C F THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT O F ST, LOUIS - ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI M O N D A Y , JULY 12, 1965 - 8:00 P . M . MINUTES A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louts County, Missouri, was held on M o n d a y , J u l y 12, 1965 at the Central O f f i c e of the District, 7508 Forsyth B l v d . , St. Louis, Missouri I. GENERAL F U N C T I O N S 1.2 Roll C a l l The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian, c a l l e d the meeting to order at 8:00 p . m . The following members were present: M r s . Joseph C . Bastion Messrs. Morris Glaser Lester C . G e i l Joseph G . Stewart Gerald V . Williamson Board Member G u y S. Ruffin was out of town on v a c a t i o n , and asked to be excused. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; M r . John Robertson, Vice President; Dr. G l y n n E. C l a r k , Campus Director; M r . Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; M r s . Mary Jane Calais, Treasurer; and M r s . Dolores B. Tygard, Community Relations - a l l of the Junior College District staff. M r . Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the D i s t r i c t , was also present. - 4 I - 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastian asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of June 28, 1965. They were read and discussed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular meeting of June 28, 1965, were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Baslian welcomed Mr. Taylor Pensoneau - a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Mr. Nick Del Calzo - a reporter from the St. Louis GlobeDemocrat; and Messrs. Wes Lauter, Ray Pummill, and Art Tanner, from the firm of H. A . Dai ley, Inc. 1.7 Treasurer's Report Board President Bastian called upon the Treasurer, Mrs. Calais, to present the Treasurer's Report for the month ending June 30, 1965. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Treasurer's Report was approved as submitted, and is attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Administrative Personnel - Reclassification In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of all 7/12/65 - 2 - members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the classification of the following administrative personnel be changed as indicated: M r . Paul Connole - From: Coordinator - Student Personnel To: 2.2 Assistant to the President, Step 3 - Effective 7 / 1 / 6 5 Certificated Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and ^ upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was s ^ RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed i n the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Miss Elizabeth Halpin - Counselor - FPCC - Instructor A - III—7 - Eff. 9 / 1 3 / 6 5 M r . James A . McDonald - Instructor - Bus. Adrrin. - FVCC - I V - 4 - Eff. 9 / 1 3 / 6 5 m ^ Mrs. Mary Barnes - Instructor - Philosophy - FVCC - IV-2 - Effective 9 / 1 3 / 6 5 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above f u l l - t i m e certificated employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d with the records of the District. = 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Resignations In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of all 1 ^ members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the resignations of the following certificated personnel be accepted by the Board of Trustees: 1 Dr. Paul Eisner FVCC - M r . George A . Turner FVCC ! 7/12/65 - 3 - ; ^ The President also noted the following resignations: ^ Mr. Thomas Clapp 2 2.4 4 In accordance with President Ccsand's recommendation, cfter due discussion, and j (on June 28 agenda) Classified Personnel on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was i RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be er^loyed by the j District in the classification and at the salary indicated: ' Mrs. Kay M . Sandt - Typist-transcriber - FPCC - 8 - A - Effective 8/1/65 . i Mrs. Shirley Kellermann - Typist-transcriber - FPCC - 8-A - Effective 7/13/65 r Mrs. Vivian R. Long - Clerk-typist - Instructional Resources - 7-A - Eff. 7/13/65 - 2.5 f * 1 Classified Personnel - Reclassification In accordance v/ith President Cosand's recommendation, cfter due discussion, r r and on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was ^ RESOLVED, That the classification of the following classified personnel be ~ changed as indicated: ± Mrs. Juanita Novak - Central Office - from 12D to 13 D - Effective 7/1/65 ; = 5. , '-_ : BUSINESS AND FINANCE = 5.1 * Warrant-Check Register The Vice President of the College, Mr. Robertson, presented the Warrant-Check = Register for the month ending June 30, 1965. The expenditures for this period, as i listod in the above-mentioned Warrant-Check Register are as listed in the addendum \ 4 ~ to these Minutes. 7/12/65 - 4 - [ '' r A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glaser, seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board who were present, the Board ratified and approved the payment of a l ! expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant-Check Reyisler, for the month o f June, 1965. 5.2 ; Approval of contracts to provide Nursing f a c i l i t i e s . The President of the College recommended the approval of the following contracts \ to provide f a c i l i t i e s for the Nursing Programs on the Forest Park and Meramec campuses. Dr. Cosand pointed out that a considerable increase in enrollment in the nursing program = is expected for the f a l l semester, which makes i t necessary to use more hospitals. - factor making i t necessary is the need for various kinds of t r a i n i n g . ^ A general discussion followed. ? Another F Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, ^ seconded by M r . Stewart, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who v/ere ; present, i t was 2 RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of = = ~ ' St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, enter i n t o a contract w i t h the following hospitals to provide facilities for the Nursing Programs at Meramec Community College and Forest Park Community C o l l e g e , in the form of the contract attached to these M i n u t e s , and by reference incorporated herein: ; St. Louis State Hospital Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board o f Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri authorize the renewal of contracts w i t h the following hospitals w h i c h have i n the past provided, and w i l l continue to provide for the forthcoming year, facilities for the nursing progrcms of the District, said contracts having been renewed by letter agreement i n accordance w i t h the letters attached to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein: •i ^ =i © 7/12/65 - 5 - _. • H| H H H St. Joseph Hospitc! Jev/ish Hospital St. Louis Little Rock Hospitals, Inc. (Missouri Pacific Hospital) St. Louis County Hospital H H ma FURTHER RESOLVED, Tbct the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is auth->.ized and directed to execute a l l such c-ntracrs, letters, and other documents necessary to put a l l of said contracts into f u l l force. M H H II S jH FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Vice President of the District investigate the l i a b i l i t y exposure and the p r a c t i c a l i t y of insurance coverage on all of the foregoing contracts with respect to the contractual obligations incurred to repair and replace damaged equipment, and report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting concerning his recommendations or actions. B 5.3 H| The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid from H. A . Acceptance of bid for construction of foundations - First phase- FPCC jjg D a i l e y , Inc. and av/arding of an order for the construction of the foundations in the jH first phase of the Forest Park Community College campus. Hi reported that bids had been received and opened on Wednesday, July 7 t h , with eleven 9 contractors submitting bids for the project. H low bid of $224,500.00. HI A general discussion followed. V i c e President Robertson The firm of H . A . D a i l e y , Inc. made the Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by IB M r . Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of the members of the Board who were n present, i t was B RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of H 9 9 9 St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri accept the bid of H» A . D a i l e y , Inc. and award an order for the construction of the foundations in the first phase of the Forest Park Ccrnmunity College campus, i n the total amount of $224,500.00. H 7/12/65 - 6 - r H FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized and d i r e c t e d , on behalf of the District, to enter info a contract with H. A . D a i l e y , Inc. for site clearing and construction of foundations, said contract to be Forest Park Community College Contract 6 5 - 1 , and i n the form attached to these Minutes and by reference incorporated herein. 5.4 Acceptance of bid for additions to and alterations of temporary buildings - FVCC 1 fl • B B B Eg B The President o f the College recommended the acceptance of a b i d and awarding B B of an order for the additions to and alterations of the temporary buildings on the g m Florissant V a l l e y Community College campus. V i c e President Robertson explained that B H bids for this project had been received and opened on Thursday, July 8 t h , and four B companies had submitted bids. He also explained that the bid included a base bid for an B Bj addition to the Student Services b u i l d i n g ; alternate ^1 to provide for a covered deck area g II adjacent to the addition; alternate ^2 to provide fcr a Iterations in a number of existing B Jm buildings; and alternate ^3 for air conditioning the addition to the Student Services B H building. H higher than anticipated by the staff, or estimated by the office of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer n and Partners, Architects. M I M r . Robertson reported that the bids which had been received were considerably A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded |l by M r . Glaser, and w i t h the unanimous aye vote of the members of the Board who were 9 present (being more than two-thirds of a l l members of the Board), i t was B IS RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of E H n H M St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri reject the bids received on the base b i d , alternate ^1 and alternate ^ 3 , and accept the bid and authorize the the construction amount ofby$4,786.CO. E. Buddemeyer Construction Company for alternate ^2 for II H B 1 M j§ H FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the District to enter into such contracts w i t h E. Buddemeyer Construction Company for construction of alternate ^2 on the terms of the bid plans and specifications. 9 H S m 11 FURTHER RESOLVED, That i f E. Buddemeyer Construction Company does not agree to perfoi..-. .said w o r k , the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the V i c e President, John C , Robertson, to make other arrangements immediately by emergency bids, or otherwise, for the work contemplated under said alternate ^ 2 , not to e x c e e d , however, the total price of $ 5 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 , 1 I FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bids on the base b i d , alternate * 1 and a l t e r nate ^3 be reviewed by the staff of the Junior College District as to costs and requirements, and be resubmitted for bidding on an emergency basis in accordance w i t h paragrcph 7 . 9 of the Policies and Procedures Manual dealing w i t h Emergency Advertisements, as follows: Advertisements on three consecutive days w i t h ten days between the final advertisement and the opening of bids for possible awarding ^•^ 5.5 of any contract. Acceptance of bid for the additions to and alterations of temporary buildings - M C C The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid and av/arding of an order to Spencer L. Dickinson i n the amount of $39,532.00 for the additions to and alterations of the temporary buildings on the Meramec Community College campus. Vice 7 v/ho bids seconded lower President / 1 2 /were received 6figure 5 A by Robertson general present, M than from r . Glaser, adiscussion ifour ntpointed t iwas cip companies. aand t eout df o . with l l that o w ethe dbids He .- unanimous Whereupon, further had 8 - been pointed aye opened onvote out motion on of that Monday, the by the members Mbids r . Williamson, July were of 12th, the at aBoard w slightly ith . fl 9 H H 3 B RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis C o u n t / , Missouri accept the bid and award the work for the construction of additions and alterations to the temporary buildings on the Meramec Community College campus to Spencer L. D i c k i n s o n , Builder, for the low b i d of $ 3 9 , 5 3 2 . 0 0 , contingent upon f i n a l c e r t i n c a t i o n by the staff of the District as to the financial responsibility of the b u i l d e r . H M H B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate contract for the construction of said additions, i n accordance with the plans and specifications, which said contract is attached to these Minutes, and hereby made a part thereof. 8 5,6 m The President of the College recommended the acceptance of Federal funds i n the Nursing Student Loan Fund • amount of $ 2 , 5 5 6 . 3 4 for use as a Nursing Student Lean Fund. M Federal funds is made by the Department of H e a l t h , Education and Welfare and Public H Health Service. H funds of the District an amount equal to one-ninth (1/9) of the total Federal c o n t r i b u t i o n , 5 or $ 2 8 4 . 0 4 , as the share of the Junior College District i n the Loan Fund. H B B This appropriation of Dr. Cosand also recommended that the Board of Trustees a l l o c a t e from A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was B H H M RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri accept the Federal funds i n the amount of $ 2 , 5 5 6 . 3 4 , appropriated by the Department o f H e a l t h , Education and Welfare and Public Health Services for use as a Nursfng Student Loan Fund. B M B m S FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees allocate from funds of the District an amount equal to one-ninth (1/9) of the total Federal c o n t r i b u t i o n , or $284.04, as the share of the Junior College District in the Loan Fund, said funds to be transferred from the President's G r o w t h Fund. 9 M m js FURTHER RESOLVED, That the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1,1965 be and hereby is amended accordingly, and the funds hereby a l l o c a t e d by the District to the Nursing Student Loan Fund are hereby deemed appropriated for the uses and purposes herein above set o u t . 9 7/12/65 - 9 - I I " " ' " I^^UJU.1* --^L^.-^-II, .1 • 5.7 r i ... i n i i i i a i i t n l i n r ' "n ] •— " • - • .-. , Acceptance o f bid from Graham Paper Company The President o f the College recommended the acceptance o f a b i d and awarding of an order t o Graham Paper Company for the paper requirements for the fist al year ending June 3 0 , l > 6 u , i n the vxr.ount o f $ 6 , 9 9 3 . 5 0 . V i c e President Ro'aeits. n pointed out that requests for quotations had been sen* t o 12 companies; however, only three o f these companies had met the specifications. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Glaser, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board o f Trustees o f The j u n i o r College District o f St. Louis, S t . Louis County, Missouri, accept the b i d o f Graham Paper Company and authorize the purchase o f paper needed for the fiscal year ending June 2 0 , 1966 i n the amount of $ 6 , 9 9 3 . 5 0 . 5.8 Ratification of Purchases The President o f the College recommended r a t i f i c a t i o n of the following purchases made under the Missouri Vocational A c t of 1963, on a dollar for d o l l a r matching grant basis. Dr. Cosand explained that i t was necessary to make these purchases prior t o June 30th i n order t o meet the requirements o f the Missouri Vocational A c t o f 1963. A. Harris Hanson Company The Florissant V a l l e y Engineering Department had requested the purchase of one model 321 Sandborn Portable tv/o-channel Recorder t o be used w i t h other equipment t o 7 record specifications. / 1 2 / 6 5various testing results. O n l y one - 10supplier i n the area was able t o meet the I A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on moHon by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members o f the Board w h o were present, i t RESOLVED, T!.2* the Board of Trustees of The Junior O ' l e g e District of St. Louis - St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri r a t i f y and approve the purchase o f one model 321 Sandborn Portable two-channel Recorder, for use at the Florissant V a l l e y campus, from Harris Hanson Company for a total expenditure M W of $ 1 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 . j|Sga B. JUl Prior to the selection of d i c t a t i n g equipment for instructional purposes in teaching Dictaphone Corporation [ B basic transcribing courses, plus additional courses i n shorthand, a meeting was held w i t h Hfl| representatives from the Forest Park and Meramec campuses, along w i t h representatives |||i ^ K o f various corporations, t o enable the representatives from the corporations to demonstrate fsBm and explain their particular product- Sum Dictaphone Company offered f a c i l i t i e s of teaching transcribing methods for various ran c u r r i c u l u m , as w e l l as f a c i l i t i e s for testing the material at each prescribed p e r i o d , and H the awarding of a c e r t i f i c a t e to the students who completed this course. fflffi A general discussion f o l l o w e d . V i c e President Robertson pointed out that the Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , H » seconded by M r . Stev/art, and w i t h the aye vote of all menb ers of the Board who were jffijj^ present, i t was j»l|| RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District H H g ^ flHj B^j H r a t i f y and approve the purchase of 8 units of transcribing equipment for the Meramec campus i n the amount of $ 3 , 1 7 6 . 0 0 ; and 19 transcribing units for the Forest Park campus, plus one combination model for $ 4 7 5 . 0 0 ; in of the $ 1 1amount , 1 9 4 . 0 0of . $ 8 , 0 1 8 . 0 0 - for a total expenditure for the two campuses 5.9 Approval of Supplemental Agreement - Harry Weese and Associates The President of the College recommended the approval of a Supplemental A g r e e ment to the Agreement for architectural services w i t h Harry Weese and Associates. Dr. Cosand pointed cul that this modification merely embodies soi.v_ Sschnical changes t o satisfy HHFA requirements, and does not change the architects and engineering fee required. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Glaser, and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. L o u i s - St. Louis County, Missouri, approve the Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement for architectural services w i t h Harry Weese and Associates i n the form of the Agreement attached to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated h e r e i n . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President o f the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the District. 1 7. ^ C O M M U N I T Y SERVICES 7.1 Radio and TV coverage I 3 I. • - ! • ! . • — • ! • • I . I I I . . n . i — l . . . !•!•• Mrs. Dolores Tygard reported that the news media had given extensive coverage to 1 the Forest Park Highlands site r e c e n t l y . M r . O ' N e i l l had been interviewed regarding this project; and the various media had indicated an interest in the ground breaking of J this site. I Registration is another item of considerable interest. 811 applications for the f a l l of 1966 were received at the Meramec Community College campus the first week that =; applications were being accepted, 577 of w h i c h v/ere received on the first d a y . ^ Mrs. Tygard also reported that Dr. G r a h a m , Campus Director of the Forest Park 7/12/65 e - 12 - • campus, had represented the District on " A t Your Service" since the last meeting of the II Board of Trustees. • The JCD Exhibit continues to receive strong coverage as i t moves fr^m location to H location eucl. week. I 8 - NEW BUSINESS 3 8.1 Legislation n Board President Bastian informed the Board that Hiuse Bill 345 was lost in the B Senate due to lack of time. • revenue bonds for certain income producing f a c i l i t i e s . • B This Bill would have permitted junior colleges to issue Mrs. Bastian also reported that House Bill 3 3 9 , which improved the formula for |H^ B State A i d , had passed i n the House and the Senate and was awaiting signature by the Governor. 3 M r s . Bastian also thanked a l l those who had w r i t t e n letters to the legislators t o B aid the legislative program helpful to the cause of junior colleges throughout the State. 1 9. B ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastian asked i f there were any further business to come before the S Board. There was not, and M r . Williamson moved that the meeting be adjourned. B Glaser seconded the m o t i o n , and i t was unanimously adjourned at 9:30 p . m . • I S B B B I Mr. ^Respectfully submitted, (A? G _ £ ^ J L ^ V"' - v J ^ G x ^ ^ - ^ - ^ Dolores B. Tygard ' \ A Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri jjiiBk 7/12/65 - 13 - I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and dated this (" ^ day of July, 1965 by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, a body corporate and subdivision of the State of Missouri (hereinafter called "Junior College") and SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN, (hereinafter called "Hospital"), WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Junior College and Hospital desire to cooperate for t.-.e purpose of engaging in a program for the education of Nursing Students, H NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein- Ig after contained, the parties hereby agree as follows: jgj ^ffi I. Hj The Junior College Agrees: A. To assume full responsibility for planning and |H execution of an educational program in nursing, including pro- 11 cramming, administration, curriculum content, faculty appointments, |g -"acuity administration and the requirements for matriculation, ii promotion and graduation. ma B. To provide qualified instructors for teaching and H supervision of students assigned to the Hospital for clinical H experience. JH C. To be responsible for planning the schecule of B student assignments and for making all individual assignments and jfl to notify the Hospital «| assignments to clinical areas including the d a t e s , number of students nj S| 19 Hj i9 l ^*^ in advance of its planned schedule of student and instructors and type of experience. T h i s schedule will require approval by the H o s p i t a l . other ;ne student reasonable E. D. is unacceptable To To causes. keep w i t h dall r a w records for any reasons student and of reports from health, theonclinical stucencs' performance area or when F. To provide or i enta:' :-, to the educational program for the Hospital staff. G. fl T o assume responsibility for seeing to it that both students and the instructors complv nith all rules and regulations of the Hospital insofar as they ma-, rertain to the activities of both w h i l e in the H o s p i t a l . H. uSjk = ^ fl fl said e q u i p m e n t . |j • I T o make available ;~e clinical areas for student fl giving nursing c a r e . fl T o furnish the Jun';- College with a complete set of all rules and regulations in fo.-:e in the h o s p i t a l , together with == : information can be disseminated to fl C. T o provide a room c -structors and students. other facilities for students and instructors to utilize for c h a n g i n . :o hospital clothes and to allow fl fl the students and instructors, at treir own e x p e n s e , to use the B cafeteria or other eating facilities ,*nile receiving clinical H D. fl T o provide a confo.-e-ce room or rooms for use by the fl Junior College in conjunction with :~e laboratory and clinical B training and e x p e r i e n c e . B 111. Both Parties A g r e e : A. That under no circ_-5cance B is any student or instructor fl or faculty member to be considerec a- agent or employee of the fl H o s p i t a l , but rather will be cons.a-:--ed as a visitor or licensee. W B. - B fl i f B all a m e n d m e n t s , d e l e t i o n s , and r e v ; ons thereof in order that this instruction at H o s p i t a l . ~- s e x p e r i e n c e , including the n e c e s s a r , equipment and supplies for : 4 S breakage to any equipment caused o> student's or instructor's use of B. j fl fl A. ^ B T o reimburse the hcszital for any loss, damage, or I I . Hospi tal A g r e e s : ^ S To instruct studer. *.: ar,<i instructors on the importance of respecting the confI_=-:ia1 nature of all information fl ti& il which may come to thern with regard to patients and Hospital H while the program is being carried on in the Hospital. j|i Bjl records IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have causec this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. B THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF B ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI B President, Board of Trustees H SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN HI Administrator H ATTEST: £1 Secretary '•'{'< L ± -- ^ AGREEMENT ~ THIS AGREEMENT made and dated this / ^" day of July, 1965, by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, a body corporate and subdivision of the State of Missouri (hereinafter called "Junior College") and ST. LOUIS STATE -, HOSPITAL, (hereinafter called "Hospital"), WITNESSETH . - WHEREAS, the Junior College and Hospital desire to cooperate for the purpose of engaging in a program for the education of Nursing Students. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, the parties hereby agree as follows: I. . ^ The Junior College Agrees: A. To assume full responsibility for planning and execution of an educational program in nursing, including programming, administration, curriculum content, faculty appointments, faculty administration and the requirements for matriculation, "" promotion and graduation. ; B. To provide qualified instructors for teaching and ; supervision of students assigned to the Hospital for clinical experience. C. To be responsible for planning the schedule of * student assignments and for making all individual assignments and to notify the Hospital in advance of its planned schedule of student k assignments to clinical areas including the dates, number of students and instructors and type of experience. This schedule will require ? approval by the Hospital. = [). To withdraw any student from the clinical area when the student is unacceptable for reasons of health, performance or - other reasonable - E. clinical ? " ~h causes. To keep a l l experience. records and r e p o r t s on s t u d e n t s ' \_ t ij| ^Sr §H F. To provide orientation to the educations] program for the Hospital staff. 99 G. To assume responsibility for seeing to it that both fi| students and the instructors comply with ail rules and H of the Hospital 9 while in the Hospital. Hj H. regulations insofar as they may pertain to the activities of both To reimburse the hospital for any loss, damage, or S breakage to any equipment causec by student's or instructor's use of |H said equipment. H II. H A. jg H Hospital Agrees: To make available the clinical areas for student experience, including the necessary equipment and supplies for JBK giving nursing care. H B. To furnish the junior College with a complete set of 9 all rules and regulations in force in the Hospital, together v/ith Hj all amendments, deletions, and revisions thereof in order that this JH information can be disseminated to instructors and students. in C. To provide a roo~. or other facilities for students and |H instructors to utilize for changing to Hospital clothes and to allow B the students and instructors, at their own expense, -to—use—the™ H -Ga-f-c-tor-i-a-or— other—eati ng-faci 1 i ties-whi le - receivi ng-cli ni'caT Hj 4nstruct.ion-at~Hospf-raT7 W 0. CK'.\'- '-— 'v-i"' •> -'<'' ^ ' " * To provide a conference room or rooms for use by the H Junior College in conjunction wi;n the laboratory and clinical BB training and experience. §| Hj III. Both Parties Agree: A. That under no circumstance is any student or instructor H or faculty member to be considered an agent or employee of the H Hospital, but rather will be considered as a visitor or licensee. H HB [ B. To instruct stucer.ts and ins:ructors on the importance of respecting the confidential nature of all information ~ ^w^ " which may come to them with regard to patients and Hospital -ecords while the program is being carried on in the Hospital. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused tr.is I Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. I THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, KiSSOURI =s President, Board of Trustees^ • ST. LOUIS STATE HOSPITAL By VJ-\ i--0;^rtiA^ ' [wAdministrator 1' ATTEST: i Secretary 'i , : I /*o£l3o\ lfS//\~J \~~T\{ \y ^ g g ? ( ( ^ ^ ^ ]] /] ^%0fi^^f^^ ^^-——iJ^ T H E J U N I O R C O L L E G E D I S T R I C T O F S T . L O U I S . S T . L O U I S C O U N T Y . M I S S O U R I OISTRICT OrFICE: 7SOB FOR«YTM PLVD. • CLAYT N. MISSOURI 63103 • AREA CODS 314 - PA 6-4888 CAMPUSES: rmousoN. Missoum esus «T. LOUit. MO. m i l KIKKWOOD. MIIIOUKI a i m JA 4-iojo PN i.saso YO t.)4o: - June 22, 1965 « S t . Joseph Hospital o f Ki rkwooc! B 525 Couch B Kirkwood, Missouri B Attention: B Dear Sister Anita Louise: B B B B H H B B The Contract between The Junior College District and St. Joseph Hospital, dated June, 1963, providing for a cooperative program for the education of nursing students is up for renewal. The Junior College District desires to extend the contract for another year, ending June 30, 1966. If St. Joseph Hospital desires to continue the above agreement, please endorse a copy of this letter and return to The Junior College District. A copy of this letter, with your endorsement, will be attached to and B made a part of the original contract. 63122 Sister Anita Louise B . Sincerely yours, i • Q <?. ^Ut^&^ B J. C. Robertson, B Vice President B ACCEPTED BY: B St. Joseph Hospital of Kirkwood I B • - v ^ ^ , x *+~^u Administrator TZZT^^~^ \ Vice r J C D 1 jutaM96S 1 I /j1p9C|o\ If y//\~^< jnk- I ^"/NV I^V-Osl I T H E J U N I O R U I -^vT r\^f~r^-<^\ /F* O F S T . L O U I S . C O L L E G E S T . EUTHICT O F n t i : 7SO» FORIVTM BLVD. • L O U I S D I S T R I C T C O U N T Y . CLAYTON. MISSOURI 83I0B • M I S S O U R I AREA CORE S t A. - PA 0.4888 CAMPUSES N S ^ ^ ^ i - y 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ " ° ° p " * ' , * ' - l - "D. r t n O U S O M MISSOURI «Jt33 J» 4.JOJO 1<«3 CRAVOIB AVCNUE »T. L O O I t . MO e i l l S PR I.B930 I 5 » t o OtVCfl BD KldKWOOO M l s $ O U H I 6 J I J J TO < o < 0 1 June 22, 1965 Jewish Hospital of St. Louis 216 South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri Attention: Mr. David A. Gee Dear Mr. Gee: I The Contract between The Junior College District and Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, dated April 29, 1964, providing for a cooperative program for the education of nursing students is up for renewal. ^g«k ^^P The Junior College District desires to extend the contract for another year, ending June 30, 1966. If Jev/ish Hospital of St. Louis desires to continue the above agreement, please endorse a copy of this letter and return to The Junior College District. A copy of this letter, with your endorsement, will be attached to and made a part of the original contract. Sincerely yours, / ' ' ~ J . C. R o b e r t s o n , Vice P r e s i d e n t / / ACCEP/TED BY: Jev/ish H o s p i t a l Administrator J /: ^^~*~~~7~^^^::'i:'\ o f S^t. L'buis \ ,W»W ' \ I Juno 22, 1965 St. Louis - Little Rock Hospitals, Inc. 1755 South Grand ^-v St. Louis, Missouri S Attention: n H • • ^—-. •ffj) B; J H! Let HV_Jgp M H' x Dear Mr. Mohler: The Contract between The Junior College District and St. Louis Little Rock Hospitals, Inc., dated Juno 8, 1954, providing for a cooperative program for the education of nursing students is up for renewal. The Junior College District desires to extend the contract for another year, ending June 30, 1966. If St. Louis - Little Rock Hospitals, Inc. desiros to continue the above sgreement, please endorse a copy of this letter and return to The Junior College District. M ]—l) 9: | A copy of this letter, with your endorsement, will be attached to and made a part of the original contract. H Mr. Harry Mohlor u Sincerely yours, 9 Y7 M B 9 H J J. C. Robertson, Vice Pros I dent ACCEPTED BY: St. Louis > Llttlo Rock Hospitals, fr.c, Administrator I / * o 3 K o \ U^U\~ fcrTvUtnV fljB; [I j , ^ S ^ ] j ° 1 '^S' A^^?Zf^'\ y^* ^^s6STR\5?^ T H E ° F S T J U N I O R - L O U I S . C O L L E G E S T . DISTRICT OFFICE: 70O8 FORSYTH BLVD. CAMPUSES 34 °° M , S H * L L n D ^ = - — - ^ ^ r t n O U B O N MISSOURI « 3 I J 5 JA 4-20JO • L O U I S D I S T R I C T C O U N T Y . CLAYTON. MISSOURI 83100 3I»» ORAVOIB AVCNUI ST. LOUIS. MO. OJIIB RR I.SSSO • M I S S O U R I AREA CODE 314 - PA 0-4680 fit SO OCYER RD KIRKWOOO. MISSOURI 1 ) 1 1 1 TO 9 . 1 4 0 1 June 2 2 , 1965 S t . Louis County H o s p i t a l 601 South Brentwood H Clayton, Missouri 63105 M Attention: |1 Dear Dr. Lohr: H The Contract between T h e Junior College District and S t . Louis County • 9 Bj Hospital, dated August 10, 1964, providing for a cooperative program for the education of nursing students is up for renewal. The Junior College District desires to extend the contract for another jgl H 11 H g H 5| year, ending June 3 0 , 1966. If St. Louis County Hospital desires to continue the above a g r e e m e n t , please endorse a copy of this letter and return to The Junior College D i s t r i c t . A copy o f this letter, with your e n d o r s e m e n t , will b e attached to and made a part o f the original c o n t r a c t . Sincerely y o u r s , J. C . Robertson, Dr. Curtis H . Lohr H Vice President H ACCEPTED BY: 9 • S t . Lou i s qojjpty H o s p i t a l Administrator CFAr2?3-F (r-62) CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made t h i s t h e _ L 2 i b _ _ d ay of July . 196_5__. by County and'between its (2) Bocrd of Trustees and (^ : : i I (I )The J u n i o r C o l l e g e District of Sr. Louis, S t . Louis/, , hereinafter 1 I called through "Owner" , Xi^xit^KyV9tKh^>tK^^?i><>t«i^i>{^% H . A . Doiley, I n c . KK , sxiiiiuiijiHxxii&px a c o r p o r a t i o n of t h e of S t . Louis of Missouri WITNESSETH: , S,;r^7iZjiAii-2 , hereinafter called T h a t f o r and in c o n s i d e r a t i o n and City State "Contractor". of t h e p a y m e n t s and a g r e e m e n t s = h e r e i n a f t e r m e n t i o n e d , t o be nade and performed by t h e OWNER, t h e CONTKACTCR h e r e b y a g r e e s w i t h t h e OWNER t o commence and complete t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n d e s c r i b e d a s f o l l o w s : Site clearing, excavation and construction of fcjndctions for Forest Park Community College, said v/ork having been designated by Owner os Contract N o . 65-1 and being HH C A Project No. 3-0020. = acting herein , , Iv/oh'jndrea twenty-tour hereinafter called the project, for the £u:, of Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($ 224, 500.00 ) and all extra work i.i connection therewith, under the terns as, stated in the General and Special Conditions of the Contract; and at his (its or their) own proper cost and expense to furbish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said project in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal, the General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions and Special Conditions of the contract, the plans, which include all maps, plats, blue prints, and other drawings a.-d printed or written explanatory natter thereof, the specifications and contract documents therefor as prepared by—Harry Weese & Associates herein entitled the Architect/Engineer, and as enumerated in Paragraph 1 of the Supplemental General Conditions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence a.-.d constitute the contract. The Contractor hereby agrees to coc-once work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed"'of the Owner and to fully complete the projoct within ___Z£__ consec-tive calendar days thereafter. The Contractor further agrees to pay, as li«juid-:ed damages, the sum of $100.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter as hereinafter provided in Paragraph 19 of the General Conditions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRAC'.."?. in current funds for the. performance of the contract, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Conditions of the Contract, and to make payments on account thereof as provided in Paragraph 25. "Payments to Contractor", of the General Conditions, I " f s Previous- Editions Obsolete (Oitr) f I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t h e p a r r i e s tract in s i x (6) c o u n t e r p a r t s , t h e y e a r and day f i r s t above t o t h e s e p r e s e n t s have e x e c u t e d t h : s each of which s h a l l be decrr.ed an o r i g i n a l , conin mentioned. ( S e a l ) The J u n i o r C o l l e g e District of Sf. Lou';, S t . Louis County ATTEST: (Owner) (titntti) H . A . Dailey, | n c . . (Contrac tor) (Seal) /lS<<r,lary) , j,, t ^ pt w ...,_ , 876 Hodiamont A v e . , S t . Louis, Mis-r^r? L (titneiM) (Addrttt) (1) C o r p o r a t e name of Owner. (2) T i t l e of a u t h o r i z e d (3) S t r i k e out i n a p p l i c a b l e official. terras. ___ Contractor is corporation. l i each p e r s o n e x e c u t i n g S e c r e t a r y of t h e Owner s h o u l d a t t e s : . Secretary should a t t e s t . Give p r o p e r t i t l e If of contract. GP. bit -HO I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Wk IS AIA DOCUMENT SEPT. 1963 ED. I I 1 j. | I 'Wjjg - A 1 ft 1 i H • ftlul THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR I I _! WHERE THE DASIS OF PAYMENT IS A S i *j STIPULATED SUM 1 II ||| "| 5; THIS FOKM TO BE USED ONLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF AIA DOCUMENT A201, GENERAL CONDITIONS 07 THE CONTRACT I THIS A G R E E M E N T II made this I BY A N D 12th day of July BE ffl 1 in the year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Five M BETWEEN I fl • II THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO. Address: 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri 63105 hereinafter called the Owner, and B I H B B tm SPENCER L. DICKINSON, BUILDER, 1950 S. Signal Hills, Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 B • || hereinafter called the Contractor, B WITNESSETH, 8 Bj that the Owner and the Contractor for the considerations hereinafter named agree as follows: H M ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF THE WORK H fa [B The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perfunn •*.. or the work shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications entitled: UUTC ir.»trt the cuptiim iir.cn;-..»* uf th< work &• u*«i on otiwr nmin» d«umenu.) H BS B B ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS AT MERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGE 953 South Geyer Road, Kirkwood, Missouri c31022 B n M B prepared by: Smith & Entzeroth Inc. Architects & Planners 630 Pierre Laclede Building, 770! Fcsyth, Clayton, Missouri 63105 > != B H B B acting as and in these Contract Documents entitled the ArchiScc: and shall do everything required by this Agreement, the General Conditions of the Contract, the Specif.; ii-ons and the Drawings. j^ j~ g g| tiM MM OWNKH-vi >TSJ,CTOH A C, It K K M f. N T AIA IHV - ^ SEl'T. It-U El). M jgH £> l\)i'i T i . . • * « ' . ( « Inilitutr •>( Arrlutrcta 1736 Ntw \;*« A»« NW., Wellington. D. O. !.r KOl'H PACES PAGE 1 jp E M Hi ggj m ARTICLE 2. TIME OF COMPLETION wk The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced and completed as follows: j^S l }trrr insert Rtlpulcitinn n * .-.--' to liquiti-..-L*o <UmiiK«*fl. if a n y . ) H Bl |m,~ediately upon receipt of written instructions from the Owner the Contractor shall commence work and shall complete same on or before September 10, I965. fg H gj The Contractor shall be assessed a penalty of $25.00 per day for every working day that the project is not essentially complete after Septe-ber 10, 1965. The Architect shall determine if and when the project is "essentially complete". j|| A R T I C L E 3. THE CONTRACT SUM • The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Contract, subject to additions and deduc- • tions provided therein, in current funds as follows: 8 isuw'here the lump «um amuum. unit 7-K-.T. (.r both. •» ii.-»iroi.i A l u m p - s u m a m o u n t o f THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO DOLLARS • ($39,532.00). m il ra UNIT PRICES: The Contractor agrees to perform more or less *ork as required by the Owner for the following unit prices, said unit prices to include all labor, material, equipment, services, overhead and profit: raj a) H b) Hand excavation, per cubic yard: BH c ) Concrete formwork, per sq. ft. o f contact area: H B " Machine excavation, per cubic yard: d ) Concrete in place, per cubic yard: $ 1.00 $ 9.00 $3.00 $20.00. e ) Reinforcing steel in place, per pound: $0.09 Mm H Where the quantities originally contemplated are so changed that application of the _j;reed unit price to the quantity of work performed is shown to create a hardship to the Owner or the Contractor, there shall be an •S equitable adjustment of the Contract to prevent such hardship. | H OWN Kit - CUNTUACTUIt A C. » f. K M y. S T gSt AIA SKPT. l f i J DOC. A101 hi). H)l!R I'ACKS 1'AGK 2 W$L ARTICLE 4. PROGRESS PAYMENTS . . . ig| The Owner shall make payments on account of the Contract as provided therein, as follows: |i fl HI |H B 11 On or about the t e n t h ( 1 0 t h ) day of each month (S n %) Ninety per cent of the value, based on the Contract prices of labor and materials incorporated in the work and (90%) N i n e t y per cent of materials suitably stored at the site thercc: or at some other location agreed upon in writing by the parties up to the (1st) first day of ; : - : month, as estimated by the Architect, less the aggregate of previous payments; and upon Substantial Completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to N i n e t y - F i v e per cent of the Contract price. Hra ( i n e r t hcrr any provision made for limiting or reducing the amount retained after tlie wort rearhet a certain alafff of completion.) §1 ARTICLE S. ACCEPTANCE AND EINAL PAYMENT H H Final payment shall be due s i x t y (60) da>s after Substantial Completion of the work provided the work be then fully completed and the contract fc-..;. performed. H Hj |H JH jS |H Upon receipt of written notice that the work is reac;- for final inspection and acceptance, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he :.r,ds the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully performed he shall promptly issue a fir.a! certificate, over his own signature, stating that the work provided for in this Contract has been complied and is accepted by him under the terms and cond;!ions thereof, and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, and noted in said final certificate, is due and payable. • S Before issuance of final payment the Contractor sh.;'.; submit evidence satisfactory to the Architect that ail payrolls, material bills, and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid or otherwise satisfied. H j|| H |9 n 1: after the work has been Substantially Completed, :'..!! completion r.o "MUI: of the Cor.;, .^ctor, and the Architect so ccr..::.es, the Owner and without terminating the Contract, make payme:.: of the balance completed and accepted. Such payment shall be rr..idc under tlie payment, except that it shall not constitute a waive: of claims. thereof is materially delayed through shall, upon certificate of the Architect, due for that portion of the work fully terms and conditions governing final |f| iiWNiat-l'liN'rKACTOIt AliKKKMKNT 99 VIA IlOC. AlOl SKl'T. 1-.3 r.U rllt'lt I'AilCS fACK J njmiMiliiT— I I immnwinii •r- M M ——n-mrr- mm IIIMITI ~~~*ULU*U*LJ*****~++J*M*U~N* ARTICLE 6. TIIJ: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ,; i'nrd- , - w • r i 'ti.mnniuMn -I •• f r - -i *in^»»mn 'lll"MI ' * The General Conditions of the Cor.;:;.::, the Supplementary General Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings, together with this Agrc;-ent, form the Contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or herein repeitiC. There follows an enumeration of the Contract Documents: DRAWING No. ^ 8 , e n t i t l e d " A ' c e r a t i o n s & A d d i t i o n s a t Meramec Community C o l l e g e " and d a t e d J_.-e 2 8 , 1 9 6 5 . SPECIFICATIONS f o r A l t e r a t * : . - . s and A d d i t i o n s a t Meramec Community C o l l e g e d a t e d June 25, 1965. . ADDENDUM MO. 1 J u n e 2 9 , I S c f . IN W 1TNESS : f r = WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the clay and year first above written. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT C." 0ltncr ST. B y - ' '' LOUIS - S T . LOUIS C C ' . T Y , ! President, • • • Board •'•:' ofATrustees -- MO. . , _- comraetor SPEGCER L . DICKINSON, By A) . Q^ye ^ ftj OW.NKll-CUN'TKACTOH AIA OOC. ° \ AlCiSecretary/ Si.l"T. A (. 11 KBoard 1W3 K M KY.D. N of T BUILDER TrusfioU vA Kul'll --y^w-/ PACK 1'AfiKS « \ '- M M M SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES B This Agreement, made as of the day of ii 1965, by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, H ST, LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI (hereinafter called the "Owner") and H HARRY WEESE, d/b/a HARRY WEESE & ASSOCIATES, Chicago, Illinois B (Hereinafter called the "Architect"), B WITNESSETH, that whereas the parties hereto desire to B supplement their Agreement for Architectural Services heretofore H entered into as of the 24th day of February, 1964; H| NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises the Agreement H for Architectural Services heretofore entered into as of the B 24th day of February, 1964, is hereby supplemented as follows: B 1. The following sub-paragraphs shall be added to paragraph B 4 "Construction Phase—General Administration of Construction B Contracts" under Item I, "Basic Services of the Architect": B B B B B B B B B B 11 , (e) During any construction phase where all or a portion of the construction cost is being provided by loans or grants from the Federal Government, the Architect agrees: .«Bfo 'Br (i) To submit to Owner a report, once each month, covering the general progress of the construction work in progress and describing any problems or factors contributing to any delays. A copy of said report will also be furnished to the Field Engineer of the Housing and Home Finance Agency associated with the construction. £ I m ' (ii) To participate in inspection of the completed construction, in conjunction with the Field Engineer of the Housing and Hone Finance Agency, and a representative of the- Owner. (iii) To furnish to the Regicr.ai Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency as built drawings and specifications with s-zh final tabulations as may be required by the Housing and Home Finance Agency. ( a j 2. Owner agrees to cooperate with Architect in securing the data necessary to file any additional reports with any Federal or State Agency required by this agreement. 3. The agreement executed as of February 24, 1964 and as supplemented by this agreement, is hereby reaffirmed by the parties. ; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed 1 this Supplemental Agreement the day and year rirst above written. THE JUNIOR COLLEGZ DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY. MISSOURI I £ J I J By President. Board of Trustees Attest; Secretary HARRY -ZESE, d/b/a HARRY vrZESE & ASSOCIATES The Junior College District St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri TREASURER'S REPORT JUNE 30, 1965 Account 1 a I 5 : ~ = ^ =' i i ": Amount Hay 31, 1965 $3,916,695.94 Plus Receipts: Tax Revenue City of St. Louis 901 $ 5,869.16 Tax Revenue St. Louis County 902 4,906.94 Investment Income 920 2,665,08 Auxiliary Services 930 7,750.11 Student Fees: 951 Summer School $22,650.00 Other 824.50 23,474.50 Gifts and Grants 971 72,470.00 Other 6,917.61 Total Receipts $124,053.40 Less correction of redeposit credited to auxiliary services income in May 1 1.30 Total Less Disbursements: Salaries Net Expenses Capital Outlay Aux. Services-Cost of Sales Payroll Taxes and Withholding Tuition Refunds Total Disburse-ents Less adjustment for bad checks Balance June 30, 1965 Balance June 30, 1965 consists of: Petty Cash Funds Cash in Banks: General Account Payroll Account Investments 300 400 500 600 700 : \ £ \ 1 $ \ \ 349,484. i 7 I 50.00 $3,691,103.37 $ $439,703.87 500.00 900.00 440,203.87 3,250,000.00 t $3,691,103.87 i Reconci1 at ion of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant Check Register Total June 30, 1965 Less Cost of Investments made during June June Disbursements 124,042.10 $ 69,570.32 107,029.73 114,835.59 4,254.80 50,595.73 3,198.00 1 = Balance 1 699,263.33 349,779.16 $ 349,484.17 I B • M B M 9 9 9 9 Si 9 9 9 9 9 9 The Junior College District St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF Pur- of Rate chase Purchased Inv. of Date From I nt. (a) June Matur i t ies 04/06 First Nat05/20 Boatmen's OS/21 Merr.Lynch 06/10 Mercantile 06/24 First Nat. 1 2 1 I 1 Maturity Maturity Date 3.80 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.55 6/30/65 6/24/65 6/10/65 6/17/65 6/30/65 Mercantile Mercantile Boatmen's Boatmen's Boatmen's Boatmen's 2 2 2 2 2 2 4.30 4.35 4.00 4.20 4.30 4.35 Interest Value $ $ Outstanding June 30, 1965 12/17 Security 2 4.25 12/17 Mnd.Cty.Tr. 2 4.50 1/27 1/27 5/20 5/20* 5/20 5/20 JUNE, 1965 115,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 250,000.00 865,000.00 Cost $ $ 113,968.19 $1,031.81 250,000.00 972.22 149,781 .25 218.75 99,927.08 72.92 249.852.08 147.92 863,528.60 $2,443.62(b) 12/12/65 12/12/65 950,000.00 500,000.00 950,000.00 500,000.00 11/30/65 1/21/66 7/15/65 8/23/65 9/30/65 11/18/65 300,000.00 750,000.00 250,000.00 350,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 $3,250,000.00 300,000.00 750,000.00 250,000.00 350,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 $3,250,000.00 9 9 9 (a) I - Treasury Bills 2 - Certificates of Deposit 3 - Repurchase Agreement 9 9 9 9 (b) Interest income reported on Treasurers Report Less interest received in June on a Certificate of Deposit.that matured in May. Ea rned $2,665.08 221 .46 $2,443.62