I I § M A W I II MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING B BOA7D OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY,MISSOURl 1 • • MONDAY, MAY 9, 1966 - 8;Q0 P. M. H A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of M §1 St. Louis, St, Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, May 9, 1966 at the a H Central Office of the District, 7508 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. B 1 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS B B 1.2 § sm The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion, called the meeting to order H at 8:25 p.m. Roll Call The following members were present: M H H Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion B| |§ Messrs. Lester C Geil E Guy s RuffIn H ® * E wm Joseph G . Stewart H H G e r a l d V . Williamson B K J9J Board Member Donald M . W i t t e was out of town on business and could not be present. B B W& Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President of the District; Mr. John fl 111 Robertson, Vice President; Dr. Douglas F. Ubby, J r . , Vice President-Ccmpus Director; B IB Dr. Glynn E. Clark, Vice President-Campus Director; Dr. R. William Graham, Vice B HI President-Campus Director; Mr. Paul Connole, Assistant To The President; Mr. E H| Lawrence F . C ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, B H Acting Treasurer; Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard and Mrs. Lucinda Schulz of the Community M §M Relations Department — all of The Junior College District staff. g Also present was fm m Mr. Bruce E. V/oodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdcle, Kramer and Vaughan, 4& Counsel for the District. R ^'^ H Board President Bastion asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular H M'nutes Meetingof Apnl 18, 1966. H Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the 5 aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of B April 18, 1966 were approved as submitted. M 1*4 Welcome to Guests • Board President Bastian welcomed Mr. King McElroy, a reporter from the St. H Louis Globe-Democrat; and Mr. Frank Leeming, J r . , a reporter from the St. Louis 9 Post-Dispatch. H 4Hk Mrs. Bastion then asked Dr. Libby to introduce guests present from the Florissant H Valley Campus. Dr. Libby introduced Mr. Alan Slay, Chairman of the Communications H Division and Mr, Arthur Meyer, who has been working with the architects on the 9J building prcffcm at the Florissant Valley Campus. 9 Mr. Paul Connole introduced a distinguished guest, Mr. Her nan Ccntreras, H Director of the University of Chile Center, Orsono, Chile. Mr. Contreras is visiting S the United States under a program sponsored by the Ford Foundation and the University 9 of California, and is visiting junior colleges and universities concerning the develop- 9 ment of community junior colleges. i 5/9/66 - 2 - 1.6 Communications fa Mrs. Juanita Novak reed the following communications: 1. o . 1 ffi the opportunity to attend the Department of Audiovisual Instruction Convention H i n San Diego A p r i l 2 4 t h - 2 8 t h , 1966. 1 3 1.6.2 s Letter from Phil Carlock expressing his thanks to the Board for H Letter addressed to Dr. Cosand from Aubrey Haan, Dean of the W School of Education, San Francisco State C o l l e g e , San Francisco, California thanking • M r . Connole for his presentation on the development and innovations of ihe Junior • - College District i n St. Louis. B ~ 1.6.3 g = z Letter from Governor Warren E. Hearnes thanking Dr. Cosand for the copy of the book "Junior Colleges: 20 States" w h i c h carried an a r t i c l e written H by Mrs. Bastian. M /g»ji 1.6.4 A contemporary card from Duane D. Anderson, v/ho recently g completed an internship in The Junior College D i s t r i c t , offering his congratulations B to the District on its North Central a c c r e d i t a t i o n . H 1.6.5 Letter addressed to Dr. Cosand from Frank Livingston, Counselor, B at the Florissant V a l l e y Community College expressing appreciation for a presentation fl mode by M r . Williamson concerning the Junior College District of St. Louis at a B recent counselor's conference i n Rolla, Missouri. B 1.6.6 Letter from W . J . Freck of the IBM Corporation t o Dr. Cosand B asking him to express sincere appreciation to the Central O f f i c e staff for the courteous m and polite treatment extended him when visiting the Central O f f i c e . B 1.6.7 Letter from B. Lamar Johnson, Professor of Higher Education, fl University of C a l i f o r n i a , Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a , extending congratulations on fl 5A/66 I -3- ace red:'.it! on of The Junior College District '. y the Mo' i- h Centre! Association. 1.7 Trecsurer's Report The Trecsurer's Report was presented to the Board for approval, for the month ending A p r i l 3 0 , 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h J the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, the Treasurer's Report for lhe month T of A p r i l , 1966 was approved as submitted. ^ 1.8 Ratification of Investments 2 The President of the District requested ratification of investments made by the Acting Treasurer of the District, for which bids had been received in accordance ^_ with Board p o l i c y . 2 _: -* ; Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, second* d by M r . Williamson, and v/ith $& the aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following investments racde on behalf of The Junior College District by the Acting Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: $100,000 U. S. Trecsury Bills, purchased A p r i l 19, 1966, from First National Bank in St. Louis on a 4 . 5 0 basis, to mature May 5 , 1966, for a total cost o f $ 9 9 , 8 1 2 . 5 0 . $150,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased May 2 , 1966, from Mercantile Trust Company on a 4 . 5 0 basis, to mature May 12, 1966, for a total cost of $149,812.50. • ^ a $150,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased May 2 , 1966, from M e r c a n t i l e Trust Company on a 4 . 5 0 basis, to mature May 19, 1966, for a total cost of $149,681.25. $200,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased M a y 2 , 1966, from Mercantile Trust Company on a 4 . 5 0 basis, to mature May 2 6 , 1966, for a total cost of $199,400.00. 5/9/66 - 4 - f§jj§||] HHHJ f f i & g $100,CC0 U. S. Treasury Dills, purch-cod M a y 5 , 1966, from the First Nationcl Bank in $'., Louis on a 4 , 5 6 basis, to mature June 2 , 1966, for a total cost of $ 9 9 , 6 4 8 . 3 3 . • H H 1.9 ||§|l§li In accordance w i t h the resolution c e r t i f y i n g the results of the election for Seating O f N e w l y Elected Board Member HHHJ County Trustees passed by the Board at its A p r i l 11th meeting, and i n accordance l^illEl w |H§§H duly sworn and installed as a County member of the Board of Trustees of The Junior Ifll^jfli College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri for a term of six years. ' * n S e c * ' o r i 1*1*8 of the Board p o l i c i e s , M r s . M i l d r e d E. Bastian was thereupon fllljPjJII The Secretary of the Board was directed to f i l e a signed copy of Mrs. Bastion's maetiBtim oath w i t h the records of the District. H a re-elected member of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District. H H H H j t^sfSfi 1.10 lUfc M r s . Bastian thereupon assumed her seat as Election of Officers - Board of Trustees In accordance w i t h the Board p o l i c i e s , Sections 1 . 2 . 1 , 1 . 2 . 2 , 1 . 2 . 3 , and 1.2.4 e %^!§§S3 °^ ^ HttWHM tho officers of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. §|||jmi| Louis County, Missouri. ^ 9 Board Policies and Administrative Organization M a n u a l , e l e c t i o n was held for President of the Board, Mrs. Bastian, c a l l e d for nominations for the office of fMffljB; President. M r . G e i l moved the nomination of M r . Joseph G . Stewart. M r . Williamson ||||Hfi seconded the motion. There being no further nominations, and upon the unanimous f||ffl|M vote of a l l members of the Board present, M r . Stewart was duly elected President of mffi&SiiM the Board of Trustees, to assume office immediately upon e l e c t i o n , and to serve for a IPiljflPi term of one year, or until his successor shall be elected and q u a l i f i e d . It'll 'l*«i<«.lttl«»faiiMl»il.d*Utt^^j^.t»«^^ '•rfW^%Yll1t«rril'inilllitfiJW>i'lh«wllllifi>ltilMt<iiifiiil<lli^tiyi>liiillltr>ili-Jil«i<»ir l rliitr- mil n . i I'. r Mrs. Bostian then entertain: d a motion for nornincvions for the office of V i c e President. M r . Ruffio moved the nomination of M r . Lester C . C e i l , and M r . Williamson seconded the motion. M r . Stewart moved that nominations for the office of V i c e President be closed and that M r . G e i l be the unanimous selection of the Board. M o t i o n was seconded by Mr. Williamson. Upon the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, M r . G e i l was duly elected Vice President of the Board of Trustees, to ossume office immediately upon e l e c t i o n , and to serve for a term of one year, or u n t i l his successor shall be elected and q u a l i f i e d . Mrs. Bastian then called fcr a motion for nominations for the office of Secretary. M r . Williamson moved the nomination of M r . Paul C c n n o l e , Assistant To The President. 4B^ M r . G e i l seconded the motion. M r . Williamson moved thci nominations for the office of Secretary be closed end that M r . Connole be the unanimous selection of the Board. M r . Stewart seconded the motion. Upon the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, M r . Paul Connole was duly elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees for the enusing year, to assume office immediately upon e l e c t i o n , and to hold office u n t i l his successor shall be elected and q u a l i f i e d . Mrs. Bastian then called fcr a motion for nominations \JT the office of Treasurer, M r . Stewart moved the nomination of Mrs. Mary Jane C a l a i s , present A c t i n g Treasurer of the Board. M o t i o n was seconded by M r . G e i l . M r . Stewart moved that nominations for the office of Treasurer be closed and that ® Mrs. Calais be the unanimous selection of the Board. M o t i o n was seconded by M r . Williamson. 5/9/66 - 6 - r I • • i • •• n Upon the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, Mrs. Mary Jane Calais was d u l y elected Treasurer of the Beard of Trustees for a term of one year, to assume office immediately upon e l e c t i o n , and to hold office u n t i l her successor shall be elected and q u a l i f i e d . M r s . Bastion then yielded the chair to M r . Joseph Stewart, newly elected President of the Board of Trustees. Mrs. Bastian formally thanked the Board members for their help and cooperation and the entire Junior College District staff for its support during her term of office as President of the Board. O n behalf of the entire Board, M r . Williamson expressed appreciation for Mrs. Bastion's services both w i t h i n the District and ti roughout the State. 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Leave of Absence In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, cfter due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r s . Bastian, and w i t h the unanimous vote of aye of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That Dr. G l y n n E. Cln-I: be granted a leave of absence w i t h no loss i n salary, from July 1 1 , 1966 to July 2 2 , 1966 to attend a Summer Institute at Colorado State University. A l l expenses for this Institute w i l l be paid a t no cost to The Junior College D i s t r i c t . 2.2 C e r l i f i c a t e d Personnel - Reclassification In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was 5/9/66 - 7 - RESOLVED, That tl.e classification of the f o l l o w i n g c e r l i f i c c t e d personnel be changed as i n d i c a t e d , e f f e c t i v e J u l y 1 , 1966: M r . Harry Davis - A l l i e d Health Services Project - FPCC From: Step 1 To: Step 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, That scid salary reclassification be made i n accordance w i t h the salary schedule approved by the Kellogg Foundation, under w h i c h this A l l i e d Health Services Project is f i n a n c e d . 2.3 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Administrative In accordance v/ith Dr. Ccsand's recommendation for the approval of a d m i n i ' strative c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel, after duo discussion, and upon motion by Mr. W i l l i c m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Boord present, i t was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g administrative personnel be employed i n the capacity end ct the salary c l a r i f i c a t i o n hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: M r . Carlo Anthony Simeoli - Assoc. Dean - Instruction - FVCC Step 1 - Effective 7 / 1 / 6 6 ; M r . Richard K. Kerr - Asst. Coordinator - Personnel - Central C f f i c e Step 3 - Effective 5 / 1 6 / 6 6 M r . Paul C . Rusk - Asst. Coordinator - Instructional Resources - Central O f f i c e - Step 1 - Effective 9 / 1 / 6 6 : Dr. W i l l i a m J . M o o r e , Jr. - Assoc. Dean - Instruction - FPCC - Step 3 Effective 8 / 1 / 6 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate employment contract on behalf o f the D i s t r i c t , w h i c h said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. 2.4 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Employment In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, ^ and upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and w i t h the aye 5/9/66 - 8 - TOLfl""'*»""iinmMiirrMI'nriiWtiHiiTTiiwf-Swti'iiiitiliWcJftiwM»*iiiii»n-iiiwini;<*htJarwrtTi^Yiiw»ilrtW^-iiW»*n<Mimanii»nntti>ilA'ftfriiMi'i^iiii»r»»ii»i-rtntf iiiiii-nnfii'iyMTH.ctn»I t •-.n -.n-iiiii.inmn- • - ^ n . . . . . . . . j , . . . - H, . . ^ » , .i..vn.»nr..m, ^n.-mt vote of all members of the Board present, it v/os ..-, HI^I.HI u .,.,,.1 t fl M B fl RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel bs employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set aut, said salary classification having been previously cpproved by the Board: B fl B fl B Miss JoAnn McConnell - Instructor B - Political Science - FPCC - IV-1 Effective 9/6/66 fl fl fl 1 Mrs. Virginia Hagebush - Instructor B - Librarian - MCC - IV-3 Effective 9/6/66 fl B fl Mr. Donald B. Moser - Instructor B - Mathematics - FPCC - fl fl Effecitve 9/6/66 | fl Mr. Leon C. Anderson - Asst. Prof. - Art - FPCC - V - l - Effective 9/6/66 I fl I Mrs. Mary Fuller - Instructor B - Business Education - MCC - IV-4 Effective 9/6/66 fl 1 » fl Mr. Joseph Walka - Asst. Prof. - Physical Sci' nee - MCC - V - 4 Effective 9/6/66 fl B I #& HH ^M>r IV-2 - Mr. John E. Wallace - Instructor B - Art - MCC - IV-4 - Effective 9/6/66 fl mm 1 Mr. J . R. Munden - Asst. Prof - Counselor - MCC - V-2 - Effective 9/6/66 B fl 9 Mrs. Beatrice K. Agathen - Instructor B - Mathematics - FVCC - IV-4 Effective 9/6/66 fl fl B Mr. Joseph Longi - Asst. Prof. - Business Administration - MCC - V-3 - fl I Effective 9/6/66 I B Mr. James D. Williams - Instructor B - History - MCC - IV-4 - Effective 9/6/66 fl fl 1 Mr. James F. Wheeler - Instructor B - Psychology - MCC - IV-3 Effective 9/6/66 fl fl fl Mr. Dennis Focht - Instructor B - English - MCC - IV-1 - Effective 9/6/66 H Miss Susan D. Gilmore - Instructor B - Social Science - FPCC - IV—1 - fl Effective 9/6/66 I I • B ff'SWi R l f l l i l M r - V V M , i a m T« Holder - A>soc. Prof. - English - PPCC - VI-2 Effective 9/6/66 AS& ® Mrs, Frances S. Mangan - Instructor S - Mathematics - MCC - IV-4 Effective 9/6/66 HHSBBH B i l l i i E S l l B ||#f|j|§ M r * H e n r v Willard Pullen - Asst. Prof. - Mathematics - MCC - V-6 Effective 9/6/66 g j f J i l l • H H ®^^*3£s| K"*^$isii FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above full-time certificated employees, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. Hf'" ^ J s B ^• ^ |g ' n accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, rlH JKJSaaSiH anc jSflnjjBMfltl vo H M H 'i-tflf ••"•:•! ~~~S!ja Jl^k ^ p Classified Personnel ' upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r s . Bastion, and w i t h the aye * e °^ a " members o f the Board present, i t wcs RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District i n the classification and a t the salary i n d i c a t e d , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: H •'*£$§! HggjgM * ^ r * ^ l c r , a r d M a r i o n Buck - Construction Inspector - Central C f f i c e 22A - Effective 5 / 1 6 / 6 6 HgijHJn M r , Stanley Nemec - Construction Inspector - Central C f f i c e - 22A - gfgSWJIJJI Effective 5 / 1 6 / 6 6 » V ^ ^ j Mrs. L i l l i a n Vann - Stenographer - Central C f f i c e - 10A - Effective 6 / 1 / 6 6 ff^M » | g | @ j ^'lsi Constance Kammerer - Accounts Payable Clerk - Central C f f i c e 9A - Effective 5 / 1 0 / 6 6 H-^SPS ^ i r * J 0 3 6 ? " ^-' Weber - Messenger-Mailman - Central O f f i c e - 6B - Effective w ^ i ^ M ^ ImSUm Miss Freddie M . Wiggins - Clerk - Central C f f i c e - 8A - Effective 5 / 1 0 / 6 6 r * ; ^ ' c n o e ' J« Summers - Purchasing Assistant - Central C f f i c e - I2A - ra i 1 m 1 • M r s . Susan Ingham - library Asst. - Instructional Resources - 10A - H Effective 5 / 1 0 / 6 6 I Mr. Billle Dean Gifford - Grounds Chief - FVCC - I6B - Effective 5/16/66 M M r . Joseph Stajduhar - Groundsman - FVCC - 9A - Effective 5 / 1 0 / 6 6 S ^*° H The Board of Trustees was requested to approve reclassification o f the f o l l o w i n g Classified Personnel - Reclassification H classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r s . Bastion, seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , «j and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was H II RESOLVED, That the classification of the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be changed as follows: 9 H 1 M r . Paul Louis Baughman - From: Duplicating Stock Clerk 9B To: Offset Duplicating Operator HA Effective 5 / 1 / 6 6 H n m H 9 fl ^&. 2.7 Counseling Intern In accordance w i t h Board p o l i c y , the Board of Trustees was requested to approve the employment of a Counseling Intern a t the Florissant V a l l e y Campus. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was H M M M RESOLVED, That the Board o f Trustees hereby authorizes the employment of M r . Ralph J . /nkenbrand as a Counseling Intern at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus, effective February 7 , 1966, said counselling internship program having been established by a grant from the Carnegie Foundation. » jjl FURTHER RESOLVED, That the salary for said internship i n the amount of $ 1 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 be paid a t the conclusion thereof from the Carnegie Foundation 9 2.8 H Dr. Cosond presented a proposed Property Rights p o l i c y to be lodged w i t h the Bj Board at this meeting for approval and adoption at the meeting of the Board on May |1 2 3 , 1966/ to be included under Section I I I , I V , V of the existing Board Policies and I U Administrative Organization M a n u a l . I Hj Professional Stcndards Committee, f a c u l t y , and legal counsel for the D i s t r i c t . II Prccerty Rights Policy This proposal has been reviewed by the The purpose of this proposed Property Rights p o l i c y is to provideremunerction 9 to staff members who have written books or publications, developed teaching aids, SB equipment, or created other instructional materials. WL I The proposed Property Rights p o l i c y was thereupon lodged w i t h the Board. 3. CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION m ^*' Appointment - Secretarial Programs Advisory Committee jS In accordcnce w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, the Board of Trustees 8 was requested to approve the appointment of Miss Arley Walter, President of the H Executive Secretaries Association, to f u l f i l l the unexpired term of membership of 1 B Mrs. Margaret Rittenhouse on the Secretarial Programs Advisory Committee, said I H appointment ending August 3 0 , 1967. H Whereupon, on motion by M r . Vvilliamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with H the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board, Miss A r l e y Walter was appointed H to the Secretarial Programs Advisory Committee H 3,2 New Techniques in Instruction of English - Florissant V a l l e y Campus H M r . ^ l a n Slay, English Instructor at the Florissant V a l l e y Ccmpus presented new H techniques in the teaching of English developed by him and currently being used on H that campus. H a student may d i a l a particular program, at the end of which he takes a test which is WB turned into the instructor. B 5/9/66 Cne of the new innovations primarily utilizes the Dialog system whereby This system was o r i g i n a l l y created for the remedial program, - 12 - I but has proven so e f f e c t i v e , is being used by a l l English studenis. I I I ra Tape recordings are being used by the instructor in grading thomes and compositions, and the corrected tape is returned to the student. I In this way the B teacher can be more explanatory in his grading remarks, thereby helping the student fi recognize his weaknesses. Listening rooms have been equipped w i t h tape recorders n so the student can listen to their grading tapes, and the student marks his own paper B while listening to the tape. H Overhead projectors are also being used for classroom participation in discussing and correcting w r i t t e n themes. B M r . Slay outlined additional advanced teaching techniques which w i l l be used for the first time this Summer a t Florissant V a l l e y . A student multiple response system w i l l be used to record student answers to classroom questions by a buzzing device w h i c h automatically feeds student answers into a computer. At the end of the classroom p e r i c d , B B fl M a student may check the accuracy of his classroom responses against posted correct B answers. S M r . Stewart expressed the appreciation of the Board for the excellent B presentation made by M r . Slay, and complimented him on his c r e a t i v i t y i n the fl development of these teaching techniques* fl 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES I 4.1 fl Extension O f East Classroom Wing - Forest Park Campus The Beard of Trustees was requested to approve the working drawings for the extension o f the East Classroom Wing of the Forest Park Campus. M r . Jack Hartray, 5/9/66 explained representative halls, e l e v that e n classrooms, of thisHarry extension Weese and wtwelve & i l l Associates be 268 -laboratories, 13feet - architectural long and the w iflilrfm iinclude f ,t harchitects floorthree of the for main structure thelecture campus, fl B 1n6fl w i l l house a dental technicians laboratory. With the addition of the 268 foot w i n g , the entire East Classroom Wing w i l l be 700 feet in length. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r s , Bastian, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Eoard present, i t was -1 " RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby approve the working drawings of Hcrry Weese & Associates for the extension of the East Classroom Wing at the Forest Park Campus. = = J FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the preparation of specifications and advertising for bids for the construction of said b u i l d i n g . ^ 5. BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 5.1 Non-Teacher- Retirement System A t the request of the President of the District, Br ;ce Woodruff, a counsel for \ the District, gave a report on counsel's recommendation concerning the opinion of the Attorney General that junior college districts were not covered under the Non-Teacher Retirement System. M r . Woodruff reported that other junior college districts had agreed =f to refund any funds previously w i t h h e l d . - trator of the Non-Teacher Retirement Program was requested to write a letter to the In addition, at counsel's request, the adminis- Treasurer that no funds would be accepted as tendered by the District. It was recom- '_ mended therefor that a l l funds withheld be returned to the appropriate classified employees. I Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastian and with the ^ unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was - RESOLVED, That the District refund a l l sums previously withheld under the Non-Teacher Retirement Program and that a letter explaining the refund bo sent to each affected employee. 1 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Treasurer is hereby directed not to withhold any sums for non-teccher employees in the future, since i t appears that junior college districts are not included in the law establishing this program. " 1 5/9/66 - 14 » m 1 • 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE ^ I 5. 2 Resolution Authorizing Issuance of $10,000,000 Junior College Bonds I The Bo_rd again took up for consideration the r.atter of directing the E gj I issuance to Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), part of an issue of Forty-seven g I Million, Two Hucired Thousand Dollars ($^7,200,000) Junior College Bonds, author- 1 1 ized at a special election held on the loth day of November, 1S65.« a Lester C. Geil I and thereupon, offered and aoved the adoption of the following A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A1Z) DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE C7 TEN MILLION DOLLARS ($10,000,000) PART n? AN ISSUE C? FORTY-SEVEN MILLION, TWO KUNDRSD THOUSAND DOLLARS (3-7,200,000) JUNIOR COLLEGE BONUS OF THE JUNIOR CriLEGE DISTRICT 0? ST. LOUIS. ST. I.OUIS COUNTY, KT330URI, AUTHORIZED AT A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON IC:V_MBER l6, 1965; PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND INCIDENTS 07 SALT) BONDS; AND PROVLDr.'G FOR THE LEVY OF AN ACTUAL TAX SUFFICIENT TO PAY TITS PRINCIPAL OF SAID B:?TDS AT MATURITY AND TO PAY THE INTEREST THEREON AS ~ ACCRUES, AND REPEALING A CERTAIN RESOLUTION HERETOT'.3Z ADOPTED ON THE 1ST DAY 0? MARCH, 1966, RELATING T: THE ISSUANCE OF TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,000,000) C? BONDS OF THE AFORESAID AUTHORIZED ISSUE, >Tr| W WHEREAS, the Board of Trustee- of The Junior College District of St. Louis, 1 E| M resolution: 1 H I i 1 | g I E E 1 1 1 1 I 1 B St. Louis County, Missouri, at a regular nesting thereof held on the 11th day of B October, I965, did adopt a resolution directing the submission to the qualified I electors of The w~_nior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, I at a special elec-ion to be held in said District on the l6th day of November, 19&5, B of th following proposition: B PROPOSITION "7. authorize The Junior College District of St. Louis, S-. Louis County, Missouri, to incur an indebtedness of £_id District in the amount of Forty-seven Million, Two H_ndred Thousand Dollars ($U7,200,000) for the purpose cf purchasing schoolhouse sites and other land for school r-rposes, erecting schoolhouse3, library buildings, and f_mishing same, and building additions to or repairing eld buildings in the said Junior College District, and to evidence such indebtedness by the issuance of bonds in s_id amount for said purpose."; ^p 5/9/66 - 15 - I B B B S B l| B B B B I m and WHEREAS, the Secretary of this Eoard of Trustees, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution, did cause notice of said election to be published in the St. Louis GlobeDesocrat and in the St, Louis Post-Dispatch, being newspapers of general circulation within the City of St. Louis and within each county within the District, at lea^t once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, to-wit: or. the 30th day of October, L I9S?, and on the 6th and 13th days of Noveaber, 1965, the last insertion jr. <:&ch of I sail newspapers having been no longer than cnc (l) week prior to the date •:? a-I-.; : election; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution of this Board, the Secretary of this Board did file with the Board of Election Commissioners for the City of St. _ L&iis and with the Board of Election Commissioners for St. Louis County, respectively, 1 a properly certified copy of said resolution; and WHEREAS, the said Boards of Election Commissioners did proceed to hold and conduct the said special election on the loth day of November, I965, at all of the polling places designated by said Boards of Election Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the said Eoards of Election Commissioners for the City of St. Louis and for St. Louis County did report the results of said special election to this Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees, at a meeting held on the 13th day of Deceiier, 19&5> did canvass the returns of the said special election held on said loth d&y of November, 1965, and WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees did then find and does now again find, upon : stid canvass and upon the reports and certifications of the Boards of Election Commissioners, aforesaid, that at the said special election there wer * 5/9/66 ' - 16 - cast on the aforesaid - proposition an aggregate of one hundred eighty-two thousand, eight hundred ninetyseven (182,897) votes, of which one hundred thirty-six thousand, four hundred seventytwo (136,^72) votes vere cast "FOR THE LOAN" and forty-six thousand, four hundred = twenty-five (^6,U25) votes were cast "AGAINST THE LOAN"; and this Board does now ^ further find and declare that at the said election more than two-thirds of the elec- j tors voting on the said proposition assented thereto; and := WHEREAS, the ballots furnished to and used by the electorate at the said special election were in the f o m required by law and as set out in the aforesaid resolution adopted on the 11th day of October, 1965; and ^ WHEREAS, the assessed valuation of taxable, tangible property within said District, as ascertained by the last completed assessment prior to the date of the ^p -. aforesaid special election, namely, the assessment made as of January 1, I96U, was Three Billion, Five Hundred Forty-one Million, Three Hundred Twenty Thousand, Two Hundred Seventy-two Dollars ($3,5^1,320,272); and WHEREAS, the said District, on the date of said election, to-wit: l6th day of November, 1965> had no outstanding indebtedness; ^ on the and WHEREAS, the amount of the bond issue authorized on said date, to-wit: Forty-seven Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($^7,200,000), will not exceed ten per centum (10=0 of the value of taxable, tangible property, as aforesaid, and will not exceed any constitutional or statutory limit of indebtedness; =5 and WHEREAS, heretofore on the 1st day of March, 1966, this Board did adopt a certain resolution directing the issuance of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) of bonds of the aforesaid authorized issue; and • WHEREAS, becauae of adverse market conditions existing at that time, the issuance and delivery of bonds pursuant to the aforesaid resolution adopted on the 1st £ 5/9/66 "17- ii II day of March, 1966, was never consummated, and no bonds have 'oeer. issued pursuant to said resolution; and WHEREAS, thereafter, by a certain resolution adopted by this Boari on the •1 iVfch day of March, 1966, it vas directed that only Ten Million Dollars (SIC.COO,000) j of said bonds be offered for sale on the 6th day of April, 1966, and -„?.". -.his Board 1 reserve the right hereafter in its discretion to issue the remaining Thirtv-seven ,, I 1 1 '- Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($37,200,000) of bonds of the aforesaid author- ;j = ized issue; and l! ^ WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution adopted on the 1^-th day of : March, 1966, and pursuant to notice given as in said resolution directed, bids for (i 1 1 11 3 = the sale of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) of bonds of the aforesaid authorized issue of Forty-seven Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($U?,200,COO) v;re received j| 1 = by this Board on the 6th day of April, 1966, at which time the said bonds vere av/arded |j and sold to the highest and best bidder therefor; 11 ' 5 z - and WHEREAS, the successful bidder for said bonds has requested that said bonds 11 be payable, as to principal and interest, at the St. Louis Union Trust Ccmtar.y, in j the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, and has requested that said bonds be issued Jj ij : - : 11 in the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000); >'• and i WHEREAS, this Board does now find and determine that the aforesa.il requests f j * i should be approved; and > j WHEREAS, it now becomes necessary to make provision for the preparation, | j execution, issuance, and delivery of the said bonds so awarded and sold: NOW, THEREFORE, 32 IT SE80LVED B¥ TKE BOAKD or1 -nrtJSTsmti c# 'TIS COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUKTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: J r.rion j i;1 AI J 5/9/66 ' 18 " I ^^ SECTION 1. That bonds of T'.:: Junior College District of St. Louis, St. s n both February year buildings, Thousand at and of numbered est part authorized in Louis same schoolhouse prior the that from until as are of County, St. said to an the payment, Dollars hereby 1, from said principal payment Louis at and issue 19^7 Junior sites date bonds One Missouri, afurnishing authorized special >Union ($5,000) of thereof in and (l) - College of ^bear Forty-seven the and to the semi-annually other Trust election in amounts Two interest, interest principal at each; sane, District; the and land the Thousand Company, directed amount that and Million, and held rates for atin thereafter building thereof, the at they that; school in lawful on (2,000), of per the to the rates Ten Two be the annum be times purposes, money dated City additions respectively; Million Hundred loth bonds issued per on inclusive; hereinafter August following, of day annum May of be St. Dollars Thousand for the of erecting 15, two toand 1 Louis, the November, United of or that and ISoc; thousand mature, to-wit: designated, the purpose repairing ($10,000,000), Dollars February schoolhouses, State said States that denomination 15-5> (2,C"-"' without bonds of they of '0^7,200,000), c'.z of 1---.rchasi.-.g payable Missouri; he in America be bear buildings being : and '.option each library .payable, of :.--r.ter, interthe 7:.v~ M !:fl , ;M !B jB BJ fj§ g| B| BB HB — — — — — ^ — • • »—> » - \ ^reorua:./ i.; I 311 331 i;?2 524 597 672 to to to to to to to 310,'"ir.cl. 330, " -51, " p23, 59o, " 671, " 7-9, " U-3/Uf3 t-3A$ *+-3A$ J.4C;j 3-^05> 3.-0< 3.-0-^ $ 1,550,COO 350,000 355,000 :cO,^u 365,000 375,000 390,000 19'S7 1966 19S9 -A-V :>•'"_ 1-2 :•'••'? 750 ^-0 CoO, J.^^'-.J -rv>p,'-.-^^ -::>'T 831 915 1C01 1039 1179 to to to to to 91^, 1000, 1035, II78, 1270, " " " " " 3AC£ 3-^ofj 3.^0$ 3.^C;i 3-^0'- ~2C,0CG U3o,coo ^-0,000 450,000 ircC.CCG lf-75 :-"c ". •" _V ••••- 1271 13c6 1U6U l?o5 1670 1778 1888 to 13c5, to 1^63> to 156U, to _co^, to 1777, to 1837, to 2000, " " " 3.^0^ 3.^09J ^75,000 U90,CC0 505,000 p^?,0vJo 5-0,000 550,000 565,000 •"• -0 .'.'. :_ .••••.< -v-o 19.^ -Wi 19 ~:- " " " 3.-0$ j - - / ^ 3-1/2$ 3-1/2$ 3-1/2$ ! I it SECTION 2. That the said bonds shall be executed by the Prisider.-.. of the iE 5oard o f Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis Zz\i^r,y) ,, Missouri, b y his facsimile signature, with the seal of said District irj^ri-vto" vO -.:rcor. [' in facsimile, attested b y the Secretary of said Board, b y manual signature, and that each o f the coupons evidencing the interest to accrue thereon shall be -r-^ecur.ed by the facsimile signatures of said President and said Secretary. SECTION 3. That the said bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substantially the following forms: 5/9/66 - 20 - II J, '! • 11 s a ^ || UNITED STATES 0 ? A M E R I C A I |j STATS OF M I S S O U R I I M T H S JUNIOR C O L L E G E D I S T R I C T ,1 9 OF ST. LOUIS, ST.- LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI i| 9 JUNIOR COLLEGE BOND • ! The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, jI B acting by and through the Board of Trustees of said District, for value received, H H hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer or, if this bond • *oe 8 H 1 iin-1 re Si 5 - e r e ^» to the registered owner hereof, the sun of ^^ FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS | W ($5,CC0) on the first day of February, 19 9 at the rate of 9 ary 1, 19o7> £Jid semi-annually thereafter on August 1 and February 1 in each year until j I the principal of this bond shall have been fully paid. i m on and prior to the maturity date hereof shall be payable upon presentation and sur- j M render of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. I M , with interest thereon from date hereof per centum ( $) per annua, payable Febru- Interest accruing on this bond Both principal, of and interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of IB m the United States of America at the St. Louis Union Trust Company, in the City of St. ;| H Louis, State of Missouri, and for the prompt payment of this bond at maturity and the jjl H interest thereon as it accrue6, tho full faith, credit, and resources of the said >H I Junior College District are hereby Irrevocably plwJ#<*4. H This bond ray be registered as to principal only in the r.are of the owner, the registry to be certified hereon by the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and this bond is subject to successive registrations or transfers, at the optnen c: the owner of -his bond. This bond ray be discharged frcr registration by deir.g transferred, tc bearer, after which it shall be transferable ly deliver;-, _„: i. ;..,,;• :•:•..registered again as before. This bond is one of a series of two thousand v 2.0cr) ,;sni:, .".-v -.-.: ";• One (i) to Two Thousand (2,COO), inclusive, all o: lihe date, :^;,;, a:.- .. ;•--..•., . ,cept as to rate of interest and date of raturity, aggregating the pr;.~.,-:-:;. sur <-: Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) (being part of an authorised issus sf Jovty-s-r.n r. Million, Tvo Hundred Thousand Dollars [$17,200,000;), issued for th.< pury •"" •- :-•'^ffl chasing schoolhouse sites and other land for school purposes, erecti.-.g scho.j'.:•.-•-:.••.•:,, library buildings, and furnishing sare, and building additions to or repairi.v. old , buildings in the said Junior College District, under and pursuant to and 1.: :Y..l r:xz- < ! i •oliance w i t h t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n and Laws of the S t a t e of M i s s o u r i and ~,ursu-.n;. v , ru.;oluii tions and proceedings duly adopted and had by the Board of Trustee- ^: ~aid .."u/.itv College District, and with the assent of rore than two-thirds of the qualified ey.:.. tors of said Junior College District voting thereon at an election duly ana legally called and held for that purpose on the loth day of Noverber, 1965. It is hereby certified, recited, and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to be perforaed, to exist, and to happen, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, in order to make the same a valid and binding obligation of said Diatriot, havo 'beon performed, do exist, and have happened in due tire, forr, and rar.ner, as required by lav; that the arount of this b •:,..-, together with ail other 5/9/66 "2 2 ' : ' B H SB "^ || indebtedness of said Junior College District, does not exccecL any lir.ii; "escribed by IB wuC Consul,wuwion cr wZC"cu"ces 01 "^r.e w"c^"C£ oz ••ji.ccotir^j cnc* zr.wu oc-oirc ~.~.e LC3ucr.cc Sfl o* ^r^is oonCj ^ro\rr^z.or. n a s oc*£r» r^ace r o r ^ne C G — — c c ^ — e n c* e n c n ^ u - - . —*.. ~r. *.-- _ n Secretary, Board of Trustees B • •• (?0RM 0? INTEREST COUPONS ) «j Or. the first day of August, 19 > The Junior College Di:::.:^ of Sc. B Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, pronises to pay to bearer the as:su_-.- shov.v. or. this Sj coupon in lavfui coney of tho United States of America at the St. Lcuu; Ur.icr. Trust B Coap&ny, in the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, beir.? interest i_^ that date or. Hi 4Set HJ ffiggk : , n^^uiaua Missouri, a f t e r vhich r.o t r a n s f e r s h a l l be valid unless r.ade by the r e g i s t e r e d cvr.er H B ';;£?jf&ff| in "oerson or by attorney upon the books ot t>tid ivotou^c:', aha the hc-i= or iUc new || H'^'^SIMI -~r*e £ a ^ 'cax shall be extended upon the tax rolls ar.,i collected in the i;ar.e r.j.:v:.'-r • /*"™!BSI L & ^L&^ be" so extended shall be sufficient in each year full" to produce the ^rinciral a...". af interest requirements of the bonds herein authorized. -';,;-; g^^^mj '-~ ^ ^^e s ^ 2 *i^s SSCrrON 5. as E other taxes are collected, u.i. the rate of tax •.;;•/_...:". .•.:.•..!."_ Thatfc.llcollections of thefiftidtc» 4n Gp.o*r. •=:" *'.-.= yotva c,^ro S B m M M BI&ig||i| cr.e ar.d the sa.-ie as the Jur.ior College Dis'cricr^ desi—._: ;i "vhe Junior College 3ic- Hn H B R jjferJFl jJh Ahrib4 KEtfQ 5.3 Resolution Authorizing Investment O f Bond Sale Proceeds i i • m .1 i . i i • - - , - . . _ • • _ _ _ ii i The Board was requested to authorize the Treasurer of the District to invest the proceeds from the sale of $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 (part of on issue of $47,200,000) junior college bonds, i n accordance w i t h existing Board p o l i c i e s . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r s . Bastian, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Treasurer of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to invest the proceeds from the sale of $10,000,000 junior college bonds i n such amounts and for such terms as w i l l make such funds available when needed to pay for the b u i l d i n g program of the District. Said investments to be either i n Treasury Bills or i n Certificates of Deposit as to the Treasurer seems most appropriate when the funds become a v a i l a b l e . FURTHER RESOLVED, That all such investments shall be submitted to the Board for r a t i f i c a t i o n at the meeting after w h i c h said investments have been made. Said investments to be made n accordance with existing Board p o l i c i e s . 1 HUM 5.4 Employment O f Ernst & Ernst The Board of Trustees was requested to approve the auditing firm of Ernst and Ernst to audit the District accounts for the fiscal year 1965-66. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri re-employ the firm of Ernst & Ernst to audit the District accounts for the fiscal year ending June 3 0 , 1966. 4 5.5 # Acceptance o f Scholarship - F l e u r " d e - I is Chcpter, American Businass Women's Association The Board was requested to accept a scholarship i n the amount of $250.00 from the F i e u r - d e - l i s Chapter, American Business Women's Association. Whereupon, on motion by M r s . Bastion, seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board presenf i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The j u n i o r College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept the scholarship from the F l e u r - d e - l i s Chapter of the American Business Women's Association in the amount of $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 , and adhere to the stipulations of this scholarship o u t l i n e d i n the letter from the Fleur-de-lis Chapter, attached as an addendum to these Minutes. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this scholarship donation. jgMjv 5.6 Acceptance of Scholarship - Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis In accordance w i t h Dr. Cosand's recommendation, the Board of Trustees was requested to accept a restricted scholarship donation i n the amount of $250.00 from the Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t waas RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept the scholarship donation from the Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis i n accordance w i t h the stipulations of this d o n a t i o n , attached as an addendum to these Minutes. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this scholarship d o n a t i o n . 5.7. # Acceptance O f Bids - Automobiles ln accordance w i t h Board p o l i c y , bids were received for the purchase of four automobiles and one station wagon. 5/9/66 It was the recommendation of the President of - 29 - • * the District that the Bocrd acccf.v the lew b i ' i of Kay Rixman, h e . in the amount of B $ 1 1 , 3 4 3 . 2 0 , minus the t r c d e - i n allowance on two District owned station wagons i n B the amount of $ 2 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 , and that an order be awarded to this firm for the purchase B of four automobiles and one station wagon fcr a totes! expenditure of $ 8 , 8 9 3 . 2 0 . B Whereupon, on motion by M r . G o i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and w i l h B the aye vote of a l l members of the Beard present, i t was H RESOLVED, That The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County Missouri accept the bid of Ray Rixman, I n c . for the purchase of four Dodge Coronet automobiles and one station w a g o n , for a total cost of $ 8 , 8 9 3 . 2 0 . 1 B B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of B m the D i s t r i c t . B 5.8 Student A c t i v i t y - S t u d e n t Union Fee I Recommendation that a student a c t i v i t y - s t u d e n t union fee in the amount of B $1.00 per credit hour (maximum of $10.00) be charged to a l l District students beginning M September, 1966 was lodged w i t h the Board for action at the next meeting of the ffl Board on May 2 3 , 1966. B 5.9 Transfer of Funds to the General Fund of the District The Board was requested to approve the transfer of $ 2 , 5 0 1 , 7 4 2 . 1 9 from the proceeds of the sale of $10,000,000 of bonds to the General Fund of the Dislrict as reimbursement of cempus development expenses. B B fl This transfer of funds would cover M the cost of a l l property bought by the District and expenditures relating to the bond B issue. B Whereupon, on motion by M r s . Bastian, seconded by M r . Williamson and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t v/cs B RESOLVED, That whereas the Board has previously expended certain monies out of its General Fund for the purchase of school house sites and the financing of the bond issue e l e c t i o n and related expenses; end H B B WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees deems i t appropriate to reimburse said General Fund out of the proceeds of the sole of $10,000,000 of its bonds for the reason that said expenses were properly expenses w i t h i n the scope and covered by the B B M 5/9/66 - 30 - I J&g? proposition at w h i c h the voters authorized the bend issue, H N O W , Therefore, he ii resolved that the Coo-'d hereby authorizes and cireevr. t!is transfer from iho proceeds of the sale of $10,000,000 worth of bonds for the District from the Building Fund to the General Fund i n the amount c f $ 2 , 5 0 1 , 7 4 2 . 1 9 . H B H H 5 . 10 Warrant-Check Register M M r . Robertson, Vice President for Business of the D i s t r i c t , presented the WarrantCheck Register for the month ending A p r i l 3 0 , 1966. The expenditures for this p e r i o d , • as listed in the above mentioned Warrant-Check Register are as listed in fhe addendum Bj to these M i n u t e s . M Vr'hereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the gj aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, the Board r a t i f i e d and approved the H payment of a l l expenditures made i n accordance w i t h "-he Warrant-Check Register H for the month ending A p r I I , 1966. M 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 1 6.1 S Attorney General's O p i n i o n N o . 239 Attorney General's O p i n i o n N o . 239 r e : "Junior College Districts: A d u l t B Education: Schools: Cooperative Agreements: Federal Government" was lodged w i t h H the Board for action at the next meeting of the Board on M a y 2 3 , 1966. The Board M requested a w r i t t e n legal opinion relating to the issues and questions raised t h e r e i n , H from the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Vaughan, prior to the next Board R meeting. M 6.2 A d u l t Basic Education Program A program e n t i t l e d , " A Proposal For A Community Service Program in A d u l t i || m O Basic Education" to be administered by the Forest Park Campus was lodged w i t h the H Board for a c t i o n at the next meeting of the Beard on M a y 2 3 , 1966. M 5/9/66 -31- i jp9S - . 7 . COMMUNITY RELATIONS |j|j|jj|jjj) 7.1 Forest Park Kiosk w^fia Mrs. Tygard, Assistant Coordinator for Community Relations reported that o H W MkaflajljfijBB colorful, attractive "Kiosk" has been made for the Forest Park Campus and w i l l be S IK ' -TVs! displayed i n focal points throughout the City and moved to various locations, ad** ||| 5F™*?B vertising the Forest Park Campus and its activities. I'tS 8 . NEW BUSINESS H*'***?! 8.1 HHRBH Mrs. Bastion suggested that a letter be sent to retiring charter Board Member, Letter To Mr. Morris Glaser Pr^™J™| Morris Glaser. Whereupon, on the unanimous approval of the Board, the President IS of the District was requested on behalf of the Board t. formally extend great ap- '"•-•Jasjjl IS- ' " w 3 ^W preciation and affection which the Board has for Mr. Glaser for his dedicated IH -^"^-3 services to the District since its inception, W ^ i ^ H 8.2 ff.'wWiBw| '* w a s suggested that a policy be written for inclusion in the existing Board H P ^ ^ H H Policies and Administrative Organization Manual that could provide for a presiding S^*fii|s| officer at Board Meetings in the case of absence of both President and Vice President iJmJi^ sLaJj^iJiaj M n | ^ | If H I -? ' l w f | ~?£~Mi Board Policy - Presiding Officer 9 ADJQURNMENT * Board President Stewart asked i f there were any further business to come before Wm 1 9 • H • « | | H B • m I H the Board. There was not, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. R G e i l , and with the unanimous vote of all members of the Board present, the meeting R was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. M 9 Respectfully submitted, m 9 M 9 9 / P a u l H . Connote ^Secretary / Board of Trus-teas The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri 5/9/66 - 33 - H g H || || I "1' -" •" U| ^ " • • - •"' • • -ii nil rimli.lliiit 1MIM'rt'ilttrii1iWfl%l#i#W'^'**!«i^^ SUBJECT: Department of Audiovisual Instruction San Diego Convention April 24th - 28th, 1966 It was my pleasure to attend the DAVI Convention this past week in San Diego, I am confident that the time and expenditure was most profitable to me and in turn to the St. Louis Junior College District. It is encouraging to belong to an organization that includes this imnortant opportunity for its staff to sunport educational associations such as DAVI. I attended the convention to learn and to reject or support ideas in order to better fulfill the audio-visual position. I thank you and the members of the Board for this opportunity to study the new processes and techniques in the audio-visual'field. ' if M M M • B H Mi M M M £| #||| SAxN mMim 1 6 0 0 HOLLO\vAY A V E N U E l?"i wiiinrm SCHOOL or <-?-SJg| "^ •"^tfsf?! ~t. '-ii.'5S3c3 "tsN .••-.-•-^•tgf^a FRANCISCO ifflh. ^ ^ • STATE COLLEGE SAN F R A N C I S C O , C A L I F O R N I A EDUCATION Un le] ' - 9413P. f I K ?lvd - Louis, •'issourl ' ' r ' ' Connolo "--"ivc t o trie " r o u i wr>r'- o'" n r ? . ^ ylil'j.-> -t-n fh.j;n J<- +'-o>. n t u d v o t h e r - r o i < ; c t - t h r o u g h o u t rh-? Urr.ted H t r i t n i . '<r. f o r m a l " w e l l informed :»nd wont r r'.r bevond t h e ord'n-ir"* Wrls e x t r a o r d i n a r i l y B |g H H Ira / > • / / ' /, > • " " ^ " ' / > / April 27. 1966 Mr. Joseph P. Cosand. President The Junior College District of St. Louis. St. Louis County 7 508 Forsyth Boulevard Clayton, Missouri Dear M^r-C-trsaiid: Many thanks for your letter of April 6th. and for the copy of "Junior Colleges: 20 States" which was enclosed. ^JHgjgy j appreciate very much receiving a copy of this book and especially enjoyed the article by Mrs. Bastian. Since re lv yours, \ ] 3 Warren E. Hearnes WEH:l\v ™ H FLORISSANT VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE *"m^5!>"0 3400 PERSHALL ROAD ST. LOWS, MO. 63735 JAckson 4-2020 Area Code 314 W WW A p r i l 2 5 , 19CC Dr. Joseph ?. Co sand, President The Junior College District St. Louie - St. Louis Count'.. Missouri 7508 Forsyth Blvd. Clayton. Missouri SCilOS Dear E:r . Co sand: I would like to express my appreciatict :"..::• the exemplar, manner in which M r . Viillsiamson representee our J..: tor Colleye District a': she recent counselor's conference in Rolls. In my opinion M r . V.'i 111 amson' s discussion of "Community Colleges, COLS. :aliny. and Enuineerirsv' was the outstsreinc contribution of the tw; - so- conference. She ideas he expressed in terms of counsel:'::: phiios:tss. and practice would have cone jus-ise to anv member o: ':he cot.:':-:-lino.: profession. -_ I w a s espesiallv pleased to hear M r . Vdlliamson speak oi counsels::.: students In a prouram rather than into s trosyram. His concept of counsel:!::-7- s s an individualized, cevelst • et.tal process o: work i u : v.'it!-, a person In ^n effort to help his rnaxi" •.:•..• his own potest !ai is somewhat in contrast to the .indications ess ::d:i: from centals: quarsers that counselors should recruit m a n p o w c : u occupations v.'h; ch are currentlv experieneiny shorts x o . Mr. Willi as:son' s speech was an exasple :: the pro rressive spirit which continues 'o oe displayed bv our soars. m ! s spirit is one of v: e principal reasons T am prouc to be a fa:.l"y member of the Junior Colic :e histrict. " Sincerely vours, Frank L i v !: /•' _ ton Counselor ~ FL/''b | | l TMf- J U N I O R COI L( Gi. D I V I R i C l OF bT LOUS i' : OUIS COUN [ V. MISSCi•'•-• I jjgjj A P R I L 24 30 Secretaries Week Junior College D i s t . 7 50d Forsyth St. Louis , M o . Attention: Dr. Joseph Cosand I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I have enjoyed calling at your office. I am e s p e c i a l l y appreciative of the polite, courteous t r e a t ment your people have always accorded me. .-. ^gr This week is s e t a s i d e to recognize the contributions made by s e c r e t a r i e s . On this occasion I would be grateful if you would e x p r e s s my congratulations and thanks to your s e c r e tary. Per-ftaps-tke-eaclosed Secretaries Guide- will -be useful t o her. Sincerely, // •••'•-jf'^<-£-'£• W. } . Freck Sales Representative l i ^ i l ' . ' j . Office Products Division 8 - " -»-.-»^f i'^SS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES jy£5?jggj BERKELEY • DAVIS • IHVINE • LOS ANGELES • RIVERSIDE • SAN DIEGO • SAN FHANC1.SCO jk\/W} if QS^Kcl] SANTA BARBARA • SANTA C11UZ IRnSmBH) i.os \N(;I;H>.. IAMI-OHMA K..-'&&5 Depertmeni; of Education i-';A^? gj" 110024 April. 1 8 , 1066 *:r'."^ P r e s i d e n t Joseph P. Cos and • t"J*r™*j ft^-^SS BHB^HH H e a r t y c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s on your a c c r e d i t s t : i on.' I am not G.'t a l l s u r p r i s e d - - a s I know you r i c h l y deserve a c c r c d i t a t i o n and many other a c c o l a d e s t h a t may corr.c your vay. BSHfiHj sj^^^^J I t has been 0 r e a l p l e a s u r e t o vork v i t h you vhen I have been i n M i s s o u r i . I hope t h a i our p a t h s rnay c r o s s soon. BB * "'"'•(" *-* ^ "»**«Trd KWU^Ug *VMtu \,y~\ ^ ) i r- ^ P r o f e s s o r of Higher Education raw State of Missouri ) St. Louis County ) OATH -Apr+f-487-t^66- I Mi 1 dred E. Bast ian do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I v/ill support and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri, and that I will faithfully demean myself in the office of Trustee of The Junior College District of St. LouisSt. Louis County, Missouri. T) - , •'"'-*"• -.- ,.,., 'A....,,.(, -?_,,,„/ C ,- -.<- .,• •: : ,v..f , County Trustee The Junior College District of St. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Subscribed to and sworn to before me a Notary Public for the City of St. Louis this 18th day of April 1966. - /Tu^j Notary jji.-^— (.„,(i<w,y Pub^i// October 2k, 1968 Commission Expires M. Property Rights and Publications, Teaching A i d s , A.Aaterials and Equipment W r i t t e n or Developed by Faculty and Staff Members 1. - A l l property rights in books w r i t t e n , teaching aids developed ( i n c l u d i n g workbooks, laboratory manuals, transparencies, tapes, f i l m s , and the like) and equipment designed or i n v e n t e d , shall belong to the staff m e m ber or members who shall have w r i t t e n such book or books, developed such teaching a i d s , or designed or invented such equipment, i n c l u d i n g any books, teaching aids or equipment w r i t t e n , developed or designed by any staff member in conjunction with his or her teaching assignment, w i t h any released time or assigned project authorized or d i r e c t e d by the D i s t r i c t , or w r i t t e n , d e v e l o p e d , or designed prior to becoming a member of The Junior College District staff. Such property rights s h a l l , subject to paragraph three hereof, i n c l u d e : A. The right to publish for private p r o f i t and the right to c o p y r i g h t any book, m a n u a l , or printed o f f i c i a l m a t e r i a l , and B. The right to negotiate privately w i t h any person, f i r m , or corporations, for the manufacture of any equipment or t e a c h ing a i d and the right to acquire any patent rights w h i c h may be obtainable t h e r e o n . 2. The property rights and j o i n t projects o f staff members undertaken either as part o f a teaching assignment, released t i m e , or assigned p r o j e c t s , or on their own t i m e , shall be shared by the participants i n such manner as they shall agree in w r i t i n g . 3. Notwithstanding the property rights o f any staff member or members i n any books, teaching aids, or equipment published, d e v e l o p e d , or d e signed by said staff member or members, The Junior College District s h a l l , to the extent that said book, teaching a i d , or equipment was w r i t t e n or designed in conjunction with a released time project or p r o g r a m , have a j o i n t property right t h e r e i n . Said j o i n t property right shall e n t i t l e the District to use or purchase said b o o k , teaching aid or equipment regardless o f copyrights or patents thereon and exclusive of any r o y a l t i e s , commissions, or other pecuniary p r o f i t to the applicable staff member or members u n t i l such time as The Junior College District has been reimbursed from said r o y a l t i e s , commicsions or other pecuniary p r o f i t to the extent and amount that The Junior College District paid for that part of the project or program which r e s u l t ed in the creation of the b o o k , teaching a i d or equipment, not to exceed the staff member's pay rate for a l i k e amount o f time at the p a r t - t i m e salary rate for his particular salary category and such other costs as may be i n v o l v e d i n the p r o j e c t . IIIIIMIjitilllillFli'liiiifiaWrriJnirrillilliJIIIII illiiili iiiliiiliMiii«iiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiii iinnnniim minimi i ii inn il> O n c e reimbursement for such released time has been m a d e , any j o i n t property rights o f the District shall cease and a l l r o y a l t i e s , commissions, or pecuniary profit thereafter earned by the sale o f said b o o k , teaching a i d , or equipment, to any purchaser thereof shell belong exclusively to the staff member or members. 4. A staff member, by executing an employment contract w i t h the District, hereby agrees to give the District the j o i n t property right hereinabove described. || Tleur-de-iis Chapter M H AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION " St. Louis, H B H • B B B 5 Missouri i || April 2b, 196b Mr. Paul Connole Coordinator of Student Personnel Services Tne Junior College District c: St. Louis 7508 Forsytne Blvd. Clayton, Missouri 63118 Dear Mr. Connole: B B • I Bj M B M M B m It is a privilege and a pleasure to send you the enclosed check in the amount of $250. CO from the Fleur=de=lis Chapter of the American Business Women's Association in payment of another Scholarship. B B M m M B B B B B M As stateu in my letter of February 18, 1966, we would like to nave our scholarship awarded to Mary Kenefick again if that is possible. Mary plans to attend summer school so sne can complete her two years of Junior College work at the end of January 1967. In that case our scholarship woula he used for the summer scnool session and the fall semester. B B B B B B B B B B Sr.ould it not be possible to award tne scholarship to Mary, tne Chapter would like to nave it awarded to a young woman for tne 1966-67 scnool year. B B B M Please ler us hear from you. B • Sincerely yours, B M Chairman, Scnolarsnip Committee H rt^Sisfll Jj&jjjtfjjgm HHNMB W I T H I N EACH PERSON LIES T H E POWER T O CREATE. HE POSSESSES T H E A B I L I T Y TO EXPERIMENT. TO GROW A N D TO E X C E L L . LET NO O N E D I S C O U R A G E T H E DESIRE TO PRODUCE NEW FORMS OF SELF-EXPRESSION. F^ffi^JByM KARL QASSLANDER April 7 1966 'Sllli ' 'flffliJflJPii JuffijMHJl "J$*R| r '•"'"flffiSI HyflN Mrs. Dolores Tygard Community R e l a t i o n s A s s i s t a n t JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT - ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY 7508 F o r s y t h Boulevard Clayton 5, Missouri -w^SHs^ M '-^fejfflfl 3j£s|gg '^Plra ^ a m 'iaPPy t o inform you that the members of the Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis have voted unanimously to sponsor a full scholarship to be awarded to a student of art of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, for the school I ^ d e a r Mrs. Tygard, Junior year Artists believe of given the ion Student Society of With We It consists In 1966 to College the wish worthy wishes is sponsoring the every -our Co-ordinator Personnel of 1967. same this of District understanding Independent of to good ahave grant student the stipend this wish Services assistance, the to and/or scholarship for Artists our of become award that the and/or two community, the Karl Scholarship Society I given hundred a continued an and am, second Committee is full grant, Gasslander, annual the in for sincerely to of accord year Committee scholarship and a study Independent the Award effective award student the fifty to Society with on yours chairman complete scholarship Committee and, with any dollars. who this for service Artists of if, whom the the his decision. the Independent in Co-ordinator he school should of studies, three the works the opinbe M B THE JUNIOR COLLEGE D I S " ! C T S T . LOUIS - S T . L O U I S COUNT> , M I S S O U R I TREASURER'S REPC:" 9 B Tax Revenue City of St. Louis 901 ~a>. Revenue St. Louis County 902 Federal Aid 909 £• 910 Investment income 920 Auxiliary Services 930 fl fl fl B Amount April 1. 1966 B B H M M B E Account M fl M B |j M B M I I Maintenance JBfc ^** $ $ Ba1ance fl $ 3.528,793.65 1 94.20 12,516.07 207,338.00 7,843.04 5,334.26 fl H I M fl 2,868.2: I Student Activity Income 951 Gifts and Grants 271 Miscellaneous Income 991 Other Receipts N D S L Collections Transfer from General Funds to CWSP Total Receipts 492.54 188.1b 867.77 1,638.49 10.00 375.74 239,5?5.51 Less D i soursements : fl I fl fl fl fl fl f Base - General Base - Restricted Withholdings $240,545.6: 9,694.2c Expenses General JCD Cont. to CWSP Fund Restricted (See Schedule B) -00 Capi tal Out lay General Restricted (See Schedule B) 500 $ 48,290.9f 375.7-^ 2,490.9: $ 35,010.6253,480.8.' Auxiliary Services - Cost of SalesoOO Payroll Taxes and Withholdings "00 Student Fee Refunds 100 .Maintenance Other Disbursements Total D i SDUI senient s Less redepos i t recorded as i ncome Balance April 30, 19ob •' March S 250,239.89 (53,234.03) fl fl fl 51,157.63 fl B fl fl 288,491.44 fl fl 1 19,576.65 85,854.56 64 3,936. 14 $ 3,124,4 53.02 fl fl B E fl f fl 29.35 $ 3,124,423.67 f fl 1,650.00 200.00 H 1 * TREASURER'S REPORT APRIL 30. 1966 Page 2 Ap^oun i. :3 lance Apr! ; 30, 1966 consists of: Petty Cas" Funds Cash in E3~KS Current College Work Study Program Nur^'ng Student Loan Fund Gen. •, Other Restricted Funds Fay roll C ons' i i.: " • on Fund Nation.?; Defense Student Loan Investment (See Schedule A) ; B a 1 anco $ S 52,800.48 3.812.23 488,91 1 .55 S 1,025.00 545,52-'..26 500.00 183,838.01 12,793 01 742,655.28 " 2,380,743.39 $3, 124,423.67 ; ^^ ^j -cone i 1 i at ! o" ot" Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant C-eck Register Total April 30, 1966 Less: Cos: of Investments made during April $ 199.64 7.2 2 Excels of Construction Fund Deposits over Expenditures for April 5.057 .44 Plus: Net'onal Defense Loan Expenditures 450.00 Pa.roll account deposits made in March i.sed to cover April checks 152 58 $ 84t.03S.22 204.70-'-. 65 602.58 $ 643.936.14 SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1966 Type Purchase 0C Purchased Rate Inv. of Date F rom (a) I nt • Maturity Maturity Interest \la I ue Date Cost Earned Apr i I Matur i t i es 1966 1/26 3/31 3/3 1 4/7 First First First First Nat 1 I Nat'I Nat'I Nat'1 I I I 1 4.53 3.75 3.75 4.25 4/30/66 $ 4/7/65 4/14/66 4/21/66 600,000.00 100,000.00 400,000.00 100.000.00 : 592,978.50 99,927.08 399.416.66 99.834.72 $ 7.021.50 72.92 583.34 165.28 $ 1,200,000.00 : ,192,156.06 $ 7,843.04 : 500,000.00 100,000.00 688,981.22 392,077.56 488,154.86 11,717.25 99,812.50 Outstanding Apri1 30, 1966 1966 1/27 1/27 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/27 4/19 Boatmen's Boatmen's Mercantile Mercantile First Nat'l First Nat'l First Nat'i 2 2 1 1 I 1 1 4.75 4.75 4.57 4.63 4.61 4.61 4.50 8/31/66$ 9/30/66 5/31/66 6/30/66 7/31/66 7/31/56 5/5/66 600,000.00 100,000.00 700,000.00 400,000.00 500.000.00 12,000.00 100,000.00 $ 2.412,000.00 (a) I. 2. 3. Treasury Bills Certificate of Deposit Repurchase Agreement • : 380,743.39 4 ~- I SCHEDULE B ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1966 Fund No. Fund Names Carnegie Ccr 3 . of New York Technical Education Center 015 Salar ies Operating Expense $2,268.18 $ 213.57 Capital Out 1 ay $ ! Total 291.25 $2,773.00 •'.ellogg Foundation Allied Medical Technical Ed. Center 027 Nursing Student Loan Prog. 030 Construction Fund 031 College Work Study Program 032 Cooperative Research Small Contract Project Ceorge Borct-f Act - Title 111 035 Trades :- Industry Progra'.DEA - Title III 1965-66 National Defense Loans Less A c c r u a l s Retirement o f FICA Expense 3.808.33 422.30 4.230.63 ; 830.00 830.00 * 244,367.50 244,967.50 : 3.601.18 i- 3.601.18 16.57 .70 038 040 913.50 17.27 2,266.54 2.266.54 5,955.51 6,569.01 450.00 450.00 $ 9,694.26$ 2.830.07 $ 253.48C.80 $ 266,005.13 and 3 3 9 . 14 $ 9,694.26 $2,490.93$ 253,480.80 339.14 $265,665.99 i I ' iiOR COLLEGE DISTRICTS: • ADULT EDUCATION: I • 1 I 1 I 1 I • AGENTS: FEDERAL GOVERNKEOT: (l) A ^ o r c ^ l e g . "strict £ 3 „Su-afcion f o r r e s i d e n t s w i t h o u t r e - • j ^ t f ^ ' a d u l t e d u c a t i o n g r a t u i t o u s l y o u t of r e v e n u e s d e r i v e d by t h e scnool d i s t r i c t from s o u r c e s o t h e r t h a n those* d e s c r i b e d i n A r t i c l e ^ , s e c t i o n 3 , of the S t a t e C o n s t i t u t i o n and o n l y a l n l n g of which a r e n o t s q u i r e d f o r ^ t h e e s t a o l i s h i n g of g ^ e f r e e p u b l i c s c n o o l s f o r P ^ o n s oe c o n t a c t and c o o p e r a t e y e a r s ; (3) J ^ i o r c o l l e g e d i s t r i c t s can con matching sn r e w i t h t h e F e d e r a G o v e ^ c , . and p r e v i a ^ ^ Economic I | C S T I V E . 1 OPINION NO. 239 § 1 I jm i W 1 I 9 I B I I J I I 1 I ' I i I I I I • I • H A p r i l 2 6 , 1966 Honorable Warren E . H e a r n e s Governor of M i s s o u r i E x e c u t i v e Office J e f f e r s o n City, Missouri Dear Governor H e a r n e s : • 1 j - ~ „nnT> -ppnuest d a t e d This opinion i s issued in response t ° / ° ^ s f ^ n s regarding March 9 , 1966- ^ u r x * " " ^ r i c t s to p a r t i c i p a t e in a d u l t ^ ^ p 0 ^ u = f t ' - ' " p 0 r S 4 S e S n d e r S t n e 0 E c o n o m P i c O p p o r t u n i t y Act of 5|l" " i n s t a t e s as follows: tetion a c t i o n 212 °5 e r D rov O i n d 0 es l 0 fo 0 r P P the t U avaiIAct of 196U as amended p r o v l d e s ^ mat;ohlne £ ; : ^ o ^ c a H c h S o f d L t r i c t s ' t o p r o v i d e an l i s t B a s i c E d u c a t i o n Program. "There seems t o be a q u e s t i o n f i n t e r p r e of s t a t e law on whethea t n e s ^ f t r t c c s be l e g a l l y s p e n t by j u n i o r ^ General's Therefore, i ^ " " ^ n ^ a r n l n K the following Opinion be r e n a e r e d c o n c e r n i n g n questions: | I | | | | 1 1 1 | | 1 • I I I i I • | 1 | | 1 1 m • | ||p*"''™ M H || M m B H If • M • • n---"W-ni • it • i Honorable Warren E . H e a r n e s , Governor 1 . Can a junior college district p r o v i d e gratuitous basic education f o r those o v e r 2 1 , p r o v i d e d that n o state funds specified in Section 3 , A r t i c l e IX o f the Constitution o f the : S t a t e o f Missouri a r e used? . 2. In federally financed adult education ' p r o g r a m s w h i c h require a local m a t c h i n g share o f 1 0 $ c a s h , such a s those a u t h o r i s e ! u n d e r T i t l e I I B of t h e E c o n o m i c O p p o r t u n i t y A c t of 1 9 6 4 (Section 2 1 2 ) j m a y a local junior c o l l e g e d i s t r i c t p r o v i d e a m a t c h i n g a m o u n t in cash? 3. Can t h e m a t c h i n g a m o u n t referred to in q u e s t i o n n u m b e r 2 be provided b y a • m u n i c i p a l i t y o r a p r i v a t e p a r t y if i t is turned o v e r to the local junior c o l l e g e district f o r that purpose? 4. I f t h e above c a n be answered i n the a f f i r m a t i v e , can a junior college d i s t r i c t p r o v i d e basic education f o r a d u l t s w i t h o u t a h i g h school e d u c a t i o n ? " A d u l t b a s i c education is described in Section 2 1 2 , o f the Economic O p p o r t u n i t y A c t cf 1 9 6 4 , Public L a w 8 8 - 4 5 2 a s f o l l o w s : "It i s the purpose o f this p a r t to i n i t i a t e p r o g r a m s o f instruction f o r i n d i v i d u a l s w h o h a v e a t t a i n e d a;e e i g h t e e n a n d w h o s e i n a b i l ity to read a n d w r i t e the E n g l i s h l a n g u a g e c o n s t i t u t e s a substantial impairment o f their a b i l i t y to g e t :r r e t a i n employment c o m m e n s u r ate w i t h t h e i r re-al a b i l i t y , so as to help • eliminate such inability a n d raise the level of e d u c a t i o n of such individuals w i t h a view to m a k i n g them less l i k e l y to become d e p e n d e n t on o t h e r s , improving their a b i l i t y to b e n e f i t f r o m occupation?.! training a n d o t h e r w i s e i n creasing t h e i r opportunities for more p r o d u c t ive a n d p r o f i t a b l e e m p l o y m e n t , and m a k i n g them b e t t e r able to r.eet their a d u l t r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . " T h e Federal Government w i l l provide grants covering 9 0 $ of the cost of these p r o g r a m s . Section 2 1 6 ( b ) , Public L a w 8 8 - 4 5 2 , as a m e n d e d . ,• . M V V & < _'." Eg :WSB i jjjgjg Honorable Warren E. Hearnes, Governor : ^^M Your first and fourth questions will be considered to- ' ; , "§H Ju~'or college districts are provided for under Sections • M M • 178.Jic'zo* 178.890, RSMo. Supp. 1965. i^pM Section 1 7 8 . 7 7 0 ( 2 ) , provides: 1 1 I I I : '*8H 3538 " 2 . When a district is organised, it shall be a body corporate and a sub- | g ^tyftg •""P mmm 9 H H division of the state of Missouri and shall be known as 'The Junior College District of > Missouri' and, in that name, may sue and be sued, levy | | | g • I IIPPI •a&y WSB £gS5 1 ^?WB 330 ^SM 9 I -Mil a J H ^ ^ --~ and collect taxes within the limitations sections 178.770 to 178.890, issue bonds and possess the same corporate powers as common and six-director school districts in this state, other than urban districts, except as herein otherwise of • provided." c 1 n c e -•-*<= section provides that junior college districts shall gince^;-;-samrcoroo?ate p o w e r s as common and six-director scnool ^ZlS"-we shall first determine whether or not a common or six-d"^".or school district has the power to provide gratuitous adult rasic education to those over 21. P-ently, upon your inquiry, this office o ^ l c ^ l l y ruled ' that t - oower of a school district to provide for the educa- ; Hearnes, p S P for ordinary vldesr^Adult'education u o r So ndvrc T--5 iSection e ,-"the de ."— d.^u 1-18-66, school lc of a a-es?dents tstatutes oublic adult jy 171.091, i o nrevenues. Section copy of basic school all without creating RSMo. enclosed). may residents. education l(b), district Supp. oeregard school Missouri provided 195$, for has to This districts those ages the Constitution provides: from power power is over funds necessarily includes (Opinion a,,e to other Provide 19^5, 2..No. tne tnan proim100, g g .. g g g g I 1 | | i | I • I • | Honorable Warren E. Hearnes, Governor ^•^ "The ochool board of any schocl district in this state may provide for "he gratuitous education of persons between five and six and over twenty years of age, resident in the school district. The gratuitous education, however, shall be provided only out of revenues derived by the school district from sources other than those described in section 3, article IX, of the constitution of this state, and only with revenues which are not required for the establishing and maintaining of free public school: in the school district for the gratuitous instruction of persons between the ages of six and twenty Section 171.091, expressly authorises public school districts to provide such services gratuitously except out of certain revenues therein mentioned. As provided by Section 178.770, junior college districts have these same powers as common and six-director school districts unless these powers are taken av:a:y__b_y some provision of the junior college district law. Thus, "we~~sTIall turn to a further consideration of the junior college district statutes. Section 178.780(2), provides: "The state board of education shall: (l) Establish the role c: the twoyear college in the state; *•«•*" Pursuant to this statutory provision the State Board of Education has described the role of the public junior college in its publication, "Public Junior Colleges in Missouri", as follows: "THE ROLE OP THE PUBLIC JUNIOR COLLEGE "The public junior college is defined as follows: ^ 9 "A public educational instit-tion offering instruction, beyond a four-year standard high school course, in programs cf tv;o years duration. Primarily, these progress are at the collegiate level and qualify for appropriate accreditation, but other type; of courses for youth and adults may be provided to meet local needs. The curriculum may be specialized or comprehensive in scope and character depending on the needs and desires of the community « ^ 8 | H B SjJ[i]nffl WPp|lH S^^i3 BBpH 8"?/*"'3M || yJ'jA & "'i-Ml M • s%$ §.•'SUm H£§J£»S« w??3_|t_l pSpBHB S^^^g MM|^fl B' W ^^S S-JMBI B *1*lira B, ^M B*'" s£ i'~^PI H^^^P |^^|gg gL^£a|gj B • § j/wl §H , ..., r - .•unwimmrr ; ^^mt«~^*mm*KmKiimaa***m»mMmmum Honorable Warren E. Hearnes, Governor served. It may ;er for college credit transfer courses or terminal courses, or both. It m a y specialize In the liberal arts and sciences type programs, or the technical Institute type programs, or it may be a comprehensive type institution offering a wide range of programs. "The junior college district is the basic governmental unit for control, financial support and source of students. "The primary objectives of the junior college 1. To make two-year college education available to able students in their home environment; 2. To provide regular full-time students with diversified programs of studies leading to appropriately varied educational and vocational goals, Including transfer to other institutions; 3« To provide part-time students with diversified programs of studies leading to appropriately varied educational and vocational goals, including transfer to other institutions; 4. To provide effective programs of scholastic, vocational and personal guidance and flexibility of trans^ e r air'on5 programs so that the students may have the opportunity to develop their potentialities 5. To provide Vor local as well as state and national needs appropriate for this type of Institution; 6. To supplement educational opportunitles now available in the State." As manifest by this declaration of the State Board of Education, although collegiate thelevel public education, junior college it is further primarily theisrole to provide of the junior I § 1 1 1 I 1 1 I m I I g B M H H M I m m M M m • B ffl M H §1 M m M g| m m g| B H ||| m M honorable V.'arren E. H e a m e s , Governor B • college to provide "other types of courses for youth and adults [which] meet local needs." H B B B Another of the objectives of junior colleges is to provide vocational and terminal technical courses. Certainly an ability to read and write the English language is a fundamental vocational necessity. I! B 1 B B H M Section 178.850, provides: "A junior college district organised under sections 178.770 to I78.89O shall provide instruction, classes, school or schools for pupils resident v;ithin the junior college district who have completed an approved high school course. * * * " (Emphasis added.) B 9 B H B If H We are of the opinion that this section in no way derogates the power of a junior college district to provide education to those not having completed an approved high school course. As is seen in Section 212, of Public Law 88-U52, the adult basic education programs would include one v/ho has completed high school. Presumably, such person would have che ability to read and v/rite the English language. B B M • B 8 • B B The purpose of Section 178.850 is to prescribe which persons a junior college district has a duty to provide the instruction. Note that the above quoted provision of that statute uses the mandatory verb "shall," It would follow from this provision that junior college districts do not have a duty to instruct a resident who has not completed high school; hov:ever, it does not follow that junior college districts do not have the power to provide, at their discretion, instruction to those not having completed high s"chool. M • S B • B I Therefore, we are of the opinion that a junior college district has the power to provide adult basic education courses to those who have not (or have) completed a:: approved high school course; and further, that such services may be provided gratuitously out of revenues other than those excepted by Section 171.091. 8 B Your second question notes that under ohe Federal law a local matching share of 10$ cash is required. You a sic, '^M L Honorable Warren E. Kearncs, Governor M^ A igH W i S i I mmM S W B ^ •5*111 i 3 m--^^ '*M SMB»1IMl # | 1 „ a local junior college district provide a matching amount Having concluded above that a junior college district cooldVovide an adult basic education program gratuitously, lOOTJ out of its own revenue (other than those excepted by 11 1 junior college Section necessarily follows that a operation ttstrictLy have tby local By «o°therpo??tical"jubSlvlsion. radult^asic^ducltion la -c reference tThis this mSniciSality Section -Mother fTherefore, ijunior h171.091), a vwith B office third power, where A shall for f tne *lurlor pay college I65.OII, this f owhich *the Iquestion power * be it 100 not ruled it Sit or Money statute Federal ^college placed ?an Is It of a Sa district to RSMo. municipality Jin the private was be fir the donated ^is: contract Opinion Sexpended to also Government. opinion district residents donated cost ,Supp. the Can for We party applies Ito of n credit the 100, make that 1965, fof the and d to a or phas if without amatching program -operate this meet r other no supra, purpose? accepted. school to C provides: turned of the Srulln junior L office the the power rpolitical regard operated that districts 10* S purpose,, over fund wnwhatsoever * K college that: to be S school *S to ^provide * Sprovided in i subtne age; t*districts, ? codis»oon r I g | E | M 1H B i I 1• | Ij Honorable V/arren E . Hearnes, Governor • m M H M • §1 B 2 . Junior college districts are authorized to provide adult education gratuitously out of revenues derived b y the . school district from sources other than those described In Article IX, Section 3, of the State Constitution, and only with revenues which are n o t required for the establishing and maintaining of free public schools for persons between the ages of 6 and 2 0 years; B 1 | I | g i 3. Junior college districts can contract and cooperate with the Federal Government and provide a local matching share in cash for adult basic education programs under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964; i I 1 i M 9 M 4. A junior college district may accept donations o f money which are given to provide for the financing of a n adult basic education program. I 1 • • a The foregoing opinion, which I hereby approve, w a s p r e pared b y m y assistant Louis C. DeFeo, Jr. Yours very truly, | H | M m H H > 1 m 1/1 cw*p*-1 l/^&u^o^o I I W M 9 8 fcfrlAN'H. Enclosure: Opinion No. 100, Hearnes, 1/18/66. ktiDZrU&fT Attorney General ^ ^ 1 I I i