MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, September 20, 2007, at St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, in the Student Center Multipurpose Room, 3400 Pershall Rd., Ferguson, MO 63135, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Robert Nelson, President, called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Robert Nelson, President; Ms. Denise Chachere, Vice President; Dr. Dolores Gunn, Trustee; Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee; Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee, and Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Zelema Harris, Interim Chancellor; Ms. Becky Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board, and Ms. Tina Odo, General Counsel. 2. Welcome to Guests None. 3. Hearing of Citizens and Petitions Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 5. Approval of August 7, 2007 and August 30, 2007 Minutes On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved the August 7, 2007, and August 30, 2007 Board of Trustees meeting minutes. 6. Approval of Resolution Re October 25, 2007 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees After changing the starting time to 4:30 p.m., on motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on October 25, 2007, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. The Board also approved changing the start time of the October 25, 2007 public Board meeting to 8 p.m. 7. Annual Investment Report – UMB Bank Ms. Gena Mayer, Vice President of the Investment Banking Division of United Missouri Bank, presented the annual investment report. 8. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Crystal Wilson, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 9. Election of Officers In accordance with Board Policy A.5, Officers - Election, Term of Office and Duties, elections were held for officers of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College for the ensuing year. Whereupon, nominations were called for the office of Vice President. Dr. Gunn nominated Ms. McNeil for Vice President. Ms. McNeil respectfully declined the nomination. Dr. Gunn then nominated Dr. Ordinachev for Vice President. On a vote of 5 to 1, with Dr. Ordinachev voting “no,” the Board approved Dr. Ordinachev to serve as Vice President. Dr. Ordinachev respectfully declined the nomination. Dr. Ordinachev then nominated Trustee Chachere for Vice President. On a vote of 5 to 1, with Ms. McNeil voting “no,” Ms. Chachere was elected Vice President. 2 Ms. McNeil then nominated Mr. Nelson as President. On a vote of 3 to 3, with Trustees Chachere, Ordinachev and Rohrbacker voting “no,” the nomination failed to pass. Mr. Rohrbacker then nominated Dr. Ordinachev to serve as Board President. On a vote of 3 to 3, with Dr. Gunn, Mr. Nelson and Ms McNeil voting “no,” the nomination failed to pass. There being no other nominations, it was determined that Mr. Nelson would remain President of the Board, to serve for a term of one year or until his successor shall be elected and qualified. 10. Authorization of Trustee Travel On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved Ms. Chachere, Mr. Nelson and Dr. Ordinachev’s travel to the Missouri Community College Association’s Annual Conference. 11. Appointment of Commissioner for Establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board approved the appointment of Ms. Tina Odo as Commissioner to the City of St. Louis, Chouteau/Newstead, Laclede Power House, 1910 Locust Street, Thurman & Magnolia and Nadira Place, Tax Increment Finance Commission. 12. Appointment of Commissioner for Establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board approved the appointment of Ms. Tina Odo as Commissioner to the City of St. Louis, Mackay Quarter of Lafayette Square, Tax Increment Finance Commission. 13. Approval of Two Trustees to Serve as Voting Delegates at the Association of Community College Trustees Conference On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, and following the nominations of Ms. Chachere and Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved Ms. Chachere and Dr. Ordinachev to serve as Voting Delegates at the September 2007 ACCT Conference. 3 14. Approval of Non-Certificated Employees Retirement Plan Cost-ofLiving Increase On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously authorized a 2.7% cost-of-living increase in the Non-Certificated Employees Retirement Plan, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 15. Approval of Program Recommendations No items. III. HUMAN RESOURCES 16. Human Resource Recommendations On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, with Ms. McNeil abstaining from the vote, the Board unanimously approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 17. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: 4 RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit C; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 18. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of August 31, 2007, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, preliminary budget status report general operating fund through August 31, 2007, preliminary budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007, preliminary student financial aid fund, July 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007, preliminary Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007 and preliminary restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007. B. Warrant Check Register - August, 2007 On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending August 31, 2007. C. Ratification of Investments On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of August 2007, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 5 VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 19. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance on renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 20. Acceptance of External Funds On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION 21. No items. IX. GENERAL FUNCTIONS, CONTD. 22. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Harris reported that in light of the upcoming North Central Association visit scheduled January 28-30, 2008, the Board will be provided with brief summaries of the self-study in October, November and January. She then reported that she is in the process of collecting names of people who are influential to the College and is scheduling meetings with them. She asked the Board of Trustees to submit any names to her, or to her assistant, Yvonne Helberg. 25. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Topics None. X. NEW BUSINESS Dr. Ordinachev asked Mr. Nelson to ensure that during the times he is unable to attend Foundation Board meetings, that he delegate someone to serve in his absence. Mr. Nelson agreed to advise Dr. Ordinachev to attend in his absence. 7 ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Garrison, Secretary Board of Trustees 8 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Zelema Harris DATE: September 20, 2007 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Tab E Page No. Revision 1 3.1 Appointments/Full-Time Administrative/Professional Staff Add: Mysha Clincy; new employee; Meramec; Academic Advisor; range P8; $37,202; effective 10/01/07-06/30/08. This is a replacement position; salary is minimum for the range. #6 Resolution Re October 25, 2007 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on October 25, 2007, at 6 p.m., at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021) (1)), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 (2)); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 (3)); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 (9)); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, including proposed reclassifications and reassignments of positions, and grievances, (Section 610.021 (13)); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021(17), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meetings be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. 9/20/07 Board Agenda #11 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Ms. Tina A. Odo as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF) for the Chouteau/Newstead, Laclede Power House, 1910 Locust Street, Thurman & Magnolia, and Nadira Place tax increment financing district. Ms. Odo will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Metropolitan Zoological Park & Museum District, St. Louis Office for Mentally Retarded Development Disabilities Resources (MRDD), St. Louis Public Library, the St. Louis Mental Health Board of Trustees, and Missouri Family Support Division. #12 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Ms. Tina A. Odo, General Counsel of St. Louis Community College as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF), in connection with the tax increment financing (TIF) district including the Mackay Quarter of Lafayette Square. Ms. Odo will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Metropolitan Zoological Park & Museum District, Office for Mentally Retarded Developmental Disabilities Resources (MRDD), and the City of St. Louis Mental Health Board of Trustees. #14 Recommended Approval of Non-Certificated Employees Retirement Plan Cost-of-Living Increase It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorized a 2.7% cost-of-living increase in the Non-Certificated Employees Retirement Plan benefit payments, effective January 1, 2008 for all participants who retired on or before December 1, 2004 or the beneficiaries of such participants. I. Funding Non-Certificated Employees Retirement Plan. 09/20/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Monson, Amy N M Educational Assistant III, 36-weeks P7 Stone, Mavis C FV Project Associate II/Gear-Up P8 38,020** 09/21/07-06/30/08 Higgins, Elizabeth N M Academic Advisor, 36-weeks P8 27,901* 10/01/07-06/30/08 Duarte, John C CC Supervisor, Central Facilities P 11 58,187*** 09/21/07-06/30/08 NAME TITLE RANGE -1* Minimum salary for the range ** Salary is in accordance with Board Policy E1.2, Salary Range Conditions. *** Salary resulting from reclassification is in accordance with administrative practice. All positions except for Duarte’s are replacements; Stone is a temporary, externally-funded position. Duarte: Result of classification review ANNUAL RATE $25,361* EFFECTIVE DATE 09/21/07-06/30/08 09/20/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Clark, Shannon C FV Housekeeper - Watson, Melinda N CC Accounting Clerk II 5 1,103.65 bi-wk* 09/24/07 Massey, Richard N FP Media Specialist 7 1,242.38 bi-wk* 09/24/07 Ross, Kevin C M Housekeeper - 11.07/hr* 09/21/07 White, Paul C M Housekeeper - 11.07/hr* 09/21/07 Murphy, Linda C M Housekeeper - 11.07/hr* 09/21/07 Durham, Katherine N M Educational Assistant III, Part-time, Continuing 7 15.62/hr* 09/21/07 NAME -2- *Minimum salary for the range All are replacement positions. TITLE RANGE PAY RATE $11.07/hr* EFFECTIVE DATE 09/24/07 09/20/07 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION McPherson, Charles From: M To: CC French, Brenda FP TITLE Coordinator, Network & Engineering Services Web Manager From: Coordinator, Academic Support To: Manager, Learning Achievement Center Holmes, Michael FP From: Manager, North Side Education Center To: Manager, Harrison Education Center & Community Outreach RANGE P10 ANNUAL RATE $46,717.34 EFFECTIVE DATE 09/24/07-06/30/08 P11 49,511.00* P9 P11 43,988.97 45,445.00** 09/21/07-06/30/08 P11 57,290.63 09/21/07-06/30/08 P12 59,082.00** FV Supervisor, Maintenance/HVAC (C-W) From: P10 To: P12 55,895.40 58,243.00** 09/21/07-06/30/08 Smith, David M Supervisor, Maintenance/HVAC (C-W) From: P10 To: P12 57,346.32 59,353.00** 09/21/07-06/30/08 Hawasli, Khouloud CC 54,992.08 60,491.29*** 09/21/07-06/30/08 -3- Roney, Gary From: Systems Analyst Leader To: Acting Manager, Electronic Communication Services P12 P13 * Minimum salary for the range. ** Salaries resulting from reclassification are in accordance with administrative practice. ***Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.2, Interim Appointments. McPherson: Replacement position; all others, except for Hawasli, are the result of classification review. Hawasli: Temporary, acting position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/08. 09/20/07 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE PAY RATE Bundy, Stuart From: FP To: M General Maintenance Mechanic Stationary Engineer - Vogel, Shirley From: FV To: CC Administrative Secretary Administrative Assistant I 5 7 1,391.04 bi-wk 1,561.46 bi-wk** 09/24/07 Underwood, Tekela From: FV To: FP Student Services Assistant II Administrative Clerk II 4 4 1,046.65 bi-wk (no change) 09/2107 Secretary 4 Betz, Pamela -3a- Skrob, Mark Grana, Rosemary FV CC From: FP To: M $25.59/hr 27.12/hr* EFFECTIVE DATE 09/21/07 From: 1,031.38 bi-wk To: 1,103.58 bi-wk*** 06/29/07-06/30/07 From: 1,072.65 bi-wk To: 1,147.74 bi-wk*** 07/01/07-07/31/07 Facilities Support Assistant 5 From: 1,301.63 bi-wk To: 1,352.85 bi-wk**** 09/21/07 Secretary Administrative Secretary II 4 6 From: 1,226.35 bi-wk To: 1,360.42 bi-wk** 10/01/07 * Minimum salary for the range. ** Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office and Technical Bargaining Unit, Article VIII, Section 2. *** Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article XXI Additional Compensation. **** Salary increase is in accordance with Board Policy F5 Position Changes. All are replacement positions except for Betz, which is for additional duties of another position, and Skrob which is the result of classification review. Name Abberton, David L Abdul-Hafidh, Jamal A Abrams, Peter Douglas Adams, Alan Loyd Loc M M FP FP FP Adams, Leroy FP FP FP Adams, Russ R FP FP FP Adelman, Barbara B M Aitken, Victoria J FV FV FV Alameda, Andrea Michelle M Allman, Julie A M Altepeter, Elizabeth Ellen Redmon M Alvarez, Gina T FP Anders, Paul B M Anderson, Gina M FP Anderson, Shelia Ann M Anderson-Rice, Rose Mary FV Andrews, Courtney A M FV FV Ankenbrand, Ralph J FV Anthonis, Dennis M FP Armstrong, Francine M M Armstrong, Linda Meinders FP Atkins, Robert A FP Ayers, Fran A M Bailey, Jill C M Baker, Mary J FP Balderas, Barbara A FV Baptiste, Jamie Lynn FP Barnes, Javonda Jane M Barnes, Leslie C M Barteau, Brian Edward FP Batisto, Joan J FP Bauer, Dale E M Bayer, John G M M M M M Bee, Bethabra M M Behle, Lawrence K FV Bender, Jack FV Bender, Marcia Marie M Bennett, Linda M FP Berger, Kathryn Grace M Berner, Beverly A M Bersche, Mary J FP FP Beta, Martha M Biangardi, Dietlinde F M Birch, Ruth E FP FP FP 09/20/07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ESL Asst 05/15/07 08/11/07 7.50 BUS201603 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 HRM512402 05/15/07 05/31/07 4.00 NSNGADJCPR 07/25/07 08/11/07 0.10 NSNGCPRFP 07/25/07 08/11/07 17.25 MTH140452 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.76 MTH140450 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.76 MTH020452 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 18.74 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 41.50 NSNGADJFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.30 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 44.50 SOC211501 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 SOC100550 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 7.45 PE 161650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GEO100W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG102WWC 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ART115401 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 PE 116W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.56 SIGN MCE 05/21/07 08/31/07 20.00 FAML727FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 PSC101T66 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PSC101T55 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PSC101T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 1.70 DMS207450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 MTH004025650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ECE101H80 06/19/07 08/11/07 3.26 NSNGCPRFPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 3.50 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 ECE124674 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 DMS203401 06/04/07 07/28/07 28.34 IS 109574 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 ENG070451 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 41.50 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.50 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.80 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.90 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 19.00 CorHonors 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.00 HUM210HON 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 ENG1026WC 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 HUM210650 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 ENG203WW1 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 IRT140674 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 IRT140674 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 KIDS FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 7.50 GNSF700FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 2.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.40 ENG070601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 NextChapter 05/21/07 08/11/07 48.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 14.00 NSNGADJFPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.06 PHY112601 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 FLGE MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 20.00 Substitute 06/25/07 08/11/07 8.00 BIO208451 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 BIO111449 05/15/07 06/08/07 2.66 -4- Amount Paid $165.00 $5,226.24 $2,328.32 $58.20 $500.25 $3,346.96 $3,346.96 $3,492.48 $10,900.86 $1,369.50 $174.60 $801.00 $5,226.24 $5,226.24 $186.25 $3,932.64 $4,512.00 $3,930.24 $5,243.52 $2,604.16 $320.10 $500.00 $63.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $1,659.20 $2,003.84 $4,512.00 $2,444.00 $101.50 $600.00 $4,512.00 $18,570.80 $1,310.08 $3,930.24 $581.00 $312.50 $465.60 $523.80 $342.00 $1,198.08 $78.00 $2,396.16 $2,396.16 $3,594.24 $1,952.00 $3,904.00 $247.50 $648.00 $50.00 $232.80 $3,930.24 $1,200.00 $462.00 $29.10 $5,820.80 $540.00 $182.00 $2,316.96 $2,316.96 Name Loc FP Bitter, Donald Anthony FP Black, Jethro FP Bockhorst, Adam P FV Boedeker, Elizabeth D FV FV Bommarito, Florence A FV FV Bommarito, Lisa Dawn FP Bond, Samantha Ann McCasland M Bonney, Charles G M Boschert, Barbara Ann M M Bossi, Patti D M Bourque, June Ellen FV Bowles, Ida Mary FV Boyd, Gabriel R M Boyer, Jeanne Ann M Bradford, Stacey Marie FV Brazeal, Jana S M Brennan, Joan Mary M Brennan, Patricia A FP Brewington, Karen Jean M Bridges, Nancy L M Bross, Jacquelyn S FP Brown, Amy L FV Brown, Norman R FV Brown, Patsie R FV Brown, Renee C FV Brown, Robert B FP FP FP Bruder, Gerald FV Brumfield, David J M Brunetti, Arturo B M Bubash, Patricia M M Buchanan, Leonor Shelton FP FP Buck, Stephanie J FP Burke, Mary Hagan FP FP Burkhardt, Sarah B FV Burns, Kara Allyn FP FP Burrage, Angela L FP Buss, Kenneth D FV FV Butler, Cathy Ann FP Buzzai, Annunciata FP Bynum, Gregg W M Calicutt, Carolyn J FP Cameron, Brian K FV FV Carney, Marinan M M Carosella, Anthony Joseph M M M Carroll, Brian J M M M M 09/20/07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO208450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 RNGE AIDE 06/01/07 08/11/07 27.00 RNGE AIDE 05/15/07 08/11/07 21.00 KID704FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 7.50 BIO219501 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 BIO219501 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 AT 526501 06/03/07 07/14/07 5.34 ForumAdv 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 9.00 NSNGADJMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.10 NSNG MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 34.00 BIO104550 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 KIDS718FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 20.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 39.00 ENG101650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 7.18 Librarian 05/15/07 08/13/07 5.70 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 MOTR FPCE 06/10/07 08/17/07 14.00 COM101552 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PgmDevlop 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 KID704FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 KIDS728FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.12 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 33.50 NSNGADJFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.20 SOC103551 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG101W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FLIT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 60.00 CPDV MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 7.50 Mall 06/04/07 08/11/07 35.00 RDG020401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 12.52 DHY215421 06/11/07 06/22/07 0.46 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 4.50 Substitute 07/02/07 08/11/07 23.00 MTH186450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH160C451 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 COMP701H01 06/01/07 08/11/07 96.00 AquaDir 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 60.00 FLIT765H53 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 STLArtWorks 06/01/07 07/27/07 3.00 IS 151450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 PHL101551 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PHL104551 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 PSY200602 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 33.00 ART172601 05/15/07 06/01/07 8.00 ART172650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 PE 133W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.16 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 3.00 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 7.50 -5- Amount Paid $7,543.20 $175.50 $136.50 $202.50 $3,008.00 $6,016.00 $4,007.68 $1,310.08 $776.00 $162.00 $297.00 $58.20 $528.00 $1,122.00 $4,512.00 $460.00 $975.00 $3,930.24 $4,701.06 $3,734.64 $567.00 $1,001.92 $144.00 $675.00 $196.00 $3,930.24 $3,008.00 $792.00 $252.00 $654.76 $1,105.50 $114.96 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $1,620.00 $247.50 $700.00 $5,226.24 $7,289.56 $447.60 $4,394.52 $575.00 $4,656.64 $4,656.64 $2,784.00 $1,164.00 $75.00 $1,080.00 $58.00 $4,818.00 $5,240.32 $5,226.24 $5,226.24 $5,226.24 $1,023.00 $6,011.52 $6,011.52 $1,552.00 $1,843.00 $66.00 $165.00 Name Loc Carron, Rebecca A Carter, Brian D M FP FP FP FP FP M FP M FV M M FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M M FP FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M FP M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M FP FV FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FP FP M M Carter, Terrell Lamont Casey, Zita Maria Cash, Christina Mae Castro, James F Cavallo, Cheryl L Chang, Sheow Hwey Chavaux, Therese L Clark, Clara M Clarke, John D Cleary, Adam C Clifford, Anjanette Cobb, Daniel R Coen, Stella Rita Cole, Yvonne E Coleman, Paula Monet Davis Coleman, Walter B Collier, William Charles Collins, Robert W Combest, John G Conley, Larry C Cook, James M Corley, Norman G Cossaboom, Sterling Page Cox, Karen E Cox, Michelene F Crane, Alison B Crider, Jack Crisler, Kathryn Elizabeth Croghan, Ann D Cross, Donald T Crowley, William Robert Curran, Michele Leianne Cyr, Laura-Jean A Daniel, Allen R Daniels, Melanie Krog Danyluck, Sharon J Darr, Raymond Charles Darris, Francelle V Das, Neil Emery Dattoli, Anthony David 09/20/07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG1026WG 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH160C450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH140451 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 IDS201474 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 GalDirect 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 Mall 06/04/07 12/15/07 438.50 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.50 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.90 PTA105650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 ARTKIDFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 72.00 PSY200S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 57.50 BIO122450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG101507 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG1025WE 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG1025XJ 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 NSNGCPRFP 06/04/07 08/11/07 10.50 NSNGADJFP 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.06 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.00 ECO151602 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 ECO151603 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 FLIT765H51 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 LabManual 05/21/07 06/11/07 2.00 ECE102450 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.26 BUSS FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 PHY111501 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 PHY223550 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 4.90 PE 121550 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130504 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 169551 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.40 AT 135650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.10 Substitute 06/10/07 08/11/07 6.00 ECO151551 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG1035WB 05/16/07 07/02/07 6.00 ENG1035WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 SOC101552 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PE 177401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130452 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130454 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130453 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 Staff Dev 05/19/07 06/02/07 1.00 ART131601 05/15/07 06/01/07 8.00 ARTS FPCE 06/01/07 08/11/07 155.00 ARTS FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 120.00 PSY208499 07/09/07 07/20/07 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/20/07 12/15/07 60.00 DMS208401 06/04/07 07/28/07 12.50 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 2.08 PHY122601 06/04/07 07/28/07 12.00 PHY223601 06/04/07 07/28/07 12.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 PHL109551 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 IS 101H80 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.34 Ref Librarian 07/30/07 08/11/07 1.02 PE 130 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PE 132602 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.74 -6- Amount Paid $4,512.00 $5,240.32 $3,930.24 $5,240.32 $1,310.88 $8,770.00 $35.00 $523.80 $7,808.00 $1,944.00 $5,856.00 $1,035.00 $4,512.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $346.50 $29.10 $582.00 $2,396.16 $2,396.16 $58.00 $1,952.00 $4,512.00 $727.50 $81.00 $2,328.32 $5,820.80 $122.50 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $232.80 $6,011.52 $58.20 $150.00 $5,856.00 $3,492.48 $3,492.48 $3,930.24 $2,323.84 $2,323.84 $2,323.84 $2,323.84 $25.00 $4,656.00 $4,185.00 $3,240.00 $234.00 $1,080.00 $9,386.72 $1,815.52 $11,712.00 $11,712.00 $600.00 $648.00 $4,512.00 $250.98 $766.10 $1,310.88 $1,800.28 Name Davidson, Nancy A Davis, Marilyn J Davis, Phyllis R Dawson, Susan Christine De Voe, Pamela A Deacon, Mary Deal, Edwin J DeBisschop, Linda Ann Dees, Nathan D DeLong, Ann Stephanie Denney, Christa Gearhart Dennis, Patricia K Dent, Thomas P Dettman, David D Devine, Edith A Dhawan, Balram Dickemper, Cheryl Ann Dickerson, John R Diekmann, Henry A Dietzler, Michael N Dingus, Steven Michael Dion, Mary Eva DiPietri, Elizabeth Hastings Dixon, Robert T Dodge, John H Dominguez, Christine M 09/20/07 Loc M M M M FV FP FP FP M M M FP FP M M FV M FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 132602 05/16/07 08/13/07 0.74 ENG102WWB 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 4.00 BUSS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 KIDS724FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 11.50 IDS101474 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 FLIT765H2 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 ANT102T16 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 ANT102T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 ANT102T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 ART107450 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.34 ESL Tutor 06/04/07 12/15/07 199.50 IRT125126 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 IRT125126 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 PHY112501 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 IS 103674 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 AT 510501 06/25/07 07/14/07 1.33 HEAL MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 ACC110574 07/01/07 07/28/07 4.00 ACC110574 06/17/07 06/30/07 0.50 ACC100574 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ACC110574 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ACC100574 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 Articulation 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.00 LGL219501 07/01/07 07/28/07 0.60 Dep Chair 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 DepChair 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ACC114501 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ACC100551 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.58 ACC100551 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.71 ACC114550 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.71 LGL219501 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.10 DevCurric 06/06/07 06/30/07 3.00 NATEF 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 234.25 CHM105501 06/04/07 07/14/07 10.66 ENG1026WF 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 HST137401 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 HST102401 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 HST138401 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 Cordinatr 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.67 HST101448 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Coor/Afro-Amer 06/16/07 06/23/07 0.67 ECO152650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ECO152S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 06/15/07 08/15/07 0.70 NSNGCPRFPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 19.50 NSNGADJFPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.08 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 4.50 BIO111W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 MUSC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 COM101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 THT Supr 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.00 COM101606 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 Dept Chair 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.00 Dept Chair 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 THT Supr 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 LAC 06/01/07 08/11/07 141.50 SPA102550 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 -7- Amount Paid $489.40 $3,930.24 $100.00 $145.00 $356.50 $5,226.24 $54.00 $78.00 $1,742.08 $1,742.08 $1,742.08 $3,495.68 $3,990.00 $3,008.00 $1,504.00 $3,930.24 $3,492.48 $1,161.92 $54.00 $3,904.00 $599.04 $1,797.12 $1,797.12 $2,928.00 $1,198.08 $585.60 $2,928.00 $1,797.12 $3,594.24 $2,509.54 $2,053.96 $2,053.96 $119.81 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $120.00 $4,216.50 $10,404.16 $3,930.24 $2,396.16 $2,396.16 $2,396.16 $798.97 $3,594.24 $798.97 $5,856.00 $5,856.00 $407.40 $643.50 $43.66 $99.00 $5,672.64 $138.00 $3,153.12 $1,742.08 $2,102.08 $1,742.08 $2,102.08 $2,102.08 $2,264.00 $5,240.32 Name Dorough, Scott C Douglas Taylor, Helen Barnetta Douglas, Milton R Doyle, Mari Y Drake, Rebecca S DuBois, Kathleen Collins Duchinsky, Jason G Dumonceaux, Benedict Joseph Dunn, Randy R Dunn, Richard A Durley-Petty, Renay D Easley, David B Ebert, Amy A Ebert, Dineen M Eder, Carol Betsy Edwards, Jeanne A Egan, Lynne Renee Eidson, Catherine L Eigel, Mary T Eimes, John Andrew Ekberg, Susan H Elliott, Glendoria Elpers, Francis J Engelhardt, Francesca E English, Nordeka Enoch, Eva Erickson, Andrew T Etling, Thomas R Evens, Kevin A Eyman, Krista A Fagin, Gary C Fahning, Kim Marie Fakes, Mary E Farid, Boubaker Lamine Fedor, Amanda Marie Feezel, Regina L Feldker, Paul F Felsen, Joseph R Fernandez, Kathleen M Finley, Sarah Elizabeth Fletcher, Morris E 09/20/07 Loc FV FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FP M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M FP FV FV M FP M M FP M FV M M FP FP M FV M M FP FP FP M FV FP FP FV FP M FV FV FV M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SPA101501 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 COM101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MCM201499 07/13/07 07/27/07 3.00 KID703FV 06/18/07 08/11/07 4.00 PEDU FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 30.00 PE 162486 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 162450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 CCPR FPCE 06/06/07 06/30/07 2.00 PHL103650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 LGL224650 07/17/07 07/23/07 2.00 LGL218650 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 Counselor 08/06/07 12/16/07 4.72 BUSN FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 9.00 BUSN FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 12.50 IRT201674 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 IRT201674 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 ART113401 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 ART113450 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 CeramicsLab 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 PSY205550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PE 181550 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PED116550 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 IS 123674 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 IS 123675 06/11/07 07/01/07 2.00 MUSC FPCE 05/20/07 08/31/07 25.00 MUS705550 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 AccredAdv 07/01/07 08/30/07 34.00 SIGN MCE 07/09/07 08/11/07 2.00 MOTR FPCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 20.00 ART131602 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.98 BIO111450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 CPDV MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 PE 122501 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 LGL107650 06/04/07 06/11/07 2.00 PSY200650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 06/04/07 06/29/07 7.50 FLFR FPCE 07/25/07 08/11/07 20.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 6.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 MTH140651 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH186S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 NSNGCPRFP 07/16/07 08/11/07 8.00 NSNGADJFP 07/16/07 08/11/07 0.06 RNGE AIDE 06/01/07 08/11/07 46.00 ENG101S02 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CTCR ADJ 05/21/07 06/08/07 0.06 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.26 118.98 TrainCtrCoor 06/09/07 08/11/07 6.10 CTCR FV 05/21/07 06/08/07 7.00 LAC 06/01/07 08/11/07 118.50 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.50 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PHL104501 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PHY223501 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 15.00 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 PE 122601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.58 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 2.00 ARC220SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 -8- Amount Paid $5,240.32 $3,930.24 $234.00 $72.00 $540.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $66.00 $3,930.24 $1,742.08 $5,226.24 $3,091.73 $279.00 $387.50 $3,008.00 $1,504.00 $5,243.52 $5,243.52 $1,310.88 $4,512.00 $78.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $1,952.00 $1,952.00 $525.00 $336.00 $1,700.00 $42.00 $360.00 $7,812.48 $2,916.66 $5,672.64 $155.00 $1,552.00 $1,952.00 $4,512.00 $187.50 $420.00 $132.00 $78.00 $5,856.00 $7,808.00 $232.00 $29.10 $299.00 $3,930.24 $29.10 $4,071.84 $5,307.90 $231.00 $1,896.00 $297.00 $78.00 $5,226.24 $3,594.24 $240.00 $120.00 $1,941.22 $44.00 $234.00 Name Florian-Smith, Patricia Ann Forde, Gary C Foster, William D Fox, Carol A Francis, Linda S Frankenreiter, David A Fraser, Eileen Bernice Frese, Anne M Fricks, Aldene L Frischmann, Robert Steven Frye, Felipe S Fuller, Neathery Batsell Fuller, Toni G Gaal, Frank A Gabel, Randall G Gallup, Craig William Ganim, Margaret Joyce Gasquet, Rosario G Gaubatz, Douglas Geiler, Emily K Geimer, Jennifer Lee Geist, Zoe Ann Gilles, Susan L Gillespie, James L Gilman, Frank M Giovanni, Joanne B Glazer, Sheila A Glore, Clifton Goede, Robin Christine Gonzalez, Lorenzo Fernando Gorman, Alan D Gottesmann, Helene G Graessle, Eileen A Graham, Bill P Graham, Stephanie Ann Grant, Ana Maria Greer, James F 09/20/07 Loc M FV FP FV FP FP FP M M FV FV M M FP M FP FP M FV M FP FP M M M FV FV M M FP FP FV M FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FP M FP M FP M M FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ARC110601 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 PE 173501 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PSY200450 07/16/07 08/02/07 6.00 MTH020501 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG051401 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.62 ESL Placement 06/04/07 08/11/07 38.00 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 MTH030650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH108SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 FOODKIDFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 19.80 CRFTKIDFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.80 IS 102SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 IS 291601 07/01/07 07/14/07 0.40 IS 101440 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 SportsInfo 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.34 ART111450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 ART107401 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.34 ANT101674 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 SIGNKIDFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 22.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 4.50 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 35.00 NSNGADJFPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.18 IDS101W01 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PHL104W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ESL Asst 05/15/07 08/11/07 23.00 FLSPKIDFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 78.00 AT 521551 06/18/07 06/30/07 2.66 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/31/07 24.00 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 18.00 IS ILC440 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.34 BIO111550 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 Substitute 06/11/07 08/11/07 14.00 PE 130501 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.66 PE 130503 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130506 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PHY111501 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 PHY111550 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PE SUB 07/01/07 08/11/07 2.00 PE 161S01 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 PE 161W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 15.00 Staff Dev 05/19/07 06/02/07 1.00 SOC101S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 38.75 NSNGADJFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.30 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 2.46 EMT PRI 05/21/07 08/10/07 16.00 CTCRADJ 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.02 CTCRFVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.25 FLIT FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 76.00 Substitute 06/15/07 08/11/07 4.00 Librarian 06/04/07 07/27/07 6.06 CRFT MCE 05/21/07 08/31/07 12.00 MOTR FPCE 06/01/07 08/11/07 10.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 21.25 PE 105601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 DMS203401 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 Tech Dir 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.00 Prod Dir 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 -9- Amount Paid $7,812.48 $2,003.84 $3,930.24 $5,856.00 $3,684.60 $760.00 $776.00 $3,492.48 $234.00 $534.60 $345.60 $234.00 $390.40 $3,906.24 $3,495.68 $5,243.52 $3,495.68 $3,930.24 $594.00 $4,392.00 $1,155.00 $101.88 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $506.00 $2,106.00 $2,604.16 $180.00 $552.00 $522.00 $3,104.00 $3,930.24 $350.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $6,550.40 $1,310.08 $44.00 $3,492.48 $3,492.00 $405.00 $25.00 $3,930.24 $1,310.08 $1,278.75 $174.60 $1,428.82 $9,313.28 $14.56 $140.25 $1,596.00 $88.00 $5,904.80 $216.00 $180.00 $382.50 $1,747.84 $5,630.80 $1,952.00 $2,396.16 Name Gresham, John L Grillo, Julia S Grimm-Howell, Elizabeth M Grothe, James W Grueninger, Kara M Guile, Kristin K Guntharp, Pamela M Gunther, Margarita K Hagan, Oliver L Hahn, Stephen D Hall, Gloria J Hall, Martin K Halsband, Donna L Hamilton, Carolyn Hamilton, Gerald Edward Handel, Christel K Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hankins, Mary Lee Hanser, Jennifer M Happe, John William Harper, Arthur M Hartmann, Jane C Harvey, Martha Elizabeth Hauff, Alan F Hawker, Patricia E Hawkins, Kenneth J Hay, Ellis D Head, Ernest Jack Heckmann, Jean Frances Heffernan, Cris M Hegarty, James H Helbling, Kristine Carlson Heller, Annette P Hemenway, David S Hemphill, Carol Ann Henderson, Martha Lee Henry, Matthew Aaron Henson, Dennis Ray Herdlick, John D 09/20/07 Loc M M M M M FP FP M M FP FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV FP FV FP M M FP FP FP M M M M M FP M FP M M FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M FV M FP FP FP M FV FV FV M M FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Tech Dir 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 Prod Dir 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.00 COM101S50 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM101W01 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 COM101S50 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 Librarian 06/15/07 07/27/07 4.60 FRE101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 BLW101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 REL100650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH185450 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 MTH170450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ESL Placement 08/06/07 12/15/07 13.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 13.50 ESL Placement 06/04/07 12/15/07 37.00 ENG061450 06/05/07 07/15/07 2.76 ENGL765H82 06/01/07 08/11/07 40.00 Honors 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 ECO152550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.46 FOOD701550 05/21/07 08/11/07 19.20 MOTR FPCE 06/08/07 08/11/07 20.00 PRD122SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 BIO207650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 FOOD FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 62.50 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 8.00 GER101448 05/15/07 06/01/07 8.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 1.00 PE SUB 07/01/07 08/11/07 1.00 PE SUB/MCE 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PE 181W01 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.66 PE 181602 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 REAL720480 06/16/07 06/30/07 5.00 KIDS MCE 06/07/07 08/11/07 8.00 PSC101401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 FOOD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 CRFT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 Substitute 06/18/07 08/11/07 12.00 BUSS701550 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 BIO207421 07/01/07 07/28/07 4.34 BIO207421 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.17 BIO448LAB 05/15/07 06/08/07 2.83 BIO207448 05/15/07 06/08/07 1.59 BIO207422 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.17 BIO207422 07/01/07 07/28/07 4.34 PE 139550 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 MTH160W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 ENG017501 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 Curr Dev 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.00 DepCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 Librarian 06/04/07 07/27/07 6.76 BUSN MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 LGL233550 06/04/07 06/21/07 2.00 LGL225550 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 LGL234550 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 RDG100601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Librarian 05/15/07 08/13/07 11.88 MUS113401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 ART100650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH185601 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 -10- Amount Paid $2,396.16 $1,952.00 $2,928.00 $3,594.24 $1,797.12 $4,489.60 $5,240.32 $5,856.00 $7,808.00 $6,550.40 $3,930.24 $260.00 $283.50 $740.00 $1,807.92 $1,080.00 $78.00 $5,856.00 $843.90 $518.40 $360.00 $390.00 $6,512.32 $1,312.50 $624.00 $7,808.00 $22.00 $22.00 $44.00 $2,003.84 $2,003.84 $135.00 $168.00 $4,512.00 $230.00 $108.00 $300.00 $330.00 $3,256.16 $1,989.72 $2,600.88 $1,464.72 $1,989.72 $3,256.16 $1,552.00 $729.00 $5,240.32 $78.00 $528.00 $1,742.08 $1,742.08 $4,422.60 $165.00 $1,952.00 $1,952.00 $1,952.00 $3,930.24 $8,930.00 $3,930.24 $4,512.00 $8,710.40 Name Herman, David R Hernandez, Leslie S Herron, Glenda S Higgins, Nancy Ann Hirschfelder, Kent W Hitschler, Ellen A Hoefel, Briann O Hoffman, Beverly Lake Hoffman, Micki D Hoffman, Sara Paula Hollander, Robert R Hollaway, John David Hoppe, Bradley Robert Hornaday, Derek Lamont Horstman, David R Horton, Judith A Hoth, Tommie Ray Howe, Joseph W Hoxha, Hyrije H Huber, Dawn Marie Huber, Gerry S Hughes, Marilyn Sue Hughes, Martha R Hunt, Patricia Gilbert Hurt, Debra A Hutter, Jerry Sue Huxhold, John P Hyman, Cherie M Irwin, Glenn T Isbell, Camelia M Ivery, Judy Ann Jablonowski, Cheri Lynn Jackson, Sonya M Jafari, David H Jasper, Geraldine A Jeep, Robert T Jenner, Julia Carol Johnson, Barbara S Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, Patricia A Johnson-Stephenson, Maria M Johny, Mulavana John Joiner, Renee P Jones, Allen W Jones, Christina Cornelia Jones, Donald L 09/20/07 Loc M FP FP FP M M FP FV FV M M M FV FP M FP FP FV FV FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP M M M M M FV FP M FP FP FP M FV M FV M FP FP FP FP FV M FP FP FV M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH030605 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.40 CCPR FPCE 06/06/07 06/30/07 2.00 CCPR728H82 06/01/07 08/11/07 72.00 AMAB MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 NPAD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.50 RMGT FPCE 06/06/07 08/11/07 2.00 CCP718576 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 DIT 106 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.60 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 33.50 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 115.50 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 ART111501all 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 Staff Dev 05/21/07 05/24/07 1.00 ENG102SWD 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 RNGE AIDE 06/02/07 08/11/07 21.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.58 Accompanist 05/15/07 06/17/07 6.00 KID720FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 RNGE AIDE 06/01/07 08/11/07 28.00 MTH177650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH186W51 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 ESL Tutor 06/04/07 12/15/07 92.00 BIO208475 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 BIO207474 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 BIO208474 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.68 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.30 Substitute 05/16/07 08/11/07 1.50 Substitute 06/12/07 08/11/07 9.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 2.00 BIO208650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 BIO207602 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 NSNGADJFPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.02 ENG101602 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ENG101606 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101606 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ENG2016WA 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG2016WA 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 GEDU 05/21/07 08/11/07 96.00 Mall 06/04/07 08/11/07 95.00 ENGSUBMCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 6.00 RNGE AIDE 06/10/07 08/11/07 7.00 BIO207451 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 GEDU FPCE 05/15/07 07/31/07 40.00 STLArtWorks 06/01/07 07/27/07 3.00 CCP710550 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 38.00 ART1335C1all 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 BIO111S02 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 10.00 Staff Dev 05/21/07 05/24/07 1.00 DepChair 06/04/07 06/30/07 3.00 ECE200401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 SPA201550 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 MTH160W51 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 CCPR725H52 07/09/07 07/30/07 45.00 BUSS FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 5.00 MUSKIDFVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 44.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 62.00 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 -11- Amount Paid $5,226.24 $232.80 $58.00 $1,944.00 $165.00 $67.50 $58.00 $54.00 $1,046.42 $904.50 $2,079.00 $120.00 $5,243.52 $900.00 $3,930.24 $136.50 $916.66 $3,492.48 $135.00 $504.00 $7,808.00 $7,808.00 $1,840.00 $5,040.82 $5,040.80 $5,052.44 $750.78 $37.50 $225.00 $336.00 $50.00 $5,672.64 $5,672.64 $14.56 $3,594.24 $2,928.00 $1,797.12 $2,928.00 $1,797.12 $2,592.00 $1,900.00 $150.00 $45.50 $7,543.20 $840.00 $4,818.00 $66.00 $684.00 $6,011.52 $8,452.16 $780.00 $900.00 $3,594.24 $4,512.00 $7,808.00 $6,016.00 $1,732.50 $165.00 $1,012.00 $1,116.00 $120.00 Name Jones, Karen L Jones, Sherill Ann Jorstad, Kris P Jostedt, Michael P Joyce, Sherry G Juhlin, DaNae Lynn Kacer, Karen Faye Kahn, Dency B Kaiser, Jane Bokamper Kammerer, Robert R Kantz, Mary Ellen Kargus, Ruth R Karros, Gretchen V Katz, Phyllis Ann Kauffmann, Kelly Jean Kee, Lisa L Kell, Steven Roy Kelley, Vanessa D Kelly, Constance M Kelly, William B Kenney, Ann L Kennison, Richard D Kerlagon, Kathleen A Kerlagon, Raymond L Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca Kijowski, Karen Louise Kimzey, Kristie A Kimzey, Satoko K King, Deborah Elizabeth Kinslow, James Mayfield Kitt, Robert L Klearman, Melvin Klein, Barbara A Klein, Bonnie J Klinkerman, Brenda S Knipping, Melanie R Koehler, Charles H Kolker, Ruth K Korkaric, Huso Kosednar, Priscilla A Koshak, Karen D Kozlowski, Lisa M Kraja, Elida Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B 09/20/07 Loc FP FV M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FV M M M FV FP FP FP FP FV FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FV FP FP FP M FV FP M FP M M M M M M FV FP M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH030451 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 KIDS703FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 15.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 PHL104602 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 4.84 DHY215421 06/11/07 06/22/07 2.66 NSNGADJCPR 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.08 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 15.50 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.66 Librarian 05/22/07 08/11/07 11.90 Librarian 08/02/07 12/15/07 0.88 ART131650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/15/07 08/11/07 40.00 RNFA Review 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.26 GE 131551 06/22/07 06/30/07 2.00 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 1.50 BUSN MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 32.00 KID712FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.36 PERD765H16 07/06/07 08/11/07 5.00 PERD710H20 05/20/07 08/11/07 48.00 MCM217401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 KIDS730520 06/20/07 08/11/07 6.00 Substitute 06/18/07 08/11/07 6.00 Substitute 08/01/07 12/15/07 3.00 KIDS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 15.00 ACC110650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 Substitute 06/05/07 07/27/07 6.50 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 48.25 SPA101401 06/04/07 07/14/07 64.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.20 ESL Tutor 06/04/07 12/15/07 98.25 ENG053450 06/04/07 06/17/07 2.00 ESL Placement 06/04/07 08/11/07 29.50 ENG053401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 FLJP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 16.00 KID706FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 36.60 COMP765H05 07/20/07 08/11/07 24.00 Visit Art 05/20/07 05/31/07 1.00 PED732FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 FLIT765H56 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 DMS213401 06/04/07 07/28/07 12.50 DMS212450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 4.50 KIDS FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 TRIP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 3.00 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 28.00 LAC 06/01/07 08/11/07 134.75 MTH030S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 6.00 AquaCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 173601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PED116S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PED116601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 KIDS706FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 LAC 06/01/07 08/11/07 147.00 MUSC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 33.00 ECE206 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.20 -12- Amount Paid $3,930.24 $345.00 $99.00 $729.00 $3,930.24 $4,720.04 $2,604.16 $43.66 $449.50 $960.30 $7,796.88 $854.00 $4,656.00 $87.00 $720.00 $145.52 $1,310.08 $33.00 $116.00 $576.00 $126.00 $791.52 $135.00 $1,104.00 $3,492.48 $126.00 $150.00 $75.00 $405.00 $6,016.00 $162.50 $868.50 $2,808.32 $116.40 $1,965.00 $1,504.00 $590.00 $4,512.00 $368.00 $841.80 $696.00 $50.00 $90.00 $46.00 $9,386.72 $2,003.84 $112.50 $162.00 $54.00 $756.00 $2,156.00 $3,492.48 $132.00 $1,747.84 $1,747.84 $1,747.84 $1,747.84 $63.00 $2,352.00 $891.00 $150.40 Name Kravitz, Rebecca S Krewson, Christina Joann Krishnan, Gee R Kruescheck, Nancee L Kuhlman, Joseph Edward Kwan, Felix B Kyle, Marcel A Laboray, Ronald E Lafferty, Stacey S LaGrone, John E Lajeunesse, Paul Roy Lamb, Keith R Lambing, Eric J Landis, Bryan H Lane, David A Lane, Harry A Lange, Margaret M LaPlaunt, Timothy Lee Larkin, Tosha S Larsen, Judy Merrill Larson, Judy C Larson, Steven B Lau, Tsz Wai Lauburg, Mary S Leach, Judith A Leick, James A Leifheit, Rhonda K Leinauer, Kathryn A Lenox, Roy E Leopardi, Giovanna Lesh, James Scott Lewis, Bonnie L Lewis, Cynthia A Lewis, Robert Liebman, Timothy Raoul Light, Greg L 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FP FV M M M M M M FP M FV FV FP FV M FP FP M FV M M M FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FV M M M M M FP M M FP M FP FP M FP FV M FP FV FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ECE102525 06/01/07 06/30/07 1.80 ECE 206 07/01/07 07/28/07 0.40 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 53.75 Choreagrapher 05/15/07 06/17/07 4.00 CHM101695 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.33 CHM101695 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.66 CHM101696 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.34 CHM101696 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.68 HORT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 BUS201451 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FLFR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 40.00 ART109501all 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 KIDS FVCE 06/22/07 08/11/07 7.00 SPA101402 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 ART101108551 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.34 ART103W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CRJS FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 16.00 CHM101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.66 THT108601 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.00 MTH020550 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.62 Substitute 07/16/07 08/11/07 4.00 IRT127128 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 IRT127128 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 PEDU731FV 06/20/07 08/11/07 6.00 MTH020504 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.26 WRIT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 CordinIRT 07/15/07 07/28/07 1.00 IRT167DSL 07/09/07 07/13/07 2.00 IS 205674 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.25 IRT126124674 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 IRT126124674 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 IS 205674 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.75 IRT150all 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 IRT150all 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 IRTCOMSDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 IRT122695 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 IRT122695 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 IS 137674 06/04/07 07/08/07 2.00 AHCE782405 06/01/07 06/30/07 18.00 ENG2285WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 06/25/07 1.00 EDU216674 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.67 EDU216601 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.67 ART275601 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 8.00 PERD FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 8.00 HOME MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 18.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 FLIT765H55 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 PE 153650 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH020406 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 MTH020403 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 GED MCE 07/09/07 08/11/07 12.00 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 12.00 CMPKIDFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 70.50 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 21.00 EMTPAREQU 05/21/07 08/10/07 24.36 CPRPRIFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 9.75 TC Coord 06/04/07 08/11/07 5.88 CPRADJFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.10 -13- Amount Paid $1,756.80 $390.40 $1,343.75 $2,328.32 $1,593.45 $2,596.16 $1,599.44 $2,605.92 $135.00 $210.00 $5,226.24 $1,080.00 $6,011.52 $189.00 $6,016.00 $3,104.00 $3,492.48 $464.00 $10,404.16 $0.00 $5,490.00 $100.00 $1,504.00 $3,008.00 $108.00 $3,948.00 $168.00 $1,051.04 $156.00 $1,313.80 $2,102.08 $1,051.04 $2,890.36 $2,102.08 $1,051.04 $468.00 $2,102.08 $1,051.04 $1,742.08 $522.00 $5,856.00 $1,198.08 $802.71 $802.71 $6,971.52 $176.00 $216.00 $486.00 $528.00 $58.00 $2,328.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $168.00 $396.00 $2,326.50 $525.00 $14,176.14 $321.75 $3,427.02 $58.20 Name Linback, Robert K Lindsay, Jason Gene Louis Lipic, Gayle A Lizorty, Ronald J Lobaido, Patricia M Lochmann, William James Lodato, Theodora L Lombardo, Abigail E Lombardo, Elizabeth M Long, Sean Michael Loos, Cathryne Kulick Lopanec, Rebecca Sue Losby, Jane F Loy, Willis L Luther, Judy L Luther, Kevin L Lyons, James S Maag, Colin M Mack, Cindy J Macke, John E MacLaughlin, Katherine Anne Maddock, Gregory T Mahan, Christopher L Maixner, Diane M Mallett, Kimber L Manhanke, Wanda C Mann, Steven M Manning, Scott D Marchbanks, Cindy L Marler, Cory R Marner, Ruth M Marquardt, Sharon Catherine Marshall, Gregory A Marshall, Lois Ann Marstall, Gerard Anthony Martin, Sharon Marie Martinez, Christopher Joseph Mathis, Janet Lynn 09/20/07 Loc FP M FP M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV M M M M M M M M M FP M M M FV FV FP FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FV FP M FP FP FP M M M M M M FP M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 52.25 CTCR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 36.00 NSNGADJFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.46 CTCRADJMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.26 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 1.50 MTH160W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH140W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.40 DHY215421 06/11/07 06/22/07 2.08 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 0.66 AT 599502 07/23/07 08/11/07 2.66 AT 598501 07/09/07 08/11/07 2.66 AT 212580 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 KID738576 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 3.75 PHL1034WB 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHL1034WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 KID702FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 KID702FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 4.00 EDU102601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 ENG230674 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ENROLLTRANS 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.67 ENROLLTRANS 07/01/07 07/28/07 0.66 ANIM MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 7.50 ANIM MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.20 PE 118650651 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.34 KIDS MCE 06/07/07 08/11/07 27.00 Substitute 07/19/07 08/11/07 8.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 FoodSciPgm 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.20 MTH140560 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH030560 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH220501 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 ACC110S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 CVTW MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 25.00 AT 120601 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 BIO203450 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.32 NSNGCPRFP 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 NSNGADJFP 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.06 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.36 PEDU729FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 85.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.36 ENG1026XE 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PE 130407 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130405 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130406 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 ENG1026XA 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ENG101605 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ENG101605 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101S01 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ENG101S01 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 CRJS FPCE 06/04/07 08/17/07 16.00 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 20.00 ART275650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 DMS203401 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 -14- Amount Paid $1,724.25 $1,188.00 $261.92 $145.50 $37.50 $6,968.32 $5,226.24 $814.80 $1,565.52 $500.96 $2,003.84 $2,003.84 $3,757.20 $54.00 $93.75 $5,856.00 $5,856.00 $108.00 $216.00 $252.00 $88.00 $4,512.00 $180.00 $3,594.24 $798.97 $650.26 $202.50 $96.00 $116.40 $3,104.00 $567.00 $200.00 $1,310.08 $1,310.08 $116.40 $2,613.12 $2,613.12 $8,710.40 $6,016.00 $825.00 $6,011.52 $4,633.92 $264.00 $36.38 $203.70 $1,530.00 $203.70 $3,930.24 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $3,594.24 $1,797.12 $2,928.00 $1,797.12 $2,928.00 $144.00 $496.00 $360.00 $4,656.00 $5,630.80 Name Matson, Kristopher M Matthews, Ann Christine McAllister, Kevin M McBride, Linda K McConkey, Kenneth Roger McCord, Sheri L McDaniel, Amy Renee McDuffie, Anthony Earl McGowan, Ruth Ann McKay, Darrell E McKee, Charles Gabriel McKenna, Joseph Thomas McKessy, Sean M McKinney, Melvin W McKnight, Gordon John McMeans, Katherine Susan McMillen, Donna M McNamara, Thomas James McNeil, James H Meade, Dennis G Meenach, Dean C Meier, Christopher John Merrett-Murry, Tammy M Meser, John Edward Methe, Mary Louise Meyer, John T Michaelis, Dale H Michaelis-Cobb, Cherie B Michalski, Churie Miederhoff, Marilyn K Miley, Joann R Miller, Harry Henderson Miller, Jeanette Perrin Miller, Lisa A 09/20/07 Loc FV M M FP FP FP M FV FV M M FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP M FV FP M FP FP FP FP M FP M M CC FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV M FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 06/11/07 06/18/07 1.00 CRFT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 FLSP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 84.00 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 GEDU FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 51.00 MOTR FPCE 05/20/07 08/17/07 40.00 ENG207WWA 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CTCR FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 CTCR ADJ 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.16 CTCR MCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 7.00 CTCRADJMCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.01 CRJS FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 32.00 CRJS FPCE 05/16/07 05/19/07 16.00 MTH020541 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH020540 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Prog Dir 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.67 XRT212401 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 06/30/07 0.67 XRT211401 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 ARC223650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 WBKBCoach 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.34 MOTR FPCE 05/20/07 08/17/07 40.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 1.00 HRM116H01 07/01/07 08/11/07 0.50 DIET 714 06/04/07 08/11/07 14.00 HRM116H01 06/04/07 06/29/07 2.00 DIET714403 06/04/07 08/11/07 7.00 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 MTH140S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH186650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 ME 153503 06/03/07 07/05/07 9.34 MOTR FPCE 05/15/07 08/11/07 80.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 8.92 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.36 THT Montage 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CTCR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.50 CTCRADJMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.02 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 36.00 NSNGADJFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.42 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 2.42 MEDDIRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 4.00 CPRADJFV 07/30/07 08/11/07 0.01 CPRPRIFV 07/30/07 08/11/07 5.50 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 ATT MCE 05/21/07 08/25/07 6.66 Mall 06/04/07 12/15/07 181.00 RDG030451 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 RDG017401 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 RDG016401 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 KIDS720FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 54.00 CTCR FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 CTCR ADJ 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.10 NSNG 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.08 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.00 NSN CPR FPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 8.75 DMS213401 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.66 CONS765H03 06/01/07 08/11/07 29.00 PEDU FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 36.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 2.00 -15- Amount Paid $1,000.00 $144.00 $2,268.00 $1,001.92 $1,377.00 $720.00 $3,930.24 $232.00 $87.30 $203.00 $7.28 $928.00 $464.00 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $798.97 $2,396.16 $798.97 $2,396.16 $3,929.98 $776.00 $720.00 $25.00 $376.00 $406.00 $1,504.00 $203.00 $230.00 $1,001.92 $3,930.24 $5,240.32 $9,115.84 $1,440.00 $5,191.46 $203.70 $3,930.24 $181.50 $14.56 $1,188.00 $247.36 $1,402.62 $400.00 $7.28 $181.50 $600.00 $78.00 $6,505.04 $3,620.00 $3,930.24 $1,310.08 $2,620.16 $972.00 $264.00 $58.20 $43.66 $582.00 $288.75 $500.96 $783.00 $756.00 $156.00 Name Mimlitz, Edward J Mines, Thomas E Minogue, Pauline K Mitchener, Debra L Mittendorf, Deborah Ann Mittler, Charles C Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, William C Montague, Nancy A Moore, David A Moore, Kevin M Moore, Michael R Morey, Janet R Morris, Sandra E Mosby, Timothy C Mosley, Linda A Motta, Denise K Muldoon, Peggy J Mullen, Kathy Mulligan, Colin B Mullins, Patrick B Mullins, Scott M Munie, Michael George Murray, Robin R Myers, Sara Jade Nadal, Cecilia A Nagel, Jack G Naugles, Tina Lanette Nevills, Shahla Newcomb, Steven D Newman, Richard T Nicholl, Andrew McCall Nielsen, Eric Robert O'Neill, Cheryl O 09/20/07 Loc M FV FV FV FV M M FP M M M M M FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV M M M M M FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV M M M FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 133S80 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 CHM101503 06/04/07 06/30/07 3.55 CHM101501 06/04/07 06/30/07 3.55 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 2.00 MTH108551 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 14.50 MTH030606 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 4.16 Staff Dev 05/19/07 06/02/07 1.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 68.50 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 PHOT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 ENG030601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PhoLabMgr 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.66 AT 280401 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 SPA101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 PE 130 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 ESL Asst 05/15/07 08/11/07 27.00 Librarian 05/15/07 12/15/07 11.72 PE 130551 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130552 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PE 182601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 181650 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.66 PED116651 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.54 PE 181601 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.66 PE 181182S03 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.54 COM101451 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.00 COM101401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 COM101451 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 28.00 Mall 06/04/07 08/11/07 76.00 CHM210450 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.32 NSNGADJFP 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.54 NSNGCPRCEFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 4.00 REL100550 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 LGL223650 06/13/07 06/20/07 2.00 LGL225650 07/09/07 07/16/07 2.00 LGL220650 06/25/07 07/02/07 2.00 KID702552 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 NPAD701H85 06/09/07 07/30/07 28.00 SpecialProjFT 06/04/07 08/12/07 4.00 BIO113T141516 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 SpecialProjPT 07/01/07 08/12/07 2.00 BIO122501 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 BIO113T141516 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 BUSS FPCE 06/09/07 07/28/07 24.00 PEDU MCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 2.00 NSNGCPRFP 06/04/07 08/11/07 7.25 NSNGADJFP 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.06 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.88 EMT PRI 05/21/07 08/10/07 10.88 CTCRADJ 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.02 CTCRFVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.25 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 FINC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 ECO151S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 06/02/07 08/11/07 1.50 MTH030404 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 MTH030406 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 -16- Amount Paid $2,323.84 $4,256.93 $4,256.93 $2,396.16 $5,856.00 $362.50 $3,492.48 $2,731.00 $25.00 $1,233.00 $120.00 $270.00 $3,930.24 $1,552.00 $4,656.00 $7,808.00 $2,621.76 $594.00 $7,682.22 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $78.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $1,479.26 $1,552.00 $1,479.26 $1,952.00 $5,856.00 $3,904.00 $756.00 $1,520.00 $4,000.64 $312.84 $132.00 $6,968.32 $1,952.00 $1,952.00 $1,952.00 $36.00 $924.00 $4,792.32 $2,928.00 $1,952.00 $2,396.16 $78.00 $1,797.12 $696.00 $42.00 $239.25 $29.10 $509.26 $6,330.12 $14.56 $140.25 $78.00 $162.00 $3,930.24 $37.50 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 Name Ochonicky, Michelle Ann ODell, Dana M Ohlms, Mary Beth Ohmer, Roberta M Oldham, Beatriz Nunez Oliver, Keith L OMalley, Jennifer Meagan Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi Osman, Ann Geralyn Oughton, David C Owens, Joseph E Paddock, Grace Elizabeth Pagano, William Matthew Palmer, Robyn L Passanisi, Ignazio F Pauley, Mark M Pearlman, Richard E Perry, John H Peterson, Kimberly G Petkovich, Christen Marie Petrovic, Cheryl A Pettit, Alice Rebecca Pevnick, Nancy E Pfaus, Diane B Phillips, Karana J Pietroburgo, Jill R Pikey, Carol A Pisani, Richard T Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pitchford, Stanley Lamar Pittman, Dwight D Platt, Stephen Ernest Podgornik, Caroline Mary Pohlmann, Gary A Popp, Tamara E Porter, John P Pott, Denise S Powell, Michael J Pratte, Cheryl D Price, Amber C Price, Mary A Prifti, Norma J 09/20/07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Loc Course Number Date Date Equiv M HORT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 30.00 FV Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 FV DIT 106 06/04/07 06/28/07 0.80 M Librarian 05/15/07 07/28/07 3.26 FP FLSP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 20.00 M Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 3.00 FV LabManual 05/21/07 06/11/07 2.00 FP COM2004UA 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FP IDS201402 06/04/07 07/14/07 64.00 FP EMTPAREQU 05/21/07 08/10/07 2.04 M PHL103W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 M PHL101650 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 M ART111639 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 M MTH030S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 M CTCRADJMCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 0.01 M CTCR MCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 5.00 FP RNGE AIDE 05/20/07 08/17/07 14.00 UnknownSpcProject 07/15/07 07/28/07 2.00 M ART107639 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.34 M CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 FP DIET FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 16.00 FP EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 2.16 M PEDU MCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 10.00 FP PHOT FPCE 05/22/07 08/11/07 22.50 FP MOTR FPCE 06/02/07 08/11/07 20.00 FP EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.06 M CCPR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 FV CCP723551 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 FP COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 6.00 FV KIDSFVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 13.00 FV CPRPRIFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.75 FV CPRADJFV 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.20 FP EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 2.08 M CTCRADJMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.16 M CTCR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 29.50 FP NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.52 13.50 M BUSS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 17.50 M ESL Asst 05/15/07 08/11/07 8.00 M ENG061601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FP IS 101474 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 FP IS 119474all 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 FV MTH030502 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FV MTH030504 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FV Substitute 06/27/07 08/11/07 2.00 FP LAC 06/01/07 08/11/07 94.00 M MUS128601 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 M ACC114650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 M CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 FP MOTR FPCE 05/20/07 08/17/07 20.00 M MTH140S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 M ART110639 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 M AHCE MCE 07/30/07 08/11/07 2.00 FP MOTR FPCE 05/15/07 08/11/07 40.00 FV DNC720550 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 FV Counselor 05/15/07 07/13/07 11.08 FV Counselor 07/16/07 08/13/07 8.20 FP HMS122499 07/09/07 07/28/07 3.00 FP HMS118499 07/09/07 07/28/07 3.00 FP HMS120499 07/09/07 07/28/07 3.00 FP HMS123499 07/09/07 07/28/07 3.00 FP DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 0.66 -17- Amount Paid $810.00 $78.00 $601.60 $2,129.40 $420.00 $75.00 $1,310.08 $3,930.24 $936.32 $1,169.82 $5,856.00 $5,856.00 $5,243.52 $5,226.24 $7.28 $155.00 $91.00 $1,310.08 $5,208.32 $567.00 $528.00 $1,251.30 $180.00 $517.50 $360.00 $611.10 $58.00 $124.00 $174.00 $429.00 $816.75 $116.44 $1,209.12 $87.30 $973.50 $743.78 $577.50 $176.00 $5,856.00 $1,952.00 $1,952.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $50.00 $1,504.00 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $600.00 $360.00 $3,930.24 $6,971.52 $58.00 $720.00 $216.00 $7,256.34 $5,372.64 $468.00 $234.00 $468.00 $234.00 $500.96 Name Pritchett, Gerri R Proctor, Christopher K Proffitt, Jennifer Anne Radcliff, David W Ratino, Kathlyn S Rauch, William L Ray, Jaron R Reedy, Sidney J Reid, Christopher C Reis, Kevin Joseph Rhodes, Christine M Ribaudo, Ann E Rice, John Philip Richardson, Carol J Richardson, Mariah Lavelda Richter, Phyllis T Rick-Grigorescu, Mary C Riedisser, Janice M Riess, John F Rieves, Denise C Riley, Deborah Anne Risch, David E Risch, Jeffrey M Risch, Judith A Risch, Justin C Robben, Keith Bernard Robinson, James P Robinson, Rodney B Rock, Carolyn Jean Rodriguez, Fernando Roesch, Donna E 09/20/07 Loc M M M M FP FP FP FP M FP FP FV FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP M FV FP FP M M M FP M FV FV FV FV FV M FV M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 ECO151W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ECO152W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 MOTR FPCE 06/01/07 08/11/07 80.00 Mall 06/04/07 12/15/07 198.00 COM101448 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 COM1204WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 35.00 MTH020453 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH020450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Librarian 05/15/07 12/15/07 4.56 Substitute 06/06/07 08/11/07 2.00 SPA102401 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.36 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 205.00 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 MTH170650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MCM201601 05/15/07 06/01/07 0.40 MCM102674 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 MCM102674 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 MCM201496 07/13/07 07/27/07 3.00 IDS101401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 NSNGFPCECPR 05/20/07 08/11/07 10.00 NSNGADJCPR 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.06 PHY111602 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHY111601 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 PSI111650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 COMP FPCE 06/06/07 08/11/07 6.00 CRFT MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 ECO140574 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.58 ECO140574 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.71 ECO151574 07/01/07 07/28/07 7.72 ECO151574 06/04/07 06/30/07 5.14 BLW201574 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.58 ECO151601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BLW201574 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.71 ECO151604 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 ECO151604 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ECO151W01 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 ECO151W01 06/04/07 06/30/07 1.50 ECO151550 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 ECO140575 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 BUS201550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ECO140501 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 MTH030450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH030452 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 COM107602 06/04/07 06/30/07 3.00 ENG101551 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG1035WD 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG1025XH 05/15/07 06/16/07 48.00 ENG101550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PSY200461 07/16/07 08/02/07 6.00 PSY205401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 2.00 KID737504 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 MWSOCCOA 05/15/07 05/19/07 1.34 EDU211S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 -18- Amount Paid $528.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $504.00 $1,440.00 $3,960.00 $5,226.24 $2,340.00 $945.00 $3,492.48 $3,492.48 $3,963.96 $50.00 $6,968.32 $203.70 $486.00 $3,690.00 $120.00 $5,856.00 $479.23 $1,797.12 $2,928.00 $234.00 $5,226.24 $552.00 $50.00 $330.00 $29.10 $4,512.00 $7,520.00 $4,512.00 $174.00 $180.00 $2,509.54 $2,053.96 $7,532.28 $6,161.88 $2,509.54 $3,594.24 $2,053.96 $2,928.00 $1,797.12 $2,928.00 $1,797.12 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $5,226.24 $3,492.48 $3,492.48 $1,965.12 $5,856.00 $5,856.00 $2,808.00 $5,856.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $156.00 $63.00 $776.00 $5,226.24 Name Roither, Amy Elizabeth Ronecker, John E Rooney, Patricia Ann Rosen, Adrienne Rosener, Russell John Ross, Linda N Royer, Kimberly S Ruh, Polly Parker Russell, Lawrence P Ryan, Jennifer Lauren Sabharwal, Chander Lekha Sabharwal, Surinder K Sage, Kristin Kaminsky Sago, Janis Lynn Sallot, Coleen M Salomon, Mary Ann Sanchez, Andrew Sanders, Melvin Leon Sanvito, B Alice Saputo, Pauline A Sarich, Mark D Sather, Lawrence C Saurage, Judith Lynn Scharfenberger, Kristine Kim Schlossberg Wood, Caren Schmelig, Brian M Schmieder, Linda K Schmitt, Linda M Schnietz, Alina Auristela Schrader, Diann J Schroeder, Mary K Schulte, Janet L Schulte, Jeanne M Schulz, James Arthur Schulze, Kathleen Marie Sciaroni, Cynthia L Scognamiglio, Edward Selig, Margaret R Shahriary, Carol H Shanders, Nicholas J Shaw, Susan J Shea, John M Shedd, Charles P Shepek, Gary D 09/20/07 Loc M M M M FV FV FV FV FP M M FV FV M M FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FV FP FP M M FP FV FV FP M M FP FP FV FP M M FP FP FV FV M FP FP FV FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ESL Asst 05/15/07 08/11/07 8.50 MGT231SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 ART100601 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 AT 503501 07/23/07 08/10/07 1.33 AT 605501 06/03/07 06/15/07 2.66 AT 212580 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 AT 607501 07/23/07 08/11/07 32.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 80.50 PHY112550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHY112501 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH030S02 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH186W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH020402 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 MTH165495 07/09/07 08/31/07 6.00 MTH166495 07/09/07 08/31/07 6.00 MTH108401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PHL102650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 AT 212SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 ART165650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 6.00 DMS203401 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 GNSF FVCE 07/03/07 08/11/07 7.50 PERD765H15 05/20/07 08/11/07 20.00 HEAL FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 11.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 3.00 ART106602 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 MUS103421 07/16/07 08/02/07 6.00 ENG1025XF 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CCP721551 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 CCPR FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 2.00 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 ART245601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.34 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.06 RTH131402 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 Substitute 07/11/07 08/11/07 3.00 FLSP FPCE 06/11/07 07/31/07 16.00 MTH160S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 CEDEV MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 78.50 NSNGADJFP 05/21/07 08/11/07 0.08 NSNGCPRFP 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.75 KIDS720FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 18.00 Substitute 07/02/07 08/11/07 5.60 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.50 FOOD FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 20.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.76 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 4.80 Librarian 06/04/07 07/27/07 1.80 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 2.10 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.00 PHL104S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 8.00 MTH170601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH160C601 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH140606 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH030403 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 MTH030407 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 Substitute 05/15/07 07/29/07 1.50 -19- Amount Paid $187.00 $936.00 $7,812.48 $621.00 $1,302.08 $2,604.16 $4,882.80 $1,248.00 $78.00 $567.00 $1,288.00 $5,856.22 $5,856.22 $3,492.48 $7,808.00 $5,856.00 $3,276.00 $3,744.00 $5,856.00 $3,930.24 $1,164.00 $234.00 $4,656.00 $174.00 $5,630.80 $135.00 $460.00 $231.00 $66.00 $7,812.48 $3,930.24 $5,856.00 $54.00 $58.00 $300.00 $3,495.68 $611.10 $1,747.84 $75.00 $464.00 $5,240.32 $1,329.01 $43.66 $166.75 $324.00 $140.00 $35.00 $500.00 $1,018.50 $4,684.80 $1,756.80 $1,222.20 $330.00 $5,856.00 $200.00 $3,930.24 $5,240.32 $3,930.24 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $37.50 Name Shepherd, Edward A Shiller, Alan H Shiller, Bonnie L Shrinivas, Radha S Shupe, Stacy L Siebert, Stacy Mildred Sigler, Danny R Silver, Margaret B Simmons, Karen L Simpson, Chana Maria Singer, Jonathan W Singh, Ram N Slaughter, Anne H Sletten, Byron Kim Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith, Alverta L Smith, Haden D Smith, Robert Smith, Stacia M Smith-Buckingham, Minnie M Sneed, Ralph J Sokol, Laurence J Sonderman, Amy J Sotraidis, Sandra K Souder, Sally A Speropoulos, Frieda S Sprenger, Tonya R Sprinkle, Regina M Stamme, Paul Henry Stanton, Tracey M Star, Darcie Evon Stearn, Robin Michele Stephenson, Barbra J Stevenson, Norris R Stewart, Linda F Stiebel, Amanda Crowell Stinchcomb, Bruce L Storer, Christopher M Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Strand, Stephanie Suzanne 09/20/07 Loc FP M FP FV FP FP M FP M M M FP FP M M FV FV FP FP M M FP FP FP M FV FP FP FV M FV M M M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTR MAINT 05/20/07 08/17/07 7.00 COM107W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 CCPR FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 2.00 CCP715576 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 MTH020407 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 MTH040401 06/04/07 07/14/07 10.00 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 EMT ADJ 05/15/07 08/10/07 1.30 GEDINSVMCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 93.00 GED MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 57.50 ENGL765H80 06/02/07 08/11/07 6.00 PE 122401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 BLW101650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ESC207650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ESC206550 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.68 ESC205550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 DHY215421 06/11/07 06/22/07 1.34 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 50.50 CVTW MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.50 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 25.00 NSNGADJFPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.10 NURS723405 06/01/07 08/11/07 8.00 CTCR FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 14.00 ARC518650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GNSF FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.50 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.70 ST 211401 06/04/07 07/28/07 16.00 PSY200550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG101W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH020551 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.62 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 4.50 COM107602 07/01/07 07/28/07 6.00 PE/CFK MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 20.00 ENG1024WA 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 ENG1024WB 06/04/07 06/30/07 2.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 4.00 EDU211448 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 BIO207S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 BIO207S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.26 PSC101448 05/15/07 07/28/07 0.26 CCPR703FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 CCPR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 3.00 ARTS727FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 24.00 KID728FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 PE 130550 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.66 ENG101503 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 ENG030550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Substitute 07/19/07 08/11/07 6.00 ENG030401 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.62 KID706FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 15.00 BIO207501lab 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.68 BIO207550 06/04/07 07/14/07 8.00 BIO208501lab 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.68 Substitute 06/11/07 08/11/07 20.00 BIO207550lab 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.68 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 89.00 DANC MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 89.00 BIO203650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 -20- Amount Paid $770.00 $4,512.00 $62.00 $87.00 $5,856.00 $9,760.00 $504.00 $756.60 $120.00 $1,674.00 $1,035.00 $174.00 $1,552.00 $4,512.00 $5,856.00 $2,615.68 $5,856.00 $1,161.92 $1,262.50 $412.50 $675.00 $58.22 $264.00 $462.00 $5,856.00 $63.00 $407.40 $12,023.04 $5,856.00 $3,930.24 $3,274.20 $112.50 $3,930.24 $338.60 $2,102.08 $2,102.08 $312.00 $5,226.24 $5,672.64 $5,672.64 $727.50 $188.94 $66.00 $132.00 $66.00 $552.00 $92.00 $2,323.84 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $58.20 $3,684.60 $405.00 $1,559.98 $4,656.64 $1,559.98 $440.00 $1,559.98 $1,602.00 $1,602.00 $5,672.64 Name Stroup, Paula C Struebing, Meredith Lynn Sucher, Chad C Summers, Diane Summers, Lesley N Surber, Judith A Svrakic, Ljiljana L Swiderski, William G Swiener, Rita R Swoboda, Michael E Taborn, Tyrone A Talbot, Kevin Lee Talkad, Rajeev Venugopal Taylor, Andrew M Taylor, Mary A Thias, Edward J Thompson, Marcia L Threlkeld, Elizabeth J Thumin, Ling J Timmermann, Karl Nicholas Tippett, Royce Crosby Tjaden, D Scott Tkach, Andrea G Toal, Kevin R Toma, Terry Lynn Trenholm, Robert Michael Tretter, Gina Gillardi Tripp, Karen Rogers Truong, Amanda Marie Truong, Quang Minh Vu Trzaska, Anupama Rani Turner, Bryan J Turner, Fred Tutterrow, Jesse G Tyus, Shalonda Karletta Ulrich, Virginia Vareedayah, Mariadhaso Vigil, Anamaria V Viner, Stacy L Vinson, Annette Lorraine 09/20/07 Loc M FV M M FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FP FP M FV FV M FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv LGL222650 07/09/07 08/12/07 1.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 CVTW MCE 08/01/07 12/21/07 30.00 PED116S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 2.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 11.00 FLGE FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 40.00 CRJS FPCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 PSY205W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 AT 276601 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 AT 276680 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 CVTW MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.50 BLW101451 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FOOD FPCE 06/15/07 08/11/07 20.00 MTH220450 06/04/07 07/28/07 9.68 MTH230450 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 QC 212501 05/15/07 07/06/07 6.00 DA 176448 05/15/07 06/30/07 4.00 AstTrnCor 07/11/07 08/03/07 1.00 ARTS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 44.00 MTH140503 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH140504 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.62 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 8.00 Librarian 06/04/07 12/15/07 5.09 MCM130574 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PE 130131132404 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 Substitute 06/25/07 08/11/07 3.00 PE 114401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130131132403 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 180401 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 HE 201SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 CVTW MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 25.00 EDUC712500 05/21/07 08/11/07 30.00 Substitute 07/18/07 12/15/07 4.00 PHL1124WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHL104401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PHL101448 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 ST 210401 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 ST 207401 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 DIT 209 06/01/07 07/01/07 0.80 DIT 106 06/01/07 07/01/07 0.80 CCPR MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 CCPR FPCE 06/13/07 06/30/07 2.00 DIET704500 06/03/07 06/04/07 1.00 CCPR FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 MTH140570 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH140551 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH030570 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH140502 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 4.00 Substitute 05/29/07 08/11/07 12.25 Substitute 06/14/07 08/11/07 2.50 CRJS FPCE 06/04/07 08/11/07 16.00 COMP765H06 07/17/07 08/11/07 21.00 ST 211401 06/04/07 07/28/07 9.34 DANC FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 18.00 Substitute 06/11/07 08/11/07 3.00 ENG070401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 FLSP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 60.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 2.00 RDG017501 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 -21- Amount Paid $752.00 $78.00 $750.00 $1,552.00 $156.00 $275.00 $1,080.00 $528.00 $5,856.00 $4,656.00 $4,656.00 $412.50 $5,226.24 $420.00 $6,345.70 $6,550.40 $5,226.24 $4,781.76 $976.00 $1,188.00 $5,856.00 $5,490.00 $216.00 $4,965.40 $3,930.24 $1,552.00 $75.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $3,492.00 $1,170.00 $825.00 $810.00 $91.00 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $5,243.52 $2,621.76 $524.04 $524.04 $54.00 $54.00 $50.00 $135.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $4,512.00 $4,512.00 $312.00 $294.25 $55.00 $528.00 $483.00 $5,432.00 $324.00 $75.00 $4,512.00 $1,620.00 $50.00 $1,310.08 Name Von der Heydt, Elizabeth A Vroman, Paul J Wable, Steven L Walentik, David S Wall, Alan G Walter, Michele C Wamsley, David M Ward, Michael F Ward, Wynn B Ware, Keith Warner, Kathlene R Warnock, Peter J Washer, Lynn L Watt, Darren W Wead, Rodney S Weber, Edward V Wedle, Patricia A Wegener, Delano P Weindel, Kenneth J Weintraub, Margaret A Weiss, Denise Weiss, Sandra Lee Welby, James E Welch, Geraldine F Werdes, M J Werner, Terry F Weston, Patricia L White, Donna Marshaye Whitney, Lisa Marie Wild, Gerald A Wilhelm, Robert E Williams, Kathy L Williams, Kay J Williams, Robin Lin Williams, Shirley A Williams, Terril K Willis, Ann A Willmore, Melissa L Wills, Angelina Marie Giliberti Wilson, Antonina 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV M FV M M M FP FP FV FP FP FV M M FP M M M FP M M FV M M M M M M M M FV FP M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RDG016501 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 LabManual 05/21/07 06/11/07 2.00 BIO111550lab 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.68 Substitute 06/28/07 08/11/07 2.00 MTH030553 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 MTH030552 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GE 131550 05/17/07 06/16/07 2.00 ECO140602 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 CHM101551 06/04/07 07/14/07 10.66 FRE201501 06/04/07 07/14/07 64.00 FRE102550 06/04/07 07/14/07 64.00 GEO111601 06/04/07 07/28/07 11.34 GEG100650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GEG101601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 FOOD MCE 05/21/07 08/31/07 4.00 HIST MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 ENG030501 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG101504 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 DIET MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 14.00 DIET714FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 13.00 ANT102T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 ANT102T55 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 ANT102T54 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 NSNGADJFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 0.06 NSNGCPRFP 05/20/07 08/11/07 9.00 MTH030551 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 SOC101421 07/16/07 08/03/07 6.00 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 6.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 17.16 MTH160S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 MTH160S51 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 Librarian 05/28/07 07/27/07 7.06 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 3.00 EDU102650 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Extended 06/03/07 06/16/07 2.00 CRJS FPCE 05/20/07 08/25/07 32.00 PT Administrator 05/21/07 06/30/07 3.36 PT Administrator 07/01/07 08/11/07 3.08 MTH185501 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 BIO111S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 BUSS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 5.00 SOC101602 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 SOC101W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PE 130 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 PE SUB 07/01/07 08/11/07 8.00 PE 192601 05/15/07 07/29/07 0.50 PE 192601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.34 PED766550 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.20 PERD MCE 06/05/07 08/11/07 20.00 AHCE MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 DHY215421 06/11/07 06/22/07 1.88 Substitute 07/01/07 08/11/07 9.00 PE 177178402 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 139140401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 137138401 06/04/07 07/28/07 21.28 Librarian 05/15/07 07/28/07 2.40 PHL104675 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHL104SDL 07/15/07 07/28/07 3.00 Athletic Trainer 08/01/07 12/21/07 7.25 Substitute 07/16/07 08/11/07 5.00 -22- Amount Paid $2,620.16 $1,310.08 $1,755.50 $50.00 $3,492.48 $3,492.48 $1,742.08 $5,856.00 $10,404.16 $3,744.01 $3,432.32 $7,428.16 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $92.00 $162.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $462.00 $429.00 $1,504.00 $1,504.00 $1,504.00 $29.10 $297.00 $3,492.48 $5,226.24 $198.00 $14,941.08 $7,808.00 $7,808.00 $6,893.00 $66.00 $5,856.00 $1,310.08 $992.00 $2,929.42 $2,689.84 $7,520.00 $8,452.16 $135.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $776.00 $176.00 $287.12 $1,358.00 $324.00 $695.78 $420.00 $124.00 $1,232.24 $225.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $518.80 $1,572.48 $3,930.24 $234.00 $4,219.50 $125.00 Name Wilson, Ava M Wilson, Crystal Julienne Winslade, Tracy Ziemba Witt, Carol M Woehrle, Jill M Wohl, Allison Wong, Kai Chong Woodruff, Kerry M Woolem, Donald L Worley, Kenneth R Wright, Doris J Wylie, Carolyn E Yancey, Amanda Ann Yemm, Megan Marie Young, Eric Stephen Young, Summer N Zamenski, Andrew J Zebroski, Sheryline A Zimmerman, Raymond C Zipp, Jeanne Marie 09/20/07 Loc FV FP FP FP M FP FP FP M M M FP FP M FP FV FV FP M FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv KIDS703FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 PE 130131132451 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 130131132450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 PE 122123450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 CFKD MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 NURS FPCE 05/24/07 08/11/07 14.00 TEST FPCE 05/25/07 06/03/07 7.00 NURSADJFP 05/31/07 08/11/07 0.10 PEDU MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 16.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 4.00 MTH030S51 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHL101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 PHL104450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 15.00 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 1.76 ART100501 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 ART103501 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 ART100401 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 22.00 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 1.74 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 12.00 Substitute 06/11/07 08/11/07 11.50 PTA105650 06/18/07 08/25/07 0.46 EMT ADJ 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.20 Librarian 05/21/07 08/11/07 10.60 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.34 SOC101461 07/22/07 07/28/07 3.00 MOTR FPCE 06/01/07 08/11/07 20.00 KIDS MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 4.00 -23- Amount Paid $84.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $1,552.00 $675.00 $462.00 $115.50 $58.22 $288.00 $100.00 $3,492.48 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $435.00 $1,018.50 $2,340.00 $3,904.00 $5,856.00 $726.00 $1,525.04 $372.00 $287.50 $352.50 $116.40 $6,945.12 $873.92 $1,638.00 $360.00 $92.00 Name Adamecz, Gustav Adams, Nancy E Ahrens, J Markus Albrecht, Randall L Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Angert, Joseph C Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Babbitt, Donald R Bai, Soby Steven Ballard, Kelly K Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Barbara Jean Barrett, Robyn Camella Becker, Kathleen Sue Benton, Deira L Berger, Carol A Bergjans, Dorrine C Berne, Richard R Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Bingham, Thomas J Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blalock, Kay Jeanene Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Bouchard, Celia A 09/20/07 Loc FP FP CC M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M FV FV FV FP CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS 231474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 130450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 NCA Cordin 05/15/07 08/10/07 5.98 ACC114675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ACC208695 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ACCChairTrn 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.50 PE 129601 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 PE 129602 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 AdvNetTrn 07/22/07 08/26/07 5.20 IT 501486 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 RecruitmentProject 06/18/07 07/27/07 1.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 DMS202401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 DMS203401 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 ART172474 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 ART275474 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 10.00 DevCurric 06/06/07 06/30/07 3.00 AUT151450 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.67 HRM128401 05/29/07 07/05/07 3.00 ACC114601 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Orientation 08/06/07 08/25/07 1.00 MTH030603 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 COM101604 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MKT203674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 Released 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 PAR MED SUB 05/21/07 08/10/07 0.62 ENG020402 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.44 The Academy 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ALPCoord 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PC:PhlHum 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.50 IS 102474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY200T95 07/01/07 07/28/07 5.04 COM101585 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.84 ENG101585 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.84 CorrFl06 07/01/07 07/28/07 2.84 PSY210501 06/04/07 07/14/07 48.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 2.00 PSY205T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 DCS208501 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 DCS110551 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 DCS215551 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 DCS208551 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 2.00 IndLiaison 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 GE 131501 05/17/07 06/30/07 1.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ECE101674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST101650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST101W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST101674 05/15/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST115601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 HST101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 HST102650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG030503 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 RDG0505IA 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 RDG030502 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ST 211401 06/04/07 07/28/07 34.66 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 2.00 -24- Amount Paid $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $7,158.05 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $1,576.56 $2,109.12 $2,109.12 $5,465.40 $5,255.20 $1,051.04 $1,198.08 $2,396.16 $7,188.48 $78.00 $4,781.76 $4,781.76 $229.00 $3,153.12 $4,908.36 $3,594.24 $5,856.00 $655.04 $3,153.12 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $4,595.20 $919.04 $484.40 $3,561.78 $1,198.08 $2,396.16 $599.04 $3,594.24 $6,048.80 $3,402.54 $3,402.54 $3,402.54 $1,872.00 $156.00 $3,594.24 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $2,102.08 $3,153.12 $156.00 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $3,153.12 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,153.12 $468.00 $3,153.12 $26,049.92 $1,838.40 Name Bozek, Brian M Brady, Sandra Helen Brake, Dean A Brennan, James R Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burkhardt, Charles E Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L Campbell, Jay G Carter, Christine E Carter, Yolanda W Cernich, Victoria Marie Cervellione, Gabrielle Chambers, Stanley V Chott, Craig S Clark, Judy V Cody, Scott Matthew Coelho, Ana P Collier, Nancy C Collins, Steven G 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP M M M FV M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 2.00 MTH160C503 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH030530 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.50 MTH030585 07/03/07 08/14/07 3.00 CAICordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 RDG020602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Orientation 08/06/07 08/10/07 1.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.67 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 RTH222401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 HST101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 GlobCurr 06/11/07 06/16/07 1.00 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 2.00 SocSciCtrCord 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.00 HST101T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dept Chair 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Dept Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PE 130505 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.33 PE 169501 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.33 PE 169501 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 MTH215551 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MTH123581 06/08/07 06/10/07 1.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH240450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH240501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 GEO100601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 PE 129501 06/04/07 06/21/07 1.00 PE 135T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PEDU729FV 06/04/07 08/11/07 3.00 PE 129501 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 IDS101505 05/15/07 06/01/07 0.75 IDS101505 06/04/07 07/28/07 36.00 PE 105550 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PE 105550 05/15/07 06/01/07 0.33 PHL101601 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PHL101602 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG030650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG030601 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MACTeacher 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG030W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY200448 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 Substitute 05/15/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG2135XD 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG1025XD 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 RDG030403 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG020450 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 RDG030450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 4.00 PgmCordin 07/15/07 07/28/07 1.00 IS 236695 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS COMSDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 MTH030448 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 PSC101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 PSC101W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSC101650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 3.00 CHM106601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 CHM106602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.33 HST105601 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST102W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST102S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -25- Amount Paid $156.00 $3,676.16 $1,378.56 $2,757.12 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $752.00 $3,188.04 $5,977.20 $2,390.78 $2,757.12 $400.00 $1,838.40 $919.04 $2,757.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,040.00 $1,040.00 $1,040.00 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,325.12 $1,195.44 $3,594.24 $54.00 $1,195.44 $643.50 $1,930.68 $1,195.44 $398.48 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $4,512.00 $75.00 $3,930.24 $3,930.24 $2,757.12 $2,574.24 $2,757.12 $312.00 $1,051.04 $3,153.12 $2,808.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $234.00 $5,602.04 $3,499.96 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 Name Conner, Elcee C Conte, Mario V Cooper, Terry D Copp, Julie C Corich, Evelyn F Counte, Suzanne F Crawford, Linden G Cruz, Ana Lucia Cupples, Tommy G Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Daugherty, Seth A Delong, Rondel J Denney, Diane M Dennis, Jeremy K DeVoll, Matthew William Doerr, Erica Lynn Dorsch, Joachim O Downey, Michael D du Maine, Jessica J Dufer, Dennis C Dunbar, Laurencin 09/20/07 Loc M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV CC CC FV FP M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M FP FP FV M M M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HST102601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 RTH145401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.67 RTH1311&2 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 CreditsExam 05/15/07 06/16/07 2.00 DHY215421 06/11/07 06/22/07 2.75 PSY200W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IDS101604 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY200W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY210SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 COM101551 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 COM101503 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 CORDIN 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 Staff Dev 06/18/07 06/29/07 1.00 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 2.00 COM2005XA 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 7.00 ACC100674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 9.68 EDU211601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 GlobalGst 06/17/07 06/30/07 1.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 06/25/07 1.00 IS 112674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 130650 06/19/07 07/26/07 3.00 IS 129674 06/25/07 07/29/07 1.00 PSY200T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY200402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 DeanDuties/Sub 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 PSY205T54 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY100T14 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 PSY205T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 GlobCurr 06/11/07 06/16/07 1.00 IS 246474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 133474 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 IS 251474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 227474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH140401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MTH140402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 IS 103675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Coordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG1024WE 05/15/07 05/31/07 3.00 ENG101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101404 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG030450 07/01/07 07/28/07 1.00 ENG030450 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 English - FP 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 ENG101451 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 GEG103601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 GlobalGst 06/17/07 06/30/07 1.00 HRM116402 05/21/07 06/30/07 1.00 HRM135401 05/21/07 06/30/07 3.00 KID730521 05/21/07 08/11/07 9.00 COM104674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 3.00 COM101602 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Sabbatical 06/16/07 06/23/07 7.50 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 -26- Amount Paid $3,153.12 $1,406.25 $2,812.07 $4,218.32 $1,550.08 $2,900.04 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $234.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,550.08 $300.00 $1,550.40 $2,325.12 $546.00 $3,153.12 $11,590.65 $3,594.24 $100.00 $1,198.08 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $919.04 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,396.16 $3,594.24 $2,396.16 $3,594.24 $7,188.48 $400.00 $3,153.12 $2,106.24 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $3,153.12 $3,594.24 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $1,051.04 $2,102.08 $78.00 $78.00 $2,757.12 $78.00 $3,153.12 $100.00 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $243.00 $3,153.12 $75.00 $3,153.12 $7,882.80 $7,882.80 $78.00 Name Dunlop, Katherine Dwyer, Joan E Ebest, Ron J Edmonds, Dino A Elliott, John Mark Epperson, Cynthia K Featherson, Vincent E Finnell, Patricia K Fischer, Carl W Fish, Lynda K Fitzgerald, Eleftheria Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Fonseca, Eve M Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Freeman, Terrence L Friedman, Donna G 09/20/07 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV M CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M FV FV M FP FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MCMCombin 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MCM219499 07/13/07 07/27/07 1.00 MCM112499 07/13/07 07/27/07 3.00 Curr Dev 07/01/07 07/28/07 1.00 MCM201498 07/13/07 07/27/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 2.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PHY122550 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH160C674 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH140607 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH140650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 8.00 MTH030607 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 1.00 PgmCordin 07/01/07 07/28/07 1.00 ClinCoord 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 XRT116402 06/25/07 08/06/07 3.00 XRT116401 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Released/Chr 07/01/07 07/28/07 3.00 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 DCTM 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 6.00 LPN Bridge 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PLTWCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 MTH030401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MTH186401 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 12.20 IDS101585 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 IDS101HON 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 Assessment 05/15/07 08/10/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 BIO208501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 IDS201585 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.06 BIO207501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 DMCoor 05/15/07 05/19/07 1.00 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 15.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 ENG060448 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG053450 06/18/07 06/22/07 0.50 ESL Tutor 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ENG051450 06/04/07 07/14/07 48.00 ESL Coor 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PTK 07/01/07 07/30/07 2.00 Extended 06/03/07 06/16/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ESC203550 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ESC204650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 2.00 IDS101504 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 CHM206502 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 KID706FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 3.00 CHM1055IA 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.33 CHM106501 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.33 -27- Amount Paid $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $78.00 $468.00 $1,198.08 $468.00 $3,594.24 $66.00 $78.00 $2,325.12 $3,100.16 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $200.00 $2,325.12 $25.00 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $1,051.04 $198.00 $3,153.12 $78.00 $919.04 $919.04 $3,594.24 $4,792.32 $234.00 $3,594.24 $12,824.64 $3,152.19 $78.00 $3,153.60 $78.00 $3,153.12 $4,269.85 $3,153.12 $1,051.04 $15,765.60 $78.00 $5,514.24 $459.52 $919.04 $2,106.24 $919.04 $33.00 $78.00 $2,102.08 $3,153.12 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $66.00 $1,872.00 $3,594.24 $81.00 $6,385.77 $6,385.77 Name Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Fuller, Michael J Gaines, Karen B Gale-Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Gardner, Steven Eugene Garrett, Toni N Garsnett, Kay Lynn Garvey, Pamela A Gee, Stacy L Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Gleason, Mary Ellen Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Gopalan, Chaya Gordon, Brian G 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FV FV M FV FV M M M M M CC FP M FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV M FV M FV CC M FP FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM105552 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.33 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 2.00 DepChair 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BIO111449 05/15/07 06/08/07 1.50 BIO111422 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.33 BIO111421 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO111448 05/15/07 06/08/07 5.83 MTH140SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 CrseRptChair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH140602 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MTH030W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 2.00 MTH160C675 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 ANT104690 06/28/07 07/18/07 6.00 PHL1035LC 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PHL103574 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 4.00 DCS118551 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 06/18/07 08/11/07 5.00 SOC101T16 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 SOC204T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 IDS201674 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 SOC204T16 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 SOC204T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 GENEDCOR 06/04/07 08/10/07 1.00 GlobCurr 06/11/07 06/16/07 1.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Librarian 05/15/07 07/29/07 0.75 LIBMAN 07/29/07 08/11/07 2.00 ENG201S01 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 IS 102550 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BLKBD 07/01/07 07/14/07 6.00 IS 123575 06/04/07 06/29/07 1.00 IS 151574 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 Pgm Coord 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PgmCordin 07/15/07 07/28/07 1.00 IS 136575 06/04/07 06/29/07 1.00 IS 125674 06/25/07 07/28/07 2.00 IS 1265IA 07/09/07 07/14/07 1.00 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 2.00 IS 151674 06/04/07 07/22/07 4.00 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PLTW 06/04/07 06/15/07 2.00 GScoutPrj 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 EGR145501 07/02/07 07/06/07 1.34 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 2.00 CurDevlop 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.50 AUT150401 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.67 AUT151401 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.67 MTH140674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH020651 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH240650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BIO208502 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 3.00 BIO208550 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.33 BIO207502 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.33 HST102T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 HST101T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST102550 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 -28- Amount Paid $6,385.77 $2,396.16 $3,594.24 $1,378.56 $2,141.36 $3,979.44 $5,358.00 $234.00 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $50.00 $4,792.32 $7,188.48 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $100.00 $2,757.12 $125.00 $3,153.12 $1,051.04 $4,204.16 $1,051.04 $1,051.04 $1,051.20 $800.00 $3,594.24 $689.40 $2,102.08 $5,514.24 $2,325.12 $240.00 $775.04 $3,100.16 $775.04 $775.04 $775.04 $1,550.08 $78.00 $1,550.40 $3,100.16 $8,985.00 $3,153.12 $2,102.08 $1,051.04 $1,408.39 $33.00 $66.00 $1,162.56 $3,619.44 $3,619.44 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $4,792.32 $234.00 $5,187.69 $5,187.69 $4,792.32 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 Name Gordon, Katherine Heather Gormley, James C Grahlfs, Joan M Graville, Teri K Grote, Terri J Groth, Charles E Grupas, Angela K Hafer, Gail H Hagan, Marilyn Kay Hake, Carol L Hake, John C Hallermann, Charleen T Hamberg, Linda J Hanlon, David R Hansen, Troy Robert Harlan, Vernon T Harms, Robert C Harris, James J Hartmann, William K Hartsfield, Janice Craig Hartwein, Jon Haun, Margaret C 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FP M FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HST102501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 HST107501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 3.00 GraphicCom 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 MTH160C551 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH160C555 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 Released 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 ProgCoorCVT 06/30/07 08/11/07 1.00 DIET704500 06/03/07 06/04/07 1.00 TRNSDepChr 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 COM107T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM107674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM107675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM107T16 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 AstChrCOM 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ECO152W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dep Chair 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 BUS201W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 AT 254601 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.27 ART152601 05/16/07 05/26/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 6.00 MTH210501 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH210551 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH170535 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MTH210450 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH140403 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 06/05/07 08/11/07 4.25 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 6.00 Coordinator 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Extended 06/01/07 07/28/07 1.00 PgmChair 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.50 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.49 ART165601 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 6.93 CRJ123474 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 CRJ101474 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 CRJ111401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 CRJ124474 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 2.00 CRJ208474 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BIO111676 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO111603 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO111602 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO111674 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 ENG020401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG1024WD 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 TheAcademy 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 RDG020502 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 RDG020501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 XRT215401 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 XRT116401 06/04/07 06/15/07 4.00 SOC201T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 SOC101 52 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 SOC101T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -29- Amount Paid $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $234.00 $1,198.69 $4,204.16 $4,204.16 $3,875.20 $775.04 $78.00 $1,051.04 $75.00 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $2,396.16 $3,594.24 $2,390.88 $318.78 $3,594.24 $468.00 $3,875.20 $3,875.20 $2,325.12 $5,990.40 $3,594.24 $106.25 $468.00 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $1,797.12 $1,574.80 $4,218.24 $5,368.26 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $156.00 $3,594.24 $4,551.00 $4,551.00 $4,551.00 $4,551.00 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $8,985.00 $919.04 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $1,838.08 $3,676.16 $2,808.00 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 Name Loc Hauser, Michael A M M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M M FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M Heaton, Patricia L Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller Herman, Susan K Hertel, Robert B Herzog, David L Heth, George O Higdon, Paul Edward Higgins, Julie C High, Julie Ann Hizer, Karen Marie Hovis, Janice Kay Hsu, Jeff C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Huether, Teresa F Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hunt-Bradford, Susan E 09/20/07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM105602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.33 CHM105601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 CreditsExam 05/15/07 06/16/07 1.50 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 DHY142421 06/26/07 07/12/07 2.08 Librarian 05/15/07 06/01/07 0.80 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 5.60 Substitute 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 Dep Chair 05/21/07 06/30/07 3.00 MGT101574 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BUS104550 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MGT204574 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BUS104T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MGT106574 06/04/07 07/14/07 48.00 BUS104574 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 DepChair 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 BIO203501 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.67 BIO203502 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 MUS114551 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PianoCombos 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 MUS114574 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MUS212585 05/22/07 07/03/07 1.50 HST1025WA 05/22/07 07/03/07 1.50 MUS103574 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG2035WA 05/22/07 07/03/07 1.50 MUS PC 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.50 MTH160C402 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 MTH160C401 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 5.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PTA 217 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.20 EXTPTA211 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 EXTPTA214 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.50 PTA217SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 4.00 EDU215601 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Librarian 06/04/07 07/27/07 2.00 Extended 06/03/07 06/16/07 3.00 ACC100602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BIO203449 05/15/07 06/08/07 2.67 BIO208422 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 BIO207450 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO203447 05/15/07 06/08/07 2.66 BIO208421 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.34 ARC123650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Staff Dev 05/15/07 05/19/07 1.00 COL506501 07/09/07 08/03/07 1.25 CtlCoor 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST101603 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 HST101602 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG101421 07/16/07 08/03/07 3.00 ENG101401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG101448 05/15/07 05/31/07 3.00 ENG030402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG101403 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MCM141674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MCM101674 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MCM101675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -30- Amount Paid $3,989.60 $6,385.76 $2,396.16 $1,512.00 $1,198.08 $2,490.50 $840.96 $5,147.52 $150.00 $3,153.12 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,574.24 $7,188.48 $78.00 $1,576.56 $4,908.36 $4,204.16 $2,757.12 $1,838.08 $2,757.12 $1,378.56 $1,378.56 $2,757.12 $1,378.56 $459.52 $3,100.16 $3,100.16 $390.00 $1,051.04 $210.20 $1,051.04 $1,576.56 $624.00 $2,325.12 $1,838.40 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,806.28 $1,397.88 $4,551.00 $2,795.76 $4,561.52 $2,757.12 $919.44 $200.00 $1,497.60 $7,188.48 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,340.00 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 Name Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J Ivory, Jeffrey P James, Darrin C Jason, Marita A Johnson, Ida T Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Jones, Trevin J Josten, Denice L Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalfus, Richard M Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Keller, Patty OHallaron Kelly, J Kevin Kiser, Karen M Klein, Nancy M Knight, Sandra M 09/20/07 Loc M M FP M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MCM101HON 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 MCM140674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM101421 07/16/07 08/11/07 3.00 COM101652 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM107S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM107W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 136674 06/18/07 07/22/07 2.00 ARTS MCE 05/15/07 06/01/07 48.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.00 AT 601SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 ART113639 06/18/07 07/27/07 4.00 ART113638 06/18/07 07/27/07 4.00 PHL103601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 HST205690 06/18/07 07/06/07 3.00 PHL103690 06/18/07 07/06/07 3.00 MTH020404 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MTH020401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 HRM202401 05/21/07 06/30/07 3.00 HRM141401 05/21/07 06/30/07 1.00 PE 106580 05/15/07 07/14/07 1.33 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 2.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 11.20 BUS104401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 ACC100451 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BUS201401 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ACC100474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 7.00 ACC110451 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 Substitute 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 IS 103474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 103475 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 CorForLng 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ECE105502 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.40 ECE203502 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.40 ECE206502 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.99 BIO207603 06/12/07 07/07/07 4.33 BIO207601 05/15/07 06/08/07 4.33 BIO208601 05/15/07 06/08/07 4.33 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 BIO208603 06/12/07 07/07/07 4.33 BIO1456C1 07/21/07 07/28/07 2.00 PSY203T16 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PSY208T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY203T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PSY205T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY203T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PSY200T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PE 131 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 FitCtrCor 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 PE131132601 05/16/07 07/27/07 2.25 CLT105448 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.81 PgmDirect 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ClnCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 OTA104601 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PgmDirect 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 10.20 -31- Amount Paid $78.00 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $3,594.24 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $2,102.08 $1,296.00 $919.44 $936.00 $3,677.76 $3,677.76 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $3,153.12 $1,051.04 $1,040.00 $156.00 $1,838.08 $10,295.04 $3,153.12 $2,757.12 $8,985.00 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $546.00 $3,676.16 $50.00 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $4,792.32 $4,792.32 $3,594.24 $1,677.32 $479.24 $1,186.10 $5,187.68 $5,187.68 $5,187.68 $4,792.32 $5,187.68 $2,396.16 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $4,218.24 $1,406.08 $2,369.24 $3,362.51 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $2,396.16 $1,198.08 $10,722.24 Name Kokotovich, Lisa M Koosmann, Steven B Koric, Arabela Kreider, Mary K Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert S Langrehr, Andrew M Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S Lee, Dianne M Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lemons, Shelly Lynn Lewis, Christine Marie Lewis, Walter B Licata, Christina F Lincoln, Craig Walter Little, Timothy A Liu, Grace Lodhi, Afzal K Luebke, Mary E Lupardus, S Carol 09/20/07 Loc FP FP FP M M M M M M M FV FV M M M M FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV M M FP FP FP M M M FV CC M M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NURS FPCE 06/10/07 08/11/07 4.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 MTH140448 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 HMS202601 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 HMS203650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HMS201601 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.60 MTH030602 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MTH140608 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH140603 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 2.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 CHM101602 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.33 CHM102650 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 CHM101601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 5.64 IDS201574 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HIT101474 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.09 HIT101474 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.91 IS 103448 05/15/07 05/31/07 3.00 HIT101475 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 PSI111674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSI101674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSI111675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PHY111695 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 IDS201601 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 HST101S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST101T16 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 HST102602 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MTH030604 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 CRSE RPTR 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 MTH186601 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 HST101S01 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MTH160C553 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 CordinTec 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 MTH186552 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 MTH030542 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 CRJ123674 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 CRJ111674 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 CRJ122674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 CRJ124674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 2.00 PSI111601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ENG053450 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG061450 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Global Ed 06/11/07 06/16/07 3.00 Released 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 BIO111W02 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 DCS PC 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 3.00 Wildwood 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Wildwood 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 ENG2265WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 EDU2265WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -32- Amount Paid $132.00 $2,396.16 $2,325.12 $7,188.48 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $718.84 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $156.00 $3,153.12 $4,204.16 $2,448.92 $4,551.00 $5,602.04 $5,181.99 $7,352.32 $3,594.24 $1,306.66 $3,484.92 $3,594.24 $4,792.32 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $5,990.40 $4,204.16 $3,153.12 $4,204.16 $3,153.12 $2,757.12 $919.04 $3,676.16 $2,757.12 $3,676.16 $919.04 $3,676.16 $78.00 $2,757.12 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,102.08 $3,594.24 $5,514.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $5,990.40 $5,187.68 $2,396.16 $3,594.00 $1,051.04 $2,102.08 $1,198.08 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 Name Lyons, Eilene M Loc FV FV FV FV FV Magagnos, Lovedy S FV FV FV Malone, McCoy A FP FP FP Manteuffel, Mark Steven FV FV FV FV Marion, Louis M FP Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth M M M M Mayes, Karen K FV McBride, Patrick C FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP McCloskey, Ellen A FV FV FV FV FV McDonald, Virginia N M M McDoniel, Lawrence J CC McDowell, Barbara J FV M McElligott, Pamela G M M M McEwen, Patricia B FP FP FP FP FP FP McGuffin, Dorothy B FV McHugh, James M FP FP FP McKay, Heather CC McManemy, Jeffrey Charles FV FV FV McManus, Laurie K M M Medeiros, Jennifer Anne FV 09/20/07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BioDeptChair 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 CorBiotech 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 2.00 CordinSTEM 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BiotechIntern 06/04/07 07/14/07 0.60 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ECE103550 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ECE102550 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG100401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 RDG030401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 RDG030402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BIO111502 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BIO111501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BIO111501lab 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.33 BIO111502lab 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.33 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 5.20 BIO117674 05/15/07 06/22/07 3.00 BIO122675 05/15/07 06/22/07 1.88 BIO122674 05/15/07 06/22/07 1.88 BIO122676 05/15/07 06/22/07 1.88 Direct NSG 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 DChair2003 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 DChair2005 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 DChair2001 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 PE 130131132401 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 DChair2002 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 PE 135T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PE 130131132402 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 DepChair 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 PE 130408 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 DChair2004 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 COM PC 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 COM101574 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MCM1015XA 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 COM101501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 COM DC 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BIO203602 05/15/07 06/22/07 4.33 BIO203601 05/15/07 06/22/07 4.33 Assessment 05/15/07 08/10/07 6.00 DCTM 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Extended 06/03/07 06/16/07 3.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 BUS104650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 FIN201650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BIO 208 05/15/07 06/08/07 1.33 CHM101422 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 CHM101421 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 Released 07/01/07 08/14/07 12.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 BIO208448 05/15/07 06/08/07 4.33 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 6.20 DepChair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MKT203T14 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 5.00 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 3.00 Extended II 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 Extended I 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/07 06/18/07 0.50 MTH160C651 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH160C650 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 HST1025WA 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.41 -33- Amount Paid $1,576.56 $1,051.04 $156.00 $3,153.12 $630.63 $1,051.04 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $1,222.32 $1,222.32 $5,466.24 $3,152.85 $1,976.03 $1,976.03 $1,976.03 $7,188.48 $3,530.40 $3,708.16 $3,390.24 $1,225.92 $3,474.08 $2,758.32 $1,225.92 $3,677.76 $1,225.92 $3,530.40 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $5,187.68 $5,187.68 $7,188.00 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $50.00 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $1,222.32 $4,898.48 $4,898.48 $11,028.48 $919.04 $3,979.44 $7,427.60 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $390.00 $3,594.00 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $599.04 $4,792.32 $4,792.32 $1,295.04 Name Mense, James J Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Meyer, Deborah M Meyer, Eric W Miller, Donda Dianne Miller, Robert J Mitchell, Lucille B Mizes, Lisa R Molner, Arthur R Monachella, Mary B Montgomery, David L Moody, Carla J Moody, Peggy L Morris, Betsy J Mosher, Anne Marie Mozelewski, Ronald A Mueller, Craig Hugo Mueller, Kelly J Munson, Bruce J Nance, Harreld E 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP M FV FV M M FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FP CC FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MUS212585 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 ENG2035WA 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 ENG1025WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG030574 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 IS 110674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSC101602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSC101S02 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 123426 06/05/07 06/14/07 1.00 IS 123466 06/05/07 06/14/07 1.00 Extended 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 IS 123474 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 CorHonors 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ECE204574 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 ECE201501 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 IS 103602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 103651 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 11.20 NURS723405 06/01/07 08/11/07 84.00 TEST FPCE 05/25/07 06/04/07 7.00 RDG Coor 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 RDG030S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG030602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 RDG030650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH020650 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MTH210602 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH140605 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH140601 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH160C603 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH020602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 CrseRepeat 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ART103S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ART101S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 COM101402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 COM101403 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ART107669 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.67 ART107650 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.67 ART109601 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 MTH170501 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH170551 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ADJCoord 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Substitute 06/25/07 08/11/07 6.00 MTH140535 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ECO152574 06/04/07 07/14/07 9.00 ECO151501 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BUS201574 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 DepChair 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BUS201501 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 CurrDevlop 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 2.00 SPA202501 07/09/07 07/13/07 4.00 SPA101550 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 ForLanCoor 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.00 CorStfDev 06/04/07 07/27/07 7.50 Workshop 05/21/07 06/01/07 2.00 CRJ212574 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 CRJ1015IA 07/26/07 08/04/07 3.00 CRJ1045IA 07/26/07 08/04/07 3.00 CRJ1025IA 07/26/07 08/04/07 3.00 CRJ209501 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.60 -34- Amount Paid $1,128.00 $1,128.00 $78.00 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $1,051.04 $1,051.04 $2,102.08 $1,051.04 $2,757.12 $5,514.24 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $13,417.60 $2,772.00 $115.50 $1,838.08 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $3,594.24 $5,990.40 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $4,792.32 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $919.04 $2,451.84 $2,451.84 $3,677.76 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,198.08 $150.00 $3,594.24 $10,782.72 $3,594.24 $7,188.48 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,153.12 $156.00 $312.00 $3,676.16 $919.04 $5,812.80 $1,550.40 $3,153.12 $702.00 $1,170.00 $936.00 $630.62 Name Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Nelson, Donna Marie Nesser-Chu, Janice Nichols, Andrea Jean Njoku, Angela C Noori-Khajavi, Anoosh North, Sharon I Nygard, Paul D Olson, Karen A Oney, Margaret J Ostlund, Karen M Patton, Michael Francis Pea, Nancy E Jones Pedersen, Timothy W Pennington, Jack L Peppes, Nicholas D Peraud, Richard J Person, Sharon K 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV M M M FV FV FP FP FP M FV FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 CRJ211501 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.80 Orientation 08/06/07 08/31/07 1.00 THT P/C 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 StfDevSmCoor 07/01/07 07/14/07 1.50 Peer Ldr 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.25 StfDevCorSmr 07/15/07 07/28/07 1.50 Staff Dev 05/15/07 05/19/07 1.00 Director 05/15/07 06/17/07 6.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 GalleryDir 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PC:Photog 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 SOC101T54 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 SOC101T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 SOC204T54 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IDS101448 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 Substitute 07/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 CLT105448 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.81 MTH210451 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH160C403 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 MTH160C448 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 MTH186501 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 KID723FV 05/21/07 08/11/07 9.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH160C535 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 MTH123580 06/08/07 06/10/07 1.00 MUS212585 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 HST1025WA 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 HST101501 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ENG2035WA 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 IDS201S01 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ECE127674 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ECE103674 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 ENG101474 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 ECO140601 05/15/07 06/01/07 6.00 CordinNSG 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 MTH040501 06/04/07 07/28/07 10.00 MTH140501 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 DepChair 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 BIO203450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 BIO203422 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 BIO203448 05/15/07 06/08/07 4.33 BIO447LEC 05/15/07 06/08/07 2.33 BIO203421 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.66 ECO151401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ECO151451 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 6.00 ECO151448 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ENG102SWC 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG201601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ENG061401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG070450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -35- Amount Paid $1,051.04 $840.84 $752.00 $1,051.04 $1,576.56 $1,313.80 $1,576.56 $200.00 $6,306.24 $78.00 $1,838.08 $919.04 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,638.00 $78.00 $50.00 $2,965.96 $3,875.20 $3,100.16 $2,325.12 $4,792.32 $243.00 $3,594.24 $4,792.32 $1,198.08 $1,576.56 $1,576.56 $3,153.12 $1,576.56 $4,204.16 $78.00 $1,051.04 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $78.00 $5,226.24 $2,757.12 $33.00 $919.04 $6,550.40 $3,930.24 $4,792.32 $2,396.16 $2,396.16 $5,187.68 $2,791.52 $5,583.06 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $468.00 $3,594.24 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 Name Pescarino, Richard A Petroff, Kathleen M Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Pisacreta, Diane Polta, Sally Louise Popper, Regina W Pressman, Sophia Raheja, Nina S Ralphs, Laura Christine Rashid, Kamau Rebollo, Jean M Reeves, Aaron L Rhodes, Marlene Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Roach, Timothy L Roberts, Paul R Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard G Ruppert, Joan Hart Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Schaber, Jennifer K Schalda, Anne Therese Schamber, Steven M 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP M M FP M M M M M M M M M FV FP M M FV FV FV FV FV M FP FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH020542 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 MTH020505 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Substitute 06/28/07 08/11/07 2.00 MTH030535 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 OriCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 2.00 RDG020402 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 FLIT765H54 06/04/07 08/11/07 2.00 HRM134401 05/21/07 06/30/07 3.00 PSY125675 05/15/07 06/22/07 1.88 PSY125676 05/15/07 06/22/07 1.88 PSY200674 05/15/07 06/22/07 3.00 PSY125674 05/15/07 06/22/07 1.88 XRT215401 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 CordinMam 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 XRT121448 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 3.00 PSY203601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 PSY2036X1 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.50 NRSGADJFP 05/25/07 08/11/07 0.08 COMP EVAL 06/01/07 08/11/07 9.00 Set Up 06/01/07 08/11/07 0.06 CTCR FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 16.00 DCTM 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 AstCor DA 07/01/07 07/28/07 1.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 GlobCurr 06/11/07 06/16/07 1.00 SOC101402 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 SOC101450 06/04/07 08/11/07 6.00 SOC101401 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 THT101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 ACC291498 06/17/07 06/30/07 3.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 10.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 8.20 PRD121H01 05/20/07 08/11/07 1.00 PSY200601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 PSY214601 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Ret Indust 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 Released 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 HRT 105 06/04/07 07/28/07 0.47 PgmDirect 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 BIO124601 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 SPA202SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 4.00 SPA102650 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 SPA101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 SPA201601 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 HMS111501 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 AHCE 701 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 13.00 SOC201SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 CHM122501 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.66 CHM106550 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.33 CHM1015IA 06/04/07 07/14/07 5.33 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 2.00 Released 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.50 MATH MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 FORLANCOR 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 MTH030540 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH030541 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ECOSUBMCE 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 -36- Amount Paid $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $50.00 $2,757.12 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $42.00 $2,757.12 $1,975.96 $1,975.96 $3,153.12 $1,975.96 $3,676.16 $1,838.08 $1,838.08 $234.00 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $49.50 $43.66 $297.00 $29.12 $528.00 $919.04 $752.00 $78.00 $400.00 $2,325.12 $4,650.24 $2,325.12 $2,757.12 $234.00 $780.00 $8,619.84 $1,051.04 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,838.08 $5,990.40 $1,198.08 $493.98 $2,102.08 $4,551.00 $312.00 $4,792.32 $4,792.32 $4,792.32 $3,594.24 $33.00 $15,574.00 $234.00 $6,999.93 $5,602.05 $5,602.05 $1,838.08 $1,576.56 $324.00 $919.04 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $50.00 Name Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Joseph R Schweser, Susan K Seese, Lillian M Serns, Susan Lynn Shanks-Brueggenjohann, Cindy Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A Shiller, Casey Eric Shuck, Patrick J Shukralla, Elias Kedir Shultis, Eric Sibbitts, Gary E Simmons, Nancy R Smith, Katherine Elizabeth Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R 09/20/07 Loc M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ECO152603 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ECO152601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 CordinREL 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 CordinREL 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 ECO152602 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Librarian 05/15/07 07/28/07 6.51 PSI123675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSI101601 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSI123674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 GEO100674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 GEO100675 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH160C604 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 PtCoord 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 MTH160C602 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH230602 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 CorCOL020 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH230601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH020601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 6.00 RDG030550 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 ActingChair 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Assessment 05/15/07 08/10/07 3.00 ENG101476 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG101475 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 HIT103474 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 HIT208450 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 HIT210401 06/04/07 07/28/07 32.00 HIT102450 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 HRM512401 05/15/07 06/02/07 2.00 HRM513401 05/15/07 06/30/07 3.00 HRM514401 06/05/07 06/30/07 2.00 ART108601 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.67 SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 BUS201602 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BUS201601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BUS201S50 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PCFineArt 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 Substitute 06/03/07 08/11/07 2.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 Dep Chair 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 LGL108650 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 BLW201601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 LGL219601 07/01/07 07/14/07 0.40 BLW201HON 07/09/07 07/13/07 1.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/14/07 1.00 PgmCordin 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Librarian 05/15/07 08/13/07 4.81 EDU226S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 FD 102474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 FD 103474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 FD 104474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 BIO208602 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO151674 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BIO111677 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO111675 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 ENG1025XA 05/15/07 06/16/07 3.00 ENG1025WD 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG2055WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -37- Amount Paid $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $1,838.08 $919.04 $2,757.12 $7,794.49 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $4,792.32 $1,198.08 $4,792.32 $5,990.40 $3,594.24 $5,990.40 $3,594.24 $150.00 $5,856.00 $5,856.00 $775.04 $2,757.60 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $1,838.08 $1,838.08 $312.00 $3,676.16 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $1,550.08 $3,187.84 $234.00 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $1,198.69 $50.00 $78.00 $1,051.04 $2,102.08 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $479.23 $78.00 $1,198.08 $1,198.08 $4,423.65 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $919.04 $4,551.00 $3,153.12 $4,551.00 $4,551.00 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 Name Spencer, Jamieson Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stephens, Christopher J Stiles, Marsha Irene Stukenholtz, Larry L Suess, Patricia A Swallow, Cheryl A Swyers, Kathleen M Talkad, Venugopal D Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Taylor, Timothy Neal Thomas, Corinne M Thomas, Ronald W Thomas-Vertrees, Laverne Thomas-Woods, Renee M Thompson, Judith S Tiedt, Linda J Tulley, Mark David Tyler, Margaret G Tylka, David L Unger, Richard S Wachal, Barbara Joan 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FV FV M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG2055XA 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ENG1025WB 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG2055WB 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Honors 05/20/07 06/02/07 1.00 IDS201576 06/04/07 07/14/07 63.97 ENG101501 05/15/07 06/16/07 3.00 COM107601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 COM110674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IDS101674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Extended 05/15/07 08/13/07 11.20 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 15.00 BLW1015IA 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 MUS102SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 4.00 MUS114674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MUS114601 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 Substitute 06/18/07 08/11/07 8.00 MTH160C501 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH160C505 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 GRLSCTPRJ 06/11/07 06/30/07 1.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 10.20 CHM106421 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 CHM206450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101603 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 EDU211501 07/16/07 08/11/07 32.00 ISW FAC 05/20/07 06/01/07 1.00 Extended 06/01/07 08/04/07 1.00 EDU211501 06/04/07 07/14/07 48.00 IDS101S50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG1026WB 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 Asst Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BIO111601 05/15/07 06/08/07 4.33 ART112636 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 BUS103650 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ACC291601 07/01/07 07/14/07 0.40 ACC110674 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 ACC100SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 ACC110601 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 ACCDepCh 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ForumAdv 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 COM101502 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 ART134639 05/15/07 06/01/07 4.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.00 PE 135T56 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PE 161674 05/15/07 07/29/07 3.00 PE 180674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BUS104601 06/04/07 07/14/07 6.00 BUS520H01 05/20/07 05/30/07 1.00 PSY208 51 06/04/07 07/28/07 48.00 PSY208T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSY200574 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PSY200502 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PSY200501 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BIO111604 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO111605 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.33 BIO119601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 BIO117602 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 BIO117601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 PgmCordin 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ENG2045WA 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 -38- Amount Paid $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $78.00 $2,494.83 $3,153.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $13,417.60 $17,971.20 $234.00 $936.00 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $200.00 $3,676.16 $3,676.16 $919.04 $3,594.24 $10,722.24 $5,602.04 $3,153.12 $2,325.12 $156.16 $900.00 $1,198.08 $1,950.08 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $5,187.68 $4,781.76 $3,594.24 $479.23 $4,792.32 $234.00 $4,792.32 $1,198.08 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $4,781.76 $2,390.88 $3,586.32 $3,586.32 $3,586.32 $5,226.24 $871.04 $2,574.24 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $5,187.68 $5,187.68 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $1,051.04 $2,757.12 Name Waghulde, Vidyullata C Wagner, Joyce D Walker, Carla Drake Walker, Mitchell E Wallner, Donna F Walsh, Janet K Warren, Aundrea L Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Welty, Dorothy J Wentworth, Glenna C Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wigg, David George Wilke, Fred J Williams, Louis Wilson, Nathan G Wilson, Pamela S Winter, Rebecca Anne Worth, Joseph B Zant, Thomas 09/20/07 Loc FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV CC M M FV FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV M FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IDS201575 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 IDS201577 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 ENG2015XA 05/15/07 06/16/07 3.00 CHM207601 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 CHM105695 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.33 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 ENG2015WB 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101574 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ENG101575 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 TheAcademy 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ActCordin 05/15/07 08/10/07 10.69 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 NATEF 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 AUT167499 07/09/07 07/15/07 3.00 AUT158499 07/09/07 07/15/07 2.00 ISW FAC 05/20/07 06/01/07 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/07 06/18/07 2.00 Extended 06/01/07 06/18/07 1.00 Assessment 05/15/07 08/10/07 3.00 Extended 06/03/07 06/16/07 1.00 NRSG MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 6.00 BIO203552 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.67 ART114401 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 Outreach 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/14/07 4.00 GlobCurr 06/11/07 06/16/07 1.00 AUT156450 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.67 Released 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 Released 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 Speaker 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 ISW 05/20/07 06/01/07 1.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 8.30 CorStfDev 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.00 CorStfDev 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 ACC100SDL 07/09/07 07/13/07 3.00 ACC114674 05/15/07 07/06/07 3.00 DeptCh 05/15/07 06/01/07 2.00 IDS101603 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 SOC101601 05/15/07 06/01/07 3.00 SOC1016X1 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH220602 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 MTH030W50 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 MTH220601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 PSC205T14 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 PSC101551 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 PSC101T15 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 Dep Chair 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 IS 2255IA 07/10/07 07/13/07 3.00 HST101421 07/16/07 08/03/07 3.19 HST102450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 AfAmTran 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 PSC101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 HST100401 06/04/07 07/14/07 48.00 GlobCurr 06/11/07 06/16/07 1.00 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 2.00 MTH160C605 06/04/07 07/28/07 4.00 MTH210601 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 7.43 CWCAdmin 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 7.48 Sabbatical 06/04/07 07/28/07 7.50 -39- Amount Paid $3,676.16 $3,676.16 $2,757.12 $3,153.12 $5,602.04 $919.04 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $2,757.12 $919.04 $9,822.24 $3,594.24 $3,594.24 $702.00 $468.00 $900.00 $2,396.16 $1,198.08 $3,594.00 $1,198.08 $198.00 $3,619.44 $4,781.76 $3,594.24 $4,781.76 $800.00 $4,291.92 $775.04 $3,875.20 $25.00 $775.04 $7,629.36 $1,198.08 $3,594.24 $936.00 $3,594.24 $2,396.16 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $5,990.40 $3,594.24 $5,990.40 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,153.12 $3,594.24 $1,170.00 $3,350.19 $3,153.12 $1,051.04 $3,153.12 $2,574.24 $800.00 $156.00 $3,676.16 $4,595.20 $6,825.06 $5,514.24 $7,857.72 $8,985.00 Name Zumwinkel, Donna Marie 09/20/07 Loc M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Counselor 05/15/07 08/13/07 7.83 -40- Amount Paid $7,192.78 Name Aslin, Holly A Bakke, Donna J Banahan, Richard M Bell, Yolanda Bottger, Robert C Brandon-Straub, Rachel R Burns, Kelli M Cole, Jennifer A Cooper, James N Dang-Williams, Thao Xuan Ehlen, Steven F Fillingim, Steven S Gero, Susan A Heyer, Julie B Iborg, Deborah A James, Stacy R Jones, Darren Bruce Karl, Patrick J Kinney, Johnna D Krogmeier, Mary Lawler, Nancy M Miller, Marc A Morrell, Anisha Layla Neil, Darlene H Nelson, James S Novikova, Galina Partee, Nigel C Rau, Dennis E Robinson, Timitra La Shawn Romer, Ronnie L Schrader, Karen M Seddon, Karla S Werner, Donna J 09/20/07 Loc FP FV FP FP FP FP M FP M FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FP M CC FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FP M FV FV FP FP M FP FP FV FP M M FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Summer 2007 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv CCPR FPCE 06/02/07 06/30/07 2.00 $58.00 CCP703551 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 $58.00 WebCordin 06/04/07 07/27/07 12.00 $9,024.00 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 18.00 $594.00 CRJS FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 27.00 $783.00 IS 101H80 06/09/07 07/31/07 1.66 $1,091.46 PE 130 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.00 $919.44 Substitute 06/14/07 08/11/07 2.00 $44.00 BUS202650 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $2,757.12 CCP718576 05/21/07 08/11/07 2.00 $54.00 IS 1245IA 07/16/07 07/28/07 1.00 $156.00 IS 123551 06/04/07 06/18/07 1.00 $655.04 Honors 06/25/07 07/15/07 1.00 $78.00 COM101474 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $3,594.24 COM101475 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $3,594.24 KIDS FVCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 18.00 $594.00 Substitute 06/04/07 08/11/07 3.00 $69.00 BIO111650 06/04/07 07/28/07 8.66 $8,452.16 NCAEditor 06/07/07 12/20/07 3.80 $2,943.24 FC Director 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 $1,033.92 PE 130502 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 $1,225.92 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 2.50 $62.50 PE 121501 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 $1,225.92 IS 116550 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 $3,492.48 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 12.00 $324.00 PE 130 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.67 $1,300.00 PE 135T66 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $2,340.00 PE 173650 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.27 $991.25 COMP FPCE 05/20/07 08/11/07 6.00 $198.00 COMP MCE 05/21/07 08/11/07 14.50 $478.50 PE 173501 05/15/07 06/01/07 1.33 $1,040.00 PE 174501 06/04/07 07/28/07 1.33 $1,040.00 ECE103H01 05/20/07 06/30/07 2.00 $1,504.00 ECE103H01 07/01/07 08/11/07 4.00 $3,676.16 MTH020S01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $2,325.12 MCM126450 06/04/07 07/28/07 6.00 $4,512.00 IDS101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $2,757.12 HEC COOR 05/21/07 08/11/07 27.00 $675.00 Librarian 06/04/07 07/27/07 0.65 $683.28 Substitute 05/15/07 08/11/07 3.00 $75.00 MTH020W01 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $2,757.12 PE 109401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 $1,552.00 PE 121401 06/04/07 07/28/07 2.66 $1,552.00 ONEACTEST 06/04/07 07/14/07 3.00 $2,325.12 GEDU701403 06/01/07 08/11/07 10.00 $210.00 PE 133680 05/19/07 07/07/07 1.33 $1,040.00 HIT101450 06/04/07 07/28/07 5.82 $3,386.24 HIT101450 05/16/07 06/01/07 2.18 $1,269.66 Mall 06/04/07 08/11/07 200.50 $4,010.00 PHL104674 06/04/07 07/28/07 3.00 $3,153.12 -41- St. Louis Community College Grand Total 3.2 Ratifications Summer 2007 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $5,126,555.99 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $385,054.04 09/20/07 -42- 09/20/07 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME Etling, Nancy -41- 3.4 LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE M Associate Professor/Interior Design 08/14/07-05/12/08 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Lewis, Malinda FV Student Services Assistant II 08/18/07-11/18/07 Mitchell, Priscilla FV Administrative Clerk II 08/16/07-10/22/07 09/20/07 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION Bishopp, Martina Small, Terence CC M TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Serials Coordinator 09/07/07 Manager, Career & Employment Services 10/05/07 Resignations 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/TERMINATIONS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE -42- Morgan, Daniel FP Housekeeper 09/26/07 Altemeyer, Andrew M Lifeguard, Part-time, Continuing 09/21/07 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees’ approval on 08/30/07: 3.1 Appointments/Full-Time Administrative/Professional Staff, p. 2: Delete Dorothy Turner; FP; Senior Project Associate II (declined appointment). 3.2 2007-2008 Salary Recommendations for Full-Time Faculty, p. 14: Revise salary of Thomas McGovern, Assistant Professor, range V-C, from $52,157 to $53,719. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: MANAGER, GATEWAY TO COLLEGE CLASSIFICATION: Professional REPORTS TO: Vice President, Academic Affairs (FV) SUPERVISION GIVEN: Student Resource Specialists (3), Project Associate II (1), Educational Assistants (2-part time) POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to provide leadership, coordination, direction and vision for the replication of the Gateway to College program – a start-up program serving at-risk high school students and high school dropouts ages 16 to 20. Works closely with college and school district staff and the grant funder to implement a learning experience providing students an opportunity to earn a high school diploma while earning college credits. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Provides leadership, planning, and supervision to the Gateway to College Program. Creates a friendly and supportive atmosphere for students, faculty, staff, and the public. EF Develops and modifies curriculum to meet state content standards, school district diploma requirements, and college-degree requirements. Oversees instruction and supervises program faculty in order to meet student progress and completion goals and to provide the best service to Gateway to College participants. EF Manages program budget in collaboration with college accounting staff. Prepares and monitors program budgets and cost allocation formulas; ensures the effective use of the financial resources of Gateway to College and the accuracy of budget reports. EF Gathers and analyzes current information on effective methods of serving the educational goals of non-traditional populations. Keeps pace with all current developments in local, state, and national trends or regulations in the areas of curriculum and instruction as they relate to Gateway to College. EF Plans, develops, implements, and evaluates programs in compliance with project contract. EF Maintains relationships with business, labor, industry, governmental agencies, and community organizations. Writes and negotiates contracts with program partners such as school districts, private industry, and other organizations serving non-traditional populations. Date Issued: 8/07 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. EF Works with parents and students, college administrator, faculty, and staff to address problems with student behavior and/or performance which may interfere with students’ success. Maintains program statistics relating to enrollments, success rates, attendance, and other data. EF Performs normal supervisory functions. Performs other job related duties as assigned. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Working knowledge and understanding of relevant curriculum to meet state content standards, school district diploma requirements, and college-degree requirements. Advanced project management and leadership skills. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively at all levels in a collaborative team environment. Advanced verbal and written communication skills. Skill in budget preparation and fiscal management. Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite. Ability to supervise employees to include organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling work assignments. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Master’s Degree in relevant field and seven years relevant full time experience. Date Issued: 8/07 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: STUDENT RESOURCE SPECIALIST – GATEWAY TO COLLEGE CLASSIFICATION: Professional REPORTS TO: Manager, Gateway to College SUPERVISION GIVEN: Educational Assistants (4-part time), Secretary (1-part time) POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to provide a broad range of services in support of students enrolled in such alternative educational programs as High School Completion (HSC), General Education Diploma (GED), developmental education, or specific professional/technical programs. Initiates student contact to ensure student success within program; researches and evaluates available community services to remove barriers; develops and implements recruitment and retention strategies. Designs and delivers specific Gateway College transition course, small training sessions, and workshops. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Develops, implements, and maintains marketing, recruitment, and retention strategies for assigned program. Creates orientation materials and documents for distribution and/or presentation. EF Advises students on program requirements; develops academic goals; evaluates students’ academic history and education, including transcript evaluation. May assist students in career exploration. EF Works collaboratively with program faculty and department chairs to develop strategies for keeping at-risk students in class and with other departments to facilitate and address student and program needs. EF Develops, facilitates, and delivers classroom instruction on various topics such as time management, study strategies, goal setting, learning styles, career planning, and communication skills. Teaches College Orientation and Study Skills course. EF Maintains active case files on enrolled students. Maintains accurate case notes and documentation; ensures confidentiality; maintains statistical information for reports as needed. Submits required paperwork according to specified timelines. EF Provides support for students experiencing family, personal, or economic crises, which may impact school performance. Helps students access needed counseling services, support networks, community health or housing services. Consults with a variety of social service agencies in the community to explain Date Issued: 8/07 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. program requirements or address individual student progress or needs. EF Performs normal supervisory functions. Performs other job related duties as assigned. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Knowledge of community support services and funding agencies. Knowledge of student outreach services and activities. Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community. Case management skills. Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite. Ability to develop and teach educational programs and/or workshops. Ability to supervise employees to include organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling work assignments. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Master’s Degree and over three years relevant full time experience. Date Issued: 8/07 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/20/07 Board of Trustee approval is requested for the award of $20,000.00 in additional funds to Contract B0002284 with the MOBIUS CONSORITUM. This contract was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on June 21, 2007, Agenda Item 4.1.2, in the amount of $152,000.00. If this request is approved, the revised award amount will increase to $172,000.00. Mobius is the academic consortium that provides the on-line library system that links higher educational institutions throughout Missouri. The original request for funds was based upon an estimate of College usage of the services in the contract. Invoicing for related maintenance services was estimate at $95,936.27. The consortium has subsequently found it necessary to restructure their fees. At the current rate of usage and revised fee schedules, it is estimated that an additional $20,000.00 for maintenance services will be required by the College. Funding Fees will be paid from current operating budgets. Advertisements 1 The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. In this instance, the State of Missouri Mobius Consortium handled all aspects of the bid for these services. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/20/07 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to the AIRPORT MARRIOTT ST. LOUIS, for the rental of a banquet facility, in an amount estimated at $15,555.00. Description This contract will provide a suitable facility with sit down dinner service for the annual Florissant Valley Student Awards Banquet, currently scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2008. The estimated cost is based upon a projected attendance of four hundred twenty-five (425) persons. Final cost will be determined by the actual attendance at the event. Bids were solicited from six (6) facilities located in a reasonable proximity to the Florissant Valley campus. Two responsive bids and one no bid (date not available) were received. The recommended bidder meets all specifications of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002321 The evaluation of this bid, which opened August 17, 2007, is listed below: 2 Bidders AIRPORT MARRIOTT ST. LOUIS Renaissance St. Louis Hotel Airport Hilton St. Louis Airport Cost Per Person $36.60 39.04 no bid Total Estimated Cost/@425 Persons $15,555.00 16,592.00 n/a Funding All expenditures related to this event will be funded from agency budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/20/07 Board approval is requested for the award of a one-year maintenance contract renewal for Hewlett-Packard file server equipment to HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, in an amount not to exceed $135,360.55, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin October 1, 2007. Description This contract will be used by the TESS Department at Cosand Center to provide for maintenance and repair services for HewlettPackard file server equipment located at all College locations. This server equipment supports the delivery of mission-critical services such as access to the WEB, e-mail, Blackboard, Touchnet and Hyperion. Numerous pieces of equipment will see the original maintenance that accompanied the original equipment purchase expire during the period of this contract. It will allow the College to not only buy ongoing service but it will also provide common maintenance contract renewal dates for all existing equipment. The contract services required are available only from Hewlett-Packard and therefore could not be competitively bid. Hewlett-Packard is neither a known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise. Funding 3 This purchase will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/20/07 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of janitorial polyliners, to ROYAL PAPERS, INC. and HILLYARD., in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, to begin November 1, 2007, for a period of two (2) full years. Description This contract will be used by the Physical Facilities Departments at all College locations to provide janitorial polyliners (plastic bags) for office and restroom paper receptacles and for industrial shop waste and grounds keeping debris. The recommended bidders offered the overall best pricing, achieved the highest evaluation scores and met all requirements of the bid. Ten (10) bidders were disqualified for not meeting the technical requirements of the bid. One (1) known minority-owned and no known woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002324 The evaluation of this bid, which opened August 28, 2007, is listed below: 4 Bidders ROYAL PAPERS, INC. #1 HILLYARD Royal Papers, Inc. #2 Xpedx Maintenance Unlimited Janitorial, Inc (MBE) Cyclonic Industrial Sales Company Central Poly Corporation HP Products Buyers Industrial & Institutional Supply, L.L.C. Two Year Cost Projection $ 97,120.59 97,474.80 107,837.92 104,091.74 107,100.77 109,237.67 111,228.90 134,442.42 281,217.89 TotalScore 98.00 92.71 90.05 88.64 84.05 82.13 79.85 68.79 36.63 Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College currently posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaperadvertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/20/07 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for drug testing services for students and faculty involved in clinical instructional rotations at area health care facilities to AMERICAN DATABANK, in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, beginning October 1, 2007, with an option to renew for a second and third year. Description Regional hospitals and healthcare systems require a urinalysis drug screen of College faculty and students who work with their patients. This contract will provide access to the required testing services. The recommended bidder meets all the requirements of the bid and achieved the best combined score. One (1) minority-owned and two (2) women-owned business enterprises participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002267 The evaluation of this bid, which opened June 25, 2007, is listed below: Cost Bidders 5 AMERICAN DATABANK # AccuSource, Inc. Back Experts, LLC Gateway BarnesCare Cost Per Test $30.00 29.90 30.85 32.55 38.70 Total Score 99.75 96.60 92.49 83.89 82.95 Bidders Laboratory Collection Svs.* Concentra St. Louis MRO, Inc. A´ Test Consultants, Inc.* Per Test Total Score $35.00 40.00 41.84 43.82 82.37 81.06 78.59 74.37 # = minority owned company; *=woman owned company Funding All student financial transactions will be handled directly between the students and the contractor, AMERICAN DATABANK. Faculty drug testing services necessary will be paid for out of current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75.000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/20/07 There are no requests for ratification from the Purchasing Department this month. 6 4.3.1 Board Meeting 9/20/07 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 501, ENGINEERING BUILDING COMPUTER LAB RENOVATIONS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, JOHN KALICAK CONSTRUCTION, INC., for $83,395.00. Briner Electric Company has requested that we allow them to withdraw their bid because they “were under the impression that the bid was direct and not under the general contractor”. Therefore, Briner’s bid covers only the electrical portion of the project. Qualified Bids JOHN KALICAK CONSTRUCTION, INC. Caldwell Contracting Company Brady Construction, Inc. Craftsmen Contracting, Inc. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. Base Bid $ 83,395.00 88,488.00 90,700.00 92,396.00 95,365.00 Rejected Bids Briner Electric Company 33,551.00 7 Description: This project consists of renovation and upgrades to two computer rooms in the Engineering building. A wall will be constructed and entrance revisions will be made to allow simultaneous use of a computer classroom and the adjacent study area. Renovations to a nearby small computer classroom include electrical and data upgrades. Plans and specifications were prepared by Bond Wolfe, and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded 2008 RTech funds. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Metro Sentinel, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.2 Board Meeting 9/20/07 Recommendation for Approval/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for Change Order #1 to CONTRACT F 06 615, CAMPUS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to GUARANTEE ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION., for ADDITIONAL FIRE ALARM COMPONENTS which were not included in the base bid, in the net amount of $49,723.94 . Description: This work covers expenses associated with additional fire alarm components needed to complete the campus-wide system, satisfy the Fire Marshall’s requirements (after his inspection), and tie two newly renovated areas into the new system. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2004/05, Tab J, Page 1, Item # 8 and Fiscal year 2005/06, Tab J, Page 1, Item # 8. Summary: Original Contract Amount CHANGE ORDER #1 AMOUNT Total $ 888,888.00 49,723.94 (THIS RECOMMENDATION) $ 938,611.94 8 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through August 2007 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through August 31, 2007. 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2007 – August 31, 2007. 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2007 – August 31, 2007. 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – August 31, 2007 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – August 31, 2007 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for August 2007. 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of August 2007 Board Meeting 9/20/07 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary September 20, 2007 (Financial Results Through 08/31/2007) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $31.8 million or 20.5% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $29.9 million or 19.8% of the budget for the prior year. Increases in all four categories of revenue, with student fees being the most significant, is the reason that the FY 2008 total revenue amount is greater than the previous fiscal year. Expenditures Expenditures are $18.8 million or 13.5% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $16.9 million or 12.5% for the prior year. An increase in all three categories, with salaries and wages being the most significant, is the reason that FY 2008 total expenditures amount is greater than the amount for FY 2007. Transfers Transfers are at $12.6 million or 79.3% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $12.6 million or 79.2% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. Board Meeting 9/20/07 2 5.1.2 Board Meeting 9/20/07 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through August 31, 2007 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 737,094 7,548,540 22,825,434 714,208 31,825,276 1.3% 16.1% 51.4% 12.9% 20.5% 508,044 7,251,140 21,414,825 681,152 29,855,161 0.9% 16.1% 46.8% 16.8% 19.8% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,538,374 139,009,584 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,538,374 139,009,584 11,400,541 3,203,067 4,187,542 18,791,150 12.7% 14.9% 15.2% 13.5% 10,181,754 3,062,386 3,675,867 16,920,007 11.7% 14.6% 13.2% 12.5% 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 8,680,000 546,426 2,593,230 790,987 12,610,643 100.0% 16.7% 100.0% 58.3% 79.3% 8,775,000 546,426 2,593,230 715,950 12,630,606 100.0% 16.7% 100.0% 54.8% 79.2% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2007 - August, 2007 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 272,200 4,507,833 167,727 196,852 43.6% 38.3% 15.4% 54.1% $ 13,860,100 $ 13,860,100 $ 5,144,613 37.1% $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 307,581 51,190 397,209 3,308,142 16.6% 13.9% 15.0% 41.5% $ 12,832,877 $ 12,832,877 $ 4,064,122 31.7% $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 256,000 $ 256,000 $ 256,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 13,088,877 $ 13,088,877 $ 4,320,122 33.0% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 9/20/07 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2007 - August, 2007 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 27,000 Adjusted Budget $ 27,000 $ 109,050 27,000 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 136,050 Actual To Date $ 880 % of Budget To Date 3.3% 2,255 $ 2,255 1.7% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2007 - August, 2007 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 175,000 $ 150,000 175,000 181,391 $ 8,100 3,747 181,391 5.4% 2.1% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 506,391 $ 193,238 38.2% 4,530 2.4% $ 4,530 2.4% $ 188,708 189,491 $ 189,491 189,491 $ 189,491 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 9/20/07 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2007-August 2007 Funds available Original Budget * Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $737,846 511,687 $737,846 511,687 $100,831 38,534 13.7% 7.5% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 561,954 140,489 561,954 140,489 194,071 48,518 34.5% 34.5% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 703,935 161,789 486,485 703,935 160,070 641,627 98,599 160,070 95,496 14.0% 100.0% 14.9% 736,119 21.3% $139,365 242,589 258,669 95,496 11.2% 34.5% 29.9% 14.9% 736,119 21.3% Total funds available $ Revised Budget % of Revised Budget 3,304,185 * $ 3,457,608 Actual $ Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,249,533 702,443 865,724 486,485 $ $1,249,533 702,443 864,005 641,627 3,304,185 * $ 3,457,608 Federal Pell Grant Expenditures Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) *** $ $9,497,997 $375 * Does not include $452,109 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant *** Academic Competitiveness Grant-a new grant awarded to Pell recipients that have completed a rigorous secondary school program. Board Meeting 9/20/07 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2007 - August, 2007 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 3,510,000 3,094,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,510,000 3,094,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 42,215 409,249 886,000 1,000,000 1.2% 13.2% 100.0% 100.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ 8,490,000 $ 8,490,000 $ 2,337,464 27.5% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 1,600,000 304,000 6,511,000 75,000 $ 1,600,000 304,000 6,511,000 75,000 $ 193,299 36,895 26,785 12.1% 12.1% 0.4% 0.0% Total Expense $ 8,490,000 $ 8,490,000 $ 256,979 3.0% Board Meeting 9/20/07 7 Actual To Date % of Budget To Date 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2007 - August, 2007 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $12,077,779 502,366 $12,580,145 $4,487,440 502,366 $4,989,805 37.2% 100.0% 39.7% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $5,518,787 1,789,953 4,727,404 544,000 $12,580,145 $1,126,080 290,605 768,404 20.4% 16.2% 16.3% 0.0% 17.4% $2,185,088 * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 9/20/07 8 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending August 31, 2007 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 20072008 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 9/20/07 9 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of August 2007 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 13,913,805 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 60,828 5.197% Range of Rates Earned: 4.890% ⎯ 5.370% Board Meeting 9/20/07 10 Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program/Campus Salvation Army Board Meeting 09-20-07 Human Services District-wide 1 Effective Date 9-1-07 Center for Business, Industry and Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide service development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Covidien, Tyco Healthcare Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount CBIL August 20, 2007 through June 30, 2008 $78,000 CBIL August 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 $1,470 To provide Technical Writer Impact Outcome: Development of the company’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and training documentation. Manager: Robert Serben Mason Contractors Association To provide computer training Impact Outcome: Training development in Microsoft Outlook Manager: Robert Serben 6.3.2 Ratification of Economic Development Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Construction Training Advancement Foundation Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount To Provide: Enhance the current Journeyman level craft workers and apprenticeship training for AFLCIO building trades. CBIL July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 Company $350,000 College $52,000 DESE $15,000 Total $417,000 Estimated Number of Participants: 360 Estimated Number of Credit Hour: 8,000 Manager: Robert Serben Board Meeting 09-20-07 2 Workforce & Community Development 6.3.3 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide service development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Better Family Life To provide: Facilitation Impact Outcome: Basic skills preparation for entry level workforce positions in careers of the life science area. Classes to be held at the Metropolitan Education and Training Center (MET). Campus Date Amount WCD July 3, 2007 through June 30, 2008 $77,890 Manager: Rosemary Hill 6.3.4 Ratification of Economic Development Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Better Family Life Title of Program and/or Purpose To provide: Instructional services to enhance and develop basic skills for students in various programs operated at the MET (Metropolitan Education Center). Estimated Number of Credit Hour: 1,872 Manager: Rosemary Hill Board Meeting 09-20-07 3 Campus Date Amount WCD July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 Company $81,900 College $12,168 Total $94,068 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Department of Elementary and Secondary Education AMOUNT $ 6,667.00 (FP) $ 6,667.00 (FV) $ 6,666.00 (M) $ 20,000.00 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for participation in the Improving the Quality of Child Care and Education Program. The grant will be used to help individuals receive training and apply for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Jeanne Edwards (Dist) Campus Coordinator: Jim Monahan (FP) Campus Coordinator: Jeanne Edwards (FV) Campus Coordinator: Pamela Hotze (M) Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 18,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for participation in the Workshop on Wheels Program. This program is designed to improve and enhance the quality of child care offered in the St. Louis Community College service area by supplying programs and services to individuals who provide care for young children. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Darlene Neil American Association of Community Colleges $ 2,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College to host a two-day regional Service Learning Workshop on the Meramec campus for community colleges in Missouri and Illinois. This is a new award. Project Period: 8/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Donna Halsband Board Meeting 09-20-07 1 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Department of Elementary and Secondary Education AMOUNT $ 53,921.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College to be used for purchasing equipment for various career and technical education programs on the Florissant Valley, Forest Park and Meramec campuses. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Donna Dare Department of Health and Senior Services $ 2,198.42 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley campus to participate in the Summer Food Service Program. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 5/1/07-8/31/07 Project Director: Ken Trzaska Portland Community College $ 350,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley campus to become a Gateway to College (GtC) replication site. Replication sites are part of the Early College High School Initiative funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Jobs for the Future serves as the Initiative’s coordinating intermediary. The grant will provide support staff and services for up to 350 high school students between the age of 16 and 20 who have left high school without a diploma. The students must meet specific criteria for entrance into the program and will be dual enrollment students at the Florissant Valley campus until they complete their high school degree or until they reach the age of 21. Our partner school districts are Hazelwood School District and Ferguson/Florissant School District. This is a new award. Project Period: 9/20/07-6/30/11 Project Director: Sarah F. Perkins Board Meeting 09-20-07 2 Restricted