] itrrm-TimtoHiw^i'™,m™'M*amm*','''i'"",r< manniffliTiWBMiraiiMtiiiiMfOTiBT^^ ;.;iMUTfs OF r<r 'iii'Mmm*—"--! »•• m ii-ii^m n • iMi < i HCOULAR MEETING B O A * D OF fe.USTEPS THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT CF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI M O N D A Y , MARCH 14, 1966 - 8:00 P. M . A regular meeting of the Bocrd of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, March 14, 1966 I at the Central O f f i c e of the District, 7508 Forsyth B l v d . , St. Louis, Missouri. 1. GENERAL F U N C T I O N S 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, i.\rs. Joseph C. Bastian, called the meeting to order at 8:10 p . m . The following members were present: Mrs. ^^ ? Joseph C . Bastian Messrs. - Lester C. G c i l f Guy S. Ruffin Joseph G . Stewart Gerald V . Williamson Board Member Glaser was not present. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; M r . John Robertson, V i c e President; Dr. G l y n n C l a r k , Campus Director; Dr> R. W i l l i a m Graham, - Campus Director; M r , Lawrence F, O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, A c t i n g Trecsurer; Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, Community Relations; M r . Horace Gracss'o, The Junior College District staff. Systems Coordinator,— a l l of Also present was M r . Bruce E. Woodruff of - 1 - fc " " — 4 * k - l — M - i r r t r m r W T W i t i — i l f m i i i o i ^ n i mil" n - ir r ^ m-i -r ii.njiii.li:. ii. u . i •. .- - n I,1 " f - • - •• ,. • •. * — H i ,. it,4 ,,_ _Jjt,._ . ,,, the firm of Armsironci, Tcc*c!o!o, l<-ar.;i- M-d Vaughan, Cou.v.e! for the D i s t r i c t . 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastion asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 2.8, 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board v/ho were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 2 8 , 1966 were approved as submitted. Mrs. Bastian then asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular M e e t i n g of March 1, 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 1 , 1966 were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed M r . Frank Looming, J r . , a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; and M r . Roy Walkenhorst, a reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. 1.6 Communications 1.6.1 Letters were read by M r s . Juanita N o v a k , addressed to D r . Joseph P. Cosand, from W i l l i a m A . Harper, Director of Public Relations, and Edmund J . G l e a z e r , J r . , Executive Director, both of American Association of Junior Colleges expressing their appreciation for the assistance and hospitality rendered by The Junior College District staff during the recent American Association of Junior Colleges annual convention held i n St. Louis. J 3/14/66 - 2- i 'i i 1 1 1 n urn . i . i n . in • - i - . i 1.6.2 •• i -'i 1 " • --•"'• - '•—»—"~—"—"—* ' — '•' -"—-—--»•—-•-• Letters woro read cdJressed to Mrs. BasKan received from Edmund J . G l e a z e r , J r . , Executive Director of American Association of Junior Colleges; Dean Charles E. H i l l , Rochester Junior C o l l e g e , Rochester, Minnesota; and Mrs. Eugene -VicDcrmott, Trustee of the Dallas Junior C o l l e g e , thanking The Junior College District Board of Trustees for the r e c e p t i o n g i v e n on March 3 r d , cr.d the stimulating and interesting "Forum For Members O f Boards O f Trustees" held en March 1st. 1.7 Treasurer's Report A c t i n g Treasurer of the District, Mrs. Calais, was c a l l e d upon by Board President Bastion to present the Treasurer's Report for the month ending February, 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Stev/art, and v/ith ihe aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, the Treasurer's Report was approved as submitted, and is attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 1.8 Ratification of Investments The President of the District requested ratification of investments made by the A c t i n g Treasurer o f the District. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r , W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Acting Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: $150,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 2 5 , 1966, from the First N a t i o n a l Bonlc in St. Louis on a 4.30 besis, for a total cost of $149,020.83. 3/14/66 - 3 - i M M i $100,000 U, S. Treasury B i l k , r.urc!-n;ed Februcry 2 5 , ' 9 0 6 , from The First N c ' i c n a l Bank in St. Louis on a 4 . 3 0 basis, for a toial cost of $99,796.94. m H I $75,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 2 5 , 1966, from Mercantile Trust Company on a 4 . 3 0 basis, for a total cost of $74,785.00. 2 i - PERSONNEL H ^'^ Certificnted Personnel gj In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, H and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by /Mr. Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote H o f a l l members of the Board v/ho were present, i t v/as H H H RESOLVED, That the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed i n the capacity ar<d at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Boa>d: 9 M r . Thomas R. Schnell - Instructor B - English - i V - 4 - Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 H (Campus location to be determined ai a later date). M M r . Frank Stanton - Asst. Professor - Art - FVCC - V - 3 - Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 M B M r . Alexcncer Grammaticoff - Asst. Professor - Language - FVCC - V I - 3 Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 H M r . Thomas A . Tambornino - Asst. Professor - Biology - FVCC - V - 5 - 1 Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 B Mrs. Rosemary Ruenzi - Asst. Professor - English - FVCC - V - 3 - Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby i s , B B B authorized to execute the appropriate Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above f u l l - t i m e certificated employees, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. B ^'^ B President of the District, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the B following part-time certificated personnel. After due discussion, and upon motion 189 J^lftk SSM rap U Certificated Personnel - Part-Time 3/14/66 - 4- nil H I - II "•' " '- L " •-• ' ' - " ••" - • li ii ill" 111 iiiiiT nimwiiiiiiiniiiiim •• ii'minn I H i l i i i i mi • mi in l^iii ilnilidlllit'l >i«unii«liii.imwiit.n»lBiiit' 1 • by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G i l l , and w i t h the aye vcte of a l l members ",Br of the Board v/ho were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employeed on a part-time basis at the rate and salary classification hereinafter set out, said rate and classification having be9n previously approved by the Board: \ Mrs. Rcchanne Abrams Student MCC Activities Newspaper Sponsor 3 cr. hrs. @ S180.00 Eff. 2 / 7 / 6 6 M r . Gene Munden Counselor MCC 3 cr. hrs. (§ $180.00 Eff. 2 / 7 / 6 6 Miss Nancy Edwards Biology FPCC 10 c r . hrs. @ $100.00 Eff. 2 / 7 / 6 6 2.3 Classified Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Stev/art, and with the aye vote of © a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District in the calssification and at the salcry i n d i c a t e d , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: - Mrs. Vada Donahoo - Stenographer - MCC - 10C - Effective 4 / 1 / 6 6 Donald K. Geldmacher - Purchasing Assistant - Central Office - 12A Effective 3 / 1 6 / 6 6 Roger L. Nienkamp - Asst. Recorder - FPCC - 9A - Effective 3 / 1 6 / 6 6 2.4 Classified Personnel - Reclassification In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, I and upon motion by M r , Stewart, seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was # 3/14/66 - 5 - [ 8 H RESOLVED, That the classification <;F the following be changed as i n d i c a t e d : B I Mrs. Rosalie Steele - FPCC - From: Typist-Transcriber 8B To: Stenographer 9B - Eff. 4 / 1 / 6 6 I 3 - classified perscnne! CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION B 3.1 Modifications To Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual M Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the modifications H to the existing Board Policies and Administrative O r g a n i z a t i o n Manual lodged at the B Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 2 8 t h . m B Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and v/ith the vote of a l l members of ihe Board present, i t was M RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior C o l l e g e District • B M of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri adopt the a d d i t i o n s , m o d i fications, and deletions, as outlined in the addendum attached to these Minutes. U B B FURTHER RESOLVED, That adoption of Section 1.9 r e l a t i n g to non employment of District personnel by Board and staff members, be redrafted and submitted at a subsequent Board Meeting for a p p r o v a l . B ^'^ B The President of the District recommended that the Board authorize The Data Processing Proposal H Junior College District staff to proceed with the development of an overall data B processing program as o u t l i n e d in a written report and recommendation explained B i n detail and lodged w i t h the Board at its February 28th M e e t i n g . It was explained B that the program envisages rental computer time on existing computers a t either B Washington University or M c D o n n e l l Automation Center u t i l i z i n g rented terminals B on the campuses which arc to be connected to the selected computer center by B telephone lines. 1 3/14/66 - 6 - B 3 J " * — • " ' ' «.i M ii-I.,, i MI,,.., n , ,11 <„l,l ,.|, •• m , mint,, .a. ,„ • . . . , , • • - . . |t,,,,..,,,. w i t h the aye vote of a l i members of the Board who were present, i t was M RESOLVED, That The Junior College District staff be end hereby i s , H m H M authorized to proceed w i t h the data processing computer program as presented in the fiscal year 1966-67 for an expenditure not to exceed $ 9 7 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . A u t h o r i z a t i o n c f such expenditure to be further subject to approval of the budget for said fiscal yecr. ii M B FURTHER RESOLVED, That periodic evaluations and review of the intermediate steps be made and presented to the Board of Trustees for approval before a d d i t i o n a l parts of the program are implemented. 4 - PHYSICAL FACILITIES m ^. 1 H Upon the recommendation o f the architectural firm o f Harry Weese and Traffic and Access Study - Forest Parle Campus H Associates, Dr. Cosand recommended the Beard of Trustees employ the firm of H Barton-Aschman to prepare studies and make recommendations r e l a t i v e to the 9 traffic f l o w and parking problems a t the permanent campus site o f the Forest 9 Park Campus. 9 9 Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of e l l members of the Board who were present, i t was 9 RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees docs hereby epprove t h e firm 9 9 9 of Barton-Aschman t o proceed w i t h the traffic and access study at the permanent campus site of the Forest Perk Campus for a maximum expenditure to the District of $ 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 . 9j 9 9 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, That i f i t should become necessary to employ an additional consultant i n the St. Louis aroa, scid consultant w i l l be employed immediately by the architect end ct no extra cost to The Junior College D i s t r i c t . I L Whereupon, on motion by M r , Y^lliiornson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and M I .. 3/14/66 - 7 - E= • llllrtlMlHlllilMllliMM I.IIMIIIIIII tllllBllMwtlW^lllllillli MMIINIltllllllllWI-lHHWlllglliiWllllKIMIIII^MlllllllfllMll Ii I iff ill' IIIlT II - " - M r . Stewart wcs excused from the remainder of the mce!?ng at 9:45 p . m . 4.2 Construction of A d d i t i o n a l Annex Building Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize The Junior College District staff to proceed w i t h plans for the construction of an additional building between the existing structures a t 5545 and 5555 West Pork A v e n u e , i n which to house the Instructional Resources Photo Lab. The presant Annex b u i l d i n g at 5555 West Park nosv houses the instructional Resources Department and part of the Physical Facilities Department. The Board was also asked to authorize the installation of a concrete floor i n the rear of the present b u i l d i n g at 5555 West Park so the building could be used for storage of equipment w h i c h w i l l be used i n the permanent buildings of the Forest Park Campus. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and v/ith the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That The Junior College District staff be end horeby is.authorized to proceed w i t h the preparation of specifications and solicitation oi bids i n accordance v/ith existing Board p o l i c i e s , for the construction of a concrete floor i n the rear of The Junior College District owned b u i l d i n g at 5555 West Park. FURTHER RESOLVED, That The Junior College District staff be and hereby is authorized to proceed v/ijh tho prepbrptren uf spccificotions'andsc'licitction of bids, i n accordance w i t h existing Board p o l i c i e s , for the construction of an additional b u i l d i n g between the existing structures at 5545 and 5555 West Park A v e n u e . 5. BUSINESS A N D 5.1 FINANCE Scholarship From Missouri Alpha Chapter of Delta Theta Chi Sorority The Board of Trustees was requested to accept a scholarship from the Missouri I Alpha Chapter of Delta Theta Chi Sorority in the amount of $ 8 0 . 0 0 . 3/14/66 - 8 - - Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. G e i l , MBP' ond with the aye vote of all members of the Board who wore present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, Sr. Louis County, Missouri accept the scholarship from the Missouri Alpha Chapter of Delta Theta Chi Sorority in the amount of $80.00, upon the terms and conditions and subject to the provisions of the stipulations of this scholarship. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this scholarship. 5.2 Time Extension For Submission of 1966-67 Budget The President of the District requested an extension of time in which to present the 1966-67 budget to the Board of Trustees. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Willicmson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, i t was ] ABL RESOLVED, That The Junior College District staff be granted a ^ P time extension until the next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, in which to present the 1966-67 budget to the Board of Trustees. " FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees desires not to appoint an ad hoc budget committee of the Board to examine and review the 1966-67 budget, but rather the Board, as a whole, prefers to review the budget when i t is submitted. = 5*3 Approval of Contract with Congress Hotel The President of the District recommended the approval of a two 5 year lease contract commencing September 1 , 1966/ to provide space for The Junior College District Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Program. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of ail members of the Board who were present, i t was ] 3/1V66 -9- HIIIIIM —minim mi *i«l^niiini-ra»gn»r» ' iumiili •imii imiijiii inn «n urm lium IIIIIIIIIII •M.tijinimi IIIIIIIIIII in " - iiuil'liii i RESOLVED, Thct the Dccrcl cf Trusses of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, enter i n t o a hvo-year lease to provide space end k i t c h e n f a c i l i t i e s a t the Congress /apartments for the H o t e l , Motel and Restaurcnt Program of The Junior College D i s t r i c t , commencing September 1 , 1966, on the basic terms and conditions of the memorandum attached to these M i n u t e s . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute a lease agreement for the rental of such property subject to review and approval of the terms of said lease as to form by Counsel for the District. 5.4 Warrant-Check Register The Vice President of the District, M r . Robertson, presented the WarrantCheck Register for the month of February, 1966. The expenditures for this p e r i o d , as listed in the above mentioned Warrant-Check Register, ere as listed i n the addendum attcched to those Minutes. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board v/ho were present, the Board r a t i f i e d and approved the payment of a l l expenditures made in accordance w i t h the WarrantCheck Register for the month o f February, 1966. 5.5 Resolution A u t h o r i z i n g The Sale O f Bonds The Board of Trustees then took up the matter of offering for sale Ten M i l l i o n Dollars ($10,000,000) (of an authorized issue of $47,200,000) of bonds, authorized at a special e l e c t i o n held i n The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, on the 16th day of November, 1965, a n d , after a discussion of the subject, Trustee Williamson offered and moved the adoption of the f o l l o w i n g resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, that Ten M i l l i o n Dollars ($10,000,000) (of an authorized issue of $47,200,000) of bonds, authorized 3/14/66 - 10 - i i i 11 at a special e l e c t i o n hold therein on the 16th dcy of November, 1965, be offered for sale to the highest bidder therefor on Wednesday, the 6th day of A p r i l , 1966. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said bonds be sold on sealed bids to be f i l e d w i t h the Secretary of the Board of Trustees at the District O f f i c e , 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, in said D i s t r i c t , a t or before the hour of 11:00 o ' c l o c k A . M . , Central Standard Time, on the aforesaid date; each bid to be accompanied by a c e r t i f i e d or cashier's chec!< on some solvent bank or trust company, payable to The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, in the amount o f Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ( $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) , to evidence the good f a i t h of the bidder, the Board of Trustees reserving the right to reject any or a l l bids submitted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bidders for said bonds be requested to designate i n their bids the price they w i l l pay for bonds bearing interest a t a rate or rates, b u t not more then f i v e (5) different rates, likewise to be designated i n t h e i r bids; p r o v i d e d , however, that each interest rate so designated shall be a whole m u l t i p l e of either one-eighth of one per centum ( 1 / 8 o f 1%) or one-tenth of one per centum (1/10 of 1%) and that a l l bonds o f the same maturity shall bear interest at the sane r a t e . N o bond shall bear interest at more than one (1) r a t e , and any b i d v/iil be rejected w h i c h specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of which exceeds the lowest by more than two per centum (2%) per annum. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, i n determining the best bid submitted, the Board w i l l take into consideration the lowest net interest cost to the D i s t r i c t , in dollars. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be and is hereby authorized and directed to g i v e notice of the sale of said bonds by mailing to a l l interested banks, bond houses, and investment bankers in the State of Missouri or elsewhere a notice i n substantially the f o l l o w i n g f o r m : N O T I C E O F B O N D SALE $10,000,000 (of an authorized Issue of $47,200,000) J U N I O R COLLEGE BONDS OF THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI Sealed proposals w i l l be received by the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, at the District O f f i c e , 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, C l a y t o n , Missouri, i n said D i s t r i c t , until 3/14/66 - 11 - 1 •' i •'• lllfh" 1 - r •!•• mr i j i n ii mi -i I'iMTn in II 'hi li i ill 1H1 11 i w i n M | ' • • rr I- T il inlliiiMli 'Tl i - i i i • T i li v .1 in . i_4mJl^ the hour cf 11:00 o'clock A . M . , Central Standard Tirno, on Wednesday, the 6th day of A p r i l , 1966, at w h i c h time said bids w i l l be p u b l i c l y opened for the purchase, at not less than par and accrued interest, of the above bonds of said D i s t r i c t . Said bonds are to bear date of M a y 15, 1966, are to be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) or of the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars ( $ 5 , 0 0 0 ) , to be designated by the purchaser thereof, and shall bear interest at a rate or rates, not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, to be determined pursuant to sale of said bonds, payable February 1 , 1967, and semi-annually thereafter on August 1 and February 1 i n each year. Both p r i n c i p a l of and interest on said bonds w i l l be payable at a bank or trust company i n the C i t y of St. Louis, Missouri, to be designated by the purchaser, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, and said bonds shall mature serially on February 1 in each o f the years as follows: $1,550,000 $ 350,000 $ 355,000 $ 360,000 $ 365,000 $ 375,000 $ 390,000 $ 405,000 $ 420,000 $ 430,000 in in in in in in in in in in 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 $440,000 $450,000 $460,000 $475,000 $490,000 $505,000 $525,000 $540,000 $550,000 $565,000 in in in in in in in in in in 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Bonds maturing in the years 1982 to 1986, i n c l u s i v e , at the option of the District, may be c a l l e d I n , p a i d , and redeemed, i n inverse numerical order, at par and accrued interest, on February 1 , 1 9 3 1 , or on any interest payment date thereafter prior to m a t u r i t y . In the opinion of Counsel, these bonds w i l l be p a y a b l e , both as to principal and interest, from ad valorem taxes w h i c h may be l e v i e d , without limit as t o rate or amount, upon a l l t a x a b l e , tangible property w i t h i n the territorial limits of the said D i s t r i c t , Bidders are requested to designate i n their bids the price they w i l l pay for bonds bearing interest at a rate or rates, but not more than five (5) different rates, likewise to be designated i n their bids; p r o v i d e d , however, that all bonds of the same maturity shall bear interest at the same r a t e , which shall be a whole multiple of either one-eighth of one per centum ( 1 / 8 of 1%) or one-tenth of one per centum ( 1 / 1 0 of 1%). N o bond shall bear interest at more than one (1) r a t e , and any bid w i l l be rejected w h i c h specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of which exceeds the lowest b y more than two per centum (2%) per annum. 3/14/66 - 12 - ; B 9 B H B Proposals should bo addressed to the Board of Trustees and should be f i l e d w i t h the Secretary of the Board on or prior t o ihs date and hour hereinabove named. Each b i d must be accompanied by a c e r i f i e d or cashier's c h e c k , payable to the District, i n the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000), to evidence the good f a i i h of the bidder. H H « i Proposals tendered by mail should be addressed to the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, 7500 Forsyth Boulevard, C l a y t o n , Missouri, 63105, and shou'd be p l a i n l y marked "PROPOSAL FOR B O N D S . " H B The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject cny or a l l bids, and a l l bids must be made on the form supplied by the unden.'gned. S B M m • B B B m B These bonds are offered subject to the unqualified approval of the l e g a l i t y thereof by the law firm of Charles and Trauernic-.r of St. Louis, Missouri. The District w i l l pay the legal fees and w i l l pcy for the printing of the bonds, including the printing thereon of the legal opinicn, i f desired by the purchaser. Delivery of the bonds w i l l be made to the purchaser on or before May 2 3 , 1966, in the C i t y of St. Louis, Missouri, i n the C i t y or Chicago, I l l i n o i s , or i n the C i t y of New Y o r k , Now Y o r k , without cost to r-e purchaser. Delivery elsewhere w i l l be made at the expense of the purchaser. Ar the time of d e l i v e r y , the purchaser of these bonds shall make payment for fhese bonds and the interest accrued thereon i n Federal Reserve funds available on the date of such d e l i v e r y . B m Copies of the o f f i c i a l N o t i c e of S a l e , Bid Form, and O f f i c i a l Statement may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of T-ustees. fi By order of the Board of Trustees, this 14th day or M a r c h , 1966. B Secretary, Board of Trustees B B B B B BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary shell attach to each copy of the aforesaid notice a financial statement showlrg the assessed valuation of taxable property w i t h i n the District, the populcnon of the District, a c o m parative statement of tax collections during the cast three years, and such other information as prospective bidders may dedre. 8 Bj BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bidding forrr to be used in bidding for the aforesaid bonds shall be substantially as follows.: » 3/14/66 - 13 - PROPOS.-l FOR TME PURCHASE © 5iO,000,000 (of an a u t h o r e d issue of $47,200,000) J U N I C * COLLEGE BONDS OF THE JUNIC? COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. lOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI , 1966 To the Board of Trustees o ; The Junior College Distri:- of St. Louis, St. Louis Cour.->, Missouri Gentlemen: For Ten Million Dollars (5'3,000,000), par value, Junior College Bonds of The Junior College Dis—'ct of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, bearing interest at the rcr= or rates specified below, we will pay you ($ ) and accrued interest to the date of delivery of said bonds to us. The said bonds shall beer -rerest as follows: Maturities Interest Rates It is hereby represented rfcr the gross interest cost, computed upon the abovespecified rate or rates of '-Merest, will be $ , that the net interest cost (deducting premium, - any) will be $ , and that the average intere rate w i l l be °/z. It is understood and agree: by the undersigned that i f there be any discrepancy as between the actual interest cost or average interest rate computed upon the rate or rates of interest cccve specified and the interest cost or average interest rate figures hereinabove ss* forth, the interest rate or rates above specified and the actual interest cost a- -verage interest rate computed upon said rate or rates shall prevail. Subject to your approval, rhe said bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest at a place to be designated by the undersigned within forty-eight (40) hours after the acceptance of this bid. Likewise, within forty-eight (48) hours after the acceptance of t-n b i d , the undersigned shall designate which of said bonds, if any, shall be o : rhe denomination of $1,000 and which of said bonds, 3/14/66 - 14 - i f any, shall be of Hie denomination of $ 5 , 0 0 0 . A l l c f the designations made pursuant to this paragraph shall be i n v/riting addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. This proposal is subject to a l l of the terms and conditions of the notice of sale, a copy of which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. 1 4 - 4 A c e r t i f i e d or cashier's check i n the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) payable to The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, accompanies this proposal as evidence of good f a i t h , and said check shall be returned to the undersigned i f this bid be not accepted or i f the District should f a i l to deliver the said bonds to the undersigned in accordance w i t h the terms of this b i d ; otherwise, said check shall be held by the District and shall be applied as and when the bonds are delivered and paid for under the terms of this b i d , as part payment therefor, or be applied as and for liquidated damages i n the event that the undersigned fails to take up and pay for said bonds. This bid is for immediate acceptance. - ( N o t e : No addition to or alteration in this proposal is to be made, and any erasure may cause a rejection of the b i d . Bids must be filed w i t h the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, sealed, at or prior to 11:00 o'clock A . M . , Central Standard Time, on Wednesday, the 6th day of A p r i l , 1966). ACCEPTANCE ". 5 The above proposal accepted by resolution of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, and receipt of the within-mentioned check hereby acknowledged this day of , 1966. President, Board of Trustees Attest: Secretary, Board of Trustees (Seal) : 3/14/66 - 15 - ^m«MMiamiiiiwiw«M*«yifcin3>^'n H H II B • ^ ^ r _ _ — ,. Ml| , n . n|||, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice in substantially the for going form shall be published in The Bond Buyer, a financial journal published i n the City of New York, New York, one (1) time not less then fifteen (15) days prior to April 6 , 1966, the date set for the receipt of bids for said bonds. i Ijj • M BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary shall attach a copy of the aforesaid notice to each copy of the aforesaid bidding form, to the end that each bid filed may be accompanied by the form of the notice of sale wherein the details of the issue are set forth. H Trustee Geil seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and, 1] the question being put to a roll call vote, the result was as follows: H U Trustees voting YES: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion, Messrs. G e i l , Ruffin, and Williamson. H Trustees voting N O : None H The motion having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole M Board, the President declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted, this 1 14th day of March, 1966. M 5 . 6 . Resolution For Notice O f Election O f Trustees 9 The Board then discussed publication of the proper notice concerning the • Board of Trustees election to be held on April 5 , 1966. M • Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, i t was M RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees cause the following notice to 8 M M n be published in the Globe-Democrat and in the Post Dispatch, both being newspapers of general circulation within the County on March 17th, March 24th, and March 31st, the last insertion being no longer than one week prior to the election on April 5, 1966: I* 1 3/14/66 - 16 - „ NOTICE OF ELECTION OF TRUSTEES FOP. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF • ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI Election of St. Louis County Trustees In compliance with the provisions of Sections 178.770, e t . s e q . , and p a r t i c u l a r l y Section 178.840 Missouri Revised Statues, as amended, effective July 1 , 1965, notice is hereby given to the q u a l i f i e d voters of the County of St. Louis that The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, iV.issouri w i l l hold an election for the offices of two county trustees for terms of six years, on Tuesday, A p r i l 5 , 1966, said e l e c t i o n commencing at 6:00 a . m . and closing at 7:00 p . m . The p o l l i n g places for said e l e c t i o n shall be at the same places cs are designated by the component school districts comprising The Junior College District and as designated by the Board of Election Commissioners of the County o f St. Louis, and said election shall be conducted by the Board of Election Commissioners of the County of St. Louis. i By order of the Beard of Trustees, this I4th day of M a r c h , 1966. 7. C O M M U N I T Y RELATIONS 7.1 Newspaper A r t i c l e by Meramec Student Mrs. Tygard reported that the Kirkwood newspaper, " M O N T A G E , " carried a w e i l - v / r i t t e n a r t i c l e entlfled " N e w Greek C u l t u r e " v/ritten by Sandra Rosenblum, a student at the Meramec Canmunity C o l l e g e . 7.2 Junior College District Exhibit Dr. Cosand explained to the Board that The Junior College District e x h i b i t displayed during the recent American Association of Junior Colleges annual c o n vention had received a great deal of recognition from the various convention delegates, and he expressed his appreciation for the fine work done on the e x h i b i t by Dolores Tygard and Phil Ccrlock, of the District staff. 3/14/66 -17- ^ nil 111 111 t r n i m * , , ».»hi—hJii.yhUlu 8. aw. ,*„,;• m i.lfr.i,,, ,H I» fcn Muni' r n ••nl • " » » ' >• '•• .1 " ' ' J - n mini' • " ri H I lir iiliu m 11 1 — r 11 f f -y • * !• 11 H I , r l • irn* t. i-«-mf ln-ih - - • r -ii NEW BUSINESS 8.1 1 Legislative Bill For Construction O f Student Centers B President o f the Board mentioned that Governor Heornes had included i n fl the Special Session o f the Legislature, a b i l l w h i c h would give junior colleges fl authority to issue revenue bonds for the construction of student centers. The H Special Session convened on /'.larch 7th and the Legislature has until May 7th fl i n which to complete its w o r k . 8 If this legislation is passed, i t would then take effect August 7 , 1966, a t which time t h e n , junior colleges could offer revenue bonds fl for construction of student centers. fl 8.2 Approval O f Resolution O f Grants For Construction O f Educational Facilities The President o f the District requested the approval o f a resolution authorizing fl fl the District to request grants and loans for the construction o f its educational f a c i l i t i e s fl under the Higher Education Facilities A c t of 1963 and other appropriate acts o f the B federal government w h i c h authorizes such loan and grant programs. fl Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and v/ith the following votes: Those voting YES: Those voting N O : I Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian fl Messrs. Lester C . G e i l fl Guy S. Ruffin fl Gerald V . Williamson B None it was, B B RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District hereby authorizes and directs the preparation and submission of a p - 3/14/66 I - 18 - fl B I I plications for grants and for locns under certain federal programs, I M H H 1 M • H commonly known as Title I and Title III of the Higher Education Facilities A c t o f 1963. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the administrative staff of The Junior College District is authorized and directed to prepare the appropriate applications and to prepare the appropriate data for a l l such requests'for loans end grants. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President o f the Board o f Trustees, M i l d r e d E. Bastian (Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian) be and hereby is authorized and d i r e c t e d to execute a l l necessary applications for and on behalf o f The Junior College District of St. Louis,St. Louis County, Missouri. | H M H H I H • FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President o f the Board o f Trustees, M i l d r e d E. Bastian (Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian) be and hereby is authorized to g i v e , on behalf o f the Board o f Trustees and the District, the assurances and guarantees required by the Department o f H e a l t h , Education and W e l f a r e , O f f i c e o f Education and Welfare, O f f i c e o f Education, pursuant to Title 4 5 , Chapter 1 , Sub-part a , Section 170.2 o f the Code o f Federal Regulations and such other assurances and guarantees as may be required by the United States government or any subdivision, agency or bureau thereof. I H jg^ V 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastian asked i f there were any further business t o come 9 before the Board. There was n o t , and upon motion by M r . Will? vison, seconded M by M r . G o i ^ and w i t h the unanimous vote o f a l l members of the Board present, the H meeting was adjourned a t 10:20 p . m . B Respectfully submitted, 9 M » I Dolores B. Tygard C_V-> Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri I 3/14/66 - 19 - ^•MtinilWinniniimrm " mii'mwm—*•* in' - •m*m»f*rthima*M™-mMW,t*'H,k*i* THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT • ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT FEBRUARY 28, 1966 Account Amount February 1, 1966 j ^ ^ ^ Expenses General JCD Cont to CWSP Fund Restricted (See Schedule B) Capita! Outlay General JCD Cont. to NSLP Fund Restricted (See Schedule B) Auxiliary Services Payroll Taxes and Withholdings Student Fee Refunds Other Disbursements Total Disbursements Balance February 28, 1966 3 $4,091,767.16 Plus Receipts: Tax Revenue City of St. Louis 901 Tax Revenue St. Louis County 902 Tax Revenue Jefferson County 903 Investment Income 920 Auxiliary Services 930 Student Fees 951 Maintenance $367,069.50 Activity 14,675.00 Student Activity Income 961 Miscellaneous Income 991 Other Receipts NDSL Col lections Transfer from General Funds to CWSP Federal Contribution Nursing SLP $ 4,843.66 Transfer from Gen'] Funds to Nurse SLP 538.19 Transfer from Const Fund to Gen ' I Fund Total Income Less Disbursements: Sa!a r i es 3ase-General Base-Restricted Withholdings Ba1ance 300 $241,414.30 9.038.35 $ 19,055.14 21,426.80 429.77 1,941.67 93,843.45 381,744.50 290.75 672.01 1,088.98 789.00 281.29 5,381.85 1 36 . 51 $ 527,082.72 $250,452.65 (53,268.59) $197,184.06 400 $ 42,414.55 231.29 8,936.08 51,631.92 500 $ 54,337.49 538.19 159.374.26 600 700 100 214,249.94 17,017.49 67,479.68 100.00 115.63 547.778.72 $ ,^^____ A J X—_lu i__u I U I ULiLUU-j_i_UL_«ii«MJ]jiuiiiijiu.iiiiii«iii»illii»i«iiiiiiii M i i i i w i i i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^Miiiriiitil^MiiJiiitiiiiiiiiriii'fwiimibi^iimiitKmMiiiiiim'i -irr'j'f TREASURER'S REPORT FEBRUARY 28, 1966 Balance February 28, 1966 consists of Petty Cash Funds Cash in Banks Cur rent College Work Study Program Fund Nursing Student Loan Fund Gen.S Other Restricted Funds Payroll Construction Fund National Defense Student Loan Investments (See Schedule A) Page 2 $ $32,216.19 4,962.23 68,315.60 $105,494.02 500.00 2,916.03 13.027.01 Reconciliation, of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant Check Register Total February 28, 1966 Less: Cost of Investments made during February $624,058.04 Increase in Petty Cash Funds 50.00 Excess of Construction Fund Deposits over Expenditures for February 631.69 Plus: National Defense Loan Expenditures A 1,025.00 121,937.06 3,948,109.10 $4,071.071.16 $1,164,583.45 $ 624,739.73 7,935.00 547,778.72 in m« "• fi • 9 SCHEDULE A 'NVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR ~-E MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1966 Type n 9 9 9 Purchase Date 9 February Maturities 9 1966 j| 9 9 9 1/2.7 Southwest 2/14 Mercantile 2/15 First Nat1! 9 Outstanding February 28. 1966 9 1966 9 9 9 9 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/26 First Nat'l Mercantile Mercantile First Nat'l 1 / 2 7 F i r s t 1/27 1/27 1/27 2/14 2/28 2/28 2/28 Southwest Boatmen's Boatmen's Mercantile First Nat'l First Nat'l Mercantile I M M M H 9 9 9 9 l H ™ 9 9 H § (a) • Purchased From 1. 2. 3. N a t '' of Inv. (a) Rate of "aturity Int. Date 2 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 2 2 \2 1 1 1 1 4.5 4.25 4.25 -61 4.5 4.75 4.75 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 Cost Interest Earned 2/28/66 $ 450,000.00 $ 450,000.00 $1,800.00 2/24/66 100,000.00 99,881.94 118.06 2/17/66 100.000.00 99.976.39 23.61 $ 650.000.00 $ 649.858.33 $1.941.67 4.53 4.57 4.63 4.61 4 Maturity Va) ue -,'30/66 5/31/66 6/30/66 V31/66 $ '731/66 2/31/66 E/31/66 9/30/66 2/3/66 2/10/66 2/17/66 3/24/66 12,000.00 650,000.00 600,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 75.000.00 $3.987.000.00 Treasury B i l l s C e r t i f i c a t e of Depos': Repurchase Agreement 600,000.00 700,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 $ 592,978.50 688,981.22 392,077.56 488,154.86 11,717.25 650,000.00 600,000.00 100,000.00 99,796.94 149,820.83 99,796.94 74.785.00 $3.948.109.10 IVnt^Mi—I >M«M • nVIWHI ill i n i-tiiirtfWrt-^mitri «T' • i —ti tf>1f-~-W-" 'ili»iiiiiTtiiiiiiir.<»nVKi I|M lUniliiliHiUiiifn B M H H H M S &k " w I i nil i ii n Fund Name i mi i I I i r i m 'in i i i in n .. . . — Fund No. Salar ies Operating Expense Capital Out 1 ay Tota1 Carnegie Corp of New Yori Technical Education C=-:=r Danforih Foundation H Kellog Foundation Allied Medical Technical Ed.Ct-cer 015 $2,455.68 016 027 3,791.33 M Construction Fund 031 | Col lege Work Study Program 032 2,742.90 jR Cooperative Research Sma 035 48.44 M it SCHEDULE B ANAL'-ilS OF RESTRICTED FUND DISBURSEMENTS FO : THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1966 M H m Contract Project M National Science Foundat':.- M NDEA-Title III 1965-66 M IS H 9 I National Defense Student .rans $ 303.20 $ 70.00 70.00 353.60 4,144.93 $159,368.31 037 2,758.88 159,368.31 2,742.90 33.73 82.17 591.25 591.25 5.95 5.95 $9,038.35 7,935.00 $9,286.78 $159,374.26 7,935.00 $177,699.39 $9.038.35 350.70 $8,936.08 $159,374.26 350.70 $177,348.69 Less Accruals of F!CA an: Retirement Expense " 'N^il'mi'V ("-i ' -M " " • • • r " ' - y »""' •33 ''- B "--2. F*f [ ^ Y M F^ol iStf MANAGEMENT ^ j S | •••'" ••!!•.^'..fctoiiinj. ii.ttlil • I.I,., •„,•! / ||§|i)j March 7, 1966 ••"^ ^afaM WHpW T^^S .Mr. Clarence >:. Turley, J r . Vice President Clarence M. Turley, Inc. Ariassador Building '^-J^M Sc .<••• B {^O^JO)0/tQZiOiZ/ iOWAWLtAMWIU.it.*,.*- nil ml* « • l.^ikjuik^.j,,*,™, M.U,.\L B<wlm«i', B«nk B i d * - REAL ESTATS ^ ^ S S o u a ^ 63t02 « * - MM, « * - I 4 l » - ^o u i s / Missouri ^3ll Dear Turk: • $||ggjj l|iW| _ W$mm Replying to your March 1st letter concerning the Junior College. The Owners of the Congress Apartments, 275 North Union Boulevard are willing to enter into a lease on the following basis: Area - Large kitchen and Caribbean Room as outlined on the attached plan. Ingress and egress to these premises must be through the south side entrance of the Caribbean Room. BHHM 'Wm ""all .. .,Jjg ;-$gm u Lease Terr, - Two years, commencing September 1, 1966. ^ B R ^JIlHj Rental - Fifteen Thousand Dollars per year, payable monthly in advance. mja ^^|5 Services to be furnished by Lessor - Electricity for lighting purposes and heat. ^7|||if ' JwS " ^sm Services to be furnished by Lessee - Gas for cooking; electricity for air conditioning; water and Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District charges. J^ml •ritmm lfl|||B It would probably be uneconomical to meter these items >- -^ agreeable, we would abide by estimates to b e " furnished by Carleton B. Fox & Co., Utility Engineers. •"Hi t$SmSm ***^|HI Physical Condition - Premises and equipment accepted by Lessee in its present condition. Lessor will clean floors prior to start of lease. ' ITS'' so ••• . 1 , 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 - ., -?^ ^g^ ^gp I - • • ' " " » " • • * > — " * I J I , ' M > - - ' •- • " " " ^ -2Special Provisions - Certain control over the activities of the students in relation to parts of the premises vill have to be maintained, e.g. no loitering or studying in the main lobby, or any spores or playing in the yard to the south cf the building. We are sura that you are ir. full sympathy and understanding with the necessity of setting certain rules and regulations. Sincerely, Edvara L. Baxewell, Jr. ACCEPTED: Fcr Junior College DATE: ; • - ••#?</•- e£ .?of^-^-. D .^ L.V A W i — TA jr. --coi-j. —— —* • C H . C0.\O..i~i • i..:. iUKl • • --... A r o v ^ r ' J v i o " : d c Isrt : ~ <•> - ! c ' - :v' gh'b So t h e bu~inr?f* Y.-.r-utir.g of 'Xif= j o u v i ^ l p h _ ^ h o p t ^ r o f D o l t o ' - h c c i ^ h i S o r o r i c y "i-rTii-cr* ^. *".c —U.c*wCi ;jovr.o 01 ^no c<i* ou you* 2£Vo 1*10 o v ^ r Ci^o ^nono - y e ? tore./.y* ^BF *hc ° o r o r i * i y v o t e d tc/ chonp;^ t h e arr.ourio oi* ~ u r s c h o l a r s h i p ^rc*:.* 975> t o i^oO, - h e # c h o l a r . s h i p i s ^0 00 ~ivcr. wO o ^ i - n l l u c e n t i r . t o r a ? t o d iv: t h e r i n 6 ^r ts school• r . PrB'ce.malLy yours p Scholarship ^o:v/oo, # • - ' .