carol Lyons, Eilene M Magagnos, Lovedy S Manteuffel, Mark Steven Mayes, Howard G Mayes, Karen K McCloskey, Ellen A McDonald, Chris L McGuffin, Dorothy B McManemy, Jeffrey Charles Mense, James J Miller, Donda Dianne Moody, Peggy L Mosher, Anne Marie Mozelewski, Ronald A Mueller, Kelly J Nance, Harreld E Nelson, Donna Marie North, Sharon I Nygard, Paul D Oney, Margaret J Palank, Robert F Pea, Nancy E Jones Pescarino, Richard A Popper, Regina W Reilly, Catherine H Richmond, Mary Askew Rosenthal, Howard G Saum, Suzanne E Schalda, Anne Therese Shanks-Brueggenjohann, Cindy Job Title Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Counselor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/IR Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Instructor II *Sabbatical spring 2009 **Sabbatical fall 2008 06/19/08 - 34 - Annual Salary 66,398.00 61,024.00 71,963.00 70,579.00 69,900.00 55,062.00 55,062.00 55,599.00 71,267.00 69,900.00 62,824.00 80,690.00 55,599.00 76,178.00 74,773.00 71,963.00 56,141.00 74,773.00 71,267.00 61,024.00 61,024.00 61,024.00 70,579.00 78,984.00 56,141.00 80,690.00 72,352.00 71,963.00 62,824.00 71,267.00 78,306.00 60,191.00 61,024.00 71,267.00 69,900.00 61,616.00 74,773.00 61,616.00 62,217.00 53,265.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Shultis, Eric Sodon, James R Spencer, Jamieson Stephens, Christopher J Taylor, Mark L Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Wachal, Barbara Joan Walker, Carla Drake Wallner, Donna F Warren, Aundrea L Wigg, David George Wilson, Pamela S * Worth, Joseph B Job Title Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Professor/Counselor Annual Salary 70,579.00 93,034.00 62,824.00 70,579.00 71,267.00 62,824.00 70,579.00 55,599.00 55,599.00 71,267.00 54,532.00 62,824.00 57,155.00 69,900.00 *Sabbatical fall 2008 Faculty-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Bai, Soby Steven Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Copp, Julie C Fischer, Carl W Fuller, Carolyn Marie Hansen, Troy Robert Hartsfield, Janice Craig James, Darrin C McGovern, Thomas A Medeiros, Jennifer Anne Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Nesser-Chu, Janice Quintero, Michael O Serns, Susan Lynn Suess, Patricia A Thomas-Woods, Renee M Toal, Kevin R Wagner, Joyce D Wentworth, Glenna C Wilson, LaRhonda L 06/19/08 Job Title Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II/Counselor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Instructor II - 35 - Annual Salary 52,413.00 55,062.00 53,265.00 57,155.00 54,532.00 49,864.00 60,191.00 50,713.00 55,599.00 55,599.00 54,532.00 58,165.00 55,599.00 58,165.00 60,191.00 50,713.00 55,062.00 60,191.00 58,165.00 53,265.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Aehle, Michael R Ahrens, J Markus Ballard, Kelly K Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Barbara Jean Behrend, Reynold C Billman, Daniel T Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blalock, Kay Jeanene Brady, Sandra Helen Breitwieser, Dianne E Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Jay G Carter, Christine E Chanasue, Deborah M * Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Christman, Mary B Collier, Nancy C * Collins, Steven G * Cooper, Terry D Copeland, Linda Marie Counte, Suzanne F Crawford, Linden G Cruz, Ana Lucia Day, Leroy Thomas Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Dufer, Dennis C Dwyer, Joan E Elliott, John Mark Epperson, Cynthia K Etling, Nancy A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley Peter Frost, James G Fuller, Michael J Gaines, Karen B Job Title Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Instructor II Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor/Counselor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor *Sabbatical fall 2008 06/19/08 - 36 - Annual Salary 73,368.00 62,217.00 62,217.00 71,267.00 74,773.00 71,267.00 62,217.00 64,015.00 70,579.00 54,114.00 78,984.00 53,265.00 71,267.00 70,579.00 71,267.00 61,616.00 62,217.00 71,267.00 61,616.00 69,900.00 73,368.00 65,256.00 62,217.00 74,773.00 70,579.00 71,267.00 61,616.00 61,616.00 65,206.00 71,267.00 54,532.00 62,217.00 62,824.00 62,217.00 61,616.00 71,267.00 78,984.00 69,900.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Garrett, Toni N Garvey, Pamela A Goetz, Ronald E Groth, Charles E Grupas, Angela K * Hafer, Gail H ** Hamilton, Angela L Hanlon, David R Harms, Robert C Hauser, Michael A Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller * Herman, Susan Kay High, Julie Ann Hovis, Janice Kay Hsu, Jeff C Huelsmann, Mary L Hughes, John S Hunt-Bradford, Susan E Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Jones, Trevin J Karleskint, George Keller, Margaret L Keller, Patty OHallaron Klein, Nancy M Kokotovich, Lisa M Kummer, Denise L Kurt, Barbara E Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lemons, Shelly Lynn Licata, Christina F *** Lincoln, Craig Walter Job Title Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/IR Associate Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Associate Professor/IR Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor *Sabbatical spring 2009 **Unpaid leave of absence requested for 2008-09 academic year. ***Sabbatical fall 2008 06/19/08 - 37 - Annual Salary 69,900.00 74,773.00 55,599.00 62,824.00 62,217.00 74,773.00 71,267.00 55,062.00 61,616.00 62,217.00 71,267.00 62,217.00 61,024.00 62,217.00 61,616.00 49,864.00 61,024.00 74,773.00 55,599.00 69,900.00 64,015.00 60,191.00 70,579.00 55,599.00 74,773.00 69,900.00 74,773.00 71,963.00 55,599.00 74,773.00 71,963.00 71,267.00 62,217.00 58,165.00 61,024.00 62,824.00 71,267.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Little, Timothy A Long, Richard Douglas Lorenz, Michael R Mahony, Elizabeth M Mani, Marcia A Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth McDonald, Virginia N McDoniel, Lawrence J McDowell, Barbara J McElligott, Pamela G McKay, Heather McManus, Laurie K Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Meyer, Eric W Miller, Robert J Mirikitani, Ronald T Mizes, Lisa R Monachella, Mary B * Montgomery, David L Morris, Betsy J Murray, Russell H Olson, Karen A Peraud, Richard J Pierroutsakos, Sophia L ** Pisacreta, Diane Pressman, Sophia Proctor, Christine P Rebollo, Jean M Reno, Shaun Ritts, Vicki M Roberts, Paul R Romero, Marco A Salmon, Harold E Schamber, Steven M Scherer, Juliet Katherine Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Joseph R Schweser, Susan K Seese, Lillian M Job Title Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor/IR Instructor II Professor Professor *Sabbatical spring 2009 **Sabbatical fall 2008 06/19/08 - 38 - Annual Salary 65,256.00 61,616.00 56,141.00 74,773.00 58,165.00 61,616.00 77,582.00 86,013.00 71,267.00 62,824.00 71,963.00 71,963.00 62,824.00 62,217.00 55,062.00 68,293.00 88,822.00 55,599.00 73,368.00 71,267.00 61,024.00 69,900.00 71,963.00 55,062.00 61,024.00 61,616.00 55,599.00 55,062.00 61,024.00 55,599.00 71,963.00 72,352.00 71,267.00 77,582.00 55,599.00 61,616.00 81,796.00 52,413.00 71,963.00 81,796.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Shuck, Patrick J Sibbitts, Gary E Simmons, Nancy R Smith, Katherine Elizabeth Snaric, Jay M Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Strahm, Cheryl A Stukenholtz, Larry L Taylor, David M Thayer, William V Thompson, Judith S Tiedt, Linda J Voss, Karl Dirk Waghulde, Vidyullata C Walsh, Janet K Werner, Donna Wessely, Vicki R Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wilkinson, Lisa R Wilson, Nathan G Winter, Rebecca Anne Yale, Emily A Zumwinkel, Donna Marie Job Title Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor/IR Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Annual Salary 81,796.00 62,824.00 78,984.00 55,599.00 62,217.00 55,599.00 76,178.00 61,616.00 62,824.00 54,532.00 72,352.00 70,579.00 73,368.00 62,217.00 61,616.00 71,267.00 62,217.00 71,963.00 71,963.00 52,413.00 55,599.00 55,599.00 62,824.00 55,062.00 Faculty-Probationary Meramec Name Barrett, Robyn Camella Burke, Michael A Burns, Rebecca Sue Cernich, Victoria Marie Cody, Scott Matthew Dattoli, Anthony David Dorough, Scott C Duchinsky, Jason G Elhoffer, Sarah Jean Ethridge, Michelle Rene Frost, Tony L Gackstatter, Gary Lee 06/19/08 Job Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II/Counselor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor - 39 - Annual Salary 56,141.00 59,178.00 49,382.00 52,413.00 49,382.00 51,562.00 54,532.00 48,435.00 49,864.00 51,562.00 55,062.00 59,178.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Probationary Meramec Name Hahn, Robert Lance Harden, Lisa Ann Herzog, Mary Frances Hizer, Karen Marie LeClerc, Erin Rebecca Pedersen, Timothy W Philpott, Shannon E Rebore, Joyce Ann Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn Smejkal, Christopher H Speegle, Aletta D Stocker, Connie Sue Tulley, Mark David Wavering, Kelly R White, Amanda M Young, Bryan G 06/19/08 Job Title Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor - 40 - Annual Salary 57,155.00 48,435.00 57,155.00 53,265.00 49,382.00 59,178.00 50,713.00 55,062.00 58,165.00 51,562.00 57,155.00 53,265.00 58,165.00 49,382.00 48,905.00 56,141.00 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2008-2009 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Wildwood Name * Lodhi, Afzal K Roach, Timothy L Job Title Professor Professor Annual Salary 88,822.00 71,963.00 *Sabbatical spring 2009 Faculty-Probationary Wildwood Name Abuisba, Layla Azmi Babbitt, Donald R Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai Graville, Teri K Welty, Dorothy J 06/19/08 Job Title Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II - 41 - Annual Salary 48,905.00 59,178.00 58,165.00 53,265.00 51,562.00 Name Abberton, David L Abbott, Monte Lee Abeln, Timothy Gerard Abrams, Peter Douglas Adams, Demetrius M Adams, Jana R Adams, Lawrence J Adams, Leroy Adams, Nancy E Adelman, Barbara B Adeyemi, Gloria W Aerne, Jo A Agusti, Kathleen M Ahrens, Vielka C Aitken, Victoria J Albrecht, Anthony J Albrecht, Randall L Alessi, Jean A Alfoldy, Mary Janice Alks, Uldis Allen, Ivy M Allen, Judythe A Allen, Melissa Nicole Allison, Robert F Allman, Julie A Alvarez, Gina T Amen, Charles Alan Amor, Imene Anand, Vinod K Anderson, Denise Marie 06/19/08 Loc M M M M M FP M M M FV FP FP FP CC M M W W W M M M FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M M FP M M M M FV FP FP FP M W W W W W W W FP FP M FP FP M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ESL PLCMNT 02/20/08 05/12/08 18.00 MCM101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT105T56 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 SocCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 BAP250450 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.00 ENG030S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE105650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GrantCor 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.74 PE 133501 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 MTH140453 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NCA Cordin 01/02/08 04/19/08 4.11 GEDINSVMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.50 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 39.00 BIO122369 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 BIO122650 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 ART234669 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ART233669 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PE 153552 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 FLSP702402 04/09/08 05/10/08 18.00 SOC126585 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC103501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC211585 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ARTS709421 02/27/08 05/10/08 20.00 PE 116601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 116602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.25 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 1.00 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 WRIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 14.00 ENG060650 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 ENGL701480 02/16/08 05/10/08 25.00 GEG100601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEG101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEG101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 4.50 MUS132551 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Substitute 03/27/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG020405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 HST102301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST101302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 HST102350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEO1013WI 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 ART115215 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 215450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 FINC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 BIO111403labs 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.65 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 BIO111607 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Substitute 04/20/08 05/12/08 5.00 NUR 105 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.17 -42- Amount Paid $396.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $655.44 $4,074.56 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $1,308.48 $1,161.92 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $4,013.80 $105.00 $702.00 $1,834.88 $75.00 $75.00 $1,834.88 $1,742.88 $1,742.88 $1,164.00 $378.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $81.00 $100.00 $420.00 $1,302.08 $1,220.70 $22.00 $5,208.32 $378.00 $5,856.00 $675.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $112.50 $2,003.84 $37.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $138.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,621.76 $2,621.76 $50.00 $3,870.84 $75.00 $4,226.08 $110.00 $1,420.12 Name Anderson, Gina M Anderson, Holland Del Anderson, Karla Denise Loc FP FV FV FV FV Anderson, Laura Jane FP Anderson, Lori L W W W Anderson, Lynda Smith FP FP Anderson, Shelia Ann M Anderson-Rice, Rose Mary FP FV Andrews, Courtney A FV FV Ankenbrand, Ralph J FV FV Annis, Jeff C FP Antonacci, James Anthony M Armstrong, Francine M FV M M FV FV Armstrong, Linda Meinders FP Arnold, Gary L FP Arnot, Paul B FP Aronson, Guennadi Vladimirovitch M Ashby, Ronald David FV Atkins, Robert A FP Auclair, Matthew M M Autrey, Mary Jungewaelter FP FP FP Ayers, Fran A M Back, Gail Ann FV FP FV FP M FP M FP Baclawski, Joan Elaine M M M M Bacon, Michael Hutton W W W W Bailey, Jill C FV FV Bailey, Mary K FP FP Bake, Marlene G FP FP FP FP FP 06/19/08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.90 REAL FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 14.00 PE 122580 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PED116550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 122550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 MTH108450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 CHM101301 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM101350 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 COM101407 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 SIGN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 CCPR708401 05/06/08 05/10/08 2.00 CCPR708FV 01/02/08 05/03/08 4.00 PSC204T15 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101T55 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Counselor 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.43 Counselor 04/21/08 05/10/08 1.00 COMP701480 01/31/08 02/23/08 6.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 MTH020539 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 14.00 Substitute 02/07/08 04/19/08 14.00 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 14.00 MTH140551 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 ECE 125 01/01/08 01/26/08 1.00 TUR223450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 BAP105450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 BE 254550 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.34 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.37 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.00 BAP150401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 EMTPARADJ 03/23/08 05/10/08 0.01 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.16 EMTPARPRI 03/23/08 05/10/08 5.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 55.00 CTCRADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.05 TC equipment 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.80 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 17.00 TC EQUIP 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.31 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 11.50 COM101618 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101612 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101615 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 CCPR707FV 02/10/08 02/23/08 1.00 UCitySupvsr 01/30/08 05/10/08 2.63 UCitySupvsr 05/12/08 05/30/08 0.38 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 Substitute 01/16/08 05/12/08 8.00 RDG016403 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 168.00 RDG030424 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 -43- Amount Paid $523.80 $434.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $1,965.12 $75.00 $4,008.16 $3,008.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $540.00 $58.00 $116.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $414.80 $976.00 $174.00 $324.00 $2,256.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $2,185.50 $752.00 $2,115.00 $2,256.00 $552.00 $4,015.68 $215.34 $504.00 $75.00 $166.00 $1,637.10 $486.00 $7.28 $94.60 $145.00 $1,595.00 $29.11 $1,052.26 $493.00 $3,087.96 $287.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,527.96 $218.28 $50.00 $200.00 $1,504.00 $3,360.00 $2,256.00 Name Baker, James Fred Baker, Mary J Balderas, Barbara A Baldwin, Robert O Banks, Denise E Bannecker, Richard Scott Baptiste, Jamie Lynn Barks, Jennifer Louise Barnes, Leslie C Barrett, Price Benson Barteau, Brian Edward Bartlett, Julianne Basinger, Jenelle Marie Batisto, Joan J Batteiger, Jason W Baudler, Deborah J Bauer, Eric Jason Baum, Sandra K Bauman, Derek L Baumstark, Jeffrey Mark Bayer, Daniel R Bayer, John G Bayless, Dolan J Beale, George G Bear, Judy A Bearden, Jerry L Bearden, William G Beardsell, Kathleen Dorothy Becker, Jacqueline S Becker, Mary O Beckert, Heather Marie Beckman, Melinda Beth 06/19/08 Loc FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV FP FP M M FP FP FV M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FV FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV M FV FV M M M FP FP FP W W W M M W W W W M M FV FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RDG020421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG017403 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HIST MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 DMS109401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DMS109402 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DMS111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 IS 101574 04/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 101501 01/14/08 02/09/08 1.00 IS 2915IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Blackboard 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 IS 200515 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 IS 109674 02/04/08 03/24/08 1.00 IS 101550 04/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSY200474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY208474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUSS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 PEDU MCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 34.50 ENG053450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG051450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/03/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 BAP201401 01/14/08 01/30/08 2.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.90 ENG020511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020509 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 CRFT715FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMTADJUNCT 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.26 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 24.50 CLT201401 03/23/08 04/19/08 1.67 CLT206401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.10 FSHN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 ART131503 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 246501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PgmCordin 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 Substitute 03/23/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO207650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 ACC114550 01/14/08 03/08/08 2.00 ACC114550 03/21/08 04/12/08 0.75 ENG101S04 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101S05 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 DIE202499 01/14/08 03/23/08 3.00 DIE106426 01/14/08 02/07/08 4.67 DIE206426 02/19/08 03/13/08 4.67 RDG030350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COL020301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 26.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.50 ENG101304 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101303 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 EDU220S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HEAL MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 32.00 DHY 132 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 Substitute 04/17/08 05/12/08 3.50 -44- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $752.00 $46.00 $873.92 $873.92 $3,495.68 $655.04 $655.04 $243.00 $100.00 $1,310.49 $100.00 $655.04 $655.04 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $165.00 $621.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $94.00 $540.00 $1,310.08 $1,105.80 $1,746.24 $1,637.10 $216.00 $1,746.24 $1,315.47 $612.50 $1,254.90 $3,007.94 $58.20 $162.00 $2,328.00 $2,328.00 $2,619.36 $75.00 $2,836.32 $1,504.00 $564.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $345.00 $243.00 $3,511.84 $3,511.84 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $702.00 $418.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $75.00 $2,928.00 $216.00 $704.00 $1,529.36 $77.00 Name Beckwith, Gwendolyn G Bedwell, Janie A Bee, Bethabra Beel, Cedar Clemens Behle, Lawrence K Behrens, Brian K Bell, Maurice Bell, Wilzetta Mable Bellrose, Patrick James Bemberg, Stephanie P Bemus, Penny Beth Benavidez, James G Bender, Jack Bender, Marcia Marie Benjamin, Michael Bennett, Linda M Berger, Anne-Marie Benedicte Berger, Kathryn Grace Berglin, Gary A Bergman, Elizabeth Theresa Berkel, Kandice Marie Berry, June E Bersche, Mary J Bess, Karen Ann Beta, Martha Betts, Aubrey S Beyer, Deborah Ann Biangardi, Dietlinde F Bierig, Serena Michelle Bingham, Thomas J Birch, Ruth E Bise, Elaine M Bivens, Dennis R Blackwell, Lewis E 06/19/08 Loc FP M M M W W W FV FV FP FP FP FP M FP FP W W W FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP FV M M M M M M FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP M M M M M FP FV FV FV FV FP M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 23.00 Substitute 03/19/08 05/12/08 2.00 IRT140674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 BIO207302 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 BIO208301 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 CMPSNRFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 68.00 Baseball Coach 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 RDG020461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 RDG030450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRT241650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 MUS122486 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS121486 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 BUS104350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.06 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 GE 101550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GNSF FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 56.00 Substitute 01/18/08 05/12/08 25.00 BIO207606 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207605 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO140601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 HST101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST1014WB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST1014WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.90 COM101553 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG070650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG030S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 CHM105651 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 VolCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RDG030550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 SET UP 02/17/08 05/10/08 0.03 COMP EVAL 02/17/08 05/10/08 4.00 Substitute 01/30/08 05/12/08 5.00 NUR LAB 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.64 NUR 108 04/05/08 05/12/08 2.08 PHY112601 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 KIDS704H02 05/12/08 05/30/08 27.00 KIDS704H02 01/07/08 05/10/08 216.00 COM MCE 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.29 COM101S04 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.90 COM101S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.90 COM101S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.90 FLGE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 25.00 DMS115450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 CorTrades 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 BIO111550lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO111550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PARAMEDIC ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.18 ART235650 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ENG030424 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.88 ENG101452 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 -45- Amount Paid $575.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $4,226.08 $75.00 $4,226.08 $2,244.00 $3,104.00 $2,928.00 $81.00 $2,928.00 $1,746.24 $2,504.16 $1,310.08 $1,310.08 $75.00 $75.00 $2,983.87 $81.00 $2,256.00 $1,512.00 $625.00 $3,771.60 $3,771.60 $1,742.08 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,458.24 $523.80 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $3,491.36 $50.00 $388.00 $100.00 $1,842.30 $14.56 $132.00 $110.00 $7,243.88 $2,034.50 $2,910.40 $675.00 $5,400.00 $218.08 $2,183.28 $2,183.28 $2,183.28 $675.00 $1,502.88 $4,880.00 $100.00 $1,158.48 $2,613.12 $101.85 $2,003.84 $2,806.00 $2,836.50 Name Blanchard, William D Bledsoe, Noah Block, Priscilla B Bloodsworth, Susan Bloom, Scott Eric Boedeker, Elizabeth D Boedges, Robert John Boehm, C R Boehmer, Marie Clare Bogacki, John E Bolden, Eddie E Bolhofner, Edward J Bolte, Theresa N Bommarito, Florence A Bommarito, Lisa Dawn Bonner, Leslie Angelynn Bonney, Charles G Boschert, Barbara Ann Bossi, Patti D Bourque, June Ellen Bowles, Ellen V Bowles, Micah J Boyce, Mary Elizabeth Boyd, Jamison Marie Boyd, Robert C Boyd, Robert K Boyer, Gerald Cornelius Boyer, Jeanne Ann Bradfield, Katherine Anne Bradley, Jean Marie Bramer, Julia Anne 06/19/08 Loc FP M FP M FV FV M M M FV FV M FV FV FV M FP FP FP M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP M M M M FV M M M M M M M W W W W M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 04/22/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 ART110605 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG101552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO152603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151607 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151606 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO104550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.50 BIO222550 03/09/08 05/12/08 6.00 MUS133651 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 MTH020504 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 MTH020514 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MTH030504 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 HEAL MCE 03/24/08 05/10/08 1.00 CUL250450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EGR133466 01/15/08 03/09/08 2.00 EGR141467 03/18/08 05/12/08 2.00 MTH140S04 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140S05 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 ForumAdv 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MCM212501 01/14/08 05/12/08 24.00 ART131551 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 135551 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 Blackboard 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 6.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RTH140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 COMP FPCE 02/07/08 05/10/08 22.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 31.00 NRSG MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 32.00 NRSGADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.10 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 68.00 COMP WWWW 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 BIO111551lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.93 BIO559550 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 BIO111551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GER102550 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 PARAMEDIC ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.10 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 AT 251651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101620 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1026WJ 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EE 130550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.34 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ENG030601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG101631 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1026WM 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ENG1026WL 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Blackboard 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 PHL1013SA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 ENG030510 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG030507 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 -46- Amount Paid $75.00 $5,202.08 $116.40 $3,005.76 $100.00 $2,256.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,632.00 $4,512.00 $1,161.92 $2,928.00 $2,867.00 $2,928.00 $25.00 $1,965.12 $1,164.16 $1,164.15 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $116.40 $655.04 $364.56 $3,005.76 $2,592.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $194.00 $638.00 $1,023.00 $1,056.00 $58.20 $2,244.00 $66.00 $907.24 $4,879.99 $2,928.36 $2,268.16 $58.20 $336.00 $1,746.24 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $4,235.84 $50.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $1,965.12 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $1,965.12 $87.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $100.00 Name Brandle, Maria A Brandt, Michael S Brannan, Beverly C Brauer, Lloyd Paul Bravo, Maria R Brazeal, Jana S Breitman, Peter N Brennan, Beverly B Brennan, Donald E Brennan, Patricia A Bridges, Colleen Marie Bridges, Nancy L Brinkmeyer, Cathy Ann Britto, Nicolas Brody, Gail S Bross, Jacquelyn S Brown, Amy L Brown, David G Brown, Elizabeth R Brown, Jeffrey W Brown, Kathy Ann Brown, Kelly M Brown, Norman R Brown, Robert B Brown, Stephanie Rene Brumfield, David J Brumm, Jennifer M Brundick, Frank William Brunetti, Arturo B Bubash, Patricia M Buchanan, Leonor Shelton Buck, Stephanie J Buettner, Thomas L Bullock, Robert L 06/19/08 Loc FV CC FP FP FP FP FP W W FV M M W W M FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FP FP FP M M FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 2.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 FLIT705H50 01/28/08 05/10/08 28.00 ITL103450 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 ITL104450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.20 RDG030423 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 RDG020301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/23/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Librarian 01/07/08 05/12/08 4.79 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ACC100302 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC100S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101453 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 20.00 RTH140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 RDG020S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 CRFTFSHNFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 FLSP HEC 02/19/08 05/10/08 16.00 KIDS719H02 05/12/08 05/30/08 35.00 KIDS719H02 01/07/08 05/10/08 216.00 ARC219650 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ARC209650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 40.00 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM107502 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.72 COM101512 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.72 PEDU770401 01/09/08 05/10/08 45.00 MCM102401 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.88 Orientation 01/10/08 02/23/08 3.00 PERD MCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 8.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.30 Librarian 01/02/08 05/10/08 9.83 CE 250550 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CE 246550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.66 CE 245550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 EMTPARADJ 02/21/08 05/22/08 0.01 EMTPARPRI 02/21/08 05/22/08 4.00 Asst Track 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ENG101S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 105 03/09/08 05/12/08 0.50 BUSS705403 02/06/08 05/10/08 7.50 BUSS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 FLIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 CPDV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 RDG020409 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 RDG020450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PARA PRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 NSNGADJFPCE 04/19/08 05/17/08 0.01 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.40 NSNGCPRFPCE 04/19/08 05/17/08 8.00 BIO122450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207552lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO207552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/28/08 05/12/08 21.00 -47- Amount Paid $50.00 $200.00 $812.00 $1,944.32 $2,328.32 $698.40 $2,613.12 $75.00 $2,613.12 $75.00 $1,965.12 $3,136.77 $75.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,256.00 $81.00 $360.00 $250.48 $250.48 $1,965.12 $450.00 $288.00 $368.00 $875.00 $5,400.00 $1,504.00 $2,256.00 $720.00 $75.00 $1,780.89 $1,780.89 $810.00 $2,806.00 $75.00 $168.00 $174.60 $6,437.36 $4,008.16 $2,000.32 $1,504.00 $100.00 $7.28 $132.00 $776.00 $1,965.12 $291.00 $157.50 $217.50 $1,080.00 $247.50 $1,701.12 $2,613.12 $3,492.48 $7.28 $233.09 $264.00 $4,226.08 $1,298.08 $2,928.00 $525.00 Name Bunton, Molly C Burke, Mary Hagan Burkhardt, Sarah B Burns, Kara Allyn Burns, Mary Esther Burns, Richard B Burrage, Angela L Buschardt, Graciela Bush, Jennifer L Buss, Kenneth D Butler, Cathy Ann Butler, Herman B Buxbaum, Laurence M Buzzai, Annunciata Byington, Alvin R Byington, Carol H Cahn, Elissa M Caldwell, Marilyn Carol Caler, Crystal Sue Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Callahan, John S Cameron, Brian K Campbell, Bonita K Cannon, Karla Jayne Cantrell, Michele Rene Carlos, Mario Pruna Carlson, Chris Ann Carlson, Eileen M 06/19/08 Loc M M FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV M FP FP FP M M FP FV FP W FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS 103S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 130671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG2015XB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.67 Substitute 02/15/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 02/10/08 05/12/08 13.25 MTH020505 01/14/08 04/12/08 2.25 MTH020501 01/14/08 04/12/08 2.25 MTH020403 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140409 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020419 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 PSY203SXA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY2056WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU217450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU218401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU211401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 101H01 02/19/08 05/10/08 2.00 COMP HEC 02/19/08 05/10/08 143.00 SPA102650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 NPAD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PE 130518 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130522 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 162550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 162501 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 20.00 CRJ207450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/17/08 05/12/08 6.00 CRJ207401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART103S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLIT FPCE 01/28/08 05/10/08 56.00 CHM106550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 CHM106501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 CHM101550 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM101502 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 03/03/08 05/12/08 13.00 Substitute 01/28/08 05/10/08 7.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 02/15/08 05/12/08 5.49 BIO111503 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.99 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 PE 181182S80 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.21 IS 151450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 IS 151486 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 IS 238450 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 IS 255695 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 IT 526650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FINC FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 1.50 PHL101551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CUL250401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.63 RDG030301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 182461 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 182450 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 181461 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 181450 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 Substitute 02/06/08 05/12/08 17.00 ART109110 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 NUR 105 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.35 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 1.00 -48- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $9,440.08 $100.00 $331.25 $1,309.68 $1,309.68 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $50.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,928.00 $2,927.39 $2,928.00 $1,504.00 $4,147.00 $3,904.00 $198.00 $50.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $360.00 $2,256.00 $150.00 $2,256.00 $2,928.00 $1,624.00 $3,904.00 $3,904.00 $5,202.08 $3,904.00 $325.00 $187.50 $81.00 $129.27 $1,957.76 $100.00 $703.25 $2,620.16 $2,620.16 $1,701.12 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $31.50 $2,613.12 $2,562.00 $1,965.12 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $374.00 $2,621.76 $787.89 $25.00 Name Carman, Stacey Rae Carney, Marinan M Carosella, Anthony Joseph Carr, David A Carr, Gregory Stephen Carr, Nicole A Carroll, Amy Michelle Carroll, Brian J Carroll, Maria Esther Carroll, Mark S Carron, Rebecca A Carson, Diane E Carter, Terrell Lamont Carvalho, Antonio Casey, Kimberly Lynn Casey, Zita Maria Cash, Christina Mae Castanis, Janet Lee Castillon, Jerry R Castro, James F Cate, Leighanne Michelle Caudillo, Kenneth James Cavanagh, Bradley M Chambers, Florence Chan, Suet Ming Chandler, David J Chang, Sheow Hwey Char, Deborah J Charles, Mario P Chavaux, Therese L Checkett, Trudy Ann Cherry, Dorothy J Chien, Rueih Wei Chipman, Mary June Christensen, Kortney J Christeson, M C 06/19/08 Loc M FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP M M FV FV M M FP FP FP M M FV M M M M M M M M FP FP M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EDU2266W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PERD765H01 03/11/08 05/10/08 50.00 PSY200SW2 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY205S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART172601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 105601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 160SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 68.00 COM101455 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 Director 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 23.50 COM101630 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101652 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 PE 173650 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SPA101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.38 ART133551 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG1026W3 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM219SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 IDS101474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Gallery Dir 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIC101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101421 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 398.25 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 89.50 AHCE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 BIO124601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.18 PE 122S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.29 PED116S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.29 EDUC FVCE 02/05/08 05/10/08 30.00 EDUC FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 50.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 HMS102SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ENG020403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 ENG020404 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUSCACCPMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 29.98 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 ARTS727FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 MTH030S04 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160BS01 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 2.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 IDS101S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200SS1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200SW1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/14/08 05/10/08 8.00 HMS201401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS203401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLCH MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 48.00 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ACC110S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 02/26/08 05/12/08 10.00 COM101614 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -49- Amount Paid $1,965.12 $1,650.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $3,005.76 $3,005.76 $1,701.00 $972.00 $952.00 $1,965.12 $50.00 $1,965.12 $329.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $50.00 $776.00 $50.00 $2,328.00 $2,939.76 $3,005.76 $2,256.00 $81.00 $1,965.12 $1,966.32 $2,256.00 $2,613.12 $7,965.00 $1,253.00 $58.00 $4,226.08 $101.85 $846.61 $846.61 $420.00 $1,050.00 $75.00 $972.00 $1,965.12 $75.00 $1,965.12 $665.50 $108.00 $972.00 $1,746.24 $2,328.32 $50.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $168.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $1,008.00 $126.00 $75.00 $3,008.00 $250.00 $1,965.12 Name Christmann, Gary A Christopher, Mark Stephen Cicero, Mary F Clark, Clara M Clarke, John D Clayborne, Sylvia D Clayton, Joel Timothy Clayton, John A Cleary, Adam C Clifford, Anjanette Cobb, Daniel R Coker, Mary Ann Cole, Yvonne E Coleman, Darryl Kevin Coleman, Paula Monet Davis Collins, Adrienne Denise Collins, Robert W Colosimo, Robert J Combest, John G Compton, Dianne K Conaghan, Marcia Maroe Conley, Brian P Conley, Cheryl A Conley, Larry C Connelly, Kristi Harris Coon, Eugene E Copper, David W 06/19/08 Loc M M FP FP M M FP FV FV FV FP FV FP FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV M FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FV FV FV FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COM101611 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.17 PARAMEDIC 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.31 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 42.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 72.50 BIO215450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.64 BIO111580lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 01/18/08 05/12/08 2.66 BIO111580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO122401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/25/08 05/12/08 9.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 110.00 Blackboard 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 COM101500 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM124401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1105WB 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 ENG2135XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG101576 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101527 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 BIO207S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 EMT SUB 01/02/08 05/10/08 21.00 ECO152640 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC1016W2 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 SOC101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 BIO111506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111508 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111509lab 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.16 Substitute 04/24/08 05/12/08 2.66 WRAPAROUND 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101408 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 16.25 COM101412 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE127480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE102450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 54.00 PSI105503 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.13 PSI105502 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.13 PSI101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSI101451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CUL110403 01/14/08 03/09/08 1.50 CUL115423 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130554 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130556 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130555 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130557 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 ENG050501 02/10/08 05/12/08 96.00 ESLCordin 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUSS FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 ENG1026W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS222SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 MUS122601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 66.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 COM10150H 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP FVCE 01/02/08 05/17/08 8.00 BLW101550 01/14/08 03/28/08 2.25 NSNGADJFPCE 03/26/08 05/17/08 0.11 NSNGCPRFPCE 03/26/08 05/17/08 5.50 -50- Amount Paid $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $99.96 $3,092.30 $1,386.00 $1,305.00 $1,985.28 $1,000.16 $58.52 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $225.00 $2,200.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $1,842.30 $1,965.12 $100.00 $1,965.12 $982.56 $2,836.32 $525.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $50.00 $3,930.24 $2,923.12 $2,923.12 $1,135.82 $58.52 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $406.25 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $864.00 $654.84 $654.84 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,130.82 $2,256.00 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $1,944.00 $2,256.00 $620.00 $2,613.12 $648.00 $1,310.08 $1,782.00 $116.40 $2,028.00 $264.00 $2,196.00 $65.48 $181.50 Name Corley, Heather Ann Corley, Norman G Corson, Dennis Cortner, Charles David Cossaboom, Sterling Page Cote, Elizabeth Grimstead Counts, Kelly Dannette Cox, Karen E Coyle, Daniel S Crawley, Lisa Birgitta Crews, Joel P Crider, Jack Crinnion, Catherine Marie Crisler, Kathryn Elizabeth Croghan, Ann D Cross, Donald T Crowley, William Robert Cucchi, Michael A Cuddihee, Gregory Philip Culler, Donna R Curran, Michele Leianne Currier, Jamie Lynn Cusimano, Antoinette Cyr, Laura-Jean A Damyan, Roberta Anne Danna, Gina Marie Danyluck, Sharon J Darr, Raymond Charles Darris, Francelle V Darris, Maria Recto Das, Neil Emery Davenport, Cynthia A David, John C Davidson, Nancy A Davies-Sigmund, Francine M Davis, Dana Lynn 06/19/08 Loc M M W W FP FP M M M M FP FP FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M FV FP M FP FP FP M M FV FP FV FV FV M FP M M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 CTCRADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.01 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ART107108340 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 EMT PRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.50 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.60 IS 217650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 MUS211601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.75 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.01 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 7.00 ECO151550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 REAL MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 LGL226650 03/26/08 04/23/08 1.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MUS113401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/24/08 05/12/08 1.50 MUS128421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130432 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130463 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130464 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 171422 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PEDU FVCE 05/04/08 05/31/08 4.00 ART131650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARTS FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 177.00 ARTS FPCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 162.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 27.50 ARTS FPCE 05/12/08 05/18/08 18.00 PSY214401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MOTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 15.00 SocCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 ARC112651 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 DANC FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 52.00 DMS118401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 COM101509 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 AFO 01/13/08 02/10/08 1.00 COM101516 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HEAL MCE 03/24/08 05/10/08 1.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.08 BRID MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 HST102652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 30.00 PHL109450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 PHL109501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP765H07 01/04/08 05/10/08 2.00 IS FPCE 02/06/08 05/10/08 2.00 KIDS HEC 04/01/08 05/17/08 8.00 Substitute 04/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Librarian 01/14/08 05/10/08 8.47 ART133421CORR 03/05/08 03/09/08 0.67 ART133421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.33 MCM140421 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.88 BUS104422 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101625 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101621 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG053650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG030452 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.63 ENG030453 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -51- Amount Paid $145.00 $7.28 $75.00 $1,747.84 $3,783.52 $349.20 $2,256.00 $360.00 $2,928.00 $506.25 $7.28 $203.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $186.00 $582.08 $50.00 $1,965.12 $37.50 $1,965.12 $1,161.92 $1,161.92 $1,161.92 $1,161.92 $72.00 $2,328.00 $4,779.00 $4,374.00 $742.50 $486.00 $2,928.00 $270.00 $194.00 $2,621.76 $936.00 $3,005.76 $1,903.71 $100.00 $1,965.12 $25.00 $3,558.38 $108.00 $1,965.12 $810.00 $2,256.00 $100.00 $2,256.00 $62.00 $1,504.00 $184.00 $25.00 $6,368.50 $388.00 $1,940.00 $2,162.00 $2,256.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,527.96 $1,746.24 Name Davis, Joseph L Davis, Phyllis R Dawson, Susan Christine De Voe, Pamela A Deacon, Mary Deal, Edwin J DeBisschop, Linda Ann Dees, Nathan D DeFord, Eric Michael Delfert, Elizabeth Ann Deloney, Ronald W Dempsey, Louise Ann Denney, Christa Gearhart Dennis, Patricia K Dent, Thomas P Devine, Edith A Devine, Joan L DeWitt, Theresa Faye Dhawan, Balram Diekmann, Henry A Dietzler, Michael N Dingus, Steven Michael DiPietri, Elizabeth Hastings Dixon, Robert T Dodge, John H Dominguez, Christine M Donnell, Susan Adams Donnelly, Raymond Romaine Donovan, Eric W 06/19/08 Loc M M M M FP FP FP M M FP FP M M FV FV M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M W M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PSC101605 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUSS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 IDS101403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART102401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT102T16 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ART107108 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ESL Tutoring 01/14/08 05/12/08 218.00 IRT125674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IRT126674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHY111502 03/18/08 05/12/08 1.13 PHY111550 03/18/08 05/12/08 1.13 AT 233SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 AT 236SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 AT 612680 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Librarian 03/03/08 05/17/08 5.68 ACC100551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC100550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDUC704FV 01/02/08 05/08/08 3.00 Substitute 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART169501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AT 212501 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 HEAL MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 ACC100301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEDINSVMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.75 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 335.00 BAYLESSMCE 01/02/08 05/12/08 14.25 AHCE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 DA 202 03/21/08 05/02/08 0.83 DA 174 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.27 DA 201 01/18/08 03/07/08 0.37 CHM105550 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Blackboard 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 CHM105504 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 7.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ECO152671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO140S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT PRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.03 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 15.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.17 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 PE 180S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 161S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 Substitute 02/26/08 05/12/08 1.50 COM1046S4 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101635 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM1046S3 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 304.00 SPA101550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.91 EDUC712FV 02/22/08 05/10/08 22.00 EDUC FVCE 02/05/08 05/10/08 51.00 GEN FWD 04/16/08 05/10/08 5.50 MCM130601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -52- Amount Paid $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $145.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $50.00 $1,747.84 $4,360.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $736.92 $736.92 $162.00 $972.00 $2,621.76 $4,944.06 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $63.00 $75.00 $2,613.12 $2,915.84 $108.00 $2,928.00 $287.50 $6,030.00 $256.50 $87.00 $626.20 $1,706.41 $281.80 $5,202.08 $100.00 $3,904.00 $100.00 $175.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $4,656.64 $14.56 $435.00 $99.96 $436.96 $1,965.12 $1,924.18 $276.00 $37.50 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $4,864.00 $2,558.75 $462.00 $714.00 $115.50 $1,965.12 Name Loc Dorn, Kenneth Gerard Dorsey, Patrick T Douglas Taylor, Helen Barnetta Douglas, Milton R M FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FV M FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV M M M FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Downs, Joseph C Doyle, Mari Y Drikow, Gary P Driskill, John E DuBois, Kathleen Collins Dugal, Ronald V Dumonceaux, Benedict Joseph Duncan, Sylvia J Dunlop, Katherine Dunn, Randy R Dunn, Richard A Durley-Petty, Renay D Dutt, Michael D Dwyer, Daisy A Dwyer, Terrence J Dyess, Carolyn Dixon Dzankovic, Sanela Ebert, Dineen M Echols, Felicia Chambliss Eder, Carol Betsy Edorh, Dossah Dossou Edward, Cecil Deron Edwards, Jeanne A Edwards, Robert F 06/19/08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv FINC MCE 02/04/08 05/10/08 10.00 PEDU745420 01/31/08 05/10/08 8.00 HOME703FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 PE162163486 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PEDU FPCE 02/09/08 05/10/08 36.00 Substitute 02/19/08 05/12/08 2.50 PE162163450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DIE203426 04/14/08 05/08/08 4.67 DIE105426 03/17/08 04/10/08 4.67 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 CE 108550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CE 131550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 3.00 DCS116551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 LGL217670 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 LGL218695 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC204451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 BUSN FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 BUSN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 BUSN705FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 20.00 WRIT FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 8.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 2.00 ActDepChr 01/14/08 02/09/08 3.00 IRT101674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART113213451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.87 LabManager 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ART213401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSY205550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY214550 02/10/08 04/12/08 3.00 COL020504 04/24/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSY203550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.75 PE 130553 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 SPA101480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.75 PSI115550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ASTR FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 9.50 Substitute 04/04/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART133669 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ART134669 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Orientation 02/04/08 02/10/08 2.00 COM101463 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 123675 01/14/08 02/05/08 1.00 IS 132674 02/16/08 03/26/08 1.00 IS 123674 02/16/08 03/25/08 1.00 IS 119SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 CRJ206474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ102474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUSC705FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 MUSC FPCE 02/09/08 05/10/08 15.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 279.50 WomBskCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 MOT Adv 01/15/08 05/15/08 2.50 CDA TA 02/29/08 05/15/08 26.00 ECTA 03/10/08 05/15/08 1.50 EOW TA 01/24/08 05/15/08 35.00 AccredAdv 01/22/08 05/15/08 40.00 BIO111512 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -53- Amount Paid $210.00 $144.00 $108.00 $776.00 $648.00 $55.00 $776.00 $3,511.84 $3,511.84 $132.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $1,965.12 $50.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,256.00 $50.00 $465.00 $620.00 $620.00 $200.00 $162.00 $2,928.00 $2,256.00 $2,539.83 $655.44 $2,621.76 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $752.00 $2,256.00 $43.75 $873.92 $3,266.40 $1,310.08 $237.50 $100.00 $1,310.88 $1,310.88 $50.00 $1,965.12 $976.00 $976.00 $976.00 $81.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $336.00 $315.00 $4,472.00 $3,104.00 $125.00 $1,300.00 $75.00 $1,750.00 $2,000.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 Name Edwards, Stephen J Egan, Lynne Renee Eichenberger, Richard Allen Eigel, Mary T Eischen, Patricia Ann Eischer, Deborah S Eisele, Carolyn C Ekberg, Susan H El-Hage Chehade, Laura Lynn Elgin, Angela M Elliott, Glendoria Elpers, Francis J Engelhardt, Francesca E English, Nordeka Erdeg, Biljana Erickson, Andrew T Etling, Thomas R Eto, Janet Kaoru Evans, Elizabeth A Evens, Kevin A Everding, George A Fackelman, Joseph A Faden, Regina M Fagbemi, Tony D Fagin, Gary C Fahning, Kim Marie Fairchild, Mary P Faltus, Thomas F Fantroy, Dianna R Farias, Teddy Farid, Boubaker Lamine 06/19/08 Loc FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP M FP FP FP FV M M W M W W W FP M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M FP M M M M FP FV FV FP FP M M M FP FV FP M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO111552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART240639 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ART239639 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 SIGN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 MUS114604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 MUS135601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.00 ART131603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART131605 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 CVTCordin 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/26/08 05/12/08 1.50 FSHN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 22.00 HRM209401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 HRM201402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CPDV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.00 ARA101485 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARA102485 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.25 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 LGL232650 01/14/08 01/30/08 1.00 LGL206671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY2143W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY2006SA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 PSY200304 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM113401 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 PHOT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 AT 121669 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 AT 221639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 AT 121639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 AT 226639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 AT 225639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IDS101506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 BUS104502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 05/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 BUS103601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HOME FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 3.00 HST101S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH160S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARC229650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 ENG101581 01/14/08 03/08/08 48.00 ENG1025X9 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU120450 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 RNGE AIDE 04/11/08 05/12/08 27.25 ENG101S06 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101S46 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 QC 204501 02/27/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC100421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 13.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 121.50 -54- Amount Paid $2,928.00 $1,502.88 $1,502.88 $420.00 $4,392.00 $1,952.00 $75.00 $756.00 $3,906.24 $3,906.24 $50.00 $2,929.68 $37.50 $594.00 $2,256.00 $150.00 $2,256.00 $203.00 $2,620.16 $2,620.16 $4,220.08 $100.00 $976.00 $2,928.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $4,512.00 $252.00 $655.44 $655.44 $655.44 $655.44 $655.44 $2,613.12 $81.00 $2,613.12 $100.00 $25.00 $2,613.12 $63.00 $1,965.12 $75.00 $3,904.00 $2,256.00 $194.00 $2,430.24 $2,928.00 $2,430.24 $181.21 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $500.96 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $3,005.76 $286.00 $1,944.00 Name Farris, Gregory D Favre, Matthew Thomas Fedor, Amanda Marie Feezel, Regina L Feibig, Edward L Feldker, Karlene M Ferguson, Vincent J Fernandez, Kathleen M Fetouh, Kamal A Fey, Marsha W Fillenwarth, Albert Floyd Fingers, Angelicia Elpis Finley, Dawn Kasal Fischer, Brian J Fischer, Linda F Fisher, Constance Lynne Fitz, Donald E Fletcher, Morris E Flores, Carlos M Flynn, M Luisa Forde, Gary C Foster, E Kristin Foster, John T Foster, William D Fouche, Gwyndolyn Fox, Marianne Franken, Jenell Rita Frankenreiter, David A Fraser, Eileen B Fraser, Jennifer C 06/19/08 Loc M M FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV M FV FV M M FP M W W W M M M FV FV FV FP FP M M M FP FP M M M M M FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 106651 04/02/08 04/28/08 1.33 PE 106650 03/26/08 04/20/08 1.33 Substitute 04/11/08 05/12/08 1.00 ENG101421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101420 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020423 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1024WD 03/17/08 04/19/08 0.75 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 PHL109503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL104550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 HORT708FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 EDUC FVCE 03/09/08 05/10/08 47.00 PE 161S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 PE 143650 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DMS116450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 BUS104301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 174601 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 Staff Health 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.08 PE 174602 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG030511 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 CE 248550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 108 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.08 Substitute 02/21/08 05/10/08 13.00 PSY200607 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 PSY2006S6 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 PSY200401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARC110603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARC220650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ARC110604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARC220HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 HORT FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 3.00 FLIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 PSY200486 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHOT FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 16.00 PEDU770401 01/09/08 05/10/08 45.00 MTH030501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030507 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 IDS201503 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Blkbrd 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 DANC734FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 IDS101514 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR LAB 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.97 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 1.50 WomVolCoa 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.00 MTH030S05 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 31.80 CHM101501 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.67 -55- Amount Paid $1,001.92 $1,001.92 $25.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $491.28 $144.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $1,161.92 $138.00 $658.00 $2,185.50 $1,001.92 $873.92 $324.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $75.00 $776.00 $1,794.50 $776.00 $100.00 $1,691.67 $1,746.24 $1,565.50 $286.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $3,904.00 $3,906.24 $3,906.24 $50.00 $3,906.24 $81.00 $87.00 $648.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $336.00 $810.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $3,904.00 $100.00 $216.00 $2,928.00 $8,763.00 $50.00 $33.00 $1,310.88 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $858.60 $387.08 Name Frederickson, Kenneth F Freeman, Shirley Harmon Frese, Anne M Frese, Ethel M Freund, Linda S Fricks, Aldene L Friederich, Rita A Frischmann, Robert Steven Frye, Felipe S Fuchs, Gloria A Fuessel, Barbara Lee Fuglsang, Susan Mary Fulbright, James S Fuller, Neathery Batsell Fuller, Toni G Fusco, Angeline C Gaal, Frank A Gabel, Randall G Gallen, James M Gallup, Craig William Gangwal, Rakhi Rajkumar Ganim, Margaret Joyce Gansner, George A Garnica, Jennifer Lynn Garrison, Rolland Nathaniel Gaubatz, Douglas Gavosto, Michael R Gawlik, Deborah Reeves Geiler, Emily K Geimer, Jennifer Lee Geist, Zoe Ann 06/19/08 Loc FV FP FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M M M M M FV M M FP FP M M M M W M M M FP M FV FV W W M M FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM101501 03/09/08 03/22/08 0.67 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.25 Asst WBKB 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 CRFT FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 KIDS738FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.20 Substitute 01/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 PTA 03/24/08 04/11/08 0.20 ECE101525 01/05/08 05/15/08 1.90 ECE101525 02/05/08 05/10/08 0.90 ECE102526 03/12/08 05/12/08 0.90 ECE103525 04/07/08 05/15/08 1.10 ECE101526 03/14/08 05/12/08 0.40 ECE102528 03/15/08 05/12/08 1.90 ECE101526 03/13/08 05/12/08 1.90 ECE102S29 01/07/08 04/30/08 1.10 ECE102S28 01/05/08 04/15/08 0.65 IS 102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 102602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 2.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 SptInfo 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 KIDS710H03 01/01/08 05/10/08 40.00 ART107402 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 7.00 ART114211 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART 113 02/10/08 03/22/08 2.00 NUR0201 01/14/08 05/12/08 10.67 BUSS FVCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 24.00 ENG1026WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ENG101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT2026XJ 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT102686 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT102685 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT102HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 SIGN FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.53 PRD102601 03/18/08 04/29/08 1.00 NSNGADJTFPCE 03/03/08 05/10/08 0.01 NSNGACLSFPCE 03/03/08 05/10/08 8.00 HIST MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 IDS101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 IDS101S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 181603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ESL PLCMNT 02/20/08 05/12/08 33.00 Substitute 03/04/08 05/12/08 18.00 NUR 204 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.47 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 39.00 ART165501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 ART267502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 161350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/12/08 29.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 33.00 IS ILC440 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 HOME FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 12.00 COMP FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 6.00 BIO123501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -56- Amount Paid $387.08 $3,638.00 $776.00 $432.00 $194.40 $25.00 $195.20 $1,244.58 $589.54 $589.54 $720.54 $262.02 $1,244.58 $1,244.58 $720.54 $425.78 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $50.00 $216.00 $1,747.84 $1,000.00 $1,747.84 $154.00 $2,621.76 $1,310.88 $6,991.36 $744.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $243.00 $540.00 $279.54 $976.00 $7.28 $264.00 $46.00 $81.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $776.00 $726.00 $450.00 $4,893.96 $1,209.00 $3,784.17 $3,784.17 $75.00 $1,965.12 $464.00 $704.00 $2,522.00 $252.00 $174.00 $1,965.12 Name Geldbach, Anita A Geldbach, Ralph J Gentry, Mary Ann George, Daniel Robert Gerst, David R Getz, Diane M Gibbons, Thomas Patrick Gillespie, James L Giovanni, Joanne B Gitcho, Michael A Glass, Alan D Glore, Clifton Glynn, Elizabeth Catherine Gochnour, Frances Ellen Goede, Robin Christine Gonzalez, Lorenzo Fernando Gonzalez, Thomas L Goodrich, Scott Michael Gorman, Alan D Gott, Lori Rose Gottesmann, Helene G Gottlieb, Melanie Gotto, Jamie Lynn Mallott 06/19/08 Loc M FV M M M M M M FP M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W W M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV CC FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO110601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Substitute 05/01/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 03/07/08 05/12/08 2.00 BIO111603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 34.80 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 34.80 MTH030S52 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 5.50 BUS104651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.20 Substitute 01/20/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/21/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG020504 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG020505 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.75 Track Coach 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.33 PE 130550 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 161301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 180675 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 161675 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 161HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 BIO111651 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ACC110601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ACC110602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SOC201T56 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS100674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/24/08 05/12/08 3.25 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 REL10250H 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 02/10/08 1.00 Substitute 02/10/08 05/12/08 12.00 ART111502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.87 NSNGACLSFPCE 03/03/08 05/10/08 16.50 NSNGADJTFPCE 03/03/08 05/10/08 0.03 FLFP 01/24/08 05/10/08 72.00 COMP SPAN 01/24/08 05/10/08 33.00 Mental Health 01/24/08 05/10/08 6.00 COM101580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 COM101551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Blkbrd 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 COM101554 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BseCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 AT 143650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 02/19/08 05/12/08 6.00 NUR 101 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.89 Librarian 01/14/08 05/10/08 3.76 Librarian 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.64 BIO208551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO208551lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 -57- Amount Paid $2,836.32 $29.26 $50.00 $1,965.12 $626.40 $626.40 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $115.50 $2,256.00 $3,907.48 $100.00 $88.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $100.00 $1,746.24 $100.00 $68.75 $4,806.56 $873.92 $1,746.24 $75.00 $1,746.00 $1,746.00 $81.00 $2,836.32 $1,965.12 $200.00 $50.00 $3,008.00 $3,008.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $81.25 $50.00 $2,256.00 $100.00 $300.00 $2,539.83 $544.50 $14.55 $1,512.00 $957.00 $174.00 $2,928.00 $200.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $100.00 $2,928.00 $1,552.00 $2,621.76 $50.00 $132.00 $3,202.92 $3,672.20 $417.69 $2,928.00 $1,298.08 $100.00 Name Graessle, Eileen A Graham, Bill P Graham, Scott E Graham, Stephanie Ann Gramke, Robert S Grant, Ana Maria Grantham, Katharine Eva Grass, Thomas R Grasso, Maria Graves, Jack Lee Gray, Patrick J Grayem, John R Greco, Dorothy Jane Green, Alan K Green, David Alan Green, David Radford Green, James H Greene, James A Greer, James F Greer, Nancy M Gregg, Agnes Marie Gregory, Jaye J Grib, John A Griffin, Karlyn Trinene Griffith, Jerry T Griggs, Thomas L Grillo, Julia S Grimm-Howell, Elizabeth M Groat, Dan D Groff, Stephanie A Gronemeyer, Ronald F Grossman, Robert J Grote-Hasegawa, Donna Marie Grothe, James W Grueninger, Kara M Gruenloh, Amanda Mae Guillot, Andrew Joseph 06/19/08 Loc M FP FV M M M M M FV FP FV FV FV M M FP M M M FP FP W FP M M M M FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FP M FP FP M M M M FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 10.00 PE 118580 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 122603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 105601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 COM101613 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 04/29/08 05/10/08 6.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 BIO111552lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DMS111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Librarian 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.64 ME 230551 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.67 ART107639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART108639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 FIR105401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRT240650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 FINC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 CRJ208474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FPCE 02/07/08 05/10/08 10.13 MKT203350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.10 MUS138SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 COM101628 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101633 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101627 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH030409 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH040421 02/10/08 05/12/08 5.00 RDG030650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AT 281601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AT 237669 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AT 230669 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AT 219669 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 GEO103601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEO100502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030556 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLLT FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 30.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 38.71 FRE101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 FRE201401 01/14/08 05/12/08 62.00 BLW101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BLW101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DA 174 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.77 FIR202450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FIR202451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART108650 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 MTH185450 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH170451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ELSPlacement 01/02/08 05/12/08 38.00 ENG062421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/24/08 05/12/08 9.00 ENG060461 02/10/08 05/12/08 6.00 Substitute 04/06/08 05/12/08 1.25 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 20.00 CUL230401 01/12/08 03/09/08 1.00 -58- Amount Paid $648.00 $180.00 $776.00 $873.92 $873.92 $1,965.12 $126.00 $125.00 $774.16 $2,003.84 $100.00 $417.69 $3,511.84 $873.92 $873.92 $2,256.00 $2,504.16 $54.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $5,893.56 $1,965.12 $58.20 $648.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $1,746.24 $2,910.75 $1,965.12 $1,302.08 $1,302.08 $1,302.08 $1,302.08 $2,928.00 $2,923.12 $1,746.24 $630.00 $696.78 $2,538.28 $941.78 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $2,082.13 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,003.84 $50.00 $3,275.20 $1,965.12 $760.00 $1,965.12 $225.00 $3,930.24 $31.25 $446.00 $582.08 Name Guntharp, Pamela M Gunther, Margarita K Gusdorf, Dorine Renee Guss, Jason W Gutjahr, Jeffrey A Guyol, Christopher Robert Hadler, Michelle Buehler Haenel, Linda Susan Hafner, Rebecca Sue Hagan, Marilyn Kay Hagan, Oliver L Hahn, Stephen D Hake, Jon J Hall, Gloria J Hall, Sandra Dye Hallermann, Charleen T Halsband, Donna L Hamilton, Carolyn Hamilton, Gerald Edward Hampton, Travis Dean Hamra, Teresa Renee Handel, Christel K Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hankins, Mary Lee Hanna, Stacia Kay Hansen, Elizabeth Ann 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP M W W W W FV M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP M M FP FP FP W W W W M M M M FP FP FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ESL Placement 01/02/08 05/12/08 67.00 ENG053402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG060421 02/10/08 05/12/08 6.00 ESL Tutoring 01/14/08 05/12/08 43.00 FLSP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 PHL109301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL101301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PHL1043S1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU704FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 MTH160S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH030527 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020505 04/13/08 05/12/08 0.75 MTH020517 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 EGR141550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.34 ART152674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AT 151601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART158601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO152502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151580 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ECO140501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151580 02/10/08 04/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.28 ENG101515 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 26.40 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 NUR LAB 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.13 MTH186450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.94 Coordinator 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 5.00 IDS101607 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PRD122SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 BIO207604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207651 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 FOOD FPCE 01/29/08 05/10/08 47.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 DMS117450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 01/31/08 05/12/08 23.90 NUR 205 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.67 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 10.00 GER102450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 GER101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PE 181182339 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PED116301 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 181601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 181182S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 181602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 7.00 REAL720480 01/29/08 05/10/08 5.00 FINC704430 01/29/08 05/10/08 5.00 PE 181551 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PED116551 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 CHM101506 03/09/08 03/22/08 0.67 -59- Amount Paid $1,340.00 $1,965.12 $3,930.24 $860.00 $420.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $75.00 $2,928.00 $432.00 $2,620.16 $1,746.24 $436.56 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $504.00 $194.00 $1,532.80 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $732.00 $100.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $160.05 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $712.80 $75.00 $2,083.32 $3,843.00 $2,867.00 $112.50 $405.00 $2,256.00 $81.00 $3,256.16 $3,256.16 $987.00 $150.00 $1,001.92 $525.80 $5,761.04 $810.00 $3,904.00 $3,904.00 $1,001.92 $1,001.92 $75.00 $75.00 $1,001.92 $1,001.92 $1,001.92 $154.00 $145.00 $105.00 $776.00 $776.00 $579.24 Name Hanser, Jennifer M Hanson, Robin A Hapner, Barry N Haramaty, Esther Harder, Keith E Harder, Travis J Hardy, Cathleen Marie Hardy, Jenny P Harl, Joseph L Harris, Sharon Ruth Harris-Juelfs, Melodye Ann Harrison, Kenneth E Harrod, James E Hart, Laurie Ann Hartin, Liesa A Hartmann, Jane C Hastings, Curtis L Hauff, Alan F Hawkins, Kenneth J Hawley, George R Hawn, Patricia M Hayes, Christine Leigh Hayes, Cynthia Marie Hayes, Nicola Anne Haynes, Pamela J Hazen, Cheryl Sue Heck, Kenneth Herman Heck, Theresa Elizabeth Heckmann, Jean Frances 06/19/08 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV W W M W W FP FP FP M M FP FV FV FV FV W W M M M FV FV FP FP M M W W W M M M FV FV FV M M M CC M M M M FP FP FV FP FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM101506 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.67 CHM106501 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.67 CHM106501 03/09/08 03/22/08 0.67 CHM106550 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.67 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 5.00 CHM106550 03/09/08 03/22/08 0.67 EDUC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 589.25 HST102S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST101S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST101511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST101346 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST1013WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST101S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 HST1023W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO208450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 PE 566474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 34.50 PE 165680 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 KIDS719H17 01/04/08 05/10/08 24.00 ANTH706FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.50 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Voyager 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG103501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY125369 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PSY200HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 PSY200606 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/25/08 05/12/08 2.50 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG101519 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG030422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101423 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO208605 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO208650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 PED116351 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 181368 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 BRID MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 70.00 INSU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 26.00 BUSS FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 PE 139550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BRID FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 50.50 PEDU - MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.50 SIGN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 14.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 MTH030619 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030621 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 04/04/08 05/12/08 2.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 RTH140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.00 AsstSoftball 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 HRM134450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 ENG070501 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ENG061502 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ENG051502 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ENG053501 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 -60- Amount Paid $579.24 $579.24 $579.24 $579.24 $125.00 $579.24 $12,374.25 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $2,836.32 $75.00 $2,613.12 $1,138.50 $776.00 $504.00 $40.50 $100.00 $1,310.08 $1,965.12 $1,231.48 $75.00 $81.00 $2,620.16 $62.50 $100.00 $1,965.12 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,256.00 $3,256.16 $1,161.92 $75.00 $1,161.92 $324.00 $1,260.00 $858.00 $330.00 $776.00 $288.00 $909.00 $262.50 $322.00 $200.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $50.00 $50.00 $194.00 $5,238.00 $776.00 $1,842.30 $1,214.88 $486.24 $1,214.88 $1,944.00 Name Heffernan, Cris M Hegamin, Nanette H Heien, Robert E Heien, Sharon K Helle, Nancy A Heller, Annette P Helms, Katie Jane Henderson, Martha Lee Hennen, Debra R Henson, Dennis Ray Herman, David R Hernandez, Leslie S Herron, Glenda S Hibbs, Robert M Hickey, Brian John Hicks, John J Higgins, Nancy Ann Hinds, Ahmad A Hinze, Barbara Ann Hirssig, Gary James Hoefel, Briann O Hoefer, Eric J Hoffman, Beverly Lake Hoffman, Carl Frederick Hoffman, Joyce Ellen Hoffman, Mary Francis Hoffman, Micki D Hoffman, Sara Paula Hoggard, Kari Marie Holland, Steven W Hollander, Robert R 06/19/08 Loc M FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FV M M M M M M M M M FP M W W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M M FP FP M M M M M FV FV FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 48.00 PE 173421 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 PE 130429 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130428 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130426 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 DANCHOMEFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 21.00 DANC FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 21.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MGH020423 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020406 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030410 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUSN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 ART134651 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Librarian 01/07/08 05/12/08 3.36 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/31/08 34.50 Substitute 04/28/08 05/12/08 1.00 ART103S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.30 CCPR 725H25 01/14/08 05/10/08 28.00 BUSN FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 LGL223650 01/14/08 02/04/08 1.00 LGL220650 02/11/08 03/03/08 1.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH030653 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140653 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ARC222650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 NPAD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 MCM121401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL109S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 130340 01/15/08 03/09/08 1.33 PE 130341 01/15/08 03/09/08 1.33 PE 130342 03/18/08 05/12/08 1.33 COL020510 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DIT 209 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 DIT107501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.40 DIT 106 02/10/08 05/12/08 0.80 DIT 106 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.01 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 02/26/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART113401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/15/08 05/12/08 9.00 ART113601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 76.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH020S46 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S46 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG012450 01/14/08 05/12/08 29.00 RDG013450 01/14/08 05/12/08 13.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 203.25 ART108603 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Public Lec 03/23/08 04/19/08 1.00 ART108602 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 AFO 01/13/08 02/10/08 1.00 ART111550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 FLIT702H50 01/28/08 05/10/08 28.00 Librarian 02/22/08 05/17/08 6.05 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 -61- Amount Paid $1,584.00 $810.00 $1,302.08 $1,302.08 $1,302.08 $378.00 $378.00 $75.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $165.00 $2,621.76 $2,528.60 $793.50 $25.00 $2,256.00 $174.60 $756.00 $330.00 $976.00 $976.00 $50.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $50.00 $3,005.76 $50.00 $108.00 $1,746.24 $2,256.00 $50.00 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $1,965.12 $327.51 $262.00 $524.43 $8.19 $100.00 $66.00 $2,621.76 $198.00 $2,621.76 $2,052.00 $50.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,174.50 $592.28 $230.00 $3,658.50 $1,747.84 $100.00 $1,747.84 $100.00 $3,485.76 $812.00 $3,963.96 $81.00 Name Hollaway, John David Holt, Leslie E Holterman, Donald L Holtzapple, Vicki Homeyer, Yvonne M Honnold, Adrianne L Honti, Mary A Hooper, Jacqueline Savis Hoppe, Bradley Robert Hornaday, Derek Lamont Horne, Mason Gabriel Horner, Mary E Hossin, Omar J Hotze, Pamela Evon Houghton, David M Howe, Joseph W Hoxha, Hyrije H Huber, Dawn Marie Hufker, Barbara J Hughes, Barbara Ann Hughes, Marilyn Sue Hughes, Martha R Hughes, Yvonne L Huisinga, Joan F Hulsey, Scott A Hurt, David Edward Hurt, Debra A Hurt, Susan L Hutchinson, Patricia Ann Tyler Hutter, Jerry Sue Huxhold, John P 06/19/08 Loc FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M W W W W W FP M FP FP FP FP W W W FP M FV M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HST102402 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 ENG101653 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG103650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART109604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PE 130506 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 130522 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 116501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130506 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 116502 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 SOC101S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FINC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 MUS1283S1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Blackboard 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 05/04/08 05/12/08 2.40 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 CLT210401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PED201674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Rnge Aide 04/11/08 05/12/08 14.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.30 BaseCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.67 StrengthTrn 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 COM101302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101305 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RTH140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 Tech Asst 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.38 THTR FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 MTH140613 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S08 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S07 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG050450 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 HIT104474 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 HIT105474 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HST101580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST130550 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 HOME MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 NPAD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 MTH030414 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH108402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 7.50 MUS131421 02/10/08 05/12/08 48.00 MUS114401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 100.00 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 TRIP MCE 01/02/08 05/31/08 23.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 ARC115601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 art157601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 BIO207603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 REAL FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.87 ENG101614 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -62- Amount Paid $2,836.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $66.00 $2,621.76 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $150.00 $60.00 $75.00 $75.00 $1,953.12 $2,929.68 $93.10 $174.60 $2,134.00 $388.00 $75.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $194.00 $245.64 $540.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $5,856.00 $50.00 $1,164.16 $582.08 $2,256.00 $1,701.12 $92.00 $162.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $187.50 $2,430.24 $2,613.12 $2,000.00 $50.00 $621.00 $116.40 $3,005.76 $2,003.84 $100.00 $50.00 $2,836.32 $2,836.32 $216.00 $87.00 $50.00 $5,911.32 $2,928.00 Name Hyland, Deborah J Hyman, Cherie M Imbeault, Daria J Irgang, Susan Judith Irwin, Karen S Isbell, Camelia M Isely, Douglas Charles Isenberg, Joel P Ivery, Judy Ann Jackson, Sandra K Jackson, Sharon A Jackson, Yolanda A Jackson-Potter, Jessica Nicole Jacobsen, Kirsten James, David Michael Jamison, Michael T Janssen, Jane L Jaouiche, Lisa A Jarvis, Steven W Jasper, Geraldine A Jeep, Robert T Jefferson, Kinosha Michell Jenner, Julia Carol Johnson, Barbara S Johnson, Bruce A Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, Claudean Johnson, Delwin D Johnson, Paula Phillips Johnson, Sarah C Johnson, Steven L 06/19/08 Loc M M M M FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV M FV FV FV FP M FV M FP FV FV FV FV M M W M FP FP FP FP FV FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG101613 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020605 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 GEDU FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 102.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 ENG103401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 KIDS719H22 05/12/08 05/30/08 2.00 KIDS719HEC 01/14/08 05/10/08 16.00 KIDS701H22 01/01/08 01/12/08 2.00 ENG101608 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030422 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MTH020433 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.91 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 ENG101628 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Rnge Aide 04/11/08 05/12/08 7.00 COMP FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 25.00 ENG032508 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG032504 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG032516 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 MTH020556 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 Ceramics 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.08 LGL230580 03/21/08 05/09/08 4.00 LGL227550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 LGL232550 03/09/08 04/12/08 1.00 ECO140550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 LGL223550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ART133639 01/14/08 04/12/08 2.25 MTH140535 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Outreach 01/24/08 05/15/08 10.00 CCPRFVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 22.00 EOW Outreach 04/18/08 05/12/08 4.00 CCPR702480 01/19/08 05/10/08 16.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 54.00 PEDU FPCE 02/06/08 05/10/08 24.00 Substitute 03/23/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART131501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART235502 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.67 ART135501 01/14/08 03/07/08 2.66 BIO111S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Workshop 02/15/08 02/23/08 1.00 ActDepChr 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DANC FPCE 01/29/08 05/10/08 15.00 CHM101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 HCHS COOR 01/02/08 05/10/08 173.75 FLIR FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 16.00 PE 130410 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 -63- Amount Paid $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $2,754.00 $56.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $50.00 $400.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $2,867.00 $2,836.50 $50.00 $2,256.00 $46.55 $825.00 $1,164.16 $1,164.16 $1,164.16 $100.00 $116.40 $100.00 $1,746.24 $1,691.67 $1,310.88 $43.65 $3,904.00 $976.00 $976.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $976.00 $1,690.74 $2,115.00 $3,104.00 $330.00 $726.00 $132.00 $528.00 $528.00 $100.00 $972.00 $504.00 $75.00 $3,005.76 $2,003.84 $1,292.76 $4,226.08 $4,226.08 $75.00 $976.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $270.00 $5,202.08 $2,432.50 $336.00 $776.00 Name Johnson, Woody David Johny, Mulavana John Joiner, Renee P Joiner, Robert Leon Jones, Allen W Jones, Casey John Jones, Christina Cornelia Jones, Dawn Michele Jones, Donald L Jones, Felicia Annette Jones, Nancy Lee Jones, Octavious Dwight Jones, Ronald E Jones, Ronald L Jones, Sally Jane Jordan, Catherine F Jorstad, Kris P Joyce, Sherry G Juhlin, DaNae Lynn Jump, James S Juracsik, Clay G Kacer, Karen Faye Kahn, Dency B Kaiser, Jane Bokamper Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram Kane, Dolores Anne Kane, Scott Daniel Kane, Susan G 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP M FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M FV FV M FV FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP M M FP FP FP FV FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 130424 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 114402 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 150422 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 AstBsbCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 PE 114401 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 ACC100452 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030680 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH140650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CCPR728H53 01/04/08 05/10/08 59.00 ECE105401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE204480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE104450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUSS FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 MATH716H10 01/04/08 05/10/08 38.00 BUSS FPCE 01/28/08 05/10/08 5.00 PRD108421 02/07/08 05/10/08 2.00 PERD FPCE 01/28/08 05/10/08 2.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.90 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 MUSCKIDSFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 32.00 MUS121550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS114551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 182.50 CRJ124501 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 CRJ124501 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 10.33 AsstMBKB 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.35 PE 130 01/14/08 02/15/08 0.50 PE 130 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.50 ART254602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART254603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART254601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 43.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 11.00 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 CTCRADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.01 NSNGCPRFPCE 03/01/08 05/17/08 27.00 NSNGADJFPCE 03/01/08 05/17/08 0.10 EMTADJUNCT 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.43 BUSS702FV 05/04/08 05/12/08 12.00 FLRU702420 01/31/08 05/10/08 20.00 Librarian 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.50 Librarian 01/07/08 05/12/08 6.34 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 96.00 CHM101406 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 CHM101403 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 THT1014XA 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101414 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 THTR765401 01/29/08 05/10/08 36.00 IS 227SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 BUS104551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -64- Amount Paid $776.00 $776.00 $648.00 $1,358.00 $776.00 $2,613.12 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $2,256.00 $1,947.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $1,965.12 $396.00 $874.00 $165.00 $1,504.00 $46.00 $523.80 $100.00 $800.00 $1,310.08 $1,965.12 $580.00 $3,285.00 $564.00 $2,256.00 $7,764.88 $388.00 $388.00 $1,746.24 $203.70 $327.72 $983.16 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $486.00 $1,419.00 $10,742.16 $145.00 $7.28 $783.00 $58.21 $829.36 $396.00 $460.00 $6,879.60 $6,191.50 $225.00 $2,784.00 $4,008.16 $75.00 $4,008.16 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $756.00 $1,701.00 $2,256.00 Name Kankolenski, William Scott Karl, Jeffrey J Karros, Gretchen V Karutz, Theresa M Kasl, David R Katz, Phyllis Ann Kauffmann, Kelly Jean Kaufman, Lee I Kavanaugh, Thomas Patrick Kehr, Judith A Kell, Pamela Jean Kelley, Vanessa D Kelly, Constance M Kelly, Dennis James Kelly, J Kevin Kempf, Henry Anthony Kennedy, David E Kennedy, William R Kenney, Ann L Kennison, Richard D Kenzora, Paula Ann Kerans, Verna Alice Kerlagon, Kathleen A Kerlagon, Raymond L Kerr, Bob Kessinger, Kathy A Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca 06/19/08 Loc FV FV M FV FP M M FP M M M M FP CC FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP W W W M M W W W W W W W W W W FP M M M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv AFO 01/14/08 02/10/08 1.00 CE 514550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SocCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 04/21/08 05/12/08 2.00 PEDU761402 01/31/08 05/10/08 21.00 PE 181650 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 SPA101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 BIC203450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUSN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.50 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 72.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 ART134233 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.87 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 SPA202T15 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SPA102402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 Substitute 01/15/08 05/12/08 20.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 PEDUFVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 PERD HEC 04/14/08 05/17/08 9.00 ART133134 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 MCM113401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 38.00 PE 158601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Fit Coor 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 2.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 PE 167601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 EGR502550 02/05/08 05/12/08 2.34 PHOT701FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 PSY200421 02/05/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG030461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 KIDS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 NUR 101 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.15 COM107401 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 THT1084SA 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.25 ACC110350 01/14/08 02/09/08 16.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 16.00 ACC100S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ACC100350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 PTK HONORS 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201301 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSC201301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST1013S1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Blackboard 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 85.65 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 Wellness 04/09/08 05/17/08 1.00 SPA101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/15/08 05/12/08 12.00 -65- Amount Paid $100.00 $2,613.12 $873.92 $50.00 $378.00 $873.92 $3,008.00 $2,256.00 $101.50 $1,356.00 $184.00 $50.00 $2,911.83 $200.00 $3,904.00 $3,782.00 $500.00 $81.00 $432.00 $261.00 $2,328.00 $81.00 $1,746.24 $684.00 $1,302.08 $3,255.20 $66.00 $2,604.16 $1,302.08 $1,759.68 $270.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,613.12 $202.50 $6,878.20 $2,613.12 $2,430.24 $50.00 $112.50 $81.25 $567.04 $75.00 $400.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $3,008.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $150.00 $50.00 $1,541.70 $50.00 $300.00 $3,904.00 $300.00 Name Kidder, Robin L Kiel, Gail P Kiernan, Ed Kijowski, Karen Louise Kilstrom, John P Kimzey, Kristie A Kimzey, Satoko K Kinder, David Edgar King, Deborah Elizabeth Kingsland, Schuyler J Kinslow, James Mayfield Kiser, Karen M Kitchen, Troy A Kitt, Robert L Klein, Barbara A Klein, Bonnie J Kleyboecker, Bonnie N Klingerman, Linda K Klinkerman, Brenda S Klostermann, David Norbert Knight, Charles E Knight, Paul D Knipping, Melanie R Knobbe, Kimberly Lavern Koch, Lura Jane Koch, Robert A Koch, Yvonne S Koehler, Charles H Koenemann, Harry G Kolker, Ruth K Korbesmeyer, Bruce 06/19/08 Loc FP FP M FP W M M FP FP FP FP FP M FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV W W W W W W W W FV M FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV W W W W FP M M W W St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 NUR LAB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.60 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.50 HST101346 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.13 HST101S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 1.50 ESL Tutoring 01/14/08 05/12/08 85.25 ESL Placement 01/02/08 05/12/08 69.50 ENG050402 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 ENG053401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLJP FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 16.00 PHY111650 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 KIDS706FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 17.15 MUSC721420 01/31/08 05/10/08 12.00 COMP HEC 02/12/08 05/10/08 197.00 KIDS765H10 01/07/08 05/10/08 34.00 CLT205401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 EE 236550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 12.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 ART165551 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART265551 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 FLIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 120.00 DMS124450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DMS125401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 DMS123450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 DMS122450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 LGL104580 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 LGL104580 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL211580 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 LGL211580 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Substitute 02/14/08 05/12/08 3.70 MTH020346 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030303 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 MTH160C301 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH160C302 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/29/08 05/12/08 6.00 PSY208S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 KIDS738FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.50 NRSG MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 NRSGADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.01 PSY200S46 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG1025X4 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG1025X3 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG101554 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101555 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101303 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 TRIP FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 11.00 CRJ206601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 ECO1523W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 -66- Amount Paid $194.00 $2,705.20 $486.00 $873.00 $108.88 $2,613.12 $37.50 $1,705.00 $1,390.00 $4,512.00 $2,256.00 $368.00 $4,355.20 $394.45 $216.00 $4,531.00 $782.00 $1,953.12 $1,746.24 $300.00 $81.00 $3,005.76 $3,005.76 $2,760.00 $1,001.92 $2,504.80 $1,001.92 $1,502.88 $216.00 $732.00 $2,928.00 $732.00 $2,928.00 $75.00 $92.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $2,620.16 $2,620.16 $138.00 $2,256.00 $40.50 $132.00 $7.28 $2,256.00 $100.00 $1,464.00 $1,464.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $75.00 $198.00 $2,613.12 $432.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 Name Korina, Tamara M Korkaric, Huso Kornblet, Donald R Korte, Jennifer Lynn Kosednar, Priscilla A Koshak, Karen D Kossman, Michelle Ann Kozeny, Doreen A Kraja, Elida Kraus, Janet Lee Kraus, Marilou P Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B Kravitz, Rebecca S Kreher, Jamie L Krizanec, Jasna K Kruescheck, Nancee L Kruger, Nancy Ruth Krummel, Deborah K Kudrna, Patricia Ann Kuhlman, Joseph Edward Kulczycki, Judith Mary Kush, Catherine A Kwan, Felix B Kyle, Marcel A Ladd, Kathy L LaGarce, Charles Gratiot 06/19/08 Loc W W M M M FP FP M M M M W W W W W W W W M M M M M M M FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV FP M FP M FV FV FV M FP M M FP CC FP M FV FP M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BUS152HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 ECO1513W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLRU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 MTH160S52 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 140.00 BUSS FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 10.00 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 22.50 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 COM101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM140602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020303 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTHLABSUPV 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/14/08 05/12/08 2.75 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/18/08 1.00 PE 133341 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 PE 173601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 129601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PE 116601 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 120601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 15.50 AquaCordin 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Substitute 02/26/08 05/12/08 8.00 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.01 AHCE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 ACC110403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 ACC110451 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 292.00 Substitute 03/27/08 05/12/08 1.50 HIT201486 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 45.00 ECE102525 02/08/08 05/10/08 1.50 ECE102530 01/15/08 05/01/08 1.50 ECE105525 02/11/08 05/01/08 0.40 ECE124525 02/05/08 05/15/08 0.90 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 10.65 ART167601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 HORT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 9.31 BIO111503lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 35.00 SIGN FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 20.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 26.00 ECE101S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CCPR712420 01/29/08 05/10/08 2.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 AHCE FPCE 03/19/08 05/10/08 2.00 NURS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 NSNG FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.25 ECO1524SA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLFR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 76.00 ART111601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART112602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 100SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 -67- Amount Paid $81.00 $2,256.00 $540.00 $2,620.16 $50.00 $2,240.00 $290.00 $562.50 $50.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $68.75 $75.00 $75.00 $873.92 $75.00 $873.92 $1,310.88 $873.92 $873.92 $108.00 $341.00 $1,747.84 $176.00 $2,626.12 $58.00 $2,914.00 $3,008.00 $4,672.00 $37.50 $2,256.00 $36.00 $1,215.00 $1,464.00 $1,464.00 $390.40 $878.40 $9,277.21 $2,621.76 $50.00 $324.00 $100.00 $204.82 $871.20 $490.00 $420.00 $598.00 $2,613.12 $58.00 $200.00 $62.00 $87.00 $100.75 $2,613.12 $2,052.00 $2,621.76 $2,621.76 $405.00 Name LaGrone, John E Laird, Beverly Louise Lamb, Keith R Lambert, Crystal A Lambert-Gardiner, Mary J Lampros, Theodore Lampros, William P Landis, Bryan H Lane, Harry A Lane, Jeanne R Lane, Melissa Marie Lange, Margaret M LaPorte, Michelle Lynn Larkin, Tosha S Laroia, Serena Larson, Judy C Larson, Robert C Larson, Steven B Lau, Tsz Wai Lauburg, Mary S Laufersweiler, Jonathan H Layman, Judy D Lazenby, Carol L Learman, Mark D Ledeen, Jenny N Lee, Audrey Maria Lee, Gail Ann Lee, Suzanne Renee 06/19/08 Loc M W W W FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV M M M FP CC FP FV FV FV M M M M M FP FV FV FV FP M M M M M M M M FP FV FV FP FP M M M M FV FP FP FP FP M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv AT 100601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 SPA1013S1 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 SPA1013S1 01/14/08 02/09/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 SPA101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 03/03/08 05/12/08 10.00 RDG017450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 RDG016450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 RDG030462 02/10/08 05/12/08 48.00 ART109651 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART109652 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 MGH020537 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020532 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020526 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ111674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ206674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM105450 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 CHM105401 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 MTH020553 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 MTH020562 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 SENR703FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 ENG102SWA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IRT127650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IRT127SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 6.00 BIO111409 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020516 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 MTH020510 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRM510450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 205675 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 IS 205674 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 PHY112601 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 Substitute 04/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 129680 01/26/08 02/23/08 1.00 IS 156674 02/19/08 03/25/08 1.00 IS 118674 01/14/08 02/12/08 1.00 AHCE FPCE 02/27/08 05/10/08 3.00 ENG2285WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG2015WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS154450 01/14/08 03/08/08 2.00 MUS153461 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 90.00 Tech Ast 04/16/08 05/12/08 0.38 Observations 04/16/08 05/12/08 0.32 ECE124646 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Librarian 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.45 ENG1024XD 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG030405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 IS 102450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.63 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 SOC103650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST1016W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST100601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -68- Amount Paid $873.92 $2,256.00 $752.00 $75.00 $3,008.00 $250.00 $655.04 $1,310.08 $1,944.00 $2,328.00 $2,328.00 $504.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,928.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $5,202.08 $200.00 $5,202.08 $2,836.50 $2,745.00 $288.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $243.00 $150.00 $1,965.12 $2,115.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,613.12 $3,484.16 $3,484.16 $50.00 $4,880.00 $75.00 $871.04 $871.04 $871.04 $87.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,164.16 $1,164.16 $1,440.00 $282.00 $239.70 $2,256.00 $950.04 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $1,974.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 Name Loc M M Lee, Tiffany B W FP FP FP FP W W Legorreta, Judith K M Lehr, Catherine L FV Leick, James A M M Leifheit, Rhonda K FV Leinauer, Kathryn A M Lenox, Roy E M Leopardi, Giovanna FP Lesh, James Scott M M M Letchworth, Beverly J M Levine, Douglas L FV FV Levine, Marlene H M Lewis, Bonnie L FP FP FP FP Lewis, Cynthia A M Lewis, Robert FP FV Lewis, Robert H M Lewis, Walter B M Ley, Jack D FP Libby, Kenneth E M M Liebman, Emily M M M Liebman, Timothy Raoul M M Light, Greg L FP FP FP FP Lilledahl, Drew A M Lin, Chien Fu FV Lin, Chih Yu FV FV Lindquist, Sherry Christine Maday W W Lindsay, Jason Gene Louis FP Linkemer, Barbara L M Lipic, Gayle A FP FP Lizorty, Ronald J FV FV Lochmann, William James FV FV FV FV FV 06/19/08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 HST101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 COM101306 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 Substitute 03/07/08 05/12/08 4.00 IDS101422 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 ACC110650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.80 ART131680 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 108601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PERD732FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 HOME MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 32.00 FLIT FPCE 01/28/08 05/10/08 51.00 PE 153650 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PE 154650 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 153651 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 WRIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 PSC10150H 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 LAW COOR 01/27/08 02/09/08 1.00 ECE204674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020418 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.75 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 MTH020401 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.75 MTH020410 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.75 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 55.00 COMP FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 9.00 COMP FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 55.00 ART111650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 CRJ122674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.40 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 04/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 IDS101612 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101613 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 5.50 MTH140622 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 TCCordin 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.29 EMTPAREQUIP 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.41 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 59.20 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.23 WstCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART109501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 537550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ART107502 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ART1033W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.30 WRIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 DA 174 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.23 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.37 Substitute 05/04/08 05/12/08 12.00 VisitArt 01/17/08 02/25/08 8.00 PE 130515 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130507 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 130510 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 130514 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130516 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 -69- Amount Paid $75.00 $81.00 $1,965.12 $75.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $75.00 $2,620.16 $5,109.80 $3,485.76 $3,485.76 $216.00 $486.00 $1,056.00 $1,479.00 $1,164.00 $776.00 $1,164.00 $405.00 $2,928.00 $250.00 $2,613.12 $491.28 $50.00 $491.28 $491.28 $770.00 $297.00 $1,815.00 $2,621.76 $2,928.00 $232.80 $1,502.88 $22.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $137.50 $1,965.12 $16,471.41 $812.76 $1,953.60 $130.95 $873.92 $3,005.76 $1,747.84 $1,747.84 $75.00 $2,928.00 $174.60 $552.00 $175.32 $7,044.75 $300.00 $800.00 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 Name Lodato, Theodora L Long, Sean Michael Lopanec, Rebecca Sue Lord, Robert Joseph Losby, Jane F Lott, Jason L Lott, Mary L Love, Joseph J Love, Mario K Love, Myrtle Marie Lovett, Jack B Loy, Willis L Lu, Jiangang Ludwig, Phyllis D Lueken, Rebecca Dean Luisi, Danielle Luther, Judy L Luther, Kevin L Lutzeler, Ingrid E Lyons, James S Maag, Colin M Mack, Cindy J Mack, Francis Speakman Macke, John E MacLaughlin, Katherine Anne Maclin, Margorie Jean Mahan, Christopher L Maixner, Diane M 06/19/08 Loc FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W M W FP FP FP FP W W W W M M M M M FP M M FP FP FP M M M FV M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 130509 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 PHL1034WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL1034WB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL1034XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/31/08 12.00 EDU211S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 Substitute 02/04/08 05/12/08 9.00 RDG100421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 42.00 RDG016422 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 RDG017422 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 RDG030401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 ENG1024WQ 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1024WM 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101301 03/15/08 05/30/08 1.50 PSC1013W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST101651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/14/08 05/12/08 2.50 MTH020462 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030423 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 2.00 MTH020464 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104303 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MGT204301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201675 01/14/08 03/08/08 4.00 Soft/Install 01/27/08 02/09/08 1.10 IS 273695 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 NPAD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 9.00 SoftballCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 Substitute 03/17/08 05/12/08 16.00 ANIM MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 19.50 ANIM MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 CHM101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM101402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 EMTADJUNCT 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.40 PE 118651 04/22/08 04/27/08 1.33 PE 118650 04/08/08 04/13/08 1.33 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 EE 234550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 GEO111650 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.67 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 GEO100650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/28/08 05/10/08 1.50 DIT 209 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.40 DIT 109 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.60 DIT108550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG051402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG070403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140534 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030532 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101509 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/19/08 05/12/08 7.16 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 -70- Amount Paid $873.92 $125.00 $81.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $252.00 $2,256.00 $100.00 $92.00 $180.00 $225.00 $2,928.00 $840.00 $1,952.00 $977.22 $2,867.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $982.56 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $62.50 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $3,904.00 $827.20 $2,256.00 $279.00 $1,940.00 $370.00 $508.50 $128.00 $4,008.16 $2,504.16 $232.80 $776.00 $776.00 $378.00 $3,008.00 $5,533.92 $50.00 $2,928.00 $37.50 $262.00 $1,703.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $179.00 $100.00 $50.00 Name Malique, Ismail Al Mallett, Kimber L Manganaro, Jennifer Ross Manhanke, Wanda C Manning, Scott D Mannion, Sharon E Manson, James E Marchbanks, Cindy L Marchbanks, Robert A Markl, Karl S Marner, Ruth M Marshall, Lois Ann Martin, Beth Anne Martin, Carolyn M Martin, Erica Edith Martin, Leonard Kent Martin, Mary E Martin, Russell Lee Martin, Sharon Marie Marvel, Joyce S Marzouk, Magdy M Mathews, Roselyn R Mathis, Janet Lynn Matteuzzi, Angelo Abdulmajid Matthews, Ann Christine Matthias, Cornelius P Matuszak, Michael Leonard Maupin, Stephanie Zeller Mayes, Ellen Douglass McAfee, Jennifer Melynne McAllister, Kevin M McBride, Linda K McBride, Patrick C 06/19/08 Loc M FV M M FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FV M M M W W M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M FP FP FV FV M FP FP M M FV M M M M FP FP W W W W W CC W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BUS103650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM002501 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 AT 120601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART151602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 BIO203450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.64 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 ENG061602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 IS 259450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.50 IS 123486 01/18/08 02/15/08 1.00 IS 123487 04/04/08 05/02/08 1.00 IS 132466 02/19/08 03/08/08 0.50 PEDUKIDFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 237.00 ANIM MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 30.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 ENG102SXA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101305 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG2153X1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 KIDS701H02 01/04/08 05/10/08 40.00 ART107401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ART111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 04/03/08 05/12/08 2.00 NUR 204 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.47 MCM123450 02/10/08 05/12/08 48.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ECO152580 04/01/08 05/10/08 3.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 90.71 BIO208401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207404 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 PE 169580 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 169551 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 WRIT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 DMS111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Lifeguard 05/05/08 05/12/08 11.50 FLSP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 120.00 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 PEDU752FV 01/02/08 05/08/08 9.00 CHM101S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.67 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ENG1026XC 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1026WC 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/26/08 05/12/08 6.00 NUR 101 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.89 PSY2003S1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU217301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Blackboard 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSY125339 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 RTH 140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 GEDU FPCE 01/29/08 05/10/08 84.00 Advisor 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 158421 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 PE 130404 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 Dep Chair 01/14/08 03/10/08 3.00 PE 130430 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130405 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 -71- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $1,746.24 $3,005.76 $3,485.76 $4,041.64 $81.00 $116.40 $2,256.00 $50.00 $1,880.00 $752.00 $752.00 $376.00 $4,266.00 $540.00 $368.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $288.00 $1,000.00 $1,747.84 $2,621.76 $50.00 $6,506.76 $2,430.24 $116.40 $100.00 $1,965.12 $1,632.78 $3,256.16 $3,256.16 $776.00 $776.00 $150.00 $3,005.76 $102.93 $3,240.00 $288.00 $189.00 $5,533.92 $50.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $132.00 $3,672.04 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $150.00 $1,231.48 $75.00 $200.00 $75.00 $500.96 $2,268.00 $1,001.92 $729.00 $1,001.92 $2,254.32 $1,001.92 $1,001.92 Name McConkey, Kenneth Roger McCormack, Anne L McCormack, Helen Marie McCray, Jamaal A McCullen, Rosanne P McDaniel, Amy Renee McDevitt, William Dale McDuffie, Anthony Earl McGowan, Ruth Ann McGrath, Maureen Ann McHugh, James M McKee, Paul Ray McKenna, Joseph Thomas McKinney, Melvin W McLafferty, Martin David McLeer, Noriko McManus, Kathleen Patricia McMeans, Katherine Susan McMillen, Donna M McMurphy, Marcia S McNeil, James H McNew, Nicole D McNutt, Karol Anne McPherson, Kelly Ann McQueen, Linda A Meeks, J William Meenach, Dean C Mehringer, Julie Ann Hatch Meier, Christopher John Meier, John Carl Meier, Laurie Ann Meister, Deborah A Melman, Morton M Menendez, Michele E Menendez, Richard Anthony Merlin, Karen J Meser, John Edward 06/19/08 Loc FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FV FV FV M M FP M FV M FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M W W W FP M FP FV FP FP M M FP M M M M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Honors 07 03/17/08 03/22/08 1.00 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 20.00 HORT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.50 MTH030463 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MgrBskbal 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.05 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.20 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 5.00 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.01 PE 126602 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 126601 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 128601 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 CRJS FPCE 01/17/08 05/10/08 4.78 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 20.16 MTH020545 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020549 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020544 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG100641 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG100603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 4.00 COM101505 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 WBKBCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.47 BIO111611 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Substitute 02/27/08 05/12/08 9.00 FLJP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 48.00 BUS103550 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 49.00 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 RTH140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 SOC100503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ME 153501 02/04/08 04/05/08 4.67 ME 153502 03/31/08 05/12/08 4.67 ESL Tutoring 01/14/08 05/12/08 57.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 CRJ111S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ207650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 WomSofCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ART PROGRAM 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ART109110369 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.38 BIO111606 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.21 ELEC705FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.00 KIDS701H02 01/07/08 05/10/08 216.00 KIDS701H02 05/12/08 05/30/08 27.00 ENG1026XB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS130601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.52 PSI115652 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PSI115651 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 54.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/10/08 58.54 MEDDIRFPCE 01/17/08 05/10/08 2.50 -72- Amount Paid $81.00 $360.00 $100.00 $62.50 $1,746.24 $613.04 $5,410.36 $155.00 $7.28 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $4,819.50 $100.00 $504.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $324.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,603.48 $2,520.40 $2,520.40 $225.00 $1,200.00 $1,965.12 $1,127.00 $250.48 $250.48 $50.00 $2,928.00 $4,557.92 $4,557.92 $1,140.00 $75.00 $138.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $776.00 $3,104.00 $75.00 $655.04 $2,621.76 $218.54 $3,256.16 $706.26 $924.00 $5,400.00 $675.00 $1,965.12 $1,310.08 $3,397.14 $1,310.08 $1,310.08 $50.00 $972.00 $1,931.82 $250.00 Name Methe, Mary Louise Meyer, John T Meyer, Nasja M Michaelis, Dale H Michaelis-Cobb, Cherie B Michalski, Churie Michalski, Richard Mark Micka, Denise Ann Riggins Middendorf, Robert J Miederhoff, Marilyn K Miley, Joann R Miller, Arlene C Miller, Carolyn Sue Miller, Christopher K Miller, Daniel W Miller, Jeanette Perrin Miller, Jeffrey Rice Miller, Kenneth L Miller, Nancy A Miller, Steven Robert Miller, Timothy M Miller-Flood, Diane Lynn Milster, Michael Charles Mimlitz, Edward J Minden, Stacy Ellen Mines, Thomas E Minogue, Pauline K Misra, Bishnupriya Mitchell, Metra L Mitchell, Pacquita H Mitchener, Debra L Mitchom, Jon-Pierre Mittendorf, Deborah Ann 06/19/08 Loc FP M FP FP M M FP FP FP M FP FV M M M FP FV FP FV FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M FP FP FV M FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NSNFADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/10/08 0.19 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 30.00 ENG101453 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLBO MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 25.00 AT&T MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 RDG016421 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 RDG030422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Mall Tutor 02/26/08 05/12/08 12.00 RDG030610 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG017421 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 PEDUKIDFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 57.00 ENG101680 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLFR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 ART275601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.90 EMTPARADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.03 EMT PRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMTPARPRI 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 24.00 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.06 DMS125401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 HMS111601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG013421 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 RDG016402 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 RDG017402 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 RDG012421 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 RDG020452 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ENG030422 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.78 ENG030421 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.78 ECO151550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 20.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 COM101404 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101410 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FINC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 MCM113401 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.50 BIO562550 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 CRFT736420 01/31/08 05/10/08 16.00 CUL215461 03/19/08 05/12/08 1.50 CUL210450 01/16/08 03/09/08 1.31 CUL201402 01/16/08 03/09/08 2.81 PE 133601 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 133602 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 133S80 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 GEOL MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 CHM231501 01/14/08 03/08/08 6.66 CHM101504 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 CHM105504 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 MTH030531 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH108501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 30.00 ART211112 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 HMS203450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS201450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 04/16/08 05/12/08 4.00 GEDU FPCE 01/02/08 05/16/08 48.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 -73- Amount Paid $109.13 $810.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $675.00 $7,808.61 $1,310.49 $1,965.12 $240.00 $1,965.12 $655.86 $1,026.00 $2,613.12 $420.00 $3,005.76 $1,105.80 $14.55 $1,746.24 $264.00 $792.00 $36.39 $2,504.80 $50.00 $2,928.00 $977.22 $1,952.00 $976.00 $1,952.61 $2,186.88 $1,821.83 $1,821.83 $2,613.12 $420.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $216.00 $50.00 $1,128.00 $2,256.00 $396.00 $288.00 $1,128.00 $987.00 $2,115.00 $1,161.92 $1,161.92 $1,161.92 $184.00 $6,500.16 $1,298.08 $1,298.08 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $810.00 $1,944.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $100.00 $1,008.00 $3,932.64 Name Mittler, Charles C Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, William C Moll, Malgorzata S Monachella, Lisa M Monier, Shelly Lynn Montague, Nancy A Moore, David A Moore, Michael R Moorman, Lucy A Morey, Janet R Morris, Sandra E Morrison, Margaret Z Morrow, Betty Jean Morse, Susan D Mosby, Timothy C Mosley, Linda A Moss, James P Moss, Jeffrey D Moss, Jonathan Lavelle Motta, Denise K Mowczko, Douglas Muehling, Janet M Mueller, Karen Ann Mueller, Robert J Muentnich, Barbara K Mujakic, Azim Muldoon, Peggy J Mullen, Kathy Mulligan, Theresa B 06/19/08 Loc FP M M M M FV FV FV M M M FP M M M M M M M M FV M W FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV M FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 69.50 PHOT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 FLPO-MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 MTH020680 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/14/08 02/10/08 1.00 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 16.00 MUS103501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG102SX1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG102SW1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 166266 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PE 129650 01/14/08 03/08/08 2.00 PE 120S80 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 129S80 01/14/08 04/12/08 2.00 PE 120650 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PERD MCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 3.00 ESL PLCMNT 02/20/08 05/12/08 24.00 ENG051650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Librarian 01/02/08 05/12/08 8.25 BLW101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BLW201350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RDG030555 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG030554 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140680 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130581 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130582 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130552 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 130583 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130580 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ARTS755FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 17.75 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.40 GNSF FVCE 03/18/08 05/10/08 19.50 Asst WBKB 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.86 PE 181182S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 143601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 181182S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 191602 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PED116S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.00 PE 116602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.27 PE SUB/MC 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MGT120695 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 MGT130695 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 MTH020519 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030510 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/22/08 05/12/08 6.50 MTH030514 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.67 EGR133550 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.34 SOC211650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLBO MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 Substitute 01/23/08 05/12/08 5.00 Substitute 04/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 COM101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 COM101405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101413 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 35.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 88.00 -74- Amount Paid $2,592.00 $1,251.00 $540.00 $420.00 $1,746.24 $100.00 $400.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,328.00 $1,310.88 $873.92 $1,310.88 $873.92 $1,310.88 $63.00 $528.00 $1,965.12 $5,405.40 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $479.25 $232.80 $351.00 $500.52 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $18.00 $739.63 $25.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $162.50 $1,746.24 $6,512.48 $1,759.68 $2,256.00 $500.00 $125.00 $50.00 $2,867.00 $2,928.00 $2,673.12 $945.00 $1,760.00 Name Mundle, Judy Roberts Munie, Michael George Murphey, Barry Thane Murphy, Daniel E Murray, Robin R Murray, Stacie Ann Muschany, Nancy A Myles, Shirlyn Annette Nagel, Jack G Naugle, Pamela L Naugles, Tina Lanette Negash, Efrem O Neifert, Jo Donna Nelson, Andrew David Nesheva, Maria M Neufeld, Irwin J Neumeier, Dorinda Dee Neustaedter, Kevin M Nevills, Shahla Newberry, Tina M Newcomb, Steven D Newman, Richard T Nicholl, Andrew McCall Nichols, Eric R Nichols, Nichole Rene Nickels, Michael G Nikonowicz, Diane M Noland, Sara Nolker, Elizabeth Eileen Norton, Leslie Kent Noser, Philip H Novotney, Ann L Nunn, Nadine V O'Connell, M D O'Connell, Marcia L 06/19/08 Loc M M FP FP M M M M W W W W M FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP M FP M M M M M M M M W M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M FV M M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ACC114651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 REL100671 03/09/08 05/12/08 4.00 FNL103401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 LGL108671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL228671 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 LGL202671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PSY200350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY208350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 85.00 BUSN765FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 BIO122505 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111514 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO122506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 PERD HEC 02/19/08 05/10/08 71.00 MTH040450 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH030453 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 SID 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 COM101621 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO122S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 BIO111609 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Substitute 04/28/08 05/12/08 2.00 BIO122S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 ENG1023WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 ENG020602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.25 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.25 NSNGADJTFPCE 03/03/08 05/10/08 0.03 NSNGACLSFPCE 03/03/08 05/10/08 18.50 ENG2255XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG2025XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG110502 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 FINC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 Substitute 04/15/08 05/12/08 12.00 ART208601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ART107646 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ENG030580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CE 132550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/01/08 05/12/08 10.00 CrsDevlop 01/15/08 05/12/08 3.00 DANC746500 01/02/08 05/08/08 9.00 NUR 108 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.08 CHM101605 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 04/01/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 4.00 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 CRJ124550 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRT126670 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.00 HRT214650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 ENG030503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -75- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $3,484.16 $2,928.00 $436.96 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $2,928.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,295.00 $324.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $432.00 $2,059.00 $3,275.20 $1,965.12 $72.00 $4,656.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $1,834.88 $4,226.08 $50.00 $1,834.88 $360.00 $50.00 $1,965.12 $378.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $145.50 $2,473.84 $14.56 $610.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $243.00 $324.00 $300.00 $1,747.84 $1,747.84 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $250.00 $2,256.00 $162.00 $1,565.50 $4,642.64 $50.00 $75.00 $88.00 $216.00 $2,256.00 $752.00 $2,504.16 $2,613.12 Name O'Donnell, Kelly Beth O'Neill, Cheryl O Oakes, Jordan Mitchell Oakley, Mark H Ochonicky, Michelle Ann ODell, Dana M Ohlau, Amy Marie Ohlms, Mary Beth Ohmer, Roberta M OLaughlin, Tricia P Oldham, Beatriz Nunez Oldham, Sheila Ann Oliver, Keith L Orabka, Neal A OReilly, Colleen Marie ORourke, Brandie Marie Osler, Jan Marie Otalora, Jose D Ott, Gregory J Oughton, David C Overkamp, Susan Marie Owens, James L Owens, Joseph E 06/19/08 Loc FV M FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M FV M M M M M M M M M M W W W FP FP FP W W M FV FV M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG030501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 99.00 MTH030451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020456 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 WRIT FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 18.00 Substitute 01/16/08 05/12/08 2.00 ART239499 01/01/08 02/23/08 3.00 ART239240 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART131401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 HORT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 34.00 ACC100501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC110551 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Blkbrd 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ACC100502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 11.33 DIT 115 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DIET703500 01/02/08 05/10/08 38.50 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.50 DIT 103 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Librarian 01/07/08 05/12/08 7.81 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.20 FLSP702402 01/31/08 05/10/08 4.00 FLSP FPCE 01/27/08 05/10/08 2.00 HMS101450 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 THT101674 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 THTR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 THT110SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ThtDirector 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 9.50 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 1.25 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 72.52 Clinicals 02/10/08 05/12/08 8.67 NUR 108 02/10/08 05/12/08 6.63 HMS203601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 SOC101609 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 HMS201601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.60 CordinHMS 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS204601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 Substitute 02/28/08 05/12/08 1.00 HMS202601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.80 SPA101650 01/11/08 01/13/08 0.43 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 SPA101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 SPA1013SA 01/14/08 02/09/08 1.00 SPA1013SA 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1014WH 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1024WJ 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL103350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 165650 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RDG030521 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART112601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AT 210SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ART109601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 -76- Amount Paid $2,613.12 $1,386.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $200.00 $378.00 $44.00 $1,944.00 $3,005.76 $3,005.76 $910.00 $2,256.00 $3,008.00 $100.00 $100.00 $2,256.00 $7,428.32 $2,256.00 $1,270.50 $100.00 $37.50 $2,256.00 $5,118.75 $116.40 $84.00 $42.00 $1,107.02 $2,928.00 $276.00 $972.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $237.50 $31.25 $1,015.28 $5,680.20 $4,343.10 $982.56 $3,275.20 $393.04 $1,965.12 $982.56 $25.00 $524.04 $420.29 $50.00 $3,904.00 $75.00 $976.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,928.00 $75.00 $873.92 $100.00 $2,928.00 $2,621.76 $243.00 $2,621.76 Name Paddock, Grace Elizabeth Paez, V SuzAnne Pagano, William Matthew Page, Diane Arneze Page, Karen Renee Palmer, Robyn L Pancella, Peter E Parashak, Sharyl Thode Parks, Betty Ann Parks, Heather A Parsons, Phyllis A Paschall, Nicole M Passanisi, Ignazio F Patel, Nisha M Patton, Erin Leigh Paul, Lori L Pauley, Mark M Pavia, Lisa Marie Pearson, Roy Pearson, Todd A Peck, David M Pederson, Betty R Peebles, Paul D Pelsue, Jill Susan Pemberton, Sharon A Pence, Jerald K Pennington, Gwendolyn G Pepple, Kim P Perry, John H 06/19/08 Loc M M W W W W M M M M FP FV FV FP M FP M M M M M M CC FP W M M W M W W W W FV FV FV FV M M M FV FP FP FP FV M FP M FP FP FV FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH030S53 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 PE 116350 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 116301 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PE 116S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 116S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 171602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 04/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.60 CCPR707FV 02/10/08 02/23/08 1.00 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 CCPR725H20 01/14/08 05/10/08 97.00 OTA207601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Rnge Aide 04/11/08 05/12/08 14.00 MUS132651 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PSY203650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 ENG101605 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1026XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.60 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ART107603 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Substitute 01/15/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART107108339 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ART107602 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 BIO122339 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 BIO1113WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 04/15/08 05/12/08 1.50 BIO208580lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207506lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 ART107650 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ART107651 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 MCM101S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH040501 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 IDS201474 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 IDS201475 04/13/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 COMP745FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 AHCE MCE 03/04/08 05/10/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.10 GED MCE 05/06/08 08/09/08 13.00 MTH020405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030419 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP702FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 MTH030408 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRT245650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 ECE101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG032506 01/14/08 05/12/08 32.00 CUL101H02 04/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 DIET FPCE 01/28/08 05/10/08 33.00 -77- Amount Paid $50.00 $2,613.12 $75.00 $873.92 $873.92 $75.00 $873.92 $873.92 $873.92 $44.00 $349.20 $100.00 $50.00 $2,619.00 $2,620.16 $93.10 $1,310.88 $2,613.12 $50.00 $200.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $200.00 $349.20 $75.00 $1,747.84 $66.00 $1,747.84 $1,747.84 $1,413.76 $75.00 $75.00 $2,836.32 $29.26 $37.50 $4,226.08 $4,226.08 $2,604.16 $2,604.16 $1,965.12 $3,760.00 $3,008.00 $3,008.00 $50.00 $522.00 $87.00 $58.20 $182.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $594.00 $37.50 $2,613.12 $2,504.16 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,746.24 $100.00 $1,134.08 $871.04 $1,089.00 Name Perry, Talya Renee Peters, George J Peterson, Kimberly G Petrovic, Cheryl A Petruso, Anthony D Pevnick, Nancy E Pfaus, Diane B Phillips, Karana J Phillips, Roxanne M Phillips, Sheila Hopkins Pietroburgo, Jill R Pikey, Carol A Pilla, Michael A Pisani, Richard T Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pitchford, Stanley Lamar Pittenger, Jeffery E Pittman, Dwight D Podgornik, Caroline Mary Pohlmann, Gary A Polhemus, William W Pope, Pamela Joyce Popp, Tamara E Porter, John P Portman, Gale Rublee 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV FP FV FV FP FV FV FP FP FV FP M FP M FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FV FV FP M M M FP M M M M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CUL101450 01/15/08 03/09/08 1.00 CUL101461 03/18/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 CUL105450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS121401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS116401 01/14/08 05/12/08 32.00 MUS113450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS115401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 5.25 MTH160C552 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.44 PHOT FPCE 01/29/08 05/10/08 27.50 FOOD FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 5.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.18 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 CCPR FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 2.00 EOW Outreach 04/18/08 05/12/08 2.00 CCPR718FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 COMP FPCE 02/23/08 05/10/08 37.50 ART107503 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENGL765H50 02/19/08 05/10/08 60.00 KIDS FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.50 EMTPARADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.04 TCCordin 01/02/08 05/10/08 19.38 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.18 EMTPARPRI 01/02/08 05/10/08 13.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.05 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 35.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 42.00 CTCRADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.10 ACC120580 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.50 ACC120580 02/24/08 04/19/08 3.00 ACC122580 01/12/08 05/17/08 3.00 BUSS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 17.50 ENG060601 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 Substitute 03/27/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 IS 101474 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ILC 440 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 310.00 MTH020509 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MTH020518 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 01/28/08 05/12/08 5.66 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 53.00 MUS128602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS128601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/17/08 30.00 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 37.52 MTH140S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH030S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ART109646 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART110650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 25.00 -78- Amount Paid $871.04 $871.05 $112.50 $50.00 $2,613.12 $1,310.08 $648.00 $1,965.12 $1,310.08 $131.25 $3,904.00 $254.63 $632.50 $105.00 $101.85 $174.00 $62.00 $62.00 $62.00 $1,087.50 $2,003.84 $100.00 $1,500.00 $214.50 $21.83 $11,287.26 $101.87 $429.00 $29.10 $1,155.00 $1,386.00 $58.23 $1,306.56 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $577.50 $5,856.00 $75.00 $50.00 $976.00 $7,812.48 $4,960.00 $1,924.18 $1,924.18 $37.50 $100.00 $141.50 $954.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $450.00 $540.00 $126.00 $600.32 $1,965.12 $50.00 $1,965.12 $50.00 $3,485.76 $3,485.76 $575.00 Name Poth, Margaret C Potsos, Rena Irene Pott, Denise S Potter, Allen Scott Powell, Michael J Powers, Valerie S Pratte, Cheryl D Prentis, Courtney Beth Prewitt, Amy H Price, Mary A Price, Renee Wakefield Prifti, Norma J Pritchett, Gerri R Quinn, Kelly C Quinn, Margaret A Quinn, Thomas Gerard Quirk, Thomas M Ragsdale, Janis Marilil Rahm, Robert A Ralston, Helen R Ranney, Mary-Kay R Ratino, Kathlyn S Rauch, R Gary Ray, Jaron R Reaves, Florence A Rebello, Naydu Fernanda Reed, Laura Jean Reedy, Sidney J Reekers, Samuel Scott H Reese, Myron C Reese, Ruth Annie Reid, Christopher C Reid, Tina L Reigstad, John Rolf Reis, Kevin Joseph Relerford, Linda Darnell Rell, David P 06/19/08 Loc M M M FP FP M FV FP FV FV FV FP FV FP FP M M FV M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP M M M M M FV FV M M M FP M M M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv FLSP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 AHCE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 MTH020463 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.91 MTR FPCE 04/11/08 05/12/08 20.00 FLRU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 DANC FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 FLSP FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 18.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG10250H 03/09/08 05/12/08 48.00 ENG10150H 01/14/08 03/08/08 48.00 IDS101405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL1035XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 2.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.67 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 112.00 MUS128S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS130401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 IS 123602 01/14/08 02/14/08 1.00 PSY200S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 REL105650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 REL102650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY125S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH020S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 55.00 COM101472 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM2004WA 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101478 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/24/08 05/12/08 4.25 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 152.00 ART156SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 MTH030452 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.92 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020400 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.91 MTH030454 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.92 MUS101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MUS102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 FLSP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 CHM101S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.67 Librarian 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.61 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 6.00 CHM106650 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM502SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 ART113650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SPA102450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.75 MCM130650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 PHL103S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL104S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.75 CCPR718FV 01/02/08 05/08/08 2.00 CCPR FVCE 03/23/08 05/10/08 2.50 CCPR718H50 02/19/08 05/10/08 8.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 CUL115461 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 CUL110450 01/14/08 03/09/08 3.00 -79- Amount Paid $1,080.00 $972.00 $58.00 $1,691.67 $360.00 $540.00 $216.00 $378.00 $100.00 $2,186.88 $2,430.24 $2,613.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $6,512.48 $3,696.00 $1,965.12 $1,310.08 $582.08 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $1,231.48 $50.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $580.00 $990.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $106.25 $3,040.00 $1,458.00 $1,913.95 $75.00 $1,903.71 $1,913.95 $3,904.00 $3,904.00 $500.00 $50.00 $4,263.84 $4,018.41 $150.00 $5,202.08 $324.00 $2,621.76 $3,266.40 $1,965.12 $75.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $436.50 $42.00 $67.50 $216.00 $188.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 Name Renz, James B Repke, Judith A Reust, Benjamin Paul Reynolds, Connie S Riat, Michael Shelby Ribaudo, Ann E Rice, John Philip Rice, Tracy L Richardson, Carol J Richardson, Jamel R Richardson, Mariah Lavelda Rick-Grigorescu, Mary C Riddick, Leslie Olivia Riedisser, Janice M Riess, John F Rieves, Denise C Riley, Deborah Anne Rilling-Bronder, Deborah Ann Ripplinger, Dennis R Risch, Jeffrey M Ritchie, Laura Jean Rivers, Wendell Robben, Keith Bernard Robbins, Jonathan D Roberts, Meredith Denise Robinson, James P Robinson, Lyle F Robinson, Rodney B Rodriguez, Fernando 06/19/08 Loc FP M FP FP FV M W W W W M M M M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV M FP M M M M M FP M FV FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M W M M FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CUL205422 03/19/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 EDU218401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 EDU218450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Asst MSOC 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 62.00 MTH160C350 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH160HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 MTH160C351 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 296.00 MTH030652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH186650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH025650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM120674 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM102674 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM102675 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MBKB COA 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 MCM101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM120401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/04/08 05/12/08 17.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 IDS101453 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.00 CCPR FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 2.00 CCPR FVCE 02/10/08 05/10/08 4.00 Workshop 01/05/08 05/01/08 2.00 CFKD MCE 02/04/08 05/10/08 18.00 EMT PRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 PHY111602 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH030602 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 02/08/08 05/12/08 12.25 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 1.50 COMP FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 18.00 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 AsstVolCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 ENG030401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 ENG030451 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 ECO140574 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 BUS201574 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HIT104450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 HIT101421 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 HIT105450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSY200404 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101623 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101376 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 42.00 PSY125S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 ENG103550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG103574 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101553 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 ENG101626 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY205450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY205401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY205486 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS101401 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 2.00 MSOC Coach 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 -80- Amount Paid $1,746.24 $252.00 $1,231.48 $1,965.12 $388.00 $2,046.00 $2,620.16 $81.00 $2,620.16 $75.00 $5,328.00 $2,928.00 $3,904.00 $2,613.12 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $3,104.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $425.00 $50.00 $2,613.12 $231.00 $66.00 $132.00 $66.00 $450.00 $2,619.36 $3,760.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $306.25 $37.50 $522.00 $216.00 $388.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $2,185.50 $4,512.00 $2,256.00 $1,504.00 $3,007.53 $752.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,134.00 $1,231.48 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,746.24 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,107.02 $162.00 $1,164.00 Name Roesch, Donna E Roffle, Angela H Rogenski, Jennifer Nichole Rogers, Larry P Roither, Amy Elizabeth Rollins, Joseph L Ronecker, John E Rooney, Patricia Ann Rose, Catherine C Rosebrough, Elizabeth P Rosen, Adrienne Rosener, Russell John Ross, Kelly Voneric Ross, Linda N Royer, Kimberly S Ru, Yuxia Rubsam, Carolyn J Ruffin, Michael Howard Ruh, Polly Parker Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Brenda Carol Russell, Janine R Russell, Lawrence P Russell, Retannical Dameika Russell, Travis Archer Sabharwal, Chander Lekha Sabharwal, Surinder K Saccavino, Alex V Sachs, Guy Harold 06/19/08 Loc M FP FP FP M FP M M M M M M M W W W M M W FV M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W W W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EDU211S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HMS203401 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 HMS102401 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 HMS204401 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.00 ENG070601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG070602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ESL PLCMNT 02/20/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 02/09/08 05/12/08 10.00 AT 613680 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 MGT231SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ART100350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Blackboard 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART100S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 DCS115552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1026WD 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 Substitute 03/17/08 05/12/08 26.00 ART172580 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART275501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 FOOD FPCE 02/07/08 05/10/08 10.13 COM101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CFKD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 9.00 LAC 01/14/08 05/10/08 243.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 FSHN FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 BIO207504lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.25 BIO207505lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.25 Blkbrd 02/23/08 03/22/08 1.00 BIO207502lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.16 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 96.50 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 IRT150674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEDU701480 01/29/08 05/10/08 48.00 PHY223550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 COM101515 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101517 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART107504 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 Substitute 04/20/08 05/12/08 2.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 MTH140303 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140346 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020404 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH165495 04/28/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020412 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101424 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 Substitute 04/17/08 05/12/08 2.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 42.00 -81- Amount Paid $2,613.12 $983.72 $983.72 $983.72 $414.00 $582.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $22.00 $250.00 $1,164.00 $50.00 $243.00 $2,928.00 $150.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,928.00 $75.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $414.00 $650.00 $3,906.24 $3,906.24 $5,893.56 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $189.00 $3,888.00 $50.00 $216.00 $725.78 $725.78 $100.00 $677.40 $1,544.00 $1,747.84 $2,613.12 $1,104.00 $1,952.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $1,965.12 $1,747.84 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,701.00 $2,928.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $50.00 $1,134.00 Name Saettele, Robert Richard Sago, Janis Lynn Salcines, Jorge M Salomon, Mary Ann Samuel, Yvonne Sanchez, Andrew Sanders, Crystal Ninette Sanders, James H Sanders, John A Sandmel, Barbara L Sandoz, Darryl Sanvito, B Alice Saputo, Pauline A Sarich, Mark D Sather, Lawrence C Saunders, Pamela R Saurage, Judith Lynn Savage, Brianne Lenorah Savoca, Diane L Schaljo, Frederick Scharfenberger, Kristine Kim Scheffer, Kelly A Schmidt, Ashley K Schmidt, Susan Cracraft Schmieder, Linda K Schmitt, Linda M Schmoeker, Peter F Schneider, Douglas E Schnietz, Alina Auristela Schomaker, Maria Menne Schoolman, Marilyn J Schrader, Diann J Schramm, Joyce Marie Schubert, Stephan Gerhard Schulte, Janet L Schulte, Jeanne M Schwartz, Larry S Schwartz, Oscar A Schwartz, Sandra Helen Mueller Schweppe-Streiler, Sheral M Schwieder, Marcia Ann Sciaroni, Cynthia L Scognamiglio, Edward 06/19/08 Loc M M M M M FV FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FP M M FP FP FV FV FP M M CC FV FV M FV M M M FP FV FV M FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FP FP M M FV W W W FP M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HRT220680 01/12/08 03/09/08 3.00 Photo Cor 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ART165603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART166601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART167SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 FLSP FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 DMS111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.67 ENGL701H01 03/10/08 05/10/08 14.00 GNSF FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.50 MTH020580 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 COMP FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 FIR110451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FIR110450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLFR FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 16.00 DANC751FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 9.00 HEAL FPCE 02/09/08 05/10/08 11.00 ART105602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART109603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MUS128450 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 MUS103401 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ENG101514 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1025XX 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/13/08 01/26/08 0.30 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 1.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RDG020555 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 34.00 ART102551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SftCoach 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.83 MUS121601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS121602 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020501 04/13/08 05/12/08 0.75 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLGE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 TRIP FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 5.00 FLSP705420 01/31/08 05/10/08 18.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 TUR201450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.63 MGT101674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MGT201SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 MTH140S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLSP702H50 02/07/08 05/10/08 2.00 BAP250450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 9.00 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.01 KIDS720FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 28.00 BUSS722403 01/31/08 05/10/08 5.00 MED DIRECT 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 SENR MCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 2.00 PERD MCE 01/11/08 05/10/08 12.00 CCPR FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 MTH140301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030346 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 5.38 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 31.50 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.40 -82- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $1,164.00 $2,328.00 $2,328.00 $243.00 $1,080.00 $5,009.60 $406.00 $333.00 $1,637.10 $165.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $432.00 $162.00 $231.00 $3,906.24 $3,906.24 $1,701.12 $1,458.24 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $174.60 $174.00 $388.00 $200.00 $100.00 $2,256.00 $918.00 $1,965.12 $485.00 $1,742.08 $1,742.08 $66.00 $436.56 $75.00 $540.00 $90.00 $486.00 $50.00 $1,974.00 $2,613.12 $729.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $46.00 $1,965.12 $261.00 $7.28 $504.00 $165.00 $1,952.00 $50.00 $252.00 $81.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $140.26 $850.50 $811.89 Name Scott, Kimberly Marie Seaborn, Jeffrey W Seager, Mary V Sedlmayr, Christine M Selig, Margaret R Senior, Martha Sens, Charles H Sevier, William D Sexton, Cathy Ann Shadburne, William L Shah, Khalid Mohsan Shahriary, Carol H Shanders, Nicholas J Shankle, James M Sharpe, William W Shea, John M Shea, Marion C Shedd, Charles Philip Shelly-Smith, Ellen Anne Shepek, Gary D Shepherd, Edward A Shepherd, Eiko Saito Sheppard, Mark A Sheppard, Patricia M Sheridan, John B Sherman, Gudrun Elisabeth Sherry, Jerome Paul Sherwin, Amy Beth Wagner Shiller, Alan H Shiller, Bonnie L Shine, Katherine Marie Shintre, Seema 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV M M FV M M FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M W W M FV M M M M M M FV M M M M FV FV M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.40 CUL205421 03/19/08 05/12/08 3.00 CUL201401 01/16/08 03/09/08 2.81 RDG020408 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG020406 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 39.50 Counselor 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.20 Counselor 04/14/08 05/09/08 0.20 PRD 109 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ENG2015XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 ENG030509 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 35.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.53 BUSS754FV 01/11/08 05/10/08 9.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 CHM105650 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Librarian 01/12/08 05/10/08 2.48 PARA PRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 COM101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 COM101507 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 COM101502 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 PHL102650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL101SS1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL104SWA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL101SW1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030608 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020608 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160C609 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH160CHON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 36.50 NursingLab 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 MTH020402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030411 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 MTH020408 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Mtr Maint 03/10/08 05/17/08 7.00 PE 145501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 137501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART110606 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 ART109110339 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART107601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 HUM114T15 02/15/08 05/12/08 1.00 ENG030680 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 7.00 ESL PLCMNT 02/20/08 05/12/08 14.00 Substitute 03/27/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG061601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG070651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Outreach 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 ART101609 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 CCPR FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 EOW Outreach 04/28/08 05/12/08 2.00 NUR 102lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 -83- Amount Paid $232.80 $2,256.00 $2,115.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $553.00 $195.20 $195.20 $976.00 $2,209.00 $2,209.00 $490.00 $279.54 $243.00 $36.00 $3,491.36 $2,415.60 $1,746.24 $2,328.32 $1,924.18 $1,924.18 $1,924.18 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $2,619.75 $81.00 $50.00 $912.50 $6,011.52 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $112.50 $2,256.00 $770.00 $776.00 $776.00 $3,485.76 $75.00 $3,485.76 $2,003.84 $655.04 $1,965.12 $175.00 $308.00 $37.50 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,504.47 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $116.00 $58.00 $66.00 $5,243.52 $276.00 Name Shiwachi, Maki S Shrinivas, Radha S Shull, Mary J Siebel, John Siebert, Stacy Mildred Siegel, Phyllis B Sigala, Stephanie Childs Sigler, Danny R Silva, Michael R Silver, Margaret B Silver, Susann S Simler, Diana J Simmons, Eric Shueron Simmons, Karen L Simons, Kolleen Lyn Simpson, Chana Maria Simpson, Debra L Singer, Jonathan W Singer, Maureen Marie Singh, Kuldip Singleton, Timothy E Sippy, Jessica Lynn Skurat, Angela D Slaughter, Anne H Slaughter, Rachel Linette Sletten, Byron Kim Small, James Robert Smallwood, Michael B Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith, Allan D Smith, Alverta L 06/19/08 Loc M M FP FP FP M M M M FP M M M FP M FP FP M FV FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP M M FP FP FP W W W W M M M CC W FV FP FP FP FV M M W M M FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv JPN102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 JPN101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH140408 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.92 MTH020413 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.92 MTH020425 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 IS 101602 02/19/08 03/25/08 1.00 IS 101601 01/14/08 02/14/08 1.00 ENG061651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.30 BRID MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 90.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 16.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 147.00 AUTO FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 5.00 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 85.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 ACC100641 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AsstMBKB 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 PERD HEC 02/12/08 05/10/08 17.00 ENGL765H85 01/04/08 05/10/08 6.00 HMS100650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 122421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130412 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 122401 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 122402 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 Substitute 02/19/08 05/12/08 16.00 PE 122422 03/17/08 05/12/08 0.73 Substitute 03/27/08 05/12/08 5.00 PE 130431 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 REL100650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 REL100H50 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 HOME MCE 02/11/08 05/10/08 5.50 IS 251650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160C495 01/14/08 03/08/08 4.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH160C480 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 HumSocSpc 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 SOC101351 03/15/08 05/30/08 1.50 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 SOC101346 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC101652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Substitute 03/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 NUR 108 02/10/08 05/12/08 6.62 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 11.67 Substitute 01/18/08 05/12/08 11.00 Substitute 04/10/08 05/12/08 7.00 ENG101528 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 CVTW MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.50 PSI115650 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PSI111350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL211670 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 126.50 ART134233 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 6.00 ART135143 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 NSNGADJFPCE 05/06/08 05/17/08 0.01 -84- Amount Paid $2,620.16 $2,620.16 $2,851.75 $2,851.75 $2,928.00 $50.00 $752.00 $752.00 $1,965.12 $174.60 $1,620.00 $336.00 $2,646.00 $135.00 $1,530.00 $50.00 $3,495.68 $2,613.12 $388.00 $391.00 $174.00 $2,613.12 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $352.00 $424.38 $125.00 $776.00 $315.00 $3,008.00 $3,008.00 $115.50 $2,613.12 $2,620.16 $81.00 $2,620.16 $1,310.49 $982.56 $75.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $81.00 $75.00 $200.00 $75.00 $4,342.57 $10,166.80 $275.00 $154.00 $1,965.12 $412.50 $1,952.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $3,415.50 $3,005.76 $132.00 $3,005.76 $7.28 Name Smith, Cheryl Stantay Smith, Earnrolyn C Smith, Haden D Smith, Hugh A Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Michael J Smith, Michael W Smith, Robert R Smith, Sandra T Smith, Susan M Smith, Tiffany Mayet Smith-Buckingham, Minnie M Smugala, Brian A Smugala, Joe M Sneed, Ralph J Snell, Laura B Sokol, Laurence J Sommerkamp, Sandra Jane Sonderman, Amy J Soriano, Dawn Tammy Sotraidis, Sandra K Souder, Sally A Spann, Debra Kathleen Spearman, Augustine S Spiguzza, David M Spinks, Jeffrey P Spitzer, Nicholas Paul Splater, Carole J Sprang, John P Sprenger, Tonya R Sprinkle, Regina M Stafford, Robert W Stahl, Margaret Mary 06/19/08 Loc FP FV FV FV M M M W W W W FV FV M FV FV FV CC FP FP M FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FV M M FP FP M FP FP FP FP M FP W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV CC M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NSNGCPRFPCE 05/06/08 05/17/08 4.00 DANC746FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 LGL217580 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL217580 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 ARC518651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030651 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Substitute 02/14/08 05/12/08 3.50 MTH030351 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CE 250550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ELEC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 42.00 BIO207581 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.26 BIO207580 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.26 BIO207501lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.16 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 MTH030450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 MTH160C452 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 PE 136601 01/14/08 04/07/08 1.33 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 ENG020450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ST 111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 SocCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MenSocCoa 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.50 WomSocCoa 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.50 PSY200551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COL020603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 MTH030534 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030558 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030537 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PEDU756FV 01/02/08 05/08/08 12.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 COM101629 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 07 03/17/08 03/22/08 1.00 HUM102401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 MUS115601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 RDG020407 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG020422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 144.00 RDG515421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 42.00 Librarian 03/13/08 05/17/08 2.59 PHL1033W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101425 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 PEDU FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 10.00 BIO111452 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111495 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 NSNGCPRFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 7.00 NSNGADJFPCE 01/17/08 05/17/08 0.01 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.44 ESC203650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ME 243550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.34 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 NRSG MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 -85- Amount Paid $132.00 $144.00 $2,256.00 $564.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $87.50 $1,746.24 $1,952.00 $100.00 $1,386.00 $4,160.20 $4,160.20 $1,135.82 $200.00 $1,903.71 $2,538.28 $775.77 $50.00 $1,746.24 $6,011.52 $1,164.00 $873.00 $873.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $640.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $216.00 $50.00 $2,256.00 $81.00 $1,633.20 $1,310.08 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $2,880.00 $1,746.24 $1,134.00 $2,254.23 $1,965.12 $2,256.00 $50.00 $180.00 $2,836.32 $2,836.32 $203.00 $7.28 $256.08 $2,928.00 $3,259.84 $200.00 $132.00 Name Stamm, Mary P Stanton, Tracey M Star, Darcie Evon Staryak, Paul Alexander Stearn, Robin Michele Steele, Cathy S Steele, Lauren Marie Gerke Steinberg, Michael David Stephenson, Joseph M Stevens, Annie Esther Stewart, Katie D Stewart, Linda F Stewart, Linda J Stewart, Philip K Stiebel, Amanda Crowell Stillwell, Ellen Louise Stinchcomb, Bruce L Stocker, Christine R Stolarski, Roman Stoll, Sam L Storck, Kelly Sherman Storer, Christopher M Stovall-Reid, Calea Fall Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Strand, Stephanie Suzanne Strathman, Marc Alan Stroup, Paula C Struebing, Meredith Lynn Sturmfels, Gus W 06/19/08 Loc M M M M FV M FV FV M FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV CC M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M FP FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M FV M FV FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NRSGADJMCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.01 GENE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 ECE200650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECTA 04/18/08 05/13/08 21.00 PED116603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.27 GNSF FVCE 03/09/08 05/10/08 4.00 ARTS727FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 LGL230670 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 FOOD FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 10.00 MCM132461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHOT MCE 02/11/08 05/10/08 12.00 ENG101645 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101606 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 NURS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 03/03/08 05/12/08 6.00 ENG1025XS 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG101505 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 ENG101503 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 ENG1025XT 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 HEAL MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 9.50 WomSocCoa 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 MenSocCoa 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG030403 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 ENG101487 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.29 NUR 108 04/20/08 05/12/08 0.21 GEOL703FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.00 GEO100550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.99 AT 267SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.17 EMTPRIMARY 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH140652 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160C651 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSY216601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 BIO208550lab 02/10/08 05/12/08 0.83 BIO207503lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO208552lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO208lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO208 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO208552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/28/08 05/12/08 14.49 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 BIO208550 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.88 CRJ124401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ124474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 126.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 126.00 BIO203650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Music Director 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS113551 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 LGL106670 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 ENG061501 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG051501 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.50 ENG051501 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.50 AUTO MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 19.25 -86- Amount Paid $7.28 $972.00 $132.00 $1,965.12 $840.00 $832.96 $72.00 $828.00 $2,928.00 $210.00 $1,965.12 $324.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $50.00 $87.00 $100.00 $150.00 $982.56 $1,924.18 $1,924.18 $982.56 $200.00 $237.50 $873.00 $873.00 $1,842.30 $1,965.12 $7,122.36 $203.45 $27.00 $2,920.07 $2,187.00 $98.94 $2,910.40 $2,613.12 $3,484.16 $1,965.12 $75.00 $483.48 $774.16 $774.16 $774.16 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $350.28 $100.00 $1,091.40 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $2,268.00 $2,268.00 $2,836.32 $1,965.12 $1,842.30 $2,256.00 $1,965.12 $982.56 $982.56 $519.75 Name Sucher, Chad C Sullivan, Barry J Sullivan, Michael J Sullivan, T Christopher Summers, Diane Surber, Judith A Surrette, Alonzo Sutton, Emerson Svrakic, Ljiljana L Sweet, Dustin L Swegle, Jonathan Thomas Swenson, Jennifer Anne Swiderski, William G Swiener, Rita R Taborn, Eleanor Carol Taborn, Tyrone A Tackette, Roger D Talbot, Kevin Lee Tandoh, Kwabena Bempah Taqieddin, Ranya Salah Taylor, Amanda V Taylor, Carolyn Renee Tebbetts, Barbara L Templeton, Cheryl A Templeton, Sara Michelle Tesker, Kathleen T Tevlin, Geraldine Ann Tevlin, Robert James Tharenos, Anthony Michael Thias, Edward J Thieman, Dawn C Thoele, Mary A 06/19/08 Loc M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP W W W W W FP FP M M M M M FP W W W M W FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP W W W M M M M M FV M M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CVTW MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 ART111603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/15/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART109602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 BUS104406 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/07/08 05/12/08 4.00 CUL215461 03/19/08 05/12/08 1.31 CUL210450 01/16/08 03/09/08 1.50 PED116650 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG030404 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 REL102H50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLSPFLGEFPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 36.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.25 BUS152HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 ECO1513W2 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO1523WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 MCM219461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S06 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030S09 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 2.00 CRJS FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 33.00 IDS101302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY2053WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY2003WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 04/21/08 05/12/08 3.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 RDG030425 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 RDG055401 01/14/08 05/12/08 16.00 KIDS765H81 02/09/08 05/10/08 27.00 BLW101401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 31.50 THT101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101620 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 25.00 HMS111401 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 BIO207350 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.67 GED MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 26.00 VolCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 COMP720FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.50 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 DANC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 ART135601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ARTS MCE 01/02/08 02/23/08 2.50 ENG061650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO203604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO203603 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 -87- Amount Paid $450.00 $3,906.24 $88.00 $3,906.24 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $94.00 $763.98 $873.12 $776.00 $44.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $2,256.00 $972.00 $75.00 $31.25 $81.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $50.00 $1,089.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,613.12 $50.00 $567.04 $729.00 $2,613.12 $50.00 $787.50 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $525.00 $1,107.02 $75.00 $75.00 $2,836.32 $5,680.48 $42.00 $1,080.00 $858.00 $388.00 $214.50 $270.00 $270.00 $2,003.84 $67.50 $1,965.12 $2,836.32 $2,836.32 Name Thomas, Bill Jeffrey Thomas, Frances J Thomas, Gail Lavon Thomas, Preston R Thomas, Steven Dean Thomas, William H Thomas-Vertrees, Laverne Thompson, Donald E Thompson, Marcia L Thornton, Brandon Latroy Thorpes, Maria J Thouviner, Mary K Threlkeld, Elizabeth J Thumin, Ling J Timmermann, Karl Nicholas Tippett, Royce Crosby Tjaden, D Scott Tobias, Marvin A Toma, Terry Lynn Torres, Maggie Ibarra Townsend, Richard H Trautwein, Lisa Marie Trenholm, Robert Michael Tretter, Gina Gillardi Tricamo, Sandra Ann 06/19/08 Loc W W W W FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV M M FV M FV FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV CC FP FP FP FP M FV FV W FP FP FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG020301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1023W2 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RDG030551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.72 MUS150421 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS150401 01/14/08 03/08/08 2.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.50 MUS254462 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS154451 01/14/08 03/08/08 2.00 MTH124451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/10/08 01/26/08 3.00 MTH124450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC212674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC100607 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/06/08 05/12/08 16.66 MTH040550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.84 MTH030516 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MTH140518 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 04/10/08 05/12/08 2.50 MTH020540 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.83 MTH020415 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MTH030413 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 MTH123UP1 03/29/08 05/03/08 1.00 MTH030431 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.94 REL10050H 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 Librarian 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.90 MCM101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM1305XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130408 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 180401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130409 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 180402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 CVTW MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 25.00 ART221601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 PSY200553 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 PHL1124WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL104401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL101402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/29/08 05/12/08 6.00 FLSP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 JPN102550 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 MTH140350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 ST 110401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 DIT 209 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.40 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 DIT 107 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.80 PE 181501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Yoga 04/14/08 04/19/08 1.00 -88- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,746.24 $2,795.36 $1,164.16 $1,164.16 $137.50 $1,164.16 $1,164.16 $1,965.12 $75.00 $1,965.12 $75.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $416.50 $4,727.50 $2,867.00 $2,867.00 $100.00 $62.50 $2,765.13 $1,709.86 $1,709.86 $582.08 $1,709.86 $3,008.00 $112.00 $216.00 $8,686.40 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $776.00 $1,746.00 $776.00 $1,746.00 $50.00 $825.00 $2,621.76 $100.00 $1,965.12 $200.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $150.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $2,915.84 $1,965.12 $81.00 $2,621.76 $262.00 $100.00 $524.04 $776.00 $240.00 Name Trietley, Roger Stuart Tripp, Karen Rogers True, James E Truong, Amanda Marie Trzaska, Anupama Rani Turner, Bryan J Turner, Fred Turner, Mitchell M Tylka, David L Tyus, Shalonda Karletta Ullery, Leona M Ulrich, Virginia Underwood, Kevin Daniel Unruh, Ann L Unverferth, Donna M Usher, Ellen Nicole Vaden, Mary Frances Vallely, John Anthony Van Dyke, Karen A Van Herreweghe, Christa E Van Hoogstraat, William H Van Leunen, Peter Russell Vance, Samuel P Vandeven, Warren Theodore 06/19/08 Loc FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FV M M M M FP FP W St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 181550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 04/06/08 05/12/08 1.25 IDS101475 01/14/08 02/26/08 0.75 IDS101475 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.25 ART131421 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 PERD FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 2.00 CCPR FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 2.00 CCPRFAMLFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 11.00 IDS101551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104505 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104507 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020527 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030523 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO208511lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO208509lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO208508lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 04/06/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 16.00 BIO111514lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO111508lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 03/28/08 05/12/08 1.00 BIO111504lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO111451 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 BIO111450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Substitute 02/14/08 05/12/08 4.66 CRJS FPCE 02/25/08 05/10/08 32.00 HRM212401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRM201474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRM212474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO556641 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ST 111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH108403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH108401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.00 MTH030417 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DANC707421 01/31/08 05/10/08 12.00 MTR FPCE 03/10/08 05/10/08 40.00 CPDV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.50 MTH020417 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101451 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 ENGL765H01 02/19/08 05/10/08 22.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 ENG101424 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101411 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 BIO208550 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.56 BIO208550lab 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.25 MTH140580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 IS 151401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 IS 102402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Librarian 02/01/08 05/12/08 0.75 ART138639 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART240SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ART238601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART240601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG1024WI 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.05 IS 103301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -89- Amount Paid $776.00 $100.00 $31.25 $653.28 $1,959.84 $3,485.76 $270.00 $42.00 $58.00 $297.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $3,256.16 $1,000.16 $1,000.16 $29.26 $400.00 $871.20 $871.20 $25.00 $871.20 $1,752.16 $3,256.16 $102.52 $1,056.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,928.00 $2,328.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $175.00 $2,613.12 $216.00 $720.00 $93.00 $237.50 $1,746.24 $2,185.50 $638.00 $50.00 $2,256.00 $2,185.50 $489.96 $217.22 $1,965.12 $100.00 $3,904.00 $2,928.00 $491.40 $1,161.92 $729.00 $1,161.92 $3,485.76 $1,965.12 $611.10 $2,256.00 Name Vavere, Atis Vawter, Bruce G Vernon, Ena A Vetter, Timothy M Vigil, Anamaria V Vinson, Annette Lorraine Vogel, Rebecca T Vogt, John Charles Von der Heydt, Elizabeth A Vredeveld, Linda Shultis Vroman, Paul J Wadlow, Robert Emil E Wagganer, Andrea M Walentik, David S Wallace, Marsha Elaine Wallace, William Hayes Walsh, Martha A Walter, Donald J Walters, Jean M Wamsley, David M Wantz, Kimberly Ann Ward, Dannette C Ward, Wynn B Warden, Patti Anne Ware, Keith 06/19/08 Loc W W W FV FV M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M W W M W M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M FV M FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BUS201301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Blackboard 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 CHM101504 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 CHM101551 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 HRT133670 01/14/08 03/09/08 1.00 BIO111S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111S05 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ARC123650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLSP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 60.00 RDG052501 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 RDG020505 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG016501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 RDG017501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 CCPR MCE 01/28/08 05/10/08 6.00 CCPR702FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 Substitute 04/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111502lab 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.58 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 BIO111509lab 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.17 BIO111506lab 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.42 BIO111510lab 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.67 ART114501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 02/10/08 05/12/08 9.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 Substitute 01/28/08 05/12/08 17.50 MTH030582 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030553 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART165680 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SOC1013S1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FedGrtApp 03/31/08 05/12/08 1.00 SOC101S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 BUS201602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS201601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO1526W7 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020455 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020452 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 03/05/08 1.00 LGL218580 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL106580 02/10/08 03/08/08 3.00 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 39.00 PERD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 CPDV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 GEO1036X0 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEO1006X0 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 GEO100SX1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 HMS101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO222550 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 HIST MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 AFO 01/14/08 02/10/08 1.00 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111553 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111553lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ENG030551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -90- Amount Paid $2,256.00 $150.00 $75.00 $3,904.00 $5,202.08 $752.00 $4,226.08 $4,226.08 $75.00 $2,256.00 $1,620.00 $324.00 $1,965.12 $1,310.08 $100.00 $655.04 $186.00 $124.00 $75.00 $381.15 $100.00 $108.90 $272.25 $435.60 $2,621.76 $225.00 $100.00 $437.50 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $3,005.76 $1,965.12 $655.04 $1,965.12 $75.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $100.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $144.00 $1,209.00 $202.50 $330.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $2,613.12 $1,965.12 $216.00 $100.00 $104.26 $1,965.12 $871.20 $1,965.12 Name Ware, Regina Jane Warner, Kathlene R Warnock, Peter J Wartts, Charles Washington, Mason A Watt, Darren W Wead, Rodney S Weber, Eugene P Weber, Kathryn R Wedle, Patricia A Wegener, Delano P Weindel, Kenneth J Weinstock, Joyce L Weinzirl, Karen A Weiss, Denise Welby, James E Weltscheff, William K Wenneker, Razine May Werdes, M J Werner, Terry F Werner, Vicki L Wertley, Chad M West, Tracy Ann Weston, David Ray Weston, Patricia L Weusthoff, Carole J Wheeler, Benjamin Adam Whiteside, Ken Whitney, Lisa Marie Wible, Sherrill W Wieckhorst, Kathryn N 06/19/08 Loc FV FV FP FP M FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M FP M M M M FP FP M FV FV M M FV FV FV M FP FV M M FV W W W W W FV FV M M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG030550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG030486 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 DIET MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 20.00 DIET FVCE 01/02/08 06/14/08 47.00 ANT102501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT102T56 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT103TW6 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 03/17/08 05/12/08 4.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG1025X4 01/14/08 04/12/08 1.78 ENG1025X3 01/14/08 04/12/08 1.78 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.17 MTH140558 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140582 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 SOC101451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC101480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHOT FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 12.00 HST101502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.94 HST102502 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 HST102501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.94 Registration 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.70 MTH140S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140S46 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160CS01 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Librarian 01/12/08 05/10/08 7.36 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 NUR 205 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.67 EDU218S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 CRJS FPCE 01/27/08 05/10/08 43.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.67 CRFT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.50 MTH108552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 BIO111S04 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 MKT203501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS10450H 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MKT104601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS520H01 03/11/08 05/10/08 1.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.86 FOOD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 36.00 BUSS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 CRFT765FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 MUS114350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS1133W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Clsrm Mgt 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 1.25 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 COM101552 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.58 PE 192601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO117601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FNL207401 01/14/08 05/12/08 8.00 -91- Amount Paid $100.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $660.00 $1,551.00 $2,613.12 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,551.54 $1,551.54 $98.94 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $50.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $372.00 $2,579.22 $1,924.18 $1,924.18 $609.84 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $3,904.00 $7,185.80 $180.00 $5,761.04 $2,928.00 $50.00 $1,333.00 $8,463.52 $117.00 $2,256.00 $100.00 $4,226.08 $4,226.08 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $655.04 $4,496.32 $828.00 $145.00 $54.00 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $75.00 $75.00 $31.25 $100.00 $2,928.00 $1,503.50 $776.00 $2,928.00 $4,656.00 Name Wiggs, Jennifer A Wild, Gerald A Wilhelm, Robert E Wilke, Fred J Wilkerson, Robyn G Williams, Clovis Eugene Williams, Daniel R Williams, Darrell Demetri Williams, Gerald A Williams, Kathy L Williams, Kay J Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Marianne E Williams, Mark Hilary Williams, Meriam E Williams, Robin Lin Williams, Rosie B Williams, Shirley A Williams, Terril K Williams, Tracey Ann Willingham, Shannon Donald Willis, Ann A Willmore, Melissa L Willoughby, Vincent J Wilson, Antonina Wilson, Crystal Julienne Wilson, Donald W Wilson, Jimmy D Wilson, Robert L Wilson, Susan J 06/19/08 Loc W W FV FP FV FV FV M FV CC FP M M M FP FV FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP M M M FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART111301 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 PEDU766FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 15.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.86 ECO151507 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 103551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151506 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HORT MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.50 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 42.00 EE 112550 02/10/08 05/12/08 5.00 PE 109401 02/07/08 03/09/08 1.33 ANIM MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 PERD MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 NURS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.50 SoftballCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.67 AHCE734FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.25 FOOD FPCE 02/19/08 05/10/08 5.00 DCS212551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DCS107551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.44 MTH020435 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 MTH020454 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 ECE124450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 137421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 177421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 139421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 177401 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 137401 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 139401 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 OTA102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 0.50 Librarian 01/07/08 05/12/08 2.33 PHL1046W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL1014WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL111SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 PHL101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 ENG1026W2 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 33.50 DCS107501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 DCS212501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 DCS107552 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.81 PE 130427 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 122461 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130462 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130451 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 130450 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 PE 130407 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 ENG030513 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG030518 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTR FPCE 04/11/08 05/12/08 20.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 SPA201450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.88 Substitute 03/26/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM130674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM132601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -92- Amount Paid $3,485.76 $75.00 $405.00 $500.09 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $52.50 $1,050.00 $3,760.00 $776.00 $81.00 $210.00 $139.50 $2,134.00 $65.25 $105.00 $1,746.24 $1,746.24 $2,908.52 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $2,256.00 $50.00 $2,256.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $3,484.16 $291.00 $1,523.34 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $486.00 $81.00 $75.00 $2,928.00 $837.50 $1,637.10 $1,637.10 $1,637.10 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $776.00 $100.00 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $360.00 $50.00 $2,538.28 $75.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 Name Winfield, Leroy Winkler, Elizabeth Anne Wiseheart, Barbara T Wisler, Marilyn K Witt, Carol M Wittenauer, Jill Hannon Wohl, Allison Wolf, Tamara A Wong, Kai Chong Wood, Pamela Renee Woodruff, Kerry M Woods, Debra Ann Woolem, Donald L Worley, Jan Eugene Worley, Kenneth R Wright, Allyson Weathers Wright, Doris J Wylie, Carolyn E Xing, Xiaoyan Yancey, Amanda Ann Yanko, Albert Yanko, Marie Sandy York, Gayle L Yu, Pinpin Zahner, Diana Sue Zamenski, Andrew J Zboray, Julie Ann Zebroski, Sheryline A Zemen, Diane L Zielinski, Michelle Lynn Zipp, Jeanne Marie Zirngibl, James L Loc FP W W W M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP M FV FV FV FP W W W W M FP FP CC CC FP M M FP FP M M FP FP FV FP FP M M M M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.22 BIO111351 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111304 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 LGL217671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140452 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030435 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 NURS FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 4.00 Adjunct 02/12/08 05/10/08 0.03 ACC100451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH030609 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.25 MTH030609 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.75 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 11.50 MTH030603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG020461 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.75 PHL104450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST137421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 45.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.99 EMT ADJ 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.29 NSNGCPRFPCE 04/19/08 05/17/08 6.50 RELG MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 10.00 Substitute 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART100T15 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 COM101487 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Orientation 01/13/08 01/26/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.75 COM101301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101304 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 40.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.50 CHI101485 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 OPC FAC 01/30/08 04/16/08 9.00 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 1.00 COMP FPCE 02/12/08 05/10/08 18.00 BskCoach 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 Cheerleading 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 MTH030464 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160C451 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 FLCH MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 14.00 LGL106641 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 RTH140401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 RTH245401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 PEDU761FV 01/22/08 05/10/08 18.60 SOC101422 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC101486 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 03/04/08 05/12/08 2.00 BIO110602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 FSHN MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 11.00 BUS104640 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 BUS104671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104641 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Total: 06/19/08 5,447.54 -93- 22,972.65 Amount Paid $2,456.04 $2,836.32 $2,836.32 $75.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $2,928.00 $132.00 $14.55 $1,965.12 $1,309.68 $436.56 $287.50 $1,746.24 $1,600.72 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $50.00 $1,305.00 $349.86 $1,331.91 $214.50 $210.00 $75.00 $2,928.00 $100.00 $1,965.12 $50.00 $68.75 $1,965.12 $1,965.12 $1,320.00 $8,278.68 $2,620.16 $1,080.00 $200.00 $522.00 $388.00 $1,552.00 $1,965.12 $2,620.16 $294.00 $1,746.24 $218.48 $218.48 $502.20 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $2,613.12 $75.00 $50.00 $2,836.32 $253.00 $2,256.00 $2,256.00 $75.00 $2,256.00 $4,720,833.26 Name Adamecz, Gustav Aehle, Michael R Ahrens, J Markus Aiello, Janis J Alvarez, Teresa Ann Amor, Abdelouahab Angert, Joseph C Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Applegate, Mark D Armstrong, Richard D Arpadi, Allen G Babbitt, Donald R Bai, Soby Steven Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Barbara Jean Barrett, Robyn Camella Beal, David W Becker, Kathleen Sue Behrend, Reynold C Benton, Deira L Berger, Carol A Bergjans, Dorrine C Berne, Richard R Betzler, Daniel J 06/19/08 Loc FP FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M W W W W W FP FP M FP M FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IT 201486 03/08/08 05/12/08 5.00 IT 201466 03/17/08 05/12/08 5.00 ART131601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 ACC114695 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ACC100606 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC213695 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 04/20/08 05/12/08 13.24 NUR 108 04/20/08 05/12/08 0.55 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 NUR 108 01/13/08 02/09/08 1.52 BIO103401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO207450 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.57 IT 203466 03/18/08 05/12/08 5.00 ART17257A 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART275474 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 AUT167401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.92 AUT164426 03/17/08 05/12/08 7.00 HRM128450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRM128402 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.60 PE 162421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130423 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 PE 171421 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 PE 130421 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Substitute 02/19/08 05/12/08 3.75 MTH240501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART165401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 ACC100504 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC114550 03/27/08 05/12/08 1.25 ACC100514 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC114501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 MCM219501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MCM122501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MCM123501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/25/08 05/12/08 1.00 BUS104674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104675 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 ACC124696 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 ACC114301 01/17/08 05/12/08 1.93 ACC110SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 ACC110HON 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 ACC114HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 MTH020409 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020401 02/13/08 05/12/08 2.06 PediatricCln 04/13/08 05/12/08 2.38 NUR 204 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.72 ART111602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.67 RDG050501 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 HUM109501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.13 ART100501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 151474 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 102421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY2155SA 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY210585 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSY200T95/96 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSY200T96 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200T15 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DCS207551 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.00 -94- Amount Paid $3,875.20 $3,875.20 $2,684.16 $899.04 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $291.28 $427.78 $100.00 $1,142.82 $2,927.39 $3,765.53 $4,495.20 $4,026.24 $1,677.60 $1,726.16 $6,293.27 $3,024.00 $2,620.80 $900.16 $675.12 $810.00 $486.00 $93.75 $3,024.00 $1,342.08 $81.00 $2,325.12 $968.80 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $81.00 $676.00 $1,352.00 $2,028.00 $25.00 $3,024.00 $1,512.00 $2,325.12 $150.00 $1,491.95 $324.00 $81.00 $81.00 $2,697.12 $1,854.27 $2,127.72 $3,325.68 $3,690.72 $243.00 $1,134.00 $3,024.00 $1,008.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $4,032.00 $1,008.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $1,458.24 $225.00 Name Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Billman, Daniel T Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blalock, Kay Jeanene Blanco, Carlos A Bouchard, Celia E Bozek, Brian M Brady, Sandra Helen Brake, Dean A Breed, Gwen E Breitwieser, Dianne E Brennan, James R Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burke, Michael A Burkhardt, Charles E Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D 06/19/08 Loc FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FV FV M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv DCS218501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/28/08 05/12/08 3.73 BIO207507lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 HRT207650 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 BIO111610 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 ECE102650 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HST101675 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 LrnCircle 01/17/08 02/23/08 1.00 HST102T96 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 HST101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 HST115601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST102674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 02/15/08 02/23/08 1.00 FOOD FPCE 04/04/08 05/17/08 2.50 MTH140516 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140533 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 Substitute 02/26/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH140532 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 1.00 RDG030SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 XRT214401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 XRT112402 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 Mobil/Grant 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.23 COM101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 FNL208401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RTH128401402 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 HST138402 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 HST102T14 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130502 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 130501 01/14/08 03/08/08 0.33 PE 135T95 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.00 PE 130504 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 130551 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.33 PE 130504 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG201SX1 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 2.00 MTH240450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSI105501 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.13 PHY223550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSI111503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH123583 01/18/08 01/20/08 1.00 GEO100HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 GEO111S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.67 GEO101SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 PE 103591 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 IDS101504 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 130519 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 135T15 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HUM102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HUM102HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 MTH160C403 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Orientation 01/04/08 02/09/08 0.20 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.50 -95- Amount Paid $2,697.12 $93.25 $1,030.80 $296.68 $3,892.84 $899.04 $3,024.00 $400.00 $3,024.00 $50.00 $243.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $2,697.12 $3,596.16 $775.04 $52.50 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $80.00 $81.00 $125.00 $2,325.12 $25.00 $243.00 $516.96 $516.96 $2,697.12 $81.00 $1,990.64 $81.00 $3,024.00 $1,342.08 $1,458.24 $2,325.12 $900.16 $225.04 $676.00 $900.16 $900.16 $900.16 $50.00 $775.04 $50.00 $3,024.00 $1,134.00 $4,032.00 $3,024.00 $1,008.00 $81.00 $3,832.92 $162.00 $1,342.08 $3,024.00 $1,342.08 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $81.00 $2,704.00 $131.01 $62.50 Name Carter, Christine E Carter, Yolanda Denise Chambers, Stanley V Chanasue, Deborah M Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Christman, Mary B Clark, Judy V Coburn, John W Cody, Scott Matthew Coelho, Ana P Cole, Angelic Inez Collier, Nancy C Collins, Jennifer P Collins, Steven G Conner, Elcee C Consolino, Beverly M Conte, Mario V Cooper, Terry D Copp, Julie C Corich, Evelyn F Counte, Suzanne F Crawford, Linden G Cruz, Ana Lucia Cupples, Tommy G Cusumano, Donald R 06/19/08 Loc M FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M FP FV FV FV M M FV FP M M M M FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M W FV CC FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Assessment 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 9.00 BIO122H01 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160C421 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 NUR 205 01/14/08 04/12/08 1.57 NUR 204 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.11 ART116601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.17 IS 218601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 215SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ProgStdy 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PTA214SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 PTA213601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.95 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 2.00 Substitute 01/23/08 05/12/08 2.50 MTH160C582 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH020541 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC211601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/12/08 7.00 Orientation 01/04/08 02/09/08 0.20 CHM1016W6 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM101695 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 02/06/08 05/12/08 6.50 LrnCircle 01/17/08 02/23/08 1.00 PSI111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 GEG106401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 HST105602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 HST204601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 HST105601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 RTH125401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 Substitute 02/12/08 05/12/08 2.00 DHY 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 DHY 131(b) 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 DA 174 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.42 DHY 131(a) 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 PSY200604 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 PSY210350 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ISW FAC 02/15/08 03/08/08 1.00 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 0.00 COM101504 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101508 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 2.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 12.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 3.00 MTH020410 02/13/08 05/12/08 1.38 ACC110604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ACC209695 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.60 ACC100674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Hlth Svc 01/03/08 05/12/08 2.00 Counselor 01/02/08 01/04/08 0.65 EDU211601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Gear Up 04/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 IT 535595 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.50 IS237585685 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IT 534595 01/14/08 05/12/08 12.00 IS 1395IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 PSY205714 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -96- Amount Paid $3,024.00 $729.00 $2,028.00 $3,099.69 $1,576.53 $1,121.07 $149.00 $899.04 $1,701.00 $2,697.12 $324.00 $132.00 $957.60 $162.00 $62.50 $4,032.00 $3,024.00 $2,028.00 $2,028.00 $567.00 $150.40 $4,791.88 $899.04 $162.50 $400.00 $3,355.92 $81.00 $3,355.92 $3,596.16 $1,798.08 $3,596.16 $1,490.00 $50.00 $2,348.64 $447.00 $372.52 $596.00 $3,024.00 $162.00 $3,024.00 $676.00 $0.00 $2,028.00 $2,028.00 $80.00 $162.00 $312.50 $243.00 $1,065.68 $3,596.16 $539.44 $2,697.12 $2,016.00 $655.20 $3,024.00 $775.04 $3,487.68 $2,325.12 $9,300.48 $243.00 $3,024.00 Name Daniel, Paul T Dattoli, Anthony David Daugherty, Seth A Day, Leroy Thomas Deelo, Joan M Denney, Diane M Dennis, Jeremy K Dorough, Scott C Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Downey, Michael D du Maine, Jessica J Duchinsky, Jason G Dufer, Dennis C Dunbar, Laurencin Dwyer, Joan E Ebest, Ron J Edmonds, Dino A Elhoffer, Sarah Jean Elliott, John Mark Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle Rene Featherson, Vincent E 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV M M FV FV FV FV M M FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NEA Pres 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY100T14all 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 264498 04/28/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 251474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 103422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 231474 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 IS 252474 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 PE 132 01/02/08 01/04/08 0.67 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 11.00 MTH220450 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MTH140421 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Calculus Study 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 4.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 9.50 Math Contest 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 FRE202SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 FRE102HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 FRE201601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 FRE101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ACC114HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 EDU220401 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 EDU216401 01/14/08 05/12/08 16.00 EDU211461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 5.00 ENG1024WK 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/25/08 05/12/08 2.50 GEO111HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 GEO111602 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.67 GEO111601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.50 NUR 204 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.33 NUR 205 01/14/08 04/12/08 2.35 CUL101402 01/17/08 03/09/08 1.00 ARCHS 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CUL101421 03/18/08 05/12/08 1.00 CUL101401 01/15/08 03/09/08 1.00 ESC101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.68 Counselor 01/02/08 01/04/08 0.68 COM1046W5 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSI105501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 PSI105503 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 PSI105502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 Pgm Cordin 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.36 NUR 204 02/10/08 05/12/08 0.56 Voyager 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PHY111501 04/17/08 05/12/08 1.13 Substitute 04/21/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH160C674 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH160A601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH140SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 04/16/08 05/12/08 1.00 MTH020609 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.25 IDS201HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 SOC2036X1 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 17.00 PE 191611 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 XRT112402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 XRT214401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 -97- Amount Paid $3,024.00 $1,008.00 $486.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $1,214.88 $81.00 $1,458.24 $225.04 $436.96 $242.00 $676.00 $2,028.00 $676.00 $324.00 $237.50 $676.00 $324.00 $243.00 $1,008.00 $4,032.00 $81.00 $1,944.00 $162.08 $3,024.00 $405.00 $2,697.12 $62.50 $81.00 $5,097.56 $1,501.40 $49.50 $1,192.38 $2,097.54 $1,008.00 $3,024.00 $1,008.00 $1,008.00 $2,077.12 $456.30 $2,697.12 $2,993.80 $2,993.80 $81.00 $2,993.80 $5,395.16 $563.67 $1,550.08 $760.50 $125.00 $2,704.00 $2,704.00 $729.00 $25.00 $169.00 $81.00 $1,798.08 $374.00 $225.04 $3,355.20 $2,684.16 Name Finnell, Patricia K Fischer, Carl W Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley Peter Freeman, Terrence L Friedman, Donna G Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Fuller, Carolyn Marie Fuller, Michael J Gackstatter, Gary Lee Gaines, Karen B Gale-Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine Claire 06/19/08 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NUR 105 04/20/08 05/12/08 0.65 NRSG704FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 ME 152501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.67 ME 151501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.78 Substitute 04/24/08 05/12/08 4.50 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 IDS201502 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 BIO141501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO12250H 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101565 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DIT 103 01/14/08 04/12/08 0.65 COM101510 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.60 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 COM501511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DCS209551 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 02/19/08 05/12/08 9.00 DCS217551 04/14/08 05/13/08 3.00 DCS209501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 6.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 BUS104504 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PTKSPON 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201581 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 NUR204601 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.49 Cordin Crs 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.50 ART100601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.70 ESC100501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.34 IDS101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM105503 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM105502 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 CHM206501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM101505 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO111406 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.84 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 BIO111407 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO111403 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.65 MTH160A602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH186601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 03/24/08 05/12/08 3.50 CHM106HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 CHM106602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 CHM106603 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 RDG100501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL10357B 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL10357A 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ANT101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SENR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IDS201606 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MUS114S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS114602 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 MUS114HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 MUS103601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MUS114601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 IDS201HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 DCS117501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DCS116502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 DCS518501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 SOC1016X1 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 -98- Amount Paid $577.38 $247.50 $3,619.44 $604.52 $112.50 $81.00 $899.04 $1,195.72 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $586.62 $2,337.52 $80.00 $2,697.12 $775.47 $225.00 $2,325.12 $775.47 $150.00 $80.00 $2,028.00 $2,697.12 $3,595.59 $1,335.42 $596.00 $4,768.00 $49.50 $3,326.44 $342.72 $3,024.00 $5,372.64 $1,340.64 $3,024.00 $1,340.64 $3,751.20 $81.00 $3,355.92 $3,603.92 $4,032.00 $4,032.00 $87.50 $243.00 $676.00 $3,603.08 $2,325.12 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $50.00 $25.00 $4,032.00 $2,325.12 $387.52 $81.00 $2,325.12 $3,100.17 $81.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,550.08 $3,596.16 Name Gardner, Steven Eugene Garrett, Toni N Garsnett, Kay Lynn Gee, Stacy L Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Gopalan, Chaya Gordon, Brian G Gordon, Katherine Heather Graham, Nita S Grahlfs, Joan M Graville, Teri K Grote, Terri J Groth, Charles E Grupas, Angela K Hafer, Gail H Hake, John C Hamberg, Linda J Hanlon, David R Hansen, Troy Robert Harden, Lisa Ann Harlan, Vernon T Harms, Robert C 06/19/08 Loc M CC FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FV FP FP FV FV FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV W W FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV M M FV M FP FP FP M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SOC1016W7 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 1.00 GLE101424 03/06/08 05/03/08 3.00 MTH020603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 4.00 ActLibMgr 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACTManager 01/14/08 02/09/08 1.00 IS 1565IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 IS 102503 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.50 IS 1585IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 ISWFAC 02/15/08 03/08/08 1.00 IS 151501 01/14/08 03/08/08 2.00 IS 155SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 IS 151674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 164SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 IS 123603 01/14/08 02/13/08 1.00 Blkbrd Fac 02/23/08 03/22/08 7.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 3.00 ST 111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 EGR100550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.84 Substitute 03/19/08 05/12/08 2.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.84 AUT257426 03/18/08 05/12/08 4.25 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 MTH210650 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH210HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 BIO233501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.58 Correction 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.11 BIO208512lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.25 BIO208508lab 01/14/08 04/12/08 1.50 HST107501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 4.00 ENG2115XB 01/14/08 03/08/08 24.00 MTH020418 02/13/08 05/12/08 2.06 MTH140422 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 MTH185550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MTH186301 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MTH140SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 04/02/08 05/12/08 1.50 IS 256474 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.80 ART254SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 COM120674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM107T16 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM107674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS201S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/26/08 05/12/08 8.00 MTH020531 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU217550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART165602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ART204601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.17 Registration 01/02/08 01/13/08 0.20 MTH030622 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 CRJ123474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ212401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ111401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/17/08 05/12/08 4.50 BIO111603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO111602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO111677 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 BIO111676 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 -99- Amount Paid $1,798.08 $80.00 $2,028.00 $1,008.00 $160.00 $2,697.12 $899.04 $162.00 $1,014.00 $81.00 $676.00 $1,352.00 $324.00 $2,028.00 $81.00 $676.00 $280.00 $243.00 $1,342.08 $1,654.24 $47.00 $1,426.80 $2,873.01 $138.00 $4,495.20 $81.00 $1,587.60 $1,116.36 $249.48 $1,512.00 $4,032.00 $324.00 $972.00 $1,598.52 $2,325.12 $81.00 $899.04 $1,352.00 $486.00 $37.50 $735.84 $486.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $200.00 $2,028.00 $3,024.00 $3,576.00 $1,043.00 $135.20 $676.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $112.50 $1,195.72 $1,195.72 $2,993.80 $3,892.84 Name Harris, James J Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Haun, Margaret C Hauser, Michael A Heaton, Patricia L Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller Henry, Deborah Jane Hertel, Robert B Herzog, David L Heth, George O Higdon, Paul Edward Higgins, Julie C High, Julie Ann Hinton, Grady Hirst, Lori C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Hunt-Bradford, Susan E Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP M M FV FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG2174XB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL105401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHL109401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 XRT214401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 XRT112401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 CHM1056W3 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.83 Substitute 02/06/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM206HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 LrnCircle 01/17/08 02/23/08 1.00 HST138403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST137401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Dep Chair 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.50 MKT203T14 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104514 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 04/02/08 05/12/08 1.00 BIO558501lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.89 BIO203580 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.66 BIO203501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.66 MUS102501 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 MUS121502 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 MUS202501 01/14/08 05/12/08 64.00 MUS121501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.90 Calculus Study 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MTH020416 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 5.00 PTA216601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.40 PTA217601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.73 PTA105SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 Persona 04/13/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG1024WD 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101404 02/08/08 04/19/08 3.09 BIO207406 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO208404 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.65 LrnCircle 01/31/08 02/23/08 1.00 ProgStdy 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.67 HST101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 HST101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 HST101605 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG1024XC 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1104XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CorTrnsit 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MCM141674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM211601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 2.00 MCM201601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.40 MCM132401 01/14/08 05/12/08 51.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 IDS201401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 COM101S51 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 IS 123574 01/12/08 05/03/08 1.00 Art Demo 01/13/08 01/26/08 0.40 ART113603 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 ART113602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 -100- Amount Paid $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $1,033.92 $1,550.88 $81.00 $4,868.64 $75.00 $162.00 $3,019.68 $400.00 $2,325.12 $775.04 $75.00 $6,742.80 $3,024.00 $6,048.00 $81.00 $44.00 $25.00 $800.16 $4,189.52 $593.36 $1,944.32 $775.04 $81.00 $1,944.32 $1,472.56 $676.00 $2,028.00 $37.50 $405.00 $3,056.72 $2,454.36 $324.00 $1,512.00 $3,024.00 $2,087.15 $3,355.92 $3,603.92 $400.00 $1,489.62 $81.00 $4,032.00 $4,032.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $676.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $50.00 $310.00 $1,944.06 $81.00 $3,100.16 $2,697.12 $243.00 $899.04 $310.02 $516.96 $3,101.76 Name Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J Ivory, Jeffrey P James, Darrin C Jason, Marita A Johnson, Ida T Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Jones, Trevin J Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalfus, Richard M Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Keller, Margaret L Keller, Patty OHallaron Klein, Nancy M Knight, Sandra M Kokotovich, Lisa M Koosmann, Steven B Koric, Arabela Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert S Langrehr, Andrew M Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S 06/19/08 Loc M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FV M M M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PHL102HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 MTH030436 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH108495 04/28/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140405 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 HRM202474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRM209474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRM202401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 PE 120574 03/09/08 05/12/08 0.33 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 4.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 2.00 PRD102421 02/06/08 05/10/08 6.00 Spring Reg 01/12/08 01/19/08 0.38 Tch Year 04/14/08 04/25/08 1.00 BUS250499 04/28/08 05/17/08 3.00 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 1.00 BUS104T14 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 BUS104T54 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 ACC291499 04/28/08 05/17/08 3.00 ACC208499 04/28/08 05/17/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 14.00 Dep Chair 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 IS 129474 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 103421 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.66 GER201601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 GER102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 ECE206501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.60 ECE202580 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO144601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 BIO141602 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 BIO555SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 BIO555HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 BIO140601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART114637 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART114638 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 PSY200SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 PSY200603 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 OTA213640 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 OTA214641 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PRD107421 02/06/08 05/10/08 3.50 Spring Reg 01/12/08 01/19/08 0.38 PTK Advisor 01/14/08 05/10/08 3.50 NUR101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.01 CTCR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 CordinCrs 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 FNL200401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 FNL104401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 MTH160C404 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Calculus Study 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 26.00 MTH140674 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH160C603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART110501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 CHM206SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 CHM105602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.17 CHM105604 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 Registration 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.29 IDS201575 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 -101- Amount Paid $243.00 $2,028.00 $486.00 $1,352.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $75.00 $2,697.12 $50.00 $225.04 $324.00 $162.00 $4,650.24 $290.64 $500.00 $243.00 $80.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $81.00 $243.00 $1,701.00 $1,134.00 $5,812.80 $81.00 $1,008.00 $2,681.91 $4,032.00 $504.00 $3,628.80 $3,024.00 $504.00 $5,040.00 $486.00 $81.00 $3,024.00 $1,192.00 $298.00 $486.00 $6,048.00 $4,032.00 $4,032.00 $3,146.64 $337.14 $3,146.64 $5.16 $132.00 $516.96 $2,684.16 $2,684.16 $2,704.00 $676.00 $650.00 $4,032.00 $3,024.00 $1,192.00 $243.00 $2,849.96 $4,791.88 $222.87 $3,100.16 Name LeClerc, Erin Rebecca Lee, Dianne M Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lemons, Shelly Lynn Lewis, Christine Marie Licata, Christina F Lincoln, Craig Walter Liu, Grace Lodhi, Afzal K Long, Richard Douglas Lorenz, Michael R Luebke, Mary E Lupardus, S Carol Lyons, Eilene M Magagnos, Lovedy S Mani, Marcia A Manteuffel, Mark Steven Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth 06/19/08 Loc FV M M FP FP M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP W W W M M M M M M FV FV FV W FV W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IDS201574 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 01/31/08 05/12/08 5.00 ART253601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 HIT101475 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.50 HIT101476 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSI124601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 HST101606 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 HST102601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160C602 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MTH160CHON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 MTH140SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 1.00 LrnCircle 01/17/08 02/23/08 1.00 HST206601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST102HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 MTH140560 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 MTH030560 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 2.00 MTH160C551 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 3.00 PHY122601 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 PSI111602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PHY122HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ENG061402 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD747401 01/29/08 05/10/08 2.00 BIO111303 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.33 BIO111302 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO1113W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/20/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG110HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 ENG030S03 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG2306WV 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG103695 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ARC110602 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 DCS207502 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 Substitute 02/01/08 05/12/08 8.00 DCS206551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU220301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201551 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 EDU COORD 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 PTKSPON 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 BIO111505lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 Substitute 02/04/08 05/12/08 5.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 1.00 BioIntern 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.60 ECE108530 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ECE105501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.60 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 04/02/08 05/12/08 2.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 2.00 BIO145502 04/13/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO145501 04/13/08 05/12/08 0.33 BIO552601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO122676 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.88 BIO552HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 BIO555SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 BIO122601 02/10/08 05/12/08 0.63 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 1.00 -102- Amount Paid $775.04 $110.00 $258.48 $3,528.00 $4,031.37 $3,356.64 $5,394.24 $2,697.12 $1,550.08 $81.00 $243.00 $25.00 $400.00 $2,325.12 $81.00 $1,162.56 $1,162.56 $162.00 $3,100.16 $120.00 $6,048.00 $3,024.00 $243.00 $3,024.00 $42.00 $335.16 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $37.50 $81.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $899.04 $516.96 $1,701.12 $200.00 $3,024.00 $2,697.12 $1,798.08 $2,697.12 $80.00 $81.00 $3,596.16 $1,195.72 $125.00 $81.00 $539.44 $1,798.08 $3,236.56 $25.00 $50.00 $81.00 $162.00 $1,030.80 $255.76 $2,697.12 $791.16 $81.00 $486.00 $566.40 $25.00 Name Martin, Susan J Mayes, Howard G McCloskey, Ellen A McDonald, Chris L McDonald, Virginia N McDowell, Barbara J McElligott, Pamela G McGovern, Thomas A McGuffin, Dorothy B McManemy, Jeffrey Charles McManus, Laurie K Medeiros, Jennifer Anne Mense, James J Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Meyer, Deborah M Meyer, Eric W Miller, Donda Dianne Miller, Robert J Mirikitani, Ronald T Mitchell, Lucille B Mizes, Lisa R Monachella, Mary B 06/19/08 Loc M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO123601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.89 PE 130425 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 Dept Chair 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.90 PE 120421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 129574 02/10/08 03/08/08 1.00 MCM141501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 MCM101585 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.88 HUM102585 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.25 MCM140501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH140501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 2.00 BIO208602 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 BIO208603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 BIO208604 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 NUR 204 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.67 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.39 BUS104S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MGT204HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 BUS104646 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 04/23/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201581 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ME 242550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Counselor 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Registration 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.50 NUR204205 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.27 MTH040601 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 HST101506 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HST101503 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HST119501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG032574 01/14/08 05/12/08 32.00 IS 271695 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 103676 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 276SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 PSC101601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSC101606 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 PSC101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 IS 124426 03/31/08 05/02/08 1.00 IS 123475 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 132474 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 IS 123428 02/19/08 03/27/08 1.00 IS 124474 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 04/30/08 05/12/08 2.00 IS 132426 02/20/08 03/28/08 1.00 IS 132427 02/19/08 03/27/08 1.00 IDS201693 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IDS201608 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ECE101574 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE200550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECE203501 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.20 CCPR707FV 02/10/08 02/23/08 1.00 IS 103608 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 IS 103602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 145603 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 PE 139HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Substitute 02/20/08 05/12/08 1.00 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 NURS FPCE 02/12/08 06/05/08 56.00 COL020405 01/14/08 05/10/08 5.00 Substitute 03/28/08 05/12/08 1.50 MTH160B602 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 -103- Amount Paid $1,699.20 $1,033.92 $3,020.99 $775.44 $899.04 $3,024.00 $81.00 $1,890.00 $1,260.00 $3,024.00 $775.04 $162.00 $2,348.64 $1,340.64 $1,340.64 $2,683.74 $1,395.76 $2,697.12 $81.00 $1,798.65 $75.00 $3,100.16 $775.04 $3,024.00 $504.00 $1,274.96 $5,040.00 $775.04 $775.04 $2,325.12 $972.16 $2,697.12 $898.47 $486.00 $899.04 $899.04 $81.00 $899.04 $899.04 $899.04 $899.04 $899.04 $44.00 $899.04 $899.04 $775.04 $3,100.16 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,705.08 $100.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $1,342.08 $81.00 $22.00 $671.04 $1,848.00 $5,040.00 $37.50 $4,032.00 Name Montgomery, David L Moody, Peggy L Moreland, Lisa Kay Morris, Betsy J Morris, Jonathan Michael Mosher, Anne Marie Mozelewski, Ronald A Mueller, Craig Hugo Mueller, Kelly J Munson, Bruce J Murray, Russell H Nance, Harreld E Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Nelson, Donna Marie Nesser-Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela Blake Nichols, Andrea Jean Njoku, Angela C Noori-Khajavi, Anoosh North, Sharon I Northern, Rebecca Ann Nygard, Paul D Olson, Karen A Oney, Margaret J Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther Elizabeth Palank, Robert F 06/19/08 Loc M M FV FV FV FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV M FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M M FV FV M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH03061F 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ART102601 01/14/08 02/09/08 0.13 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 1.50 PSY2065SA 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 RecyclChair 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.35 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 1.50 ART110602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 PHY111401 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.99 PHY112450 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.01 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.50 MTH160C528 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 BUS201514 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO152514 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 TUR236499 04/28/08 05/04/08 3.00 TUR105421 02/26/08 05/12/08 5.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 SPA102T14all 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 SPA102T54all 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 Workshop 02/15/08 02/23/08 1.00 PSY200450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH240601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 CRJ211501 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ209574 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 CRJ209574 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 CRJ211501 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 CRJ209501 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 CRJ209501 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 CRJ1025IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 MTH2105WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Substitute 03/24/08 05/12/08 5.00 Honors 01/07/08 01/11/08 3.00 COM111551 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 THT101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 ART165502 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.77 BIO203401 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.28 Substitute 03/25/08 05/12/08 3.50 SOC203401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CLT207401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 MTH160C408 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 MTH210401 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH160C508 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MTH140519 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH123580 01/11/08 01/13/08 2.00 XRT214401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 XRT112402 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 IDS101S52 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 03/09/08 05/12/08 12.00 HST1015WA 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.00 ECE103601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ProgStdy 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 NUR204205 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.77 Dept Chair 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 Persona 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 ENG101401 02/08/08 04/19/08 1.40 NUR 204 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 IS 151550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 -104- Amount Paid $3,024.00 $126.00 $37.50 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $274.00 $33.00 $1,292.40 $3,372.81 $1,358.76 $137.50 $1,008.00 $3,024.00 $6,048.00 $729.00 $4,495.21 $75.00 $81.00 $3,099.69 $3,099.69 $676.00 $2,028.00 $504.00 $2,697.12 $674.28 $1,798.65 $674.28 $2,697.12 $674.28 $1,215.00 $1,550.08 $125.00 $243.00 $1,348.56 $2,186.88 $1,375.12 $3,569.28 $87.50 $2,028.00 $2,980.00 $1,352.00 $81.00 $3,380.00 $4,032.00 $3,024.00 $2,016.00 $900.16 $450.08 $2,697.12 $3,596.16 $300.00 $899.04 $3,024.00 $2,697.12 $3,791.36 $1,937.60 $81.00 $1,348.56 $1,258.66 $1,804.20 $3,596.16 Name Patton, Michael Francis Pea, Nancy E Jones Pedersen, Timothy W Peppes, Nicholas D Peraud, Richard J Pescarino, Richard A Petroff, Kathleen M Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Pisacreta, Diane Polta, Sally Louise Pressman, Sophia Proctor, Christine P Quintero, Michael O Raheja, Nina S Ralphs, Laura Christine Rashid, Kamau Rebollo, Jean M Rebore, Joyce Ann Reeves, Aaron L Reilly, Catherine H Rhodes, Marlene Richards, Evann M Ring, Phyllis A Ritts, Vicki M 06/19/08 Loc FV FV M FV FV M FV FP FP FP M FV FV CC FP M FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FP M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS 111501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO224501 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 ECO151HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 NUR 105 04/20/08 05/12/08 0.68 MTH124550 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ESC100601 02/10/08 05/12/08 0.33 ESC204501 02/10/08 05/12/08 0.34 ECO151402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151403 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ECO151401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 MTH040503 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 1.00 RDG030426 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM113SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 12.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 2.00 HRM134474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY519SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 PSY203SS1 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/25/08 05/12/08 3.75 PSY200608 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 PSY200HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 PSY125602 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.10 PSY125HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 LrnCircle 01/31/08 02/23/08 1.00 XRT214401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 XRT112401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 PSY205T16 02/10/08 05/12/08 5.00 PSY205HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 LrnCircle 01/31/08 02/23/08 1.00 RDG030S02 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ART208501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 NUR 201 01/14/08 05/12/08 10.05 COMP EVAL 02/07/08 05/10/08 15.50 SET UP 02/07/08 05/10/08 0.05 LPNBridge 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.13 DA 174 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 DA 175 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SOC101T54 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 4.00 THT108HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 DepChair 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 THT530601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 THT106SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 THT105601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.80 NUR 101 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.01 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 9.00 ACC122461 03/24/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC100401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ACC100402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201551 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 COL020404 01/17/08 05/10/08 4.00 Spring Reg 01/12/08 01/19/08 0.38 AT 135/143all 02/24/08 03/08/08 0.67 ART138238 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 ART245499 05/08/08 05/30/08 3.00 AT 135143144 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.33 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.73 PSY200605 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 -105- Amount Paid $2,697.12 $324.00 $81.00 $526.65 $2,325.12 $255.75 $263.04 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $25.00 $80.00 $3,875.20 $80.00 $2,028.00 $486.00 $279.00 $162.00 $2,325.12 $243.00 $2,325.12 $93.75 $1,550.08 $81.00 $6,387.12 $81.00 $400.00 $1,033.92 $516.96 $3,875.19 $162.00 $400.00 $676.00 $1,033.92 $7,795.76 $511.50 $29.12 $103.39 $2,250.40 $2,700.48 $2,028.00 $324.00 $243.00 $775.04 $2,325.12 $1,215.00 $620.04 $4.52 $729.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,798.08 $3,596.16 $337.14 $671.04 $1,342.08 $1,458.00 $3,355.20 $2,894.96 $3,024.00 Name Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Roach, Timothy L Roberts, Paul R Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard G Rossi, Charles R Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Schaber, Jennifer K Schalda, Anne Therese Schamber, Steven M Scherer, Juliet Katherine Schirmer, Patricia L Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn Schneider, Joseph R Schweser, Susan K Seese, Lillian M Serns, Susan Lynn Shanks-Brueggenjohann, Cindy Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A 06/19/08 Loc M M M FP W W M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV M FV FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PSY206HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 PSY200602 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 NUR 101 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.47 ENG1023X1 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG2053XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HRT214601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 HRT241601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.33 HRS201SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 HRT245601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 SPA202601 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 SPA201601 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HMS204501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.80 HMS100501 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 HMS203501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.80 CMPWRTFV 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.50 CUL115422 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 CUL115421 03/17/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 31.50 CUL215421 03/19/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC201650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 CHM232501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.66 CHM101502 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.33 CHM101503 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 MATH MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 24.00 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 3.50 Substitute 03/03/08 05/12/08 4.00 Cordin 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MTH030540 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 MTH140527 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MTH186501 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ECO140602 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ECO140601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG100HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Orientation 01/04/08 02/09/08 0.20 HIT207466 03/18/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 02/28/08 05/12/08 10.50 ENG102HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 ENG2316WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSI111HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 PSI1236X0 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSI111650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 2.00 PSI123674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH160CSDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 MTH185601 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH140619 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH230601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 RDG030519 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 RDG054501 04/28/08 05/02/08 1.00 Staff Dev 03/09/08 03/22/08 1.00 SOC101511 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/12/08 1.00 SOC2025X1 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 ENG2174XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HIT210401 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.50 HIT103474 02/10/08 05/12/08 2.00 HIT206498 04/28/08 05/12/08 3.00 -106- Amount Paid $243.00 $100.00 $6,048.00 $3,463.64 $2,016.00 $3,024.00 $449.52 $2,993.80 $243.00 $2,697.12 $4,032.00 $1,008.00 $806.40 $2,673.12 $1,814.40 $148.50 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $693.00 $2,697.12 $3,024.00 $593.36 $2,094.76 $4,791.88 $648.00 $87.50 $100.00 $775.04 $2,697.12 $80.00 $899.04 $3,596.16 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $81.00 $150.40 $775.04 $262.50 $162.00 $2,325.12 $162.00 $2,028.00 $2,028.00 $50.00 $2,028.00 $324.00 $5,040.00 $3,024.00 $75.00 $2,016.00 $80.00 $2,325.12 $324.00 $80.00 $2,028.00 $81.00 $338.00 $2,325.12 $387.52 $1,550.55 $486.00 Name Shiller, Casey Eric Shuck, Patrick J Shukralla, Elias Kedir Sibbitts, Gary E Simmons, Nancy R Smejkal, Christopher H Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Spencer, Jamieson Sperruzza, Denise M Stephens, Christopher J Stiles, Marsha Irene Stocker, Connie Sue Strahm, Cheryl A Suess, Patricia A Swallow, Cheryl A Swyers, Kathleen M 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP M M FV FV FV M M FV FV FV M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HIT106498 04/28/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/18/08 05/12/08 11.00 HIT206426 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 FOOD FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 2.50 BAP215421 03/24/08 04/09/08 2.00 BAP115421 04/14/08 05/08/08 3.00 BAP220421 04/14/08 04/30/08 2.00 BAP110421 03/17/08 04/10/08 2.00 ART108601 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 AT 215SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 ART108604 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ECO151HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 4.00 IS 103607 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 LGL219601 01/14/08 05/05/08 1.80 LGL104641 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL108670 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 COM120HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 03/05/08 05/12/08 1.00 COM120602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 FD 104450 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 FD 101451 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 BIO208603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111675 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG203T55 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG1025WD 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG2055WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH020605 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 5.50 IDS201602 02/10/08 05/12/08 4.00 Honors 05/05/08 05/09/08 1.00 IDS201513 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 COM107601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 COM101S46 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS101674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 LrnCircle 01/31/08 02/23/08 1.00 COM101HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 COM101674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 IDS201514 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.40 PHL1045SA 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 HUM102585 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.25 GLE101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.63 PSY210585 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 Tools/Lrn 02/24/08 03/08/08 6.00 MCM101585 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.88 LGL205574 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL1295IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 LGL205574 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 BLW101574 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 LGL228574 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 LGL228574 01/27/08 02/09/08 0.75 BLW101574 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/13/08 1.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 3.50 MTH160C606 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.25 NUR108601 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.49 MTH160C518 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Substitute 01/22/08 05/12/08 1.50 MTH157580 01/11/08 01/13/08 1.00 NUR 108 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.01 PRD102474 02/05/08 05/10/08 3.00 Spring Reg 01/12/08 05/10/08 3.38 -107- Amount Paid $729.00 $275.00 $2,325.12 $52.50 $1,352.00 $2,028.00 $1,352.00 $1,352.00 $2,684.16 $243.00 $2,013.12 $324.00 $899.04 $1,814.40 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $243.00 $25.00 $2,028.00 $1,550.08 $4,650.24 $2,697.12 $3,596.16 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $899.04 $137.50 $3,595.59 $81.00 $3,596.16 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $400.00 $162.00 $2,325.12 $1,411.20 $1,512.00 $2,268.00 $630.00 $1,512.00 $240.00 $882.00 $2,028.00 $729.00 $507.00 $507.00 $2,028.00 $507.00 $2,028.00 $81.00 $87.50 $845.00 $441.04 $3,100.16 $37.50 $775.04 $6,052.80 $2,697.12 $3,034.26 Name Talkad, Venugopal D Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thomas, Corinne M Thomas-Woods, Renee M Thompson, Judith S Tiedt, Linda J Toal, Kevin R Trunk, Deborah D Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Urban, Georgia A Voss, Karl Dirk Wachal, Barbara Joan Waghulde, Vidyullata C Wagner, Joyce D Walker, Carla Drake Walker, Mitchell E Wallner, Donna F Walsh, Janet K Warren, Aundrea L Weber, Andrea Roberta Weber, Mark A 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV W W M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV M FV FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM106450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 1.00 CHM212401 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 ENG1106W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ENG229HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 IDS101603 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG229SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 02/27/08 05/12/08 3.00 ISW FAC 02/15/08 03/08/08 1.00 ISW FAC 310 03/10/08 03/13/08 1.00 EDU218301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 EDU211301 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 BIO111608 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 BIO113T16 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 BIO113T15 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 BIO113T14 02/10/08 05/12/08 1.00 BIO111605 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MCM201502 04/28/08 05/09/08 3.00 MCM1015XA 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MCM112501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MCM212501 01/14/08 05/12/08 24.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 AFO FAC 01/13/08 02/09/08 2.00 ART134602 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 ART133639 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.75 PE 135T56 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PE 161601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 1.50 PE 180674 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.67 BIO111505 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 DHY 132 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.37 DHY 131 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.73 PSY208501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSY200509 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 IDS201551 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 ESC206550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.34 CE 116550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 HOME765FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 NUR 101 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.47 Substitute 04/11/08 05/12/08 13.50 IDS201512 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 ENG2065WA 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.50 CHM211601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.67 CHM105695 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.33 CHM210HON 04/28/08 05/02/08 2.00 CHM207SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 04/20/08 05/12/08 8.50 ENG101575 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG2175XB 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG101T65 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 AUT150401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.67 AUT169401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.17 ISW FAC 02/15/08 03/08/08 1.00 NUR204205 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.95 ISW FAC 310 03/10/08 03/13/08 1.00 NRSG MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 BIO203502 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.67 LPNBridge 03/09/08 05/12/08 0.81 NUR 204 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.83 NSNGCPRFPCE 04/28/08 05/10/08 1.50 Chair '07 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.67 -108- Amount Paid $3,596.16 $81.00 $4,791.88 $1,352.00 $243.00 $2,028.00 $972.00 $75.00 $1,008.00 $1,008.00 $3,024.00 $3,024.00 $4,364.64 $1,007.37 $1,007.37 $1,007.37 $4,032.00 $243.00 $1,352.00 $2,028.00 $364.56 $81.00 $80.00 $1,677.60 $1,761.48 $3,019.68 $3,019.68 $37.50 $671.04 $1,294.32 $373.28 $3,757.84 $2,697.12 $899.04 $1,798.08 $1,350.72 $1,008.00 $99.00 $417.20 $337.50 $3,100.16 $1,162.56 $3,299.48 $4,791.88 $162.00 $243.00 $187.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $4,707.36 $2,187.36 $1,008.00 $1,966.16 $1,008.00 $396.00 $3,156.92 $625.52 $1,416.48 $49.50 $1,677.60 Name Weil, Robert L Welty, Dorothy J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wigg, David George Wilkinson, Lisa R Williams, Louis Wilson, Hilary Lea Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wilson, Pamela S Worth, Joseph B Yezbick, Daniel Young, Bryan G Zant, Thomas Zirkle, Thomas A Zumwinkel, Donna Marie Zuo, Yingxue Loc FP FP W M M M M M M M M FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M M M FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv AT 229401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 AUT282401 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 PSY2033S1 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 ACC114674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Workshop 02/15/08 02/23/08 1.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Substitute 04/13/08 05/12/08 1.00 SOC101604 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 SOC101607 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 MTH140607 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 MTH220601 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 PSC101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 PSC101507 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 PSC1015WA 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 02/28/08 05/12/08 1.00 HST102403406 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST102405 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 HST102404 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 Substitute 04/07/08 05/12/08 3.50 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 5.00 Substitute 02/08/08 05/12/08 20.00 ENG030462 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 ENG030461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 SOC101550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 Honors 05/04/08 05/17/08 1.00 MTH210601 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.00 MTH140SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 Substitute 02/29/08 05/12/08 4.50 Registration 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.40 Registration 01/02/08 01/12/08 0.30 Substitute 02/18/08 05/12/08 7.50 IDS201403 04/13/08 05/12/08 1.00 MCM125461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 FLGE MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 35.00 PSC201401 01/14/08 04/12/08 1.50 PSC101474 01/14/08 04/12/08 1.50 Recital 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 MUS202401 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 MUS150461 04/13/08 05/12/08 2.00 MUS212401 04/13/08 05/12/08 48.00 Counselor 01/02/08 01/04/08 0.60 ART110200 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.67 GLE101421 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 1,663.73 Total: 06/19/08 -109- 1,698.97 Amount Paid $1,342.08 $4,650.24 $676.00 $3,024.00 $1,008.00 $25.00 $25.00 $4,056.00 $1,352.00 $3,024.00 $5,040.00 $2,697.12 $1,348.56 $2,697.12 $25.00 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $2,697.12 $87.50 $405.00 $500.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $676.00 $81.00 $3,875.20 $486.00 $112.50 $310.08 $269.76 $187.50 $775.04 $2,325.12 $945.00 $1,512.00 $1,512.00 $775.04 $3,100.16 $1,550.08 $2,186.88 $465.12 $1,677.60 $1,944.00 $1,543,451.39 Name Adams, Rhonda Johnson Al-Alam, Faten Youssef Aslin, Holly A Bakke, Donna J Banahan, Richard M Barron, Tracy J Bast, Janet Dorothy Bayer, Christine M Bean, Emery A Bennett, Edward D Bonds, Marsha J Bone, Jimmie D Bonney, Margaret F Bottger, Robert C Boyle, Stacy R Brady, Steven D Clayton, Sandra E Cooper, James N Critchfield, Cynthia S Cross, V David Cummings, Paula R Cundiff, Mike B Dang-Williams, Thao Xuan Darr, Sarah J Deloch, Nicole Maria Myers Drown, Frances F Duffin, Geralyn M Ehlen, Steven F 06/19/08 Loc FV CC M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV M FV M M M M M FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP M M FP M FV M M M M M M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv COL020507 03/01/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 $200.00 FLFR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 64.00 $1,344.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 2.00 $54.00 CCPR FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 $186.00 Workshops 02/25/08 05/15/08 8.00 $232.00 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 $50.00 PE Website 01/02/08 05/12/08 20.00 $660.00 COMP FPCE 02/15/08 05/10/08 24.00 $792.00 CRJ209474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 CRJ101474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 IDS101486 01/14/08 05/12/08 48.00 $1,944.00 COM101473 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 MCM136474 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 $1,310.08 COM101480 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 2.00 $44.00 IS 210474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 Substitute 03/19/08 05/12/08 3.00 $75.00 IS 103451 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 IS 103476 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 BUSS MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 3.00 $99.00 COMP742FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 5.00 $135.00 ENG030553 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 $1,964.63 ENG030552 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.91 $1,964.63 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 ENG1025WE 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 IDS201507 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 $2,704.00 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 35.52 $639.36 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 $1,550.88 PE 135T16 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,326.32 IS 132574 02/16/08 03/31/08 2.00 $1,310.08 IS 124574 04/08/08 05/09/08 1.00 $655.04 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 8.00 $216.00 IS 125574 01/14/08 03/31/08 2.00 $1,310.08 COL020601 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 MTH030618 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 MTH030650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 14.00 $350.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 $50.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 IS 123550 01/14/08 02/09/08 1.00 $616.96 SOC101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 6.00 $4,056.00 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 $50.00 SOC101650 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 CUL250402 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 HRM112474 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.50 $99.00 PE 119401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,849.68 MUSC MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 $92.00 MUS128S50 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,850.88 COM101475 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 $3,024.00 LGL229671 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 RDG020550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,746.24 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 8.50 $212.50 Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 $50.00 MTH030654 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,850.88 MTH020607 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,850.88 SUPV MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 78.25 $1,408.50 PEDU MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 $135.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 -110- Name Finney, Eloise Fish, Lynda K Foster, Diane R French, Brenda F Gee, Laverne Denise Gero, Susan A Gilbers, Bernard J Goodlow, Ivy Denise Hacker, Theresa L Hall, Jacklyn Micheal Hanson, Philip D Hart, Christina Beth Harvey, Martha Elizabeth Hoffmann, William J Iborg, Deborah A Jones, Darren Bruce Karl, Patrick J Kelch, Janelle L Kemp, Carletta Ann Kinney, Johnna D Kossuth, Jessica A Kozlowski, Dennis J Krogmeier, Mary Lewis, Rosita D Lucido, Vicki L Malta, Randy J 06/19/08 Loc FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FV M M M M FP FV FV FV FV FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FV FP FV FV FV W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV CC FV FV FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv EGR104550 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.67 $2,069.36 HMS205450 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.69 $1,142.44 MTH170401 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $3,024.00 Honors 01/22/08 02/23/08 8.00 $648.00 Dep Chair 01/14/08 05/12/08 7.50 $7,560.00 COL020550 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 PRD 122 02/04/08 02/23/08 1.00 $312.00 COL020450 01/14/08 04/19/08 3.00 $2,325.12 DANC734FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 12.00 $216.00 BIO208605 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $1,298.08 BIO111650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.33 $4,226.08 Substitute 03/12/08 05/12/08 7.50 $187.50 Substitute 02/05/08 05/12/08 9.00 $198.00 Substitute 02/27/08 05/12/08 2.00 $50.00 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 $25.00 Substitute 02/08/08 05/12/08 1.33 $29.26 BIO557501 01/07/08 01/10/08 1.00 $616.96 Substitute 01/01/08 05/12/08 1.00 $25.00 MCM101461 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 READ MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 6.00 $126.00 KIDS765H80 02/09/08 05/10/08 27.00 $729.00 RDG012401 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 $1,742.08 RDG013401 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.00 $871.04 Substitute 03/06/08 05/12/08 6.50 $162.50 Orientation 01/12/08 01/27/08 2.00 $50.00 Mall Tutor 01/14/08 05/12/08 28.00 $560.00 EE 234550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.34 $1,007.68 PE 130517 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 $1,033.92 PE 101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $1,033.92 PE 174501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $1,033.92 PE 119501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,326.32 SID 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 $1,550.88 PE 135T66 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,025.36 PE 130 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.88 $3,966.33 PE 104601 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 $900.16 COMP MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 27.50 $907.50 CCPR707FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 $116.00 CRFT FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 6.00 $108.00 Substitute 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.75 $43.75 PE 122501 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $900.16 VolleCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.67 $2,475.44 CHM101350 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $774.16 BIO111302lab 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $774.16 BIO1113W1 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $774.16 PE 130486 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $776.00 PE 130450 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 $776.00 PE 130453 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 $776.00 PE 130487 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.33 $776.00 PE 130452 01/14/08 03/10/08 1.33 $776.00 PE 130461 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 $776.00 MOT 01/22/08 05/15/08 54.00 $2,160.00 ECE107550 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 ECE2075IA 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 $486.00 COL100503 03/19/08 05/12/08 0.75 $507.00 COL020501 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 AdjFacCer 05/01/08 05/03/08 1.00 $200.00 MTH020582 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,746.24 MTH020560 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,746.24 COM101474 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 COM101477 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 $2,325.12 COM101476 01/14/08 03/08/08 3.00 $2,325.12 -111- Name Marquardt, Sharon Catherine Marshall, Glenn Martin, Jeffrey S Matson, Kristopher M Matthews, Suelaine M Mayse, Renee M McGee, Darlene K McLellan, Margaret Miller, Donna L Miller, Marc A Mintun, Susan L Monson, Amy Elizabeth Morrell, Anisha Layla Naumann, Virginia L Neil, Darlene H Nelson, James S Newsom, Wilma K Nickrent, Ellen M Nixon, Carol C Papier, Jeffrey A Partee, Nigel C Peck, Donna K Perkins, Sarah F Petz, Michael J Porter, Kevin D Price, Amber C Pritchard, Kathy L Rogers, Telitha Michelle Romer, Ronnie L Schrader, Karen M Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol Steele, Jamil Stevens, William H 06/19/08 Loc FP FP FV FV FV FV M FV FV M M M M M M FV FP M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV CC FV FV FV M FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv AstSftCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.67 $2,716.00 WomBskCoa 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.67 $2,260.72 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 GE 131502 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.00 $1,164.16 GE 101501 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,746.24 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 Tools/Lrn 02/24/08 03/08/08 6.00 $240.00 CCPR FVCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 4.00 $124.00 CCPR707FV 02/10/08 02/23/08 1.00 $100.00 ART275650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 $2,328.00 CVTW MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 13.75 $453.75 AT 280SDL 04/28/08 05/02/08 3.00 $1,215.00 Substitute 03/27/08 05/12/08 1.50 $37.50 Assessment 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 ENG101630 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 $25.00 MCM219462 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,256.00 HRT110670 01/14/08 03/08/08 1.00 $676.00 ACC100605 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 IDS101452 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 Substitute 02/07/08 05/12/08 1.50 $37.50 ECE10150R 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 CCPR707FV 02/10/08 02/23/08 1.00 $100.00 ECE127550 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 $1,162.56 CCPR765FV 02/24/08 03/08/08 1.00 $100.00 CCPR FPCE 01/31/08 05/10/08 12.00 $396.00 Workshops 01/07/08 05/05/08 4.00 $132.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 Workshops 01/05/08 05/15/08 6.00 $198.00 CCPR MCE 01/02/08 05/10/08 7.50 $247.50 Librarian 01/22/08 05/10/08 0.38 $337.20 COMP FVCE 01/02/08 02/15/08 6.00 $162.00 AFO 01/13/08 01/27/08 1.00 $100.00 ENG020551 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 COL020508 02/10/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 ECE104502 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,325.12 ECE 127 01/14/08 05/12/08 1.50 $1,162.56 CCPR706FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 1.00 $33.00 PTLibFac 01/14/08 05/12/08 2.16 $1,461.85 PE 121421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 $776.00 PE 109421 03/17/08 05/12/08 1.33 $776.00 COMP745FV 01/02/08 05/10/08 18.00 $558.00 BIO1175SA 01/14/08 04/12/08 2.25 $2,268.00 EE 230550 04/01/08 05/12/08 1.50 $1,162.56 EE 112551 02/10/08 05/12/08 5.00 $3,875.20 ME 151550 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.67 $3,619.44 Counselor 01/14/08 05/12/08 5.80 $3,800.16 Registration 01/02/08 01/12/08 1.40 $917.28 COL020S01 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 COL020422 02/10/08 03/08/08 1.00 $655.04 COL020422 03/09/08 05/12/08 2.03 $1,373.13 PE 133680 03/09/08 05/12/08 1.33 $900.16 HIT210402 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.25 $145.52 HIT101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 $2,328.32 Substitute 04/02/08 05/12/08 3.00 $75.00 COL020421 02/10/08 03/08/08 1.00 $655.04 COL020421 03/09/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 ENG030450 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $1,965.12 PERD HEC 04/01/08 05/17/08 8.00 $264.00 KIDS HEC 04/01/08 05/17/08 5.00 $105.00 ME 101450 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 $3,008.00 -112- Name Talaski, Paul Weaver, Deborah G Werner, Donna J Willmore, Richard A Wilson, Patricia Ellen Young-Abotsi, Kirsten Renee Loc M M FV M M M FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2008 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Workshop 01/18/08 02/23/08 1.00 $50.00 ART271650 01/14/08 05/12/08 4.00 $3,101.76 Substitute 01/01/08 05/12/08 2.00 $50.00 PHL104674 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,697.12 THT101602 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 TheatreDir 01/14/08 05/12/08 3.00 $2,028.00 DA 166 03/18/08 05/12/08 0.55 $413.28 DA 172 03/18/08 05/12/08 0.85 $638.72 DA 162 02/13/08 03/08/08 0.50 $376.00 Librarian 01/14/08 05/12/08 0.56 $380.25 Total: 06/19/08 299.83 -113- 675.10 $234,983.02 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested for the extension, renewal or award of additional funds to the three (3) contracts listed below: A. STATE OF MISSOURI CONTRACT C306087 with VEOLIA-ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. and HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC, for hazardous waste removal and disposal services was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on July 27, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.5, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin July 21, 2006, with an option to renew for up to three (3) additional years. On April 23, 2007, Agenda Item 4.1.14, an eleven (11) month extension of this contract was approved, with no increase in award amount. The College now wishes to take another one (1) year extension, with a remaining option to renew for one additional year. The vendors have performed to the satisfaction of the consuming departments. The rate of expenditure of funds has been averaging $4,369/month and the current contract balance is $48,253.00. At this rate of expenditure, an additional amount of $15,000.00 will likely be required to provide all related services. For this reason, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Requested contract renewal: Revised total contract period: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: $ 140,000 +$ 15,000 $ 155,000 +1 year 2 years 11 months June 30, 2008 June 30, 2009 1 B. STATE OF MISSOURI COOPERATIVE CONTRACT C206 with WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY, for the routine purchase of microcomputer equipment, software and assorted value added services was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on September 19, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.2, in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00, for a period of two (2) full years, to begin September 20, 2006, with an option to renew for up to three (3) additional years. The College now wishes to take an additional one (1) year extension, with a remaining option to renew for two additional years. The rate of expenditure of funds has been averaging $156,849.25/month and the current contract balance is $1,863,015.14. At this rate of expenditure, an additional amount of $700,000.00 will likely be required to provide all related services. For this reason, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Requested contract renewal: Revised total contract period: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: $5,000,000 +$ 700,000 $5,700,000 +1 year 3 years September 21, 2008 September 21, 2009 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.) Board Meeting 6/19/08 C. Contract B0002139 with THE KERRY GROUP LLC, for the routine management and operation services for the College’s Mobile Tech Center was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on July 27, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.7, in an amount not to exceed $175,000.00 per year, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin August 1, 2006, with an option to renew for two (2) subsequent years. On May 17, 2007, Agenda Item 4.1.1B, the contract was renewed for a second subsequent year term and the award amount was increased to $350,000.00. The current rate of expenditure against the contract has averaged $14,000.00/month for the past twenty-two (22) months, and the current contract balance is $43,054.22. The College now wishes to renew the contract for the additional third year and, therefore, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Requested contract renewal: Revised total contract period: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: $350,000.00 +$175,000.00 $525,000.00 +1 year 3 years July 31, 2008 July 31, 2009 (final) 2 Funding Purchases made from these contracts will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. (A & B) The State of Missouri, Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing and Materials Management was responsible for the management of all activities related to this bid, including placement of all advertisements. (C) Advertisements were run in the Metro-Sentinel, the Limelight, the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for charter bus service to HOLIDAY TOURS, INC., CAVALLO BUS LINES, VANDALIA BUS LINES, INC., HUSKEY BUS & TRANSPORTATION, CENTRAL STATES TRAILWAYS, and MIDAMERICAN COACHES, INC., in an amount not to exceed $950,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin August 20, 2008. Description This contract will be used by the Athletic Departments and others at all campus locations to provide transportation for competitive sporting events that are held out-of-town. Six (6) responding bidders are recommended for inclusion in the award so that the most appropriate vehicle type at the lowest available price can be determined at the time of usage. Bids were evaluated on price offered, references, and fleet equipment. No known minority owned nor woman owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002399 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 9, 2008, is listed below: 3 Bidders HOLIDAY TOURS, INC. CAVALLO BUS LINES VANDALIA BUS LINES, INC. HUSKEY BUS & TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL STATES TRAILWAYS MID-AMERICAN COACHES, INC. Sample Pricing/16 Trips Total Points $31,716.00 100.00 36,945.00 92.92 37,315.00 92.50 38,850.00 90.82 39,035.00 90.63 39,347.00 90.30 Funding Purchases made against this contract will be made from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College currently posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Newspaper advertisements for these items were run in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel, the Limelight and the St. Louis Post Dispatch. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of assessment test materials to ACT, INC., in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin July 6, 2008. Description This contract will be used by various departments at all College locations to administer the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (C.A.A.P.) test, which will help to assess the general educational achievement of graduates of Associates programs. This test is administered only through this company and was therefore not competitively bid. ACT is neither a known minorityowned or woman-owned business enterprise. Bid – B0002419 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 27, 2008 is listed below: Item Description Annual Participation Fee _____ 4 Volume purchase pricing: 1 to 500 test booklets 501 & over test booklets Optional fees: Data Disk Data Disk – Multiple Sessions Various reporting services (standard pricing) Pricing $470.00 13.50/ea. 12.70/ea. 33.00/ea. 44.00/ea. Funding Both the participation fee and all related testing materials will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board Approval is requested to purchase an upgrade for five thousand one hundred and seven (5,107) Interactive Math licenses from PLATO LEARNING, in an amount not to exceed $30,642.00. Description Plato Learning will no longer support the Interactive Math Licenses after July 1, 2008 and has offered the College a one time $6.00 per license conversion fee in order to transition the College’s remaining available Interactive Math Licenses to Academic System Algebra Licenses. The new licenses support the modern technology of today’s Web standards making Internet access easier for our students. These licenses are used primarily by the Meramec Campus and sold to our students through the bookstore. Plato Learning is the sole source for the upgrade of these licenses and therefore could not be competitively bid. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Below is a summary of the total cost. Description Interactive Math License Quantity 5,107 Conversion Fee $6.00 per license Total Cost $30,642.00 5 Funding This purchase will be funded from Auxiliary Services Enterprises. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested to purchase sixteen (16) Rockwell portable training work stations to include: four (4) Device Simulator Case sets, six (6) standard PowerFlex 70 AC Drive demonstration workstations and six (6) standard PowerFlex 700 AC Drive interactive workstations and to thereafter present the purchase to the Board of Trustees for ratification at the July 2008 Agenda meeting. The estimated total cost is approximately $160,000.00. These systems are designed, integrated and distributed solely by French Gerleman or their sister company Applied Technologies. As pricing on some of the newer components of the system have not yet been finalized, the total cost of the purchase can only be estimated at this point. Their product lines have pervasive market penetration in local, national and international markets. Therefore, students trained on this equipment will have an enhanced placement potential within those business and industrial communities. For these reasons, this request is being made under the conditions outlined in Board Policy No. H-5.1 on Academic Selections. The equipment will be used jointly by the advanced manufacturing program in the Engineering Department at the Florissant Valley campus, and by the Center for Business, Industry & Labor for off-campus laboratory instruction on industrial robotics programming and maintenance. Funding This purchase will be made from State of Missouri RTEC Targeted funds, Workforce Prep funds and Workforce Community Development funds. 6 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.6 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of turf management supplies to SUPREME TURF PRODUCTS, INC., BWI – ST. LOUIS and G. R. ROBINSON SEED & SERVICE COMPANY, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00, to be split between the three (3) vendors, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin July 22, 2008. Description This contract will be used by the Physical Facilities Departments at all College locations to purchase a variety of products required to maintain the lawns, trees, bushes and shrubs for common areas at each site, as well as to keep the athletic fields in competitive condition. These products include but are not limited to herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, grass seed, fungicides, lake treatment chemicals and field drying/marking agents. The three (3) bidders who complied with all requirements of the bid are being recommended for award in order to insure the broadest selection of products at competitive pricing over the life of the contract. Two (2) responding bidders were disqualified for failing to meet all requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned or womanowned business enterprises participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002418 7 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 29, 2008, is listed below: Bidders BWI – ST. LOUIS SUPREME TURF PRODUCTS, INC. G. R. ROBINSON SEED & SERVICE COMPANY Price Comparison/25 Typical Items $3,520.85 3,667.25 1,063.50/partial bid Funding Purchases made from this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine inspection, maintenance and repair of fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems to CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00, for a period of four (4) full years, to begin June 20, 2008. Description This contract will be managed by the College Risk Manager and District-wide Maintenance Manager for use at all College locations to maintain all fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers at current NFPA/OSHA standards. This service will include periodic inspection and testing, repairs as required and loaner equipment where repairs cannot be affected immediately on site. The recommended bidder offered the best pricing, meets all requirements of the bid and was the only fully compliant responding bidder. Four additional bidders were disqualified for failure to provide evidence that they are fully certified to perform to NFPA/OSHA regulations on the College’s fire suppression systems. Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. 8 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for external on-site management of the Highland Park Printing Facility to INDOX SERVICES for a period of six years, beginning July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2014, in an amount not to exceed $4,615,500. Description 9 This recommendation is made to expand the inventory of hardware and software necessary to position Highland Park Printing as a strategic asset to the College in image building, enrollment retention and recruitment, and Foundation fundraising. The world of print communications is changing to a more customized, print on demand model relying heavily on variable data integration. To position for the digital future, the College invested in the Xerox DocuColor 5000 (Board agenda item 4.1.4, August 30, 2007). Unfortunately, the platemaker (DPM 2000 CTP) has failed and the Heidelberg Press is reaching the end of its production. At the same time, the current web-based job submission and tracking software is no longer available to the College. The concerns about hardware and software, coupled with an opening in the Highland Park management position, and the quickly approaching change in the demand for print materials set the stage for a bid for external, on-site management of the printing facility. The highest priority as stated in the bid documents was the successful transition of the College’s three employees: a bindery/shipping/receiving clerk, a pre-press, and an offset printer. The successful bidder provided the only transition plan that matched current salaries and provided a comprehensive benefit package at the time of transition. Bid – 0002412 – Outsourced Management of Highland Park Printing Facility The final selection was based on a combination of factors including management fees and the total coat of partnership, technical expertise with analog and digital print, experience with community college clients and ability to customize solutions to the College, and references. INDOX SERVICES represents the best financial offer, comprehensive services, and employee transition plan. INDOX SERVICES will transition the three (3) classified employees with the goal to provide all individuals with the opportunity to continue their careers in printing. The employees will have the opportunity and training to expand their knowledge base and advance in INDOX SERVICES if desired. 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.) Board Meeting 6/19/08 Vendor Indox Xerox Ikon Financial Average 50.0 44.0 43.5 Qualitative Average 39.0 24.8 23.3 Cumulative Score Average 89.0 68.8 66.8 Funding All contract expenditures will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its Web page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000. 10 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Board Meeting 6/19/08 There are no requests for ratification from the Purchasing Department this month. 11 Board Meeting 6/19/08 4.3.1 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 608, DARK ROOM VENTILATION REVISIONS HE 234 & HE 235, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, AMERICAN BOILER & MECHANICAL, for $22,480.00. Contractor AMERICAN BOILER & MECHANICAL Air Masters Corporation R.F. Meeh Company, Inc. $ Base Bid 22,480.00 30,126.00 32,650.00 Description: The present darkroom exhaust system needs to be modified to insure chemical fumes are being exhausted and the proper number of air changes takes place. An additional exhaust fan will be installed and the current ducting will be reconfigured. Plans and specifications were prepared by Horner & Shifrin, Inc., and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. 12 Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab J, Page 1, Item 8. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 6/19/08 4.3.2 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 609R, CONCRETE REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, GABION CONTRACTING COMPANY, INC., for $34,935.00 Contractor GABION CONTRACTING COMPANY, INC. Infrastructure Management, Inc. K+D Moor, Inc., dba Southern Ditching & Excavating Company Oreo & Botta Concrete Company, LLC Concrete Design, Inc. R.V. Wagner, Inc. Benz-Parks, Inc. Western Waterproofing Company, Inc. Base Bid $ 34,935.00 39,400.00 39,480.00 45,500.00 48,365.00 57,000.00 68,950.00 81,350.00 Description: The scope of work for the annual campus concrete repairs includes replacing various concrete slabs that have shifted or cracked and replacing two asphalt walkways with concrete. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. 13 Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 6/19/08 4.3.3 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 408, RE-COATING METAL ROOF AT INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES BUILDING, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, BAZAN PAINTING COMPANY, for $44,327.00. Contractor BAZAN PAINTING COMPANY Western Construction Group dba Western Roofing & Insulation Company Kirberg Company $ Base Bid 44,327.00 58,850.00 92,411.00 Description: The existing metal roof on the Instructional Resources building is 39 years old and in need of repair. This project will patch the roof where needed and re-coat it to prevent future water leaks. Plans and specifications were prepared by Weatherproofing Technologies and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 16. 14 Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 6/19/08 4.3.4 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 409, CEILING REPLACEMENT AT POOL MEZZANINE, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, CRAFTSMEN CONTRACTING, INC., for $58,254.00. Contractor CRAFTSMEN CONTRACTING, INC. Wachter, Inc. John Kalicak Construction, Inc. $ Base Bid 56,754.00 55,251.00 78,000.00 Alternate #1 $ <1,500.00> 6,312.00 4,200.00 Total Contract $ 58,254.00 61,563.00 82,200.00 Description: The existing ceiling support wires over the spectator mezzanine have corroded and failed. Campus maintenance removed this portion of the ceiling to eliminate any possibility of injury. Fiberglass grids and plastic panels, which perform better in the humid pool environment, will be installed. Alternate #1 will replace the existing sprinkler piping in lieu of cleaning and painting it. Plans and specifications were prepared by Bond Wolfe Architects, Inc., BRiC Partnership, LLC and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. 15 Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 1. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 6/19/08 4.3.5 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 410, REPLACE A PORTION OF THEATER CURTAIN WALL, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF ST. LOUIS, for $39,920.00. Contractor OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF ST. LOUIS Base Bid $ 39,920.00 The bid specifications for this project were mailed to twelve general contractors as well as six plan rooms. Advertisements were published in local newspapers as required by Board Policy. Only one bid was received. Knowing the campus is anxious to have these leaky walls repaired, the one bid was opened. This bid is below the estimate and within the funds available for the work. A survey of the non responding contractors was made. The following responses were received: (2) does not install aluminum store fronts; (1) too busy; (1) too busy, but cannot do multi-story installations; (1) did not receive bid packet. Description: This project will replace two rusty glass curtain walls on the south side of the theater lobby that leak during inclement weather. The existing walls will be removed and replaced with aluminum storefronts. 16 Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 1. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 6/19/08 4.3.6 It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the following Physical Plant Maintenance/Service Agreements for the 2008/09, 2009/10, and 2010/11 Fiscal Years. ANNUAL LIST OF PHYSICAL PLANT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS - Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Agreement No. Location M-90 FP/FV/M M-130C FP/FV Contractor Item/Service Duration Long Elevator Co. Elevators (28) 1 year Brenco Corporation Water Treatment 3 Years Annual Amounts $ 29,990.40 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total Total $29,990.40 Total $41,086.80 Total $57,296.99 @ $ 13,560.00 @ $ 13,560.00 @ $ 13,966.80 M-133A FP/FV/ Icon Window Cleaning WW/SCEUC Window Washing 3 Years 1st Year 2n Year 3rd Year @ $ 18,722.31 @ $ 19,096.76 @ $ 19,477.92 M-134-CC CC Mitch Murch Maintenance Management Co. Housekeeping 3 Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year @ $ 74,292.00 @ $ 76,524.00 @ $ 77,816.00 17 Total $228,632.00 M-147-MC MC Trane York Chillers 2@420 Tons 3 Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year @ $ 15,823.00 @ $ 15,823.00 @ $ 15,823.00 Total $47,469.00 Total $44,529.00 Total $44,000.00 M-157-FV FV Trane Trane Chillers 3@500 Tons 3 Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year @ $ 14,843.00 @ $ 14,843.00 @ $ 14,843.00 M-216-WW WW Twin City Security Security Guard Service 1 Year $19.25 Hour $28.87 Hour (Overtime) GRAND TOTAL Brenco Corp - Slight Change for 1st year, 0% for 2nd and 3% for 3rd year. ICON - 3% increase for 1st year, 2% for 2nd and 3rd year. Mitch Murch Maintenance Management Co.: No Change for 1st year, 3% for 2nd and 3rdrd year. Trane- 3% increase for 1st year only, 0% for 2nd & 3rd year. Twin City - No change in rates, estimate based on ‘07/08 usage. $493,004.19 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through May 31, 2008 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through May 31, 2008. 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008. 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008. 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for May 2008. 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of May 2008 Board Meeting 6/19/08 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary June 19, 2008 (Financial Results Through 05/31/2008) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $150.7 million or 97.2% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $144.6 million or 95.7% of the budget for the prior year. All categories of revenue are contributing to the increase of FY 2008 revenues over FY 2007 with local taxes being the most significant. Expenditures Expenditures are $121.0 million or 86.9% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $119.4 million or 88.0% for the prior year. An increase in salaries and wages is the primary reason that FY 2008 total expenditures amount is greater than the amount for FY 2007. Transfers Transfers are at $15.3 million or 96.4% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $15.4 million or 96.3% for the prior year. The dollar amount for FY 2008 is less than that of FY 2007 because of reduced planned capital. Board Meeting 6/19/08 2 5.1.2 Board Meeting 6/19/08 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through May 31, 2008 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 60,777,545 43,097,791 41,989,738 4,789,093 150,654,167 104.6% 91.9% 94.6% 86.3% 97.2% 58,119,538 41,728,345 40,112,531 4,614,225 144,574,638 103.5% 92.5% 87.7% 113.9% 95.7% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,538,374 139,009,584 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,663,374 139,134,584 81,498,676 19,951,943 19,505,077 120,955,696 90.5% 93.0% 70.5% 86.9% 79,967,758 19,701,260 19,779,254 119,448,272 91.9% 94.1% 71.0% 88.0% 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 8,680,000 3,005,347 2,593,230 1,062,530 15,341,107 100.0% 91.7% 100.0% 78.4% 96.4% 8,775,000 3,005,347 2,593,230 994,157 15,367,734 100.0% 91.7% 100.0% 76.1% 96.3% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 125,000 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2007 - May, 2008 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 562,127 11,226,055 971,658 329,409 90.1% 95.3% 89.1% 90.5% $ 13,860,100 $ 13,860,100 $ 13,089,249 94.4% $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 1,619,777 306,052 1,830,159 8,615,308 87.5% 83.1% 69.2% 108.1% $ 12,832,877 $ 12,832,877 $ 12,371,296 96.4% $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 256,000 $ 256,000 $ 256,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 13,088,877 $ 13,088,877 $ 12,627,296 96.5% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 6/19/08 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2007 - May, 2008 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 27,000 Adjusted Budget $ 27,000 $ 109,050 27,000 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 136,050 Actual To Date $ 29,770 % of Budget To Date 110.3% 44,926 $ 44,926 33.0% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2007 - May, 2008 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 175,000 $ 150,000 175,000 181,391 $ 78,072 98,389 181,391 52.0% 56.2% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 506,391 $ 357,852 70.7% 172,377 91.0% $ 172,377 91.0% $ 185,476 189,491 $ 189,491 189,491 $ 189,491 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 6/19/08 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2007-May 2008 Funds available Original Budget * Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $737,846 511,687 $737,846 511,687 $638,733 220,762 86.6% 43.1% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Prior Year Funds Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 561,954 140,489 561,954 7,035 142,248 544,298 7,035 137,833 96.9% 100.0% 96.9% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 703,935 161,789 486,485 703,935 160,070 641,627 445,904 160,070 271,391 63.3% 100.0% 42.3% $ 3,466,402 $ 2,426,026 70.0% $1,249,533 711,237 864,005 641,627 $859,494 689,166 605,974 271,391 68.8% 96.9% 70.1% 42.3% $ 3,466,402 $ 2,426,026 70.0% Total funds available $ Revised Budget % of Revised Budget 3,304,185 * Actual Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,249,533 702,443 865,724 486,485 $ 3,304,185 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) *** $20,751,798 $108,050 * Does not include $452,109 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant *** Academic Competitiveness Grant-a new grant awarded to Pell recipients that have completed a rigorous secondary school program. Board Meeting 6/19/08 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2007 - May, 2008 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 3,510,000 3,094,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,510,000 4,144,944 886,000 1,000,000 $ 1,675,489 3,888,590 886,000 1,000,000 47.7% 93.8% 100.0% 100.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ 8,490,000 $ 9,540,944 $ 7,450,079 78.1% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 1,600,000 304,000 6,511,000 75,000 $ 1,600,000 304,000 7,561,944 75,000 $ 1,218,131 244,197 3,812,285 76.1% 80.3% 50.4% 0.0% Total Expense $ 8,490,000 $ 9,540,944 $ 5,274,613 55.3% Board Meeting 6/19/08 7 % of Budget To Date 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2007 - May, 2008 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $19,296,160 877,585 $20,173,746 $11,791,658 877,585 $12,669,243 61.1% 100.0% 62.8% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $7,503,114 2,283,899 9,842,732 544,000 $20,173,746 $6,744,455 1,876,757 3,868,537 423,129 $12,912,877 89.9% 82.2% 39.3% 77.8% 64.0% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 6/19/08 8 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending May 31, 2008 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 6/19/08 9 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of May 2008 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 26,388,385 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 48,239 2.155% Range of Rates Earned: 2.040% ⎯ 2.380% Other Investments Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 05/08/2008 Purchase Date: 05/08/2008 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: US Treasury Note Par Value: $1,000,000.00 Type of Investment: Fannie Mae Coupon Bond* Par Value: $1,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $ 998,515.63 Cost of Investment: $ 1,000,000.00 Maturity Date: 04/30/2010 Maturity Date: 05/28/2010 Investment Yield: 2.202% Investment Yield: 3.000% Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 05/08/2008 Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Home Loan Bank Coupon Bond * Par Value: $1,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $ 1,000,000.00 Maturity Date: 11/19/2010 Investment Yield: 3.150% * Callable Board Meeting 6/19/08 10 6. Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Contract between YWCA of Metro St. Louis and St. Louis Community College at Forest Park It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract between YWCA of Metro St. Louis (referred to as “Head Start”) and St. Louis Community College at Forest Park Child Care Center (referred to as “Provider”). Head Start will provide a subsidy that will allow students to continue to work toward a college degree without the added expense of child care. Head Start will pay $23.32 per day for each child (up to 28 full-time slots) that uses child care services. This contract begins April 1, 2008 and will continue through March 31, 2009. Thirty (30) days written notice by either party may terminate the contract. 6.1.2 Federal Work Study Agreements The purpose of this agreement is to permit the following agency to employ students under the College Federal Work Study Program effective June 20, 2008. The Agency will not be billed for matching funds or social security. Agency: Urban Strategies, 1415 Olive Street, Suite 209, St. Louis, MO 63103. Board Meeting 6/19/08 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program/Campus Effective Date Nursing FP, FV, M 5-12-08 Respiratory Therapy FP 5-12-08 Dr. Scott Delaplain Dental Assisting Forest Park 5-16-08 MO Baptist Hospital Emergency Medical Services Forest Park 5-19-08 Bio-Medical/Clinical Engineering FV 5-6-08 Health facilities Rehab Service Physical Therapist Assistant M 5-29-08 St. John’s Mercy Hospital Physical Therapist Assistant M 5-30-08 (renewal) Occupational Therapy Assistant M 5-1-08 (renewal) Clinical Lab Tech FP 6-3-08 (renewal) Clinical Lab FP 7-8-08 (renewal) Surgical Technology FP 7-1-08 (renewal) Tenet HealthSystem SL Inc. (Doing business as St. Louis University Hospital.) Christian Hospital Northeast-Northwest St. Joseph Hospital West SSM St. Joseph Health Center Board Meeting 6-19-08 2 6.2.2 Agreement - Daifuku America Corporation It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between St. Louis Community College and Daifuku Friction Drive System (FDS) Daifuku America Corporation to conduct a training class for delivery of Daifuku Friction Drive System (FDS) Conveyors B43 & B60 to be held at the UAW Chrysler Training Center the week of July 21, 2008. The total cost of training is $11,165 to be coordinated through the Center for Business, Industry and Labor and funded by the SLATE UAW Training Grant. 6.2.3 Emerson Process Management It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an additional payment of $2,126.04 to Emerson Process Management for instructor expenses. The agreement between St Louis Community College and Emerson Process Management for the delivery of Machinery Health Management on-site training classes was originally Board approved 1/17/08, agenda item 6.1.5. 6.2.4 Operating Agreement for the Authorized Prometric Testing Center It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve renewal of the Operating Agreement for an Authorized Prometric Testing Center (APTC) between Prometric, Inc. and St. Louis Community College. This agreement continues to authorize the College to administer Prometric computer-based testing services as an APTC at the Downtown Education Center. There is no cost to the College to renew this agreement. The Downtown Education Center receives administrative compensation from Prometric, Inc. based on the number of tests per quarter delivered. This agreement is effective July 1, 2008 through July 31, 2009. 6.2.5 Ratification of FP Continuing Education Programs, Spring 2008. Summary of expenditures: Atrek Dance Collective The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered dance classes in cooperation with Atrek Dance Collective for fall 2007 and spring 2008. $1,134 was incurred in instructional costs. All costs were covered by student fees. Beginner’s World Tennis The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered tennis classes in cooperation with Beginner’s World Tennis. $2,205 was incurred in instructional costs. All costs were covered by student fees. Ruth Park The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered golf classes in cooperation with Ruth Park. $2,250 was incurred in instructional costs. All costs were covered by student fees. Board Meeting 6-19-08 3 Solar Yoga Center of St. Louis The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered three (3) classes at Solar Yoga Center of St. Louis. $300 in space rental fees was paid. All costs were covered by student fees. Third Degree Glass Factory The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered glassblowing classes at Third Degree Glass Factory. $1,920 was incurred for instructional costs. All costs were covered by student fees. Thomas Dunn Memorials The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered non-credit classes at Thomas Dunn Memorials. $1,520 was incurred. All costs were covered by student fees. U Can Dance The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered non-credit classes in cooperation with U Can Dance. $1,500 was incurred. All costs were covered by student fees. Virginia Dance Studio The office of Continuing Education at Forest Park offered non-credit classes in cooperation with Virginia Dance Studio. $100 was incurred for rental fees. All costs covered by student fees. 6.2.6 Mobile Tech Center Exhibit It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an exhibitor contract/registration in the amount of $2,340 to exhibit the Mobile Tech Center and showcase SLCC Career & Technical Education programs at the Missouri ACTE conference to be held July 21-22, 2008 at the Springfield Expo Center in Springfield, MO. Board Meeting 6-19-08 4 Center for Business, Industry and Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide service development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source ExecuTrain Corporation Campus Date Amount To provide facility rental of Downtown Education Center computer lab. Manager: Stephen Long CBIL April 16, 2008 through December 31, 2008 $4,300 GKN AerospaceSt. Louis To provide training facilitation Impact Outcome: Diversity awareness training. Manager: Stephen Long CBIL August 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 $5,000 Emerging Technologies Providing additional training in the Downtown Education Center Manager: Stephen Long CBIL March 4, 2008 through June 30, 2008 $4,200 (total contract FY08 $7,200) Erb Equipment Company Providing additional Assessment service. Manager: Stephen Long CBIL June 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 $4,500 (total contract FY08 $8,855) Dial Corporation To provide 5S Implementation Impact Outcome: Restore unbreakable cleanliness and order to the company’s work areas and process. Manager: Stephen Long CBIL April 23, 2008 through December 31, 2008 $17,000 6.3.2 Funding Source The Boeing Company Title of Program and/or Purpose Ratification of Economic Development Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide economic development for the St. Louis region. Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount To provide educational-related services for the company, through program coordination, technical assistance, shared resources and instructional management capabilities. Estimated Number of Participants: Estimated Number of Credit Hours: 5,730.72 Manager: Stephen Long CBIL July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 (Company) $358,400 (College) $76,491 Total Amount $434,891 Board Meeting 6-19-08 5 Workforce and Community Development 6.3.3 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services and economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Better Family Life, Inc. Title of Program and/or Purpose To provide additional facilitation services Manager: Stephen Long Board Meeting 6-19-08 6 Campus Date Amount WCD April 14, 2008 through June 30, 2008 $38,985 (Total contract FY08 $116,875) OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) and The Atlantic Philanthropies AMOUNT $ 40,000.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College to participate in the AACC Plus 50 Initiative as one of 10 demonstration colleges. Funds will be used to coordinate targeted educational enrichment, workforce training and service opportunities for students over age 50 on all four campuses. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 4/01/08 - 3/31/11 Project Director: Christy Jaeger/ Heather Ellison Productive Living Board $ 106,156.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College to provide vocational enhancement services to St. Louis County residents with developmental disabilities through the Continuing Education Access Program on the Meramec campus. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/08- 6/30/09 Project Director: Christy Jaeger St. Louis County Department of Human Services $ 90,000.00 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide services to dislocated workers from the St. Louis Auto Industry through the Rapid Response Program. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 1/1/08-6/30/08 Project Director: Jane Boyle U.S. Department of Education $ 1,126,864.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for an Upward Bound Program on the Forest Park campus. The Upward Bound Program is designed to generate in students the skills and motivation necessary for success in education beyond secondary school. The Upward Bound Program on the Forest Park campus will serve 60 students at the following three (3) high schools in St. Louis City: Cleveland, Roosevelt, and Soldan. This is a new award. Project Period: 9/01/08-8/31/12 Project Director: Carolyn Jackson Board Meeting 06-19-08 1 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Department of Elementary and Secondary Education AMOUNT $ 109,130.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec campus to administer an Adult Education and Literacy Program for the Affton, Bayless, Kirkwood, Lindbergh, Mehlville, Valley Park and Webster Groves school districts. This grant also provides funding for an Online Software and Instruction Program to provide tutoring and GED training for students unable to attend the traditional GED classroom. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/08-6/30/09 Project Director: Karl Steenberg Department of Health and Senior Services $ 5,825.63 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley campus to participate in the Summer Food Service Program. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 6/9/08-6/27/08 Project Director: Ken Trzaska U.S. Department of Health and Human Services $ 286,614.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the District Nursing Program. The purpose of this Nursing Workforce Diversity Program titled “Pre-Entry Preparation, Retention and Support (PREPRS)” is to increase the success rate of minority and international nursing students. PREPRS’s multidimensional approach includes a Pre-Nursing Summer Academy, Year-Round Retention Activities, Student Stipends and Training in Cultural Competence for faculty and students. The PREPRS Project will utilize linkages with a variety of community organizations and health care providers. This award represents funding for the final year of a three-year project. Project Period: 7/1/06 - 6/30/09 Project Director: Karen Mayes Board Meeting 06-19-08 2 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.2 Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Greater St. Louis BPA Scholarship Fund $ 3,000.00 Donation to the Meramec baseball team. Student Aid Anonymous $ 10,676.00 Donation to the Harry & Ethel K. Sandhagen Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Antonio Washington $ Donation to the Florissant Valley Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Student Aid Anheuser-Busch Foundation $ 3,000.00 Donation to the Meramec women's volleyball team for scholarships. This donation matches a gift made by Lee L. Clauss. Student Aid Anheuser-Busch Foundation $ Donation to the Meramec cheerleaders for scholarships. This donation matches a gift made by Sandy Yanko. Student Aid Board Meeting 06-19-08 10.00 150.00 3 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Larry Sather Larry Sather is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled John Donne: The Reformed Soul: A Biography. The estimated fair market value is $35.00. One (1) Book titled The Devil Gets His Due: The Uncollected Essays of Leslie Fiedler. The estimated fair market value is $26.00. One (1) Book titled Futurecast: How Superpowers, Populations, and Globalization Will Change the Way You Live and Work. The estimated fair market value is $26.95. One (1) Book titled Two Lives: Gertrude and Alice. The estimated fair market value is $25.00. One (1) Book titled Ad Infinitum: A Biography of Latin. The estimated fair market value is $27.95. The condition of donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Chris Nedelcovych Soccer Foundation Chris Nedelcovych Soccer Foundation is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled Playing Better Soccer is More Fun: A complete guide to the small-sided games coaching model. The estimated fair market value is $14.95. The condition of donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 06-19-08 4 RESTRICTIONS OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Ronald Stilwell Ronald Stilwell is donating the following to the Photography program on the Meramec campus: Nikon 35mm camera body, three (3) lenses, flash and accessories. The estimated fair market value is $450.00. The condition of donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Melissa Loscheider Melissa Loscheider is donating the following to the Photography program on the Meramec campus: Minolta X700 35mm camera with 50mm lens and flash. The estimated fair market value is $200.00. The condition of donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 06-19-08 5 RESTRICTIONS BOARD RECOMMENDATION 8.0 Insurance Recommendations INSURANCE RENEWALS 8.1 Property Insurance Renewal It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the property insurance policy, effective July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. The policy limit is $419,393,627 The renewal premium of the policy will be $170.000 ($0.04 per $100 of values). This is an increase of $10,395. This increase is attributed to the increased value of the College’s property and the increased cost of replacement materials. This insurance plan provides all of the coverage the College had in the past. It also includes $100,000,000 in earthquake insurance without restrictions because of the New Madrid Fault Zone. Additionally, the College will have $100,000,000 of terrorism coverage which includes both certified events (international based) and non-certified (special-interest groups/protests). Conditions in the insurance industry may cause the premium amount to change as the actual renewal date approaches. If this occurs, the Board of Trustees will be notified of the new premium. 8.2 Intercollegiate Athletic Medical Excess and Catastrophic Insurance Renewal The College's insurance broker, Lockton Companies, examined and analyzed the athletic medical and catastrophic insurance market and found that the policy offered by Fairmont Specialty Group would continue to best meet the needs of the College. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the intercollegiate athletic medical excess and catastrophic insurance coverage with Fairmont Specialty Group for the annual premium $71,910. This is an increase of $4,086. This increase is attributed to the increase of medical costs. The plan is designed to cover medical expenses for intercollegiate athletic injuries after the athlete exhausts the benefits of his/her personal medical insurance, if applicable, following payment of a $500.00 deductible with coverage up to $25,000.00 per accident. The catastrophic insurance is designed to cover injuries with costs in excess of $25,000.00 following exhaustion of the student's personal medical insurance, if applicable, up to the maximum of $5,000,000.00 per injury. This coverage is from August 1, 2008 through July 31, 2009. 8.3 Workers Compensation Excess Insurance Renewal The College's broker, Lockton Companies, took the workers compensation excess insurance renewal to the market and found that the plan offered by the Safety National Casualty Corporation best fits the needs of the College. The plan is designed to cover workers compensations expenses for claims that exceed $300,000 and employers’ liability maximum limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence. This insurance is a requirement of the State of Missouri’s Division of Workers Compensation in order for the College to operate its self funded Workers Compensation Program. The insurance coverage would be effective July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 for the premium of $ 90,063. This is a decrease of $ 4,797.