jtMfMim_HU*mHJM«llWllll»"Hl<l»»Hi—IH«»H»l"l'"il'«" " " " " " " • ^ " " ' • ' • » l •• ililii»lnilill ml I •' ' I" " "'" " """ - ,,..,••-!,.- MINUTES OF 7HZ RhX.UI.AR MEETING 77 THE BOAR7 77 TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR C711EGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUTS, ST. 777IS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, AUGUF7 S, 1966 - 8:00 P.M. A regular r.eeting of the roard of Trustees of The Junior College District of St.Louis, St. Louis Crunty, Missouri, was held on Monday, August \ 8, 1966 at the Centra] Office of zr.c District, 7508 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. 2 'icju Ca.U In the absence of the President of the Board, the meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.~. by the Vice President of the Board, Mr. Lester C. Geil. The following Board members were present: * Mrs. Joseph C. 3astian Messrs. Lester C. Geil Gerald V. Williamson Donali M. U'itte Board members Guy S. Rufrir. and Joseph G. Stewart were both vacationing out of town and unable to be present. Present at the meeting were Mr. John C. Robertson, Vice President for Business; Dr. Glynr. E. Clark, Vice President-Campus Director; Dr. Richard C. Richardson, Dean or" Instruction a: the Forest Park Campus, representing Dr. Graham in his absence; Mr. Robert -lough, Business Manager of the Florissant Valley Campus, representing his c^r.pus in the absence of Dr. Libby; Mr. Lawrence F. O'Neill, Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs Dolores B. Tygard, Community Relations Assistant; — Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Associate Coordinator, Business aJl of The Junior College District staff. Also present was Mr. Bruce E. H SS WiKnlrull >>l t I n- I 11 in til Ai IIIM I rung , Tca.-i.la 11-, **^ W§ r ;..-r ,nn! V.iu^lwui, u'liii'u'i I "i tin- Distr if-L. Vice President Geil asked for approval -•:" the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 25, llJh6. • S| Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Wi 11 iams..: . seconded by Mrs. Bastian, ami jM with the unanimous aye vote of all members of :-.e Board present, the Minutes of |H the Regular Meeting of July 25, 1%6 were apjrr.ed as submitted. HI 1.4 Welcome to Guests |gj M r . Geil welcomed newspaper r e p o r t e r s , M r. Frank Looming, J r . , o! tin- 9 S t . Louis P o s t - D i s p a t c h , and M r . J i m Floyd of :.-<;• St.Louis Globe Democrat; he H also welcomed ">r. \i11 Lam M o o r e , recently apr:;-ted A s s o c i a t e Dean of Instruction H at the Forest Park Community C o l l e g e ; and M r . y — e r t P o w e r s , representative of the 3a m ^ ^ Benefit Planning Corporation. V Hi 1.6 E& Mrs. Juanita Novak read the following ;:rrespondence: H Communications 1.6.1 Letter of appreciation :r:m Mr. Bob H. Reed, Director, Hj Facilities Information, American Association c: lunioe Colleges, to Mr. Larry M O'Neill for the hospitality received during hir recent visit to St. Louis and ma tour of the JCD f a c i l i t i e s . fi| 1.6.2 Letter to D r . Douglas :. .'.. ibby from J o h n Forbes, H| Executive Director of the Higher Education C o c r n n a t i n g C o u n c i l , pledging full H| support of the Higher Education Coordinating C:.r.cil to the Midwest EK Education Center in seeking continued financial support for its programs. B 1.6.3 Letter from Crystal M . l-iage, Assistant Technical Professor, Hj Delta College, addressed to Dr. Cosand, thank.: .. 'Jie District for the gracious H hospitalitv received by the group of consultant - representing "Surveys of Educational _ I I' '^1S $n ^Sk ^EP SH " SK5M ^fiK7 I.7 Treasurer's Report The Treasurer's Report for the month of July, 1966, was presented to the Board for approval. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastlan, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Treasurer's Report for • the month of .July, 1966 »'as approved as submitted. H 1. H Ratification of Investments In the absence of Dr. Cosand, Mr. John Robertson, Vice President for Business, requested Board ratification of the investments made by the Treasurer of the the aye District, August Mercantile 8, $330,000 First $100,000 s50,000 Junior for vote Whereupon, are, RESOLVED, ?250,000 1966, a ratified, of National National total 18, College U. all U. for for That Trust S. 1966, on $. cost S. members awhich Treasury motion Treasury Bank Treasury total approved District, the Company for of following bids on $99,737.22. $249,763.89. of cost abya Bills, total athe Bills, Bills, by Mrs. and had 4.50 on 4.30 4.25 ofBoard the a adopted been $348,428.00. cost Bastian, investments basis 4.60 purchased basis, purchased Treasurer purchased present, received of basis by (+$3.00), $49,907.17. toseconded the mature August August August made (+$3.00), thereof, it in Board was accordance to on August 3, by 3, 3, mature of behalf 1966, be Mr. 1966, to 1966, Trustees: and mature 25, Witte, 11, September from of with from hereby from 1966, The and Board with B H B I M 11 •Hi m H g S B Cc:~ -t rue t ion Fund $5>:i,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased August 3, 1966, from First National Eank on a 4.25 basis, to mature August 11, 1966, for I a total cost of $549,480.56. Building Fund I $400,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased August 3, 1966, from First National Rank on a 4.2 5 basis, to mature August 11, 1966, for a total cos: of $399,622.22. 2. I PERSONNEL Certificated Personnel - Employment T':..- Hoard of Trustees was requested to approve the employment of the following cert if icated personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bast Ian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RfiOLVKI), That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Beard: Mr. C. Pershing Bell - Assistant Professor - Law Enforcement MCC - V-6 - Effective 9/6/66. jr. Reese M. Villia-s - Associate Professor Counselor - FPCC - VI-2 Effective 9/12/66. rjRTHER RESOLVED, T; at the Vice President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to exc-ciue the appropriate Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above full-time certificated employees, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2. . Certificated Personnel - Summer Session, 1966 In accordance with District staff recommendations to the Board, after due iiiscu^sion, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with tr.e aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was MMBBJBP L^JS&29 vw^P^Sl jMuBHHJl RESOLVED, That the following certificated p e r s o n n e l be employed *'"£ Summer Session, 1966 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Jor ^ « | isSSHH Dr. Reese M. Williams - Counselor - FPCC - 4 cr. hrs. @ $215.00 per credit hour - Effective 8/15/66. ^fajfa^BJ gPJjjjJBHJ M r . Ralph Ankenbrand - Counselor - M C C - 1 c r . h r . @ $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 per credit hour - Effective 8/8/66 •>Vi^i|l M r . ::..::-/ Maciiin - Counselor - M C C - 2 c r . h r s . (•* $ 150.00/er. Iir. !?£g|ili M r . Robert M o n s e e s - Counselor - M C C - 3 c r . h r s . (? $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 / c r . h r . •^•fffiffl Mr fflHMM IfflfflH M r . Je.-oph Walka - Physical Science - M C C - 2 c r . h r s . (? $ 1 8 0 'K'r c r e ^ i c n 0 u r ~ Effective 8/22/66. MHPJH 2.3 WBSIBH " ~":''W a r n e r ~ Counselor - M C C - 2 c r . h r s . <? $ 1 8 0 . 0 0 / c r . h r . Certificated Personnel - Ratification of Employment Summer Session, 1966 -llJ^^3 F'U: -"•car^ w a s requested to ratify the employment of certificated j j^ga personnel fcr rhe Summer Session, 1 9 6 6 . W h e r e u p o n , on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , ' "*fsl^3 seconded by Mr. W i t t e , and with the unanimous approval of a l l m e m b e r s of the MmHi Board present, it w a s gj£|j|8|8| JJslSP§ RESOLVED, That Board of Trustees does hereby ratify employment of rhe following certificated personnel for the Summer S e s s i o n , Mr .C^rai mrfimffffi - ?s:rick Witte - L a w Enforcement - FPCC - 45/100 c r . h r . @ $150.00 per credit hour - Effective 7/7 /66 "f^^ D r . Jefferson Ware - L a w Enforcement - FPCC - 4 ^ c r . h r s . ? $215.00 *7^^ per credit hour - Effective 7/14/66. Mr '"T!^P - •;-:te suggested that in the future personnel recommended for emplov- ^jfflsjgj HUBBM ment bi- su:-:.: :t:-J for Board approval prior to their effective date and before services ha.v r_en rendered to the D i s t r i c t ; in cases where this is impossible, ugggjUHJ such pers.'r.r.v. should be recommended I or Board ratification of employment at the - y**""3 •' SiJl^S •"fiS "I WEB? ^^ next following Board Meeting* 2.£ Certificated Personnel - Summer Session, 1966 - Employment Correction The Board was requested to approve correction to Mr. W. Bryce Hill's employment contract, previously approved by the Board, from 6 credit hours to 6/10 credit hours. Due to illness, Mr. Hill was unable to complete his contracted teaching assignment. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members o: the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That correction be r.ade to the employment contract of Mr. W. Bruce Hill from 6 credi: hours @ $180.00 to 6/10 credit hours @ $180.00, effective 6/27/66. 2.b Consultant - Employment Jn accordance with staff recor— endations, after due discussion, and upon motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Dr. Ervin Lipschitz be employed as a Consulting Psychiatrist to provide psychiatric services to the District at four hours per week at each campus once every three weeks, for a total of fifty-two weeks, at a cost of $100.00 per week, effective September 6, 1966. 2.6 Certificated Personnel - Resignations The Board was requested to accept resignations from the following certificated personnel who have signed contracts for the 1966-67 college year, and that they be released from said contracts. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and wirh. the unanimous approval of all members nl I lie Bnai'il I'l'i'scnl, It was ti/b/or -- '.< ^ RESOLVED. That the Board of Trustees docs hereby accept the resignations of the following personnel and releases them from previously signed contracts with The Junior College District for the 1966-67 college year, as noted below: ~ Mr. Harvey L. Harris - Teaching Assistant - MCC - Effective 9/12/66 \ Mrs. Arlene Waterman - Assistant Professor - FPCC - Effective 9/12/66 ^ Mr. F. N. MeWilliams - Business Manager - FPCC - Effective upon obtainner.t oi a suitable replacement. ~* 2.7 Classified Personnel - Employment Mr. Robertson, Vice President for Eusiness, presented names of J i-'. i-<= if led personnel to the Board for approval of - Kr.vn-upon, on motion by Mr. Vi 1 1 ianson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the lir.-nimous ave vote of all members oi employment in the District. the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District in the classification and at the salary indicated, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Boara: 1 i : Mr.Howard A.Oliver - Groundsman - FVCC - 9A - Eff. 8/9/66 Mrs. Marilyn F. Williams - Administrative Secretary - FPCC - 13C Eff. 8/22/66 Mrs. Jewel L. Wagner - Clerk-Typist, Sr. - MCC - 8A - Eff. 9/1/66 ^ Mrs. Mary Bergmann - Personnel Assistant - C O . - 16A - Eff. 9/6/66 2.H J Classified Personnel - Job Description Tin- Board was requested to approve a new job description for "Placement k Assistant, Senior" to be included in SectLon IV of the classified salary schedule ar.- position descriptions previously approved by the Board. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with ih-„- unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was EBB " , mt H H S| H JtKk ^^ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve job description for "Placement Assistant, Senior", attached as an addendum to these Minutes, to be included in Section IV of the classified salary schedule and position descriptions previously approved by the Board. B 2.9 Classified Personnel - Reclassification Sj The Board of Trustees was requested to approve reclassification of the SB following classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded g| by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was SJ gj RESOLVED, That the classifications of the following classified personnel be changed as follows: 38 M Mrs. Joan McDonald - From: To: U Personnel Assistant - 16A - C O . Placement Assistant, Sr. - 1AC - FPCC Eff. 9/6/66 H H Mrs. Vivian Long - From: To: Library Assistant - 10B - Instructional Resources Library Assistant, Sr. - 12A - Eff. 7/1/66 IS I! Mrs. Lucy Perez - From: To: la 2.10 JH Mr. Robertson requested the Board of Trustees to approve salary increases Library Assistant - 10A - Instructional Resources Library Assistant - 10B - Eff. 7/1/66 Classified Personnel - Six Month Increments sm for the following classified personnel completing their six month probationary H period with the District. H Bj Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was Hi |H fH RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel, having completed their first six month probationary employment period with the District, be granted salary increases as follows: H Mrs. Jacqueline Fleig - Clerk-Typist, Sr. - FPCC - From: 8A H To: 8B - Eff. 8/1 /bl> ]H Mr. Benjamin J. Mitchell - Audio-Visual Assistant, Sr. - FPCC - M m To: 10B - Elf. 8/1/66 Mrs. Cathy Licata - I'BX Operator-Receptionist - C O . - From: 1 ^ 7A {£ Mrs. Pearl Russom - Clerk-Typist, Sr. - FPCC - From: 8A To: 8B - Eff. 8/1 ~o Mrs. June Siress - Stenographer, Sr. - C O . - From: To: 3. 10A 10B - Eff. 6/1/66 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3 .1 Appci nlir.ent To Automotive Technology Advisory Committee Tiie Board was requested to approve the appointment of Mr. Robert S. Lemen as an additional member of the Automotive Technology Committee, previcusly approved by the Board, to serve until August 31, 1967. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with ilif aye vole of nil members of the Board present, It was RESOLVED, That Mr. Robert S. Lemen is hereby appointed to serve as a lay nember of the Automotive Technology Advisory Committee of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, said term to expire August 31, 1967. 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES A.1 Approval Of Parkins Plans - Forest Park Campus Mr. Ben Weese, of the architectural firm of Harry Weese and Associates, architects for the Forest Park Community College, presented plans for off-street parking at that campus. The District staff has been working in close cooperation with Barton-Asc'riman, who was recently appointed by the Board to study and report on the traffic access at the Forest Park Campus, in the development of thestparking plans and access roads. The proposed plans would provide parking for 1700 cars. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, ar.c with the unanimous approval of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Che- Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby approve the plans of Harry Weese and Associates for off-street parking at the Forest Park Campus. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the preparation of specifications and advertising for bids for the construction of said parking facilities. 4.2 Status Report Of Construction Program Mr. O'Neill, Coordinator of Physical Facilities reported on the construction progress at all three campus locations. Construction progress has been seriously hampered at the Forest Park Campus due- to the sheet metal strike. Progress is estimated to be 35% complete at trie Forest Park Campus and at this point should be 50% complete. Approximately S250,000 in value of work was lost last month as a direct result of the strike. The parking facilities at the Forest Park Campus are expected to be completed about November 15th. Work is progressing at the Meramec Campus. Parking area construction is running behind the construction schedule, however, the District staff is working in close coordination with the contractors. The Library and Boiler plant construction is somewhat ahead of construction schedule. At the Florissant Valley Campus, the Library contractor is now working on the site and the work seems to be proceeding very well. In toto there is approximately $20 million now under contract for construction of all three campuses. h/o/tn. - 10 - 1 I |^ 4.3 Acceptance Of Hid For Furnishings And Equipment Mr. Tony Lipinski, Purchasing Assistant for the District, presented detailed explanations of the proposed furniture and equipment for the permanent buildings of all three campuses, totaling approximately $1,012,720.00. After due discussion, upon motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RF.SOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize the District to prepare specifications and solicit bids for furniture and equipment to be used in the permanent buildings o: all three campuses, as follows: Contract #66-70 for Lecture Hall Seating, totaling I approximately $66,440.00. H Contract #66-71 for Classroom Equipment, totaling B approximately Campus C.MII Contract i Boards, Forest '.u l<i-Campus ;i.-only, Park (plv, totaling Z/66-75 066-74 #66-79 / f/66-72 Z/66-76 Z/66-77 /(.(only, Campus, .totaling totaling 7$280,201.00. 3 for for approximately totnliiiK Office Audio-Visual Listening Chalkboards, Carpeting, Library totaling Built-In approximately approximately .jpprox Furniture, Furniture approximately Offlrr Labs $2r> totaling Tackboards, Equipment Imnt ,473.00. and S8S.703.00. 353,824.00. Furniture c for totaling ILanguage vapproximately 'ili'.OOO. the for $170,000.00. and Fjrest for the approximately Labs Bulletin the Forest Park atForest the Park gMK H IM H|1•B 1 SfSSk m ® K&g9&MB| ftsMJaM 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE ''.I Wat" I •''' > Ll'' 'ill'''' '\i-j-; i -it yV Mr. Robertson, Vice President for Business of tin? District, presented the Warrant-Cheek Register fcr the month ending July J1 , 1966, Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the unanimous approval of all members of Che Board present, of all expenditures made i:\ i^cordance with payment the Warrant-Cheek Register ior the month ending July 31, 1966 were ratified and approved by the Board of 5.2 Resolution Authorizing The Sale Of Bonds October 5, 1966 with Boulevard, an held bidder St.Louis, moved Ten after St. bonds authorized Million Louis, BE the therein BEa authorized the therefor IT IT discussion The Secretary St. adoption FURTHER in RESOLVED St. Dollars Board on said Louis issue RESOLUTION' Louis on the at of District, RESOLVED of Wednesday, of of County, 16th by a($10,000,000) Councv, Trustees the special the $47,200,000) the day riuard AUTHORIZING following subject, Board Missouri, that at cf Missouri, the election then of or November, said of 5th Trustees (of before Trustee took of Trustees resolution: bonds day THE that an bonds, on held up authorized of the 1965, SALE the Ten Gerald the be at in October, of hour authorized 16th sold Million the OF The matter be TheBONDS V. of District offered day Junior on Junior issue Williamson 11:00 1966. of sealed Dollars ofat offering November, College of College for o'clock Offict-, a $47,200,000) bids special sale ($10,000,000) offered District for to District A.M., 7508 to 1965, be election sale the and Forsyth filed Central of and, highest of of(of I 1 H B §B S • I Daylight Time, on the aforesaid date; each bid to be accompanied by a certified or {§P cashier's check on some solvent bank or trust company, payable to The Junior College District of St. Louis., St. Louis County, Missouri, in the ar.-.ount of Tvo Hundred Thousand Dollars (£200,000), to evidence the good faith of the bidder, the Board of Trustees reserving the right to reject any or all bids submitted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bidders for said bonds be requested to designate in their bids the price they will pay for bonds bearing interest at a rate or rates, but not more than five (5) different rates, likewise to be designated in their bids; provided, however, that each interest rate so designated shall be a whole multiple of either one-eighth of one per centum (l/8 of lvi) or one-tenth of one per centum (l/lO of l^o) and that ail bonds of the same maturity shall bear interest at the same rate. R'o bond shall bear interest at more than one (i) rate, and any bid will be rejected which specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of which exceeds the lowest by more than two per centum (2$) per annum. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED chat, in determining the best bid submitted, the Board will take into consideration the lowest net interest cost to the District, in BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be and is hereby authorised and directed to give notice of the sale oi' said bonds by mailing to all interested banks, bond houses, and investment bun.-.erc in the State of Missouri or elsewhere a notice in substantially the following form: NOTICE 07 BG.rD bA.u£ ^*"^ S10,000,000 (of an authorized issue of :|>!»7 ,200,000) JUNIOR COLLEGE ..OND3 07 T1IS JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI Sealed proposal:; vill be received by the Board c;" Trustees of Tne uunior Coj.j.e;'e District of ot. Lou_s, .jt. iiouis e-ounoy, .'.i^uuri, at "one District Office, 7506 Forsyth Boulevara, Clayton, Missouri, in said District., unt.il the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. , Central Daylight Time, on V.'ednesday, the 5-h day of October, 1966, a;, which time said bids vill be publicly opened for the purchase, at not less than par and accrued interest, of the above bonds of said District. Said bonds are to bear date of November 1, i960, are to be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars (91,000) or of the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), to be designated by the purchaser thereof, ana shall bear interest at a rate or rates, not exceedin0 - .-•: per centum (c,c) par anrvum, to be determined pursuant to sale of sain bonds, payable February 1, 1967, and serni-annua_iy thereafter on August 1 and February 1 in each year. Both princinal of and interest on said bonds vill be payable at a bank or trust company in the Cit^ of St. Louis, Missouri, to be designated by the purchaser, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, and said bonds shall mature serially on February 1 in each of the years as follows: • :'i(o ,0C/j in lOOo .,• v '''), 0( ,-j in i'.,,'.. n5'*0,000 in V/fb ,0 60,000 in ll/79 v ; ivO,u!\J hi l./|\j .•"".•'•f'J.OOO in L\>! i C/oO.GOO 111 I'/wU ..-..00,000 in J>V.<1 ;,•••'.0,000 in 1072 . .00,0.0 in V>T.i :,• 0u,000 :n Vjl; • •-.7y,o:G ir. 10'i'J .•,.•; V5.GCD in 1976 vOip.COO In 1977 .vJ.20,000 in l^o2 .-'635,000 in lV/ft3 vou0,000 in I9M 0690,000 in 19ci5 $715,000 in 1936 Bonds ..•.'.turin;', ;.n the years 1902 to 19^6, inclusive, at the option of ..he ^...striet, :niy be callec in, p-id, and redeemed, in invcrsinumerical oruei-, at par and accrued -.ncerest, on February 1, 1901, or on any interest payment date thereafter prior to maturity. j.:. i;.<: opinion •.•':' C^..usel, these bnr.is will be payable, both ;.s to principal ana interest, from a., valorem taxes which may be levied, vitnout lim_t as to r a t e or amount, upon all taxable, tan^isle property within the territorial limits of the said District. 6/6 /bit - • • i. 'I Bidders are requested to designate in their bids the price they will pay for bonds hearing interest at a rate or rates, but not more than five (5) different rates, likewise to be designated in thei.r bids; provided, hov.evcr, that ail oonas o± t-jie same maturity shall bear intorest at tr.e same rate, which shall be a whole multiple of either "iic-o ho.oh of or,.: ;>cr centum (i 16 of 1%) or one-tenth of one per cor.tu;.. (i/lO oi" J:,'.). Wo bond shall bear interest at more than one \L) rate, and any bid will be rejected which specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of which exceeds the lowest by more than v.wo per centuia (2/i) per annum. Proposals should be addressed to the Board of Trustees and should be filed with the Secretary of the Board on or prior to the date and hour hereinabove named. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified .• ••'••• tor's chock, pay.-.bie to the District, in the amount of Two hunureu Tho^.,and Dollars v92C0,G00), to evidence the good fa.- i of the bidder. .''ropo.-.als tendered by mail should be addressed to the Board of Trus'-OLT, of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, 7506 Forsyth Boulevard, Clayton,, Missouri, 63105, and should be plainly marked "PROPOSAL FOR BONDS." T.ne Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and ail bids must be made on the form supplied by the undersigned. These bonus arc offered subject to the unqualified approval of the legality thereof by the law firm of Charles ar.i Trauernicht of St. Louis, Missouri. The District will pay the le^al fees and will pay for too printing of the bonds, including the printing thereon of the -.:gai opinion, if desired by the purchaser. Delivery of the bonds '.:iil bo made to the purchaser on or before November 21, 19&6, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or in the City of We'..' York, New York, without cost to the purchaser. Delivery elsewhere will be made at the expense of the purchaser. At the time of delivery, the purchaser of these bends shall make payment for those bonds and the interest accrued therecn in Federal Reserve funds available on the date of such delivery. Copies of the official Notice of Sale, Bid Form, and Official Statement may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. By order of the Board of Trustees, this 6th day of August, 1966. Secretary, Board of Trustees 1 •nrwpn^H -^ ^ j_j p ur ,Th£R R2SCLVJSLD t h a t t h e s e c r e t a r y s h a l l a t t a c h t o each copy of i iJL-J^^ o..e u f o r e s a i c . n o t i c e a f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t shoving t h e a s s e s s e d v a l u a t i o n of t a x a b l e I S^5/Sra| p r o p e r t y w..tr,-.r. t h e D i s t r i c t , t h e p o p u l a t i o n oi: t h e D i s t r i c t , a c o m p a r a t i v e s t a t e m e n t I !-':;?il9 0l pSfe^j|||g t i v e b i d d e r s .:.ay d e s i r e . |-'"•""'•i^l " ta:< co QCZ on3 ^ ~ c u r i n g t h e p a s t t h r e e y e a r s , and such o t h e r information a s p r o s p e c - H ''-'• •"'-' •"'-'^'-'•alR r.L'S0L72D t h a t t h e b i d d i n g form t o be u s e d i n b i d d i n g f o r | J ;>tff%| I ' *1 IIM1IIIIWM • H |.^- M ^^{* | -'".« H-»' a PROPOSAL PC?. TI-ZZ PURCHASE M I JUKIOR To t h e Board of T r u s t e e s of ?'.'..• J u n i o r C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t of S t . L o u i s , S t . Louis County, M i s s o u r i . H M H Por Ten M i l l i o n D o l l a r s ($10,000,COO), p a r v a l u e , J u n i o r C o l l e c e H Donas of The J u n i o r C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t of S t . L o u i s , S t . Louis County, M i s s o u r i , h e a r i n g i n t e r e s t a t t h e r a t e or r a t e s s p e c i f i e d below, II H ($ >*,|HW!M£ -r*c' accrued interest to the date of delivery of said bonds to us. •s.\-.jr».jjs ?*"»£ sa_d bonds shall bear interest as follows: S jl C0LLZG2 DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COICTY, MISSOURI TH2 jl H ( ° f "-i a u t h o r i z e d i s s u e of $1*7,200,000) ;-.i$j ". ^ J ^ i jVaturities ) H gl Interest Rates H I- i- hereby represented that the ;-,ross interest cost, computed upon ».-i a./v/e-specif _eu rate rates of interest, will be will S be be Sthat t..e net interest , and that costor the (deduct^n^ average interest premium, rate if any) will I H , %. «§! BB H .|£|^gg| BBPHj f||i§§||B jplllla flffl^Bj It is understood and agreed by the undersigned that if there be any jfflfr, ^& ||S|BHB tfaSsaBM BnHH ggggga^ S?|l|§!§ji gMJsggS Subject t o your approval, the said bonds shall be payable as t o principal and interest at a place to be designated b y the undersigned within forty-eight (U6) hours after the acceptance o f this bid. Likev-ise, within forty-eight (l*o) hours after the acceptance of this bid, the undersigned shall designate which of said bonds, if any, shall be o f the denomination o f $1,000 and which o f said bona:;, i f any, shall b e o f the denomination o f $5,000. A l l o f the designations made pursuant t o this paragraph shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary of the Board o f Trustees. BMMM 53j@HBS •ajfPjiPjl §jPJ|BlglB I discrepancy as between -one actual interest cost or average interest rate computed upon the rate or rates o f interest above specified and the interest cost or average interest rate figvires hereinabove set forth, the interest rate or rates above specified and the actual interest cost or average interest rate computed upon said rate jjjj&jfgSml = j This proposal is subject to all o f the t erras and conditions o f the notice o f sale, a copy o f which is hereto annexed and made a part ^•^ESSS A certified or cashier's check in the amount c f IVo Hundred Thousand ^^ ^O PRlil ® Dollars ($200,000) payable to The Junior College District o f St. L o u i s , St. Louis County, Missouri, accompanies this proposal a s evidence o f good faith, and said check shall be returned to the undersigned if this bid be not accepted or if the District should fail to deliver the said bonds t o the undersigned in accordance with the terms o f this bid; otherwise, said check shall be held ~oy the District and shall be applied as and \rhen the bonds are delivered and paid for under the terms with This and of 11:00 dated (Xote: October, this any the bid o'clock damages N erasure bid, Secretary ois addition i960.) for as A.M., inmay part immediale theoCentral t cause fpayment event othe or alteration a Board that acceptance. Daylight rejection therefor, o the f Trustees, undersigned Tin i of mothis er,the bon e proposal applied sealed, bid. Wednesday, fails Bids at ais to s or and must the t take oprior be for 5th be up made, liquito day filed and ~- » H §• jig '. ..«».• .^'..'jvc pro;.'sal excepted, by resolution or the Board of Trustees of V..«.' Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Kis;;o-.r~, rind receipt of the withi.i-:-entioned check hereby acknowledged tnis cay o f , 1966. a 33} II President, Board of Trustees ^ccr^ary, Beard of Trustees }'.E IT JURTliEE RESOLVED that notice in substantially the foregoing form H si.all be published in The 3ond Buyer, a financial Journal published in the City of H .'.'»_ w Yora, ;'wv "or/., one (l) -;ise not, less than fifteen (15) days prior to October r;>, 9 19oc, t..j ua'.e set for "-he receipt of bids for said bonds. ri BE IT E'JRTKER RESOLVED that the Secretary shall attach a copy of the afore- || saia r.ttiec to each copy of the aforesaid bidding form, to the end that each bid filed Hi :aay be accompanied by the form of the notice of sale wherein the details of the issue Bj B Yrus-ee Mildred E.Ra^txan seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolut i c , a.'.a, the question being put to a roll call vote, the result was as follows: H 9 Trustees voting YES: Lester C. Geil, Mildred E. Bastian, Gerald V. Williamson, Donald M. Witte H TrustorJ voting ICO: None H T..e :r.joLon hav^.-.g received the affinitive vote of a majority of the whole •j Ljor_, t.-.e PrcJ-cent declared the cot ion carried and the resolution adopted, this I 1 ) • ' Easement To Southwestern Hell To 1 ephono Company j£Bfc The Board was requested Co approve an casement to the Southwestern m&SS Hell I't-1 eplionc Company for pel-mission to In.stnlJ and maintain equipment on the Meramec Community College C a m p u s . W h e r e u p o n , on notion by M r s . Bastian, seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and with the unanimous approval of all members of the Board present, it was agreement wit.": Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to grant p e r mission to install and maintain telephone equipment on the Meramec Community College C a m p u s , in the form attached a s an addendum to FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Vice President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the District in the absence oi the President of the Board. 5.4 Annual Report O n District Group Insurance Mr. Robert Powers, of Benefit Planning Corporation, presented an annual report and statistical report on the group health and life insurance for District 4 , Hw ^i^SSSSfsp Jmirfffiwrn KV*-i$Bei ^£**S*P •"**"•£«» •**'*, ^ f.™ Vl{'"§i5si t—l B 8 B B H BJ || S ma BJ M BJ The District is beginning its third year with this group insurance K a At insurance Powers necessary this coverage. Insurance cash the insurance dividend further end M rprogram . Company to Mof Ceil rraise .the coverage suggested Powers of thanked and second (underwriter 53,613.00 thefor reported rate for Mthe yhis re . a rbids cost Powers and ,Board continued March for that because no inpossibly the Afor rate at p3r1ilife the ,his linterest ,of increase 1 91 end 6report might and the 966,7hof .medical unfavorable o in wwant has ethe on vThe e r the been ,first to Junior the insurance) present consider requested. District insurance y e aCollege r , District Prudential advertising found received experience. District. Mr. it Bjl HBHgBBB tm HlI Bn| _ 5.5 Approval Of Purchase Of Five Trailers In accordance with Board policy, bids were received for the purchase of five trailers to be used for office facilities at the Florissant Valley Campus, probably until the Fall of 1967. It was recommended that the Board accept the low bid totaling $21,839.50 from Hart Mobile Homes Corporation. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED That The Junior College District accept the bid of Hart Mobile Homes Corporation for the purchase of one (1) 50' and four (4) 55' trailers to be used for faculty offices at the Florissant Valley Campus, for a total cost of $21,839.50, including freight charges from Elkhart, Indiana. FU?v?."£w. PE^OLVED, That the President, or in his aboanco the Vice President, of the Board be authorized to execute on behalf of the District, any contract required to effectuate said purchase after approval of said contract by counsel for the District. ^P 5.6 Acceptance of Change Order Under Contract ;/66-3 - Forest Park Campus Mr. Robertson, Vice President for Business, recommended that the Board approve a change order under Contract #66-3 at the Forest Park Campus calling for the elimination of fluorescent dimming and substitution of incandescent lights in three lecture halls. Mrs. Bastian moved that the Board approve the elimination of fluorescent dimming and substitution of incandescent dimming lights in the three lecture halls at the Forest Park Campus. Motion was seconded by Mr. Williamson. Those voting for the motion: ; i I i | ! Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian Mr. Lester C. Geil Mr. Gerald V. Williamson Those voting against the motion: Mr.Donald M. Witte Whereupon, the Vice President of the Board declared the motion passed, 5.7 Approval Of Purchase Of Office Furniture Bids were received for the purchase of office furniture for all three campus locations, with the understanding it could be moved into the new campus facilities upon their completion. The Board was requested to accept the low bids of the three firms bidding on various office furniture, in accordance with District speicifications, as follows: General Fireproofing Company, for a total cost of $5,91b.64. St.Louis Typewriter Company for a total cost of $2,246.31. Holscher-Werning, Inc. for a total cost of $6,256.72. Whereupon,on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the approval of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby ancrove the acceptance of bid and awarding of orders to the following firms for office furniture in the amounts indicated: General Fireproofing Company - $5,916.64. St. Louis Typewriter Company - $2,246.51. Ho 1 .srlier-Wern I g , i in1 . - $6,2 56.72. 5.8 Revision Of Gymnasium Plans - Florissant Valley Campu.s Jn coordination with the architect, the staff recommended the Board approve a revision in the gymnasium plans at the Florissant Valley Campus. The staff is setting up a list of priorities in order to remain within the budgeted cost of approximately $1,700,000. On motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, it was RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications to be submitted to bidders for the gymnasium building at the Florissant Valley Community College be revised as follows: 1. Thai the base bid total to be quoted by contractors bo based on the gymnasium without a diving pool or building area, with standard hardwood flooring in lieu of "Tartan" Mooring and without the folding door called for in the original plans. i 2. That the first additive alternate be a swimning pool f including a diving t-nd) hut without the "T" sec ion in the original plans, together with t ne iuiiding necessary to huusi' said swimming pool. . 1 M j iB m^m^^m u^' u| il|»ffijj| ^H i 3. A sccoiid a d d i t i v e be i n c l u d e d for the s u b s t i t u t i o n of " T a r t a n " f l o o r i n g i n s t e a d of hardwood f l o o r i n g . A t h i r d a d d i t i v e t o be i n c l u d e d f o r t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n of t h e f o l d i n g d o o r a c r o s s t h e gymnasium i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e o r i g i n a l p l a n s and s p e c i f i c a t i o n s . Upon t h e v o t e , t h e r e s o l u t i o n p a s s e d u n a n i m o u s l y by a l l members of t h e 4. "> • ^ A c c e p t a n c e Of Change O r d e r Under C o n t r a c L The Board was r e q u e s t e d A66-21 - Meramec Campus to approve c e r t a i n change o r d e r s under C o n t r a c t r/66-21 a t t h e Meramec Campus b e c a u s e of t h e s c a r c i t y of m a t e r i a l s . Mr. W i l l i a m s o n moved t h e a p p r o v a l of t h e f o l l o w i n g c h a n g e o r d e r s u n d e r C o n t r a c t '•'66-21 a; inc. t inn t--,le Meramec Campus: (a) Substitute aluminum e x p a n s i o n joint covers and floor mat frames in lieu of bronze s p e c i f i e d . (b) D e l e t e a i ! bronze ''ascias and substitute 16 o z . c o p p e r 1 DV flasning revised edgtiearatsiaskylights estrips tt show drhof aD tnue7ecogcrdo/zeoasskylights July 1966. '• " " " " t l o n(e) (c) (c)va:-: Aluminum .ne !•""' shall psecured Substitute aflashing Supsrirute D senreencdcCas hot lhto1enisntot1be ueper de"ubc. ce!scs°td;eo*'proper in ptdo)wrs ioepntshell and rzc_:"!vanized uas .tby api0aioper tgenein3reglets rilspecified c2nM efluid rovist»d a"covering at qferrazzo be lrusthick .idalloy base pgiven rm aB inw peapoffer dnibreak of svdin nletfor tieon dS tavic.infinish liethis irthr cfl.dcroofing eaformed S telbsinrhohrsfour efaces infinish. ceeof in at7?. X iX 313S co(color lieu aluminum -on-of 32in n. C ,cSteel the 16 lieu 7eCorrugations a/tas 6of pframe .pnsheet 6pceocec,bocdrroruieione pfocntsipne7,etpshall ezfor .d,erend ecshall to iby fied. fl H B M I H B H § 11 B I ||| n g EH mm B mm S E H R H H§l|•j| JBBBBBt ^$8§| V-sw5£B| Thofe vct!n-.- 'or the -prion: ":\s. Joseph C. '.a.-tian - Letter C. Geil Mr. Gerald V. Wil 1:.—.son Mr ^ W Wgj™]jW Those voting against the motion: ;.Vv£j|J| Whereupon, the Mr. Donald M. '-itte Chairman, Mr. Geil, declared the -otion as passed 'ltui that the c h a n g e o r d e r s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d by the B o a r d . jff|$ff|fj$H IHBBURM 3.10 Acceptance 01" Change Order - Substi tut ior. . :' Cement - Merainec Campus '^'*»?wja The Board was requested to approve a change orc-:-r affecting the *'v^vww3 Merainec Campus substituting gray Portland cement for white Portland cement "^^^SS^ *n aujttMjtgA or ^er to insure continuity of design throughout the campus. M r . W i l l i a m s o n m o v e d the Board a p p r o v e the s u b s t i t u t i o n of P o r t l a n d 'flttHMH cement from gray to white at the Merainec Campus. l Mrs. Bastian, and approved unanimously by all members H 2 l | ,.' " '*"!!*3 ( fQ The nttion was seconded by :f the Board present. 3.11 Acceptance Of Mechanical Change Orders - v.-:-ranee Campus In accordance w'th recommendations made by Smir- i F.ntzeroth, architects, : , l Merainec anil the William BoardCampus. Mr.was Williamson Tan (a) (b) requested ami Change ^ocon: Chc^co Assoc moved to insulation ir3vic''ion iSp'/c' par": aapprove t the en of '.?c ,orefeb approval CoiiHttltlng on of 'ns certain tunne! pipe j;c''ion tunnel inof piping mechanical in bui'c'ings insta!'c F. the n tunnel j/, Ifolic in'rrn 'c-. wc; to ~:'cn .i.^nge.s rt.g -change the affecting Mnramec orders: Campui;. the fjira I UMBM|JB| (C) •ffiMfTJJJFl WEttsjHji '•"' o ' c c e c r w e i c ' i n o , use m c c b c n i c a ! co-j?'.'n,gs B i" g tunnels ACC:OI; W i t h '•'-•e o r i c i n c ! r r e f a b t u n n e i , • igflBffwH MH^Bm^M c o u p l i n g s w i ' ' c h c v e been w c ! c e c a t t n c f c c ' o r v . Tnis is nov/ ro be cc~e in B H ^gjfes^j •" r!0 f i o ' c : , e n d m c c b c r ^ c a i j o i n * : c ? B •^'j^v'VJl (d) D»?!?tc i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n ' 0 r b o i l e r s a n d c ' - " " c r s . ^*TSa!SS c c V j c . v C C C K ' I C e q u i p m e n t by . ^ s i t i n g iSiSffiiJljl -±-ifi%i3h ,.,.t^fl\. (e) 0^ M Rector.: H ^ ^ Engineers nev.' i n f o r m a t i o n mokes *' ^' 1 C ^ o 1 1 1 - 0 1 1 a i l members of tiSBBBk 5.12 jHjBBBl Mr - ;as • T;o; e ' c p p i i c c o l e to j o b . y K H Acceptance- Of Change Order.sUnder C o n t r e c : r 6 b - 2 1 - Meramec Campus H affecting t h e Board a p p r o v e change o r d e r s u n d e r Contract 339§rj|tfcj Lirr.estone, and t h e r e v i s i o n of s p e c i f i c a t i o n s t h e Meramec Campus, a u t h o r i z i n g Motion was made by M r s . h a s t i a n , -^^P^ t h e unanimous a p p r o v a l 3SBJ5W under c o n t r a c t of the Board, n t h e u s e of I n d i a n a f o r aluminum w i n d o w s . s e c o n d e d by Mr. W i l l i a m s o n , the following and w i t h # 6 6 - 2 1 c o n c e r n i n g t h e Meramec Campus: 1. S u b s t i t u t i o n of Winona S t o n e f o r I n d i a n a L .r-^s t o n e , i n s u r e u n i f o r m i t y ol d e s i g n t h r o u g h o u t th<_ j a m p u s . \2jS5 2. Amending t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s raj IB charge o r d e r s were approved 3BBBB rXfrffijSfl " - is, K t h e Board p r e s e n t . ~^3MR| "-I^KES || s e c o n d e d by M r s . R a s t i a n and a ^ r r o v e d u n a n i m o u s l y R o b e r t s o n recommended Hbb-21 H D e l e r o mereri.np o. p r i m a r y s w i t c h gear nti i-wE^P*" HSW^BH M HJ • H in o r d e r for aluminum w.r.jows t o a l l o w t o r to 9 BJ H Hi In approving the :.-jr.ge order concerning the window specifications, the Vice ("resident of t'r.i ::ard, at the request of the Board, cautioned Mr. O'Neill to be sure that : --; specifications were so written to insura a competitive situation for a.- bidders in order that the best price mifcht hi' obtained. •. i i Accept a:"..-. . Bids For V. \ ect: r i ca 1 Modifications - Florissant Vai ii v It has been r.ec<.-firy to remodel the administrative offices at the Florissant Valley Car/.pu.- : r. order to accommodate additional faculty and administrators, in accordance *_:h District policy, bids were received for the necessary electrical work in conju:..::on with this remodeling as follows: Kick Eiec:::: Company $2,687,00 I.e.' Savyt-r rA.ectrie Company 2,6 lb. 76 HurgdorrAr ilectric 3,940.00 Crest Elc.:::c Company [ No Bid ihe Board was r<-: - r-ted to accept the low bid of Lee Sawyer Electric Company for a total cost .. o2,bib.76. '.•Hereupon, mi ::•.,: . : by Mrs. Bast, ian, seconded by Mr. Williamson and iijniu I he mi.-iii i liioie: ap.u. .)i all memtu' I's ill Ha" board pie'-aalt , II waii KKSOi.Vi-.ii, That ': • • unior College District accept the bid of i.i-e S.iwver Fleet:.; Company in the amount of £2,616.76 for c i e c t r u a ! work ;.: : he Florissant Valley Campus. •TKThFK KKSoLYF". '...it the -'resident, or in his absence the Vice •'resident, of th, : ard be authorized to execute on behalf oi t he District, any ccr-.--.cl required to effectuate said work, after approval of >ai.. .-..-.tract by counsel r\>r the District. . t ^ • lb *£&*. Acceptance '.: "..--nations For Patricia Ann Nikolaisen Scholarship -''.;:; J The Board was reque;;ed to accept a check in the amount of $15.00 fro™ g from Conrad, Inc. for the establishment of a scholarship fund in memory of M Miss Nikolaisen, who intended to enroll in The Junior College District upon graduation from high school, was killed recently in an Mr. Ceil added his pergonal comment that Mr. i, Mrs. Nikolaisen are his neighbors and are deeply interested in The Junior College District. B'.T'"*-iii^ KaHflSH NufigttfiM H "suzLi"\ g * \ .. Z* JB _ --^j£ S . 2 ^ ^ [BfPHWW The Board requested that a letter be sent to the Nikolaisen family e m g Mr. ar.c Mrs. J. L. Hacknev an; family, and a check in the amount of $25.00 Patricia Aim Nikolaisen. rowS^-eggd H express in* condolences of the -embers of the Board. .-.'hereupon, on motion r> Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the unanimous approval of all members of the Board present, it was R.^SOLVED, That the Heard of Trustees accept the scholarship donations for Patricia Ann Nikolaisen from Mr. and Mrs. -• h. Hacknew and fanily in the amount of $15.00, and from FARTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this scholarship HpPiwSSK 5.15 Approval Of Contract For Concert - Forest Park Campus pguni^ni^wS The 3oard was requestec :o approve a contract between The Junior H B H H f| Hj am W& §| m, f| H fi| H |ff B j ^ p Col J ego District and Joe and Penny Aronson for a concert at the Forest Park g£ »*-""I^^ Campus on Monday, April 3, 196", for a total cost of $400.00. HB B"*'-;^^W • v-ruH^S Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and '^'itii the aye vote of ail member? -if the Board present, it was H^^iii! RS^'-LVED, That the Boar- of Trustees enter into a contract Wflliliilill ff^SSl Kwfrs||a|| with Joe and Penny Aror.?::. providing for a concert on April j, 1 y67 at the Forest Par'?. Campus, at a total cost of $400.00. Fund-; lor .-.aid concert :. -je taken from the Forest Park student g| gS B IS 9 H| Fl'KTHER RESOLVED, That the Vice President of the Board be and hereby i.s authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of tlie District, in the form attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 5.16 Approval Of Contract For Lecture - Forest Park Campus The Hoard was requested to approve a contract between Harry Walker, Inc. : and The Junior College District to provide a lecture by Jules Feiffer on Wednesday, May 10, 1967, at the Forest Park Campus, for a total cost of $1,000.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the unanimous approval of all members of the Board present, it was 3 " RESOLVED, That the Board of Truestees enter into a contract with Harry Walker, Inc., providing for a lecture by Jules Feiffer on Wednesday, May 10, 1967 at the Forest Park Campus, for a total cost of $1,000.00. Funds for said lecture to be taken from the student activity budget of the Forest Park Campus. 5 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Vice President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the District, in the form attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 1 ^ 5.17 Approval Of Contract For Jazz Concert - Forest Park Campus Tlte Board w;is ri'qiicsLi'il to approve n contract between F.aHlm.'in Boomer Management and The Junior College District for a concert by Chuck Spies and His American Jazz Septet at the Forest Park Campus on Wednesday, October 19, \ 1966, for a total cost of $1,000.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and ; s with the unanimous approval of all members of the Board present, it was • i = _ ~1 % -SIM RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees enter into a contract with Eastman Boomer Management providing for a concert by Chuck Spies and His American Jazz Septet at the Forest Park Campus on Wednesday, October 19, I960, for a total cost of $1,000.00. Funds for said jazz concert to be taken from the Forest Park Campus student activity budget. 8/ci/t.)t.> - .."' - mjjjjjauj ^J&ySfflSjB ^Bajjffijjj 1 Wr'ysSSSlI jMm&m $^gl§g| JJ^BBBI 'fWHP IS^ilP FURTHER R E S O L V E D , That the V i c e President of the Board b e and hereby is a u t h o r i z e d to e x e c u t e said agreement on behalf of the D i s t r i c t , in the form attached a s a n addendum to these M i n u t e s . 5.18 B u i l d e r ' s Risk Insurance F o r Florissant Valley and M e r a m e c C a m p u s e s The recently employed insurance consultants recommended that the D i s t r i c t accept bids f o r Builder's Risk I n s u r a n c e and Difference of C o n d i t i o n s I n s u r a n c e at the Florissant Valley a n d Meramec Carr.puses while they a r e under c o n s t r u c t i o n , since it is during the c o n s t r u c t i o n period that hazards covered by this insurance ill'' t: I t'.i I < " . I . .1 ri' and v a n d a l i s m . Tin* Hit i i d r I" ' !' U I i*U I H'.iil'Uiri' I'l'VCIn fire. f'X I P i u l p i l i'nvi'i:ini D i f f e r e n c e of C o n d i t i o n s Builder's Risk covers c o l l a p s e , e a r t h q u a k e . The District staff received bids from six firms for the recommended B insurance c o v e r a g e , and the Board w a s requested to accept the bids of Protection Mutual Insurance Company for fire and extended c o v e r a g e , and Marsh and M c L e n n a n for the D i f f e r e n c e of C o n d i t i o n s insurance coverage. M r s . Bastian moved the a c c e p t a n c e of bids and awarding of o r d e r s f ° District Builder's Risk Insurance c o v e r a g e at the Florissant Valley anc - M e r a m e c C a m p u s e s to P r o t e c t i o n M u t u a l Insurance Company, and M a r s h and McLennan for the Difference of Conditions insurance. Motion was seconded by Mr. Witte and unanimously approved by all members of the Board present. r 7 COMML'NITY REI.ATIONS § '^'JiSH M r s . T y g a r d , C o m m u n i t y R e l a t i o n s Assistant reported that the District H ,'fc-&f&«£ exhibit is being rotated among the v a r i o u s aovim.s sad loan agencies and the Kg MttiMM radio spot a n n o u n c e m e n t s a r e Identifying which agency currently h a s the e x h i i u t . 5B " g g B I M 8. NEW BUSINESS H 8.1 Date of Next Board Meeting B Mr. Williamson moved that the next regular Board Meeting scheduled III for August 22, 1966 be cancelled, and the next Regular Meeting of the Board 6j be set for September 12, 1966. || unanimously approved by all members of the Board present. H 9. ji| Motion was seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and ADJOURNMENT Vice President Geil asked if there were any further business to come •| before t,he Board. There was not, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded H by Mrs. Bastian, and with the unanimous approval of all members of the BoarJ H present, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. H| Q| • H BM @» Respectfully submitted, Taul H. Cormole ^Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St.Louis, St. Louis County.Missouri ?-\O J U N , 0 ST L ^ U C O ^ Y U ^ O 1 R . T i §U ' DATE •'.SuF.D: GM gi H gj| ','ATURK OF WORK: H] K| 8H |H H D Hj j!! H |I| Hi nri'IES BY EXAMPLE: glu |H fl| •B H H S DESCRIPTOR i Jffijt ! j j ! I ' '. : ! REQUIREMENT S: JOB DESCRIPTION DATED: . PAOr.: i or ! under administrative supervision, to perform placement interviews, arran,U' for contacts of qualified student? witli prospective employers and to assist, .the professional Placement O f f i c e r in such o t h e r work as required. -, Collects data pertaining to students from placement office forms and student interviews. Interviews for both campus am! off-campus employment, opportunities and arranges appointments with prospective employers and supervisors. Maintains files of employment opportunities and other appropriate records, time sheets, interview summaries, etc. Makes telephone and personal contacts with prospective employers. Makes all a r r a n g e m e n t s for e m p l o y e r - s t u d e n t interviews both on and ofi c a m p u s . A c t s for the Placement O f f i c e r in making initial c o n t a c t s with prospective e m p l o y e r s . Performs other clerical d u t i e s related to the placement function. : IF Educat ion: High school graduate plus at least. 2 years of college preferred. Two years specialized work in placement or personnel or equivalent. Abi1 it y: Deal effectively and c o u r t e o u s l y w i t h s t u d e n t s , e m p l o y e r s and genera; p u b l i c . A b i l i t y to represent tiuDistrict and students in c o n t a c t i n g e m p l o y e r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . A c c u r a t e clerical s k i l l s , including typing, d e s i r a b l e . [ ; ; =. ^ ' r s-_ oear or. Li'.^be/: ^ ^ ' 3 | I DELTA I COLLEOE 9 July 20, 1966 w n H Bj H Dr. Joseph P. Cosand President, The Junior College District Saint Louis, Saint Louis County 7508 Forsyth Boulevard Clayton, Missouri 63105 |a Dear Dr. Cosand: I 9 Bj The Summer Project Team, Surveys of Educational Environments (SEE) , wishes to express sincere thanks for your gracious hospitality when they visited your offices on Tuesday, July 19, 1566. M H II S| gg gl The SEE group, Mr. Freed, Mr. Feusse, and Mrs. Lange, were very pleased by the reception accorded us by faculty and staff. We fully appreciate your pride in your new plans for each of three campuses. We were especially appreciative of the time Dr. Robert C. Jones gave the group in discussing the details of the librarylearning center. H Sj During the last part of July, the SEE team will be finalizing a report of its findings and recommendations for Delta College. H Sj Should you or any of your staff come to the Michigan area, we would be most pleased to have you visit our campus. H Sincerely yours, fl S9 Crystal M. Lange Assistant Professor M CML:b H ml P.S. Please extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Horace Grazely for his gracious hospitality and transportation. §§ GENERAL EASEMENT Wl THIS EASEMENT entered into between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Bj of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, its successors and assigns, m. (hereinafter called "Grantor"), and SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE H COMPANY, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter called "Grantee"). n WHEREAS, Grantor is developing its Meramec Community College I g 9 j§ I || §8 Campus, and,in connection with said development, desires to convey M il to Grantee a general easement over the land encompassing said Campus g§ ^ n order to induce the Grantee to extend its facilities and to make M communications and electrical services available to said Campus; and H 9 ^P mm 9 WHEREAS, Grantee is willing to extend its facilities onto said B H Campus to make communications services available and to permit M Wt joint use of part or all of such facilities, and the general ease- || M ment granted therefor, by an electric company serving such area || • in accordance with any existing contract for the joint use of with H M such electric company; B M NOW, THEREFORE, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Grantee H M erecting its facilities on Grantor's Meramec Community College n Campus DOES BY THESE PRESENTS HEREBY GRANT, BARGAIN AND SELL, H H CONVEY AND CONFIRM TO GRANTEE, its successors, assigns, lessees, H H licensees and agents, a permanent right of way and easement to H • construct, operate, maintain, inspect, replace, and remove communi- B| I J8k 1| cations and electric transmission and distribution systems and 9 9 Lines consisting of such poles, crossarm;, guy wires, anchors, 9 9 markers, aerial and underground cables, vires, and conduits and 9 9 all appurtenances thereto, as may be required from time to time, 9 ' upon, over and under the following described land situated in 9 WL M 9 9 9 9 9 9 H 9 9 9 9 9 9 M 9 9 9 9 the County of St. Louis, State of Missouri: ^fe| ^™P raj 9 || Lots 41 through 58, both inclusive, former Magnolia Avenue, 100 feet wide, as vacated bc--veen Big Bend Road and Rose Hill Avenue, all according to the plat of ROSE HILL by Steen recorded in Plat Book 3 page 59 of the St. Louis City (former County) Recorder's Office, a portion thereof having been subdivided and is known as Lots 7 through 17, both inclusive, Lrts 65 through 77, both inclusive, Lot 90 and Lots 96 through 106, both inclusive, Greensboro Terrace, 50 foot wide, Georgetown Road, 50 feet wide and Yprktown Road, 50 feet wide, as shown on the plat of Southwoods Plat 1, recorded in Plat Book 104 pages 46 and 47 of the St. Louis County Recorder's Office, including the South 10 feet of Rose Hill Avenue, vacated by Ordinance Kc. . 4765 of the City of Kirkwood, a copy being recorded ir. Book 4837 page 142, EXCEPTING THEREFROM those portions dedicated for the widening of Couch Avenue and of Big Bend and Geyer Roads, a plat of such widenings being recorded in Plat Book 104 page 48. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 W 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for communicatie.-.s and electrical purposes 9 9 forever, together with the right of ingress and egress across the 9 9 above described property ana the right tc clear and trim all trees, 9 9 overhanging branches, roots, brush and other obstructions on the 9 H above described isroperty, as may be necessary during the construe- 9 m uion, ojscracion and maintenance of said crrxiunications and electrical 9 • 9 GRANTOR, for itself, and its successors and assigns, warrants that it i:-: the owner of the land here cor..eyed and lias the right to 9 9 VBB ^9r M Hi B make this conveyance and enter into the agreements herein; and H covenant that the Grantee, its successors and assigns, licencees B and agents, may quietly enjoy the premises for the uses herein B • stated, and that they will not create or permit any obstruction, B H which may endanger or interfere with the construction, operation, B B and maintenance of said systems. B m The Grantor and Grantee mutually agree that: B 1. Grantor or its designees will trim, cut and remove any SB trees as may be necessary to initially construct and extend H EM B Grantee's facilities, and shall perform such grading as may be <£8§h ^B' • necessary to establish the grade of such property within two (2) feet of the final grade of the developed property. • 2. Grantee will release the general easement herein granted N M M I B M Hi Eg B B B whenever a right of way and easement fifteen (15) feet in width H on which Grantee's facilities shall be then situared, shall have B B been dedicated by recorded deed or plat to SOUTHWESTERN BELL B 9 TELEPHONE COMPANY for communication and electrical public utility B B 3. Grantee shall, upon written request from Grantor, relocate gjj B B its facilities on the land of Grantor in a new right of way and B B easement created by deed or dedication for Grantee's use, provided B B B B ^P that Grantor shall pay the full cost of such relocation. 4. The extension of Grantee's facilities on~o the above described Campus shall constitute acceptance by Grantee of the B§ M B SB jfSk. U H mutual agreements contained herein. II Signed and sealed this M • day of , 1966. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST, LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI M President, Board of Trustees iff |U §1 Secretary B i i H H 'Bw HI ij STATE OF MISSOURI ) B B COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS ) H M I On this before me appeared M M B B H B M known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the President of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the seal of said Junior College District, and said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Junior College District by authority of its Board of Trustees, and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Junior College District. n day of / to Witness my hand and official seal. M , 1966, m e personally W I M M B fl B B B B Notary Public B 59 ^SOMH KB 9 ^^ m M My Commission E x p i r e s : B 8 m ^ ) • ^ S S 5 j : , ; AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA ' g| (McP.E:N CALLED " F E D E R A T I O N " ) I • | B | THE PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL SOCIETY H 1 LOCAL S o . 7 7 , A. F . of M . W 1 2 0 IVoriSs 18th Street 111 B un-jf ill ||1 §|§ Hi * • | | I'lsiSadelphita 3 , P e n n s y l v a n i a •.-•••" - .'NTKAOT for the personal cervices . : musician:;, :-.«•!•• this—?r*? ir^uimJilm : • -uiployor (hereir..-..'tf,-r called tho ' t::.; .oyer") a n d . Z ? T _ ? L ^ Z _ ^ _ ^ ? ? l ~ ? r a % 8 l c i & a s tm 19 •• between the (hereinafter called "omployeee"). |1|| rsl \v;" '•~:~i-'KTH, That trtc employer hlri;» v..-- employees t.» riuiicians noverally on tho torwR and conditions below. The loader ; •; ,. ii,<, employee- already oeBlgn.M--i rave agreed to b-< hound by said terms and conditions. Each employee yet to be chos't. - •. > : be SO bound by said tormu and ccnditviis upon agreeittp to accept hln employment. Each employee may enforce this :»KH—The employee* .-e-, erally apree to rer.-.ler collective"^ to the employer Herviees as musicians in the orchestra under the Hfl ||g ||g ES r f . p r ^^.- H 3 lea.:-r-. ^_^®*^^_?.«.j!^^!®.. Nan.- • : .^MreM of Place r-f Enjrarement VHtmt m twtk — --"« folloWH: Qmm&&-MlZlW-im&tmXlM* _ H R tt^jM««i^_scaAji£i.z«ii^iiB& • ".r.ploymen. i ^ ^ k l ? « « * a a £ l i g f _ M i . ^ J W H H iMt, • ._.._._ llj U„1:., .: >;.T;i,!oymEm *l?*^!!**^..^lJ?!*l» H Tj-j- H •M H| Wg ,-,'.oyer is hereby ittveu an option tv a'.cuil this ;u r-re-i.ent for a period oi^SS^SaBas^SBBSbcyond tho original term ther:.'i option can be r.^Je, effective only ': y written no:;-:.; from the employer to the employees, not flfff)ffgVH'IJiU1hHylftB%giayB prirr • .-xpiration of t-a:d original term, tl:?.: '•:'.- claims a:;-.; t-xtrreiHt»n said option, and a copy of said notice shall be filed -with the loi-u • ->.;o jurisdiction the enp.uaemeiit in t" ':••• played. . ..'.(.-i;iiie:it (specify whether dance, M:•.;<• blr.>w, baie;uv:. etc.) ... fl 6|S£i§5gfe H mi aM>s. V.'A'"--' iHl mm ?!Jg3 WBik (Terms and Amoant) "''P" . v.i.<e include;; cxpt:.*e:; agreed to be te.:r.burHed by the employer in accordance with the attached schedule, or a schedule to 1 !,,. f ; ; y l t oiiipjovcr on or before the da ...- of i-nK.'tpeine::t §m ' .• HKI) UPON J _ J ' ? ? _ H ToDi>ii., WaSti "' ' - H HI HJ Hf i m g d i i i t e i y g®ll0gteg ?s9&tm •-• — - H gl wm M W !Sp»r •» «r»n payments ire to L« nude) RB ^ 1 fljH r : --.-;ue.-! by t h e Ar... rican Federation i.f MuKiciaiu, (..' '.::•: t'oited States) a n d C a n a d a (herein called t h o "•Federation") or t h e loca". '••» •'-•:><• jurisdiction she employees shall : --riorm herev.r.G'-r. t h e employer either shall m a k e advance p a y m e n t h e r e u n d e r o r H I h..P... Wm M M H B S B M M & S jHS •• t • 5;»c>-*,-\ii\-t' ""•" " -,'.-. - . , °Q„\ .. f.: pfn.f.' M r ; f- : »»..-.,-y(.e« have not b«e« rtiwen apen B»s slininj- d '.vs t s p t r i c t , tit* >es:jr sr.aii, as agent for the employer and under his Instructions, hire »uch persons and »ny rai--"ii"«'eV'i'Cd lor p t u x i «"o for eny reaion oc r;: : . j ; 3 - i ' . ar,,- cr if it-..cti. The »irployer m a l l at all tirnei have complete control over the servicai of employed ''••-<••! and the leader s*2•; as u e n t of the c i r t < ; . » ' . »'loir.; d u e - p i . - ; j ' " • j 5 u i e s for just cause, and carry out instructions- as to selections and manner of perform",','-,'..-v''-,< c l Ute c m p i ' v t ^ i I D perfocm Is suojeit '.-. ; . . ; : ' Cvlention : • : -.c'-ess, accidenti, or accidents lo means of transportatlOT, riots, strikes, epidemics, acts of ..'.c-' "itf.limste ccflditifi".! Ceyor.d lh« control of '.••* - ' ^ . u y i - e i Cn t-».-j ' c' Uie employer the loader will distribute the amount received from the employer to the em^ . - - i j himself as Indicile-J or. the opposite side - ' '* i c;-'tract. or ir- ; i\: thereof on separate Tiemorandum supplied to the employer at or before the commencement :"•;>'«-,! hereunder and tale" a .id turn ovec to the e r r -.•t; r»teip;s t h e ' t T ' '•;•". each employee, including himself. The amount paid to t h i laadec includes the cost of H | H | 85 H B BS w H B B WBS MB8 , H Wsm • H IHH »MJ teMj. SHB. , ^ -oyered by this a f ^ t - i e n l must be rr.en-.t;' s - ,'.-.J : t a " i , - . f .' ' - ; t s d r r i t i c n . Ki»ever, ;l the cmploymtnt pronded for hereunder Is suhlect to the tabori. ....... ' '.„"J.. C V, hix 1Q.17 s i - t~;;c,.je^s rti'o i't rr.err.:» - -• tr-r- |»;:. :.,i .- . - • - - thi-.r o:r,plO/rrer,t commences hereunder, shall be continued In such employment only so |,'.*'j Y . ';,iV,nu'e s u m meiVpeu'••; " n tood slandinj A" ; • • : ; e-!'.pl')).-c, ( . . - : . . : c . this agreement, un or before the thirtieth day fullowins; the commencement of their emp','-,-Vi'.'. e H t i t u i / date of t r * : "aj-eement, whichever :s •'•••. slat! beccrre .»• : ci.-.tmue to be iiembcrs in good standing of the Federation. The provisions of this paragraph : • . - , n « effective unk-ss a.-vd u-'tn parmitted by . i p p K i : : i w . s.,",r - : t n l perrriitted by ape;.cj3.a law, nothing in th,i - . - ' . a c t shail e,'er be :;.-s!rued so as to interfere with any duty owing by any employee hefWniHr t o the F*d«ntton p u n . * ! - - ' - C i n j t . u t i c n . Dy-i«»>. S-^es. Hei;i:»1ion; and C r c r s , . . . . - , , . , J C j ftho are part.es '.: ; r afieLted by tins CL:.'. ; . ' : e tree to i t a . t -.?.-. ; e hereunder by reason of any strike, ban, unfair list older or requirement'of the Federa, f > . \,. ". ' 3(. i , s e to acceit *•-•;" eriage in c'.nsr enipir,.--"-; -.' tr.s is'i-a cr r. - 'a- ma'acter cr othcT«ise, for other employers or parsons without any restraint, hindrance, p ' ^ .'. l ;i -V-< or liability «tiatev';;. any other prunsi.^-i •." " '• contract to :?-c c;-:.-ary nolrtithstanoing. J , , . . . . ' j . . . , . _ , . _ c | (hu , 0 ! a i ,., .s-c.-s jurisdiction tin- er?;'.,-t.:s sn-1"! per tor", • • . ' i . r a s r shall have access lo the place of performance (except to private residences) (or the B| I B B| B j H H H Hjj gn B H S^6B BH9' B&B BJH M n f - • -,-.-ar;'ci to be i e r d c - t : . - . ' i J a i t to this «tu-t•-.-. •. an' - . ; ; I D be •-.;..-:*;, reproduced, 01 transmitted from the plate of performance, in any manner or by any means hf-i'"" •" trie absence CI a : p c : '''••: written ajrccmr.il : . • > - : * ; . the emp''. ( r r a - : :r-a Federation relating to and permittinj such recording, reproduction or transmission, " ' ' »•"•:• :/«f rcpiuicnts t h t t f m - e dots not oiist a»a.r.st " T . r. fa.or t l jr.r R s i i a a r of the fstdi.-alioc. any claim of any kind arising out of musical eervices rendered for m y su-iE »:••«• -•-''• No employee veil be rs^a.ied to puilorm j r , ; - . . ' : . o n s of l-,:s : : - - V ; ; : vr to render any services for sa.d employer as lorif as any such claim Is unjatisfted or unpiiC. i: « ^ « : r i.-i part. If th« e-r>isjer b f t i C i o i this Ai;s;.-:ant, ha sf.all p.»> use empiuya-as, In addition U> danM.oa, 6 % Intereat OSartw plus a rtasonaiila ettsxnev'a «»«. H Hg m BB H i— . t i . I I ^ . Em £| ADDITIONAL TE*MS AKO CONDITIONS • H S B ',. -.-.. ; - t ! .n sign:ii|> this -:.-.--tr aci himself, or ha. ' j . u ' i s.gncd by a i t ; ;.-...Sat.ve, a.knowledges his (her or their) authority to do so and hereby aisumes liability for M R H B&3m • M B - . - . ,;-.2:>! perrr.it^d b, a i t .:'.,-: ! a « , ttnrc j r e i.-.r..-;-. i •• .'•!;: anJ r . , : a pa : ->f th.t. t j r t s . n c n t as tho*^ii fully set forth herein, all of the By-laws, Huies end Regula\.-j!i •• - - : . ! j l . : - ' 1 a-d of <-:'-• *.'!' of the K-Jfratmr, , - . - . -.- , . I ; ; S I ; I '.,- -,r . , ., a e tu he ;-.rfv,r-.iid hi'r«w,d«r (insofar as t h e , do not conflict with those of the Federation) »,-• -. . .-• ••-; , . i r ; . , ; » ' ( [ i r,,. . c : v : " s . b i l i t y to be r..i!( 1...2 V ' - : . i--..-. ....'. : . • ' - T . - U J , ; : . : ot t.'.;-, ccntract. with ti.o i,onter.ti theri-ol. ' B H B| •B ' 'vw_' * ^ B | x - ^H B s i X^ ^ H j » Wm ^B IS ^ * y „•.*_. " 'iVBJffe 6d^toSJvite''<St>Sl®aa __JlSi csavola ^St. LmLn* m* p, : ' • Ltadei s hitpffc ^ ' ••-'"*''- c-'-^- ^hffyjiJ-t: ; **l©i&t>«3 Ksalk© ease « a ^ s k t - a . : . » ' • » rijMie *'"" ^ &!fiaiB ;' " . ' ; ' , ' " • ; ' • ". •'"•.•'-"' - V ".'•'.' •''Vc'v'r.:1'.' '-.- . ,. .'.'*,• I • 1 i ^ _ . . . - " " ' " " B ___ i I bi-.-,vrA|l;,- . : .:...- : ,'th'.- v ^ . i ^ ' r e n t ' i l 7a'"li* p ' T l o X ' a . mi B ^ ' - ^^-^V'W.y^ -i ' 'sitnaturVoVLearis-r' 2X5/1.13.^93313 ..; '. • LOLSI ho. U3!3L.J*B»s«i..at* Kriila.^ p a . iOl38 fleaa* ; : / / ' " tos / ' " ' ••^iS*- I ^ F o r m B-2a " ' " • " Ul-'aV M IP' P 1000*1 Contract No. '-'^--WIXJ tttrart 9tr- clay of July i 19 66 t . ]'V) Boylston St.. Boston, Mass., hereinafter referred to as the '• OMMUNITY COLLEGE OURI I e second part. : speoied below. The Sponsor shall furnish a weli heated, lighted and licenced ccsstr? ffige accessories and properties; pay any and all Federal or State Amosc; Bitrtau, the Lecturer is prevented from appearing, then this contract thall be claiz: for damages against the Bureau by reason thereof. II details are correct and accurate and fill In all open spaces. 10 ' "67 ™ M ~ ^ ; 2 o It. -.10:00 P : o ler, C u l t u r a l ir.. Chairman College S:. L o u i s , Missouri HOME T E L E P H O N E * / VQ.. 3-1026 APPROX. LENGTH OF PROGRAM / W hrs . E> I«wC. and mailed to r/ius office on the day after the program. rr.. College ir. PHONE Type of Dress V ****• 1 - 8 8 5 0 business suit 1 tel - call on.arrival 5 vravois; S t . Louis, M i s s o u r i 6 3 1 1 8 »... re.'eivc one copy of :hu contract, plcaie be sure all information is •;r esteruiner will sit;n »ci acknowledge this contract and wiU appear - the %i^r>cii contrjc;. r.-^r.~.r. The only other confirmation you will m e t r e is This wili alt,, \citc JS a reminder. HiAKKy WABLIKI:E. iNt:. FMB by _ Ci-'.O . Us.—.isi Bel '£> >->' \J i«- C i'v li.iiS«'..-.U .11'. . J . i^ t 119 WEST 57lh S7SEET • NEW YC*X. NEW YORK 10019 • Phono, JUdion 2-9364 AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCAL PIlEScNTO:! AMD ARTIST NATURE OF PERFORMANCE escort PLACE OF PERFORMANCE Kill - - ..£ti_ r ^ - ^ ~ ~ ^-^^ - - - Au.i.jbs o: Sui^e Entrance Capacity DATE AND TIME OF PERFORMANCE (Alternative A) on (day of week) afternoon at ...•-•—i^ir1/ on (day cf week) on such elite between P.M evening at ._ .o - - - , 19 , 19 P.M >s„.,_ *„y _ _ and , 19^ , 19 as shall be Selected by Local Presentor and as shall be confirmed In writing by Artist's Manager prior to a* satisfactory to and approved by Artist, and in default of such selection of the date by Local Presentor, or in the event tr.it the date selected is not confirmed and approved by Artist, Artist shall have the right to designate a date during thi stated period by giving Local Presenter notice thereof in writing. ! <-*^3g] —3 f e *y^S •"'&£ -••;.S.eMffl "SfSBH SnHHB V§J9KJ5 M M M T ^ ^ H -'"'S^SHa ' DATE i.-.d TIME OF REHEARSAL (If any required)-..-.. ® COMPENSATION ZV.Z...ZilZHZSZX-ZZ^^.W'J: T..,.,..,. — ~-~ - _ _ at _ -— MENT, 119 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. 10019. • PIANO: Local Presentor agrees to furnish grand piauo(s), properly tuned, for use at the performance. PROGRAM CREDIT: Local Presentor agrees to print on all programs, immediately after the musical portion thereof, appropriate underlines giving credit for the names of the piano used, giving credit for Artist's phonograph recordings di'.d giv::..' credit to Eastman Boomer Management as Artist's Manager. A'-' OF THE TERMS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED IN THIS ACREEMENT WITH THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS THOUCH ON THIS PAGE. B X -^ ..'."-i"^.ZZZi_ ^ .^.x.(...C- ^....V.!.CO..A. r.n.;}cen^. D^arc. of Ti;ui."c JS stress: TJ?^.Ji;Q?0i.CpW^a.I^k[cf of..Si:...LotJJS. i V . l o . : ; ; C c u ^ y , M i , (Fcrorf Peri: Cc::y\\^:.l'r/ Co!!,..;i - 31£5 Gravels /.vent'j - S'f. Lculs, h\o. Mail •BHBB By EASTMAN/BOOMER MANAGEMENT (Artist's Manaaerj ?gB By i'^tlii k,, ^^| v ! " /<2l&&JlC£h - LOCAL PRESENTOR ML'ST FILL IN following inf.jnnation/s.->eiilial to Aitisl for proper performance under Agreement: PERSON TO NOTIFY ON ARRIVAL: ' •.•.>"...<-. /:/:•• " ; ^ | , J ) TIME AND MANNER OF PAYMENT: Payment .-hall he by Certified Check or Draft payable to EASTMAN BOOMER MANAGEMENT. Checks shall be mailed no later than the day of the performance, to EASTMAN BOOMER MANAGE- r''mfirfi "??B * Jp§§* ^"fjJJjfH ....P.M. Dollars (S...iGCC-,GO ''• ' ... J.'VK.W ... LJ'...f.'L BUSINESS PHONE . ( BEST HOTEL . , ' ' < ! /,'' J > >'ilk,\\ : .. ': ..•'.H. RESIDENCE PHONE '' • , / - ..: ' i : . ::.'•.- • ' v. . I pifiSi i fc^H B ^ S f l g g IT. Louie ^ t ^ L o u i s ^ o u n r ^ M ' PhySiCal F a c l l t t i e s . Junior College District, ^fisi?llsl\l:ke*PTe*3 ^ a p ^ e c i a t l o n f o r y ° « t i M and hospitality during v . r 3 f P r e 8 3 e d b y w h " c a n b e 9 ^ n already in St. Louis aS well as the rapid yet orderly, progress which is be In* nsade. ' * S e o t h e r ' t v o ^ h " ^ ^ " ^ e x c l C l n 8 - From what I have seen of the plans, tneUse°d other equally so. KA «" «J=»> f f etwo should prove 1 f 8 i can Best the cnesc be wishes days. of ysany with 'w »ith help, ith the your ^ oicontinued u Director, ^permission, ' do 7%°" not development Facilities heeitate ^ w e ^ may be to of °Information calling call your ^ic on carouses. aon n ustyou . activity forIf help. wein at the A.A.J.C. A nation C P j ^ B ^ f g B'Sfl 15 ^3H W ^ V ^«jp ' 1 I ^ B H TEgg3 ^™ g ^ . ^S J" l 91 • S ST. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT LOUIS - S T . LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI S TREASURER'S REPORT • JULY 31, 1966 U I U B l| B H 9 3 si II H 9 H M H fl m m U 9 Account Bo Ianc, us of July I, 1966 Plus Receipts: 1J>. Revenue C i l y of St. Lou i s 901 Tax Revenue St. Louis County 902 Federal Aid - CWSP yiO Interest Income: 920 Current $ 13,377.93 Construction 4.692.00 Auxiliary Services 930 Student Fees: 951 Maintenance-Spring 5 50.00 Maintenance-Summer 2,680.00 Fees and Fines 1.50 Gifts and Grants 971 Miscellaneous Income 991 0t lie r Recei pts : Transfer from General ^ to CWSP 5 579.75 ^ Miscellaneous 6,107.56 NDSL Col lections: M NDSL G r a n t I 9 Tr.i I lot a I H Less Gen. Fund Bidg. Fund $ 4,278,794.02 $ 7,310,134.01 $ 10,556.63 3,208.29 4,447.00 $ $ 18,069.93 2,768.88 S 2,731.50 50.00 56.34 $ 6,687.31 48.7527,682.00 D - . Receipts 5 76,306.63 ' $ 165,897.86 32,661.90 133,235.96 Salaries: Base-Current Base-Restricted Withholdings SB ji M B Expenses: 400 Current $ 46,377.63 JCD Cont. to CWSP 579.75 Restricted (See Schedule B) 924.17 $ 47,881.55 M • M C..pi t a l Out l a y : Current Restricted $ 379,004.07 I M • A u x i l i a r y S e r v i c e r - Cost o f P a y r o l l Taxes ;, W i t h h o l d i n g s S t n c i e n t Fee R e f u n d s §8 1 $ 5,360.74 ' $ 259,872.28 Disbursements: • H 9 • H 300 $150,702.15 15,195.71 $ tjgt 5,360.74 Other 500 (See S c h e d u l e B) $ 24,667.20 • 354,336.87 Salos600 700 4,731 .99 50,607.35 3,151.00 Disbursements 24 7 . 3 2 $ 618,859.24$ 259.872.28~ ' • ' * / - THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI 9 - TREASURER'S REPORT JULY 3 1 , 1966 Page 2 Account General Fund Bui 1 di ng Fund Balance July 31, 1966 consists of: Petty Cash Funds Ccish in Banks: Current: CWSP $ 55,044.61 Nursing Student Loan 3,612.23 General S Other Restricted Fund 560,640.71 Payroll Construction National Defense Student Loans Investments : Current Construction Fund $1,247,501.29 1,300,214.58 Total $ 1,025.00 $ $ 457.785.83 619,297.55 500.00 328,479.95 39,223.04 $6,597,836.64 $ 2,747,715.87 $ 3,736,241.41 $7,055,622.47 Reconci I at ion of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: ^ P Warrant Check Registers July 31, 1966: Curient $1,025,705.66 Construction 404,302.37 Less: Costs of Investments made dur i ng July: Current Construction $ Transfer of General Funds to Construction Funds $ 'Ironsler to Building Transfer of misdeposited NDSL check Transfer from Bldg to Gen. Total Disbursements 5 509,748.46 $ 149,876.18 $ 100,000.00 $ 259,872.28 5 1,430,008.03 547,501.29 49,965.50 86,000.00 100,000.00 27.682.00 $ 5 811,148.79 618,859.24 I i ,~=ft£/$ i , ii , i . Ill , , lil * i , , ill r ii 111 ,1, l „ , , j i ii i II . il i , ,iil an A W Purchase Purchased , i i - - ,i, iU The Junior College District St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri Treasurer's Report SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1966 GENERAL FUNDS r Type of Inv. . n . , ii Rate of Maturity Maturity interest In i « •'» ' " • '>• CONSTRUCTION FUNDS Maturity Inter ! ,,^ n •-A M i Date Outstanding July 6/30 7/7 7/15 6/23 5/20 1/27 1/26 nMaturit n Mercantile Merrill Boatmen's Southwest First 7/31/66 ies From 'Natl m iLynch • (a)2 r 1 I in " ' M i4.75 4.50 4.30 4.60 4.0 4.05 4.86 4.10 4.61 4.35 Int. v •'" m 7/7/66 7/28/66 9/30/66 7/14/66 8/4/66 7/21/66 8/31/66 7/31/66 7/31/66$ Date m '"• n i$ $1,212,000.00 SI,250,000.00 i i ' " n 600,000.00 300,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 Value 12,000.00 i n ii' I'I <|| I'p I S SI,247,501.29 SI, Cost S " ' "488,154.86 600,000.00 248,501.61 299,294.25 298,999.68 100,000.00 198,622.07 199,847.44 " 99,847.44 99,760.83 "11,717.25 » M"li " Earned "I'lillli' <;13,377.93 $11,845.14 '"' 705.75 239.17 282.75 152.56 'U-i'lM' $500,000.00 $550,000.00 Value 'in 50,000.00 " ( ' ' I I I 1 1 "Cost $500,000.00 $549,965.50 ! ! 49,965.50 m i 'ii (IEarne ' '|||]H" $4^ $4, II I The Junior College District , chase PurDate 5/20 Outstanding 5710 Mercantile Merrii! Merrill Southwest South State North Purchased 7/31/66 From 5k Co. Lynch . Wei(continued) Is of Type (a) Inv.21 of Rate Int. 4.91 4.62 4.74 5.15 5.0 5.05 5.01 5.0] St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri Treasurer's Report SCHEDULE A Maturity Date 9/22/66 8/18/66 1/26/67 12/1/66 10/27/66 12/29/66,, Maturity , ValueFOR •GENERAL • THE INVESTMENT MONTH FUNDS Cost OF ACTIVITY JULY, i " B 1966 Earned Int."| ,ni||ii'Pr'"t'|i'ii|ii' $ $1,510,000.00 Maturity Value 610,000.00 500,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 CONSTRUCTION i S1,500,214.58 Cost 500,000.00 600,214.58 200,000.00 100,000.00 FUNDS i|fl 11im•"i Earned Int.'iiv M Mat "l"" Va SJI 1 i'i|i!!;|lMi|[|iiw m" I