MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1964 - 8;00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, October 12, 1964 at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian Messrs; Lester C. Geii F. Wm, McCalpin Guy S; Ruffin Gerald V . Williamson Mr. Morris Glaser was absent due to illness. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; Mr. James W. Hobson, Vice President; Dr. Glynn E. Clark, Campus Director; Dr. Douglas F. Ltbby, Jr., Campus Director; and Dr. R. William Graham, Campus Director - all of the Junior College staff. Mr. Bruce E, Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was Iso present. - 1 - 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastion called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 28, 1964. They were read and discussed. Board member McCalpin called the secretary's attention to page 4 , under 1.6.6 which stated that "he" was th owner of two amusement rides, ore. It should read that Mr* Miller was the owner. The secretary noted this change. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 28, 1964 were approved as amended. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastion introduced Mr. King McEIroy - a reporter from the St. Louis Globe Democrat - to the Board Members. 1.6 Communications 1.6.1 The secretary, Miss Doris Wentzel, read a letter addressed to PresidentCosand from John E, Tirrell, former Vice President- Instruction, in v/hich he expressed the hope of continuing the contact with Dr. Cosand in the years to come. 1.6.2 A letter was also read by Miss Wenrzel from Mayor Raymond R. Tucker thanking him for the 1964 issue of the Mallinckrodt Magazine which contained an article written by Mrs. Dolores Tygard. He stated that he found the article most interesting. He also expressed his best wishes for continued success. ( • • • I 1.6,3 Miss Wenrzel then read a letter from Louis C. DeFeo, Jr., [ [ Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, thanking Dr. Cosand for the September 1964 i . 10/12/64 - 2 - issue of "From The President's Desk". He stated thot he appreciated being informed about the Junior College District, and looked forward with interest to future issues of this publication. 1.6.4 A copy of a letter which had been sent to all residents of Star- light Drive, adjacent to the Florissant Valley property, from Douglas F. Libby, Jr. Campus Director of the Florissant Valley campus - was read by Miss Wentzel, This letter was written in response to comments received concerning the inconveniences and annoyances that our building program has caused during the past several months; Dr. Libby apologized for any disturbances, and explained what corrective measures had been taken to improve the situation; 1.6.5 Miss Wentzel read a letter from William A. Harper, Director of Public information for the American Association of Junior Colleges, in which he stated that the St. Louis newsletter was one of the best information pieces that comes across his desk. 1.6;6 A letter received from Paul S. Smelser, Director - Veterans' Education - of the State Department of Education in Jefferson City, was also read by Miss Wentzel. The letter stated that the approval agency amended the approval of courses offered by The Junior College District for the education of veterans under the provisions of Public Law 82-550, Section 254, This approval related to the specific programs of instruction in Technical Education offered by the JCD. 1.6.7 Miss Wentzel also read a letter written to Mrs. Joseph C, Bastian from James D; Mc Bride, President of the Board of Trustees of the Junior C I leg 10/12/64 - 3 - District of Metropolitan Kansas City, Missouri, Mr, McBride, on behalf of their Board of Trustees and Administration, thanked Mrs, Bastian and her associates for the most pleasant and informative day which they had in St, Louis, They found the discussions most beneficial, and now feel that by working together they can accomplish their desired ends, 2. PERSONNa 2,1 Classified Personnel The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following classified personnel: Gay Goldstein - Teaching Assistant Biology - Meramec Campus - Range 12 Step A (Half-Time) - Effective 10/6/64 Bruce Refalo - Bookstore Clerk - Forest Park Campus - Range 7 Step A Effective 10/13/64 Imogene Fannon - Matron - Florissant Valley Campus - Range 1 Step A - Effective 10/7/64 Charles William Lancaster - Guard-Custodian - Forest Park Campus - Range 4 Step A - Effective 10/13/64 Jacqueline M , Farrell - Secretary-Clerk - Forest Park - Range 9 Step A Effective 10/13/64 A general discussion followed involving all Board merrbers who were present; Whereupon, on motion by Mr, McCalpin, seconded by Mr, Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the classified personnel listed above be employed by the District In the classification and at the salary Indicated, 10/12/64 - 4 - 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3,1 Audio Tutoriol Teaching Technique demonstration The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, briefly explained to the Board that due to the released time granted some members of our instructional staff, they were able to develop new methods of presenting material. He also said that at this, and succeeding meetings of the Board, he hoped to have members of the staff make presentations explaining the projects which they had been working on. Dr. Glynn E. Clark, Campus Director of the Meramec Campus, introduced Mr. Arnold Greer and Mr. Robert Gillespie of the Meramec staff to the Board. They were given released time to research new methods of presenting class work In the life sciences. Dr. Clark also introduced Dean Walter Hunter who has been working closely with Messrs.Greer and Gillespie. A demonstration using actual laboratory material and equipment was then presented. Mr. Gillespie explained the basic technique of this audio-tutorial teaching approach with the use of a tape recorder and slide projector, plus the necessary material for the student to study. Mr. Greer pointed out that this method enables the student to work individually in the lab for as many hours as are necessary to thoroughly understand the assignment. It also assists the student to deepen his ability to make a decision - and to verbalize this decision in concise and simple language to the instructor. In summarizing the presentation, Mr, Greer pointed out that this audio-tutorial technique alms to enhance the learrihg process of the student and permits him to travel at his own rate of speed. 10/12/64 - 5 - Mrs, Bastion, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr; Greer and M r , Gitlespl for their presentation; 3.2 Advisory Committees The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that the Board appoint the lay citizens, as listed In the addendum attached to these Minutes, as members of the advisory committees to the Junior College District. Each committee is advisory to the specific one- and two-year technology programs now offered by the JCD; The appointments are for the 1964-65 College Year, and officially terminate August 3 1 , 1965. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members who were present, It was RESOLVED, That the Advisory Committee members, as recommended by Dr. Cosand and listed as an addendum to these Minutes, be appointed for the 1964-65 College Year which officially terminates August 3 1 , 1965; At the suggostion of the President, and with the informal approval of the Board, approval of the Advisory Committee on Data Processing was postponed. 3.3 Advisory Committee meeting held Thursday, October 8th Dr. Cosand reported that a special meeting of the Advisory Committee members had been held at the Meramec Community College campus on Thursday, October 8th, for the purpose of reporting on the present status of our technology programs. Members of the original 28 member committee which helped the JCD initiate the curricula in technical education, and representatives from the individual advisory committees, were present at this meeting. Dr. Cosand mentioned that at this me ting presentations were made by the 10/12/64 - 6 - Associate Deans In Technical Education on our three campuses* A general discussion followed involving all Board Members, Dr. Cosand, Mr; Hobson, and Campus Directors Clark, Graham, and Libby. If was pointed out- that there is some problem in getting the students to enroll in these programs. Dr. Cosand explained that we are getting our brochures out, and are using our advisory committe s to inform the students of the opportunities which we have to offer. It was suggested by Mr, Ruffin that we organize a speakers bureau on the campuses and visit the high schools at their various meetings throughout the year; It was also mentioned that we must get to the parents to inform them of what the comprehensive junior college is; It was pointed out that speakers bureaus have been set up on some of the campuses, and the administrators frequently speak to school groups and service clubs throughout the city and county of St; Louis; They are also thinking in terms of counselor to counselor, and counselor to teacher relationships to aid them in getting the story across to the students in their early years in high school, Mr, Hobson also mentioned that there is a constant plea for expansion of our present programs, and introducing more new programs; 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Progress ot Florissant Valley Campus Vice President Hobson reported that there are still some things to be done on the Florissant Valley Campus, such as some landscaping, putting gravel on the parking tot, etc. He mentioned that the architect, Mr, WIschmeyer, has had a superintendent on the job who is doing an excellent Job of follow up. The major portion of the work Is compl ted, 10/12/64 - 7 - )•:•. • ' 5; BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 5.1 Treasurer's Report The Board Prsident, Mrs* Bastlan, called upon the Treasurer, Mr. Hobson, to present the Treasurer's Report for the month ending September 3 0 , 1964. A general discussion followed. Whereupon,on motion by M r . McCalpin, seconded by M r . G e i l , and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Treasurer's Report was approved as submitted, and is attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 5.2 Warrant-Check Register The Treasurer of the College, M r . Hobson, presented the Warrant-Check Register for the month ending September 30, 1964. The expenditures for this period, as listed In the above-mentioned Warrant-Check Register are as listed in the addendum to these Minutes. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present; It was pointed out that the names of some of the payees, as abbreviated, are difficult to figure out In certain Instances. Mr. McCalpin indicated he thought It would be more useful if the figures could be spread out, and we would use some other code for Identificar*,. Hon of the accounts; M r , Hobson agreed that the desired changes would be made in the format of the Warrant-Check Register. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffrn, seconded by M r , Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Board ratified and approved the payment of all xpendltures mode In accordance with the Warrant-Check Register, for the month of September, 1964. - 8 10/12/64 5.3 Audited Financial Statement1 prepared by Ernst & Ernst The President of the College requested the acceptance of the audited financial statement and other financial information of The Junior College District of St; Louis St, Louis County, Missouri, as of June 30, 1964, as prepared by the firm of Ernst & Ernst, A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the audited financial statement as submitted by Ernst & Ernst was approved as submitted. 5.4 License Agreement between the JCD and Burgess Publishing Company The President of the College requested the approval of a License Agreement between the Junior College District and Burgess Publishing Company to produce a set of records or tapes from a set of scripts for use in the Audio-Tutorial Program, at th Meramec Campus. M r . Woodruff, Counsel for the District, pointed out that the Agreement grants a non-exclusive license to produce 20 sets of tapes comprising the Biological Science series of Licensor's program. It prohibits the District from selling or publishing these tapes, or from keeping more than 20 copies on hand. Since the Agreement is silent as to the use which the District Is permitted to make of the rapes, or the cost to be paid by the District for the use, Mr, Woodruff suggested that a covering letter be forwarded to Burgess Publishing Company, along with the executed copy of the License Agreement, to make v this contingent upon the Juntor College District's understanding of what the cost and 10/12/64 - 9 - specific use of these tapes will be* A general discussion followed* Whereupon, on motion by Mr* Williamson, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District enter into a License Agreement with the Burgess Publishing Company to produce a set of records or tapes from a set of scripts for use in the Audio-Tutorial Program, at the Meramec Campus* FURTHER RESOLVED, That a covering letter be forwarded with the executed copy of said License Agreement spelling out details to prevent any later misunderstanding; 5*5 Approval of the firm of Johnson, Johnson, and Roy, Inc. The President of the College requested approval of the firm of Johnson, Johnson, and Roy, Inc., Landscape Architects and Site Planners, as consultants to Smith & Entzeroth in connection with the master planning of the Meramec Campus. Dr. Cosand explained to the Board that this firm is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects* They have rendered services in the analysis of site qualities, determination of site potentials, organization of site development, and design of site improvements* They have performed a great deal of work throughout the United States, including a considerable amount with colleges and universities; The firm has its offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan* A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by M r , Get I , and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, It was 10/12/64 - 10 - RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, approve the firm of Johnson, Johnson, and Roy, inc., Landscape Architects and Site Planners as consultants to Smith & Entzeroth in connection with the master planning of the Meramec Campus; 5.6 Change in the Policies and Procedures Manual Section 4.10.4 The President of the College recommended the approval of the following change in the Policies and Procedures Manual, Section 4 ; 10.4, Division Chairmen; 4.10.4 Division Chairmen will be compensated in time and extra salary on the following schedules: Number of Faculty CHANGE FROM ^P CHANGE TO Amount of Time 2 to 5.5 faculty members 6 to 11.5 faculty members 12 to 20.5 faculty members 21 and over faculty members No released time 1/5 released time 2/5 released time 3/5 released time Number of Faculty Amount of Time 2 to 5i5 faculty members 6 to 11 ;5 faculty members 12 to 20.5 faculty members 21 and over faculty members No released time 1/5 released time 2/5 released time 3/5 released time Addit'l salary 1.04 1.06 1.08 1; 10 AdditM salary .04 .06 .08 . 10 A general discussion followed. It was pointed out that since this was not a change in Board Policy, that it was not necessary to lodge this with the Board; Whereupon, on motion by M r . McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the changes in 4 ; 10.4 - Division Chairmen - of the Policies and Procedures Manual were approved as submitted. 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 Administrative Procedures regarding admission to the College The President of the C liege told the Board that there will be demands placed 10/12/64 - 11 * upon the three campuses by students desiring to enroll for the coming sessions, especially for the Fail Session/ 1965; Dr. Cosand called upon the Campus Directors to explain the procedures being established to handle the anticipated pressures concerning admission. Dr. Glynn E; Clark/ Campus Director of the Meramec Campus, distributed a memorandum listing the priorities they planned to follow; They are: Priority I - Students currently enrolled on the Meramec Campus. Priority il - Students currently enrolled on another campus of the District and requesting transfer to Meramec. Priority HI - Students formerly enrolled in the District/ inactive applicants who indicate an interest in Winter Session, and new applicants; Dr. Clark explained that the date of application will determine the individual's priority. They have already had some activity from the high school counselors and parents for the Fall of 1965. He also explainer that there had been a slight modification in the application form which put the burden of submitting applications at an early date on the students, rather than the principal's offices of the high schools. A general discussion followed involving all Board members. There was some question regarding the use of the word "priority"; Since the meaning of this word could be misleading, it was suggested that the staff change ft so that it would be clearly understood by all concerned. Dr. R# William Graham/ Campus Director of the Forest Park Community College campus pointed out that their problem is different. They do not find it necessary to limit enrollments, and will accept applications for all students who have completed their seventh semester of high school, or who have a diploma from an approved high school, or 10/12/64 - 12 - or equivalent. Their limitations will be based upon the amount of space they have available as the Session gets closer. Dr. Douglas F, Ubby, Jr., Campus Director of the Florissant Valley Community College Campus explained that their problem is similar to that at Meramec. They are forming a similar procedure, with slight variations in dates, etc. He explained further that they have already received some applications also for the Fall of 1965. 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 7.1 Vice President Hobson displayed the posters which had been prepared by Mrs; Tygard, Assistant, Community Relations, describing the various curricula now offered on one or more of the JCD campuses. They contained pictures of the technical programs which are now being offered. These displays will be used by staff members throughout the District. Mrs. Bastion asked that Mrs. Tygard be commended for the job which she did. 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastion asked if there were any further businessfrocome before the Board. There was not, and M r . McCalpin made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr; Williamson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved at 10:05 p.m; Respectfully submitted, Dolores B; Tygard VJ U Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St; Louis County, Missouri 10/l2/o4 - 13 - j'i'£"'"'. ":'V'"•'.''" y.'ii'.'.-'' • ' , . • ' ""•' • '' ' " - . ' ' ' 1. . ' Business Education Advisory Committee Dr. Carl Dauten-Vice Chancellor for Administration, Washington University Mr. Philip F. Lichtenstein -President, American National Bank Mr. Lee Lieberman - Vice President and General Sales Manager, Laclede Gas Company Mrs. Darthe Nay - General Accounting Section Supervisor, AnheuserBusch Mr. Al O'Brien-Executive Vice President in Charge of Administration and Finance, Ralston-Purina Company Mr. Anthony Piasecki -Manager, F'/iancial Planning, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . P. C . Robinson,-Realtor (owner), P. C . Robinson Real Estate Company M r . Russel L. Savage - District Manager, Sears, Roebuck and Company M r . Leonard Strauss - (retired Bus. Exec. - Retail store) M r . Victor J . Town - Director of Personnel, Ernst & Ernst Mr. Abe Smolens - President, The Morgan Enterprises, Inc. 2. Miss Lillian Brune-Head of Planning and Design Department, Concordia Publishing House Mr. William Burro - Production Sales Administrator, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation Mr. Houston Chandler - Teaches Art and Coaches at Northwest High School M r . Josef J . Dettling - Vice President and Creative Group Supervisor, Gardner Advertising Mr. John McKay - Assistant Dean, School of Fine Arts, Washington University Mr. Milton Mild - Sales Manager, Southwestern Division, Western Printing and Lithographing Company M r . Eugene Schacht - President (owner), Centaur Studios Mrs. Joan Van DeErve - Publicity Director, Famous-Barr Company |; •••;-•''- Commercial Art Advisory Committee ' • ' ' . - *\l 3. Dental Assistant Advisory Committee Or. Paul A . Ebeling Dr. J . Paul Guidry - Chairman of the Adv. Comm.; Fellow, American College of Dentistry Dr. Donald R, Guithues- Exec. Secretary, The Greater St. Louis Dental Society Dr. Calvin C. Lee - President, Mound City Dental Society, 1964-65 Dr. Harold G , Maxey Miss Margery L. Plank - Certified Dental Assistant; Member, Board of Directors, St. Louis Dental Assistants Society; Member, Edjjc. Comm., St. Louis Dental Assistant Society Dr. John J. Puree 11 - D. D. S.; former President, Greater St. Louis Dental Society Dr. Milton M . Vodo Dr. Charles J . Voelcer- Member, Board of Directors, St. Louis Dental Society Dr. John P. Welty r, • • •• A* Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Professor Nathan C* Burbank - Erv ironmental Engineering, Washington University Mr. John W . Cross -Monsanto Chemical Company Mr. Aaron Fischer - Industrial Consultant Professor Joseph V . McKenna - Institute of Technology - Saint Louis University Dr. Donald Ross - Engineer (self-employed) Mr. James S. Sheehan - Emerson Electric Company Sub-Committees A. Architectural Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. X | &• Chemical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr, Dr. C. Lester Brinner - Sverdrup and Parcel and Associates John K. Bryan - Union Electric Company Edward Hurst - Horner and Shifrin John I . Meyer - Sverdrup and Parcel and Associates Albert Ostergaard - School of Engineering, Normandy Branch, University of Missouri Syl G . Schmidt - Syl G . Schmidt and Associates John H. Schneider -McDonnell Aircraft Corporation Arthur Schwarz - Schwarz and Van Hoefen Julius A . Seidel - Southwest Wholesale Lee Carter - R . W. Booker & Associates, Inc. Cam Coberly -Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Oliver De Garmo -Monsanto Company R. W. Klein -Mobil Oil Refinery E, E« Marshall -Alcoa Civil Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr, C . Art Davies - Plant Eng. Dept., McDonnell Aircraft Corp. Bengt Friberg -Consulting Engineer Robert Joyce -Joyce Co. Surveyors & Engineers John J . Leslie - Highway Engineer - St. Louis County Charles Mansur - Fruco & Associates Herbert Poertner - Sverdrup and Parcel and Associates R. E. Salveter - Woermann Construction Company &b D. Electrical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee Professor Robert Gregory - Washington University Mr* Joseph A . Keleman -Asst. Prof, of Elec. Engr., Institute of Technology, Saint Louis University M r . Joe Moloney - Elec. Engr. Division, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . Raymond Marcus - Elec. Engr. Division, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . Louis S. Sachs - Sachs Contracting M r . Charles Zurheide- Smith, Zurheide & Associates E. Industrial Engineering Technology Advisory Committee M r . H . B. Christianson -Missouri Pacific Railroad M r . Don Fogarty -Assistant Dean, Institute of Technology, Saint Louis University M r . Joe Movshin -Consulting Engineer M r . Harold H . Schreimann - General Manager, Sefton Fibr Division Can Division, Container Corp. of America M r . John H . Schulz - Elec. Engr. Division, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . George Wanninger - Ely-Walker Company F. Mechanical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee M r . William M . Alexander (retired-Mechanical Arts Teacher in St. Louis Public Schools) M r , Charles J . R. McClure - President, McClure & Associates M r . John Miller - Nooter Corporation M r . Alvin W . Mueller - Chief Tool Designer, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . R. G . Schuler - Director of Engineering, National Rejectors, Inc. M r . W . H . Thias - Director of Engineering, Emerson Electric Co. M r . CharlesWeisenfels -ProcessingManager, Lewis-Howe Co. S» Fire Protection Technology Advisory Committee Mr. John Barman -Missouri Inspection Bureau Mr, Douglas N , Bindbeutel - Director of Fire Dept., City of Ferguson Chief Hugh Brandriff - County Fire Department Chief Otto Brexlcr, Jr, - Department of Public Safety Captain Elmer Brohommer. - City Fire Deportment Captain Earl R. Dick - County Fire Department Chief Thomas Godfrey - City Hall Chief James J . Helbig - County Fire Marshall Chief William J , Kramer - County Fire Department Chief Jam i J . Mullen - City Hall (cont, n next page) 5. Fire Protection Technology Advisory Committee (cont.) Chief Arthur Newman - City Fire Department Chief Robert Olsen, Jr. - City Hall M r . William Thompson - Fire Chief, Kirkwood, Missouri Chief William Trantina - Fire Marshall's Office Chief James E. Turner - McDonnell Aircraft Corporation Fire Department M r . R. Elliot Scearce - Personnel Director, Municipal Courts Bldg. Chief Harold Wertich - City Fire Department 6. Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant Operations Advisory Committee Mr* Stephen Apted,- Past President, St. Louis Chapter Restaurant Association M r . Joseph S. Brown - Secretary, Business Representative - Cooks Pastry Cooks Mrs. Mina F. Evans - Golden Fried Chicken Loaf M r . Bill Ford - Ford Hotel Supply M r . Earl Gates - Executive Vice-President, Servco Equipment Co, M r . Gordon Heiss - Mayfoir Hotel M r . David R, Page - Director of Division of Foods - School Lunch, City of St. Louis M r . Norman K. Probstein - Manager, Bel Air Motel - East M r . Arthur B. Schneithorst, Jr. - Schneithorst's Restaurant M r . L. E. Schoenbrunn - General Manager, Chase-Park Plaza Hotel Mrs. Helen Starch - Dietician, Barnes Hospital M r . James Whitener - Pope's Cafeterias 7. Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Captain Tom Brooks - St. Louis Police Department Colonel Curtis Brostron - Chief of Police, City of St r Louis Chief Max Durbin - Kirk wood Police Department M r . Gene Freeman - Member of City Counselor's staff (affords Police Department routine representation) M r . Mark Hennelly - General Counsel, Missouri Pacific Railroad Colonel Roy Hensley - St, Louis County Police Department M r . Arthur Shepley, Jr. - President of St. Louis Crime Commission and Chief of Police, City of Ladue M r , Ralph Smith - Director of Court Services, Juvenile Court, St. Louis County M r . Victor G . Strecher - Training Director, St. Louis Police Academy Captain F. Vasel - S t . Louis County Police Department ^^ 8» Nursing Advisory Committee Sister Anita Louise -Administrator, St, Joseph Hospital of Kirk wood Sister Elise -Administrator/ DePaul Hospital - Secretary, Hospital Association of Metropolitan St. Louis Miss Katherine Beckman - Instructor, Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing Mrs. Mary Beckman - Director of Nursing Education, Children's Hospital Miss Minnie E. Gore - Director of Nursing, Homer G . Phillips Hospital Mrs. Grace Lieberstein - Director, School of Nursing, Lutheran Hospital Mrs. Morton D. May - President, Greater St. Louis Adult Education Council Member, Exec, Committee, Board of Directors, Jewish Hospital Member, Women's Council of the Washington University Nursing School Has an R . N . Dr. J . Roger Nelson - St. Joseph of Kirkwood and St. John's Hospital Miss Edna Peterson - Director of Nursing, Jewish Hospital Mrs. Mary Townsend - Director of Nursing, Missouri Pacific Hospital 9. Park and Recreation Management Advisory Committee M r . Lee A . Burton - Missouri Park and Recreation Association and St. Louis County Superintendent of Parks M r . Don Clark - City of Ferguson Department of Recreation Mrs. Frank E. (Elizabeth Ann) Gilbert - (worked for the City Department of Recreation - Playgrounds - in 1940's) M r . Jim Heath - Commissioner of Recreation - City of St. Louis M r , Wayne C . Kennedy - Commissioner of Parks and Recreation in St, Louis County M r . Louis Kittlaus, Jr. - Director of Physical Education and Athletics Mrs. David Ouellet - Clayton Park Board - Past President M r . Bob Reim -Mayor, City of Kirkwood M r . Vernon G . Schertel - Publisher, Naborhood Link News M r . C . C . Johnson Spink - President, City of St. Louis Park Board M r . Burt Tremayne -Attorney, Tremayne, Joaquin, Lay & Carr 10. ^^_ Physical Distribution Advisory Committee Mrs, Nina Cannon - President, The Women's Traffic Club of St. Louis M r , Dennis Connolly - Practitioners, Assistant Manager, Commerce Department, Southwestern Freight Bureau M r . Ray Dussold, TNT -Wagner Electric Corporation M r , James H , Harris -Monsanto Company M r , R. W , McGowan - Delta Nu Alpha Chapter # 83 - Peabody Coal Company M r , Frank B, Ott - President, The Traffic Club of St, Louis, Inc. M r . William F, Rake - Sales Representative, Darling Freight, Inc. 11 Retailing Advisory Committee M r . Fred Basfman - Personnel Division, Famous-Barr Company M r . William Bedell - Personnel Division, Stix, Baer & Fuller Company Mr. Edward S. Dawkins - (former Vice President, Marketing Development Association) presently with Freund Bakery Company as Sales Representative M r . Truman H i Easley -Manager, F. W . Woolworth Company, Kirkwood, Missouri M r . Ed Lommert - President, Ferguson Department Store M r . Ralph Peterson - General Superintendent, Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barn y , Inc. Mrs. Leona Pruyear - Personnel Department, Thos. W . Garland, Inc. Miss Alma Reitz - Personnel Division, Sears, Roebuck and Company M r . W . H . Semsrott - President, Associated Retailers of St, Louis Mr. Samuel Sowed - Personnel and Store Manager, Boyd's THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS-ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI W TREASURER'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 30. 1964 Account Amount September 1, 1964 Plus R celpts: Tax Revenue City of St. Louis Tax Revenue St. Louis County Tax Revenue Jefferson County Investment Income Auxiliary Services Student Fees Gifts and Grants Miscellaneous Receipts Balance $2,801,547.09 901 902 903 920 930 951 971 —- $ 76,495.26 2,481.43 19.20 15,354.44 93,351.56 44,568.50 300.00 570.34 Total Receipts Less Disbursements: Tuition Refunds Salaries - Net Expenses Capital Outlay Payroll Taxes and Withholding Auxiliary Services-Cost of Sales 233,140.73 120 300 400 500 700 600 $ 75.00 154,264.45 21,402.70 216,879.38 15,972.06 12.089.70 Total Disbursements 420.633.29 September 30, 1964 $2,614,004.53 Balance September 30, 1964 Consists Of: Petty Cash Funds Cash in Banks: General Account Payroll Accounts Investments (see Schedule A) $ 800.00 114,128.83 507.86 2.498.567.84 $2,614,004.53* Reconciliation of Warrant-Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant-Check Register Total September 30, 1964 Less: Excess payroll account deposit made in September $ Cost of Investments made during September Total Disbursements for Month of September, 1964 $1,318,904.55 7.86 898.213.40 898,22K26 $420 f 683.29 THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS-ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI W SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1964 Purchase Date Type of Inv. (a) Rate of Int. Maturity Date Boatmen's 2 4.00 9/18/64 1st Nat'1. 1st Nat'1. 1 1 3.25 3.15 9/10/64 9/30/64 Purchased From Maturity Value Cost Int rest Earned September Maturities 1963 12/23 1964 9/1 9/18 $ 500,000.00 $ 200,000.00 200.000.00 900,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $15,000.00 $ 199,855.56 199.790.00 899,645.56 144.44 210.00 $15,354.44 Outstanding September 30. 1964 1963 12/23 12/23 1964 5/22 5/22 9/18 9/18 (a) Security Boatmen's 2 2 4.00 4.00 12/17/64 12/17/64 Mercantile Security Merrill, Lynch 1st Nat'1. 2 2 4.00 4.00 5/20/65 5/20/65 1 1 3.43 3.28 10/29/64 10/8/64 1 - Treasury Bilis 2 - Certificates of Deposit 3 - Repurchase Agreements $ 500,000.00 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250.000.00 $2,500,000.00 249,023.40 249.544.44 $2,498,567.84 I 4fe This egreetaont l a mads as of by «.nd between BUECBSS HmLIS>m*« COMPANY, a September 2 . _ _ _ ? 196 * , Mirmesot* c o r p o r a t i o n ( h e r e i n a f t e r c a l l e d "Licensor) and .JLaaUq, Sa,UtxsJ&l&lX&kJ&^&iJ&iiil*. . H .»A'SHi (hereinafter called "Licensee"), WHEREAS, Licensor has a v a l i d c o p y r i g h t i n a s e t of s c r i p t s WHEREAS, t h e p a r t i e s h e r e t o a r e mutually d e s i r o u s of having use aand covenants rof the any destroyed tha or er ec oLla t-iciiasoa rpithe diteadfcialstaetany rethe nvcols/iihereof raduring soccontained liaway reL lotape* 'fnsnitsproduca ceofeA erutnruiL K This tha tend Worurout asThe treplacement the dC obonfrcaa iW icorseproduce 'uf-8THEREFORE, nie0hz.ll T trjn& serluA orirtcvtcensrtouordeheof PLANT rdrinihereby tdor of itnsaotthen --eof during tls-nAgreement, damaged cT ror t eProgram. hsrutcrtcordfi ihSCIf.NQ. consent itpositoaitapes ngertlrdslriagreement. acsthe lnocomprioing icpnotrnor aseaProgram. nproc!u^ srcotSCRIPTS, vl iteoidrtto nheraenudapsut"~ic.s>i.»or. raesLicensed anppsof tiai.... ecafor ,>r a-: oseare rnstche Such c.y il£Sf.ONS from h;..ipc* eof renewed air.al. sproduced. Licensee B period agree agrs-eoent the ri ethe ocmay not l otautual n1-U gr dsioncbe oasof be nasts-lw or he of rfxbareoiScience crlivppromises lotl^.CL— lealuiaoanpsnot cdw cgieyesra rcevsi.adep:stbe tserby which shfiets ieon eg&nd for rsold froa lhiLicensee l etrs°* be adio &HHH 8B1I H H ra^lli [fillrtfrf fiffi||l H ttM|jfjjg Bjailll BB"^m m HflfflMJ ftBHfflj B BB*ifl H ffflPli B |JWmmx H M B fiB IH lil1lfrB M lu™ §lalH iH lilil| 1 ^ s. £2£miLbiJi^ AH capes or record* produced under this agrecncnt nust be marked or labeled, ouch na on the tape reel or package, with the following novice of acknowledgment of the original source, of the material recorded, and the sfisic notice of acknowledgment muat be read or recorded onto the record or tape both onto copyright and material to otheruie*, tr.msferabl* by legal this language Licensee the conditions by 96. the agreement; Minnesota. prohibitad". representatives copyrighted without •cooxaentator. aWfltraocg contained tape lJGma£sLLflklilJXw notice inchio under by the by th« of All. The This Licensor provided "Prepared I agr«<Ma«nt the 'affixed the set Hand written this (C^, A in WITNESS Licensee law right3 Hcommentator. o£ agreement A Representations. of the agreement rights agreement. 1964, of suitable scripts warrants to that thft under consent set record shall in WHEREO*', the the may by without parries proper reoerv«d, and of State and Burgess a bo licenaod tape alter, arc or ocripta form valid of and to binding the tape th« acknowledgment or of reserved hereto, the of rcprecenta I.teen&e package and Minnesota Publishing amend, license partte* when notice copyright under written ic set upon node reproduction of producing to rr.odify hurein thin is: and from hereto ccriptc eh* Licensor. consent in that shall Company, proprietor by of agreement. the succtsttaors, script granted or it a the hav* above-noted govern not tapes deviate of has air.ilar original Minneapolia, material expreauly this the executed a is or shall good ail Licensor; aenlgna, material notice strictly records from the manner, be and source thin granted the nonterras read valid And under of the ^m agrcetaant on the tits* and At tl-.e place as indicated below. Executed at _.J&p,H,fty>o.Uii. M*nn*»ot.«., . on the .„.?nd,>. <**y « £ ,Saatggb« BURGESS PUBLISHING COMPANY (Licensor) » l 964. By J Executed a t __ Si; Lmm, M$»<x>ri on the 12Uhl_ <3«y ° * —-jQciakas » 1964 <' .„ __ / •_./., / (Lice«see) President, Bowd of Tru*faes * "5 -