I 1 1 i B I MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI M O N D A Y , APRIL4, 1966 - 8:00 P.M. *fl| am Pursuant to a Notice Of Special Board Meeting called by the President of H The Board of Trusttes, a copy of which is attached as an addendum to these Minutes, • and in accordance with Section 1.4.2 of the District Board Policies And Adminisrra- H tive Organization Manual, a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior W Coliege District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Monday, April H 4 , 1966, at the Central Office of the District, 7508 Forsyth B l v d . , St. Louis, Missouri. 8 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1 1.2 W The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, called the meeting to order at 8:16 p . m . Roll Call The following members were present: M Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian M Messrs. Lester C. G e i i B Joseph G . Stewart B Gerald V . Williamson H Board Members Morris Glaser and Guy S. Ruffin were not present. n Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President of the District; Mr. B John Robertson, Vice President; Dr. Douglas F. Libby, J r . , Campus Director; I Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, M Acting Treasurer; Mrs. Lucinda Schulz, representing Mrs. Tygard of the Community B Relations Department; Mr. Edward Ruddy, Dean of Student Personnel Services at the Forest Park Campus, representing Dr. Graham who was out of town — all of The Junior College District staff. Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastion asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 14, 1966. Mr. Geil called the Secretary's attention to the fact that Mr. Glaser was not at the March 14th Meeting, as indicated in the motion to adopt the resolution on Page 16 of the Minutes. Whereupon, on morion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 14, 1966 were approved as corrected. &k. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed Mr. Frank teeming, J r . , a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Mr. Roy Walkenhorst, o reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat; Messrs. Kenneth Wischmeyer, Tom Tebbetts, and Tom Teasdale, of the firm of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer and Partners; Messrs. William Belt and Ronald Schapp, of the engineering firm of Belt & Given; Mr. Kloster, of the concern of Kloster Company, Inc. Mrs. Bastian also welcomed District staff members, Mr. Robert Slough, Business Manager and Mr. David Underwood, Associate Dean of Instruction, both of the Florissant Valley Campus. 4/4/66 - 2 - ^ — — - — — ' ' " " '' • " ~ " * " " •"•' • " ~ * ttmi liii'ltnim i •• 11 > r - - if ii in i l" I I I ,[ - -'••• ,|.-« \ 1.6 Communications Mrs. Juanita Novak read the following communications: 1.6.1 A News Release from St. Louis Regional Industrial Development Corporation stating that the St. Louis area has been tentatively ruled out as a prospective site for the /tomic Energy Commission's new National Accelerator Laboratory. The cities under immediate consideration are Ann Arbor, Michigan, South Barrington, Illinois, Madison, Wisconsin, Brookhaven, Long Island, Denver, Colorado, and a site near Sacramento, California, known as the Sierra Foothills. The AEC facilitiy is estimated to cost $350 million and to be staffed with 2,000 scientists and engineers, with an annual operating budget of $60 million. 1.6.2 A letter from Harry Gershenson addressed to Dr. R. William Graham, Vice President and Campus Director of the Forest Park Campus, expressing the thanks of the Scottish Rite group for the presentation Dr. Graham had recently made, 1.6.3 A letter addressed to Dr. Douglas F. Libby, Vice President and Campus Director of the Florissant Valley Campus from Mr. Myron D. Hanson, Chief, Personnel Branch, of the Internal Revenue Service / thanking the Florissant Valley Campus for their cooperation in establishing a pilot program for employment of college students. Mr. Hanson stated that their original plan was to hire twenty students to work three nights a week. However, when applications were received from twenty-nine students, the Internal Revenue Service Office was so impressed with the enthusiasm, attitude, and interest shown by these students, that they 4/4/66 - 3- a •• expanded their program to include a l l twenty-nine students. 1.7 Treasurer's Report The Board was requested t o approve the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month of February, 1966. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports were approved as submitted for the month of February, 1966. 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Leave of Absence In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the unanimous vote jgg of aye of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That Miss Doris Mosley be granted a leave of absence w i t h no loss i n salary, from April 4 > 1966 to A p r i l 2 2 , 1966 fcr the purpose of attending a three week observation experience for nursing f a c u l t y at the Manatee Junior C o l l e g e , Brandenton, Florida. A l l expenses except transportation w i l l be paid from funds from a Kellogg Foundation G r a n t . RESOLVED, That M r . Robert Monsees be granted a leave of absence without loss of salary from June 13, 1966 to June 17, 1966 for the purpose of attending a Summer Institute in Numerical and Statistical Methods of Digital Computing, to be held at the University of Missouri a t Rolla. 2.2 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Reclassification In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was 4/4/66 - 4 - RESOLVED, That the classification of the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be changed as i n d i c a t e d , effective February 1 , 1966: M r . Lawrence W o l f - FVCC From: 1/2 time JCD and 1/2 time Technical Education Center To: 3 / 4 time JCD and 1/4 time Technical Education Center FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above reclassification i n d i c a t e d , w h i c h said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the D i s t r i c t , and substituted for the previous contract w i t h M r . W o l f , ! 2.3 ^ C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Employment In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, ofter due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote = of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed in the c a p a c i t y and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: W f r_ f- M r . James C . Hoelscher - Instructor B - English - FPCC - I V - 2 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 M r . Maurice J . Stoughton - Assoc. Prof. - Engineering - FPCC - V I - 6 Eff. 2 / 6 / 6 7 Miss Barbara Hemm - Instructor B - Psychology - FVCC - I V - I - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 M r . Robert Murphy - Asst. Prof. - Political Science - FVCC - V - 3 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 M r . George Govero - Asst. Prof. - Economics - M C C - V - 4 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 " M r . A l b e r t Ostergaard - Asst. Prof. - Engineering - MCC - V - 5 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 ? M r . Richard Lessman - Instructor B - M C C - Student Placement - I V - 4 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 M r . John W . Mcintosh - Asst. Prof. - Mathematics - FPCC - V - 3 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 Mr. John Cronin - Instructor B - Bus. Admin. - M C C - I V - 1 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 p Mrs. Margie N e a l - Instructor B - History - FVCC - I V - 2 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 4/4/66 - 5 - F I M r . Joseph A . Stevenson - Instructor B - Biology - FVCC - I V - 3 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 I M r . Edward A . Ruhlman - Asst. Prof. - Bus. A d m i n . - FVCC - V - 4 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 I U M r . Mendei 5. Branom, J r . - Assoc. Prof. - Counselor - M C C - V I - 6 - Eff. 9 / 6 / 6 6 1 I M r . Robert L Vvilhelm - Instructor B - Political Science - FVCC - I V - 3 - Eff. 9 / o A I H M 9 H FURTHER RESOLVED, authorized to execute adopted by tfie Board, which said contract is I 1 I 1 U 2.4 || The Board of Trustees was requested to approve the employment of the f o l l o w i n g M 4j^ H That the President of the Board be and hereby is the appropriate Instructor's Contract, previously w i t h the above f u l l - t i m e c e r t i f i c a t e d employees, to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. Administrative Personnel 1 administrative personnel: S H Dr. Arthur E. Smith - Associate Dean - Counseling - FFCC - Step 3 Effective 7 / 1 / 6 6 •I H i| fa II RESOLVED, That Dr. Arthur E. Smith be offered a contract of employment w i t h the District i n the capacity of Associate Dean - Counseling a t the Forest Park Community College - Step 3 on the salary classification of said position, scid employment to be effective July 1 , 1966 and to be for an i n i t i a l term of three years. &&> 11 B <m FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to executie a three-year employment contract on behalf of the District w i t h Dr. Arthur E. Smith, said contract to be f i l e d w i t h the II records of the District. WM 2.5 n[ In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, Certificated Personnel - M o d i f i e d Contracts JH and upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of Hj a l l members of the 8oard who were present, i t was Sjj IH RESOLVED, That the contracts of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be modified as follows: ig M M r . Neal Hartman - Counselor - FVCC - From: To: H 4/4/66 -6- 111-3 Instructor B I V - 3 - Eff. 4 / 1 / 6 6 1 M i 1 I 9 H M r . Alexander Grammaticoff - FVCC - From: Assistant Professor V I - 3 To: Associate Professor V I - 3 - Eff. 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 ^ ^^ FURTHER RESOLVED, That the authorized to execute the form by the Board, indicating above contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the President of the Board be and is hereby Instructor's Contract, previously adopted said contract m o d i f i c a t i o n , which said records of the District. I ^*° M The President of the District recommended that contracts for the 1966-67 college ra Certificated Personnel - Contract Renewal year for returning f a c u l t y , be approved by the Board of Trustees. • Following a general discussion, whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, n seconded by M r . G e i l , and upon the aye vote of o i l members of the Board p r e s e t , Ir • was • M I H RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the offer of re-employment to the certificated personnel listed on the following schedule, for the forthcoming academic yecr, from July 1 , 1966 to June 3 0 , 19^7, at the salary classification indicated o n said schedule. jj FUTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees is hereby M authorized and directed to execute a five year contract, on the form H previously approved by the Board of Trustees, w i t h a l l personnel by H whose names an asterisk appears on the schedule attached hereto. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to use the standard one year re-employment contract for and on behalf of the D i s t r i c t , with a l l other personnel contained on the list attached hereto, the fcrm of said contract having been previously approved by the Board I 4/4/66 -7- From Old Salary Schedule I Vc r . Oliver Irvin Davis Assistant V-5 g\S W^ HMMMr. Dr. Miss ./r. Mr. Mrs. Mr. TMiss Dr. Merman William Jack Leonard Charles Thomas Uvan Dean Jerome Anthony James Malkora Oliver Bryce William Del Brian Joel Hank Beatrice Ludmilia Clare Karen Doris Elizabeth Dortha Johnson Miller Dunbar Handy Margulis Mellone Gleeson Gordon Hill Duggins Delgado Garger Heyne Hitchell Kohout Jackoway Jackson Latta Duffy Gilbert Nelson Martin Lampe Luebkert Mitchell Getsiv Mcintosh'Assistant Associate Instructor Assistant Associate Instructor instructor Instructor Associate Vl-5 V-2 VI-3 V-3 V-2 V-4 V=2 V-5 VI-4 VI-2 B A B 3VI-1 IV-2 IV-4 IV-3 III-5 IV-2 IV-1 III-2 To Tew Salary Schedule ^Associate **professor *Associate ^Assistant *Professor *Assistant ^Associate Assistant Instructor Associate Assistant InstructorVI-3 V-3 VII-2 VI-4 VI-2 V-3 V-4 VI-3 VII-3 VI-1 V-l IV-3 B A III-6 V-3 IV-4 IV-3 III-3 IV-2 • • H Mrs-Maraar. Kcssctt instructor B IV-1 Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor B IV-2 | Mr. La-.-rar.ce O'Leary ^Assistant V-l H Mrs. Mary Perry Assistant V-5 H Mrs. Latty Pollard Instructor A III-6 • Mr. Victor :;cof Associate VI-4 M M r . -Macro D. Micr.cy -Assistant V-5 Assistant VI-3 B M r . iMllaaai Sacur.aa Assistant V—6 -'Associate VI—3 H M r . Dor. Sieker Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 I M r . Howard Sir.rr.cno Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor 3 IV-4 9j Miss Susanna Sitl-.ord Instructor 3 IV—2 Instructor B IV—3 • M r . A. Poster Stor.a Assistant V - 2 Assistant V - 3 H Miss Susie Thoavpsc.-. Instructor A 111-2 Instructor A III-3 Assastar.a V — ^ .-^.ssasaant V— .5 .instructor .-. Ill—2 Instructor 3 aV—.i Assistant V-2 Assistant V - 3 Instructor 3 IV-4 *Asscciate VI-3 Instructed" A III-7 -Professor VII-I H! B B B -'—"s. ^oaay I'r.or.voocn 9 „-.r. 3—vaa Succor H M r . Saavan Vago H .-lr. Patrick V.Titae Instructor 3 IV-3 H M r . P.ia'.-.ard Wurta Instructor A III-3 M M r s . .-.rlene V7a.aer-.aa7. Assistant V-3 Assistant V - 4 B M r . David Warner Assistant V-4 Assistant V - 5 9 M r . Jen:; 3rookhart Counselor 1-4 Instructor 3 V-3 jS Miss Iliaaba-ah M a l t m Counselor III-7 Instructor A III-S • m ;.ir. Aay..:ond Hauver Counselor II-2 Assistant V - 4 * -vAssistant V-2 H M From Old Salr.ry Schedule ^toJ'^s. Betty Duvall • To New Salary Schedule Asst. Librarian III-3 *Instructor A III-4 <••' *Associate V-4 W m Dr. Donald Gawronski Assistant V-3 m Mr. Leon Gordon Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 ' H Mr. Ernest Gourdine' Counselor IV-3 Instructor B V-3 W Mr. Neal E. Hartman Counselor IV-3 Instructor B IV-4 > M Mr. Philip Hunt Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 H Miss Carolyn Jones • Instructor B IV-4 Instructor B V-3 lH Mr. Beverly Kitching Assistant V-4 Assistant V-5 I Mrs. Kathryn Langlois Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B IV-4 H Mr. Frank B. Livingston Counselor VI-1 Mrs. Marian McClintock Instructor B IV-3 (12/15) Instructor B IV-4 9 ' |B Mr. James McDonald II -iiss Harriett Mcintosh *Associate VI-4 . Instructor B IV-4 Instructor B V-3 Instructor B IV-4 Instructor B V-3 Wa • ™.ir. David Marshall Instructor B IV-1 Instructor B IV-3 M Miss Mary Lou Maurer Instructor B IV-4 Instructor B V-3 HI Mr. Edward Mengec Associate VI-2 Associate VI-3 11 Mr. Arthur Meyer Instructor B IV-2 B Mrs. Dorothy Moore- Assistant V-3 Assistant V-4 H Miss Shelly Moorman' Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 . ||§ Mr. Paul Nicholson *' Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 j|| Mr. James P. 0'Grady Assistant V-2 Assistant V-3 II Dr. Henry Orland ' Assistant V-5 ^Associate VI-2 B Mr. Henry Pannuto Assistant V-5 •'Associate VI-3 fl Mrs. Melba Pearson Instructor A III-2 Instructor A III-2 B Mr. Virgil Pinkstaff Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Instructor B IV-2 Assistant V-5 Assistant V-3 Instructor B IV-3 Assistant V-6 Assistant V-4 9 B II Ifcir. Joseph Pugarelli Mr- George Ragland Mr. Robert Randolph = *Assistant V-l ? mem*a*imn«,m,Mm[mf,itknVmi>t» ' M II1IHIH..M WIMH „,m.t. *******„- •> -i> i, '" " - " ^ ^ ^ f f » w ^ i l i > M i l i i i M i ) r i B i " -^.-^..,, \ From Old Salary Schedule To N e w Salary Schedule M r . M a x Grirfin, J r . Instructor A III-4 Instructor A III-5 > M r . Glenn Grothaus Instructor B I V - 2 Instructor B IV-3 ; i M r . Harvey L e e Harris Teaching A s s t . II-2 Teaching Asst. II-3 - ^ D r . Rudolph Heider Associate V T - 2 Associate V I - 3 /Mr. Donald Keldruan ' Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B IV-4 ^ Assistant V - 3 ; 1 M r s . Ruth Hensler Assistant ^ M r . Thomas Hilyentan Assistant V - 3 *Assistant V - 5 "\Miss LaVerne Kubenschmidt Assistant V - 2 *Assistant V - 3 = « | "l V-2 Miss Margaret Johnson . Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B I V - 4 Miss Hildegardo Kramer Assistant V - 5 Assistant V - 6 M r . Gary Lane Instructor B I V - 2 Instructor B IV-3 D r . Anna M. Lottmann, M r . D o n Lowe . Professor VII-3 " [ • t ^ ^Professor VII-4 Assistant V - 3 Assistant V-3 : Instructor 3 IV-3 Instructor B IV-4 \ M r s . Gladys Rae Maracek Teaching A s s t . II-2 Teaching A s s t . II-3 Mrs.. Carol Miller Instructor B I V - 1 Instructor B I V - 2 M r . 2 . John I-iinlits Assistant V - 3 Assistant V - 4 ^ M r . Robert Monsees Instructor B IV-2 ^Assistant V - 2 ^ Miss Doris Mosley Assistant V - 4 ^Assistant v""6 M r s . Maxine Mosley Assistant V - 4 Assistant V-5 M r . Robert S. Murray Associate VI-3 ^Associate V I - 4 M r . Loon Myers Assistant V - 2 Assistant V - 5 = M r . Richards Pease Assistant V - 6 ^Associate VI-3 ; M r J . Sue Potrovich Assistant V - 2 Assistant V-4 1 M r s . Vera Phillips Assistant V - 2 Assistant V - 3 L Assistant V - 5 Assistant V-6 '_ Instructor B I V - 4 ^ Instructor B IV-3 \ ^pi'lr. Karry Machin- . ^ftupr. Jair.es Pierce M r . Ronald S. Preuss M r . Predric Riooovor Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B I V - 2 f Frcm Old Salr.ry Schedule To ETew Salary Schedule •lr. Larry W. Rivers Instructor B IV-2 Instructor 3 IV-3 Miss Evelyn Roberts Associate VI-3 Dr. Bernard Schrautemeier AssistantV-5 Assistant V-6 Mr* Robert Shepack Associate VI-4 ^Associate VI-5 Mr. Waiter Stoffel Associate VI-3 *Associate VI-4 Mr. Jay Warner Assistant V-4 Assistant V-5 Miss Julia ':•'.. Watson Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B IV-4 Mr. Robert V.'edgeworth Librarian V-4 Assistant V-5 Mrs. Jo Ann v.'ehmeier Asst. Librarian III-3 Mrs. Isabel '.ring Teaching Asst. II-5 Teaching Asst. III-l Mrs. Molly Alcott Counselor IV-2 "instructor B IV-3 2'lr. Billy Aldridge ,^p ^Associate VI-4 . Assistant V-6 *Instructor A III-4 '-'Associate VI-4 Crs. Mary Barnes Instructor A III2 Instructor A III-2 Mr. Ralph Earnett Assistant V-3 Assistant V-4 Mr. Mar-/in Earnum Assistant V-6 ^Associate VI-3 Mr. Lercy Bay Assistant V-4 Assistant V-5 Mr. Robert Bay Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Miss Eileen Beck Assistant V-3 Assistant V-4 Mr. Joseph Bergman Instructor E IV-4 Instructor B V-3 Mr. Richard J. Broauers Counselor V-4 Assistant V-5 Mr. Rayrr.or.d Bryant Assistant V-3 Assistant V-4 .-•Lr. :7orraan Bucher Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Mr. Richard Buckrnan Instructor B IV-3 Instructor 3 IV-4 Mr. Maury Bynurr. Instructor A III-6 Instructor A III-7 .••_r. Prank H. Canavit Counselor IV-2 Instructor 3 IV-4 Mr. Richard Dchn Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor 3 IV-3 .•—-J. Margaret Dewey Librarian V-3 Assistant V-5 Mr. Richard Boyle Asoiotant V-5 Assistant V-6 From Old Salary Schedule £pMr. William Reddy To New Salary Schedule, Instructor B IV-3 Instructor IV-4 Mr. William Schallert Associate VI-2 Associate Vl-3 Miss Elaine Simpson Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Mr. Alan Slay. Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-4 Mr. Robert Small Teaching Asst. II-l Teaching Asst. II-2 Miss Gladys Thum . Assistant V-4 Assistant V-5 Mrs. Grace Tripp Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Mr. William Voos Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Mr. Paul Vossick Assistant V-4 Assistant V-5 Dr. Warren Wagner Professor VII-3 Mr. Gary Waldman. Assistant V-5 ! Mrs. Nora L. Wang *Professor VII-4 Assistant V-6 • Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B IV-3 Instructor B IV-4 Mr. A. Dean West Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Miss Leonora West Counselor Vl-2 Mr. 'Wilbur Will Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Mr. Paul Wilson Assistant V-6 Assistant VI-3 Mr. Lawrence J. Wolf Instructor B IV-4 Instructor B V-3 4K± Mr. Leon Wells * Associate Vl-3 Miss. Marlene Baldridge • Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Mr. Charles Bell Assistant V-5 Assistant V-6 Miss Susan Bobrow Instructor 3 IV-I Instructor B IV-2 Mr. Jerry Brown Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Mrs. Joan Burns Assistant V-2 Assistant V-3 Mr. Adam Casmier Assistant V-3 "Associate VI-1 v Assistant V-4 Assistant V-5 Assistant V-5 "Associate VI-3 .i~z Rita Cholet ^ ^ Mr. Joseph Coffey Mr. Larry Cornwell Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor 3 IV-3 4 Returning; personnel - Prcfescr.cr.nl Staff Unless Otherwise indicated, the following personnel are to be employed for or.e year, commencing 9-12-66 and ending June 16, 1SG7. Prom Old Salcrr'^ £c'..:.zc\".~..zi To :~r_\; S^'.':"" r.~" - '••'..- Miss Marian. Algarda Instructor A III-2 .'.^£c .-.c-ijurcu ^nijiin «-;_iS.i.Sv.ant v—J> Mrs. Josephine Anthoney Associate VI-2 Associate VI-2 Mr. Jamas Ashmore Counselor IV-4 Assistant V-3 , Instructor A :::-i H ^Esoc_t.v.c v—-•• Mr. Garth Bell .• Assistant V-6 ^Assistant VI-4 Miss Marie Bergmann Counselor VI-3 ^Associate VI-4 Mr. Jules Biegeisen . Associate VI-3 ^Associate VI--; Miss Clara Slackard Associate V-5 Associate VI-3 (>j) Mrs. Anita Eradfieid ^ Assistant V-i Assistant V-2 Dr. riorence Brown ' 0& i-~s. Irene Brown Mrs. Jean Burrows ' Associate VI-5 Assistant V-l "Professor VII-2 Assistant: V-2 • Instructor B IV-2 Instructor 3 17-4 "•Irs. B^tty Callaway. Counselor IV-i Instructor B IV-2 Mr. David Campbell Instructor B IV-3 instructor B IV-4 Mr. Truman Chiles Assistant V-4 M~~_saant V-c Mr. Charles Clements . Assistant V-5 Assistant V-5 Mr. John Bonnell Assistant V-4 Assistant V—1 Mr. Joseph Dunne Instructor A III-2 Instructor A ill-2 Mr. David Durham Instructor A III-2 Instructor A ZII-4 Miss Patricia Eoff Instructor B IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Mr. Douglas Gatton Instructor 3 IV-2 Instructor B IV-3 Mr. Robert Gillespie Assistant V-5 "Assistant VI—. Miss I'rar.ces Giil_~s Assistant V-6 "Assistant VI-3 I'M". ... Glan./a-Gd Giliiland Assistant V-5 Assistant V-5 .•«r. Aaron Gra^.Vs-arg Assistant V—5 Assistant V-~ Mr. Arnold Graor Associate VI-3 ^Associate VI-4 2.7 Classified Personnel In accordance wi'. President Cosand's recommendation, after due d i s - cussion, and upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board present, i t wcs RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District i n the classification end at the salary i n d i c a t e d , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: M r , Francis M . Uhlemeyer - Central O f f i c e - M e s s e n g e r - M a i l - M a n 6A - Effective 4 / 5 / 6 6 2.8 Classified Personnel - Reclassification The Board of Trustees was requested to approve reclassification of the following classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r , G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the classification of the following classified personnel be changed as f o l l o w s : M r . Roger Schnell - A - V Technician - FVCC - From: 7 A To: 2.9 10A - Eff. 2 / 1 / 6 6 Board Policy - Employment of District Employees Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board of Trustees approve and adopt the p o l i c y concerning employment of District employees, to be included under Section 1.9 of existing Board Policies and Administrative O r g a n i z a t i o n M a n u a l . Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri adopt Section 1.9 "Personal Use of District Property, District Employees By Board Members And Other District Employees", as outlined i n the addendum attached to 4/4/66 - 8 - these Minutes, and be included i n the existing Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual of the District. 3. CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3.1 A l l i e d Medical Professions Advisory Committee In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation/ the Board of Trustees was requested to approve the replacement of M r . Donald Acree by Dr. Francis G . D i c k e y , M . D . , Director, Veterans Administration Hospital, on the / H i e d Medical Professions Advisory Committee. Whereupon,on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by tAr. Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That Dr. Francis G . D i c k e y , M . D. be and hereby is appointed to serve as a replacement member on the A l l i e d Medical Professions Advisory Committee, said appointment ending August 3 0 , 1966. -^ @ 3.2 North Central Association Accreditation President of the District, Dr. Cosand, requested that the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri express formal appreciation to the following people who were instrumental i n the District's preparation ^ a c c r e d i t a t i o n from the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Dr. Norman Burns, Executive Secretary - North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Dr. B. Lamar Johnson - University of C a l i f o r n i a , Los Angeles, C a l i f . Dr. V i c t o r F. Spathelf - Ferris State College, Big Rapids, M i c h i g a n M r . George L. Hall - Midwest Community College Leadership Program, Ann Arbor, Michigan 4/4/66 - 9 - r Dean John F, Grede - Southeast Branch, Chicago C i t y Junior College Chicago, Illinois Dean W i l l a r d L. Thompson- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, M i n n . Dean Newton C. Rochte - University of Toledo, Toledo, O h i o Dr. Richard F. Whitmore - Kellogg Community C o l l e g e , Battle Creek, Michigan Dr. Sigurd Rislov - Wayne State University, D e t r o i t , M i c h i g a n Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the President of the District be and hereby is authorized to express w r i t t e n appreciation of the Board of Trustees, staff, and students of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri to the persons hereinabove named, for their assistance, consultive services, and e v a l u a t i o n , during the District's preparation for accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4.1 Approval o f Working Drawings - Florissant V a l l e y b'brary and Boiler Plant The architectural firm of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer and Partners presented working drawings to the Board for the Florissant V a l l e y Campus Library, and Belt & G i v e n , engineering f i r m , presented their working drawings for the boiler plant on the Florissant V a l l e y Campus. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i f was RESOLVED, That the Board o f Trustees hereby approves working drawings of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer & Partners for the Library Building and Boiler Plant to be constructed on the Florissant Valley Campus; further, that the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the preparation of specifications and the advertising for bids for the construction of said buildings. FURTHER RESOLVED, That final selection of brick and stone parapets shall be made by the Board at a future date, after the construction of sample panels of said brick and said stone parapets, and that any bid taken prior to such date shall be conditioned upon such future selection. 4/4/66 - 10 - B Dr. Cosand left the meeting at 9:00 p . m . due to illness. I 4 H M r . John Robertson presented to the Board for approval, the working drawings * 2 A p p r o v d of Working Drawings - Building Addition 5545 West Pork Avenue H for the construction of a concrete floor i n the existing District owned property at M 5555 West Park Avenue and tentative plans for the construction of a b u i l d i n g between • the property purchased from Robinson Steel Company and 5545 West Park Avenue S A question has arisen concerning applicable fire codes and M r . Robertson H reported to the Board that further effort would bo made to s«cuie poi mission to H concrete the entire area. M Whereupon, offer due discussion and upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M M r . Stewart and with the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, H it was 9 ^ RESOLVED, That the administrative staff of the District is hereby authorized H M » B ^ P to proceed with the preparation of detailed plans and specifications for the advertisement of bids for the construction of a building for storage and other District purposes, between the property located at 5555 West Park and the adjacent structure at 5545 West Park. B ^'^ Acceptance o f Bid From Kloster Company, Inc. H President of the District recommended acceptance of a bid and awarding of 9 an order to Kloster Company, I n c . for the site development at Florissant V a l l e y i n I the amount of $1,394,648.00. M • Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members o f the Board present, i t was • H m RESOLVED, That The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept the bid of Kloster Company, Inc. for the site development at Florissant V a l l e y , for a total cost of $ 1 , 3 9 4 , 6 4 8 . 0 0 . II m la FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the District. l'^-.(^-:i •.• ('a-/--, ..'-. ,.. j'Jj-\u ,-.- '( -./.;..• | 4/4/66 - 11 - )>u;^.-'-- f 4.4 Acceptance O f Higher Education Facilities Act Grant The Junior College District has been n o t i f i e d that the federal government, through the Higher Education Facilities A c t , has granted five District $606,000.00 to be applied towards the construction cost of the Forest Perk Campus. This grant now brings the total funds received by the District under the Higher Education Facilities A c t during the past two years to approximately 5 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board presenti t was, RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept the $606,000.00 grant from the federal government through the Higher Education Facilities A c t to be applied towards construction cost of the Forest Park Campus. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be requested to express the Board's appreciation for this g r a n t . ^A 5. BUSINESS A N D F I N A N C E 5.1 Acceptance of Grant Under Educational Opportunities Act Through the Educational Opportunities A c t , The Junior College District has received a grant from the federal government i n the a~cunt of $21,720.00. This grant offers educational opportunities for students who would not be able to continue their college education without f i n a n c i a l assistance. It is anticipated that approximately seventy-nine District students would be e l i g i b l e for financial assistance under this grant. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it vvas 4/4/66 - 12 - ' ',.- ,y •--^^^^p^^^^^^^^g^^^^m'g^^^ :??;*e:.'S >> I • ..-f^wwwJfj ggg mm Egg W*MMM jig •^•"say EH a of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept the federal government H grant under the Educational Opportunities Act i n the amount of $21,720.00. B . ,- ; y ^ j ; I „**Sl •. - '"*!?j FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees be advised when grants have been awarded to Junior College District students under this federal 5.2 Retention of Soil Testing Services, Inc. RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District M B '" "•-/ *ffil " •MOM ^ ™ >-£t3&& Upon recommendation from Harry Weese and Associates,the Board of Trustees was requested to retain the firm of Soil Testing Services, Inc., for additional soil uagi| Following discussion, whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, IjteAMM seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board H U H present i t was, *—••%! i "••g^j "*'^vi HI Ws mm m I M M M ' • - *4wj ^ tests o n t h e s ! t eo f ^ Di %Ui ct noMo exceed e ^ore^ P a r ^ Campus, at a cost to the 00 00 5.3 IgfflHS The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri has ^IfflffiH ^traS Easement Plat to The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District |j • 1 I District for the use of sewer facilities and lines to be constructed on the Florissant • rhe aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was .BBjjjfijB MgtigffiH n9HB "'TilliS M M been requested to enter into an agreement with The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with ffiSsJH&SH H ^' ° • • ll^fflsl T^K&S m I RESOLVED, That the firm of Harry Weese & Associates is hereby authorized to retain Soil Testing Services, Inc. for additional A • M RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees enter into an agreement with The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to dedicate and use certain jewer facilities and lines to be constructed by Florissant Valley Campus of T e ^ - , u n i o r College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri | i I 1 1 1 • - • •"»*•*K S tarns D vfii ^^ B nj S H scid agreement to be i n the form of the "Agreement To Dedicate and Use" attached as an addendum to these Minutes, and by reference expressly incorporated h e r e i n . B 11 M H FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf o f the D i s t r i c t , and further to execute such other documents, easements, and deeds as may be necessary to effectuate said agreement. H 5.4 M The Board of Trustees was requoitcd to accept a non-restricted scholarship B Acceptance of Scholarship From the Sheraton Corporation frcm-rhc Sheraton Corporation in the amount of $250.00. H Whereupon, on motion by Mr> G e i l , seconded by M r . Wijliamson, and with • the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was I |j| | RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept the scholarship from the Sheraton Corporation in the amount of $250.00. Ij H (imi is ^Ss' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this scholarship. 9 ^.S H The President of the District recommended the approval of a contract M between The Junior College District and St. Louis C i t y Hospital to provide H additional facilities for the District Nursing Program. |S m Approval of Contract - St.Louis C i t y Hospital Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was S RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District n H 9 H of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, enter into a contract w i t h St. Louis City Hospital to provide f a c i l i t i e s for the District's Nursing Program, i n the form of the contract attached to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein. [ I FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be I ond hereby is authorized and directed to exectue said agreement on behalf of the D i s t r i c t . R B 5.6 S Approval of Budget - Fiscal Year 1966-67 The President of the District requested the approval of the operating budget for the fiscal year 1966-67, and that a l l sums set forth i n said budget be appropriated for the purposes i n d i c a t e d . B I B V i c e President Robertson, presented a summary of the 1966-67 fiscal year B budget to the Board. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Stewart, H and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board present, i t was B RESOLVED, That the b u r ' g e t o f The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, for the fiscal year commencing July 1 , 1966, be and hereby is approved in the form submitted to the Board for the uses and purposes set i n.to the Budget Summary, hBill cand hAssociation, is attached to 8interest College 7.. a tM that 8C deemed cordance NEW M out In FURTHER .the rO i1 from sDistrict nthe M .uin trecent M Bastian eBUSINESS absence the sULegislation ,appropriate Nw and RESOLVED, e Idetailed convention T ixtconvention Y hreported by i bthep"blicies of RELATIONS i tout reference M was rBudget sfor delegates. on That Tygard, of the the display, the and on incorporated auses Board l lfSuburban iprocedures sums lMrs. eand in and that set purposes the Lucinda had Senate forth Teacher's hCentral eof stimulated r ew ithe nSchulz therein , isaid Board. O f^2 f iBudget as creported set ae has more great ofobeen uthe tare , famount uto inD lThe passed lhereby yia the sthese cset t r-Junior i cBoard of t. I B M B M H |B 9 1I| • 8.2 Commercial Billboards - Forest Park Compus Site H M r . Robertson reported to the Board that there are several commercial 11 billboards on the Forest Park Campus site. The contract held by the former H owner of the Forest Park Campus property with the St. Louis Outdoor Advertising H Company provided a rental payment of $100.00 pec month for the right to post H these signs on said property, and tho District has'recsivod this rental sum since its H purchase of this property. Because of the construction progress on the Forest H Park site, i t w i l l be necessary to either move these billboards or remove them H from the property. 8 Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. G e i l , i t was M H H RESOLVED, That The Junior College District terminate the agreement with St. Louis Outdoor Advertising Company, requesting that these signs be removed from the Forest Park Campus site. 3 H ! • ^ ^P FURTHER RESOLVED, That the present Junior College District sign be moved farther East, closer to the construction project. 9 - ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastian asked if there were any further business to come B before the Board. There was not, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded H by Mr. G e i l , and with the unanimous vote of all members of the Board present, S the meeting was declared recessed until Wednesday, April 6 , 1966 at 11:00 a . m . 9 Respectfully sibmitted, • r^) M M • M I uX-v. ,-_.^ v \ \ Dolores B. Secretary, The Junior St. Louis, 4/4/66 - 16 - wty, 9, C^^-/^ 1, j a r d Board of Trustees College District of St. Louis County, Missouri 1.9 Personal Use O f District Property And District Employees By Board Members And Other District Employees 1.9. 1 N o Board or staff member of The Junior College District shall use any equipment belonging to said District or consume any supplies, or u t i l i z e any Junior College District personnel for any purpose other than the business of the D i s t r i c t , and no such person s h a l l , under any circumstances, use any such equipment, consume any such supplies, or u t i l i z e any such personnel for his or her personal benefit or for the personal benefit of his or her personal property or for the benefit of any other person or his property. i^'M • ^Sjm 'f r j T ~" J i l l : S O l l i $§§m ' ' t l l l s l < l l « "^IraB pt-l? " i f s l ^vP"r;^^8jj y -; „, 1 ^ HIMRHHHI [gliSgMpH «|npi^BB NTRACT day r. of I April , 196 6 , by L o u i s , St. Louis C o u n t y , M i s s o u r i , , h e r e i n a f t e r called , a c o r p o r a t i o n of -.a S t a t e of Missouri [ , I on o f t h e payments and a g r e e m e n t s b y r h e O W N E R , the C O N T R A C T O R hereby •e t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n described as f o l l o w s : Volley & Community C o l l e g e . .ne m i l l i o n , three hundred ana n i n e r y - f o u r crs ( Sj,394,648.00 ) end all r.s a s s t a r e d in the General a n d S p e c i a l c o s t e n d expense to furnish a l l r h e materials, c e r . c e , lobor, insurance, a n d o t h e r s a l e p r o j e c t in accordance w i t h t h e c o n : r a i O o n d i t i o n s , Supplemental General , r h e p l a n s , w h i c h include a l l m a p s , plars, t e n e x p l a n a t o r y matter t h e r e o f , r h e s p e c i - e d hy Kenneth E. W i s c h m e y e r e n : w r c h i r e c r / E n g i n e e r , and as e n u m e r a t e d in i s , a l l o f w h i c h are made a p a r t h e r e o f acr . w o r k u n d e r this contract on or b e f o r e a id" o f t h e O w n e r and to f u l l y c o m p l e t e ' O R i n c u r r e n t funds for the p e r f o r m a n c e of a s p r o v i d e d in the General C o n d i t i o n s of e r e o f a s provided in Paragraph 2 5 , "Payments ! i f i N V/iTNESS '.'.'HEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this contract in six (6) ccuntarparrs, each of w h i c h shall be deemed an o r i g i n a l , in the year and day first above mentioned. County The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis/ (CnTrTeT) (Sea!) ATTEST: By i>,L ..X : ...:• t (Secretary) Kloster Company, (V, i rr.ess; > / . / / •• -X, , .X~.- President, Board of Trustees • n • (bcc.-etcry) ('.'.'irr.ess) By ' •//•. Inc. (Contractor) s / , .:-( / ,-, A . y /, /— J. , v., "^ V '' 4607 Beck Ave . (Address) m •^& (0 Corporate name of O w n e r . (2) Title of authorized o f f i c i a l . (3) Srrike out inapplicable terms. Secretary of the Owner should attest. If Contractor is c o r p o r a t i o n , Secretary should attest. G i v e proper t i t l e of each person executing contract. i i | I I I I i i I I i iMiBaiiiriiiifiiiiiMiiiiiiiaWii'tf^^ CbU: SOUENG-NORTHBROOK Chic»Bo Phon., , j r o u H o ' I n o N OORINGS ANO T I S T I N G 273-5440 Nonhbrook Phon., 272-6320 f N C I N C t R I M S * A N * L Y S C S AND REPORTS e.M>T..eT..N .u.un e. N r..L ocai N INSPECT.ON -f SOIL TESTING 111 P F I N G S T E N 1 ROAD SERVICES, INC. NORTHBROOK, ILL. 60062 — J O H M p. oNAeoiNoen CLYOE N. BAKER. JR. ADDRESS REPLY TOI p.Q. BOX 2 6 4 L uis K. WALTER, JR. NORTHBROOK. ILL. «0062 M A R C <i, i960 HARRY WEESE & A S S O C I A T E S 1^0 E A S T O N T A R I O CHICAGO, I L L I N O I S ATTENTION: RE: MR. JACK HARTREY PROPOSAL FOR A D O I T I O N A L S U D U R F A C C I N V E S T I G A T I O N AT THE S I T E o r T H E PROPOSED FOREST PARK COMMUNITY JUNIOR COLLEGE AT OAKLAND AVENUE I N ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. GENTLEMEN: JH| ^-SpT ^^^»T V/E ARE PLEASED TO SUOMIT HEREWITH OUR P?:=OSAL TOR PERFORMING THE ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION REQUIRED FOR THE FOREST PA-< COMMUNITY JUNIOR COLLEGE AT OAKLAND AVENUE IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. -.: HAVE REVIEWED THE AVAILABLE COIL AND STRUCTURAL INFORMATION IN ORDE- TO ARRIVE AT A REASONABLE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE REMAINDER OF THE PROJECT. W HAVE T-O TWO DISCUSSIONS WITH THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, ENGINEERS <"OL L ABOH AT I VE, RELATIVE TO THE PAST FOUNDATION PRODLEHS ENCOUNTERED DUNING T-E CAISSON CONSTRUCTION. OUR RECOMMENDED PROGRAM TAKES THESE I'RODLEMS INTO ACCOUNT. WE PROPOSE MAKING NINE ADOITIONAI SOIL C-C^INGO FOR THE REMAINING STRUCTURES CONTEMPLATED INCLUDING THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING, THE REST OF THE EAST CLASSROOM BUILDING, THE L C C U U E HAL-S, AND THE DINING AREA AND WEST CLASSROOM BUILDING. ONE OF THEST. UORINGS WOULD OE LOCATED AT THE EXISTING BORING 9 LOCATION SINCE BORING 9 DID NOT APPEAR TO GO DEEP ENOUGH. T H I 3 WOULD ALSO PROVIDE A CHECK ON THE CLASS IF1 CAT ION SYSTEMS USED BY OUR ORGANIZATION AND THE ORGANIZATION WHICH PERFORMED THE ORIGINAL BORINGS. THIS WILL FACILITATE CORRELATION BCTWECI. THE OLD AND THE NEW BORINGS. WE ALSO PROPOSE MAKING THREE BORINGS AT THC LOCATION OF THE LAKE WHICH IS CONTEMPLATED BETWEEN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATLOH BUILDING AND THE EAST CLASSROOM BUILDING. OUR PROPOSAL LISTS A LUMP SUM CHARGE FOS MOBILIZATION AND MOVING OF EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL TO AND FROM THE 3 I E , UNIT ^KICES FOR DRILLING AND SAMPLING, UNIT PRICES FOR TESTING, AN HOURI Y UATC FOP TIELD ENGINEERING SUPERVISION IF DEEMED NECESSARY, AND AN HOURI Y RATE CHARGE FOR THE ENGINEERING REPORT. THE ACTUAL DEPTH OF OORINCS REOUIRCD W I L L OEPEND UPON THE CONDITIONS , a fiHBHMrf HARRY WEESE L ASSOCIATES g ENCOUNTERED BUT IT IS INTENDED TC EXTEND EACH DORING SUFFICIENTLY TAR INTO THE SHALE TO VERITY THAT ThC-E IS NOT MINE ACTIVITY CLOSE TO SHALE SURFACE. WE ESTIMATE A TOTAL OF '• 00' OF OVCROURDEN DRILLING AND A TOTAL OF 90' Or ROCK CORINQ. OUR COST ESTIMATE RANGE FOR THE PROJECT IS ffl » $2,500 TO $3,000. I |r THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS WITH s.'G/.riD TO OUR PROPOSAL, OR ir WE CAN BE Or FURTHER SERVICE TO YOU IN ANY WAY, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US. g • s^vi^s* iNC» g »Siiii 30,LTCST,NG BteBtWlii CLYDE N. BAKER, JR. • HPPJJSiJBH CHIEF ENGINEER I I 1B I H PROPOSAL II • ITCM I Bj ITEM 2 Bj M O B I L I Z A T I O N AND MOVIN-. OF EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL TO AND FROM (HE SITE . .' IB ITEM 3 ROCK CORING. . H ITEM k SITE INSPECTION AND SUPERVISION BY fl ITEM I ITEM 6 WATER CONTENT TEST UNCONTINED COMPRESSION TEST 8 ^1 'TEM 7 DENSITY TEST M ^^ ITEM 3 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS ITEM 9 ENGINEERING REPORT M fl SE'RVICES OF PRINCIPAL fl fl (CONSULTATION AND REVIEW) SERVICES or PROJECT ENGINEER • B 3»50 p E * FOOT fl 8.00 PER FOOT B H 80.OO PER DAY GEOLOGIST 5 m E $200.00 DRILLING AND SAMPLINC 'CITHER SPLIT-BARREL OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLING) fl| 8 fy.00 /(\ B PER TEST fj PER TEST fl 1.00 PER TEST fl 12.00 PER SERIES fl 'J.00 fl 20.00 PER HOUR. H 12.50 PER HOUR 8 fl by end bchvoen THE JUNIOR CGLLEGe DISTRICT C? ST. - C ^ i S , ST. LGUiS COUNTY, B .VViSSGUr.!,. c body corporate end subdivision c ; rbe S;c;e cf i7.is:ouri (rie re i .-.error flH| ceiled " J ^ l o r COSICQS' 5 ) end ST. LGU:5 C!TY HOSPITAL, (rSereincfrer celled "Hospital"). 1 • H V.'h-TwAb, T.'.o Junior College cr.d. Hccpirci desire ;o coopercve vor Sv.3 purpose Nfl N C . 7 TKeRe.-G^c, In cor.sidcrc'.'ion c; the r.-.utuc; premises hero inciter co.ntcir.ed, gB i "'-.. i u -c-Co ,! e-- A—--• r\* ;o cs^u.'.'.e ruii rcspe>.~s:oi.!vy vor pier.r, m.3 cr.c exocurior. CT cn H HE c c uccv .one. erc'rcv. in nursm*;, ir.c.uo.njj prc^rcmmin^^ ce.T.ir.isrrcrion, curriculum con -- ji^n ;-c.".;, tccu.vy appointments, rccuity cd:.'.;.-..strct;cr., c r J '.be- requirements for rr.ctricuiction, IS ~ J. JO prov;ce cjucl.r;ec instructors ver rc-ccm.*^ cr.c supervision or BB ^. »o Ow rospor.sio.e ver pienmn^ v.\e scr.-cu.o or sruecr.r css.^nrrior/rs ^H ; cr.e ver rr.c.c;n~ c . ;.",c;v;cuoi cssi^nmer./s cnc vo r.c;,"7 ..\e r*.csp;7<c> in ccvcncc or its p._.\.~.ee sc.ecuie or svucenr css;Q.~.mcr.ys ro C i i m c d croc, .r.e.uoir.j vne ceres, r.'jrr.eer or H| HH 2 stuee.\.-s c . b instructors end type cv e x p e r i e n c e . This sc.-.~du!e will require approve! by wj :..- r.espi/c.. H ^ 'w' L>. .0 v/innc rev/ cny stucenv y,*cm vr.e ci.r.ice! crcc vm^r. tne sruconr is ffi j 3. To keep a!i record, end reports cn .:_eenVs' clinicci e x p e r i e n c e . fl E F. To provide- cricntotion ro vhe edece.'lenei pror,rcrr. for the Hospital nj • H| H. or;u;p.v.cr.^ cc-j:zd by cfijc'envs or i.*.:;.-^.~^cr; u:o of scid equipc/ionr. 9aS U« |g| s| To reimburse :r.z Kc:pi;ci fcr cny lc:2, cc.r.e-o, or brc cleave to cny 77w„>0 iVOi A*. "*'TO O 31 A. r To r.-.a!<o cvalicblc- ibc- ciiniccl crecs fcr sryec-r.; cxvC-rlsr.cc, including : ;he r.zzc:z:~:y ic;uipr,r.c.~v end cup.-iiwi vc; rivlr.^ r.'j.'iir.j c e r e . •j S. To furnish i"hc- jw'.'.or Coilc-re w:;h c co.v.ploto csi" of ci! ruie-3 end sn Tw^uic»"i^-.«. •#* 70700 hi .*%i r~.c^oi7d/ •'v'"'^',nor wnn c»« c7r*onc77iwr*7-^ coic»»cp t j. cno •M TwViwiC.4- .".,—.v-'^»* i n c.'Cwr r n o . ****** s •.~. o n " c7«ort c o n O O Oi^JCiVtmo *oc 7u ms*ruc**cri c n u M an ? C. To zrcvldz c roc;n cr c';h^: 70cl!;.\os for si\jdcn;j end !r~.Vuc*crs to o7..;iic vcr c/.w/.^sr.cj 70 ncopn'o. c*cico ono vo c..ov/ tno f77o*ocn*"s cr.o irw.vuc/or^, c* t.ioir W D* ;o provico c cc.i.^rc.icj roc.v. cr rooms for uco by tho Junior Coiio^o Hf • .1 cc,"« jr.c. .v., \v..n .,".>^ »oooro70,*y ono C»*mcG< 77 oinJn^j ^rio oxc*-r.cr.cc^ ono 70 o«iow Hj 7 no nov;.\v - w ^ o ; ; 07 vho Junior Czl^r- Bm w i ,*n 077 * c o - * wCw 0.10 r.^-c*~zzz.7y »*»- • c \ ^ c s*r*ji o n i o n r »*o C w c c r r . m o c o / w Ow 1 n r . i * 7 ^ c o n i n g xs y-%• y;jj; end cc.v.piorc o\:o O; ;ho School o; Nursing ;n—* uno^r no c.7C\j><«-*c.ncwi# *J c*".y wiUO—-n«y m - . r o c . o . w7 «v*cu*ry HS 77.C77. —-<7 07 .7.—' «yOn«07 v^Oi.wCO VO , 1 ^ C C i J l - w f u C G.~i C^wTii^ wwi"\ C7.T s*-7 s-.».« -*i O /ww w'j u<v BEflK .".-!*- ,7. SB .V.- con7»Ov.n7*c ncvuro c/ CJJ invor.T.i.'.cn v/mch rricy ccnio 70 vno.'.* \v;rn r o ^ c r o to oct»or«75 WJ » ^ « ." ?Z..r,*s7 \ 7 . i i —-^. C C 7 . - i C - r s , « 70 I^O C n 7t1C 7^.w*» } • j'O. C7v-*m IvC^r TC7 7 «r*0 OUrOOjo C« : i « ^ """"'' receive o.v.or^er.cy .'."oclrr.cr.'/ ci' iv.e i-lecpl/e! cr his own expense, provided ir.ci- upon vbe concision c; scid emergency Ireav.-.-.en;, sold person will bo reverrcd i-o the cc.-o c.- -.:$ own 3.vys;c;cn. ^ 1 . »•• i.'.e Junior \wO;:C-r-o \v;'i •:rov:co r.c:o:;cl w:.n c-reo.~cnts * | ( >' • I * e.v.er^e.-.ey •.roc.w.er.; s;;r.oc by ecch crjjeon; c; vccuSiy r..3".eer us:r.3 ho:p;;c: -.'cciiii'ios. £ 5 !.\ vVITNESS \'J'r.1'\20'-, vhe per/Ios herero hevo ccu;ec rhis A-;reorr.enr io bo executed on v"be- o.zy end yscr v;r;r cbove wrir;en. 1 : THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT C." ST. LOUIS, ST. LCUiS COUNTY, MISSOURI : = v - " f * i-" - , — •*• ,-'«.-»-.-! — •. " - . , ,-:. - - - ST. LOUIS CITY HOS/ITAL / ,.;n~'~ /, -/ - / i.e.-oi-o.-y " / ' < w ~^* Vies. ; • ; - - • w 5 lHI TO DEDICATE AND USE <Qpr M T h i s Agreement e n t e r e d i n t o - t h i s 19 66 •j Party o f t h e F i r s t WL c o r p o r a t i o n and a p o l i t i c a l j|| H Hj H ffl H H day by and between Tho Junior Colleno DS:tr. r ct of St. Lo^h, jjffl H -4 th P a r t , and The M e t r o p o l i t a n S t . Qf St. April LO-JIS t County, Missouri, L o u i s Sewer D i s t r i c t , a municipal subdivision of the State o f M i s s o u r i , Party o f t h e Second Part ' WHEREAS, P a r t y o f t h e F i r s t P a r t i s d e s i r o u s o f a t r a c t or parcel o f s e c u r i n g sewage d i s p o s a l l a n d , known as Florissant VaV.oy Community C o l l e g e , 34C0 Pershcill Road, (Use s u b d i v i s i o n name o r s t r e e t a d d r e s s , w h i c h e v e r a p p l i c a b l e ) Ferguson, /Missouri 63V35 (MSP Ref. WHEREAS, P a r t y o f t h e Second P a r t i s d e s i r o u s o f p r o v i d i n g to the Party o f t h e F i r s t No. P-SS49 Part, NOW, THEREFORE, i n c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e p r e m i s e s , and o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e covenants h e r e i n a f t e r B sewer or sewers and t r e a t m e n t p l a n t s , I completed by P a r t y o f W o f t h e Second P a r t a Deed o f D e d i c a t i o n c o n v e y i n g and t r a n s f e r r i n g t o The H S t . Louis Sewer D i s t r i c t sm t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e a p p r o p r i a t e sewer easements and t r e a t m e n t p l a n t s , and P a r t y o f R Second Part s h a l l • t h e o p e r a t i o n and m a i n t e n a n c e o f a l l M i n a d d i t i o n , however, 9 P a r t o r any p e r m i t t e e t h e r e o f may connect w i t h and use any such sewer o r |1 appurtenances t h e r e t o a t a n y t i m e p r i o r H m M I B ) such sewage d i s p o s a l H M for set o u t , it i s m u t u a l l y a g r e e d t h a t , upon c o m p l e t i o n o f if t h e Second P a r t , all rights, a n y , and a f t e r final Party of the F i r s t t i t l e s and i n t e r e s t s i n s p e c t i o n has been Part s h a l l f i l e w i t h the Party Metropolitan in the aforesaid a c c e p t f o r p u b l i c use s a i d D e d i c a t i o n , and s h a l l sewers, thereafter a f o r e s a i d s o w e r s , easements and t r e a t m e n t t h e Party o f the F i r s t the Part agrees t h a t the Party of the undertake plants. t h e Second sewers and t o such d e d i c a t i o n . ;.">'. WITNESS WHEREOF, t h e P a r t y o f the F i r s t P a r t and t h e P a r t y o f t h e Second Part have hereunto s e t t h e i r hands and s e a l s the day and-year fi.rst. above w r i t t e n . ?;asieon., Board of frur-vecs THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT C f ST. I C U i S , ST. L C U i S C O U N T Y , MISSCUS1 THE METROPOLIAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT