MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2008 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, May 15, 2008, at the St. Louis Community College Forest Park Campus, in the Highlander Lounge, 5600 Oakland Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Robert Nelson, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Robert Nelson, Board Chair; Ms. Denise Chachere, Vice Chair; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Trustee; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Trustee; Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee; and Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Zelema Harris, Chancellor; Ms. Yvonne Helberg, Administrative Associate to the Chancellor and Mr. Tim Tryniecki, of Armstrong Teasdale. 2. Welcome to Guests Mr. Nelson introduced and welcomed “Jeff” Hattman, Trustee Hattman’s mother. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 5. Acceptance of April 22, 2008 Minutes On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously accepted the April 22, 2008 Board of Trustees minutes. 6. Approval of Resolution Re June 19, 2008 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on June 19, 2008, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 7. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Ms. Crystal Wilson, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. Mr. Morris Johnson, Forest Park President, presented a student success story on Ms. Wanda Lane. 8. Presentation: 2008-2009 Operating and Capital Budget Dr. Harris reported on the budget planning process and acknowledged the work of the campus presidents and others in developing the 2008-2009 budget. Dr. Harris identified the following priority initiatives for 2008-2009: HLC visit and outcome, enrollment management, strategic planning, governmental relations (federal), corporate outreach, faculty evaluation and League for Innovation reaffirmation. Carla Chance, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Services, Frank LoRusso, Controller, and Bruce Vogelgesang, Budget Coordinator, presented the 2008-2009 operating and capital budgets (all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein) and answered questions from the Board. Ms. Chachere inquired about the possibility of the College providing selffunded health insurance coverage in an effort to reduce costs. Mr. Nicoletti agreed to investigate this matter. 2 On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board voted unanimously, on a roll call vote, that the College proceed to post eight new enrollment management positions immediately as presented for funding on page 11 of the draft 20082009 budget document with a start date following the June 19, 2008 Board meeting. 9. Ratification – Trustee Expense Report On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously ratified an expense report for Trustee Chachere from the AGB Conference. 10. Recommended Approval of Resolution for Debt Issuance for the New Harrison Education Center and Wildwood Property On motion by Ms. Chachere, the Board unanimously approved the Resolution for Debt Issuance for the New Harrison Education Center and Wildwood Property all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 11. Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. III. HUMAN RESOURCES 12. Human Resource Recommendations On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: 3 RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 13. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts On motion by Ms. Hattman, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 14. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of April 30, 2008 were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, budget status summary report general operating fund through April 30, 2008, budget status reports – 4 auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008, student financial aid fund, July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008, Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008 and restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008 and the investment report as of April 30, 2008. B. Warrant Check Register – April 2008 On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending April 30, 2008. C. Ratification of Investments On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of April 2008, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 15. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate in each instance. 5 VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 16. Acceptance of External Funds On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE 17. None. IX. GENERAL FUNCTIONS, CONTD. 18. Chancellor’s Report None. 19. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns Mr. Jun Xiao, a student from the Meramec campus addressed the Board regarding concerns he has about how he has been treated. Mr. Xiao provided 6 a copy of correspondence to Yvonne Helberg who will make copies for dissemination to all Board members. Mr. Nelson thanked Mr. Xiao for sharing information with the Board and assured him that the Board will review the information he provided. X. NEW BUSINESS None. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvonne Helberg, Administrative Associate to the Chancellor 7 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Zelema Harris DATE: May 15, 2008 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Tab Page No. Revision Section 1 D Add: Board Resolution of Commitment to the League for Innovation (Attached) 3 3.1 Appointments/Classified Staff Revise starting date for Clare Brew, Student Admissions/Registration Assistant II, FV, from 05/16/08 to 05/19/08. 5a 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/Change of Assignment/Administrative/Professional Staff Delete the appointment of Anisha Morrell, Special Assistant to the Chancellor, effective 05/16/08-06/30/08. 7 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/Faculty Promotions 2008-2009, effective July 1, 2008 Revise department of Andrea Nichols, recommended for promotion to Assistant Professor, from Mathematics to Sociology. 10 3.4 Other Personnel Actions/Resignations/Retirements/Certificated Staff Add: Kay Garsnett, FV, Associate Professor/Library Services; effective 07/31/08. This is a resignation. Recommended Approval of League for Innovation Resolution Resolution of Commitment WHEREAS, the League for Innovation is the leading Community College organization in the application of information technology to improve teaching and learning, student services and institutional management; and WHEREAS, St. Louis Community College supports the core values of the League for Innovation which include: Innovation, Learning, Service, Diversity, Stewardship, Quality, Integrity, Community, Positivity and Celebration; and WHEREAS, in keeping with our commitment to support the core values, the Board of Trustees understands the importance of the collective actions of its members as evidenced through its active participation in three board development retreats in the last fiscal year, and, WHEREAS, all individual trustees are expected to have a deep and abiding commitment to the values and traditions of St. Louis Community College as a League institution, and, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College expresses continued support of the League for Innovation in its mission; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College will continue to fulfill a role in the League's mission by encouraging its employees to actively participate through continued leadership in League activities; and WHEREUPON, this resolution confirms St. Louis Community College’s commitment in support of the League for Innovation and will become a permanent part of the minutes of the Board of Trustees this fifteenth day of May, 2008. _______________________ Robert C. Nelson Chair _____________ Date _______________________ _____________ Melissa Hattman Date Trustee _______________________ Denise R. Chachere Vice Chair _____________ Date _______________________ Margo McNeil Trustee ______________ Date _______________________ E. Libby Fitzgerald Trustee _____________ Date _______________________ Joann L. Ordinachev Trustee ______________ Date #6 Resolution Re June 19, 2008 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on June 19, 2008 at 6:00 p.m., at the Florissant Valley Campus, 3400 Pershall Rd., in the Private Dining Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. May 15, 2008 Board Agenda #10 Recommended Reimbursement Resolution for Debt Issuance for the New Harrison Education Center and Wildwood Property Board action is requested to approve a resolution relating to the possible issuance of debt to reimburse the cash reserve expenditures related to the acquisition, construction, furnishing, and equipping a new Harrison Education Center and the acquisition of certain real property located in the City of Wildwood, Missouri. This reimbursement resolution would permit the College to arrange for a debt issuance for expenses incurred 60 days prior to the resolution and all expenses subsequent to the resolution. Certain engineering and design costs incurred prior to the 60-day rule may also be included in the debt issuance. While the College continues to pursue all potential funding sources for the costs of these initiatives, the College is considering the issuance of bonds to take advantage of the current economic cycle. This resolution preserves the College’s ability to issue debt. This matter will be further researched and evaluated before any debt recommendation is presented to the Board. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, is a political subdivision organized and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri (the “District”); and WHEREAS, the District desires to (i) acquire, construct, furnish and equip a new Harrison Education Center to be located in the Jeff VanderLou neighborhood across from Vashon High School in the City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”), which is expected to be an approximately 31,000 square foot new facility that would replace the existing 2,000 square foot Harrison Education Center facility that is currently located in the former Julia Davis Library on Natural Bridge Road in the City, and (ii) acquire certain real property (the “Property”) located in the City of Wildwood, Missouri (“Wildwood”) near the District’s current campus in Wildwood, which Property is expected to be used as a site for future educational facilities of the District (the foregoing purposes are collectively, the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the District presently intends and reasonably expects to participate in a borrowing to finance the Project in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000, including reimbursing the District for capital expenditures made by the District for the Project prior to the date when funds for the Project are available from such borrowing; and WHEREAS, the District has paid within 60 days prior to the date hereof and/or intends to pay on or after the date hereof certain costs of the Project (the “Original Expenditures”) and desires to obtain reimbursement for the payment of such Original Expenditures with the proceeds of bonds or other evidence of borrowing (the “Bonds”) to be issued by The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri Building Corporation, a Missouri nonprofit corporation (the “Corporation”) or other issuer of tax-exempt bonds (“Issuer”) subsequent to the payment of such Original Expenditures; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the funds to be advanced to pay Original Expenditures will be available only on a temporary basis and that it is necessary and desirable to declare the “official intent” of the District to reimburse Original Expenditures with the proceeds of Bonds and otherwise to meet the requirements of Treasury Regulations § 1.150-2 (or successor provisions) promulgated under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI AS FOLLOWS: Declaration of Official Intent. The Board hereby determines and declares the official intent of the District to participate in a borrowing to finance the costs of the Project out of the proceeds of Bonds to be issued by the Corporation or the Issuer in a principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000, which Bonds are to be issued within 18 months of either the date of the first expenditure of funds by the District for the Project or the date that the Project is placed in service, whichever is later (but not more than three years after the date of the initial expenditure of District funds for the Project). Reimbursement of Expenditures. The District has made Original Expenditures in connection with the Project, and expects to make additional Original Expenditures on and after the date of this resolution and before the issuance of the Bonds, and the District desires and intends to be reimbursed from proceeds of the Bonds for such Original Expenditures to the extent permitted by applicable law. All Original Expenditures that constitute capital expenditures were or will be made not earlier than 60 days prior to the date of this Resolution. Ratification of Prior Acts. All prior actions of the officers, directors, employees and agents of the District that are in conformity with the purpose and intent of this Resolution and in furtherance of the Project shall be and the same hereby are in all respects ratified, approved and confirmed. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately after its adoption. ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees this _____ day of May, 2008. By: Title: Secretary 2722336.1 Advisory Committee Appointments It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the appointments/reappointments listed for the following program areas. Members will serve a two-year term, January 2008 through December 2009. Health Information Technology Mrs. Mary Ellen Jones Supervisor, Medical Records Health Information St. Louis County 6065 Helen Avenue St. Louis, MO 63134 (314) 522-6410 Dr. Susan Jornagan Resident Physician/Dermatology Dept. St. Louis University 1402 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 256-3430 Ms. Norma Klein Coding Compliance Manager Legal Services BJC Health Care 600 S. Taylor Mailstop 90-94-208 St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-0404 Mrs. Beverly Lehnen Manager, Health Information Mgt. Dept. Christian Hospital Northeast 619 W. Moro Drive Moro, IL 62067 (618) 377-8900 Mrs. Dorothy Rodgers Supervisor, Health Information Mgt. Grace Hill NHC, Inc. 2220 Lemp Ave. St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 814-8699 Mrs. Dena Vasquez Coding Supervisor Health Information Management Barnes Jewish Hospital 427 N. Euclid Marissa, IL 62257 (618) 973-9490 Dr. William Walker Owner Midwest Healthcare Coding, LLC 16690 Swingley Ridge Road Suite 120 Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 449-0128 Ms. Ginger Watson Health Information Mgt. Supervisor Perot System 6150 Oakland Ave. St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 768-3007 Mrs. Debra Wilderman Director, HIMS Hospital St. Louis University Hospital 3635 Vista St. Louis, MO 63101 (888) 978-6900 Mrs. Kim Withouse Director, HIS, Privacy Officer St. Elizabeth's Hospital 211 South Third Street Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 234-2120 Board Meeting 05-15-08 1 Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), CS It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the revised Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Certificate of Specialization approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Certificate of Specialization Campus: Florissant Valley Effective: Fall 2008 Impact Statement The changes proposed for this certificate of specialization will update the content to current computer assisted design (CAD) technology. It provides the student some flexibility in course choices that will allow for appropriate minor differences in the fields of engineering disciplines as well as differences from industry to industry. The categories and associated credits required will insure the expertise in key aspects of CAD to be considered a specialist in industry. The incorporation of new courses developed to address new and emerging CAD software packages enhances the program for the student and will reduce the need for the student to be a granted course substitution to count such courses toward graduation. The total credits for the program will conform to the normal standards for SLCC certificates of specialization that have been implemented since the last revision of this program. The changes and updates to the CAD program will provide a certificate that will continue to serve both the students holding or pursuing college degrees as well as the students seeking this certificate only. In any case, the certificate will recognize specialization in CAD. Board Meeting 05-15-08 2 Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), CS CURRENT PROGRAM REVISED PROGRAM Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Certificate of Specialization Florissant Valley Computer Aided Design (CAD) Certificate of Specialization Florissant Valley Courses EGR:100 EGR:110 EGR:135 GE:101 XXX:xxx Courses EGR:100 GE:101 GE:121 ESC:100 13-14 credits Engineering Drawing…………….............3 Descriptive Geometry………………..........3 CADD Management…………………........2 Technical Computer Programming…........3 Elective……………………..………......2-3 Choose one of the following: 6 credits Option A EGR:140 Computer Aided Drafting and Design I...…..3 EGR:255 Advanced Computer Aided Drafting….........3 Option B EGR:133 Introduction to AutoCAD I………………….2 EGR:141 Introduction to AutoCADII………………….2 EGR:xxx AutoCAD electives…………………………..2 Program total……..……..19-20 credits 6 credits Engineering Drawing…………………….......…....3 Technical Computer Application (or) Principles of Engineering (or) Engineering Computer Applications and Design..3 CAD Sequence: 9 credits Select from the following lists with at least one in each area for a total of at least 9 credit hours: 2-D CAD EGR:104 EGR:133 EGR:140 EGR:141 EGR:143 EGR:144 Electronic Drafting…………………………… 2 Introduction to AutoCAD I……………………… 2 Computer Aided Drafting and Design I………. 3 Introduction to AutoCAD II………………....……..2 Introduction to Microstation…………………. 2 Microstation II………………………………... 2 3-D CAD EGR:147 EGR:145 EGR:139 ME:230 EGR:148 EGR:256 Introduction to Engineering Design………..…. 3 Computer Solids Modeling…………………….. 2 3-D Autocad with Autoshade………………….. 2 Introduction to 3-D Solid Modeling for Design...4 Solid Modeling with Unigraphics………..…….. 2 Solid Modeling with CATIA………………….. 2 CAD Application ME:230 Introduction to 3-D Solid Modeling for Design...4 EGR:255 Advanced Computer Aided Drafting……………3 GE:122 Engineering Design and Development…...………3 EGR:257 Unigraphics for Part Design……………………..2 Technical Elective 3 credits Course(s) selected from Engineering & Technology department (prefixes: BE, CE, EE, EGR, ESC, GE, ME, QC) Program total.........…..18 credits Board Meeting 05-15-08 3 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the revised Physical Therapist Assistant Associate in Applied Science approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Physical Therapist Assistant Associate in Applied Science Campus: Meramec Effective: Fall 2008 Impact Statement True to the mission of St. Louis Community College; expanding minds and changing lives, the purpose of the Physical Therapist Assistant program is to prepare students to become knowledgeable, competent, selfassured, adaptable, and service-oriented physical therapist assistants. The removal of the prerequisite for a biology course from the program credit hour requirement will decrease the number of credit hours listed in the catalog from 72 credit hours to 68 credit hours. This will accurately reflect the program requirements and improve consistency of Catalog reporting of program credit hour requirements. Board Meeting 05-15-08 4 CURRENT PROGRAM Physical Therapy Assistant AAS Meramec REVISED PROGRAM Physical Therapy Assistant AAS Meramec Career General Education 33 credits BIO:111 Introductory Biology 1 (Prerequisite to PTA program) ENG:100 Career English or ENG:101 College Composition 1 Com 101 Oral Communication PSY 200 General Psychology PSY:205 Human Growth and Development or PSY:203 Child Psychology SOC 201 Aspects of Aging XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement BIO:207 Anatomy & Physiology 1 BIO:208 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO:209 Kinesiology 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 credits Area of Concentration PTA:100 Introduction to Physical Therapist Assistant PTA:104 Workplace Learning: PTA Clinical Experience I PTA:105 Fundamentals of Patient Care For the PTA PTA:208 Health Occupations Seminar PTA:211 Physical Agents PTA:212 Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation Concepts I PTA:213 Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation Concepts II PTA:214 Data Collection and Intervention Techniques for the PTA PTA:215 Medical Conditions in Rehabilitation PTA:216 Workplace Learning: PTA Clinical Education IIA PTA:217 Workplace Learning: PTA Clinical Education IIB 37 credits Board Meeting 05-15-08 ENG:100 Career English or ENG:101 College Composition 1 Com 101 Oral Communication PSY 200 General Psychology PSY:205 Human Growth and Development or PSY:203 Child Psychology SOC 201 Aspects of Aging XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement BIO:207 Anatomy & Physiology 1 BIO:208 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO:209 Kinesiology 3 3 3 Physical Education Activity Program total Career General Education Physical Education Activity Area of Concentration PTA:100 Introduction to Physical Therapist Assistant PTA:104 Workplace Learning: PTA Clinical Experience I PTA:105 Fundamentals of Patient Care For the PTA PTA:208 Health Occupations Seminar PTA:211 Physical Agents PTA:212 Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation Concepts I PTA:213 Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation Concepts II PTA:214 Data Collection and Intervention Techniques for the PTA PTA:215 Medical Conditions in Rehabilitation PTA:216 Workplace Learning: PTA Clinical Education IIA PTA:217 Workplace Learning: PTA Clinical Education IIB 2 2 4 2 3 7 2 4 3 4 4 Program total 72 Credits 5 29 credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 credits 37 credits 2 2 4 2 3 7 2 4 3 4 4 68 Credits II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the revised Technology Education Associate in Science approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Technology Education Associate in Science Campus: Florissant Valley Effective: Fall 2008 Impact Statement There is a significant shortage of secondary teachers to teach Industry Technology and related courses in middle and high schools regionally, statewide, and nationally. Secondary schools are having difficulty finding qualified and certified teachers in these fields. In response, STLCC developed this A.S. Degree Program as part of a 2+2 program partnership with SEMO and UMSL. STLCC also developed a separate cooperative program with Lindenwood. To be certified to teach industrial technology courses, Missouri DESE requires a broad technical subject major area combined with teacher education courses. SEMO, University of Central Missouri, and Missouri Southern State College are the only Missouri colleges that offer such programs. Currently, STLCC’s A.S. degree program in Technology Education can only articulate with SEMO’s and Lindenwood’s Teacher Education programs. The proposed changes in the Technology Education program requirement and various options possibilities will allow the College to articulate our program more effectively with multiple universities. This will enhance the opportunities for St. Louis area students to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Technology Education at local colleges as well as out-of state programs. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum development and government initiatives to promote science, math and engineering technology in the schools have renewed interest in technology education. Including PLTW courses in our proposed program will align our curriculum courses being taught at high schools as well as at many universities. Inclusion of PLTW provide graduates interested in teaching Project Lead The Way courses at area high schools enhanced opportunities for employment in secondary school teaching. The proposed program will also provide local school districts with a ready pool of teachers qualified to teach Project Lead the Way courses at secondary schools. The name change to Technology Teacher Education is being proposed to clarify and emphasize that this teacher education program is designed for individuals wanting to teach industrial technology and related courses at secondary schools. Board Meeting 05-15-08 6 Current Program Technology Education ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE DEGREE Florissant Valley Revised Program Technology Teacher Education ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE DEGREE Florissant Valley I. I. General Education 26 credits ENG:101 College Composition I……………………3 ENG:103 Report Writing…………………………....3 ENG:201 Introduction to Fiction or ENG:202 Introduction to Poetry and Plays……....….3 PSY:200 General Psychology…………………..…...3 MTH:144 Technical Algebra and Trigonometry….....5 XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement…….………..3 PHL:101 Introduction to Philosophy……….....…….3 Select one course from……………………………...……..3 CHM:101 Fundamentals of Chemistry I CHM:105 General Chemistry I GEO:100 Earth Science GEO:111 Physical Geology PSI:101 Physical Science Lecture I PSI:105 Physical Science I PSI:111 Introduction to Astronomy I PSI 124 Principles of Physical Science PHY:111 College Physics I PHY:122 Engineering Physics I II. Physical Education Requirement Select one course from…………………………......….3-5 CHM:101 Fundamentals of Chemistry I…..5 CHM:105 General Chemistry I…………....5 GEO:100 Earth Science……………….…..3 GEO:111 Physical Geology…………….….5 PSI:105 Physical Science I…………….…3 PHY:111 College Physics I………………..4 PHY:122 Engineering Physics I………......5 II. Physical Education Requirement 2 credits IV. Engineering Technology Education 21-23 credits Select courses in the following three areas. Seven credits in each technical area is the minimum for Technology Teacher Certification. Communications Technology 7 credits EGR:100 Engineering Drawing…………………......... 3 ART:131 Computer Art Studio (or) ART:133 Graphic Design I……………………………. 3 EGR:140 Computer Aided Drafting and Design I (or) EGR:133 Introduction to AutoCAD I…….....................2-3 EGR:141 Introduction to AutoCAD II………………... 2 EGR:139 3-D AutoCAD with Autoshade……...……... 2 EGR:255 Advanced Computer Aided Drafting…....... 3 EGR:147 Introduction to Engineering Design*…….... 3 CE:116 Construction Blueprint Reading………....... 3 ME:230 Introduction to 3-D Solid Modeling For Design..................................................... 4 EGR:145 Computer Solids Modeling…………….…... 2 EGR:104 Electronic Drafting……………………...... 2 ART:165 Photography I……………………………...... 3 41 credits Communications Technology 12 credits Required: 6 hrs. EGR:100 Engineering Drawing……………………..3 ART:133 Graphic Design I………………........…….3 Select: 6hrs. EGR:140 Computer Aided Drafting and Design I......3 EGR:255 Advanced Computer Aided Drafting…...…3 ART:165 Photography I……………………………...3 ART:271 Desktop Publishing…………………….….2 Board Meeting 05-15-08 2 credits III. Professional Education 9 credits EDU:210 Teaching Profession with Field Experience.3 EDU:211 Foundations of Education……………....…….3 PSY:214 Adolescent Psychology or PSY:205 Human Growth and Development….....……3 III. Professional Education 9 credits EDU:200 Introduction to Classroom Teaching….…..3 EDU:211 Foundations of Education…………………3 PSY:241 Adolescent Psychology…………………….3 IV. Engineering Technology Education General Education Requirement 19-21 credits ENG:101 College Composition I………………………3 COM:101 Oral Communication I……………….. ….3 PSY:200 General Psychology………………….……...3 MTH:160 College Algebra……………………….…..4 XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement………………..3 7 Energy and Power Technology 14 credits Required: 8 hrs. EE:130 Electric Circuits I……………………………4 EE:131 Electric Circuits II…………………….…..…4 Select: 6 hrs. EE:132 Electronic Devices……………………….….4 EE:241 Transmission and Distribution of Power……3 ME:223 Basic Hydraulics I……………………….….2 ME:255 Fluid Power……………………………....…3 Materials and Processes Technology 15 credits Required: 9 hrs. ME:249 Materials and Metallurgy…………..……....3 ME:151 Manufacturing Processes I……….……...…3 ME:152 Manufacturing Processes II……….....……..3 Select: 6 hrs. CE:108 Construction Methods………………………3 ME:241 Numerical Control Programming……….….3 ME:140 Introduction to Robotics……………………3 Program total…………78 credits Energy and Power Technology 7 credits EE:110 Technical Electric Circuits I (or) EE:130 Electric Circuits I……………………………4 EE:111 Technical Electric Circuits II (or) EE:131 Electric Circuits II…………………………...4 EE:132 Electronic Devices…………………………...4 EE:241 Transmission and Distribution of Power….…3 ME:223 Basic Hydraulics I (or) ME:255 Fluid Power…………………………...……2-3 EE:121 Fundamentals of Digital Electronics*…...... 3 EE:106 IBM Personal Computer Installation and Repair……………………………………...…..1 EE:109 Personal Computer Configuration…….…... 1 Materials and Processes Technology 7-9 credits ME:249 Materials and Metallurgy……..…………..…..3 ME:151 Manufacturing Processes I………….…….…..3 ME:152 Manufacturing Processes II…………….…….3 ME:121 Computer Integrated Manufacturing*.…...3 ME:101 Welding Technology………………………..3 ME:140 Introduction to Robotics…………...…………3 CE:108 Construction Methods (or) CE:115 Construction Materials and Methods..…….3 V. Technical and Teaching Electives 15 credits Fifteen credits of technical and teaching electives may be selected from the three categories below. Any credits from the above Engineering Technology courses or the science course beyond the required number above apply toward this elective requirement. Selection of courses should be based on the four-year plan of study for the university that one plans to transfer. Technical Electives Select from any of the three Engineering Technology areas above or the following list: GE:121 Principles of Engineering*...……………......3 GE:122 Engineering Design and Development*…….3 EGR:148 Solid Modeling with Unigraphics…………..2 EGR:256 Solid Modeling with CATIA…………..……2 ME:241 Numerical Control Programming………...…..3 Education Block I Elective: EDU:227 Educational Psychology…………………...3 EDU:218 Technology For Teachers…………………3 Missouri General Education Elective: IDS:101 Cornerstone……………………………..….3 BIO:111 Introductory Biology I……………….……4 XXX.xxx Humanities and Fine Arts…………….……6 IDS:201 Capstone……………………………………..4 Program total …… 66-70 credits *Project Lead The Way Courses Board Meeting 05-15-08 8 05/15/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Lampkins, Tracy N M Academic Advisor P8 $37,202* 06/02/08-06/30/08 Stewart, Alandrea N FP Project Associate I P7 33,814* 05/20/08-06/30/08 NAME -1* Minimum salary for the range Lampkins: Replacement position Stewart: New, temporary, externally-funded position TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE 05/15/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Oliver, Keith C M Assistant Professor/Communications V-F $57,155* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Wodajo, Tadesse N M Assistant Professor/Economics V-E 56,141* 08/19/08-05/18/09 Linder, Tim N M Assistant Professor/Art V-E 56,141* 08/19/08-05/18/09 NAME TITLE -2* Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. All are replacement positions. RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE 05/15/08 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Previtera, Melissa N CC Brew, Clare N Cowens, Sabriya C NAME -3* Minimum salary for the range ** Current rate in part-time, temporary position All are replacement positions. RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Library Associate 5 $1,103.65 bi-wk* 06/02/08 FV Student Admissions/Registration Assistant II 4 1,006.77 bi-wk* 05/16/08 FP Child Care Attendant/Part-time, Continuing 2 10.02/hr** 05/16/08 TITLE 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/FACULTY NAME Mayes, Howard Babbitt, Donald ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE LOCATION TITLE RANGE FV From: Professor/Information Systems To: Professor/Electronic Engineering Technology VII-H $76,178 08/19/08-05/18/09 V-H 59,178 08/19/08-05/18/09 From: FV To: W -4Both are replacement positions. Assistant Professor/Accounting 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE Stewart, Robert FV College Police Chief Gough, Ellen W Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services Hart, Christina FP Stevens, Laura RANGE P 11 ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE From: $62,772.88 To: 65,912.00* 07/01/08-06/30/09 From: P 10 To: P 12 45,444.88 54,463.00** 05/16/08-06/30/08 Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services From: P 10 To: P 12 45,998.71 54,463.00** 05/16/08-06/30/08 FV Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services From: P 10 To: P 12 45,998.71 54,463.00** 05/16/08-06/30/08 Metzler, Kevin M Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services From: P 10 To: P 12 62,498.23 64,990.00*** 05/16/08-06/30/08 McKnight, Susan FV Coordinator, International Student Program From: P 9 45,208.80 05/16/08-06/30/08 To: P 10 -5- Niemeyer, Candace CC Coordinator, Special Counseling Projects P9 46,717.00*** From: 41,517.83 11/01/07-06/30/08 To: 44,009.00* Ingram, Philishea FP Manager, Student Life Program P 11 From: 66,180.84 To: 69,490.00* 12/03/07-06/30/08 * Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.3, Additional Administrative/Professional Responsibilities. ** Minimum salary for the range *** Salaries resulting from reclassification are in accordance with administrative practice. Stewart, Niemeyer & Ingram: For additional duties of another position; ending dates may be earlier than listed. Gough, Hart, Stevens, Metzler & McKnight: Result of classification review 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Linzy, Nancy FV From: Acting Academic Dean To: Academic Dean A 20 $79,263.00 86,000.00* 05/16/08-06/30/08 Dare, Donna CC From: Director, Career & Technical Education To: Acting Vice-Chancellor for Education A 17 A 28 81,603.60 102,000.00** 05/16/08-06/30/08 Morrell, Anisha From: M To: CC Coordinator Recruitment & Student Support Special Assistant to the Chancellor P9 P 12 42,025.09 54,463.00*** -5a* Rate change is in accordance with administrative practice. ** Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.2, Interim Appointments. *** Minimum salary for the range Linzy: Replacement position Dare: Temporary, acting position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/08. Morrell: New position 05/16/08-06/30/08 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION Skrob, Mark From: CC To: FV O'Neill, Timothy Keith, Diane Williams, Keith TITLE PAY RATE RANGE Facilities Support Assistant General Maintenance Mechanic 5 - Copy Center Supervisor 8 From: M To: W Secretary Administrative Assistant I 4 7 1,036.54 bi-wk 1,354.00 bi-wk* 05/27/08 FP From: Stationary Engineer To: Lead Stationary Engineer - 27.12/hr 28.48/hr* 05/16/08 M $1,352.85 bi-wk 1,842.40 bi-wk* EFFECTIVE DATE From: 1,938.06 bi-wk To: 2,131.88 bi-wk** -6* Minimum salary for the range ** Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Board Policy F6 Additional Compensation. Skrob, Keith & Williams: Replacement positions O'Neill: For additional duties of another position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/08. 05/16/08 03/25/08-06/30/08 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/FACULTY PROMOTIONS 2008-2009, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Forest Park -7- Instructor II to Assistant Professor Julie Higgins Jonathan Morris Andrea Nichols Mathematics Physics Mathematics Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Gustav Adamecz Evelyn Corich Carolyn Godfrey David Juriga Nina Raheja Aaron Reeves Kathleen Rizzo Jennifer Schaber Stephen Smith Thomas Zirkle Information Systems Mathematics Nursing Accounting Nursing Accounting Accounting Foreign Languages Funeral Services Music Associate Professor to Professor Abdelouhab Amor Gwen Breed Robert Hertel Information Systems Nursing Hotel/Motel/Restaurant Management Counseling English Counseling Sandra Knight Karen Ostlund Kathleen Swyers 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/FACULTY PROMOTIONS 2008-2009, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Florissant Valley -8- Meramec Instructor II to Assistant Professor Aundrea Warren Biology Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Tommy Cupples Ron Ebest Paul Higdon James Mense Donda Miller Peggy Moody Richard Pescarino Information Systems English Music English Family & Consumer Science Psychology Mathematics Associate Professor to Professor Daniel Betzler Sharon Fox Robert Langnas Carol Lupardus Catherine Reilly Joseph Worth Deaf Communications Library Fine Arts Teacher Education Library Counseling Instructor II to Assistant Professor John Elliot David Taylor Mathematics English Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Susan Herman Mary Huelsmann Shelly Lemons Betsy Morris Sophia Pierroutsakos J. Michelle Rebollo Counseling Architectural Technology History Art Psychology Communications Associate Professor to Professor Steven Collins Karen Gaines Darlaine Gardetto Douglas Hurst Margaret Keller Russell Murray History Mathematics Sociology Communications Art Mathematics 05/15/08 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND PROGRAM COORDINATORS AT FLORISSANT VALLEY 2007-2008 Department Chair/Biology 3.2 Eilene Lyons OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND PROGRAM DIRECTORS AT MERAMEC 2007-2008 Department Chair/Humanities Donna Werner -9- The effective date will be 07/01/08. 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Leahy, Pamela CC Supervisor, Cosand Center Copy Center 05/10/08-06/30/08 Musanovic, Alma W Housekeeper 04/25/08-06/30/08 05/15/08 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Ganio, John CC Vice-Chancellor for Education 06/30/08 Boyle, Jane CC Manager, Employment & Training Programs 06/30/08 Odo, Tina CC General Counsel 06/30/08 Stifel, Wynne CC Manager of Purchasing 06/30/08 McCartney, Cheri CC Manager, Graphic Design 04/05/08 Harrison, Hortense FV Project Associate II 04/11/08 Shukralla, Elias M Assistant Professor/Business Administration 08/15/08 Gleason, Mary M Assistant Professor/Nursing 06/05/08 -10- Retirements: Odo, 18 yr; Boyle, 21 yr; Stifel, 29 yr All others are resignations. 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/TERMINATIONS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Owens Hare, Sharon FV College Police Dispatcher 05/16/08 Mitchell, Priscilla FV Administrative Clerk II 05/16/08 Cooper, Gary M College Police Officer, Part-time, Continuing 05/16/08 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: COORDINATOR, CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) CURRICULUM PROJECTS CLASSIFICATION: Professional REPORTS TO: Director, Career & Technical Education SUPERVISION GIVEN: CTE Secretary POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to coordinate the planning and delivery of Worldwide Instructional Design Systems (WIDS) training for faculty and staff. Collaborates with CTE faculty to support documentation of curriculum development and assessment for CTE programs in the WIDS format. Coordinates all (DACUM) processes as part of the established CTE curriculum development and modification process. Facilitates DACUM (developing a curriculum) sessions with industry partners and provides all supporting documentation of competencybased CTE programs. Supports CTE faculty and staff in implementation of WIDS. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Prepares materials for DACUM and WIDS and other instructional design system workshops and prepares, maintains, and updates all documentation related to competency-based CTE programming. EF Communicates curriculum development activities to college faculty, administrators and staff (including progress, impact, and awareness). EF Communicates curriculum development processes, information, and results with external industry partners. EF Works with CTE faculty and staff to integrate information from DACUMs and WIDS into CTE assessment strategies. EF Works with CTE faculty and staff to integrate the curriculum development information into CTE program reviews. EF Serves as a liaison to support CTE curriculum development and workforce development within the St. Louis region. EF Plans, coordinates, and supervises WIDS software training for STLCC faculty and staff. Activities include working with WIDS trainers and STLCC faculty and staff to offer initial software training and ongoing support for implementation of the WIDS software as a curriculum development resource tool. Date Issued: 04/08 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. EF Plans, coordinates, and facilitates DACUM sessions with industry partners. These activities include coordinating with program coordinators, department chairs, and other faculty and staff to identify appropriate industry and business subject matter experts (SMEs). EF Prepares fiscal year plans and annual reports for leadership. EF Provides supervisory support to project personnel in accordance with College policy and procedures. Support activities may include training, assignment of work, and evaluation of performance. EF Provides professional support to the Director of Career and Technical Education, other college administrators, faculty and staff. Performs other job related duties as assigned. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Knowledge of DACUM (developing a curriculum) processes. Skill with training in the implementation and use of workforce analysis and instructional design systems. Ability to develop and deliver oral presentations and written materials for a variety of audiences. Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community. Skill in the use of personal computers and related software applications, including WIDS. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Bachelor’s degree in curriculum development, workforce development, or related area and over three years of related full time experience. Date Issued: 04/08 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: ASSISTANT CONTROLLER CLASSIFICATION: Professional REPORTS TO: Controller SUPERVISION GIVEN: Coordinators of Contracts & Major Acquisitions; Buyers; clerical; Supervisor, Payroll POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to direct the management of the Purchasing and Payroll processes. Provides assistance to the Controller with seasonal assignments such as the tax rate setting and the external audit. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Performs normal supervisory duties for the Purchasing department and oversees the Payroll department serving as backup for the supervisor, when necessary. EF Develops and reviews reports from the enterprise software system to monitor and assess the work of the division. EF Participates in external audit process. EF Interfaces with Human Resources and the HR system functional leader to assure viability of payroll functions in enterprise software. EF Oversees contract performance on compliance and quality issues. Works with College representatives to provide contract administration. EF Effectively integrates technology into the payroll and purchasing processes. EF Interfaces with Finance system functional leader to assure viability of purchasing function in enterprise software. EF Resolves bid disputes as appropriate. EF Develops and oversees the Purchasing department budget. EF Represents the Controller at appropriate meetings. Performs other job related duties as assigned. Date Issued: 4/08 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Knowledge of College financial policies and procedures. Knowledge of organizational structure, workflow and operating procedures. Knowledge of current changes and/or developments in federal, state, and local accounting laws. Knowledge of computerized information systems used in financial and/or accounting applications. Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community. Organizing and coordinating skills. Employee development and performance management skills. Ability to analyze and interpret financial data and prepare financial reports, statements and/or projections on a timely basis. Ability to supervise and train employees, to include organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling work assignments. Ability to foster a cooperative work environment and resolution of conflict. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or related business field with five years experience. Date Issued: 4/08 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested for the renewal and/or award of additional funds to the contract listed below: A. Contract B0001993 with BRAUER SUPPLY COMPANY, for the routine purchase of air filters was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on February 23, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.9, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin March 1, 2006. A one-time major purchase has nearly expended the available balance of funds with additional filter replacements pending. Based upon anticipated additional work, the following increase in the award amount is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: $60,000.00 +$14,500.00 $ 74,500.00 February 28, 2009/no change Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. 1 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for a one-time purchase of student dental hygiene lab kits for the 2008/2009 entering Dental Hygiene class at the Forest Park Campus to HU-FRIEDY MFG. CO., INC. and SMART PRACTICE, in a total amount not to exceed $28,197.12. Description This contract will provide up to thirty-two (32) incoming students enrolled in the 2007/2008 Dental Hygiene Program at Forest Park with required program laboratory instruments and supply items. Kit “A”, to be supplied by Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., Inc., will contain a complete set of required oral dental instruments. Kit “B”, to be supplied by Smart Practice, will contain an assortment of required dental supply items. Both kits will be used in clinical laboratory instruction over the entire two-year program period. College faculty will inspect these kits as students take delivery from the contractors, to insure that they are complete, meet all specifications and are free from defect prior to the students rendering payment. Any defective or malfunctioning products will be replaced by the contractors at no additional charge to the students over the two-year life of the study program. Three (3) responses where received, one of which was a “no bid.” The recommendation for award is based upon the total best price for each kit. No known minorityowned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002388 The evaluation of this bid, which opened April 16, 2008, is listed below: 2 Bidders HU-FRIEDY MFG. CO., INC. SMART PRACTICE Kit A/Dental Instruments Unit Price/Kit Total/ 32 Kits $ 602.41 $19,277.12 782.75 25,048.00 Kit B/Dental Supply Items Unit Price/Kit Total/32 Kits no bid no bid $278.75 $ 8,920.00 Funding All financial transactions will take place directly between the student and the contractor vendors. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75.000.00. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested to use the STATE OF MISSOURI COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT CONTRACT NO. C308133001 with OCCU-TEK, INC, for Safety Training and Loss Control Services, for a period of eleven (11) months, from August 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00, with an option to renew annually through June 30, 2012. Description The College qualifies for cooperative procurement participation under the terms of this State of Missouri contract, which will provide specialized safety training to the Physical Facility, HVAC, Maintenance, Auxiliary Services, Risk Management and Human Resource departments of the College. The College recommends the use of this Missouri contract under Board of Trustee Policy No. H. 11 “Cooperative Contracts for Purchases” in order to take advantage of deeply discounted pricing while avoiding the cost of conducting an independent bid. Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. 3 Bids and Advertisements The State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing, is custodian of all records related to the bids issued for this contract and award, and was responsible for all advertisement. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 In accordance with Board Policy H-11, approval is requested to allow the College to access the Midwestern Higher Education Commission (MHEC) cooperative contract to purchase both an Oracle Campus License Agreement in the amount of $578,080.00 and a three year maintenance agreement in the amount of $459,000.00 for a combined award of $1,037,080.00. Description The Oracle database is an integral component of the SunGard Enterprise Resource Planning software system (Banner) used to run the College’s Student, Financial Aid, Human Resources, Accounts and Finance systems, as well as other mission critical applications such as Hyperion and the Datamart. Oracle has discontinued the College’s current licensing model. As a replacement, the College can elect to use either a processor-based license model or a full-campus agreement. The purchase of an Oracle Campus Agreement provides a substantial savings over the processor-based model, makes it easier to remain in compliance, and provides greater flexibility for use of Oracle software. MHEC has negotiated Campus License Discounts of 90-98.75% with Oracle discounts which are substantially greater than those available through Oracle Partners. Oracle USA Inc. is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Listed below is a comparison price of MHEC and Oracle Partner (SunGard Higher Education): Recurring Costs: Oracle Licensing Options One Time Cost Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 3 Year Total Oracle USA, Inc. Campus Wide License 578,080 145,915 153,473 159,612 $1,037,080 4 SunGard Higher Education Full Use License 621,037 SunGard Higher Education Campus Wide License 701,187 288,441 299,978 311,977 $1,521,433 275,000 286,000 297,440 $1,559,627 Funding This purchase will be funded from the operating budget. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested to allow the four campus bookstores to continue purchasing service items for resale from the agencies in the amounts listed below, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin JULY 21, 2008. Item TRANSIT PASSES 1ST CLASS POSTAGE STAMPS Agency BI-STATE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TOTAL Est. Annual Expenditures $115,000.00 20,000.00 $135,000.00 Description The bookstores purchase these items and then resell them at their cost to students and staff as a service accommodation. The projected annual expenditures are listed below by location: FLORISSANT VALLEY 5 Transit passes (bus/metro) $15,000.00 Postage Stamps 4,000.00 FOREST PARK MERAMEC $90,000.00 10,000.00 $10,000.00 5,000.00 WILDWOOD $1,000.00 ANNUAL EST. TOTAL $115,000.00 20,000.00 These items are only available from their respective agencies and therefore are not biddable. Funding All purchases will be funded from auxiliary enterprise budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB posting are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.6 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board Approval is requested for the award of a contract for the purchase of annual consortium membership, maintenance, port fees, delivery stops and databases from MOBIUS CONSORTIUM, in an amount not to exceed $167,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin July 1, 2008. Description MOBIUS is the academic consortium that provides the online library system that links the higher education institutions throughout Missouri. The yearly price includes consortium membership, software maintenance/port fees, delivery stops and access to various databases. The system is only available from the recommended bidder, precluding a competitive bid. The recommended bidder is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Bid –B0002401 6 Item Description Maintenance Port Charge Databases Membership Delivery Stops Annual Total Price $110,000.00 14,000.00 30,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 $167,000.00 Maintenance and port charges were estimated for budgeting purposes. Invoices will not be produced until after July 2008. The Board will be informed if actual invoices exceed the estimated prices. Databases are estimated to allow for typical changes in the selection of databases. Funding This purchase will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of various types of envelope stock to CENVEOCOMMERCIAL ENVELOPE DIVISION, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00, for a period of two (2) full years, to begin May 22, 2008. Description This contract will be used by the print shops at all College locations for the routine purchase of various types of envelope stock. Bids were evaluated on pricing offered for both unprinted and printed envelope stock and the impact of bi-annual price escalations. The recommended bidder offered the overall best bid meeting all specifications. The lowest bid contained a minimum order requirement that exceeds the quantity typically ordered by the College and three of the six responding bidders offered incomplete bids. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002386 The evaluation of this bid, which opened April 21, 2008, is listed below: 7 Bidders CENVEO-COMMERCIAL ENVELOPE Xpedx One Source Business Products Estimated Total Cost $40,832.24 $39,623.69 $42,360.22 Goldmark Enterprises, Bowers Envelope Company and Buffalo Envelope offered incomplete bids which were not considered. Funding All contract expenditures will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested to award the purchase of six (6) plumbing fixtures and six (6) plumbing accessories at various quantities to TALLMAN COMPANY, in an amount not to exceed $44,575.85. Description The items will be used by the District-wide Maintenance staff at the Meramec campus to upgrade the campus restrooms with touchless technology plumbing fixtures. This material lot represents a portion of the Meramec campus renovation plan to convert all restrooms at all campus locations to touchless status. The bid was restricted under Board Policy No. H-8, “Purchases in Excess of $5,000 Involving Restricted Bid Lists”, to match existing units already installed at the Meramec and Florissant Valley campuses. The recommended bidder offered the overall lowest price and meets all of the requirements of the bid specifications. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002402 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 1, 2008, is listed below: 8 Bidder TALLMAN COMPANY Gateway Winnelson Interline Brands, Inc. dba J. A. Sexauer Milford Supply Company, Inc. Henry Plumbing Supply Buyers Industrial & Institutional Supply, LLC Total Cost $44,575.85 45,471.39 48,709.02 51,351.90 53,490.00 63,317.02 Funding This purchase will be made from current capital funds: FY2007-2008 (Physical Facilities Division Plan-Tab J, Category: Plumbing, District-wide; page 49). Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.9 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the removal and disposal of medical and infectious waste and bio-waste to ENSERV, in an amount not to exceed $36,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin June 1, 2008. Description This contract will primarily be used by the Science, Allied Health and Student Health Services departments at all College locations to dispose of medical and biological waste generated by student classroom laboratory exercises as well as discarded medical supplies from the student nurse offices that require secured containment/storage until disposal. This contract will be managed by the Risk Management department. The recommended bidder offered the overall best combination of price and services and meets all requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002391 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 2, 2008, is listed below: 9 Bidders ENSERV Stericycle, Inc. Pick-up Charge Scheduled Service $15.00/box 25.00/box Pick-up Charge On Call Service $18.00/box 25.00/box Additional Charges None 2-box Minimum plus $5.25 surcharge/delivery Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Board Meeting 5/15/08 There are no requests for ratification from the Purchasing Department this month. 10 4.3.1. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Recommend approval of Amendment #8 to Agreement A4-0185, HARRISON EDUCATION CENTER, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE to KAI, for inflationary increases, in the amount of $55,329.00. Description: The design for the Harrison Education Center was delayed for 18 months between the preliminary design and the design development phases due to funding concerns. The design development and the construction document phases were approved at the 8/25/05 (4.3.6) and 8/30/07 (4.3.1) Board meetings. During the delay, the cost of construction increased significantly, as well as the consultant’s fee structure. This amendment consists of $31,755.00 for extensive value engineering activities and redesign to offset the estimated increase in construction costs, and a $23,574.00 adjustment for the increase in the consultant fees. Funding – Planning & Development Fund for Harrison Education Project: The Budget source is capital budget. Summary: Original Agreement Amount $ 11 Amendments #1 thru #7 AMENDMENT #8 AMOUNT Total 174,063.00 360,165.00 * 55,329.00 (THIS RECOMMENDATION) $ 589,557.00 * Amendment #2, covering Phases 4 - 5, for $300,490.00, was approved at the 8/30/07 BOT Meeting, as Item 4.3.1. 4.3.2. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 406, BRICK PAVING REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT, for $84,480.00. Contractor INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Superior Waterproofing & Restoration Company Western Waterproofing Company Inc. The Harlan Company Base Bid $ 84,480.00 104,000.00 105,014.00 129,500.00 Description: This project will repair the main brick patio at the campus. Approximately 60% of the existing mortar joints need to be replaced. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 5. 12 Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.3. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 407, ASPHALT REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, FORD ASPHALT COMPANY, INC., for $28,600.00, for Base Bid plus Alternate #1. Contractor FORD ASPHALT COMPANY, INC. Gershenson Construction Company, Inc. Apex Contracting, Inc. Asphaltic Maintenance & Construction, Inc. Tramar Contracting, Inc. Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC Byrne & Jones Construction County Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. Dura Seal Paving Contractor, Inc. Infrastructure Management $ Base Bid 15,000.00 16,160.00 17,200.00 17,500.00 14,487.00 16,031.13 18,125.00 19,292.00 20,000.00 24,989.00 Alternate #1 $ 13,600.00 14,220.00 14,064.00 15,000.00 18,978.00 18,332.37 16,800.00 18,347.00 18,000.00 17,451.00 Contract Total $ 28,600.00 30,380.00 31,264.00 32,500.00 33,465.00 34,363.50 34,925.00 37,639.00 38,000.00 42,440.00 Description: This annual asphalt repair project is to help prolong the life of the existing parking lots and road which are showing signs of wear. The scope of work includes crack filling, seal coating and restriping Lots “B”, “E” and South Drive. 13 The Art Annex parking lot will be rotomilled, paved and restriped as Alternate #1. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab J, Page 1, Item 2a. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.4. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 508, CONCRETE REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISANT VALLEY to the low bidder, GABION CONTRACTING COMPANY, for $29,985.00. Contractor GABION CONTRACTING COMPANY Oreo & Botta Concrete Company, LLC Infrastructure Management K + D Moor, Inc., dba Southern Ditching & Excavating Company Concrete Design, Inc. R.V. Wagner, Inc. Western Waterproofing Company, Inc. Base Bid $ 29,985.00 31,975.00 35,795.00 41,843.00 45,650.00 49,000.00 77,850.00 Description: The existing concrete is cracked, has shifted elevations and is showing signs of wear. These issues will be addressed in this annual concrete repair project. Cracked concrete sidewalks and stairs will be replaced. An asphalt footpath will be replaced with a concrete walkway. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. 14 Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.5. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 509, ASPHALT REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, APEX CONTRACTING, INC., for $37,538.00. Contractor APEX CONTRACTING, INC. Gershenson Construction Company, Inc. Ford Asphalt Company, Inc. Tramar Contracting, Inc. Dura Seal paving Contractor, Inc. County Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. Busy Bee Paving, Inc. Asphaltic Maintenance & Construction, Inc. Byrne & Jones Construction Infrastructure Management Base Bid $ 37,538.00 39,621.00 44,000.00 48,405.00 49,800.00 50,103.00 50,685.00 50,970.00 52,680.00 61,675.00 Description: This annual asphalt repair project will replace the last phase of the main drive and two sections of the outer road; one on the north side and the other on the south side of campus. Landscaping islands that are no longer used will be removed from parking areas. Patching potholes is a routine part of this annual undertaking. 15 Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 2a. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.6. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 610, ASPHALT REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, COUNTY ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY, INC., for $41,662.00. Contractor COUNTY ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY, INC. Asphaltic Maintenance & Construction, Inc. Ford Asphalt Company, Inc. Byrne & Jones Construction Infrastructure Management Apex Contracting, Inc. Gershenson Construction Company, Inc. Tramar Contracting, Inc. Dura Seal Paving Contractor, Inc. L. Keeley Construction Company Base Bid $ 41,662.00 46,408.00 49,100.00 49,960.00 51,202.00 52,535.00 57,237.00 59,614.00 72,500.00 84,763.00 Description: Asphalt on the surface area of Lot “H” has deteriorated and will be replaced as the annual repair work for the campus. Potholes will also be patched. 16 Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 2a. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.7. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 404R, ELEVATOR SHAFT RENOVATIONS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, THE HARLAN COMPANY, for $85,600.00, for Base Bid plus Alternate #1. Contractor THE HARLAN COMPANY Brady Construction, Inc. $ Base Bid 35,800.00 40,060.00 Alternate #1 $ 49,800.00 53,957.00 Total Contract $ 85,600.00 94,017.00 Description: Tower D elevator is in the 5500 and 6000 lbs capacity range and puts a lot of load pressure on the shaft or hoist way that supports it. Heavy weighted and/or unbalanced objects are transported on this elevator on a daily basis. This project will reinforce the shaft making it more stable and resilient. Alternate #1 is the renovation of the E Tower elevator. Because E Tower’s elevator structure and usage is similar to D Tower’s, it is reasonable to presume it would deteriorate in the same way. Accepting Alternate #1, for the renovation of E Tower elevator, now will reduce mobilization costs by an estimated $7,000.00 to $10,000.00 rather than making the repairs at a later date. The elevators will not be out of service at the same time. 17 Plans and specifications were prepared by Bond Wolfe Architects and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab J, Page 1, Item 15. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.8. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 301, EXPANSION OF WEST PARKING LOT, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT WILDWOOD to the low qualified bidder, GERSHENSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., for $104,477.00. Apex Contracting, Inc., has requested that we allow them to withdraw their bid because they did not include any electrical work or any other contracting work in their bid. County Asphalt submitted a conditional bid which is not acceptable and they declined the opportunity to withdraw the conditions. Qualified Bids GERSHENSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Dura Seal Paving Contractor, Inc. L. Krupp Construction, Inc. Ford Asphalt Company, Inc. Byrne & Jones Construction Leritz Contracting, Inc. Concrete Design, Inc. Infrastructure Management, Inc. Rejected Bids Apex Contracting, Inc. County Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. Base Bid $ 104,477.00 113,000.00 116,771.00 127,100.00 127,226.00 141,450.00 143,778.00 156,800.00 71,565.00 103,400.00 18 Description: Due to the large enrollment at the Wildwood campus additional parking is needed. This project will add approximately 100 parking spaces to the west lot, and includes the necessary site lighting for the addition. Plans and specifications were prepared by David Mason & Associates., Inc., William Tao & Associates and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2007/08 Tab J, Page 1, Item 1. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.9. Board Meeting 5/15/08 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 605, INSTALL SOUND & VIDEO SYSTEMS IN THEATRE, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, CI SELECT for $123,476.89, for Base Bid plus Alternate #2. Contractor CI SELECT Tech Electronics, Inc. Conference Technologies, Inc. Base Bid $ 129,069.29 149,250.00 146,641.00 Alternate #2 <$5,592.40> <6,768.00> 0.00 Bid Total $ 123,476.89 142,482.00 155,916.00 Description: Audio and video equipment in the Theater is antiquated and repair components are difficult to obtain. The system needs to be replaced. Alternate #2 will eliminate six wireless microphones from the project. Plans and specifications were prepared by Michael Roth & Associates Architects & Planners, Inc., and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. 19 Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab H, Page 1, Item DW-6, Tab I, Page 1, Item DW-6 and Fiscal year 2007/08, Tab H, Pages 1 and 3. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through April 30, 2008 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through April 30, 2008. 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008. 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008. 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for April 2008. 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of April 2008 Board Meeting 5/15/08 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary May 15, 2008 (Financial Results Through 04/30/2008) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $146.0 million or 94.2% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $139.8 million or 92.6% of the budget for the prior year. All four categories of revenue are contributing to the increase of FY 2008 revenues over FY 2007 with local taxes being the most significant now that most of the protested taxes have been received. Expenditures Expenditures are $109.7 million or 78.9% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $108.1 million or 79.6% for the prior year. An increase in salaries and wages is the primary reason that FY 2008 total expenditures amount is greater than the amount for FY 2007. Transfers Transfers are at $15.0 million or 94.6% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $15.1 million or 94.5% for the prior year. The dollar amount for FY 2008 is less than that of FY 2007 because of reduced planned capital. Board Meeting 5/15/08 2 5.1.2 Board Meeting 5/15/08 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through April 30, 2008 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 60,397,523 39,323,522 41,941,431 4,321,977 145,984,454 104.0% 83.9% 94.5% 77.9% 94.2% 57,535,334 38,102,774 40,053,468 4,131,412 139,822,988 102.4% 84.5% 87.6% 102.0% 92.6% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,538,374 139,009,584 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,663,374 139,134,584 73,587,865 17,992,246 18,167,476 109,747,587 81.8% 83.8% 65.7% 78.9% 72,143,376 17,712,311 18,222,070 108,077,757 83.0% 84.6% 65.3% 79.6% 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 8,680,000 2,732,134 2,593,230 1,039,115 15,044,479 100.0% 83.3% 100.0% 76.6% 94.6% 8,775,000 2,732,134 2,593,230 976,136 15,076,500.0 100.0% 83.3% 100.0% 74.7% 94.5% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 125,000 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July 2007 - April 2008 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 562,311 10,572,579 919,472 310,244 90.1% 89.7% 84.3% 85.2% $ 13,860,100 $ 13,860,100 $ 12,364,606 89.2% $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 1,478,999 278,112 1,635,441 7,913,687 79.9% 75.5% 61.8% 99.3% $ 12,832,877 $ 12,832,877 $ 11,306,239 88.1% $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 256,000 $ 256,000 $ 256,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 13,088,877 $ 13,088,877 $ 11,562,239 88.3% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 5/15/08 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July 2007 - April 2008 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 27,000 Adjusted Budget $ 27,000 $ 109,050 27,000 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 136,050 Actual To Date $ 21,625 % of Budget To Date 80.1% 39,254 $ 39,254 28.9% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July 2007 - April 2008 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 175,000 $ 150,000 175,000 181,391 $ 78,072 95,459 181,391 52.0% 54.5% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 506,391 $ 354,921 70.1% 153,746 81.1% $ 153,746 81.1% $ 201,175 189,491 $ 189,491 189,491 $ 189,491 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 5/15/08 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2007-April 2008 Funds available Original Budget * Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $737,846 511,687 $737,846 511,687 $596,618 206,206 80.9% 40.3% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Prior Year Funds Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 561,954 140,489 561,954 7,035 142,248 508,863 7,035 128,974 90.6% 100.0% 90.7% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 703,935 161,789 486,485 703,935 160,070 641,627 437,885 160,070 262,877 62.2% 100.0% 41.0% $ 3,466,402 $ 2,308,528 66.6% $1,249,533 711,237 864,005 641,627 $802,824 644,872 597,955 262,877 64.2% 90.7% 69.2% 41.0% $ 3,466,402 $ 2,308,528 66.6% Total funds available $ 3,304,185 * Revised Budget % of Revised Budget Actual Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,249,533 702,443 865,724 486,485 $ 3,304,185 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) *** $19,888,330 $96,250 * Does not include $452,109 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant *** Academic Competitiveness Grant-a new grant awarded to Pell recipients that have completed a rigorous secondary school program. Board Meeting 5/15/08 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July 2007 - April 2008 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 3,510,000 3,094,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,510,000 4,125,944 886,000 1,000,000 $ 1,451,780 2,683,257 886,000 1,000,000 41.4% 65.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ 8,490,000 $ 9,521,944 $ 6,021,037 63.2% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 1,600,000 304,000 6,511,000 75,000 $ 1,600,000 304,000 7,542,944 75,000 $ 1,106,774 225,162 2,542,431 69.2% 74.1% 33.7% 0.0% Total Expense $ 8,490,000 $ 9,521,944 $ 3,874,367 40.7% Board Meeting 5/15/08 7 % of Budget To Date 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July 2007 - April 2008 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $19,262,649 870,135 $20,132,785 $10,157,217 870,135 $11,027,352 52.7% 100.0% 54.8% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $7,593,614 2,297,989 9,697,181 544,000 $20,132,785 $6,078,635 1,690,170 3,393,589 423,129 $11,585,523 80.0% 73.5% 35.0% 77.8% 57.5% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 5/15/08 8 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending April 30, 2008 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 5/15/08 9 Page 1 of 1 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of April 2008 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 33,082,507 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 63,804 2.348% Range of Rates Earned: 2.280% ⎯ 2.440% Other Investments Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 04/11/2008 Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Natl Mortgage Assn* Par Value: $2,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $ 2,000,000.00 Maturity Date: 04/01/2010 Investment Yield: 2.625% Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 04/25/2008 Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Natl Mortgage Assn* Par Value: $1,815,000.00 Cost of Investment: $ 1,815,000.00 Maturity Date: 10/25/2010 Investment Yield: 3.000% * Callable Board Meeting 5/15/08 10 6. Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Agreement between St. Louis Community College and the Curators of the University of Missouri for the Missouri Education and Research Consortium (MERC) network MOREnet It is requested that the board of Trustees approve the annual renewal of St. Louis Community College’s participation agreement in the Missouri Education and Research Consortium (MERC) network MOREnet. MOREnet is the State of Missouri’s subsidized education and library Internet connection service that the College has participated in since 1996. In 2004, State subsidies to the MOREnet budget were cut resulting in additional operating costs being passed on to the College. The College’s estimated participation and Internet service fees for FY09 are $52,740. The term of the renewal is July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Board Meeting 5/15/08 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant BJC Healthcare Board Meeting 5-15-08 2 Program/Campus Effective Date Physical Therapy Assistant Meramec 4-22-08 Center for Business, Industry and Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide service development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Extra Help Employment Agency To provide facility rental Monsanto Company To provide training facilitation Impact Outcome: Define Workforce Diversity Campus Date Amount CBIL April 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008 $50 CBIL February 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008 $1,320 CBIL April 3, 2008 through June 30, 2008 $3,300 Manager: Stephen Long Manager: Stephen Long Metro St. Louis To provide computer training – Downtown Education Center Manager: Stephen Long Board Meeting 5-15-08 3 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY St. Louis ArtWorks AMOUNT $ 11,000.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec campus to serve as a teaching organization for the St. Louis ArtWorks Program, a youth employment program in the arts. A teaching team of two artists will conduct a Bike Rack Prototype Project with 12-14 youth apprentices. The apprentices will create two full scale models – one to hold 4-5 bicycles and another 2-3 bicycles – to be manufactured and installed in several city locations. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 6/01/08 - 7/18/08 Project Director: David Hanlon St. Louis County Department of Human Services $ 226,781.00 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide employment-related services to dislocated workers from the St. Louis auto industry. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Jane Boyle St. Louis County Department of Human Services $ 44,500.00 Contract with St. Louis Community College to operate a Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Employment and Training Center for Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs. Funds will be used to provide core, intensive and training services for WIA Title I Adults in the St. Louis local area. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Jane Boyle Board Meeting 05-15-08 1 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.2 Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR AMOUNT Margaret Hvatum Tom & Julie Cupples Gary E. Sibbitts Stacy Gee Craig S. Chott $ $ $ $ $ 50.00 20.00 100.00 20.00 50.00 Kari Mirabel $ Eliot Unitarian Chapel PURPOSE FUND Donations to the Meramec Information Office Systems Department Scholarship Fund. Student Aid 50.00 Donation to the John Lair Scholarship Fund on the Florissant Valley and Meramec campuses. Student Aid $ 500.00 Donation to the Eliot Chapel Women’s Alliance Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Gail Heyne Hafer $ 70.00 Donation to the Meramec Business Division Endowment Scholarship Fund. Gift is in honor of Paul Wentzien’s 70th birthday. Student Aid Gail Heyne Hafer $ 150.00 Gerri L. Bollinger $ 20.00 Board Meeting 05-15-08 Donation to the Gerry Welch Prize in Economics on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Donation to the Meramec women’s soccer team for scholarships. Student Aid 2 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Larry Sather Larry Sather is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled Maya Angelou: A Glorious Celebration. The estimated fair market value is $30.00. One (1) Book titled The Man Who Made Lists. The estimated fair market value is $25.95. One (1) Book titled Armageddon in Retrospect. The estimated fair market value is $24.95. One (1) Book titled The Ten-Cent Plaque: The Great Comic - Book Scare and How It Changed America. The estimated fair market value is $26.00. One (1) Book titled The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order. The estimated fair market value is $29.00. One (1) Book titled Worshipping Walt: The Whitman Disciples. The estimated fair market value is $27.95. The condition of donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Janice Hovis Janice Hovis is donating the following to Meramec Library Services: One (1) Book titled Cuivre River Anthology. The estimated fair market value is $13.95. The condition of donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 05-15-08 3 RESTRICTIONS OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Pfoodman Hospitality Marketing Associates Pfoodman Hospitality Marketing Associates is donating the following to Florissant Valley Continuing Education and Community Engagement: 175 T-shirts. The T-shirts will be distributed to children participating in a summer sports camp. The donor’s estimated value is $1,000.00. The condition of donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Paul Talaski Paul Talaski is donating the following to Meramec Media Circulation: ½” VHS camcorder with case and accessories. The estimated fair market value is $50.00. The condition of donated items is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Robert L. Gerhardt Robert Gerhardt is donating the following to Meramec Library Services: Six (6) Cookbooks. The estimated fair market value is $72.85. The condition of donated items is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 05-15-08 4 RESTRICTIONS