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M O N D A Y , NOVEMBER 2 7 , 1967 - 8:00 P. M .
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of
St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, was held on Monday, November 2 7 , 1967,
at the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e , 5600 O a k l a n d A v e n u e , St. Louis, Missouri.
Roll C a l l
The President of the Board, Mr.Joseph G . Stewart, called the meeting to order
at 8:03 p . m .
The f o l l o w i n g members were present:
Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian
Messrs. Lester C . G e i l
G u y S. Ruffin
Joseph G . Stewart
G e r a l d V . Williamson
Donald M . Witte
Dr. Cosand, President of the D i s t r i c t , was present for the beginning of this meeting
but was excused because of illness.
Also present at this meeting were Dr. G l y n n C l a r k ,
Vice-President-Campus Director; Dr. R. W i l l i a m G r a h a m , V i c e President-Campus Director;
M r . Raymond S t i t h , V i c e President-Campus Director;
M r . J o h n C . Robertson, V i c e Presides
for Business; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Coordinator of Finance and Treasurer of the Board of
^ ^
Trustees; M r . Paul H . C o n n o l e , Assistant To The President and Secretary of the Board of
Trustees; M r . Lawrence F. C ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Lucinda
Schufz, Community Relations Assistant; M r . J . C . Lasmanis and Dr. M i l t o n Jones,
Administrative Interns — a l l of The Junior College District staff.
Also present was
M r . Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale , Kramer & V a u g h a n , counsel
for the D i s t r i c t .
Board President Stewc?? asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
October 2 3 , 1967. Wherei_ ! pon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n ,
and with the aye vote of a l i members of the Board, the Minutes of the Regular M e e t i n g of
October 2 3 , 1967 were approved as submitted.
1 .4
Welcome to Guests
M r . Stewart welcomed M r . Roger Y o c k e y , newspaper reporter from the St. LouisGlobe Democrat.
Dr. G l y n n Clark introduced M r . Heider Nawob and M r . Roger AAilton, interns i n
I u e Junior College District
Midwest Technical Education Internship Program.
Dr. R. W i l l i a m Graham introduced M r . Dean Dunbar, Assistant Dean of InstructionContinuing Education, and Mr. Joseph Lonigro, Supervisor of Plant Operations at the
Forest Park Community College.
M r . Raymond Stith introduced two members of the Florissant V a l l e y Community
College intramural and
crhletic s t a f f - M r . W i l l i a m M i l l e r and M r . Peter Sorber.
M r . Sorber displayed the championship trophy won by the soccer team.
He commended
the soccer team on its sporcsmanship and said the District should be very proud o f this
M r . Stewart expressed congratulations to the soccer team on behalf of the Board of
Mrs. Juanita N o v a k , recording secretary for the Board, read the following correspondence:
Letter addressed to Dr. Cosand from Colonel E. Randolph . Chief of
Ferguson Police expressing appreciation to The Junior College District for its interest i n
upgrading law enforcement in the metropolitan St. Louis area through course offerings at the
St. Louis County and M u n i c i p a l Police Training Academy.
1 .6.2
Letter from Rcymond W . Hensley, Superintendent of Police of
St. Louis County conveying thanks and appreciation to The Junior College District for the
introduction of two law enforcement courses currently being taught at the St. Louis County
and M u n i c i p a l Police Academy and for the professional accomplishments attained by the
individual police officers.
1 .7
Treasurer's Report
The Board was requested to approve the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary
Reports for the month of November, 1967.
Upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and with the aye vote of
a l l members of the Board, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month
of November, 1967 were approved as submitted.
Ratification of Investments
The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the District
for which bids had been received In accordance with Board p o l i c y .
- 3 -
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by Mrs. Bastian and with the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g investments made on behalf of The Junior
College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby a r e , r a t i f i e d ,
approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees:
Building Fund
$400,000.00 U . S . Treasury B i l l , purchased November 13, 1967, from
First N a t i o n a l Bank on a 3 . 7 0 basis, to mature November 16, 1967, for
a total cost o f $ 3 9 9 , 8 7 6 , 6 7 .
$500,000.00 U . S . Treasury B i l l , purchased November 16, 1967, from
Mercantile Trust Company on a 3*75 basis, to mature November 2 4 , 1967,
for a total cost o f $ 4 9 9 , 5 8 3 . 3 3 .
$600,000.00 U . S . Treasury B i l l , purchased November 16, 1967, from
First National Bank on a 3.75(+$3.00) basis, to mature December 7 , 1967,
for a total cost of $ 5 9 8 , 6 9 0 . 5 0 . $400,000.00 Repurchase Agreement, purchased November 1 0 , 1967, from
Mercantile Trust on a 3.75 basis, to mature November 1 3 , 1967, for a
total cost o f $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 .
C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Correction of Board Approval - 1 1 / 1 3 / 6 7
The Board was requested to approve correction of part-time employment of Kathleen A .
Dempsey, previously approved by the Board at its meeting of November 13, 1967.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That correction of part-time employment of Kathleen A . Dempsey,
previously approved by the Board at its meeting of November 13, 1967, be and
hereby is changed from 5 credit hours 3? $200 per credit hr. to 4 credit h o u r s ®
$250 per credit h r . , e f f e c t i v e
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Certificated Personnel - Ford Internship Candidates - Second Semester 1967-68
The Board was requested to approve the employment of teaching interns, i n accordance
w i t h a Ford Foundation grant j o i n t l y administered by The Junior College District and
Southern Illinois University.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . R u f f i n , and with the aye vote
of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be appointed as Teaching
Interns for the second semester, 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 , in accordance with the terms of the
Ford Foundation budget funded for this purpose, and to receive a grant at the
salary classification hereinafter set forth:
Vincent J . Cavanaugh - FVCC - l / 2 x V - 6 - Effective 1 / 2 2 / 6 8
Charles A . Tucker - MCC - l / 2 x I V - 6 - Effective 1 / 2 2 / 6 8
Certificated Personnel - Reclassification
The Board was requested to approve reclassification of certain c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . R u f f i n , and with the aye vote
of a l l members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve reclassification
o f c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said
classification having been previously adopted by the Board:
John T . Yoder, I I I - F V C C - From: Teaching Intern l / 2 x V - 3
Assistant Professor Science l / 2 x V - 3 - Eff. 1 / 2 2 / 6 8
Lucius E. Guese - FVCC - From: Counselor V I - 4
Division Chairman - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the existing employment contracts w i t h the above
c e r t i f i c a t e d employees be amended to reflect the above changes i n c l a s s i f i c a t i o n .
- 5 -
C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Part-Time O v e r l o a d
The Board was requested to approve employment of M r . Bruce L . Stinchcomb for
four a d d i t i o n a l c r e d i t hours above his regular teaching responsibilities at the Florissant
V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . R u f f i n , and w i t h the aye vote
of a l l members o f the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees dou% hereby approve employment of
the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel for additional duties and to receive
additional s a l a r y , a l l as hereinafter set o u t :
Bruce L. Stinchcomb - FVCC - V - I Science - 7 / 8 x 4 c r . hrs. '•'
Effective 10/1/67
2 .5
C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Part-Time - Termination
The Board was asked to approve the release of Hugh W . Barber from a p a r t - t i m e
contract as a Business Administration teacher at the Meramec Community C o l l e g e .
Whereupon, o n motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . R u f f i n , and w i t h the aye
vote of a l l mftrr.bfws o f the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board o f Trustees does hereby approve the release
from a p a r t - t i m e contract of M r , Hugh W . Barber, Business Administration
instructor at the Meramec Community C o l l e g e , e f f e c t i v e November 1 , 1967.
Classified Personnel - Full-Time Employment
The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel.
Whereupon, o n motion by hAr. Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the
aye vote of a l l members o f the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by
The Junior C o l l e g e District in the position and at the sa'ary classification
hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously
approved by the Board:
Armstrong, W i l l i s N . - FVCC - Security O f f i c e r - 3A - 11/18/67
C h a m b e r l a i n , D a v i d A . - FVCC - Security O f f i c e r - 3 - A - 11/28/67
Droege, J o a n R. - FPCC - Secretary I - 6 - A - 11/28/67
L a t t r a y , Anna M . - C O - Library Assistant - 6-A - 11/28/67
Lewis, Chandler M . -
FVCC - Groundsman - 3-A - 11/28/67
Peterson, Josephine A . - FPCC - Administrative C l e r k - 5 - A - 11/28/67
Temmen, Richard M . - FVCC - Messenger - l-B - 11/28/67
Classified Personnel - Six Month Increment
The Board was requested to approve salary increases for classified personnel having
satisfactorily completed their first six-month probationary period w i t h the D i s t r i c t .
Whereupon, o n m o t i o n by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, I t was
RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel, having completed their
first six-month probationary employment period w i t h the D i s t r i c t , be granted
a salary increase at the classification hereinafter set o u t :
Brown, G e r a l d i n e - FPCC - Secretary I - From:
C a s t i g l i o n i , Louis F. - FPCC - Maintenance Mechanic - From: 11-A
To: I l-B
Herbert, Ronald L . - FPCC - Watch Engineer - From l l - A
I l-B
Classified Salary Schedule - N e w Job Position - Procurement Assistant
The Board was requested to approve a new position o f "Procurement Assistant"
at Range 12 to be included i n the existing "Classified Salary Schedule and Positions
Descriptions" M a n u a l .
Whereupon, o n motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the new
of "Procurement Assistant" at the salary classification designated i n
of the Classified Salary Schedule previously approved by the Board,
said position be included i n the existing "Classified Salary Schedule
Positions Descriptions" M a n u a l .
Range 12
and that
Classified Personnel - Request For Leave O f Absence
The Board was requested to approve a Leave of Absence for Janet W o o d w o i t h ,
secretary at the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e for the period December I , 1967 through
February 1 , 1968.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye
vote o f a l l members of the Board present, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve a leave o f
absence without pay for Janet Woodworth for the period December 1 , 1967
through February 1 , 1968.
Classified Personnel - Reclassification
The Board was requested to approve reclassification o f Carrie M . Baker of the
Florissant V a l l e y staff, from Stenographer II - 5B to Secretary I - 6 A .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the
aye vote of a l l members o f the Board, i t was
- 3 -
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the reclassification
of the following classified employees at the salary classification hereinafter set
o u t , said salary classification having been previously adopted by the Board:
Carrie M . Baker - From: Stenographer II - 5B
Secretary i - 6A - Effective November 1 , 1967
Classified Personnel - Port-Time Continuing
The Board was requested to approve the employment of classified personnel for
p a r t - t i m e continuing employment.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be employed by The
Junior College District on a part-time continuing employment basis, at the
salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having
been previously approved by the Board, said compensation to be on a n
hourly basis:
Carol J . Barrington - FVCC - Community Relations Assistant - 1/2 time - 8C Effective 1 1 / 2 8 / 6 7 .
C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Administrative Appointment
The Board was requested to approve the administrative appointment of M r . Robert D .
Drummond as Assistant Coordinator - Publications and Printing in the Central O f f i c e of
the D i s t r i c t . D r . Cosand mentioned that this is a new job position and is necessary because
of the increased volume of printed materials being prepared and distributed by the D i s t r i c t .
WhefeurA^n.. on motion by M r , G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, if v/as
RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g administrative personnel be employed i n
the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said
salary classification having been previously approved by the Board:
Robert D . Drummond - C . O . - Assistant Coordinator-Publications and Printing Step 1 - Effective December 18, 1967.
The motion carried five to o n e .
M r s , Bastion abstained from v o t i n g .
- 9 -
The Board requested a report w i t h i n six months on the progress o f this new
administrative p o s i t i o n .
Mrs. Jeanne M i l d e r , Assistant Professor of Music at the Forest Park Community
C o l l e g e , demonstrated *c the Board piano instruction on the electronic p i a n o .
the use of electronic d i a l s , sound emission can be c o n t r o l l e d , thus decreasing sound
disturbances i n classroom piano instruction.
With the electronic p i a n o , the instructor
c a n , with the use o f earphones, givo specialized student instruction or permit several
students to play the same arrangement simultaneously without disturbing the remainder
of the class.
M r s . M i l d e r commented that she has found the electronic piano a very
e f f e c t i v e instructional instrument.
Acceptance O f Bids For Auditorium-Lecture Center - FPCC
Bids were received for the construction of the Auditorium-Lecture Center at
the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e .
Dr. Cosand recommended the Board accept the base
bid of the low hinders for the construction of the Auditorium-Lecture Center at the Forest
Park Community C o l l e g e .
Whereupon, o n motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote
o f a l l members of the Board, i t was
^ ^
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District
does hereby accept the base bids of the f o l l o w i n g low bidders for
construction o f the Auditorium-Lecture Center Building at the Forest
Pork Community College under Contract N o . 6 7 - 5 , in'accordance with
District plans and specifications:
- 10-
General Contractor
Hoe I -Stef fen Construction Company
H e a t i n g , V e n t i l a t i n g , & Air Conditioning Subcontractor
Gross Engineering Company
$ 284,764.00
Plumbing end Sprinkler Subcontractor
G a r t l a n d Company, I n c .
Electrical Subcontractor
Aschinger Electric Company
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board o f Trustees is hereby authorized
and directed to enter into a contract w i t h Hoel-Steffen Construction Company for the
completion of the Auditorium-Lecture Center at the Forest Park Community College
for a total cost of $ 1 , 7 4 3 , 7 1 2 . 0 0 w i t h the c o n d i t i o n that the General Contractor
enter into contracts with the following subcontractors for the amount indicated for
the h e a t i n g , v e n t i l a t i n g , and air c o n d i t i o n i n g , plumbing and sprinkler w o r k , and
e l e c t r i c a l work tc be done on the p r o j e c t , a l l i n accordance with plans and s p e c i fications previously submitted to said subcontractors and on f i l e with the D i s t r i c t :
Gross Engineering Company - H e a t i n g , V e n t i l a t i n g , and A i r
Conditioning Subcontractor - i n the total amount of $ 2 8 4 , 7 6 4 . 0 0 .
GarMand Company, I n c . - Plumbing and Sprinkler Subcontractors i n the total amount of $ 1 2 6 , ° 8 7 „ 0 0 ,
Aschinger Electric Company - Electrical Subcontractor - i n the total
amount of 5 2 6 2 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 .
Approval of Schwarz & Van Hoefen A r c h i t e c t u r a l Firm - Administrative Offices
As requested previously by the Board, Dr. Cosand and a committee of the Board
interviewed representatives of several architectural firms for the purpose of developing
plans for f a c i l i t i e s for administrative offices for the D i s t r i c t .
The committee submitted
three possible architectural firms for Board consideration — Burks & Landberg A r c h i t e c t s ,
Kromm Rikimaru & Johansen, Inc. , and Schwarz & V a n Hoefen. After interviewing
representatives from each of th«se firms, the Board's decision was to employ the services
of Schwarz & V a n Hoefen for the planning and development of District administrative o f f i c e s .
- 11 -
Upon motion by M r . G e i i , seconded by M r . Ruffin, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the employment
of the architectural firm of Schwarz & Von Hoefen for the planning and
development of central administrative offices for the D i s t r i c t .
The motion carried w i t h a vote of five to one — M r . W i t t e voting " N o . "
Acceptance O f
Bids For Grand Pianos - FVCC
Bids were received for two grand pianos, two benches, two piano covers, and two
moving dollies for the Music Department at the Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e .
piano to be used in the Little Theatre and the second piano to be used i n the Humanities
The Board was requested to accept the bid of A e o l i a n Company of Missouri for
above mentioned music equipment for a total cost of $ 8 , 3 0 2 . 0 0 .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby dccept the bid of
A e o l i a n Company of Missouri for two grand pianos i n the amount of
$ 8 , 3 0 2 . 0 0 for the Music Department at the Florissant V a l l e y Community
C o l l e g e , and authorizes the purchase thereof, said funds to be paid
from the Building Fund of the D i s t r i c t .
Upon the vote the motion carried five to one —
M r . Stewart voting " N o . "
Approval O f Contract With Washington University For Dental Science Instruction
The Board was requested to rescind approval for the employment of D r . Richard
Brand, D . D . S . as a part-time instructor in the Dental Science Program at the Meramec
Community C o l l e g e , previously approved by the Board at its meeting on September 2 5 , 1967.
The services performed by D r . Brard for The Junior College District are to be paid to
Washington University instead of d i r e c t l y to D r . Brand i n accordance with the letter o f
- 12 -
contract attached as an addendum to these M i n u t e s .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby rescind its approval
of the direct payment of the services of D r . Richard Brand, D . D . S . as
a part-time instructor in the District Dental Science Program, and does
hereby approve a contract w i t h Washington University for payment of
D r . Brand's services to be paid to Washington University, i n accordance
with the letter of contract attached as an addendum to these M i n u t e s .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
Acceptance O f Bids For Stoke Truck - MCC
The Board was requested to accept the bid of Koenig Chevrolet for a twelve foot
stake truck with V - 8 engine and power l i f t g a t e , for which bids had been received in
accordance with District p o l i c y , in the amount of $ 3 , 7 7 3 . 4 9 .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with
the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
Koenig Chevrolet i n the amount of $ 3 , 7 7 3 . 4 9 for a twelve foot stake
truck w i t h V - 8 engine and power l i f t g a t e , to be used at the Meramec
Community C o l l e g e , and authorizes the purchase thereof, said funds to
be paid from the General Fund of the D i s t r i c t .
Acceptance O f Bids For Projectors - FPCC
Bids were received for six 16mm sound projectors and five 35mm film strip projectors
to be used at the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e .
The Board was requested to accept the
bid of W . Schiller Company for above mentioned equipment, i n the amount of $ 3 , 5 6 3 . 4 2 .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i ! , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and with the aye
vote of a l l members of the Bocrd, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
W . S c h i l l e r Company for six 16mm sound projectors and five 35mm film
strip piojectors, i n accordance with District specifications, in the amount
of $ 3 , 5 6 3 . 4 2 , and authorizes the purchase thereof, said funds to be paid
from the Building Fund of the D i s t r i c t .
Extension O f Parking Lot Contract - C . Rallo Contracting Company - FFCC
The Board was requested to approve extension of time on Contract N o . 66-4 for "he
parking lot at the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e , with C . Rallo Contracting Company, I n c . ,
for a total of one hundred and sixteen (116) days from December 5 , 1966 to March 1 , 3 967.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i I , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote
of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the time for completion of Contract N o . 6 6 - 4 be and
hereby is extended for one hundred and sixteen (116) days from December 5 , 1966
to March 1 , 1967 for the reason that weather and other factors, not the fault of
the contractor, made completion of the contract before the beginning of the
winter season impossible.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby waive any rig ht
to assess liquid damages for the time period involved in this extension.
Resolution A u t h o r i n g Sale of $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds
The Board of Trustees then toe.-: up the nuittcr of o f f e r i n g for s a l e Ten
Million DDlIars ($10,000,000) (of an a u t h o r i s e d i s s u e of $47,200,000) of bonds
authorized a t s. s p e c i a l e l e c t i o n held in The Junior College D i s t r i c t of S t . Louis,
S t . Louis County, Missouri, on the loth day of l^over.bcr, 19^5, and, a f t e r a d i s c u s sion of the s u b j e c t , Trustee
Gerald Williamson offered arid moved t h e adoption of
t h e fol 2< "in^ r e s o l u t i o n :
R?:SOL:?TIQ;; A /rh0K~~2i:::;:: THE SALE OF EO;QS
B2 IT RESOLVED by the Bc^rd of Trustees of The Junior College District of
St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, that. Ion Million Dollars ($10,000,000) (of an
authorizeu issue of $47,200,000) of bonds, authorized at a special election held
"therein cr. the loth day of I\oveaber, 19o5, he offered for sale to the highest bidder therefor en Wednesday, the 17th day of January, 1966.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said bonds bo sold on scaled bids to be filed
vith the Secretary of the Board of .rustees at the District Office, 7!J0i> Forsyth
Boulevard,, in said District, at or before the hour of 11:00 o'clock. A.M., Central
Standard Tine, on the aforesaid date; each bid to be accompanied by a certified or
cashier's check on some solvent ban.-: or trust company, payable to The Junior College
District of St. Louis, St. Louis Cc-r.ty, Missouri, in the amount of two per centum
(2:/j) of the arxjurrfc of bonds bid for, to evidence the ^ood faith of the bidder, the
Board of i'rustees reserving the ri~:.t to reject any or ail bids sub.-fitted.
£3 IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bidders for said bonds be requested to designate in their bids the price they vili pay for bonds bearing interest at a rate or
rates, but not n:ore than five (p)different rates, likewise to be designated in their
bids; provided, however, that each interest rate so designated shall be a whole multiple of either one-eighth of one per cer.turs (l/o of 1>) or one-tenth of one per centum
(i/lO of l'p) and that all bonds of the cane r._turity shall bear interest at the same
rate. I.'o bona shall bear interest at re-ore than one (l) rate, and any bid will be rejected vhich specifies supplemental, attachable interest coupons to be attached to
said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of vhich exceeds the lowest of which
by rsore than two per centm.'. (£;&) per oiuiuni.,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in determining the best bid sub^icted, the
Board will taAe into consideration the iovtst net interest cost to the District, in
BE IT FUrcTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be and is hereby authorized and
directed to give notice of the sale of said b^nus by ssailinj.* to all interested banks,
bond houses, ana investment bankers in the State of Missouri or elsewhere a notice in
substantially the following for:;::
v !.0 j t v j ,0>-< J
(of an authorised issue; of 0^,200,000)
Sealed proposals will be receive:! ley the Board of Trustees of The
Junior College District of St. L-uis, E„. Louis County, Missouri,
at the District Ofi'ice, Y;i0o iLrsyth 1'oulovard, Clayton, Missouri,
in said District, until the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M., Central
Standard Time, en Wednesday, the: 17th de.-;/ of January, 19«3> at which
tiireee- said bids will be- publicly opereee: for the purchase, at net less
than par and accrued interest, of the following bonds of said District:
.;.v.J.7pU,C00 (of .;^7,2JCJCGC; r. .f;;.,.-.L:-ed) Junior Colley.e
Bonds, dated feuruary 1 , l^v.:./, o f ir.o deno:;iinaticzi ci'
05>C0O each (except icr b--,nds nu;..i.:: -^d I to *:-, incluoJVij W«iC.i Cin__jL CO 01* t.'.i,' ..„;,;^...^ulO;; O f .'jXjOOO
each,/, bearing interest at a rev.- or rti-oE to Lie d c terrrdned pursuant to sucn sale, but at an average net
interest cent not excccd\n_; 5U per annus:, payable Avt.'juct
1, Ivoi>j and serrl-annua-dy th er-saf tt.r en Pebruary I and
August 1 in each year; bot:: pr_neipai o. and interest o n
said bonds t o be payable at .. ban., or trust company to be
nominated b y the- purchaser, subject to approval by the
Board o f Trustees of said District., and said bonds to rr.ature serially, i/ithout eptio.i oP prior payment, on February 1 in each of the years as follows:
$169,000 in lS'b-9
I S O J C C O in 1970
IS-OjCCO in 1971
19?,000 in 1972
205,000 in 1973
210,000 in I97U
215,000 in 1975
220,000 in 1976
225,000 in 1977
230,000 in 1976
in 1979
in 19c0
in IS'bl
in 1962
in 1983
in 198^
in 1985
in I986
in 1987
in 19to
The Department of Hcrvlth, Zaucatio:;, and Welfare, Office
of Education, s-f the United Dtntes of A-.t-rica has entered
into an a;;reer.:ent with the beard of Trustees of The Junior
Oolle^n District of Ot. Louis, 3t. Louis County, Missouri,
pursuant to which it proposes to buy these bonds at an interest rate of'z,J>per arsva..:, proviaed bids are not received
froni ether bidders on the terres indicated below:
Bids will be considered :'.'c:- .•jor.sccj.tivo full annual Maturities bejinninfj with the first V...turity, provided: (l) interest rates shall be desips-.ted in multiples of l/6 of l',i
or l/lC of l','l>; (2) all. bonds ;::aturin:; en the sarne date shall
bear the sar.e rate of interest; (3) :io bond shall bear interest at :.'.ore than one rate, nor shall supplementary coupons
be pcrrudttcd; and (h) the difference between the lowest and
highest interest rates naeed snail not exceed 2>j.
Except with respect to the bid of the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare, preference in award will be given
to bids for the largest principal arrount of bonds. If two
or more bids are made for the sane account of bonds, preference in award will be given to the bid resulting in the lowest net interest cost. The lowest net interest cost will
be determined after excluding the said Department's bid by
deducting the total amount of any premium bid from the amount
of interest payable from, the date of the bonds, or the interest payment next preceding the sale of the bonds, until their
respective maturity dates.
$3,2*46,000 (of ^7,200,000 authorized) Junior Co.ller.o Bonds,
dated February 1, 19o8, of the denomination of $'^,000 each
(except for bond number 1 which shall be of the denominuLion
of $1,000), bearing interest at a rate or rates to be determined pursuant to sale, not exceeding 6% per annum, payable
August 1, 1968, and semi-annually thereafter on February 1 and
August 1 in each year; both principal of and interest on said
bonds to be payable at a bank or trust company in the City of
St. Louis, Missouri, to be nominated by the purchaser, subject
to approval by the Board of Trustees of said District, and said
bonds to mature serially on February 1 in each of the years as
Bonds of Series 3 maturing in the years 1983 to 1988, inclusive,
at the option of the District, may be called in, paid, and redeemed, in inverse numerical order, at par and accrued interest,
on February 1, 1982, or on any interest payment date thereafter
prior to maturity.
Bidders are requested to designate in their bids the price
they will pay for bonds bearing interest at a rate or rates,
but not more than five (5) different rates, likewise to be
designated in their bids; provided, however, that all bonds
of the same maturity shall bear interest at the same rate,
which shall be a whole multiple of either l/8 of 1$ or l/lO
of 1%. No bond shall bear interest at more than one (l) rate,
- 18-
or.d any bid will be rejected vhich specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said
bonds or specifics interest rateo the highest of vhich
exceeds the lowest of vhich by more than 2,-f,.
In the opinion of Counsel, the aforesaid bonds of Series A and Series
B will be payable, both as to principal and interest, from ad valorem
taxes which may be levied, without limit as to rate or amount, upon
all taxable, tangible property within the territorial limits of the
said District.
Proposals should be addressed to the Board of Trustees and should be
filed with the Secretary of the Board on or prior to the date and
hour hereinabove naned. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified
or cashier's check, payable to the District, in the amount of W o per
centum (2^) of the amount of bonds bid for, to evidence the good faith
of the bidder.
Proposals tendered by mail should be addressed to the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of 3t. Louis, St. Louis County,
Missouri, 75Co Forsyth Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri, 6310?, and
should be plainly marked "PROPOSAL FOR BONDS."
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids,
and all bids must be made on the form supplied by the undersized.
These bonds are offered subject to the unqualified approval of the
legality thereof by the law firm of Charles and Traucrnicht of St.
Louis, Missouri. The District will pay the legal fees and will pay
for the printing of the bonds, including the printing thereon of the
legal opinion, if desired by the purchaser. Delivery of the bonds
will be made to the purchaser on or before March h, iyix), in the City
of St. Louis, Missouri, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or in the
City of New York, New York, without cost to the purchaser. Delivery
elsewhere will be made at the expense of the purchaser. At the tine
of delivery, the purchaser of these bonds shall make payment for these
bonds and the interest accrued thereon in Federal Reserve funds available on the date of such delivery.
Copies of the official Notice of Sale, Bid Form, and Official Statement may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
By order of the Board of Trustees, this
day of November, 1967.
Secretary, Board of Trustees
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary shall attach to each copy of
the aforesaid notice a financial statement showing the assessed valuation of taxable
property within the District, the population of the District, a comparative statement
of tax collections during the past three years, and such other information as prospective bidders may desire.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bidding form to be used in bidding for the
aforesaid bonds shall be substantially as follows:
(of an authorized issue of $U7,200,000)
, 1968
To the Board of Trustees of
• The Junior College District of
St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri.
For $
, par value, Junior College Bonds,
Series A, of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis
County, Missouri, bearing interest at the rate or rates specified
below, we will pay you
) and accrued interest to the date of
delivery of said bonds to us.
The said bonds maturing in the years indicated shall bear
interest at the rate or rates set opposite each, as follows:
Rate of Interest (Limit 3$)
This proposal is subject to all of the terms and conditions
of the notice of sale, which is incorporated herein by this reference.
A certified or cashier's check in the amount of two per
centuni (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, payable to The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Micsouri, accompanies
this proposal as evidence of good faith, ->nd said check shall be returned to the undersicned if this bid be not accepted or if the District
should fail to deliver the said bonds to the undersigned in accordance
with the terms of this bid; otherwise, said check shall be held by the
District and shall be applied as and when the bonds are delivered and
paid for under the terms of this bid, as part payment therefor, or be
applied as and for liquidated damages in the event that the undersigned
fails to take up and pay for said bonds.
This bid is for immediate acceptance.
I• V
(Note: No addition to or alteration in this proposal is to be made,
and any erasure may cause a rejection of the bid. Bids must be filed
with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, sealed, at or prior to
11:00 o'clock A.M., Central Standard Time, on Wednesday, the 17th day
of January, 1968.)
The above proposal accepted by resolution of the Board of Trustees of
The Junior Collece District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri,
and receipt of the within-mentioned check hereby acknowledged this
day of
, 1968.
President, Board of Trustees
Secretary, Board of Trustees
It is hereby represented that the gross interest cost,
conputed upon the above-specified rate or rates of interest, will
be $
; that the net interest cost (deducting premium,
if any) will be $
; and that the effective interest rate
will be
% pec annum.
For $3,2U6,0O0, par value, Junior College Bonds, Scries
B, of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County,
Missouri, bearing interest at the rate or rates specified below,
we will pay you __^______
) and accrued interest to the date of delivery of
said bonds to us.
The said bond3 maturing in the years indicated shall bear
interest at the rate or rates set opposite each, as follows:
Rate of Interest (Limit 6$)
It is hereby represented that the gross interest cost,
computed upon the above-specified rate or rates of interest, will
be $
; that the net interest cost (deducting premium,
if any) will be $
; and that the effective interest rate
will be
% per annum.
It is understood and agreed by the undersigned that, if there be
any discrepancy as between the actual interest cost or average interest
rate computed upon the rate or rates of interest above specified and the
intex-est cost or average interest rate figures hereinabove set forth,
the interest rate or rates above specified and the actual interest cost
or average interest rate computed upon said rate or rates shall prevail.
Subject to your approval, the said bonds shall be payable as
to principal and interest at a place to be designated by the undersigned within forty-eight (48) hours after the acceptance of this bid,
which designation shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary of the
Board of Trustees.
-21 -
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice in substantially the foregoing form
shall be published in The Bond Buyer, a financial journal published in the City of
New York, New York, one (l) time not less ^han fifteen (15) days prior to January
17> 1968, the date set for the receipt of aids for said bonds.
Trustee Mildred Bastion
seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing reso-
lution, and, the question being put to a roil call vote, the result was as follows:
Trustees voting YES:
Trustees voting NO:
Mildred Bcstian
Lester C. Geil
Guy S. Ruffin
Joseph G . ^tewart
Gerald V, Williamson
Donald M
- Witfe
The motion having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole
Board, the President declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted, this
27th day of November, I967.
Authorization O f Termination O f Cardinal Chemason Contract - FPCC
The Board was requested to authorize termination of the Cardinal Chemason contract
for maintenance services at the Forest Pgrk Community C o l l e g e , effective January 1 , 1968
and that the District employ its own custodial staff.
Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . W i t t e , end with the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize termination of
the Cardinal Chemason Company c o n t r a c t , i n accordance with the terms of
said c o n t r a c t , providing maintenance services at the Forest Park Community
College , effective January 1 , 1968.
Acceptance O f Grant From B. F. Goodrich Fund, Inc.
The Board was requested to approve acceptance of an unrestricted grant i n the amount
of S33.00 from the B. F. Goodrich Fund, Inc.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the unrestricted
grant in the amount of $33.00 from B. F. G o u d r i c h Fund, Inc.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary o f the Board be and hereby is
authorized to express the Board's appreciation for this donation.
Acceptance O f Bids For Automotive Technology Equipment - FPCC
Bids were received for a porta rack alignment unit to be used in the Automotive
Technology Program at the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e .
accept the bid of Reliance Automotive
The Board svas requested to
for said equipment, i n the amount of $ 3 , 5 2 2 . 0 6 .
Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . G e i l , it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
Reliance Automotive for c porta rack alignment unit to be used tor
the Automotive Technology Program at the Forest Park Community
C o l l e g e , in the amount of $ 3 , 5 2 2 . 0 6 , and authorizes the purchase
thereof, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District.
Upon the vote the motion carried five to one — M r . Stewart voting " N o . "
Increase In Anco Testing Company Testing Services - FVCC
The Board was requested to authorize an increase i n the previously authorized
expenditures for tests i n connection
with the construction of the Gymnosium Building at
the Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
"""'"' ~
RESOLVED, Thai the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize additional
expenditures for tests over and above amounts previously authorized by
the Board in connection with the construction of the Gymnasium Building
at the Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e , said additional amount not
to exceed $ 2 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 .
Lodging O f Board Policies Revisions Under Section 7.13
Revisions to the existing Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual
to be included under Section 7 . 1 3 were lodged with the Board for action at a subsequent
meeting of the Board.
Employment O f Business Interiors, Inc. - FVCC Student Center
The Board was requested to approve authorization of the firm of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer
and Partners to engage the firm of Business Interiors, Inc. to assist in the planning and
preparation of bidding documents for interior furnishings for the Student Center at the
Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e , for a t o t a l amount of $ 3 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 .
• p
Whereupon on motion by M r : . Bastion, seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That Kenneth E. Wischmeyer and Partners is hereby authorized
to e m p l o y the services of Business Interiors, Inc. for the purpose of planning
and preparing bidding documents for interior furnishings for the Student Center
at the Florissant V a l l e y Community College at a cost not to exceed $ 3 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 ,
said funds to come from the Building Fund of the D i s t r i c t .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the firm of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer and Partners be
authorized to itemize said charges on invoices received by The Junior College
District for these services so the maximum authorized expenditure is not exceeded.
Increase O f Authorization To Clark Peeper Company
For O f f i c e Supplies
The Board was requested to increase the previous authorization for purchase of office
supplies for the Florissant V a l l e y Community College in the amount of $5,COC.OO.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve authorization of
an additional e x p e n d i t u r e , in addition to the expenditure previously approved
by the Board, in the amount of $ 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 for ihe purchase o f office supplies
for the Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e , said funds to come from the
General Fund of the D i s t r i c t .
Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
For information purposes, the President of the Board, M r . Joseph Stewart, mentioned
the fact that a l l Board a c t i o n occurs o n l y in regularly scheduled or in special Board Meetings
which are at a l l times open to the public end the communication m e d i a .
It was further noted
that agenda for these meetings is prepared at least seventy-two hours before the Meetings
and copies are a v a i l a b l e to the Board Members, communication m e d i a , and to staff members
f o r t y - e i g h t hours before the M e e t i n g .
The Board meets i n closed session prior to the Regular
Meeting for the purpose of discussing personnel recommendations and other confidential items,
but no action is taken i n these closed me tings.
Upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the unanimous
approval of a l l members of the Board,at 10:00 p . m . this meeting was recessed u n t i l
December 6 , 1967 at 11:00 a . m .
Respectfully submitted,
Paul H . Connole
Secretary, Board of Trustees
The Junior College District
St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri
- • "' '
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2 2 2 S O . F L O R I S S A N T R O A D • JA 2 - 3 1 0 0 • F E R G U S O N . M I S S O U R I
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i;.;.i'-i. O V '
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A ,
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l; •.
' ' v= I-' 5-
.Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President
The Junior College District of St.Louis, Mo.
7508 Forsyth Blvd.
Clayton, Missouri 63105
*',* ^ ^
November 1 4 , 1567
• ' • "-'
Dear Dr. Cosand:
I would like to express m y appreciation to you and your staff for your
interest in upgrading law enforcement in the metropolitan St.Louis area.
The two college credit courses presently being conducted by the J . C D .
in the St.Louis County and Municipal Police Training Academy are a real
first in this part o f the country.
r-\ ,
f- •
j ^^
\ ^P
The five men from our department presently enrolled for recruit train"
ing are well pleased with the courses and the quality o f instruction.
I am hopeful that once these men find that they can successfully absorb
college level material that they will have the desire to continue in the
J.C.D. program leading to the Associate Bachelor degree in Law Enforcement.
\ %
[n>"••;; •
f t
*& c
•V, ?
When the present school is terminated in December and the J.C.D, has a n
opportunity to evaluate the program the program I hope you will b e willing
to continue i t o n a permanent basis in each recruit school conducted by the
Training Academy.
The Junior College District, through its Law Enforcement Courses, has
done more to move the police service closer to a true profession than anything else I know.
Sincerely yours,
, Chis£ of Police
fjj^A,' >\i
cc» Dr« J.O. Carson
• ,
.. - -
, /;,
, ^
November 16, 1967
tw* TO me No.
Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President
Junior College District
Central Office
7805 Forsythe
Clayton, Missouri 63105
Dear Dr. Cosand:
I would like to take this opportunity to convey to you my personal thanks and appreciation for being instrumental in the
• i n t r o d u c t i o n of the two law enforcement courses currently being
taught in the St. Louis County and Municipal Police Academy.
It is especially gratifying to me to have these courses integrated
within the Academy curriculum, thus affording the law enforcement
agencies within St. Louis County a more developed and knowledgable
police officer.
The courses taught at the Academy accomplish goals which are twofold. The professionalism of law enforcement in St. Louis County
and provision of an impetus for the individual police officer recruit to continue his education by taking advantage of the multifarious courses offered by the St. Louis Junior College District.
Again, my appreciation for what your institution is now accomplishing and will accomplish in the future as far as the professionalism
of law enforcement within St. Louis County, Missouri is concerned.
If we can ever render any assistance to the St. Louis County Junior
College District, please feel free to call upon us.
/Superintendent of Police V
^ ^
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