' ^ l ' ^ f f l M '"'"''"' ' ' *'" '"'"""" I •SaJ ^ESm A ' - "'"Hi M M 3Sa SH| 1 1 ^Hi MJUJMJMII '' ^-^^ f- JUM §| 0SB& ^ ^ llf i>1 11 ' " " >l>fc«lillll«.tl MH.I,, 1,1,1, , I I , II HI II I...1 .1 I . . 1 H .... ... ..111!...,. II. • I , .,.,. | ,, • , . i.J I, , ,,,, .,.,. .,.,. „,,.. ,, H L M J J I . |,.Ll||||,||U|M MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BCARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1966 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, January 24, 1966 at Vice Campus Calais, Armstrong, all at the 1. 8:15 of Central President; Also The Board GENERAL 1.2 p.m. Acting Director; Junior Board present Teasdale, Office Member Roll The Treasurer; Dr. President, College FUNCTIONS Dr. following Call were of Glynn Morris Kramer Douglas the Mrs. Messrs. Dr. and District District, E. Mrs. Glaser Joseph members and Mrs. Clark, Libby, Lester Gerald Guy Joseph staff. Vaughan, was 7508 Dolores C. P.Campus were S. JC. Cosand, rBastian out .V C. G ,Ruffin Mr. Forsyth ..Geil Campus present: of B. Bastian, Williamson Stewart Counsel Bruce Director; town Tygard, President; B l vDirector; and, d E. called for . , Woodruff Community Dr. St. the therefore, Mr. R. the Lou District, Mrs. John William is, meeting ofMary Missouri. Relations the Robertson, could was Graham, firm Jane toalso not order of —be present. , ,,),, ...,).. |J .1 !, * 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastian asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 10, 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the unanimous aye v o t e of a l l members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 10, 1966, were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed Frank Leeming, J r . , a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; and M r . Jim Lewis, a reporter from the St. Louis G l o b e Democrat. 1.6 Communications Mrs. Juanita Novak read the following correspondence: A letter from Miss Evelyn H . Roberts, English instructor at the Meramec Community College Campus, addressed to Dr. Cosand, advising of her a p p o i n t ment as a member o f the Missouri State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on C i v i l Rights. A letter from W i l l a r d L. Thompson, Dean of the University of Minnesota, and Chairman of the North Central Association accreditation team, expressing thanks on behalf of the accreditation team for courtesies extended them during their recent visit to The Junior College D i s t r i c t . A letter from Joseph J . Semrow, North Central Association o f Colleges and Secondary Schools, addressed to President Joseph P. Cosand, requesting m 1/24/66 - 2- Dr. Cosand to attend a meeting of a committee of the Commission on Colleges and Universities on M a r c h 2 8 / 1966 a t 3:30 p . m . , I n Chicago for a b r i e f discussion and further recommendations concerning The Junior College District's request for a c c r e d i t a t i o n . 1.7 Treasurer's Report A c t i n g Treasurer, Mrs. Calais,had sent the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month of December, 1965 to the Board members prior to the m e e t i n g . A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board who were present, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summery Reports were approved as submitted for the month of December, 1965. 1.8 Ratification o f Investments The President of the District requested r a t i f i c a t i o n of the investments made b y the A c t i n g Treasurer o f the D i s t r i c t . Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the A c t i n g Treasurer thereof, be and hereby a r e , r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: $300,000 U. S. Treasury B i l l s , purchased January 12, 1966 from the First N a t i o n a l Bank i n St, Louis on a 4 . 0 0 basis, for a total cost o f $ 2 9 9 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 . 1/24/66 - 3 - |TniiT-rrTTn^ftTTrnMMirriwnnTm^ mw i »w I m inn m i The A c t i n g Treasurer of the District pointed out that i n accordance • with Board p o l i c y , requests for three bids had gone out prior to the investments. I 2. PERSONNEL • ^*' C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel M In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due d i s - • cussion, and upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Stewart, and 9 with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was M RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed n jjl • i n the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: JB • Mrs. Thelma Teachenor - Asst. Professor - Nursing - FPCC - V - 3 Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 . 1 J 4 ^ W M r . Robert R. Bay - Asst. Professor - A r t - FVCC - V - 5 Effective 1 / 3 1 / 6 6 . 1 M H M H FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby i s , authorized to execute the appropriate Instructor's Contract, p r e viously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above f u i l - t i m e c e r t i f i c a t e d employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. m ^'^ H In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Reclassification R9 discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Stewart, || and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was B M RESOLVED, That the classification of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be changed as i n d i c a t e d , effective 2 / 1 / 6 6 . B • M Mr.Charle5 B. G i l b e r t - FPCC - From: Asst. Dean, Continuing Education - Step 4 To: Instructor A 111-5 1 1/24/66 - 4 - • H r f g«a*3r»wn»<.l .'"•'Hnli/iiHiiL'ilMMinimTriTTninliii'ililniinnijmiiiin IIK .m»ni» ..• • FURTHER That President Board discussion, 1/24/66 and w i t hM approved Mrs. by Effective salary be 2 previously Mrs. RESOLVED, 10B ihereby the In n.rthe d 4 3.accordance The accepted i and c-District^ Richard Benjamin aJackie aye Paulette Louise Effective ti e nJunior authorized Classified Certificated upon dby vote ,iRESOLVED, 1/25/66. 1cadopted /which a2S. the Peardon tThat Fleig by 6 5 e motion and M College L. /v/ith of dw6Walker i,2 the it6 Board: tc/Byrne asaid substituted .h the said 2-hPersonnel lto l/by eBoard President 6 Typist-Transcriber members Personnel by -lexecute 6 lres following salary contract the District Effective .- M: gnation Business A Stenographer rof Board, .- the VG Trustees: W classification for Cosand's of the e-Library i ln is classified il5 the liResignation 1/31/66 a,of the Manager w form to m -seconded i tthe sprevious Board be hoclassification Asst. nrecommendation, -the Instructor's f,fioCentral FPCC lof seconded personnel el who labove having d -o-the w by M w contract FPCC i in Cwere v/ere t-g M hCO Range reclassification rcbeen the .fContract, -e by and fbe -irpresent, Step W ct be ie records Range w M fiemployed ilaipreviously 8A clrt-after it.and h aa3tRange m the eM Ruffin, --sd10A rois iof .due tpersonnel n ,was G-i l b e r t . — •, „ , a . ._,„-^.-- I a Ob w 3 - CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION • • ^'' H The President of the District recommended that the Board of Trustees M extend an invitation to M r . Harry Reasoner, w e l l - k n o w n commentator of the H Columbia Broadcasting System, to give the commencement address for The H Junior College District graduating class, w h i c h is scheduled for Friday, I June 17, 1966. £ Commencement Speaker The President of the Distpct further recommended that the i n v i t a t i o n • to M r . Reasoner be extended through M r . Gene W i l k e y , Vice President of I the Columbia Broadcasting System, and Manager of K M O X - T V in St. Louis. I M V/hereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by Mr. Stewart, and i^k w '*n ^ • M B • e a Ye vo * e °^ a " mem b e r s of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees extend a formal i n v i t a t i o n to M r . Harry Reasoner to give the commencement address at The Junior College District's commencement exercises on June 17, 1966, and that said i n v i t a t i o n would be extended through M r . Gene W i l k e y , Vice President of the Columbia I Broadcasting System, and Manager o f K M O X - T V . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to extend said i n v i t a t i o n to M r . Harry Reasoner, on behalf of the Board of Trustees. 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES In the absence of M r . Lawrence C ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical F a c i l i t i e s , who was not present due to illness, the President of the District presented a Master Schedule For Advertising And Receipt of Bids for c o n - I struction of the two County campuses. 1/24/66 T4»^«ch«dt>l©4»==ottached:flSrtin<td- 6 - 9 Dr. Cosand pointed out that the District s t c " has been working w i t h 9 the architects i n establishing this master schedule tz insure the most economical H erection of campus construction at the two County cempuses. 9 5 ' BUSINESS & F I N A N C E M **. ' Approval of Contract for K i e l Aucitcrium Opera House M The President of the District recommended coproval of a contract betwocn 9 The Junior College District and The C i t y of St. Lo.is to provide the use of the H Kiel Auditorium Opera House fcr the District's graduation ceremonies June 17, 1 1966. • Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , secorced by M r . Williamson, and 9 w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, it was H gfa RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of 7-e Junior College District H M H 9 9 ^ P of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri apcrovo the contract between The Junior College District and The C i t y ~ : St. Louis, to provide the use of the K i e l Auditorium Opera House o- June 17, 1966 for graduation ceremonies , in the form of the contract crrcched to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein. 9 3 B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the District. 9 5.2 m The President of the District, Dr. Cosand, rscommended the payment of Payment of Florissant V a l l e y Sewe' Tap-In Fee 9 the sewer t a p - i n charge at the Florissant V a l l e y Ccr-.munity C o l l e g e , in the amount 9 of $ 3 8 , 8 3 6 . 0 2 , stating i t would be to the District's advantage to pay this fee at • this time and save the 6 % simple interest. 9 Whereupon, after due discussion, on m o t i a - b y M r . Williamson, seconded I • I 1/24/66 -7- M, by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were • present, i t was H RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby authorize and approve H •j H the payment of the sewer t a p - i n fee at the Florissant V a l l e y Community C o l l e g e , to Elreth, Inc. i n the amount of $ 3 8 , 8 3 6 . 0 2 , which said sum includes principal and accrued interest. m 5.3 H The President of the District recommended payment of the outstanding H balance against the property purchased from the St. Louis Arena Corporation, H i n order to retire the Deed of Trust on said property. Payment of Deed of Trust B Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Stewart, M and w i t h the unanimous vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t m was H M M M H M 9j I m RESOLVED, That the A c t i n g Treasurer of the District be and is hereby authorized and directed to satisfy the obligation encumbering that part of the Forest Park Community College property purchased from St. Louis Arena Corporation i n the principal amount of $ 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 together w i t h all accrued interest and upon such payment to secure a f u l l and complete release of any encumbrance against said property. 1/24/66 - 8 - m °*'^ Resolution Authorizing the Sale cf Bonds fl The Board of Trustees then took up the r.rrter of offering for sale Twenty I M i l l i o n Dollars ($20,000,000) (of an authorized issue of $47,200,000) of bonds, B authorized at a special election held in The Junior College District of St. Louis, §9 St. Louis County, Missouri, on the 16th day of November, 1965, and, after a B discussion of the subjeci, Trustee Stewart offered and moved the adoption of the fi following resolution: B M I 8 B M ! II M 11 H B B • B S H B B B B B B B Bj Bj BE IT RESOLVED by the loard of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, that Twenty M i l l i o n Dollars ($20,000,000) (of an authorized issue of $47,200,000) of bonds, authorized at a special e l e c t i o n held therein en the 16th day of November, 1965, be offered for sale to the highest bidder therefor on Tuesday, the first day of M a r c h , 1966. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said bones be sold on sealed bids to be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees at the District O f f i c e , 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, in said District, at or before the hour of 11:00 o'clock A . M . , Central Standard Time, en the aforesaid date; each bid to be accompanied by a certified or ccsHer's check on some solvent bank or trust company, payable to The j j n i o r College District, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, in the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000), to evidence the good faith of the bidder, the Board of Trustees reserving the right to reject cny or a l l bids submitted. rap BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bidders for said bonds be requested to designate i n their bids the price they w i l l pay for bonds bearing interest at a rate or rates, but not more than five (5) different rates, likewise to be designated in their bids; p r o v i d e d , however, that each interest rate so designated shall be a whole multiple of either one-eighth of one per centum ( 1 / 8 of 1%) or one-tenth of one per centum (1/10 of 1%) and that a l l bonds of the same maturity shall beer interest at the same rate. N o bond shall bear interest at more than one (1) rate, and any bid w i l l be rejected which specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of which exceed the lowest by more than two per centum (2%) per annum. I ® 1 1/24/66 - 9 - Bpl^p A S^V*^M •EfijaHH B|p|i| B-tf^w MUfia^riflSW H^P*!ra| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, in determing the best bis submitted, the Board w i l l take into consideration the lov/est net interest cost to the District, in dollars. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be and is he-eby authorized " c " r e c t e c ' t o 9 ' v e n ° f ' c e of t n e s a ' e ° f * a 'd bonds by rr.csling to all interested banks, bond houses, and investment bankers in the State of Missouri or elsewhere a notice in substantially the followi-g form: ana BBS NOTICE OF BOND SALE HBE* lVtf*3xS& l^lilS R&^&Q $20,000,000 (of an authorized issue of $47,200,000) i *''*^$ j|tt»i THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI BraBSH Mim^Bil SHBBH •-'. -."i'-^l M '^SsJ M—. s/^Jrt S ' miffx Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Trustees ci The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, cr the District Office, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri, in scid District, until the hour of 11:00 o'clock A . M . , Central Standard Time, cc, Tuesday, the 1st day of March, 1966, at which time said bids will be p.clicly opened for the purchase, at not less than par and accrued interest, of the above bonds of said District. ll3§{MihBB H iSiS •&&£» B*$9S3g B9MHH B^i^^ra H "' ^M&I B'M^PI •[_'^-yjSw B'^'f^p! B^'i&slit Said bonds are to bear date of February 1, 1966, are to be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) or of the deno-ination of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), to be designated by the purchaser therof, and shall bear interest at a rate or rates, not exceeding six P er c e n tum (6%) per annum, to be determined pursuant to sole of said bonds, payable February 1, 1967, and semi-annually thereafter on August 1 and February 1 in each year. Both principal zt and interest o n sa ' ^ bonds w ' " be payable at a bank or trust company re be designated by the purchaser, subject to approval by the Board of Trusses, and said bonds shall mature serially, without option of prior payment, on February 1 in each of the years as follows: 1 4 ^ ^ ^ P H H j^ngii Rr^H BJJaaH P H i'3$H Hi $1,550,000 in $ 715,000 in $ 735,000 in $ 760,000 in $ ZSS.OOO in $ 815,000 in 5 840,000 in 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 $ 865,000 in 1974 $ 895,000 in 1?75 $ 925,000 in 1976 $ 955,000 in 1977 $ 990,000 in 1978 $1,020,000 in 1979 $1,055,000 in 19-30 $ 1 , 0 9 0 , 0 0 0 i n 1981 $ 1 , 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 i n 1982 $ 1 , 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 i n 1983 $1,200,000 i n 1984 $1,240,000 in 1985 $1,280,000 in 1986 In the opinion of Counsel, these bonds w i l l be payable, both as to p r i n c i p a l and interest, from ad valorem taxes w h i c h may be l e v i e d , w i t h o u t l i m i t as to rate or amount, upon a l l taxable, tangible property w i t h i n the territorial limits of the said District. Bidders are requested to designate in their bids the pi ice they w i l l pay for bonds bearing interest at a rate or rates, but not more than five (5) different rates, likewise to be designated i n their bids; p r o v i d e d , however, that a l l bonds of the same maturity shall bear interest at the same rate, w h i c h shall be a whole multiple of either one-eighth of one per centum ( 1 / 8 of 1%) or one-tenth of one per centum (1/10 of 1%). N o bond shall bearinterest at more than one (1) r a t e , and any bid w i l l be rejected which specifies supplemental, detachable interest coupons to be attached to said bonds or specifies interest rates the highest of which exceeds the lowest by more than two per centum (2%) per annum. Proposals should be addressed to the Board of Trustees and should be f i l e d w i t h the Secretary of the Board on or prior to the date and hour hereinabove named. Each bid must be accompanied by a c e r t i f i e d or cashier's c h e c k , payable to the District, in the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000), to evidence the good f a i t h of the bidder. Mm* ^ ^ Proposals tendered by mail should be addressed to the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, C l a y t o n , Missouri, 63105, and should be p l a i n l y marked "PROPOSAL FOR B O N D S . " The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or a l l bids, and a l l bids must be made on the form supplied by the undersigned. These bonds are offered subject to the unqualified approval of the legality thereof by the law firm of Charles and Trauernicht of St. Louis, Missouri. The District w i l l pay the legal fees and w i l l pay for the printing of the bonds, including the printing thereon of the legal o p i n i o n , i f desired by the purchaser. Delivery of the bonds w i l l be made to the purchaser on or before A p r i l 15, 1966, in the C i t y of St. Louis, Missouri, the City of C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s , or the C i t y of New York, New Y o r k , without cost to the purchaser. Delivery elsewhere v/ill be made at the expense of the purchaser. A t the time of d e l i v e r y , the purchaser of these bonds shall make payment for these bonds and the interest accrued thereon in Federal Reserve funds available on the date of such d e l i v e r y . 1/24/66 - 11 - Copies of the o f f i c i a l N o t i c e of Sale, Bid Form, and O f f i c i a l Statement may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. By order of the Board of Trustees this 24th day of January, 1966. s / Dolores B. Tygard Secretary, Board of Trustees BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary shall attach to each copy of the aforesaid notice a f i n a n c i a l statement showing the assessed v a l u a t i o n of taxable property w i t h i n the District, the population of the D i s t r i c t , a comparative statement of tax collections during the past three years, and such other information as projr e c t i v e bidders may desire. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bidding form to be used i n bidding for the aforesaid bonds shall be substantially as follows: PROPOSAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF $20,000,000 (of an authorized issue of $47,200,000) J U N I O R COLLEGE BONDS OF THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT O F ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI , 1966. To the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri. Gentlemen: For Twenty M i l l i o n Dollars ($20,000,000), par v a l u e , Junior College Bonds of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, bearing interest at the rate or rates specified b e l o w , we w i l l pay you ($ and accrued interest to the date of delivery of said bonds to us. 1/24/66 - 12 - ) B | g | The said bonds shall bear interest as follows: H Maturities Interest Rates H • M H It is hereby represented that the gross interest cost, computed upon the above-specified rate or rates of interest, w i l l be $ , that the net interest cost (deducting premium, i f any) w i l l be $ , and that the average interest rate w i l l be %. II 9 li H 9 9 It is understood and agreed by the undersigned that i f there be any d i s crepancy as betv/een the actual interest cost or average interest rate computed upon the rate or rates of interest above specified and the interest cost or average interest rate figures hereinabove set f o r t h , the interest rate or rates above specified and the actual interest cost or average interest rate computed upon said rate or rates shall p r e v a i l . 9 H 9 9 §§B 9 9 H Subject to your approval, the said bonds shall be payable as to p r i n c i p a l and interest at a place to be designated by the undersigned w i t h i n f o r t y eight (48) hours after the acceptance of this b i d . Likewise, w i t h i n f o r t y - e i g h t (48) hours after the acceptance of this b i d , the undersigned shall designate which of said bonds, i f a n y , shall be of the denomination of $1,000 and which of said bonds, i f a n y , shall be of the denomination of $ 5 , 0 0 0 . A l l of the designations made pursuant to this paragraph shall be in w r i t i n g addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. S |H This proposal is subject to a l l of the terms and conditions of the notice of sale, a copy of which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Hj H H H SH 91 HB HH BH SB A c e r t i f i e d or cashier's check in the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000j payable to The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, accompanies this proposal as evidence of good faith and said check shall be returned to the undersigned i f this bid be not accepted or i f the District should f a i l to deliver the said bonds to the undersigned in accordance with the terms of this b i d ; otherwise, said check shall be held by the District and shall be applied as and when the bonds are delivered and paid for under the terms of this b i d , as part payment therefor, or be applied as and for liquidated damages i n the event that the undersigned fails to take up and pay for said bonds. I • H 1/24/66 -13- This b i d is for immediate acceptance. ( N o t e : N o addition to or a l t e r a t i o n in this proposal is to be made, and any erasure may cause a r e j e c t i o n of the b i d . Bids must be f i l e d w i t h the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, sealed, at or prior to 11:00 A . M . , Central Standard Time, on Tuesday, the 1st day of M a r c h , 1966.) ACCEPTANCE The above proposal accepted by resolution of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri, and r e c e i p t of the w i t h i n - m e n t i o n e d check hereby a c k n o w l e d g e d , this day of , 1966. President, Board of Trustees Attest: Secretary, Board of Trustees (SEAL) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice i n substantially the foregoing form shall be published i n The Bond Buyer, a f i n a n c i a l journal published i n the C i t y of N e w York, New Y o r k , one (1) time not less than fifteen (15) days prior to March 1 , 1966, the date set for the receipt of bids for said bonds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary shall attach a copy of the aforesaid notice to each copy of the aforesaid bidding form, to the end that each b i d f i l e d may be accompanied by the form of the notice of sale wherein the details of the issue are set f o r t h . t 1/24/66 - 14 - 3 9 Trustees Williamson seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, a n d , the question being put to a roll c a l l v o t e , the result v/as as follows: B B H M • H Trustees v o t i n g YES: M i l d r e d E. Bastian G u y S. Ruffin Joseph G . Stev/art G e r a l d V . Williamson g B B g M Trustees v o t i n g N O : Lester C . G e i l g n The morion having received the a f f i r m a t i v e vote of a majority of the whole g || Board, the President declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted, this B M 24th day of January, 1966. B S 5.5 M The President of the District recommended the adoption of a resolution H M Resolution P r e - Q u a l i f i e d Bidders for p r e - q u a l i f i e d bidders. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . B g g Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , M seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who Bj were present, the f o l l o w i n g resolution was adopted: B B B • M WHEREAS, the District is undertaking an extensive program for the construction of permanent educational f a c i l i t i e s on a l l three of its campuses; and gj M M WHEREAS, said construction w i l l require the services o f a large number of contractors, including general heating v e n t i l a t i n g and air c o n d i t i o n i n g , p l u m b i n g , e l e c t r i c a l and mechanical contractors; and B H M WHEREAS, the best interests of the District w i l l be served i f the District has an opportunity to investigate said contractors prior to b i d d i n g ; 1 • I Bj • H N O W , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that from and after the first day of February, 1966, on a l l District construction projects exceeding e s t i mated t o t a l costs of $50,000.00 prospective bidders shall be required to p r e - q u a l i f y as responsible bidders by submitting under oath in advance of i g I B 1 1/24/66 -15 - I U ^ f * n ^ w w i n W Willi Mini • • l i n n * ii'ilT'iMTn • lirfiHrrfrtflrli ndvuihl I ll'rf'f n'l'r lrilli')iiTlliiliiiiitrtl*|-|Wi'l»l'lm»iliiiiatl^i^Mini^l l rt»*IMiii.ini"Villli^'li ill II i ' hi I IK'ilili In • imir ' n i l I I1 II lg Bj i| H any bid such information as the business staff of the District shall from time to time require; said information to include a statement of experience i n the work to be undertaken,data concerning the equipment available for the performance of work and a financial statement c e r t i f i e d by a C e r t i f i e d Public A c c o u n t a n t . I || m •j gl RESOLVED FURTHER, that the District shall prescribe and provide the forms which shall be prepared and submitted by contractors for such p r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n , said forms to contain generally the information on questionnaires and financial statements used f o r q u a l i f y i n g bidders on projects of the State of Missouri. B ra g M RESOLVED FURTHER, that i f information submitted by any bidder on the forms prescribed by the District is found on examination by the V i c e President for Business to be unsatisfactory, the bid thereafter submitted by the applicable bidder shall not be considered. S Bj H II H RESOLVED FURTHER, that the business staff of the District prepare an outline of the p r e - q u a l i f i c a t i o n procedure to be lodged w i t h the Board at its next regular meeting as a subject for subsequent amendment of Division V I I of the Board Policies and Administrative O r g a n i z a t i o n Manual. H 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Hi ^* ^ Applications For Federal Financial Assistance 9 The President of the District presented the f o l l o w i n g information to B the Board of Trustees indicating the amount of federal funds being sought and II the amount which the District would have to contribute i n order to secure said H funds in each category. n |9 A. • H H H 1 Educational Opportunity Grants (Primarily for impovcrisned students) Federal Funds sought $26,000.00 Institutional Share None required (This would be an average of $330.00 for the year for 79 students). 1/24/66 - 16- n i.II . B. C. College Work Study Progrom (The family income c r i t e r i a have boon expanded thus, providing for a larger number of e l i g i b l e students). B B B Federal Funds sought $87,767.00 Institutional Share (requiring Board approval) 9,577.00 (An estimated total of 165 students, including Summer 1966, would be e l i g i b l e for both on and off-campus work under this program). 1 B B B M National Defense Student Loan Program (This has been expanded to provide funds for p a r t - t i m e students). B B Federal Funds sought Institutional Share (requiring Board approval). (An estimated 187 students would be e l i g i b l e for assistance under this program). B B B B $45,405.00 5,045.00 In order for The Junior College District to be e l i g i b l e for the above fl mentioned federal funds, i t would be necessary for the District to contribute B a total of $14,622.00 under programs outlined in paragraphs B & C above. B The federal assistance in these programs would amount to $159,172.00 i n B 1966-1967. I Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , B and with the unanimous vote of a l l members of the Board v/ho were present, B RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees approve the f o l l o w i n g expenditures to underwrite its share of federally sponsored College Work Study and National Defense Student Loan Programs for the fiscal year commencing July 1 , 1966: Col lego Work Study Program $9,577.00 National Defense Student Loan Program... $ 5 , 0 4 5 . 0 0 B B B B 1 B - 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 8. NEW BUSINESS 8 «J "-" ' • mHn'nirtiMntowUMU.Mfcif •• I> - I f i . . in r,,.h n^tlllte^WlrtW»Witftillf»fllllafl>rttlBi Presidency- University of Missouri, Columbio, Missouri Board President Bastion mentioned the forthcoming retirement of Dr. \Mmm ( -™™ ff'llli 'F^iS | H H • M l r f! I § Elmer Ellis, President of the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Mrs. I Bastion suggested the Board of Trustees write a letter to Dr. Ellis wishing him 1 well upon his retirement and a letter of congratulations to his successor, Dr. I Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, I and with the unanimous vote of all members of the Board who were present, it 1 RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to write congratulatory letters on behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District, -to Dr. Elmer Ellis, retiring President, and Dr. John Weaver, newly appointed President, respectively, of the University of Missouri, Columbia, 8.2 American Association of Junior Colleges Board Members Forum Dr « Cosand stated he had received a letter from Mr. William A. Harper ° f f h e A m e r i c a n Association of Junior Colleges advising the date of the special Board Members Forum (for which The Junior College District Board of Trustees had accepted the responsibility), to be held Tuesday, March 1st had been changed from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. ]/24/66 is - - i H I R H ffl H B 13 H • 8 Since March 1st w i l l be the bid opening cato for the Junior College Bonds of The Junior College District, Dr. Cosand, President of the District, said he would c a l l The American Association of Junior Colleges regarding the possibility of a mutually more convenient d a t e . 8.3 Cooperating School Superintendents Meeting Dr. Cosand mentioned he had received on invitation from the Cooperating School Superintendents organization for some of rre District staff or Board members to attend a dinner meeting on February 1st. Since Mrs. Bastion indicated an interest i n attending this meeting, i t was agreed that she end Dr. Cosand would represent The Junior College District at this meeting. 9. © ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastian asked i f there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Stewart, and with the unanimous vote of the Board members who were present, the meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p . m . Respectfully submitted, Dolores 3. Tygard Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri 1/24/66 - 19- M I ' -•...-.-•'..... /^PBgV 959 \i'§JStSUlrnll ^ ^ S ^ ^ ~ .,i. ,„II.II.I ••• N ,,„„•.• MERAMEC ^3;fH6ilO J .in M.I.,', n.i,jU,i.niiHiM L S O U GEYER ™ A CAMPUS °F THE DISTR.CT OFF.CE: COMMUNITY ROAD JUNIOR 7508 ,11. in. ^ W i f e W h a i l l i i i f a t f i a i ' r i i t t r f i l W ^ ^ • COLLEGE r.irtKWOOD, MO. 63122 • YO 6-3402 C O L L E G E m S T R , C T , ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUI£ : C J N T Y FORSYTH BOULEVARD, CLAYTON, MISSOURI ! 3 :< - MISSOURI PA 6-4686 D r . Joseph P. Cosand, P r e s i d e n t The Junior College District St. Louis-St. Louis County This is to advise you that I have been appointed a member of the Missou- >- l C e Aavisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights Yo- will recall that last October when I received an invitation from W a c - n o n D. C to submit an application as a nominee to this committee, I consu -IV°. ' to clearance m view of the request for an Immediate reply and in " ^ ^ unaetermmed responsibilities which would require my being available f c ^ ' ^ i c e throughout the State of Missouri. Although the work of the committee il ~-.Z v it, area of concern is comprehensive and its scope of operation may ne e ^ a t ' e "' trequent conferences which will require, occasionally, a one-day leave- ^ ce " " ' . J c e a c ^ " 8 ^signment. Please be assured that such requests ins--- as ' " - i n 'and ^ ^ l ^ ' ^ ^ ^ W i U ^ ° b a b l > ' ^ - h ^ d u L l d r^e evc.mg and week-end hours. c h - ^ e V f . ^ r " S l g n i f i c a R C e i s t h e f a c t that President Johnson has is, .-d a ""^ ° t , C C , 0ninllsslon C o - i v e Priority to the problems of quality e d u ^ o n 1 % & issles in'thl a r T o f ^ v i ^ ' h t T ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ Wlth t h c ^ ' " i t i c a l Finely you may be interested in knowing that the Reverend Richard P E '--rorake anc .hat among the membership are educators who serve on the faculfv nf «-' r University, Washington University and Lincoln University, respec'xvel^ 1 13 ca^^tv^i^that'iTitr ; ' fr c -:!}D ,. l l WlL1 d ° :UL reciative of your consent f l n - - ^ —••*^ "»' P ° « « to represent creditably the j.,.ior 1 | E | I 1 I I I 1 1 I i B l I I I B I 1 1 UNIVERSITY <>*j\{inriteOta, GENERAL E X T E N S I O N D I V I S I O N • M I N N E A P O L I S , MINNESOTA Office of the Dean J a n u a r y 1 7, 1966 D r . J o s e p h P . Cosand, P r e s i d e n t The J u n i o r College D i s t r i c t of St. L o u i s - S t . Louis County 75 08 F o r s y t h Boulevard Clayton, M i s s o u r i 63105 I D e a r D r . Cosand: Just a note to thank you again for the h o s p i t a l i t y extended to me and the m e m b e r s of the team during the North C e n t r a l v i s i t a t i o n . It was a delightful e x p e r i e n c e and, as is always the c a s e , one that taught me a g r e a t d e a l . You and those who a r e r e s p o n s i b l e for the development of the D i s t r i c t have achieved r e m a r k a b l e r e s u l t s in so short a period. Best wishes in the exciting days ahead. Sincerely, Willard L. Thornpaoi G e n e r a l Extension Division and S u m m e r Sesjsion WLT:ss 55455 |m THBHT BB S JJlilu {PiSZldbzL &%/Vl8JiYiBJzL made and entered into this IS 19 66 , by and between The City of S t Louis, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred, to as the g| m Landlord, acting by and through its Comptroller and its Auditorium Manager of the Henry W. Kiel fi I B Auditorium,and B B ST. LOUIS OCUKTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT of c / o John Robertsen li Clayton M 1 1 t h day of , State of January 7508 F o r s y t h Missouri »hereinafter referred to as the Tenant, WITNESSETH: W& B H H FIRST. The Landlord has this day rented to the Tenant, and the Tenant has this day rented from • B the Landlord, all that portion of the Landlord's Henry W. Kiel Auditorium, located at Fourteenth and B Hi Market Streets, St. Louis, Missouri, described as follows: || II M OPERA HOUSE - F r o n t o r S t e e l ^p SECOND. The term of such rental shall be from M B B H HOURS: 7:00 P.H. t o 1 1 : 0 0 ?.••;. H THIRD. It is agreed and understood that the Tenant shall have the right to use and occupy said premises for the following purpose or purposes, and no other: M §9 I • ffl "GHADUATIOLi " FOURTH. The Tenant agrees to pay rent to the Landlord for said premises on the following basis E m S and terms: J;)li25.00 (Four Hundred Twenty Five D o l l a r s ) - p l u s £36.00 premium on p u b l i c B l i a b i l i t y i n s u r a n c e of vlOO,OCC/750,000 i s s u e d t e n a n t by l a n d l o r d ' s i n s u r e r , amount of M B premiui?. refunded i f c e r t i f i c a t e i s n o t i s s u e d . M B s t a g e h a n d s n e c e s s a r y f o r setr/ir.g and s t r i k i n g s e t and a l l s t a g e h a n d s u s e d i n t h e |H B B R performance. Tenant i s t o p a y f o r a l l l a b o r and R e n t a l and l a b o r p a y a b l e upon p r e s e n t a t i o n of i n v o i c e . FIFTH. In connection with said rental and in consideration of the payment of said rent, the Landlord agrees to furnish to the Tenant the following services: G e n e r a l l i g h t i n g , h e a t i n g / c o o l i n g and c l e a n i n g j n e c e s s a r y u s h e r c , t i c k e t t a k e r s , e l o v a t o r o p e r a ^ o r s , watchmen and p o r t c r o . B H M H I • i » ^ *f I * U I « I a ( M proper governmental agency, any and all taxes required to be paid, in connection with the Tenant's use H| of said premises, by any federal, state or municipal law or regulation, all such collections and payments jS to be in addition to the rents herein provided for. g| M lord is called upon to set up a special arrangement of furniture or equipment in the rented premises or M to otherwise furnish services to the Tenant in addition to those herein specifically provided for, or if, in B connection with such use and tenancy, the Landlord is put to charges or costs oeyond those ordinarily m -£••;•»£, incident to the rental, use and services herein specified, the Tenant will pay and reimburse the Landlord H '.^W* for a!! such extra services, charges and costs, such payment and reimbursement to be in adc'/'ion to the H| rental herein provided for. EIGHTH. It is further mutually agreed by and between the Landlord and Tenant as follows: || H ' *'?$iil "-* SIXTH. The Tenant agrees to collect, where required by the law, and to pay and deliver over to the SEVENTH. The Tenant agrees that if, in connection with the use and tenancy hereunder, the Land- I 1 BBBH ,; ; (1) (2) (3) (5) (4) (0) or (7) The using Should sive immediately term over and alterations athat ai:>emnt The Iri rules building by or n-tairi ::i..!l In n dbe, the my case renting tornado / oall Tenant to till Tenant the of the rnot and matter in the interior the the act his, of damage the this Tenant the und/or and said in regulations the right public, therein, of use the or its space agrees hereby shall any Agreement, cease judgment or operation Cod by building premises walls, to space or which programs to and cthe any at uthe which contracted their and •deti'l not control enor agrees the his, or use r>e apromulgated Landlord other the to of bdesist in to at of agents, any Tenant's render except othe'd its deface, hthe of sell, vat make so that any eLandlord the the cause, or mentioned other rented the from for Auditorium far liable distribute management tin-.-.-, he same, their shall such the servants, any entrance nor premises in r'.:!e as'v:!l part or continuing for fulfillment premises or '.lie sue!; may' advertising agents, have and alterations toifand cort the not rtr.pcTi^ivle of in permit any Auditorium or on Manager, sustain employees, to orders, the arid duly government <,-'.! herein the circulate, thereof, representatives other any or are such right, rented «:• expense his, Auditorium of in or authorized or poccfsion. as di::-' rules this contemplated. uor carualty to improvements objectionable its programs illegal, t by caand by premises about or patrons trie or i;:e result contract of any comply and permit the to their of, Tenant the indecent, or representatives part the enforce any through regulations and Tenant or of as said and unforseen agents, in with permit Landlord to by any may thereof part employees matter for thereon any guests. buildmg be the nil such be its obscene, act any bof servants sold, emanner, to necessary at proper Landlord shall apply the permitted occurrence ortie orders, damage does or any of and distributed to omission Auditorium shall s''V. therein. be immoral, the or surrender time or officials, nor not that destroyed rules or relate employees and Landlord impossible, caused abide into including di' subjected relinquish the on The writing p:-v--r and make wired or or to Tenant by at the to circulated, Tenant in or regulations require the any may and the pto of, part tenancy damaged any strikes, rule-by" ethe toro;: and deface, m will time T< public enter conform the ' ••ration amanner of further fa.V '•.••'•• tnfor h(.'.<••• e"pay Auditorium ntiie any iv;\m-.-.--.'>s during hereunder. as tTenant :Viy *'-e the '.hi'••:-.d"ord ncriticism ormay for Tenant of e»ce:s ndverfire agrees to offen!v.:ne, lobby hereby other man' -.*a:d any bthe be yor to. M Eg H S^, raj M BJ l* m H flj SB HI•IjH (ii) (12) (13) (i'i) (15) (1C) (17) (18) (10) 4JB| ^jjr reflect or ad:vht light into any place in the buii.ing, in.?:i:;'.'r..i hallways, corridors end passageways, also radiators nr.d house ll,,hfh*.g at:,.caver.:::, shall i.\ .'. . way he <'. ,t: .:•:: .;". . ' .'... Tenant. The water closets- and -.•;.-•..• apparatus s'.-.oll not be u s e - '.or any • .:r,"x.:... other t' ... that ;•• - . . h l c . utcy wore conr.tructc-i, and no sweep.:. ;, rtsbbirh, rags, papers or other substances shall bo '.';.• n th..\..:i. .'...y carnages resulting cm account of znu-uao t h e r e ' 01' ..r,y r.atr.re or character whatsoevc- ::' • >.. paid hy the Tenant. The '1'oaavtt :.h..ll r,o. a..::gn this "groemcr.t r...r ;, ....;• use o: '.he premises other t h i n herein specified, »..-,-.:.v;*j.-. v the prCi".'ii;VJ cr ar.y p.'*;'. .r.ereof, w:tt.oa,. w.>: w;.-.'.or. consent o. l,.e x^anu.ord. The Landlord rss•.;-.-,-.as no respo.. Ibility whatsoever tor any property of any1 nature placed Li any part c* thn p:. . •. by the Tcr.ar.. or his, .... or th;.r employee.: or agents and the Landlord is hereby expressly rel: .". . and discharged iron-. .:/./ ana ail liability Tor any loss, ir.Jary or damage to property - that may bo sustained by reason of the occupr.r.cy oi" the premises under this agreement, and ail watchmen or other protective service desired by the Tenant must bo arranged for by the Tenant. The Tenant agrees, that should it be necessary to employ any help or labor, other than that specified herein, the Tenant will employ1 and pay for such help or labor, and such help or labor shall be members of t h e recognised unions who have jurisdiction over such help or labor. I.' the Tenant desires to have his performance or performances broadcast or telecast he shall obtain the concent cf the Auditorium Manager. Public liability insurance covering both parties in sufficient amount moat b e provided if not provided hereinbefore. All rehearsals snail h-v paid for at cost incurred for light, heat, labor and service. r +h<: Landlord :.h;;li have the sole right to collect and have custody of articles left in the building by persons attending any performance, exhibition or entertainment given or held in the premises and the Tenant shall not collect or interfere w.th t h e collection of custody of such articles. The Landlord reserves t h e right to distribute to the audience announcements and literature concerning future attractions to be held in the Auditorium, whether such attractions are under the auspices of the Tenant or otherwise. In the handling, control, custody and keeping of receipts and funds belonging to the Tenant, whether the same are received through the boxoffice or otherwise, the Landlord is acting for the accommodation and cole benefit of toe Tenant and, as to such receipts and funds, the Landlord shall be responsible only for gross neglect or bad (20) r.'r.u 'landlord shall h a v e t h e right to hold ar.ci retain any monies collected by it en behab of the Tenant until the Tenant shall have paid to the Landlord all sums owing hy the Tenant to the Landlord, and, i;' such sums are not paid by the Tenant when due, the Landlord shall have the right to apply such portion as may be necessary of any such .-.-ionics so collected to the payment of any such suras t h a t may" bo due. (21) The Tenant understands and agrees that - h . h t g the term of this contract t h e r e may be held other events in other parts of the Auditorium not included in this Rental Agreement. (22) Tr.L- Tenant agrees not to give any .gratuity c: money or other property to any employee of the Landlord and agrees tit at any property abandoned by the Tenant shall be and become the property of the Landlord. (23) The Landlord, at the discretion of its Manager, reserves the right to retain any or all rental deposits, in the event the Tenant cancels this- contract. (24) Any matters not herein expressly provided for shall be in the discretion of the Auditorium Commission of the City of St. Louis and the Auditorium Lfanager. IN V/ITXESS Y/TnZ'PJZO'J, the pcrties hereto have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed the day and year iirtit i*'oov<j v/ri kVcii. ST.. .LOUIS. CCraTY..Ji[^.Q]Li?OLI^:iJi^.TRICT By TITLE By TITLE THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, a Municipal Corporation, By Auditorium Manager 1 CONTRACT No. //7Q!?1 TENANT ST. if.ius (xvK'rf jui:jor. CJLUGU c / o John Robertson 750B Forsyth C l a y t o n , Missouri DATE JUNE 1 7 , 1966 UNIT 0?:-'.RA HO'SE - Front of S t e e l HENRY W. KIEL AUDITORIUM biwiQu?