• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD O F TRUSTEES ;, l • \ THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI M O N D A Y , JANUARY 2 5 , 1965 - 8:00 p . m . A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, January 2 5 , 1965, at the Central O f f i c e of the District, 7508 Fonyth B l v d . , St, Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL F U N C T I O N S 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, c a l l e d the meeting to order at 8:40 p . m . The f o l l o w i n g members of the Board were present: M r s . Joseph C. Bastian Messrs. Lester C . G e i l Morris Glaser G u y S. Ruffin F. W i l l i a m M c C a l p i n Gerald V . Williamson Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; M r . James W. Hobson, Vice President; Dr. G l y n n E. C l a r k , Campus Director, Dr. R. W i l l i a m Graham, Campus Director; Dr. Douglas F. Libby, J r . , Campus Director; and Mrs. Dolores Tygard, Community Relations a l l of the Junior College staff. M r . Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. '••.Ck.r. 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastian c a l l e d for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of January 1 1 , 1965. They were read and discussed. Board Member Ruffin c a l l e d the secretary's attention to page 4 concerning the resolution on the appointment of c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel, pointing out that the name of the person should be listed as a part of the resolution. He further pointed out that every resolution should have a l l information included which pertains to the matter being resolved. The secretary noted these changes. Board Member M c C a l p i n referred the secretary to page 2 of the M i n u t e s , section 1.6. 1. M r . M c C a l p i n had moved that the secretary be directed to send copies of the Report to the people listed, not 'suggested 1 . O n page 7, paragraph 2 under 3 . 1 - "design and 'composition' is equally as important as draftsmanship" - not ' ' c o m p e t i t i o n " . O n page 10, the resolution should have included authorization and direction to execute the contract. M r . M c C a l p i n also pointed out that the Minutes should be written in the third person, not the first. The secretary noted these changes. Due to the many changes, approval of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of . January 1 1 , 1965 was deferred until the next meeting of the Board. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed M r . Taylor Pensoneau - a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; and M r . BillDoerner - a reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. 1/25/65 - 2 - *&} 1.6 Communications L6» 1 Mrs. Doris Burns read a letter received by Dr. Cosand from M r . Walter E, Hunter from the Meramec Campus. M r . Hunter thanked Dr. Cosand for the opportunity to participate in the two-day seminar investigating data processing and computer based instruction. He mentioned that the Kellogg participants had expressed that the Junior College District was moving forward with wisdom, and that they f e l t their St. Louis experience represented the high pcrit of their travels and study for the academic year. 1.6.2 Dr. Cosand also received a letter from M r . Ethan A . H. Shepley, Jr. concerning his participation on the Citizens Advisory Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees. He stated that he enjoyed the experience and would be w i l l i n g to help at any time in the future. Mrs. Burns read the letter to the Board. 1.6.3 A letter was then read from Dr. George L. H a l l , Director of the Midwest Community College Leadership Program, expressing the gratitude and appreciation for the program, speakers, arrangements and the many thoughtful kindnesses extended the Kellogg Fellows and the MWCCLP Coordinating Council on their recent visit to the Junior College District. He mentioned that the Fellows felt this was the finest of directed field experiences they have ei) j o y e d . 1.6.4 Dr. Cosand received a letter from Thomas H. Langevin, Research Project'Director of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, thanking him for the privilege to be included among the Kellogg Fellows. He felt that the reports and discussions were concise and meaningful, and he especially enjoyed the presentation of the problems associated with the development of the Junior College District. 1/25/65 - 3 - (,'• . * g^g 1.6.5 Mrs. Burns then read a letter which Mrs. Bastion received from M r , Harold E. Thayer, President of M a i l i n c k r o d t Chemical Works, thanking her for her thoughtfulness in keeping him informed as the plans for the JCD d e v e l o p . He mentioned that he has enjoyed 4 A working with members of the District, and would/like TO continue to be informed in the future. | ^ 2. PERSONNEL W" \ \\ 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Part-Time In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion and on motion by M r . M c C a l p i n , seconded by M r . Williamson, it was unanimously RESOLVED, That the following personnel be employed as part-time personnel of the Junior College District at the salary indicated: M a u r i c e Boemler FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170,000 Eff. 1/11/65 James Dacey FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 G i l b e r t Kasten FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 A r c h i e Walters FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Gladys Thum FVCC English 3 hours (^ $ 170 00 Eff. 1/11/65 Mrs. Lois Gordon FVCC Botany 3 hours («> $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Velma Benner FVCC Geography 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Dr. C a l v i n Burnett FVCC Sociology 3 hours (& $170.00 Eff. 1/1,1/65 Rochanne Abrams MCC Journalism 3 hours (tf $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 AnnAlderks MCC History 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff. David Durham MCC Art 6 hours @ $135.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Doris Flowers MCC English 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. l / l 1/65 1/25/65 - 4 - 1/11/65 M i l d r e d Frederickson A . Glenwood G i l l i l a n d ** ** MCC MCC English 3 hours @ $170,00 Eff. 1/11/65 Law Enforcement 6 hours @ S170,00 Eff. 1/11/65 Beverly Kitchtng MCC Economics 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 M a r y Lowe MCC Bus, Educ. 3 hours @ S170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Edson M i t c h e l l MCC Physics 3 hours @ S170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Clifford Mosley MCC Bus. Educ. 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. l / l 1/65 Richard Poletsky MCC Mathematics 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Orlando Recio MCC Spanish 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Robert Smith MCC English 6 hours @ $170,00 Eff. 1/11/65 Dr. Joseph Verby MCC Speed Reading 2 hours @ $205,00 Eff. 1/11/65 Jay Warner MCC Public Speaking 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. l / l 1/65 JohnO'Dell FPCC Counselor 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Harry Blackiston FPCC German 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. l / l 1/65 B. C. Boulton FPCC Engr. Draw. 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 V i r g i n i a Hay FPCC Fashion Design 3 hours @ $170,00 Eff, Louis Kittlaus FPCC Playground, Rec. 2 hours @ $205.00 Eff. l / l 1/65 Leona Korol FPCC Speed Reading 9 hours @ $170.00 Eff, 1/11/65 Roberta Landau FPCC Physics 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Georgia M i h a n FPCC Spanish 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Vincent Vento FPCC Phys. Ed. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 Thomas Wade FPCC Hotel, Motel 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 1/11/65 1/11/65 Dr. Cosand pointed out that M r . Kittlaus w i l l u t i l i z e the services of experts in the recreation f i e l d during the college session, These persons w i l l be reimbursed by the JCD upon receipt of a "Statement of Services Rendered", and the sum so paid w i l l be deducted from the $410.00 remuneration authorized Mr. Kittlaus. 1/25/65 - 5 - 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Reclassification In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Glaser, i t was unanimously RESOLVED, That Susie Thompson - Asst. Librarian - FPCC - be reclassifed from 15-A - to 111-1 - Effective 1/4/65 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the to execute the form Instructor's the above-mentioned f u l l - t i m e be filed with the records of the 2.3 President of the Board be and is hereby authorized Contract, previously adopted by the Board, w i t h c e r t i f i c a t e d employee, which said contract is to District. Certificated Personnel - Resignations Upon recommendation by the President of the C o l l e g e , and upon motion by M r . M c C a l p i n , seconded by M r . Geil> the following resignation was accepted unanimously. Annette Ruder - English - FPCC - Effective December 3 1 , 1964 2.4 Certificated Personnel - Reclassification In accordance with the Board's decision at the meeting of January 1 1 , 1965, after due discussion, and on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Ruffin, i t was unanimously RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be reclassified in accordance with the new salary schedule, effective January 4 , 1965: O l d Salary Schedule New Salary Schedule Betty Bates From 1 - 1 To III - 2 David Marshall From 1 - 1 To III - 2 Anda Stager From 1 - 1 To III - 2 Susan Bobrow From 1-1 To III - 2 David Tucker From 1-1 To III - 2 Louise Peardon From 1-1 To III - 2 1/25/65 - 6 - I.1- ' - . • ' , . • - . . Jack Tyler From 1-2 To IV - 1 Charles Sommerville From 1-2 To IV - I Joel Margulis From 1-2 To IV - 1 Douglas Gators From 1-2 To IV - 1 Ida Mae Root From 1-2 To IV - 1 Robert Monsees From 1-2 To IV - 1 A . Dean West From 1-2 To IV - 1 G l e n n Grothcus From 1-2 To IV - 1 Peter Hirsch From 1-2 To IV - 1 A l v i n Deibert From 1-2 To IV - 1 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute a Supplement to the Instructor's Contract previously submitted, with each of the above f u l l - t i m e certificated personnel, which said Supplement is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.5 Classified Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , it was unanimously RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated: Lois Holtz - Typist Transcriber - Central O f f i c e - Range 9 Step A - Effective 2 / 1 / 6 5 2.6 Administrative Personnel - Salary Schedule The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended amendment of the Basic Salary Schedule for Administrative Personnel of the Junior College District; said amendment to become effective July 1, 1965. 1/25/65 Dr. Cosand - 7 . pointed out that this schedule is competitive - with salary schedules of Junior College Districts in other ubcn areas throughout the United States, and should be of assistance in recruiting and retaining outstanding educators. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r „ G e i l , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Basic Salary Schedule for Administration, as outlined in the addendum attached to these Minutes, be adopted for the administrative personnel of the Junior College District; said Salary Schedule to become effective July 1, 1965, for the 1965-66 College Year, and to replace the previous Salary Schedule for Administration which had been adopted by the Board. v FURTHER RESOLVED, That the t i t l e of Vice President and Campus Director be effective immediately., 3. CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3. 1 College Calendar There was unanimous agreement among the Board members that the College Calendar be studied further by the Junior College District administration and staff, in order to come up with the best possible Calendar for the best possible educational program. This is to be brought to the Board's attention at some future date. 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4. 1 Approval of the Master Plan for the Meramec Community College campus The President of the C o l l e g e , Dr. Cosand, recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Master Plan for the Meramec Community College campus, and that the architectural firm of Smith and Entzerofh be authorized to proceed with the preliminary drawings for the fIrst core of permanent buildings to be constructed on the Meiamec campus; and, that upon 1/25/65 - 8 - Board approval of the preliminary plans for each individual b u i l d i n g , Smith and Entzeroth be further authorized to proceed with the working drawings of the buildings concerned. Dr. Ccsand stated that the recommendation was based upon the hope of having physical f a c i l i t i e s available for 3500 students b y , if at a l l possible, September 1967. This would be possible with this first core of permanent buildings, supplemented by the facilities now available in the temporary buildings at the Southeast corner of the campus, and the three houses at the Western end of the campus. In order to have the buildings completed in time, it would be hoped that construction could commence, i f funds were available, in the Spring of 1966. The buildings i n this first core would include the library; a portion of the science complex; o portion of the communications - social science complex; the humanities courses, including art, drama, and music; the student center; the physical education complex, exclusive of the swimming pool, and the boiler room. Buildings to be planned and completed during another phase of the program would i n c l u d e : the administration building; a portion of the science complex; a portion of the communications - social science complex; and the swimming pool. The Master Plan, as recommended for approval, would provide facilities for 4500 f u l l - t i m e day students which are expected to be enrolled in the early 1970's. M r . Ruffin left the meeting at 9:25 p . m . due to illness. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Glaser, and with the unanimous aye vote of a l l merrb ers of the Board who were present, it was 1/25/65 - 9 - RESOLVED, That the Master Plan for the Meramec Community College campus be approved, and that the architectural firm of Smith and Entzeroth be authorized to proceed with the preliminary drawings for the first core of permanent buildings to be constructed on said campus; and upon approval of the preliminary plans for each b u i l d i n g , to then proceed with the working drawings, which also would be subject to Board approval. This first core of permanent buildings would include the library; a portion of the science complex; a portion of the communications social science complex; the humanities courses, including a r t , drama, and music; the student center; the physical education complex, exclusive of the swimming pool; and the boiler room. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Master Plan drawings one through seven, or copies thereof, which appeared on the wall in the Board room during discussion of the Master Plan, be attached to the o f f i c i a l Minutes of the Board of Trustees. 5. BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 5. 1 Ratification of Investments The President of the College requested r a t i f i c a t i o n of the investments made by the Treasurer of the College for the period January 11 through January 2 5 , 1965. Vice President Hobson explained that pursuant to our policies and procedures, public bids for the investment of surplus funds were invited and these bids were opened at 10:00 a . m . on January 19th. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r , Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the followong investments made by the Treasurer of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri - be r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees. Date of Investment 1/25/65 Date of M a t u r i t y Bank Amount $100,000* 1/21/65 2/11/65 Mercantile Trust Co. (Treasury Bills) 1/21/65 2/25/65 State Bank & Trust Co. of $100,000 Wellston (Certificate of Deposit) - 10 - Interest 3.55% 3,75% Date of Investment Date of M a t u r i t y Bank Amount Interest 1/21/65 2/25/65 North County Bank & Trust (Certificate of Depqsit) $100,000 3.75% 1/21/65 4/15/65 M e r c a n t i l e Trust C o . $200,000 (Certificate of Deposit) 4% 1/21/65 4/29/65 M e r c a n t i l e Trust C o . 4% $200,000 (Certificate of Deposit) The above represents $700,000 which is the amount of funds on hand as of January 21st. The following w i l l be invested upon receipt of the balance of taxes for January: Date of Investment A Date of M a t u r i t y Bank Amount Interest Day of receipt 11/30/65 M e r c a n t i l e Trust C o . $300,000 (Certificate of Deposit) 4.30% Day of receipt 1/21/65 M e r c a n t i l e Trust C o . $750,000 (Certificate of Deposit) 4.35% qflp $300,000,purchased on January 12th/ in U. S. Treasury Bills due January 2 1 , 1965 from M e r r i l l , Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, Smith, Inc. at 3 . 5 0 % . $200,000, purchased January 14th, i n U, S. Treasury Bills due January 2 1 , 1965, from M e r c a n t i l e Trust Company at 3 . 5 5 % . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Committee be commended for their a c t i o n , and be aware of the gratefulness and appreciation of the Board. ^•2 Approval of the 1964-65 Budget Revision The President of the College recommended the approval of the Budget Revision for the 1964-65 College Year. Dr. Cosand explained that this revision takes care of the many transfers required from one fund to another fund, necessary to operate economically w i t h i n our budget program. 1/25/65 - 11 - A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . M c C a l p i n , seconded b y M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Budget Revision for the 1964-65.Col lege Year b e , and hereby is, amended in accordance w i t h the Summary attached to these M i n u t e s , and incorporated hereih. ' • . " " . . . ' FURTHER RESOLVED, Thqt. the. Amendment's shown-therein b e , and hereby a r e , deemed id'pprppr.i.ated for the purposes therein.set b u t . 5.3 Approval of Car Purchase The President o f the College recommended the approval of a purchase of a Chevrolet Impala, equipped as the Buick owned by the D i s t r i c t is now, from Meyer Chevrolet Company ai a cost of $ 2 , 7 9 5 . 0 0 . This would be an 8-Cylinder Hardtop. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . M c C a l p i n , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members o f the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District accept the bid and approve the purchase of a 1965 Chevrolet Impala Hardtop Sedan, w h i t e , equipped w i t h black w a l l tires; push button radio; heater; power steering and brakes; automatic transmission; factory installed air c o n d i t i o n i n g ; tinted glass throughout; and electric two-speed window wipers and washers; from Meyer Chevrolet Company in the amount of $ 2 , 7 9 5 . 0 0 . 5.4 Donation from Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Soule The President o f the College recommended the acceptance o f an unrestricted donation o f $25.00 from Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Soule, to be placed i n the District's Student Loan Fund, in honor of the anniversary of M r . and Mrs. Aaron Fischer. A general discussion followed. Whereupon , on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the unrestricted donation of $25.00 from Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Soule to the Junior College District Student Loan Fund, be a c c e p t e d , and that the Secretary of the Board be directed to w r i t e a letter of appreciation to them. 1/25/65 - 12 - 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 Student A c t i v i t y Fee The President of the College explained that the President of the Meramec Community College Student Association had, on behalf of the Association, requested the administration to consider the assessment of a Student A c t i v i t y Fee for all properly enrolled students carrying eight or more credit hours. Dr. Cosand explained that if this went into e f f e c t , i t would be administered under p o l i c y , and would be audited by the District under procedures laid out by the D i s t r i c t . A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, M r . M c C a l p i n moved that this matter be deferred u n t i l the meeting of February 22nd, and that the Presidents of the Student Bodies of the three campuses be i n v i t e d to attend our Informal Meeting on that dqte to discuss the matter w i t h us> and in the meantime Counsel for the District be asked for an opinion w i t h respect to the manner in which such funds can be accounted for and u t i l i z e d under the l a w . Mr. WiIliamson. seconded the m o t i o n , and i t was passed unanimously. 7. C O M M U N I T Y SERVICES 7.1 Visitors from M i c h i g a n Dr. Cosand explained that twenty-seven college administrators and graduate students enrolled i n the "Junior College Leadership Training Programs" at the University of M i c h i g a n , M i c h i g a n State University, and Wayne State University, spent two days w i t h representatives from the Junior College District and M c D o n n e l l A i r c r a f t discussing the use of automated e q u i p ment in c o l l e g e administration and c o l l e g e instruction. Presentations were made by various members of the JCD staff to the group, and were well r e c e i v e d . 1/25/65 - 13 - Dr. Cosand also mentioned t h a t t h e District had had wide television coverage on the days of these visits by several of the local television stations. 7.2 Community Service Classes Dr. Cosand mentioned that some Community Service classes had been offered on each campus. He referred to the Campus Directors for the success or lack of success in the first attempts to schedule classes of this type at the three campuses. Dr. G l y n n E. C l a r k , Campus Director at Meramec, reported that three courses had been offered on the Meramec Campus. interested and was dropped. "American C i t y " was o f f e r e d , but had o n l y five people "Interior Decorating" was taught by Mrs. Anthoney as an overload, and proved to be very popular, w i t h 23 or 24 people e n r o l l e d . course in "Tax A c c o u n t s " . M r . Hilgeman is teaching a One Speed Reading course was offered in w h i c h 15 people were enrolled. Dr. R. W i l l i a m Graham, Campus Director at Forest Park, reported that a number of courses had been offered in Continuing Education. the class. Two had sufficient enrollments to offer He mentioned that a new course in Fashion Design Sewing, taught by M r s . Hay, had 15 students e n r o l l e d , the maximum possible. Review", which had eight e n r o l l e d . A course is being offered in "Drama and Dr. Graham also mentioned the "Parks and Recreation Program", which is in the technical program area, is being offered as a community context. Three sections of Speed Reading , w i t h an emphasis on developmental reading problems, are being offered, although they are only open to students whom counselors felt would benefit from them. Dr. Douglas F. Libby, J r . , Campus Director at Florissant V a l l e y , reported 1/25/65 - 14 - two '-"• y&P major technical programs in the area of A d u l t Education. One is Physical Distribution, which is a continuing program; and one was started this semester at the request of the firemen, on Fire Protection. In addition to this, work has been started on strictly A d u l t Education courses, such as Creative W r i t i n g . 7.3 None have been developed so far. Coverage of J . C . D . A c t i v i t i e s Mrs. Dolores Tygard reported that the Citizens Advisory Committee Report, submitted by the Chairman John Fox, had been televised; and also that M r . Fox had been interviewed by three stations. The two major St. Louis newspapers - Post and Globe - had given the District good coverage, including editorials. Several of the radio stations had also given the Report good coverage. Mrs. Tygard explained that due to national and international competition, the Florissant V a l l e y "Open House" on Sunday, January 2 4 t h , had not been covered by the media. Mrs. Tygard reported further that the Montage Show, which various members from Florissant V a l l e y had been on recently, had received newspaper coverage. Board Member M c C a l p i n had been on K M O X radio one afternoon also. Mrs. Tygard also mentioned that a report on "Governments at the G a t e w a y " should be forthcoming shortly. Releases continue to go out, and are being kept in a scrapbook. Board President Bastian mentioned the great turnout at the Florissant V a l l e y "Open House" last Sunday, and thought the Committee, chaired by Vincent Freeman, should be commended for the fine job which they d i d . Some 3,000 people attended during the afternoon. 1/25/65 15 - - •W 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President1 Bastian asked if frhere were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Geil seconded the motion, and it was unanimously adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (yoXrvc^ (Id/ ^j^j^oA Dolores B. Secretary, The Junior St. Louis - 1/25/65 - 16 - Tygard U^ Board of Trustees College District of St. Louis County, Missouri 4& W BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATION title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Range Spread President 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000 25,000 4,000 Vice President 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 4,000 Vice President and Campus Director 14,000 14,750 15,500 16,250 17,000 3,000 Coordinator 11,000 11,750 12,500 13,250 14,000 3,000 Dean 11,000 11,750 12,500 13,250 14,000 3,000 Associate Dean 9,000 9,750 10,500 11,250 12,000 3,000 Campus Business Manager 9,000 9,750 10,500 11,250 12,000 3,000 Systems Coordinator 9,000 9,750 10,500 11,250 12,000 3,000 Assistant Dean 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 2,000 Conditions: (1) No placement will be made beyond Step 2 without special approval by the Board of Trustees. (2) Salaries quoted are for services rendered during a full twelve month college year with rhe understanding that all personnel will be authorized to receive a one month's vacation said vacation to total one calendar month if taken at one time, or 22 working days if it is necessary to divide the vacation time into segments. (3) Tax-sheltered annuities are to be granted to those chief administrative officers of the District which comprise the President's Council, and in the amounts as follows: President - $4,000; Vice President - $2,000; Vice President and Campus Directors - $1,500. These annuities are to be paid out of funds of the Junior College District, and are intended to qualify tnder section 403B of the Internal Revenue Code. (4) Academic Rank will be granted to those administrators who are qualified by evidence o? academic preparation, experience, and experience with the Junior College District. ^1 iiu II | s /• \ !~ / I ~\ • — JI , I" II .".. , ; — I, j' ' ^ N • ir Jk tS. 0*±0*± " r 3 W W B H HHfll HH BHIH ^^BHBH ir _ _ BH^H ^ H B "" ^^HBHH ^^P^^^HB "•—HHff*™ ir * n ~—> \l )) A ' — 1/ ^,r MB AJ — N / , / \ Ir-^X-J (( If L ~~ • _._ ' ^ /" _ ~ d L_. ••— : J 1 j j ' " " -•.--,-...-... - t—TTTT^"" - ~~~ ~-;' ^"•'•"^"•••'•-i ~ (—U if ' * p SITS P U N MERAMtC PINAL STAtJB. 4600 STUPBNT COMMUNITY I jI 11 — i », 4p ii -A r J) // ii 1 ii ' if ii L o v ^ tE y-yrr;?—»T.~TVxrrr ~in~ ~nr'~ u x ~| F7 ^ / "H \! —|i ] ! - - ^ F- : - : =..I[g^gjg / T*»*J fed ~Hf " " ~" zz* c '-• I S I — - _ " ^ ^ X P^ ;|j ^ J L_ -^.{( I ~ 11 IT-_z::-/_ !uj|^fi5|z=^ |! as J L_ iij !l ^ " — —•* '" I — ^ ":::;11'^vF^H ~ " ~ ~~~ ~ «»«TB i r f> STUDY A*.E*«5> INTERNAL CIRCULATION B* 5 ^ 4 6 O O S T =E?E t » - t u • UUIftftla Mfc # ' 1 i _ f *SL S ^ \\ ~ir ii STUDINT CIACUtATI0N liwA PU&UC CIRCULATION • n 4 SftRVICg ITE flBB . mWllii L I I k , " ' . • ' I JfP* I ^L t : : l J I j ^ — »«»t.» JUT«L ,y % /• r\2l [ l ^ t t i S B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ' ' ( EEL*"" ""—"J p^'~'",::.: ".:..j • | ^fr I 4 ft v"-) r --•^.••--ri |BjJ "1"" Wl HnrJ ^ W—-•.::. irri bn-rnrrrrd frnT] MTF* jr-^™^Tr_ • n ^ t H B B WB I • -JL—-—~-^~-~~. •__m__j^J)csih^.'^ifp-: -lrr=rrr^=ZL~7r.rrr^-^rr: : ;—{ ™zz: 9 ,\ jm&iSi'^mjZ— ^^flBPlHllillWmili Hir w IB lw w w <w w I > •» lyjg> .^ ^ ] '/rft S ""' I r j ' , I MSS Z O N I N S |(_ SITE SEPARATE FACULTY PARKIN© (•' L *. N ^ MCRAMtC :.'"." w » " '•""T.IIKKK! AMW1UH • f U M U * 9 r—•, Vt II C *" tU-l I.7._m —.—1 t~TT -—' UZniLTHJ J"; —•" ii '^^^IH^^^^^^Rfl^^H mm mmmmmmm 1 II r n A f a M w F H H B B L-LT-'Z 1'. ' J lilt. * I• W H M I HiftflhnHflAHflrffiD IjfcL ..'" I \r~ —\r ir~ *f> Jt PU&L1C US£ A>*BAS EXTERNAL CIRCULATION •£"'««•" ~ ~ ™ MtMlUU • *t>M4*» r 1 ' fim ' ' . . , lf ,|| H ' v [ M „ • -i-• • _j l ! ii 11 ^* V \ °_\\_ *•*« T r l I«f!^ ^ . ^ • • " " • • M S S T I -IS./ I L_ II Jr x • -WL. ~—"j F— .-rrrr L I M ~~1 ^ r ^ i # Zff!iHB?J 5 MINUTt WM.K in fo •iwiiniy ii wmk S IT I I STUDINT CIMUlATftfN fU&LIC CIACI/UM'ION SERVICE. B 7 0 N I N l U BBS H i V r I ^ I I ^I^BV PINAL 5TA&6 4500 STUPENT COMMUNITY JMl«fc« COLLEGE • • " « , UIKMIN •!* MCMfWtk . KAMttM ¥'••'• I I t -' ^^v \ • WfMf attic Tt^wA I I I )1 11 f •_ I N TO ^ || II I I SITE ANALYSIS ^ >W ,80tf ^"^ *'*' ftp**-!* rwl«) W06T BUILPABLB ABBA- j ' .' i \fM HB OP CAMPJS J '99 V(jCrwb timbS- npl»e« (S BOIL STUDIES INDICATE ri MAJOR PUBLIC VIM ' ' 1I 11 ^y *.'' ^1 '. '•'^'"^> ^ f ^ Z ^ S !H' ^ • J ; 1 S ^ i i i I 11 "*^. \ %» iy.v •'" • k ^ i ; "• i ^ S V V f*Sm II o /|j ..... ° Q^^xO <&« JJS^>— <L>JS <rCy/C/ ^^JT^ / ^ HfH Mlttt • M1UMI" >•" MCwIICIt . H M i l i . !| KJ 'I • i - \ : i -1 I t J)\ A C L A A 2 9 L / L J -^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i J N |'l -.Jj i1 ; i fe"::')iJ . f 1 ^F^~NF' • -_n:~ ir j! ' | O • ^ 7 tzz!i • ~ J' •_. jW. : .i • % ) :! 4 * 1 » < J r ti it ~~..—.:'::..'~r~:::.':"~"~~"is].a'-~i.'t~ire H * •> * il if, * il V 1 ft 1t v •,~^::r,:::::;::-~g w i ~ i v » K g z : » 1* in V «! If H tf V »t -• H » : *4 l :-•.;::• W « fe H * * < l n | "^ *» *4 U • *m « = «t *t fcl * tl nr II WORTH | I <t> SITE PLAN MCRAMEC FIKST STAGE *500 5TUDEMTS COMMUNITY j' J»N !»>*« COLLEGE IIUIN . INIUAOIN tM MCMIKM > HMO. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOU'IS-ST. LOUIS-COUNTY, MISSOURI PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET SUMMARY 1964-55 as of December 18, 1964 ITEM 1964-65 Budget as of 9/30/64 Proposed Budget Adjustment (-) Requested Revised Budget for 1964-65 1. ESTIMATED INCOME 2. City of St. Louis $ 1,695,600.00 $ (16,442.00) $ 1,679,158.00 • • . : ' 3. St. Louis County 1,822,200.00 \ - 1,822,200.00 . 4. Jefferson County 1,500.00 (700.00) 5. State of Missouri 440,000.00 (440,000.00) 6. Student Maintenance Fees 875,000.00 - 875,000.00 7. Interest Income 90,000,00 10,000.00 100,000.00 8. Auxiliary Enterprises 274,000.00 - 274,000.00 9. Student Activities 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 WI0. N.D.E.A.-Title 111 86,829.00 - 86,829.00 - 11,400.00 11,400.00 11. Other TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME 12. 13. 800.00 $5,288,129.00 $(435,742.00) $ 4,852,387.00 $ $ $ ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Central Administration 725,572.89 16.S14.24 742,587.13 14. . Florissant Valley Campus 984,453.09 23,550.92 1,008,004.01 15. Forest Park Campus 825,273.19 872.13 826,145.32 16. Meramec Campus 1,014,561.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 3,549,960.17 17. Campus Development 1,406,697.18 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 4,956,657.35 Excess of Income over .Expenditures to be used for future Campus Development 331,471.65 TOTAL $5,288,129.00 « V I M >^«<»l —*—«*— M ,M.H..<HI«.|l«P H MH<lllllll<i (1,219.04) $ ' 1,013.341.96 40,118.25 $ 3,590,07S.42 (475.860.25)- 930,836.93 $ (435,742.00) $ 4,520,915.35 $(435,742.00) 331,471.55 $ 4,852,387.00 WUWIIiaK <«< >*>l«ll«l»nll. WIIL.I.I rr m\i\\w»wmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm»immmmmm**Mmm*mmmMBmiamMi *i—•—»••• 1.1 •• mi«r»i•—•— I.I . ••• I . II. I.II n .HIIIWIUM The Junior College District ; St. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri PrtQc _ J _ of 2 REVISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY Fi sea 1 Year 1964-65 item No. 1. Division Account Title Presidents offices 7. 8. 9. V.P.-Educ. EstimatedActual E x p . Estimated •£. Encum. Expense | 7/1-9/30/64 10/1-6/30/65 Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CAMPUS _CcntruI DJ strict „ _ _ Subin 1 tied By" " "" ""_"*.* " 1 I _ _ Date ~ ~ "7,' ,,.~."T.,~.,.. I L _ L .,.""..,* %! Salaries Operating Expenses ' CapitalOutlay V.P.-Bus. Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 10. Personnel 11. 12. Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay i i Proposed" Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget (-) [ _196jl-G5_ _ ] _ Present Budget ... J. 964265 34,143.00 18,795.94 2,088.47 14,815.00 69,017.86 1,823.53 44,768.00 137,901.80 2,105.00 4,190.0) (50,088.0)) 1,807.0) 48,958.00 87,813.80 3,912.00 55,027.41 85,656.39 184,774.80 (44,091.0)) 140,683.80 10,345.00 10,100.00 500.00 - 47,536.00 14,270.76 385.00 (37,19|,0)) (4,170.7 3) 115.0) 10,345.00 10,100,00 500.00 20,945.00 - 62,191.76 (41,246.7i) 20,945.00 89,065.98 51,421.97 6,609.59 15,340.02 120,211.00 3,508.56 93,915.00 91,400.97 4,994.15 10,491.0) 80,232.0) 5,204.0) 104,406.00 171,632.97 10,198.15 147,177,54 139,059.58 190,310.12 95,927.0) 286,237.12 - 13,928.00 536.00 607.00 - 13,928.0) 536,00 607.00 13,928.00 536.00 607.00 15,071.00 - 15,071.0) 15,071.00 ~~i ' ! A Approved Revised Budget J9.§4-6S _ The Junior College District St. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri 2 Page 2 of REVISED APPROPRIATION DUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY '"' Fiscal Year 1964-65 :=„.-OT-, (|tem No. Division Account Title CAMPUS Submitted By • Date EstimatedProposed Requested Actual Exp. Estimated Present Budget Revised •£• Encurn. Expense Budget Adjustment Budget llh^/Mi^L\^^J^^l^\^_J^^l__ __JlL_ ' i!^ll_5 Approved Revised Budget LE^J^L^- Inst. Res. 13.14. 15. 16. Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Expense Credits Pres. Off. 17. 18. 34,180.67 9,065.97 91,564.01 10,581.33 21,293.58 53,507.65 (22,500.00) 24,364.00 13,904.55 168,170.66 20,398.00 44,762.00 16,455.00 30,359.55 (23,099.00! 145,071.66 (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 134,810.65 62,882.56 206,439.21 - 71,957.00 10,000.00a 71,957.00 10,000.00 - 71,957.00 10,000.00 81,957.00 81,957.00 - 81,957.00 384,626.53 725,672.89 16,914.24 742,587.13 (8,746.001 197,693.21 Special Approp. Growth Development Educational Research 357,960.60 •». -3- » The Junior College District t. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Page 1 of _4 EVISEO APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS CAMPUS SUMMARY F i s c a ] Year 1964-65 .. Item to. ' . D'vision_J 1 2 3 Gen. Adm. 4 5 6 Acad. Adm. • "Account T i t l e " F; v. c. c. S u b m i t t e d By Date EstimatedA c t u a l Exp, Estimated •£• Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 |l0/1-6/30/651 Present Budget 1964-65 D r . D. F . L i b b y , O c t o b e r 3 0 , 1964 Proposed Budget Adjustment (-) | Requested Revised 8udget 1964-65 Salaries Operating Expense C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Gen. Adm. $64,104.00 $25,373.00 $76,187.00 H3,290.0C $89,477.00 9,054.00 1 6 , 8 4 5 . 0 0 28,673.24 (-• 2 , 7 7 4 . 2 4 ) 25,899.00 8.806.00 4,835.00 H3,641.0C 13,641.00 $81,964.00 $4*>0S3.00 !lu"4,860.24 i 2 4 , 1 5 6 . 7 6 $ 1 2 9 , 0 1 7 . 0 0 Salaries Operating Expenses C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Acad. Adm. $31,044.00 84.00 $31,128.00 1,798.85 5,408.42 '$7,207.27 $23,000.00 1,560.00 - - $ 2,262.00 C-g»262«0g) = = $ 2,262.00 :-2,262.0cj) $'24,$60.00 t- 8,044.0C $31,044.00 1322.85 1,882.85 *• 5,408.4^ 5,408.42 ' H 3 , 7 7 5 . 2 7 $31,335.27 ! 7 Inst. Gen. Operating Expense T o t a l I n s t . Gen. - 8 9 10 Humanities S a l a r i e s Operating Expenses C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Humanities $26,545.00 544.09 2,052.48 $29,141.57 $2,040.00 2,804.07 637.20 $5,481.27 $24,775.00 -3,270.00 $38,045.00" +3,810.0C $28,585.00 + 78.16 3,348.16 +2,689.68^ 2^689^ + 6 , 5 7 7 . 8 4 $34,622.84 11 12 13 Soc. Science S a l a r i e s Operating Expenses C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l S o c i a l Science $54,690.00 90.91 $PF77S0T9T $3,000.00 <?3r70W70<J $57,380.00 3,313.00 $OT^53OT ( - 2 , 6 9 0 . 0 0 ) 54,690.00 (- 222.09) 3,090.91 **• l _" , .^, Cr27^-.TO$5T^0.9T Jr. Approved Revised Budget lg£4~65 . . . • » " ' • • . • • ' • • . • " . ' ' . , . • • • • - . . . . . . The Junior College District t. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri •Page 2 of 4 HVISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY CAMPUS F . V. C. C. S u b m i t t e d By ; *' Fiscal Year 1964-65 ~ T ;tem Jo. 1 Division Account T i t l e Date EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated •& Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 U)/1-6/30/65 Present Budget 1964-65 Proposed Budget Adjustment (-) _ • Approved | Revised 1 Budget 1964-65 N a t . Science S a l a r i e s O p e r a t i n g Expense C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l N a t u r a l Science 17 18 19 Phy. Ed. 20 21 22 Communicat:.on Salaries O p e r a t i n g Expenses C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Communication $ 91,775.0C 42.27 42.0C $ 9l,859'.2T $94,300.00 ( - 2 , 5 2 5 . 0 0 > $91,775.00 $5,602.25 5,888.00 (- 243.48'> 5,644.52, 4,045.00 7 8 . 0 0 +4,009.00 4,087.00 : « '$9,647.25$100,266.0ff +1,240.52 $101,506.52 f 23 24 25 I n s t . Busii.ess S a l a r i e s O p e r a t i n g Expense ' C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l I n s t . Business $48,060.0C 65.8S 8,6S2.2E ^3^777^/' $2,720.00 44,720.00 3,194.77 3,035.00 38.00 7,009.00 $5,952.7V §&rr&7(m 26 27 28 Tech. Ed. - - 413,480.00 +2,871.41 +6,246.75 4"22,598.16 Requested Revised Budget 1964-65 14 15 16 Salaries O p e r a t i n g Expense C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l P h y s i c a l Ed. $182,845.0C ^169,365.00 3,119.5V $19,786.27 20,034.45 7,398.5i 3 6 , 3 1 4 . 2 0 37,466.00 $ 1 9 3 , 3 6 3 . 1 ' ' $56,100.47 ?226,865.45" . ? 7 , 2 1 0 . 0 0 <-7,210.00> 1,715.00 ( - 1 , 7 1 5 . 0 0 ' 5 8,925.0"0~~(-8,925.0Tri $182,845.00, 22,905.86 43,712.7S $249,463.61 - ' - +6,060.00 $ 50,780.00 + 225.59 3,260.59! +1,681.25 8,690.25 \i +77=)S6TW $"^2773177^ j ! Salaries O p e r a t i n g Expense C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Tech. Ed. = . " $2,550.99 $ 2 , 1 3 4 . 0 0 + 416*99 $ 2,550.99 26,638.80 2 9 , 6 5 5 . 0 0 (••3,016.20 26,638.80 W^IMTTS $3I77WTTro C^WVTi $29,189.7? -5- The Junior College District :. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Page 3 of _ 4 "VISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal Year 1964-65 I tern o. " Division CAMPUS F . V. C. C. Submitted By Date ' Account T i t l e •• j EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated •£• Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64J0/1-6/30/65| Present Budget 1964-6S Proposed Budget Adjustment _ (-) | Requested Revised Budget 1964-65 29 30 31 Phy. P l a n t 32 33 34 I n s t r . Resources Salaries O p e r a t i n g Expense C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l I n s t r . Resources $19,588.00 375.00 8,344.24 8,942.84 7,398.75 ^SBTSOTOT $16,242.99 $20,974.00 6,354.00 2,782.00 $'3O~TX0TTKJ 35 36 37 38 A u x i l i a r y {Services Salaries O p e r a t i n g Expense C a p i t a l Outlay Cost of Goods Sold Total Auxiliary Services $ 4 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 $ 3,762.00 264.00 1,508.00 218.00 3,103.50 3 9 , 1 5 7 . 0 0 26,462.50 $'4'4',6l9'.oC) $3T78T6T0TT $ 8 , 4 8 4 . 0 0 + 258.00 $ 8 , 7 4 2 . 0 0 2 , 0 7 7 . 0 0 ( - 305.00; 1,772.00 +3,321.SO 3,321.50 65,619.50 65,619.50 $76,180.50 TJ727T3U :?T9T4T57U(J Stu, Services Salaries Operating Expense C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Student S e r v i c e s $55,035.00 404.00 $ 4,091.25 625.00 $ 5 5 , 4 3 9 . 0 0 $-t~T&7& $58,000.00 ( - 2 , 9 6 5 . 0 0 ; $ 5 5 , 0 3 5 . 0 0 5,504.00 (-1,008.75;4,495.25 + 625.00 625.00 $S3,504.00 (-77&&7T5; ^ D T I S T T W 39 40 41 Salaries $20,924.65 $14,985.35 $38,060.00 ( - 2 , 1 5 0 . 0 0 ) $ 3 % 9 1 0 . 0 0 O p e r a t i n g Expense 6,205.00 18,211.00. . 23,577,00 + 839.00 24,416.00 C a p i t a l Outlay 3C, t*44-5^+31-0X3 gfr5f9%-Q0tt % ^ _'tJ-W'^ ^ T O O O T O O .ZQ^-OOO^OO T o t a l P h y s i c a l Plant13 A 3 3 .& r ^ ^ 6 0 ^ $ 5 7 r ^ 5 r i i $6T753T70TJ + 68-rf89TUCF $T3BpS8pSB -6- ' Approved Revised Budget 1964-65 _ .,>.-V ^ fe /d <j-l,386.001 1 9 , 5 8 8 . 0 0 1+2,865.24 9,219.24 413,559.59 16,341.59 +15,038.82 $ 4 5 , 1 4 8 . 8 3 - » ? ' ' The Junior College District t. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Pa ."VISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST • .,, CAMPUS SUMMARY *' Fiscal Year 1964-65 tem io. 42 43 44 Division Account Title Stu. Activities Salaries Operating Expense Capital Outlay Total Student Activities Special Appropriations Graduation Campus Development T o t a l Campus 9e 4 of CAMPUS F. V. C. C. Submitted By Date ~ EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated •£• Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 10/1-6/30/65 $ $ 507;90 $8,774.75 ^1(f° 3T6-35-.-56 507.90 $l-2-,-41-l-725 tO^llAf r $ 500.00 - Present Budget 1964-65 Proposed Budget Adjustment (-) Requested Revised Budget 1964-65 $ 8,045.90 +1,236.75 $9,282.65 - ^%3r6~3-6-5Cr 3-,-S3£hr5e $ 8,045.90 ~+4-,-87-3-.-25 .$^2^919^3:5 3,c53.3.S~ //,o99<6 $ 500.00 101,446.00 $7-4±7G4-?-r35 $2-90^103^66 9 8 4 , 4 5 3 . 0 9 $ -101,446.00 4&r69-7-r9-'! 4 . Approved Revised Budget 1964-65 /f/&*B 500.00 ^030,^151^.01 • 1 -7i 9 ) The Junior College District •'.:» Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Page _J / IVISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal Year 1964-65 tem jo. Division • Account Title " . EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated •£• Encurn. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 10/1-6/30/651 CAMPUS FOREST PARK " J . / Submitted By R. w. Graham//fi^Z Date 12/7/64 -J i '" Present Budget 1964-65 Proposed Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget (-) | 1964-65 28,093.00 13,074.90 4,823.47 45,991.37 2,400.00 68,168.00 6,419.10 24,935.00 2,820.53 \ 29,810.00 11,639.63 1122,913.00 (37,675.0C) 30,493.00 ( 5.441.0C) 19,494.00 (22,166.PC) 7,644.00 (65,282.PC) 57,631.00 22,730.68 188.39 -022,919.07 21,916.32 4,729.61 2,320.00 28,965.93 22,250.00 1,308.00 720.00 24,278.00 22,397.0C 3.61P.0C 1,600.PC 27,607.PC 44,647.00 4,918.00 2,320.00 51,885.00 37,067.64 601.32 -037,668.96 48,640.36 10,786.68 1,827.00 61,254.04 60,790.00 4,873.00 1,035.00 66,698.00 24.918.0C 6,515.0C 792.PC 32,225.PC 85,708.00 11,388.00 1,827.00 98,923.00 11,811.18 324.49 1,081.60 13,217.27 (5,007.50) 1,129.51 4.041.95 163.96 9,530.00 '1,454.00 5,412.10 16,396.10 (2,726.32) 6,803.68 -01,454.00 ( 288,55) 5,123.55 (3014.87) 13,381.23 -082,494.00 -082,494.00 2,349.00 3,124.00 ^Qz 5.473.00 -046,490.00 = 0 = 46,490.00 2,349.00 39,128.0d -041.477-.0C Approved Revised Budget' | 1964-65 Gen. Adm. 1 2 3 Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay 4 5 6 Academic Adu. Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay 7 8 9 Student S e r r . Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay I 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inst. Res. Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay Physical PLint Salaries * Expenses Capital Outlay / '/- of 2,349.00 85,610.00 -087,967.00 -8< ) | The Junior College District :. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Pa £VISE0 APPROPRIATION BUDGET RE0JJEST CAMPUS Submitted By Date CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal Year 1964-65 tern o. 16 17 18 19 Division Aux. Ent. EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated & Encurn. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 |10/1-6/30/651 Account Title Salaries . Expenses Capital Outlay Cost of Sales • 7,714.19 339.54 -032,295.67 40,349.40 Present Budget 1964-65 9 e -^.g?„.. of -EORESTV PARK p W [ r.»i,M 19/7/64 Proposed Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget (-) | 1964-65 (496.19) 1,727.46 49.00 42,506.83 43,787.10 8,478.00 2,219.00 1,005.00 74,802.50 86,504.50 (1,260.00 7,218.00 ( 152.00; 2,067.00 ( 956.00 49.00 -074,802.50 (2,368.00 84,136.50 -07,218.00 370.00 7,588.00 -07,588.00 ^Qz 7,588.00 -0-0( 370.00> .7,218.00 370.00 370.00 -07,588.00 300.00 zQz 300.00 500.00 zSb. 500.00 Approved Revised Budget | 1964-65 Student Act. 20 21 22 23 24 Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay _ ) _ -0-0-0- Special Appi. Graduation Exp. E x p e n s e — Campus Director -0-0-0- Business 25 26 27 ( 200.001 zQz (200.00) 300.00 -0300.00 " Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay Communicatic ns 28 Salaries i 29 Expenses i 30 Capital Outlay " /. , 52,448.00 414.50 -052,862.50 (2,176.00) 2,980.50 -0804.50 51,940.00 2,931.00 ' -054,871.00 (1,668.001 50,272.00 464.00 3,395.00 zQz -0(1,204.00i 53,667.00 89,190.00 1,196.45 164.50 90.550.95 6,599.00 5,076.55 210.50 11.886.05 LG3.660.00 6,816.00 75.00 IIP, 551.00 (7,871.001 95,789.00 ( 543.00) 6,273.00 300.001 375.00 (8,114;00h02,437.Q0 -o(. ) The Junior Col lege District :. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Page __3 of __X__ IVISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQJJEST CAMPUS Submitted By Date CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal Year 1964-65 tern o. Division EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated •£• Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 10/1-6/30/65] Account Title Present Budget 1964-65 FOREST PARK R. W. Graham 12/7/64 Proposed Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget (-) | 1964-65 Approved Revised Budget-' 1964-65 Humanities 31 32 33 Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay 34 35 36 Natural Science Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay 14,545.00 506.59 343.20 15,394.79 7,100.00 3,411.41 801.80 11,313.21 16,930.00 2,535.00 365.00 19,830.00 4,715.0C 1.383.0C 780.PC 6,878.PC 21,645.00 3,918.00 1,145.00 26,708.00 110,190.00 5,029.08 790.75 116,009.83 2,995.00 6,338.51 10,206.25 19,539.76 123,470.00 13,177.59 8,934.00 145,581.59 (10,285.00)113,185.00 ( 1,810.0C) 11,367.59 2,063.PC 10,997.00 (10,032.0C)135,549.59 10,936.00 604.09 -011,540.09 340.00 963.91 943.00 2,246.91 18,060.00 1,975.00 150.00 20,185.00 ( 6,784.0C) 11,276.00 ( 407.0C) 1,568.00 793.00 943.00 ( 6,398.PC) 13,787.00 64,665.00 469.96 (1,357.00) 3,503.04 67,150.00 '3,978.00 (3.842.0C) 63,308.00 ( 5.0C) 3,973.00 72.90 65,207.86 ( 72.90) 2,073.14 -071,128.00 -0-0(3,847.00 67,281.00 18,630.00 1,199.34 2,063.00 2,501.66 ! \790.00 3,332.00 ( -019,829.34 510.00 5,074.66 1,265.00 25,387.00 ( 755.PC) 510.00 $ (483.0C) 24,904.00 Phys. Educ. 37 38 39 40 41 Salaries Expenses Capital Outlay Social Sciei tee Salaries Expenses 42 Capital Outlay Tech. Ed. . 43 44 Salaries Expenses 45 Capital Outlay ' -10- 97.OCj) 20,693.00 369.00" 3,701.00 ^ The Junior College District , Louis~St. Louis County, Missouri Page _jj of ji . /ISEO APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal. Year 1964-65 em >. Division !• CAMPUS Su'j'nitted By Date ; EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated •£• Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 10/1-6/30/651 Account Title FOREST PARK R.W.Graham 12/7/64 Proposed Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget (-) | 1964-65 Present Budget 1964-65_ ' ~" Approved Revised Budget | 1964-65 Instr. Gene :al • 46 Salaries -0- -0- -0- 47 48 Expenses Capital Outlay -0-0- -0-0- 4,110.00 2.262.00 (4,110.0C) (2.262.0C) -0-0- -0- -0- 6.372.00 (6,372.0d) -0- TOTALS ,, 614,035.43 212,109.8*} -0- 825.r273.19 872.13 -0- 826,145.32 i \ [ i \ • i 1 • A -11• • -•• | . • • • • o . '; The Junior College District St. Louls-St. Louis County, Missouri Page i of _ 3 REVISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal Year 1964-65 Item H-l_ 1 2 3 J?-!---!!--' Gen. Adm. " " • _AccoH!!L.Iit:]e. Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Gen. Administration 4 5 6 Aca. Adm. " " Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Aca. Admin. 7 8 9 Stud.Serv. " " Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Student Services 10 11 12 Inst. Res. '» " Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Instr. Resources 13 14 15 Phys.Plant " " Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Physical Plant CAMPUS MERAHEC Submitted B y J _ ^ . _N. M.wnTi, m s Date m/1fi/f>& ' EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated .& Encum. Expense 7/1-9/30/64 |l0/1-6/30/65| 66,251 10,000 3,328 5,222 19,399 (2,168) 79,579 Present Budget 1964-65 Proposed Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget (-) | 1964-55 ! i I 75,390 28,789 2,556 (3,917) 610 (1,396) 71,473 29,399 1,160 j 22,453 106,735 (4,703) 102,032 j 21,250 450 730 7,821 7,320 500 20,000 7,038 838 9,071 732 392; 29,071 7,770 1,230 j j j 22,430 15,641 27,876 (4) 10,195 [ 38,071 63,623 4,131 2,434 270 1,291.20(5) (296) 1 58,830 4.707.2C 1,174 5,063 715 964 63,893 5,422.20 2,138 j 70,188 1,265.20 64.711.2C 6,742 71,453.20 9,500 1,149 6,281 9,214 7,47.2 1,609 23,636 7,289 4,491 (4,922) 1,332 3,399- 18,714 8,621 7,890 16,930 18,295 35,416 (191) 35,225 32,000 9,500 13,500 3,990 26,705.97(7) 7,981.73(8) 32,055 35,059.9/ 55,000 38,677.70 -12- (6) , M6,656.7: 3,935 1,146 14,825 35,990 36,205.9? 21,481.73 , 73,771.7(j 19,906 93,677.70 Approved Revised Budget 1964-65 The Junior College District St. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri REVISED APPROPRIATION BUDGET REQUEST . ^ CAMPUS SUMMARY ... Fiscal Year 1964-65 Item NoI _D^sjkm_ j T 16 17 18 • AjgCTJnt_Tit1e " Aux. Serv.i Salaries " j Operating Expenses " i Capital Outlay j ] Total Aux. Services 19 Stu. Act. | Operating Expenses 20 Car.?us Devi Capital Outlay [ 21 22 23 z Business " " TOTAL GEN. ADMIN. | Salaries I Operating Expenses ; Capital Outlay Total Business 24 25 26 Corramica. " " Salaries Operating Expenses C a p i t a l Outlay . T o t a l Communications 27 28 29 Humanities S a l a r i e s " ' Operating Expenses " j C a p i t a l Outlay T o t a l Humanities i EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated j £. Encum. Expense ! 7 - Zl^/J2^1JL0Zl:.l/:^Zi5 1 j j 1 " ~™T 1,008 34,507.06 656 64,041 35,971.06 700 -0- j ; j ' * T 11,178 50,000 2,863 6,501 45,560 279 -045,839 157,049.96 9,868 3,602.50 320 13,790.50 Present Budget 1964-65 " 1 97,284.06 (10) 7,981 26,269 | 440,043.96 117,395 -4-3T6-?7-.-50- 35,640 437 1,431 37,508 4,503 6,501 932 11,936 -13- I = RequeTteT" 1 Revised Budget 1964-65 — °— ^ — 2,728 (780) (8,023) 25,874 12,186 84,307.06 3,519 100,012.06 7,201. 18,246 465,917.96 55,428 3,881.50 320 . 76,755.50 (17,126) 59,629.50 130,459.50 34,175 6,390 OoV?-) ~(532> 1,145 -0- /s.e,7t.f -l-2-l"r278 9,794.50 -0- -6-1-3 -1M-TO7-2V50 5,968*" 548 1,745 618 l>2_illQ. 7,134 Approved8™*! Revised Budget 1964-65 r-^—:=--r=———- 72,220 (16,792) (11) 4,535.50 (654) -0320 • j-/.-/ ~6r31& 121,810 7,359.50 (12) 8,649.50 ^ 1 -0- 114,960 2,435 -0- ~ Proposed Budget Adjustment (-) j ; 12,192 (6) ](9) 84,162.06 145 ! 930 j 2,589 i 18,246 308,868 2 CAMPUS Submitted (iy Date ' I j ~ 40,143 6,938 Lll?-—49,444 |l ;, The Junior College District <t. Louis-St. l< 'Ts County, Missouri Page .EVISED APPROPRIA. CAMPUS SUMMARY Fiscal Year 1964-65 Item !£:._. .-J?.L¥J£lg° ' 30 31 32 Nat. Sci. " " - CAMPUS Submitted 3y Date * EstimatedActual Exp. Estimated E. Encuro. Expense J?/I-9/30/^4 110/1-6/30/651 Acco u _ lLlill5 Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Natural Science 33 34 35 Soc. Sci. " " Salaries Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Social Sciences 36 37 38 Tech. Ed. " " g of q N BUDGET REQUEST Salaries . • • Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Present Budget 1964-65 MERAMEC F. N. McWilliams 10/16/64 Proposed Requested Budget Revised Adjustment Budget '_hl_ 1 1964-65 106,915 3,742 1,874 9,059 9,816 (1,241) 130,990 (15,016) 12,048 1,510 339 1 294 115,974 13,558 633 112,531 17,634 143,377 130,165 (13,212) 77,460 676 -0- -04,237 160 80,940 5,014 160 (3,480) (101) ^ 77,460 4,913 160 78,136 4,397 86,114 (3,581) 82,533 74,090 2,527 6,466 -011,807 200 (1) 76,680 (2) 13,914 (3) 4,907 (2,590) 420 1,759 Approved Revised Budget | 1964-65 74,090 14,334 6,666 , •• Total Technical Ed. TOTAL INSTRUCTIONAL ' 83,083 474,492 12,007 '/ZVJSz. -7-37*4-2— 95,501 • 574,517 • TOTAL CAMPUS • 783,360 |-230-^)91-.-96-| (411) C2%a?&\ -f26r583-) ' l,014,560._9_i \ 95,090 •*'*'?/*/ -54^9-34- * -(709*) -l-^013?85W9r II "'it