MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2004 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, August 26, 2004, at the St. Louis Community College at Forest Park, in the Highlander Lounge, 5600 Oakland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, President, Dr. Dolores Gunn, Vice President; Mr. Robert Nelson, Trustee, Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee; Ms. Patricia Moss, Trustee and Ms. Lisa Taylor, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Henry Shannon, Chancellor; Becky Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board; and Ms. Tina Odo, General Counsel. 2. Public Hearing and Approval of Resolution for Setting the Tax Rate for 2004 Mr. Rohrbacker recessed the regular meeting, and a Public Hearing was held in accordance with Section 67.110, Revised Statutes of Missouri (1998), which requires each political subdivision to hold a public hearing, after appropriate public notice prior to fixing its property tax rates for the fiscal year. Mr. Rohrbacker noted that the appropriate notice for the hearing had been published and asked if there were any citizens who wished to be heard concerning the proposed tax rate. No one having asked to be heard, Mr. Rohrbacker asked for a motion to adjourn the hearing. On motion by Ms. Moss and seconded by Dr. Gunn, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the public hearing and the regular Board meeting was reconvened. 3. Welcome to Guests Carla Chance introduced Joshua Randall of Kwame Building Group, Inc. 4. Hearing of Citizens and Petitions Regarding Agenda Items None. 5. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Mr. Nelson, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 6. Approval of Consent Agenda Items On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 7. Approval of July 29, 2004 and August 11, 2004 Minutes On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Ms. Moss, the Board unanimously approved the July 29, 2004, and August 11, 2004 Board of Trustees minutes. 8. Approval of Resolution Re September 16, 2004 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Dr. Gunn and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on September 16, 2004, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 9. Approval of Resolution Setting the Tax Rate for 2004 On motion by Dr. Gunn and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the Board unanimously adopted a Resolution to set the tax rate for the district for the tax year 2004 at 23.68 cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation, for the General Fund of the College in the form attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein in Exhibit A. 2 10. Approval of 2005 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule On motion by Dr. Gunn and seconded by Mr. Nelson, the Board unanimously approved its 2005 meeting schedule, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 11. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Rick Anthes highlighted the Automotive Technology program. 12. Communications Mr. Rohrbacker announced that Ms. Moss had been elected as Vice Chair of the City Central Democratic Committee. Karen Mayes, Nursing instructor at Florissant Valley, announced that our district nursing program had received eight year accreditation. Dr. Shannon introduced John Ganio as Vice Chancellor for Education. Dr. Shannon thanked Trustee Taylor for working with State Farm in securing annual Scholarship money for SLCC students. 13. Approval of Revised Board Policy G 12.2 General Degree Requirements On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved revisions to Board Policy G 12.2 General Degree Requirements all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 14. Approval of Revised Mission Statement On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the Board unanimously approved revisions to the College Mission Statement all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 3 15. Approval of West County Actions A. Easement Following a presentation by Carla Chance, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance and Jim McHoney of David Mason and Associates, on motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the Board unanimously approved granting a temporary construction slope easement in the Southeast corner of the College property located in Wildwood contingent upon final negotiation of the easement approved by the Board at its July 29, 2004 meeting. B. Roadway On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Ms. Moss, the Board unanimously approved the College entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Wildwood for the construction of the College Avenue Roadway Project at a cost of $594,700. 16. Approval of Advisory Committee Appointments The Board, by consent, unanimously approved Advisory Committee Appointments all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 17. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Shannon reported on the Community Assessment project and provided the Board with Forest Park presidential search and strategic planning updates. 18. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES No items. 4 III. HUMAN RESOURCES 19. Human Resource Recommendations The Board by consent approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 20. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board by consent approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit C; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 5 V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 21. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of June 30, 2004, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, preliminary budget status report general operating fund through June 30, 2004, preliminary budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004, preliminary student financial aid fund, July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003, preliminary Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004 and preliminary restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004. B. Warrant Check Register - - July 31, 2004 The Board, by consent, approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending July 31, 2003. C. Ratification of Investments The Board by consent ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of July 2004, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. D. Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered The Board by consent ratified professional service and consultants/staff development providers paid during the year ending June 30, 2004, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. E. Ratification for Fund Balance Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2005 Budget The Board by consent ratified adjustments to the Fiscal year 2005 budgets for the following funds and sub funds based upon the Fiscal Year 2004 6 operations: Rental of Facilities, Public Safety, Pedestrian and Traffic Access, Agency Fund, Plant Fund, General Operating and Restricted Fund. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 22. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance on renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board by consent unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 23. Acceptance of External Funds The Board by consent approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION No items. IX. NEW BUSINESS Ms. Moss congratulated Charles Hamilton on his retirement. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Garrison, Secretary Board of Trustees 8 #8 Resolution Re September 16, 2004 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 1987), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on September 16, 2004, at 6 p.m., at the Meramec Campus, 11333 Big Bend Blvd., Kirkwood, MO, in the Small Dining Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021) (1)), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 (2)); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 (3)); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 (9)); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, including proposed reclassifications and reassignments of positions, and grievances, (Section 610.021 (13)); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021(17), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meetings be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 1987. 8/26/04 Board Agenda Setting Tax Rate for 2004 It is recommended that the tax rate for the 2004-2005 year be established in accordance with the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE _____________SETTING TAX RATE FOR 2004____________ WHEREAS, the Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “St. Louis Community College”), at its regular meeting of the Board of Trustees duly called and held on June 17, 2004 did adopt for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005, a budget which calls for an expenditure of $145,088,090; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to partially fund said budget through General Fund tax revenues to be collected throughout the district; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has the power under Missouri Revised Statute (R.S.Mo.) Section 178.870 to levy an amount equal to 10 cents on the $100 assessed valuation on all taxable property within the district without voter approval; and WHEREAS, the voters in the St. Louis Community College District, at an election duly called and held on February 3, 1970, authorized the College to levy an additional 5 cents or a total of 15 cents on each $100 assessed valuation of taxable property located in the district; and WHEREAS, the voters in the St. Louis Community College District at an election duly called and held on August 5, 1980 authorized the College to levy an additional 5 cents or a total of 20 cents on each $100 assessed valuation of taxable property located in the district, and WHEREAS, the voters in the St. Louis Community College District at an election duly called and held on November 5, 1984, authorized the college to levy an additional 10 cents or a total of 30 cents on each $100 assessed valuation of taxable property located in the district, and which is the rate approved in the last previous school election; and WHEREAS, because of the reassessment of real property, the authorized operating levy was revised in 1985 in accordance with the provisions of R.S.Mo. 137.073 and revised in 1987 in accordance with the provisions of R.S.Mo. 137.115 as amended; and revised in 1989 in accordance with provisions of R.S.Mo. 137.115 as amended. WHEREAS, pursuant to R.S.Mo. Sections 67.110, 137.073 and 137.115 as amended 1991, the 2004 ad valorem property tax rate proposed to be fixed is as follows: For the General Fund 23.68 cents NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the provision of Article X, Sections 11(a) and 11(c) of the Constitution of Missouri, as amended, and R.S.Mo. Sections 164.011, 164.041, 164161, 164.291, 178.770, 178.870 and 178.880, as amended, further pursuant to the authority granted to the College and its Board of Trustees by voters at elections duly called and held on February 3, 1970, August 5, 1980 and November 5, 1984, and further pursuant to the provisions of R.S.Mo. Sections 137.073, 137.115 and 67.110 as amended, the Board hereby finds and determines and hereby establishes and orders that a tax for the benefit of the College for the year 2004 be levied and collected as follows. For the General Fund of the said St. Louis Community College, an operating tax at the rate of 23.68 cents on each one hundred dollars of the properties hereinafter described in Section 2; Section 2. The tax hereinabove authorized to be levied and collected shall be levied and collected at the rate hereinabove specified in Section 1, on each one hundred dollars of: The assessed value of all real, personal and other property, within the corporate limits of the St. Louis Community College, including properties made taxable by law for state purposes, including, but not by way of limitation, all real and tangible personal property owned by railroads, street railways, boats, vessels, aircraft, bridge companies, electric light and power companies, electric transmission line companies, pipe line companies, express companies, air line companies, and other companies and public utilities whose property is assessed by the State Tax Commission. Section 3. That the Assessor of the City of St. Louis, the Director of the Department of Revenue of the County of St. Louis, the Assessor of Jefferson County and the Assessor of Franklin County, and all other officers in said city and counties charged by law with the assessment of taxes, be and they are hereby requested and directed to enter upon the assessment books of taxable property in said city and counties, before delivering the same to the collector or other officials charged with the duty of collecting taxes, the tax levied and to be collected pursuant to Section 1 and 2 hereof. Section 4. That the Secretary and the Treasurer of this Board be and hereby are directed to forthwith furnish a copy of this resolution, duly certified according to law to the Comptroller, the City Register and Collector of Revenue, the Assessor and License Collector of the City of St. Louis and the County Clerks, the Assessors and Collectors of St. Louis County, Franklin County and Jefferson County, on or before September 1, 2004. Trustee moved and Trustee having seconded a motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the resolution as amended, being put to a roll call vote, the result was as follows: Those voting YES: Those ABSENT: Those voting NO: The motion having received the approval of the Board, President of the Board, declared the motion carried and the resolution duly adopted this 26th day of August 2004. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings held and the resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the St. Louis Community College, at its meeting duly called and held on August 26, 2004. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the College this 26th day of August 2004. ________________________________ Rebecca Garrison Secretary, Board Of Trustees St. Louis Community College Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of August 2004. ________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings held and the resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the St. Louis Community College, at its meeting duly called and held on August 26, 2004. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the College this 26th day of August 2004. _____________________________________ Carla S. Chance Treasurer St. Louis Community College Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of August 2004. ________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: #10 Recommended Approval of 2005 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule 2005 MEETING SCHEDULE WITH LOCATIONS BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE MEETING LOCATION January 20 Regular Meeting Cosand Center February 17 Regular Meeting Cosand Center March 31 Regular Meeting Cosand Center April 21 Regular Meeting Florissant Valley May 19 Regular Meeting Forest Park June 16 Regular Meeting Meramec July 21 Regular Meeting Florissant Valley August 25 Regular Meeting Forest Park September 29 Regular Meeting Meramec October 20 Regular Meeting Cosand Center November 17 Regular Meeting Cosand Center December 15 Regular Meeting Cosand Center Board Retreat and work sessions to be scheduled as needed. Board/SCHD2005.doc Recommended Approval of Revised Board Policy G 12.2 General Degree Requirements #13 G 12.2 General Degree Requirements (R 9/96) [AP G 9.2] a. b. c. d. e. f. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 64 college credit hours in an approved program. Completion through enrollment at St. Louis Community College of at least 15 of the last 25 credit hours applicable to the associate degree. Exceptions require the approval of the campus president, or his/her designee. In accordance with Missouri law, satisfactory completion of a single course on the U.S. or Missouri constitutions or American history or American institutions. Satisfactory completion of two credit hours in physical education. For the Associate in Arts degree and in compliance with the guidelines of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, satisfactory completion of at least 39 hours of general education distributed as follows: 1. Communication skills in the English language: three courses--at least two of which must be written; one oral communication course is recommended; FOUNDATION: 1. CORNERSTONE COURSE, COLLEGE COMPOSITION I, ORAL COMMUNICATION I, COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2. Humanities: three courses from at least two disciplines; 2. HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS: TWO COURSES 3. Physical and/or biological sciences: two courses, including at least one with its associated laboratory component; 3. LIFE AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES: TWO COURSES (ONE WITH LAB) 4. Mathematics: one course in college algebra, or an alternative course that includes a significant component of college algebra, or a course for which college algebra is a prerequisite; 4. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES: TWO COURSES 5. Social and behavioral science: three courses from at least two disciplines. 5. GENERAL EDUCATION ELECTIVE: ONE COURSE 6. CAPSTONE COURSE For the Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Fine Arts, and Associate in Science degrees, satisfactory completion of a minimum of general education courses distributed as follows: 1. Humanities and communications: (6 credit hours) art, college composition, English literature and culture, foreign languages and culture, humanities, media, music, philosophy, reading, speech, theatre; g. 2. Natural science and mathematics: (6 credit hours) astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, physical geography, physical science, physics, mathematics; 3. Social Science: (6 credit hours) anthropology, economics, geography (except physical), history, political science, psychology, sociology. FOR THE ASSOCIATE OF FINE ARTS, SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF A MINIMUM OF GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. h. COMMUNICATIONS: (6 CREDIT HOURS) COLLEGE COMPOSITION I AND II; 2. HUMANITIES: (6 CREDIT HOURS) ART HISTORY I AND II; 3. NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS (7 CREDIT HOURS); COLLEGE ALGEBRA OR HIGHER AND ASTRONOMY, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL SCIENCE, PHYSICS; 4. SOCIAL SCIENCE: (3 CREDIT HOURS) ANTHROPOLOGY, ECONOMICS, GEOGRAPHY (EXCEPT PHYSICAL) HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, SOCIOLOGY. FOR THE ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE, SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF A MINIMUM OF GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. 4. COMMUNICATIONS: (6 CREDIT HOURS) COLLEGE COMPOSITION I AND COLLEGE COMPOSITION II, REPORT WRITING, OR AMERICAN LITERATURE; MATHEMATICS: (5 CREDIT HOURS) ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS I; SCIENCE (10 CREDIT HOURS) ENGINEERING PHYSICS I AND GENERAL CHEMISTRY I; SOCIAL SCIENCE: (3 CREDIT HOURS) ANTHROPOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY (EXCEPT PHYSICAL), HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY. #14 Recommended Approval of Revised Mission Statement St. Louis Community College Mission Statement St. Louis Community College expands minds and changes lives every day. We create accessible, dynamic learning environments focused on the needs of our diverse communities. #15 A. Recommendation for Easement It is recommended that the College grant a temporary construction slope easement in the southeast corner of the College property located in Wildwood. The Meadows of Wildwood, an assisted-living, senior citizen community development to the southeast of the College Property located in Wildwood, has requested that the college provide a temporary construction slope easement so that the developer may install a roadway within the development. This easement is 40 feet wide and 150 feet long to the north and 294 feet long to the west. The easement is depicted on the attached map and is limited in purpose. # 15 B Joint Effort to Construct West Campus Roadways It is recommended that the College Administration be authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Wildwood for the construction of the College Avenue Roadway Project in Wildwood, Missouri. The College contribution to this Roadway Project is estimated at $594,700. The total roadway project cost is $1,156,000. The College’s contribution is based upon the traffic utilization of portions of the total roadway project that serve the College’s needs. Funds are available for this project from the 2003 bond issue. Beginning in early June of 2004, representatives of St. Louis Community College, the Holthaus Development, Meadows of Wildwood, the YMCA of Greater St. Louis, and the City of Wildwood began meeting to discuss the feasibility of a joint roadway project that could be constructed during calendar year 2005. The group met with the following goals in mind: ¾ Engage all interested parties in an open discussion that would enable the City to provide leadership for a joint roadway effort. ¾ Create a comprehensive equitable roadway plan that would result in one-time construction of a roadway to adequately serve all the parties. ¾ Apportion costs based upon traffic generation information available from Crawford, Bunte, Brammeier, traffic and transportation engineers. ¾ Locate roadways along property boundaries to reduce the land consumption impact of the roadways on the property owners. ¾ Commit to construction for calendar 2005. David Mason & Associates represented the College in these discussions. On Monday, August 9, the City of Wildwood approved the Roadway Project and approved the City’s contribution to the project. The next steps include the commitment of the parties to the Memorandum of Understanding, right-of-way dedications, the engineering and design of the project, and the public bid and construction of the project. The project provides for an electric signal at the intersection of State Route 109 and College Avenue. Automotive Technology Ms. Barb Kinder Owner/Service Advisor Autotech 2000 3448 N. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63074 (314) 770-0123 Mr. Joseph Leible Owner - Operator Leible Auto Repair 5636 W. Florissant St. Louis, MO 63120 (314) 383-0902 Mr. Steve Pokorny Owner - Operator Sun Auto Service 7327 W. Florissant St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 261-5886 Mr. Ron Reiling Executive Director AASP P.O. Box 609 St. Charles, MO 63302 (636) 949-5990 Mr. Mark Schenberg Owner - Operator Car-Doc Automotive 2277 Administration Dr. St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 991-2277 Mr. Ken Winingham Shop Foreman AAA Diagnostic Center 3925 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 533-6550 Center for Visual Technology/Digital Media Mr. Jason Anderson IT Coordinator Quebecor 121 Compass Point St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 949-5300 Mr. Bob Bishop Owner/President Bishop Partners 8029 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 863-7755 Mr. Jack Brickey Creative Director The Spark Agency 1881 Pine Street St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 206-7868 Mr. Jim Butler Group Creative Director CheckMark 1111 Chouteau Ave. St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 982-1326 Mr. Romondo Davis President RTS Technologies 128 West Monroe St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 822-8800 Mr. Scott Ferguson Owner/Partner Ferguson & Kateman Photography 710 N. Tucker St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 241-3811 Center for Visual Technology/Digital Media Mr. Steve Kodner Owner/President Top Graphics 921 Fee Fee Road Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 496-0505 Mr. Charlie LaGarce 1504 Towne Drive Ballwin, MO 63011 (636) 391-0510 Mrs. Olivia Lahs-Gonzales Museum Director Sheldon Concert Hall 3648 Washington Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 533-9900 Mr. Mike Sabatino Sr. VP/Partner Fleishman Hillard 200 North Broadway 12th St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 982-8657 Mr. Byron Sletten SR Creative Director Group 360 Communications 10795 Midwest Industrial Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 423-8111 Center for Visual Technology/Digital Media Mr. Sam Wood President Self-Smart Navigators, Inc. One Timber Pines Court Defiance, MO 63341 (314) 616-1661 Ms. Pete Zutshi The Creative Group 12400 Olive Blvd. Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 576-5846 Clinical Laboratory Technology/Phlebotomy Ms. Lee Ann Bailey Supervisor, Laboratory St. Mary's Hospital 129 N. 8th Street E. St. Louis, IL 62201 (618) 482-7172 Mrs. JoAnn Devine Laboratory Director St. Joseph's Hospital 525 Couch Avenue Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 966-1500 Mr. Joe Glass Laboratory Supervisor St. Louis Connect Care 5535 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63112 (314) 879-6388 Ms. Jodi Gross Core Lab Supervisor St. Louis University Hospital 3635 Vista & Grand St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 577-8000 Mr. Clayton Lee Hematology Supervisor Veteran's Administration Medical Center 915 N. Grand Ave. St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 652-4100 Mr. Roy Payton Laboratory Director Mineral Area Hospital 1212 Weber Rd. Farmington, MO 63640 (573) 756-4581 Clinical Laboratory Technology/Phlebotomy Ms. June Pellarin 110 Dickson St. Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 984-0725 Mrs. Joan Schallert Laboratory Supervisor St. Joseph's Health Center 300 First Capital Drive St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 947-7161 Ms. Rhonda Terrett Microbiology Supervisor St. Louis Children's Hospital (314) 454-6114 Children's Hospital 1 Children's Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 Mrs. Kris Weber 1915 Dina Avenue Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 282-0968 Diagnostic Medical Sonography Mrs. Connie Cornell Sonographer DePaul Health Center, Perinatal Lab (314) 768-3061 12303 DePaul Drive Bridgeton, MO 63044 Dr. Victor Davila-Roman Associate Professor of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine 6660 South Euclid Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-4748 Ms. Minola Linzie 319 Frost Ave. St. Louis, MO 63135 (314) 522-1160 Dr. William Middleton Professor of Radiology Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (314) 362-2928 510 South Kingshighway Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63110 Dr. Ricardo Rao Medical Director, Vascular Lab Missouri Baptist Medical Center 3015 N. Ballas Rd. St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 996-5313 Diesel Technology Mr. Art Aleman Maintenance Supervisor J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. 2629 Chouteau St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 644-8864 Mr. Rich Bingham Training & Tech. Service Mgr. Hogan Motor Leasing 1000 N. 14th Street St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 429-0398 Mr. John Dick Service Manager Penske Truck Leasing 2210 S. 7th St. St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 773-3870 Mr. Lawrence Getz Fleet Manager Lohr Distributing Co. 1100 S. Ninth St. St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 231-6400 Mr. Robert Pitucha Sales & Service Rep. Heimburger Inc. 2049 Rosebrook Washington, MO 63090 (636) 305-3858 Mr. Doug Pratt President Gateway Truck Plaza, Inc. 699 State Rout 203 East Saint Louis, IL 62201 (618) 875-2317 Diesel Technology Mr. Kevin Redell Manager, Fleet Maintenance Schnuck Markets, Inc. 11420 Lackland Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 344-9244 Mr. Steph Sabo Maintenance Manager Norrernberns Truck Service 17906 Mockingbird Road Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 478-2400 Mr. Gene Schroeder Customer Service Manager Ryder Transportation Services 11447 Page Service Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 994-2650 Mr. Troy Young Training Manager Cummins Gateway, Inc. 7210 Hall St. St. Louis, MO 63147 (314) 389-5400 Emergency Medical Technology Dr. Gregory Beirne 16863 Babler View Dr. Wildwood, MO 63011 (636) 405-0650 Mr. William Brandes Fire Chief Creve Coeur Fire Protection District (314) 432-5570 11221 Olive Blvd. Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Mr. Gary Cronin Executive Vice President Gateway Medical Transport PO Box 2888 St. Louis, MO 63111 (314) 351-4702 Mrs. Judith Landvatter Outreach Education Coordinator BJC Health System - Children's Hospital One Children's Place St. Louis, MO 631101077 (314) 454-2834 Ms. Kim McKenna Chief Medical Officer Florissant Valley Fire Protection District 605 Rue St. Catherine Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 837-4894 Mr. Phil Minnella Chief Medical Officer Mehlville Fire Protection District 11020 Mueller Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 894-0420 Emergency Medical Technology Ms. Jacqueline Randolph EMS Manager Christian Hospital NE/NW 11133 Dunn Road St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 653-4015 Mrs. Bonnie Stegman EMS Coordinator St. Anthony's Medical Center 10010 Kennerly Rd. St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 525-4601 Ms. Karen Studyvin ACLS, PALS, EMS CEU Program Coordinator St. Anthony's Medical Center 10020 Kennerly & Highland Education Training Center St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 525-4601 Funeral Service Education Ms. Sherry Anderson Executive Director Missouri Funeral Directors Association 1105R Southwest Blvd. Jefferson City, MO 65101 (800) 748-7661 Mr. Leonard Brown 6915 Edison St. St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 383-0199 Mr. Thomas Collier Owner Colliers Funeral Home 3400 N. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Ann, MO 63074 (314) 298-1212 Mr. C. Cox, Jr. PO Box 71 Old Monroe, MO 63369 (314) 921-2911 Ms. Becky Dunn Executive Director Missouri State Board of Embalmers (573) 751-0813 P.O. Box 423 3805 Missouri Blvd. Jefferson City, MO 65102 Mr. Dennis Giamalva 4410 Dove Haven Pl. St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 487-4504 Funeral Service Education Ms. Mary Johnson 8803 Bluff Hill Rd. Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 397-0680 Mr. Herman Kriegshauser 19 Jennycliffe Ln. Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 391-2322 Mr. I. Roth 3190 S. 59th St. St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 647-8691 Mr. Richard White 5391 Trailbend Dr. Florissant, MO 63033 Charles Woodcox 10523 Edgefield Drive St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 869-9645 Horticulture Mr. Tim Allen Golf Course Superintendent Westborough Country Club 729 Sherwood Dr. Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 961-1450 Mr. Steve Dickinson Owner Supreme Turf Products 5 Casens Court Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 349-8900 Mrs. Gwenne Hayes Stewart Executive Director Gateway Greening P.O. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166 (314) 577-9484 Ms. June Hutson Horticulturist - Kemper Center Missouri Botanical Gardens PO Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166 (314) 577-5100 Mr. Skip Kincaid Owner Skip Kincaid & Associates 737 Kirkshire Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 822-7700 Mr. David Klinkhammer Golf Course Superintendent Greenbriar Hills Country Club 154 Log Hill Lane Ballwin, MO 63011 (636) 256-2934 Horticulture Mr. John Koenon Owner A-Z Tree Care 316 Violet Ln. Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 961-7522 Mr. Glennon Kraemer Owner GR Robinson Seed Co. 8674 Olive Street St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 423-0300 Mr. John Marino Vice-President TLC Garden Center 2080 Hwy. 40-64 Lake St. Louis, MO 63129 (636) 561-3419 Mr. Carl Mungenast Retired 17517 Radcliffe Place Drive St. Louis, MO 63025 Ms. Dianne O’Connell 5415 Alnwick St. Louis, MO 63129 (314) 892-8989 Mr. Jerry Pence 1023 Eastview Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 965-4202 Horticulture Mr. William Ruppert Sales Representative National Nursery Products 1328 Forest Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 963-0253 Mr. William Spradley Owner Trees, Forests, and Landscapes 336 Leffingwell Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 821-9918 Mr. Bruce Vawter Owner Forestry Consultant Services 9321 Manoroak St. Louis, MO 63126 (314) 849-2853 Hospitality Studies/Hotel and Restaurant Management Option Mr. Josh Allen Owner Companica Baking Co. 4555 Gustine St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 353-4770 Ms. Pat Bergauer General Manager Greater St. Louis Restaurant Association 1810 Craig Rd. Ste. 223 St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 576-2777 Mr. John Bogacki Executive Chef Westwood Country Club 11801 Conway Rd. St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 432-2311 Mr. Vince Bommarito Owner Tony's 410 Market St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 231-7007 Mr. Chris Dessens Executive Chef Racquet Club Ladue 1600 Log Cabin Lane St. Louis, MO 63124 (314) 993-2880 Ms. Christy Ford-Schlafly Manager Ford Hotel Supply 2204 N. Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 231-8400 Hospitality Studies/Hotel and Restaurant Management Option Mr. Jim Grant Human Resource Director Sheraton Westport 900 Westport Plaza Drive Maryland Heights, MO 63146 (314) 212-2161 Ms. Doris Layman Director, Food Service St. Louis Board of Education 5020 Lexington St. Louis, MO 63115 (314) 381-4155 Mr. Chad Lombardo Manager SYSCO Foods 3850 Mueller Rd. St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 940-9230 Mr. Orville Middendorf Owner Middendorf Meat/Quality Foods 3737 N. Broadway St. Louis, MO 63147 (314) 241-4800 Mr. Forrest Miller Owner Royale Orleans Banquet Center 2801 Telegraph Rd. St. Louis, MO 63125 (314) 487-7006 Mr. Jim Probstein General Manager Best Western Inn at the Park 4630 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 367-7500 Hospitality Studies/Hotel and Restaurant Management Option Mr. Norman Sewing Owner Salad Bowl Cafeteria & Restaurant 3949 Lindell St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 535-4274 Mr. David Slay 8025 Bonhomme Apt. 2002 Clayton, MO 63105 Bro. Leo Slay Consultant Marianist Culinary Consultant 1221 Maryhurst Dr. St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 822-2501 Mr. Erich Smith General Manager Sheraton St. Louis City Center 400 South 14th Street St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 231-5007 Mr. Steve Strathearn General Manager Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center 16625 Swingley Ridge Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 532-9818 Mrs. Suzanne Tidwell Human Resource Director Marriott Downtown One Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 259-3329 Mr. Kim Tucci Owner Pasta House Co. 1143 Macklind Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110 Human Services Disabilities Option Mr. Jeffrey Bassin Director, Family Support Services Productive Living Board 121 Hunter St. Louis, MO 63124 (314) 726-2606 Dr. Donna Campbell Department Chair, Special Education Webster University 470 E. Lockwood St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 961-2660 Ms. Cyd Dodson Private Consultant 1100 Terrace St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 647-5266 Ms. Norma Lumpford Teachers Aide St. Louis Special School District 4033 Westminster St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 652-6892 Ms. Pamela Merkel Director A.A.D.D. 211 N. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 569-9077 Mrs. Joanne Noll Parent Advocate St. Louis County Special School District 12110 Clayton Rd. St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 569-8100 Human Services Disabilities Option Mrs. Jessica Shuff Human Resources St. Louis County Special School District 12110 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 989-8290 Dr. Ralph Sneed Private Consultant 14320 River Oaks Crt. St. Louis, MO 63034 (314) 741-2095 Dr. Marcy Soda Director Project JESS 2365 Hampton St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 644-1913 Information Reporting Technology Ms. Catherine Boyd President/Owner Boyd-Gwinn Reporting 344 Jefferson Rd. Webster Groves, MO 63119 (314) 918-8265 Ms. Linda Dattilo Court Reporter St. Louis County 7900 Carondelet Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 615-2682 Mr. Randy Dunn Court Reporter 11th Judicial Circuit 300 N. 2nd St. St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 949-7900 Ms. Tammie Heet 5716 Vogel Place Millstadt, IL 62260 (618) 476-3318 Mrs. Elaine Kistner CART Writer Special School District 408 Mason Ridge Drive St. Charles, MO 63304 (636) 926-2869 Mrs. Deborah McLaughlin Official Court Reporter State of Missouri 22nd Judicial Circuit 10 N. Tucker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 622-4928 Information Reporting Technology Ms. Susan Moran Court Reporter US District Court 111 S. 10th St. St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 244-7983 Mrs. Kimberly Pfleinger Schacht Owner Self Employed 142 Quiver Drive O'Fallon, MO 63366 (636) 240-6877 Mrs. Kelly Willis Owner/Court Reporter Taylor & Associates 1014 Lami St. Louis, MO 63104 (314) 644-2191 Mass Communications Ms. Linda Barton Information Specialist Edward Jones 201 Progress Pkwy. Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 515-2505 Mr. Robert Clark Director KSDK-TV 100 Market St. St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 421-5055 Ms. Nordeka English #3 Braniff Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 532-5240 Mr. Steve Friedman Executive Vice President Creative Producers Group 4818 Washington Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 367-2255 Mr. Ron Garnier President Voice Technologies 680 Craig Rd. Ste. 307 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 997-7878 Mr. Paul Guzzardo 7543 Buckingham Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 725-2021 Mass Communications Mr. Lloyd Hines 11235 Ruesta St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 438-1990 Ms. Christine Hollowood-Schmiz Creative Director Ralston Purina/Checkmark 835 S. 8th St. St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 982-3100 Mr. Donn Johnson Director of Communications Missouri Historical Society P.O. Box 11940 St. Louis, MO 63112 (314) 746-4599 Ms. Monica McFee Director, Community Development People's Community Development Corporation 5701 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63112 (314) 367-7708 Nursing Ms. Jackie Beutel Health Occupations Instructor Gateway Institute of Technology 51501 McRee St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 776-3300 Ms. Marilyn Boch St. Josephs Health Center 300 1st Capitol Dr. St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 947-5067 Ms. Teri Budenholzer 14757 Timberbluff Chesterfield, MO 63017-5575 (636) 532-3379 Ms. Kathleen Case Director, Education Services St. Anthony's Medical Center 10010 Kennerly Rd. St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 965-7221 Ms. Carmalita Diggs 3810 Greer St. Louis, MO 63107 (314) 383-3290 Mr. Mike Dunaway Senior Vice President Missouri Hospital Association 10401 Holmes Rd. Ste. 280 Kansas City, MO 641313406 (816) 941-3800 Nursing Ms. Nellie Eikmann 2942 Bayberry Ridge Drive St. Louis, MO 63129 (314) 846-7620 Ms. Karen Hausfeld Assoc. Director of Nursing Services St. Mary's Health Center 6320 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 768-8000 Mr. William (Bill) Kaeppel 2520 Greenbriar Drive Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 831-8071 Ms. Connie Koch Acting Dean Barnes/UMSL School of Nursing 8001 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 516-6849 Ms. Anita Martinez Administrator Manor Care 1200 Graham Rd. Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 838-6555 Nursing Ms. Dawn McLean Administrator, Nursing Services St. Alexius Hospital 3933 S. Broadway St. Louis, MO 63118 (314) 865-3333 Ms. Catherine Miller Coordinator John Cochran VA Hospital 915 N. Grand Ave. St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 652-4100 Ms. Kathy Paur Manager, Dept. of Education Christian Hospital Northeast/Northwest 11133 Dunn Road St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 355-2300 Ms. Jean Smith Director of Nursing, Patient Care Services Forest Park Hospital 6150 Oakland Ave. St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 768-5630 Ms. Cindy Vishy Manager of Clinical Education St. Louis Children's Hospital One Children's Place St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 286-0388 Ms. Gail Wagner VP of Nursing St. Luke's Hospital 232 South Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 434-1500 Physical Therapist Assistant Mrs. Beth Crowner Physical Therapy St. John's Mercy Medical Center 615 S. New Ballas Rd. Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (314) 569-6304 Ms. Margaret Hilmer St. Louis Home Health 5106 Hampton Ave, Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 352-7889 Mrs. Laura Johnston Supervisor, CCCE St. John's Mercy Medical Center 615 S. New Ballas Raod St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 569-6257 Mr. Michael Kenyon PTA St. Louis Childrens Hospital #1 Children's Place St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 454-6154 Ms. Jane Lockett Physical Therapy Supervisor Christian Hospital NW 1150 Graham Rd. Ste. 104 Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 953-6448 Physical Therapist Assistant Ms. Judy Mange 9414 Pine Brentwood, MO 63144 (314) 962-9111 Ms. Terry Meyer Director of Physical Therapy Bethesda Dillworth 9645 Big Bend Florissant, MO 63033 (314) 355-6660 Ms. Kathleen Noles Clinical Education Coordinator Barnes Care West 11501 Page Service Rd. Maryland Heights, MO 63146 (314) 993-3279 Mrs. Janet Nolte Therapy Services Coordinator Delmar Gardens Enterprises 851 Pebblefield Terrace Manchester, MO 63021 (636) 256-9275 Mrs. Kelly Nowacki PTA St. Mary's Hospital (SSM) 9145 Arvin Place St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 638-8491 Mrs. Marcie Pattiz Physical Therapy Assistant Surrey Place 14701 Olive Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 542-3300 Ms. Karen Trim Physical Therapy DePaul Health Center 12303 DePaul Dr. Bridgeton, MO 63044 (314) 344-6460 Polysomnography Technology Ms. Kelly Million Director, Sleep Lab St. Joseph's Hospital 525 Couch Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 966-1559 Mr. Eric Powell Director, Sleep Lab Barnes West County Hospital 12634 Olive Blvd. Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (314) 996-8404 Mr. William Reed Coordinator, Sleep Disorders Center Jefferson Memorial Hospital P.O. Box 350 Crystal City, MO 63019 (636) 933-1324 Ms. Teresa Skaggs Sleep Lab Coordinator Clayton Sleep Institute 6400 Clayton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 645-6360 Mr. Dennis Sutmoeller Coordinator, Sleep Disorders Center Christian Hospital NW 1225 Graham Rd. Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 953-6287 Respiratory Therapy Mr. Frank Caruso Manager, Respiratory Care Missouri Baptist Medical Center (BJC) 3015 N. Ballas Rd St. Louis, MO 63131 (314) 996-5121 Ms. Darnetta Clinkscale Director, Respiratory Therapy BJC Hospital #1 Barnes Hospital Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-5438 Mr. John Hemkens Director, Respiratory Care St. Louis University Hospital PO Box 15250 3635 Vista St. Louis, MO 63110-0250 (314) 577-8810 Mr. Neil Hittler Director, Rehab, Pulmonary, Sleep & Neuro Diagnostics Christian Northeast 11133 Dunn Rd. St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 653-5611 Mr. Robert Karsch Manager, Cardiology Services, Cardiac Diagnostic Lab Barnes Jewish Christian #1 Barnes Jewish Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-5438 Mr. Thomas LaBruyere Director, Cardiopulmonary St. Anthony’s Medical Center 10010 Kennerly Rd. St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 525-1128 Mr. Bill Lamb Clinical Specialist Bemes Inc. 800 Sun Park Dr. Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 349-3377 08/26/04 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE N CC Benefits Specialist P 10 $41,189* 09/20/04-06/30/05 Dooley-Artis, Brenda -1* Minimum salary for the range Replacement position 08/26/04 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION TITLE RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Smith, Adrienne C FP Student Activities Assistant II 6 $1,070.96 bi-wk* 08/30/04 Westermayer, Stephen C M Educational Assistant II 6 1,070.96 bi-wk* 08/27/04 NAME -2* Minimum salary for the range Both are replacement positions. 08/26/04 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE From: Manager, Employment To: Senior Manager, Employment RANGE P 13 P 14 ANNUAL RATE $63,073.87 64,903.00* EFFECTIVE DATE Henderson, Patricia CC Chambers, Kathleen CC Project Associate II P8 From: 35,554.94 To: 39,111.00** 07/01/04-06/30/05 (reference footnote) Petz, Michael CC Coordinator, Engineering & Network Support P 10 From: 51,065.12 To: 56,172.00** 07/12/04-12/31/04 (reference footnote) Burroughs, Gena FV Coordinator, Student Access/Achievement Services P8 From: To: From: To: 45,732.48 50,305.00** 44,185.97 48,604.57** 08/27/04-06/30/05 07/01/04-07/02/04 05/05/04-06/30/04 -3*Rate change in accordance with administrative practice. **Increase in base compensation in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.3, Additional Administrative/Professional Responsibilities. Henderson: Result of classification review. Chambers, Petz & Burroughs: For additional duties of another position; ending dates for Chambers & Petz may be earlier than listed. 08/26/04 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION Shaneberger, Roy CC Bonds, Marsha FV TITLE From: Manager, Employee & Labor Relations To: Senior Manager, Employee & Labor Relations/Benefits Senior Project Associate II RANG E A 13 A 14 P 11 ANNUAL RATE $60,170.76 61,916.00* From: To: From: To: 45,529.65 48,717.00** 43,990.00 47,069.30** EFFECTIVE DATE 08/27/04-06/30/05 07/01/04-09/30/04 05/30/04-06/30/04 -3a*Rate change in accordance with administrative practice. **Increase in base compensation in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.3, Additional Administrative/Professional Responsibilities. Shaneberger: Result of classification review. Bonds: For additional duties of another position; ending date may be earlier than 09/30/04. 08/26/04 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Walker, Alice CC From: Educational Assistant I To: Educational Assistant II 5 6 $1,182.73 bi-wk 1,305.04 bi-wk* Hehr, Steve M LAN Specialist 8 From: 1,293.96 bi-wk To: 1,423.36 bi-wk** 04/12/04-06/09/04 Peeples, Renee FV Administrative Secretary 5 From: 1,054.88 bi-wk To: 1,128.72 bi-wk** 05/13/04-06/25/04 Smith, LaVaughn FV Student Admissions/Registration Assistant III 5 From: 1,342.88 bi-wk To: 1,436.88 bi-wk** 05/17/04-06/25/04 -3b- Brouk, Judith From: M To: CC Administrative Assistant I Administrative Assistant II 7 8 Sharp, Gloria From: M To: FV Housekeeper - 1,435.57 bi-wk 1,579.13 bi-wk*** 12.27/hr 08/27/04 09/20/04 08/30/04 * Salary placement in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article VIII Vacancies. ** Salary increase in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article XXI Additional Compensation. *** Salary increase in accordance with Board Policy F4.1 Promotional Salary Increase for Non-Unit Office & Technical Employees. Walker: New, temporary, externally-funded position. Hehr, Peeples & Smith: For additional duties of another position. Brouk: New position. Sharp: Lateral transfer. 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Angert, Joseph C Anthes, Richard M Arpadi, Allen G Ashcroft, John R Baldwin, Robert O Beal, David W Bergjans, Dorrine C Bouchard, Celia A Breed, Gwen E Brennan, James R Bunn, John R Cervellione, Gabrielle Chambers, Stanley V Chapman, Thelma L Conner, Elcee C Consolino, Beverly M Corich, Evelyn F Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Denney, Diane M Dennis, Jeremy K Dickerson, John R Dickinson, Zelma A Downey, Michael D Dunlop, Katherine Featherson, Vincent E Fish, Lynda K Fitzgerald, Eleftheria Fonseca, Eve M Forester, Patricia M Gerardot, Diane M Graham, Nita S Grote, Terri J Hallermann, Charleen T Harlan, Vernon T Harris, James J Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Hawker, Patricia E Heaton, Patricia L Range IV V IV IV IV III V IV IV II IV V IV III III V IV V III V IV V III V V IV V IV IV IV III IV IV III III V IV IV V II II V Job Title Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Instructor II/IR Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/IR Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Instructor II Instructor II Professor Ashcroft: Transferring to Florissant Valley campus, effective fall 2004 semester. Consolino & Heaton: Sabbaticals effective fall 2004 semester. 08/26/04 -4- Annual Salary 54,616 62,561 56,687 56,687 56,687 48,807 79,659 58,758 55,652 47,044 54,616 65,004 54,616 54,969 55,850 63,783 56,687 63,783 48,807 80,880 55,652 69,889 48,807 83,323 63,783 56,687 72,331 56,687 56,687 66,005 49,687 56,687 54,616 53,209 49,687 69,889 54,616 68,076 62,561 49,264 50,742 69,889 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Hinton, Grady Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Jason, Marita A Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, Ida T Johnson, Margaret K Josten, Denice L Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kiser, Karen M Knight, Sandra M Koosmann, Steven B Lee, Dianne M Liu, Grace Lodhi, Afzal Malone, McCoy A Marion, Louis M McBride, Patrick C McEwen, Patricia B McHugh, James M McKay, Darrell E Meyer, Deborah M Mitchell, Lucille B Moody, Carla J Moser, Donald B Munson, Bruce J Njoku, Angela C Noori-Khajavi, Anoosh Ostlund, Karen M Pennington, Gwendolyn G Pennington, Jack L Peppes, Nicholas D Person, Sharon K Price, Mary A Rhodes, Marlene Richards, Evann M Roach, Timothy L Schaber, Jennifer K Scott, Harriette A Shepherd, Deneen M Smith, Stephen W Souder, Sally A Range V IV III V V III III IV III V V III V V V V V IV III III IV V IV V II IV II III II IV V V IV V IV IV IV V III III III II IV Job Title Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Counselor Instructor II Associate Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Lodhi: Currently serving as Acting Dean, Allied Health/Natural Sciences. 08/26/04 -5- Annual Salary 63,783 54,616 48,807 62,561 69,889 52,328 56,730 54,616 48,807 65,004 65,004 49,687 65,004 65,004 63,783 77,217 71,110 72,217 62,012 52,328 66,005 72,331 56,687 72,331 50,002 72,217 49,264 53,209 45,565 54,616 66,225 77,217 56,687 65,004 57,723 64,970 59,792 62,561 49,687 48,807 48,807 45,565 72,217 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Forest Park Name Swallow, Cheryl A Swyers, Kathleen M Taylor, Mary A Ter Maat, Dwayne J Trunk, Deborah D Urban, Georgia A Walker, Mitchell E Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Zant, Thomas Zuo, Yingxu 08/26/04 Range IV III V V V IV V V III V IV Job Title Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor -6- Annual Salary 55,652 48,807 65,004 74,775 65,004 54,616 65,004 62,561 55,850 83,323 54,616 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Probationary Forest Park Name Becker, Kathleen Sue Brown, Dorian A Clark, Judy V Collins, Jennifer P Conte, Mario V Godfrey, Carolyn J Hertel, Robert B Higgins, Julie C Huber, William F Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Ivory, Jeffrey P Johnson, Elmer Claude Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D LaRock, William W Martin, Susan J Morris, Jonathan Michael Otto, Esther Elizabeth Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Raheja, Nina S Reeves, Aaron L Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Rossi, Charles R Talkad, Venugopal D Williams, Louis Zirkle, Thomas A 08/26/04 Range III II II II III II III II III III III III III III III II II III II III II III III III III III Job Title Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor -7- Annual Salary 53,209 44,826 44,826 47,044 52,328 43,349 50,566 43,349 52,328 49,687 48,807 48,807 48,807 50,566 50,566 47,044 43,349 52,328 44,087 48,807 44,087 48,807 50,566 53,209 53,209 48,335 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Temporary Forest Park Name Adamecz, Gustav Dettman, David D Goessling, Steven P Mueller, Craig Hugo Range III III I III Job Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor I Assistant Professor All are temporary, externally-funded positions. 08/26/04 -8- Annual Salary 48,807 51,447 41,332 52,328 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Range Job Title Annual Salary Adams, Nancy E V Professor 65,004 Agrawal, Ashok V Professor 77,217 Appelbaum, Susan S IV Associate Professor 55,652 Armstrong, Richard D V Professor 66,225 Askew, Mary T III Assistant Professor 49,687 Beard, Otis C III Assistant Professor 57,608 Belt, Donda D III Assistant Professor 48,807 Berger, Carol A V Professor 72,331 Berne, Richard R V Professor 69,889 Bickel, Roger P V Professor 68,665 Bingham, Thomas J V Professor 80,880 Blanco, Carlos A IV Associate Professor 54,616 Bryan, Wayne M II Instructor II 44,087 Burkhardt, Charles E IV Associate Professor 56,687 Bushong, Michael T III Assistant Professor 58,491 Byers, Larry J IV Associate Professor 62,899 Campbell, Cindy L V Professor 62,561 Chant, Robert R V Professor 69,889 Coburn, John W V Professor 31,280 Coelho, Ana P IV Associate Professor 56,687 Dent, Thomas P V Professor 79,659 Dunbar, Laurencin IV Associate Professor 54,616 Edmonds, Dino A II Instructor II 44,826 Finnell, Patricia K IV Associate Professor 54,616 Fliss, Edward R III Assistant Professor 54,969 Florini, Jeanne R IV Associate Professor 54,616 Fox, Sharon A IV Associate Professor/IR 54,616 Freeman, Terrence L V Professor 67,446 Friedman, Donna G V Professor 71,110 Frizelle, William G III Assistant Professor 53,209 Galanis, Joanne M V Professor/IR 65,004 Gale-Betzler, Lisa E III Assistant Professor 50,566 Gerstenecker, Dale M IV Associate Professor 59,792 Gopalan, Chaya V Professor 63,783 Gordon, Brian G V Professor 77,217 Gormley, James C IV Associate Professor 58,758 Grahlfs, Joan M IV Associate Professor 56,687 Graul, Julie L III Assistant Professor 54,969 Hake, Carol L IV Associate Professor 55,652 Hamberg, Linda J IV Associate Professor 54,616 Haun, Margaret C V Professor 71,110 Heidger, John M V Professor 71,110 Herzog, David L V Professor 69,889 Agrawal: Currently serving as Acting Dean, Mathematics/Science/Engineering & Technology. Coburn: Sabbatical effective academic year 2004-05. Coelho: Sabbatical effective spring 2005 semester. 08/26/04 -9- 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Range Job Title Annual Salary Heth, George O IV Associate Professor 57,723 Hovis, Janice Kay III Assistant Professor/IR 49,687 Huebner, Michael E IV Associate Professor/Counselor 58,758 Huether, Teresa F V Professor 62,561 Kalinevitch, Karen L V Professor 71,110 Kalmer, Irene C IV Associate Professor 55,652 Landiss, Daniel J V Professor 74,775 Langnas, Robert S IV Associate Professor 54,616 Lewis, Christine Marie II Instructor II 43,349 Licata, Christina F IV Associate Professor 54,616 Luebke, Mary E IV Associate Professor 56,687 Lupardus, S Carol III Assistant Professor 49,687 Lyons, Eilene M IV Associate Professor 54,616 Magagnos, Lovedy S IV Associate Professor 72,217 Mayes, Howard G V Professor 66,225 Mayes, Karen K V Professor 65,004 McCloskey, Ellen A V Professor 62,561 McDonald, Chris L III Assistant Professor 48,807 McGuffin, Dorothy B V Professor/Counselor 65,004 McManemy, Jeffrey Charles IV Associate Professor 54,616 Mense, James J III Assistant Professor 50,566 Mines, Thomas E V Professor 77,217 Mosher, Anne Marie IV Associate Professor 54,616 Mosley, Kim V Professor 72,331 Mozelewski, Ronald A V Professor 68,665 Mueller, Kelly J III Assistant Professor 48,807 Nagel, Jack G V Professor 71,110 Nance, Harreld E IV Associate Professor 72,217 North, Sharon I V Professor 62,561 Nygard, Paul D IV Associate Professor 54,616 Oney, Margaret J IV Associate Professor 54,616 Ortbals, John D IV Associate Professor 63,934 Palank, Robert F IV Associate Professor 68,076 Pearson, Roy III Assistant Professor 62,892 Pescarino, Richard A III Assistant Professor 48,807 Popper, Regina W IV Associate Professor 54,616 Powell, Margaret B IV Associate Professor 55,652 Reilly, Catherine H III Assistant Professor/IR 49,687 Riedl, John Michael II Instructor II 43,349 Risch, David E V Professor 83,323 Rosenthal, Howard G V Professor 65,004 Selig, Margaret R V Professor/Counselor 69,889 Shultis, Eric IV Associate Professor 54,616 Mosley: Currently serving as Acting Dean, Liberal Arts. North: Sabbatical effective fall 2004 semester. Popper: Sabbatical effective spring 2005 semester. 08/26/04 -10- 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley Name Sodon, James R Spaulding, Donna M Spencer, Jamieson Stephens, Christopher J Taylor, Mark L Teschendorf, Michelle E Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Wallner, Donna F Wigg, David George Wilke, Fred J Worth, Joseph B 08/26/04 Range V IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV V IV Job Title Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor -11- Annual Salary 83,323 62,899 54,616 54,616 54,616 54,616 54,616 54,616 54,616 54,616 65,004 54,616 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Probationary Florissant Valley Name Betzler, Daniel J Bozek, Brian M du Maine, Jessica J Ebest, Ron J Flynn, Thomas W Gardner, Sandra M Garsnett, Kay Lynn Gordon, Katherine Heather Hake, John C Higdon, Paul Edward Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S Linzy, Nancy A Manteuffel, Mark Steven Moody, Peggy L Saum, Suzanne E Schalda, Anne Therese Shanks-Brueggenjohann, Cindy Wachal, Barbara Joan Walker, Carla Drake Wang, Danhua Warren, Aundrea L Wilson, Pamela S 08/26/04 Range III II III III II III III II II III II II III III III III III II III II III II III Job Title Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor B Assistant Professor Instructor II/Counselor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor/Counselor -12- Annual Salary 50,566 44,087 50,566 53,209 46,306 53,209 53,209 43,349 43,349 50,566 43,349 46,306 53,209 48,335 52,328 53,209 52,328 46,306 48,335 45,565 50,566 44,087 49,687 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Temporary Florissant Valley Name Dabney, Kristin Diane Fischer, Carl W Nesser-Chu, Janice Pea, Nancy E Jones Range III III II III Job Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Dabney, Nesser-Chu & Pea: Temporary, one-academic year only appointments. Fischer: Temporary, externally-funded position. 08/26/04 -13- Annual Salary 52,328 49,687 44,087 52,328 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Aehle, Michael R Ahrens, J Markus Albrecht, Randall L Ballard, Kelly K Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Barbara Jean Bayer, John G Bee, Bethabra Behrend, Reynold C Billman, Daniel T Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blalock, Kay Jeanene Breitwieser, Dianne E Bryan, Rebecca A Campbell, Jay G Carson, Diane E Carter, Christine E Chanasue, Deborah M Chesney, Win Chott, Craig S Christman, Mary B Cobb, Daniel R Collins, Steven G Cooper, Terry D Crawford, Linden G Cruz, Ana Lucia Day, Leroy Thomas Delong, Rondel J Dixon, Robert T Dufer, Dennis C Dwyer, Joan E Epperson, Cynthia K Etling, Nancy A Franks, Louise B Franks, Stephanie L Frost, James G Fuller, Michael J Gaines, Karen B Garrett, Toni N Goetz, Ronald E Greer, James F Groth, Charles E Range V III IV III IV V V V IV III IV IV V II IV V IV IV V III IV V III V V IV IV IV IV IV IV III IV IV III IV V IV V IV V III Job Title Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Instructor II Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Counselor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Groth: Sabbatical effective fall 2004 semester. 08/26/04 -14- Annual Salary 63,783 51,447 68,076 48,807 55,652 65,004 77,217 69,889 55,652 50,566 55,652 54,616 68,665 43,349 55,652 77,217 54,616 54,616 67,446 50,566 57,723 77,217 48,807 63,783 65,004 54,616 55,652 54,616 72,217 56,687 60,828 50,566 54,616 59,792 50,566 55,652 68,665 54,616 65,004 54,616 65,004 51,447 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Range Job Title Grupas, Angela K V Professor Guenther, Charles J V Professor Hafer, Gail H IV Associate Professor Hagan, Marilyn Kay V Professor Harms, Robert C III Assistant Professor Hauser, Michael A IV Associate Professor Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller III Assistant Professor/IR Herdlick, John D III Assistant Professor Huelsmann, Mary L III Assistant Professor Hughes, John S V Professor Hunt-Bradford, Susan E II Instructor II Hurst, Douglas J IV Associate Professor Huxhold, John P V Professor Hvatum, Margaret M IV Associate Professor Ilhan, Gulten IV Associate Professor Inyang, Ambrose A V Professor Jones, Trevin J II Instructor II Kalfus, Richard M V Professor Karleskint, George V Professor Keller, Margaret L IV Associate Professor Keller, Patty OHallaron V Professor Kelly, J Kevin IV Associate Professor Klein, Nancy M V Professor Kreider, Mary K V Professor Krishnan, Gee R V Professor Kummer, Denise L V Professor Kurt, Barbara E V Professor Langrehr, Andrew M III Assistant Professor Larson, Judy C IV Associate Professor Leach, Judith A V Professor Lee, Kwan M IV Associate Professor Lee, Robert M III Assistant Professor Lewis, Walter B V Professor Lincoln, Craig W IV Associate Professor Little, Timothy A III Assistant Professor Loy, Willis L V Professor Mahony, Elizabeth M V Professor Mani, Marcia A III Assistant Professor Marshall, Gregory A V Professor Marshall, Jon III Assistant Professor Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth III Assistant Professor McDonald, Virginia N V Professor McDoniel, Lawrence J V Professor Hurst & Inyang: Sabbatical effective fall 2004 semester. Marshall: Currently serving as Acting Dean, Communications/Mathematics. 08/26/04 -15- Annual Salary 65,004 65,004 55,652 69,889 48,807 56,687 48,807 48,807 49,687 65,004 47,785 54,616 80,880 55,652 54,616 62,561 44,087 83,323 65,004 57,723 65,004 62,899 62,561 72,331 66,225 65,004 62,561 48,807 59,792 66,225 54,616 48,807 74,775 55,652 56,730 83,323 65,004 50,566 71,110 48,807 48,807 67,446 74,775 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name McDowell, Barbara J McElligott, Pamela G McKay, Heather McManus, Laurie K Mercer, June J Meyer, Eric W Meyer, Suellen Michel-Trapaga, Rene D Miller, Robert J Mirikitani, Ronald T Mizes, Lisa R Molner, Arthur R Monachella, Mary B Montgomery, David L Moore, Kathryn E Nagel, John William Olson, Karen A Paul, Ronald G Pisacreta, Diane Pressman, Sophia Rebollo, Jean M Reuter, Marion M Richardson, Carol J Ritts, Vicki M Roberts, Paul R Romero, Marco A Salmon, Harold E Scherer, Juliet Katherine Schmitt, Damaris A Schoolman, Marilyn J Schweser, Susan K Scroggins, Fredna C Seese, Lillian M Sether, Donald L Shuck, Patrick J Sibbitts, Gary E Simmons, Nancy R Snaric, Jay M Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stewart, Gayla S Strahm, Cheryl A Range IV IV V V IV II V V III V II V V IV IV V V V III II III IV V V IV IV V III V IV V V V III V IV V III II V V III Job Title Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Instructor II Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Professor/IR Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Professor/Counselor Professor Assistant Professor Suellen Meyer: Sabbatical effective spring 2005 semester. Rebollo: Sabbatical effective fall 2004 semester. 08/26/04 -16- Annual Salary 55,652 54,616 62,561 62,561 54,616 43,349 71,110 65,004 59,370 77,217 47,044 77,217 63,783 54,616 62,899 67,446 62,561 63,783 48,807 43,349 49,687 56,687 63,783 62,561 62,899 57,723 67,446 48,807 71,110 59,792 62,561 66,225 71,110 55,850 71,110 54,616 68,665 48,807 47,785 66,225 68,665 51,447 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Continuing Meramec Name Stukenholtz, Larry L Thayer, William V Thomas, Corinne M Thomas, Ronald W Thomas-Vertrees, Laverne Thompson, Judith S Tiedt, Linda J Tylka, David Ulmer, Donna K Van Vickle, Linda M Walsh, Janet K Wasson, George Wessely, Vicki R Wiesler, Eugene Paul Williams, Judy Yale, Emily A Range IV IV V V V IV V IV V III IV V V V III IV Job Title Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Thayer: Sabbatical effective fall 2004 semester. Thompson: Sabbatical effective spring 2005 semester. 08/26/04 -17- Annual Salary 54,616 62,899 67,446 83,323 66,225 54,616 63,783 59,792 65,004 56,730 54,616 66,225 62,561 62,561 59,370 54,616 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Probationary Meramec Name Chesla, Joseph C Collier, Nancy C Counte, Suzanne F Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Elliott, John M Fratello, Bradley Peter Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Garvey, Pamela A Hamilton, Angela L Hanlon, David R Herman, Susan K High, Julie Ann Ibur, James M Lemons, Shelly Lynn Long, Richard Douglas Lorenz, Michael R Messmer, John P Morris, Betsy J Murray, Russell H Padberg, Christine Elizabeth Peraud, Richard J Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Reno, Shaun Ruppert, Joan Hart Schamber, Steven M Schneider, Joseph R Skornia, Dale E Stone, Tina M Taylor, David M Taylor, Timothy Neal Voss, Karl Dirk Waghulde, Vidyullata C Werner, Donna J Williams, Gelaine R Wilson, Nathan G Zumwinkel, Donna Marie 08/26/04 Range III III III III III II III III II II III II III III III III III III III III II II III II III II II III II II II III III III III II II Job Title Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II/Counselor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Instructor II Instructor II Instructor II Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Counselor Instructor II Instructor II/Counselor -18- Annual Salary 48,807 49,687 53,209 53,209 53,209 43,349 48,807 53,209 44,826 43,349 53,209 47,044 51,447 52,328 48,335 53,209 48,807 48,807 52,328 51,447 43,349 44,826 49,687 44,826 52,328 45,565 45,565 53,209 45,453 44,087 44,826 49,687 53,209 48,807 50,566 44,087 44,087 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2004-2005 Salary Recommendations Faculty-Temporary Meramec Name Campbell, Carl E Feller, Candi P Kokotovich, Lisa M Range II V III Job Title Instructor II Professor/Counselor Assistant Professor Campbell & Kokotovich: Temporary, one academic year only appointments. Feller: Temporary, externally-funded position. 08/26/04 -19- Annual Salary 46,306 65,004 48,335 08/26/04 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND PROGRAM COORDINATORS AT FOREST PARK 2004-2005 Program Coordinator Chemistry 3.4 Patricia McEwen OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME Marshall, Alison LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE CC Project Associate II 08/03/04-09/29/04 -203.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Swartz, Lorraine CC Administrative Secretary 07/14/04-01/13/05 Smith, M. Susan CC Library Associate 08/01/04-11/01/04 Smith: Extension of previous leave of absence which began on 02/24/04. 08/26/04 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME Jack, Bryan LOCATION M TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Coordinator, Student Orientations & Transitions 08/11/04 McGrath, Kelly CC Project Associate II 08/02/04 Lee, Shelly FV Project Associate II 07/30/04 Mandrapa, Tatjana CC Project Associate II 07/23/04 All are resignations. -213.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RETIREMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Hamilton, Charles 25 years of service LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE FP Distribution/Mail Clerk 09/30/04 08/26/04 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/TERMINATIONS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Williams, James 3.4 LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE FV Housekeeper 08/27/04 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS -21a- Board of Trustees approval 07/29/04, 3.2 2004-05 Salary Recommendations: p. 12: Revise salary for Joe Ann Hester, FP, Manager Campus Business Services; from $73,647.50 to $73,292. p. 14: Revise salary for Ronnie Romer, M, Manager Campus Business Services; from $73,647.50 to $73,292. Revise salary for Paul Talaski, M, Manager, Media Services; from $73,647.50 to $73,292. p. 18: Revise salary of Nicole Deloch, Academic Advisor, 36 weeks; from $30,789.18 to $25,657.65. Add this footnote to the recommendation for Lauren Roberds, Senior Research Associate, $61,658.93: Base salary includes increase for additional responsibilities of another position through 09/30/04 or earlier. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: MANAGER, DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES CLASSIFICATION: REPORTS TO: Professional (Exempt) Executive Dean, Dean SUPERVISION GIVEN: Specialists, Services for the Disabled; clerical staff; part-time Educational Assistants; may supervise faculty and/or Interpreter Coordinator, Interpreters POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to plan, implement, and manage campus-wide support services for students with disabilities; works with faculty and other instructional personnel regarding accommodations and the design of curriculum and instructional methodology; administers budgets; monitors and advises faculty, staff, and administration of the College’s mandated compliance to disability-related state and federal laws (Americans with Disabilities Act – ADA, Rehabilitation Act, Section 504); provides training and consultative services to faculty, staff, students, and the community; provides accommodations as necessary for college events/activities; performs normal supervisory functions. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Coordinates the campus office process for the award of student accommodations; establishes guidelines and reviews documentation of disability in order to determine appropriate accommodations; insures compliance with state/federal statutes and institutional regulations: instructs students in the development of accommodations plans, effective use of accommodations, and appropriate advocacy to minimize impact of their disability in a post-secondary setting; notifies instructors of accommodation needs of students with disabilities. EF Performs counseling and academic advising for students with disabilities including program planning, career and personal counseling, financial aid audits, graduation audits, and registration. EF Facilitates problem solving/conflict resolution regarding the provisions of accommodations or disability-related issues with faculty, staff and students. Provides training to faculty, staff, students, and the community to ensure equal access to the College’s programs, activities, and services. Works with faculty and other instructional personnel regarding Date Issued: 9/93 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. accommodations and the design of curriculum and instructional methodology to strengthen equal access to instruction for persons with disabilities through staff and student development activities. EF Documents the College’s compliance to state/federal laws through a centralized electronic record system which includes individual, active and inactive student files, confidential documentation of disabilities, and record of provision of accommodations. Assists in the preparation of responses to Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and Human Rights Commission (HRC) investigations and other legal processes regarding the College’s provision of equal access. EF Analyzes trends and interpretations of state/federal regulations in disability compliance that effect institutional policy; recommends changes and purchase of appropriate adaptive equipment in compliance with state/federal regulations. EF Performs normal supervisory duties. Coordinates the provision of support personnel such as interpreters, note-takers, readers, and writers; the provision of instructional material in alternate format including Braille, large print and e-text; and the scheduling of rooms, accessible furniture and equipment. EF Oversees budgets from three cost centers: operational budget, Carl Perkins budget, and In/Out Budget. Performs other job related duties as assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s Degree and over three (3) years of relevant full-time experience. Revised: 07/04 Date Issued: 9/93 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to the SHERATON CLAYTON PLAZA HOTEL, ST. LOUIS for the rental of a banquet facility in the amount estimated at $9,756.15. Description This contract will provide a suitable banquet room and buffet style dinner with non-alcoholic beverages for the Meramec Campus Award Banquet. This event is currently scheduled for Friday, May 13, 2005. The estimated cost of this event is based upon a projected attendance of three hundred (300) participants. Actual attendance will determine the total amount expended. The recommended vendor offered the lowest cost per person and meets all specifications. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001797 The evaluation of this bid, which opened July 21, 2004, is listed below: Bidders SHERATON CLAYTON PLAZA HOTEL, ST. LOUIS Radisson Hotel Clayton Hilton, St. Louis Frontenac Chase Park Plaza Cost per Person/Gratuity/AV $ 26.95/19%/$135 29.95/20%/$ 60 42.00/21%/$150 51.00/21%/$135 Est. Total/300 Persons $ 9,756.15 10,852.00 15,255.00 18,633.00 Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from Agency Budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the use of St. Louis County Government contract with the CHILD DAYCARE ASSOCIATION in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin September 1, 2004. If approved, the contract will provide eligible Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program participants with temporary assistance in meeting their child care needs while enrolled in the program. Contract services will be provided to clients upon referral to participate in the WIA program by the College’s Employment and Training Center. If approved, this will be the fifth contract year of approval to use this provider. The Workforce Investment Act program is a Federal Program funded through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and awarded to St. Louis County Government. Participation in the WIA program was approved by the Board of Trustees on July 24, 2000, Agenda Item 7.1. Funding All purchases made against this contract will be funded from external budgets. Advertisements The primary contractor managed all aspects of the bid for these services. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine production and mailing of 1098-T Tuition Payment Statement forms to MIDWEST DIRECT MARKETING SERVICES in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 for a period of three (3) full years, with an option to renew for two (2) additional years, to begin September 1, 2004. Description This contract will be used to produce and mail forms the College is required to supply to students in compliance with the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. The recommended bidder meets all requirements of the bid, including experience in producing and distributing tax forms, and offered the overall lowest price. Bids were evaluated on sample product quality and prior experience in both producing and mailing like forms. The quantity to be produced and mailed for each Tax year varies. The 2004 tax year requirement is currently estimated at 75,000. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001798 The evaluation of this bid, which opened July 21, 2004, is listed below: Bidders MIDWEST DIRECT MARKETING SERVICES CDCI/Source Link The Relizon Company Commercial Letter, Inc. Input Technology, Inc. Total Cost Per 1,000 Forms $ 73.81 73.85 120.62 181.00 199.89 Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Newspaper advertisements for this contract were run in the St. Louis American, the St. Louis Argus and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of first aid, medical and athletic trainer supply items to MFASCO HEALTH & SAFETY, MOORE MEDICAL CORP., and EDWARDS MEDICAL SUPPLY in an amount not to exceed $38,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin September 1, 2004. Description This contract will be used College-wide by the Campus Health Services, Physical Education Departments and various Athletic programs to purchase first aid supplies, small pieces of medical equipment and over-the-counter drug items used in the treatment of minor illness, accidents and sports related injuries. Bid responses were evaluated on price (70%), product lines available (20%) and delivery services (10%). The recommended bidders achieved the best overall combined scores and meet all the specifications of the bid. Two (2) bidders were disqualified for technical reasons. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001691 The evaluation of this bid, which opened July 30, 2004, is listed below: Bidders MFASCO HEALTH & SAFETY MOORE MEDICAL CORP. EDWARDS MEDICAL SUPPLY Henry Schein, Inc. Price/70 Pts 70.0 60.2 55.3 46.9 Product/20 Pts 19.7 19.0 20.0 19.5 Delivery/10 Pts 4.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 Total/100 93.7 84.2 79.3 72.4 Funding Purchases made from this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those new bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing There are no ratifications for Purchasing this month. 4.3.1 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 05 501, HANDRAILS AT VARIOUS PLACES, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to IMPERIAL ORNAMENTAL METAL COMPANY, INC., for $68,416.00, for Base Bid plus Alternate #1. Contractor IMPERIAL ORNAMENTAL METAL COMPANY, INC. Aulbach Contracting, Inc. Base Bid $ 61,283.00 61,942.00 Alternate #1 $ 7,133.00 6,925.00 Total $ 68,416.00 68,867.00 Description: The existing handrails are in need of repair and need to be brought up to current ADA standards. Existing handrails will be removed and replaced with modern handrails, including any concrete needed to complete the installation. Handrails to be replaced are located throughout the campus: Parking lot P-1 and P-2; north of Humanities; west of Communications; south of Communications; south of Social Science; north of Instructional Resources; and east of the Business Building. Alternate #1 will replace handrails south of the Student Center. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2001/02, Tab J, Page 1, No. 6; Fiscal year 2002/2003, Tab J, Page 1, No. 6; Fiscal year 2003/2004, Tab J, Page 1, No. 6. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. company submitted a bid for this project. No known minority 4.3.2 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 05 002, CHILLER REPLACEMENT, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK and MERAMEC to LEE MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. for $ 1,080,000.00. Contractor LEE MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Propipe Corporation American Boiler Services, Inc. Corrigan Company Haberberger, Inc. TGB, Inc. $ Base Bid 1,080,000.00 1,099,000.00 1,133,350.00 1,136,270.00 1,237,800.00 1,298,590.00 Description: This project’s scope of work consists of replacing two 1000 ton capacity centrifugal water chillers at Forest Park and one 420 ton capacity centrifugal water chiller at Meramec. The existing units will be replaced by more energy efficient chillers with the same total capacities. As a result of this project the College will also realize energy savings during the spring and autumn cooling seasons. In order to improve life safety, this project will also include a refrigerant detection system that includes audible alarms and positive ventilation. At Meramec we will add walls to separate the chillers from the boiler room area in order to improve safety and provide sound (noise) attenuation. The refrigerant relief vent system will be improved at Forest Park. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Horner & Shifrin, Inc.. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2003/04, Tab J, Page 1, No. 3. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Metro Sentinel, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: Two known minority companies received plans and specifications. Two known minority companies submitted a bid for this project. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Preliminary Financial Results through June 2004 5.1.2 Preliminary Budget Status Summary Operating Fund through June 30, 2004. 5.1.3 Preliminary Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004. 5.1.4 Preliminary Student Financial Aid Fund: June 30, 2004. 5.1.5 Preliminary Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004 5.1.6 Preliminary Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for July 2004 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of July 2004 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered during the year ending June 30, 2004 5.2.3 Ratification for Fund Balance Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Report General July 1, 2003 – 5.1.1 Executive Summary August 26, 2004 (Preliminary Financial Results Through 06/30/2004) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $137.1 million or 100% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $131.8 million or 98.3% of the budget for the prior year. The increase in student fees is the primary reason that the current year’s revenues are greater than last year’s. Expenditures Expenditures are $120.0 million or 98.9% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $119.0 million or 100.5% of the budget for the prior year. The increase in the operating category is the primary reason that this year’s expenditures are greater than the prior year. Transfers Transfers are at $15.7 million or 99.9% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $15.6 million or 100.1% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. The increase in the transfer amount is due to the additional planned capital. Since the Controller’s office is in the process of finalizing the fiscal year-end close and the external auditors will begin the financial statement audit on September 7th, some adjustments to these preliminary amounts will occur. 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through June 30, 2004 Preliminary Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 51,900,476 42,972,136 38,453,382 3,750,000 137,075,994 51,900,476 42,972,136 38,453,382 3,750,000 137,075,994 53,413,792 43,605,107 37,337,292 2,769,208 137,125,399 102.9% 101.5% 97.1% 73.8% 100.0% 51,722,422 44,516,436 32,231,248 3,360,448 131,830,554 100.7% 96.5% 100.4% 74.7% 98.3% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 79,748,584 17,319,760 25,140,859 122,209,203 79,748,584 17,319,760 24,305,590 121,373,934 79,316,044 17,599,979 23,071,552 119,987,574 99.5% 101.6% 94.9% 98.9% 81,796,037 16,992,808 20,217,320 119,006,165 103.3% 110.5% 84.6% 100.5% 10,668,962 100.0% 10,567,432 100.0% 3,358,969 768,710 887,370 15,684,011 102.5% 100.0% 89.6% 99.9% 3,416,172 768,710 873,568 15,625,882 100.0% 100.0% 102.2% 100.1% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 9,829,520 3,278,561 768,710 990,000 14,866,791 (835,269) 839,442 10,668,962 3,278,561 768,710 990,000 15,706,233 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July 2003 - June 2004 Preliminary Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Food Service/Vending 660,000 11,850,680 1,704,303 660,000 11,850,680 1,704,303 671,577 11,174,780 1,914,905 102% 94% 112% 14,214,983 14,214,983 13,761,262 97% Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale 1,292,032 180,583 2,594,368 8,771,090 1,292,032 180,583 2,443,151 8,771,090 1,278,500 218,606 2,812,712 8,507,635 99% 121% 115% 97% Total Expenditures 12,838,073 12,686,856 12,817,453 101% Transfer to Capital Transfer to Student Aid Transfer to Operating 1,149,000 36,000 115,000 1,149,000 36,000 115,000 1,149,000 36,000 115,000 100% 100% 100% Total Transfers 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 100% 14,138,073 13,986,856 14,117,453 101% Total Revenue Expenditures Transfers Total Expenditures & Transfers 5.1.3 Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July 2003 - June 2004 Preliminary Original Budget Total Revenues Adjusted Budget Actual To Date 57,000 57,000 35,246 Prior Year's Funds Expenditures 57,000 137,538 57,000 25,915 Total Expenditures 57,000 194,538 25,915 % of Budget To Date 62% 13% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July 2003 - June 2004 Preliminary Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available $ 770,000 150,000 770,000 235,057 1,080,548 $ 920,000 Expenditures Total Expenditures Funds in excess of expenditures Adjusted Budget $ Actual To Date $ % of Budget To Date 716,902 520,069 1,080,548 93.1% 221.3% 100.0% $ 2,085,605 $ 2,317,519 111.1% 850,000 2,085,605 1,412,222 67.7% 850,000 $ 2,085,605 $ 1,412,222 67.7% $ 905,297 5.1.4 St. Louis CommunityCollege Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2003 - June 2004 Preliminary Funds available Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $768,016 379,533 $669,888 291,819 $669,888 291,819 100% 100% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 521,943 163,107 521,943 163,107 470,669 148,191 90% 91% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 447,360 90,291 419,303 447,360 87,855 419,303 333,848 87,855 272,839 75% 100% 65% $ 2,506,803 $ 2,275,109 91% $912,360 652,428 436,424 419,303 41,868 32,621 $926,829 592,763 421,703 272,839 34,878 26,097 102% 91% 97% 65% 83% 80% $ 2,506,803 $ 2,275,109 91% Total funds available $ 2,789,553 * Revised Budget % of Revised Budget Original Budget * Actual Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Admin Allowance -Federal Work Study Admin Allowance - Federal SEOG** Total expenditures $1,099,548 652,428 537,651 419,303 48,001 32,622 $ 2,789,553 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures *Does not include $260,308 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant $17,839,914 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL)* Budget Status Report July 2003 - June 2004 Preliminary Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 1,900,000 2,000,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,219,741 6,916,874 886,000 1,000,000 3,415,739 4,084,649 886,000 1,000,000 106.09% 59.05% 100.00% 100.00% Total Revenue / Resources $ 5,786,000 $ 12,022,615 $ 9,386,387 78.07% Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 2,500,000 400,000 2,836,000 50,000 $ 2,500,000 400,000 9,072,615 50,000 $ 1,606,443 355,313 6,455,812 19,463 64.26% 88.83% 71.16% 38.93% Total Expense $ 5,786,000 $ 12,022,615 $ 8,437,031 70.18% Expenditures * In addition to the above, CBIL credit hours generated approximately $4.0 million to the College during FY'04 through state aid. 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July 2003 - June 2004 Preliminary Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenue, Contribution and Match External Sources Institutional Match $18,795,424 3,828,199 $14,289,939 3,828,199 76.0% 100.0% Total Revenue, Contribution and Match * $22,623,623 $18,118,138 80.1% $7,533,489 1,989,689 $7,205,460 1,864,014 95.6% 93.7% 8,806,608 4,293,838 4,446,765 3,703,154 50.5% 86.2% 13,100,445 8,149,919 62.2% $22,623,623 $17,219,393 76.1% Expenditures Salary Staff Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital, Equip. & Maint. Total Other Expenses Total Expenditures * * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending July 31, 2004 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2004-2005 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of July, 2004 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 17,944,933 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 17,464 1.144% Range of Rates Earned: .955% ⎯ 1.235% Other Investments Purchase Through: UMB Bank Purchase Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 07/19/2004 Purchase Date: 07/23/2004 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Natl Mortgage Assn* Par Value: $3,000,000.00 Type of Investment: Federal Natl Mortgage D/N Par Value: $2,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $3,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $1,992,484.44 Maturity Date: 01/19/2007 Maturity Date: 10/20/2004 Investment Yield: 3.625% Investment Yield: 1.551% Purchase Through: UMB Bank Purchase Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 07/26/2004 Purchase Date: 07/27/2004 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Natl Mortgage Assn Par Value: $500,000.00 Type of Investment: Federal Home Loan Banks* Par Value: $2,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $502,135.29 Cost of Investment: $2,000,000.00 Maturity Date: 07/15/2006 Maturity Date: 04/27/2007 Investment Yield: 2.900% Investment Yield: 3.720% *One time callable 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Adams, AntaJuan D Adams, Craig Adams, John T Add Verb Productions Adventure Fun Akers, Jesse A Allen, Jeremiah Almus, Gregory P Alvarez, Gina T Ambler, Steven Amerkhail, Wahid Andrade, Jose A Anglin, John Arbini, Christopher J Arcipowski, Angela G Atwood, Steve Avila, Colin Albert Baker, Kendra Lee Ball, Timothy Barbazuk, Brad Barnum, Qiana Janiece Barylski, Mary Beth Bass, Eurainna T Bateman, Kristi Beasley, Jennifer L Beck, Dennis Beck, Mary E Bedwell, Janie A Bell, Lavita R Benchabane, Madjid Bennett, Teri L Berry, Matthew T Betz, Kasey B Bialas, Pawel T Bitzer, Joe Biver, Kathryn Bjerklie, John J Blackburn, Jeff Blanc, Raymond Bloom, Charles Timothy Blow, Adrian Bluiett, Hamiet Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bohnert, Kay Boine, Bonnie R Bolden, Devin J Bolden, Michael Bommer, Ina Leora Amount Paid 28.00 80.00 65.00 2,775.00 3,900.00 200.00 4,800.00 4,186.00 100.00 374.00 500.00 230.00 400.00 550.00 180.00 975.00 2,829.00 50.00 2,000.00 150.00 308.00 330.00 120.00 120.00 75.00 160.00 100.00 538.00 112.00 160.00 35.00 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 100.00 300.00 160.00 1,010.00 126.00 250.00 1,200.00 550.00 80.00 74.00 160.00 500.00 140.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Bond, Veltrese M Bonetti, David Bono, Sam B Booher, Larry Booker, Devin Booker, Nichole A Bossman, Victor Boul, Tim Bowen, Rick Branch, Stephanie Mildred Brant, Mark Brauer, Lon Brendel, Robert A Brennan, Michael J Brenneman, Jeff Brice, Dale L Brickey, Jim Bridges, Joseph R Briney, Marc Brink, Will Broadway, James Brock, Marsha A Brown, Allen A Brown, Brenda Brown, Claybourn Brown, Dorian Arnez Brown, Elizabeth R Brown, James Jye Brown, Joseph W Brown, Lance E Brown, Marlon Brown, Sherrie Bryant, Dawn M Buck, Scott A Budak, Jennifer L Bulawsky, Lisa Bumb, Rick Bunting, Christopher A Burel, Bernice Burke, Leon Burkley, John Burns, Mary Esther Burns, Pat Butler, Anthony L Butler, Shane Byrne, Brian M Campbell, Sandra Patrice Caputa, Joshua Carmelo Amount Paid 100.00 50.00 260.00 705.00 40.00 72.00 50.00 105.00 240.00 480.00 320.00 100.00 80.00 163.00 200.00 250.00 80.00 700.00 160.00 320.00 240.00 25.00 250.00 900.00 4,000.00 92.00 500.00 250.00 75.00 1,300.00 56.00 500.00 108.00 520.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 320.00 1,127.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 240.00 100.00 310.00 180.00 300.00 15.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Carbery, Kevin Carr, Jeane M Carter, Barbara A Castellanos, Franklyn Castro, Michael Cavins, Frederick B Cecil, Michael W Chacko, Ruth C Chappell, Michael P Charles, Marcelle Cheatham, Roy E Cherhoniak, Eugene Choe, Moon S Christ, Emily Christ, Rebecca C Christian, Alexander L Christian, Brandon J Clark, Robert Climer, Dave Cogo, Akif College Agency Collins, Amy Collins, Ray Communication Works Conaty, Joanne M Coney, Timothy Constantin, Robert Corman, Joel E Council on America--Islamic Relations--St Louis Inc. Counts, David Wayne Cova, Jerry Czuppon, Rick Davenport, Daniel R Davidson, Andrea R Deas, Johnny E DeClue, David Christopher DeClue-Magnusson, Rori M DeGarmo, Denise DeGreeff, Vince Delia, Anthony James Derby, Eva R Deschamps, Francois Diable, Kristin Dick, Susan K Dixon, Phillip C Dobrich, Devon A Dodd, Georgia R Dohrmann, Jason S Amount Paid 350.00 600.00 550.00 150.00 200.00 150.00 90.00 750.00 75.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 76.00 150.00 400.00 310.00 100.00 150.00 560.00 75.00 80.00 300.00 1,850.00 250.00 50.00 365.00 210.00 180.00 105.00 210.00 200.00 140.00 410.00 350.00 970.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 75.00 400.00 80.00 125.00 80.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Donnelly, Maggie Donoho, Shawn Drago, Paul J Drayton, Fariga Driscoll, Andrew J Dudley, Valerie E Dueker, Paul W Dufaux, Mary Renee Dunahue, Robert Duniven, James E Dutton, Marisa E Eagle, Scott E Earleywine, Robert B Eby, Pat Eder, Douglas Edgar, Daniel Edghill, Mark R Egart, Timothy C Elden, Jeff D Eldridge, Dennis M Enders, Lois L Enerva, Tony Espeseth, Karen A Espinosa, Jose Evans, Jason A Evans, Vince Evers, Patrick L Ezell, Erica Falk, Lee Walker Falker, Frederick G Farmer, Cindy Farwell, Victor H Fennell, Karen Ferrell, Tamara L Fetsch, Tim Fiala, Neil S Fields, Marlon F Findley, Paul Finucane, Dan Fisher, Brenda B Fiss, Jim Fitzwater, Paul Flanigan, Joseph Foehner, Sharon Fortes, Eduriges Fowlkes, Ashlee C Fox, Galvin Frese, Ethel M Amount Paid 80.00 750.00 240.00 113.00 163.00 250.00 445.00 95.00 810.00 50.00 90.00 725.00 200.00 2,509.00 400.00 105.00 100.00 40.00 100.00 150.00 600.00 250.00 1,038.00 305.00 320.00 400.00 575.00 125.00 4,452.00 240.00 525.00 50.00 200.00 24.00 320.00 1,050.00 642.00 600.00 157.00 200.00 75.00 240.00 320.00 500.00 50.00 150.00 300.00 575.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Frey, Bob Frey, Lisa R Freymuth, Linda Blanche Frost, James B Frye, Richard Fun Enterprises Fung, Hung-Gay Furrer, Lawrence R Gallo, Paul A Galloway, Anthony C Garcia, Edwin Xavier Garrett, Cindy Garrison, Marlene L Garvey, Tim Gata, Nowell X Gates, Evelyn D Gates, James B Gavrilovic, Sava Geiler, Ann Genetti, Dominic Thomas Gerds, Donald Getman, Pamela S Gillette, Sharon Giordano, Jody F GME Enterprises Inc Gokenbach, Benjamin Gomez, Austin Gonzalez, Arthur Gonzalez, Donald Gonzo, Don Granback, Kelly J Greer, Steven Griggs, Tim Grimshaw, Richard G Gross, John G Gustafson, Bret Hackmann, Mike Haferkamp, Deborah Hageman, Anthony Haley, Veronica Hall, Kenyetta K Halladay, Peter Halsell, Mark Hamilton, Artie Hamilton, Chris T Hamilton, Kenneth Hamilton, Susana Hamilton, TraMondre A Amount Paid 80.00 1,150.00 243.00 65.00 2,000.00 1,250.00 200.00 355.00 300.00 50.00 120.00 50.00 100.00 171.00 400.00 32.00 855.00 570.00 125.00 375.00 1,800.00 1,472.00 50.00 600.00 900.00 380.00 850.00 1,600.00 160.00 80.00 100.00 50.00 1,250.00 80.00 150.00 250.00 80.00 126.00 210.00 100.00 24.00 1,000.00 330.00 500.00 500.00 1,400.00 350.00 35.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Hammond, Myko S Hammond, William James Handy, Lamandris T Hard, Mindy J Harland, Michael Harrison, Kevin Harrison, Mark Alan Hasenstab, Mark Hasson, William R Hayes, Ann M Hayes, Gerald W Haywood, Kim I Hederman Events Heislen, Mark Helfrich, Doug Hellige, William L Helms, Janet Hemberger, Mike Henderson, Hollie K Herman, Jeff Hesse, John Hest, Ari Heusser, Jessica Heyl, Margret Hinds, Ahmad A Hobba, Nikie J Hoelker, Dennis Hoffman, Mary Francis Hogan, Kevin P Hohenstein, John Hollis, Bev Holzen, Laura Homan, Dean Horne, Mason Gabriel Horvath, Trudy K Houldsworth, Steve Hua, Qimin Huber, Gary Hughes, Jeffrey Hughes, Natalie Jaye Hunt, Kelly Husted, Ken Irwin, Reagan J ITS Official Jackson, Elisa Morgan Jackson, James A Jackson, Shawn Jacobs, Juliette S Amount Paid 920.00 113.00 76.00 130.00 320.00 310.00 60.00 188.00 1,500.00 225.00 80.00 1,000.00 175.00 480.00 450.00 265.00 1,000.00 80.00 100.00 890.00 60.00 1,075.00 300.00 163.00 15.00 100.00 160.00 21.00 500.00 810.00 335.00 125.00 750.00 850.00 1,609.00 150.00 200.00 210.00 250.00 294.00 360.00 80.00 55.00 600.00 550.00 50.00 900.00 104.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Jez, Joseph Johnson, Alexandra E Johnson, Brooks J Johnson, Georgia Johnson, John L Johnson, L Steven Johnston, Karla Jones, Gary Jones, Richard C Jones, Tom Jones, Willie Jones-Porter, Sean R Jouane, Vincent Judd, David A Kadane, Doug Kaminsky, Joseph C Katambwa, Janice Kavanaugh, John F Kaye, Pamela Keely, Bernard A Kelly, Bill Kelmer, Robert C Keshavarz, Fatemeh Ketchens, Robert A Ketcherside, Gary Kettenbach, Virginia Key, Kevin H Kilburn, Christine Kilmer, Paul Kindt, Matt M King, Tracey A Kippenberger, Terry Klenc, Doug Knapp, Joel Knese, R J Kniffen, Ben Knuckles, Lester Koch, Kevin Koehler, Stephen Craig Kohne, Shawn Kramer, Donald B Kraus, Bronwen Kraus, Sarah M Kriszt, Maria A Krus, Kacey Krus, Katie Kuranga, Abraham Kurtz, Holly Amount Paid 150.00 1,500.00 36.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 50.00 160.00 265.00 240.00 400.00 75.00 500.00 265.00 185.00 163.00 1,150.00 100.00 3,630.00 720.00 370.00 125.00 250.00 100.00 800.00 75.00 100.00 850.00 150.00 100.00 75.00 173.00 534.00 200.00 60.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 75.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 570.00 10.00 197.00 142.00 250.00 163.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Kutan, Ali M Labedz, Lawrence J Lackschewitz, Anna Landes, Curt Lane, Ryan Lang, Jeffrey Lange, Mark Langerak, Theresa M Lantzy, Michael J Lauer, Joshua Ledbetter, Anne S Lee, Terrance E Leflore, Shirley J Lehmen, Tim Leong, Matthew S Lercher, Stu Leuschke, Robert E Lewis, Gary Lewis, Shanquita Treemonsha Lim, Jennifer Linder, Doveed Lipschitz, Ervin Lock, Urban Lomax, Jimmy Long, Harold E Long, Jenifer Lorentz, Michael C Love, Areatha V Lown, Maris Lutker, Tom MacDonald, Elizabeth Magic House Magnusson, Edwin Andrew Magoc, Roberta P Mahfood, Sebastian P Major, George Manderbach, Kerry K Marklin, Ray Marshall, Andreia M Marshall, Lois Marti, Jessica R Martin, Joe Martin, Ronnie J Massey, Jason M Mataya, Thomas P Mathews, Katherine Mathis, Cleopatra Matthews, William S Amount Paid 350.00 160.00 163.00 690.00 200.00 800.00 196.00 250.00 80.00 360.00 1,000.00 135.00 200.00 160.00 100.00 760.00 150.00 320.00 96.00 999.00 120.00 200.00 100.00 400.00 75.00 30.00 475.00 200.00 1,200.00 610.00 163.00 200.00 460.00 540.00 400.00 105.00 300.00 50.00 525.00 288.00 200.00 2,950.00 80.00 255.00 470.00 200.00 750.00 100.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Mayer, Deborah Mayhood, Mark McAuliffe, George McCabe, Mary A McCallie, Franklin S McCallie, Tresa B McGinnis, Kevin McIntyre, Timothy J McKenna, Donald J McKenzie, Monique Brown McKiernan, Terry McKnight, Susan C McLafferty, Phyllis R McNeely, Jasmine N McSparin, Shawn D Meihaus, Mary C Mendel, Jill M Merlo, Vilma Mertens, Scott Meuschke, Jeff Meyerhoff, Michael J Meyers, Ron Meyr, Dennis Michalski, William J Mihov, Roumen Mihulka, Carol R Miller, Julie Miller, Michael R Ming, Jana J Minor, Anderson L Miranda, Luis Fernando Missouri Native Plant Society Mitchell, Alvin T Mitchler, Daniel Monticello, Joseph A Moody, Anthony E Morales, Maria Consuelo Bareng Morrison, Carmen M Moshure, Scott A Mueller Prost Purk & Willbrand PC Murphey, Barry T Muschick, Mike Musicians Assoc of St Louis AFM-EPF Nash, Victor L National Butterfly Association-NABA-St Louis Chapt Newsham, Paul F Nichols, Shanna L Nichols, Warren Amount Paid 125.00 160.00 690.00 180.00 50.00 100.00 320.00 80.00 75.00 200.00 508.00 546.00 50.00 150.00 80.00 100.00 50.00 614.00 80.00 699.00 100.00 1,302.00 160.00 100.00 185.00 50.00 125.00 150.00 100.00 700.00 100.00 230.00 80.00 700.00 800.00 400.00 210.00 200.00 105.00 75.00 450.00 240.00 36.00 700.00 162.00 2,530.00 250.00 1,200.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Nicholson, Angie T Nicks, Joshua Nieto, Octavio Northington, Lois K Nottrott, Brian Nuelle, Mike O'Day, Ken Odom, Rebbecca J O'Donnell, Rich O'Neal, Larry A Oster, Dave Owczarczak, Patricia J Paluch, Emily Palus, Robert Paniagua, Miguel Parker, Diane Parkes, Jan Pastera, Marilyn Faria Chenoweth Pasternak, Peter J Pate, Michael Patti, Augustino C Payne, Timothy Edward Peace, Curtis L Peg Lacey dba Lacey Consulting Pellman, Lalaine Perez, Anthony D Perlow, Rebecca K Peterka, Tim D Peters, Jeffrey S Pettis, Jason J Petty, Douglass P Petty, Riebeil Douglass Petzall, Jill Phelps, Amy Philippi, Craig M Pocsik, Anna Pohrer, Preston Poliak, Joe Pope, Darrell E Posey, Scott Powers, Elizabeth J Preston, Curtis A Price, Christopher L Pritchett, Dustin Oakley Prochilo, Diane L Prochko, Marty Pulley, Jeff Puricelli, Ray Amount Paid 800.00 300.00 150.00 50.00 80.00 425.00 750.00 50.00 500.00 80.00 580.00 25.00 137.00 480.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 376.00 100.00 520.00 876.00 500.00 32.00 400.00 3,125.00 69.00 475.00 85.00 520.00 280.00 1,088.00 2,550.00 310.00 500.00 160.00 150.00 125.00 185.00 550.00 80.00 400.00 20.00 80.00 65.00 40.00 100.00 795.00 475.00 440.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Qadafi, Ahmad K Quinn, Thomas G Quiroz, Marco Antonio Radetic, Mark C Ramirez, Jessie A Randolph, Nikki L Rankovic, Catherine L Ratkewicz, Michael J Ray, Carlos Rayford, Kimberly A Reeves, Rodney R Reichman, Melisse A Reinert, Rebecca M Reininger, Chris Remacle, Matt Remington, Robin Alison Reul, Jeffery A Richter, Elizabeth C Richter, Peter D Roark, Burton F Rockwell, Kerry Rogers, Clint L Rolland, Karen L Royster, Melissa Rugaber, Jocelyn E Russell, James H Rutherford, Dave Rutherford, Mark Sadikovic, Edin Sainristil, Geto Salmo, Suzanne Sanderson, Joyce Sarino, Jennifer Sasenger, Caron R Sawaddgo, Geremie Schaedler, Gregory Scheff, Mark Schindler, Delia Schmidt, Georgia L Schmitz, Francis P Schneider, Greg Schrick, Gregory Schwartz, Howard Schwarz, Sharon F Scott, Vernon E Scovill, Paul Seitz, Ken Self-Portwine, Susan M Amount Paid 215.00 30.00 100.00 320.00 25.00 30.00 200.00 90.00 800.00 750.00 480.00 175.00 40.00 72.00 340.00 350.00 580.00 216.00 150.00 100.00 160.00 140.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 600.00 165.00 210.00 180.00 1,800.00 50.00 480.00 50.00 100.00 1,500.00 75.00 8,000.00 700.00 200.00 50.00 240.00 4,071.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 395.00 560.00 25.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Sextro, Rita A Shaw, Nicole Shekar, Chandra Shellenbarger, Jane Shelton, James C Shelton, Jeffrey L Shores, David Shostrand, John Shuaibe, Faheem Shuck, Bryan S Siaus, Steve Silva, Cristian Silver, Robert M Simmons, Sparkle A Simms, Robin M Simpher, Tracy A Sippel, Jeffrey Skowra, Leszek Smith, Gilbert M Smith, Larry Smith, Linda Kay Smith, Raquel Smith, Shonta Michelle Smith, Thomas Smith, Tom Smoller, Esther Snider, Ryan T Sohn, Hazel Somers, Pat Sosa, Jaime M Spaccarotella, Marie Spangenbery, R Gary Speck, Angelique Denise Sprous, Irvin M St Louis Astronomical Society St Louis Audubon Society Stahl, Chris Standfield, Charmaine Steele, Patricia A Stephenson, Tanya L Sterling, Brandon J Stewart, Robert L Stieler, Kathryn Stillman, Lisa Stonecipher, Brad Stout, Ryan Strande, Jim Strawbridge, Ronald D Amount Paid 350.00 160.00 2,000.00 150.00 40.00 80.00 150.00 170.00 600.00 310.00 100.00 80.00 200.00 150.00 95.00 180.00 100.00 185.00 250.00 300.00 80.00 32.00 897.00 105.00 330.00 100.00 500.00 250.00 2,000.00 20.00 265.00 400.00 50.00 300.00 243.00 324.00 760.00 1,200.00 300.00 900.00 150.00 300.00 1,150.00 200.00 80.00 1,650.00 300.00 300.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Street, Gary W Strieker, Joe Stroughmatt, Dennis Studt, David C Styer, Jean Christine Sutaiman, Sanaria Sutter, Thomas Sutton, Butch Swanner, Karen Swartzwelder, Mary Swenson, Richard F Tackette, Joni D Talcott, Michael Tallon, James Tanner, Sarah Tapia, Marco Taylor, Ann Tayman, Trilby L Tedford, Brendan Teeter, Matt Theoharides, Theoharis Thies, John J Thissell, Sylvia Thomas, Steven Dean Thompson, Karen Thornton, Ted Toler, Teri Touzinsky, Keith M Traven, Peter Trefts, William H Triesch Voelker Trower, Jason Patrick Tulley, Annette Turnbough, William M Turner, Cynthia M Twe, Boikai S Umama, Etefia E Underwood, Ensign Ury, Johnathan D Utz, Carmeline Valle, Steven Valle, Terry Vantroys, Luc Vaughn, Venicia Vince, Ronald L Virani, Nargis Vosbrink, Vic Votsmier, Henry Amount Paid 230.00 320.00 800.00 836.00 500.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 80.00 113.00 80.00 50.00 104.00 400.00 50.00 350.00 500.00 370.00 97.00 240.00 1,500.00 40.00 400.00 735.00 300.00 350.00 325.00 480.00 560.00 44.00 800.00 155.00 75.00 227.00 25.00 250.00 3,000.00 475.00 158.00 250.00 100.00 520.00 1,500.00 36.00 188.00 500.00 516.00 400.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Vuagniaux, Mike Wada, Kaoru Wade, Latreecia S Walker, Anne E Walsh, James P Walsh, Kevin P Walters, Steve Warmke, Timothy A Waterloo German Band Waters, Byron A Watkins, Kirk Christopher Watson, Dennis R Watters, Creston Weaver, Robert C Weidner, Joie Werner, August Werner, Scott Wessels, Brandy L Wheery, Jeffrey N White, Brian White, Jennifer Whittier, Ronald Wieberg, Karey Wiedemann, Jeri Wilhite, Sean Wilke, Marilynn Williams, Cathy A Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Ron Wilms, Wayne W Wilson, Rudolph G Wilson, Sarah Winer III, Marion Lewis Winkelmann, G Michael Winschel, Ruby Wolff, Doug Wolfington, Eileen Woods, Cheryl Woodson, Dale J Wright, Margie Wunderli, Angela Yang, Liu Yanko, Timothy Michael Young, Aaron Young, Relanda Yount, Ron W Zebelman, Max Zimmerman, Tom Amount Paid 185.00 163.00 840.00 75.00 50.00 300.00 420.00 600.00 375.00 950.00 35.00 80.00 300.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 465.00 92.00 50.00 100.00 242.00 400.00 50.00 162.00 400.00 125.00 31.00 975.00 240.00 240.00 500.00 50.00 100.00 3,110.00 490.00 180.00 150.00 275.00 75.00 400.00 50.00 64.00 16.00 120.00 100.00 200.00 25.00 320.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Zonia, Dhimitri J Zotos, Thomas TOTAL Amount Paid 195.00 82.00 $ 284,342.00 5.2.3 Ratification for Fund Balance Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Board Ratification is requested for adjusting the Fiscal Year 2005 budgets for the following funds and subfunds based upon the Fiscal Year 2004 operations: a) Rental of Facilities (Subfund): The following Fiscal Year 2004 balances were added, by location, to the funds available category for Fiscal Year 2005. These funds support expenses in connection with the use of facilities by outside community organizations and to support programs as needed. Forest Park Florissant Valley Meramec Total $ 10,143 34,783 101,942 $146,868 b) Public Safety, Pedestrian, and Traffic Access (Subfund): The following Fiscal Year 2004 balance was added to the funds available category for Fiscal Year 2005. These funds are used to support operating and maintenance expenses for parking lots and related areas. Also, these funds are available for emergency student loans. District wide Total $168,461 $168,461 c) Agency Fund: The following Fiscal Year 2004 balances were added, by location, to the funds available category for Fiscal Year 2005. These funds are for student clubs. The district acts as a fiduciary in maintaining the records of revenues and expenses. Forest Park Florissant Valley Meramec Total $ 2,922 759 88,426 $92,107 5.2.3 Ratification for Fund Balance Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2005 Budget (cont.) d) Plant Fund: The following Fiscal Year 2004 balances were added to the fund available category for Fiscal Year 2005. The funds are used to support capital needs identified and appropriated but not expended. The Reserve for Encumbrances is the amount committed through the issuance of purchase orders in process prior to year-end. Capital Projects Reserve for Encumbrances District wide Total $17,545,872 2,810,987 815,968 $21,172,827 e) General Operating: The following Fiscal Year 2004 balance was added to the expenditure budgets for Fiscal Year 2005. District wide Pool Account for Campus and Student Activity Total $ 496,204 $496,204 f) Restricted Fund: The following Fiscal Year 2004 balance was added to the expenditure budget for Fiscal Year 2005. The Reserve for Encumbrances is the amount committed through the issuance of purchase orders in process prior to year-end. Reserve for Encumbrances Total $ 1,171,607 $1,171,607 6. Contracts/and or Agreements 6.1.1 Agreement between St. Anthony’s Medical Center and St. Louis Community College, Meramec. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a request to authorize St. Louis Community College at Meramec to enter into an agreement with St. Anthony Medical Center to host the EMT and Paramedic training programs in the Hyland Education and Training Center and to provide clinical experience for students enrolled at the college. St. Louis Community College will pay St. Anthony’s Medical Center $1,600 per semester for the use of rooms and audio-visual equipment. The college will also pay a $75.00 student fee to cover the replacement of disposable supplies used by Paramedic Technology while at St. Anthony’s Medical Center. The college entered into an original agreement with St. Anthony’s Medical Center in 1983 (Board Agenda 8/15/83, section 5.2.2, self renewing). This agreement has been modified over the years, and this request for a new agreement would replace earlier agreements. Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2.1 CLINICAL AGREEMENTS It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Chapel Hill Mortuary SSM St. Joseph Hospital of Kirkwood Program/Campus Effective Date Funeral Service Education Forest Park 8-24-04 Nursing Meramec 8-1-04 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.2 Saint Louis University - Environmental Education Training It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between St. Louis Community College and Saint Louis University. Saint Louis University shall provide to St. Louis Community College Harrison Education Center educational services related to environmental education training as outlined in the grant awarded to the College by the Environmental Protection Agency. The term of this agreement began on May 1, 2004 and will end on April 30, 2006. St. Louis Community College will pay Saint Louis University through grant funds for an amount not to exceed $84,918. 6.2.3. Study Abroad Agreement-Canterbury Christ Church University College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the agreement between Canterbury Christ Church University College, Canterbury, England, and St. Louis Community College in which Canterbury Christ Church University College will provide a comprehensive academic and cultural immersion semester study abroad program for SLCC students enrolled in the Semester Study Abroad in Canterbury program. Program dates will be September 11-December 10, 2004. The program is open to participants from all campus locations, and participants from Missouri Consortium Colleges. Sixteen participants are enrolled; payment to Canterbury Christ Church University College in the amount of 2,927.00 British Pounds per participant. St. Louis Community College has offered this program for more than 10 years. Program cost will be paid entirely by participant assessment. Airfare was arranged through one of SLCC’s contracted travel agencies and covered by participant assessment at a cost of $555.00 per participant. 6.2.4 City of St. Louis/St. Louis County Contracts – Resolutions It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify resolutions that will authorize contracts separately with St. Louis City and St. Louis County under the Workforce Investment Act, during the period July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. Resolution With Respect To City of St. Louis Contracts WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to authorize the College to enter into various Employment and Job Training contracts with the City of St. Louis, as submitted during the period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, by the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College is hereby authorized, during the period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, to enter into employment and job training contracts submitted to the College by the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment for and on behalf of the City of St. Louis and in a form approved by the College Administrator; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor for the College or any Vice Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute any said employment and job training contracts and related agreements for and on behalf of St. Louis Community College in order that the College will be fully bound thereby. Resolution With Respect To St. Louis County Contracts WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to cooperate with the County of St. Louis in connection with various Employment and Training contracts occurring in the St. Louis County, Missouri, Service Delivery Area, arising under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA); and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to authorize the College Administration to enter into appropriate contracts with the County of St. Louis in connection with the WIA as contracts are submitted by various St. Louis County Agencies. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College, for and during the period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 is hereby authorized to enter into employment and training contracts with St. Louis County, Missouri, for the employment and/or training of eligible individuals and in the form submitted by the Department of Human Services, Workforce Development of St. Louis County, and approved by the Administration of the College; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor of the College or any Vice Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute all contracts and related agreements submitted to the College by St. Louis County and acceptable to the College Administration during the periods specified in this Resolution. RESOLUTION I, Rebecca Garrison, do hereby certify that I am Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District - St. Louis City/St. Louis County, (“College”), a political subdivision of the State of Missouri, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Missouri and as such Secretary I have access to all original records of said Board of Trustees and I do hereby further certify that at a meeting of the Trustees of said college, duly called, held and convened, according to law on the 26th day of August, 2004 a quorum being present and voting thereon, the following resolutions were adopted; that the following is a full, true and correct copy of said resolutions as they appear on the records of said College; that the same have not been altered, amended or repealed and are now in full force and effect; and that I am one of the duly authorized and proper officers of said College to certify copies of its records in its behalf: Be it resolved, that the act of contracting with the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis on behalf of this College, by the President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary of this College, or any one of them, be and hereby is authorized and confirmed with respect to employment and training contracts during the period July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. And be it further resolved, that authority to contract, on behalf of this College, with the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis, with respect to employment and training contracts during the period July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 be and is hereby given to the following: Signature of Officer Chancellor Title In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and attached the corporate seal of said College this ______day of__________________, 2004. Secretary Date SCHOOL BOARD’S RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WIA CONTRACT Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District - St. Louis City/St. Louis County, that the District enter into Employment and Training Contracts with St. Louis County, Missouri, the Service Delivery Area under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as submitted by the St. Louis County’s Department of Human Services, Workforce Development of St. Louis County, for employment and/or training of eligible individuals. This resolution shall cover the period July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. The District shall abide by all of the terms of the Contract as submitted and all the terms of the WIA Legislation and any Federal Regulations issued thereunder, as the same may be from time to time amended. The Board authorized the Chancellor or any Vice Chancellor to execute the Contract and any related agreements on behalf of the District. I, Rebecca Garrison, Secretary/Member of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District - St. Louis City/St.Louis County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution adopted at the meeting of said Board of Trustees, duly called in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws, held on August 26, 2004 at which meeting a quorum was present and voting on the Resolution. _________________________________________ Secretary/Member Center for Business, Industry & Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services and economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Title of Program and/or Purpose To provide Computer Services Impact Outcome: Construction of Intranet on existing LAN Server and Access Database Campus Date Amount CBIL July 8, 2004 through June 30, 2005 $29,375.60 CBIL July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 $3,500 CBIL July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 $1,508 CBIL July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 $10,000 CBIL February 24, 2004 through December 31, 2005 $2,000 (Total of $2,400) Manager: Robert Serben McDonald’s Corporation To provide Facility Room Rental McBride & Son – Builder’s Block To Provide: Assessment Services Impact Outcome: Personality questionnaire for managers Manager: Robert Serben Manager: Robert Serben The Dial Corporation To Provide: Assessment Services Impact Outcome: Job Profile Manager: Robert Serben Nestle USA Confections & Snack Division Addendum to original contract FY04 to carryover to FY05 – additional Assessment service Center for Business, Industry & Labor 6.3.2 Ratification of Economic Development Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services and economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source The Boeing Company Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount Skills Training CBIL July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004 Company $358,400 College $40,000 Estimated Number of Participants: Estimated Total Credit Hour Equivalents:10143.6 Manager: Robert Serben OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $9,967 PURPOSE FUND Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec Child Care Center to participate in a “School Age Care (SAC)” Grant Program. Grant funds will be used to support professional development and travel for staff and purchase of equipment, materials and supplies. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Earlene Powell Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $9,700 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley Child Care Development Laboratory Center to participate in a “School Age Care (SAC)” Grant Program. Funds will support professional development and travel for staff and purchase of equipment, materials and supplies. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Cecelia Luecking Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $159,821 Grant to St. Louis Community College for a St. Louis Area Tech Prep Consortium. This grant support will allow the consortium to continue their efforts in the area of Tech Prep with the primary goal of building and maintaining strong comprehensive linkages between area secondary schools and St. Louis Community College. This will be done by continuing the development, implementation and maintenance of programs of study designed to provide Tech Prep education career paths leading to a twoyear Associate degree. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Steve Long Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $119,959 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for a St. Louis Area Construction Training Tech Prep Consortium. This grant will allow the consortium to continue their efforts to build and maintain strong comprehensive links between high schools, community colleges, apprenticeship programs, the local private industry council and business and industry. Specific goals include the development, implementation and maintenance of a pathway linking high school students to high skill, in demand, apprenticeship programs as well as related two-year associate and four year baccalaureate degrees. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Steve Long Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Automark Marking Systems (Company) $14,375 (DESE) $12,500 (Company) $26,875 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Automark Marking Systems Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Industrial Manufacturing and Technical Training; and Quality Continuous Improvement. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Robert Serben Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Dierbergs Markets, Inc. (Company) $34,500 (DESE) $30,000 (Company) $64,500 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Dierbergs Markets, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Training; and Leadership Development and Training. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Robert Serben Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Findlay Industries, Inc. (Company $23,000 (DESE) $20,000 (Company) $43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Findlay Industries, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical; ISO9001; and Supervisory/Leadership. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Hydromat, Inc. (Company) $23,000 (DESE) $20,000 (Company) $43,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hydromat, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical/TQM/Team Development and Training; ISO9001: 2000/ISO14001 System Development and Training. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Robert Serben Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Stout Marketing, Inc. (Company) $11,500 (DESE) $10,000 (Company) $21,500 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Stout Marketing, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Leadership/Team Development and Training; and Technical Development and Training. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Robert Serben Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Tenneco Automotive (Company) $23,000 (DESE) $20,000(Company) $43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Tenneco Automotive Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical; ISO9000/2000 and Quality. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE Title IIc) Carl Perkins $1,249,792 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education. The grant’s funds are allocated by areas designated by the State projects as follows: $ 62,489 Administration: Provides administrative costs directly to support the Vocational Education Office. $ 15,019 FV $ 25,500 FP $ 10,000 M $162,067 District Improvement and Expansion: The Improvement and Expansion funds will be expended for Tech Scans, DACUMS Curriculum Revisions, Research Consortium activities, Carl Perkins WIA/One-Stop MOU, Career Academy Pilot Projects and New Traditions Program and materials and supplies. $253,336 FV $280,628 FP $266,073 M $ 88,780 District Salaries: These funds will be used to support specific programs in the guidance/counseling/placement access areas. These supportive services include Placement, Tutors, Readers, Note takers, Interpreters and Vocational Aides. $ $ $ $ Professional Growth and Development: The Professional Growth and Development funds will support the continuing education for certification purposes, conference and workshops for career faculty, and industrial internships. 25,000 FV 17,000 FP 23,900 M 20,000 District PURPOSE Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Steve Long FUND Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts 7.2. Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Eileen Lauzon Jean Sherry $ $ Donations to the Tina Stone-Feijo Memoral Scholarship Fund at St. Louis Community College. Student Aid Sandra Wilbers David Scott Barbara Farrow $ 20.00 $3,000.00 $ 150.00 Donations to the John Lair Scholarship Fund at St. Louis Community College Student Aid 25.00 10.00 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3. Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Teresa Huether Teresa Huether is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Library: Three (3) Paperback Books titled “My Garden (Book),” “The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio,” and “A Brief History of Everything”. The estimated fair market value is $30.00 ($10 per book). The condition of donated items is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Michele Thompson Michele Thompson is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Library: One (1) CD titled “Runnin Wild” by the Boston Pops Orchestra. The estimated fair market value is $10.00. The condition of donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Lawrence Sather Lawrence Sather is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Library: One (1) Hardback Book titled “The Literary Vocation of Henry Adams”. The estimated fair market value is $49.95. The condition of donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restriction placed on donation. Orion Genomics Orion Genomics is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Biology Department: Automated DNA Sequencing Machine. The estimated fair market value is $30,000. The condition of donated item is good. The maintenance costs associated with donation are unknown. The estimated start-up costs are $700.00 ($200 delivery costs and $500 for additional electrical needs). There are no restrictions placed on donation. OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3. Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Public Affairs Public Affairs is donating the following to the Meramec Library: One (1) Book titled “Wilson’s Ghost”. The estimated fair market value is $24.00. The condition of donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Oreola Binuyo Oreola Binuyo is donating the following to the Meramec Library: One (1) Book titled “Wiley CPA Exam Review Fast Track Study Guide”. The estimated fair market value is $24.95. The condition of donated item is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Marcia Mueller Marcia Mueller is donating the following to the Meramec Library: Two (2) Books titled “Eats, Shoots, and Leaves” and “The New Yorker Book of Political Cartoons”. The estimated fair market value is $40.00. The condition of donated items is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation.