| i - q P j j H : P™:••--•:•= P I 1 Ir ; MINXES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ' ; .':•••-.•.•• .'•: OF'THE'-.-'.". BOARD OF TRUSTEES ! THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS,.ST. LOUIS COUNTY,; MISSOURI MONDAY, SEFTEMBER 23, 1968 i \< j I ^ | ^ | . A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The | Junior College District of St. Louis, Jr- St. Louis County, Missouri wastheld on Monday, September 23, 1968, at 8:00 P.M. at the f ^District Office, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. ! • I 1. ^ ' 7 : | f . : - ' f "• ' . • . . • 1.1 J;. Call to Order 12 Ro»CaH ^^J , ^ H H ^ 1 I: . | , " ^ ^ ^ ^ | .^M J H The .-President of, the-Bqard, Mr * Guy 5 , Ruffin, called themeeting: to order I'. ^ B .'^^| • GENERAL FUNCTIONS - H H H H M I B at 8:10 P.M. The following members were present: ^ ^ 1 ^^H F" Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian ' ^ ^ | | Mrs. W . MacLean Johnson ; ^ H K; Messrs. G u y S . Ruffin ' ^ ^ | fy. Joseph G , Stewart >^H |r Gerald V . Williamson -'^H f Donald M . Witte ! • • F |." %f |[ i| A l s o present were D r . Joseph P. Cosand,. President of the District; Edward Snecid, President FPCC and V i c e President of the District; Dr. William , ^ H . j D r . G l y n n C l a r k , President ; . ^ | : ^ l IP i^l ft MCC and Vice President of the District; Mr. John C . Robertson, Administrative Vice Resident; j.^H L Dr. Cassidy L. Riggs, Dean of Student Personnel Service, FVCC~, representing Mri. Raymond J . : ^ H fc '--v-.r ! v - • . . • • - •.• , t " . • • : • ; !• ; : i . • : ; .- -• •- % - " ' } of Finance and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; Mr. Paul H. Connole, Assistant to ;the f ; • fV^fc-' • •• I ; f ; . • - ••!..; ^ .:..!:...:.. Mr. Eric Holm, Coordinator of Personnel; Mr. Robert H. Gaffner> Assistant Coordinator, f Community Relations; Dr. Cecil C . Baxter, Dean of Instruction, FPCC; Mr. LelandC. - , . . " i ; ; • -, j i "; .: Shanle, Associate Dean, Business Affairs, FPCC; Dr.; William Moore, J r . , Associate!Dean, ' Instruction, FPCC; Miss Betty W. Pollard, Assistant Professor, Educational Laboratory i -- Services, FPCC; ? Mrs, Juanita Novak, Administrative Assistant to Dr. Cosand; MrsJ; ^ t Catherine Cade, Teaching Intern, FPCC; Mr. William Muckler, Teaching Intern, FPCC; ! ' , . ; , • ,: . ;' •, ••. • _ • • ' . ; ' • . j . .:! ; _ ; • ; • •• • ] \ , - : ' • : • ' . " ' • ' . ' ; •• ': I ' ' 1' ! ; •• Also present was Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff, of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and ; Vaughan,counsel for the District. 1.4 r, J ^ i - Welcome to Guests | ; : . • • • ' . " ' ! . - ' : • " • ' • ; ' . ' • . ..-' : Post- Dispatch. I"- — - • . i ; : ' ' % . ' 1.6 • • • - _ - !{: j ' \;; ' . • ' : ' ' : • A = \ " '- j ; • ', . •••" ;; || ' — • , '•-•:•" | ' •• . • : . ' . •',.' I Communications^ ' . - ' • ' • ' T M , ; • : eV K I .••=.' ' { - - . • ; • r :: \' Globe-Democrat, and Mr. Jerry Ventors, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis I 'W Mr. Ruffin welcomed Mr. OusLumpe, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis • k~ -5 ! l | • ' J'\ i; Mr. Michael Scruggs, Teaching Intern, FPCC - all of The Junior College District. * - ,•'••'.'. jj i . • - i ^J : ' • . . ! : r. ' ., . ,>i Mrs. Rosemary Scharfenberger /recording secretary for the Board, read tfie ' • .-. l - ' . ' . • ; . following i~- - B _:. ; ; •;' '••••• correspondence: - ~ i - ' : U.I ;j : j : r '-.;•• y >> ~ " • ": : ' -" I : • • ! ' : : •..:.••'•' ^ 1 Letter.to Dr. Cosand from Mr. James W. Reynolds, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, expressing appreciation for hospltalily during recent V • ' l '• ' i ••• "'• '• i \- >••• • \ visit to tho Forest Park campus. Mr. Reynolds extended "his thanks to Dr. SneadV Dr. Moore, | and Dr. Baxter for their help and their welcome. „ ' • . £ : r | ' i i i ! *• F- . President of the District; Mr. Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; h V-'. i ' . • , - } , i , '" '"'-•' • if' i 1. I ; : . •:• ' • ,: . - • ' ., • j " : : • ! • • . ; • . - • • ' : • . . • : . : ; • - . . 'i> '••."•• • • ! ; . • ; - . . ' - . i : •' . - • !! " • ' j f : . • • . • ; : I - . r - • ' " " i " •" t ' &• i • ' i * F j ' ' ' . . ' • ' : . ' - : ; . ' ' ' • • • - , • " - . ~~ . - • • : • :. ' - - ' • • • . _ . - ' '•• . ' ' \ : ! • • - • • -• ' ' . ] ! - \ ' '. ". ! ? • ; • _ . " ' - . ' ' . ' • • , I I- , • . - / • . • • . . " - - "; i ' it ' ''' \ : = ' ''.. • . ' ' ... • ; - ' \• ''-•• • •!•••: • : • ' . : " • • ' ' \ ' . • : : ' ' • 5 ' - _ - . - • _ _ * • . ; '• • •' ; c - - 2 = 5 • : ^ 1 -l | ; ; - C ' l _| I . M f i I ' . j ; • : ' „ • - - " • . . • , • "• ' ? ' ' : - _ •' ' " •' . ' ' _ " . , " ! ' • • __ E- ' .: '• - i . ; j J, Treasurer's Report ^, "• :, The Treasurer's Report for the month endingAugust 3 1 , 1968, was presented to £ : F . f- : • • - . • • ! ; : . ; . . . ; . . • > • • . •••• ! : . - I" - '• ' ' • . . • --. • . \ • - . = • • Y~ i . • • . ! • • . ' . ; ' ; . p ' II • •. • i . l , — ' , . - ; •• . , 1 : * • • • ; , ,, 2 . L PERSONNEL : ' i " ' ' •- • - - p • : - I ; < : 7 1968, was approved as submitted. i A" ; • • • ^ '-' • ' : _ • '• ;• ' ! \ • ; _ > ' ; • - . • ' • . , \\ • • j , ! , ! '^\ j - -;. 2.1 |{ , Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employment- Academic Year 1968-69 (Prorated)-, The BoaH was requested to approve employment of the following personnel for |.* the academic year 1968-69 on a salary prorated basis;. E ' • • ' ; • ? E-ij|;. : . : ' " . ' • ' • / ' • ' ' ' aye vote:of all members of the Board, it was = | j ". ° I ["'"-.'-' • ! I 1 . .\\ . : ; j " • - • - •:• " '. 1 I . : ; • - ' - • ' . - . - ' :-, • ' ' • - - Boehm, Lois ' '• '• • • I • : ' ' ) ' " • ' . i | j • |;; . Instructional Asst. I Mathematics i MCC lnstructionalAsst.il Library ! I FVCC I • I : - 8/15 of 1-2 : FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby " j i s , authorized and directed to execute the appropriate contract, I previously adopted by the Board,-with clach of the above employees, |; which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. J t _ .' " l •-.- • ; ^ ^ i •'. " . ! - . . . . . ,:'" ' . • J -' i 11 . ]•) ]' ' 1 " i ' • ^. I : • . ' H9/9/68 ! , " ; ; • i ' • ' . " ; ' . • • ; 9/3/68 1/2 of ll-l • "" • ' | ; F r -.-":.' r { j : ; Pickering, Susan B. _ '" ! RESOLVED, That the following certificated!personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: : ' r . •-• ; *r I ~ \\ Whereupon,.on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and vyith the I S : aye vote of all members of the Board, the Treasurer'siReport for the month ending August 31.-,... " p x : ? ! ?; Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian> seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with rhe P K . the Board for approval. : i; : - • •• • ' .! ii : £ ? " .'••-• ' ' .. : ' :: ••• * r . ' • l'. •, P ••• • . • ' - 2.2 i • o ' -••• . _ • •=• . " ~ ' ' .' • ;: "... . , -. • - . " = ' • : ! • : :" • ' W •' . '. •; •;•,. , - ^ ' • • - I : : Certificated Personnel - Change in Status \- " ^ ^ |. '; • • - ' . ... • ^ — ":_- : .. • • : /'.-.-..'I : ''• .• J ' ;, ! .: The Board was requested to approve a new revised contract for William D. Morath " '." ' : • . ' _ / ' • ' . . ' I: 1 - ' " .; • • i '.'••• '• |'i ' ::'''•• ;! F l ; as a full-time employee for the academic year 1968-69. On May;13, 1968, Mr. Morath was ! ; : • •' • : i -: )l ff'l t approved by the Board as Assistant Professor, Engineering ancSiMathemalIcs, MCC, at j ; Cl r •' $•' I" £• • ' • ' - . • ' c - I • ; • ^ : • • i< Step V - 4 , contingent upon receipt of a Master's Degree prior fro September, 1968. ;: . . . I ' . ' - : ' ' ' j :: | : | '. rt\ M r . Morath did not receive his Master's Degree because the required thesis has not been v. • - j t completed. Therefore, the Board was requested to approve a new revised one-year contract \-- for Mr. Morath, as Assistant Professor, Engineering and Mathematics, MCC, at Step V - 3 , : effective September 9r 1968. ; Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was | | RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed I ^^ i ^p. % in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the) Board: . ? I Morath, William D, ~ £_ f_ | ' i .% I i • ~: ' • 2.3 MCC -j: FROM: V-4 I TO: V-3 j9/9/68 I; ! Certificated Personnel - FuIl-Time Employment - Fall Semester, 1968 j: D ' ;j; The Board was reque.sfet! to approve employment of certificated personnel for the Fall Semester, 1968. M f j ! Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs, Johnson, and with the .% • • Assistant Professor E n g i r d i n g & Math ; ' h •= FURTHER RESOLVED, That the existing employment contract with the above employee be amended to refleict the above change in classification, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. p J \< j ; ' " ; . :'!: ;. : \ \ aye vote of all members of the Board, it !was '"" : i ; I • : ,-. I ' ' ; ; , • ; • i • i f ;: RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed foMhe Fall Semester, 1968, in the capacity and at the salary • •'•' | • classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: ; : t - l • - '• I \ l lr - | ' instructional Asst. I Biology ^ | • FPCC 1-5 ! . , f ' • - ! 9/16/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. " ' ! '• - Lough, John W . | 2.4 . ' . ' ; - „ Certificated Personnel - Part-Time O v e r l o a d - Fall Semester, 1968 The Board was requested to approve the employment of the following certificated personnel for part-time overload for the Fall Semester, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with tha aye vote of all members of the Board, it was | f ; ^P - ' RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification and number of credit hours hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: ? Casmier, Adam A . Y \ : M i l l e r , Jack •: "i Monsees, Robert " 2.5 " •• - (VI-3) English FPCC (VI-4) Hotel.,Motei & Rest. FPCC (V-4) Mathematics MCC : I ; ' ' | I 1 cr.hr .@ $264/cr.hr. 9/23/68 2-cr.hrs.@ $276/cr.hr. 9/16/68 5 cr.hrs.<§) $233/cr'.hr. 9/16/68 ' i " Certificated Personnel - Part-Time Employment- Fall Semester, 1968 The Board was requested to approve the employment of the following certificated personnel for part-time employment for the Fall Semester, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs, Johnson, and with [he -j ' '• * • I -• • u f j^k "j. ^^ i ' RESOLVED, Theft the following certificated personnel be employed for part-time employmenfrfor the Fall Semester, 1968, in the .— capacity and at the salary classification and number of credit hours or contact; hour$ hereinafter set out, said saiary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Adragna, John P. (IIT-5) Law Enforcement FVCC (IV-6) Business Education FVCC Arthur, Ruth C. ^ (V-l) English i FVCC\ ': Bevfoden, Donald L. (IV-6) Graphics ; : B l a t t , Mrs. Elaine (IV-1) English Boyer, Kenneth B. (IV-4) English FVCC (IV-4) Art FVCC (V-l) English FVCC FVCC Agin, Kenneth M. ? ;• • . : - ~' I . "•: ; ," Collingn, Edward C. £ Cooper, Suzanne : ' FVCC , i • ; FVCC 6fir.:hrs,<? $182/cr.hr. | 9/16/68 5cr.hrs.(? $213/cr.hr. 19/16/68 6cr.'hrs.@ $204/cr.hr. | 9/16/68 6con.hrs.@ $W2/con,hr. " | 9/16/68 6cr.hrs.<<! "' $I69/cr.hr. ! ! 9/16/68 6er,hrs.(? $196/cr.hr. | 9/16/68 6con.hrs.@ $130/con,hr, 19/16/68 6cr.hrsJi $204/cr.hr. 19/16/68 8con.hrs. $139/con.hr. \ M^'^Jr'i ' \9ff$J6$..k' T Danett, Chester (III-8) Art (Photography) l- Dell'Orco, Marilyn R, ^ (III-2) English \ FVCC I'""; 6cr.hrs.0 J156/cr.hr. _j9/16/68 (V~6) Engineering- FVCC I 4CJT.hr3.@ $253/cr.hr. 19/16/68 (tH-lO) Engineering FVCC ! 3cr.hrs.@ $227/cr.hr. j; 19/16/68 FVCC 6con.hrs.@ ~: [ Dolson, G e o r g e S . : - Drone, John R. Duke, Raymond (V-6) Engineering Eburs, Harry k .; .; Cajo, Frank D, - (IIT-5) Art (IV-5) Psychology FVCC ! i FVCC ; $169/con.hr. J9/16/68 4con.hrs.@ $121/con.hr. J9/16/68 3cr»hrs.@! $204/cr.hr. | 19/16/68 • : ' r £ • _ - - - ' - ' , ' J ' ! • < ,. - * - ' • • - . . ^ \ • i :• • ; • . : ! ' • ; { Haltermn, George ^ : Hanon, David - I : " (VI-2) Engineering (VI-2) English J Langenvalter, Paul Martin, G. Vilas McDonald, James Michael, Vincent Newhard, David L. : ' ;: - i. FVCC^ 3cr.hrsi $253/cr.hr. FVCC 7cr.hrs.@ $253/cr.hr. 0.,,... ^ 9/16/b8 : i ; ' ! ' _ Kropf, James c - : ; - '• "• Haley, Richard J. \ £ . . . . • • ' • - J * • (IV-2) I Business | . ; ^ Jcr.hrsi. $178/cr.hr. (IV-1) Business ' -, FVCC 3cr.hrs,@ $169/cr.hr. (ITI-5) Art FVCC 6con.hrsl@ $121/conLhr. (V-47 Mathematics (V-5) Business FVCC • • 9/16/68J . 9/16/68 v 9/16/68 I 9/16/68 6cr.hrs.@ $233/cr.hr. 3cr.hrs.<$ $243/cr.hr. 9/16/68- FVCC ! 3cr.hrs»@ $196/cr.Hr. 9/16/68 (IV-3) Social Science FVCC 3cr.hrs.@ $187/cr.hr. 9/16/68 (TII-2) Mathematics J FVCC 3cr.hrsk@ $156/cr.hr> 9/15/68 I (IV-4) Business FVCC ; 9/16/68 1 . ^ Q Nowlan, Helen •~ Oesch, Marilyn (IV-4) Art -FVCC 12con.hrs.(? $130/con,jhr, ; 9/16/68 J (V-l) Mathematics FVCC :f ' Reid, JohiTK. . ' 3cr.hrs.fi. $20Vcr.hr.\ ' 9/16/68 Robertson, Betty C. (IV-3) I Business Education FVCC 5con.hrs.j@ $12A/con.jhr. 9/16/68 I (VI-3) ; Mathematics FVCC ; 3cr,hrs,@ $264/cr.hr. b\ 9/16/68 I (V~3) Physical Education FVCC 8con.hrs.(<! $149/con.hr. 9/16/68 -I (lV-2) Business :".!; FVCC (IV-3) Business FVCC : Rudowski, Joseph : I \^ : [ _ Schapp, Jacqueline ' . s Shockley, Janice ' I J Schwartz, Jack I i Ss»ltii,.;Hai-vy T. J = ± ; (IV-3) I Engineering! : I FVCC 3cr.hrs.@! $178/cr.hr> , 9/16/68 1 6cr.hrs.@! $187/cr,hf. 9/16/68 I 6con.hrs.@! :'_ $124/con.hr. " 9/Ifi/fifl I I I =«'-=- ------v •- '• - - ^ ' ^ ?•:!*''-:-'•''- • ; r r -••;•.-•-. " ~ II I I.. . .,..,., ,'..,. v _ " "'.' <; w . . \;!'" r . ~" * . . ' - l .' J} .' !' . . . Tonucci, Eugene S. (IV-1) Business • ^ - (IV-4) J Mathematics I FVCC 6cr.hrs.<a j $196/cr.hr.| 9/16/68- (IV-5V ! Engineering I FVCC 6con.hrs.@ j $136/con.hr. 9/16/68 FVCC 6cr hrs.<?; j • $223/cr.hr.j; . 9/16/68, (V-3V •- FVCC \w JJ S . • — Physical Education 6con.hrs.@ „,,„/ u!J $149/con.hr;. ^ u „ m raT.i Yocnum. oari -•• ' Adletsfluegel, Paul J. (V-2) v v *•> . ^rC (1-1) Mathematics 6con.hrs.(§ 1 ., . „ . ,: n/it/AQ $142/con.hr. 9/16/bb 10 con. hrs. 9/16/68 @ $68/con.| hr. Allison, Oscar H . (V-2) History Vago. Joseph Verges, Wesley ;l Wallaro, Richard " •--" . ,« , !,«u«».i Whelan, Robert ~ v r j: j: V I , ; ' • FVCC FPCC ; O/IA/AR = 9/16/68: FPCC 6 cr. hrs.j @ 9/16/68 $213/cr, hr. Batt, Nellie (VI-1) Mathematics; FPCC 6 cr. hrs J @ 9/16/68 $243/cr. hr. Betz, Edward D. (I-l) " Mathematics FPCC 4 con. hrjj. 9/16/68 @ $68/conj hr. Birnbaum, Estelle B . (1-1) English FPCC 14 con. hrs. 9/16/68 @ $68/con; h r . Boulton, Berthoud (V-5) FPCC Engineering Graphics 3 cr. hrsl G 9/16/68 $243/cr. hr. Boyts, Joseph K. (1^3) English FPCC 3 W i \\ta[ '& 9/23/68 $187/cr. hr. Brooks, Helen L. (111-12) Business Education FPCC 3 con. hr?;. 9/16/68 @ $163/con. hr. (V-5) Mathematics FPCC 6 cr. hrsi. <? jV 9/16/68 : 1i $243/cr. hr. ' v Buddemoyer, Arthur • ' 6 con. hrs. 9/16/68 @ $68/con.| hr. ~ - I FPCC _ . (V-f)' Mathematics (1-1) Writing Labi % \ I Baker, Sheryl : -•^ V ; 3cr.hr 8 .@ ! '^ :-,,j $16"9/cr.hr. j-= 9/16/68 :; _ It i\ " ! ; - ' . ; " ' WCC 4 . ^ , :.T ™ K " J | '.'.';*'.' 1 -J' I • '.o " . •'• ' • . \ : ; FPCC 6 cr. hrs. @ : 9/16/68 i $243/cr. jhr... __ ,| FPCC 3 cr. hrs'l @ 9/16/68 $244/ct;. jhr. Burgheim, Mary ••, (VI-1) English Burgdorf, Richard (111-12) | Data Processing ii • . • • • ' -ii j i W Carenaa, Joseph S. ^ (III-!) FPCC Intercollegiate Athletics^ 4 cr. hrs.| ;@ 9/16/68 $156/cr. lir. ^ H ^^| 6 c r . hrs.j-@ 9/16/68 $178/cr. hr. ^Jj ^^3 7 cr. hraJi@ 9/16/68 ^ H Business Administration $178/er. Hr. ^ H (I-l) Writing Lab 12 con. hr is. 9/16/68 @ $68/con.j-hr. ^ H ^ H (Ill-3) - FPCC Hotel, Motel & Rest. 1 cr.hr. |(? 9/16/68 $164/cr. hr. r ^ | ^ H Davis, Harry E., Jr. (V-4) FPCC Business Administration 3 cr. hrsj @ 9/16/68 $233/cr. hr. ^ H ^^| Diul, Wilbert (VI-1) Art 3 cr. hrs i @ 9/16/68' $243/cr. ir. ^ H ^ H 3 cr. hr., j @ 9/W61 $243/cr. hr. ^ H ^ H FPCC 3 cr. hrs i @ 9/23/68 ^ H FPCC $213/cr. lir. 20 con. hrs. 9/16/68 @ $68/con; hr. ^ H ^M 1^1 ^ H ^ H Cate, William _ (IV-2) FPCC Sociology/Anthropology Chase, John W: (IV-2) Chouinard, Tim ^« "'•-."'- Cruz, Maryalice . ^ ' Downs, Sister Rose Genevieve FPCC FPCC FPCC (V-5) FPCC H o t e l , Motel & Rest. Eschenroeder, Harry C. (V-2) Ellert, Ronald L. Life Science (f-l) Ed. Lab SetfV. • : Faherty* Rodger .T. (IV-4) Foreign Language FPCC 4 cr. hrsi {§ 9/16/68 $196/cr. hr. Ferzacca, William (IV-5) Psychology : FPCC 3 cr. hrsj • @ 9/16/68 ^ H $204/cr. lir. ^^| Fourt, Margaret (I-l) Writing Lab; FPCC 6 con. hrs, 9/16/68 @ $68/conJ hr. ^ | ^ H Grnlnick, Herbert > (V-2) Art FPCC 3 cr. hrs J @ 9/16/68 $213/cr. hr. ^ H ^ H Gregory, Harold (IV-5) Fire Protection FPCC 6 c r . hrs.;@ $204/cr. hr. ^ | J H Hake, Carol (I-l) Writing Lab; FPCc 4 con. hra|._ 9/16/68@ $68/con.i hr. 1, = 9/16/68 H | ^ H * ' _ ^ " • •• •-• • " ' • 1 • i • ! • - : ' ! ' * • - : I ' , • , "" I ^ 1 :" r '" - Uakimian, Leah : (1-1) Mathematics (IV-1) Foreign Language Hall, Alice Hollander, Helen H. - r ., .(VI-1) ' English J FPCC 4 con. lib. 9/16/68 ; @ $68/cotiy" ht. 4 cr. hrs. (a 9/16/68 $169/cr.;hr, FPCC FPCC 9 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 i $243/cr;ihr. FPCC ''•' 3 cr. hrs. C? 9/16/68 i $169/cr.'hr. Henry, Helen F, (IV-1) English HuGsoman, Irene (111-6) FPCC Hotel, Motel & Rest. 6 cr, hrs. &. 9/16/68 J $19l/er.ih»". • Jaynes, Christian E. (1V-2) FPCC Business Administration 6 cr. h r k Q 9/16/68 i $178/cr.j hr. Karty, Jack Z. (V-4) FPCC Business Administration 3 cr. hrs. @ $233/cr.;hr. 9/16/68 J 1~ I Rasper, Sidney " (V»2) Psychology FPCC 3 cr. hrs. @ $213/cr.jhr. 9/23/68 - ™ : i Keith, Patricia M. (IV-4) Sociology ; FPCC 6 cr. hrs. Q 9/16/68 I $196/cr. hr. ' ,' Kissling, Eugene J. FPCC 6 cr. hrs. @ $204/cr.lhr. ; " ;: s : t • • (v-1) „ Psychology: 9/23/68 j Kutscher, Leonard R. (V-3) Foreign Langunp.c FPC<! 4 cr. hrs. t? 9/16/68 1 T $223/cr. jhr. V : Landau, Roberta (1V-4) Physical Science FPCC 6 cc.Jirs. @ 9/16/68 j $l96/cr. jhr. J - " LmiiiliUit, uonnld (1V-3) Data Processing FPCC 4 cr. hrs. (a 9/16/618 I $187/cr. h r . ,^ Lipp, Donald (VI-1) Foreign Language FPCC 4 c c . hrs:. <a 9/16/68 $243/cr. hr. Lohmflnn, Edward F. (IV-6) Fire Protection FPCC 6 cr. hrsl. @ . 9/16/68 $213/cr. hr. Loscutoff, Yvonne P. (1-1) English FPCC 4 con. hrs. 9/16/68 @ $68/coni hr. ~. ; f T • = f ; -. * - - " • " • . ' • : : > I - Makovsky, Donald I. - ? " • • -: : ' . .' -;i : \ (V-2) History ~: ; , I FPCC 5 cr. hrs. Q 9/16/68 $213/cr.ihr. FPCC 4 con. hrs. 9/16/68 @ $113/cpn. hr. Matulef, Carolyn J. = r (IV-1) Arc McPherson, Clair W. (1-1) Mathematics FPCC 6 con. hrsf 9/J.6/68 @ $68/con. hr. Messmer, Donald J. (1-1) Mathematics FPCC 2 con. hrs. 9/16/68 ! @ $68/con. hr, Messmer, Donald J. (1-1) Educ. LablScrv. FPCC 16 1/2 cbn. ^'rt/]^jf.n @ $68/con hr. '*' Miller, Jean (IV-1) English FPCC 6 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 . $169/cr.i hr. Oliveri, A. Samuel (VI-4) Psychology FPCC 3 cr. hrk. @ 9/16/68 '1 $276/cr.|hr. Rasmussen, Bonnie Ann (IV-3) Arr FPCC 4 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 I $187/cr.; hr. Regnier, Wally (III-6) FPCC Hotel, Motel, & Rest. 18 con. hrs. 9/16/68 0 $127/con. hr. (IV-2) English FPCC 9 cr. hr«. @ 9/16/68 $178/cr,| hr. FPCC 6 cr. hrs. @. 9/16/68 i $196/cr.!hr. FPCC 8 con. hrs. 9/16/68 > @ $68/coh. hr. FPCC 6 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 $196/cr, hr, FPCC 3 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 $243/cr.|hr. ;= 1 i • , \ A i A Reiyea, Barbara i3 ~ • • • ; ~ ! ; ; Renner, Sigrid M. Rochman, Andrew B. Rochermich, Arnold E. Rothschild, Ruth W. = (IV-4) RnRlish | '! : ' (1-1) Mathematics (IV-4) Speech/Drama (Vl-1) English = i . Rubenstein, Nancy 0. (IV-2) Music FPCC 3 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 $178/cr.;hr. Salomon, Richard (III-2) English FPCC 6 c r . h r s . @ 9/16/68 $15'6/cr.|hr. •I' S a l v i a , Joseph D. (V-l) English B FPCC ; 6 c r . hr$..@ $204/crJhr. 9/16/68 [ A "7 ^ ^ Sanchez, Emeterio 0., Dr. (VI-X) Foreign Language FPCC 4 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/&S ri $243/cr.jhr. > Souder, Sally A. ~ (V-3) English FPCC 6 cr. hrs, @ 9/1^/68 I $223/cr. |hr. Spagna, Susan H. (III-l) ; FPCC Modern Foreign Language 4 cr. hrs. @ 9 / W / M 1 $147/cr. jhr. Stephens, Everett (IV-4) FPCC Business Administration 3 cr. hra. @ ' 9/tf/$8 jj $l96/cr. !hr. Storer, William H. (V-2) Law Enforcement 6 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 $213/cr. jhr. > , FPCC ; ': Tanner, Donald ._ , (TV-5) Business Education i • y FPCC 5 cr. hrs. (? 9/16/68 *\ ; $204/cr. jhr. l] Taylor, Herbert (VI-2) Mathematics FPCC 6 cr. hrs, @ 9/16/68 ;| $253/cr. jhr. ••' Thomas, Victor N. (III-5) English FPCC 6 cr. hrs1. @ 9/16/68 I $182/cr. jhr. •. r i • { fk Unterreiner, Casper M. (1II-4) FPCC Business Administration 3 cr. hrs;. @.: 9/16/68 J $173/cr. hr. ! ,\ :- • Ward, Ruth E. (III-5) FPCC Hotel, Motel & Rest. 2 cr. hrsj. @ 9/16/61 I $182/cr. jhr. li (V-4) Business Education FPCC 6 cr. hrsj. @ 9/16/68$233/cr. hr. (1-1) English FPCC 2 con. hrs. 9/16/68 .' & $68/conj. hr. (1-1) Writing Lab FPCC 8 con. h r L 9/16/68 ,11 @ $68/conl' hr.. Zentmir, Judith (IV-2) English FPCC 3cr..hrsi'<a 9/16/68 '•' $178/cr. hr. ; " \ Alpert:, Jerald A. . (IV-5) Sociology FPCC 6 cr. hrs!j @ 9/16/68 -Z $204/cr. hr. Austrin, Miriam G. - FPCC : 9 cr. hrsj@ 9/16/68 f! V $!56/cr. hr. ; •= Winn, Elaine - .. Winslow, Dorothy W. -- " , Zelenka, Jay : ~ "* (I1I-2) ' Business Education ' i - ; ; Burke, Canascia (V-5) English Canepa, Jack (V-4) Art Chraplyvy, Maria ! FPCC ;" 6 cr. hrs. @ $243/cr. hr. 9/16/68 FPCC 18 con. hrs. 9/16/68 1 @ $156/co;n, hr. (IV-1) Chemistry FPCC V e t . hrs. Q 9/16/68 $169/cr. [hr. Conway, Robert (V-l) Business Education FPCC 3 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 $204/cr. !hr. Davis, Donald R. (IV-5) FPCC Business Administration 6 cr. hrs. @. 9/16/68 $204/cr. hr. Englesman, Alan (V-4) English FPCC Iven, Donna (IV-2) Sociology : FPCC 3 cr. hrs. @ $178/cr.[hr. Kane, Ruth (V-5) English FPCC 3 cr. hrs. 0 9/16/68 $243/cr. |hr, Moore, Maryellen (1-1) Mathematics FPCC 10 con, Hrs. 9/16/68 (a $68/con. hr. Nicolai, Robert (Ill-l) .Mathematics FPCC 10 cr. hijs. @ 9/16/68.-'f" $147/cr. [hr. = 3 cr. hrs.fii9/16/68 '"' $233/cr. |hr. " 9/16/68 • ^ _,_.; Schneider, Randall M. (TV-3) Mathematics FPCC 3 cr. hrs. @ • 9/16/6° $187/cr.[hr. Schulte, Francis (l.V-6) Mrtthcmati.es FPCC 5 cr. hrs[i Q 9/16/68 $213/cr. Ihr, . - Verges,,Wesley W. (IV-5) Engineering FPCC 7con.hr}?. 9/16/68 @ $136/co[n. hr. ^ . . : • \ ' . . • . . j : . \ ' • -v - ' \ : . ' I• . " • " - ' ! ~~ ~ *. f A Armstrong, Frank J r . = f. ; '•; " " i ..,_- !. (V-5)~ History B a r t h c l , Gerald (V-4) History Benner, Velmn (V-4) - = ' : J .• MCC 5 c r . hrla. @ 9/16/68 $243/cr|; hr. MCC 3 c r . lirs. <a 9/16/68 ! $233/cr.j hr. MCC 10/15 x jl/2 9/16/68 Geography i x 10,500; Blanckaert, Don (V-3) MCC Business Administration 3 cr. hzii. Q 9/16/68 i $223/cr.hr. Boeger, William (V-5) MCC Business Administration 3 cr. hra. @ 9/16/68 $243/cr.| hr. Bruder, Gerald (IV-3) Sociology MCC 3 cr. hrs. @ 9/15/68 $187/cr. jhr. ^ Bruggemann, Irwin (III-ll) Dental Assisting MCG 2cr. hrs. @ .9/16/68 $236/cr. jhr. (IV-1) Sociology ; MCC 6 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 t $169/cr. jhr. MCC 6 cr. hrs. @ $182/cr.lhr. o > !. [ Burks, Jayne : i Carr, Hal Lee (1II-5) Business. Education Cronin, John R. (IV-3) MCC Business Administration 3 cr. hr?. Q 9/16/68 | $187/cr. jhr. Crozier, Rufus R. (V-5) History MCC 3 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 I $243/cr0 ihr. (III<> MCC 3 cr. hrs. @ I £ ; Day, Charles,, : Flight Theory I .•-". i. Donnelly, Hugh. tiwyer, Marie R. Early, Gilbert ' .; •" Eisler, Sue P. ;!~ I ' _ *• ~ — Elliott, Robert ..-.•. ' Ficocelli, Carmine 9/16/68 ;| 9/16/68 $209/cr. ihr. (IV-5) Law Enforcement MCC 6 cr. hrs;. @ 9/16/68 ii $204/cr. jhr. "•• (V-4) Modern languages MCC 4 cr. hrsl @ 0/16/68 $233/cr. hr. _ (III-5) Art MCC '4 (IV-1) Art (III-2) Mathematics' (V-5) E 12 con. hrs. 9/16/68 : Q $121/con hr. MCC 6 con. hr$;. 9/16/68 • Q $113/coh. hr. MCC 3 cr. hraj (? 9/16/68 : $156/cr. hr. J MCC 1 cr. hr. b 9/16/68 [' ? .-=-•• .-- . :- • ' j * " :" . . - . " . : : * ; - ' " - " •• ' ' ' : : . ' : : : . . - - - : l - ,; . • ' - \ • ' • - i '! •'•• ^ : •• ! - • Greenberg, Aaron ••-•'•-...';.'..-"• : ! ; • Giessow, Fifed ; *! ~ r • ! • * I ;-_'•. ! ••: ! * - 1 : ' |j ' . ' | - . . - ' ' "''•; • ' • " . i ] -' -.:- 1 1 '-(III-12) ,r Mathematics; MCC 3 cr. hrai @ 9/16/68 ;.|j $244/cr. lir. i|| .. (VI-4) Math & Engineering MCC 8 con, hrs.. 9/3.6/68 ] <? $184/coii. hr. ^ L f Hacker, Floyd (V-4) Sociology '••'; MCC 3 cr:."hirsJ• @ 9/16/68 : $233/cr. hr. , iI Kelley, John (IV-5) Data Processing MCC 3 cr. hrs|.; <a 9/16/68 1 $204/cr. hr. Kirk, Joel (III-7) ; !• , Flight Theory III MCC 3 cr. hrs I @ 9/16/68 : $200/cr. hr. ^ '! Lowe, Mary (IV-5) 1 Business Education MCC 3 cr. h r s j @ $204/cr. hr. Margulis, Arthur .••;-. (IV-6) Law Enforcement MCC 6 er. lira.: @ 9/16/68 $213/cr. hr. Metheny, Norma (V-l) Nursing Mitchell, Edson (V-4) j Mathematics; MCC 5 cr. h r s ! @ .9/16/68 $233/'cr. hr. Morrison, Geoffrey (IV-5) MCC 3 cr. hra J @ 9/16/68 ' ; f i '•; i' . *" • 1 A i - . ~ History' : • -• V N u l t y , Walter L , Jr. -;~ " (IV-5) Biology i" £- . „ • Oviatt, Charles D. § t Rassmussen, Bonniff A,. s ; _ , • - : - ; • V ? > % f * "' ' • j : MCC _ I Richards, Margaret G. " (lV-2) History Robinson, James (V-3) History ' ^ - : ' . •"' . ' • ' •• Smith, George L. MCC (1V-3) Arc Rodi, pat _^ .J.. - ; (V-5) Chemistry ; .7 ' •- _. MCC ; {£ '.- ' }. *' ; . : ; '•--' • • •• : , $204/cr.'lir- ; ' '• • • V ' : V ..'••- (V-3) -' : |: |; S- ! ' • • ' , • ' . ; • 9/16/68. ' i c r : hrsj. @ 9/16/68 $243/cr. jur. ,' 6 con. h r s . 9/16/68 @ $124/con. hr. : j : • . ' , • - • ' , * i 3 cr. hrs; @ 9/16/68' ;.' $178/cr. |hr. . MCC i 7 cr. h W . @ 9/16/68 $243/cr, jhr. . ; ; 6con.hrs.@ $l36/con.rjr. MCC (V-5) ! I MCC Business Administration ! '•'• 3 cr. hrsj @ 9/16/68 | $204/cr. lir. - (111-12) : __ MCQ .2 c r , bV3i:<& 9/l6/08_.Horse Care & Management ?244/cr. 1}r " ;, Neff, Selby J r . « l ; MCC 9/16/68 ...... . : I MCC M ^| 3 cr. lira; 0 9/16/68 !|i $243/cr. |hr. 1} , • ' ^ 5 con. hrs. ; 9/16/68 " <|i ^ i i^V f:"^ Stevens, James (III-9), Mathematics , MCC K'V:" p.;': V°lzr Carl (V-5) History \:i ": MCC 1* Warren, Richard J, | " " , (V-3) Kmlgh, ward :Fer :/ 6«8on, John 6conhriy= ^9/16/68 @ $15l/eQn. hr". ^ H ^ H 4conhrJ; 9/16/68 - ^ f l @ $127/cdn. hr. ' ^ H (hl-5) MCC 4 con, „Js. 9/16/68 Q $121/con. hr. I MC(f 3 cr. hri •.',,(? 9/16/68 $200/cr. jhr. (V"5) ^Psychology; : MCC 3 cr. Hrs. @ 9/16/68 W^M $243/cr.jhr. '^^^9 Hooney, Shirley (111-7) Art ; MCC 10 con. ijrs, 9/16/68 ^ ^ ^ H @ $133/cqn. hr. '^^M Vail, James (1V-4) •-:. Architecture : MCC 6 con. hrsl ° 9/16/68 ' (3 $130/con. hr. ^^M ^^M 3 cr. hrs. @ 9/16/68 $209/cr.!hr. ^ H ^ H Hunt, Don i-ong, Barbara ' ^ f: 9/16/68 ' ^ H MCC Hurley, Paul . i MCC - ^ H ^ H ,(ni-6y Art :•...': f V j | 3 cr.'hrsL; @ : 9/16/68 $243/cr. hr. MCC ft con. hriU (111-10) | Architecture ^ 3 cr. hrsj,;."<? 9/16/68 ' ^ H $218/cr. lir.'. ^ H Hundley, Bevily Art (111=7) j | ; Architecture. _; T : (III-8) ; MCC Business Administration ; ^ H ''^H ^ H '^^| I." •:• : : ~ i I'- 2,6 t ! • i- , _ _ _. - =- - ^ - • !f: ^ - Classified Personnel - Full-Time Employment ;• V ' - • ! r ( - 1 1 111 — • • • '.'•?• The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel.! ?• i -^P ^ Whereupon, on mofionby Mis. Johnson!, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and! with f - f '-, ••' • -~ : - • ' ''-. '"• -..' f • • I • ; -•• . " ' : : '• • ; " - = • ' . !! | • • . • • ; ! • • • . - • . ! - : . ' ! • ,, Miller, Robert J. %_ .' J Oglesby, Oscar P. ; : • ?ins, David A. : -; i Data Processing i ! | " I' ^ c D.O. 13C 10/1/68 MCC 1C 9/24/68 D.O. 12B Supervisor " \ > :• '; •' p • '•.•';• RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The junior College District in the position and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board;; : 'f " :.' . : A |r jY f= - * : ' the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was ' Clerk (Mail) Procurement Assistant ~ ; • • • • ! • 10/7/68 | ' R i c c i , Barbara E. Laboratory Technician FVCC ?A 9/24/68" * Smith, Grace H; Secretary l- FPCC 6A 9/24/68, Stenographer I I FPCC ^A 9/24/68 FVCC J3B 9/24/68: V ••••; J Waterman, C y n t h i a K. .-; -:W:'.- ': """--• " Wilburn, Robert S, 2^? Custodian ; : Classified Personnel - Part-Time Continuing Employment The Board was requested to approve employment of part-time continuing personnel. '- Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, arid with v the aye vote of all members of tha.Board, il was : - ^ ~ = RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed on J a part-time continuing basis by The Junior College District in the position and af the salary classification hereinafter set p u t , sai<l salary classification having been previously approved by the Board, compensation to be paid on an hourly basis: " K e r b l e r , JoAnn * ^ Pesckham, Sue T. •„ i | | Administrative Clerk KPCC J5A 9/24/68 f Administrative Clerk -FPCC |5A 9/24/68 ' £ - 5 • : ' : . • • • • • • . . - • . ; : • • . • - • • i- 'V ^ ; '• " • • • : : 2.8 Ivjfe.|>,^^'. • • . ' " _ ' • ; ' • ' • • : • : ^ • : , .-' ~ }- '• " • : £- K-' • ' i ~ • • ; l! -- • • • * ' • M .. _ | ^ .. :; ^ ' ••'• , ' ' '' . ! ' 1 '. \: f\ • ; ' ' • • I; . ' > ; ' ; * - *• ' I . • I T j = t-_ '. | '<• , • h FPCC 3 ~ = ' •• ^ 2.9 t- ' " '' ^^ '• • • 6C .' !i - 7/25/69 . . ' i • 'l _ ' T< . • I : I . ; '•' satisfactorily completed their first six-month probationary period with the District. i • .;: : j.] :, - j t! The Board was requested to approve salary increase for classified personnel having w &\ FROM; 9/25/48 TO: i "'•• _ r i ' i. "v | | h | | i Classilied Personnel-• Six-Month Increments. ' . • | Secretary I * Stewart, anch-ith : '• '• J" • i ' ; . Martin, Catherine L. I x VI 1 : : RESOi;VED,That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize a Legye!|of Absence, without pay, for Mrsi^ Catherine L. Martin, f o r d period from September 2 5 , 1968 through July 25, 1969, with the stipulation that Mrs. Martin report to the District for assignment on or before July 2 5 , 1969, or her employment w i l l be terminated. r ; • i the aye vote of all members of the Board, if was 1 ,:fi |: Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson; seconded by Mr. r | „ <'i : '\ Classified Personnel - Request for Leaveiof Absence . ; VI • • ; : S i .•"''•• • ' Catherine L. Martin. Mrs. Martin requests this'Leave due to illness In her family. . :• The Board was requested to approve Leave of Absence, without pay, for i : f » ^ I ; '•.:!: ;•; : ~—~~"—.; . ' • I r Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson,'seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the aye vote of all members ojLthe Board, it was r "" i .- " •' L » I t 5 • s : Armstrong* W i l l i s f : Security Officer I '': _ v? Callanan, Donald Security Officer I i * - s ':.r : • deJong, Roy C. ' :. -• •. Hines* Curley ? ., . TO: 5B FROM: 5A FVCC ' _< ,; '•'..: • t': i. •! -— FVCC FROM: 5A C: I •• _ !" ; - '" -l~ I ; ; • • • : . - - | ^ / i ' RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel, having satisfactorily completed their first six-month probationary employment period with the District, be granted a salary increase at the classification ! hereinafter set out; y ii I ! " " ' Security Officer I , • " ' ; ,i -_ 1! .."'." ;; >• J! 'I 10/1/685 •'•*•' \\ TO:' 5JB 10/l/68;lj MCC FROM: 5A TO: 5)1 '•• 10/1/68J MCC FROM:. siv . TO: 515 ; Security Officer I •! •'•'.-'' . ; |; •j • '•'.'.'' 'd 5' 10/1/68;i "J! '&-..;•/, :" * • " . j •-•• \ p i i : ' • [ • " • •. , ;;•• =• ; : ; ; .;:; • " 1 - . 2.10 b ^^^ I v .:; :•: - ! - Classified Personnel - Annual Increments •• : | . .:. ' ; . : . ; : " j . H ! ' ~ ! ! the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was = e 7V ; I RESOLVEDy That the ; following classified personnel be granted an annual increment at the classification hereinafter set out: E l l i s , Donald J . Security Officer I I ~. '-' ! Vogel, Kenneth -'-'•.'.-. _ 2.11 h i - > ! FROM: 6A TO: 6B Security dffleer I - I? .'.,;•-" MCC ~ Smith, Harold 10/1/68 FVCC FROM: 5A , " TO! -5B; Security Officer I I J • V 10/1/68 I 1VCC FROM: 6A TO: 6B 10/1/68 I ; j Classified Personnel - Reclassification The Board was requested to approve reclassification of the following classified J .4 personnel. | I ' Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with I- the aye vote of all members.of the Board, it was . Lehrnann, C h a r l e s J . FROM: S e c u r i t y O f f i c e r I MCC TO: S e c u r i t y O f f i c e r I I R o b e r t s , William " FROM: C u s t o d i a n ; T5: Maintenance Helper 1! •.•--- " ~l RESOLVED, That the classification of the following classified personnel be changed as follows: | |- • ; Whereupon, on motion by Mrs-. Johnson / seconded by Mr. Stewart, and y/ith ; I - personnel. I „• • ' The Board was requested to approve an annual increment for the following classified I- ?• J- •!. I . ;f •• - : i ! FROM: 5$. ~ TO: 6B1 ' D.O. " FROM: 3D TO: 5C I n ^! / 10/1/68 fi \\ 10/1/68 ':,[ F . . ; F 'I • ~ • • » . ; ' ; . . . ! . . \ . ' . - . . . '• I • • - . . " - : • - ! ' " " . - ' . | : _ I " ' • ; 2.12 Classified Personnel - Change in Status ; ' : — ' .-_---——— J • • - f • ••=, ' f ; . . • •• ' " ; ?| . " ! =""' : | t ' ' I ; • ! ' • • ' • - - The Board was requested to approve a change"in status for the following classified $ •'•' • : . : ' f personnel; \ ' - . * . * ! - ; ' . •- ' aye vote of all members of the_Board, if was : tf ' fI J" I - • ' - : FROM: Lead Custodian TO: Custodian 7 . ' ' . ' FVCC , > {- . . ,.. -•; l ' " ! ' . p • ' 7 • I ; ;. : i : • • • ' ^ ; : ' ' • . ! ! ' ' • : \ ' ; .;; '' • 1 . I ; .; ; - *" ^ FROM: 5JC TO: 3|E 10/1/68 ^ ?••' " ' | ' " " < • ' C • " j I ' * • ' I " , ' ! RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be gronted a change in status from Lead Custodian to Custodian, at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Tuggles, Henderson -•>• |- • • ' p I f • ' I ' ^ t . . ! Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson ,| seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the f" E • i ' Mr. Tuggles has completed his six-month probationary period as Lead Custodian. ^ |: ; : . . ' • - _ :• i : ; ' I f- // ; • ; • i [ i . ' 1' I • •' r• i I ! ' S . . \ i : ' " • •'-' • • ' ' .*•:--*-2 ? r * t - f "? - " ,•,-.-*.•.-.-••.. i *• V r j | ^ ' : , : • ; • - . • " " • ^ ~ 2.13 .. ' , j ' . : ~ . ' • ' ' . ' " " J :.'..,,:.-!.; , . : ! : , ' x - ,- •;,,;...;.:,.?...- .•-;•:'. ./<.&'• i' , ; j " ' " < '; |: - i • \'4 j ' . • , : ' ? Contract with Washington University - D o n t a l Program Instructor - MCC j I* ^p f The Board was requested to approve a contract with Washington University for the i- -.. - ' • ' • " - • • " - ' ' • ! ' ' • . : ; •• i- r} use of the services of Dr. Richard William Brand in a part~time instructor capacity for the I Meramec ? ' :;-• . r !:' Community College Dental Program. ; .' : • f . •' ' ! ' :• • ' • . - . • . M ' ' f, •':• '•'•'". • ' : : ' f;~ : H" ' . :' ' '"' "; , • ' ' ••• . i ' " - . ' • " ' - •• s *.:•, : ' ^ : P •- ' \-~ '' ' : : ' '^' ! ! ' ! . ; : ::: if - ~ " • !. • .•' I I Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Johnson, <>nd with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was ?: is T" :' ' Total cost of the contract for a period of three credit hours beginning September 16, 1968, w i l l be $729.00. r_ ? Meramec Community College, and w i l l report through the Dean of Instruction and the College President at Merqmec. 1-' 4 Dr. Brand w i l l be under the supervision of •• i . the Life Sciences HJepartment at : * r ' ' i C: ! ' ?: • ' ! RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve a ! contract between the Junioi'College District and Washington h University for the use of the services of Richard William Brand, D,D.S.I, in a part-time capacity as instructor for the Meramec Community College Dental Department. Dr. Brand Js to be under the supervision of the Life Sciences Department at Meramec Community College, | ; ! v • i' | : : to report through the Dean of Instruction and the College President. Total cost of the contract, for a three credit hour period beginning September 16, 1968, is to be $729.00, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. : FURTHER RESOLVED, Thai the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute an appropriate agreement on behalf of the District, in the form to be approved by legal counsel for "he District. ? -- • ^ j; ! j; \ Ii. ir I r - '• • ' - i , " ; . * ' . • ;. • \- ~~~ " '- i • \ i : 3. f j^fc i =, CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 , [ . - • < * ' • Advisory Committees Or. Cosand requested Board approval of appointment of lay citizens to serve :as members of The Junior College District's technical education advisory committees for the j ? academic year 1968-69. 1 j Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of a l l members of tf»e Board, it was ' ' • ' . - . ! • \ ' • ' • i RESOLVED, Thar the Board of Trustees does hereby appoint the following citizens to serve as members of!The Junior College District Advisory Committees from September 24, 1968 through August 3 1 , 1969: ',<••' p f . I" ' i ' A. L • .. " I -v- - • ' ! ^ ""• I C: | | I! 1; |r | ; Dr. Samuel E. Guyer, D.D.S.J ; 4559 Scott Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63110 Mr; Gordon Heiss, President May fair Hotel 806 St/Charles St. Louis, Missouri -. . ' ; , : . . - • • _ . Mr. Oscar Ehrhardt ~: Secretary-Treasurer - AFL-CIO 1401 Hampton St. Louis, Missouri ^ Mr. Aaron Fischer Industrial Consultant 9733 H l i ^ a e r Road j t . Louis, Missouri Br ?T- I : : ~ • - • • - . " 7 ~ : " • • ' ! >"! " . i I: • __ j • ; - i L Mr. Arthur Kennedy, Director of Welfare 347 Municipal Courts Building | ;St. Louis, Missouri j _ j " ' ! , . = ; - ; | | j-. !Mr. Cliff Kelly 12850 S. Jefferson St. Louis, Missouri I--, I*" I , Mr. Charles DeLorgy, Manager Missouri State Employment Service 505 Washington Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63101 . ' Mr. R. D. Dunlop 211 SrCentrol Clayton, Missouri --•' ' : Reoppointments j, / | A -; ^ ;" { • I '" i : Overall Technical Educotion Adviicty Committee ~ • j - I r , . ; ; • • ; I: • . ''' ,- ; « ~ _. '. f I "' " • ; ' • ' • " ~ ' 5 ; Overall T chnical Education Advisory I Committee (cont'd) | Mr. Gerald Ma Hoy, Executive Director St. Louis Hospital Association 4236Lindell ^ '• ' : '-• : ! j • St. Louis, Missouri V • t - - • '•-• . • ! • • ; . " • . i • • - I "' I F I 4 •• -' * ;. ' Mr. Joseph V . McKenna, Professor of Engineering St; Louis University 221 North Grand St. Louis, Missouri ' Mr. Virgil McKnight, Superintendent ; Homer G . Phillips Hospital 2601 Whittier St. Louis, Missouri • .; . I • • • ~ : " " ' \ | ! ! _ " • Senator T. D. McNeal, Executive Secretary Brotherhood of Pullman Porters 2906a Union Blvd. " St. Louis, Missouri j c • ' .' ' • i j - Mr. J . D. Robb McDonnell Aircraft Corporation P.. O . | o x 5 1 6 St, Louis, Missouri ,;,'• -• Or. Judson Shaplin • Institute of Education Washington University St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Clarence E. Thomas, Associate Director National Urban League, Inc. : ~ J : • . -;-•"-' St. Louis, Missouri .- •' • Mr. Fred Weathers, Treasurer = Marco I la Cab Company 4358 Enrighr Avonuo St. Louis, Missouri ,>.'._ Mr. Edward J . Werner, Principal Lutheran High School North 5401 Lucas and Hunt-Road St. Louis, Missouri ; f.' •. \.\' Vr;.',^ ^; i Mr. Robert Wolff, Sr. Western Printing and Lithograph Company v : : :. r / i M V '•live StlOBl -~ ' , -. 1310 S . Snrino | m i „-•'•• &£-"* f V-^—i* * . • . " '- ''- ' " ' " 1 • * • * •" • ~r " / • • • ' • • ' . • • • ' ' • ' ' • ' *•' '! ' ' --'• ' ' " " : , " I ' ' ! !• ~ ' . r . ' : : -• . I ' " " ' ' • h - :• Ovoroll Technical Education Advisory Committee ! B > '" £- -"- . . ' ~ •' " . • ' ' ' • . ' ' . . : M '=? • (cont'd) • U ! ' ~ " ^ ' ; ' ' New Appointments • a - • ;"_ "'.: '[. *K if.-.-L - : r • • ; ' ?' I • • . i • . Mr. Dale F. Blounr, President ; American Society For Training And Development 9747 Corrigdor Drive ^= St. Louis, Missouri - ' • - . • _ Mr, Fred Bohrman, Advertising Director Famous Barr Company 6th & Olive St. Louis, Missouri - fit " P! ? I • ^ | J /..'.• ' - L. :'•. ; "; ' Mr. C. B. Briscoe President, Engineers Club 903 Bellerive Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri ' ? '*•'-'•• i -• ..•'.-.'! ' Rev. Lucius F. Cervantes St. Louis University 221 North Grand Blvd. Sf. Louis, Missouri . I . • , 'J ii ! ! : : j ^ f .^P S-; Brother Robert Godfrey Assistant Superintendent ofCatholic Schools 4U0 Lindell Blvd. • St. Louis, Missouri : I ; . ' " . ' " ' . ; Mr. M, I, Gould, Director of Training and Development MflMinckrodt Chemical Works ' ! ! r 0 Mi>,fh'Sn-0i..J Sir-"': St. Louis', Missouri Dr. Lawrence Howard Danfortii iFoundolion 222 SouthM Central St. Louis, Missouri ? i~ .-/ *- : ! ^ | ! j i ' .' " • !" •: "' .? ^ ;; i Mr. D. Reid Rosv Executive Vice President St, Louis Regional Industrial Dovolopment Corporatiori 7701 Pierre Laclede Bfdg, Room 348 St, Louis, Missouri I c ;. Dr. Richard A . Sfumpe, President Harris Teachers College 5351 Enright i' : I . " •:•• •? , , g B T V [ «l ' ' • ' • . • • ' : < '• ' • ' : s 1 * • • " " - B. . ' I ,., , ' ! ' I '.. "' Pl ! 'I ' ~ The four "general area" technical education committer - ~ Allied j Medical Professions, Engineering Technology, Business Technology; ; and Public Service. (The appointments to the Public Service advisory ': • ~ • " l Committee were approved by the Board in May, 1968 to serve through August 3 1 , 1969). 1 . Allied Medical Professions Advisory Committee Reappointments ^ i l.eroy R. Rolling, Ph . D . , Dean Washington University School of Dentistry 4559 Scott Avenue St. Louis , Missouri 63110 " I r _ ~ ' \~ - D r . A r m q n d E , Brodeur, M , D . Department of Radiology Cardinal Glennon Memorial Hospital l4o5 South Grand Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63104 , \ ' St. Louis, Missouri t 7 • Sister Mary Geraldine, S.S.M. Cardinal Ritter Institute 1100 Bellevue Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63117 : ~~ " i :| \ . i 'i ! ' ' ,. ui 63106 ' Mr. David A . Gee Executive Director The Jewish Has pita I of St. Louis 2lo South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri o3ll0 .. ;| ' ! Dr. C . Howe Eller Commissioner of Health St. Louis County 801 South Brentwood ;~t Loo'v- Mi-'omi o'3l05 '• r ~ Dr. Francis G . Dickey Director : John J , Cochran Vefurans Hospital 915 North Grand \ : • ! • y I I i I• • . | i ' ! , ; : • i ;, j t .-, j . J --. = * ; _ ! Mrs. Dorothy Hagedorn ! Assistant A d m i n i s t r a t o r ! ^ ^ •'••,-• ' '? i P.''- ' " ~ ; .J... ! ! 1 ' i '- ''"I - ' - " * Allied Medical Professions Advisory ComnrilHeo (cont'd) ^P , - ~ " '• M r , Morris Henderson, Director, Community Involvement Human Development Corporation of Met. St. Louis I32t Clark Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63103 r ' : -- - i . i• • Sister Mary Isidore, R . S . N . , Administrator St. John's Mercy Hospital i ' ' 615 South New Bellas Road St. Louis, Missouri 63141 Mr. Gerald .J. Malloy Executive Director Hospital Association of Met. St, Louis 4336 Lindell Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63108 ~ ^ : . ', el I '__...' ^ Ralph T. Murray, Ph.D. ; Research Coordinator Department of Hospital Administration St. Louis University - : =. I. • " ' " " 1438 South Grand - / St. Louis, Missouri 63104 :, ! ' . i, : '• \ : • i Mr. Harry Panhorst, Administrator Clayton House '• . IVutc i , Cox UI!3fA \ Clayton, Missouri ; ,I - Dr, William Piatt Chief Patholoyist •••.-• Missouri Baptist Hospital 3015 N . Ballas Road St. Louis, Missouri 63131 " ;--:•• | - ^ • ^ =; - -• ;; ' " . - - - J•'! ' -- , '' j j • i • Rev. CarrRasche, Administrator Deaconess Hospital 6150 Oakland SI,.Louis, Missouri 63139 - I I j; | > "^ Allied Medico I Professions Advisory Committee (cont'd) ^ ^k ^^ | Mr. Charles C . Rabe, President St. Louis College of Pharmacy 4588 Parkview Place " S t . Louis, Missouri 63110 FO 7-8700 * : ~ • Mr. Daniel B. Richardson Executive Director I -=";.| i Higher Education Coordinating Council of Met. Sf. Louis 607 North Grand Avenue, Suite 716 St. Louis, Missouri 63103 JB3-III7 Dr. Wayne Simril 35 North Central Clayton, Missouri PA 5-9457 ._ , 9•'• ' Mr. John Warner 6300 Washington St. Louts, Missouri _ | ; y, 63105 • ! ; ^ 63130 | Dr. Albert Wessen, Chairman Sociology & Anthropology Department Washington University St. Louis, Missouri 63105 . j. " j " i Dr. Joseph R. Williamson . Assistant Professor of Pathology Washington University School of Medicine 660 South Euclid ' St. Louis, Missouri 63110 ~ ' ''- | i; ! | i ' I !' ' „5 -1 ' ,- I' | ' M y - ^A 2. Engineering'Technology AdvisoryiCommittee ~ f : ^^H Reappointment Mr, Aaron Fischer Industrial Consultant 9733 Litzinger Road St. Louis, Missouri 63124 WO 2-2521 Mr. "James Heater, Admin. Engineer McDonnell Aircraft Corporation P. 0. Box 516 St. Louis, Missouri 63166 232-6134 Mr. Mathew F. Mayor Manager, Support Systems Department Emerson Electric Company 8100 W, Florissant St. Louis, Missouri 63136 CO 1-1800 Professor Joseph V. McKenna Institute^of Technology St. Louis University j. • 221 N. Grand = St. Louis, Missouri 63103 JE 5-3300 Dr. Donald K. Ross Ross & Baruzzlni, Inc. 7012 Monhniume. Avenue St.. Lr>u:.{!v Missouri 03105 New Appointments i'roiiMJHor (ii'i'd Id )Y. "brJ.ofe Chairman, Kl.octriea.1 Kngineeriing Dept,; I n s t i t u t e of Technology St, Louis University 221 N. Grand St, Louis, Missouri 63103 JE 5-3300 -^^H ! '^^| ^^^1 ^^^| ^^^| '^H ;^^H ^ H :^^| ^^^1 ^ H :i^^| f^H ;.^^H ^^H ;^^H ^ H :^^H '••"';. | ^ ^ H ^^^1 I^H ^^B ^ H '^^1 :^^H ^^^1 [; ^^| :^H ,fl^H '^H .^^H ^^^1 H ^Bj ^ B ^ : • ••. -• • ' • " . ' " r ^P : :: ... ' - .- 3. ' ' • '" . r I- ' •• r : ' - ! -: : . ' •'•;iB' - • - v ' Business Curricula Advisory Committee Reappointment 1 Mr. John L. Gillis Vice President - Marketing Monsanto Company 800 N. Lindbergh St. Louis, Missouri 63141 OX.,4-1000 ! . -• Mr. John W. Harwood Secretary-Treasurer - : Metal Goods Corporated 8800 Page Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63114 ' ._ . , 'i - = : " Mr. Lee Lieberman, Vice President and General Sales Manager; Laclede Gas Company 1017 Olive Street St. Louis, Missouri C E 1-3800 ^ ; I - W - ~ ^_ 7 \ ;, Mr. Albert 0'Urlen, Executive Vice President in charge of Adm. and Finance Ralston Purina Company 835 S. Eighth Street St. Louis, Missouri CH 1-3600 ; ; Mr. Torry (J. OrrsL Educational Direr-tor Small Business Administration 208 North Broadway I/ith Floor St. Louis, Missouri 63101 MA 2^4191 ; • - - • I " Mr. P. C. Robinson '• = P. C. Robinson Real Estate Company 2328 Union Boulevard ; St. Louis, Missouri FO 1-1976 7 .i. •. ' .. j | \ | ' I . „, . ! i i ' ' • • ' • • ' , ' * • •• : ' _ ' ' '. _ . ' C. i i • | •• The "specific" technology committees: u 1 " I ; \ -'. ' . • - - ' . . ' ' • " " " ' • ' . ^ I Mr. Fred Bastman Personnel Division Famous-Barr ; 6th and Olive S t r e e t s St.'Louis', Missouri 63101 \ - = . V I - A v T :: _ | ! • : ^ | •• ,;; : ! i ' i Mr. Louis Cutman, Jr. Superintendent of Customer : Services Garland's 410 North 6th Strcvt St. Louis, Missouri 63101 Mr. Nelson Reed •:'• Personnel Director Boyd's r . ' Reappointments • = ; ! Mr. William Bedell Personnel Division Stix-Baer & F u l l e r 601 Washington S t r e e t S t . Louis, Missouri. 63101 \ ^ * ! ' 1. Retailing Technology Advisory Committee • : . " .*! ••'_,"' j ! j: ' ' | | j ,--. '. ' >: ^ • 600 Olive St, Louis,'Missouri' 63101 Mr. Irving Lewis c/o Lewis Men's Wear 3111 South Grand St. Louis, Missouri ~-^ : • . . • • . ' • L ! ! j | ' i Mr. Edward Dawk in s •' \ • Sales Division ' ; Freund Bakery 920 South TcfyU'l' St. Loula, Missouri 63110; • Mr. E. F. ,'LaiHfflort, President Ferguson Department .Score ' J7 South Florissant Road Ferguson, M i s s o u r i r -'_ -\ •• " " ' • = • ; • ' . * ' ' : " , ''' >'i '_ . ~ !! „ .. L|| I W '\\ |; • • : - . - . - . , ; • ' I j: Mr. Lawrence !•. Mallinckrodt 1211 Syndicate Trust Building 915 Olive Street | • St. Louis, Missouri 63101; ' ~ | ' ! ' ; ••'•. ! : ••l . ,. !: IJI . ! ' ! . - - . . ! * J - - • - , • ; - . • ; • J ; . T Retailing Technology Advisory Cornmsffee (cont'd) ; ^p "-- ~r ( < ' '•" Hiss Alma Reitz -Personnel Division Sears, Roebuck f. Company Nort:liwG9t Plaza St. Charles Rock Road St. Louis, Missouri = ; ^ " I Mr. W. II. Semsrott, President; Associated Retailers of St.. Louis 407 North 8th Street ; St « Louis, Missouri 63101 ; .'--. N e w Appointments ':- Mrs. Dorothy Kitsman Personnel Director Franklin Simon Cr&atwood Plaza Crcstwood, Missouri ^^ - ^ ;" Mr- Frank Rohde Manager, Target Store South Lindbergli St. Louis, Missouri ' =" i ! Mr. Pliillip Schaefer Vice President ^Biederman Furniture Company "805 Franklin , ! St. Louis, Missouri 63101 ° j ' I ] . ' • . ' " ' I I \{ .-• I — i . l i v • • • ? ; • • • . ' • h I i • '"• • 2. Horticulture Advisory Committee i ' ! Reappointments ^^ ™- Mr. John Tomasovic, J r . : 125PM»ier St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Clarence Barbre 320 H i l l s i d e Webster Groves, Missouri ^ ^ ; . ;• ; _. • . Mr. Carl B. Geibel Babler Park Road Chesterfield, Missouri " M r . Robert Graham 1230 M a n c h e s t e r Road Manchester, Missouri _; • Mr. R o b e r t M i t c h e l l "Sunset Country C l u b 955 Geyer Drive St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i - "! . \ ii \ Mr. r James Walker " [ - " S-, i i & Outdoor Equipment Company j - • 12012 Manchester . • .. [ S t . L o u i s , Missouri= ,' ' . ' ! ! ' j ; ; " . '• . r! t ™ ' - ~ ^* Drafting A n d Design Advisory Committee - Architectural Option • Reappointments ; L M r . Edward Hurst ' --- Design Draftsman 1 I Horner & SluMfin 1221 L o c u s t Street St. Louis, Missouri 1 - f 906 Olive • '_ • " ;! 'I M r . ,U Fleischer | FleiHchev-Soeger I Construction Col 5725 Manchester I ' S t . Louis, Missouri > " ^ M r . Nelson c. Schneeberger Senior Engineer | M o n s a n t o Company ! 600 North Lindbergh S t . L o u i s , Missouri M r . Jim Roberts ']. District Operations Mngineer Mr. Missouri State Highway Department 3 2 9 S o u t h K i r k w o o d Road Kirkwood, Missouri C r a n c o S t e e l Produces ' 6506 N o r t h Broadway S t L Louis, Missouri • '•' ' Ml -'- J o h n T h e i s s , J r . ' ' '<•> c . ... ' S t . Louis, Missouri • i I \ 1 I. -ilr. G. R. M i l e s , J r . U. S. Army l^ngineur District A s s i s t a n t C h i e f - D e s i g n Branch | ! ;j| | p^ul Magoon, j r . Advorciains Manager M r . Aornn ftr~«U—i:' -^ ' : ;,' ." ^ * — ! 4. i i Drafting And Design Advisory Committee - C i v i l Option ? Reappointments XA I 'i 1 : ; --^^ ' M r . John Meyer ~ Project Architect Svercirup i« Parcel and Associates, Inc. 915 Olive Street St. Louis, Missouri ; ) ~ \ __ ; M r , Ferd Paolinelii Syl G. Schmidt & Associates ; Architects & Engineers Railroad Exchange Building St. Louis, Missouri -< "; " : • ,_ ! j j: j : ' *' '^ . . • - . . ! ' • • - ,; ^ f c =" ^ ^ ' : ; ~ -' ;j^ Mri.John T h e i s s , J r . Structural Engineer Heinicke & Theiss 722 Chestnut St. L o u i s , Missouri ^ • - ; ; 1 f U : : • Hr. Walter Kromm Architect Kromm, Rikivnaru & Johnnsen, in'c^ 112 South llanlay j ;%/>St. Louis, Missouri j j ! || •' — - ft I A *-t I ' • ;,-j d x . I y 0 ~ . .. . ' _ ;J * \ :' i .,. /^ = ! ! ! ' ft | i j !; -- • f ^ 1 |' j ~ ' • '\\ ! ;-; ! •.,, ' r%, ! J: . ; Mr. Nelson C. Schneeberger Senior Engineer : •, _ , . Monsanto Company ~ 600 North Lindbergh S t . Louis,-Missouri _ '-I) ! ' . ' • ' • • . . ' . . Mr. Paul M a g o o n , Jr. A d v e r t i s i n g Manager Granco Steel Products 6 5 0 6 N o r t h Broadway S t , L o u i s , Missouri I \ [ - F *"v ; -« - "' '•" i i •.'•-,- ;? | y ! ^ f{ | -•".."-: ! > ... M r . Joseph A. Cernik Architect . W e d e m e y e r , C e r n i k , Cor.rubla, I n c . 114 North 4th Street St-; L o u i s , M i s s o u r i .1 '-' ; ,,', \l # : Jj{ %\ : I• " \r j M r . Thomas Finan, President ; Thomas J. Finan C o . , Inc. Stanley Doors, Inc, 12409 St. Charles Rock Road ; St. Louis, Missouri. I * ;|j • - ^ ••.-.•':! ; .: i: ' " • J ^_ " : •'/ jt - ' : •,.•" ;'"•• , ; ; : ;; " . 4 : •!;' , r ] H. • ': _ ; • •" --"' ' • = • • - ; w • -: ' ' ! 7- i : 'ji | ^ Reappointments ! si f If ; Dr. James Kepner, Dean Hospital Administration W a s h i n g t o n University ; ." St. Louis, Missouri j : ' : ' • " ? ; o! : ;^k ^- Nursing Advisory Committee Mrs. Marcella Cohen, Director Visiting Nurse Association of : Greater St. Louis 7135 Mackland St. Louis, Missouri ; v ? . i = • , , '; h ; • ;; ; "' ' ! " . • • ' ' ' ' ( I | ,'j ! j j "^ !^ ,f| ! ': j .••..'..,. 31 : •• Mrs. Guy Mngnesa 7727 Blackberry Lai\e St. Louis, Missouri 6 3 U Q ^ ...•„'«! \ V; "1 | Miss Estelle Young _: Education Director . Public Health Nursing St. Louis County Health Department 801 South Brentwood Boulevard . l a y ton, Missouri i . '•_ " ^1 •'.;; i ; : !; , ,v " j '<> .: ' ,/ttj >;.^l .. ! • ! f ;,! ''-. Sister Lawrence Director _ ^ Guidance Department, i.abouro Parish H . S. 5421 Thekla _ " * St. L o u i s , Missouri -f ; f J *' ~ t • . — - •. -j| ! ! | j I | • !" • J . • J i ,, ?, • ". ,] -7 4 , i New Appointment? |r I | I I* ", _ . ' I • • • - - • ... • - • \' Dr. Shirley Martin, Consultant for Nursing to the Chancellor University of Missouri j Metal Office Building j Room 17 : ' ! : 8100 Natural Bridge I ; S t . Louis, Missouri ! -= » - £ 4 63120 M r e . K-vrv Townsend_ Director, Nursing Service '" Missouri Pacific Employers - Hospital Association 1755 South Grand St. L o u i s , Missouri = • ' ''^1 ^ ^ ! ' • • -;. * • • ; ' • . ' . " • "'••• : .._ ! : I I: . ' " :"\; "•>-' ";; - Jjj $ ^ ; j " «> : - - ^ |*l t-- : - ^ : ' • • • i • . • -.:• i II > -I « .. : i • -fi 6/ Technical 11 lustration Advisory Committee , f _ . ....^ ... | —- •. . - . — —.' ii— ^ ! . Rappointments f-" [* . • | I | I ; ""_ '" " I • m^i> • w w w - •" ! W. F. Funderburk, J r . Publications Manager Emerson E l e c t r i c Company 8100 West F l o r i s s a n t S t . Louis, Missouri 63136 ' ; X ) -| j { ; ;. Edward Hoermann Chief Technical I l l u s t r a t o r ; Hussman Refrigerator Co. 12999 S t . Charles Rock Road | Bridgeton, Missouri & Robert Karleskint Supervisor of I l l u s t r a t i o n Aeronautical Chart and Information Center 2nd and Arsenal S t . Louis, Missouri - "• • -l --"".- ^ "" | i ! ; Paul C. Gardiner " Chief, Technical Productions McDonnell-Douglas Corp. S t . Louis, Missouri 63166 ' UJ-I ; ; II -:« ! • • ! ; ' • • I j ; ; ! I | | j . Robert J . Kern ' I • General Supervisor of I l l u s t r a t i o n McDonnell-Douglas Corp. S t . Louis, Missouri 63166 Ore?Con C. Lynn,-, ; _ , | , I ! | • ° ' • l ' t * . . . ' " . J. Section Supervisor, I l l u s t r a t i o n McDonnell-Douglas Cocp. S t . Louis, Missouri 63166 • j ! ! ^ ;' _ : | i- Don Monica Publications Production Branch Chief Emerson Electric Company ' ^\ 8100 West Florissant St, Louis, Missouri 63136 | j Al: M o r l o c K Publications Project Supervisor Emerson E l e c t r i c Company j"' 3100 West F l o r i s s a n t ; S t . Louis, Missouri 63136 4: j " I: L i I \_ T I f -. ' •. t * - ~ I ** , . i\ _ • . , <"; , J| -' :i -% || ^1 ^ : j ! I ' ""' ' i .' ,- •; ;>! :| '•'ll ^ :?j '::•'• " f N e w Appointments - ' J a c k Sparkman V.I..,. . i . w , • - 11>-.-.t,.n i - ! . , i . .'•;:'• n.i,. f ...i j I i • '----§ I • • : ' , ) < r - ' ; ' ' '. !! ; ' ' - t \ ' f ^ ^ 7r * - ' ~ • ' • ' • i • : : If.,' ' • ~ ' ! ''- ' "fcs ''->"' - ' " : ! < ' ' " \ Dental Related Technologies Advisory Committee ; Dr. Milton Voda General Practitioner 150 North Meramec 4 | ;:• •• : j 100 North Euclid S t . L o u i s , Missouri | ; 1 L 1 D r . Samuel E . Guyer Washington University Dental Faculty S t . L o u i s , Missouri 6 3 1 1 0 D r . Charles Clifford •K General Practitioner 3004 Sutton St. L o u i s , Missouri . = ".' ;/ \ ^ . , ' 'i ^ ' D r . Luther Forrest: General Practitioner 3737 North Kingshl^hway S t . L o u i s , Missouri ; ^ ' C! ! ! ••_• ! _< >;•; ! j : --..•'-•• 555 Stratford Avenue University City, Missouri ^k ^^ ! j ; . ' ' . . Dr. 0. F. Freitag " - ' i .I .. D r . J o h n P. W e l t y I ' " | ! [ P- "'_ , • { .'". • ' , ; r " $ ' " ' Reappointments I r= ; ; - ! I. j. • \\ ' -•• ^ " t ; ,. ' •=. i ! i I ' Dr. Enrl E . Shephard, Chairman Orthodontic-Department '••i;ir'i: nf/jon I'niversity Denial School >v S;;. L o u i s , Missouri 6 3 1 1 0 ',:•.' / *"'' „ : '~:'.- ' j: | !' !: " j ••' - N e w Appointments ," j M r s . M a r g a r e t U o o t e n , l'rusident j ' | ; - Greater S t . Louis Dental Society 952 Twining Place Webster Groves, Missouri j | t\I -=> I Miss Judy McCritlit, 'President Greater S t . Louis Dental Hygiene Association 7 9 0 2 - W g . B e n d Houlevard ! -._ j:' <J | | - f ;: 'si } "";'• M .-••; , , 1 : T g I Commercial Art Advisor/ Committee I L -•>*•' r"J^M ' - ' < 't .,syf,.-, "fT I h I ° | H Reappointments j &#" |; T ^ - r T \i: ji : / |L • J -•• t 1; I I '..'"' K s . ~ 7 , j - : : !: j: ! • / 'ji |; : r ; j .'' ' , 1|1 '-^"'-'vl fl ..;-^| : ;|l j ;1 <> ; |- : j• . . % : | ;.:§ ! I : "ji . ; ^' ; " ! j ,| - ; ; • ' : - . ^ ^1 -| ": j M r . G<K>7ge A l e x a n d r e s Art Director' ; W e b s t e r P u b l i s h i n g Company - . M c G r a w - H i l l •_ : M a n c h e s t e r and We itlman ; .- M a n c h e s t e r , M i s s o u r i -j •:" ••. : -?M '"'':« |B 1.1 ji : Mr, JimEubauky Maritz, Inc. 4200 F o r e s t P a r k St.. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i c -;« j j ] | M r . R u s s e l l Hughes Vice President Obata Studios 1127 P i n e S t r e e t ; St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i ' |_ f [ M r . M a r i o n Bardot G. S. Studioes 3i8"North Eighth S t r e e t . St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i . '' ^. f : ~ |r ^ %' T "f jH . • -;-, : ' . . ' • . . . D r . William Voos A s s i s t a n t Dean School of F i n e A r t s : Washington U n i v e r s i t y Skinker-and Lindell ,-i., ( '.\u3, M i s s o u r i l ;< * • ' • '- 1 : ~ - •;- ; - .' ; ; . ' • • - ' • • . "• . • ' M r . L e o n a r d V. Spit'/. j " A d v e r t i s e r s Display • ..; . " % 1317 North Fifteenth S t r e e t St, L o u i s , M i s s o u r i / ..'/•• • M r . Dick R a i s l o r A r tDirector : : |; '•-'!'•• .• . . M r . Paul G a r d n e r , \>\ roclojr / Technical Publications | McDonnell Company ' n a p a r i m o n t 21'.), Building 3;-l . P o s t Office Box 516 ; ; St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i i .- • ~" - \ r . I ' j. | j • j. I -, : | ; j | • j-. ' j,' • • • ' • ' • [ ^ . - > , ; / • • •' ' \l]\ b;. &!•• ? ;-1 " ^ > . / * '•• ! ^ ; ^ '•••; ; i • !J |, ,7 ::'\ *.'•" .;%••• . ~- : i ,:> " . ."• - '! •A"S~C ' ' ". ""', ~]i'~-' ;--;,:•..-• ? - - ' • " " • • ; • . . j f : - . .'• • I ' • ' ' •••" ' . *."' \- • ' r ' ".. .' ; : ; '- -. '. ' . r • ,'; ; , V: •" ., './^V •''•' - ~ - \. ~' • . • ?- ; .. ; , ; '- •' _ ;.;..• \ '-'."' j "• ' ' ' ' . - .-"' I ' ' . l* . - ' - ' l : ' • • • . : • - • - V ; • • ; - V ' ' ' - ! • ' • • . . . '• " i ' , • 4 - ; . • . • : ' - • " . . . c " - I ' ! . - " • : • , - ' : : • : - • r I • • . - _ . ' : ' • ; , • • - . ' - * ' ' . . ' . , v *, ; I . . ."; - i ' ' • ' . : . ~ • I . : ; ^ v " i ' : ~ • ! - ' ' ' : : ! I • ' ^ - V ' • • ^ • !j • , . . i ' ' •' . . j , . ' . • - ' : . ,» ! : " !~ s - ! • ' > i .: " r •'•'..".. j ; . . . • ' | ! j ! I i • S '-' - i\ • : .'. ' I . i i ' ' - '• " * " • ; • ; I \\ j; ! r < "" : ; I ^ '•' • . *" ; ~T " i ! :v--."--.-v : ;/v..<, U ' ~ ,n... . | ! I 5" C ' | . . .. t>.,i, M r . Dan Satterfield Art Director _ C e n t a u r Studios, I n c . 317 North Eleventh S t r e e t St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i ' - : ...'.,. " ' ' ^ i r- : "- ! i;.: : : : ! - •": j.i . . ' '• — - //: I ;1 " ! - • U . r i . • ,, . ' " : Ii • ' ' - • • - !-: - ^ : '-'•' ' -- '••;'•••' t .', :: --•• Ruth F e l g e n h a u e r Concordia Publishing House ^ 3558 South J e f f e r s o n St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i I - -• = -i .New Appointment ' • f; j A ™- I - j M r . R u s s e l l Fanning j I n c h a r g e of 40 a r t students) U n i v e r s a l Match Company 400 P a u l S t r e e t St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i =- *-* » | ' .• W ; \ " Mr. Bud Holtzman President Advertising Directors 705 Chestnut Street St- Louis, Missouri - « w j: Commercial Art Advisory Committee (cont'd) %' •** t •"' •'X •. ^ f \ J \ . '. '~~ ~ . . . • • • . •• ' •' • « ' :; - - • : • ' " • . 1. • ' ,. - - ' .. ,:; ; . : ; • • ':•"' ' : ' • . . j •>! Iy i . ~- '" ' ' - - \ .. .; - I I ?*r " = f" i" "' [ • ' . ' t ' ' • '. - v ^ = ] •••••''• • ~ •* • •:".'•' • V .• ' • : -;' ;. • f * _ ;* .: •• •" • f ' | ' 9- . • • . If." , ...; ; •; : ' ' • =' • • . •" r •'•••' i -* " I |; : Y • '• • ' - ' . ' i '• J ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I . Colonel C u r t i s B r o s t r o n Chief of P o l i c e y St. Louis P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t ; 1200 C l a r k St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i •' = ! ' • : Colonel J a m e s P . Damos Chief of P o l i c e 6801 D e l m a r U n i v e r s i t y City, M i s s o u r i 63130 ^ ,,• \ -v i F •• • ;. . . _. '^ i fF . . : i ; . — -' •"•-. '• • F ' j " .' • ' : ' . * \ \ • J'l : ; j i ! j ,'{ ,j i ] i: . F f * -<\ -^ C i r c u i t J u d g e Noah Weinstein St. Louis County Juvenile Court 701 South Brentwood B o u l e v a r d Clayton, M i s s o u r i 63105 £ . I I I M r . F s l o n Randol])h Chinf of P o l i c e 111 South F l o r i s s a n t Road F e r g u s o n , MiUHouri =_ -• \ ; ! Colonel E d m u n d 1. Hockaday Superintendent ~ M i s s o u r i State Highway P a t r o l • J e f f e r s o n City, M i s s o u r i 65102 . . n " Mr. James Corcoran J C i r c u i t Attorney] j Municipal C o u r t s Building = 1320 M a r k e t •,'. St. L o u i s , M i s s o u r i , , i ;j Major Atkins Wajrre'n J| St, Louis Police jDepariment 1 1200 C l a r k | St: - L o u i s , Missouri ,',j Colonel Rayinond W. -Hensley; Superintendent St. L o u i s County Pol ice I. 227 South C e n t r a l Clayton, M i s s o u r i 63105 •'"'••.. '• C i r c u i t Judge J a m e s Ruddy , ^ t . : Louis County Court Housejl 7900 F o r s y t h 11 ' " ! Clayton, M i s s o u r i 63105 j M r . Gene McNat'y P r o s e c u t i n g Attorney .'', St. L o u i s County Court House j 7900 F o r s y t h I ^: ; Clayton, M i s s o u r i 63105 : Colonel Max A. Durbin Chief of P o l i c e 137 West Madison Avenue Kirkwood, M i s s o u r i 63122 i ^ \ I^ p II y f =••••,. f T ^ i W |: ' . -• ; .;.'-!, ; j ' i i • r : i ,J : V F '- . Reappointments r f"~ :. Low Enforcement Advisory Committee £. ^ ^ [ ' '~ : | i ' ' 1 ; ; ! • : ^ : k t I I i ! I :' f. • •" • • • •'• : • . ii ; . . . . ' . ' . _ . ;..'. ; • ! ' • , ":' . i , . I i ' .."•' j• ::•• - ' • •• .• / | ' . k ^ - - ^ Jr • " '•"' ' • _ ' : - •• . . [ - • ' - •• i . I. : | " . ' • " " j ; • : , ! ; k ^B Law Enforcement Advisory Committee (con'd) . . . • • - . . ! •- New Appointments I f' '" I ' ~ : : = : I 10. * ; ^ ! :• | Mr. Veryl Riddle United States Attorney Eastern District of Missouri Tenth and Market Streets > St. Louis, Missouri : r ! ! : '^ ! ^ - y ; Automotive Technology Advisory Committee Reappointments ^* V " -- - • • : x ' Mr. Henry FiUgibbon, Commander Bureau of Services St. Louis Police Department 1200 Clark i ; St. Louis, Missouri l * " .:/ . - •• - V }f y I'; _•'. ; ?• r° ". • . I -?.,I^-- M r . Thomas E. CosteIlo if President a n d G e n e r a l Manager Cosrello-Kunze, Inc. 9000 West Florissant Avenue Jennings, Missouri ^ Mr. Watter DahI, Director ' Apprenticeship Information Center ' '. Division of Employment Security I 505 Washington Avenue St. Louu, Missouri - Mr. Donald L. Gilbert Vice President Gilbert Buick, Inc. 3510 Gravois Avenue St. Louis, Missouri .- j; | j, I , i Mr. Edgar M, Hayward "Executive Vice President Greater St. Louis Automotive Association, Inc. 634 North Grand Blvd. Ii1 .-.-• _ j . " j I ,7 ';\\| ir I I I ! ! ^ S ; , : "'•• ".! ' ; "• ' ' ;: '' '•'• - ; '•": I •' i..-.,..- ~ I'. £" I" I f Mr. MauricecKostner Vice President ond General Manager Weber Chevrolet Company 4035 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri ; ,'-" ' f • •[-''-' Mr. Robert S. Lemen Superintendent of Maintenance Be-Mac Transport Company, Inc. 7400; North Broadway St. Louis, Missouri :"=-•-'• l f Mr. Alfred L. Mack 7080 PI ainview Street St. Louis, Missouri ; Mr. David W. Riesmeyer President, Riesmayer Motors 10125 Highway 66 Crestwood, Missouri • '_• ; * : ^ !; , ~ : l ^ j " " " ! ••;;"'. ••• r «-'V ?J ! i- ' . I ' t I '• I ;'/"• I | |. = | ; j ' '; j ;r " ' v - 1 1 . Clinical Laboratory Technician Advisory Committee ^ Reappointments " • " — V.':'• _ ^ •/ ; ; r i . | Dr. Robert C. Ahlvin, M . D, n!if«T Pathologist Department of Pathology Thp Jowish Hospital'of ^ ' . Louis ; 216 South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri Dr. Henry C. Allen, M . D . Director of Laboratories Deaconess Hospital 6150 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, Missouri r ] [ • L '„? - \. Automotive Technology Advisory Committee (con't) • -= -" • .-- Dr. R. W. Ogilvie> M . D, Chief-of Pathology -St. Luke's Hospital ^ "; h I ' j ! " \ | i - * • . . : . • ' : • i Clinicol Loboratory Technician Advisory Committee (conf'd) J:/flP" r ; Helen S h e p p a r d r M . T . ( A S C P ) ; Missouri Society of Medical Technologists 9012 West Swan Circle ^Brentwood, Missouri = f z »'•••' Sister Gertrude FruchtI,"S.S.M. \ Associate Professor and Chairman ; - Department of;Medical Technology St. Log is University 1504 South Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri !12. t - Data Processing Advisory Committee " ; j = j Manager, Data Processing -Wagner Electric Company 6400 Plymouth Avenue St. Lou is, Missouri r.. ^ B : ; I = ' ; | I H ": j - Mr. James B. Barker 1- ; T '" - r r :: ! | '• Reappointments \ I .•!•". Mr. David Doetzel Development Analyst Methods Department Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Second & Mallinckrodt St. Louis, Missouri - j Mr.-fuger.e A . Heiress . ,'j Manager, Data Processing Operations ; Brown Shoe Company 8300 Maryland " St. Louis, Missouri ^ < •. ••• :,'>; \- -'- Mr. Quong Leong • -'.-•: Data Processing Director Biederman Furniture Company 805 Franklin Avenue ; !, r ^ I | Mr. Raymond Kirkendall Industrial Representative International Business Machines 3800 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri _ H !'•'.' | | ; i i :--'."'•• j ^ • : I ! : ' ! : ' • " | k - , S £ ' • • • * _ L t . , . • ; ; : . . , . •" - • "" ; , •' " ' '-" J - : . ! . - • ' ? . ' . . . . i . • • ; • ; . • - i • Dotd Processing Advisory Committee (cont'd) — # ~~ ^^ Mr. Donald C. Mengerson _ Consulting Service Department McDonnell Automation Company '!• Box 516 ^ St. Louis, Missouri 1 ~~ ' T.i' rvV. Allen G . Renz Executive Vice President Perceptual Development Laboratories 6767 Southwest Avenue St. Louis, Missouri N E -,-' = ]',.-• 2 - . ^ ^ \ 9 : ! ' ~ 1 f -• ' - -.v . ! • | I t5wt-}".^ir0montr. I Sister Mary Carol A n t h , C . S . J . ,; Chairman (Sr. Paul LoiseAnth); Department of Home Economics ! I Fontbonno College |: Wydown and Big Bend Blvds. ;• , j; St. Louis, Missouri Miss Carol G i b l i n , Nutritionist St. Louis CountyJHe lath Department 801 South Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri Mrs. Mary Ann Sauter, Chief Dietitian Malcolm Bliss Mental Health Center - " „; Food Service Supervisor Advisory Committee e ' - . ] : > ; , j i /vV. Phillip E. Hess Director, Computer Services Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 721 Pestalozzi Street St. Louis, Missouri " 13. • j Mr. John B. Nortman 12117 Nottingham Lane Bridgeton, Missouri, - ^= ' • . ' • \h New Appointments - ! j - -••-•' , t \ >~% '. .'• -^± 14. 1 ... ' I Fire Protection Technology AdvisoryiCommittee Reappointments Mr. Arthur J . Amoroso Chief Engineer Missouri Inspection Bureau 1400 Pierce Bldg. Sr-L Louis, Missouri ''.=•. : - : - . _ . -4 | ~ j.. ,' Captain Charles Benning Fife Prevention Bureau Room 408, City Hall St. Louis, Missouri M r . Jack Manning Superintendent of Automotive Eqpt. City Fire Department j . St. Louis, Missouri j Chief Douglas N . Bindebeute! Director of Fire Department City of Ferguson 110 Church Ferguson, Missouri Chief Arthur Newman \ Fire Prevention Bureau | City Hall St. Louts, Missouri Captain Elmer Brohammer City Fire Delartment Fire Marshall's Office 1125 Spruce Street St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Elliott Scearce Director of Personnel Municipal Courts Bldg.j Room 235 St. Louis, Missouri Captain Earl R. Dick Berkeley Fire Department 6153 Gorfield Berkeley, Missouri ^ Chief William Thompson Kirkwood Fire Department 139 West Argonne Drive Kirkwood, Missouri Chief Fred H. Entrikin, Jr. Deputy Fire Chief Office of the Fire Chief 302 South Elm Avenue Webster Groves, Missouri Chief James E. Turner j McDonnell-Doug las Aircraft Corp. Box 516 St. Louis, Missouri j Chief Thomas L. Godfrey 405 City Hall St. Louis, Missouri ;., Chief James E. HoIdringhaus Rre Marshall 111 South Meramec .Avenue s~ •• .±L - Clavton. Mi«onri - J I " f 5. • Chief William J . Kramer Crestwood Fire Department ,. 1495 South Sappington; Crestwood, Missouri \ ; M r . Martin Walsh, Jr. j . Deputy Building Commissioner and Chief Engineer for the City of St. Louis, Department of Public Safety 1 Room 426, City Hall I St. Louis, Missouri | , • i ' - - - =• ^' -'.^^ " " i : i Hotel, Motel & RestourOnt Operation Advisory Committee Reappointments J . 1 -. - ^ : ^ i ; = Mr. Charles Berg Mr. Frank T. Hilliker Vice President O'Connor Coffee Company 2900 North Market Street Frank T. Hilliker and AssooSofw Food Service Consultants 210 Chemical Bldg. j r . S t . Louis, Missouri S t . Louis, Missouri Mr. Joseph S. Brown Secretary-Treasurer Cooks and Pastry Cooks Local *26; 3630 Grande I Square St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Ernest C. Johansen Secretary-Treasurer, iManager Howard Johnsons 9075 Dunn Road Haze I wood, Missouri! Mrs. Mina Evans President Golden Fried Chicken Loaf 5865 Delmar Avenue St. Louis, Missouri ~ Mr. Oliver Klostermdn Manager Direct Sales; Southern Equipment Company 4550 Gustine Avenue! St. Louis, Missouri ! Mr. Michael Fandos Secretary Treasurer Maryland Kitchens 205 North Ninth Street St. Louis, Missouri Mr, Robert B. KoplarL Treasurer, Board of Directors The Chase-Park Plaza|Hote! 212 N . Kingshighway|Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Will lam Ford President Ford Hotel Supp/y Company 814 Nor»h Broadway St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Raymond McGrath, Manager Whitehall Club 710 South Han ley Clayton, Missouri f Mr. Earl Gates Executive Vice Prosfdont Sorvco Equipment Company 318 Lombard Street St.Louis, Missouri 1 '.. • • ! - Mr. George F. Meyer^ President Servomatfon Midwest, jlnc. 1325 Ferguson Avenue I St. Louh, Missouri j " • Mr. Kenneth Harris President Lakeshire Sandwich Company 816 Han ley Industrial Court St. Louis. Missouri ~ :| - Mr. Gilbert Novorny | President and Directoi | St, Louis Notional Stockyards Co. National Stock Yards, jlIIinois Mr. David R. Page, Director Division of Foods Board of Education ," '"' i k ° * e ^ Motel & Restouront Operotion Advisory Committee (cont'd) ^fc '^^^ ._- . Mr. Harold Patterson Head of Food Operations McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Corporation St. Louis, Missouri ; j I •'; 5 I' ' i !' - i-' 1 jh ft Mr. Henry Ruggeri, Jr. Ruggerl's 2300 Edwards Street St. Louis, Missouri f ^ Mr. Arthur B. Schneithorst, Jr. President I I', . . — I ScKnelrhorsr Resfaumnr Lindbergh & Clayton St. Louis, Missouri i ^^^ * Mr. L. E> Schoenbrunn General Manager Chase-Park Plaza Hotel 212 North Kingshighway Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri I r Brother-Leo I. Slay, S, M. Maryhurst 1101 South Kirkwood Road St. Louis, Missouri r I -: • _ , S Mr. Jon Verdonkschot Executive Chef Missouri Athletic Club 405 Washington Avenue St. Louis, Missouri j• . Mr. Frank Wansong General Manager Mark Twain Hotel Eighth & Pine Streets St. Louis, Missouri !i New Appointments | Sister Rose Genevieve ... • • ~ ! 1 ^k ^' Medical Secretary Assistant Advisory Committee Reappointments Mr. M. Richard Carlin, M. D. 100 North Euclid Avenue St. Louis, Missouri Miss Corrine Hallquist c/o Ben Charles, M . D . 5505 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri Kl Miss Rosemary KIiethermes c/o Alvin Goldfarb, M. D. 100 North Euclid St. Louis, Missouri f _ ^fc Mr. Malcolm Peterson, M . C , Director ^ Division of Gastroenterology '• — -• '"' Department of Internal Medicine Washington University School of Medicine 660 South Euclid Avenue St. Louis, Missouri " '. Mrs. Ethel Rayburn c/o Clinic of Internal Medicine 100 North Euclid St. Louii, Missouri : j "' i A, I Lois Wyatt, M . D. 134 West Adams Avenue Kirkwood, Missouri _ 17. Radiologic Technology Advisory Committee Reappointments I ; f t 'f" . Sister Mary Alacoque Anger, S;S.M. Department of Radso logic Technology St. Mary's Hospital 6420 Clayton Road St. Louis, Missouri Sister Peter Claver Brickus, S . S . M . \ i K ; 11 i : : A t • ] " • ! . "1 - ' • • , . • • ' •f'S. . % Radiologic Technology Advisory Committee (cont'd) I | r{' ? Armand E. Brodeur, M^ D< Department of Radiology Cardinal Glennon Hospital 1465 South Grand Avenue St. Louis, Missouri \ _ C . J . Cherre, M.D , Director of Radiology St. Joseph's Hospital 218 Clay Street St. Charles, Missouri ^ i j ^ I , j \ Sister Velma Kampschmidt, R . N . , R. T. -Chief Radiologic Technologist Deaconess Hospital ^ 6150 Oakland Avenue St. Louis,-Missouri ; 11 : j. ^ -, Kenneth Marks, R. T. Supervisor, Department of Radiology The Jewish Hospital of St. Louis •[' ! ~ • 216 South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri '- - . • J Juan Taveras, M. D , ; Director Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Washington University School of Medicine 510 South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri _ ^ ! Mr. Jean L. Tomljnson, R. T. Director of Technical Training Program Mailinckrodt Institute of Radiology Washington University School of Medicine 510 South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri New Appointments i Miss Patricia Sedlak, B. S., R. T. 4035 Taft Avenue St. Louis, Missouri | : = • ;_-. _= I • I , I 1 1 111 < : - ~ * • ; 18. ' . - • •"• ' i i' f I I " i ''' ' ^ •• " '•' i •>"?! ^ , ! . | Mr. John Altheide •_ • • r Broderick Das com Rope Company - 1044 Trenton St. Louis, Missouri 63132 ";, | Mr. Arthur B. Biddle Executive Vice President ' j Hussman Refrigeration, Inc. 12999 St. Charles Rock Road : St. Louis, Missouri _ • . i. • Reappointments I ^^ : r \ ! U : . . Soles Program Advisory Committee r '-,:- • ' I | ' !j J! Ji !' J I • Mr. Richard Blind, Director After Market Sales Carter Carbureter 2840 N. Spring Avenue -•. ; St. Louis, Missouri 63107 • )" • ; - \ : N e w Appointments I • l : : I . : ; » - \ -- " l . • : " ,. __ ^ ^ T.OlHc | ] M - l c e / i u t-i fj . \\ i : ! nr. Robert A. Kuechler Marketing Manager r - : National Rejectors Division of UMC Industries S t . j! : • :' 5100 San Francisco Avenue I Ji 1 jj jj jj | \f>, I" Mr. Jerome R. Davis Sales Manager ^ Comfort Printing & Stationery Company . . 1611 Locust St. Louis, Missouri - -~ jj • • ' • *si jj '"" j. > | lp j. ! Mr. Ross C. Shannon Executive Director Sales and Marketing Executives of Metropolitan, St. Louis 411 North Seventh Street : ^ St. Louis, Missouri 63101 i ?" • | | I ' . Mr. William T. Lane General Sales Manager Feed Division _ Ralston Purina Company if 835 S.. 8th Street ' - S t . Louis, Missouri 63102 ^ ^ [ ' ~~ ; i ' j u ^• I | ' ij j | ! if,\ i1 f 'f\ , |; ,!! I ' '. ^: • , " I ; •'''..':• y Sole? Program Advisory Committee (Cont'd) Mr. John P. O'Donnell General Sales Manager Lincoln-St. Louis Division of McNeil Corporation 4010 Goodfellow JJoulevard St. Louis, Missouri ^k ^^ 19. ^ I Secretarial Programs Advisory Cpmmitree Reappointment -" : Mrs. Shirley Dingier Personnel Director - Women Monsanto Chemical Company 800 North Lindbergh S t . Louis, Missouri 63141 OX 4-2657 Mrs. Lucille Ewers Secretary to Mr. Lichtcnstein American National Bank 6639 S. Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri 63109 ! FL 2-3500 " ] ~[ j' i• | | Mrs. Becte Hoke, Education Committee National Secretaries Association A ALCOA W 8301 Maryland St. Louis /Missouri VO 3-0300 63105 Miss Helen Neiger Executive Secretary to Mr. A. O'Brien Ralston Purina Company 835 Souths8th Street St. Louis, Missouri 63102 CH 1-3600 ;. Mrs. Nancy - Rellmann Secretary to Administration; St. Luke's Hospital 5535 Delmar St. Louis, Missouri 63112 : VO 2-1212 : : " '[ __ Miss Lorraine Wilker Secretary to the Vice President Southwestern Bell Telephone ',Company ; 1010 Pine St. Louis, Missouri 63101 Cll 1-9800, Ext. 4777 ^ " | ; ! ; i j j Pr '- ' ' r ' ! ' • • •'. ' ' • ' I • ; • • • ' i • ' I • Secretarial Programs Advisory Committee (Cont'd) I N e w Appointments - - . . - . , • • , •• • ; ' j l I ; | Mrs. Donna Jabuscli 5208 River Aire Road Godfrey, I l l i n o i s 62035 CO 1-1800, Ext. 2596 Mitis Margaret Kiefer Ralston Purina 835 S. Eighth S t . Louis, Missouri 63102 CH 1-3600 _, - r 20. , C i v i l Engineering Technology Advisory Committee ;- Reappointments { Mr. C. Arthur Davies McDonnell Douglas Corporation Plant Engineering Department P. 0. Box 516 R S t . Louis, Missouri 63166 232-6134 ' J j j- | - ^ I i - [ « I . -• - Mr. Bengt Friberg Consulting Engineer 10427 Old Olive Street Road St. Louie. Missouri. 63141 TR 2-7144 • : j ----!; Mr, Donaid llerzog Bangert & Kaller Surveying & Engineering Company \7.l North harvey Feiguson, Missouri 63135 JA 1-0005 ;f I*|: Mr. James C. North 980 Simmons Kirkwood, Missouri ; Mr, Van A. Silver Associate Professor Institute of Technology St. Louis University 221 N. Grand St. Louis, Missouri 63103 JF, 5-3300 • : _, : ~ ^ : : 1 r •= Mr. Jack II. Tyrer Architect —. Ill) R. fAllttfAl ! 63122 _ ; : . J ! C i v i l Engineering Technology Advisory Committee (Cont'd) i. '- New Appointments Mr. Robert S. Maack, Vice President Serving as r e p r e s e n t a t i v e from Associated General Contractors Woe.rmann Construction Company 7120 Manchester St, Louis, Missouri 63143 _ • 5 f Mr. Harold Tcltihorst :-. D i s t r i c t Sales Manager , Missouri Portland Cement Company 7751 Carondolet S t . Louis, Missouri 63105 : i' f" : ; \ ; • =t. - • ; Mr. William Trimm D i s t r i c t Operations Engineer Missouri S t a t e Highway Department 329 S. Kirkwood Roud , ; f 21. .^ |. =- Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 Chemical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Reappointments :: Dr. Oliver DeGarmo Manager of Research Monsanto Company 1700 South Second Street S t . Louis, Missouri MA 1-4000 t [~ | i: f. j Mr. C. Donald Holmstron Assistant to Personnel Director Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 721 Pestalozzi St. Louis, Missouri 63118 PR 3-3100 : = • ~ r r " . !l • £' l 'l' T 1 f • - •- \ Mr. John A, Marshall _. Shell Oil Company P. O. Box 262 Wood River, Illinois 254-7371 ^ • % : L I \I \ f Dr. Robert U. Rands Mallinckrodt Chemical Company 2nd and Mallinckrodt P. 0. Box 5439 St. Louis, Missouri 63166 CE 1-89S0 f- Mr, C. D. Trowbridge, President -i' 22. '. Reappointments - — # ^* ' -' Electrical Engineering Technology Advisory Commitreo Mr. Theodore Allison Training Proyrainu McDonnell Douglas P. 0. Box 516 St. Louis, Missouri 63166 232-6134 '•---• : ; ' Mr. Charles W. Blood MicroWave Communication Section Union Electric Company • 9125 Sioux Drive Affcon, Missouri, 63123 ME 1-6120 i -. '} ^ Mr. John H. Mutchek Electronics Specialist Emerson Electric Company 8100 w. Florissant Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63136 CO 1-1800 Ext, 2786 I V- - * •' ,' / • _i ; " I ' 4\ ^ - ii -~ ^.^ $:- ^ B Mr. Louis S. Sachs ~*~~> '/' Sachs Electrical Company 5540 West Park Avenue, ~ P. 0. Box 96 (Mailing Address) St. Louis, Missouri 63166 .' h I . • . § •- : - Mr. Charles Zurhetde Zurheide-Herrmann, Inc. 4010 Lindell Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63108 OL 2-6805 i New Appointments -. s t . • :_. _ . [ ;,-''' £":,..' , ~ Dr. John Newell Associate Professor University of-Missouri at Holla 737 Kingsland Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63130 V0 2-5070 ' ;' : ^, ; £ - • [- . I f^ 'c I' ' Mr. Harold Sabotka Manager of Test Engineering Emeraon Electric Company 8100 W. Florissant St. Louis, Missouri 63136 CO 1-1800, Station 2905 j' . , • ' • It 6 f * - . - . - • " " i ; i: \ . •' t 23. Industrial Engineering Technology Advisory Committee ' = . '"' • . -:; " i I- _ ! j ^ ^ f I r ; 'f!'. Reappointments : Mr. Donald W. Fogarty, Assistant Dean Institute of Technology St. Louis University P. 0. Box 8020 - College Station St. Louis, Missouri 63156 JE 5-3300 = Mr. John Kustura Parks College East St. Louis, Illinois ED 7-4444 r \f I \i. f L -r- = Mr. Josjeph Movshin Consulting Engineer 9220 Old Bonhomme Road St. Louis, Missouri 63132 WY 3-2234 '. Mr. Kenneth A. Ogle Production Scheduling Committee Laclede Steel Company 812 Olive Screeu St. Louis, Missouri 63101 MA 1-5800 ~ *• m ; ^Br t '• £ Mr. J. R. Osman Director of Industrial Engineering Missouri Pacific Railroad 13th and Olive St. Louis, Missouri 63103 M A 1-1000 ;t '">/ ; 24. ,t- 5 *;_..•" I >--;.- ! Mechanical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Reappointments ; I = 5^-. f" 's • I 1 ! -- • - r Mr. Kenneth Anderson Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Technology Training Programs McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corporation _ Department 63, Building //3 P.O. Box 516 • f St. Louis, Missouri 63166 232-4511 Mr. Harold J. Costello General Manager Hobart Welding and Equipment Corporation 2363 59th Street '• . |' -" ! ; ' -, l • " • • • - . \ ; "' Mechanicol Engineering Technology Advisory Committee (Cont'd) > M l . W i l l I Mill lluiiuu). I.y * ^^ i, ~ ^ P Supi'rInluiulo.nl of C U K Supply and Control Lnclode CJIH Company \ I _ '-." f ' t | f I St. Louis, Missouri CE 1-3800 . " _ • f :"--.' f_ • ' £_';.. I 1 I 63108 ~ M r . John Miller Nooter Corporation 1400 S. Third Street Stt Louis, Missouri 63104 MA 1-6000 = r | Mr. Alvin W. Mueller Chief Tool Designer McDonnell Aircraft Corporation Box 516 , St. Louis, Missouri 63.166 232-6134 i „ | • £_ fj . -.. Mr. Willis Pottlioff Supervisor of Production Tooling Emerson Electric Company f '."'>;. !! , , I, 8100 W. Florissant Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63136 CO 1-1800, Statlon-2543 " i; -;v'':: l-.-Jfc ' £. ^F ~ ; --•• • i . . - . - . . . - Director of Reuearch Shell Oil Refinery Box 262 ;Wood River, Illinois - i ,: Mr. Stanley Sorem Technical Advisor to the fI |; I I- ! 3950 Forest I'ark t \ g 'J ! ' ' " \} . -. j * • . • ; ; ; . : : S '• | c -'.- 25. r - i |3 Ir I |; | " = '"' f. E -^ : ' ! J; ~~~ Reappointments ; ;! Mrs. Rosemary Davison, City Clerk Florissant City Hall .\\ 619 St. Francois : Florissant, Missouri 63031; WA 1-5700 - |; t' I ' ' | |r --.':.r ' Community Sorvico Advisory Committee --- - • ' ! ' ' ' " i; ! " I ' • Mrs. Marilyn DeWitt, Feature Reporter Florissant Reporter 699 St. Francois Florissant, Missouri 63031: TE 7-8680 " : . ' •• . • Mr. Richard Duvall, Chairman -.Hazelwood High School = I j ; | '• \ . j . . '•• . ' ~ j . - . . • : ; : ' • - •- - { " • ' . ' [ - ' i • : - • ; ; : - - - • . -.; . - • ; ; • : i :' '. » • ; • . ' i . I . : » ' ' '" : " . ' . • • ' ' ' • ' • : ; " ' : . ' . , . '• ' .LV I • I. . • ! = 'S-" - . . . . . ' Conmunity Service Advisory Committee (Cont'd) Mr. Herman C. Kaller Bangert & Kaller Surveying ; & Engineering Company r : 121 North Harvey Ferguson, Missouri 63135 > s j[ l> f | , - ''• : - | • j. .''"'•-"' JA 1-O005 ! '••••'.-' &• | §' F" ..' ' f \ Mr. Monty Sanders, Executive Director North County Branch-Y.M.C.A;. r, 500 Airport Road Ferguson, Missouri 63135 , £ . - . " • , ' JA 1-1822 I New Appointments ^ | ; £ " • - - — - - _.-,.: •'••;•* — ; - i %\ -•.--.'• _• • I Mr. Ron Johnson Operations Manager Flaming Pit Franchising 11715 Administration LI 2-4800 : i '.' S ; ".-.;:.-• v :i . : , , - i. ; i- Mr- Richard Maddox, Director Adult Education McCluer High School \ "~ . ;, '" ! • ,_... f: " | f. L „ T . • • • 1896 S. Florissant Road Florissant, Missouri 63031 ; JA •>2000 "~.~ ' " " • | > H ' ' • ' • ' • ' . . ' • : • I a'ii : i ! ' ' ;; --•- ',•.*' i: ! ..." ~"" •• j; - • -: ' " , ^i I 26. Accounting Program Advisory Committee i A |f- ^ ^ ^ | ; Reappointments • Mr. Reinhardt Beckmeyer Ehlers •& Beckmeyer . . . ' 7 North 7th S t r e e t : Buder Building - Suite 1000 | St. Louisr M i s s o u r i 63101 - CE 1-5544 • " . " • ; I:' . | 1=" jf ••'••. j| I^^H -^^H ^ H : I H ; i l ^ | ^ H Mr. John E. Buelt Price Waterhouse and Company ;. 14 South 4th Street St. Louis, Missouri 63102 MA 1-0760 -^^R I H ^ H ^ H fl^| |^l s ^ , --^. • •' ?-.-•'• fF I t^.- = " -: J | i f. - -TK 7-9923 " Mr. William Crume 111 Church Street Ferguson, Missouri JA 2-1700 : ' H ;^^| , 1^^| ? ^ H ^ H ^ B : j |: 63135 Mr. Donald Mattingly 11250 Hunter Drive '^^| '^^M ^^^1 l^^| ^ ^ H ' i ^ | : Mr. Daniel Sullivan Manager of General Accountingj Ralston Purina Company ' 835 South Eighth Street St. Louis, Missouri 6310? CH 1-3600 . • • : ' . ' ' New Appointments • —————— Mr. Thomas P. Anderson 3375 Steed Drive = ' Florissant, • Missouri 63033 h r ' ^^| '^^H '.^^H I^H ^ I H ^ H Mr. John H. Patilmann Controller Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 721 Pestalozzi Street St. Louis,: Missouri 63118 PR 3-3100 ^': 1 A £;."•••"••••• >• ; : Mr. Donald Novatny Manager of Rates Laclede Gas Company 1017"Olive Street St. Louis, Missouri 63101 ,CE 1-3800 | t~- :^^H ' ^ | ^ | "'j^^^^^| '^^| ^ H '^i^H ^ ^ B ^^^1 ^ ^ ^ H ;^^l V -:' ,^1I^H '-;<'^H| ^ K „ , . * * • ' - '- : Kv • ; - - * , : => 6r < ' , 0 ' . . •"•• • .' , . . r . . ! - , - ' . . '. '•'"': . • ' ' I ' .. , . : : \ " ! ! . -. .. • I ' i v.. I-'1 ' : '._>.. i W.l/fk' Reappointments I §> h- ( Ir | : -" §*- Mr. Otto Blumfeldar Insurance Manager Halston Purina Company 835 S. 8th S t r e e t S t . Louis, Missouri 63102 ; • I--*' ' |; |; I | i : n ' ./ i •' r - : 'f • • |? •• : . I .....' • • • ' - • ; & • f. i" ' ' '. __ j~ . , .•/ • 'Mr. Charlea Bland, President I Bland & Company Cotton Belt Building 119• N. 4th Street St. Louis, Missouri. 63102 ' CE 1-3550 , '•''•• h - - ! !| I: r • ! , . !>'-" i? {! ' \J _ . . • ' ' ; _,' :• : ; ° .. • 1 1 ; { ^ , [•, % \\ '{< •• '' !"l * ' j; " : p ! ' ' " ' • ! j: ! H •: - ; • " ' : • ' ' • .' :'". . • : ' • • ' " " ' ' • • ' ! i '."''•' : ^ ', '•'•''•..;' I • : : :: : • , ' ' : : •• ' . • - . • -. , , 1 I i ; I ' • ' „ - i ' ' i; • ' i;! - . \ • ; . - . ; • • • • • : i ! " ' • ' ' ' ; ' ; •" • |: ' - • •••"!; • ' • L =. " ' . . ; ' _ : ?' r I. ; : " ' • ' ; I ! ; Mr. Hugh Hamilton Agency Manager Travelers Insurance Company 522-Olive St. Louis, Missouri 63101 C E 1-6900 ^ : : : .- •:- '••• |:"-•';; . j; . [J ! v ['j f;| •'• ;_ j Mr. William Franz ;' .: — Personnel Officer The Fireman Fur.;d-American Insurance Companies. 14 South 4th Street St, Louis, Missouri. 63102" "' p f~ (• 1, | f i I ; Mr. Vincent Bayer Resident Vice President Maryland Casualty Company Pierce Building St. Louis,Missouri 63102 MA 1-8600 - f._ ' ?" ' i : {; . jr • • r ;, I1 -•'''' : i New Appointments $ . I '~\'. ] ! ^ "" - ,|j jl [ ".,"'" !' , ij ; ; i ' Mr. Robert S. G. Hermanson C e r t i f i e d Life Underwriter 1015 Locust Street St. Louis, Missouri 63101 v \\ '. ••' * ••'r:.i |! 27. ' ; •'• Insurance Program Advisory Committee | , ' l ; : . ' '.» : • . . - : " . • • |' "-;' ; ; ! : ' ; . ! I: !! I * • ^ ... 1 »',! i . J » •- • - • . ; : , ' " !: ' . ! : '•' *- i : : " I " 28. | • • " • • - . ' ^ f : '-"• £ • ' . • • ':•'•• t ' i Reappointments : ' ' . . ' r • . . " — • • I • • •• - •:'; |; j; j . : ^ i : %'-". J; f ! "-•' - Dr. Andrew Eaton, Director of Libraries I Washington University .!•. ' Lindell and Skinker St. Louis, Missouri 63130 • ~ ' | Mr. Donnell Gaertner, Director St. Louis County Libraries 1640 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; St. Louis County, Missouri 63131 ._• . ' I !• • *' ~ '• ; * -' Miss Margaret Madden, Chief Librarian Monsanto Company 800 N. Lindbergli St. Louis, Missouri 63141 | 1f ^?jfljfc'. Mrs. Elizabeth Owens. Librarian 1140 Edward Terrace S¥, Louis, Missouri I | 4 _ |.•{_ r = |= |" ' -= • i • - j ' ~ _ . c i ! Mrs. Margaret Thompson Library Consultant Parkway School District Highway^ lAlr=& Ladue Road Chesterfield, Missouri ^ [ |V ; \ '< ; I I - !; S i s t e r M. M o y n c - , S . S . N . D . R o s a r y I ' a r i s h High S c h o o l 1720 Redman Avenue St. Louis, Missouri ()3i38 - ] : I I ' library Service Advisory Committee j | I' i Mr. Charles K.Zolt«;r, Librarian ; M c D o n n e l l Aircraft Corporation -r Lambert Field ' ' : •.St. Louis, Missouri 63166 j T ! j I I ^ N e w Appointments • ^ .- M r . E u g e n e Paul K e n n e d y , Director S t , Louis University Libraries 3655 West Pino S t , L o u i s , Missouri % ' I ' I II •_• - "' ' ' ,• • • ! • Mr. Joseph 11. Quady, Acting Librarian St. Louis Public L b r a r y i •-• 1 3 0 1 Olive i i | j j • I I ! ! '" r " ', ' I '•I " •:' ' ; ,. . • = -' |! • |: - : • ' " • ' : " '' ^ -' ; '-' ';. '.' • • ._ • '. >i ' ••'•!' ' l ' : , ' - •••• • • I;. . j "•.':•';& - , _i:n s ^-] The Board expressed its deep gratitude for the advice and services rendered I : .- •- :••• >f flp -; ' ' ' ' ' •'' • \ " '•' • :-• ' ' • • ! •.. education advisory committees last year, and;expressed its appreciation to each of the| newly appointed members for agreeing to serve on these committees for the 1968-69 I academic year. : - ':' ; \ 4. .__. • j •. ' ] PHYSICAL FACILITIES s i, - • - ~ ' - •• : • • - i . • ' . j • • • -.*. ! • 4.1 ' . . ' " ' . •:' • . - $- • ; ^- 0 j 5 i s, r V to The Junior College District by each of the members who served on these technical | f__ rt ';. |; : ; \: •,-> : • . -,: ; •;•. Status Report on Building Programs Mr. Lawrence F, O ' N e i M , Coordinator;of Physical Facilities, presented a p comprehensive Status Report of the Building Programs at the three colleges. i : 5. ! BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 5.1 Warrant Check Register Approval - August, 1968 ..._ • • .| • ' , The Warrant Check Register for August \ 1968, was presented to the Board for I. ' % -•• % - approval. - • - . . - . • •, r Whereupon, _on motion by Mrs. Bastiani, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with - the aye vote of all members of the Board, all expenditures made in accordance with the f Warrant Check Register for the month of August, 1968, were ratified and approved by fv' i: the Board. ••• "-' \ - ; • t:: % - ' - • _ R •' & $ I. * '-•' " -' . f > \ • - ' • • ' • • / • • ' " • • : : - " • ! - . • . . • ; " ' • • : : ' : ! < - • , • • . = • • T i ' i ;. V Ci "••'•- • • ! • . • - I' • = , • j : . 4- - A ' :, i . - " : ' _ • ?--:.-:~• ~ • • • * ! ' i • j : ^5.2 Ratification of Contract N o . 1057-MC -Electrical Outlets - MCC • _ — — _ — — — . — , , , , , , » , , " - ' - - • • i ; t The Board was requested to ratify a contract N o . 1057-MC between the District and Benson Electric Company, for electrical outlets at Meramec Community College, in the I amount of $1,220.00. ! ' -; Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board , if was ' * • \ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby ratify ond approve Contract N o . 1057-MC with Benson Electric Company for electrical outlets at Meramec Community College, fcr a total cost of $1,220.00, said funds to be! paid from the Building Fund of the District. V 5.3 I Ratification of Contract N o . 1056-MC - Wall & Door Location Revisions f MCC The Board was requested to ratify a contract N o . 1056-MCbetween the | : * \-- ^ f c District and A - M Construction Company for revisions to wall and door locations in the i L If: Communications South Building at Meramec Community College, to permit access to storage areas without entefring the classroom areas, in the amount of $993.00. | ^ Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with a - |/- ' ' • • ' ! the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was i • i • • . - |%--' t f | | f- • • . • • RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees doos hereby ratify and approve Contract N o . 1056-MC v/jj^h A - M Construction Company for revisions to wall and door locations in the Communications South building at Meramec Community Coliege, at a total cost of $993.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. ; ' f • \-, : - - X t-, • . ! I - - i, -u ] • " ' . : ; • ! • \ -s. — •• ' • • - ' • * ' • £ z - • I • ,. *~ '< ; r ? • ! • - ' - ' i: • i • - ' " • - ' • • . ' • • • j< : : I ! I S : ' - . • . ' j : • i' | 1 • ';': : • I '.--•' 5.4 '\ Acceptance of Grant - Missouri State D e p t . o f Education - NDEA Title III Funds L A' -——- |." ^ ^ The Board was requested to approve the acceptance of a grant from the iMissouri f .-•'. -.-_—— ...- r . . . _ I—™ . | • •':',-. *; State Department of Education in the amount of $ 9 0 , 6 3 6 . 4 3 , which is the 50% reimbursement ;v f t o the District for 1967-66 equipment purchases under N D E A , T i t l e I I I . +i £ Whereupon, on motion by M r s . Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with ' . the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was f I. %. 5? f RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept a grant i n the amount of $90,636.43 from the Missouri State Department of Education, to cover 50% reimbursement t o the District for 1967-68 equipment purchases under N D E A , T i t l e III program. 5 • • - • " * ' " *" '• ' ! 5,5 • ~ * j : | ! • - ' - • • : The Board was requested t o approve the rental of District property at 802 Couch Avenue o r f t h e western boundary o f Meramec Community C o l l e g e , to the President X-.. o f Meramec, D r . G l y n n E. C l a r k , and his wife Carolyn H . C l a r k , for $250.00 perjmonth 1; rental, on a monthly basis. The term of the lease is for one year, commencing on or about i October 1 5 , 1 9 6 8 , and ending J u l y 1 4 , 1969, renewable automatically unless terminated V"l ;: ',. 3 • " - . ' • " . • ~~~ - i j : • ; ' ' _:• " • " • - i i j Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Stewart!, and • w i t h the aye vote of a l l members o f the Board, it v/as RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize and approve the rental of District property at 802 Couch Avenue j. to Dr. Glynn:E. Clark and Caroiyh H. Clark, his w i f e , for $250.00 per month, - '. This lease shall t e r m i n a t e , at the option of the lessor, thirty days after D r . C l a r k shall cease to be President of Meramec Community C o l l e g e . f 3: I-••-:•[ • j; r: \.t • by either party. I \ ':: " I Rental o f JCD Property - 802 Coueh Avenue - M C C = ^^ • j - with -the.District to pay all utility charges, term of the lease commencing on or about October 15 , 1968 j j | "'-'• : ' • , *- 5.6 ' . ' . - • • . • I Ratification of Agreement - Towing of Illegally Parked Vehicles ... :-" ' of Trustees be and hereby Is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate lease agreement, in a form to be~approved by legal counsel for the District. r . ^ tT-^P 77 - FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Presfdenr of the Board -.FjPCC The Board was requested to ratify an agreement between the District ancl the • Metropolitan Towing Company to provide for removal! of currently licensed vehicles; : parked illegally at the Forest Park Community College. The District w i l l not be responsible • for any towing charges and Metropolitan Towing Company w i l l assess charges to the owners ^ of any vehicles towed. i ' ' * -'. '. lI I '. t; *., l^ J^ } yJ I " ' ' ' ' • ; ' • : ! Whereupon, Mrs. Bastian offered and moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby ratify and approve an agreement between the District and Metropolitan Towing Company to provide for.removal; of currently licensed vehicles illegally parked at the Forest Park Community College. Metropolitan Towing Company w i l l assess charges to the ov/ners of any vehicles towed, and the District assumes no responsibilty for any towing charges. , -. {l . . ' • . . • . ' \ j Sl j: ? Mr. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and|the I question being put to a v o t e , the motion carried five to one, Mr, Witte voting " NO" i -- f : • - ' \ = t i" f. ' ' . = I | '"' * j- 5.7 ]' ;/; ' .Ji !-.. Agreement to Supply Pre-owned Automobiles for Student Work - FPCC == The Board was requested to authorize and approve a n agreement between the -'••..' " V !: District and The Greater St. Louis Automotive Association, I n c . , and The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9, fcr supplying pre-owned! : automobiles for live-work fobs for students enrolled in the Automotive Technology Program at Forest Park Community College. Each automobile dealer supplying automobiles . . . ' w i l l pay a service fee to cover supply costs. • - ,, . • « i ; , • i\ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize and approve an agreement between the District and The Greater • St. Louis Automotive Association, Inc. | a n d The International Association of Machinists and AerospaceiWorkers, District 9, for supplying pre-owned automobiles for live-work jobs for students enrolled in the Automotive-Technology FYogram at Forest Park Community College, each automobile dealer supplying automobiles to pay a service fee to cover supply costs. f \: 1= v I J .. , r I'. j f. ^ __ ___ - ........ L " T ~ • 5.8 a j: .; i>.\_ . • j j • ! • ; ; i i | ;• . ; " FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President or Vice President of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with regard to supplying of pre-owned automobiles, in a form approved by counsel for the District. "• " j- v. "?\ Contract N o . M-0208 - Food Service Operator - MCG c. The Board was requested to accept the bid and award Contract No. M-0208, for £ • . P . . . ; \ i i - • 7 contract food service operation at Meramec Community College , to Macke Vendall Corporation, JL high bidder of monthly commission payable to the District in the amount of 10% of the gross v ^ ' ; . sales, commissions to be applied to the Auxiliary Services-Student Union Fund- Contract is for a twenty-two month period beginning November 1 , 1968. | i ' : Whereupon, on motion by Mr, Williamson, seconded by Mr . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, itwas ;. RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid, and awards Contract N o , M-0208, to Macke Vendall Corporation, for food service operation for Meramec Community College, for a twenty-two month contract period beginning November 1 , 1968, all in accordance with District specifications. Z FURTHER RESOLVED, That Macke Vendall Corporation will remit to the District 10% of the gross sales in accordance with the bid and with the specifications, -said revenues to be placed in the Auxiliary ServicesStudent Union Fund: ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board j ! ; i -•' • !. j• „ ' ':J . -- F - * . -.;• •• ' r • • • • i - ! •= • • " ' • 1 i: - \ ~ • 5.9 Bid N o . Q P 0 9 8 ^^ 0 '^ 6 ^' 1 0 ^ ^ Uniform Rental - FFCC The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid. N o . 000984, and; award ? an order for rental of maintenance-type uniforms for Forest Park Community College , to 5 Charles Todd Uni form Rental Service Company, I n c . , in the amount of $4,967.44 , for ; a one-year period beginning September 2 7 , 1968. The rental amount covers cost of I repairs, alterations, cleaning and replacement of uniforms. : Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with = the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the b i d , uider Bid N o . 000984, and awards an order to Charles Todd Uniform Rental Service Company, I n c . , for rental of maintenance-type uniforms for Forest Park Community College, rental to cover cost of repairs, alterations, cleaning and replacement of uniforms, for a one-year period beginning September 27, 1968, at a total cost of $4,967.44, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. r ^ '-_ : • * 5.10 Ratification of Contract N o . 1063-AN - Overhead D_oor_- 5545 West_ Park - FPCC The Board was requested to ratify a contract N o , 1063-inN between the District and Cox Brothers, I n c . , for furnishing and installing an overhead door at 5545 West Park for the Automotive Technology Program of Forest Park Community College, in the amount of$615.50. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and With the aye vote of all members of the Board, it 'tias : : -^ RESOLVED , That the Board of Trustees does hereby ratify and approve Contract N o . 1063-AN with Cox Brothers, I n c . , for furnishing and installing an overhead door at 5545 West Park for the Automotive Technology Program of Forest Park Community ~ College, all in accordance with District specifications, al a total cost of $615.50, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. = • • • " ' > * - * I ' J ; ~' ^ 5.11 _ " '' I Contract N o . 68-75 - Chalkboards and Tackboards- MCC The Board was requested .to accept the b i d , and award Contract No. 68-75, -• for chalkboards and tackboards for Meramec Community College, to Golterman and Sabo, Inc. >, l the low bidder meeting the specifications, in the amount of $3,858.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with ]~ the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and awards Contract N o . 68-75, to Golterman and Sabo, I n c . , for chalkboards and tackboards at Meramec Community College, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $3,858,00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. ; j FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is j authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District, w 5.12 Contract N o . 1058-FV - Power Outlets for Carrels - FVCC The Board was requested to accept the b i d , and award Contract N o . 1058-FV, for furnishing and installing power outlets and other related instructional equipment inlsixteen dial access carrels at Florissant Valley Community College, to Merit Electric Company, Inc., ; - the low bidder meeting the specifications, in the amount of $385.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and|with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was r [ I [ I |" _ _ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and awards Contract N o . 1058-FV, to Merit Electric Company, I n c . , for furnishing and installing power ouflels and other related instructional equipment in sixteen dial access carrels at Florissant Valley Community ! College, a l l in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $385.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. ; • I 4 ! 5.13 ' ^^ Contract N o , 1062-FP - Temporary Ramp for Handicapped Students - FPCC ~ THe Board was requested to accept the b i d , and award Contract No. 1062-FP, ' for construction of a temporary ramp for handicapped students for direct- access from the parking area at Forest Park Community College, to George L Cousins Contracting Company, the low bidder meeting the specifications, in the amount of $1,071.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with ;" the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was - RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and awards Contract N o . 1062-FP, to George L. Cousins Contracting Company, for construction of a temporary ramp for handicapped students for direct access from the parking area at Forest Park Community College, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $1,071.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of rhelDistrict. _ ; S', -FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate ^^ ^ ^ _ _ contract for and on behalf of rhe District, •5M Contract N o . 1061-FP - Outlets for C l o t h & X-Ray Machines - FPCC j . The Board was requested to accept the bid and award Contract No. 1061-FP, for installation of five additional outlets forelocks and two power outlets for x-ray machines at Forest fork Community Collqge, to Aschinger Electric Company, the sole bidder, in the amount of $1,215.00. > ']\ % Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, secohdedby Mr. Williamson, and with ; the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was - '••'•' M l •" I C\ • -^ •' i « -j * * "' RESOLVED, That the Board of Trusteesdoes hereby accept • the bid and awards Contract N o . 1061-FP, to Ascbinger Electric Company, for installation of fivejadditional outlets for clocks andtwo power^outlets for x-ray machines at Forest Park Community Col lege , all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost o f $ 1,215.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District; \.I' I • FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District. • M "^ .' 5.15 Contract N o . 68-47 - Street Washers - FVCC — The Board was requested to accept the bid and award Contract N o . 68-471, for additional street washers at Florissant Valley Community College, to Gartland Company, the low bidder meeting the specifications, and at a specified twenty days completion time, 1 ^ in the amount of $ 3 , 8 1 4 . 0 0 . ' = ' I o Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was - :• „ ; ? RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and awards Contract N o . 68-47, to Gartland Company,, for additional street washers at Florissant Valley Community College, at a specified twenty days completion time, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $3,814,00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. : FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District- \ . - i " :"^. ' : . ' .. ' ? __ j c, i • i '; ' • l ! W i ' . ' i ' !• . . ,, •-• " ' • , " -' * : . i = -: - ' . - • ' - . • : _ ' • • l • : J ' ' . :." - ; •• • . • • . ; : • . • . - . . ' . • . .• - . . : • I ' ':' " ! !l & 5.16 Contract N o . 68-48 - Seeding & Sodding Athletic Field^3 - FVCC | • The Board was requested to accept the bid and award Contract No. 68-48, for seeding and sodding of Athletic Field ^3 at Florissant Valley Community College, to Echo Contracting/ Inc. / t h e iow bidder meeting the specifications, in the amount of: • $5,670.00. ' Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was „ J ! \ FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District. ^ ^B ^ - i*~ $ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the -bid and awards Contract N o . 68-48, to Echo Contracting, I n c . , for seeding and sodding of Athletic Field "3 at Florissant Valley Community College, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $5,670.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. ! . _ ! { A 6. £. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 i: I Junior College Disirict Enrollments >-„ Mr. Paul H. Connole and the college Presidents made the following report to "; the Board on enrollments for Fall , 1968: r College: ~ Students Credit Hours Full-Time Equivalency ; Florissant Valley 3,567 39,075 3256.25 Forest Park 4,760 48,380 4031.66 Meramec 3,733 41,445 3453.75 -The growth of the District is indicated by the following figures on student i enrollments: A W February, 1963 - ^ September, September, September, September, September, September, - 1,998 4,883 6,894 8,087 10,131 12,060 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 798 : Upon motion by Mrs. Bastlan, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the unanimous vote of a l l members of the Board, the Report on Enrollments for Fall, 1968, was accepted > and approved. 7 ' C 2^ M U N E Y _^ E 4I12^ I S 7.1 Report on Council of North Central junior Colleges Conference Dr. Clark reported to the Board on the Council of North Central'Junior Colleges Conference to be held at the Chase-Park Plaza, October 6 , 7 , and 8, 1968. Dr. Clark distributed copies of the Convention Program and invited the Board to participate. The r \ • 8. : NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Endorsement of Constitutional Amendment ^1 . ' • _ ~ i Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board of Trustees endorse Constitutional Amendment ^ 1 , which would make it possible to approve school bonds and general obligation bonds by a 60% majority vote instead of the present 66 2/3% majority vote. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mrs. Bastian/and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was t} = RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby endorse the proposed Constitutional Amendment f l which, if passed, w i l l make it possible to approve school bonds and general obligation bonds by a 60% majority vote . 9, ^ P ^ ^ M E N ^ m± v '"' " Board fYesident Ruffin asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, this meeting was adjourned at 9;30 P.M, ' ' \ II \ " i'\ Respectfully submitted, ~ j . " . - -- Frances Clausen Johnson | (Mrs. W. Mac Lean Johnson) Secretary, Board of Trustees • The Junior College District of | St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri i ' *>• i. « £ THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ATr AUSTIN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AUSTIN,'TliXAS 78712 Professor and Consultiint hi Junior College Education GRcenwooJ j-36.w September 16, 1968 Dr. Joseph P. Cosand President Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Dear Joe: • The delay in my acknowledging my thanks for the hospitality shown me during my recent visit to the Forest Park campus is certainly no index on the sincerity with which my thanks are expressed. Doctors Moore, Snead and Baxter really roled out the red carpet for me and I was able to get the information which 1 wanted so much from Dr. Moore. It was a pleasure having the opportunity to have lunch and conversation with you. at noon on the day I was there. Again, Joe, thanks for everything. Sincerely, (James W. Reynolds Professor and Consultant in Junior College Education JWR/dor 1 !' n i i Tllf JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - SI. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT AUGUST 30, 1068 Balance as of 8/1/68 ~ Plus Receipt s: Tax Revenue Interest Income Student fees ' GiTts & Grants -Due to Debt Service Due to and from other Funds Accounts Receivable Deposit Accounts Slate. Aid Miscellaneous Total Receipts Less Disbursements: Salaries (Net) O p e r a t i n g E>.pcnsc Capital r u t l a y P a y r o l l l.'i t l h o l d i n g T r a n s f e r t o o t h e r Funds Debt Service : Fund Current Fund Plant Fund $ 2,761,661 .OA $19,061,216.5?- $ $ $....".' 35,088.07 $ 16,798.82 )'i,707.^2 2,273-20 70,316.50 5,130.17 15,250.0*1 1,685.17 2,423-00 3,497,120.00 2,734.38 : $ 3,628,529720, $ : 314,827.07 158,848.40 30,872.38 76,02.4.73 52,747.49: studopi r-nrrmls M i see 1 I ar eoi s Total j 6,060.l8 ; 10,670.97 ..i '"- ' 11,058.49 , $ 998.00 47,14475(7 $...7 17,474.80 1,130,147.47 13,973.27 .. ..: . . .......7 ..;... $ : 16,731 TTs" $............. ..: ..; ..J 3,965.60 Disbursements Balance as o f 8 / ; . 0 / 6 8 ... 652 • ' 6 $~~ 637,93'7TBJ $ 1 ,161 ,595755" $ 5,752,252.41 $17,946,765.54 $ 1.750.00 221,196.58 _!.,!J?n,3_Ofi.8_3_ $ •\Y2[^h?}/l2ih 1438,611.63.. $ R e c o n c i l i a t i o n of Warrant. Check R e g i s t e r t o D i s b u r s e m e n t s : Warrant Check Ren i s l o r $7,787,937.83 $2,846,956.40 Less I n v e s t m e n t s (7,150,000.00-) (l ,449,703.33-) Interfund Transfers (25.1,000.00-) Correct ion o f P r i o r Month ' s Expense _^_. _._. ^ - 1 5 , 34 7.47_ Tc-t.il Disbursements L..3^ZU!iLM IZLIEEL^I'LLZL . $..; 76,957-23 17,869,808^31_ in^[JLilfi'h!?i ;'... S..;.......777 j balance ar, n f 8 / * 0 / 6 8 c o n s i s t s o f : Petty ( m h Cash i n f a n U Invcstincnts -. hi) ,880.48 18,611.63 ;420,000,00 LIISZLLS $ 170,000.00 (170,000.00-) ...; . I^J_J_^_ZJ_IJJL IL^JJJ ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 - THE JUNIOR COLLCGF DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI ... \ '•,'-' "\ v --.._.;,.:..—' TREASURER'S REPORT AUGUST 30, I968 - page 2 - Balance as of 8/1/68 Plus Receipt^-: Auxiliary Services Student Activity Income Motes Receivable Due fron o':her Funds Interest: Income Miscellaneous Total Receipts Less Disbursements: Salaries Operating Expense., Notes -Receivable Auxiliary Services Due other Funds Miscellaneous Total Disbursements Balance as of 8/30/63 Balance as of 8/30/68 consists of Petty Casr Cash in P«-nks lnvc-,ti-i«nls Student Aid = - j> '16,131 .06 $ Student Act i v i t y $ hUllj^l $ • -•• 1T755.?->-. 36,717.21 179.5') JQ M ' I jStudcnt ; Union .TS 1 200,016.93 $ : 1,732.82 .i •'• ••• '18J63.88 ~. 37-99 $ ?,8,751.99 ~$ $ 32,133-60 $ 37-99" 1,011.58 2,093-00 A2 $' 't9,8j)7.12 '! $.| \; .j '167.36 ] '1,061.89 100.00 11'l ,661.70 6,'188.38 700-00 1,111.58 $ I 122,317.W _^20^00. $ I 127,536.61 _^^_-_^_-_IJJ_IJ_ ..$ J8,288j9. - $ $ 46,59^.56 $ •• '|6,59'».56 .AJJ,:.L'j.-^s„ :;_o_!!L^lJ^ $ $ $> '1,201.00 _I^-1^:-I^^_IJ. i_ MO'-00 200.00 27,396.61 ,_i_.J!)0.'000-00 $^ -127,596.61 Reconciliation of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: < Warrant Check Register . $. 6,15'i.«9 $ 1,111-58 $i 122,517.Ml l.fss Investments -• _ ••• •• ~ 1 ulcrfunci Transfers 32,13^-1)0 , • Petty Cash Disbursements^ -_J_^_I^_L:.^_I_^. • (200.0Q-) 8 2 Total Disbursements 3 3LJ^Mi L. .J'l'-LJ. . iLj? .'31?-^ • " - " j " * : ! . ' • - • • : THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI : , • Pur. From Type of Inv. ! j ' TREASURER'S REPORT: SCHEDULE A_ ; INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1968 ; Purchase Date - til Rate Maturity Date ! j !' Maturity Value Cost - i Interest ! Earned GENERAL FUND BoanaMiiiMna Balance as of 8/1/68 Plus Purchases: - 8/12/68 6 ! 8/13/68 10 8/13/68 10 8/13/68 10 , 8/13/68 12 f 8/13/68 3 ; 8/13/68 12 : 8/13/68 12 s 8/13/68 3 , 8/13/68 12 * Total Purchases 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) ' " Less M a t u r i t i e s : , . - 8/12/680' 3 ll/H/68 12 2 -- ' Total M a t u r i t i e s $ 2,280,000.00 $ 2,279,305.83 $; $| ,, 5.75 6.00 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 ~ 8/13/68 12/13/68 12/20/68 3/IV69 3/31/69 V15/6&, V30/69 5/15/69 5/30/69 6/13/69 $ 3,500,000.00 150,000.00 400,000,00 150,000.00 700,000.00 150,000.00 700,000.00 150,000.00 700,000.00 550,000.00 $ 7,150,000.00 $ 3,500,000.00 150,000.00 AOO.OOO.OO 150,000.00 700,000.00 150,000.00 700,000.00 150,000.00 700,000.00 550,000.00 $ 7,150,000-00" .. I l L[: [ \ ;...,..... •!.....'..., V\ 5-75 5-50 8/13/68 8/30/68 $3,500,000.00 400,000.00 $ 3,900,000.00 $3,500,000,00 400,000.00 •$""'3,900,000.00' $! 559.03 ,- I Hi, 238.89 HPl,797.92 : "' i Balance as of 8/30/68. : $ 5,530,000.00 .; * $ 5,529,305-83 CONSTRUCTION FUND J . Balance as of 8/1 /68 No Purchase or Maturities :•. Balance as of 8/10/68 . |i $ ^ 800,000.00 $ , ^Q0/.Q00_-_0_0 $ $ $ $..!..,.,..;... 800,000.00, $ $.i V .,,, %,\ 800,000.00 $. [ •»•••• '" STUDENT UNION FUND Balance as o f 8 / 1 / 6 8 . ; _$ ^^ 10_0_i 000=. _0£ $__ Jp£j000.p0 No Purclur.o or M.ilur 11 \o\, "$..., .. $ Balance as c f 8/30/68. • $_._JP^,jOjOO,00_ $ $J........ , $,J. . . . . , , . '. ,',' j 00,000.00 $J.,,,,... ,', THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI j: j TREASURER'S REPORT i SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, I968 - page 2 - I j; | ! \ ) ? : Purchase Date * ~ ; T Pur. From YPe of ! nv. - Rate J Balance as of 8/1/68 Plus Purchases*. 3/22/68 9 " Mo M a t u r i t i e s 2 (a) 6.00 1/30/69 -•- ^ B a l a n c e as of 8/1/68 Cost 250,000.00 $ $ 170,000.00 $ - 170,000.00 $j- • • • • ••••• $• $•'•'' 't20,000=.00 $_ $ 250,000.00 ^20^000.00_ ..',..,_. $17,935 ,000.00 $17 ,919 ,808.31 5/15/69 8/22/68 5/15/69 5/22/69 Less Maturities: 8/15/68 2 1 5.00 \5/31/68 12 - 2 (a) 6.00 2/16/68 10 2 5.50 2/16/68 3 2 5.50 2/16/68 3 2 5.JJO 2/16/68 9 2 5.50 V25/68 10 2 6.00 / :• Total Maturities • . • - .: • . ' 8/22/68 $ 300,000.00 $ 299,708.33 8/29/68 380,000.00 380,000.00 8/15/68 220,000.00 220,000.00 8/8/68 300,000.00 300,000.00 8/15/68 'i00,000.00 'lOO.OOO.OO 8/8/68 200,000.00.., 200,000.00 8/22/68 ~500-000.00 500,000.00 n V2,300,000,00 5X299,708.33 j (a) Compounded D M l y $|..., j ,^_ BUILDING FUND Plus Purchases: \ 8/8/68 12 2 (a) 6,25 * 8/15/68 2 1 5.00 -'8/22/68 9 2 (a) 6.25 8/29/68 12 2 (a) 6.25 ': Total Purchases ) Balance as of 8/30/68. Interest I Earned .$ $• ; Balance as of 8/30/68 * ; Maturity Maturity Date Value DEBT SERVICE FUND $ '^00,000.00 $ 'i00,000.00 300,000.00 •: . 25*9,708.33 " '(00,000.00 l|O0,O00.00 350,000-00 " 3!i0,000.00 $ 1 ,<i50,000,00 5TTP»9,70B.33 .$17,085,000.00 LlL.069,8o8.J^ j $... !;...; I 1$ i !$ ' 291.67 j 5,723.67 j 6,000.27 ! 7,975-00 11,061.111 !• 5,316.66 \ "9,780.80 |$ hb,m.W \$ ' •"•'-- SCHEDULE .B ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, I968 l - page T - - Fund No. Fund Names ' - ' - - 031 MO Project #3-1175 044 MO Project ? > 1760 '-059 ^ ^ ^ HO. Project #3-1761 060 -If MO Project #3-2343 061 MO Project #36-00291-0 . 067 — :• MO Project #36-00292-0 ^ "' - Student Union Fund _- - - - ' • • • r ; ~ . . ' . . " ' - • ' k ~~ ~ - " • ; . - y • • * ' . . • • " • $... ..' 1,365-13 •••• • . . ' - f. - '"' $ 1,113.08 7,073-37 | 7,073-37 153,135-86 jl59,550.«9 29,196.75 J29,242.3? 52,498.06 52,619.56 408,41 i»08 4,620.42 10,750.38 ,--.--. '•• .- 471.33 $ 12,282.58 $683,686.86 ; ' : j: i 1,527-93- 1,527-93; .......... "" J445.342.03 -- 434,591-65 .......... 958 |. 4,620.42 j r - , ' j ' .-• . , , <• * , , 471.33 $701,369.44 - h ; •- J"\ $ .1,113.08 ^ • - ^5.57 121.50 • . ! | Total i $... " Hr $ 911 Vocational Educational Act 1368-69 - Trade & Industry ; \ Capital Outlay 068 !-. -v - . Operating Expense 101 Office of Education Title VI Category I - 1968-69 -f- | PLANT FUNDS MO Project #3-0020 — ' '• Salaries ':-'•.. | I 1 : • '• • i i ' . • 1 j ••;••• i" '•' ' y SCHEDULE B ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED"FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH-OF. AUGUST,'1968: »•• - . •' Fund _ - Fund Names j ! j Operating No, Salaries Capital Expense . ", ;• Outlay j Total CURRENT RESTRICTED FUNDS , Kellogg Foundation Ford Foundation ; " S $ O63 51^.00 106.86 ! 620.86 Danforth Foundation 064 1,15^.66 157.26 ll.3H.S2 "AME Campus Goverance Program 066 AAJC Demographic Study - TPCC 072 1 ,980.84 $6,519.72 17-70 17-70 87.15 |2,067.99 $ 7^5.60 $ 6,519-72 Fund O p e r a t i n g -• No. Expense ' 003 $ College Work Study Pronran 032 -} •: Fund Names N0SL A, • *i>'-;--- $ . , . - • • » • ; . ' • • • • " . . - •.-•- - $ 812.91 $18,078.23 I ^56.26 $ 289-34 STUDENT AIP FUNDS ;•'" 812.91 456.26 . _ '\kt0k2.k& Esso Foundation Less Accruals of PICA l. Retirement —;.- $ U 17.28 359-35 :. ; $ 2,870.22 - =_-; 17.28 0^8 , -• 027 $ 812.91 $ 17,621.97 - ; Notes Receivable Other $2,093.00 i Total $ —• $12,093.00 _^_:_uu^- 32,133-60 32,133.60 $2,093.00 $32,133-60 $3^,226.60 : ' . . ! • . . ' . . = -_. ~: m i | I | \ | ! • '_ Original Budget 1968-69 = Revised Budget Ii6JK>_9_ Actual » Actual- Over as of or Under 8/31/68 ( ) Budget %|Actual to Rev. Budget Revenue: , -_ Tax Receipts: ^ City of St. Louis $ 1,813,000 $ 1,813,000 $ \h,22\ $ (1 ,798,77$)) ! 0.8 St. Loui-i County 2,385,000 2,385,000 : 8,I'll- (2.,376,855)) 0.3 Jefferson County 1,000 1,000 (1,000) ' 1 Franklin County 1,000 1,000 (1,000) [ State of Missouri 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,^97,120 ' (2,880) 199.9 Student Maintenance Fees 2,650,000 2,650,000 (5,770)a (2,655,770) [.... Federal Aid _ 100,000 100,000 (100,000) >.... Interest Income ~ 150,000 150,000 '(0,236 (I09,76'i) ; 26.8 Other Income _^U_^J_I_U_L 1 ,3^2 I ,3;'2 [ ' :• The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri ; Current Operating Budget Analysis Revenue and Expenditure Comparison of Budget to Actual = as of August 31, 1968 Total --Appropriations of prior year's fund $10,600,000 $10,600,000 $3,555,290 $(7,0¥»,710) 670,000 670,000 670,000 •• $11,270,000 £11,270,000 $'l,225,290 - $ 7,921,582 2,3^7,709 280,709 $ 8,260,853 $3,^69,^20 $(4,791,433) I'll.9 2,370,850 ; 1,287,198 (1,083,652) :5^.3 r 2/8,91'i 11 li ,030 • (l6'i,88 >) - I'i0.8 Total President's, Growth Fund $10,550,000 720,000 $10,910,618 $4,870,648 359_j82_ $11,270,000 $11,270,000 TOTAL j 3 3.5 JOO.O £J7 .O'l'l ,71_Q| -! 37.5 Expenditures: ^ Salaries Operating Expense . Capital Outlay : TOTAL ? " Includes Encumbrances a Summer School" Refunds $(6,039,970) J44.6 ' (359,382) .!.... $4,870,648 . L(6jj99,352). _]^3.2 |i ; * » Schedule A The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri Current Operating Budget Analysis Expenditure Comparison of Budget to Actual By Col lege as of August 31, 1968 Original Budget 1968-69 Revised Budget 1968-69 BB •! ; l •• H % Actual ;to Rev. Budget Actual ••' Actual- Over as of or Under 8/31/68 ( ) Budget c '^| =. J^k , ,. l H ; Florissant Valley Community College: Salaries Operating Lxpcnse $2,271,683 ^75,537 $2,368,887 481,835 62,770 62,770 Capital" Outlay To ] ^ _ $ 2,809,990 $ 2,913,552 Forest Park Community College: Salaries Operating Expense Meramec Community College: Salaries Operating Expense Capital Outlay T °tal District Office - $ 2,558,221 578,286 6,100 To.tal $0,469,024) (235,923) 137.9 51.1 H • (43,?99) I 31.0 • $(1,748,2.46) '' 39.9 H IS,#i7.\. $1,165,306 ^ $ 2,484.449 573,851 Capital Outlay $ 899,863 245,972 $ 3,064,400 6_,^J3J_ $ 3,142,788 ,. - $ 881,128 302,389 $(1,677,093) (275,»97) 1,720 $1,185,237 34.4 I 52.3 (4,561) ! 27.4 $(1,957,551) ' 37-7 $2,365,114 $ 2..462,576 $ 866,371 $(1,596,205) ! 35.2 517,739 533,991 268,147 (265,344) I- 50.2 30,665 30,665 5,538 (25,127) 1 18.1 $ 2,923,518 ,$ 3,027,232 $1,140,056 $(1,887,176) i_17_:Z $ 800,336 770,582 181,174 $ 871,169 776,678 179,199 $ 822,058 470,690 87,301 $ (49,111) 1.94.4 (305,988) i 60.6 (91,898) ; 48.7 L L B - 7 - ^ $',380,049 $ (446,997) \..J3,1 President's Grov/th Fund $__ 720,000 $ $ $ GRAND TOTAI $11 ,270,000 $11 ,270,000 $4,870,648 $(6,399,352) j 43-2 "•'" I n c l u d e * " ; Fnr.iimhrnnrnc H • '''- H H ^ H H H M H ^M $ U7.52,.09? Total ' :IH h ^ -Salaries Operating Expense Capital Outlay ^ H 359,382 (359,382) | H H • H | H ^M -^^H