v r

M O N D A Y , M A Y 2 2 , 1967 - 8:00 P. M .
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis,
St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, May 2 2 , 1967 at the Central O f f i c e of
the D i s t r i c t , 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri.
Roll Call
The Resident of the Board, M i . Joseph G . Stewuit, c u l l e d the nieetiiuj to oidei ul
8:06 p . m .
The following members were present:
Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion
Messrs. Lester C. G e i !
G u y S. Ruffin
Joseph G . Stewart
G e r a l d V . Williamson
Donald M . WIfte
The President of the D i s t r i c t , Dr. Cosand, had a previous speaking engagement and
could not be present at this meeting.
Also present were M r . John C. Robertson, Vice President for Business; Dr. G l y n n E.
C l a r k , V i c e President-Campus Director; Dr. Douglas F. Libby, J r . , Vice President-Campus
M r . Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; V.i . Herbert Dornron,
Associate Coordinator of Purchasing; Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, Community Reglations Assistant;
M r . Edward Ruddy, Dean of Student Personnel Services at the Forest Park Campus;
Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Associate Coordinator, Business and Treasurer of the Board of
Trustees; M r . Paul H. Connole, Assistant To The President and Secretary of the Board of
Trustees — a l l o f
The Junior College District staff.
Also present was M r . Bruce E.
Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Vaughan, counsel for the District.
In order to a l l o w the Board more time to peruse the Minutes of the May 8, 1967
M e e t i n g , approval of these Minutes was deferred u n t i l the next meeting.
Welcome To Guests
M r . Stewart welcomed newspaper reporters, M r . Gus Lumpe of the St. Louis G l o b e Democrat and M r . Frank l e e m i n g , Jr. of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
M r . Ruddy introduced Mrs. M a t y Ann Emery, faculty member of the Forest Park Campus,
and Chairman of the Forest Park Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the N a t i o n a l Junior College
Honor Fraternity.
Park Chapter:
Mrs. Emery, in turn, introduced the f o l l o w i n g members from the Forest
M r . Donald Denham, current President of the Forest Park Chapter; Miss Judy
M a c k e r , newly elected campus Chapter President; Miss Charlene W i e c k e n , newly elected
national President of Phi Theta Kappa; and M r . Tom Depriest.
Dr. Clark introduced M r . Edet Ituen, administrative intern w i t h the District.
Dr. Libby introduced M r . Arther M e y e r , faculty member of the Florissant V a l l e y
staff, and Chairman of the Little Theatre Building Committee of that campus.
M r . Robertson introduced Dr. Jones, Coordinator of Instructional Resources, and Mrs.
Ruthe Erickson, Assistant Coordinator of Instructional Resources.
- 2-
M r . Connole introduced M r . Dick Kerr, Coordinator of Personnel for the District,
and M r . Forest Taylor of Grant Cooper and Associates, personnel consultant to the District.
M r . O ' N e i l l introduced M r . Lustig, a designer and consultant of theatre and
industrial control systems.
M r . Stewart welcomed Messrs. LeCroy and Roberson of the Tarrant County Junior
College District in Fort Worth, who had spent two days touring and visiting the St. Louis
Junior College District.
Treasurer's Report
The Board was requested to approve the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary
Reports for the month of
A p r i l , 1967.
Upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l
members of the Board present, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for
flio month of A p i i l , 1967 were approved as submitted.
Ratification of Investments
The Board was requested to ratify invejl-nents mode by the Treasurer of the District,
for which bids had been received in accordance with Board p o l i c y .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the
aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was
RESOLVED, That the following investments madu on behalf ol Thu Juiiioi
College District by the Treasure! theieof, be and heieby are, l a t i l i e d ,
approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees:
- 3-
Generol Fund
$100,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased May 1 1 , 1967, from State Bank
of Wellston on a 5 . 0 1 basis, to fiature July 27, 1967, for a total cost of
Building Fund
$500,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased May 4 , 1967, from M e r r i l l Lynch
on a 3.35 (+$3.00) basis, to mature May 1 1 , 1967, for a total cost of
$750,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased May 4 , 1967, from M e r i l l Lynch
on a 3.35 (+$3.00) basis, to mature May 18, 1967, for a total cost of
$750,0WU7~S. Treasury Bills, purchased May 4 , 1967, from First National
on a 3.25 (+$3.00) basis, to mature M a y 2 5 , 1967, for a total cost of
$100,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased M a y 1 1 , 1967, from M e r r i l l Lynch
on a 3.25 (+$3.00) basis, to mature M a y 18, 1967, for a total cost of
Classified Salary Schedule
M r . Connole presented a proposed classified salary schedule, on which M r . Forest
Taylor had done a great deal of work on a consulting basis.
This proposal was thereupon lodged with the Board u n t i l the next meeting.
Administrative Resignation
The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Dr. Douglas F. Libby, Jr. as
Vice President of The Junior College District and Campus Director of the Florissant V a l l e y
Community College, effective July 15, 1967.
Dr. Libby w i l l become President of
new Delaware County Community Junior College District in an urban area outside Philadelphia,
Dr. Libby becomes the fifth Junior College District administrator to accept the
- 4 -
leadership of another college.
Whereupon, M r . Williamson moved that the Board of Trustees accept Dr. Libby's
resignation w i t h regret and terminate his contract w i t h f he District effective July 15, 1967.
The motion was seconded by M r . G e i l and unanimously accepted by all members of the Board.
M r . Stewart extended best wishes to Dr. Libby for every success in his new position
and expressed the gratitude and appreciation of the Board end staff for the outstanding
leadership rendered by Dr. Libby to the Florissant V a l l e y Campus and to the District
during his past four'years of service.
Congratulatory Letter To M r . James W . Hobs:^
Dr. Cosand had previously advised the Board that M ; . James W. Hobson, formerly
Vice President for Business for the District has just been appointed Vice Chancellor
Business at the University of C a l i f o r n i a , Los Angeles.
Mrs. Bastian suggested that the Board extend its cone emulations in c Setter to M r .
Upon motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . G e i t , and with the unanimous appioval
of all members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and he.-eby is authoiized to
send a letter of congratulations to M r . James W . Hor-ion on his recenf
appointment as Vice Chancellor for Business at the Ur ; versify of California,
Los Angeles.
Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employme^r - Academic Year 1967-68
The Board was requested to approve employment of certificated f u l l - t i m e personnel
for the academic year 1967-68.
Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by
- 5 -
M r s . Bastion, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was
RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed i n the
capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary
classification having been previously approved by the Board:
Mr. Albert P. Ameiss
Associate Professor
Business Administration
Mr. John C. Berg
Instructor B
Mr. Blase Donadio
Student Personnel
Mr. Gary C. Ensign
Instructor B
Business Administration
Mr. Ronald L. Estes
Associate Professor
Miss Eleanor R. Miller
Assistant Professor
Mr. Loy Weatfall
Assistant Librarian
Mr. Thomas F. Cravens
Instructor B
Miss Jennie Davis
Instructor B
Foreign Languages
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby i s ,
authorized to execute the appropriate c o n t r a c t , previously adopted by
the Board, w i t h the above employees, w h i c h said contract is to be f i l e d
with the tecoids of the District.
Certificated Personnel - Employment - Summer Session - 1967
The Board was requested to approve employment o f certificated personnel for the
Summer Session 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson,
and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was
- 6-
RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the
capacity and at the solasy classification hereinafter set out, said salary
classification having been previously approved by the Board:
Hilda R. Becker
Student Personnel
5 cr.hrs. @
1/36 of 1V-4
per cr. hr.
Raymond L. Hauver
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. @
1/36 of VI-1
per cr. hr.
Doris Latta
Student Personnel
5 cr. hrs. a
1/36 of VI-2
per cr. hr.
Louis M. Marion
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. f-)
1/36 of VI-2
per cr. hr.
Arden 1. Mueller
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. @
1/36 of IV-4
per cr. hr.
Reese M. Williams
Student Personnel
9 cr. hrs. '
1 / id ol' Vl-'l
p«-r cr. hr.
Fredda Witherspoon
Student Personnel
6 cr. hrs. '•"'
1/36 of vr-4
per cr. hr.
James Ashmore
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. '
1/»6 of v-4
per cr. hr.
Marie Herrmann
Student Personnel
4 cr. hrs. •'
1/16 of Vl-'i
p,-r cr. hr.
Mi-ndel liranoin
Student Personnel
H c r , h r s . •'
1/16 of V I - I
p,..r c r . h r .
f>/1 «>/67
Placement O f f i c e r
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. '
1/36 of V-2
per c r . h r .
- ? -
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. @
1/36 of V-4
per cr. hr.
Julia Watson
Student Personnel
4 cr. hrs. 9
1/36 of IV-5
pc:r cr. hr.
Ralph J. Ankenbrand
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. -i
.,36 of IV-5
per cr. hr.
Frank H. Canavit
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. i
1/36 of V-2
per cr. hr.
Patricia A. Coon
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. •*
1/36 of IV-J
per cr. hr.
Nf.il K. Il.irlni.in
Counse lor
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. <>
I/J6 of v-3
per cr. hr.
Frank It. I,J vlnj'.-U on
SLmlent Personnel
N. Patrick McCracken
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. '
1/36 ol" I V-4
per cr. hr.
Kathryn H. McCibbons
Student Personnel
8 cr. hrs. •<
1/36 of III-.'
pep c:r, hr.
Leonora p:. West
Student Personnel
4 cr. hrs. •'
1/J6 of VI-5
per cr. hr.
H I T . hr:;. >
1/10 o! VI-1)
per cr. hr.
The Board then considered the employment of Mr. Claude E. Murra/ as Placement
Officer - Student Personnel Services at the Florissant Valley Campus for the Summer Session,
Whereupon, M r . Williamson moved the approval of M r . Claude E. M u i r a y as Placement
O f f i c e r - Student Personnel Services at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus foi the Summvi Session,
' -
1967, for 8 credit hours <"• 1/36 of V I - 2 per credit hour, e f f e c t i v e June 19, 1967.
M r . G e i l seconded the motion, and the vote passed w i t h a vote of five to one - Mrs.
Bastian voting " N o . "
Certificated Personnel - Correction O f Board Approval O f April 24, 1967
The Board was requested to approve correction of previous Board approval concerning
employment of M r . George S. Wang of the Forest Park staff.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye
vote of all members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the following correction be made to the employment
contract of M r . George Wang:
From: Instructor B - I V - 5
To: Assistant Professor - V - l - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7
FURTHER RESOLVED, That c o l l e c t i o n be made to the existing employment
contiucl with the above c e r t i f i c a t e d employee, which said contiact is to
be filed with the records of the D i s t r i c t .
C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Correction Of Board Approval Of Api i I 10, 1967
The Board was requested to approve correction to the employment contract for M r .
John R. Brookhart.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the following correction be made to the employment
contiact of M r . John R. Brookhart:
From: Counselor - V - 4
To: Assistant Dean-Student A c t i v i t i e s - Step 3
Eft. 7 / 1 / 6 7
FURTHER RESOLVED, That correction be made to the existing employment
contract with the above c e r t i f i c a t e d employee, which said contract is to
be filed w i t h the records of the District.
- 9 -
Certificoted Personnel - Release From Contract - Academic Year 1967-68
Request was made of the Board to release certain c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel from contracts
for the 1967-68 academic year, w h i c h had been previously approved by the Board,.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t l e , seconded by M i s . Bastian, and with the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize the release
of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel from contracts for the academic
year 1967-68, previously approved by the Board:
M a r i a n Nesset - Instructor B - Emglish - FPCC - I V - 3 - Eff. 9 / 1 1/67
M r . Timothy R. Udall - Instructor B - Modern Languages - MCC - I V - 1 - Eff.
Certificated Personnel - Discontinuance O f Employment
Due to illness, M r . Hugh Donnelly, instiuctoi in the Law Enforcement Proyiam at
the Meramec Campus,requested that the Board release him from his contract and his
employment w i t h the District be discontinued e f f e c t i v e April 15, 1967.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the
unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize the release
of the following, c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel, and discontinuance of employment
e f f e c t i v e April 15, 1967:
M r . Hugh Donnelly - Law Enforcement - M C C - 6 cr. his,
Classified Personnel - Full-Time Employment
The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel.
on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the unanimous appioval of all
members of the Boaid, it was
- 10 -
RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The
Junior College District in the classification and a» the salary classification
having been previously approved by the Board:
Geraldine Brown - Secretary - FPCC - 1IA - Eff. 5 / 2 3 / 6 7
Vincent J . DeFiore - Manager (Power & U t i l i t i e s ) - FPCC - 23A - Eff. 5 / 2 9 / 6 7
Arden L. Gray - Manager (Maintenance & Vehicles) - FPCC - 23A - Eff. 6 / 1 / 6 7
Joseph L. Pavis - Supervisor, Plant Operations - FVCC - 26A - Eff. 6 / 1 2 / 6 7
Rita A . Hacker - C l e r k - T y p i s t , Sr. - FPCC - 8A - Eff. 5 / 2 3 / 6 7
Dorothy Grose - Library Assistant - FVCC - 10A - Eff. 9 / 1 / 6 7
Louis F. Castiglioni - Maintenance Man (Electrician) - FPCC - 13E - Eff. 5 / 2 9 / 6 7
Ronald L. Herbert - Watch Engineer - FPCC - 14D - Eff. 5 / 2 9 / 6 7
2 . 11
Classified Personnel - S i x - M o n t h Increment
Tin* Bixnil w<r. lequested to approve
salary i n c i c c i v lot classified personnel having
completed the first six month probationary period w i t h the D i s t i i c t .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vole
of a l l member., ol the Bouid, it was
RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel, having completed her
first six-month probationary employment period with the District, be granted
a salary increase as follows:
Eleanor Osborne - Library Assistant - M C C - From:
10B - Eff. 6 / 1 / 6 7
Classified Personnel - S i x - M o n t h Inclement FollowiiKj Reclassification
In accordance w i t h District p o l i c y , the Board was requested to approve a one step
increment increase for classified personnel at the conclusion of ftV first six-month peiiod
following reclassification.
- 11 -
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel, having satisfactorily
completed a six-month period w i t h i n soid reclassified p o s i t i o n , be granted
a one step increment increase as follows:
Mrs. Kay Snyder - Administrative Secretary, Sr. - C O . -
MD - Hll. 6 / 1 / 6 /
3. 1
Acceptance O f G i a n t From Danforth Foundation
The Board was requested to accept a grant i n the amount of $250,000 from the
Danforth Foundation for the continued development of the General Curriculum Program
at the Forest Park Campus.
Upon motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the unanimous vote
111 l l l l lllfltllll'l*. Ill Mil' lllllllll I H I ' V l l l ,
i l Wit*.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby uccept u giant in the
amount of $250,000 from the Danforth Foundation for the continued
development of the General Curriculum Program at the Forest Paik
Mrs. Bastian then moved that the President of the Board be authorized to extend
appreciation to the Danforth Foundation on behalf of the Board of Trustees foi this
contribution to the General Curriculum Program.
and unanimously occupied by tin- liouul.
- 12 -
The motion was seconded by M r . Ruffin,
Appointment To Retailing Advisory Committee
The Board was requested to approve appointment of M r . Irving Lewis to serve as
an additional member of the existing District Retailing Advisory Committee.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the
unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby appoint M r . Irving Lewis
to serve as a member of the existing District Retailing Advisory Committee
for the academic year 1966-67, said appointment to terminate August 3 1 , 1967.
4. I
Campus Construction Progress
M r . Larry O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities, presented the following
construction report for each of rhe three campuses:
Forest Park Campus:
Parking f a c i l i t i e s at the Forest Park Campus have been completed, although the
lighting has been deterred by delay in delivery of the light standards.
Delivery of the lecture hall seating, originally scheduled for deliveiy on Kt.ay 2 9 t h ,
has been postponed until June 19th.
Installation of the carpeting is expected to begin on Wednesday, May 24th.
M r . O ' N e i l l reported that occupancy of the Forest Park Campus is anticipated foi
June 10th.
The Student Center Building w i l l be advertised for bids the latter puit of June, 1967.
- 13 -
Florissant V o l l e y Campus:
Occupancy of the Florissant V a l l e y Campus is anticipated for September, 1967.
Tbs individual buildings are ahead of the construction schedule w i t h the exception of
the Humanities Building.
Meramec Campus:
Construction is progressing at the Meramec Campus, and the perimeter sidewalk
alcng the Meramec property on Big Bend Boulevard is completed.
The Student Center Building w i l l be advertised for bids on June 9, 1967.
5. 1
Approval O f Contract With Cardinal Glennon Memorial Hospitc!
The Board was requested to approve a contract between The Junior College District
on.: Cardinal Glennon Memoi ialHospital for Childien providing foi a cooperative plagium
fi> rhe education of nursing students to covei the period July 1, ]967 thiough June 30, 1968.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye
vc .-e
of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees enter into a contract with Cordinc!
Glennon Memorial Hospital for Children providing for a cooperative program
for the education of nursing students from July 1, 1967 through June 30, '968.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute said ogreement on behalf of the District in the (o;m
alloc lied as on odclendum to these Minute',.
Approval O f Contract With St. John's Mercy Hospital
The Board was requested to approve a contract between The Junior College- District
end St. John's Mercy Hospital providing for a cooperative progiam foi the education ol
5 22/67
nursing students for the period of July 1, 1967 through June 30, 1968.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye
vote of all members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees enter into a contract with St. John's
Mercy Hospital providing for a cooperative program for the education of
nursing students from July 1 , 1967 through June 3 0 , 1968.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the District in the
form attached as an addendum to these Minutes.
Approval O f Contract With Lordly And Dame, Inc.
Approval was requested for the District to enter into a contract with Lordly and Dame, inc.
providing for a community service cultural program entitled "Flying Saucers - Here and Nov.
at I he potest Pat k Campus on October 10, 1967 for a total cost of $865.00.
Whereupon, on n o t i o n by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye
vote of all members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve entering into an
agreement w i t h Lordly and Dame, Inc. for the appearance of Frank Edwards
for a presentation entitled "Flying Saucers - Here and N o w " at the Forest
Park Campus on October 10, 1967 for a total cost of $865.00.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the District, in the form
attached as an addendum to these Minutes.
Contract With Lordly And Dame, Inc.
The Board was requested to enter into a contract with Lordly and Dame, Inc. for
the appearance of Dr. Ashley Montagu on May 7, 1968 at the Forest Park Campus for a
total cost of $870c00.
This item was tabled pending additional information concerning Dr. Montagu's
titie and background.
Renew-! Contract With Leo J . Wieck
Upon the reco—mendation of the staff, a renewal agreement was requested between
The Junior College District and Leo J . Wieck as investment consultant for the period from
July 1, 1967 to Jure 30, 1968.
Whereupon, or motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye
vote of a l l members cf the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, T-.ot the Board of Trustees does hereby approve enteiing into
a renewal c o r v a c t w i t h Leo J . Wieck providing investment consultant
services to the District for the period July 1, 1967 through June 30, 1968.
FURTHER RFSf LVED, Thai th«? Piesid.-nt of the Bonid i„- and hrr.'hy is
ciutliui i / i ' J lii-.-Mxutt' said rent.'wtil cuntioct on bchtili of flit* Distiict.
Appro, ul O f Easement Agreement With Union Electric Company
The Board was equested to grant an easement to Union Electric Company, to include
o s i r i p o f land 25' v>;je and 3 3 0 . 0 4 ' long, bordering the east property line of the- Florissant
Vciiey Campus for tr-r installation of overhead e l e c t r i c a l lines.
M r . Witte mo*='d acceptance of the following lesolution:
RESOLVED, T-.-ir the Dishicl giant to Union Electric Company an easement
2 5 ' wide and 230.04' long, along the east property line ol the Floiissant
V a l l e y Cam pi/; for the installation of overhead electrical lines.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute said easement with the signature ro be attested
by the Secretcry and the o f f i c i a l seal of the District affixed 'hereto,
upon approve! by counsel for the District of the terms of the easement and
the exact lege description of the propeity affected thereby.
- 16 -
The motion was seconded by M r . G e i l , and upon the v o t e , the motion carried
four to two — Mrs. Bastion and M r . Ruffin voting " N o .
5. 7
Acceptance O f Bids For Overhead Projectors
The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to Thermo-fax
Sales, Inc. for twenty-six overhead projectors for a tote; cost of $ 2 , 5 5 8 . 4 0 .
Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded zy M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye
vote of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereb. accept the bid and
authorizes the purchase of overhead projectors, i r accordance with
District specifications for Iterr, ^114 under C o n t r o l PR 5 - 6 6 , to
Thermo-fax Sales, I n c . , for a total cost of $2,55B.40.
Approval O f Alanar Book Processing Center
Board approval was requested foi the issuance of rn order to Alanar Book Processing
Center, a technical processing center for instructional resources.
Dr. Jones, Coordinator
of Instructional Resources, stated that the District has zien using the processing services
of this concern since the formation of the D i s t r i c t .
Alcr-ar is the only source in the nation
w h i c h is able to supply the method of book processing required by the Instructional Resources
Department for the District libraries.
The services rencered by this firm in the past have been
invalue to the District, and the cost of the book cataloging services by this firm is considerably
less than could be done by u t i l i z i n g District personnel.
Whereupon, on motion by V\r. W i l l i a m s o n , secorded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye
vote of all members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does heiei;,- approve Alana: Book
Processing Center to provide book processing services fo The Junior
College District for the period July 1, 1967 t h r a s h June 30, 1968,
for a total cost of S 3 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
Approval O f M c N a u g h t o n Libraries For Book Rentals
Dr. Jones, Coordinator of Instructional Resources, reported to the Board that
M c N a u g h t o n Libraries of Williamsport, Pennsylvania has been providing a book rental
service to the District during the past year, and it was recommended this firm be authorized
to continue this service for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1967 through June 3 0 , 1968.
This specialized service entitles the District to receive twenty new book titles each month
w i t h the option of purchasing these books after a six month period at a 75% discount.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye
vote of all members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve M c N a u g h t o n
Libraries of Wi lliomsport, Pennsylvan- j to provide n hook n'ntal service
I n tin- O i J i i , I In) l l i c pc-iioil July 1
1 7 6 / i h i n t i u l i JIHM- .'«>, IvYjH, liu o
total cost ol $ 2 , 8 8 0 . 0 0 .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and heieby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
Acceptance O f Bids For Custodial Services - FPCC
Bids were received for custodial services at the permanent Forest Park Campus f a c i l i t i e s .
The Board was requested to accept the bid and awar.! a conticict to Cardinal Chenxi'.on
Company, lor a cosl of $ 6 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 poi month.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the unanimous
approval of all members of the Boaid, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Tiustees does hereby accept the bid of Cuidinal
Chernason Company for custodial services at the Forest Paik Campus, undei
Contiact M - l , foi a cost of $6,500.00 per month.
- 18 -
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate controct for and on behalf of the
Approval O f University M i c r o f i l m Company
The Board was requested to approve the firm of University M i c r o f i l m Company to
provide m i c r o f i l m i n g services required by the District libraries for the fiscal year beginning
July 1 , 1967 through June 3 0 , 1968, at a cost of S 3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 .
Dr. Jones, Coordinator of
Instructional Resources, reported that this is the only vendor capable of supplying this
specialized service.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and w i t h the unanimous
approval of a l l members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve University
M i r c r o f i l m Company to provide m i c r o f i l m i n g services inquired by the
District for the fiscal year July 1 , 1967 through June 3 0 , 1968, for a
total cost of $ 3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
5 . 12
Acceptance O f Bids For Vending Service - FPCC
Bids were received for vending services at the Forest Park Ccrnpus.
The Boaid wns
requested to accept the bid and award a contract to Automatique, I n c . , cit a comiuiv.ion
rate of 15%, based upon the recommendation of the staff that the q u a l i t y and display of
food of this firm was superior to that offered by the low bidder.
Wheieupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and w i t h the
aye vote of all members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
Automatique, I n c . , i n accordance w i t h District specifications under
Contract PR 7 - 6 6 , to furnish vending machines at the Forest Park Campus
at a commission rate of 15%.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
5 . 13
Acceptance O f Bids For Chalkboards And Tackboards - FVCC
Bids were received for chalkboards and tackboards at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus
in accordance w i t h District p o l i c y .
The Board was requested to accept the bid and award
a contract to Golterman and Sabo for chalkboards and tackboards in the amount of $ 1 5 , 8 8 8 . 0 0 .
Upon the motion offered by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and unanimously accepted
by a l l members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid o>
G o l l r t i i K i n and Sabo foi chalkboaids ami tackbonids, in'accordance
w i t h District specifications under Contract 6 7 - 8 2 , in the amount ot
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for the purchase and
installation ot these chalkboards and tackboards.
5. 14
Approval O f Contract W i t h St. Louis Computer Center
The Board was requested to approve a contract between The Junior College District
and St. Louis Computer Center permiMiiwj tin: i c n t e l of District owned unit lei.iiid equipment
by the St. Louis Computer Center, at an hourly rate.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the
aye vote of all members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve entering into
a contract w i t h St, Louis Computer Center permitting the rental of District
owned unit recoid equipment in accordance w i t h the terms of the agreement
prepared by legal counsel foi the District, and by reference attached as an
addendum to these M i n u t e s .
- 20 -
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is
authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of the District.
5 . 15
Acceptance O f Bids For Standard Lob - M C C
Bids were received for an A C / D C Standard Lab, composed of twenty items which
can be used as one instrument or used i n d i v i d u a l l y for t w e n t y - n i n e different instruments.
This lab equipment is required by the Engineering Department at the Meramec Campus.
The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to S. Sterling Company for
this Standard Lab at a total cost of $ 6 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the
aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
S. Sterling Company for an A C / D C Standard Lab for the Meramec
Campus, and authorizes the purchase thereof for a total cost of
$6,.'»»(). 0 0 .
5 . 16
Acceptance O f Bids For Electronic Equipment - M C C
The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to Heath Company
for electronic equipment for the Meramec Campus, at a cost of $ 3 , 4 7 5 . 5 6 .
Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, s?conded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h
the ayu vote of a l l membeis of the BocucJ, il
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
Heath Company for electronic equipment, in accordance w i t h Distiict
specificdtions, and authorizes the purchase of sciJ equipment, for a
total cost of $ 3 , 4 7 5 . 5 6 .
Acceptance O f Bids For Learning Loborabry Equipment - FVCC
The Board was requested to accept the bid and award a contract to Raytheon
Learning Systems for learning laboratory equipment for the Florissant V a l l e y Campus
for a total cost of $ 2 4 , 0 5 6 . 0 0 .
Upon motion offered by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and w i t h the unanimous
acceptance of a l l members of the Board, it was
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid for
learning laboratory equipment, in accordance with specifications under
Contract 6 7 - 8 1 , to Raytheon Learning Systems Company foi a total cost
of $ 2 4 , 0 5 6 . 0 0 .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Boa.d be and hereby is
authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
5. 18
Acceptance O f Bids For Little Theatre Equipment - FVCC
Bids were received for Little Theatre equipment at the Florissant Valley Campus.
The Board w m requested !o ace*.•;."I lh? base b i d only of Mo'oi City l.leelric in the amount
of $74,840, and reject the following alternates all as more f u l l y set out in the Distiict
specifications under Contract 6 7 - 6 4 .
Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M i s . Bastion, and with the
aye vote of all members of the Board, i t was
RESOLVED, That the Boaid of Trustees does hereby accept the b ( r,e hid
of Motor C i t y Electric i n accordance with District specifications under
Contract 6 7 - 6 4 , in the amount of $ 7 4 , 8 4 0 . 0 0 , and authorizes the President
of the Board to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby reject the bids on the
following alternates, all as more f u l l y set out in the District specifications
under Contract 6 7 - 6 4 , and authorizes Jnd directs the staff of the District to
prepare specifications and rendvcrtise said alternates, c a l l i n g for
separate contracts for each of the alternates hereinafter set f o r t h .
Alternate " 1 - sound control system
Alternate "2 - stage rigging and draperies
Alternate *3 - forestage l i f t unit
Alternate "A - the balance of the 43-2400 w o n plug-in stage dimmers
5 . 19
Acceptance O f Bids For Library Lounge Furniture - FPCC
Bids were received for library lounge furniture for the Forest Park Campus.
Chairman asked the Board members i f they would like to exar.ine furniture samples which
had previously been displayed for this purpose in the lobby entrance of the central o f f i c e .
The Board indicated that they would like to view these samples, and the Board was
temporarily recessed for this purpose.
I Jf it >t i icMissciiililiiuj mill in (it.i. in iluiu «• w i l l i tin* -.loll M-I .imini-iuliitioir., M i . (<*'il
moved the acceptance of the f o l l o w i n g resolution:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid of
Holscher-Wernig for library lounge furniture for the Fo:est Paik Campus
listed as Items 1 through 8 under Contract 6 6 - 7 2 A , in Jne amount of
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board ce and heieby
is authorized to execute the appropriate contract for ard on behalf
of the D i s t r i c t .
M r . Witte seconded the motion, and upon the vote the motion c u u i e d live to
one, M r . G e i l voting " N o . "
- V3 -
6. 1
Presentation By Forest Park Chapter O f Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa is a national junior college honorary fraternity o f f i c i a l l y recognized
by the American Association of Junior Colleges, which recognizes outstanding scholarship
students in junior colleges and four year institutions.
Mrs. Mary Ann Emery, faculty mamber
at the Forest Park Campus and Chairman of the Forest Park Chapter of this fraternity, introduced
the f o l l o w i n g representatives: M r . Donald Denham, who is currently President of the Forest Park
Chapter and who has been awarded a full t u i t i o n scholarship at the University of Missouri at
Rolla, where he w i l l be attending next year;
Miss Charlene W i e c k e n , a freshman nursing
student at the Forest Park Campus and the newly elected regional representative of Phi Theta
Kappa; Miss Judy Mocker, newly elected Resident of the Foiest Paik C h a p t c i , and a business
adininistiation mujoi who upon completion ol hei schooling plans to entei t h e A i i
Tom Depriest, presently a sophomore at the Forest Park Campus, who spent his first semester
at the University of Guam and second semester at Ventura, C a l i f o r n i a , end who has been an
a c t i v e participant in student government in a l l the schools he has attended.
In addition to b r i e f l y describing Phi Theta Kappa's campus and i c y i o n a l plans toi the
coming year, the students commented on the opportunities afforded them by junioi college
edin. at i o n .
- 24 -
Information Packets
Dr. Cosand has been concerned for some time that The Junior College District
is being increasingly requested to provide assistance and guidance to developing junior
colleges throughout the n a t i o n .
In order to cope w i t h the number of requests by letter,
telephone, and visitors to the District, the Community Relations Department was asked to
prepare various informational materials which could be distributed.
Mrs. Tygard, Community
Relations Assistant, has been lesponsiblo foi coordinating this information and she hod samp Irs
of these information packets available for Board perusal.
Legislative Report
Mrs. Joseph Bastion, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, reported that Senate
Bill ^225, providing State aid to junior colleges in the amount of $320 per f u l l - t i m e
equi/alent student oi 5 0 % of approved operating costs, whichever is less, was voted out
of the Economics and Major Expenditures Committee last week.
i t was passed by the Senate and sent on to the House.
On Wednesday of this week
It is hoped there w i l l be a hearing on
this b i l l sometime next week by the House Education Committee.
She further reported that the b i l l providing special education to non-high school
graduates is still in the Senate Education Committee.
Mrs. Bastian uiged support for the passage of this proposed legislation
which would affect junior colleges in the State of Missouri.
- 25 -
M r . Stewart requested a motion for adjournment.
Upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n ,
seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the unanimous consent of a l l members of the Board, the
meeting was odjourned at 11:05 p . m .
Respectfully submitted,
Paul H. Connole,
Secretary, Board of Trustees
The Junior College District
St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri
- 26 -