MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2003 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at the Forest Park Campus in the Highlander Lounge, 5600 Oakland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, pursuant to notice and in accordance with Section 610.020 R.S. Mo., as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Ms. Lisa L. Taylor, President, called the meeting to order at 7:49 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Ms. Lisa L. Taylor, President; Dr. Joann L. Ordinachev, Vice President; Mr. John S. Mikolay, Trustee; Ms. Patricia A. Moss, Trustee (present via telephone); and Mr. Michael P. Rohrbacker, Trustee. Dr. Dolores J. Gunn, Trustee, was absent. Also present were Dr. Henry Shannon, Chancellor; Ms. Becky Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board and Ms. Tina Odo, General Counsel. 2. Welcome to Guests Ms. Taylor welcomed guests. 3. Hearing of Citizens and Petitions John Bayer, JCD NEA, addressed the Board regarding the JCD NEA faculty evaluation initiative. He also stated that the JCD NEA would be supportive of combining the district evaluation process with the JCD NEA process. Shelley Gowen, former Florissant Valley Student, requested that the Board review her request for withdrawal from courses at Florissant Valley during the Spring 2000 semester. Ann Ross, Chair, St. Louis Metro Women’s Political Caucus, asked the Board to write and enforce strong anti-harassment guidelines. Tom Dent, Accounting Professor at Florissant Valley, addressed the Board regarding possible inconsistencies across the district in summer teaching hours. Ron Mozelewski, JCD NEA, addressed the Board regarding strengths/ weaknesses in the faculty evaluation process and asked the Board to consider bringing the evaluation system through the negotiation process. David Risch – JCD NEA, addressed the Board regarding the current hiring freeze, reclassifications, additional compensation and maintenance of academic programs. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda The Board noted a correction on the job description for the Vice Chancellor for Technology and Support Services, specifically, the removal of the Director of Telelearning under supervision given. On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Mr. Mikolay, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Ms. Moss, the Board voted to unanimously approve the consent agenda items after agenda items 4.3.2, a contract with Murphy Company, and 4.3.10, a contract with Byrne & Jones Construction, were pulled for further discussion. 6. Approval of Minutes On motion by Mr. Mikolay and seconded by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved the March 20, 2003 Board of Trustees meeting minutes. 7. Approval of Resolution re May 15, 2003 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, the resolution scheduling an 2 executive session on May 15, 2003, at 6:00 p.m., at the Florissant Valley campus, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Ms. Sharifah Sims-Williams, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. Patricia Heaton and Mary Ann Taylor highlighted the “Give Kids a Smile” program. 9. Approval of Revised Board Policies On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Mr. Mikolay, the Board unanimously approved revised Board Policies A 1 Responsibilities and Authority; A 4 Board Member Service; A 5.2 Officers' Duties; A 8 Board of Trustees Travel; B 6 Board Policy/ Administrative Procedures; B 10.1 Americans with Disabilities Employee Grievance Procedure; B 13.3 Procedures to Follow in the Event of Sexual Assault; C 21.3 Non-unit Classified Office and Technical Employee Vacation; C 21.6 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; C 24.3 Retirement Privileges - Emeritus Staff; C 27 Group Insurance Program; F 14 Emeritus Status for Full-time Non-unit Classified Office and Technical Employees; G 3 Curriculum Development and Review; G 13 Academic Appeals Procedure; G 15 Financial Aid for Students in Credit Programs; G 18.2 Disciplinary Actions for Violation of Student Responsibilities; H 3 Payment of Expenses; H 20.10 Continuing Education, Community Development and Community Service Fees; H 22 Refunds; I 3.5 Bid Deposit for Contracts Over $12,500; I 3.8 Performance Payment Bonds and I 9 College Security, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 10. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission The Board, by consent, approved the appointment of Mr. J. Patrick Dougherty as Commissioner to the City of Webster Groves Tax Increment Finance Commission. 3 11. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission The Board, by consent, approved the appointment of Mr. Patrick Dougherty as Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission. 12. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission The Board, by consent, approved the appointment of Ms. Tina Odo as Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission. 13. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission The Board, by consent, approved the appointment of Ms. Joyce Prage as Commissioner to the City of Maryland Heights Tax Increment Finance Commission. 14. Ratification of Trustee Expenditure Reports The Board by consent ratified expenditure reports submitted by Trustees Taylor and Moss, from the February ACCT Legislative and League for Innovation Conferences. 15. Authorization of Chancellor Travel The Board by consent approved the Chancellor’s travel to the Department of Education Community College Working Group and the ACCT Regional Conference. 16. Waiver of Lodging and Approval of New Board Policy E 6 Emeritus Status for Full-Time Professional Employees On motion by Dr. Ordinachev and seconded by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board waived lodging and unanimously approved revised Board Policy E 6 Emeritus Status for Full-Time Professional Employees all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 4 17. Approval of Reimbursement Resolution for Debt Issuance for the New Advanced Manufacturing Center on the Florissant Valley Campus On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board voted unanimously to approve a resolution relating to the issuance of debt to reimburse the cash reserve expenditures related to the construction, furnishing and equipping of the building and related facilities at the College's New Advanced Manufacturing Center on the Florissant Valley Campus. 18. Information Items a. b. c. d. Frank LoRusso presented the Quarterly Investment Report Carla Chance presented temporary reductions to the 2003 Budget Ruby Curry presented the District-wide Nursing Initiative Bart Devoti presented the restructuring of SLCC Technology 19. Chancellor's Report Dr. Shannon announced the dates of the Student Awards Banquets, Commencement, the Advanced Manufacturing Center Groundbreaking and the Mobile Tech Center Ribbon-Cutting. He also reported on the South County Education Center, the Auxiliary Services One College Retreat and the Associate Nursing Programs. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 20. Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 5 III. HUMAN RESOURCES 21. Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 22. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D; attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved agenda items 4.3.2, a contract with Murphy Company, and 4.3.10, a contract with Byrne & Jones Construction. 6 V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 23. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of March 31, 2003 were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, summary budget status report, budget status reports, (auxiliary, pedestrian and traffic, rental facilities and agency) student financial aid fund, CBIL budget status, restricted general fund and capital updates. B. Warrant Check Register – March, 2003 The Board, by consent, approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending March 31, 2003 C. Ratification of Investments The Board, by consent, ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of March 2003 for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E, attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein. D. Approval of Transfer of Funds The Board, by consent, approved the transfer of $94,765 from the General Operating Budget to the Capital Budget for the purchase of capital equipment for the Telecommunications System. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 24. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District. 7 RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 25. Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATIONS 26. No Items IX. NEW BUSINESS Dr. Ordinachev encouraged the administration to look into textbooks on line. 8 Ms. Taylor gave closing comments and commended staff for their participation in the student meeting. She also commended students for their leadership and participation in community activities. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Garrison, Secretary Board of Trustees 9 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Henry D. Shannon DATE: April 24, 2003 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Tab Page No. Revision Front Section 3 Add: Authorization of Trustee Travel – Moss/Mikolay – MCCA Mikolay - ACCT Front Section 3 Revise: Agenda Item 18 B Temporary Reduction to 2003 Budget (Attached) Front Section 3 Add: Joint Recommendation of SLCC and the JCD NEA (Attached) K 3 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/Change of Assignment/ Classified Staff Add: Robert Nalesnik; M; from: Educational Assistant II, Part-time, Continuing, range 6, pay rate $12.46/hr; to: Computer Services Technician II, range 8, pay rate $1,186.58 bi-wk, effective 04/25/03. This is a new position and rate is minimum for the range. N 2 Add: 6.1.5 Contracts/Agreements/Ratifications Agreement between St. Louis Public Library and St. Louis Community College at Forest Park (Attached) Board Agenda Modifications Page 2 Attachments April 24, 2003 Front Section: #18 B Temporary Reduction to 2003 Budget The legislative solution to address 2003 revenue shortfalls included the issuance of $150 million of general revenue bonds coupled with expenditure reductions or $200 million. The community college share of these expenditure reductions was calculated at $3.2 million. For St. Louis Community College, this holdback is $1.1 million. The following strategy is in place to address this holdback: 2003 Reduction Strategy CC Operating Reductions General Counsel Strategic Initiatives Internal Audit STARS VCFBS VCE Sub-Total 30,000 75,000 5,000 45,000 60,000 15,000 $ 230,000 Workforce Prep Funding $ 300,000 RTEC $ 250,000 Maintenance/Repair $ 320,000 Campus Capital/Operating/Personnel Total Front Section $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -0- $1,100,000 Joint Recommendation of St. Louis Community College and the Junior College District National Education Association The College and the JCD-NEA are recommending that the Board waive the requirement for 1) returning for one full year and 2) for reimbursement of all compensation received from the College during the sabbatical leave period for those employees who elect to participate in the 2003 Voluntary Separation Program (VSP). 6.1.5 Agreement between St. Louis Public Library and St. Louis Community College at Forest Park It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between St. Louis Community College at Forest Park and the St. Louis Public Library. St. Louis Community College at Forest Park shall provide computer training classes for the general public and other groups as determined by the Library, on an "as needed" bases between February 1, 2003 and January 31, 2004. The College will be paid $195.00 per class session. #7 Resolution Re May 15, 2003 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 1987), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on May 15, 2003 at 6:00 p.m., at the Florissant Valley Campus, 3400 Pershall Rd., Ferguson, MO, 63135 in the Private Dining Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 1987. April 24, 2003 Board Agenda # 9 Recommended Approval of Revised Board Policies A 1 Responsibilities and Authority; A 4 Board Member Service; A 5.2 Officers' Duties; A 8 Board of Trustees Travel; B 6 Board Policy/Administrative Procedures; B 10.1 Americans with Disabilities Employee Grievance Procedure; B 13.3 Procedures to Follow in the Event of Sexual Assault; C 21.3 Non-unit Classified Office and Technical Employee Vacation; C 21.6 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; C 24.3 Retirement Privileges - Emeritus Staff; C 27 Group Insurance Program; F 14 Emeritus Status for Full- time Non- unit Classified Office and Technical Employees; G 3 Curriculum Development and Review; G 13 Academic Appeals Procedure; G 15 Financial Aid for Students in Credit Programs ; G 18.2 Disciplinary Actions for Violation of Student Responsibilities; H 3 Payment of Expenses; H 20.10 Continuing Education, Community Development and Community Service Fees and Tuition; H 22 Refunds; I 3.5 Bid Deposit for Contracts Over $12,500; I 3.8 Performance Payment Bonds and I 9 College Security. A 1 Responsibilities and Authority (R 4/95) A 1.1 The statutory responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include, but are not limited to, THE FOLLOWING: a. Approve the appointment, retention and dismissal of employees of the College, define and assign their powers and duties and fix their compensation. b. Levy such taxes as are required for the operation of the College. c. Establish fees for students in the amount necessary to maintain College courses. d. Provide instructional programs and services and physical facilities. e. Approve all contracts. f. Formulate and oversee disciplinary policy regarding students. g. Comply with all applicable federal, state and local mandates. A 1.2 (R 1/01) Incidental to implementing these and other responsibilities are the following specific responsibilities enunciated by the Board. a. Function as the policy-making body exercising overview of administrative functions delegated to the chancellor. b. Select, appoint, and evaluate the chancellor of the College. c. Provide ways and means for obtaining adequate financial support. d. May elect to hear appeals of employees as outlined in applicable grievance procedures. e. Will hear members of the public, staff and students at regular Board meetings. f. Approve the annual budget. g. Approve the expenditure of all funds. h. Direct the administration to prepare new reports, prepare a written legal opinion, or gather new information only upon Board approval of an appropriate motion or upon written request by any two trustees or the Board president. (A copy of the request and response will be sent to all other trustees.) i. Authorize the chancellor's out-of-state travel requests and approve related expense reports. j. Authorize all travel requests by Board members and approve RATIFY related expense reports. A 4 Board Member Service (R 2/94) No member of the Board will directly or indirectly receive any compensation or remuneration nor derive any profit or gain from membership on the Board or from services rendered to the College. Each member of the Board will disclose to the Board any personal interest which he/she may have in any matter pending before the Board. That member will not participate in any discussion or decision on such matter(s) AND WILL ABSTAIN FROM VOTING. No Board member of St. Louis Community College will use any College equipment, supplies, or personnel for any purpose other than the College's business. A 5.2 Officers' Duties (R 1/01) President The Board president presides at all meetings of the Board of Trustees; preserves order; enforces rules; signs all bonds evidencing the bonded indebtedness of the College, and all letters, agreements, contracts, deeds, leases and other documents and papers ordered to be executed by the Board of Trustees. The president appoints, subject to approval by the Board, all committees which the Board may deem necessary. The president and one other Board member review and approve all Board members' and chancellor's travel expense reimbursement requests prior to submission to the Board for ratification. The Board president and one other Board member approves all Board members' and the chancellor's attendance reports and reviews quarterly Board members' and the chancellor's local expense reports. THE CHANCELLOR'S QUARTERLY LOCAL EXPENSE REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD FOR RATIFICATION. prior to submission to the Board for ratification. The Board president's travel expense reimbursement reports and quarterly local expense reports will be reviewed and approved by two other Board members prior to submission to the Board for ratification. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) A8 Board of Trustees Travel (R 2/94) Trustees will abide by administrative procedures regarding travel on College business. TWO BOARD MEMBERS WILL REVIEW AND APPROVE ALL BOARD MEMBERS' TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION TO THE BOARD FOR RATIFICATION. B 6 Board Policy/Administrative Procedures (R 1/01) [AP B 4.1, B 4.2 & B 4.3] The official record of the policies of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College will be maintained by the Board secretary. Administrative procedures are approved by the chancellor and will be maintained by the Chancellor's office. Copies of Board Policy/Administrative Procedures will be kept in the offices of each College officer, in each campus library, on the College's INTERNET website and in other appropriate places. B 10.1 Americans with Disabilities Employee Grievance Procedure (R 7/98) [AP B 7} In keeping with the College’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy and Affirmative Action commitment, St. Louis Community College adopts the following internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulations implementing Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title I states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual can, solely by reason of his or her disability, be subjected to discrimination in employment.” The regulations prohibit discrimination against an otherwise qualified individual with a disability in regards to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. Complaints related to employment must be addressed to the Manager of Employment, St. Louis Community College, Cosand Center, 300 South Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63102. The manager of employment has been designated as the College=s ADA coordinator. PRIOR TO AN EMPLOYEE FILING A COMPLAINT WITH HUMAN RESOURCES, THE EMPLOYEE MUST TRY TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM BY DISCUSSING HIS/HER NEEDS WITH HIS/HER DIRECT SUPERVISOR, THE DEPARTMENT'S DEAN/DIRECTOR AND/OR IF APPROPRIATE, THE CAMPUS PRESIDENT. IF ISSUES CANNOT BE RESOLVED AT THE CAMPUS LEVEL OR LOCATION, THE EMPLOYEE SHOULD ADDRESS THE COMPLAINT TO HUMAN RESOURCES. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) B 13.3 Procedures to Follow in the Event of Sexual Assault (R 7/94) In the e vent a student, employee or visitor is sexually assaulted on College property or at a College-sponsored or -supervised activity, the following procedures should be followed: a. The student, employee or visitor should, as soon as possible after an assault has occurred, contact the College police, the associate dean of Student Support Services, the College nurse, a member of the counseling staff, or any other available employee to report the incident. An official report should always be filed with the College police department. b. The student, employee or visitor should, to the greatest extent possible, preserve any physical evidence that may help to establish proof of criminal assault and/or identify a perpetrator. c. The student, employee or visitor should consider the advice of the College police and/or the College nurse relative to reporting the incident to local, state or federal authorities. If the victim wishes, the College police will assist with the reporting. C 21.3 Non-unit Classified Office and Technical Employee Vacation (R 6/98) [AP C 21.2] (Note: The preceding portion of this policy contains no revisions.) Except under unusual circumstances, the College will be officially closed during the Christmas - New Year's period as defined in the administrative calendar. The number of weekdays other than holidays which fall within this time period when the College is closed will be additional holidays. Employees who are required to work on weekdays other than holidays during this period will have the option of being paid at their regular assigned pay rate for the hours worked and not counting the day worked as vacation time. Full-time probationary employees may not use accrued vacation time during the probationary period, nor be reimbursed for such time if severance occurs before permanent status. C 21.6 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (R 4/95) The Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College is committed to compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) effective August 5, 1993. Eligible employees (as defined under FMLA) will be provided with up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave within a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave for certain family and medical reasons. Employees will be required to provide at least 30 days advance notice when the leave is foreseeable. When leave is requested due to a serious health condition, the leave must be supported by a certification issued by the health care provider of the employee or the employee's ill family member. Whenever an eligible employee is granted FMLA leave, the employee will be required to substitute, in lieu of unpaid leave, any accrued vacation and personal leave in instances where the leave is taken: • to care for the employee's child after birth; • for adoption or foster placement of a child in the employee's home; or • for a serious health condition of the employee or to care for his/her immediate family member. Additionally, the employee will be required to substitute accrued sick leave to care for a seriously ill immediate family member or for the employee's own serious health condition. During APPROVED FMLA leave, the College will continue group health plan benefits, if any, THE EMPLOYEE MAY CONTINUE ANY GROUP INSURANCE COVERAGE on the same cost-sharing basis as coverage would have been provided if the employee had been actively employed during the FMLA leave period. In cases where the employee's own serious health condition is the reason for the leave, other than for intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule, the employee must submit a medical certificate that he/she is able to perform the duties of his/her assigned position before returning to work. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) C 24.3 Retirement Privileges - Emeritus Staff (R 7/98) Emeritus staff are those employees who have retired after 10 years of full-time service to the College and are eligible to receive a retirement allowance from the Non-certificated Retirement Plan or the Public School Retirement Plan of Missouri. The following privileges are available to emeritus staff: • Parking privileges at all locations upon securing a valid parking sticker as is required of employees. • Library privileges at College libraries. • UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE IN BOARD POLICY OR IN A UNIT RESOLUTION, emeritus staff may continue the College group medical insurance upon retirement until age 70 or, for certificated employees, as prescribed by law. As prescribed by law, upon retirement, employees are eligible to continue their participation in the College's medical insurance programs, subject to provisions of the medical insurance plan contract. Emeritus staff selecting such insurance will pay the full costs involved, including any applicable administrative costs. • Maintenance fee waivers for courses at the College will be available for emeritus staff members, dependents, and spouses. These privileges are available to previously retired employees who are receiving a retirement benefit from either the Non-certificated Retirement Plan or the Public School Retirement System of Missouri, as of the date of adoption of this policy. C 27 Group Insurance Program (R 6/98) [AP C 27.1 - C 27.3 & C 28] The College makes available to all full-time employees the following group insurance programs: life/AD&D, vision, dental, major medical, VOLUNTARY accidental death, and long-term disability, AND SHORT-TERM DISABILITY. All full-time employees are entitled to insurance plan participation on a cost-shared premium basis with the College during any month of paid employment. Full-time faculty and 36-week employees who are not scheduled to work during the summer or other periods are entitled to insurance coverage during such periods if employment is scheduled to continue following such periods. Premium payments for such non-work periods will be made through payroll deductions in advance and/or following such periods. The College and an employee will cost-share premium payments when an employee enrolls in the medical, dental, vision, life/AD&D and long-term disability plans as follows: Employee only coverage: College pays 90 percent of premium rate Employee pays 10 percent of premium rate. Dependent coverage: College pays 60 percent of premium rate for medical coverage only. For all other coverages, College pays 50 percent of premium rate. Employee pays 40 percent of premium for medical coverage only. For all other coverages, employee pays 50 percent of premium rate. A full-time employee whose employment terminates due to disability following at least 10 years of full-time employment and at the time of termination is receiving long-term disability benefits may continue to participate in the College’s medical plan only until the earlier of (1) attainment of age 70 or (2) long-term disability benefits cease. All employees of the College are covered under Workers’ Compensation Insurance. F 14 Emeritus Status for Full-time Non-unit Classified Office and Technical Employees (6/02) Full-time non-unit classified office and technical employees who otherwise qualify for Emeritus Staff Retirement Privileges under Board Policy C 24.3 may continue to USE the College group medical insurance upon retirement subject to law and the provisions of the medical insurance contract. Eligible employees selecting such insurance will pay the full costs involved, including any applicable administrative costs. This applies only to eligible employees who retire on or after July 1, 2002. G 3 Curriculum Development and Review (R 9/96) [AP G 2, G 2.1, G 2.2] The faculty and instructional administrators will be responsible for proposing, regularly evaluating, and revising the educational programs and courses. For the career programs, advisory committees made up of knowledgeable professionals will advise the faculty on developments in the field and possible changes necessary in the educational program. Campus and collegewide faculty curriculum committees will review and approve changes in courses and recommend changes to programs. IN THE EVENT A NEW PROGRAM LEADS TO THE AA DEGREE, LOCAL TRANSFER INSTITUTIONS WILL BE CONTACTED TO DETERMINE THE TRANSFERABILITY OF THE PROGRAM. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) G 13 Academic Appeals Procedure (R 2/02) [AP G 10] (Note: The preceding portion of this policy contains no revisions.) Step 3 To pursue Step 3 if the matter is not resolved at Step 2, within 10 working days of the response from the department chair, the student or the faculty member must file a written appeal with the appropriate associate dean and provide copies of the original allegation and responses. WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS, the associate dean will investigate the situation AND confer with the student and faculty member. THE DEAN WILL within five working days, and respond in writing to the student and faculty member within 10 working days of the conference. Step 4 To pursue Step 4 if the matter is not resolved at Step 3, one of the two options below must be followed. a. In appeal cases not involving a final grade, within 10 working days of receipt of the written response from the associate dean, the student or faculty member must appeal in writing to the campus president and provide copies of the original allegations and written responses. The president will investigate the situation, confer with the student or faculty member within 10 working days, and respond in writing to the student and faculty member within 10 working days of the conference. The president’s decision will be final. b. When the appeal involves a final grade, within 10 working days of receipt of the written response from the associate dean, the student or the faculty member must file a written request, providing copies of the original allegations and written responses, with the president for a hearing of the campus Academic Appeals Hearing Committee. Within 10 working days of receipt of the student’s or faculty member’s request, the campus president will designate the Hearing Committee and provide the committee with the original allegations and written responses. The committee will have 15 working days to conduct the hearing. The committee’s decision will be final. Academic Appeals Committee Each campus will create and maintain an Academic Appeals Committee from which the Hearing Committee will be designated. Composition of Hearing Committee Membership from the campus will consist of four full-time faculty members plus a designated alternate reflecting division representation; two students plus designated alternates; and the executive dean who will be the non-voting chair. In the event of a tie, the executive dean will vote. A list of 50 randomly-selected faculty from the campus reflecting division representation will be identified annually by the College Information Systems department. The campus Phi Theta Kappa chapters and the campus Student Government Associations will each recommend annually one student and a designated alternate for service on the committee. The list of randomly selected faculty along with the names of the recommended students will be forwarded to each campus president, who will appoint and notify the eight faculty members and four students of their selection. Members will serve staggered two -year terms. The executive dean will convene the committee and provide information related to the case. Four members of the committee, or their alternates will constitute a quorum. One member of the quorum must be a student. Committee Decision The committee will render its decision after completion of the hearing. A decision requires at least three affirmative votes. The committee may accept or reject, in whole or in part, or may modify the findings and conclusions of the associate dean. Within three working days of the hearing, the committee will make a written report of its decision to the student, the faculty member, the department chair, the associate dean and the president. The decision of the committee will be final. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) G 15 Financial Aid for Students in Credit Programs (R 9/96) [AP G 12] The College provides a comprehensive program of local, state and federal sources for helping students finance their college educations. These sources include grants, loans, work and scholarship programs . A collegewide Financial Aid Committee will review financial aid policy regularly and recommend necessary changes. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) G 18.2 Disciplinary Actions for Violation of Student Responsibilities (R 9/96) [AP G 15.2] a. Any person may request initiation of disciplinary proceedings against a student suspected of violation of any law, Board policy, administrative procedure, or Regulation. The associate dean of Student Support Services/Student Development will initiate a preliminary investigation. Upon receipt of the findings of the investigation, the dean will inform the student of the disposition of the matter which may include disciplinary action. b. The dean also will inform the student that he/she may appeal t he decision within 10 calendar days after the date of the dean's written decision and notification. Such appeal must be made in writing to the dean and must state the reason for the appeal. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) H3 Payment of Expenses (R 1/01) All expenses of the College will be paid through the Banner requisition process or upon properly approved Payment documents. ALL EXPENSES OF THE COLLEGE WILL BE PAID USING AN AUTHORIZED REQUISITION PROCESS, PROPERLY APPROVED PAYMENT DOCUMENTS, OR AN APPROVED PROCUREMENT CARD PROCESS. All requisitions and payment documents will be authorized by the approvers identified by management at each College location. The requisitions and payment documents will show the budget account against which the charge is being made. H 20.10 Continuing Education, WORKFORCE AND Community Development and Community Service Fees(5/97) Fees will be assessed for courses, programs and services offered through Continuing Education and WORKFORCE AND Community Development. Consideration will be given to direct and indirect expenses and market value in determining the fee. H 22 Refunds Percentages to be refunded apply to total fees. , including parking and College activity fees. I 3.5 Bid Deposit for Contracts Over $12,500 (R 5/97) [AP I 1] No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, a certified check, or a bid bond prepared on a form acceptable to the College. Said check, cash deposit or bid bond will be in such amount as may be required in the bid specifications submitted, based upon the cost of the work as estimated in said specifications, and in no event to be less than 5 percent of the estimated cost. I 3.8 Performance Payment Bonds (R 5/97) [AP I 1] Contracts exceeding $25,000 will be accompanied by a performance payment bond conditioned on the faithful performance of said contract, executed by the bidder and by a solvent surety company approved by the College. The amount of said bond will be at least equal to 100 percent of the contract price as security for the faithful performance of the project. In lieu of giving the bond provided for in this policy, the contractor may deposit a like amount in cash with the treasurer of the Board of Trustees. I 9 College Security (12/00) [AP I 4] a. Reporting Crimes and Emergencies Any student, employee or visitor who witnesses a criminal act, suspected criminal act or any other emergency occurring at any College location should, as soon as possible after such event, contact the College Police, the associate dean of Student Support Services/Student Development, or any other official of the College who has significant responsibility for student and College activities. All reports concerning such activities will be investigated thoroughly and promptly, and timely reports regarding the occurrence of crimes at any College location will be disseminated to members of the College community in accordance with applicable laws. (Note: The remainder of this policy contains no revisions.) #10 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of Webster Groves Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Mr. J. Patrick Dougherty, Director of the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District, as a Commissioner to the City of Webster Groves Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF). Mr. Dougherty will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Webster Groves Public Library, St. Louis County Library District, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, Productive Living Board, and the St. Louis Metro Fire District Alliance. #11 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Mr. Patrick Dougherty, Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District, as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF) for the Printer’s Lofts (1601 Washington Avenue), Soulard Market Apartments (2500 S. 18th Street), and City Hospital Complex. Mr. Dougherty will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: City of St. Louis Mental Health Board of Trustees, St. Louis Office for Mentally Retarded Development Disabilities Resources (MRDD), and the St. Louis Public Library. #12 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Ms. Tina A. Odo, St. Louis Community College, as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF) for the Fashion Square Lofts development area. Ms. Odo will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Metropolitan Zoological Park & Museum District, St. Louis Office for Mentally Retarded Development Disabilities Resources (MRDD), St. Louis Public Library, and City of St. Louis Mental Health Board of Trustees. # 13 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to City of Maryland Heights Tax Increment Financing Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Ms. Joyce Prage, of the Productive Living Board of St. Louis County, as a Commissioner to the City of Maryland Heights Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF). Ms. Prage will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Maryland Heights Fire Protection District; St. Louis County Library District; Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District; Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District; St. Louis Metro Fire District Alliance. #16 Recommended Waiver of Lodging and Approval of New Board Policy E 6 Emeritus Status for Full-Time Professional Employees FULL-TIME PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES WHO OTHERWISE QUALIFY FOR EMERITUS STAFF RETIREMENT PRIVILEGES UNDER BOARD POLICY C 24.3 MAY CONTINUE THE COLLEGE GROUP MEDICAL INSURANCE UPON RETIREMENT SUBJECT TO LAW AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE MEDICAL INSURANCE CONTRACT. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES SELECTING SUCH INSURANCE WILL PAY THE FULL COSTS INVOLVED, INCLUDING ANY APPLICABLE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. THIS APPLIES ONLY TO ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES WHO RETIRE ON OR AFTER JUNE 1, 2003. #17 Recommended Reimbursement Resolution for Debt Issuance for the New Advanced Manufacturing Center on the Florissant Valley Campus Board action is requested to approve a resolution relating to the issuance of debt to reimburse the cash reserve expenditures related to the construction, furnishing and equipping of the building and related facilities at the College’s New Advanced Manufacturing Center on the Florissant Valley Campus. This reimbursement resolution would permit the College to arrange for a debt issuance for expenses incurred 60 days prior to the resolution and all expenses subsequent to the resolution. Certain engineering and design costs incurred prior to the 60-day rule may also be included in the debt issuance. This resolution enhances the College’s ability to issue debt. This matter will be further researched and evaluated before any debt recommendation is presented to the Board. A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE INTENT OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL EXPENDITURES IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FACILITIES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “College”) has made certain capital expenditures, and expects to make additional capital expenditures, in connection with the construction, furnishing, and equipping of building and related facilities at the College’s New Advanced Manufacturing Center on the Florissant Valley Campus (collectively, the “Project”). The College intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures with the proceeds of bonds or other obligations (the “Obligations”) to be issued by the College or an affiliate of the College, to the extent permitted by applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The maximum amount of Obligations expected to be issued for the Project will be $3 million. Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Adopted by the Board of Trustees this____ day of April 2003. President (SEAL) ATTEST Secretary #18 B Temporary Reduction to 2003 Budget The legislative solution to address 2003 revenue shortfalls included the securitization of $150 million of the tobacco settlement proceeds coupled with expenditure reductions. To close the remaining state revenue shortfall of $82.3, the reduction share for all Community Colleges was calculated at $3.2 million. For Saint Louis Community College, this holdback is $1.1 million. The following strategy is in place to address this holdback: 2003 Reduction Strategy CC Operating Reductions General Counsel Strategic Initiatives Internal Audit STARS VCFBS VCE Sub-Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 30,000 75,000 5,000 45,000 60,000 15,000 $ 230,000 Workforce Prep Funding $ 300,000 RTEC $ 250,000 Maintenance/Repair $ 320,000 Campus Capital/Operating/Personnel $ Total -0- $1,100,000 II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve the revised Chemical Technology AAS program approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee: Program: Chemical Technology Associate in Applied Science Campus: Florissant Valley Effective: Fall 2003 Impact Statement: The proposed change in the Chemical Technology curriculum from IS: 116 or GE: 101 to GE: 101 will ensure that all students have the computer skills necessary to be successful in the Chemical Technology core courses, particularly Chemical Technology II, III, and IV. OUTLINE OF THE PROPOSED PROGRAM CURRENT PROGRAM REVISED PROGRAM I. General Education 15 credits ENG:100 Career English (or) ENG: 101 College Composition I 3 ENG:102 College Composition II (or) ENG:103 Report Writing 3 MTH: 140 Intermediate Algebra 3 XXX:xxx Missouri requirement 3 XXX:xxx Social Science Elective 3 I. General Education 15 Credits ENG: 100 Career English (or) ENG: 101 College Composition I 3 ENG:102 College Composition II (or) ENG:103 Report Writing 3 MTH: 140 Intermediate Algebra 3 XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement 3 XXX:xxx Social Science Elective 3 II. Physical Education Activity II. Physical Education Activity 2 credits 2 credits III. Area of Concentration 36 credits III. Area of Concentration 36 Credits CHM: 107 Chemical Technology I 8 CHM: 107 Chemical Technology I 8 CHM: 108 Chemical Technology II 8 CHM: 108 Chemical Technology II 8 CHM: 208 Chemical Technology III 8 CHM: 208 Chemical Technology III 8 CHM: 209 Chemical Technology IV 8 CHM: 209 Chemical Technology IV 8 CHM: 213 Chemical Technology Seminar 2 CHM: 213 Chemical Technology Seminar 2 CHM: 214 Advanced Chemical Technology CHM: 214 Advanced Chemical Technology Seminar 2 Seminar 2 IV. Electives 11 credits IV. Electives 11 credits Math or Science 4 XXX:xxx Math or Science 4 PHY: 111 College Physics I (or) PHY: 111 College Physics I (or) BIO: 203 General Microbiology I 4 BIO: 203 General Microbiology I 4 GE: 101 Technical Computer Programming (or) GE: 101 Technical Computer Programming 3 IS: 116 Microcomputer Literacy 3 Program total 64 credits Program total 64 credits 04-24-03 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME Lewis, Theresa CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE N LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE CCETC Project Associate II P8 $32,405* 04/25/03-06/30/03 -1* Minimum salary for the range. New, temporary, externally-funded position. 04-24-03 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Luckey, Evon N FV Student Services Assistant I, Part-time, Continuing 3 Shackelford, Nancy N CC Administrative Assistant I Anderson, Angel N CC Straubmuller, Spencer N FP NAME TITLE PAY RATE RANGE 9.41/hr* 04/28/03 7 1,111.69 bi-wk* 05/12/03 Educational Assistant I 5 987.54 bi-wk* 04/25/03 Administrative Clerk, Part-time, Continuing 3 9.41/hr* 04/25/03 -2* Minimum salary for the range. All are replacement positions; Anderson is a temporary, externally-funded position. $ EFFECTIVE DATE 04-24-03 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF Van Horn, Michael From: M To: FV Housekeeper - $ 11.59/hr 04/25/03 England, Gregory From: FP To: M Housekeeper - $ 11.59/hr 04/25/03 15.85/hr (no change) 04/25/03 16.05/hr 23.12/hr* 04/25/03 Wilson, Franklin FP From: M To: FV RANGE EFFECTIVE DATE LOCATION Dacey, Owen TITLE PAY RATE NAME From: College Police Officer, Part-time, Continuing 6 To: Security Officer, Part-time, Continuing 5 General Maintenance Helper Stationary Engineer - Wamack, Jacqueline FP Administrative Secretary II 6 Ferlisi, John FV Supervisor, Buildings & Grounds 9 -3Harrison, Gwendolyn Leahy, Pamela CC-HP CC From: Offset Printer II To: Pre-Press Copy Technician 6 7 5 From: 1,444.96 bi-wk To: 1,517.23 bi-wk** From: 1,975.69 bi-wk To: 2,173.26 bi-wk*** 1,261.77 bi-wk 1,275.12 bi-wk**** From: 987.54 bi-wk To: 1,056.67 bi-wk** 04/01/0306/01/03 02/11/0304/13/03 03/21/03 03/21/0306/30/03 * Minimum salary for the range. ** Salary increase in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article XXI Additional Compensation *** Increase in base compensation in accordance with Board Policy F6 Additional Compensation. **** Salary increase in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article IX Position Changes. Van Horn, England, Dacey & Wilson: Replacement positions. Ferlisi and Leahy: Additional responsibilities of another position; ending date for Leahy may be earlier than 06/30/03. Harrison: Result of classification review. Wamack: For additional duties of another position; extends previous assignment from 09/30/02-03/31/03. 04-24-03 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Windsor, Kathleen LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE FP Secretary 04/01/03-06/01/03 Extends previous unpaid leave of absence from 12/24/02-03/31/03. 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE -4- Jordan, Mead M Instructor II/Physical Science 06/30/03 Bratton, Michael FV Assistant Professor/Mathematics 03/17/03 Both are resignations. 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees’ approval, 02/20/03: 3.1 Appointments/Full-Time Faculty, p. 2 Delete Frank Brooks; FP; Instructor II/Mathematics; 08/19/03-05/14/04. (Candidate declined appointment.) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: VICE-CHANCELLOR, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES CLASSIFICATION: Administrative (Exempt) REPORTS TO: Chancellor SUPERVISION GIVEN: Director, Systems Operations; Director, Campus Technology Support; Administrative Assistant POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to oversee the district-wide information technology infrastructure with emphasis on academic support initiatives, education and training, establishment of technical standards, appropriate governance and advisory boards, and customer service and support. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Consults broadly with faculty, staff, and administration to set priorities, define goals, and clarify areas of responsibility; provides leadership and direction of academic and administrative computing, campus networking and telecommunications. EF Sets strategic direction and carries district-wide responsibility for overseeing implementation of enterprise resource systems; coordinates technology initiatives arising across the district and provides leadership in advancing technology initiatives in a networked environment. EF Applies high level of technical knowledge and skills to assess organizational requirements and develops solutions to complex technical issues; facilitates and maintains a high level of communication with the college community to ensure continuing dialogue and customer satisfaction. Date Issued: 4/03 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. EF Works with college officers to align computer technology with strategic college goals and initiatives. EF Keeps abreast of new computer technologies and platforms with applications that facilitate process improvements and enhance performance. EF Assesses resources to determine how most effectively to utilize inhouse solutions and outsourcing services and skills. EF Develops and manages information technology budget, with emphasis on cost-containment and efficient and strategic allocation of resources. Provides leadership in the integration of technology into administrative and academic processes within the College. EF Oversees process redesign initiatives that arise from the utilization of technology in administrative or academic processes. EF Supervises and coordinates the efforts of Technology and Educational Support Services (TESS) personnel. Performs other job related duties as assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s Degree from an accredited institution. Must have over ten (10) years of full-time experience including five (5) years of progressively responsible administrative experience in information technology, business and support functions, and telecommunications. Date Issued: 4/03 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: SUPERVISOR, PAYROLL CLASSIFICATION: Professional (Exempt) REPORTS TO: Controller SUPERVISION GIVEN: Accountant, Accounting Clerk I & II, Payroll Technician POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to monitor and coordinate the activities of all Payroll staff. Develops and oversees all tasks necessary to accomplish the College’s payroll processing objectives to include: tax reporting, payroll systems maintenance, printing paychecks and direct deposits, payment of independent contractors, issuing cash advances, reimbursing employees for expenditures and verifying disability payments; bills and maintains accounts receivable system for retirees and employees on Family Medical Leave and leave of absence. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Maintains the College’s Payroll processing system by balancing and controlling earning and deduction totals; calculates and prepares general ledger entries, inspects automated system output such as registers and standard reports, determines and corrects out-ofbalance conditions, prepares and files tax reports, and runs a variety of payrolls. EF Posts the set-up and changes in tax status, insurance and deductions such as garnishments, levies, union dues, and the issuance of on-demand checks. EF Maintains the College’s Accounts Receivable system for billing, collecting, and administering retiree, leave of absence, and Family Medical Leave insurance. EF Computes wages and overtime payments, calculates and records payroll deductions, processes terminations. Date Issued: 2/94 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. EF Reconciles the Payroll ledger accounts and re-distributes payroll salaries as requested by departmental staff. EF Audits and maintains time records for compliance with established standards. EF Prints, replaces and voids payroll checks and direct deposits. EF Researches and prepares special reports for senior management as requested or required by Board Policy or Administrative Procedures and assists with questions from management. EF Performs normal supervisory duties. Performs other job related duties as assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent and over three (3) years of relevant fulltime experience. Revised: 03/03 Date Issued: 2/94 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to de scribe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. PRE-PRESS TITLE: CLASSIFICATION: Classified (Non-exempt) REPORTS TO: Manager, Printing SUPERVISION GIVEN: None POSITION SUMMARY: Works with a variety of graphics and printing software programs related to digital print production; performs the manual processes of stripping negatives and burning plates; operates offset press to produce simple to complex high-quality single and multi-color layouts; performs quality assurance measures. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Performs file setup by working several different software programs; manipulates graphics and photos as necessary to create mega plates. EF Strips negatives and burns metal plates in preparation for the presses. EF Produces job assignments according to due dates and project complexity; coordinates details with Graphics and/or Community Relations departments. EF May operate small offset press, as needed. Performs other job related duties as assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or equivalent and over three (3) years of relevant full-time experience. Date Issued: 3/03 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 1 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of additional funds to the two (2) contracts listed below: A. Contract 22260 with BURKLUND DISTRIBUTORS, INC., LANCE, INC., OLD VIENNA LLC., INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATION and MOUND CITY INDUSTRIES, INC. for the routine purchase of assorted food products for resale was originally approved for award by the Board of Trustees on July 24, 2000, Agenda Item 4.1.5, in an amount not to exceed $129,000 for a period of three (3) full years, to begin August 15, 2000, with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor. On December 10, 2001, Agenda Item 4.1.1, the Board of Trustees approved an additional award amount of $71,000, making the total award amount to date $200,000. The current contract balance is $16,944 and the average monthly expenditure for the past thirty-one (31) months has been $5,905. Based upon anticipated usage for the remainder of the contract period, the following action is requested: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Total contract period: Contract expiration date: +$ 20,000 220,000 ($5,905/Mo x 36 Mos - $212,580) 3 years (no change) August 14, 2003 (no change) B. Contract MMCAP1 with MINNESOTA MULTISTATE CONTRACTING ALLIANCE FOR PHARMACY (MMCAP) for the routine purchase of influenza vaccines was originally approved for award by the Board of Trustees on September 24, 2001, Agenda Item 4.1.4, in an amount not to exceed $16,000, for a period of two (2) full years. The current contract balance is $7,510. Based upon anticipated usage for the remainder of the contract period, the following action is required: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Total contract period: Contract expiration date: Funding +$ 4,000 20,000 2 years (no change) September 17, 2003 (no change) All purchases made against these contracts will be funded from auxiliary enterprise budgets, current operating budgets and voluntary administration fees collected from vaccine recipients. Advertisements Advertisements were run in the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for Contract 22260. The State of Minnesota handled all aspects of bidding for Contract MMCAP1. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested enter into an agreement with both PBS/ADULT LEARNING SERVICE TELECOURSE LICENSING and KETC/CHANNEL 9 for license, broadcast rights and airtime for the Fall 2003, Spring 2004 and Summer 2004 Telecourse Learning Program season and to thereafter expend an amount estimated at $180,000.00 to implement the contract. Description The College provides telecourse programs on a variety of topics as an alternate teaching and community outreach vehicle. The program has enrolled nearly 100,000 students – most of them adult learners - over the previous twenty-two years. It has also reached a much wider audience who view these programs for personal enrichment. The total cost of presenting this material is shared among the members of the regional MITCO (Missouri-Illinois Telelearning Consortium) Cooperative. The estimated expenditure amount is for St. Louis Community College’s portion only. PBS ADULT LEARNING SERVICE owns the broadcast rights to these programs and KETC/CHANNEL 9 owns the exclusive airtime distribution rights. Therefore, this contract could not be competitively bid. Contract – B0001587 Applicable Fees Licensing Fees Student Fees Airtime Broadcast Fees Total Estimated Expenditure $ 27,500.00 27,500.00 125,000.00 $180,000.00 Funding License and broadcast fees will be funded from current operating budgets. Student fees are recovered from each student enrolled in the program. Advertisements Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for scoring services for the College Basic Academics Subjects Examination to ASSESSMENT RESOURCE CENTER, in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00 for a period of three (3) full years, to begin June 1, 2003. Description This contract will be used by the Assessment Departments at all College locations to purchase booklets, cassettes and answer folders that will be used to administer and score the College Basic Academics Subjects Examination (College BASE). The purpose of this examination is to certify general education competencies of prospective teachers. The test and scoring services are only provided by Assessment Resource Center and was therefore bid on a restricted basis. The tests are administered on an “as needed basis”. Assessment Resource Center is neither a known minority-owned nor a woman-owned business enterprise. Bid – B0001579 The evaluation of this bid, which opened on March 24, 2003, is listed below: Item Description Est. Usage Teacher’s Edition 325 per year Large Print Edition 5 per year Audio Cassette Edition 5 per year Unit Price Est. 3 Yr. Cost $35 ea scoring $34,125.00 $35 ea scoring 525.00 $35 ea scoring 525.00 $35,175.00 Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of one (1) gas engine power sweeper from TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY in the amount of $30,403.15. Description This equipment will be used by the Building and Grounds staff of the Physical Facilities Department at the Meramec campus. It will be used for routine removal of trash and debris discarded on the parking lot, curbside areas, sidewalks, and patio areas of the campus, as well as special cleaning projects as required. One (1) lower bidder failed to meet the specifications of the bid. The recommended bidder offered the lowest bid meeting all specifications in the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001565 The evaluation of this bid, which opened March 13, 2003, is listed below: Bidders Unit Price TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY $30,403.15 New System 24,688.00 Allied Industrial Equipment 31,368.00 Renard Paper Company 32,000.00 * failed to meet specifications Maker/Model Offered Tennant Model 6550G Tornado/Kircher KMR1700* Powerboss SW/9XV Tennant Model 6550G Funding This purchase will be made from current capital funds: FY 2002-2003 (Appendix A, pg. 5 – Section 4/Physical Plant/ Contingency). Advertisements Advertisements are not normally run on items under $75,000.00. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Approval is requested for the renewal of an annual license agreement with BLACKBOARD, INC., in an amount not to exceed $220,447.50, for a period of four (4) full years, to begin March 28, 2003. Description Blackboard is the College adopted web-based instructional platform. The annual fee for this license includes the usage rights, maintenance and technical support. Blackboard is the sole source for this product, precluding a competitive bid. The recommended bidder is neither a known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise. Bid –B0001589 Item Description License Renewal Year 03/04 Year Year Year 4-Year 04/05 05/06 06/07 Total $47,500.00 $52,250.00** 57,475.00** 63,222.50** $220,447.50 ** Renewal charges for years 04/05, 05/06 and 06/07 contain a 10% escalation factor. Funding This purchase will be funded from the technology fee and current operating budgets. Advertisements Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.6 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of two thousand nine hundred (2,900) Elron Message Inspector Software licenses with a one (1) year maintenance agreement from ADVANCED SYSTEM DESIGNS in the amount of $28,971.00. Description This software will be used district wide to control the problem of network congestion and wasted resources caused by SPAM email. The software is an email filtering software solution with anti-spam filters that will allow the College to proactively manage, filter and, if necessary, block spam and other unauthorized electronic communications. The recommended bidder offered the lowest overall price while meeting the specifications of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001572 The evaluation of this bid, which opened March 25, 2003, is listed below: Bidders ADVANCED SYSTEM DESIGNS Heritage Business Systems, Inc. Integrated Solutions Group Elron Software Micrologic/Valcom Software Licenses $21,431.00 24,041.00 24,737.00 30,160.00 29,725.00 Maintenance Total Cost $7,540.00 $28,971.00 7,076.00 31,117.00 7,163.00 31,900.00 6,032.00 36,192.00 7,250.00 36,975.00 Funding This purchase will be made from current operating budgets. Advertisements Advertisements are not typically run on items under $75,000.00. 4.1.7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of twenty-three (23) engineering learning modules under Board Policy No. H-5.1, “Restrictions for Purchases Exceeding $5,000/Academic Selections” from AIDEX CORPORATION in an amount not to exceed $83,995.00. Description If this request is approved, these modules, each consisting of laboratory equipment and student instructional courseware and instructor guides, will be used by the Engineering & Technology Department at the Florissant Valley campus. The combined training package will allow students to participate in the nationally developed Integrated Systems Technology (IST) Program, which provides classroom experience in the maintenance of hightech industrial equipment. The IST program is designed around the Amatrol product line, therefore the faculty recommends these particular items to the exclusion of all others based upon it’s contribution to the content of their instructional program. These modules are distributed solely by Aidex Corporation. Aidex Corporation is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. An estimate of the acquisition costs are listed below: VENDOR AIDEX CORPORATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Pump Systems Thermal Systems Fluid Power Systems Process Control Systems NO. OF MODULES 8 3 5 7 EST. PRICE $22,110.00 20,690.00 21,245.00 19,950.00 Total Funding If this request is approved, the purchase will be made from a State of Missouri RTEC grant. Advertisements Advertisements are not typically run on items available from only one source. $83,995.00 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the addition of funds to the contract listed below: Contract B0001486 with O.J. PHOTO SUPPLY, INC., B&H PHOTO VIDEO, and W. SCHILLER & COMPANY, INC. for the routine purchase of photographic supplies and audio-visual equipment was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on October 14, 2002, Agenda Item 4.1.4, in an amount not to exceed $70,000, split between three (3) vendors with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor, for a period of one (1) full years, to begin November 1, 2002, with an option to renew for two additional years. Actual monthly expenditures for the first four (4) months of the contract have averaged $13,397 and the current contract balance is $16,411. Based upon anticipated usage for the remainder of the first contract year, the following action is requested: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Total contract period: Contract expiration date: +$95,000 $165,000 ($13,397/Mo x 12 Mos = $160,764) 1 year (no change) October 31, 2003 (no change) 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Ratification is requested for the sole source purchase of a contiguous three-year maintenance agreement for a Software License System Support Agreement and Personal System Support (PPS) from HEWLETT PACKARD at a cost of $33,440.40. Description These software licenses are used by the Information Technology Department at the Cosand Center, on the College’s HP9000 L3000 server, supporting SCT BANNER applications. The Personal System Support provides a proactive consultation report service with a Hewlett Packard engineer. These licenses were covered on the old central processing system. When migrated over to the new server system in April 2002, the support agreement expired and was not included on the quotation for the new support agreement. The College has used this software and therefore owes for support dating back to April 2002. Hewlett Packard agrees to compensate for their oversight by amending the support start date forward to November 12, 2002. The revised agreement end date is January 25, 2005, which will provide a common expiration date for all the software applications and in addition Hewlett Packard offered a 5 % discount. Hewlett Packard is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Funding This purchase was made from current operating expenses. Advertisements Advertisements are not typically run on items available from only one source. 4.3.1 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 101, AIR CONDITIONING IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE III, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT COSAND CENTER to the low bidder, C & R MECHANICAL COMPANY, for $153,200.00. Contractor C & R MECHANICAL COMPANY Meramec Mechanical, Inc. System Aire, Inc. Air Masters Corporation Base Bid $ 153,200.00 159,167.00 169,725.00 176,754.00 Description: This is Phase III of the project to improve the Cosand Center’s air conditioning system. Two new rooftop supplemental air conditioning units and associated duct work are to be installed to service floors 3, 4, 5, and 6 on the west side of the building. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2001/02, Tab J, Page 1, No. 3. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: One known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.2 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 604A, FAN COIL & VENTILATION, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, MURPHY COMPANY, for $489,254.00 for Base Bid plus Alternate #2. Contractor MURPHY COMPANY Abdelmalek Construction, LLC American Boiler Services, Inc. $ Base Bid 721,504.00 751,700.00 633,404.00 Alternate #2 <232,250.00> <226,600.00> $ 599,989.00 $ Contract Total 489,254.00 525,100.00 599,989.00 Description: This project is the first part of a phased replacement of fan coil air conditioning units that are difficult to maintain and have gone beyond their estimated life expectancy. The reliability of our heating and cooling system in the Business Administration, Communications North and Library will be significantly improved by replacing the 35 year old fan coil units. The new units are more energy efficient, will improve air circulation, avoid wet floors/carpets, decrease room noise, reduce maintenance, and prevent total breakdowns. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2001/02, Tab J, Page 1, No. 3; Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 3. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.3 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 505, NEW FUME HOOD FOR HUMANITIES BUILDING, ROOM H 107, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, CRAFTSMEN CONTRACTING, INC., for $17,940.00. Contractor CRAFTSMEN CONTRACTING, INC. Brady Construction, Inc. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. J.E. Novack Construction Co. Maestas Construction, Inc. Meramec Mechanical, Inc. Base Bid $ 17,940.00 17,967.00 20,235.00 21,500.00 22,900.00 28,567.00 Description: The existing print making activities taught in this room require the addition of a dedicated exhaust hood to improve ventilation. This project will install a chemical type fume hood in this room to facilitate this instruction. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab H, Page 1, No. DW-3. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: One known minority company received plans and specifications. One known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.4 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 507, RENOVATION OF CLASSROOM SM 268, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, MAESTAS CONSTRUCTION, INC., for $14,400.00. Contractor MAESTAS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Brady Construction, Inc. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. J.E. Novack Construction Co. $ Base Bid 14,400.00 14,581.00 19,000.00 19,800.00 Description: The existing classroom needs to be upgraded to a computer classroom. Renovations include (but are not limited to) a new ceiling, overhead lighting and upgrading the electrical power for computer use. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital Budget per item 5.1.3 on the July 22, 2002 agenda. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. One known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.5 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 508, ASPHALT REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, SUNRISE CONSTRUCTION, for $83,880.00 for Base bid plus Alternate #1. Contractor SUNRISE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Ford Asphalt Co., Inc. Asphaltic Maintenance Co., Inc. Leritz Contracting, Inc. County Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. Byrne & Jones Construction St. Louis Paving, Inc. L. Keeley Construction $ Base Bid 78,980.00 80,522.00 81,490.00 81,385.00 84,505.00 84,912.00 94,659.00 114,000.00 Alternate #1 $ 4,900.00 4,886.00 4,428.00 4,820.00 5,166.00 7,500.00 5,617.00 5,000.00 Contract Total $ 83,880.00 85,408.00 85,918.00 86,205.00 89,671.00 92,412.00 100,276.00 119,000.00 Description: The existing asphalt is badly deteriorated and in need of repair or replacement. This annual project will replace patches, potholes and striping at the campus. Alternate #1 will overlay the entry road into Parking Lot 18. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 2A. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.6 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 412, BRICK PAVING REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, MID-CONTINENTAL RESTORATION CO. INC., for $34,937.00. Contractor MID-CONTINENTAL RESTORATION CO., INC. Aulbach Contracting, Inc. The Harlan Company Western Waterproofing Co., Inc. Superior Waterproofing $ Base Bid 34,937.00 53,859.00 59,800.00 95,600.00 109,229.00 Description: This annual project will repair areas where the concrete and brick have deteriorated badly. Concrete pads will be replaced and brick walkways will be repaired at “F” Tower and under the West Wing. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.7 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 509, SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT AT COMMUNICATIONS BUILDING, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low qualified bidder, THE HARLAN COMPANY, for $42,800.00, and for the rejection of Benz-Parks, Inc. We also recommend that the bid bond presented by Benz-Parks, Inc., as bid security for this project be returned to them. Benz-Parks, Inc., is a new company and has no prior work experience. Reference checks confirmed there are no jobs in progress nor any completed projects done by Benz-Parks, Inc. Qualified Bids The Harlan Company Oreo & Botta Concrete Company Concrete Design, Inc. R.V. Wagner, Inc. Gershenson Construction Co., Inc. Aulbach Contracting, Inc. Rejected Bid Benz-Parks, Inc. $ Base Bid 42,800.00 43,500.00 45,485.00 47,511.00 52,220.00 79,420.00 42,222.00 Description: Areas where the asphalt has deteriorated badly will be repaired through this annual project. Asphalt covered sidewalks will be replaced on the west side of the Communications Building and the Social Science Building. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.8 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 510, ROOF REPLACEMENT AT CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, KEHRER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC., for $128,966.00. Contractor KEHRER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. D.E. Martin Roofing Co., Inc. Shay Roofing, Inc. Geissler Roofing, Inc. Base Bid $ 128,966.00 138,984.00 157,636.00 169,989.00 Description: The existing roof is deteriorated and in need of repair. This project will install a single-ply roofing membrane over the entire roof to make the building watertight. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 8. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.9 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 410, HIGHLANDER LOUNGE AIR CONDITIIONING SYSTEM, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, DIAMOND MECHANICAL, INC., for $24,988.00. Contractor DIAMOND MECHANICAL, INC. Murphy Company Air Masters Corporation Corrigan Company $ Base Bid 24,988.00 42,423.00 44,893.00 51,373.00 Description: The existing ventilation system for the Highlander Lounge is not capable of providing sufficient cooling during the spring and fall change-over periods. When the room has a large crowd of people, it will overheat. This project will correct that problem by adding supplemental cooling units to maintain acceptable space temperatures. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2001/02, Tab J, Page 1, No. 1. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.10 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 608, PAVING REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, BYRNE & JONES CONSTRUCTION for $99,278.00. Contractor BYRNE & JONES CONSTRUCTION Leritz Contracting, Inc. Asphaltic Maintenance Co., Inc. Sunrise Construction, Inc. Abdelmalek Construction, LLC County Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. $ Base Bid 96,780.00 98,498.00 107,375.00 107,300.00 115,445.00 113,934.00 Alternate #1 $ 2,498.00 6,162.00 3,300.00 4,790.00 1,490.00 5,000.00 Contract Total $ 99,278.00 104,660.00 110,675.00 112,090.00 116,935.00 118,934.00 Description: The scope of work for this year’s annual asphalt paving project will be replacing the worn surface on several parking lots in addition to some seal coating and restriping. Alternate #1 will install a new sidewalk from Parking Lot K to the greenhouses. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 2A. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.11 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 609, RENOVATION OF GREENHOUSE FACILITY, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, HUMMERT INTERNATIONAL, for $225,491.06 Contractor HUMMERT INTERNATIONAL $ Base Bid 225,491.06 This work is very specialized and the main greenhouse contractor in the area bid as a general contractor. When contacted, other potential bidders explained they could not find some of the specified materials; would have to subcontract the majority of the specialized work to Hummert, the low bidder; and could not be competitive with the low bidder. Description: The existing greenhouse is over 30 years old, does not include current industry technology and is in need of repair/maintenance in order to continue to be a viable facility. This project will replace the exterior greenhouse glazing, install a new heating system as well as other various architectural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical improvements to update and improve the facility. Alternate #1 will add an evaporative cooling system. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2000/01, Tab I, Page 11, No. 55; Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab I, Page 4, No. 26. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.12 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 03 607, CONCRETE REPAIRS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, THE HARLAN COMPANY, for $12,800.00. Contractor THE HARLAN COMPANY R.V. Wagner, Inc. Gershenson Construction Co., Inc. Concrete Design, Inc. Abdelmalek Construction, LLC $ Base Bid 129,800.00 134,500.00 144,022.00 159,085.00 169,258.00 Description: This year’s annual concrete repair project will replace numerous sidewalks and steps on campus plus concrete curbing at several parking lots. New handrails will also be installed where steps are replaced. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2001/02, Tab J, Page 1, No. 5; Fiscal year 2002/03, Tab J, Page 1, No. 5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary - Financial Results through March 31, 2003 5.1.2 Summary Budget Status Report through March 31, 2003 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports- Auxiliary, Parking, Rental Facilities and Agency, July 1, 2002 – March 31, 2003 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2002 – March 31, 2003 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2002 – March 31, 2003 5.1.7 Capital Updates: Contingency Account Management for March 2003 5.1.8 Warrant Check Register for March 2003 5.1.9 Approval for Transfer of Funds 5.1.10 Investment Report 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of March 2003 Executive Summary April 24, 2003 (Financial Results Through 03/31/2003) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $113.1 million or 87.0% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $108.8 million or 88.6% of the budget for the prior year. The increase in the student fees category continues to be the primary reason that the current period revenue is running ahead of the comparable prior period. Expenditures Expenditures are $84.5 million or 72.2% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $83.3 million or 73.4% for the prior year. Transfers Transfers are at $12.2 million or 98.4% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $10.4 million or 98.6% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. A greater amount of planned capital is the primary reason for the difference. 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through March 31, 2003 Original Revisions* Budget Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 51,386,610 42,598,814 31,610,700 4,500,000 130,096,124 51,386,610 42,598,814 31,610,700 4,500,000 130,096,124 49,670,192 30,485,457 30,236,154 2,743,551 113,135,354 96.7% 71.6% 95.7% 61.0% 87.0% 48,682,930 31,622,658 24,382,213 4,115,671 108,803,472 97.6% 72.1% 104.7% 71.6% 88.6% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 79,180,418 15,319,075 23,393,387 117,892,880 79,180,418 15,319,075 22,545,249 117,044,742 58,483,235 12,438,579 13,611,349 84,533,163 73.9% 81.2% 60.4% 72.2% 57,765,528 11,359,612 14,154,486 83,279,626 74.9% 80.1% 64.1% 73.4% 10,792,658 10,792,658 100.0% 9,063,000 100.0% 768,710 855,014 12,416,382 768,710 660,597 12,221,965 100.0% 77.3% 98.4% 768,710 611,661 10,443,371 100.0% 82.7% 98.6% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 10,579,520 768,710 855,014 12,203,244 (848,138) 213,138 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July 2002 - March 2003 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Food Service/Vending 618,000 10,000,000 1,552,000 618,000 10,000,000 1,552,000 581,402 9,363,848 1,166,096 94% 94% 75% 12,170,000 12,170,000 11,111,346 91% Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Debt Service Items for Resale 1,079,039 180,583 2,443,151 196,500 7,500,000 1,079,039 180,583 2,443,149 195,000 7,819,987 772,485 140,938 2,024,812 195,000 7,190,590 72% 78% 83% 100% 92% Total Expenditures 11,399,273 11,717,758 10,323,824 88% Transfer to Capital Transfer to Student Aid Transfer to Operating 90,000 36,000 115,000 90,000 36,000 115,000 90,000 36,000 115,000 100% 100% 100% Total Transfers 241,000 241,000 241,000 100% 11,640,273 11,958,758 10,564,824 88% Total Revenue Expenditures Transfers Total Expenditures & Transfers 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Pedestrian and Traffic Access Fund July 2002 - March 2003 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Revenue Student Fees Fines 515,000 16,000 515,000 16,000 528,669 20,845 103% 130% Total Revenue 531,000 531,000 549,514 103% 48,092 196,045 48,092 137,020 48,092 244,137 137,020 Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures Total Transfers 388,000 388,000 388,000 56% 100% 5.1.3 Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July 2002 - March 2003 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date 57,000 57,000 42,378 Prior Year's Funds Expenditures 57,000 106,658 57,000 24,632 Total Expenditures 57,000 163,658 24,632 Total Revenues % of Budget To Date 74% 15% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July 2002 - March 2003 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Reserve for encumbrance Prior year's funds Total funds available $ 721,000 150,000 $ 871,000 Expenditures Total Expenditures Funds in excess of expenditures 850,000 $ 850,000 Adjusted Budget 721,000 180,000 33,384 764,759 $ 1,699,143 1,699,143 $ 1,699,143 Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 700,649 438,819 33,384 764,759 97.2% 243.8% 100.0% 100.0% $ 1,937,611 114.0% 641,669 $ 641,669 $ 1,295,943 37.8% 37.8% 5.1.4 St. Louis CommunityCollege Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2002-March 31, 2003 % of Revised Budget Funds available Original Budget * Revised Budget Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $794,231 313,197 $794,231 313,197 $538,578 219,899 68% 70% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 481,206 150,377 481,206 150,377 464,188 145,058 96% 96% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 391,440 44,984 319,778 391,440 56,574 319,778 295,640 56,574 252,938 76% 100% 79% Total funds available $ 2,495,213 *$ 2,506,803 Actual $ 1,972,875 79% Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Admin Allowance -Federal Work Study Admin Allowance - Federal SEOG** Total expenditures $1,057,788 601,508 436,424 319,778 49,640 30,075 $ 2,495,213 Federal Pell Grant Expenditures *Does not include $312,848 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant $1,057,788 601,508 448,014 319,778 49,640 30,074 *$ 2,506,803 $ $724,816 580,234 352,214 252,938 33,661 29,012 69% 96% 79% 79% 68% 96% 1,972,875 79% $16,030,356 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry and Labor (CBIL)* Budget Status Report July, 2002 - March, 2003 Current Actual % of Budget Budget To Date To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 2,500,000 3,650,000 886,000 1,000,000 1,365,148 2,925,005 886,000 1,000,000 54.61% 80.14% 100.00% 100.00% Total Revenue / Resources $ 8,036,000 $ 6,176,153 76.86% Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 2,000,000 320,000 5,666,000 50,000 $ 1,761,977 329,293 1,819,488 88.10% 102.90% 32.11% 0.00% Total Expense $ 8,036,000 $ 3,910,758 48.67% $ 2,265,394 Expenditures Surplus / (Deficit) Beginning Retained Earnings / Lapse $ 2,287,552 Ending Retained Earnings / Lapse 2,287,552 $ 4,552,946 * In addition to the above, CBIL credit hours generated approximately $6.0 million to the College during FY'02 through state aid. 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2002 - March, 2003 Current Budget Revenue, Contribution and Match External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue, Contribution and Match * Expenditures Salary Staff Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital, Equip. & Maint. Total Other Expenses Total Expenditures * Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date 20,744,470 1,877,314 22,621,785 12,013,989 1,877,314 13,891,303 57.9% 100.0% 61.4% 5,953,922 1,699,021 4,414,460 1,141,785 74.1% 67.2% 8,584,688 6,384,153 14,968,842 22,621,785 3,139,249 619,849 3,759,098 9,315,342 36.6% 9.7% 25.1% 41.2% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. 5.1.7 Ratification of Contingency Accounts In Capital Allocation Plan* for March 2003 Location Project Title Description/Rationale $ Amount for Project No Activity For The Month Of March * Report includes items that exceed $5,000 from site-based accounts or exceed $10,000 from Physical Facilities accounts. Capital Plan Project # 5.1.8 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending March 31, 2003 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2002-2003 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. 5.1.9 Approval for Transfer of Funds It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the transfer of $94,765 from the General Operating Budget to the Capital Budget for the purchase of capital equipment for the Telecommunications system. This transfer has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the capital committee. 5.1.10 St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of March 31, 2003 Investment Type Investment Description Purchase Date U.S. Treasury Securities U.S. Treasury Bills Maturity Date Par Value Principal Cost Book Value Market Value 12/19/02 06/19/03 50,000 49,747 49,890 49,859 U.S. Treasury Notes 05/28/02 05/31/03 2,500,000 2,547,559 2,507,851 2,514,063 U.S. Treasury Notes 01/07/03 11/30/03 10,000,000 10,148,438 10,110,358 U.S. Treasury Notes 12/23/02 02/29/04 3,926,000 3,999,613 U.S. Treasury Notes 01/13/03 02/29/04 5,000,000 5,091,406 21,476,000 Total U.S. Treasury Securities U.S Agency Securities Federal Agricultural Mtg Corp Market Gain/(Loss) (31) Yield to Maturity % of Portfolio 1.000% 0.064% 6,211 2.330% 3.227% 10,121,875 11,517 1.326% 12.993% 3,982,822 3,989,798 6,976 1.398% 5.122% 5,074,155 5,081,250 7,095 1.359% 6.523% 21,836,762 21,725,077 21,756,844 31,768 1.463% 27.928% FFDN 05/28/02 05/22/03 2,561,000 2,499,783 2,552,303 2,556,390 4,087 2.397% 3.282% Federal Home Loan Banks FHLB 07/19/02 10/20/03 3,000,000 3,109,560 3,048,716 3,066,563 17,847 2.215% 3.936% Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp D/N FMDN 01/05/03 10/09/03 5,000,000 4,952,533 4,966,044 4,968,500 2,456 1.280% 6.378% Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp Mtn FMNT 01/15/03 01/15/04 5,000,000 5,092,350 5,072,960 5,078,125 5,165 1.384% 6.519% Federal National Mortgage Assn FNSM 03/20/01 04/15/03 2,000,000 2,039,729 2,000,783 2,005,000 4,217 4.729% 2.574% Federal National Mortgage Assn FNSM 08/12/02 08/15/03 5,000,000 5,114,150 5,042,366 5,053,125 10,759 1.707% 6.487% Federal National Mortgage Assn FNSM 08/29/02 11/15/03 3,000,000 3,042,510 3,021,964 3,035,625 13,661 1.934% 3.897% Federal National Mortgage Assn FNSM 02/10/03 02/10/05 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,008,125 8,125 2.000% 2.578% Federal National Mortgage Discount Notes FNDN 07/09/02 06/27/03 3,060,000 2,999,390 3,045,062 3,051,126 6,064 2.020% 3.917% Federal National Mortgage Discount Notes FNDN 07/10/02 06/27/03 200,000 196,187 199,058 199,420 363 1.950% 0.256% 30,821,000 31,046,193 30,949,256 31,021,999 72,743 1.964% 39.822% Total U.S. Agencies Commercial Paper American Express AIG Funding Inc. 01/30/03 04/15/03 4,010,000 3,999,724 4,008,082 4,008,145 63 1.230% 5.145% 01/30/03 05/30/03 4,016,000 3,999,401 4,007,839 4,008,035 196 1.240% 5.145% Total Commercial Paper Total Investments before Repurchase Agreements Repurchase Agreements Total Investments 8,026,000 7,999,125 8,015,920 8,016,180 260 1.235% 10.290% 60,323,000 60,882,080 60,690,253 60,795,023 104,771 1.689% 78.040% 17,107,000 17,107,000 17,107,000 17,107,000 0 1.225% 21.960% 77,430,000 77,989,080 77,797,253 77,902,023 104,771 1.587% 100.000% 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of March, 2003 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date : Daily throughout month Maturity Date : Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 21,807,413 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 1.211% Range of Rates Earned: 1.165% 1.255% 22,437 6. Contracts/Agreements and/or Ratifications It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following contracts and/ or agreements. 6.1.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and / or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. 6.1.2 Participant Jefferson Memorial Hospital Program/Campus Physical Therapist Assistant Program MC Effective Date March 3, 2003 Steven Levitt, DDS Dental Assistant Program FP March 24, 2003 Homer Sedighi, DMD Dental Assistant Program FP March 24, 2003 Dental Care For Kids Dental Assistant Program FP March 26, 2003 Global Camp Contract with the Stanley Foundation and St. Louis Community College at Forest Park It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with the Stanley Foundation of Muscatine, Iowa. The Stanley Foundation is donating $7,000 in support of the Global Camp. The Global Camp is offered for 25 selected 6th and 7th grade student in the St. Louis area and will be held from Monday, June 23rd to Thursday, July 3, 2003 at the Forest Park campus. Activities for the Global Camp emphasize global diversity and unity through art, storytelling, games and dance. 6.1.3 Advance Career Training (ACT) Program Contract with St. Louis Job Corps Center It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with the St. Louis Job Corps Center and St. Louis Community College to provide general courses and other courses as studies toward an associate or bachelor’s degree. The number of participants shall be twenty-eight (28). The “Center” shall pay for all books and other learning materials that are required for a particular course of study. This contract shall not exceed the amount of $35,000, which includes tuition, books, and other required learning materials. This contract shall cover the Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters. The duration of this contract is through April 30, 2004. 6.1.4 Meramec Student Activities and Clubs Coordination Council’s End of Semester Concert It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve payment of $25,000 from Meramec student activity fees to the band “Uncle Kracker” for an end of semester performance in the Meramec gymnasium on May 9, 2003 and $2,500 in commission to be paid to Concert Ideas, the band’s agent. 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services and economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Central Pattern Co. Title of Program and/or Purpose Consulting services Impact Outcome: ISO 9000 consulting Campus Date Amount CBIL January13, 2003 through June 30, 2003 $7,600 CBIL March 27, 2003 through June 30, 2003 $4,020 CBIL February 19, 2003 through June 30, 2003 $6,000 CBIL February 10, 2003 through January 1, 2004 $29,400 CBIL March 17, 2003 through June 30, 2003 $3,100 CBIL March 31, 2003 through September 30, 2003 $2600 Manager: Robert Serben Computerized Medical Software, Inc. Assessment services Impact Outcome: Job Profiling Manager: Robert Serben Findlay Industries, Inc. Supervisory training Estimated Number of Participants: 8 Estimated Total Credit Hour Equivalents: 15 Manager: Robert Serben GKN Aerospace Diversity training Estimated Number of Participants: 700 Estimated Total Credit Hour Equivalents: 128 Manager: Robert Serben John Sakach Company, St. Louis ISO 9000 Audit training Estimated Number of Participants: 3 Estimated Total Credit Hour Equivalents: 4 Manager: Robert Serben Nationwide Training Alliance Training services Impact Outcome: Facility Rental Manager: Robert Serben 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements Continued Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount Nestle USA Assessment services Impact Outcome: Job Profiling CBIL September 25, 2002 through June 30, 2003 $9,000 CBIL January 23, 2003 through June 30, 2003 $4,920 CBIL March 20, 2002 through June 30, 2003 $1,600 Manager: Robert Serben St. Louis Police Academy Purchase order for training services Estimated Number of Participants: 10 Estimated Total Credit Hour Equivalents: 6 Manager: Robert Serben Wyeth BioPharma Training services Impact Outcome: Facility Rental Manager: Robert Serben 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Ford Foundation/American Council on Education $5,000 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Forest Park campus to participate in a new American Council on Education "Global Learning for All" program. St. Louis Community College Restricted is one of only eight institutions receiving this award. Participating institutions will engage with ACE and each other in developing strategies for ensuring that institutions make international/ global learning an integral part of every undergraduate student's college education. This is a new award. Project Period: 4/1/03 - 3/31/05 Project Director: Grace Liu The Lemay Development Corporation St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment April 2003 Office of Institutional Development $11,814 Contract with St. Louis Community College for Workforce and Community Development to provide entry-level office technology and workplace readiness training to underemployed and unemployed residents of Lemay, Missouri. Project Period: 03/01/03 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Rebecca Admire Restricted $158,166 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide recruitment, placement and retention services at the Metropolitan Education and Training (MET) Center. This is a new award. Project Period: 01/01/03 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Jane Boyle Restricted 1 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts (Cont'd) AGENCY Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Accurate Superior Scale (Company) AMOUNT $2,300 $11,974 $14,274 DESE Department of Elementary and $11,500 Secondary Education (DESE), $51,750 Division of Workforce $40,250 Development (DWD), $103,500 Dana Corporation (Company) DESE Division of Workforce Development (DWD), ABB, Inc. (Company) DWD April 2003 Office of Institutional Development $29,900 $29,900 $59,800 Company Total DWD Company Total Company Total PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Accurate Superior Scale Customized Training Program designed with the following components: IS0 9000 and ISO Guide 25 On Site Support. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for Dana Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following components: QS 9000/ ISO 14001-Technical Training and Documentation; and Team Training and Development. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for ABB, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Documentation and Training, ISO 9000:2000/ISO 14000 System Development and Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted 2 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts (Cont'd) AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), The Dial Corporation (Company) AMOUNT $57,500 $57,500 $115,000 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Dr. Pepper/Seven-Up Manufacturing (Company) $48,300 $48,300 $96,600 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Federal-Mogul Corporation (Company) $17,250 $17,250 $34,500 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Hussman Corporation (Company) $28,750 $28,750 $57,500 DWD April 2003 Office of Institutional Development Company Total Company Total Company Total Company Total PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Dial Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following component: Technical/System Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Dr. Pepper/Seven-Up Manufacturing Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Documentation and Training and Supervisory/Team Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for Federal-Mogul Customized Training Program designed with the following component: Industrial Manufacturing and Technical Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hussman Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Documentation and Training and Leadership Skills Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted 3 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts (Cont'd) AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Inland Paperboard and Packaging, Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $11,500 $11,500 $23,000 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Lear Corporation (Company) $57,500 $57,500 $115,000 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Mark Andy, Inc. (Company) $11,500 $11,500 $23,000 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Nestle USA (Company) $51,750 $51,750 $103,500 DWD April 2003 Office of Institutional Development Company Total Company Total Company Total Company Total PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for Inland Paperboard and Packaging Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Manufacturing System Development and Training and Supervisory/Customer Service/Team Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Lear Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Train the Trainer Leadership Training & Continuous Improvement, Development QS9000 Compliance and Assembly Training, and New Equipment Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for Mark Andy, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following component: ISO System Development/Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for Nestle USA Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Documentation and Training and Supervisory and Team Member Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted 4 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts (Cont'd) AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), PepsiAmerica's Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $17,250 $17,250 $34,500 DWD $57,500 $57,500 $115,000 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), TALX Corporation (Company) $23,000 $23,000 $46,000 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), A.R. Fleming Printing (Company) $5,750 $5,750 $11,500 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Rueters American Operations, LLC (Company) April 2003 Office of Institutional Development Company Total Company Total Company Total Company Total PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for PepsiAmerica's Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Training and Product Knowledge Development. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for Rueters American Operations, LLC Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Systems Training and Supervisory/Leadership Skills Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for TALX Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Team Training and Technical Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 07/01/02 - 06/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the A.R. Fleming Printing Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Pre-Press & Press Training, CD Printing Press Training, AIB Quality Certification and Leadership Training. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted 5 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts (Cont'd) AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD) Anheuser Busch, Inc. (Company) Division of Workforce Development (DWD), GSI Engine Management (Company) AMOUNT $23,000 $23,000 $46,000 DWD $3,450 $3,450 $6,900 DWD Company Total Company Total PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Anheuser Busch Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Skills Development and Training, Supervision/Team Development and Training. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the GSI Engine Management Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Manufacturing Product Knowledge Training, ISO 9000 System Development Training and Team Implementation. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Division of Workforce Development $11,500 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hydromat, Restricted Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical/TQM/Team Development and Training and ISO 0900:2000/ISO 14000 System Development and Training. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Division of Workforce Development $11,500 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Integram St. Louis Sealing Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Industrial Quality Training, Skilled Trades and New Technology Training. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben April 2003 Office of Institutional Development Restricted 6 7.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS - Grants and Contracts (Cont'd) AGENCY AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Division of Workforce Development $5,750 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Nordyne, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Leadership Training and Assembler and Set-up Operator; Job Skills Training and Maintenance Training. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Raskas Dairy Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Documentation and Training, Supervisory/Team Training and Allen Bradley PLC-5 Training. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Tayman Inc. Medical Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ISO 9001: 2000 Registration & 21CFR820 Quality System Regulation Training and Quality Process Methods. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/03 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Raskas Dairy (Company) $5,750 $5,750 $11,500 DWD Division of Workforce Development (DWD) Tayman Medical (Company) $5,750 $5,750 $11,500 DWD April 2003 Office of Institutional Development Company Total Company Total 7 7.2 ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS AND GIFTS The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR Todd Eberhardt AMOUNT $500 PURPOSE FUND Donation to the Information Systems Technology, Inc. Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Marschuetz Properties, LLC $500 Donation to the men's soccer program on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Forsythia Garden Club $100 Donation to the Maggie Jackson Horticulture Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Ellis Hoffman Vicki Ritts Rita Swiener Diane Pisacreta Karen Olson Sharon Mareschal Judy Leach Patty Keller Darlaine Gardetto Mary Kay Kreider Lynn Bjorkgren Ana Cruz Cynthia Epperson Robert Allbee April 2003 Office of Institutional Development $500 $50 $20 $18 $18 $20 $60 $18 $50 $25 $25 $20 $20 $25 Donation to the Dexter Dalton Memorial Scholarship Student Aid Fund on the Meramec campus. Donations to the Outstanding Behavioral Science Student Award on the Meramec campus. Student Aid 8 7.3 ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS AND GIFTS The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of the St. Louis Community College. RESTRICTIONS PLACED DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Fleishman Hillard Fleishman Hillard is donating to Meramec Art Department one (1) Editing Table. The donor's estimated value of the table is $3,000. The condition of donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Howard Rosenthal Howard Rosenthal is donating The condition of donated item is new. to the Florissant Valley Library There are no maintenance or delivery one (1) book titled "Human costs associated with donation. Services Dictionary" by Howard Rosenthal. The estimated fair value is $30. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Amy Finke-Tocco Amy Finke-Tocco is donating to the The condition of donated items is Florissant Valley Library three (3) good. There are no maintenance or books for children's collection. The delivery costs associated with donation. estimated fair market value is $13.48. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Theresa Huether Theresa Huether is donating to the Florissant Valley Library one (1) book titled "The Tender Land". The donor's estimated value is $24. There are no restrictions placed on donation. April 2003 Office of Institutional Development The condition of donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. DONATION 9 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following resolutions that will authorize contracts with St. Louis City and with St. Louis County under the Workforce Investment Act, during the period April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Resolution With Respect To City of St. Louis Contracts WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to authorize the College to enter into various Employment and Job Training contracts with the City of St. Louis, as submitted during the period from April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004, by the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College is hereby authorized, during the period from April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004, to enter into employment and job training contracts submitted to the College by the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment for and on behalf of the City of St. Louis and in a form approved by the College Administrator; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor for the College or any Vice Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute any said employment and job training contracts and related agreements for and on behalf of St. Louis Community College in order that the College will be fully bound thereby. Resolution With Respect To St. Louis County Contracts WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to cooperate with the County of St. Louis in connection with various Employment and Training contracts occurring in the St. Louis County, Missouri, Service Delivery Area, arising under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA); and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to authorize the College Administration to enter into appropriate contracts with the County of St. Louis in connection with the WIA as contracts are submitted by various St. Louis County Agencies. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College, for and during the period from April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004 is hereby authorized to enter into employment and training contracts with St. Louis County, Missouri, for the employment and/or training of eligible individuals and in the form submitted by the Department of Human Services, Work Connections of St. Louis County, and approved by the Administration of the College; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor of the College or any Vice Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute all contracts and related agreements submitted to the College by St. Louis County and acceptable to the College Administration during the periods specified in this Resolution. City of St. Louis/St. Louis County Contracts - Resolutions It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve resolutions that will authorize contracts separately with St. Louis City and St. Louis County under the Workforce Investment Act, during the period April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004. RESOLUTION I, Rebecca Garrison, do hereby certify that I am Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District - St. Louis City/St. Louis County, (“College”), a political subdivision of the State of Missouri, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Missouri and as such Secretary I have access to all original records of said Board of Trustees and I do hereby further certify that at a meeting of the Trustees of said college, duly called, held and convened, according to law on the 24th day of April, 2003 a quorum being present and voting thereon, the following resolutions were adopted; that the following is a full, true and correct copy of said resolutions as they appear on the records of said College; that the same have not been altered, amended or repealed and are now in full force and effect; and that I am one of the duly authorized and proper officers of said College to certify copies of its records in its behalf: Be it resolved, that the act of contracting with the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis on behalf of this College, by the President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary of this College, or any one of them, be and hereby is authorized and confirmed with respect to employment and training contracts during the period April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004. And be it further resolved, that authority to contract, on behalf of this College, with the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment, City of St. Louis, with respect to employment and training contracts during the period April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004 be and is hereby given to the following: Signature of Officer Chancellor Title In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and attached the corporate seal of said College this ______day of__________________, 2003. Secretary Date SCHOOL BOARD’S RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WIA CONTRACT Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District - St. Louis City/St. Louis County, that the District enter into Employment and Training Contracts with St. Louis County, Missouri, the Service Delivery Area under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as submitted by the St. Louis County’s Department of Human Services, Work Connections of St. Louis County, for employment and/or training of eligible individuals. This resolution shall cover the period April 24, 2003 through June 30, 2004. The District shall abide by all of the terms of the Contract as submitted and all the terms of the WIA Legislation and any Federal Regulations issued thereunder, as the same may be from time to time amended. The Board authorized the Chancellor or any Vice Chancellor to execute the Contract and any related agreements on behalf of the District. I, Rebecca Garrison, Secretary/Member of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District - St. Louis City/St.Louis County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution adopted at the meeting of said Board of Trustees, duly called in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws, held on April 24, 2003 at which meeting a quorum was present and voting on the Resolution. _________________________________________ Secretary/Member