-""£?• « <S ' H ^ f l T - V =••?•>.; I | | ffl MINUTED CF THE REGULAR fAOGTING i ^^j fP || I THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT C F ST. LCU'S, 5T. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI M O N D A Y , SEPrE.MGER 2 7 , 1965 - 8;0Q P.h\. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District I I 1 of j | 5 t . Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, September 26, 1965 at the M Central O f f i c e of the District, 7508 Forsyth B l v d . , St. Louis, Missouri. B I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS I The Board President, I rs. Joseph C . Bastian, called the meeting to order at Counsel .Mr. Coordinator Dolores Director; 8:05 President; Bruce p.m Also B. for . Dr. Dr. E. Tygard, The the ofpresent Woodruff Richard GPhysical (Messrs. Mrs. District, following l y n nCommunity Joseph were E. Cof .Facilities; Clark, Joseph Gerald Guy .Morris was Lesier Richcrdson, mc-rrlDers the Dr. C. also S. firm Joseph Relations CGlaser Bastian Campus G V.Ruffin present. . of Mrs. were GStewart Williamson eArmstrong, Dean iP. l i'Aary present: Director; ~Cosand, aof l l Jane of Instruction; The Teasdale, DPresident; Calais, r . Junior Douglas MActing Roos, rCollege M . rF. Lawrence . John Kramer Libby, Treasurer; District Robertson, JF. and r . ,Cstaff. and Campus ' Vauohan, N e >iVice l l us. , W m H R j« 1 M •Il — — M M I I I M i in m winiiwvr muni i i n H I M I I J I I I I IMIII * M I 183 I nniiiifiiin I i id l i i l i i ^ i n i d W n f r ' i Uriun • rmm J I i r' i m L ' r ' i I I ' T r •J " t • - y ' "" " " * - " L " ' -- • • " — MijTUfo; Board Preside:/- Basiian aslc^d for o;.-' r ovai of the /.'.inures of the Regular meeting of September 13, 19o5, They wera read and discussed. Whereupon ? on motion by \\r. Williamson, seconded by M r . Glaser, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Doard who were present, the Minutes of the Regular meeting of September 1?, 1965 were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed !\\r. //alter Sturdivant - c representative; from the St. Louis Globe - Dernocrar; and K r . Fran'< Looming - a representative from the ffijH St. Louis Po;t-D?spaich to the Board meeting. Sho also v/elcomed M r . Harry If. Davis, Jr. - Director of the /Allied ,. edical Projeci cr r. J CC; and ...rs. Schultt from the Community Relation:; DepcrJrner.t, 1.6 Commun'cuiions 1.6. 1 /•'•• letter wos received from i ir, James E. Hart, Executive Secretary of the .'vussouii School Boards Associciion notifying Dr. Cosand of 'clio Executive Committee's decision to invife Public Junior College Districts to ottend their meetings and become members of the h. issouri "chool Qoards Association, c a l ' i n r attention to the annual slate mooting i n November, 1965. 1.6.2 . rs. Doris Burns reed letters from the f o l l o w i n g , acicnovir.r'oin^ their receipt of the invitation to fflL attend the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony at the Forest Park Community College campus on October 11th: Lieutenant Governor Thomas !~. Eagleton; /viayor Alfonso J . Cervantes; Senator ?aul .7i. 3orra; John D. VVhitney, /'resident I 9/27/65 -2- *>• >•• " •— P from Hie University r, iVtrs. Calais* of /'.irs, gust to the Do^irci members 3y ivlr, Gias.-.r, seconded I, the 3urjg<3i' Sum-Tiar/ 55. 3 investments mode by :y M r . Glcssr, seconded I, i t was g Treasurer of The Missouri, be s: 1965, due Cctober .75 basis for a vith Board p c l i c / , 2 I - PERSCMNEL II 2. 1 Administrative Personnel M In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and H upon motion by iv\r, vYilliamsco, seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote oF a l i H members of the Board, i t was 1 M M • H H M Is RESOLVED, That the following administrative personnel be employed in the capacity and at tKe salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having !;een previously approved by the Board: if n || • | Dr. Joseph C . Carson, Jr. - Associate Jean of Instruction - /ViCC - Steo 5 Effective 10/1/65 fl I 9 is M H FURTHER RES-; LVED, T hat the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's C o n t r c c t , previously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above administrative employee, which said contract is to be fiiec .ifh the records of the D i s t r i c t . 1 B B if 4 ^ ffP 2 m M *2 Certificated Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and M B 9 upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of a l l B II members of the Board, i t was B M M M RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the scicry classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: 3 Mrs. Irene Mary l3rov,r> - Assistant Professor - Nursing - M C C - V - l - Eff. 9 / 2 3 / 6 5 B • M • FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute rhe form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above certificated employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d with the rscords of the District. I & M M YE& B B B i I • B B 1 2.3 Certificated tr-oloyees - M o d i f i e d Contracts In accordance w i t h President's Cosand's recommendation, after duo discussion, H B isfutt* ^i Kt ffb'H BR j^mBHH and upon motion by M r . v/illiamson, seconded by i\.r. Ruffin, and w i l h lhe aye voic of B ^SSgwCl a l l members of the Board, i t was M JBjJBBMBg 1 L . . £51 | | ' ' '^3 RESC LVED, That the Board of Trustees approve the reclassification of the f o i l o w i . r j c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel i n accordance w i t h the JCD policy c o n cerning completion of Master's Degree; - to be e f f e c t i v e September 13, 1963: H M E| S L ' v L&g Mrs, Mary Barnes - History - FVCC - From Instructor A - IV - 2 M T PPIfcf ° lnstrochDr A - III - 2 M~'-'-'p£ gVr.:*jj|j|j Miss Suzanne Sipherd - Biology - FPCC - From instructor IV - 2 To Instructor III - 2 n g HgBSflf 8|§SiSS M r . M a x G r i f f i n , Jr. - Commercial A r t - MiCC - From instructor IV - ? To Instructor III •• 4 • I 1 » 2 1^™^™™! B \.»jjfojrj W ' '^?J FURTHER RESC LVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's C o n t r a c t , previously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above reclassifications i n d i c a t e d , which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the D i s t r i c t , I • g g H " '.'ifj Bv^&wgi FURTHER RESC LVED, That the above-mentioned instructors w i l l be returned to t h i higher c I ossification upon receipt of proper c e r t i f i c a t i o n I g •ji£igg9 that the Master's Degree has been awarded. a 2.4 g j&i Mm S u H'"'ivi^mfl 1 P C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Resignations In accordance v/Ith President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and ' by ,N/^r' Stewart, seconded by M r , W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l an mot on members of the Board, i t was * -I^?J3HJ g M g •"^ffiSsjj if ^ . S A I RESOLVED, That the resignation of the f o l l o w i n g personnel be accepted by ^ G Board of Trustees with authorization to release her contract: P S 3 H B Estelle D. N a e s - Effective 9 / 1 4 / 6 5 1 S T ^ & I H 2.5 I W** , !?"HH M^. Si " «f%l9 ^ ^ H "'fi^B Division Chairmen In accordance w i t h Dr. Cosand's recommendction, after due discussion, and upon S M I motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and v/ith the aye vote of oil mergers §| °' r ^ ra e Board, it was S f l H j -iiSflBKSffl j?f|sPit| ^^^^CT RESOLVED, That .• /.r. A l a n Slay be appointed Chairman of the Communications Division at Florissant V a l l e y Community College to replace M r . David Underwood, recently appointed Associate Dean of Instruction, for the Co'leoa Year 1965-6o, i n accordance w i t h secfon 4 . 1 0 of the Policies and iYacedure; '.^f^^3 2.6 f|j|fpP9 In accordance with Dr. Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and Technical Education Center - Contract i'.'.odificotion pffi«m}§8 upon motion by iVir. Ruffin, seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of c l ! j||5liiEB members of the Board, i t was 'fiHfiB RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District approve U B B S H H ^HfjBaj flHHH the modification of the present contract of ...r. Lawrence J . Wolf to onchalf time i n order that he may assume the responsibility of Administrative Assistant to tho Director of the Technical Education Center from September ]. 1965 through June 3 0 , 1966, w i t h salary reduced a c c o r d i n g l y . *a'&pSl ' -;LiAt« "v"S-5j^B '•Jbfjjffill JMBEB mm FURTHER RESCLVED, That .V.r. Wolf : s loss in salary be compensated for through funds from the Carnegie Foundation Grant on the same rare as was formerly paid for his teaching assisgnment, plus an additional $200.00 on an annuo! ra e * ^ > a s ' s ^ r o a irv3 Carnegie G r a n t for the ten months - September 1 , 1965 through June 3 0 , 1966 - or 10/12 of $200 pro-rated accordingly. 1 S B 9 § H H H S U E a jfSs&jiiPl FURTHER RESC LVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's C o n t r a c t , previously adopted by the Board, with the above reclassification i n d i c a t e d , which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the D i s t r i c t . l||j|BB8S 2.7 ll^giill In accordance w i t h Dr. Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and on motion by ,Vir. Williamson, seconded by iVir. Glasor, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l OTWBBJM members of the Board, if was 'L-? ', „ • • : * : 7 "r| i * d|K tUs I = Certificated Personnel - Part - Time 5pjllfplj| H B H B |BPra| HHHH i**J«al i RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed on a p a r t time basis for the Fall Semester, 1965, i n the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salar/ classification having been previously approved by the Board: ; ? ? r • .eramec Community College C r . i'irs. 8 1 Wk Rate/Hour M r . Thomas Fitzgerald Psychology ;.'r. Orlando Recio Spanish G $180.00 9/20/65 ...rs. Rochonne Abrams English 6 $180.00 9/20/65 ..'.rs. V i r g i n i a Brehmcr Dus. Admin. 3 $150.00 9/20/65 ..•rs. N e l l i e Samson Dus. A d m i n . 3 $180.00 9/20/65 :.\r. Jerry Smith Bus. A d m i n . 3 $150.00 9/20/65 . rs. /Mary Lowe Bus. A d m i n . 5 $180.00 9/20/65 ,V.rs. Velma Benner Geography 3 $180.00 9/20/65 ,V,rs. Ann Aldcrks History 6 $180.00 9/20/65 ."'.r. Alexander N i v e n History 2 $180.00 9/20/65 ;.'.iss .\fcuy P. Higgins Sociology 6 $180.00 9/20/65 Dr. Calvin Burnett Sociology 6 $180.00 9/20/65 .' > . Leonard Saxon Psychology 3 $180.00 9/20/65 ;.'.r. Stephen Leff Psychology 3 $150.00 9/20/65 ,7,r. Geoffrey Morrison History 3 $150.00 9/20/65 ;..r. Horace Rountree English 4 $180.00 9/20/65 ; . > . Robert A . Smith English 3 $180.00 9/20/65 :.'.iss Joan Thompson English 2 $150.00 9/20/65 :-.".rs. Doris Flowers English 6 $180.00 9/20/65 D r . Samuel Rosonkranz English 3 $215.00 9/20/65 9/27/65 - 7 - 3/15 of $ 7100.00 E f , Date 9/(3/65 iminMiniimliiirtniiii £ Milium in • irri-u«l>i>iWaiiiiiiniiiii»iiii)MiiiiV n riiiniiinali'inritrrnr irnnriTmnni nrnl 'I I'T i r1 n 'i -• n ir " •"'"•• i: '- ;*/ir. h'enry Cilcsmeisier English 3 $215.00 9/20/55 h.'x. Robert K i l p a t r i c k Lew Enforcement 6 $180.00 9/<w/'£ .'.'.r. Donald Slanckuert 3us. A d m i n . S $180.00 2/<'Vo5 . . r . Rodi Patterson Bus. A d m i n . 2 $180.00 9/iG/oo ..'.r. Paul D. Keller .'.iathemaiics 3 $180.00 v/2CyV^ ."•>. Robert Beckcrle ...athematics 3 $180.00 -)/'-••/_• • > . Donald L. Smith Biology 4 $150.00 y^/Vo" ;.•>. Kenneth Fast Chemistry 2 $180.00 9/?0/.',> ...r. Gooi-ge Smith .^hys. Science 2 $180.00 9/2r:/(S ...r. .lames Stevens ...athematics 3 $180.00 9/AO/C'i ...athematics 6 $180.00 9/-20/«'-5 .V.rs. Julie Reynolds Art 6 $150.00 9/jC/t'o ; ,r. Stewart Scott Art M $180.00 9/20/65 : ,r. Steve Kinselia Art 5 $180.00 1/20/65 ;.,r. Robert Bay Art S $180.00 9/20/65 7ir. J . R. /Ytunden Counseling 3 $180.00 9/13/65 Dr. Harry Blackiston Gormen 4 $215.00 9/20/.'o ...r, D. C . Boulton % s . Science 3 $180,00 9/:.'f/'5 Or. Frank Clark ?hys, Science 3 $215.00 9/20/.'5 Tinsley W . Floyd Bus. Adrnin. 3 $150.00 9/20/65 ...arjoric Fredericks English 3 $150.00 9/2Q/iJ5 -'••>. Ed son .Viitchell Foro:i Parle Community College im. ^•^ 9/27/65 - 8 - - 1 <# B Jerry Fugate English 3 $150.00 9/2 " . / J 5 3 Katie Graff English 3 $215.00 9/':l'c5 fl Harold Gregory Fire Hydraulics 6 $150.00 9/22'-lo B Virginia Hay Fashion Design 3 $180.00 9 / 2 ..'o5 I Dr. J . Vvm. Hirzy Chemistry 4 $215.00 9/2:/JO | James HoeIscher English 6 $150.00 9/2."'''5 9 Roberta Landau Phys. Science 3 $180.00 9/2: "5 a Lawrence G . Rogers Bus. A d m i n . 2 $180.00 9/2:. \;5 • i.'.ilton A . Saitz Law Enforcement 6 $180.00 9 / 2 : -'35 • Joseph D. Salvia English 6 $150.00 9/2." 'c5 Thomas R. Schnell English 6 $180.00 9/2:-'JO Vincent Vento Phys. Ed. & Stud. A c t i v i t i e s 5 $180.00 9 / 2 : 55 Thomas J . Wade H o t e l , Motel 2, 4 $180.00 9/2." B W B ^^ 1 H W B H| /5 Restaurant S James Werner Bus. A d m i n . 2 $150.00 9/22/55 B Wallace Wilde English 3 $180.00 9/22/15 B Jack Williams Art 2 $150.00 9/2: 05 B Richard H. Yang History 3 $215.00 9/21 "65 S Nancy Edwards Biology 10 $100,00 9 / 2 : Mo B George L. Kramer Data Processing 3 $180.00 9/2: \ o B fl Daniel Stein 4 $180.00 9 / . : :-5 £& H o t e l , Motel & Restaurant B ™ Dornice Zimmerman Retailing 0 $215.00 9 / 2 : 25 1 9/27/65 - 9 - WSEpSm Florissant Valley Community College g.-' ; ^ 3 /' xs. Dorothy Kirby Social Science Div. 6 $150.00 9/20/65 m^fm ; . > . George Hefty English $180.00 9/20/05 B~- - % 3 ' . r , Robert iV.urphy Hist ./Government 6 $150.00 9/20/65 3us. Admin. $150.00 9/7.0/65 E 3 3 >. George Schroetor l - S S S ;/,r Richard Gfsh I ^ S S S '"' rs - H - Elanor ' 2 4 $180.00 9/20/c Botany 3 $180.00 <,/i0/65 ; >. Jerome Perlinski Mister)' 3 $150.00 9/20/65 ;.'.rs. Rosemary Ruenzi English 6 $180.00 9/20/65 -r. Fredric .V.akler Spanish 4 $150.00 9/20/65 ,7,rs. Cornelia Criglcr English 6 $150.00 9/20/V-5 ;..rs. Beatrice Agathen ,' .arhematics 3 $150.00 9/20/65 fajMBM ;.,Jr. Leland Long ,'. athematics 3 $180.00 9/20/65 pj|i«| Mr. ;/,crHn Cffett English 6 $180.00 9/20/65 H U B | P*"BI I "* : y i i ; : :- , ; ?^ W ; r 1 ? ^ J II^MPI Gordon ?hys CS 6 ' - Jeff X vViliiam ?ower ' yCox English 6 £r,glish 6 I'tl^H '.'.r. Murray Smith English I "ir* ' ^ B I ^ ^ M • H ***fiKS 'l0rcin , r t Art 2 2 9/20/65 $180.00 9/20/65 $180.00 9/20/65 $150.00 9/20/65 $180.00 9/2C/65 2 . 8 Classified Personnel BjHUMMJ 19 ' ; > . Robert Bay H V """^r^S Patr c!c 6 $150.00 In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and ^fflk on motion by fv'tr. V-.illiainson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the ay2 vote of aii r members of the Board, it was » 9 3. I RESCLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The H Junior College District in the classification and at the salary indicated: M /v'.iss Miclci Stern - Stenographer - Centrai C f f i c e - Range IOC - Eff. 10/1/6.'" M Mrs. Connie Lango - Clerk-Typist - Fv'CC - Songe 7A - Effective 9 / 2 0 / 6 5 • Mrs. Suetta Mac Everett - Typist-Transcriber - Central C f f i c e - Range 0A Effective 9 / 2 8 / 6 5 H | CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 1 • The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that the Board of I I Trustees appoint the lay citizens, as listed in the addendum attached to these Minutes, as H m, ASK members of the advisory committees to The Junior College District's Technical Education I i| ^ ^ Program. g These members would serve for a period of one year, from September 1 , 1965 II through August 3 1 , 1966, in accordance w i t h the established procedures of The Junior H College District. H these lists, and also that additional committees svould be forthcoming. H Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was H la H RESOLVED, That the Advisory Committee members, as recommended by Dr. Cosand, end as listed as an addendum to these Minutes, be appointed for the 1965-66 College Year which o f f i c i a l l y terminates August 3 1 , 1966. 4 B H H W Dr. Cosand pointed out that additional members could be added to A general discussion f o l l o w e d . |l H ^f» - M H COLLEGE FACILITIES I 4* 1 • Cornerstone Lcying Ceremony Dr. Cosand reported en the details of the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony to be held at the Forest Parl< Community College on '" ctober 1 1 , 1965 at 11:00 a . m . This • n SB ffllffL H v H marks the first permanent construction w i t h i n The Junior College District. H some of the various members from labor, business, industry, government, education and H the lay citizenry who would be present for this occasion. H He mentioned Dr. Cosand also brought to the Board's attention that Hems should be gathered ro for placement into the copper box for the Cornerstone.. Various suggestions were g i v e n . H 4.2 Bid Opening for FPCC H Vice President Robertson reported that pro-bidders conferences hed been held jfl regarding the bid opening for the buildings to be constructed at the Forest Park campus. H A t the request of a l l concerned - architects, prospective bidders, and the JCD staff - it M was decided to postpone the bid opening from September 28 to October 14. H MB is complex and d i f f i c u l t to b i d . The project In a d d i t i o n , the architect has presented the JCD with §1 a revised estimate of costs for the buildings, which is considerably higher than previous H estimates. H from the contract awarded to reduce the price to a feasible amount. M figure can be reached close to that originally planned, without changing the basic scope is of the project. ffl discussed. 1 5 - Certain items have been mede deductives in order that they might be deleted It is hoped that a A possible change in the completion date of the buildings was also BUSINESS A N D FINANCE la 5.1 H The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the approval oF the 9m m 1 Student A c t i v i t y Budgets l h r e e student a c t i v i t i e s budgets w h i c h have b e e n set up a t the i n d i v i d u a l campuses. SB? Those are a direct result of the $5.00 fee which has been charged for f u l l - t i m e students 9/27/65 - 12 - H as a Student A c t i v i t y Fee. Since this is the first budget of this k i n d , they have- all been H set up in round Bj upon Board approval. H figures. If required, transfers can be mode from one area to another A general discussion followed. H Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glaser, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was H RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District approve M H II the Student A c t i v i t y 3udgots in the form submitted by the campuses of the District for the uses and purposes set out in the Budgets attached to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein. H • M FURTHER RESOLVED, That all sums set forth i n said Budgets are hereby deemed appropriated for the uses and purposes therein set out, in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Board. 9 H -^ |lP FURTHER RESv. LVED, That scid Student A c t i v i t y Budget is hereby dec-mod to be an addition to the over-cll budget of the District, and an amendment H 5.2 Contract between the JCD and the C i t y of Xirkwood J9J The President of the College recommended the approval of a confrccr between • The Junior College District and the Electrical Department of the City of Kirkwcod for SB i n s t a l l a t i o n and o p e r a t i o n of t w o mercury vapor dusk t o d a w n fixtures for the Mcrcv.iec j3| f a c u l t y p a r k i n g l o t . Dr. Cosand p o i n t e d o u t t h a t due t o the temporary nature of ' h e 9| p a r k i n g on this end o f the campus and the f a c t that h i g h i n t e n s i t y lights are not r e q u i r e d , M the Kirkwood dusk to dawn proposal is the most economical under the circumstances. 9 A general discussion f o l l o w e d . • 9 H 1 Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glaser, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of e l l members of the Board, i t was jfo BBB RESCLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, enter into a contract with the City 9/27/65 - 13 - 9 • 9 M of Kirkwood, r/iissouri, for the installation and operation of two mercury vapor dusk to dawn fixtures for the iV.eramec faculty parking l o t , at a cost of $11.23 per month. I H H FURTHER RESC LVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the District. I °' H STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Dr. Cosand called upon the Ccmpus Directors to report on campus enrollments H and their impact upon the educational program. 9 Dr. Clark, Campus Director of the iViercmec campus, reported an o v e r - a l l • enrollment of 2,140 students, with approximately 65 percent in the day program and 35 • percent in trie evening program - with an avercge of about 10.3 credit houis per student. M ]B|\ The f a l l of 1964 enrollment at ,' icromec v/as 1,618. H Dr. Richard C . Richardson, Dean of Instruction at the Forest Park car.ipus- 9 reported thct the latest count at Forest Park was 2 , 2 1 4 9 figure might ultimately be slightly higher. • of the 42 nursing students, are in the evening program. 9 enrollments in the community service and technical programs have increased considerably 9 which was a very encouraging sign to staff members. 9 students, but stated that this A l l Forest Park students, with the exception Dr. Richardson said that Dr. Libby, Campus Director of the Florissant V a l l e y campus, reported a total 9 enrollment of 2,540 students, compared to 1,634 last f a l l , with an average load in 9 excess of 10 credit hours per student. 9 t i m e , with en even ratio of day and evening students. 1,500 of these are f u l l - t i m e students; 1,040 parr- 9 dfe 9 ^" 1 9/27/65 - 14 - I V 7. C O M M U N I T Y SERVICES Mrs. Dolores Tygard said that the Community Seivluos Oopartmont hac hpon in charge of the invitations for the Cornerstone Laying Ceremony which has taken most of »hc time i n the last two weeks. However, work is continuing on the exhibits to be placed i n a downtown stock brockers svindow, the Greyhound Bus Depot, and the a i r p o r t . 8. NEW BUSINESS M r . Morris Glaser raised the question of the identity of the District, and the tfffjplpj necessity for always emphasizing the fact that The Junior College District of 5 t . Louis HBHS is made up of three campuses. M r . Ruffin commented on the e x c e l l e n t Student Handbook which was published 9RMH •^?5^i| i ?-*l «P? by the Florissant V a l l e y staff. Dr. Cosand mentioned that similar publications have been published by the other two campuses, and copies would be made available to the Board M r . Robertson brought to the attention of the Board the $50.00 donation to the JM^BBPI jJJHBJi JCD Scholarship Fund by Dr. Cosand. This money had been received by Dr. Cosand as BflH an honorarium from the Pattonville School District. jjSJpSfflj w B The Board unanimously accepted the donation w i t h thanks to Dr. Cosand. ADJOURNMENT 9# ^**^ra« Board President Bastian asked i f there were any further business to come before the S$SHHH Board. There was n o t , and upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and •JMgJH w i t h the unanimous vote of the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p . m . SHBH "'3111 11 1 ' "'"^Sfii '?^ 1~1: l1 Respectfully submitted, Dolores B. Tygarcl ! ) 10 ^' Socrotary, St. Louis, J u n ' 0 1 ' St. Col Board logo Louis of District Trustees C o u n t / ,ofMissouri 9/27/65 -™»™miMiiHiii8Mil»M»ww^^ H ~^^^^m,mwMMmM\uw iw^*.^-^'^ Advisory Ccrnmittee Mombers - September 1 , 1965 through August 3 0 , 1966 A l l i e d M e d i c a l Professions Advisory Committee Mir. Donald A c r e e , Chief - Personnel D i v i s i o n , Veterans Administration Hospital * D r . Armand E. Brodeur, Associate Professor of Radiology M e d i c a l Director to the School of Radiological Technology St. Louis University M e d i c a l Center M r . David G e o , Executive d i r e c t o r - Jewish Hospital * D r . John Forbes, Executive- Director - Higher Education Coordinating Council of . /j@k n^ iViotropolitan St„ Louis *Sister Mary G e r a l d i n c , Chairman - Division o f Nursing - S t . Louis U n i v . Medical CentoDr. C . Hov/e Eller, Commissioner o f H e a l t h , St. Louis County Mrs. Dorothy Hagodcrn, Assistant Administrator, St. Louis County Hospital Dr. John Headrick, Practicing Physician Sister Mary Isidore, R. S . N . , Administrator, St. John's fv'iercy Hospital iVir. G e r a l d J . M a l l o y , Executive Director - Hospital Association of Metropolitan St, Louis j'.'ir. Harry Panhorst, D i r e c t o r , Barnes /Viedical Center Dr. W i l l i a m Piatt, Chief Pathologist, Missouri Baptist Hospital M r . Charles C , Robe, President - St. Louis College of Phormacy Reverend Carl Rascho, Administrator - Deaconess Hospital Dr. Wayne S i m r i ! , Assistant C l i n i c a l Professor of Rodiology - Washington University School of Medicine M r , John Warner, Director - Firmin Deslcge Hospital o f St. Louis * D r . A l b e r t F. Wesson, Chairman o f Sociology and Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Washington University * D r . Joseph R. W i l l i a m s o n , Assistant Professor of Pathology Washington University School of M e d i c i n e Commercial A r t Advisory Committee Miss L i l l i a n Brune, Head of Planning and Design D e p t . , Concordia Publishing House M r . Joseph J . D e t t l i n g , V i c e President and Creative Group Supervisor, Gardner A d v . M r . M i l t o n M i l d , Sales Manager - Southwestern Division - Western Printing on:! Lithographing Company Mrs. Joan V a n DeErvo, Publicity Director, Famous-Barr Company * M r , Bud Holtzman, President, Advertising Directors Data Procossing Advisory Committee M r . Elbert E. Baesloy, Manager, Electronic Operations Deportment, General American Life Insurance Company • M r . Eugene A . Haossig, M.anager, Data Processing I perations, Brown Shoe Company iV.r. Raymond K i r k e n d a l l , Industrial Representative, International Business Machines Coro. * Denotes new members to tho committee - 1- u^ | i j « < m r f l « W r » f c . ^ l l ^ * T i i r ^ » ^ i - M ^ i * l « I'll • l T M ' M J ^ » t f * - * i a i » « ^ i « ^ ^ * f ^ l T > ^ ^ 9 €& 9 v^ 9 9 9 9 9 M H 9 • Data Processing Advisory Committee c o n ! . M r . Quong Leong, Data Processing Director, Biederman's Furniture Company M r . Samuel L. C . Moses, Director of C e r t i f i c a t i o n and Education, Data Procesfing Management Association M r . Donald Mengerscn, Consultant, McDonnell Automation Center :•>, All en G . Renz. Executive Vice-President, Compumatix, I n c . * M r . Stanley G d e h n a l , Mianager, Procedure Services, Anneuser-Busch, Inc. * M r , James B. Barker, Manager, Data Processing Cperations, Wagner Electric Company * M r . Charles T. Koester, Systems Analyst, Systems Department, /Viallinckrodt Chemical 9 Works 9 * M r . David D o e t z e l , Development Analyst, Methods Department, /v'nU'nckrod'r 9 Chemical VV'crks • Dental Assistant Advisory Committee 9 9 9 M 9 9 9 9 ffl 9 9 9 9 9 Dr. Paul A . Ebeling, General Practitioner - Member State Board of Dental ExarAtrer:, Past President St. Louis Dental Society Dr. J . Paul G u i d r y , Chairman of the Advisory Committee; F e l l o w , American College of Dentristry Dr. C a l v i n C . Lee, President, Mound C i t y Dental Society - 1964-65 Margery !.. Plank, C e r t i f i e d Dental Assistant; ..'somber, Board of Directors, Sr. Louis Dcntcl Assistants Society Dr. John J , P u r c e l l , Former President, Greater St. Louis Dental Society Dr. M i l t o n M „ V e d a , Orthodontist Dr. John W e l t y , General Practitioner, Washington University *i"v\ayer L M e h l e r , D, D „ S . - G e n e r a l Practitioner * E. J . Hempstead, D. D. S„ - Second V i c e President of Greater St. Louis Dental Society * D r . Samuel E. G u y e r , Washington University Dental Faculty * Dr. W . N e a l N e w t o n , Washington University Dental Fcculty HH* ^^ 9 Fire Protection Technology Advisory Committee 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 H 9 9 9 9 Mir. John Barman, Missouri Inspection Bureau M r . Douglas N . Bindbeutel, Director of Fire Department, C i t y of Ferguson Fire Chief Hugh Brandriff, Berkeley Fire Department Captain Elmer Brohammer, C i t y Fire Department Fire Captain Earl R„ D i c k , Berkeley Fire Department Deputy C h i e f Thomas L. G o d f r e y , C i t y Hall Chief W i l l i a m J . Kramer, Crestwood Fire Department Battalion Chief Arthur C , Newman, City Fire Department A c t i n g Fire C h i e f Robert O l s o n , Jr. - C i t y Hall Fire Chief W i l l i a m Thompson, Kirkwood Fire Department Chief W i l l i a m Trantina, Fire Marshall's O f f i c e - C i t y Chief James E. Turner, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . E l l i o t t Scearce, Director of Personnel, M u n i c i p a l Courts - C i t y Batttillion Chief Harold W e r t i c h , C i t y Fire Department |||| ^ ^ B W9& M ^®* Fire Protection Technology Advisory Comm;tl-oe conv. — B H M * C h i e f Fred H. Entriken, J r . , Deputy Fire C h i e f , Wcbiter Groves Fire Department * C h i e f James E. Holdinghaus, Chief Fire Inspector, Fire Marshall's O f f i c e - County * M r . Jack M a n n i n g , C i t y Fire Department, Supt. of Automotive Equipment B H o t e l , M o t e l and Restaurant Cperations Advisory Committee M B H H H H H M 9 • fl M B M r . Joseph S. Brown, Secretary-Treasurer, Cook's and Pastry Cook's Mrs. M i n a F. Evans, Golden Fried Chicken Loaf M r . W i l l i a m Ford, Ford Hotel Supply Company Mir. Earl Gates, Executive V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , Servco Equipment Company M r . Davis R. Page, Director, Division of Foods, Board of Education Norman K. Probstein, Manager, Bel A i r M o t e l - East M r . Arthur B. Schneithorst, J r . , President, Schneithorst Restaurant M r . L. E. Schoenbrunn, General Manager, Chase-Park Plaza Hotel M r . W i l l i a m G o r d o n , Foremer Resident Manager, Lennox Hotel * Charles Berg, Vice President, C'Connor Coffee Company * Kenneth Harris, Production Manager, Lakeshiro Sandv/ich Company * Raymond M c G r a t h . Manager, University Club * George K i l l i u s , Executive Chef, Chase-Park Plaza Hotel • Lav/ Enforcement Advisory Committee H M • B B B B B B B B B B B B Colonel Curtis Broshon, Chief of Police, St. Louis C h i e f o f Police Max A . Durbin, C i t y of Kirkwood * Chief of Police James P. Demos, C i t y of University C i t y , President of County Lav/ Enforcement O f f i c i a l s Association M r . Eugene P, Freeman, Legal Department, C i t y of St. Louis Colonel Raymond W. Hensley, Superintendent, St, Louis County Police M r . Mark M . Hennelly, General Counsel, Missouri Pacific Railroud M r . Daniel V . C ' B r i c n , Prosecuting A t t o r n e y , St. Louis County * Chief of Police Esrcn Randolph, C i t y of Ferguson * M r . James A . Roche, J r . , Assistant C i r c u i t A t t o r n e y , C i t y of St. Louis M r . Arthur B. Shepley, J r . , Chief of Ladue Police Department, President, St. Louis Crime Commission M r . V i c t o r G . Strecher, Director, St. Louis Plice Academy * Major Edwin R, Wagner, St. Louis County Police Department * C i r c u i t Judge Noah Weinstein, St. Louis County Juvenile Court I Nursing Advisory Committee fl fl fl H M M fl H ^& * Sister Mary Bonaventure, St. Mary's Hospital Sister A n i t a Louise, St. Joseph Hospital Sister Elise, De Paul Hospital Miss (Catherine Beckman, Lutheran Hospital * Doris Asselmeter, Director of Nursing Education, Children's Hospital i liss M i n n i e G o r e , Director of Nursing, Homer G . Phillips Hospital Mrs. Morton D. May M a r y Q . Townsond, R, N . , Division of Nursing Services, Missouri Pacific Hospital Nursing Advisory Committee c o n t . — Dr. J . Roger Nelson, Staff Physician * ...rs. Mae Hamilton, /Assistant Director, St. Louis University * D r . Frank C . Richards, Staff Physician, Homer G . Phillips Hospital * iV.rs. Freddia Woods, Homer G . Phi Mips Hospital * .'.'irs. Irene G a l v i n , Head K'urse, St. Joseph Hospital * Sister V i c t o r , Incarnate Word * .-.'.rs. Ruby ivkishenick, Washington University School of Nursing * i'.'irs. Irene Cummings, Head Nurse, r.'iissouri Pacific - Park and Recreation .' .anagerment Advisory Committee \ '. « i ~. ...r. Don Clcr!<, Cptimist International, Director ov Service ;.'.r. James HeaJh, Commissioner of Recreation, C i t y of St. Lcuis . '.r. Wayne C . Kennedy, Commissioner of Parks C; Recreation, St. Louis County \r. Louis K i t t l a u s , St. Louis Board of Education, Director of Physical Education 2< A t h . :, . irs. Davis C u e l l e t , Past President, Clayton Park Board .' .r. Vernon Schertel. Moborhood Link News ...r, Bertram W . Trernaync, J r . , Tremayne, Joaquin, Lay <••: Ccrr, Attorneys .' '.rs. Frank E. G i l b e r t , Chairman, Physical Education Deportment, Fontbonnc College . ' . > . C . C . Johnson Spink, Sporting News Publishing Company * Mrs. Permelia Dunn, Recreation Director, C i t y of Kirkwood Retailing Advisory Committee i'.'.r, Fred Bastman, Personnel D i v i s i o n , Famous-Carr .' \r. W i l l i a m Bedell, Personnel D i v i s i o n , S t i x , 3aer c. Fuller ' r. Edward S. Dawkins, Sales D i v i s i o n , Freund Oakery i'/.r. Truman Easloy, .'.'.onager, Woolworth's ;'/;r. Ed Lammert, President, Ferguson Department Store * r.'.r, Lawrence E. . . . a l l i n c k r o d t , President, Vcndervoort's * i '.r. Louis G u t m a n , Superintendent, Customer Service, Garland's iv'.iss Alma Roitz, Personnel D i v i s i o n , Sears, Roebuck Q. Compcny V.r. W . H . Semsrott, President.. Associated Retailers of St. wouis * ,V.r. W i l l i a m K e l l e r , Personnel Director, Boyd's * .Vir. Philip Schaefcr, V i c o President, Bicderman Furniture Company " = - j M * denotes new members Jo the committees - 4 - gj MERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGE I h STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUDGET li 1965- 1966 I -Income: £ | . I Student Activity Fees $ 13,600.00 Expenditures: • • Inframurals Nev/spaper Student Council Dramatics Music Lecture Series . Motion Picture Publications Equipment Contingency Fund •$ .. $ 1,275.00 3,540.00 3,615.00 1,500.00 610.00 600.00 344.00 750.00 360.00 1,006.00 13,600.00 I . FLORISSANT'VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE i t ! . STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUDGET j • 1965- 1966 i ' Income; /p") Student Activities Fees 1700 students @ $5.00 - .Fall Semester $ 15,500.00 1400 students @ $5.00 - Spring Semester Expenditures: Student Handbook Inrramurals Newspaper (North Star) Concert Series Dram ° Student Government Contingency Fund $ ' 1,200.00 3,000.00 2,800.00 1,000.00 . 1,000.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 $ 15,500.00 CTI ^ FOREST PARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE B • i ( B H |11B| STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUDGET I Student Activities Fees • 990 students @ S5.CO-2 semesters I $ 9,900.00. I ^mmn Student Government 1,100.00 S ?j$$jljffla i'^SSB. Music Programs Cultural Committee 100.00 ] 200.00 H M WiSt Contingency Fund ^OO.'oO - B H PRIVATE STREET AND OUTDOOR ARFA LIGHTING AGREEuEI-7 m, Sj •I THIS AGREviENT made and entered into this 1st day of Octot-sr , 1965 by and between the Electrical Department of the City of Kirkwocc, Missouri, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter sometimes referred to as Electrical Department, 9| and Meramec Community Junior College, 7508 Forsythe, St» Louis, Mo. gr (Name) Hi (Mailing address for billing) 1. Electrical Department will install, supply and maintain cr. property Junior College Campus, 9$9 S. Geyer, Kirkwood, Mo. |i; located at JH m !8 II |9 £| Wt M H R M automatically controlled lighting fixtures in accordance with the prr/isions of subparagraph 9 of Section 2lj.02 of Ordinance No. 6522, the City of Kir.-cwood, providing for the installation, supplying and maintaining of private street and outdoor area lighting fixtures. Said Ordinance provides for the installation of fixtures on upsweep brackets attached to distribution type wood poles maintained by the Electrical Department requiring 120 volt overhead electric current. All additional facilities required, and hereinafter agreed to be provided by the Electric Department to Customer, shall be subject to additional charges as hereinafter set forth. Customer agrees to pay for such service in accordance with all rules and regulations governing the payment for services rendered by tae Electrical Department, as set forth in Chapter 2b of Ordinance No. h£22 of the City of Kirk- H| |i j|| B 2. The number, type and size of fixtures, the additional facilities, if any, to be installed hereunder and the monthly rate therefor shall be as follows: Monthly Rate No. Type Lumens Per Unit Mor.tr.Iy Charge B Incandescent 2,£00 $3.25 B Incandescent It,000 53.65 B Incandescent 6,000 $3.9$ B Incandescent 10,000 35.25 Mercury Vapor 6,800 5li-55 B 2 M Mercury Vapor 18/21,000 $ >.1Q 37.35 HI Additional facilities required when fixture is not installed on existing pole and IH connected to an existing 120 volt circuit: B 1 B B 320 "Wood Poles 30 foot $0.85 per pole Wood Poles 35 foot $1.00 per pole Ft. of Secondary Extension .OOii per foot $ .55 1.25 ,. ?;/*£&!& r r T . t t r , ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ * ^ ^ . H Guys and Anchors $ .bO per set ^ W S Shields ySJSpH ^fr*fjjJjfS Monthly charge of 1.25* of the estimated cost °^a n y other additions or rearrangements of •;«" , '^B facilities, if required $ .08 per shield jjggsfa $ Total Monthly Charge j 11.23 •»• 3 P r o ^^^ajsfi ^SSSBm """"'^SSH ^^~jja ^* Electric Department shall install, supply and maintain the following special facilities or additional facilities to Customer for the sum of |j which amount Customer shall pay to the Electric Department before any installation shall be made under this Agreement and for which no refund shall be forthcoming: Special facilities j Sy^^S jgtfMHttl ^* The total monthly charge specified in Paragraph 2 hereof shall be due a n c j payable within ten days from the date of the monthly bill rendered by the Electric Department. IKHHH mBfym£ Mujwf ^^HEI \jraB9 *r" A ™ ? 3 .^a^Q^aSfSf '•-•tVjS'* '-*$&M i^JfjSKa JMBfl lffiffi|3j3j) dUj£9H SSgKffig •tHH 5. All facilities installed by the Electric Department in the performance of this agreement shall at all times remain the sole property of the Electric Department of the City of Kirkwood and Customer does hereby grant to the Electric Deprtment and to the City of Kirkwood the right to enter Customer's premises as necessary' for the installation, maintenance and removal of such facilities. The Electric Department shall have the right to remove such facilities under the same conditions as it i s empowered to discontinue and disconnect electric service for failure to keep and maintain all rules and regulations governing the Electric Department including the nonpayment of bills for services rendered. In the event of the removal of such facilities before the termination of this Agreement for the violation of any such rules and regulations governing the Electric department of the City of Kirkwood, Customer still agrees t o pay the monthly charges for each and e v e r y month remaining under the term of this Agreement. Customer must pay all delinquent bills and the full cost of the reinstallation of any such facilities before any reinstallation will be made. '•j^jaajtj ^jgjgggf -ff^iffll T ^ l 6. This Agreement shall continue in effect for a n initial period of 1 year from and after the first day that lighting service is supplied h e r e under and thereafter shall terminate by the giving of 3 0 days notice in writing by either party to the other. £§^$11 •V" "$!&&& jjyjjjj|i&ffl !••' WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate as of the day and year first above written. __ _ Meramec Community Junior College District •_JSS?9 f^nffiSH |H *ti«iB| / . 5/?,,,-/. • A /-.-•/'-''-- (A//r( ]T:(:r L~^ ->n Campus, 9 5 9 ^ Geyer, -Kirkwood, Mo. By M ^ i ^ X >, /rS« . (.,.< , T i t l e President, Board of Trustees