MINUTESOFTHE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BCARD CF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR CCLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LCUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI M O N D A Y , NCVEMBER 8, 1965 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, November 8, 1965 at the Central Office of the District, 7508 Forsyth B l v d . , St. Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. The following members v/ere present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian Messrs. Morris G laser • Lester C. Geil Joseph G . Stewart Board Member Williamson was out of town; Board Member Ruffin was making o speech for the JCD Bond Issue next week; and Board Member Stewart had asked to be excused at 7:15 to make a speech; therefore the meeting was convened earlier than scheduled, so that business could be transacted with a quorum present. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; Mr. John Robertson, Vice President; Dr. Glynn E. Clark, Campus Director; Dr. R. William Graham, Campus Director; Mr. Raymond Stith, Dean of Instruction; Mr, Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Acting Treasurer; and Mrs. Dolores - 1 - Tygard. Community Relations - ail of The Junior College District staff. M r , Bruce E, Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdaie, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for M the District, was also present. H 1.3 Minutes ! On motion by /Vir. G e i l , seconded by V\r. Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of the Board Members present, the minutes of the Regular meeting of October 2 5 , 1965 were approved as submitted. '•4 ^•^ H 9 M Welcome to Guest? || Board President Bastian welcomed M r . Frank t e e m i n g , J r . , - reporter from the • St. Louis Post Dispatch; and M r . Roy Walkenhorit - reporter from the Globe-Democrat H to the Board meeting, H 1.6 Communications M 1 0 6.1 M The endorsements which have been sent in for the JCD Bond Issue were n o t e d , and are as listed on the addendum attached to these Minutes. 1.6.2 Mrs. Deris Burns read the following correspondence: Letters received from Kent G a g e , President of the Student Association - Forest Park Community C o l l e g e , addressed to Dr. Cosand and Mrs. Bastian respectively H H g B& expressing his gratitude and appreciation for being able to participate i n the Cornerstone M Laying Ceremony of the Forest Park Community College campus. M A letter from Chancellor James L. Bugg, Jr. of the University of Missouri, A • M Normandy, addressed to Doris Burns, Campaign Manager of the United Fund campaign, m expressing gratitude and thanks tor the contributions to the United Fund. « 11/8/65 -2- I 9 A letter from C. T. Gerger, of Berger-Landrum-Field, Architects, Inc. to Mrs. || Dolores Tygard, expressing thanks for the use of the exhibit ot the dinner given by the M S t . Louis Ambassadors, I n c . i n t h e Union Station en O c t o b e r 2 0 , 1 9 6 5 . H 1.6i3 Mr. Lester C. G e i i , ccpointed representative of the JCD gg Wm |§ Bf 11 on the Regional Industrial Development CorporaHco committee, received a communication 11 from the St. Louis Research Council concerning the proposal to the Atomic Energy H Commission recommending that Weldon Spring be selected as the site for the new $340 H H million National Accelerator. ^ 9 requested that various bodies within metropolitan St. Louis adopt a resolution in support H jfl of this proposal. ra Wm ^m. • HE The communication from Dr. Carroll Hochwalt had A general discussion followed. Whereupon) - on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded Wg |H by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, M H the following resolution was adopted, with the understanding that in addition to this, B| |9 telegrams would be sent to those Senators and Representatives listed in the resolution: H IB 111 IB $m mSi mi 1B| WHEREAS, The Atomic Energy Commission is in the process of selecting a site for a 200 Billion Electron Volt Accelerotcr. Its design study report estimates an approximate cost of about 300 million dollars for the machine and buildings, laboratory space, shops and offices. The c a p i t a l e x p e n d i t u r e w o u l d be made over a minimum p e r i o d o f 6 - 1 / 2 ye-crs. The f o u n d a t i o n and type o f construction for buildings are affected by topography, soil, geology, ciimato and other factors, and, • S S B B B B ma ma IH •B H WHEREAS, In addition to the cost of the facility the study estimates that about 40 million dollars worth of research equipment must be developed and brought into use within a year after accelerator start-up. An annual budget when fully operational would be about 60 million dollars and would employ approximately 2,000 scientists and engineers at the time of full operation, and, B B B B • i H H •SiatflcK UK B m B S| WHEREAS, Some 125 proposals from 45 states were received by the Atomic Energy Commission of which the St, Louis Area (Weldon Spring) was one contender. A process of elimination has reduced this number materially and at present St. Louis is still in strong contention, all factors being considered, and, I | Bj §1 if H m H WHEREAS, It is our strong belief based on available information that the site offered meets the most rigid requirements plus the supporting factors so necesscy to this operation including 15 million dollars in available and useable facilities, a complete and adequate water plant, roadways, office spece and railroad on site. The bed rock requirements, climate and universitfe-s • also meet the specifications, and, 1 1 1 I I I H H M I WHEREAS, All the land needed is immediately available at no cost to the federal government whatsoever so that land acquisition costs as well as time ccr, be held to an absolute minimum, which also is a matter of concern to all federal taxpayers and U.S. citizens, and, I I i I H H M WHEREAS, It is to the future advantage of higher education in the country as a who:*, to develop as many different concentrations of research facilities and personnel as possible, and, I I 1 WHEREAS, The first "spin-off" effect of this atomic accelerator would be to further the development of R & D capability of all four universities in the St. L:uis region as well as many others in the midwest, an area which has been suffering from a so-called "brain drain" partly as a result of the concer.rration of government investment in this field elsewhere than the midwest, end, I I 9 H H H H ^P • M WHEREAS, There are available resources in the metropolitan area to train the technicians necessary for such a project. H H M • H M THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri in full support of the zi. Louis Research Council fervently appeals to our Senators and Congressr-en to extend every effort to secure the selection by the Atomic Energy Commission of the 3,000 acre tract at Weldon Spring as the location of i*s accelerator operation. i I I 1 1 I 9 • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution be forwarded to Senators Symington and Long, Governors Hearnes and Kerner, Representatives Karsten, Sullivan, Curtis, Price, Hungate and Ichord; and to the pres,'. I I I 9 ® I n 1.7 m Board President- Bastian called upon the Acting Treasurer, Mrs. Calais, to M Treasurer's Report present the Treasurer's Report for the month ending October 3 1 , 1965. m A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glaser, seconded I by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, the M Treasurer's Report for the month ending October 3 1 , 1965 was approved as submitted, 9 and is attached as an addendum to these Minutes. M 1«8 H The President of the District requested the ratification of the investments made W H Ratification of Investments by the Acting Treasurer of the District. ^^ A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded $m b y M r . G l a s e r , and w i t h the aye v o t e o f a l l members o f the Board w h o were p r e s e n t , i t » was B H H RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g investments b y the A c t i n g Treasurer o f The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, be r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: B ffil B $150,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, purchased Cctober 2 2 , 1965, due October 2 8 , 1965 from the First National Bank in St. Louis on a 3.75 basis, for a total cost of $149,906.25. B B H $50,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, purchased October 2 8 , 1965, due November 4 , 1965, from First National Bank in St. Louis on a 3.75 basis, for a total cost of $49,963.54. B B B $100,000 U . S . Treasury Bills purchased Cctober 28, 1965, due November 12, 1965, from the first National Bank in St. Louis on a 3.75 basis, for a total cost of $99,843.75. fl 11/8/65 - 5 - I - — — — ~ » * « * " * " * » « 3 ^ ^ S°°i'S?iI;S,RT7Mrf.Bill,S'DPU(rChOSd N ° V e m b Q r *' ,965 ' due November 3 $ 0 0 0 l'9^?f U , S V T r ! a M Z m!'n P U , r C h ° S e d N 0 V S m b e r ' ' , 9 6 5 ' d u e November 30, 1965 from First National Bank in St. Louis on a 3.75 basis, for a total cost of $99,697.92. 18' S ^ ' v ' T i i 7 y ? " S P U r C h 0 S € d N ° V e m b e r * ' , 9 6 5 ' d u e November 18, 1965 from iVierrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, Smith, Inc. on a 3.82 basis, for a total cost of $1,098,015,72. ' Acting Treasurer Calais pointed out that in accordance with Board policy, requests for three bids had gone out prior to the investments. 2 , 1 ^ leave of Absance - Certificated Personnel and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, i t was 4 .IWBM mjgm iWJS m p l ^. IiO l .im lB S l »ll lj ^ ^ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of n P<V Wn 6XpemeS f r on *motion Board absence The pay '??, '° «cordonce by PConferen tfor ' ho Mr. l 'Dr. from were J"Closer, ® ? Florence ,the Policies present, with M e,eDistrict. ' nseconded <President care Brown and "it* was yof 'Administrative ' from ^by by -Missouri Cosand's Brown's Mr. other °January r°l dW G Affairs members approve erecommendation, *responsibi i"l',"Rules 19, and Conference 1966 of awith and *"'Leave lities the °through Regulations the staff at ofaye after inthe Absence during Hawaii, February vote Meramec due - °her Changes of discussion, with all 4 , members and o f t 10 2 cF , n2UmR T6wH u sEt ow R B olo cl1r db0ne d LfLV t0hU t BD aenSdCICno9oT u un h na c flt 1 Dor n W B f 1 i i I i 1 B H In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. G e i l , E i i S fl W& IB •B H fiB H • RESOLVED, Thai- the Board of Trustees approve the changes in the administrative rules and regulations sections 4.20.1 and 4.20,6 of the Board Policies and Administrative Rules and Regulations Manual, as follows: 4.20.1 " . . . . Commencing with the fourth year of employment, (contracts shall be) contracts w i l l normaliy b e " ; . , a n d " . , age of 65, contracts (shall) w i l l again be for one year periods only if retained on the staff." 4.20.6 After completion of satisfactcry probationary services, appointments to the teaching staff (shall) may be made for five-year periods subject to removal for any one or more causes herein described. When there is any question of the appropriateness of granting a fiveyear contract after the three-year probationary period, the District may, in lieu of a five-year contract, award additional one-year contracts for one or more yecrs. Those who have attained and who shall hereafter attain the age of 65 (shall) will have annual appointment only if retained on the staff. (Note: Words in parentheses are deletions; words underlined are additions) 2.3 Classified Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who wore present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated: Mr. Clarence !\\, Inrnan - Custodian - MCC - 9-A - Effective 11/9/65 Mr. Jerry L. Thompkins - Science Lcb. Technician - FVCC - 13-C -*£ff. 11/9/65 Mr. Forrest Hancock - Guard - FVCC - 4-A - Effective 11/9/65 Mrs. Maris J , Logan - Stenographer - Technical Education Center - 10-B Effective 11/9/65 - salcry to be paid out of Carnegie Foundation funds © 11/8/65 - 7 - B 2.4 Administrative Porso-irol 3 In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and ffl on motion by Air. Glaser, seconded by M r . Go'-l, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members B of the 8oard who were present, i t v as B B RESOLVED, That the following administrative personnel be employed i n the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out: B 11 M r . Rcnsom Ford, Jr. - Assistant to the Coordinator of Physical Facilities Centra! O f f i c e - $9,000 per year - Effective 1 2 / 1 5 / 6 5 H 2.5 B ^ ^ Classified Personnel - Reclassification In accordance w i t h Dr. Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and H upon motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l B members of the Board who were present, i t was B • RESOLVED, That the classification of the follov/ing classified personnel be changed as i n d i c a t e d : B B Mrs. Juanita Novate - From Administrative Secretary - 13-D - Central O f f i c e To Executive Secretary - 15-D - Effective 1 1 / 1 5 / 6 5 B B M r . Charles B. Dale - FVCC - From Maintenance Chief - 16-C To Manacjer - Maintenance - 2 0 - A - Eff. l / l / 6 6 B 3 « CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION B 3.1 Acceptance of Grant from the U.S. O f f i c e of Education B The President of the District, Dr. Ccsand, recommended thct the Board of Trustees m accept a grant o f $ 7 , 4 9 5 . 0 0 from the U.S. O f f i c e of Education far use i n an experimental 1 11/3/65 - 8 - SB §jBjp H teaching methodology by Mr. Billy Aldridge of the Florissant Valley campus staff. M explained that this is only the second time in 8 years that a junior college in the United M States has been given such an award. m Learning - The Comparative Study of Programs Presented by the Video Tape with and mt without Motivating Materials." M M The title cf the proposal is "Motivation and A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on morion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and v/ith the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it I B 9 • H I Ho RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri accept v/ith great pleasure a grant of $7,495.00 from the U.S. Office of Education for use in an experimental teaching methodology by Mr. Billy Aldridge of the Florissant Valley Community College campus staff. 5 » BUSINESS A N D FINANCE H 5.1 Worrcnfr-Check Register H The Vice President of the District, Mr. Robertson, presented the Warrant-Check H Register for the month ending October 3 1 , 1965. The expenditures for this period, as M listed in the above-mentioned Warrant-Check Register aro as listed in the addendum m attached to these Minutes. II A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded M by M r . Glaser, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the 6 Board ratified and approved the payment of all expenditures made in accordance with the H Warrant-Check Register for the month of October, 1965. U 11/8/65 - 9 - 9. ADJOURNMENT Due to the fact that Board Member Stewcrt hod to leave the meeting to make a speech for the forthcoming Bond Issue, and there was no longer a quorum to transact business, Mr. Geil moved that the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Glaser seconded the motion, and with the unanimous vote of the Board members present, the meeting was cdjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dolores B. Secretary, The Junior St. Louis, 11/8/65 - 10 - Tygard [ J Board of Trustees College District of St. Louis County, Missouri 1 ENDORSEMENTS CF THE JCP BCND ISSUE I School Districts/ Boards of Education, P. T.A.'s 9 ™ As of Wednesday, November 3,1965: H B m H B H 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 • 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 B B B B 9 9 B B B B 9 9 8 Archdiocese of St. Louis, Superintendent of Schools (iV.sgr. James Curtin) University of Missouri (James L. Bugg, Jr.) St. Louis University (Paul C. Reinert, S. J.) Washington University (Thomas H. Eliot) Higher Education Coordinating Council, Washington University (John Forbes) Board of Education - The School District of Clayton Board of Education - 'Xirkwood School District R - 7 Board of Education- Ritenour Consolidated School District Board of Education - City of St. Louis Board of Education - School District of Webster Groves School District of Affton Berkeley School District Brentwood Public Schools Haze I wood School District School District of the City of Ladue School District of ivlap I e wood-Richmond Heights /Viehlville School District Rockwood R-6 School District St. Louis University High School ( J . C. Choppesky, S. J.) Special School District of St. Louis County Special School District P.T.A. (Frank Ackerman P.T.A.) St. Louis Suburban Guidance Council East Richmond School P.T.A. University City Public Schools Pi Lambda Theta, Honorary Educational Fraternity Greater St. Louis Council for the Social Studies Board of Education - Wellston Public Schools Black Jack P.T.A. Ladue High School Association The Academy of the Visitation Lindbergh School District St. Louis Suburban Teachers Association Citizens Lay Advisory Committee to the Ritenour Board of Education Harris Teachers College - Walter H. Ehlert, Chairman, Faculty Association School District of Bayless Ferguson - Florissant School District St. Ann Elementary P.T.A. St. Louis Teachers Association Eureka P.T.A. (Elemontary) • Additions cs of Friday, November 5, 1965 - 12:00 noon: B B B B B St. Louis Teachers Crodit Union Gibson School P.T.A. Robinwood P.T.A. School District of Rivorview Gardens Roe School P.T.A. fl fl • 31 M 9 B fl H H 9 fl • H 8 fl j|| 1 H I fl • fl 9 fl fl fl fl fl 9 9 • 9 fl 9 fl 9 fl 9 fl fl 9 fl 9 9 9 IB 9 Miscellaneous Endorsements - as of November 3, 1965: A . J . Cervantes, Mayor - City of St. Louis P, Wayne Goode, Representative Fifth District, St. Louis County Leonor K. Sullivan, Representative Third District of Missouri Creve Coeur Democratic Club Dellv/ood Regular Democratic Club Hadley Township Democratic Club Jefferson Township Democratic Club Benjamin L. Goins, Coram?freeman, 21st Ward Eugene Bradley, Alderman, 21st Ward Theodore S. Martin, Alderman, 27th Ward Greater St. Louis Dental Society Florissant Valley Kiwanis Club Kirlcwood Ministerial Alliance St. Louis Labor Council AFL-CIC Western District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Maryland Heights Chamber of Commerce St. Louis NAACP Kiwanis Club of Tower Grove Lawrence K. Roos, Supervisor, St. Louis County Nathan B. Kaufman, Mayor, City of University City Greater St. Louis United Auto Workers United Shoe Workers of America, AFL-CIO John Brawley, Mayor, City of Ferguson Paul T. Koenig, Mayor, City of Crestwood University City Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club of University City Urban League of St. Louis Webster Groves Chamber of Commerce The Young Men's Christian Association of St. Louis & St. Louis County Labors Local 110 Gravois Township Democratic Club Klrkwood Democratic Club - Bonhomme Township Chi Delta Mu Fraternity, Gamma Chapter St. Louis Chapter of the Americans for Democratic Action James Troupe, Sr. - Democratic Committeeman, 5th Ward LeRoy Tyus - Democratic Committeeman, 20th Ward St. Louis Chapter of Frontiers International St. Louis County Municipal League John Dwyer - Chairman, Democratic Central Committee (City) 28tb Ward Regular Republican Club - Hugh Wilson, Committeeman Fred M . Franklyn, Board Chairman - Village of Schurrnann Heights Sheet Metal Workers Union, Local *36 Matt O ' N e i l l , Committeeman, (Dem,), 22nd Ward Catherine Roden, Committcewoman, (Dem.), 22nd Ward Stuart Symington, U. S. Senator George Washington Carver Senior Citizens Walter L. Meyer, Representative (Rep.) 4th District Miscellaneous ConHnued - - Page 2 Edward F. Ford, Jr., Democratic Committeeman, Normandy Township Ferguson Township Democratic Organization Webster Groves Lions Club Jewish War Veterans Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary Board of Aldermen, City of Glendale United Oithodox Jewish Community of St. Louis - Rabbinical Council of St. Louis Young Democrats of St. Louis County Don C . Cross, Mayor, City of Bridgeton Terrace Jacuzzi Bros. Inc. American Personnel 2: Guidance Association, St. Louis Branch Food Service Executives Assn. - St. Louis Branch Kiwanis Club of Crestwood City Art Museum of St. Louis Minnie E. T. Gore, Director of Nursing, Homer G . Phillips Hospital Daniel V . CIBrien, Prosecuting Attorney, St. Louis County James A. Roche, Jr., Assistant Circuit Attorney Col. James P. Darr.os, President Law Enforcement Officials of St. Louis County Kowanis Club of Gravois Engineering Council of St. Louis Judge John Harvey, Third Magistrate District, Democratic Committeeman-19th Ward Everett Hullverson, Republican Committeeman, 11th Ward Emily Aldientz, Republican Committeewoman, 11th Ward Nicholas Sestric, Sth Ward Democratic Organization St. Louis - St. Louis County White House Conference on Education Airport Township Democratic Club Inc. Robert A. Young, State Senator, 24th District, St. Louis County Additions as of 12:00 noon - Friday, November 5, 1965: 3th District Police Community Relations Committee of St. Louis United Beauticians Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, St. Louis Honorable Theodore .Yiciiillian, Judge, Juvenile Court, St. Louis Local 683 Teamsters Missouri Restaurant Association Kirkwood Junior Chamber of Commerce Kirkwood Methodist Church John O'Hara, Councilman, 1st District, St. Louis County Frederick N . Weathers, Constable, St. Louis Earl F. Burckhardt, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Village of Cool Valley Northwest Kiwanis Club Clarence G . Tiernayor, Mayor, City of St. Ann Harry W, (Hobs) C'Brion, Committeeman (Demo.) 15th Ward Edward J . Roche, Committeeman, (Demo.), 1st Ward Sarah Roth, Republican Committeewoman, 6th Ward H. T. Weeks, Chairman of the Board - Village of Doi-Nor Kirk wood Lions Club - 2 St, Louis Rabbinical Association Kirkwood Evening Optimist Club John E, Cantalin - Democratic Committeeman, 13th Ward Irene Becker - Democratic Committoewoman, 13th Ward ? ENDORSEMENTS C F THE JCD B O N D ISSUE continued — November 8 , 1965 Normandy School District Bayless School Patrons Association Maddox School P . T . A . Ferguson - Florissant American Association of University Women Miscellaneous Endorsements ^ I -i : = 1 5 = Ssnator Edward V . Long, Democrat, State of .Viissouri John L. Borwn, M a y o r , C i t y of Woodson Terrace James S t o r l l , Chairman of Board of Trustees, V i l i e g e of St. John Arthur L. Campbell, Chairman of Board, V i l l a g e of Mary Ridge Harry B. Wells, /viayor, C i t y of MicMne Acres Raymond S. Z i e l i n s k i , M a y o r , Cit> of Bellefontaine Neighbors Edwin C . Swan, M a y o r , Town of Bridgeton V i l l a g e of Country Club Hills Thomas Turner, Chairman, V i l l a g e of BGI Ridge Richard A . M i l l e r , Chairman, V i l l a g e of Pasadena Hills Hugh S. Wilson, Committeeman, 28th Ward Regular Republican Organization Dolores C. S u l l i v a n , Committeewoman, 28th Wcrd Reg. Republican O r g a n . Richard (Dick) Dunne, Committeeman, Ferguson Township Democratic Club Bernice Rouse, Committeewoman, Ferguson Township Democratic Club Lemay Democratic Organization Board of Directors, The Metropolitan Church Federation Clayton Kiwanis Club Maplewood Chamber of Commerce Camilla Kotrba, President, St. Louis Dietetic Association Missouri Society of Professional Engineers St. Louis Research Council and Regional Industrial Development Corporation Local ^562 Voluntary Fund Jac!c and J i l l Clubs of America • H THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUiS - 5T. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI B f| TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31, )965 9 B Account October ], !965 Tax Revenue City of St. Louis Tax Revenue St. Louis County Federal Aid investment income Auxiliary Services Student Fees 9 I M • 9 H 9 Maintenance Activity Student A c t i v i t y Income G i f t s and Grants M i s c e l l a n e o u s Income Other Receipts T r a n s f e r from General Funds 9 9 9 • 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 H 9 9 M 9 9 9 9 9 Bal ancc$3,090,119 2i • M H HI M • H H Amount 901 902 909 and 910 920 930 951 $ 40,570.35 135,114.43 27^030.00 862.46 23 704.16 $ 2.051.29 50.00 961 971 991 to CWSP 2.101.29 320.50 225.00 154.46 601.32 8.31 Total Income Less Disbursements: Salaries 230,692.23 300 fiase Withholdings Case - Restricted (See Schedule B) Withholdings - Restricted Total Net Salaries Expanses General College Work Study Program Restricted (See Schedule B) Capital Outlay General Restricted (See Schedule B) Auxiliary Services-Cost of Sales Payroll Taxes and Withholdings Student Fee Refunds Maintenance /: >c t i v;' t. y Total Disbursements i-t-ss Adjustment for Bad Check Write Off ".a I once 'ctober 31, 1965 $230,010.29 (49.499.95) $ 5,196.95 (255.97) $180,510.34 4,940.98 5185,451.32 400 $ 57,883.37 8.31 1,779.20 59,670-88 500 $ 31,100.51 e3,652.74 600 700 100 $ 10,695.00 10.00 114,753.25 19,285.93 81,115.85 10,705.00 470,982 _3 145 0:; ; 2,349,754. 3." H • TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 31, 1965 H W& H C.wlic-ge Work Study Program Fund N!i:t.-,incj Student. Loan Fund ben.;. Other Restricted Funds j9 wa |H Wa JM BB 23, 723.01 ' •••'- ~:v:ii ui t i on of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: v/.srrant Check Register Total October 31, 1965 48& ^^ Less: M M S $40,588.27 ( 840.00) 22. 147.20 $ 61,895.47 Ndt ii.rrci| Defense Student Loan ||jj H Cost of Investments made during October Excess of Construction Fund Deposits ovei Expend irures for October S ."i, 047.0? M SI . ' "5.985.6.:- $699,077.64 6.375.76 i'l'.is: Narionr.il Defense Student Loans Octobei Disbursements E M PBC- 1 5 "."5.453.40 H W& Eft 4 5_0.0L' Jm -" j, 9 8 2. t .• H SCHEDULE - - ST. INVESTMENT ACTIVITY T-'E JUNIC : COLLEGE DISTRICT L C-J IS - £ " . LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TRE-SJ^ER 1 S REPORT OCT5ER 3 0 , 1955 •...-•.'•j-!.'..'r!_:_c_ Piirch-;---e:: ijJZU •!.-.' '• e-' ^ d t u r ;• :e S Type of Rate Inv. of (a) I nt Vatur::Date Maturitv Val ue Cost Interest Earned 96 5 9/20 •0/o: iG/07 0 :-C/i? First.'.at'l Hercar-.'ie Mercantile Mercs-: ie First \a;'l 1 I 1 1 1 •'.'.:: •: landing Q;;;ber 31, 3.~5 3.69 3.69 3.70 3.75 ;0/07 5: $ 75.000.00 10/21, £E 150,000.00 i 0/2S 6 5 150,000.00 '0/26 £5 100.000.00 ;0/26 5: 150,000.00 $ 74,867.19 149,784.75 149,682.13 99,897.22 149,906.25 $ 625.000.00 $ 624,137.54 1965 •964 iY/| 7 •Ihl Secuti:. Mouna C i t y 2 2 4.25 4.5 5 i 2 / 1 2 55 12/12 5- $ 950,000.00 500.000.00 $ 950,000.00 500,000.00 •965 0T/'27 0!/2~ O-o'TO :0/23 •0/25 Merca-tMe Mercantile Eoatcr-1; Firs.r ' . a t ' . ' Fi-st \ a t ' l 2 2 2 1 1 4.35 4.35 4.35 3. "5 3.": 11/30:5 0 1 / 2 i 55 M/1S:5 1 1 / 0 - 55 M / 1 2 55 $ 300,000.00 750,000.00 75,000.00 50.000.00 100.000.00 $ 300,000.00 750,000.00 75,000.00 49,963.54 99,843.75 $2,725.000.00 ia• i . 3. 2. l r e a s . j - •. B i l l s Cert i t ' . a t e o f D e p o s i t Repurchase Agreement $2,724,807.29 $132.8) 215.25 317.87 102.78 93.75 $862.46 • SCHEDULE 5 B H ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1965 9a fig Fund Names 1§ <B& M'.rris G laser C o l i e c t i o n Counseling and Guidance Lit. §3 i.jT.tcjie Corp of New York- M Fund No. T e c h n i c a l E d u c a t i o n Center 15 Dantoi lh F o u n d a t i o n 16 H |!| H V"... a t i ona 1 E d u c a t i o n A c t 1 9 6 3 : Mechanical Technology Yt . iog F o u n d a t i o n - A l l i e d M e d i c a l 19 B Technical Ed. Center 27 • Nursing Student Loan Prog. 30 i.:.'n-t ruct ion Fund 31 C o l l e g e W o r k Study P r o g r a m tiut'onal Defense Student Loans 32 A. 1M ® w& B Operating Expense 08 B M Sal ar : es Capital Out 1 ay S $1,890.58 $ 1.75 3.35 $ ':."•'5 Scfa.J:; 26.75 26. VL 119.40 2,987.;; 840.00 &JU.0'; 33,524.24 435.04 $1 , 7 7 9 . 2 0 83,62-1./.. 4}c.04 ^j?y-.y.''; 450.00 $ 5 , 195.95 .'?.l.e! 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