I iVi:-.-JUTES O F T K * REGULAR MSETIHG or § A H I 1 I Q 1 IKBF ri T O ' - ^ ! ~ * OF ~ ' ' 5 ^ ^ C I -:\\z THE J U N i C R COLLEGE DISTRICT O F ST. L O U I S , ST, LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI M O N D A Y . MAY ? 1 , '9.f A-H;C0 P.M. 8 A regular meeting o f the Bocrd of Trustees of T!ie Junior College District of • EH B fg B B M St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, was held on Monday, May 23, 1966 at the M H Central Office of the D i s t r i c t , 7508 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. B i K GF.NERAL F U N C T I O N S 1 B 1.2 I • The Board President, M r . Joseph G . Stewart, called the meeting to order • at 8:04 p . m . Roll Call The f o l l o w i n g members were present, constituting all members of the Beard: H 1 H Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian j | 13 Messrs. Lester C. Geil S Bj Guy S. Ruffin 1 I Joseph G . Stewart Gerald V. Williamson munity Coordinator, F» Robertson, Dr. President-Campus OGlynn ' NAlso Relations e i l l present Vice ,E.Coordinator Business; Clark, President; Department Director; were VM i crDr. esof. Dr. President-Campus MDolores Physical Joseph — r . Douglas all Paulof P. B. Facilities; Connole, The Donald Cosand, Tygard F. Junior Libby, Director; M. and Assistant Mrs. President College Witte JMrs. r . Mary , Dr. Vice Lucinda To of District Jane R. The the Presidenr-Ccmpus Willicm President; District; Colcis, Schulz staff.Graham, of Associate Also Mr. Mr. theJohn present ComDirector; Lawrence Vice . ._ -^- MN humwtipiiini i»ii tuiiiigniiii I iiiilM%<liiHfrmyiiliiiiii UHiilH.i HMfl JHNgftfrjfil were M r . Kenneth Toasdalo and M r . Bruce E., V/o'-druFf of iha firm of Armstrong, M?-*iS^I Teasdale, Kramer and Vaunlon. f§ '"'^S^J Counssi for il:s D i s t r i c t . Board President Stewart asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular E^BH Meeting of M a y 9 , 1966. §B • ' ' ' ' . ^ j l M r . G e i l as(<ed the secretary to include the price of the low b i d and Jrado~in • '"^ffissil allowance received from Ray Rixman, I n c . noted on page 20 of the M i n u t e s . S^^vfijl Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h B-^'"*^™ tne ave vo HMWJHI of M a y 9 , 1966 were approved as c o r r e c t e d . •Sj9Sl| HB 1 * e °^ a " f" e mbers of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting M r . Stewart then asked for cpproval of the Minutes of the Special M e e t i n g cf ••••* """^ *,M,y?**' fflHJJHm « • -i^^Hs Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r s . Bastian and w i t h e a >/e vo * e °^ a " mem ^ e r s °f ^ e K'^Mlli ^ Board present, the Minutes of the Special Meeting E^HH of M a y 13, 1966 were approved as submitted. H H N H ^'^ • H Q H H Board President Stewart welcomed M r . King M c E l r o y , reporter from the St. H'M^Mn Welcome to Guests M r . Stewart asked Dr. Graham to introduce guests present from the Forest Park Bi'iflff&l Campus. j&^w^M Forest Park Campus; Dr. A l i c e Thelen, Miss Clare Heyne, and M r . Larry C o r n w e l l , a M M fl M RJN || || H H Louis G l o b e - D e m c c r a t ; and M r . Frank J . Leeming, J r . , reporter from the St. Louis ^ss^JpS • Dr. Graham introduced Or. Richard Richardson, Dean of Instruction at the H §« fil H H ' l °f whom have been a c t i v e l y engaged i n the experimental General Curriculum Hi B '"^^§1 Program of the District. Bag 1 • \;J 5/23/66 HS&MH| -2- EH ^ — H Wa M " MIMIIIIUIMWM—•inwnii»w>aMiii»iiB ilin ••» ..m. ».l.ii. ••. - • » >' —~—'• • . • ..v - ->-• wr — ! • - - 1 , r • ••• - ••• h Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , iccon-'Jod by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was |l RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g investments made on behalf of The Junior 8 S3 College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby e r e , r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: H Construction Fund H • $500,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Southwest Bank on a 4 . 7 6 basis, t o mature June 2 3 , 1966, for a total cost of 5500,000. H 9 $500,000 Certificates o f Deposit, purchased May 2 0 , 1966, from Southwest Bank on a 4 . 8 6 basis, to mature J u l y 2 3 , 1966, for a total cost of $500,000. H H • $100,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from North County Bank on a 5 . 0 basis, to mature October 2 7 , 1966, for a total cost of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . • M $500,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from State Bank o f Wellston on a 5 . 0 basis, t o mature October 2 7 , 1966, for a total cost of • $500,000. 9 H $200,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M iy 2 0 , 1966, from Mercantile Trust Company on a 5 . 0 1 basis, to mature December 1 , 1966, for a total cost of 9 $200,000. 9 9 9 $100,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Mercantile Trust Company on a 5 . 0 5 Basis, to mature December 2 9 , 1966, for a total cost of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 9 9 9 $610,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from M e r r i l l , Lynch at a 4 . 6 2 r a t e , 4 . 7 6 equivalent r a t e , t o mature September 2 2 , 1966, for a total cost of $ 6 0 0 , 2 1 4 . 5 9 . 9 Building Fund 9 9 $250,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Southwest Bank on a 4 . 7 6 basis, t o mature June 2 3 , 1966, for a total cost of $250,000. 9 9 $550,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Southwest Bank on a 4 . 8 6 basis, to mature July 2 8 , 1966, for a total cost of 5550,000. 9 9 $750,000 C e r t i f i c a t e : o f Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Southwest Bank on a 4 . 9 1 basis, t o mature August 18, 1966, for a total cost of $750,000. 9 9 1 $ 1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Mercantile Trust Company on a 5 . 0 1 basis, to mature December 1 , 1966, for o total cost of $ 1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . • 5/23/66 - 4 - 1„ „ .. HWmwB hf^^^CT bJSajB M n H I *~s*'^si : I SI , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 Certificates of Deposit, purchased M a y 2 0 , 1966, from Mercanti !e Trust Company on a 5.05 basis, to mature December 29, 1966, for a total cost of $ 1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . Bj H 1 $500,000 Cf,r»i:ico»tc of DoposiK p u r c h a s e M a y 2 0 , 1966, from South County Bank on a 5 . 1 5 hcthf to mature Jc I'iviry 2 6 , 1967, for a total i B cost of $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 1 $600,000 Certificates Deposit, M a 2 0was from provides for President vote O and 2 .r gapproval aupon nofM iclassification capacity A 21.9 RESOLVED, PERSONNEL M In September $ October zfor .ar1e proposed 1for .accordance lt,and lmotion ri2 0ao crMorton Jarnos Jen 7 1 members ia ntotal a l6 5 Chairman C at ln,V M e presiding t0iJamas irits 2 land a 0 Lynch ce t7 n 0 ieby 2 fE. cost p,uiTrust next Achter 2coThat U. U aPresident. of at a ,1966, M having lBelton .iw tcKuke e r1966, tat the of the S. of iyo sd tregular Company officer .h the be a addition $600,000. Board Personnel Treasury Bastion, -Board, President for salary 4-been included .fInstructor for 7 o 6of Assoc, al2 4InsrructorB l at o meeting M a total rwpreviously classification aeon ittotal meetings ite oseconded B ne-twas Cosand's gi,ithe a lProf. nunder cost lEmployment s4B cg5.C5 ,cost e .on -7 9existing ripurchased np-Tchcsed 6 t1-Music of i f-June Absence of equivalent iSection English of approved basis, cby $ English a recommendation, 1 the t$998-,717.70. hereinafter e,M2d-13th. Board r4Board .personnel 9 FVCC to -May 1.4.5 ,of W -1FVCC mature by 1iFPCC rlyDoth 8Policies lai2.an the tThis -9e o 0m 3set ,case I,s-.V President -to be o Board: January 1966, -1966, proposed Ino2V lodged Vafter ,mature uand employed of I--t-2 and ,2Eff. cbsence -from said -Administrative due 2 w Eff. and w Eff. 6ip9it,salary to h/discussion, h6l91967, V i the /9 nc/the of 6i6 /yc6the /e6 both /aaye 6Board 6 dPresident 6d i t i o n B m ffi H S B 9 fli Miss Ardan I. M u e l l e r - Instructor B - Counselor - FFCC - I V - 3 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 M r . Fike A . Zuhroon - Asst. Prof. M a t h - FVCC - V - 4 •< Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 5 FURTHER RESOLVED, authorized to execute adopted by the Board, w h i c h scid contract is 2.2 That the President of the Board be and hereby is the appropria'.e Instructor's C o n t r a c t , previously w i t h the above f u l l - t i m e c e r t i f i c a t e d employees, to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the D i s t r i c t . C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Resignations in accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, offer due discussion, and upon motion by M r s . Bastion, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That M r . Douglas Gorton's resignation be accepted by the Board o f Trustees i n order that he may continue his graduate work towards a doctorate. FURTHER RESOLVED, That M r . Robert Shepack's resignation be accepted by the Board of Trustees to enable him to accept en administrative position a t the Sante Fe Community College i n Gaines^ ' l i e , Florida, w h i l e completing rafp work on his doctorate, 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Summer Employment The Board of Trustees was requested to approve the Surrmer ecrployrr.ent of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Bocrd, i t was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed for the Summer of 1966 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: M r . Mendel E. Branum, J r . - Counselor - M C C - 10 c r . h r s . @ $215.00 effective 6/13/66 Mrs. V i r g i n i a Hagebush - Librarian - M C C - 7 c r . hrs. @ $150.00 effective 7/18/66 M r . Richard Lessman - Student Placement & A c t i v i t i e s Counselor - MCC 10 c r . hrs. @ $180.00 - e f f e c t i v e 6 / 1 0 / 6 6 5/23/66 - 6 - Wf ' ' ^ r c ^ 1 " " ™ " ™ .„,,„,„„,,,, 1 2 H The President of the District rcccp.^rr.enjid the Board of Trustees adopt o ' 4 if" - h. i-l'i- • -• i, i P'Cporty Rjrhi- Po!:--.y 1 g I property rights p o l i c y , w h i c h v/as lodged w i t h 'he Board at its last m e e t i n g . g M This p o l i c y provides for remuneration to District staff members who may M books or publications, develop teaching aids, equipment, or create other instruc- H PI tional materials. g author j | H Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded b y M r . W i t t e , i t was g M RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District I i| M H does hereby adopt the Property Rights Policy to be included under Section " M " of Division I I I , I V , V of the existing Beard Policies and Administrative O r g a n i z a t i o n M a n u a l , in the form attached to these M i n u t e s . 1 I I I 2.5 I Wa In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, Hi j<Bfct |§ "%• la Classified Personnel - Employment I B and upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M s. Bastion, and w i t h the aye i vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was i B RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be employed by 1 jw H B WB ffl The Junior College District i n the classification and a t the sclary i n d i c a t e d , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: M r . Jcmes V . Hennessy - A n a l y s t - P r o g r a m m e r Systems a n d Procedures Central O f f i c e - 2 4 - B - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 6 § 1 I B Miss Lynda Crafton - Typist-Transcriber - Student Personnel Services - H FPCC - 8 - A - Eff. 5 / 2 4 / 6 6 mm 2.6 8S The Board of Trustees was requested to approve reclassification of the Classified Personnel - Reclassification 9| f o l l o w i n g classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded B by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was 91 £l% IBM Bj Wm • Vjjjgp RESOLVED, That the classification of the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be changed as f o l l o w s : 5/23/66 -7- I g g y m t m l l i M f r g i a a - i W j a a s f i i M a ^ ^ — ,„». -,.,i„ „.- t[ - ' - • • • I T ' I - I - I -hi ~>c i " ' - f r f - . i . . - | . | i ••• S H Miss Ann G | c r s _ from: TBX Operator 6?. To: Typist-Transcrib.-.r OA - Fff. 6 / 1 / 6 6 H M Miss Constance Kanmerer - Prom: Accounts Payable Clerk 9A To: Typist-Trarsroribar 8A - Fff. 5 / 1 8 / 4 6 E 3. mr'n-n- -fi-'-'n ^ CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION Hi 3.1 Danforth Foundation G r a n t - General Curriculum Program JHI The Junior College District has received a grant from the Danforth Foundation 1 I ||| i n the amount o f $250,000 towards the expansion of the General Curriculum Program I |H now under experimentation a t the Forest Park Campus. I H grant is contingent upon a further grant from the U . S. O f f i c e of Education i n the I H amount o f $ 5 5 3 , 0 0 0 . I II w h i c h is needed to further expand the General Curriculum Program. n Am* Wi ^ P HI H H The $250,000 Danforth The total of these two grants would make up the $803,000, [1 The President of the District requested the Bo .rd to formally accept this contingent grant from the Danforth Foundation. 1 I Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded b y M r . Ruffin,and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was H RESOLVED, That The Junior College District Board o f Trustees docs In JH §§ §9 H H 9 w hereby accept the grant from the Danforth Foundation to expand the General Curriculum Program, w i t h the understanding this grant is contingent upon receipt of an additional $553,000 from the U . S. C f f i c e of Education. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President o f the District be and hereby i s , authorized to direct a letter to the Danforth Foundation expressing the appreciation of tho entire Board of Trustees and staff of The Junior College District for this grant. || I 5/23/66 - 8- B I H _. 3 . 2 w Generol Curriculum Program Dr. Richardson, aufhcr and Director of i-.e General Curriculum Program, M introduced to the Board Dr. A l i c e Thelen, Miss G o r e hieyne, and M r . Larry H C o r n w e l l , who are currently working i n this new progrcm on the Forest Park Campus. I Hi These staff members explained how the students enrolled in this program are i H| counseled, tested, end e v a l u a t e d , and presented samples of the various instructional 1 |9 materials used i n the instruction of the basic skills in English, Mathematics, and i If The staff is constantly creating new techniques and developing new methods H w h i c h can be used e f f e c t i v e l y . P§ i n the midwest engaged i n this type of remedial instruction. 9 M The Junior College District is the only institution H entire Board of Trustees for the fine job the Forest Perk staff is doing in this program. ^*^ H 1 | Proposal For a Community Service Program in A d u l t Basic Education Dr. Cosand c a l l e d upon M r . Kenneth Teasdale, counsel for the District to • respond to the Board's previous request for an opinion by counsel concerning the 9 question of whether or not the District could legally undertake a program for the H education of n o n - h i g h school graduates. 9 1 M r . Teasdale noted that each Board member had received a formal opinion 9 letter expressing counsel's views. 9 was countel's opinion that the District lacked the power under present laws to 9 provide education to non-high school graduates, such as the kind of education |H contemplated under the Economic Cpportunities Program. 9 I 1 M r . Stewart, President of the Board, expressed the appreciation of the ^ P 1 ^P? In summarizing this letter, he stated that i t M r . Teasdale stated that if the Board were to proceed w i t h the development of this program under the I I 1 r I lews that presently exist, it might subject its members to personal liability 1 for expending funds beyond ;he purposes f=r which i.'.e District was formed. I Whereupon, after due discussion, c<- motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, it was ! RESOLVED, That based upon advice from counsel for the District this Board and The Junior College District refrain at the present time, from taking any action toward participation in, or implementation of, the Adu.t Basic Education Program previously presented to the Board. I I i H All members voting for the resolution, the President acknowledged it had £ passed unanimously. fm Thereafter, a discussion v/as held concerning what steps the Board might M take to resolve the question of the legality of the participation in the Adult Basic Education Program by junior college districts. -**§! M r • this j * Williamson ^commended that tre Present appoint a committee to study P r o b , e m a "d to determine what legislcfcn might be recommended. M r # R u f f ? n s t a t e d h l s ob e •'"^M i <=«ons with regard to the District conducting any adult education program, stating that the District cu0ht to concentrate on education B^SjSll °f B .'^S| y0Un9 K^vllS m I 'J-*M Kf^jB '7?j '9nt g± !n the 'nstitutlon b e M r i r "'-'"CI Pfljjj theyouth community. Mr. Ruffir- further stated that the District was a a n dn o d many other younj programs, and although adult education considered at some future time it should not now be undertaken. * W 'tte then m S i|| • W j P I 1 °ved thaf n o more *me b e s P e n t u P° n consideration of B | | H H H §B B H participation in the adult education progra- and that any further discussion be B tabled and no time be given to this matter by a committee or by any other District H T h e moH ° n was seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and upon the vote, the motion was defeated by a vote of four to two. Whereuxjn, Mr. Stewart announced that he H | H Fgi"'" 1 "" "' • ' ' l ' 1 '•" ' ' * " " " ' ' " " " " • " i ' " M if ^^ " ' '-aaai. i mi in . .I'I- -i mi-ii'i i.n , . , . . . . . , , ,..,..,. i, ..„,, f| ,.,r.,.„i ,i„.f -.,.,..,.,,.. r , irlnhTllrr' rr MI I nniiiiii IT - •• '"i' U- was appointing a committee consisting of Mrs k JoserjH Bastion, M r . Kenneth S Teasdale, and himself, to study the problem and recommend possible legislation. fl B ^*^ Report On Midwest Technical Educcion Center .. H D r . Libby reported en the success of the 'Erphcsis Technical Education" •• fl fl B Conference recently held at the Chase Hotel co-spcnscred by the Midwest Technical H M Education Center and American Association of Junicr Colleges. fl M The Junior College District and Southern Illinois University have been fl M awarded a grant of $500,000 by the Ford Foundation for the preparation of com- fl H munity college teachers o f technical e d u c a t i o n , end plans are now being developed fl I i n conjunction with St. Louis University on a simile- program for counselors. fl • one week program for community college counselors sponsored by the Midwest H Technical Education Center and St. Louis University w i l l be held the third week A fl Hi flflv M ^*^ mi wlP i n June. M The Junior College District, i n cooperation with the University of Missouri, • is also developing a program for the preparation of administrators for technical H programs in community colleges. I As Director of the Midwest Technical Education Center, Dr. Libby expressed H his appreciation for the support of the A A J C during this recent conference in St. Louis. 4 i 1 KH&H - PHYSICAL FACILITIES E 4.1 n Acceptance of Bid From Talisman, i n c . 5555 construction WestInPark accordance of an Avenue, additional with i n which Board building to p ohouse l between i c y , bids the Cer.rral the were existing received O f f i cstructures e on Instructional Mayat19th 5545for and the n flI fig BHMBH '~***vi|j Resources Department. The floor plan for this building had previously been approved by the Board at its meeting on March 14, 1966. Dids were also TSSSHB received by the District on the same date for renovation and paving of the '^"^SSi warehouse area previously purchased from Robinson Sfeel Company. BwSBPg ^^^Jl3 ^pAOTi^ ,?**$$& ^•:^S ^ n e Board was requested to approve the award of both bids to Talisman, I n c . , who was the low bidder on both projects. Whereupon, after due discussion and on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastian and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District j^gfrM g&RBH hereby approves the acceptance of bid and awarding of a contract to Talisman, Inc. for the construction of an additional building IHHHJ between the existing District owned structures at 5545 and 5555 MMp^l West Park Avenue (designated as Contract N o . 66-101) and the flfHMn construction of a f i r e w a l l and concrete paving of the floor of the I rear portion of the existing building at 5555 West Park (designated as Contract N o . 6 6 - 1 0 0 ) , a l l as more f u l l y jrovided i n plans and specifications prepared for said projects anc on file in the Central O f f i c e of the D i s t r i c t , for a total price of $ 4 4 , 9 0 0 . 0 0 . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the construction contract on behalf of the D i s t r i c t , drawn i n accordance w i t h the plans and specifications. *& g 5/23/66 - 12 - m i 5. BUSINESS A N D F I N A N C E 5.1 Approval of Contract w i t h Board of Education The President of Ihe District recommended the cpproval of a renewal contract between The Junior College District and the Board of Education of the C i t y of St. Louis for the use of Roosevelt High School f a c i l i t i e s for the period September 1, 1966 to A u g u s t S l , 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and w i t h the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, enter into a renewal contract with the Board of Education of the C i t y of St. Louis for tho use of Roosevelt High School facilities for the period of September 1 , 1966 to August 3 1 , 1967. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of t'le Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute said c o n t r a o on behalf of the District, in tho form attached to these Minutes. 5.2 Approval of Supplemental Agreement with Board of Education Upon the recommendation of the President of the District, the Board was requested to approve a supplemental agreement with the Board of Education of the C i t y of St. Louis for the use of Roosevelt High School to provide f a c i l i t i e s for the Forest Park Campus Programs during the Summer Session for the period June 2 7 , 1966 to September 2 , 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, agreement with the Board of Education of the Forest Park Summer Session from June 1966. 5/23/66 - 13 - The Junior College District enter into a supplemental the C i t y of St. Louis for 2 7 , 1966 to September 2 , I I FURTHER RESOLVED, Thar the President of the Dcard of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute said contract on 'behalf of the District, in the form attached to these Minutes. 5.3 Approval of Agreement with Dames Hospital The President of the District recommended the approval of a contract between The Junior College District and Barnes Hospital to provide f a c i l i t i e s for The Junior College District Nursing Program. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Wi'licmson, seconded by M r s . Bastion, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Beard, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees enter i n t o a contract w i t h Barnes Hospital to provide facilities for The Junior College District Nursing Program for the period June 1 , 1966 through June 3 0 , 1967. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the District. 5.4 Nursing Loan Program The Junior College District has received epproval of an a p p l i c a t i o n for a Student Nursing Loan Fund for the year 1966-67 in the amount of $ 9 , 2 7 2 . 6 4 . Under thisLoan grant, is necessary that the District contribute $1,030.29 to thisthe unanimous this Nursing expenditure of expenditure share to RESOLVED, Whereupon, Nursing be St. aye provided ofLouis, Fund. the Loan vote ofitfrom District on That District St. of Fund by The motion aDistrict Louis the lthe l for Board members tov/ard funds. Board federal the by County, of funds M year of arTrustees of . total government. Trustees GeiI,seconded in the 1966-67. Missouri the of Board, was, amount $10,302.93 of does The therefore, The i t was by of Junior hereby remainder $M1for r,,0 3 College requested authorize Ruffin, a0 .Student 2of 9 as said and District the to an fund with approve i 5.5 Approval of insurance Audit and Inspection Bureau Upon the recommendation cf the President of the District, the Board was requested to approve the employment of the Insurance Audit and Inspection Bureau as an insurance consultant to study the insurance needs of the District including fire ar-i extended coverage, Workmen's Compensation, general l i a b i l i t y , and surety for ali District owned property and equipment, and prepare specifications for the solicitation of bids for said insurance. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the firm of Insurance Audit and Inspection Bureau be employed as an insurance consultant to the District for one year at a total cost of $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the District. Dr. Cosand left the meeting at 10:35 p . m . to attend an o u t - o f - t o w n speaking engagement. 5.6 Approval of Student A c t i v i t y - S t u d e n t Union Fee The President of the District requested the approval of a Student A c t i v i t y Student Union Fee of $1.00 to be assessed each student per c r e d i t hour (up to a maximum of $10.00) per semester. Sixty per cent of this fee would be allocated to the construction of student centers and 40% would go to student activities fund. This fee would be effective for the college year 1966-67, commencing September 1, 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Bastian and w i t h Vmr the aye vote cf all members of the Board, it was 5/23/66 f|| §| H la |H Hi RESOLVED, Thai rhe Board of Trustees does hereby approve the adoption of a Student Activity-Studenf Union Fee to be assessed each student in the amount of $1 .CO per c r e d i t hour (up to a m a x i mum of $10.00) per semester. Sixty per cent of said fees to allocated to the construction of student centers and forty per cent to be deposited i n the student a c t i v i t y f u n d . Said fee to become e f f e c t i v e for the i 1 1 § 1 I j£l 1966-67 college y e a r , commencing September 1 , 1966. 1 II 5.7 1 H The Board was requested to approve the employment of Anco Testing Approval of Anco Testing Laboratory, I n c . S| Laboratory, Inc. as earth testing consultants to the Florissant V a l l e y Campus. III After due discussion, upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . nl G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was H RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees dees hereby epprove the JH H || ii employment of Anco Testing Laboratory, Inc. as earth testing consultants to the Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e . Services to be provided by this firm and costs to the District a l l as more f u l l y provided in the addendum attached to these M i n u t e s . j». |J Wk FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the D i s t r i c t . H 5.8 Approval of North County Bank and Trust Company - Depositary F ° r Junior College District Funds • B The President of the District requested a resolution from the Board of |9 Trustees designating the N o r t h County Bank and Trust Company as a depositary §| for District funds. |j| II §g H g • |»| jflU B I Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the N o r t h County Bank and Trust Company (hereinafter c a l l e d Bank) b e , and hereby is, designated as a depositary of funds for The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri (hereinafter c a l l e d " D i s t r i c t " ) , subject to such terms, conditions, rules and regulations of said Bank from time to time in e f f e c t governing commercial (checking) accounts, or Certificates of Deposit. 5/23/66 - 16 - 1 i 1 I I I § I I FURTHER RESOLVED, That funds i n the account w i t h said Bank be subject to withdrawal or debit from time to time upon checks, notes, drafts, b i l l s of exchange, acceptances, or oiher instrurr.ir.ts or orders for fh<i payment of money when signed, d r a w n , made or accopied in behalf of the District by the f o l l o w i n g : Mary Jane Calais, Trecsurer FURTHER RESOLVED, That any officer or agent of the District b e , and hereby is, authorized to deposit any of the funds of this District in said checking account, for deposit or c o l l e c t i o n , without endorsement or w i t h endorsement (by stamp or otherwise), w i t h o u t designation of such officer or agent making the endorsement. FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Bank is hereby authorized to pay any instrument referred to in the second paragraph and to charge same against said deposit account when executed as therein p r o v i d e d , without any duty of i n q u i r y as to the circumstances of issue or disposition of the proceeds. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary b e , and hereby is, from time to t i m e , authorized to c e r t i f y to Bank the name or names of those authorized to w i t h d r a w , together v/ith specimens of their signatures on a signature card provided by the bank; and in case of any change of any authorized signer, the fact of such change and the name of any new authorized signer together w i t h a specimen of his signature; and the bank is hereby authorized to honor any instrument signed by any new authorized si? ner i n respect to whom i t has received a signature card with a specimen of his signature c e r t i f i e d to by the Secretory. FURTHER RESOLVED, That u n t i l the Bcnkhas a c t u a l l y received notice i n w r i t i n g from the Secretary of the District of any change i n these resolutions, Bank is authorized to act in pursuance hereof and shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the District from any loss or l i a b i l i t y incurred by i t i n acting pursuant to these resolutions. 5.9 Approval of South County Bank - Depositary For Junior College District Funds Dr. Cosand, President of the District, requested a resolution from the Board of Trustees designating the South County Bani as a depositary for District funds. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That South County Bank (hereinafter called Bank) b e , and hereby i s , designated as a depositary of funds for The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (hereinafter c a l l e d D i s t r i c t " ) , subject to such terms, conditions, rules and regulations of - 5/23/66 - 17- J I said Bank from time to time in effect fjcvernirg commercial (checking) accounts, or Certifica^es cf Deposit. FURTHER RESOLVED, That funds in the account with said Bank be subject to withdrawal or debit from time to time upon c h e c k s , notes, drafts, b i l l s of exchange, acceptances, or other instruments or orders for the payment of money when signed, d r a w n , made or accepted in behalf of the District by the f o l l o w i n g : Mary Jane C a l a i s , Treasurer FURTHER RESOLVED, That any officer or agent of the District b e , and hereby i s , authorized to deposit any of the funds of this District i n said checking a c c o u n t , for deposit or c o l l e c t i o n , without endorsement or w i t h endorsement (by stamp or otherwise), without designation of such officer or agent making the endorsement. FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Bank is hereby authorized to pay any instrument referred to in the second paragraph and to charge same against said deposit account when executed as therein p r o v i d e d , without any duty of inquiry as to the circumstances of issue or disposition of the FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary I e , and hereby is, from time to t i m e , authorized to c e r t i f y to Bank the name or names of those authorized to w i t h d r a w , together w i t h specimens of their signatures on a signature card provided by the bank; and in case of any change of any authorized signer, the fact of such change and the name of any new authorized signer together w i t h a specimen of his signature; and the bank is hereby authorized to honor any instrument signed by any new authorized signer in respect to whom i t has received a signature card with a specimen of his signature c e r t i f i e d to by the Secretary. FURTHER RESOLVED, That u n t i l the Bank has a c t u a l l y received notice i n w r i t i n g from the Secretary of the District of any change i n these resolutions, Bank is authorized to act in pursuance hereof and shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the District from any loss or l i a b i l i t y incurred by i t in acting pursuant to these resolutions. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8. 1 : : ~ ' Approval of Amendment To Dr. Cosand's Employment Contract The Board of Trustees was requested to cpprove the amendment to the w Employment i t h a resolution Contrcct d u l y for adopted Dr. Cosand by the dated Board February of Trustees 8 , at1965, its meeting in accordance held on - M a y 2 3 , 1965. • • - Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded-by M r . G e i i cr.z w i t h the unanimous aye vote of c i l .Timbers of the Scard, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby epprove the amendment to the Employment Contract of Dr. Joseph P. Ccscr.d, dated Februcry 8 , 1965, in the farm attached to these Minutes, end authorizes the President of the board to execute said contract amendment on behalf of the District. 8.2 Junior College District Ccmrr.ep.cerr.ent Specker - June, 1967 In the absence of Dr. Cosand,Mrs. Bastian presented a letter eddressse j to Dr. Cosand from Dr. Stephen J . W r i g h t , President of Fisk University, accepting the i n v i t a t i o n of the Board to present the commencement address at the 1967 -i Junior College District graduation exercises. S 9. 1 * ADJOURNMENT Beard President Stewart asked If there were any further business to c c - e before the Board. There was not, ond upon motion by M r . G e i i , seconded by M r . W i l l i c m s o n , and with the unanimous vote of a l l members of the Socrd, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p . m . = Respectfully submitted, Paul H. Ccnnole Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of S t . Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri ] -= 1 5/23/66 - 19- I P U R D U E SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES. U N I V E R S ; ~ Y S 0 C > AL SCIENCE LAFAYETTE. INDIANA D E P A R T M E N T Or EDUCATION g&L <••»; EDUCATION 47907 MuY - 1966 Dr. Glynn E. Clark, Vice President Keranec Community College 959 South Geyer Road cc: teThey tprovided Kirkwood, ohx ecme. ieiinclosed •ve r»;e pDean wished twork i do owish A n the aDonnelly acheck Missouri l pland yonly ptoiNDLA rswell e athuuik cafor icatthtvoucher iCounseling epva$150 ltieyour tyou 63122 ait ehsU'/tz^p esedw and a'which time within iswith lsl iyour Isthen nt could tayou ethe nMGA the rcUHI^^^^L^ nsebe tsahelp should . and fhave SfC sent t .The ofor ulook extorted Louis nbeer, ssicr. tc sv.;=r.is et:.el o:":rward ;-;u. re-ctended. Zcmmunity (-where eand xby c ewere lGuidance Donnelly, l teoxn'tdanother excited College )They experience and I nwere Riggs, sr teyabout ditetiuausrrtn.er i c t . ^ i t M*OISON I . £ M - ST. LOUIS REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION . -••ji.ieiinW H . f M H l ,» PIERRE LACLEDE BUILDING-7701 FORSYTH B O U L E V A R D . ST. LOUIS " 3 SOURI 6 3 ' Ob . PARKVIEW 6 5653 MONROE jtm«so« '•-.. May 13, 1966 OFFICERS , CHAIRMA'. : OF THE E > t C ' j T i V E 0 - THE UOAPD A N D COW'.'iTTEi Nicholas " Veeder. Chamber, a-d F-esidcnt ^ Granite CiT, S'ee! Company = VICE CHA:='.!Ar* o r THE EC'ARD f Joseph t G':esedK'ck = President _ Fais.aft ere.,,.. Corporation M carroiiAriBcf.,v5!t. _ L r e s t e r C. Geil ^ J u n i o r C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t of S t . L o u i s a n d St. L o u i s County 1000 C l a r k S t r e e t EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDE-.'' 0Re,aBcis : \ I VICE PRESiCENT 1 Cnarles E R cha-dson St. LOUIS, MlSSOUri - President ^ 1 Charles E R.Ca'dson flea !, : :,~pa-. TREASURER §P Dear M r . Geil: Richard ',V hcrner. Cruet A d r - " - . s i r a i ' i c O t f i c p i = «,„,««,R..„i,.nS!n,t,:-c;.B,-«:, f.^rTcn'rfva, IXV^s^c;-^, cuTivt coMMiiru A r t i c l e IV S e c t i o n 3 of t h e R I D C b y - l a w s r e q u i r e s that t h e m e m b e r s h i p of t h e f i r s t B o a r d of D i r e c t o r s be d i v i d e d , by l o t , into t h r e e g r o u p s a s n e a r l y - q u a l a s p o s s i b l e , o n e g r o u p to s e r v e a o n e y e a r t e r m , one g r o u p t o s e r v e t w o y e a r S i t h e r e m a i n i n g group to s e r v e three W . M . A i . n President , , „ - , _ „ Ladedestwico^r.n, y e a r s . 1 h e r e a f t e r , a l l b o a r d m e m b e r s will s e r v e t h r e e year staggered terms. Andrew H Oajr Member T"1 — /•«. n L i , * i j f . , •. " = St Loots C ^ n t / R j s i n e s , & \ Industrial De-elopinirnt C o m ~ ss cr- ~ jonnH Ber, Plantuan»;,- A d r a w i n g h a s b e e n c o n d u c t e d in a c c o r d a n c e witr. the b y l a w s a n d y o u a r e in t h e g r o u p of b o a r d m e m b e r s which Maurice R Cria-nhen. Pre'.'d-j-t " internat.caisiotciimpan, LeiJ'-A h a s b e e n g i v e n a one y e a r t e r m . D.^-see. Vice Prcs r.:-~: - Chamber of Coi'i'nerce o l wet-ci-.-.ManEt Uuis ° 5 c ; " A £" J,a' A c c o r d i n g l y , we would a p p r e c i a t e y o u r t a k i n g a p p r o p r i a t e a c t i o n t o h a v e y o u r s e l f r e a p p o i n t e d to a n e w t h r e e y e a r Secrela >-I'easjrcr * st LdunLacorcouncil AF, o c ThoodcreR Gant/e Piesdri t £ r t e r m , o r s u c c e e d e d by s o m e o n e e l s e f r o m y o u r c o m p a n y o r organization. Pel Mil. r.OT.porv Canon A Mc.cr./.iiit Pnis.je-r A t t a c h e d i s a f o r m o n w h i c h y o u c a n notify u s officially D e v e l o p " * " ! Corpocjlioc , ,,.„, a s ,., Msnuf.^rerj Associat.v..'f=f' W n l i a r . I Joir.ei. P i n i d t r - l •;••••" t ot h e J u n e ' action taken. / P l e a s e r e t u r n by no l a t e r t h a n 1 0 , 1 9 6 6 . T ^ iiancis,.< <..-,,. Sincerely, , , - — Grualcr Alton A s i . x i a w . . " , . - ! . .'.- v e : . i J a n i c i H r j o i d . Ptesidenl S o u t t i * e s l e ; n Illinois M w l ' c ; - l a " # ^ / Bill J f - J s E r . u - i p r . ' . f > f"^ji« i T - st LO isRe a , ; ,iaiiPduiiia ,. I I »••-•• ,,-IA v„;„...,! M, .;,.• Sl LC- U .> h c j . - j i . r- ; . . . , . i - . . tt I V . u j r'.«-.,.lvi.| Arliuli^a'i t'C.i L e a l r.i o ' l t '. ' •„ . •"' . a • /"~ ~~~~-^. (. j \ \ y^\ ) ~ j ' J' S ^ - l C ^ L A s A — " r-^^ \ / \ \ f \ ^ > O CI i*^—' ~^f~*- ^ -' ' i D.Reid Ross •« T||BKH The Board was also honored to welcome M r . & M-s. Hoyns, parents of Miss Clare :|p|||j§| 1.6 ,iMH||m| Mrs, Juanita Novak read the following correspondence: •^vsrefl Ccmmunicr.tions 1.6.1 Letter from Bruce Shertzer, Director of NDEA Ccunreling and JPPJWJB Guidance Institute at Purdue University, addressed to Dr. G l y n n C l a r k , expressing ''llliilli appreciation for the opportunity recently afforded the NDEA Counseling Interns to 'ISiiffli visit The Junior College District. ^maSM S U i^jgsg *-*sSlPfflJ .'"""^rags '^ISMS ^.6.2 Letter from M r . D. Reid Ross, St. Louis Regional IndusJrial Development Corporation, requesting that a person be designated by the District to serve a new three year term on the RIDC Boord of Directors. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Ba:tian, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was the unanimous vote of * n e Board that M r . G e i l be reappointed to be The Junior College District representative. 1«7 Treasurer's Report The Board was requested to approve the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month of A p r i l , 1966. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , end with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports were approved as submitted for the month of A p r i l , 1966. 1.8 Ratiflcotion of Investments The President of the District requested ratification of investments made by the Treasurer, for which bids had been received in accordance w i t h Board p o l i c y . ! JffirJ f^ <i - ( 1 'f i £"•• 5/23/66 - 3 - M. Property Rights end Pu'olicct'cr.s, Tecchir.- ; .:, Mcrcricls cr.z. Equipment W r i t t e n or Developed by rccu.r • :;-- £tc.:." ..'.omb.rs I. n A l l property rights in books w r i t t e n , "icching aids developed (including workbooks, laboratory manuals, trcn;;:crancies, tapes, f i l m s , end the like) and equipment designed or ir.\'=j-.-ad, shall belong to the staff m e m ber or members who shall have v/rir::.- :uch beck or books, developed such teaching a i d s , or designed or ' - . e n t e d such equipment, including any books, teaching aids or equipm;:-.- w r i t t e n , developed or designed by cny staff member i n conjunction v'.-h his cr her teaching cssirr..vic.vr, w i t h any released time or assigned y.-z'-zci authorized or direcved by the D i s t r i c t , or w r i t t e n , developed, cr ;oiigned prior to 'cozarr.'r.- c —..i.T.bcr o f The Junior College District staff. Such property rights i h a : i , su^joci to paragraph three hereof, Include: g • 8 H E B g S S £ m • H M H A. The right to publish for ?••' -ate profit and the right to c o p y right any book, manual,, :•• printed o f f i c i o ! m a t e r i a l , and B H 9 B 9 • B. The right to negotiate pr'-crely w i t h any person, f i r m , or corporations, for the men.. ; acfure o f cny equipment cr r e a c h ii-g a i d end 'the right to c::;uire any p c i c n . rights which may bo obtainable thereon. S B 8 R 2. The property rights end joint proier.-. of staff members undertaken either as part o f a teaching assignment, r-: icsed t i m e , or assigned projects, or on their own t i m e , shall be shcr~: by the participants in such manner as they shall agree in w r i t i n g . H S B B 3. Notwithstanding the property rich:: ; f any staff member or members in any books, teaching aids, or equisnant published, developed, or d e signed by said staff member or memriirs, The Junior College District s h a l l , to the extent that said book, reaching a i d , or equipment was written or designed in conjunction vith a released time project or p r o g r a m , have a joint property right r e r e i n . E fl B E B B Said j o i n t property right shall ent!-••.* the District to use or purchase said b o o k , teaching a i d or equiprr.i.-r regardless of copyrights or patents thereon and exclusive of any rove - as, commissions, or other pecuniary p r o f i t to the applicable staff member or members until such time as The Junior College District has been ri'Vr.bursed from said r o y a l t i e s , commitsions or other pecuniary profit to "a extent and amount that The Junior College District paid for that par: :. : the project or program which resuited in the creation of the book, ti::>:hing aid or equipment, not to exceed the staff member's ccy rate for c .\* G.v.ou.'.t of time* at the p i " - t i m e scicry rate for his particular s e c i-co^ory enc sue.", owicr ccsvi as may be involved in .he p;o",ec';. S B B El E H 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ^^ ^|y I Once reimbursement for such released time has been made, any joint property rights of the D i s t r i c t shall cease and a l l r o y a l t i e s , cornrnbc'o.-.;, or pecuniary profit thereafter earned by the sale o f said hoc!:, ^zz'.:\r.~ a i d , or equipment, to cr.y purchaser inercor s.^c.i belong c x c i u j i v o i y ,o the staff member or members. ' j 4. A staff member, by executing an employment contract w i t h the District, hereby agrees to g i v e the D i s t r i c t the j o i n t property right hereinabove described. I 1 ^ w H AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE HGCCZViELT :-.:C:-; ZZr. ?. Z :.V THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. X w i S , ST. » C - . S C G ^ . x . / , . . . ; : : c ^ . : THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the day of I 1 , §| I 1966, by and between THE BOARD OF E D U C A T I O N OF THE CITY OF ST. LGUIS (hereinafter 1 i c a l l e d "Board of Education") and THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. L O U I S , ST. L O U I S i B C O U N T Y , MISSOURI (hereinafter c a l l e d "The Junior College}: I I WITNESSETH: M WHEREAS, The Junior College desires to continue its educational program which has • B M M WHEREAS, The Board o f Education feels that i t should continue to g i v e whatever dSki 5 ^^ M . S been operating at Roosevelt High School; and B H I assistance i t can l a w f u l l y render to such a worthy enterprise, end; B §1 M WHEREAS, the said Junior College needs temporary f c c i l i t i e s in w h i c h to continue its B educational program; B N O W , THEREFORE, The Board of Education hereby cgrees to permit The Junior College S H to use the premises, b u i l d i n g s , f i x t u r e s , furniture and equipment of the Roosevelt High School B H from September 1 , 1966 to August 3 1 , 1967, Monday through Friday from 4:00 p . m . to 10:30 B H The Junior College agrees that in consideration of sale use of the aforesaid Roosevelt B S High S c h o o l , that it w i l l reimburse the Board of Education for any and a l l expenses incurred or B sustained by said Board, including the reasonable cost of wear and tear and depreciation to I B the buildings and school equipment, resulting from the use of rhe aforesaid premises by The WB JH Junior C o l l e g e , and that The Junior College w i l l h o i d the Bcord of Education harmless as to m B any claims or suits for personal injury or property damage arising out of the use of said premises M B by The Junior C o l l e g e . H B H i* is agreed that The Board of Education is to incur no expense or to become obligated in • 9 any way for expenses arising out of the operation of said Junior College and The Board of Education H B is to be reimbursed for any services rendered and for any mc-ies expended by it as a result of the B §9 operation of said c o l l e g e ; i t is further agreed that such reimbursement is not to provide for any M *fffflra| •- :"•/•-* ^he ra^ s a I d Boarc! o f Education agrees t h a t , insofar as is possible, bills are to be rendered § monthly for the expense o f said operation and thct soid expense is to be computed by the 1 V*£*S»8 A u d i t o r o f The Board o f Education and approved by the Superintendent o f Instruction before 1 '.uT^rSsl being submitted for payment. I ^S&pji Because the Board o f Education is not l e g e ! ! / impowered to spend or dissipate its f u n d , HHRNM except in carrying out the purposes for which it was c r e a t e d , whenever any doubt crises as ||r^pl3 fo what charges shall be m a d e , i t shall be construed and determined by the Superintendent o f SBtfiBtiM Instruction, working in conjunction v/ith the other Executive Officers of tho Board in such a -"T'^llil vva ^S|1B by the use o f The Junior College of the said Roosevelt High School f a c i l i t i e s and such c o n - 1 $fj|§[ljjflj struction and determination shall be f i n a l . § ^ •jpgplll ^ w 1 a s io Pro*eci a n d I hold harmless The Board of Education against cny loss or damage caused In order to defray the additional cost of ;.-.e duai use of said f a c i l i t i e s , and in order to | mmfcj|jj«| prevent the disruption of the planned budgetary needs of The Board of Education, The Junior ifln| College cgrees fo keep in deposit w i t h The Boarc of Education the sum of Twenty Thousand E HHEH Dollars ( $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ) , to be used as a revolving i^r,d. 1 The Junior College hereby authorizes • •*V35sf a '•'""••*^pS &&jffi& I the use o f said revolving fund to pay the charges-.referred to in this Agreement. The Board of Education shall submit to The Junior College each m o n t h , i f at a l l possible, an itemized list of a l l charges and expenses attributable to the use of the Roosevelt f a c i l i t y by The Junior C o l l e g e . The Junior College shall pay the amount thereof ro the Board of Education to restore the revolving fund to its o r i g i n a l sum and any balance remaining in said fund at the termination of this Agreement shall be returned to The Junior CcMege. &$]jpj|i The Board o f Education agrees to make c v c i l a b l e rooms for a Book Store, a Library and ^11111 £ & ^ o r ° f f i c e space for The Junior C o l l e g e . ffill||ll exclusively for the use of The Junior C o l l e g e . -ffilllll shall nor be a v a i l a b l e to any high school studen; or personnel, but shall be solely for the use 'dlnnl and ''1^1111 i During rhe term of this Agreement said rooms shall be Tr.e services and products sold in the Book Store purposes of The Junior C o l l e g e , its studenrs, instructors and other personnel. '* ' s f u r f n c r agreed that The Junior College w i l l not make use of the b u i l d i n g s , premises, '^lllraw f i x t u r e s , furniture or equipment thereof in such c way as to interfere w i t h its use by the Board •vi'^HKH of Education in the manner heretofore customarily used by the Board i n the operation of said «H It is further cgreed the!- no cll-crcMcr.s to the- buildings., pre.v.i;;...,. .'.'.•:;- w ,-_j / .',.-.'.."_.v „.- 111 equipment she!! be made by " b o Junior C c ! ! c > w i t h o u t •.-."-,:. ||| tendent c : instruction of The Eocrd of education or bis representctive, cr.z. cr.y circ-rcticn :c ||a cgreed u p o n , shell-be mco'e at the cost of Tr.e Junior C o l l e g e , end Vbc- Junior Cc.!!^.re furtbw.- fl| agrees to place on deposit in c d v a n c e , w i t h rbe Secretc.-y end Treasurer of the Coord of ng E d u c a t i o n , a sum sufficient to pcy the cost of cny such c l t e r c t i c n s . H C;;:/-... ..........^.-. ..; ..'-._ ;i„ ..-;.-.- Tne j u n i o r College cgrees to be responsible for vbe supervision of ,b_- b u i l d i n g one irs III students curing the hours i t conducts classes, end to be responsible for a i l persons present or, H said premises during that time end to take whatever reasonable means are necessary to prever.r HI a'cmage to the premises during such t i m e . S .': is further agreed that this Agreement may be supplemented by rules and regulations r'or Hi 13 the operation of the b u i l d i n g , end premises, end that the rules end regulations may be draw.-, oy '**' c J o i n t Committee of the Instruction Department of The Board of Education and the Instructicr. iH 4ul H ^ ^ H Departrr.e.-.r of The Junior C o l l e g e . it is further agreed t n c t The Junior College v/iil provide food services for its studer.rz end S| other personnel by means of food merchandising vending mcchir.es pieced in the c a f e t e r i a c r e a . Ill it is further cgreed that The Junior College is to operate the merchandise vending mcchir.es c; IH their own cost and that they are to keep :'r,e premises c l e a n ' a t a l l times subject to inspection Hj by the Director of the Division of Food Services of the Eoard of Education; ice p l a c i n g o f i'r.a n machines as w e l l as their number and m a k e , end any contract to be let for the piecing and H operatic.-, of the machines, shell be subject to the approval of the Director of the Division c: ii Food Services of The Eoard of E d u c a t i o n , B end removal of the machines shall be borne by The Junior College and upon their r e m o v a l , r.-.e jjl ^ • r premises ere to be replaced in rhe same c o n d i t i o n as before at the cost of The Junior C o l l e g e . IB It is furrr.er agreed that a l l vending machines w i l l be for the use of The Junior C o l l e g e , its II students end personnel o n l y , end at no time to be for the use of the students of the koosevelr .-.igh • S c h o o l . '.: i- further cgreed that there w i l l be no food service of any kind provided by the ~zz:d M III of E d u c c r i o n . Any profits resulting from the operation of the vending machines are ro be re reined by The Junior C o l l e g e . ir is further cgreed that a l l costs of the installation It Is further agreed that The Junior Co;;e~e .v.cy rer.7i!.-.e;e -.v.!- .-. :„c.v...-.. ,:'..: ;•; -.'.-1 f end of the iQ^n of this Agreement by g i v i n - five (5) c'eys.r.ctice vo The _e_/J _.' . I . \ „ e . - . ; ^ . ? I N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have c c j „ e d this ir..,vru.r._r.r to br- si.--.--d ' and sealed as of the cay and year hereinabove set o u r . j OF ST. L O U I S . By • I President ATTEST: Secretary j '- THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LO'JJS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI By = " ATTEST: Secretary, Bocrd of Trustees _^ President, Board of lrusfees r \ | f I JM H M H I B • ^ p SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE ROOSEVELET H I G H S C H O O L BY THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. L O U I S , ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the day o f , 1966, by and between THE BOARD OF E D U C A T I O N OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS (hereinafter c a l l e d "Board o f Education") and THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. L O U I S , ST. L O U I S C O U N T Y , M I S S O U R I , (hereinafter c a l l e d "The Junior C o l l e g e " ) : WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, an Agreement was made and entered into by and between The Board of Education and The Junior College dated August 9 , 1965, which permits The Junior College to use the premises, b u i l d i n g s , f i x t u r e s , furniture and equipment of the Roosevelt High School from September 1 , 1965, to August 3 1 , 1966, Monday through Friday from 4:00 p . m . to 10:30 p . m . , under certain conditions and provisions as set forth i n said agreement, a n d ; WHEREAS, The Junior College now desires to establish two Summer Sessions i n Roosevelt High S c h o o l . The first session is from June 27th to August 5 t h , Monday through F r i d a y , from the hours of 8:00 a . m . to 12:20 p . m . , and the second session is from June 27th to September 2 n d , Monday through Friday,, from the hours of 5:00 p . m . to 10:10 p . m . , and; B |l H H M WHEREAS, The Junior College w i l l also require the need of the cafeteria portion of Roosevelt High School on June 23rd for registration between the hours o f 9:00 a . m . to 12:00 p . m . and from the hours of 3:00 p . m . ^ 9 : 3 0 p . m . , and the Board of Education feels that i t should continue to give whatever assistance it can l a w f u l l y render to such a worthy enterprise; „. • B B B fl B B N O W , THEREFORE, the Board of Education hereby agrees to permit The Junior College to use the premises, b u i l d i n g s , f i x t u r e , furniture and equipment of the Roosevelt H i g h School from 8:00 a . m . to 12:20 p . m . , Monday through Friday, June 27th through August 5th and between the hours of 5:00 p . m . to 10:10 p . m . from June 27th through September 2 n d , Monday through Friday, except the swimming pool and locker room f a c i l i t i e s associated t h e r e w i t h , unless the Junior College secures prior approval to use said pool and locker f a c i l i t i e s from the Director o f Parks, Recreation and Forestry. 3 B B B B The Junior College agrees that in consideration of said use of the aforesaid Roosevelt High School, that i t w i l l reimburse the Board of Education for any and a l l expenses incurred or sustained by said Board resulting from the foregoing a d d i t i o n a l use of the aforesaid premises and such use shall be governed by the same conditions and provisions of said Agreement dated August 9 , 1965. I 4ft =• This supplemental agreement shall be attached to said Agreement dated August 8 , 1965. ; . ? ; ? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pcrties hereto have caused i'r.h i.-.sfru.T.c.-.r to bo signed and sealed as of the day end year hereinabove set out. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS 4 E By President ATTEST: Acting Secretary and Treasurer = : THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI By President, Board of Trustees » i ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Trustees I ® AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of , 1966, by and between The Junior College District of St. Louis, St, Leu is C o u n t y , M i s s o u r i , a body corporate and a subdivision of the State of Missouri, (hereincfre: c o i l e d "Junior College") and , , , Trustees of Barnes Hospital, A Charitable Trust, (hereinafter called " H o s p i t a l " ) , M WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement, offer;r,~ _. c; r.-.ey d o , accredited B basic levels of educational programs in nursing, wish to cooperate tar r.ne purpose of H improving the education and teaching of nursing students, end desire- to exchange and B make certain educcrional f a c i l i t i e s a n d / o r services a v a i i c b i e to eacr. c.v.ot .or their BJ mutual benefit; and H WHEREAS, the Hospital desires ro have specified Junior Co.. .._e H administered and instructed course o f f e r i n g ; taught on or near Hospital pre:;..--- vor rr.e m benefit of Freshmen Nursing Students of H o s p i t a l , cr.d the Junior College desire: to assign 9 M its regular full or pan time Nursing Students to cerroin of these same or other courses taught in or near Hospital premises in order to provide educational opportunities nor a v a i l a b l e in wk present ccrr.pus f a c i l i t i e s ; end M '^ WHEREAS, the Junior College desires the privilege or using e l e c t e e M c l i n i c a l nursing f a c i l i t i e s offered in the Hospital for the purpose of instructing .ne firs: H and second year nursing students e n r o l l e d . M N O W , THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter M c o n t a i n e d , the parties hereby agree as follows: H 1 . The Junior College w i l l assume full responsibility tor :;;>_ p a n n i n g m M end execution of course offerings meeting a l l applicable regional ana state a c c r e d i ^fe .arionai standards. I• . . m Hospital students the f o l l o w i n g courses on or near Hospital premie.:,, said courses being H ar the level of instruction of freshmen students. H Course Credit Hour Units |j Anctomy-Physiology 70:111,70:112 6 (2 Sam. Course) B Chemistry 72:103 4 §1 Microbiology 70:135 4 |j English 40:101,40:102 6 (2 Sem. Course) 1 H Psychology 95:201 3 s H S Sociology • Mathematics bo: l u u 50:001 o 3 (Non-Credit Course) 11 3, Hospital Freshmen Nursing Students enrolling ".-, said courses w i l l Bj be subject to established Junior College educational policies arc standards« 9 for Hospital students w i l l be sent TO Hospital „ §1 4. Students enrolled by the Hospital w i l l be cc.-;!cered for purposes of fee assessment as "Resident Students", i . e . , $ 1 0 . 0 0 per semeste- credit hour up to c IS maximum of $100.00 per semester. 5, k Junior College w i l l itemize ecch semester ::.'.,ir.g to Hospital by M student name, credit hour load and total assessed f e e . A l l b i l l : will be paid by Hospital 18 w i t h i n thirty days after r e c e i p t . n made in accord w i t h established Junior College procedures. |B ~ j Grace reports |a H ' : Fee adjustments by cause of sr.cent withdrawal w i l l oe D 6_ A l l text books and other required Instructiorci matericls w i l l be WL selected by the Junior College end a listing of these required r c r e r i a l s w i l l be mace a v a i l - H able to the Hospital prior to the beginning of the school y e a r , H w i l l be responsibility of H o s p i t a l . H 7. - -urchase of listed rextccoks Hospital understands that the Junior C o l i e c ; is offering sue. c o - r s - i WS as a cart of its normal academic program and the Junior Colic;;- reserves tiie ric.-.t-rc ~-:.:z.: 18 i t ; regular full or part time Freshmen Nursing Students in the c;_rses or classes ;:;:.•:'..•-: -. 8. ^ ^ Junior Col lee e reserves the right to conduct course offerings in both the academic and nursing prog r e - during the terrr.s of the Summer, Fall and Spring • academic sessions; such courses :: be held in Hospital for Junior College Nursing Students. These course offering; are listed as follows: Summer, I f do Maternal C h i l d Health Course Credit Hour Units Nursing in M a t e r n i t y and Child Health (Classroom Space C.-../) rail \?z6 CB| 9 and Spring 1967 Course Credit Hour Units Fundamentals of N u r s i r : [, II M e d i c c l ar.c. Surgical C l i n i c a l Nursing Nursing in Mental ana Pnysicai Illness ! , II AAediccl N u r s i n g , Selected Specialty Nursing 6 (2 Sem „ Course) ",3 (2 Sem. Course) Psychology 5 Anthropology 2 American C i v i l i z a t i c r . 2 Elective 2 9M Junior Cc: age w i l l submit to Hospital in advance a schedule at the dfifa commencement of the classes specified in paragraph a , listing the number ot stucc.nti and instructors assigned to the c l i n i c a l nursing areas, and giving the dates enc :.~c: assignment and rype of desire e learning e x p e r i e n c e . ot ; ne schedule snail oc approver i.n w r i t i n g by hospital prior to "~ j i e m e n t c t i o n . i C . A l l clas^i-i will be scheduled in ; a c i l i t i c s lecatea at tn^- r.c. .... Jv.-v/isn Ho;pi:a! of St. Louh . u t . Louis College ot rv.atmacy until vr.c j^r.^u. v.^-.-^- H 1 1 . The H o s p i t a l , w i t h i n limits mutually agreed u p o n , w i l l make H| available to the Junior College at no cost such faculty and administrative o f f i c e s , 9 storerooms, classrooms, lecture rooms, conference rooms, laboratory and c l i n i c a l nursing 9 areas. Hospital w i l l , a l s o , provide equipment end supplies for giving such nursing care B learning experience as may be required for educational purposes. HI 12. Hospital w i l l permit Junior College personnel the use of (a) Nursing SI Library for purposes of r e f e r e n c e , stuay and housing of Junior College Nursing books and 9 periodicals, and (b) Cafeteria and other earing f a c i l i t i e s , at the student's own expense. 9 13. Junior College further agrees to (c) withdraw any student from the 9 assigned c l i n i c a l nursing areas when the student is undesirable for reasons of h e a l t h , pe:'- 9 forr.-.cr.ce or other reasonable causes, <_o) to keep a l l records end reports of students 9 c l i n i c a l nursing e x p e r i e n c e , (c) to assume responsibility for instructing and encouraging 9 sfucer.r and instructor compliance wi:.-. a i l o f f i c i a l l y disseminated rules and regulations 9 of the H o s p i t a l , (a) to provide orientation sessions to rhe Hospital staff on the Junior 9 College educational program. 9 !4« The Junior College w i l l be a l l o w e d to orlng or.ro tr.e Hospital's 9 premises cr.y movable equipment wnich may be necessary for the administration and/or 9 instruction cf the Nursing Program. 9 installations of equipment w i l l be mace by the Junior College without the express approve! 9 of :'r.^ H o s p i t a l . 9 end which ere in some manner afrixec :o T'DQ premises shall be and become the property of 9 No modifications of physical f a c i . i t i e s or permanent Such modifications c.-,d/or installations which are of a permanent ncture •*- the Hospital a: the termination of this agreement or any subsequent renewal or extension 9 hereof. 9 the Junior College and may be removed by It of any t i m e . 9 A l ! other equipment furnished by the j u n i o r College w i l l remain the p:op^i-:y of 15. Hospital agrees to indemnify and hold the Junior College harmless 9 ::c:r. cr,y carnage, loss or other casualty to the p:op^:;y 9 clashes and programs carried on in :ho r.ospital by virtue of this agree...er.r; 9 hov. e ver, t.\ar Junior College agree; re cay the cost oi airy increase in riie o .••.„•. ex-.e.nc'co 9 *. ov the Hospital ey .vv^cn oi the ;s;ov:a-a, c e . e . - :e or orhe-r orooerfy demaqe insurance caused oy the ese or said Junior College o; ; I i ^B_P i 6 . Both parties agree cs follows: (a) Thar under no circumstances is any student or facuir. -_-.-r.bcr o: jr.z __,nior Coiie^e to be considered an c g e n r , server.: or employee of the ric;_'-_. ratr.er ••r.il be considered to be on the Hospital premises for the puroose of acc^'.r'-- bur c: (b) To instruct students and faculty members on the iiv.p_-_-.ee of respecri.-.a. the confidential nature of ci! information which may come to them v.!:- -_-arc to pa tie.-.:, end hospital records. That in case of cccident or injury to cr.y nursf.-.rj ;•_ _._.-.t or :ac_:.-. member or tne Junior College, such student or faculty member may recei. :emerr._-.cy trecrmenr c: the Hospital ct nis own expense end that on conclusion _-" ;._id em.err_r.cy treatment, scid person will oe i-eievrec. to :he care of his own physic!-- , ^^ ";7„ The term of this ccreemenf shall be from June 1, 1966, rr.rz.-z- to be executed or. the cay and yeci rirs: coove written. ST. LGIJIS. ST. LC'^IS C O J N 7 - , MISSOURI ( SCOPE OF TESTING SERVICES, FLORISSANT VALLEY - FIRST PHASE Laboratory and Field Testing 1. Scope: Include a l l labor, materials and equipment to test the following items in a c - cordance with the applicable ASTM (latest specifications: 2. A Concrete - ASTM C3I and C39 B Cement - A S T M C-150 C Aggregates - ASTM C-33 D Reinforcing Steel - ASTM A432 & A305 E Earth Fill - A S T M 698 Total Assistance sacks Job Cylinder w and by $ shall M Testing One the ture, Concrete: Laboratory (Includes for 1iat7.50/hour 1hkthe each .number iCylinders the 2nset the be Cost of compressive 5 g contractor. /W & testing cement made, of pour following Molds standard j.Curing 'Based shall ror two Each of+Field of cubic $SO. cylinders lab lbe 0 per a50 test on .bstrength, 1aggregate -e 10/mile standards: rendered shall 0Trial cubic lcubic 1752 ASTM yards e/shall m d ,i l esubmit stored, Batch shall Cylinders yards ypoured, consist Make C39 (Before (8:00 C3I aand rto tests d be , Method the copies or age actual cured, ASlump, Concrete and of tested M 8:00 fraction the A Architect Concrete of rtwo to c6has location cylinder. slump, A 4:30 iand proof at tAir sets e M indicated cseven Test thereof, tand tested Test PM) of M incylinders) $admixtures i xof fwo approving arriving 3 after Cylinders and days , 5Designs pour, by 0aeach or 4b4:30 .o the and 0Cylinders of v0a etype $1.75 standard each .ttesting $65.00 used, 0the one PM) an . The 2 5of approved concrete at days each weather, report cement, lab twenty-eight 6 "pour. in x shall 12" plant strict concrete number air Cylinders cylinders indicate proposed temperaaccordance days, of mix • "*. Page 2 I Concrete Plant and Site Inspecfion S 7.50/hour + $ 0 . 1 0 / m i l e (8:00 A M to 4:30 PM) $11 . 2 5 / h ° u r + $ 0 . 1 0 / m i l e (Before 8:00 A M and after 4:30 PM) Pick Up or Delivery Service N o charge for pick up or delivery service 3. Cement: The testing lab shall obtain copies of standard c e r t i f i e d m i l l test reports indicating that the q u a l i t y of the Portland Cement used shall meet the applicable ASTM standards. A m i l l test report w i l l be required for each carload shipment (approximately 400 barrels bulk) as supplied to the concrete supplier. 4. Aggregates: The testing lab shall obtain copies of c e r t i f i e d sieve analysis from the concrete supplier indicating that the aggregates used shall meet the applicable ASTM standards. In a d d i t i o n , this lab shall run an independent aggregate test consisting of a sieve analysis, soundness test, and abrasion test for both coarse and fine aggregate in the ratio of one aggregate test for every ten concrete tests. CONCRETE TESTS Standard Aggregate Tests Soundness Test $25.00 each Los Angeles Abrasion Test Sieve Analysis (Coarse) Sieve Analysis (Fine) 2 5 . 0 0 each 4 . 5 0 each 4 . 0 0 each Total Cost Based on 60 Tests 5. $3,510.00 Reinforcing Steel: The testing lab shall obtain copies of c e r t i f i e d m i l l test reports in quadruplicate for each ten tons of reinforcing steel scheduled for delivery to the job s i t e . In a d d i t i o n , this lab shall run an independent reinforcing test consisting of a tensile test and a bending test for a representative sample of each size bar in the ratio of one reinforcing test for each 100 ions of reinforcing steel. Structural Steel Inspection $ 7.50/hour + $0. 10/mile (8:00 A M to 4:30 PM) $11 .25/hour + $ 0 . 1 0 / m i l e (Before 8:00 A M and after 4:30 PM) Reinforcing Steel Tosls Tensile and Bend Test $ 5 . 0 0 each size bar Page 3 6. Earth F i l l : The testing lab shall provide M o d i f i e d Proctor soil compaction tests. The contractor is required to provide f i l l s made in layers of 8 " deep, each l i f t to be compacted to 90 percent of maximum density. The testing lab shall provide one (I) f i e l d density test per 2500 square feet per l i f t . Contract No. Number of Field Density Tests Title of Job 66-40 Site Preparation 1100 66-41 Instruction Resources & Power Plant 66-42 C o m m . , Social Science, H u m a n . , 8 32 Theuter 66-43 Student Center 66-44 Gymnasium The tests under b u i l d i n g areas, specified under be made in the completed. 8 12 contract 6 6 - 4 0 shall be made on compacted f i l l w i t h i n under walks, curbs, drives, and parking areas, as site preparation and the remainder of the tests shall compacted b a c k f i l l after i n d i v i d u a l buildings have been SOIL TESTS Maximum Standard Method Sampling Soil Density - Optimum Moisture Test $60.00 7 . 5 0 / h o u r + $0.10 m i l e In Place Density Tests $ 7 . 5 0 / h o u r + $ 0 . 1 0 mile (8:00 A M to 4:30 PM) $11.25/hour + $ 0 . 1 0 mile (Before 8:00 A M and after 4:30 PM) Total Cost Based on 1160 Tests $6,250.00 mm \m E5!l5s«a| :f.v*'3»£5l EsjKj£fiHj| SHE^KM ''j^S»|ly PmfSwS ' *-'®ni |^^S^2 SrWj*j*tl '^(SSwSi mm I 7. The testing lab shall make compressive strength tests of masonry mortar mixes as r e quired by the A r c h i t e c t during masonry construction periods for a l l four construction contracts. Estimated number of tests w i l l be 85; each test to consist of I set of rwo standard 6 " x 12" cylinders, one shall be tested a t 7 days and the other at 28 days. Unit Prices for Additional or Deductible Tests Concrete Test Cement Tests Aggregate Tests Reinforcing Steel Proctor Density Test $ 2.00 45.00 58.50 5.00 6.25 per per per per per Test Test Test Test Test Masonry Mortar Compressive Strength Tests Job Mortar Cubes $ 1.50 each I V^0^£o\ l(^//\~ Z^Yi'C^ (I 5 (1 > ^ / ^ N ^ // Jj ^%S^^^yy^ ^ ^ i ^ T R ^ i ^ ' t ^ ^r~—-r^^ T H E J U N I O R C O L L E G E S T ° F L O U I S . S T . DISTRICT OFFICE: 7 0 O 8 FORSYTH BLVD. • CAMPUSES: **°° Hiiioum I L O U I S C O U N T Y . M I S S O U R I CLAYTON. MISSOURI 6 3 I O B • AREA CODE 3 1 4 • PA 0 . 4 0 0 0 H H & '""» H *l-l. «B. riRausoN. D I S T R I C T JIS9 ORAVOIS AVCNUC SJ.JS I T . LOUIS. J* 4.J020 MO. S S I I S PR | . I S S 0 *S> SO. OCYCR RO. MRKWOOD. MISSOURI VO « 3 4 0 J May 24, 1966 By resolution duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, at a meeting held on the 23rd day of May, 1966, at . the Offices of the District, the Board of Trustees authorized an amendment to your Employment Contract, dated February 8, 1965, as follows: 1. Term, The term of your Contract, as set out in paragraph 2 of the letter agreement of February 8, 1965, shall be and hereby is extended for an additional year or until June 30, 1969. 2. Non-Deferred Compensation, In consideration of this extension of one year, you shall, from and after July 1, 1966, receive a current salary of $24,200 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. As an additional consideration, the District agrees to purchase annually, in the maximum amount allowable by Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, or in the amount of $4,800, whichever is less, a non-taxable annuity for retirement purposes. 3. Continuation of Prior Agreement, In all other respects your Contract of February 8, 1965, will remain in full force and effect in accordance with the provisions thereof. If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding of your continued employment, as President of the District, n • M in r I 9 B 1 • I B 5 E fl Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, P r e s i d e n t The J u n i o r College D i s t r i c t of S t . Louis, S t . Louis County, Missouri 7508 Forsyth Boulevard S t . Louis, Missouri 63105 Dear Dr. Cosand: ii 11121 „r fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl B H n m flj m B g • RJ Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President May 24, 1966 E | please sign the ACCEPTANCE below, whereupon this letter will become an amendment to your Employment Contract of February 8, 1 1 1965. I Yours very truly, THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. By - i Joseph G. Stewart President, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Secretary J ACCEPTANCE 1 I accept the foregoing as an amendment to my Employment Contract of February 8, 1965, on the terms and conditions hereinabove set forth. Joseph P. Cosand i I I §